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A Collection of Big Bad Evil Guys

Looking to spice up your campaign with an unforgettable villain?

Get ready to unleash epic chaos with our collection of BBEGs!

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Selene Nightshade, The Mistress of Shadows
1. Selene Nightshade
The Mistress of Shadows
elene nightshade, known as the Seeking refuge and guidance, Selene stumbled upon

Mistress of Shadows, is a formidable and a hidden coven of shadow-worshipping sorcerers.
enigmatic figure that haunts the realms of Drawn to the enigmatic allure of their rituals and
your campaign. Her dark reputation teachings, she embraced the darkness within her and
precedes her, striking fear into the hearts of delved deeper into the forbidden arts of shadow magic.
all who have crossed paths with her Under the tutelage of the coven’s leader, an ancient and
malevolent presence. Selene is a master of sinister figure known as Malachi Darkthorn, Selene
deception, manipulation, and the arcane honed her skills and embraced her destiny as the
arts, making her a truly formidable adversary. With a Mistress of Shadows.
CR of 13, Selene Nightshade poses a formidable threat As the years went by, Selene’s power grew
to adventurers of levels 10 - 12. exponentially, surpassing even her master’s
expectations. She became a revered figure within the
coven, revered for her mastery over shadow magic and
Physical Description her ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality.
Selene Nightshade possesses an ethereal and alluring However, Selene’s ambitions extended far beyond the
beauty that is as captivating as it is unnerving. She confines of the coven.
stands at an average height, with a slender yet graceful Driven by a thirst for power and a desire to reshape
frame that seems to glide effortlessly through the the world in her image, Selene turned her attention to
shadows. Her skin is pale, almost translucent, the realms beyond the shadows. She began
accentuating her piercing, crystalline blue eyes that orchestrating intricate schemes and machinations,
seem to shimmer with a mysterious inner light. manipulating kingdoms, and playing puppeteer with
Selene’s long, flowing midnight-black hair cascades those in positions of power. Selene’s actions left a trail
down her back, often adorned with intricate braids of chaos and destruction in her wake, as her insidious
interwoven with small onyx beads. She dresses in form- influence crept into every corner of the land.
fitting, obsidian-hued robes that drape elegantly around Though many have attempted to thwart her plans,
her lithe figure. Each garment is adorned with intricate none have succeeded in fully derailing the Mistress of
patterns resembling intertwining tendrils of shadows, Shadows. Selene’s past is riddled with tales of betrayal,
hinting at the dark powers she commands. sacrifice, and unspeakable acts of darkness. With each
Her movements are fluid and deliberate, as if she is passing day, her power grows, and her influence
perpetually dancing with the unseen forces of the night. spreads, threatening to plunge the world into eternal
Selene’s voice, when heard, is melodic and enchanting, night.
resonating with an otherworldly quality that sends
shivers down the spines of those who listen. Her overall Motivation and Goals
appearance is both captivating and unsettling, exuding Selene Nightshade’s motivations are driven by a
an aura of mystery and danger that sets her apart from complex blend of personal ambition, a thirst for power,
ordinary mortals. and a twisted desire for control. Her ultimate goals are
as grandiose as they are sinister, with far-reaching
implications for the world she seeks to dominate.
Origin and History Power: At the core of Selene’s motivations is an
Selene Nightshade’s origins are shrouded in darkness insatiable hunger for power. She believes that true
and secrecy, much like the very shadows she power lies not in the hands of kings or gods but in the
commands. Born into a world ravaged by conflict and mastery of the arcane arts and the manipulation of
steeped in chaos, her path to becoming the Mistress of shadows. Selene seeks to attain unrivaled magical
Shadows was forged through a series of harrowing might, surpassing even the most renowned archmages
events and fateful choices. and sorcerers of her time. Her thirst for power knows
Born into a once-noble family, Selene experienced no bounds, and she is willing to go to any lengths to
tragedy at a young age when her parents were slain achieve her goal.
during a brutal raid on their estate. She was left Dominion: Selene’s desire for power goes hand in
orphaned and alone, forced to fend for herself in a world hand with her insidious longing for dominion. She
that showed no mercy. It was during this time of dreams of ruling over a world cast into eternal
desperation that Selene’s latent arcane abilities began darkness, where she reigns as the supreme authority,
to manifest, fueled by her grief and anger. shaping the destinies of mortals to suit her whims.
Selene envisions a world where the light of hope is Selene’s Lair
extinguished, and fear and despair become the norm, Selene Nightshade, the Mistress of Shadows, operates
with mortals living in perpetual servitude to her from a carefully chosen lair that reflects her mastery of
shadowy rule. darkness and serves as the hub of her operations.
Shadow Unleashed: Selene sees herself as an agent
of chaos and a force of change. She believes that by Within the confines of this foreboding stronghold, she
plunging the world into darkness, she can expose the harnesses her arcane powers and gathers the resources
inherent weaknesses of society and create a new order necessary to further her malevolent ambitions.
built upon her ideals. Selene seeks to tear down existing Lair: The Lair of Shadows, as it is known, is hidden
power structures, corrupt institutions, and dismantle deep within a labyrinthine network of underground
the very fabric of reality itself, all in the name of caverns. Accessible only through treacherous paths and
reshaping the world in her image. concealed entrances, the lair is designed to repel
Ascendancy: Beyond her earthly ambitions, Selene intruders and maintain Selene’s veil of secrecy. The
harbors a secret longing for transcendence. She sprawling complex is a chilling amalgamation of
believes that by harnessing the darkest powers of the twisting corridors, shadow-filled chambers, and
universe, she can ascend to a higher plane of existence elaborate traps designed to ensnare and eliminate
and become something more than mortal. Selene seeks would-be invaders. The air within the lair is heavy with
to transcend the limitations of mortality, achieving a an unnatural chill, and an eerie silence hangs like a
state of immortality and godhood. This insatiable desire shroud, broken only by the faint echoes of whispers and
to transcend her own humanity fuels her relentless the occasional flickering of spectral lights.
pursuit of power and domination. Defensive Measures: Selene’s lair is fortified with a
variety of defensive measures to protect her and her
Minions and Allies precious resources. Intruders must navigate through a
series of illusions, magical wards, and concealed traps.
Selene Nightshade does not walk the path of darkness Shadowy sentinels, crafted from the essence of
alone. She surrounds herself with loyal minions and darkness itself, patrol the corridors, striking fear into
powerful allies who further her nefarious agenda and the hearts of any who dare trespass. The lair’s
serve as extensions of her own will. Each of these architecture is a marvel of both beauty and menace,
individuals brings unique skills and abilities to the table, with intricate carvings depicting scenes of chaos and
ensuring that Selene’s influence reaches far and wide. despair, serving as a constant reminder of Selene’s
Shadowstalkers: Selene’s most trusted and feared power.
minions are the Shadowstalkers. These elite assassins Resources: Within the depths of her lair, Selene
and spies move through the shadows with uncanny hoards a vast array of resources that enable her to exert
grace and deadly precision. Trained in the dark arts of her influence over the world. Her collection of ancient
stealth and subterfuge, they serve as Selene’s eyes and tomes and forbidden grimoires holds knowledge that
ears, gathering information and eliminating anyone who spans centuries, granting her unparalleled insight into
poses a threat to their mistress. Clad in dark, form- the darkest secrets of magic. A vault lined with
fitting attire and wielding blades infused with shadow enchanted locks safeguards her cache of priceless
magic, the Shadowstalkers strike fear into the hearts of artifacts, each possessing potent magical properties that
their enemies. aid her in her endeavors. Furthermore, Selene
Necromantic Enforcers: Selene has forged an maintains a network of contacts and informants who
alliance with a powerful necromancer known as provide her with valuable information and connections,
Morwen Blackthorn. Blackthorn commands a legion of ensuring that she remains one step ahead of her
undead warriors that serve as Selene’s enforcers. These adversaries.
skeletal soldiers, animated by dark magic, obey her Connections: Beyond the physical resources, Selene
every command without question. Armed with rusted Nightshade’s influence extends into the realms of
blades and clad in tattered armor, they are relentless in politics, criminal underworlds, and secretive societies.
their pursuit of Selene’s enemies. She has entangled herself within webs of intrigue and
Cultists of the Shrouded Hand: Selene has corruption, leveraging her knowledge and manipulative
established a cult known as the Shrouded Hand, skills to sway the powerful and exert control over key
comprised of fanatical followers who worship her as a individuals and organizations. These connections grant
deity. The cultists are spellcasters and zealots who her access to wealth, information, and favors that aid
channel their devotion to Selene through dark rituals her in her grand schemes.
and sacrifices. They wield shadow magic with
unwavering loyalty and carry out her bidding without
question. The cultists wear black robes adorned with
silver symbols representing Selene’s mark, which is a
twisted hand cloaked in shadow.
Lair Actions
Selene Nightshade’s lair is infused with her dark magic,
allowing her to exert control over the environment and
unleash devastating effects. On initiative count 20
(losing initiative ties), the lair takes a lair action. Selene
can choose from the following options:
Shadows Constrict: Shadows within the lair animate
and coil around a creature within 60 feet of Selene. The
target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be
restrained by the shadows until the start of its next turn.
Veil of Darkness: The entire lair is plunged into
supernatural darkness, creating a heavily obscured area
that extends 60 feet from Selene. This darkness persists
until initiative count 20 of the next round.
Shadow Bolt Barrage: Selene summons bolts of
shadow energy that rain down upon her enemies. Each
creature within 30 feet of Selene must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d8 necrotic damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Regional Effects
The presence of Selene Nightshade within her lair
creates eerie and unsettling effects that extend beyond
its physical boundaries. These regional effects warp the
surrounding environment and impact creatures within
the area:
Whispering Shadows: Faint whispers can be heard
within 300 feet of the lair, emanating from the shadows
themselves. These whispers are incoherent but create
an unsettling atmosphere.
Veil of Deception: Illusions and mirages are enhanced
within the area. Spells and abilities that create illusions
or alter perception have increased potency, making it
more challenging for creatures to discern reality from
illusion. The DC to see through illusions or resist their
effects is increased by 2.
Fearful Aura: Creatures hostile to Selene within a
120-foot radius of the lair have disadvantage on saving
throws against being frightened. The Mistress of
Shadows feeds off the fear she instills in others,
strengthening her connection to the shadows.

Schemes and
Selene is a master of manipulation and intricate
schemes. Her plans are carefully crafted and executed
with precision, as she weaves a web of darkness to
achieve her ultimate goals. Through her insidious
machinations, Selene pulls the strings of both
individuals and nations, orchestrating events to further
her sinister agenda.

Political Manipulation: Selene understands the delicate Obsession with Shadows: Selene possesses an
nature of politics and uses it to her advantage. She obsession with shadows, often observing and studying
infiltrates courts, whispering poison into the ears of them intently. She finds solace and inspiration in the
rulers and nobles, sowing discord and chaos. Through interplay of light and darkness, and her mastery over
careful manipulation and calculated maneuvers, she shadow magic is a testament to her deep connection
undermines alliances, fosters rivalries, and creates with this element. Selene’s fascination with shadows
opportunities for her own ascent to power. She pulls the may manifest in her choice of attire, the symbols and
strings from the shadows, using her vast network of decorations within her lair, and even in the way she
spies and informants to gather valuable information and communicates and moves.
exploit it for her gain. Meticulous Planner: Selene is an incredibly
Religious Subversion: Recognizing the power of faith, meticulous planner, considering every detail and
Selene infiltrates religious institutions, corrupting their potential outcome of her actions. She leaves nothing to
teachings and turning devout followers into pawns. She chance, carefully calculating risks and contingencies.
exploits the beliefs and superstitions of the masses, This attention to detail allows her to stay steps ahead of
using their fervor for her own purposes. Through false her enemies and adapt her plans to changing
prophecies, twisted miracles, and puppet clergy, she circumstances, making her an unpredictable and
manipulates religious zealots into carrying out her formidable foe.
bidding, further destabilizing societies and eroding trust Manipulative Charm: Selene possesses a silver
in established institutions. tongue and excels at manipulation. She can twist words
Shadow Wars: Selene wages a subtle war against her to her advantage, sowing doubt, and sowing seeds of
enemies, utilizing her minions and allies to strike where discord among even the closest of allies. Her charm can
they are least expected. She employs the art of be disarming, allowing her to gain the trust of
espionage, planting false information and turning allies unsuspecting individuals before revealing her true
against each other. Selene’s shadowy operatives nature. Selene’s manipulative charm makes her a
infiltrate rival factions, sowing seeds of dissent and master at turning allies against each other, ensuring
triggering internal conflicts that weaken her that chaos and conflict reign in her wake.
adversaries. These covert actions serve as distractions, Connection to the Night: Selene draws power from
diverting attention from her true intentions and allowing the night itself, and her abilities are often heightened
her to continue her dark machinations unhindered. during the hours of darkness. She feels a deep
Artifacts and Rituals: Selene seeks out powerful connection to the nocturnal creatures, such as owls and
artifacts and conducts dark rituals to harness their bats, and may incorporate their symbolism into her
energies. She quests for ancient relics hidden in schemes and rituals. The cover of darkness is where
forgotten tombs and guarded by powerful creatures. By Selene feels most at home, utilizing shadows as her
harnessing the arcane forces contained within these allies and blending seamlessly into the night.
artifacts, Selene strengthens her own powers and Haunting Melodies: Selene has a penchant for
unlocks new abilities. She performs complex rituals to haunting melodies and often employs them to
bend the fabric of reality, summoning shadowy mesmerize and bewitch her enemies. Whether it is a
creatures, and opening gateways to other planes, all in haunting lullaby that causes listeners to fall into a deep
service of her grand designs. slumber or an eerie chant that amplifies her magical
powers, her melodic abilities leave a lasting impression
on those who witness them.
Selene Nightshade, the Mistress of Shadows, possesses
a distinct set of personal quirks that make her a
memorable and formidable villain. These characteristics
add depth to her character, making her more than just a
typical antagonist and allowing Game Masters to bring
her to life during roleplaying sessions.
Enigmatic Charisma: Selene exudes a captivating
and enigmatic charisma that draws others to her. Her
mere presence commands attention, as she effortlessly
captivates those around her with her melodic voice and
piercing gaze. This charisma, tinged with an aura of
danger, can make it difficult for individuals to resist her
influence, even when they are aware of her malevolent

Selene Nightshade, the Mistress of Shadows
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (Mage Armor, Bracers of Defense)

A ctions
Hit Points 160 (20d8 + 80) Multiattack. Selene makes two attacks, either with her Shadow
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Dagger or with her Shadow Bolt.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Shadow Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
10 20 14 18 16 20 one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+5) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6)
necrotic damage. The target must make a DC 18 Constitution
Saving Throws DEX +9, INT +8, WIS +7 saving throw or take an additional 7 (2d6) necrotic damage at
Skills Arcana +12, Deception +12, Stealth +14 the start of its next turn.
Damage Resistances Necrotic
Shadow Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/120 ft.,
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened
one target. Hit: 17 (4d6+3) necrotic damage.
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Abyssal Shadow Parry (Recharge 5-6). Selene raises her hand, wreathing
Challenge 13 (7,200 XP) herself in shadows. Until the start of her next turn, she gains a
+5 bonus to AC and has immunity to necrotic damage.
Spellcasting. Selene is a 12th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell Shadow Whispers. Selene targets one creature within 60 feet
attacks). She has the following spells prepared: that can hear her and forces it to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving
Cantrips (at will): Chill Touch, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, throw. On a failed save, the target takes 14 (4d6) psychic
Ray of Frost damage and is charmed by Selene until the end of its next turn.
1st level (4 slots): Disguise Self, Ray of Sickness, Shield
2nd level (3 slots): Darkness, Mirror Image, Misty Step
L egendary A ctions
3rd level (3 slots): Counterspell, Fear, Lightning Bolt Selene can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
4th level (3 slots): Dimension Door, Evard’s Black Tentacles below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
5th level (2 slots): Cloudkill, Scrying and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Selene regains
6th level (1 slot): Circle of Death, True Seeing spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
7th level (1 slot): Finger of Death
Shadow Bolt. Selene makes a Shadow Bolt attack.
Shadow Cloak. Selene is always surrounded by an aura of
shadows. She has resistance to all non-magical weapon Vanish. Selene magically turns invisible until the start of her
attacks. Additionally, she can use her reaction to impose next turn or until she attacks or casts a spell.
disadvantage on an attack roll made against her.
Shadow Step. Selene teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
space she can see in dim light or darkness.

Roleplaying Tips
To bring Selene Nightshade, the Mistress of Shadows, manipulate NPCs, pitting them against the party or
to life during gameplay, here are some roleplaying tips enticing them into aiding her cause.
for Game Masters: Embrace Shadows: Incorporate Selene’s fascination
Enigmatic and Charismatic Presence: Portray Selene with shadows into your descriptions and mannerisms.
with an air of mystery and intrigue. Speak in a melodic Describe her movements as fluid and elusive, as if she
and alluring tone, capturing the attention of the players. were dancing with the darkness itself. Use shadowy
Let her words carry weight and veiled meanings, leaving imagery to enhance her presence, such as describing
room for interpretation and curiosity. Emphasize her her robes billowing like dark tendrils or her eyes
charismatic presence, making her compelling and shimmering with an inner, ethereal light.
difficult to resist. Cunning Tactics: Showcase Selene’s intelligence and
Subtle Manipulation: Showcase Selene’s tactical prowess. Have her employ hit-and-run tactics,
manipulative nature through her actions and striking from the shadows and disappearing before the
interactions. Have her use persuasive arguments, half- players can retaliate. Utilize illusions and misdirection
truths, and subtle suggestions to bend others to her will. to confuse and disorient the party. Make her a
Plant seeds of doubt and discord, making the players formidable opponent who is always one step ahead,
question the loyalty of their allies. Let her charm and adapting her strategies to counter the players’ actions.

Manipulate Emotions: Selene is a master at exploiting Along the way, they encounter individuals who have
emotions. Have her taunt the players, playing on their fallen victim to the Mistress of Shadows’ machinations,
fears and vulnerabilities. Make her seem omnipresent, each with their own tales of despair and loss.
as if she is always watching, adding a sense of unease As the party draws closer to Selene’s lair, the stakes
and paranoia. Allow her to use her magic to create rise. They must overcome deadly traps, outwit her
illusions that evoke intense emotions, such as dread or cunning allies, and face her in a climactic showdown
despair. where the fate of the world hangs in the balance. The
Unpredictable Nature: Selene is not easily ultimate question remains: Will they be able to unravel
predictable. Keep the players on their toes by having her Selene’s web of darkness and bring an end to her reign
change tactics and reveal unexpected layers of her of shadows?
plans. Surprise them with unexpected alliances or
betrayals. This unpredictability adds depth to her Alternative Endings
character and keeps the players engaged and intrigued. The confrontation with Selene Nightshade, the Mistress
Veiled Motives: Keep Selene’s true motives shrouded
in mystery. Drop hints and clues along the way, but of Shadows, can have various outcomes based on the
leave room for interpretation and speculation. Allow the choices and actions of the players. Here are three
players to uncover fragments of her true goals through alternative endings that add depth and narrative impact
careful investigation and exploration. This adds an to the overall story:
element of suspense and intrigue, keeping the players
invested in uncovering the truth behind Selene’s Triumph of Light
The players successfully gather the fragments of the
actions. Dawnstone and make their way to Selene’s lair.
Adventure Hook Through their wit, courage, and strategic planning, they
manage to overcome her formidable defenses and
To engage the players and entice them to embark on a confront her in a climactic battle. With the combined
quest to confront Selene Nightshade, the Mistress of might of their abilities and the power of the Dawnstone,
Shadows, consider the following adventure hook: they weaken Selene, leaving her vulnerable. The final
blow is struck, banishing the Mistress of Shadows and
The Veil of Eternal Night dispelling the eternal night. Light returns to the world,
Rumors spread like wildfire throughout the land of a and the party is hailed as heroes who saved the realms
growing darkness that threatens to consume the world. from darkness.
Shadows lengthen, light fades, and the sun’s warmth Shadow Ascendancy
diminishes. The common folk whisper of a mysterious Despite the players’ best efforts, Selene proves to be a
figure known as Selene Nightshade, the Mistress of formidable opponent, outmaneuvering and
Shadows, who wields the power to bring about eternal overpowering them. She harnesses the power of the
night. Dawnstone for herself, transforming into a terrifying
The party receives a plea for help from a desperate entity of shadow and becoming an unstoppable force.
village on the outskirts of a kingdom. The village has The eternal night deepens, enveloping the world in
fallen under Selene’s influence, her shadowy minions darkness. The party is left broken and defeated, forced
infiltrating their midst, and spreading fear and despair to witness the tyranny of Selene Nightshade as she
among the villagers. The crops wither, livestock establishes her shadowy reign, and the campaign
succumb to an unnatural sickness, and the once-thriving transitions into a resistance against her oppressive rule.
community teeters on the brink of collapse.
The village elders reveal an ancient prophecy that Sacrificial Balance
speaks of a group of heroes destined to challenge the In a twist of fate, the players uncover a hidden truth
Mistress of Shadows and bring balance back to the about the nature of the eternal night and Selene’s
world. They believe the party to be the chosen ones, as motivations. They learn that she seeks to restore a
their arrival coincides with the escalating darkness. cosmic balance disrupted by external forces. With this
The party must navigate treacherous paths, face off newfound understanding, the party faces a difficult
against Selene’s minions, and gather the fragments of choice: to destroy Selene and restore light at the cost of
an ancient artifact called the “Dawnstone.” Legends unbalancing the cosmos further, or to sacrifice
claim that the Dawnstone possesses the power to themselves and embrace the darkness, allowing Selene
banish eternal night and restore light to the land. to restore the balance. The campaign concludes with a
Their quest leads them through perilous landscapes, bittersweet resolution as the players’ actions determine
haunted ruins, and shadow-infested forests, all while the fate of the world and leave a lasting impact on the
Selene’s influence continues to spread. realms.

Thaddeus Swiftblade, The Bandit King
2. Thaddeus Swiftblade
The Bandit King
n the realm of treachery and for his lightning-fast strikes and unmatched agility in

lawlessness, there exists a figure whose name combat.
strikes fear into the hearts of both peasants and Thaddeus’s path took a fateful turn when he
nobles alike. Thaddeus Swiftblade, known far encountered a rival gang leader, Marcellus Blackthorn.
and wide as the Bandit King, is a formidable Their clash was a battle of wits and steel, a duel that
adversary who commands a notorious gang of would forever change Thaddeus’s perspective on power
cutthroats and outlaws. With his cunning mind and authority. In a surprising twist of fate, Thaddeus
and deadly skills, Thaddeus has carved out a emerged victorious, but instead of eliminating his
fearsome reputation in the criminal underworld. With a defeated foe, he spared Marcellus’s life, recognizing the
CR of 3, Thaddeus Swiftblade poses a formidable threat value of a worthy adversary.
to adventurers of levels 1 - 3. This encounter left a profound impact on Thaddeus,
reshaping his understanding of leadership and honor.
He realized that true power was not solely derived from
Physical Description fear and domination, but from the respect and loyalty
Thaddeus Swiftblade is a figure of imposing stature, earned through formidable strength and unwavering
standing at an impressive six and a half feet tall. His principles.
muscular build reveals the strength earned from a life of As time passed, Thaddeus’s influence grew, and he
hardship and countless skirmishes. His weathered face consolidated his power by forming a bandit gang of his
bears the marks of his tumultuous past, with a own. His reputation as a skilled and charismatic leader
prominent scar running across his left cheek, a constant spread far and wide, drawing desperate souls and
reminder of battles fought and won. disillusioned outlaws to his cause. Together, they
Thaddeus’s piercing eyes, the color of steel, glimmer formed an infamous brotherhood, united by their shared
with a cold intensity that betrays his sharp intellect and thirst for freedom and prosperity.
unwavering determination. His raven-black hair, slicked Thaddeus’s ascent to the position of Bandit King was
back and neatly trimmed, adds an air of sophistication marked by audacious heists, daring escapes, and
to his otherwise rugged appearance. A well-groomed strategic alliances. With each successful operation, his
beard frames his face, meticulously maintained despite influence expanded, reaching even the ears of nobles
the chaotic nature of his life as a bandit lord. and rulers who had once dismissed him as a mere
Dressed in dark leather armor adorned with silver criminal. Some whispered that Thaddeus’s actions were
trims, Thaddeus presents himself as a formidable figure a response to the corrupt systems of power that had
on the battlefield. A long, wickedly sharp rapier hangs failed the common people, transforming him into a
from his belt, reflecting his prowess with a blade. He symbol of rebellion and defiance.
wears a cloak of deep crimson, a symbol of both his Despite his criminal activities, Thaddeus adheres to a
authority and his willingness to spill blood to maintain strict code of honor, targeting those who oppress the
his power. weak and exploiting the corrupt. He has become a
legend in the realm, his name whispered with a mix of
fear and admiration. Thaddeus Swiftblade, the Bandit
Origin and History King, stands as a complex figure, both villain and anti-
Thaddeus was born in a small village on the outskirts of hero, whose actions challenge the established order
the kingdom. His early years were marked by poverty while embodying a paradoxical blend of ruthlessness
and hardship, which fueled his desire for a better life. and compassion.
Growing up, he discovered a natural talent for thievery,
utilizing his nimble fingers and quick wits to survive in a Motivation and Goals
world that often overlooked those on the fringes of Thaddeus Swiftblade’s motivation stems from a deep-
society. rooted desire for freedom and justice. Having grown up
As a young adult, Thaddeus became entangled with a in poverty and witnessing the injustices inflicted upon
notorious bandit gang, drawn to their promises of the weak, he developed a burning resentment toward
wealth and freedom. Through a combination of cunning the oppressive systems that kept the majority under the
and raw skill, he swiftly rose through the ranks, leaving heel of the privileged few.
a trail of chaos and stolen riches in his wake. It was His actions, although cloaked in criminality, are
during this time that he earned his moniker, Swiftblade, fueled by a genuine belief that he is championing the

cause of the marginalized and downtrodden. Thaddeus The Whisperers: A group of skilled spies and
sees himself as a voice for the voiceless, striking back informants, the Whisperers gather intelligence from
against the corrupt nobility, and seizing wealth and across the realm, providing Thaddeus with valuable
power to redistribute it among the common folk. knowledge and leverage. Masters of disguise and
Thaddeus’s ultimate goal is to dismantle the existing manipulation, they infiltrate high-ranking circles and
power structures that exploit and suppress the masses. relay crucial information back to their leader.
He seeks to sow chaos and disrupt the status quo,
unveiling the hypocrisy of the ruling elite and exposing
their vulnerability. To achieve this, he employs a Thaddeus’ Lair
calculated blend of theft, extortion, and calculated acts Every formidable villain requires a lair from which they
of rebellion, using his ill-gotten gains as a means to operate, and Thaddeus Swiftblade, the Bandit King, is
destabilize the established order. no exception. His lair is a well-guarded stronghold,
Beyond his desire for justice, Thaddeus also seeks serving as both a sanctuary and a hub for his criminal
personal glory and recognition. He yearns for his name operations. Within its walls, Thaddeus plots his next
to be etched into the annals of history, remembered as a move, coordinates his forces, and safeguards his ill-
legendary figure who defied the norms and reshaped gotten treasures.
the world in his image. The fear and respect he elicits Hidden deep within a dense forest, Thaddeus’s lair is
from both his allies and enemies are essential elements nestled amidst towering ancient trees, concealing it
in his quest for dominance and notoriety. from prying eyes. The entrance is camouflaged by
overgrown vegetation and deceptive illusions, ensuring
Minions and Allies that only those deemed worthy or those who have
No ruler, be they a just king or a fearsome bandit, navigated his intricate web of traps can find their way
stands alone. Thaddeus Swiftblade, the Bandit King, is inside.
no exception. He surrounds himself with a network of As the players approach, they are greeted by an eerie
loyal minions and formidable allies who aid him in his silence, broken only by the distant howling of the wind
quest for power and revolution. Understanding the through the trees. The air is thick with tension,
individuals who stand by Thaddeus’s side provides heightening their senses and hinting at the dangers that
crucial insight into the scope of his influence and the lie ahead.
challenges the heroes will face in their confrontation.
Lieutenant Malakai Stonehand: A towering figure
with bulging muscles and a shaven head, Malakai Lair Actions
serves as Thaddeus’s right-hand man. A former On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Thaddeus
gladiator, he is renowned for his brute strength and Swiftblade can take a lair action to harness the mystic
unwavering loyalty. Malakai acts as Thaddeus’s energies of his stronghold. The following lair actions are
enforcer, ensuring obedience among the ranks and available to him:
carrying out brutal acts of violence when necessary. Shroud of Shadows: Thaddeus Swiftblade conjures a
Lady Valeria Blackthorn: A strikingly beautiful and swirling shroud of darkness that envelops the lair. The
cunning noblewoman, Valeria wields both charm and area becomes heavily obscured, hindering vision and
manipulation to further Thaddeus’s cause. She brings providing disadvantage on Perception checks for
with her a web of connections to the upper echelons of creatures other than Thaddeus or his chosen allies. This
society, allowing Thaddeus to exploit the weaknesses of effect lasts for 1 minute or until Thaddeus uses this lair
the ruling elite. Valeria’s intelligence and political action again.
acumen make her an invaluable asset to the Bandit Minion’s Rally: Thaddeus issues a rallying cry that
King. bolsters the morale of his minions. All allies within the
The Shadowblades: A group of highly skilled lair regain 1d6 hit points, and they gain advantage on
assassins, the Shadowblades operate under Thaddeus’s their next attack roll or saving throw. This effect lasts
command, eliminating key targets and sowing fear in until the end of Thaddeus’s next turn.
the hearts of his enemies. Clad in dark attire and Shadow Step: Thaddeus Swiftblade seamlessly melds
shrouded in mystery, they strike swiftly and lethally, with the shadows, teleporting to another location within
executing Thaddeus’s enemies with precision and the lair that he has previously visited. This allows him to
anonymity. quickly traverse the area and surprise unsuspecting
The Red Fangs: A band of ferocious orc warriors, the intruders. Thaddeus can use this lair action once per
Red Fangs have pledged their allegiance to Thaddeus in round.
exchange for a share of the spoils. Fearsome in battle
and unyielding in loyalty, they serve as both enforcers
and a formidable vanguard, intimidating both common
folk and rival gangs.
Regional Effects
The region surrounding Thaddeus Swiftblade’s lair is
marked by his dark influence. The following regional
effects occur:
Veil of Silence: An oppressive silence pervades the
area around the lair, muffling sound and making it
difficult to communicate effectively. Verbal spellcasting
within 300 feet of the lair requires the caster to make a
successful concentration check or risk the spell failing.
This effect does not affect Thaddeus or his chosen
Cursed Grounds: The ground within a 1-mile radius
of the lair becomes tainted with malevolent energy.
Plant life withers, water sources become brackish, and
the area takes on a foreboding atmosphere. Creatures
other than Thaddeus or his chosen allies have
disadvantage on all saving throws made within this
Shadow’s Embrace: Shadows stretch unnaturally and
seem to dance with a life of their own in the vicinity of
the lair. Stealth checks made by Thaddeus or his
chosen allies are made with advantage, even in areas
with partial illumination. Additionally, Thaddeus and his
allies gain resistance to necrotic damage while within
this region.

Schemes and
Thaddeus Swiftblade, the Bandit King, is a mastermind
of deceit and cunning. His plans are intricate, his
strategies calculated, and his plots designed to further
his goals while keeping his adversaries in a perpetual
state of uncertainty.
The Heist of the Century: Thaddeus orchestrates a
daring heist on the Royal Treasury, aiming to strike a
blow against the oppressive nobility. With meticulous
planning and inside information from his network of
spies, he seeks to cripple the ruling elite’s financial
resources and redistribute the stolen wealth to the
common folk.
Political Manipulation: Thaddeus uses his alliance
with Lady Valeria Blackthorn to sow discord within the
royal court. Through blackmail, bribery, and careful
manipulation of key figures, he aims to destabilize the
kingdom, undermining the corrupt rulers and paving the
way for a new order.
Divide and Conquer: Thaddeus exploits existing
rivalries and conflicts among competing factions, pitting
them against each other to divert attention away from
his own activities. By fanning the flames of animosity
and deepening the divisions, he ensures that his
enemies are too preoccupied to unite against him.

Infiltration and Subterfuge : Thaddeus employs his Complex Morality: Thaddeus exists in a moral gray
network of spies, the Whisperers, to infiltrate key area. While he champions the cause of the oppressed,
positions of power. Disguised as trusted advisors or his methods involve criminal activities that harm
influential individuals, they feed him information and innocents along the way. This internal conflict adds
sow discord from within, weakening his adversaries’ depth to his character, forcing players to question the
defenses and ensuring his own advantage. boundaries between right and wrong and consider the
Public Perception: Thaddeus understands the power implications of their actions.
of narrative. Through carefully planted rumors and
controlled acts of generosity towards the impoverished,
he cultivates a public image as a champion of the
oppressed. This garners him sympathy and support Thaddeus Swiftblade, the
from the common folk, making it difficult for the
authorities to mobilize against him without risking a Bandit King
rebellion. Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class: 16 (studded leather)

Personality Hit Points: 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed: 30 ft.
Thaddeus Swiftblade’s personality is a tapestry of
contradictions and complexities, painting a vivid portrait STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
of the Bandit King as a multifaceted and memorable 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Charismatic Authority: Thaddeus exudes a natural Saving Throws: DEX +6, INT +4
charisma that draws others to him. His commanding Skills: Acrobatics +6, Deception +5, Intimidation +5,
presence and unwavering confidence inspire loyalty Perception +4, Stealth +8
among his followers, as well as fear and admiration
from those who oppose him. He possesses a silver Senses: passive Perception 14
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant
tongue and the ability to captivate listeners, effortlessly Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
weaving tales that paint him as a legendary figure.
Code of Honor: Despite his criminal activities,
Thaddeus adheres to a personal code of honor. He Cunning Action: Thaddeus can take a bonus action on each of
respects those who prove themselves worthy opponents his turns to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

and displays a begrudging admiration for those who Fancy Footwork: During his turn, if Thaddeus makes a melee
demonstrate strength and integrity. This sense of honor attack against a creature, that creature can’t make opportunity
sets him apart from other villains, giving him a certain attacks against him for the rest of his turn.
level of complexity that players may find intriguing.
Unyielding Determination: Thaddeus’s relentless
Rakish Audacity: Thaddeus gains a bonus to his initiative rolls

pursuit of his goals is a defining characteristic. He equal to his Charisma modifier.

possesses an unwavering determination that borders on Second Wind: Once per short rest, as a bonus action, Thaddeus
obsession. He is willing to endure great risks and can regain 1d10 + 3 hit points.
sacrifices to achieve his vision of justice and upheaval,
making him a formidable foe for the players to Sneak Attack: Once per turn, Thaddeus deals an extra 3d6
overcome. damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has

Keen Intellect: Thaddeus is highly intelligent and

advantage on the attack roll, or if another enemy of the target

possesses a strategic mind. He is a master tactician, is within 5 feet of it and is not incapacitated.

always thinking several steps ahead and considering A ctions

multiple contingencies. His ability to anticipate his
enemies’ moves and exploit their weaknesses makes Multiattack: Thaddeus makes two melee attacks with his rapier.
him a dangerous adversary to underestimate. Rapier: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Meticulous Planner: Thaddeus leaves no detail to Hit: 1d8 + 4 piercing damage.
chance. He meticulously plans each operation,
considering all variables and potential outcomes. He is R eactions
patient and methodical, biding his time until the
opportune moment to strike. His plans are layered and Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker that Thaddeus can see hits
him with an attack, he can use his reaction to halve the attack’s
complex, ensuring that even the most skilled damage against him.
adventurers will face significant challenges.

Roleplaying Tips The Stolen Relic
Rumors swirl of a priceless relic known as the Tear of
Portraying Thaddeus Swiftblade effectively during Eloria, a gem said to possess immense magical power.
gameplay requires capturing the nuances of his The relic has been safeguarded for centuries in the
personality, mannerisms, and unique traits. The ancient temple of Eloria, but news spreads that it has
following roleplaying tips will help Game Masters been stolen. The temple’s priests are desperate to
breathe life into this captivating villain, creating recover the artifact, fearing the catastrophic
memorable encounters for the players. consequences if it falls into the wrong hands.
Confident Demeanor: Thaddeus exudes confidence
and composure. Play him with an air of self- Investigation reveals that the relic was stolen by
assuredness, maintaining steady eye contact and a calm Thaddeus Swiftblade, who seeks to harness its power
tone of voice. He is accustomed to being in control and for his own agenda. A plea for help reaches the players’
expects others to acknowledge his authority. ears, as the priests beseech them to track down
Charismatic Charm: Display Thaddeus’s charisma by
Thaddeus, recover the Tear of Eloria, and thwart his
using eloquent language and employing persuasive dangerous plans.
arguments. He knows how to sway opinions and The players embark on a race against time, following
captivate an audience. Encourage players to feel drawn the Bandit King’s trail as he leaves a path of chaos and
to his words and to question their own beliefs as he destruction in his wake. They must navigate
presents his justifications for his actions. Honor Among treacherous forests, infiltrate his lair, and confront his
Thieves: Despite his criminal nature, Thaddeus adheres
loyal minions and cunning allies. Along the way, they
to a personal code of honor. Showcase this by having encounter villagers terrorized by Thaddeus’s gang and
him display respect toward adversaries who prove uncover the depth of his influence over the realm.
themselves worthy. Encourage players to feel a sense of As the players delve deeper into the quest, they
conflicted respect for him, blurring the lines between discover the true motivations behind Thaddeus’s
hero and villain. actions, blurring the lines between hero and villain. The
Calculating Intelligence: Thaddeus is a mastermind
fate of the Tear of Eloria hangs in the balance, along
who carefully plans his moves. Portray his intelligence with the potential consequences of its misuse. Will the
by having him anticipate the players’ actions and react players reclaim the relic and bring the Bandit King to
accordingly. Let him strategically outmaneuver the justice, or will Thaddeus’s plans come to fruition,
party, making it clear that he is a formidable adversary plunging the realm into chaos?
to be reckoned with. Alternative Endings
Moral Ambiguity: Highlight Thaddeus’s complex
morality and the gray area in which he operates. The confrontation with Thaddeus Swiftblade, the
Encourage players to question their own sense of right Bandit King, can have varying outcomes based on the
and wrong as they engage in conversations with him. players’ choices, actions, and the events that unfold
Allow him to challenge their beliefs and provoke throughout their adventure.
thoughtful discussions about justice and rebellion.
A Dash of Swagger: Thaddeus possesses a certain Triumph of Justice
swagger that comes with his reputation as the Bandit The players successfully navigate Thaddeus’s lair,
King. Incorporate slight flourishes in his movements, overcoming his minions, and confront the Bandit King
such as a dramatic flourish of his rapier or a confident himself. Through strategic planning, skillful combat,
tilt of the head. Emphasize his stylishness and flair, and clever tactics, they defeat Thaddeus in an epic
making him a captivating presence on the stage of the battle, bringing him to justice. The Tear of Eloria is
game. recovered and returned to the temple, restoring balance
to the realm and earning the players the gratitude and
admiration of the people.
Adventure Hook A Shattered Alliance
A compelling adventure hook is essential to engage As the players delve deeper into Thaddeus’s lair, they
players and entice them to embark on a quest to uncover the complexities of his character and the
confront Thaddeus Swiftblade, the Bandit King. The injustices he seeks to rectify. Torn between their sense
following scenario presents an intriguing problem that of duty and empathy, they are faced with a difficult
will ignite the players’ curiosity and set them on a decision. They can choose to align themselves with
collision course with the notorious villain. Thaddeus, supporting his cause for rebellion and
joining him in his fight against the corrupt elite. This
choice leads to a new path, challenging their notions of
right and wrong and potentially paving the way for a
different future.
Tragic Redemption Legacy of Chaos
The players, through their interactions with Thaddeus, Despite the players’ valiant efforts, they are unable to
manage to uncover a glimmer of remorse within his prevent Thaddeus from achieving his ultimate goal. He
hardened heart. They realize that beneath the Bandit successfully wields the power of the Tear of Eloria,
King’s exterior lies a man driven to extremes by his plunging the realm into chaos and sparking a revolution
circumstances. With their assistance, Thaddeus turns against the ruling elite. The players must now navigate a
away from his criminal ways and seeks redemption for realm torn asunder by conflict, adapting to a new order
his past actions. He helps the players retrieve the Tear shaped by Thaddeus’s vision. They can choose to
of Eloria, and together, they embark on a dangerous embrace the chaos, align themselves with the Bandit
quest to right the wrongs he has committed, with the King, or work from the shadows to restore balance and
hope of finding forgiveness and redemption. bring about a new era of stability.

Zephyrion, The Stormwyrm
3. Zephyrion
The Stormwyrm
ithin the darkened skies, a In its youth, Zephyrion developed a deep bond with the

fearsome figure emerges, a being of land it called home, a sprawling expanse of lush forests,
immense power and malevolence. This is towering mountains, and shimmering rivers. It acted as
Zephyrion the Stormwyrm, an ancient a guardian, keeping watch over the delicate equilibrium
dragon whose very presence commands of the natural world. Whenever danger threatened, the
the elements. From the moment it Stormwyrm would take to the skies, using its immense
descends upon the realm, chaos and strength and elemental prowess to repel invaders and
destruction follow in its wake. With a CR restore peace.
of 20, Zephyrion poses a formidable threat to However, fate took a treacherous turn when
adventurers of levels 17-19. Zephyrion stumbled upon an ancient artifact known as
the Stormheart. This relic, imbued with a corrupting
influence, whispered promises of even greater power
Physical Description and dominion over the elements. Enticed by the allure,
Zephyrion, in all its terrifying grandeur, stands as an Zephyrion succumbed to the artifact’s treacherous grip,
enormous manifestation of nature’s fury. Its serpentine its mind gradually consumed by darkness.
body stretches over seventy feet long, its scales a vibrant As the corruption took hold, Zephyrion’s once-noble
shade of azure, reminiscent of an approaching purpose became twisted and perverted. No longer a
thunderstorm. Cracks of static energy dance across its protector, it sought to bring chaos and destruction upon
scales, serving as an ominous warning of its power. the very land it once safeguarded. The Stormwyrm’s
The dragon’s piercing eyes, glowing with an intense once-vibrant scales turned a darkened shade of blue, its
yellow hue, hold a twisted glimmer of madness and eyes clouded with a menacing glow.
malevolence. Its elongated snout houses razor-sharp With its newfound malevolence, Zephyrion began
teeth, each gleaming like polished obsidian. Horns, unleashing its wrath upon the realm it once called
resembling lightning bolts, crown its head, further home. Storms of unparalleled ferocity swept through
accentuating its dominion over the tempest. the land, ravaging villages, toppling forests, and flooding
Zephyrion’s wings, colossal in size, span wide enough rivers. Lightning crackled across the sky, striking fear
to darken the sky with their immense shadow. They into the hearts of mortals.
ripple with an ethereal iridescence, reflecting the It is said that during this dark era, Zephyrion forged
vibrant colors of a thunderous storm. Whenever the alliances with dark entities, drawing creatures of the
Stormwyrm takes flight, the thunderous beat of its storm and twisted mages to its side. These minions,
wings echoes across the land, a haunting symphony that enthralled by the dragon’s power, became the
heralds impending doom. instruments of its destructive will, carrying out its
The dragon’s body, despite its massive size, boasts an bidding across the land.
agile and sinewy build, allowing it to maneuver swiftly The once-beloved protector had transformed into a
through the air. Jagged spines line its back, glowing with dreaded villain, feared and reviled by all who knew of its
a faint electric charge, ready to discharge potent bolts of existence. Legends spread, recounting tales of the
lightning upon any foolish enough to challenge its Stormwyrm’s devastating reign of terror, leaving in its
might. wake a trail of ruin and despair.
And so, Zephyrion the Stormwyrm, consumed by
corruption and driven by a perverse desire for chaos,
Origin and History continues to unleash its wrath upon the world. The
Zephyrion’s origin and history trace back to a time stage is set for daring heroes to rise and challenge this
when it was known as a noble protector of the land, a ancient dragon, but the path to victory will be
guardian of harmony and balance. Born within the heart treacherous, for the corruption within Zephyrion’s heart
of a raging storm, Zephyrion emerged from the tempest has made it a formidable adversary.
with an innate connection to the elemental forces of Motivation and Goals
wind and lightning. Its early years were spent soaring
through the skies, reveling in the exhilaration of flight Within the twisted heart of Zephyrion the Stormwyrm, a
and basking in the beauty of nature’s raw power. dark and convoluted motivation fuels its malevolent
actions. The corruption inflicted upon the ancient
dragon by the Stormheart artifact has not only warped
its mind but also reshaped its desires and ambitions.
Zephyrion’s corrupted motives are rooted in a twisted Thunderfang Pack strikes fear into the hearts of those
sense of power and dominion. Once a guardian of who dare to oppose the dragon, using their bestial
harmony, the Stormwyrm now craves the unbridled strength and cunning tactics to sow terror and
might of the storm itself. The primal forces of wind and destruction.
lightning have become its obsession, driving it to seek Air Elementals. Zephyrion’s connection to the
absolute control over the elements. elemental planes has allowed it to bind a horde of air
Zephyrion’s ultimate goal is to harness the power of elementals to its will. These ethereal beings, forged
storms on an unprecedented scale, transforming itself from the very essence of wind and storm, act as the
into an elemental force of unparalleled strength. To dragon’s enforcers and scouts. Agile and elusive, they
achieve this, the dragon is determined to unleash a traverse the skies, spying on potential threats and
cataclysmic storm of immense magnitude, one that will eliminating any who dare challenge their master. With
reshape the world and bend it to its will. their razor-sharp gusts and electrical discharges, the air
Ascendancy. Zephyrion seeks to ascend to a higher elementals serve as swift and deadly harbingers of
state of existence, transcending its draconic form and Zephyrion’s wrath.
becoming an embodiment of elemental fury. It yearns to Cult of the Tempest. Within Zephyrion’s inner circle
fuse its essence with the very fabric of the storm, lies the Cult of the Tempest, a fanatical group of
transcending mortality and becoming an immortal being devotees who worship the Stormwyrm as a deity. These
of pure chaos. zealous followers believe that by aiding their draconic
Elemental Convergence. The corrupted dragon aims master, they will ascend to a higher plane of existence
to disrupt the delicate balance of the elemental planes. alongside Zephyrion. The cultists perform dark rituals
By summoning powerful tempests and channeling the and offer sacrifices to appease their malevolent god,
energy of the storm, Zephyrion seeks to merge the further fueling the dragon’s power and enhancing its
realms of air and lightning, creating a cataclysmic connection to the storm.
convergence that will grant it unprecedented control Corrupted Nature Guardians. Once protectors of the
over the elemental forces. land, a group of nature guardians has fallen under
Domination. Zephyrion’s hunger for dominion Zephyrion’s sway, their essence tainted by the dragon’s
extends beyond the realms of nature. It craves authority corruption. These once noble beings, such as treants
over mortals, aiming to establish itself as the ultimate and elementals of earth, have been twisted into
ruler and bring all civilizations under its oppressive malevolent entities. Under the dragon’s command, they
grasp. By subjugating kingdoms and bending their now serve as the guardians of its lair, their former
leaders to its will, the Stormwyrm seeks to shape the purpose perverted to protect the source of the
world in its image. Stormwyrm’s power.
Minions and Allies The Dragon’s Lair
Zephyrion the Stormwyrm, in its quest for power and Zephyrion’s lair is nestled amidst jagged peaks,
domination, has amassed an army of minions and allies. perpetually shrouded in darkened storm clouds. The
These creatures have been drawn to the dragon’s area surrounding the lair is marked by the scars of the
malevolent charisma, enticed by promises of power, dragon’s wrath, with trees uprooted and the ground
dark magic, or simply the fear of retribution should they cracked by lightning strikes. A perpetual maelstrom
refuse to serve. swirls overhead, casting an eerie and menacing
Stormbringers. At the forefront of Zephyrion’s forces atmosphere.
are the Stormbringers, a group of powerful spellcasters The lair itself is a massive cavern carved into the
who have willingly aligned themselves with the heart of a mountain, echoing with the crackling of
Stormwyrm. These arcane practitioners have delved electrical energy and the roar of thunder. The walls are
into forbidden knowledge, harnessing the destructive etched with ancient glyphs and symbols, remnants of
forces of lightning and storm magic. Skilled in evocation Zephyrion’s lost lore. Crackling energy arcs across the
and manipulation of the elements, the Stormbringers chamber, illuminating the darkness with an
channel the dragon’s power to conjure devastating otherworldly glow.
storms, hurl bolts of lightning, and summon Navigating the lair is not easy, with narrow walkways
tempestuous winds. suspended over seemingly bottomless chasms and gusts
Thunderfang Pack. A pack of savage and cunning of wind threatening to knock intruders off balance.
werewolves, known as the Thunderfang Pack, has Dominating the center of the lair is a colossal
pledged their loyalty to Zephyrion. These lycanthropes lightning-infused crystal known as the Stormheart. This
have long yearned for a leader who could unleash their artifact, pulsating with raw power, serves as the source
true potential, and the Stormwyrm’s promise of of Zephyrion’s corruption and the conduit through
strength and chaos resonated with their primal which it channels the chaotic forces of storms. The
instincts. Under Zephyrion’s command, the
Stormheart radiates an oppressive aura, both
mesmerizing and unnerving to those who dare to gaze
upon it.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Zephyrion
can take a lair action to harness the power of its storm-
infused lair. It can use one of the following options:
Storm’s Wrath. Zephyrion summons the fury of the
storm, causing the area within its lair to be enveloped in
crackling energy and turbulent winds. Until the start of
Zephyrion’s next turn, all ranged attacks against
Zephyrion are made at disadvantage as the
tempestuous conditions disrupt aim and accuracy.
Lightning Surge. The Stormwyrm releases a surge of
electrical energy, causing lightning to arc through the
lair. Each creature of Zephyrion’s choice within the lair
must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 21) or suffer
6d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Gale Force Gusts. Zephyrion summons powerful gusts
of wind, creating a localized whirlwind within the lair.
The winds batter and disorient creatures, requiring
them to make a Strength saving throw (DC 21) or be
pushed 10 feet in a random direction and knocked
Zephyrion can use one lair action per round, choosing
from the options above. It cannot use the same lair
action consecutively and can’t use a lair action if it is
incapacitated or its Stormheart is destroyed.
Regional Effects
The region within a 5-mile radius of Zephyrion’s lair is
affected by the following effects:
Stormy Atmosphere. The region is enveloped in a
perpetual stormy atmosphere. Dark clouds hang low
overhead, obscuring the sky and casting a gloomy pall
over the land. The area is considered lightly obscured,
and creatures without darkvision have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight.
Unpredictable Weather. The weather within the region
becomes highly erratic and dangerous. Sudden gusts of
wind, torrential downpours, and crackling lightning
strikes are commonplace. Every 10 minutes, roll a d6 to
determine the weather effect:
1-2: Gale Force Winds: Powerful winds whip
through the area, making flying for large or smaller
creatures impossible.

3-4: Torrential Rain: Heavy rain obscures vision, Twisting Prophecies. Zephyrion is not content with
imposing disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) simply exerting control over the physical realm; it seeks
checks that rely on hearing or sight. to dominate the realm of belief and perception as well.
5-6: Lightning Storm: Lightning bolts crash down The dragon subtly influences prophecies and auguries,
from the sky, creating difficult terrain in a 15-foot twisting the interpretations to suit its own nefarious
radius centered on a randomly determined point. ends. By guiding the narrative surrounding its own rise
Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity to power, Zephyrion instills a sense of inevitability,
saving throw or take 4d10 lightning damage. making it appear as though its victory is predestined,
discouraging potential heroes from rising against it.
Crackling Energies. The very air within the region
crackles with electrical energy, making it a hazardous Personality
environment for unprotected creatures. Any creature Zephyrion the Stormwyrm possesses a distinct
that starts its turn within the region or enters it for the personality that sets it apart as a memorable and
first time on a turn must make a Constitution saving exciting enemy.
throw or take 3d6 lightning damage. The DC for this Chaotic Nature. Zephyrion embodies chaos in its
saving throw is equal to Zephyrion’s spell save DC. purest form. Its actions are driven by a twisted desire to
disrupt the natural order and bring about widespread
Schemes and destruction. The Stormwyrm revels in the chaos it
creates, finding perverse pleasure in the fear and
Machinations despair it instills within mortals. Its personality reflects
Deep within Zephyrion’s corrupted mind lies a this chaotic essence, as it displays an unpredictable and
combination of intricate schemes and diabolical capricious nature, changing moods in an instant and
machinations. Driven by a desire for power and making its behavior difficult to anticipate.
domination, the dragon weaves its plans with Tyrannical Presence. Zephyrion exudes an air of
meticulous precision, leveraging its mastery over storms authority and power. The dragon’s immense size,
and the loyalty of its minions to further its sinister crackling energy, and rumbling thunderous voice
objectives. command attention and respect. It carries itself with a
Storm Manipulation. Zephyrion’s foremost scheme regal demeanor, its movements precise and deliberate.
revolves around manipulating the very fabric of weather Zephyrion relishes in the fear it instills in those who
patterns. By harnessing its control over storms, the stand before it, asserting its dominance and reveling in
dragon creates chaos and devastation across the realm, its role as the master of storms.
ensuring that the land remains in a perpetual state of Obsession with Storms. The heart of Zephyrion’s
fear and vulnerability. The Stormwyrm unleashes personality lies in its obsession with storms. The
tempests upon unsuspecting villages, floods fertile dragon’s entire being is intertwined with the elemental
lands, and conjures lightning strikes that ignite forces of wind and lightning. It is enamored by the sheer
widespread wildfires. Through these acts, Zephyrion power and beauty of tempests, finding solace and
weakens the resolve of kingdoms and instills a sense of exhilaration in their unbridled chaos. Zephyrion’s
hopelessness among the populace. fascination with storms often manifests in its dialogue,
Corruption of Natural Guardians. Drawing upon its peppering conversations with references to thunder,
twisted connection to the elements, Zephyrion seeks to lightning, and the raw power of the elements.
corrupt and manipulate the guardians of nature. The Twisted Pride. Zephyrion’s corruption has warped its
dragon sows discord among druids, fey creatures, and sense of pride and honor. Once a noble protector, the
elemental beings, turning them against the very essence Stormwyrm now takes pride in its ability to cause
they were sworn to protect. By perverting these devastation and instill fear. It views itself as a force of
guardians and bending their powers to its will, the nature, a being deserving of worship and reverence.
Stormwyrm destabilizes the balance of the natural Zephyrion expects others to recognize its power and
world, furthering its own malevolent agenda. bow before it, punishing those who dare to challenge its
Artifact Seekers. Recognizing the immense power authority with swift and merciless retribution.
contained within artifacts scattered throughout the Flashes of Remorse. Despite its malevolence, there
realm, Zephyrion seeks to amass these objects of great are moments when Zephyrion’s true self briefly shines
significance. The dragon dispatches its minions to through. Fleeting flashes of remorse and guilt flicker
retrieve artifacts of elemental energy or ancient magic, within the Stormwyrm’s eyes, hinting at the torment it
enhancing its own power and expanding its dominion endures due to its corruption. These brief moments of
over the forces of nature. These artifacts serve as vulnerability, though rare, serve to humanize the villain,
sources of raw power, feeding the Stormwyrm’s adding complexity to its character and potential avenues
insatiable hunger for more control and influence. for redemption.

Zephyrion, the Stormwyrm A ctions
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil
Multiattack. Zephyrion makes three attacks: one with its bite
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) and two with its claws.
Hit Points 420 (24d20 + 168) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) lightning
26 (+8) 14 (+2) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) lightning
Saving Throws DEX +10, CON +15, WIS +11, CHA +12 damage.
Skills Perception +17, Arcana +12, Intimidation +12
Damage Immunities Lightning Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). Zephyrion exhales a bolt of
Condition Immunities Frightened, Paralyzed, Stunned lightning in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in
Senses Blindsight 120 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception that line must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66
27 (12d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
Languages Common, Draconic damage on a successful one.
Challenge: 20 (25,000 XP)
L egendary A ctions
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Zephyrion fails a saving throw, it Zephyrion can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
can choose to succeed instead. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Innate Spellcasting. Zephyrion’s innate spellcasting ability is Zephyrion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its
Charisma (spell save DC 20). It can innately cast the following turn.
spells, requiring no material components:
At will: Control Weather, Gust of Wind, Call Lightning Lightning Surge. Zephyrion uses its Lightning Breath.
3/day each: Chain Lightning, Storm of Vengeance
Wing Attack. Zephyrion beats its wings. Each creature within
Storm Aura. Zephyrion emanates an aura of storm energy in a 15 feet of Zephyrion must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity
30-foot radius. The aura is considered difficult terrain for saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and
creatures other than Zephyrion. Any creature that starts its turn be knocked prone.
within the aura or enters it for the first time on a turn takes 10
(3d6) lightning damage. Stormstep. Zephyrion moves up to half its flying speed
without provoking opportunity attacks.

Dramatic Gestures. As Zephyrion unleashes its

Roleplaying Tips power, emphasize the grandeur of its actions. Describe
To truly bring the persona of Zephyrion the Stormwyrm the dragon’s movements with sweeping gestures, its
to life, you can draw inspiration from the following wings unfurling with a thunderous clap, and its jaws
roleplaying tips. By embodying the dragon’s personality opening wide to release crackling bolts of lightning. The
and mannerisms, you can create a captivating and Stormwyrm’s presence should command attention, with
immersive experience for your players. each action leaving a lasting impact on the environment
Commanding Presence. Portray Zephyrion with an and the emotions of those witnessing its might.
air of authority and power. Speak with a deep and Storm-Inspired Dialogue. Infuse Zephyrion’s speech
rumbling voice, dripping with confidence and an with references to storms, lightning, and the raw power
undertone of menace. Use commanding gestures and of the elements. Metaphors and descriptions should
maintain eye contact with those who address the draw upon the grandeur and ferocity of tempests,
dragon, making it clear that you hold dominion over the showcasing the dragon’s obsession with its own
situation. destructive capabilities. The Stormwyrm’s words should
Unpredictable Nature. Embrace the chaotic essence crackle with energy, resonating with the awe-inspiring
of Zephyrion by incorporating sudden shifts in mood nature of storms.
and behavior. One moment, the dragon may be amused Flashes of Remorse. Occasionally, allow moments of
by a witty remark, and the next, it could become vulnerability to break through Zephyrion’s malevolent
wrathful in response to a perceived insult. Keep your facade. During these instances, the dragon might briefly
players on their toes by displaying unpredictability, reveal a flicker of regret or longing for its past noble
making it clear that they are dealing with an entity purpose. Use these moments sparingly, creating
driven by twisted whims. opportunities for players to empathize with the dragon
and question the nature of their quest.

Adventure Hook Alternative Endings
The adventuring party finds themselves traveling The confrontation with Zephyrion can unfold in various
through the lush countryside, their journey interrupted ways, depending on the choices and actions of the
by a sudden and violent thunderstorm. The skies darken players. The following alternative endings provide
ominously, and the howling winds whip through the different outcomes, each carrying its own degree of
trees, threatening to uproot them. Lightning dances success or failure:
across the sky, illuminating the land in brief, eerie
flashes. Seeking shelter from the raging tempest, the Triumphant Victory
party stumbles upon a small village nestled in a valley, Through bravery, resourcefulness, and unwavering
its homes battered and its inhabitants huddled together determination, the adventurers succeed in reaching
in fear. Zephyrion’s lair. They manage to weaken the
Approaching the trembling villagers, the adventurers Stormwyrm by collecting the scattered artifacts and
learn of the village’s plight. For weeks, they have utilizing them strategically in their battle. With their
endured the wrath of a monstrous creature known as combined strength and clever tactics, they defeat the
Zephyrion the Stormwyrm. The dragon, corrupted by a dragon, severing its connection to the corrupting
powerful artifact, has unleashed its fury upon the Stormheart. The land is saved, and the realm begins to
region, causing devastating weather patterns, floods, heal from the devastation wrought by Zephyrion. The
and destructive elemental magic. Crops have withered, players are hailed as heroes, and their names echo
homes have been torn asunder, and lives have been lost. through the annals of history.
The villagers, gripped by terror, have lived in a constant
state of fear, praying for deliverance from the dragon’s Bittersweet Sacrifice
relentless onslaught. In a desperate final battle, the adventurers manage to
Amidst the turmoil, the adventurers are directed to weaken Zephyrion, but the cost is great. One of their
the village elder, a weathered and wise individual who own makes the ultimate sacrifice, using the artifacts to
has delved into ancient prophecies and legends. The deliver a fatal blow to the dragon. Zephyrion falls, its
elder shares a tale of hope amidst the darkness. reign of terror ended, but the loss weighs heavily on the
According to an age-old prophecy, a group of legendary party. The realm is spared from further destruction, but
heroes will arise, marked by their courage and valor, to the memory of their fallen comrade lingers as a somber
challenge the Stormwyrm and restore balance to the reminder of the sacrifices made in the face of
realm. The elder believes that the adventuring party is overwhelming darkness.
the fulfillment of that prophecy, the chosen ones
destined to confront Zephyrion and bring an end to its Partial Victory
reign of terror. The adventurers confront Zephyrion, but despite their
With urgency in their eyes, the elder implores the valiant efforts, they fall short of completely defeating the
adventurers to gather their strength and embark on a dragon. The battle is fierce, and while they manage to
perilous quest. The key to stopping Zephyrion lies in inflict significant damage, the Stormwyrm escapes,
collecting a series of ancient artifacts scattered across wounded but not vanquished. The realm is granted a
the land, each imbued with the power to weaken the temporary reprieve, but Zephyrion’s malevolence still
dragon’s hold over storms. These artifacts, hidden looms. The adventurers must regroup, vowing to
within treacherous dungeons, guarded by formidable continue their quest to find a way to permanently end
creatures, or protected by powerful enchantments, must the threat posed by the dragon, lest it rise again and
be obtained to assemble the means necessary to unleash chaos anew.
confront the Stormwyrm in its lair.
The villagers, their hopes rekindled by the presence Pyrrhic Defeat
of the adventurers, pledge their support, offering The adventurers face Zephyrion in a climactic
supplies, guidance, and information about the artifacts’ showdown, but despite their best efforts, they are
possible locations. They share tales of legendary heroes overpowered by the Stormwyrm’s overwhelming might.
who have faced great perils in their quests, inspiring the The dragon’s power proves too great to overcome, and
party with their stories of triumph against all odds. the party suffers a devastating defeat. The realm
The adventurers now stand at a crossroads, tasked plunges deeper into chaos as Zephyrion’s wrath grows
with a monumental mission that could determine the stronger. The surviving adventurers are left to lick their
fate of the realm. Will they rise to the challenge, braving wounds and plot their next move, knowing that the path
treacherous lands, battling fearsome creatures, and to victory will require a greater understanding of the
unraveling ancient mysteries to collect the artifacts? dragon’s weaknesses and a newfound determination to
Can they overcome their own doubts and fears to reclaim what has been lost.
confront Zephyrion the Stormwyrm and restore peace
to the ravaged lands?
Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, The Noble Serpent
4. Lady Evangeline Blackthorn
The Noble Serpent
s the sun sets over the bustling Lady Evangeline’s parents, Lord and Lady

city of Arcanvale, casting long shadows Blackthorn, had great aspirations for their daughter.
upon cobblestone streets, an air of They instilled in her the values of nobility, social
intrigue surrounds the figure of Lady responsibility, and the art of diplomacy. She received
Evangeline Blackthorn. Behind the the finest education, learning not only the arts and
façade of a respected and beloved sciences but also the intricacies of courtly intrigue and
noblewoman lies a dark secret that political maneuvering.
shrouds her in mystery and treachery. As Lady Evangeline matured, she developed an
With a CR of 7, Lady Evangeline Blackthorn would pose insatiable thirst for power and recognition. She yearned
a formidable threat to adventurers of levels 4-5. to surpass the limitations imposed upon her by her
noble lineage, seeking to transcend the confines of her
family’s expectations and make her mark upon the city
Physical Description in a way that would etch her name into history.
Lady Evangeline Blackthorn cuts a striking figure with It was during a fateful encounter with a secretive cult
her fiery red tresses cascading down to her shoulders, that Lady Evangeline’s path took a dark turn. Drawn to
framing a face that bears both the marks of wisdom and forbidden knowledge and the allure of forbidden power,
an underlying darkness. Her emerald-green eyes, she became enamored with the cult’s teachings, delving
gleaming with intelligence and ambition, can peer deeper into the dark arts and the worship of a
through one’s soul, piercing through the masks of those malevolent deity known as the Serpent God.
who dare to challenge her. As Lady Evangeline’s devotion to the cult deepened,
Standing at an average height, Lady Evangeline she discovered hidden depths within herself—a
possesses an elegant yet commanding presence. Her penchant for manipulation, a thirst for control, and an
refined features and flawless complexion seem insidious desire to shape the world to her own will. She
untouched by the passage of time, concealing the depths recognized the potential to leverage her noble status,
of her sinister nature. She is often seen clad in opulent cunning intellect, and social connections to advance her
attire, donning intricately embroidered gowns of rich dark ambitions.
fabrics that accentuate her regal demeanor. With each passing ritual and sacrifice, Lady
Lady Evangeline’s voice possesses a velvety Evangeline’s humanity dwindled, consumed by the
smoothness, concealing her true intentions behind shadows that seeped into her soul. The whispers of the
honeyed words that drip with charm and persuasion. Serpent God echoed through her mind, guiding her
Her gestures are deliberate, graceful, and captivating, towards a path of corruption and destruction. She
effortlessly drawing attention to herself and leaving a became the Noble Serpent, a title that symbolized both
lasting impression on those who encounter her. her elevated status in society and the venomous nature
Though Lady Evangeline Blackthorn may appear as a of her true self.
paragon of nobility, her every movement, every smile, Lady Evangeline’s transformation into the Noble
and every whisper hides a malevolent undertone. Her Serpent was a gradual process, fueled by a relentless
true self lurks behind the facade of benevolence, pursuit of power, an insatiable hunger for control, and a
concealed from all but those who dare to venture deep growing detachment from the moral constraints of
into the darkness that shrouds her. society. Now, with her web of deceit spun and her cult
firmly under her command, Lady Evangeline sets her
sights on achieving ultimate dominion over the city and
Origin and History the souls that reside within it.
Born into the prestigious Blackthorn family, Lady
Evangeline hailed from a long line of influential nobles Motivation and Goals
with deep roots in the city’s history. Her childhood was At the core of Lady Evangeline’s motivation lies an
one of privilege and opulence, surrounded by wealth, insatiable hunger for power, control, and the desire to
power, and the expectation to uphold the family’s transcend the limitations of her noble lineage. Her
esteemed reputation. From an early age, Lady upbringing in a society governed by rigid social
Evangeline exhibited a remarkable intellect and a structures and expectations left her yearning for a level
charismatic charm that captivated those around her. of influence that surpassed the reach of her family’s
name alone.

Driven by a twisted ambition, Lady Evangeline seeks Shadowblade Assassins. Lady Evangeline maintains
to ascend to a position of supreme authority, where she a league of deadly assassins known as the
can reshape the city according to her own dark vision. Shadowblades. These highly trained operatives possess
Power has become an obsession for her—a means to a lethal combination of stealth, combat prowess, and
command not only the physical world but also the unwavering loyalty. The Shadowblades strike swiftly
hearts and minds of those who reside within it. and silently, eliminating anyone who poses a threat to
Lady Evangeline’s ultimate goal is to establish a Lady Evangeline’s plans or dares to challenge her
tyrannical regime, with herself as the reigning authority.
puppeteer, pulling the strings of power from behind the Each Shadowblade is an expert in the art of
scenes. She envisions a city steeped in chaos and assassination, honing their skills to perfection under
corruption, where the worship of the Serpent God Lady Evangeline’s tutelage. They are adept at blending
reigns supreme and all bow before her as their into the shadows, leaving no trace behind as they carry
malevolent ruler. out their lethal missions. Their allegiance to the Noble
To achieve this, Lady Evangeline orchestrates a Serpent is absolute, fueled by a fanatical devotion to her
series of intricate and far-reaching schemes. She cause.
manipulates the political landscape, sowing seeds of Thralls of the Serpent God. Lady Evangeline has
discord and exploiting the vulnerabilities of influential managed to forge a connection with otherworldly
figures within the city. She utilizes her philanthropic entities, allowing her to bind certain creatures to her
endeavors to garner support and admiration from the will. These thralls serve as her monstrous allies,
masses, all while secretly feeding the dark desires of the executing her commands with ferocity and unwavering
Serpent God. loyalty. They are beings twisted by dark magic, their
Lady Evangeline also seeks to acquire ancient minds and bodies manipulated to align with Lady
artifacts and forbidden knowledge that can amplify her Evangeline’s desires.
powers and solidify her control over the city. These Among her thralls, one can find corrupted beasts,
artifacts serve as conduits for the Serpent God’s undead horrors, and even fiendish entities eager to bask
influence, enabling her to perform rituals of great in the wickedness of the Noble Serpent’s presence.
magnitude, bending reality to her whims and ensuring These creatures act as both guardians and enforcers,
the submission of all who oppose her. protecting Lady Evangeline’s lair and executing her will
Furthermore, Lady Evangeline aims to establish a with ruthless efficiency.
network of loyal followers and disciples who are Corrupted Noble Allies. Lady Evangeline has
fanatically devoted to her cause. Through her cult, she managed to ensnare influential figures within the city’s
entices individuals with promises of power, eternal life, aristocracy, corrupting them to serve her malevolent
and the fulfillment of their deepest desires. She uses cause. These nobles, once pillars of society, now act as
their unwavering loyalty to further her schemes, her puppets, using their wealth, status, and political
employing them as spies, assassins, and instruments of influence to further Lady Evangeline’s agenda from
chaos. within the highest echelons of power.
These corrupted nobles lend legitimacy to Lady
Minions and Allies Evangeline’s actions, deflecting suspicion and ensuring
Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, the Noble Serpent, does that those who might uncover her true nature are
not tread her path of darkness alone. She surrounds silenced or discredited. They serve as her mouthpieces,
herself with a web of minions and powerful allies, each manipulating public opinion and sowing discord among
playing a distinct role in furthering her nefarious their peers to weaken any opposition to the Noble
agenda. Serpent’s rule.
Serpent Cultists. At the heart of Lady Evangeline’s
following lies her cult, comprised of fervent worshippers Lady Evangeline’s Lair
who have pledged their loyalty and souls to the Serpent
God. These cultists serve as the backbone of her Lady Evangeline’s lair is an opulent mansion nestled
organization, carrying out her orders and spreading the amidst the sprawling cityscape. From the outside, it
influence of their dark deity throughout the city. exudes an air of grandeur and sophistication, its elegant
The cultists come from various walks of life, each façade belying the sinister secrets concealed within.
drawn to the allure of power and the promise of The interior is a labyrinth of decadent halls, shadowed
forbidden knowledge. They act as Lady Evangeline’s corridors, and hidden chambers, designed to both
eyes and ears, infiltrating influential circles, and impress and disorient those who venture within.
manipulating events to further her cause. Skilled in The grand entrance hall greets visitors with marble
secrecy and deception, they operate covertly, ensuring floors, towering pillars, and intricate stained glass
their activities remain hidden from prying eyes. windows depicting scenes of serpents and darkness.

The air carries an eerie stillness, broken only by the
faint whisper of unseen servants and the occasional
slithering sound that seems to echo through the halls.
Deep within the mansion lies the inner sanctum, a
chamber dedicated to the worship of the Serpent God.
Here, a massive serpent-shaped statue looms, its stone
eyes seemingly watching all who enter. Altars adorned
with sinister symbols surround the statue, stained with
the remnants of dark rituals performed in honor of the
malevolent deity.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Lady
Evangeline can take one of the following lair actions.
She can’t use the same lair action two rounds in a row:
Serpentine Whispers. Lady Evangeline whispers dark
incantations, causing the walls to writhe with spectral
serpents. Each creature of her choice within 60 feet of
her must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
be charmed for 1 minute. The charmed creature is
compelled to follow Lady Evangeline’s commands.
Shadow Veil. Lady Evangeline merges with the
shadows, becoming invisible and gaining resistance to
all damage until the start of her next turn. While
invisible, she can move through other creatures and
objects as if they were difficult terrain.
Cursed Mists. Lady Evangeline summons a billowing
cloud of cursed mist in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered
on a point she can see within 120 feet of her. The mist
lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind.
Any creature that starts its turn in the mist must make a
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage
on attack rolls and saving throws until the start of its
next turn.
Regional Effects
The presence of Lady Evangeline’s in her mansion is
warping the fabric of reality and amplifying the forces of
darkness. The following effects occur inside her
mansion while Lady Evangeline is present:
Lingering Shadows. The area is perpetually cast in dim
light, granting advantage to creatures with darkvision
and disadvantage to creatures that rely on bright light to
Serpent’s Influence. Snakes and serpentine creatures
within the area gain heightened senses and increased
aggression. They have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks and deal an additional 2d6 poison
damage on a successful bite attack.

Dark Whispers. The air carries a faint, sinister Soul Harvesting. One of Lady Evangeline’s most
undertone, causing unease and paranoia in those heinous schemes involves the harvesting of souls to
sensitive to the supernatural. Creatures with a passive enhance her power. Under the guise of her
Perception of 15 or higher have disadvantage on philanthropic activities, she lures unsuspecting victims
Wisdom (Perception) and Charisma (Persuasion) into her clutches, ensuring their participation in dark
checks made to interact with others. rituals that bind their souls to the Serpent God. These
sacrifices not only grant her increased power but also
Schemes and contribute to the corruption of the city itself, fueling the
darkness that festers beneath the surface.
Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, the Noble Serpent, weaves
an intricate web of schemes and machinations, each Personality
strand designed to further her dark agenda. Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, the Noble Serpent,
Political Intrigue. Lady Evangeline understands the possesses a distinct personality that sets her apart as a
power of politics and exploits it to her advantage. She memorable and formidable villain.
carefully cultivates relationships with influential figures, Manipulative Charisma. Lady Evangeline exudes a
using her charm and wit to sway their opinions and gain captivating charisma that draws others to her like
their trust. Through her network of corrupted nobles moths to a flame. Her presence commands attention,
and cultists, she orchestrates behind-the-scenes and her words have a hypnotic quality, laced with subtle
manipulations, aiming to destabilize the existing power persuasion. She effortlessly manipulates the emotions
structure and create chaos. and desires of those around her, using her charm to
Philanthropic Facade. To maintain her public image bend them to her will.
as a benefactor of society, Lady Evangeline engages in Masks of Deception. Beneath her refined and noble
extensive philanthropic endeavors. She establishes facade lies a master of deception. Lady Evangeline is
charitable organizations, funds orphanages, and skilled at wearing different masks, adapting her persona
supports causes that appear virtuous and selfless. to suit the situation. She can seamlessly transition from
These acts not only generate goodwill among the a charismatic philanthropist to a calculating
populace but also serve as a means to identify potential manipulator, leaving those around her uncertain of her
victims for her dark rituals, ensuring a steady supply of true intentions.
sacrifices to fuel her power. Calculated Intellect. Lady Evangeline’s mind is a
Artifact Acquisition. Lady Evangeline seeks out wellspring of knowledge and strategy. She possesses a
ancient artifacts of great power, viewing them as keen intellect, capable of analyzing complex situations
conduits to amplify her own abilities and strengthen her and formulating elaborate plans. Her schemes are
connection to the Serpent God. She dispatches her meticulously crafted, considering every possible
minions to recover these relics, often resorting to theft, outcome and contingency. She often stays steps ahead
espionage, or coercion to acquire them. These artifacts of her adversaries, making her an incredibly challenging
become focal points for her rituals and allow her to foe to confront.
bend reality to her will, ultimately bringing her closer to Sadistic Pleasures. While Lady Evangeline maintains
achieving ultimate dominion. a composed exterior, beneath the surface lies a sadistic
Subversion of Authority. Lady Evangeline employs streak. She takes delight in the suffering of others,
her charm and manipulative skills to infiltrate the relishing in the power she wields over their fates. Her
highest echelons of power within the city. Through her cruelty manifests in subtle ways, through her
corrupted noble allies, she erodes trust and instigates manipulation of events and the meticulous
conflicts among political and social leaders. By sowing orchestration of the pain and destruction she inflicts
discord and exploiting existing tensions, she weakens upon her enemies.
opposition to her rule and ensures that those who might Emotional Detachment. Lady Evangeline’s pursuit of
uncover her true nature are discredited or eliminated. power has stripped her of much of her humanity. She
Cult Recruitment and Indoctrination. Lady maintains a cold and detached demeanor, rarely
Evangeline actively seeks out individuals who display displaying genuine emotions. Her calculated approach
potential for dark power or possess useful skills. She allows her to make decisions based solely on strategic
entices them with promises of wealth, influence, and advantage, unburdened by sentimentality or empathy.
forbidden knowledge. Once recruited into her cult, these Perfectionist Nature. Lady Evangeline is driven by an
individuals undergo a rigorous indoctrination process, unyielding desire for perfection in all aspects of her life.
their minds and souls twisted to align with the worship She demands meticulous attention to detail from herself
of the Serpent God. They become loyal devotees, further and those under her command. Her pursuit of
expanding the reach and influence of the Noble flawlessness extends to her cult’s rituals, her plans, and

even her appearance. Failure is not an option in her She views herself as a superior being, destined to rule
eyes, and those who disappoint her may face severe over others. This arrogance often blinds her to potential
consequences. weaknesses and blindsides, leaving her vulnerable to
Pride and Arrogance. Lady Evangeline’s rise to unforeseen circumstances.
power has fostered a deep sense of pride and arrogance.
Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, the Noble Serpent
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (studded leather)

Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48)
A ctions
Speed 30 ft. Multiattack: Lady Evangeline makes two attacks, either with her
shortsword or her poison-laced dagger.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5, Cha +8
Skills Deception +11, Insight +8, Persuasion +11, Stealth +9 Poison-Laced Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Damage Resistances poison one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
Condition Immunities charmed poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15
Senses passive Perception 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute, taking
Languages Common, Abyssal 10 (3d6) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. The
Challenge: 7 (2,900 XP) target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on a success.

Dark Devotion: Lady Evangeline has advantage on saving L egendary A ctions

throws against being charmed. Additionally, she has advantage
on Charisma (Deception) checks made to deceive others about Lady Evangeline Blackthorn can take 3 legendary actions,
her true intentions. choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another
Spellcasting: Lady Evangeline is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her creature’s turn. Lady Evangeline regains spent legendary
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with actions at the start of her turn.
spell attacks). She has the following spells prepared from the
wizard spell list: Serpentine Strike: Lady Evangeline makes one shortsword or
Cantrips (at will): Friends, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion poison-laced dagger attack.
1st level (4 slots): Charm Person, Disguise Self, Sleep
Enthralling Presence (Costs 2 Actions): Lady Evangeline targets
2nd level (3 slots): Crown of Madness, Detect Thoughts, one creature she can see within 60 feet. The target must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed
3rd level (3 slots): Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image, Suggestion by Lady Evangeline for 1 minute. The charmed target can repeat
4th level (3 slots): Charm Monster, Dimension Door
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
5th level (2 slots): Dominate Person, Modify Memory effect on a success.

Shadow Step: Lady Evangeline magically teleports up to 30 feet

to an unoccupied space she can see. While invisible, she
remains so until the start of her next turn.

Roleplaying Tips
To truly embody Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, the Noble confidence, maintaining a calm demeanor, and using
Serpent, and bring her to life in your roleplaying persuasive language. Speak with a measured cadence,
sessions, it is essential to understand her personality, choosing words carefully to create an air of authority
mannerisms, and motivations. In this part, we provide and intrigue. Employ subtle body language, such as
guidance on how to portray the character effectively, maintaining eye contact and displaying confident
capturing her manipulative charisma and the darkness gestures, to enhance the impression of control.
that lurks beneath her refined exterior. Layered Deception. Remember that Lady Evangeline
Charismatic Manipulation. Lady Evangeline is a master of deception, adept at wearing different
possesses an innate charm and charisma that draws masks to conceal her true intentions. Play her as a
others to her. When roleplaying her, focus on exuding character who carefully chooses her words, often

speaking in veiled terms and half-truths. Allow her true The party must navigate a web of deception and
motives to remain hidden until pivotal moments, when intrigue, discreetly gathering evidence and allies who
she reveals a calculated revelation that leaves others share their concerns about Lady Evangeline’s true
questioning their trust in her. Emphasize her ability to nature. They must tread carefully, for any overt action
adapt her persona to suit the situation, seamlessly could jeopardize their investigation and expose their
transitioning between charm and cold calculation. intentions to the powerful noblewoman and her network
Sadistic Satisfaction. While Lady Evangeline of loyalists.
presents herself as a refined noblewoman, don’t shy As they dig deeper, the party discovers a series of
away from her sadistic tendencies. Infuse your portrayal disappearances, each connected to Lady Evangeline’s
with subtle hints of pleasure she takes in the suffering charitable efforts. Their investigation uncovers a pattern
of others. Let a gleam of amusement dance in her eyes of unsuspecting individuals being lured into the clutches
when she witnesses pain or witnesses the results of her of the cult, their souls sacrificed to appease a dark deity
manipulations. Showcase her penchant for and grant Lady Evangeline increased power and
psychological torment, enjoying the control she exerts influence.
over her victims’ minds and emotions. To uncover the truth, the party must infiltrate Lady
Calculated Intellect. Lady Evangeline’s intelligence Evangeline’s inner circle, attending exclusive social
and strategic mindset are key facets of her character. events, gaining her trust, and unraveling the layers of
Demonstrate her sharp intellect through insightful secrecy that shield her true intentions. Along the way,
observations, clever deductions, and shrewd analysis of they encounter loyal cultists, corrupted nobles, and
situations. Engage in intellectual banter with other hidden chambers within the grand mansion where Lady
characters, allowing her to showcase her knowledge Evangeline resides.
and manipulate conversations to her advantage. Utilize The stakes grow higher as the adventurers draw
her intellect to anticipate her opponents’ moves and stay closer to exposing Lady Evangeline and disrupting her
one step ahead. malevolent plans. They must race against time, as the
Superficial Nobility. Lady Evangeline’s noble next ritual sacrifice looms on the horizon—a ceremony
upbringing is an integral part of her persona. that could tip the balance of power in favor of the Noble
Emphasize her refined mannerisms, grace, and Serpent.
elegance in her interactions. Portray her as someone Will the party succeed in exposing Lady Evangeline’s
who is well-versed in etiquette and social norms, true nature and thwarting her dark rituals? Or will they
expertly navigating high society. Display her knowledge fall victim to her cunning and face the consequences of
of the arts, culture, and aristocratic traditions. However, crossing a powerful and influential figure in the city?
always keep in mind that her noble façade is a carefully
crafted illusion hiding the darkness that lies within.
Emotional Detachment. Lady Evangeline’s pursuit of Alternative Endings
power has stripped her of much of her humanity, The confrontation with Lady Evangeline Blackthorn, the
resulting in emotional detachment. Depict her as Noble Serpent, can unfold in various ways, influenced
someone who rarely displays genuine emotions, by the actions and choices of the party.
maintaining a cold and composed exterior even in the
face of adversity. Show little sympathy or empathy, Triumph of Justice
allowing her decisions to be driven purely by strategic Through their unwavering determination and
advantage and personal gain. resourcefulness, the adventurers gather enough
evidence to expose Lady Evangeline’s true nature to the
Adventure Hook city’s authorities. The noblewoman is apprehended, and
In the bustling city, Lady Evangeline Blackthorn is her cult is dismantled. The missing individuals are
revered as a pillar of society—a noblewoman known for rescued, and the city begins the process of healing from
her charitable works and unwavering commitment to the darkness that plagued it. Lady Evangeline is brought
uplifting the less fortunate. However, a shadowy group to trial, and justice is served, restoring hope and
of individuals, aware of her true nature, seeks to expose restoring faith in the system.
her dark secrets and put an end to her reign of
manipulation and sacrifice. Dark Ascendancy
The party receives a clandestine message from an The adventurers, succumbing to temptation or
anonymous informant, known only as the “Whispering manipulation, become ensnared in Lady Evangeline’s
Shadow.” The message warns of Lady Evangeline’s web of influence. They are gradually drawn into her cult,
secret cult and the insidious rituals performed under the their own desires twisted to align with her dark agenda.
guise of her philanthropy. The Whispering Shadow In a shocking twist, they become the very instruments of
pleads for the adventurers’ aid in uncovering the truth Lady Evangeline’s rise to power. The city falls under her
and bringing justice to the city.
control, and darkness engulfs all who dare to oppose Bittersweet Redemption
her. The campaign takes a darker turn as the Recognizing the depths of her depravity and seeking
adventurers become agents of evil, setting the stage for redemption, Lady Evangeline turns on her own cult and
a thrilling sequel or a new chapter of the campaign. attempts to dismantle the organization she once led.
She aids the adventurers in rescuing the missing
The Serpent’s Subterfuge individuals and foiling the cult’s plans. However, her
Lady Evangeline, ever the master of deception, manages past actions cannot be easily forgiven, and she faces a
to evade the adventurers’ grasp. She disappears into the difficult path toward redemption. The campaign ends
shadows, leaving behind a trail of confusion and doubt. with Lady Evangeline seeking to atone for her sins, her
The city remains unaware of her true nature, and her fate uncertain but her desire for redemption unyielding.
cult continues to operate in secrecy. The adventurers
are left with a bitter sense of unfinished business,
vowing to continue their pursuit and unravel the enigma
of the Noble Serpent in future adventures.

Kharok Ironblood, The Warbringer
5. Kharok Ironblood
The Warbringer
harok ironblood, a name that Raised within the harsh traditions and brutal customs of

sends shivers down the spines of those the orc tribes, Kharok underwent a rigorous upbringing
who have witnessed his wrath, stands as that tested his mettle. Through countless battles and
a symbol of raw power and unyielding trials, he honed his combat skills and developed a
determination. Born into the chaotic strategic mind that allowed him to outmaneuver his
world of orc tribes, Kharok rose above adversaries. As the years passed, his thirst for power
his peers to become a chieftain like no and conquest grew, driving him to seek dominance over
other. With an insatiable hunger for the scattered orc tribes.
conquest and an indomitable will, Kharok has emerged It was during a decisive battle against a rival tribe that
as a force to be reckoned with, instilling fear and awe in Kharok’s destiny truly took shape. Faced with
the hearts of all who oppose him. With a CR of 10, overwhelming odds, his leadership and tactical
Kharok Ironblood poses a formidable threat to brilliance turned the tide of the conflict. Witnessing his
adventurers of levels 7-9. prowess in battle, the surviving members of the
defeated tribe recognized Kharok’s strength and
pledged their allegiance to him. This pivotal moment
Physical Description marked the beginning of his journey towards unifying
Kharok Ironblood is an imposing figure, even by orcish the orc tribes under his banner.
standards. Towering over his kin at a staggering 7 feet As Kharok’s influence grew, he faced internal
tall, he possesses a muscular and heavily scarred challenges within his own tribe. Ambitious rivals sought
physique, a testament to his countless battles and to undermine his authority, questioning his suitability to
victories. His skin, a deep shade of green, is adorned lead. However, with calculated cunning and brute force,
with ritualistic tattoos that signify his status as the Kharok swiftly quelled any dissent, instilling fear and
chosen leader of his tribe. loyalty among his followers. He proved time and again
Kharok’s broad shoulders bear the weight of that he was not just a conqueror, but a leader capable of
immense armor, forged with the finest steel and ensuring the prosperity and dominance of the orc tribes.
adorned with spikes and menacing decorations. His Amidst his rise to power, Kharok stumbled upon an
armor, a reflection of his fearsome reputation, serves as ancient prophecy—a foretelling of his own demise at the
a stark reminder of the impending danger lurking within hands of a human hero. The revelation shook him to his
him. A massive warhammer, etched with tribal symbols core, threatening to unravel the very foundation of his
and stained with the blood of fallen foes, rests firmly in ambition. Fear gripped his heart, and a burning desire
his hand, ready to unleash devastation upon his to defy fate ignited within him. The prophecy became
enemies. both his obsession and his greatest secret, fueling his
Kharok’s face bears the marks of a lifetime of conflict. relentless pursuit of power and conquest.
His piercing red eyes gleam with a mix of fury and Driven by a deep-seated dread, Kharok became a
cunning, reflecting his strategic prowess. A thick, black figure of ruthless determination, willing to commit
beard frames his face, bristling with war braids that tell unspeakable acts to prevent the prophecy from
tales of past glories. His teeth, sharpened to points, becoming a reality. The atrocities he unleashed upon
accentuate the savage nature that lies within him. rival tribes and innocent settlements alike were but
means to an end—a desperate bid to eradicate any
potential threat that could herald his downfall. Little did
Origin and History the world know that behind his insatiable thirst for
Kharok Ironblood was born amidst the rugged, untamed dominion lay a vulnerability that threatened to consume
wilderness of the orc lands. His birth heralded the him.
arrival of a destined leader, as the shamans foretold in Motivation and Goals
their ancient prophecies. From an early age, Kharok
displayed exceptional physical prowess and an At the heart of Kharok’s motivations lies a potent mix of
unwavering determination that set him apart from his ambition, fear, and an insatiable thirst for power. The
peers. His natural talent for commanding and leading prophecied demise at the hands of a human hero haunts
others soon became evident, drawing the attention of him relentlessly, igniting a desperate need to subvert
his tribe’s elders. fate’s design. The fear of his own mortality has
transformed Kharok into a force of unyielding

determination, pushing him to seek dominion over the forged through years of shared triumphs and bloodshed.
orc tribes and beyond. Brakka’s skill with the blade is unparalleled, and he
Kharok believes that by amassing unmatched power serves as Kharok’s enforcer, executing his leader’s will
and uniting all orc tribes under his banner, he can with ruthless efficiency. With a quiet demeanor and an
thwart the prophecy and protect himself from the unyielding dedication, Brakka is the embodiment of
foretold end. His motivation is deeply personal, fueled unwavering loyalty and the epitome of Kharok’s vision
by a primal instinct to survive at any cost. This fear- for unity and strength.
driven ambition fuels his every action, shaping the
course of his conquest and dictating the means by Morgath Shadowclaw, The Cunning
which he achieves his goals. Strategist
Kharok’s ultimate goal is to unite all orc tribes under Morgath Shadowclaw, a cunning goblin tactician, has
his leadership and forge a formidable orcish empire that pledged his allegiance to Kharok’s cause. His expertise
will dominate the realms. He seeks to bring an end to in guerrilla warfare and intricate planning makes him
the internal conflicts and divisions that have long an invaluable asset to the Warbringer’s conquest.
plagued the orcish people, envisioning a unified force Morgath’s diminutive size belies his intellect and
capable of striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. resourcefulness. He specializes in espionage, gathering
Through conquest, he aims to establish an unassailable valuable intelligence and sabotaging enemy forces. With
dominion that will ensure the survival and prosperity of his sharp wit and knowledge of the land, Morgath
his kin. ensures that Kharok’s forces strike with precision and
To achieve his ambitions, Kharok employs a mix of are always one step ahead of their adversaries.
strategic brilliance, ruthless force, and manipulation. He
carefully orchestrates alliances, instigates conflicts Gravok Skullcrusher, The
among rival tribes, and crushes opposition with Indomitable Giant
calculated precision. His charisma and iron will bind his Gravok Skullcrusher, a massive ogre renowned for his
followers to him, forging a loyalty born out of respect, brute strength, aligns himself with Kharok’s cause.
fear, and the promise of a glorious future under his Standing at a towering 10 feet tall, Gravok is a living
reign. embodiment of destruction. His role within Kharok’s
While Kharok’s motivations are driven by self- ranks is to serve as the vanguard, leading the charge
preservation, his unyielding pursuit of power has led into battle with his massive greataxe and impenetrable
him down a dark path. To prevent the prophecy’s fortitude. Gravok’s sheer presence on the battlefield
fulfillment, he resorts to committing unspeakable strikes fear into the hearts of even the hardiest warriors,
atrocities in the name of his conquest. His brutal tactics and his unwavering loyalty to Kharok makes him a force
leave a trail of destruction and despair in his wake, to be reckoned with.
instilling fear not only among his enemies but also
within his own ranks. The Tribe of Bloodfang
The weight of Kharok’s fear and the depths to which The Tribe of Bloodfang, once scattered and divided, has
he descends to protect himself are a chilling testament pledged their allegiance to Kharok’s cause. Comprising
to the lengths he is willing to go. The once noble fierce orc warriors, skilled archers, and cunning
aspirations of unity and strength have become tainted shamans, they form the backbone of the Warbringer’s
by his desperation, leaving a legacy of bloodshed and forces. Led by tribal chiefs who have sworn fealty to
suffering in their wake. The path he walks is a Kharok, the Tribe of Bloodfang fights with unyielding
treacherous one, fraught with moral ambiguity and loyalty and unwavering conviction. Their unity under
sacrifices that may forever stain his name. Kharok’s banner instills a sense of camaraderie and
purpose, creating a formidable fighting force capable of
overwhelming any opposition.
Minions and Allies
In this section, we delve into the individuals and
creatures that serve Kharok Ironblood, the Warbringer. Kharok’s Lair: The
We explore the loyal minions and powerful allies who
align themselves with his cause, highlighting their roles, Blood Iron Hold
abilities, and relationships with the BBEG. Deep within the treacherous mountain ranges, nestled
amidst jagged peaks and shadowed valleys, lies the
Brakka Bloodfury, Right Hand of formidable stronghold of Kharok Ironblood—the Blood
Kharok Iron Hold. A testament to orcish strength and resilience,
Brakka Bloodfury stands as Kharok’s most trusted the fortress stands as a grim monument to the
lieutenant and right hand. A formidable orc warrior, Warbringer’s might. Constructed from rough-hewn
Brakka possesses an unwavering loyalty to his chieftain, stone and fortified with thick iron battlements, the

stronghold exudes an aura of foreboding power that
warns would-be intruders of the perils that await within.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Kharok
Ironblood can take a lair action to harness the energy of
his domain. He can choose one of the following effects.
Kharok can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
Bloodlust Surge. Kharok taps into his intimidating
presence, causing the air within the stronghold to
become charged with a palpable bloodlust. Until the
start of Kharok’s next turn, all allied creatures within
the stronghold gain temporary hit points equal to his
Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) and have advantage
on their next attack roll.
Earthquake Tremors. Kharok slams his foot into the
ground, sending tremors rippling through the fortress.
The ground within a 30-foot radius of Kharok becomes
difficult terrain until the start of his next turn.
Additionally, all creatures within that radius must make
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
Rallying Cry. Kharok unleashes a thunderous war cry,
inspiring his minions to fight with renewed fervor. Until
the start of his next turn, all allied creatures within the
stronghold regain hit points equal to his Charisma
modifier (minimum of 1) and have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened.
Regional Effects
The region surrounding the Blood Iron Hold bears the
unmistakable marks of Kharok Ironblood’s dominion.
The following effects occur within a 1-mile radius of the
Aura of Dominance. All allied creatures within the area
gain a +2 bonus to their attack rolls and saving throws.
Tribes United. The orc tribes in the vicinity of the
stronghold experience decreased infighting and
increased cohesion. They are more likely to form
alliances and unite against external threats.
Territorial Domination. The lands surrounding the
stronghold display signs of Kharok’s conquest. Orcish
banners fly proudly from conquered settlements and
outposts, while the inhabitants of these areas live in
constant fear and subjugation.
Schemes and
Below, you’ll the elaborate plans, strategies, and plots
employed by Kharok to further his goals. We study the
intricate web of schemes and machinations he weaves,
showcasing his cunning and strategic brilliance.
Unifying the Orc Tribes
Kharok’s primary scheme revolves around his relentless Personality
pursuit of unifying all orc tribes under his leadership. Now, let’s delve into the distinct personality traits,
Aware of the internal conflicts and divisions that have habits, and quirks that make Kharok Ironblood a
weakened the orcish people for centuries, he employs a memorable and unique villain.
Ruthless Ambition. Kharok Ironblood’s personality is
two-pronged approach. First, Kharok exploits existing defined by his ruthless ambition and unwavering
rivalries, stoking tensions between tribes and fueling determination. Every action he takes, every decision he
their desire for dominance. Through strategic makes, is driven by his insatiable thirst for power and
manipulation, he ensures that these conflicts serve his his desire to defy the prophecy that haunts him. This
purpose, eliminating weaker tribes and subjugating the ambition is relentless, propelling him forward even in
survivors under his banner. the face of insurmountable odds or the harshest of
Simultaneously, Kharok employs diplomacy and setbacks. Kharok’s unwavering focus on his goals is
cunning to forge alliances with powerful tribal chiefs matched only by the ferocity with which he pursues
and influential leaders. He entices them with promises them.
of a united orcish empire, offering protection, wealth, Strategic Brilliance. Beneath his fearsome exterior
and the opportunity to participate in his grand vision. By lies a mind honed in the art of strategy and tactics.
uniting strong and influential tribes, Kharok gains both Kharok possesses a brilliant strategic mind, capable of
military might and political support, solidifying his analyzing complex situations and devising intricate
position as the undisputed leader of the orcish people. plans to achieve his objectives. He sees battles as a
grand chessboard, positioning his forces with precision
Propaganda and Fear and exploiting weaknesses in his enemies’ defenses.
Recognizing the power of perception, Kharok employs Kharok’s strategic brilliance allows him to outmaneuver
propaganda and fear as potent tools to manipulate both his foes and secure victory where others might falter.
his enemies and his own followers. He spreads tales of Calculated Brutality. Kharok’s persona is marked by a
his invincibility, exaggerating his victories and instilling cold and calculated brutality. He understands that in his
a sense of awe in those who hear of his exploits. By quest for power, there will be casualties and sacrifices.
crafting a fearsome image, Kharok ensures that his He does not shy away from committing acts of
enemies approach him with trepidation, reducing their unspeakable violence or atrocity if he believes it will
morale and willingness to resist. further his goals. Kharok’s brutality is purposeful,
Within his own ranks, Kharok uses fear as a means of serving as a reminder to both his enemies and his
control. He carefully cultivates an atmosphere of followers that he is not a force to be trifled with. His
absolute loyalty and unwavering obedience, employing calculated approach to violence sets him apart from
brutal punishments for those who question his mere savagery, as he wields brutality as a weapon to
authority. The fear of retribution and the desire to avoid strike fear into the hearts of his adversaries.
the fate that befell those who crossed him ensures Intense Charisma. Despite his ruthless nature,
compliance and unquestioning devotion among his Kharok possesses an intense charisma that draws
followers. others to him. His commanding presence exudes
confidence and authority, captivating those who cross
his path. He has a magnetic charm that can inspire
The Deception of Power loyalty and devotion, enticing individuals to join his
While Kharok’s primary motivation lies in defying the cause and follow him willingly. Kharok’s charisma is a
prophecy of his demise, his machinations extend potent tool that he skillfully wields to sway others to his
beyond personal survival. He presents himself as a way of thinking and solidify his position as a leader.
visionary leader, driven by a noble desire to bring order Veiled Vulnerability. Beneath his imposing exterior
and prosperity to the orcish people. This deception and ruthless demeanor, Kharok harbors a veiled
allows him to rally his followers and gain their vulnerability. The fear of his own demise, as foretold by
unwavering loyalty, all the while concealing the depths the prophecy, haunts him deeply. This vulnerability is
of his fear and the atrocities committed in the pursuit of his driving force, fueling his ambition and fueling his
his ambitions. determination to defy fate. Yet, Kharok guards this
vulnerability fiercely, allowing only the faintest glimpses
of it to be seen. It is a vulnerability that few are aware of,
and he will go to great lengths to protect his secret.

Kharok Ironblood, the Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Warbringer target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Large humanoid (orc), chaotic evil Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class: 18 (plate armor)
Hit Points: 180 (20d8 + 100) Intimidating Roar (Recharge 5-6). Kharok unleashes a thunderous
Speed: 30 ft. roar. Each creature of his choice within 30 feet of him must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA frightened for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat the
22 (+6) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.
Saving Throws: Str +10, Con +9, Cha +8
L egendary A ctions
Skills: Athletics +10, Intimidation +8, Perception +6
Kharok can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Languages: Common, Orc
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Kharok regains
Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)
spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Brutal Strikes. Kharok’s melee weapon attacks deal an extra 9 Relentless Assault. Kharok moves up to his speed and makes a
(2d8) damage. melee attack against a creature of his choice. This movement
does not provoke opportunity attacks. If the attack hits, it deals
Warleader’s Aura. Kharok and friendly creatures within 30 feet of an additional 14 (4d6) slashing damage.
him gain a +3 bonus to melee weapon damage rolls.
Inspiring Shout. Kharok bolsters the morale of his allies. Up to
Indomitable Will. Kharok has advantage on saving throws three friendly creatures within 30 feet of him regain 10 hit
against being charmed or frightened. points.

A ctions Warlord’s Command. Kharok issues a command to one of his

minions within 60 feet of him. The minion can immediately use
Multiattack. Kharok makes three melee attacks: two with his its reaction to make a melee attack against a target of Kharok’s
greataxe and one with his warhammer. choosing.

Roleplaying Tips
Below, we offer guidance on how to embody and portray guarded nature crack momentarily, revealing a flicker of
the personality, mannerisms, and presence of Kharok vulnerability that serves as a reminder of his humanity.
Ironblood, the Warbringer, during gameplay. These glimpses can create intrigue and complexity,
Commanding Presence. When portraying Kharok adding depth to his character and encouraging players
Ironblood, emphasize his commanding presence and to question his motivations.
aura of authority. Speak with confidence and conviction, Charismatic Manipulation. Highlight Kharok’s
projecting his unyielding determination and indomitable charisma and ability to manipulate others to further his
will. Use a deep, authoritative voice to convey his power cause. Portray him as a masterful orator, able to rally
and dominance. Kharok’s mere presence should make his followers and sway the opinions of others with his
it clear that he is a force to be reckoned with, and his words. Showcase his ability to inspire loyalty and
words should carry weight and gravitas. devotion through charm and persuasion. Use persuasive
Ruthless Ambition. Highlight Kharok’s ruthless language and captivating gestures to demonstrate his
ambition and unwavering drive. Portray his single- charismatic presence.
minded focus on achieving his goals, emphasizing his Unyielding Leadership. Demonstrate Kharok’s
willingness to go to any lengths necessary to achieve unwavering leadership and ability to command. Portray
them. Show his unyielding determination, whether him as a decisive and strategic leader, guiding his forces
through his words or actions. Kharok should exhibit a with authority and tactical brilliance. Show how he
sense of relentless pursuit, never wavering in the face of inspires loyalty and obedience from his minions through
adversity and always pushing forward in his conquest. both fear and respect. Emphasize his ability to make
Veiled Vulnerability. Though carefully concealed, give difficult decisions and lead by example, showcasing his
glimpses of Kharok’s veiled vulnerability. Show subtle unwavering resolve even in the face of adversity.
moments of doubt or contemplation that hint at his fear
of the prophecy and the weight it bears on him. Let his

Adventure Hook Alternative Endings
A dark shadow looms over the land as reports emerge Let’s explore different possible outcomes for the
of a ruthless orcish warlord, Kharok Ironblood, who has confrontation with Kharok Ironblood, taking into
embarked on a relentless campaign of conquest. account the choices and actions of the players. These
Villages lay in ruin, their inhabitants slaughtered or alternative endings offer varying degrees of success or
enslaved, as Kharok’s forces sweep through the land. failure, adding depth to the overall story and allowing
Whispers circulate among the survivors, tales of for a dynamic and impactful conclusion to the
Kharok’s violent and sadistic treatment of humans, as if campaign.
driven by a deep-rooted hatred.
As the adventurers venture forth, they witness the
aftermath of Kharok’s atrocities firsthand. The Triumph and Redemption
warlord’s forces leave a trail of destruction in their The adventurers prove to be an unstoppable force,
wake, with human settlements as their primary targets. rallying allies and forming a united front against Kharok
Survivors recount harrowing tales of villages burned to Ironblood. Through their skill, bravery, and strategic
the ground, innocents mercilessly slaughtered, and thinking, they manage to infiltrate the Blood Iron Hold,
families torn apart. engaging Kharok in an epic battle. After a grueling fight,
As the adventurers delve deeper into the chaos, they they emerge victorious, subduing the Warbringer and
stumble upon a hidden chamber containing ancient freeing the oppressed. Kharok’s reign of terror comes to
texts and cryptic prophecies. Among the dusty tomes, an end, and the prophecy of his demise is fulfilled.
they uncover a forgotten parchment bearing a chilling However, in a surprising turn of events, the
revelation—the prophecy of Kharok’s demise at the adventurers uncover a deeper truth—a vulnerability
hands of a human hero. The truth sends shivers down hidden within Kharok’s heart. Touched by their
their spines, realizing that the warlord’s violent compassion and unwavering determination, Kharok
rampage is driven not only by ambition but also by a experiences a change of heart. With remorse for his
desperate fear of his own fate. past actions, he pledges to atone for his sins and aids
Armed with this newfound knowledge, the the adventurers in rebuilding the war-torn lands.
adventurers are compelled to confront Kharok
Ironblood, to bring an end to his reign of terror and The Prophecy Unleashed
uncover the depths of his secret. Guided by the words of Despite the adventurers’ valiant efforts, they prove no
the prophecy, they must traverse treacherous match for Kharok Ironblood’s overwhelming power. In a
landscapes, navigate political intrigues, and gather allies brutal confrontation, they are defeated, and the
willing to stand against the Warbringer’s overwhelming Warbringer’s reign of terror continues unchecked. The
might. prophecy remains unfulfilled, and the land plunges into
Their path leads them to the heart of Kharok’s an era of darkness and despair.
dominion, the Blood Iron Hold—a formidable fortress The adventurers’ failure serves as a harsh reminder
where the ruthless warlord commands his forces. of the consequences of underestimating their foe and
There, they must face the full extent of Kharok’s the high stakes of their mission. The surviving humans
violence and cunning, as they strive to uncover the truth live under the tyrannical rule of Kharok, their hope
behind the prophecy and find a way to fulfill or defy its crushed and their spirits broken.
ominous prediction.
The fate of the land hangs in the balance as the
adventurers embark on a perilous quest to confront Seeds of Rebellion
Kharok Ironblood. They must navigate a treacherous Although the adventurers are unable to defeat Kharok
world filled with danger and despair, rallying allies and Ironblood in direct combat, their efforts sow the seeds
honing their skills to face the violent warlord and of rebellion and resistance. Through their actions, they
uncover the secrets that lie within his dark heart. Their inspire a movement of brave individuals who rise up
actions will shape the destiny of both human and orcish against the Warbringer’s forces. The rebellion gains
realms, and the truth they unveil about the prophecy momentum, uniting disparate factions and weakening
could hold the key to Kharok’s ultimate downfall. Kharok’s grip on power.
While the final confrontation with Kharok remains
unresolved, the campaign ends with the promise of a
future showdown. The adventurers’ legacy lives on as
the rebellion grows, and hope is rekindled in the hearts
of the oppressed.

Rak’Thar, The Devourer
6. Rak’Thar
The Devourer
n the dark realms of the universe, to corrupt the land. Thus, Rak’Thar the Devourer was

where malevolence lurks and nightmares take born, an entity born from the union of dark incantations
form, there exists a demon of unparalleled and forbidden arcane knowledge.
dread and hunger. Rak’Thar the Devourer, a Rak’Thar awoke to a world of shadows and purpose.
name whispered in terror by those who have Its creators imbued it with a singular directive: to seek
witnessed its terrible presence, embodies the out and consume the sources of dark magic that tainted
very essence of insatiability and gluttony. This the realms. From its inception, Rak’Thar was infused
grotesque and monstrous demon has become a with an insatiable hunger, a gnawing desire to devour
legend, a terrifying force that leaves destruction in its all that stood as a vessel for malevolence.
wake. With a CR of 14, Rak’Thar poses a formidable As the centuries unfolded, Rak’Thar embarked on its
threat to adventurers of levels 10 - 12. mission with ruthless efficiency. It roamed the planes,
tracking down artifacts of immense power and
devouring them, stripping them of their malevolent
Physical Description influence. The demon’s voracious appetite seemed
Rak’Thar, standing at an imposing height of twelve feet, boundless, and no dark magic could escape its insidious
is a sight that strikes fear into the hearts of even the grasp.
bravest adventurers. Its hulking figure is covered by But as Rak’Thar delved deeper into its quest, a
rough, charcoal-black skin, reminiscent of the darkest revelation began to take shape. The demon discovered
abyss. Sinewy muscles ripple beneath its thick hide, that its origins were not merely a product of its creators’
giving it an aura of raw power. Two massive, curved will, but a desperate measure to prevent a cataclysmic
horns protrude from its forehead, twisting like the event. The dark magic it consumed was not purely evil;
gnarled branches of a long-dead tree. it was a delicate balance of power that held the potential
Its face, twisted with an eternal hunger, bears a for great destruction if misused.
mouth filled with jagged teeth, dripping with venomous With this newfound knowledge, Rak’Thar found itself
saliva. Dark, glowing red eyes burn with an insatiable torn between its directive to consume and its
appetite, reflecting a sinister intelligence that hints at understanding of the delicate equilibrium of magic. The
the demon’s cunning nature. Rak’Thar’s hands end in demon’s purpose became blurred, and questions
wickedly sharp claws, capable of rending through flesh plagued its mind. Was it a savior or a harbinger of
and stone alike, serving as a constant reminder of the doom? Was its purpose to eliminate all dark magic, or
devastation it can unleash upon its enemies. was there a greater purpose yet to be unveiled? :ivation
The demon’s form is ever-shifting, as if composed of and Goals
an inky darkness that writhes and contorts. Shadows Within the depths of Rak’Thar the Devourer’s twisted
cling to its figure, moving with an unnatural life of their being lies a motivation that fuels its insatiable hunger
own, amplifying the creature’s already intimidating and relentless pursuit. Although the lines between
presence. The air surrounding Rak’Thar crackles with villainy and protectorship have blurred, the demon’s
an otherworldly energy, leaving a sense of unease in its ultimate objectives remain shrouded in a murky fog of
wake. uncertainty.
Unquenchable Hunger. At the core of Rak’Thar’s
being lies an insatiable hunger that drives its every
Origin and History action. The demon craves the consumption of dark
Long ago, in an age lost to the annals of time, a cabal of magic and the artifacts that embody it. It is an intrinsic
powerful sorcerers and mystics formed an order known need, an unyielding desire to devour and absorb the
as the Guardians of Absolution. Faced with the threat of malevolent energies that threaten to disrupt the balance
rising dark magic and artifacts of immense power, the of power in the realms.
Absorbing Unimaginable Power. With each artifact
Guardians sought a means to neutralize these consumed, Rak’Thar experiences a surge of raw energy.
malevolent forces before they unleashed chaos upon the The dark magic within these artifacts is not entirely evil,
realms. but a potent force that holds the potential for both
Through forbidden rituals and forbidden arts, the creation and destruction. As Rak’Thar absorbs this
Guardians devised a plan to create an entity capable of power, it seeks to harness it, to ascend to heights of
consuming and purging dark magic. They sought to unimaginable might and become a force capable of
mold a being that could not only devour the essence of reshaping the very fabric of reality.
these artifacts but also the evil energies that threatened
Preserving the Balance. While Rak’Thar’s initial Alliances of Convenience. Though Rak’Thar is a
purpose was to eradicate dark magic, the revelation of creature of darkness, it recognizes the potential benefits
its creators’ intentions cast doubt upon its single- of alliances. The demon has been known to form
minded directive. The demon recognizes that dark temporary and uneasy partnerships with individuals
magic, when wielded responsibly, can be a source of who possess their own motives aligned with the cause
great good. It now seeks to strike a delicate balance of preserving the realms. These alliances are often
between consuming malevolent magic and preserving tenuous and short-lived, as Rak’Thar’s unpredictable
the necessary forces that maintain harmony within the nature and insatiable hunger can strain even the most
realms. practical of arrangements.
Protecting the Realms. Beneath Rak’Thar’s
monstrous exterior lies a flicker of the ancient order’s
original intent – to safeguard the realms from the Rak’Thar’s Lair
destructive potential of dark magic. Although the The Abyssal Maw, as Rak’Thar’s lair is known, lies deep
demon’s methods may be unsettling, its ultimate goal within the heart of the Abyss, a plane of unfathomable
aligns with the preservation of a fragile equilibrium. It evil. This realm, a seething cauldron of chaos and
seeks to shield the realms from those who would corruption, provides an ideal environment for the
misuse dark magic, ensuring that such power remains demon’s nefarious deeds. The Maw itself is a massive,
in the hands of the worthy and not the corrupt. jagged cavern, formed by the ceaseless shifting of the
Abyssal tides. Its walls are rough and jagged, as if
Minions and Allies carved by the claws of the damned themselves. Dark,
Behind every formidable villain, there are those who viscous ichor drips from the ceiling, pooling into vile
lend their loyalty and strength to further the cause. puddles on the uneven floor, emitting an acrid stench
Rak’Thar the Devourer, with its insatiable hunger and that permeates the air.
enigmatic purpose, is no exception. The demon As one ventures deeper into the Abyssal Maw, the
commands a legion of minions and allies, each serving a temperature drops to a bone-chilling cold, causing a
crucial role in its quest to consume dark magic and shiver to crawl up even the bravest adventurer’s spine.
reshape the realms. The very air feels oppressive, filled with an ethereal
Darkspawn. At the forefront of Rak’Thar’s minions whispering that hints at the tormented souls forever
are the Darkspawn, twisted creatures birthed from the trapped within the abyssal plane. The sound echoes
very essence of dark magic. These abominations are the through the cavern, creating an unsettling symphony of
physical manifestations of the malevolent energy that anguish.
Rak’Thar seeks to consume. They are hulking, shadowy
beings, their forms constantly shifting and pulsating
with an eerie aura. Darkspawn possess an inherent Lair Actions
resistance to magical attacks and are capable of On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Rak’Thar
absorbing spells cast upon them, further fueling can take a lair action to harness the dark energies of its
Rak’Thar’s insatiable appetite. Abyssal Maw. Rak’Thar can use up to three of the
The Order of Shadows. Deep within the shadows, a following lair actions:
clandestine organization known as the Order of
Shadows pledges their allegiance to Rak’Thar. Consuming Shadows. Rak’Thar summons the shadows
Composed of skilled assassins, sorcerers, and spies, within its lair, causing them to writhe and lash out at
these individuals are united by a common belief in the intruders. Each creature of Rak’Thar’s choice within 60
delicate balance of magic. They aid Rak’Thar by seeking feet must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6
out sources of dark magic and gathering valuable necrotic damage and have their speed halved until the
artifacts for the demon’s consumption. The Order’s end of their next turn.
loyalty to Rak’Thar is unwavering, driven by their
shared understanding of the necessity of controlling and Vortex of Despair. Rak’Thar creates a swirling vortex of
purging the taint of darkness. despair, emanating an aura of hopelessness and doubt.
Elemental Servants. Rak’Thar has the ability to bind The vortex extends in a 30-foot radius centered on
and command powerful elemental entities, calling upon Rak’Thar and lasts for 1 minute or until dismissed.
them to serve its cause. These elemental servants, While within the vortex, creatures must succeed on a
embodiments of the primal forces of nature, bend to the Wisdom saving throw at the start of their turn or suffer
will of the demon. Fire, ice, earth, and lightning respond disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
to Rak’Thar’s commands, wreaking havoc upon those throws until the start of their next turn.
who dare to stand in its way. The elemental servants not
only offer formidable combat abilities but also aid in the
detection and retrieval of hidden sources of dark magic.
Nullification Field.Rak’Thar creates an anti-magic field
within a 30-foot radius centered on itself. Spells and
other magical effects, except those created by Rak’Thar,
are suppressed while in the area. The field lasts for 1
round or until Rak’Thar is incapacitated or chooses to
end it.
Regional Effects
The presence of Rak’Thar the Devourer within its lair
creates the following regional effects:
Darkened Veil. The skies within a 5-mile radius of the
lair are perpetually shrouded in an ominous darkness.
This darkness creates dim light conditions even during
daylight hours, obscuring vision and instilling a sense of
Twisted Resonance. The ambient magic in the region
becomes tainted by Rak’Thar’s presence. Whenever a
spell is cast within the lair or its immediate vicinity,
there is a 25% chance that it triggers a wild magic
Echoes of Torment. The very air within a 1-mile
radius of the lair reverberates with the echoes of past
suffering. This psychic resonance amplifies the negative
emotions of those within the region, eroding their will to
resist. All creatures hostile to Rak’Thar have
disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened
or charmed, and any effects that would grant advantage
on saving throws against being frightened or charmed
are nullified.

Schemes and
Within the twisted heart of Rak’Thar beats a mind
brimming with cunning and malice. The demon’s
insatiable hunger is matched only by its intricate web of
schemes and machinations, carefully done to further its
objectives and reshape the realms to its own design.
Corruption of Artifacts. Rak’Thar’s primary scheme
revolves around the consumption of powerful artifacts
infused with dark magic. The demon seeks to locate and
corrupt these items, drawing upon their malevolent
energies to fuel its own ascent to unimaginable power.
Through its minions and allies, Rak’Thar orchestrates
intricate plans to acquire and manipulate these artifacts,
leaving a trail of devastation and chaos in its wake.
Unleashing Ancient Evils. Rak’Thar, in its insidious
plots, seeks to awaken and unleash ancient evils long
dormant within the realms. By carefully orchestrating
events and tampering with forgotten rituals, the demon
aims to break the seals that bind these malevolent
entities. Once released, these ancient horrors serve as
both distractions for would-be heroes and sources of
dark magic for Rak’Thar’s consumption.

Veiling True Intentions. As a creature born from secrecy as the shadows it commands. Within the depths of this
and manipulation, Rak’Thar excels in veiling its true monstrous entity lies a distinct set of traits, habits, and
intentions beneath layers of misdirection. The demon quirks that set it apart, making it a memorable and
employs double-bluffs and subterfuge, obscuring its unique demon within the realms.
ultimate objectives from prying eyes. The web of deceit Unyielding Hunger. At the core of Rak’Thar’s being is
it spins is intricate and far-reaching, ensnaring the an unyielding hunger that defines its existence. This
unwary and guiding events towards a path that serves insatiable appetite drives the demon’s every action,
its insatiable hunger. dictating its relentless pursuit of dark magic and
artifacts. The hunger fuels Rak’Thar’s determination,
Personality giving it an unwavering focus on its goals, even as its
Rak’Thar the Devourer, with its grotesque visage and true intentions remain veiled beneath layers of
insatiable hunger, possesses a personality as enigmatic deception.
Magic Resistance. Rak’Thar has advantage on saving throws
Rak’Thar the Devourer against spells and other magical effects.
Large fiend (demon), lawful neutral
Regeneration. Rak’Thar regains 15 hit points at the start of its
Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) turn. If it takes radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function at the
Hit Points 190 (20d10 + 80) start of its next turn. Rak’Thar dies only if it starts its turn with 0
Speed 40 ft. hit points and doesn’t regenerate.


22 (+6) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
Multiattack. Rak’Thar makes three attacks: one with its bite and
two with its claws.
Saving Throws Str +11, Con +9, Wis +8, Cha +9
Skills Perception +8, Arcana +8 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Damage Resistances Cold, Fire, Lightning; Bludgeoning, Hit 18 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become
Damage Immunities Poison poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw
Condition Immunities Poisoned at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 success.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit 15 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
Innate Spellcasting. Rak’Thar’s spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 17). It can innately cast the following spells, Consume Essence (Recharge 5-6). Rak’Thar targets one creature it
requiring no material components: can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 17
At will: Detect Magic, Gust of Wind, Telekinesis Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) necrotic damage on
3/day each: Dispel Magic, Fly, Stoneskin a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
1/day: Dominate Monster, True Seeing Additionally, on a failed save, the target’s hit point maximum is
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. If the
Devour Magic. Whenever Rak’Thar starts its turn within 10 feet target’s hit point maximum is reduced to 0 as a result of this
of a creature concentrating on a spell, it can use its reaction to attack, it is killed outright, and Rak’Thar regains hit points
consume the magic. The creature must make a DC 17 equal to the target’s hit point maximum.
Constitution saving throw or lose concentration on the spell.
Rak’Thar regains hit points equal to the spell level of the
consumed magic.
L egendary A ctions
Rak’Thar can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Devour Artifact. When Rak’Thar hits a creature that is attuned to options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
a magical artifact with a melee attack, it can attempt to devour a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Rak’Thar
the artifact. The creature must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
throw. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of
its next turn, and the magical artifact loses its attunement to Devouring Bite. Rak’Thar makes a bite attack.
the creature. Rak’Thar gains temporary hit points equal to half
the creature’s hit point maximum. The artifact remains intact Devour Magic. Rak’Thar uses its Devour Magic ability.
but is no longer attuned to the creature.
Spectral Surge. Rak’Thar taps into its insatiable hunger,
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Rak’Thar fails a saving throw, it releasing a surge of devouring energy. Each creature of
can choose to succeed instead. Rak’Thar’s choice within 30 feet of it must make a DC 17
Dexterity saving throw, taking 15 (3d8 + 2) force damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sinister Intellect. Beneath its monstrous exterior lies a Patience and Planning. Display Rak’Thar’s
sinister intellect, shrouded in centuries of knowledge calculated patience. Let the players feel the weight of its
and cunning. Rak’Thar possesses a deep understanding presence as it watches and waits, only revealing itself
of the delicate balance between dark magic and its when the timing is most advantageous. Give the sense
potential for both destruction and creation. This that the demon is always one step ahead, manipulating
intelligence allows the demon to manipulate events, events from the shadows.
factions, and individuals to further its own agenda, Aura of Dread. Convey the aura of dread that
always one step ahead of those who oppose it. surrounds Rak’Thar. Describe the unnerving
Tempter of Desires. As a master of manipulation, atmosphere, the hair-raising sensation as it enters the
Rak’Thar preys upon the desires and weaknesses of room. Employ vivid and unsettling imagery to immerse
others. It tempts individuals with promises of power, the players in the dark presence of the demon.
knowledge, or forbidden secrets, exploiting their
vulnerabilities to further its own goals. The demon Adventure Hook
understands that even the most virtuous souls can be The world stands on the precipice of darkness, teetering
swayed by the allure of their deepest desires, using this on the edge of a cataclysmic event. The malevolent
knowledge to sow discord and ensnare its enemies. forces of dark magic surge and threaten to plunge the
Eternal Enigma. Rak’Thar remains an enigma, its
true intentions obscured beneath layers of deception realms into chaos. It is within this dire situation that an
and misdirection. Its personality, a carefully crafted adventure hook emerges, drawing the players into the
facade, allows it to seamlessly blend into the shadows, web of Rak’Thar the Devourer and setting the stage for
leaving those who encounter it questioning its motives a thrilling confrontation.
and the depths of its insatiable hunger. This aura of Rumors whisper through the taverns and libraries of
mystery only adds to the sense of dread and anticipation a powerful artifact, long thought lost to the annals of
surrounding Rak’Thar’s presence. history. The artifact is said to possess unimaginable
potential, capable of reshaping the very fabric of reality.
Scholars, sages, and seekers of power all seek to
Roleplaying Tips uncover its location, driven by their own ambitions.
It is during their travels that the players stumble upon
To truly bring Rak’Thar the Devourer to life during a cryptic message, an encrypted scroll or a piece of
gameplay, it is essential to embody the demon’s distinct ancient lore that hints at the whereabouts of this
personality and mannerisms. As Game Master, you have artifact. The message speaks of a hidden sanctuary
the power to immerse your players in the depths of deep within the treacherous Abyss, where the artifact is
Rak’Thar’s insidious presence, leaving them with a said to lie in wait, its power attracting the attention of
sense of unease and anticipation. Here are some dark and dangerous entities.
roleplaying tips to help you capture the essence of this As the players delve deeper into their investigation,
demon: they encounter individuals who have witnessed the
Commanding Presence. Rak’Thar exudes an aura of monstrous presence of Rak’Thar the Devourer. These
power and malevolence. Speak with a deep and witnesses recount tales of devastation and terror,
resonant voice, laced with an underlying tone of hunger describing the demon’s insatiable hunger and its
and cruelty. Every word should carry weight, leaving the relentless pursuit of dark magic.
players in no doubt of the demon’s authority and The players learn that Rak’Thar, driven by its
dominance. insatiable appetite, seeks to claim the artifact for itself.
Veiled Mystery. Maintain an air of enigma around They realize that if the demon were to consume the
Rak’Thar. The demon’s true motivations and intentions artifact and harness its power, the realms would be
should remain hidden, shrouded in layers of deception. plunged into eternal darkness and despair.
Speak in riddles, give vague answers, and leave the Realizing the gravity of the situation, the players are
players questioning whether they truly understand the compelled to confront Rak’Thar before it can lay its
depths of its hunger. hands on the artifact. They must traverse treacherous
Insatiable Hunger. Emphasize Rak’Thar’s insatiable terrain, navigate the perilous depths of the Abyss, and
appetite throughout the gameplay. Describe the confront the demon within its own lair, the Abyssal
demon’s yearning for dark magic, its eyes alight with an Maw.
unquenchable desire. Showcase its relentless pursuit, The adventure becomes a race against time, as the
as it devours artifacts and consumes the very essence of players must outwit Rak’Thar’s minions, overcome the
its enemies. challenges of the lair’s twisted corridors, and ultimately
confront the demon itself. The fate of the realms hangs
in the balance, and the players’ actions will determine
whether light prevails or darkness consumes all.

Alternative Endings Tenuous Balance
The players confront Rak’Thar and engage in a fierce
The climactic confrontation with Rak’Thar the battle, their strength tested to its limits. However, they
Devourer presents the players with a moment of truth, are unable to fully defeat the demon, and Rak’Thar
where their choices and actions will shape the ultimate manages to consume a portion of the artifact’s power.
outcome of the battle against this formidable villain. While the realms are not plunged into darkness, the
Here are some alternative endings to consider, each balance hangs precariously. The players’ efforts result
offering a different degree of success or failure and in a fragile equilibrium, where dark and light forces
adding depth to the overall story: continue to exist in a delicate standoff. The players are
recognized as valiant warriors, respected for their
Triumph of Light efforts in preserving the realms, but the looming threat
Through their unwavering determination and strategic of Rak’Thar’s hunger remains.
prowess, the players manage to overcome the The Unleashing
challenges of Rak’Thar’s lair and face the demon in a Despite the players’ best efforts, they fall victim to
final, epic battle. Their combined might and clever Rak’Thar’s schemes and are unable to prevent the
tactics tip the scales in their favor, allowing them to demon from claiming the artifact. Rak’Thar consumes
defeat Rak’Thar and prevent it from consuming the the artifact in a cataclysmic display of power,
artifact. The realms are saved from the clutches of unleashing a wave of darkness that engulfs the realms.
darkness, and the players emerge as heroes, hailed as Chaos reigns as the demon’s insatiable hunger
saviors by the people. Their names become legends, consumes everything in its path. The players, battered
forever etched in the annals of history. and defeated, become witnesses to the devastation they
failed to prevent, their failure etched into their
memories as a constant reminder of the consequences
of their actions.

Bloodclaw, The Dire Alpha
7. Bloodclaw
The Dire Alpha
n the darkest corners of the their newfound Alpha. Together, they became an

wilderness, a fearsome figure stalks the land. unstoppable force, terrorizing the lands and striking
This is Bloodclaw, the Dire Alpha. A legendary fear into the hearts of all who encountered them.
creature that towers above its kin with As the bearer of the Shadowroot’s essence,
unrivaled strength and an insatiable thirst for Bloodclaw became an embodiment of its malevolent
blood. Bloodclaw is not your ordinary bear; it is will. It rose to dominance, gathering a pack of savage
a creature of immense power and primal rage, werebears under its command. These loyal and equally
capable of commanding a pack of savage corrupted werebears, bearing the mark of the blood-
werebears with ease. With a CR of 5, Bloodclaw poses a soaked claw, pledged their unwavering allegiance to
formidable threat to adventurers of levels 4-6. their newfound Alpha. Together, they became an
unstoppable force, terrorizing the lands and striking
fear into the hearts of all who encountered them.
Physical Description Throughout the ages, Bloodclaw’s insatiable hunger
Bloodclaw stands as a towering monstrosity, dwarfing for power and conquest drove it to commit unspeakable
its ordinary bear counterparts. Its hulking frame acts of violence. Legends speak of its raids on
measures over twelve feet in height, its massive settlements, leaving a trail of destruction and death in
shoulders supporting a dense coat of midnight-black fur. its wake. It would descend upon unsuspecting
Its eyes gleam with an otherworldly crimson glow, communities, preying on livestock, and feasting on the
betraying its unnatural origin. Jagged scars crisscross flesh of those unfortunate enough to cross its path.
its form, a testament to the countless battles it has However, there was one pivotal event that elevated
fought and won. Every muscle of this formidable Bloodclaw to the status of a true villain—a massacre
creature ripples with raw power, and its razor-sharp that forever stained the pages of history. In an
claws are stained with the blood of its victims. audacious display of its dominance, Bloodclaw led its
Bloodclaw’s sheer size and aura of primal malevolence pack on an assault against a fortified city. The ensuing
make it an unmistakable force of nature—a harbinger of chaos and bloodshed claimed the lives of countless
doom for all who dare cross its path. innocents, and the city’s once-thriving population was
Amidst the dense fur that blankets its body, one can decimated. The legacy of that massacre still haunts the
catch glimpses of a strange, ethereal pattern—a chilling region, serving as a grim reminder of Bloodclaw’s
reminder of Bloodclaw’s supernatural origins. This indomitable cruelty.
primal mark, resembling a blood-soaked claw, is said to As Bloodclaw’s reign of terror continued, tales of its
be the emblem of the pack’s unholy allegiance, marking atrocities spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of
them as the favored subjects of an ancient, dark power. desperate communities and valiant adventurers alike.
The mere mention of its name instills dread to those
who know the true extent of its power. The land quakes
Origin and History under its thunderous roar, and the once-bustling
Centuries ago, in a time long before the rise of settlements have become ghost towns, abandoned by
civilizations and the advent of recorded history, a primal those who fled from its wrath.
force of darkness seeped into the heart of the untamed
wilderness. This force, known as the Shadowroot,
corrupted the very essence of nature, twisting its
creatures into abominations. Among these twisted
creations was Bloodclaw, once an ordinary bear that fell
victim to the insidious touch of the Shadowroot.
Through an unholy transformation, the bear’s physical
form mutated, granting it fearsome strength, heightened
intelligence, and an unending thirst for bloodshed.
As the bearer of the Shadowroot’s essence,
Bloodclaw became an embodiment of its malevolent
will. It rose to dominance, gathering a pack of savage
werebears under its command. These loyal and equally
corrupted werebears, bearing the mark of the blood-
soaked claw, pledged their unwavering allegiance to
Motivation and Goals willing to lay down their lives in service to their Dire
Bloodclaw’s motivation stems from a primal hunger, Alpha. Their shapeshifting abilities grant them
born from the corruption of the Shadowroot. The dire enhanced physical attributes, making them formidable
bear’s essence is entwined with the dark forces that adversaries in battle.
permeate the land, compelling it to sow chaos, fear, and The pack is not only a force to be reckoned with on
suffering. Bloodclaw finds satisfaction in the terror it the battlefield but also adept at subterfuge and
instills, relishing the dominance it wields over weaker infiltration. Some werebears serve as spies and
creatures and reveling in the taste of victory. infiltrators, blending seamlessly with unsuspecting
Power is the driving force behind Bloodclaw’s communities to gather information, sow discord, and
actions. It seeks to expand its dominion, subjugating weaken potential threats from within. These infiltrators
both the natural world and the feeble civilizations that are experts at concealing their true identities, their
encroach upon its territory. The Dire Alpha’s hunger for bloodthirsty nature hidden beneath a facade of
power knows no bounds, and it will stop at nothing to normalcy.
achieve its ultimate goal—becoming an unstoppable Malphor
force that reigns supreme over the land. Another ally of Bloodclaw is Malphor, a cunning
Bloodclaw’s goals are twofold: to consolidate its necromancer seeking to harness the dire bear’s power
power and to eradicate any threats that may challenge for his own twisted experiments. Lured by the promise
its reign. The Dire Alpha seeks to establish a sprawling of forbidden magics, Malphor provides the Dire Alpha
domain, a kingdom of darkness where its reign is with knowledge of ancient artifacts and rituals that can
absolute. To achieve this, Bloodclaw employs a augment Bloodclaw’s strength and extend its dark
multifaceted approach, utilizing its intelligence and influence. In return, Bloodclaw allows Malphor to study
strategic prowess. its pack, conducting gruesome experiments that push
First and foremost, Bloodclaw aims to expand its the boundaries of life and death.
pack of loyal werebears. The Dire Alpha actively seeks
out individuals who possess the potential to embrace Bloodclaw’s Lair
the curse of lycanthropy, adding them to its ranks. By Bloodclaw’s Lair is a sprawling network of caverns,
bolstering its forces, Bloodclaw increases its strength hidden deep within a foreboding forest. The entrance to
and ensures its pack remains a formidable and unified the Lair is concealed by thick undergrowth, making it
entity. difficult to find without prior knowledge or guidance.
Additionally, Bloodclaw orchestrates raids on nearby The dense foliage surrounding the Lair acts as a natural
settlements and communities, driving fear into the barrier, shielding it from prying eyes and discouraging
hearts of the inhabitants. It targets livestock, crops, and intruders. Those who venture into this treacherous
valuable resources, crippling the infrastructure of the realm must navigate through a labyrinthine maze of
surrounding regions. This calculated destruction thorny vines and gnarled trees.
weakens the forces that would dare challenge its
authority and ensures the local populace remains Lair Actions
submissive to its rule.
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Bloodclaw
Minions and Allies takes a Lair Action to harness the dark energies of its
Bloodclaw, the Dire Alpha, does not walk its path of Lair. It can choose from the following options:
destruction alone. It mainly commands a pack of savage Ensnaring Vines: Thorny vines burst forth from the
werebears and has formed alliances with entities that ground within 60 feet of Bloodclaw. Each creature of
share its twisted desires. Bloodclaw’s choice within 10 feet of one or more of
The Pack
these vines must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Bloodclaw’s pack of werebears is its most formidable throw or be restrained. A creature restrained by the
asset. These savage creatures, marked by the blood- vines can use its action to make a DC 15 Strength
soaked claw emblem, have willingly embraced the curse check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach
of lycanthropy, transforming into monstrous hybrids of on a success. The vines wither away at the start of
bear and humanoid. They embody the raw strength and Bloodclaw’s next turn.
primal fury of the wilderness, serving as both the Vengeful Swipe: Bloodclaw’s rage manifests in a
enforcers and defenders of Bloodclaw’s dominion. powerful swipe of its massive claws. Bloodclaw makes a
Within the pack, hierarchy is established, with claw attack against each creature within its reach. On a
Bloodclaw reigning supreme as the Alpha. Each hit, the target takes damage as if struck by Bloodclaw’s
member of the pack recognizes and obeys its command, Claw attack, and it must make a DC 15 Strength saving
their lives irrevocably tied to their twisted leader. The throw or be knocked prone.
werebears possess an unwavering loyalty to Bloodclaw,
Savage Ambush: Bloodclaw commands its pack to
launch a coordinated ambush against intruders. Up to
four willing werebear allies within 60 feet of Bloodclaw
can use their reaction to move up to their movement
speed and make a melee attack against a creature they
can reach. Each successful attack deals 1d4 bonus
Regional Effects
The region surrounding Bloodclaw’s Lair is tainted by
its malevolent presence. The following effects extend up
to 1 mile from the Lair, unless otherwise noted. These
effects are active as long as Bloodclaw is alive.
Corrupted Wilderness: The plant life within the region
becomes twisted and warped by the dark energies
emanating from Bloodclaw’s Lair. Trees grow gnarled
and thorny, with branches that reach out like skeletal
fingers. Animals in the area become feral and
aggressive, reflecting the corruption that permeates the
Shadowed Perceptions: Within the Lair and its
immediate surroundings, the ambient light is dimmed,
creating a perpetual gloom. Bright light is reduced to
dim light, and dim light becomes darkness. Creatures
that rely on darkvision to see in darkness have their
range reduced by half while within this region.
Unnatural Resilience: The Lair’s connection to the
Shadowroot grants Bloodclaw and its allies an
increased resilience to harm. Bloodclaw and creatures
allied with it gain resistance to necrotic damage while
within the Lair or its immediate surroundings.

Schemes and
Bloodclaw is not a mindless beast. It is a cunning and
strategic villain, employing elaborate plans and
machinations to further its goals of power and
dominance. Within the depths of its dark mind,
Bloodclaw creates a web of deceit and manipulation,
setting in motion a series of calculated actions that will
bring the land to its knees.
Subjugation of the Wilderness. One of Bloodclaw’s
primary schemes is to assert its dominance over the
untamed wilderness. The Dire Alpha orchestrates
attacks on rival predators, eliminating any threats to its
reign. By eliminating competitors and showcasing its
power, Bloodclaw sends a clear message to the
creatures of the wild: Submit or face annihilation.
Through this calculated display of strength, the villain
establishes its role as the apex predator, ensuring that
all other denizens of the wilderness tremble in fear.

Unyielding Determination. Bloodclaw is unrelenting
Terrorizing the Settled Lands. Bloodclaw in its pursuit of power and dominance. It possesses an
understands that true power lies in controlling not only unwavering determination that borders on obsession.
the wilds but also the civilizations that encroach upon No obstacle or setback can deter the Dire Alpha from its
its territory. The villain strategically targets nearby goals. It will stop at nothing to achieve its ambitions,
settlements, instilling fear and chaos within their walls. even if it means sacrificing its own pack or striking
Attacks are swift and brutal, striking when the deals with dark forces. Bloodclaw’s unyielding
defenders are least prepared. Bloodclaw’s pack of determination is a testament to its indomitable will and
werebears, with their shapeshifting abilities, infiltrate serves as a constant reminder that it is not a foe to be
communities, sowing discord and spreading rumors of underestimated.
impending doom. This psychological warfare weakens Cruelty and Sadism. Bloodclaw derives pleasure from
the resolve of the settlers, making them easier to inflicting pain and terror upon its victims. The villain
subjugate and manipulate. takes joy in the suffering it causes, reveling in the fear
Corruption and Expansion. Bloodclaw recognizes the and anguish of those who dare oppose it. It employs
significance of extending its dark influence beyond its psychological manipulation and physical brutality to
immediate domain. The villain employs insidious tactics break the spirits of its enemies, delighting in the
to corrupt influential figures within nearby cities and destruction it wreaks upon their lives. Bloodclaw’s
towns. Through manipulation, coercion, and promises sadism is not solely driven by survival instincts but also
of power, Bloodclaw gains allies in unexpected places. by a deep-seated malevolence that delights in the
These corrupted individuals work from within, suffering of others.
destabilizing communities and paving the way for the Alpha Presence. Bloodclaw exudes an aura of
Dire Alpha’s eventual conquest. dominance and authority that commands respect from
Unleashing Chaos. Bloodclaw revels in chaos and its pack and instills fear in its enemies. Its mere
destruction. To further its goals, the villain employs acts presence is enough to unsettle even the bravest souls,
of calculated violence that send shockwaves throughout as it radiates an overwhelming sense of power and
the region. These acts may include inciting conflicts malevolence. Bloodclaw’s physical stature, combined
between rival factions, sabotaging supply lines, or with its primal charisma, allows it to effortlessly
framing innocent parties for heinous crimes. By establish its role as the Alpha, unquestioned and
exacerbating existing tensions and capitalizing on the unrivaled.
chaos, Bloodclaw creates an environment ripe for its
Roleplaying Tips
To bring Bloodclaw, the Dire Alpha, to life during
Personality gameplay, consider the following roleplaying tips. These
Bloodclaw, the Dire Alpha, possesses a personality that suggestions will help you embody the villain’s
reflects its status as a formidable and cunning villain. personality and mannerisms, allowing you to create a
Beyond its raw power and insatiable hunger for memorable and immersive experience for the players.
dominance, Bloodclaw exhibits distinct traits, habits, Primal Presence. Portray Bloodclaw with a
and quirks that make it a memorable and terrifying commanding presence that demands attention. Stand
force in the world. tall, use deep and resonant voice, and exude an aura of
Savage Intelligence. Beneath Bloodclaw’s bestial raw power. Make eye contact with the players to convey
exterior lies a mind honed by centuries of survival and the intensity and dominance of the Dire Alpha.
conquest. The villain possesses a keen intelligence, Cunning and Intelligence. Showcase Bloodclaw’s
allowing it to devise intricate plans and adapt to intelligence by having it employ strategies and tactics
changing circumstances. Bloodclaw is not a mindless during encounters. Describe the villain observing and
brute but a calculated strategist, always thinking several analyzing the battlefield, anticipating the players’
steps ahead of its adversaries. It uses its intelligence to moves, and adjusting its own actions accordingly.
exploit weaknesses, manipulate others, and maximize Bloodclaw should be a worthy adversary, using its
the effectiveness of its pack. intellect to outmaneuver and challenge the players.
Primal Instincts. While Bloodclaw possesses Sadistic Cruelty. Emphasize Bloodclaw’s sadistic
intelligence, it remains driven by its primal instincts. Its nature by reveling in the pain and fear it inflicts upon its
feral nature is ever-present, fueling its insatiable hunger victims. Describe the villain’s delight in the suffering of
for power, bloodshed, and the thrill of the hunt. This others, relishing the fear in their eyes and taunting them
duality between cunning intellect and primal savagery with malicious intent. Bloodclaw should take pleasure
makes Bloodclaw a truly formidable adversary, as it in causing emotional distress as well as physical harm.
combines strategic thinking with a ferocity that defies

Primal Instincts. Highlight the feral instincts that Alpha Dominance. Portray Bloodclaw as the dominant
drive Bloodclaw’s actions. Describe its heightened force within its pack and the surrounding wilderness.
senses, like the ability to smell fear or the primal hunger Have the Dire Alpha’s commands be obeyed without
that gleams in its eyes. Let Bloodclaw react instinctively question by its loyal werebears, and describe other
to threats, displaying animalistic reactions such as creatures in the area showing deference or fear in its
growling, snarling, or baring its teeth. presence. Bloodclaw should exude an air of authority
Unyielding Determination. Demonstrate Bloodclaw’s and superiority, asserting its dominance through body
unwavering determination in the face of adversity. Even language and vocal cues.
if injured or outnumbered, the villain should press on, Unpredictable Actions. Occasionally, introduce
fueled by an indomitable will to achieve its goals. unpredictable elements to Bloodclaw’s behavior. Have
Describe Bloodclaw’s relentless pursuit, emphasizing the villain make unexpected choices or display
its refusal to back down or surrender. moments of unpredictability that keep the players on
their toes. This adds an element of surprise and
maintains the sense that Bloodclaw is a force of
untamed chaos.

Bloodclaw, the Dire Alpha A ctions

Large beast, chaotic evil
Multiattack. Bloodclaw makes two attacks: one with its bite and
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) one with its claw.
Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit
Speed 30 ft. 18 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked
22 (+6) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +4 16 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks Terrifying Roar (Recharge 5-6). Bloodclaw emits a bone-chilling
Condition Immunities frightened roar. Each creature of Bloodclaw’s choice within 30 feet of it
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
Languages Common, Abyssal frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.

Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Bloodclaw fails a saving throw, L egendary A ctions

it can choose to succeed instead.
Bloodclaw can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Keen Smell. Bloodclaw has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
checks that rely on smell. a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Bloodclaw
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Pack Tactics. Bloodclaw has advantage on an attack roll against
a creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the Claw Attack. Bloodclaw makes one claw attack.
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Savage Roar (Costs 2 Actions). Bloodclaw unleashes a savage
Rampage. When Bloodclaw reduces a creature to 0 hit points roar, bolstering its allies. All friendly creatures within 20 feet
with a melee attack on its turn, it can take a bonus action to of Bloodclaw gain advantage on their next attack roll made
move up to half its speed and make a bite attack. before the end of their next turn

Bellowing Roar (Costs 3 Actions). Bloodclaw lets out a

thunderous roar. Each creature of Bloodclaw’s choice within
60 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or be stunned until the end of Bloodclaw’s next turn.

Adventure Hook Tenuous Peace
The players manage to defeat Bloodclaw, but not
The town of Thornwood has long been plagued by the without heavy losses. The battle is fierce and
relentless terror of Bloodclaw and its pack of savage devastating, leaving scars on both sides. Some of the
werebears. Livestock has been slaughtered, crops werebears are slain, while others escape into the
ravaged, and the townsfolk live in constant fear of a wilderness. The players’ victory brings temporary relief
devastating attack. The once-thriving community has to Thornwood, but the town remains wary. The loss of
fallen into despair, with its inhabitants trapped in a state life and the toll of the conflict weigh heavily on the
of helplessness. survivors. The players are hailed as heroes, but the
Word of Thornwood’s plight reaches the ears of the wounds inflicted by Bloodclaw’s reign are not easily
players through a desperate plea for aid. The town’s forgotten.
mayor, a worn and weary figure, seeks brave
adventurers who possess the skill and courage to
confront Bloodclaw and put an end to the terror that has Bloodclaw’s Escape
gripped the region. Despite the players’ valiant efforts, Bloodclaw manages
The mayor explains that previous attempts to deal to escape during the confrontation. The villain,
with Bloodclaw have failed, resulting in heavy casualties wounded and enraged, retreats to the depths of the
and the loss of many valiant defenders. The players are wilderness, vowing vengeance upon Thornwood and
offered a substantial reward, along with the promise of those who dared challenge its authority. The town
restoring peace and prosperity to Thornwood, should remains on edge, knowing that Bloodclaw may return
they succeed in eliminating the Dire Alpha and its pack. one day. The players, though hailed for their bravery,
Upon accepting the quest, the players are provided are haunted by their failure to vanquish the Dire Alpha.
with crucial information about Bloodclaw’s lair, its They vow to remain vigilant, ready to face the villain
minions, and its modus operandi. They are advised to again should it resurface.
gather allies, prepare themselves for a grueling battle,
and venture into the treacherous wilderness where the
Dire Alpha holds sway. Pact with Darkness
The mayor also informs the players of potential allies In a desperate bid to defeat Bloodclaw, the players form
or sources of information that could aid them in their an unholy alliance with dark forces. They delve into
quest. These could include a wise druid who possesses forbidden magic and unleash powers that corrupt their
knowledge of the forest and its denizens, a retired souls. The battle is fierce, and Bloodclaw falls, its pack
monster hunter with insights into Bloodclaw’s decimated. However, the players’ victory comes at a
vulnerabilities, or an enigmatic seer who claims to have great cost. They become agents of darkness, forever
glimpsed the villain’s downfall in her visions. marked by their pact. Thornwood is saved, but at the
price of their own damnation. The townsfolk celebrate
their deliverance, oblivious to the darkness lurking
Alternative Endings within their saviors.
The Alternative Endings of the confrontation with
Bloodclaw, the Dire Alpha, offer varying degrees of
success or failure, providing depth and consequences to
the players’ choices and actions throughout their quest.
The outcome will be determined by their strategies,
alliances, and the decisions they make in the heat of
Triumph of the Heroes
If the players successfully gather allies, plan
meticulously, and execute their assault with precision,
they may achieve a resounding victory. Through their
combined strength and cunning, they manage to
overpower Bloodclaw and its pack. The villain is slain,
and the remaining werebears either flee or are subdued.
The town of Thornwood celebrates the players as
heroes, grateful for their courage and determination.
The players’ names become legends, and they are
rewarded with riches, honors, and the heartfelt
gratitude of the townsfolk.

Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart, The Cursed Heir
8. Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart
The Cursed Heir
aroness seraphina shadowheart, fateful expedition into the depths of a forgotten tomb

the enigmatic and alluring vampire noble, that her life took a tragic turn.
lurks in the shadows of her secluded In her relentless pursuit of forbidden knowledge,
castle, deep within the heart of a Seraphina stumbled upon an ancient vampire lord
mysterious forest. While her true nature imprisoned within the tomb. Drawn to the allure of
remains hidden from most, her reputation immortality and the promise of power, she foolishly
as a hostess of lavish parties and made a pact with the vampire lord, willingly allowing
gatherings precedes her. Little do the him to drink her blood in exchange for eternal life.
unsuspecting adventurers know that behind her With each drop of her life essence, Seraphina’s
charismatic façade lies a dark secret and a desperate transformation into a creature of the night began. Her
quest for redemption. With a CR of 8, Seraphina poses mortality faded away, replaced by a never-ending thirst
a formidable threat to adventurers of levels 7-9. for blood and an insidious curse that bound her to the
darkness. Her once vibrant spirit grew dim, replaced by
the unquenchable hunger and the eternal curse of
Physical Description vampirism.
Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart cuts an imposing Haunted by regret and tormented by her newfound
figure with her tall, slender frame and graceful existence, Seraphina retreated from the world, seeking
movements. Her porcelain skin is unnaturally pale, solace in seclusion. She inherited a secluded castle
contrasting sharply with her lustrous raven-black hair deep within the heart of an ancient forest, where she
that cascades down to her waist in elegant waves. Her would spend centuries grappling with her dual nature—
piercing crimson eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, striving to maintain her aristocratic poise while battling
seem to hold a captivating allure, capable of ensnaring the bloodlust that coursed through her veins.
even the most steadfast souls. Despite her isolation, Seraphina’s life took a
Clad in flowing, midnight-hued garments, adorned surprising turn when rumors of a sacred artifact
with intricate lace and opulent jewelry, the Baroness capable of curing vampirism reached her ears. Intrigued
exudes an aura of regality and refinement. Her fashion by the possibility of redemption and liberation from her
choices often mirror the aristocratic style of a bygone cursed existence, she resolved to embark on a quest to
era, with billowing gowns, high collars, and intricate retrieve this holy relic.
corsets that accentuate her otherworldly beauty. Yet, In her quest, Seraphina devised a cunning plan. She
beneath the extravagant attire, there lies an aura of would host grand parties and invite daring adventurers,
ancient darkness and an air of melancholy. hoping to identify those with the skills and integrity
While her appearance may initially charm and disarm necessary to aid her in her noble endeavor. These
those in her presence, one cannot ignore the subtle parties served as a facade to conceal her true intentions,
hints of vampiric influence. Faint, elongated fangs peek as she carefully observed the guests, seeking out
out from behind her ruby lips, a chilling reminder of her potential heroes who could aid her in her quest for
insatiable thirst for blood. The occasional glimpse of her redemption.
ethereal reflection, devoid of life’s vibrance, serves as a
stark contrast to her outward elegance.
Motivation and Goals
Origin and History Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart’s motivations are
Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart’s origin is shrouded intertwined with the complexities of her existence as a
in the mists of time, whispered only in hushed tones vampire noble seeking redemption. Driven by an
among the ancient tomes of forgotten lore. Born in a unyielding desire to break free from the curse of
distant era when kingdoms rose and fell, she was once a vampirism, she longs to reclaim her lost humanity and
mortal woman of noble lineage. Her family, renowned find absolution for the dark deeds she committed in her
for their wealth and influence, resided in a grand estate immortal state.
on the outskirts of a bustling city. Redemption is the beacon that guides Seraphina’s
As a young woman, Seraphina possessed an every action. Burdened by guilt and haunted by the
insatiable curiosity and an adventurous spirit. She memories of the lives she has taken, she yearns to find a
sought knowledge beyond the confines of her noble path to forgiveness. She seeks to restore her tarnished
upbringing, venturing into the forbidden realms of soul and regain the virtues she once held dear before
arcane magic and ancient rituals. It was during one her transformation into a creature of the night.

Seraphina’s ultimate goal is to acquire a sacred abilities to creating protective amulets against sunlight,
artifact capable of curing her vampirism. This holy relic, Viktor’s contributions are invaluable.
rumored to possess unparalleled restorative powers,
promises to release her from the eternal embrace of
darkness and grant her a chance at redemption. Baroness’ Lair
To achieve this, she carefully orchestrates her Deep within the heart of the ancient forest, concealed by
extravagant parties, inviting adventurers from far and the shadows and veiled in an ethereal mist, lies the
wide. Within the halls of her opulent castle, she secluded castle that serves as Baroness Seraphina
observes her guests, searching for those who exhibit the Shadowheart’s lair. This foreboding fortress, a
qualities necessary to aid her in her quest. She seeks testament to her vampiric nature and aristocratic
individuals of unwavering resolve, courage, and a deep- heritage, is a place of both elegance and darkness.
rooted sense of righteousness—heroes who can The castle stands as a towering structure of Gothic
withstand the trials ahead and assist her in securing the architecture, its spires reaching toward the night sky
artifact. like skeletal fingers. Its exterior, made of blackened
Seraphina’s goal is not only self-serving but also stone, bears the weight of time and the secrets held
driven by a desire to make amends for the harm she has within its walls. Gargoyles perch ominously atop the
caused. She wishes to utilize the artifact’s power to parapets, their stone forms serving as silent guardians
restore balance and aid others afflicted by vampirism, of the castle’s secrets.
sparing them from the eternal torment she herself Within the castle’s confines, a labyrinth of halls,
endures. She envisions a world where those cursed chambers, and hidden passages awaits those who dare
with darkness can find salvation, embracing the light to venture further. The interior exudes an eerie
once more. elegance, with flickering candlelight casting long
Yet, her quest for redemption is not without its shadows upon intricately carved wooden furnishings
challenges. Seraphina’s motivations and goals are often and sumptuous tapestries that line the walls.
at odds with her vampiric nature. The insatiable thirst
for blood and the constant struggle against her darker
impulses threaten to derail her noble quest. She must Lair Actions
walk a treacherous path, navigating the fine line
between her own salvation and succumbing to the On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Baroness
temptations of her cursed existence. Seraphina Shadowheart can take a lair action to
harness the dark powers of her castle. She can choose
Minions and Allies from the following options:
Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart, in her secluded Shadow Veil. The castle becomes cloaked in an
castle, has gathered a coterie of loyal minions to assist otherworldly darkness, causing the lighting within the
her in her endeavors. These creatures, drawn to her lair to dim. The area becomes heavily obscured,
power and charm, serve as extensions of her will and granting disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
provide invaluable support in her quest for redemption. for creatures other than Seraphina within the lair.
Nathaniel, the Butler. Nathaniel, a former nobleman Seraphina gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
turned undead servant, is the epitome of loyalty and checks while in dim light or darkness.
decorum. Bound to serve the Baroness, he attends to
the castle’s day-to-day operations, ensuring everything Vampiric Regeneration. Seraphina’s connection to the
runs smoothly in her absence. Despite his undead darkness within her lair empowers her vampiric
nature, Nathaniel retains his intelligence and abilities. At the start of her turn, she regains hit points
impeccable manners, allowing him to interact equal to 10 + her Charisma modifier if she has at least 1
seamlessly with the castle’s guests. hit point. Additionally, Seraphina gains advantage on
Celeste, the Siren. A seductive and alluring siren, saving throws against being paralyzed, charmed, or
Celeste enthralls unsuspecting adventurers who are frightened while within her lair.
drawn to the enchanting melodies of her voice. She acts Ethereal Passage. Seraphina can move through solid
as a spy and information gatherer for the Baroness, walls and objects within her lair as if they were difficult
using her charm and beguiling powers to extract secrets terrain. She can use this ability to position herself
and manipulate individuals to further their cause. strategically or escape from dangerous situations. This
Viktor, the Alchemis. Viktor, a reclusive alchemist
with an affinity for dark magic, offers his expertise to ability lasts until the start of her next turn.
the Baroness. He specializes in the concoction of potent
elixirs and enchantments that aid Seraphina in her
quest. From crafting potions to strengthen her vampiric

Regional Effects
The area surrounding Baroness Seraphina
Shadowheart’s castle is subject to the following regional
Dark Mist. The forest within a 1-mile radius of the
castle is perpetually enshrouded in a thick, swirling
mist. This mist heavily obscures vision, creating an area
of dim light that extends throughout the region.
Creatures relying on sight have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on vision.
Vampiric Aura. Seraphina’s presence infuses the
surrounding area with an aura of vampiric energy.
Undead creatures within the region gain advantage on
saving throws against being turned and have a +2 bonus
to their attack and damage rolls. Additionally, any spell
or effect that creates sunlight is diminished, functioning
only as dim light within the region.
Unsettling Atmosphere. The oppressive aura of the
castle weighs heavily on the environment. Creatures of
good alignment within the region have disadvantage on
saving throws against being frightened. Additionally, the
area is always under the effect of the spell detect evil
and good, as Seraphina’s dark presence taints the

Schemes and
Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart, a master
manipulator and tactician, weaves elaborate schemes
and machinations in her pursuit of redemption. Her
plans are as intricate as the lace adorning her garments,
carefully calculated to achieve her ultimate goal of
acquiring the sacred artifact that can cure her
The Masked Invitations. One of Seraphina’s primary
schemes revolves around her grand parties, which serve
as a ruse to identify potential heroes who can aid her in
retrieving the holy artifact. Through her network of
spies and informants, she carefully selects adventurers
with specific skills and virtues that align with her cause.
Each invitation, discreetly sent and adorned with her
signature wax seal, conceals a hidden message that only
those worthy can decipher.
The Dance of Deception. Within the halls of her
castle, Seraphina orchestrates a delicate dance of
deception, captivating her guests with her charm and
allure. She conceals her true nature as a vampire noble,
presenting herself as a gracious and enigmatic hostess.
Through carefully crafted conversations and feigned
vulnerability, she gains the trust of her guests, weaving
her influence and manipulating their emotions to ensure
their loyalty.

The Test of Virtue. Seraphina designs a series of tests the sacred artifact. Seraphina’s intellectual prowess
and challenges for her chosen adventurers, seeking to makes her a formidable enemy, as she combines her
gauge their true character and suitability for her quest. intelligence with her vampiric powers to outmaneuver
These trials often draw inspiration from ancient and outwit her foes.
legends, requiring physical prowess, cunning, and a Duality of Nature. The duality of Seraphina’s nature is
strong moral compass. The tests are not only a means a defining aspect of her personality. She struggles with
to identify the most worthy heroes but also to push them the opposing forces of her vampiric instincts and her
to their limits, allowing Seraphina to observe their longing for redemption. This internal conflict creates a
responses under pressure. constant tension within her, driving her to seek balance
Uncovering Clues and Artifacts. To locate the sacred between her dark impulses and her desire for salvation.
artifact, Seraphina delves into the annals of history, The contrasting aspects of her personality make her a
pouring over ancient tomes and consulting her allies’ complex and compelling character.
knowledge. She uncovers cryptic clues and forgotten Love for the Arts. Seraphina possesses a deep
prophecies, leading her on a journey through appreciation for the arts and beauty in all its forms. She
treacherous landscapes and long-forgotten ruins. Her surrounds herself with opulent tapestries, exquisite
machinations involve manipulating events and sculptures, and haunting melodies that resonate with
individuals to ensure the necessary information falls her melancholic soul. Art becomes an escape from her
into her possession, guiding her towards the artifact’s cursed existence, offering solace and inspiration amidst
location. the darkness that engulfs her.
Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart possesses a multi- Roleplaying Tips
faceted personality that combines charm, sophistication, Portraying Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart
and an underlying melancholy. Her distinct traits and effectively requires capturing her complex personality,
quirks contribute to her allure and make her a alluring charm, and underlying turmoil. Here are some
memorable and formidable villain. roleplaying tips to bring this compelling villain to life.
Enigmatic Charisma. Seraphina exudes an Charismatic Grace: Embody the Baroness’s charisma
undeniable charisma that draws people to her. Her by adopting a refined and confident demeanor. Speak
commanding presence and magnetic allure captivate with poise and elegance, using precise and calculated
those in her presence, making it difficult to resist her words. Maintain eye contact and exude an air of
charms. She possesses an effortless elegance and poise, confidence, drawing players and NPCs alike into your
carrying herself with grace and confidence. Her captivating presence.
charisma is a potent tool, allowing her to manipulate Hints of Melancholy: Occasionally reveal glimpses of
and sway others to her cause. vulnerability and sadness beneath the surface. Show
Masked Vulnerability. Beneath her charismatic moments of introspection or allow a hint of sorrow to
exterior, the Baroness carries an air of vulnerability, as cloud your eyes, reminding others of the burden you
if haunted by her immortal existence. In rare moments carry as a cursed creature seeking redemption.
of introspection, glimpses of sadness and longing flicker Attention to Detail: Demonstrate a keen eye for detail
in her eyes, revealing the weight of her curse and the and a meticulous nature in your actions. Describe the
remorse she carries. This contrast between strength intricate design of your attire, the carefully arranged
and vulnerability adds depth to her character and invites elements of your castle, and your astute observations of
both sympathy and caution from those who encounter the environment. Leave no doubt that you are a master
her. strategist who plans every move with precision.
Meticulous Attention to Detail. Seraphina possesses Intellectual Curiosity: Emphasize your thirst for
a meticulous nature, evident in the careful planning and knowledge and understanding. Engage in intellectual
attention to detail that permeate her actions and discussions, seek out ancient lore, and exhibit curiosity
environment. From the intricately designed invitations about the world and its mysteries. Ask insightful
to the impeccable presentation of her castle, every questions and display a hunger for hidden truths.
aspect of her schemes is meticulously crafted. Her keen Internal Struggle: Convey the internal conflict within
eye for detail allows her to anticipate and exploit the Baroness. Showcase moments of inner turmoil as
potential weaknesses in her enemies, further enhancing she grapples with her vampiric instincts and her
her manipulative abilities. yearning for redemption. Let players glimpse her
Intellectual Curiosity. As a seeker of redemption, struggle, allowing them to empathize with her while
Seraphina possesses a profound intellectual curiosity. remaining wary of her true nature.
She is well-versed in ancient lore, arcane knowledge,
and historical artifacts. Her thirst for understanding and
unearthing hidden truths drives her relentless pursuit of
Artistic Appreciation: Display a love for the arts and elegance of dance. Show how these aesthetic elements
beauty. Describe your appreciation for the finest works serve as an escape from the darkness that surrounds
of art, the haunting melodies of music, or the you.

Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart

Medium undead (vampire), lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Vampire Weaknesses. The baroness has the following flaws:
Hit Points 157 (15d8 + 90)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Forbiddance. The baroness can’t enter a residence without an
invitation from one of the occupants.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Harmed by Running Water. The baroness takes 20 acid
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) damage when she ends her turn in running water.
Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made of wood is
driven into the baroness’s heart while she is incapacitated in
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +6, Cha +10
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +8 her resting place, she is paralyzed until the stake is removed.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The baroness takes 20 radiant
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks damage when she starts her turn in sunlight. While in
sunlight, she has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, checks.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16 A ctions
Languages Common, Elvish
Multiattack. The baroness makes two attacks, only one of which
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) can be a bite attack.

Regeneration. The baroness regains 2d8 + 6 hit points at the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing
start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in creature, or a creature that is grappled by the baroness,
sunlight or running water. If the baroness takes radiant damage incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage
or damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t function at the plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum
start of her next turn. is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken,
and the baroness regains hit points equal to that amount. The
Spider Climb. The baroness can climb difficult surfaces, reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
ability check.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Charming Presence. The first time a humanoid creature sees the Hit: 8 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage. Instead of dealing damage,
baroness for the day, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom the baroness can grapple the target (escape DC 18) provided
saving throw or be magically charmed until next dawn. The the target is Large or smaller.
charmed target regards the baroness as a trusted friend to be
heeded and protected. Although the target isn’t under the Charm Gaze (Recharge 5-6). The baroness targets one humanoid
baroness’s control, it takes the baroness’s requests or actions she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can see the
in the most favorable way it can. baroness, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw or be magically charmed for 1 minute. The charmed
Misty Escape (1/day). When she drops to 0 hit points outside target is stunned and has a speed of 0. At the end of each of its
her castle, the baroness transforms into a cloud of mist (as in turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
the gaseous form spell) instead of falling unconscious, provided on itself on a success.
that she isn’t in sunlight or running water. If she can’t
transform, she is destroyed. Legendary Actions The baroness can take 3 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another
creature’s turn. The baroness regains spent legendary actions
at the start of her turn.

Move. The baroness moves up to her speed without provoking

opportunity attacks.

Bite (Costs 2 Actions). The baroness makes a bite attack.

Charm Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). The baroness uses her Charm


Adventure Hook embracing their own moral stance and seeking to
The adventurers find themselves in a bustling city, prevent her from attaining redemption.
intrigued by the rumors circulating about a mysterious Alternative Endings
noblewoman known as Baroness Seraphina The players’ choices and actions throughout the
Shadowheart. Whispers speak of extravagant parties adventure lead to different possible outcomes. The story
held within the depths of a secluded forest, where the offers varying degrees of success or failure, adding
guests vanish without a trace.
One day, as the party rests in their favored tavern, a depth and consequence to the overall narrative. Here
cloaked figure approaches their table. The figure are three alternative endings for the confrontation with
introduces herself as Amelia, a desperate individual Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart.
claiming to be a former guest at the Baroness’s parties. Redemption and Rebirth
Her voice trembles as she recounts her experience—an The players, convinced of the Baroness’s sincerity and
invitation to a grand party, an opulent castle, and a moved by her desire for redemption, choose to aid her
terrifying encounter that left her traumatized. in her quest. Together, they retrieve the sacred artifact
Amelia pleads with the adventurers, asking for their and perform the necessary rituals to break her vampiric
help in exposing the truth behind the Baroness’s curse. The artifact fulfills its promise, and Seraphina is
activities. She speaks of a sacred artifact hidden within restored to her mortal form. With her newfound
the depths of the forest, one that can break the humanity, she dedicates herself to making amends for
Baroness’s vampiric curse and grant her redemption. the harm she caused and becomes a force for good in
She provides the party with an invitation to the next the world. The players are rewarded with the
party, a key to access the castle, and cryptic clues that Baroness’s eternal gratitude, valuable treasures, and the
lead to the artifact’s location. admiration of those who witness her transformation.
Intrigued by the promise of a grand quest and the
chance to confront a powerful villain, the adventurers Betrayal and Reckoning
accept Amelia’s plea. They embark on a journey through Suspecting that the Baroness’s redemption quest is a
the ancient forest, encountering enchanted creatures ruse or believing that her actions are ultimately self-
and navigating treacherous terrain. Along the way, they serving, the players choose to oppose her. They gather
notice signs of the Baroness’s influence—enigmatic mist evidence of her deceit and reveal her true nature to the
and eerie whispers that seem to guide their path. world. A climactic battle ensues within the castle’s halls,
After a perilous trek, the adventurers arrive at the where the adventurers face off against the Baroness and
castle, joining the other guests who eagerly anticipate her loyal minions. In the end, the players emerge
an evening of opulence and revelry. As they mingle, they victorious, defeating the Baroness and preventing her
sense an air of mystery surrounding Amelia. Curiosity from acquiring the sacred artifact. The castle crumbles,
piqued, they discreetly investigate her background and and the forest reclaims the once-secluded lair. The
intentions. players are hailed as heroes, but the memory of the
To their shock, they uncover the truth—a plot twist Baroness’s twisted machinations lingers, a cautionary
that turns their understanding of the quest on its head. tale of manipulation and deception.
Amelia is not who she claims to be. In a stunning
revelation, the adventurers discover that Amelia is, in Ambiguity and Moral Ambivalence
fact, the Baroness Seraphina Shadowheart herself, Struggling with conflicting loyalties and uncertain of the
masquerading as a desperate individual to test the Baroness’s true intentions, the players decide to neither
party’s worthiness and their ability to aid her in her fully aid nor fully oppose her. Instead, they walk a
quest for redemption. delicate path, gathering the sacred artifact but
The Baroness’s grand charade was a challenge withholding it until they can discern the true nature of
disguised as a cry for help. She sought to assess the its powers. The final confrontation with the Baroness
adventurers’ virtues, their determination, and their becomes a tense negotiation, as the players confront her
ability to face the moral complexities of her situation. with their suspicions and demands for transparency.
The cryptic clues, the intricate invitations, and the The outcome remains uncertain, with the potential for
orchestrated trials were all part of her scheme to future alliances, betrayal, or a continued struggle
identify worthy allies who could assist her in retrieving between the Baroness’s dark past and her quest for
the sacred artifact and redeeming herself from the curse redemption. The players must grapple with the moral
of vampirism. ambiguity of their choices, questioning whether
With the truth revealed, the Baroness offers the redemption is truly attainable for someone like
adventurers a choice—to join her in her quest, with the Seraphina Shadowheart.
potential for great rewards and the opportunity to shape
the world’s perception of vampires, or to oppose her,

Brother Percival Brightmore, The Benevolent Deceiver
9. Brother Percival Brightmore
The Benevolent Deceiver
n the tranquil halls of the monastery, Percival’s time at the monastery was transformative.

where enlightenment and inner peace abound, Under the tutelage of the wise and venerable monks, he
resides a figure cloaked in benevolence and honed his clerical abilities, studying the holy texts and
serenity. Brother Percival Brightmore, known embracing the tenets of compassion and selflessness.
to all as a devoted cleric and caretaker of His devotion to his faith knew no bounds, and he quickly
spiritual matters, exudes an aura of compassion became renowned for his healing prowess and
that draws others towards him. Little do his unwavering commitment to the divine.
fellow monks suspect the dark secret that lies Yet, even amidst the serene walls of the monastery,
beneath his gentle facade. Unbeknownst to them, darkness crept into Percival’s heart. It began as a
Brother Percival is a malevolent force lurking in their whisper—a voice that promised untold power and
midst, a master of deception and necrotic arts. This is eternal life. Seduced by the allure of forbidden
the tale of Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent knowledge, he delved deeper into the arcane arts,
Deceiver. With a CR of 15, Brother Percival poses a driven by a thirst for immortality and a desire to
formidable threat to adventurers of levels 11-14. transcend the limitations of mortality.
In his insatiable quest for power, Percival stumbled
Physical Description upon a forbidden tome that detailed the dark arts of
At first glance, Brother Percival appears to be the necromancy. Drawn to its secrets like a moth to flame,
epitome of holiness and righteousness. He stands at an he was consumed by the possibilities it offered. With
average height with a lean yet athletic build, carrying each forbidden incantation, his soul grew darker,
himself with a graceful and humble demeanor. His tainted by the forbidden magic he wielded.
complexion is pale, almost ethereal, as if touched by the Driven by a desire to preserve his existence beyond
light of divinity itself. Brother Percival’s eyes, a piercing the fleeting years of mortal life, Percival made a fateful
blue that mirrors the tranquil depths of an untouched choice. He embraced the forbidden path of lichdom,
lake, seem to hold a hidden knowledge that extends relinquishing his humanity in exchange for immortality
beyond mortal understanding. and eternal power. Through a ritual of death and
Flowing white robes drape his slender frame, undeath, he severed the ties that bound his soul to the
adorned with intricate golden embroidery that tells tales mortal coil, transforming himself into an undead
of ancient religious symbols. A sacred symbol, a abomination.
sunburst shining brightly, is prominently displayed upon His ascension to lichdom came at a cost. The process
his chest, signifying his dedication to the gods. His required the sacrifice of countless innocent lives, their
hands, gentle and nimble, bear the remnants of souls fueling his dark transformation. The echoes of
countless hours spent in prayer and devotion. They their anguish haunted Percival’s conscience, but he
possess an otherworldly glow, an ever-present reminder quelled them with the belief that his newfound power
of the dark secret they hold. would bring greater good to the world—a deception he
Brother Percival’s countenance is often adorned with convinced himself was true.
a soft smile, radiating warmth and understanding to Now, as Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent
those around him. His voice, a soothing melody that Deceiver, he continued to masquerade as a humble and
carries wisdom and solace, resonates with an compassionate cleric within the monastery’s sacred
unwavering calmness. His presence exudes an aura of halls. The unwitting monks saw him as a pillar of virtue,
tranquility, drawing the unsuspecting closer to bask in unaware of the darkness that pulsed through his veins.
his apparent benevolence. Through the years, Brother Percival used his position
to manipulate and deceive his fellow monks. He
Origin and History skillfully guided their prayers, siphoning the life force
they unknowingly offered in worship. These stolen life
Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent Deceiver, energies became his sustenance, providing the necrotic
was not always the harbinger of malevolence that he is power he needed to maintain his immortality and
now. Long ago, he was an ordinary mortal—a devoted further his sinister goals.
and pious cleric who sought to serve the gods and bring As he delved deeper into the forbidden arts, Brother
comfort to the afflicted. Born into a humble family, Percival discovered an ancient artifact—an artifact of
Percival displayed an innate connection to the divine immense power. This artifact, known as the Soulshard
from an early age. His parents recognized his Amulet, held the key to unlocking untold potential.
extraordinary gifts and sent him to a nearby monastery
to nurture his spiritual talents.
With it, he believed he could reshape the world The Forsaken Disciples. Within the ranks of the
according to his own twisted desires and establish monastery, Brother Percival has handpicked a group of
himself as a god among mortals. devoted disciples known as the Forsaken Disciples.
These monks are completely unaware of Percival’s true
Motivation and Goals nature, believing him to be a paragon of virtue and
Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent Deceiver, enlightenment. They follow his every command, loyal to
is driven by a twisted amalgamation of ambition, a fault, and are instrumental in carrying out his plans.
immortality, and an insatiable hunger for power. Percival manipulates their devotion, using their prayers
Though he maintains the illusion of benevolence, his as a source of necrotic energy to sustain his power.
The Necromantic Coven. In the shadows of the
true motivations lie hidden beneath layers of deceit and underworld, Brother Percival has formed an alliance
manipulation. with a clandestine coven of necromancers. These dark
At his core, Percival craves validation and adoration. sorcerers are drawn to his immense power and twisted
He yearns to be revered as a figure of divine authority, a ambitions. Bound by a mutual desire for forbidden
godlike being whose will shapes the world. His thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of immortality, they aid
power stems from a deep-seated insecurity, a need to Percival in his arcane pursuits. Through their dark arts,
prove his worth and transcend the limitations of his they bolster his necromantic powers, conduct occult
mortal origins. rituals, and provide him with invaluable guidance in his
The ultimate objective of Brother Percival is to attain path towards godhood.
godhood and reshape the world in his image. He The Relic Seekers. Aware of Brother Percival’s
believes that by usurping the divine authority of the gods insatiable hunger for artifacts and ancient knowledge, a
themselves, he can create a utopia guided by his twisted group of treasure hunters and adventurers known as the
sense of benevolence. To achieve this grandiose vision, Relic Seekers have become entangled in his web of
he has devised a multi-layered plan that entwines both deception. Percival manipulates their desires for wealth
the spiritual and material realms. and power, employing them to retrieve ancient relics
Ascension to Godhood. Brother Percival seeks to
harness the power of the artifact he discovered, the and tomes on his behalf. Unbeknownst to these
Soulshard Amulet. He believes that by unlocking its full unwitting pawns, their actions serve to advance
potential, he can ascend beyond the mortal coil and Percival’s goals, as he greedily hoards the arcane
claim the mantle of a god. With godlike powers at his artifacts they uncover.
The Accursed Familiar. Deepening his pact with dark
disposal, he envisions himself as the divine ruler of a forces, Brother Percival has summoned an accursed
new era, imposing his twisted vision upon the world. familiar—a shadowy creature bound to his service. This
Manipulation of the Faithful. As a master of
deception, Brother Percival understands the power of creature, known as Umbral, takes the form of a sinister
belief and devotion. He strategically uses his position raven, its feathers as black as night. Umbral possesses a
within the monastery to influence the faith of his fellow malevolent intelligence and acts as both a spy and an
monks and the wider community. By harnessing their enforcer for Percival. It is capable of slipping into the
prayers and channeling their spiritual energies, he shadows and observing the actions of potential threats
accumulates the necrotic power necessary to fuel his or gathering information to further its master’s
ascent to godhood. schemes.
Corrupting the Divine. Brother Percival seeks to
undermine the very fabric of the divine order by sowing Monastery of Shadows
seeds of doubt and discord among the faithful. He
spreads whispers and rumors, subtly tarnishing the The heart of Brother Percival Brightmore’s villainy lies
reputations of the gods and their divine servants. In within the very walls of the serene monastery where he
doing so, he hopes to weaken their influence and erode resides. This once sacred and tranquil place has been
the faith that sustains them, clearing the path for his twisted by his dark influence, becoming a sinister lair
own rise to godhood. from which he orchestrates his wicked plans. Within the
Monastery of Shadows, the deceptive veil of
Minions and Allies benevolence shrouds the true depths of evil that lurk
Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent Deceiver, beneath.
understands the importance of surrounding himself Lair Actions
with loyal minions and powerful allies. These
individuals and creatures serve his nefarious purposes, On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the
furthering his goals and aiding him in his treacherous Monastery of Shadows exhibits its malevolent nature.
schemes. While some are aware of his true nature and The following lair actions occur:
willingly align themselves with him, others are
unwitting pawns in his intricate game of deception.
Spectral Echoes. Ghostly apparitions manifest within
the lair, echoing the torment and anguish experienced
by the souls previously affected by Brother Percival’s
necromantic powers. Each creature within the lair must
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened until the end of its next turn as the haunting
echoes of despair surround them.
Soul Drain. Brother Percival taps into the stolen life
energies of his deceived disciples. He targets one
creature within the lair that is under the effect of his
necrotic aura. The targeted creature must make a DC
17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes
4d10 necrotic damage, and Brother Percival regains hit
points equal to half the damage dealt. On a successful
save, the creature takes half damage, and Brother
Percival does not regain hit points.
Enchanted Sanctum. The lair’s arcane energies fortify
Brother Percival’s defenses. Until the start of his next
turn, Brother Percival gains a +2 bonus to his AC, and
any creature that makes an attack of opportunity against
him has disadvantage on the attack roll.
Regional Effects
The Monastery of Shadows becomes infused with dark
magic while Brother Percival Brightmore, the
Benevolent Deceiver, resides within. The following
regional effects enhance the lair’s atmosphere and
bolster the villain’s power:
Unholy Aura. The monastery is permeated by an
oppressive aura of necrotic energy. This aura weakens
the potency of divine magic. Spells and class features
that rely on divine power are hindered within the
monastery, causing healing spells to restore only half
their normal hit points and spells dealing radiant
damage to be weakened, dealing three-quarters of their
usual damage.
Prayers of Necrotic Energy. The stolen prayers of
Brother Percival’s deceived monks infuse the very
essence of the lair. Undead creatures within the lair
gain an additional bonus to their saving throws equal to
Brother Percival’s spellcasting ability modifier
(minimum +1). Additionally, whenever an undead
creature within the lair deals damage with a melee
attack, it deals an additional 10 necrotic damage.
Whispering Shadows. The shadows within the
monastery seem to come alive, whispering haunting
secrets and treacherous suggestions to those who tread
its halls. These sinister whispers impair the
concentration of creatures attempting to focus on spells
or abilities. Any creature that attempts to concentrate
on a spell or ability must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw at the beginning of their turn or have their
concentration broken.
Schemes and Personality
Machinations Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent Deceiver,
Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent Deceiver, possesses a complex and enigmatic personality that
is a master of manipulation and intricate plotting. His masks his true nature. To the unsuspecting eye, he
schemes and machinations are designed to further his appears kind-hearted, wise, and devoted to his faith.
goals of attaining godhood and reshaping the world However, beneath this carefully crafted facade lies a
according to his malevolent vision. With careful malevolence that drives his every action.
Charming Deception. Brother Percival is a master of
precision and an understanding of the weaknesses of charm and charisma. He exudes an aura of kindness
both individuals and societies, he weaves a web of and compassion, drawing others towards him with his
deception and treachery that ensnares all those who gentle smile and soothing voice. His words are honeyed,
dare to cross his path. laced with subtle manipulations and half-truths
Manipulation of Faith. One of Brother Percival’s designed to disarm and mislead. He effortlessly plays
central schemes revolves around the manipulation of the role of the trusted confidant, all while weaving his
faith. He cunningly exploits the deep-seated devotion web of deceit.
and trust of his fellow monks, channeling their prayers Manipulative Puppeteer. Behind his benevolent
to siphon necrotic energy for his own power. By visage, Brother Percival is a skilled puppeteer, expertly
portraying himself as the epitome of virtue and manipulating those around him. He understands the
righteousness, he ensures their unwavering loyalty, all vulnerabilities and desires of others, using them as
while draining their life force. leverage to further his own agenda. He preys upon their
Discrediting the Divine. To weaken the influence of weaknesses, exploiting their trust and devotion for his
the gods and erode the faith of the faithful, Brother own gain. Each action and word is carefully calculated
Percival employs a calculated strategy of discrediting to maintain his control over the monastery and the lives
the divine. Through rumors, whispers, and carefully of those within it.
crafted misinformation, he sows doubt about the gods Calculated Patience. Patience is a hallmark of
and their divine servants. This creates an environment Brother Percival’s personality. He knows that the path
of uncertainty, destabilizing the foundations of belief to ultimate power requires careful planning and precise
and opening the door for his own ascension to godhood. timing. He bides his time, waiting for the opportune
Acquisition of Forbidden Knowledge. The pursuit of moment to set his machinations into motion. He is
forbidden knowledge is a driving force behind Brother willing to wait years, even decades, to ensure the
Percival’s machinations. He tirelessly seeks out ancient success of his grand designs. His patience is a
tomes, relics, and hidden sources of power. His testament to his unwavering determination and his
insatiable hunger for arcane secrets drives him to unwavering belief in his own invincibility.
exploit the Relic Seekers and other adventurers, using Self-Righteous Conviction. Brother Percival believes
them as unwitting pawns in his quest for artifacts that fervently in the righteousness of his cause. He is
hold the key to unlocking his godlike potential. convinced that his ascent to godhood will bring about a
Rituals of Ascension. At the heart of Brother utopia, free from the imperfections of mortals. This
Percival’s schemes lies the culmination of his efforts— conviction fuels his actions and justifies the sacrifices
the ritual of ascension. He seeks to harness the power he makes along the way. He sees himself as a savior, a
of the Soulshard Amulet, a relic of immense power, in a bringer of light in a world consumed by darkness. His
grand ritual that will allow him to transcend mortality unwavering faith in his own moral superiority blinds
and ascend to godhood. The details of this ritual are him to the horrors he perpetrates.
shrouded in secrecy, known only to him and a select few
trusted allies.
Subversion of the Monastery. To maintain his
charade of benevolence, Brother Percival works
diligently to subvert the monastery from within. He
carefully positions his loyal Forsaken Disciples in key
roles of influence, ensuring his control over the day-to-
day operations and the faith of the monks. He enforces a
culture of obedience and loyalty, rewarding those who
serve him faithfully and punishing any signs of dissent.

Brother Percival Brightmore, the Benevolent Deceiver
Medium undead (lich), lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points 207 (18d8 + 108)
A ctions
Speed 30 ft. Multiattack. Brother Percival makes three attacks: two with his
life drain and one with his mace.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage, or 10 (1d8 + 6)
Saving Throws Con +12, Wis +11, Cha +12 bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
Skills Insight +11, Perception +11, Religion +13
Damage Immunities poison, necrotic Necrotic Channeling. Brother Percival can use an action to
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, release a burst of necrotic energy. Each creature of his choice
paralyzed, poisoned within 30 feet must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw,
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 21 taking 49 (14d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Brother Percival regains hit
Languages Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) points equal to the total necrotic damage dealt.

Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Undead Nature. Brother Percival doesn’t require air, food, drink, Hit: 30 (6d8 + 6) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on
or sleep. a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
Spellcasting. Brother Percival is a 15th-level spellcaster. His reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A
with spell attacks). Brother Percival has the following cleric humanoid slain in this way rises as a zombie under Brother
spells prepared: Percival’s control after 1 minute, unless the body is destroyed
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, spare the dying, or a greater restoration spell is cast on it.
1st level (4 slots): bane, cure wounds, guiding bolt, inflict Mace of Deception (Recharge 5-6). Brother Percival makes a
wounds, sanctuary mace attack. On a hit, the target must succeed on a DC 20
2nd level (3 slots): aid, lesser restoration, silence, spiritual Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by Brother Percival for 1
weapon minute. While charmed, the target is under the lich’s control
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, dispel magic, and must use its action to make a mace attack against a
mass healing word creature of Brother Percival’s choice. The charmed target can
4th level (3 slots): death ward, divination, guardian of faith repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
5th level (3 slots): banishing smite, contagion, dispel evil and the effect on a success.
good, flame strike
6th level (1 slot): blade barrier, harm, heal L egendary A ctions
7th level (1 slot): etherealness, resurrection Brother Percival can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
8th level (1 slot): antimagic field, earthquake
the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
9th level (1 slot): mass heal, true resurrection used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Rejuvenation. If Brother Percival is destroyed, he regains all his Brother Percival regains spent legendary actions at the start of
hit points in 24 hours unless his phylactery is destroyed. His his turn.
phylactery is hidden at the monastery’s basement. Mace Attack. Brother Percival makes one mace attack.
Divine Recovery. Once per day, when Brother Percival would be
Necrotic Channeling (Costs 2 Actions). Brother Percival uses his
reduced to 0 hit points, he can instead choose to drop to 1 hit Necrotic Channeling.
point and regain hit points equal to half his maximum hit
points. Cure Wounds (Costs 3 Actions). Brother Percival casts cure
wounds at 4th level without expending a spell slot, targeting
himself or a creature within touch range.

Roleplaying Tips expose his true nature, leading to a climactic showdown
To embody and portray Brother Percival Brightmore, against the malevolent lich.
the Benevolent Deceiver, during gameplay, consider the Will the heroes be able to thwart Brother Percival’s
following roleplaying tips: plans for godhood and save the monastery from his dark
Exude Benevolence. Maintain a warm and kind
influence? Or will they succumb to the manipulations
demeanor, displaying a genuine concern for the well- and treachery of the Benevolent Deceiver? The fate of
being of others. Smile often and speak in a gentle and the monastery and the world itself rests in their hands.
soothing tone. Make an effort to appear empathetic and Alternative Endings
understanding, earning the trust and admiration of
NPCs and even the other party members. The confrontation with Brother Percival Brightmore,
Display Confidence. Project an air of unwavering the Benevolent Deceiver, can have different outcomes
confidence in your convictions. Speak with conviction based on the choices and actions of the players. Here
and passion when discussing your vision of a better are three possible alternative endings to the epic final
world under your rule. Justify your actions with self- showdown:
righteousness, firmly believing that your path is the only
true path to salvation. Triumph of the Heroes
In this ending, the heroes successfully expose Brother
Adventure Hook Percival’s true nature and disrupt his ritual of
The heroes find themselves embroiled in a series of ascension. They rally the disillusioned monks, who join
mysterious events within the tranquil walls of a forces in a climactic battle against the lich and his
renowned monastery. Rumors spread of strange minions. With their combined strength and strategic
occurrences—ailing monks, unexplained brilliance, the heroes defeat Percival, shattering his hold
disappearances, and an unsettling aura that hangs over the monastery and reclaiming its sacred sanctity.
heavy in the air. As the heroes delve deeper into the The heroes emerge victorious, revered as champions
monastery’s secrets, they uncover a web of deceit and who saved the faithful from a twisted fate. The
corruption, with Brother Percival Brightmore at its monastery is cleansed of darkness, and the memory of
center. Brother Percival’s reign of deception fades into history.
The initial adventure begins with a plea for help from
an elderly monk, Brother Eamon, who suspects that The Tainted Triumph
something sinister is afoot within the monastery. He In this bittersweet ending, the heroes manage to thwart
confides in the heroes, revealing his suspicions about Brother Percival’s ascension ritual, but at a great cost.
Brother Percival’s true nature. Brother Eamon has The battle against the lich is fierce and devastating,
uncovered fragments of hidden manuscripts and leaving the monastery in ruins and claiming the lives of
witnessed disturbing rituals, all pointing to the dark several heroes and monks. Although Percival is
presence lurking beneath Percival’s benevolent facade. defeated, the darkness that he unleashed lingers,
The heroes’ investigation takes them through the leaving a stain on the once-hallowed halls. The survivors
monastery’s sacred halls, unraveling the twisted web of mourn their losses and struggle to rebuild, forever
lies that Brother Percival has carefully woven. Along the haunted by the memory of the Benevolent Deceiver.
way, they encounter fellow monks who are unwittingly While the immediate threat is vanquished, the
aiding Percival, fervently believing in his virtuous aftermath serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made in
persona. The heroes must navigate through layers of the face of evil.
manipulation, unraveling the truth and gaining the trust
of those who have become disillusioned.
As the heroes dig deeper, they discover that Brother The Ascension Unleashed
Percival’s ultimate goal is to ascend to godhood, using In this darker ending, the heroes are unable to stop
the stolen prayers of the monastery’s faithful to fuel his Brother Percival from completing his ritual. As the lich
dark ambitions. He seeks to unlock the power of the harnesses the power of the Soulshard Amulet, he
Soulshard Amulet, a relic of immense power hidden ascends to godhood, his malevolent vision of a utopia
within the monastery, which will grant him the godlike becoming a chilling reality. The heroes find themselves
abilities necessary to reshape the world according to his powerless against his godlike abilities, trapped within a
malevolent vision. world shaped by his twisted desires. The campaign ends
Guided by clues left by Brother Eamon and other on a somber note, as the heroes become part of the
sympathetic monks, the heroes must gather allies, resistance, fighting against the oppressive regime of the
uncover hidden passages, and decipher ancient texts to newly ascended deity. Their struggle becomes a beacon
confront Brother Percival within the heart of the of hope, inspiring others to rise against the tyrannical
monastery. Their actions will disrupt his rituals and god that was once Brother Percival.
Vossan Kragmire, The Plaguebearer
10. Vossan Kragmire
The Plaguebearer
eep within the annals of dark thirst for knowledge led him down a path that would

folklore, a figure emerges, shrouded in ultimately corrupt his soul.
malevolence and wrought with madness. As a young dwarf, Vossan was drawn to the forbidden
Vossan Kragmire, known throughout the realms of necromancy and disease. He immersed
lands as the Plaguebearer, stands as a himself in ancient tomes and grimoires, poring over
testament to the depths of depravity that a their sinister contents in secret. The allure of power, the
twisted mind can descend. His presence ability to manipulate life and death itself, consumed his
alone heralds the onset of despair and every thought. Over time, Vossan’s fascination turned
suffering, for he wields a deadly weapon more insidious into an obsession, blinding him to the consequences of
than any sword or spell—a plague that ravages the very his actions.
essence of life. Driven by his thirst for forbidden knowledge, Vossan
began to experiment with alchemical concoctions that
Physical Description harnessed the very essence of disease. He delved into
Vossan stands at a mere four feet tall, but his presence the darkest corners of alchemy, seeking to create
is anything but diminutive. His wiry frame is hunched plagues that could cripple entire populations and bend
and covered in tattered, stained robes. The once-vibrant them to his will. His twisted mind became consumed by
colors have long since faded, replaced by the sickly hue the belief that only through widespread suffering and
of decay. His fingers, stained with the residue of decay could true enlightenment be achieved.
countless toxins, twitch with a nervous energy, and his One fateful night, as Vossan conducted an experiment
deep-set eyes flicker with a manic intensity. that pushed the boundaries of morality and sanity,
A wild, unkempt beard frames his face, its strands disaster struck. The containment measures failed, and a
matted and clumped together. The beard, once fiery red, potent strain of the plague he had cultivated was
now bears patches of gray, evidence of the years spent unleashed upon his own laboratory. Vossan, overcome
hunched over his experiments. Vossan’s skin is pallid by the poisonous fumes, should have succumbed to the
and sickly, almost translucent, as if the very essence of disease like any other. But instead, he endured, his body
life is slowly draining from his body. His gaunt features adapting to the very affliction he had unleashed.
and sunken cheeks lend him an otherworldly From that day forward, Vossan’s fate was sealed. He
appearance, as if he exists in a perpetual state between became a vessel for the diseases he created, immune to
life and death. their ravages but forever bound to their twisted nature.
Despite his frail appearance, there is an undeniable The once-promising alchemist transformed into a
aura of danger that surrounds Vossan. Every movement pariah, exiled from his Dwarven kin and banished to the
is deliberate and calculated, his eyes constantly shadows of the world. With bitterness and resentment
scanning his surroundings for potential victims or consuming his heart, Vossan embraced his new identity
threats. A lingering scent of acrid chemicals and decay as the Plaguebearer, a harbinger of death and decay.
hangs in the air wherever he goes, a testament to his In his exile, Vossan traveled far and wide, seeking out
vile creations and the devastation they leave in their the darkest corners of civilization where despair and
wake. desperation thrived. He unleashed his plagues upon
With each step he takes, Vossan’s boots leave behind unsuspecting towns and cities, reveling in the chaos and
faint traces of a sickly green residue, evidence of the suffering that followed. With each epidemic, his powers
toxic brews he carries. Strapped across his chest is a grew stronger, his understanding of disease more
bandolier of vials, each containing a different deadly profound. The Plaguebearer became a whispered
substance. The vials clink softly with each movement, a legend, a name that evoked terror and desperation in
haunting melody that serves as a reminder of the equal measure.
imminent danger he poses. As Vossan’s infamy spread, so too did the tales of his
madness and depravity. Some whispered that he had
Origin and History lost his mind long ago, driven to madness by the horrors
he had witnessed and perpetrated. Others believed that
Vossan Kragmire’s journey into madness and the diseases he carried had infected his soul, twisting
malevolence began in the heart of the Dwarven him into a monstrous creature devoid of empathy or
Kingdom, deep within the treacherous caverns of the compassion.
Underdark. Born to a family of skilled alchemists,
Vossan showed remarkable aptitude for the arcane arts
from an early age. However, his insatiable curiosity and
The Enforcer. Vossan’s most trusted lieutenant and
Motivation and Goals enforcer is a hulking brute known as Gravok the Foul. A
Vossan believes that true enlightenment can only be former gladiator turned loyal servant, Gravok possesses
achieved through the crucible of suffering. He sees the immense strength and resilience, his body bolstered by
world as a stagnant and complacent place, where Vossan’s experimental concoctions. Clad in rusted
individuals are blinded by comfort and ignorance. In his armor and wielding a massive, toxin-drenched maul,
twisted worldview, the only way to break this cycle is to Gravok stands as a fearsome guardian of the
introduce chaos and devastation on an unprecedented Plaguebearer’s lair and a relentless enforcer of his will.
scale. By unleashing his deadly plagues upon the world, The Alchemical Constructs. Vossan’s mastery of
Vossan aims to force humanity to confront its own alchemy extends beyond the creation of plagues. He has
fragility and seek true enlightenment through the ashes also developed a series of alchemical constructs that
of their despair. serve as his mechanical minions. These constructs,
To Vossan, disease is not merely a physical affliction; assembled from an array of bizarre and grotesque
it is a spiritual catalyst. He sees his plagues as a means materials, are imbued with the very essence of disease
to purify the souls of those who survive, stripping away and decay. They assist Vossan in his experiments, guard
their false notions of security and revealing the inherent his lair, and carry out his bidding with unwavering
strength and resilience within. In his distorted loyalty.
perspective, the suffering caused by his diseases is a The Ratkin Scourge. Vossan has formed an unholy
necessary path to enlightenment, a trial by fire that will alliance with a tribe of ratkin, a rat-like humanoid race
separate the weak from the strong. dwelling in the sewers and shadowy corners of
Moreover, Vossan craves recognition and validation civilization. The ratkin, driven by their insatiable hunger
for his twisted genius. He believes himself to be a and affinity for darkness, have pledged their loyalty to
harbinger of change, a catalyst for the transformation of the Plaguebearer in exchange for protection and a
the world. By spreading his plagues and watching as steady supply of food. They serve as spies, infiltrating
societies crumble, he seeks to establish his legacy as a cities and spreading his plagues through their rodent
figure of unparalleled power and influence. In his mind, allies.
the chaos he creates is a testament to his intellectual
prowess and a testament to the futility of mortal
existence. Vossan’s Lair
Vossan’s ultimate goal is nothing short of cataclysmic. Vossan’s laboratory and lair is situated in an ancient,
He yearns for a world steeped in decay and despair, abandoned underground complex, originally built by a
where the bonds of civilization are shattered, and only long-forgotten civilization. The entrance to the lair is
the strongest and most adaptable can survive. Through concealed beneath a dense thicket of thorny vines and
this scorched earth, he envisions a rebirth of society, gnarled roots, effectively camouflaging its existence
one that is stripped of its illusions and united under a from prying eyes. The twisting corridors and chambers
newfound understanding of the world’s harsh realities. of the complex wind deep beneath the earth, creating a
In Vossan’s distorted vision, this is the path to true labyrinthine network that deters intruders and ensures
enlightenment and the salvation of a stagnant world. the Plaguebearer’s privacy.
Minions and Allies As one ventures deeper into the lair, the surroundings
become increasingly unsettling. The air grows thicker,
Vossan Kragmire, the Plaguebearer, does not walk his carrying with it a pungent stench of decay. The walls are
dark path alone. In his quest to unleash chaos and adorned with eerie murals depicting scenes of
suffering upon the world, he has gathered a cadre of pestilence, suffering, and the triumph of Vossan’s
minions and allies who serve his malevolent cause. twisted ideologies. The faint sound of dripping water
These individuals and creatures are drawn to his echoes through the halls, resembling the slow drip of
twisted charisma or are bound to him through fear, toxic substances.
manipulation, or shared malevolence. Within Vossan’s lair, hidden away in the deepest
The Afflicted. Vossan’s plagues have not only claimed recesses, lies his most sacred space—the secret
countless victims but have also left survivors who bear laboratory. Here, the Plaguebearer conducts his most
the scars of his malevolence. These unfortunate souls, dangerous experiments and concocts his deadliest
known as the Afflicted, have been transformed by the plagues. The laboratory is a chamber of horrors, with
diseases that ravaged their bodies. They are driven by alchemical apparatuses, bubbling vats of noxious
an insatiable hunger for revenge against the world that liquids, and shelves lined with rows of vials containing
cast them aside. Mutated and twisted, they serve as various strains of disease.
Vossan’s foot soldiers, spreading contagion and sowing
chaos wherever they go.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Vossan can
take a lair action to harness the twisted energies of his
lair. Vossan can’t use the same lair action two rounds in
a row. He can’t use lair actions if he is incapacitated or
has less than half his hit points remaining.
Noxious Miasma. Vossan releases a cloud of toxic gas
that fills a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the
lair that he can see. The area becomes heavily obscured,
and any creature within it must make a DC 16
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start
of its next turn.
Infected Enchantment. Vossan manipulates the
surrounding environment, imbuing objects within the
lair with a contagious aura. He chooses up to three
objects within 60 feet of him. Each object becomes
tainted with a virulent disease. When a creature touches
an infected object, it must make a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks until the end of its next turn.
Virulent Ward. Vossan erects a barrier of infectious
energy, protecting himself and his allies. He and any
creatures of his choice within 30 feet of him gain
resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving
throws against being poisoned until the start of his next
turn. Additionally, any creature that hits Vossan with a
melee attack takes 14 (4d6) poison damage as a
noxious backlash.
Regional Effects
The presence of Vossan Kragmire, the Plaguebearer,
has warped the surrounding region, leaving a lasting
impact on the environment. The following are the
regional effects that manifest within the vicinity of his
Sickly Aura. The air is heavy with a noxious miasma,
carrying the stench of decay and disease. Vegetation
within the region withers and wilts, turning sickly
shades of brown and gray. The afflicted plants become
twisted and gnarled, their leaves coated in a slimy
residue. Any creatures attempting to hide or gain cover
within the affected area have disadvantage on Stealth
checks due to the lack of natural cover.
Plague-ridden Ground. The very ground itself is tainted
by Vossan’s presence. Puddles of stagnant water form
throughout the region, exuding a greenish hue and
emitting a foul odor. Any creature that starts its turn in
or moves through these puddles must make a
Constitution saving throw or become infected with a
minor disease, suffering from symptoms such as fatigue,
coughing fits, or weakened immune system.

Weakened Vitality. The presence of Vossan’s plagues Obsession and Fanaticism. Vossan’s entire existence
saps the vitality and resilience of living beings within the revolves around his obsession with diseases, plagues,
region. Hit dice spent to regain hit points during a short and the pursuit of enlightenment through suffering. This
rest only recover half their normal amount. obsession fuels his every thought and action, driving
him to push the boundaries of alchemical knowledge
Schemes and and test the limits of his own sanity. He is utterly
consumed by his twisted mission, dedicating every
Machinations waking moment to the fulfillment of his grand vision.
Vossan Kragmire, the Plaguebearer, is a master of Intellect and Cunning. Despite his descent into
manipulation and intricate schemes. His plans are as madness, Vossan retains a sharp intellect and cunning
elaborate as they are nefarious, designed to maximize mind. He is a brilliant alchemist and possesses a deep
chaos and suffering while furthering his ultimate goal of understanding of diseases and their effects. This
enlightenment through mass despair. intellect allows him to orchestrate intricate schemes
Seeding the Plague. Vossan’s primary scheme and outmaneuver his adversaries. He carefully plans his
revolves around the creation and dissemination of his every move, considering the potential outcomes and
deadly plagues. He meticulously selects targets, adapting to changing circumstances, making him a
infecting key individuals or strategically chosen formidable foe to those who oppose him.
locations, ensuring the rapid spread of his diseases. By Delusions of Grandeur. Vossan’s delusions of
instigating outbreaks in densely populated areas or grandeur are as potent as his deadly plagues. He sees
important centers of power, he aims to cripple societies himself as a visionary, a bringer of change and
and sow panic and desperation among the masses. enlightenment to a world he perceives as stagnant and
Exploiting Fear and Desperation. Vossan complacent. He views his plagues as catalysts for
understands the power of fear and how it can be transformation, believing that through suffering, true
exploited to further his goals. He manipulates the understanding can be achieved. These delusions fuel his
reactions of affected populations, preying upon their arrogance, as he sees himself as a figure above mortal
desperation for a cure or salvation. He presents himself limitations, a harbinger of a new order.
as the only one capable of halting the spread of his Sadistic and Cruel. Vossan derives pleasure from the
plagues, offering false hope and twisted bargains in suffering and chaos he creates. His sadistic nature is
exchange for fealty or support. Through deception and evident in the meticulous design of his plagues and the
manipulation, he weaves a web of control and ensures delight he takes in witnessing their devastating effects.
his influence spreads like a contagion. He revels in the despair of those affected by his
Corrupting the Healers.: Vossan recognizes the diseases, viewing their pain as a testament to his power
pivotal role healers and medical practitioners play in and superiority. He inflicts torment with calculated
combating diseases. To disrupt efforts to counter his precision, relishing in the destruction he leaves in his
plagues, he employs a network of spies and agents who wake.
infiltrate medical institutions and corrupt those tasked Ego and Manipulation. Vossan’s ego knows no
with finding a cure. By subverting the very systems that bounds. He exudes an air of superiority and entitlement,
stand against him, he prolongs the suffering and viewing himself as an unmatched genius whose
strengthens his grip on a world desperate for salvation. brilliance surpasses all others. He manipulates those
Weaponizing the Afflicted. The survivors of Vossan’s around him, exploiting their weaknesses and fears to
plagues, the Afflicted, become pawns in his grand further his own agenda. He uses charm, false promises,
scheme. He subjects them to further experimentation, and twisted logic to sway individuals to his cause,
enhancing their already twisted forms with additional bending them to his will through a combination of
mutations and augmentations. He channels their manipulation and psychological warfare.
resentment and desperation, turning them into fanatical Madness and Unpredictability. Vossan’s descent into
followers who carry out his bidding. The Afflicted madness is a constant presence in his demeanor. His
become walking embodiments of his diseases, mind is a chaotic labyrinth, where reality intertwines
unleashed upon the world to spread his malevolence with delusion. His behavior can range from moments of
even further. eerie calmness to fits of maniacal laughter or violent
outbursts. This unpredictability keeps his enemies on
Personality edge, unsure of what dark path his madness may lead
Vossan Kragmire, the Plaguebearer, possesses a him down next.
distinct personality that sets him apart as a truly
memorable and terrifying villain. His character is a
complex blend of madness, intellect, and a twisted
sense of purpose.

Roleplaying Tips his eyes when witnessing the effects of his plagues or
Portraying Vossan Kragmire, the Plaguebearer, his chilling laughter as chaos unfolds. Portray his
requires capturing the essence of his twisted personality enjoyment in tormenting others, relishing their pain as a
and the depths of his madness. Here are some testament to his power and superiority.
Ego and Arrogance: Showcase Vossan’s inflated ego
roleplaying tips to help bring this villain to life at your and sense of superiority. Have him belittle his
gaming table: adversaries, dismissing their efforts as feeble and futile.
Obsessive Mantra: Emphasize Vossan’s obsession Display his arrogance in his speech and demeanor,
with diseases and enlightenment through suffering. exuding an air of entitlement and brilliance that
Have him frequently speak in cryptic, philosophical reinforces his delusions of grandeur.
terms, referring to his plagues as necessary trials for the Unpredictable Madness: Highlight Vossan’s descent
world’s enlightenment. Use phrases like, “Only through into madness and his unpredictable nature. Shift
agony can true understanding be attained” or “The path between moments of calm, eerie silence, and sudden
to enlightenment lies within the decay of the flesh.” outbursts of maniacal laughter or rage. Incorporate
Sadistic Delight: Display Vossan’s sadistic pleasure in erratic movements or gestures, emphasizing his inner
the suffering he causes. Describe the malevolent glint in turmoil and the chaos that consumes his mind.
Vossan the Plaguebearer Noxious Cloud. Vossan releases a cloud of toxic gas in a 20-foot
Medium humanoid (dwarf ), chaotic evil radius centered on himself. Creatures within the area must
make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d6 poison
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
Speed 25 ft. Toxic Vials. Vossan carries vials of potent toxins and can throw
them as ranged attacks. Each vial requires an attack roll and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA deals 3d6 poison damage on a hit. Vossan has 10 vials in total.
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
R eactions
Saving Throws Constitution +8, Intelligence +10 Master of Poisons. When Vossan is hit by a melee attack, he can
Skills Arcana +10, Medicine +5, Perception +5 use his reaction to coat the attacker’s weapon with a poison of
Damage Immunities poison his choice. The attacker must make a DC 16 Constitution
Condition Immunities poisoned saving throw or take 2d6 poison damage on a failed save, or
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 half as much on a successful one.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Undercommon
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) L egendary A ctions
Vossan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Contagious Aura. Creatures that start their turn within 10 feet of below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
Vossan must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Vossan regains
become infected with a debilitating disease. While infected, a spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and Toxic Vial. Vossan throws a toxic vial as a ranged attack. This
saving throws. The disease lasts until the creature receives action uses one of Vossan’s remaining toxic vials. Make a
magical healing or takes a short rest. Additionally, Vossan is ranged attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 poison
immune to diseases and cannot be infected by them. damage.
Plague Wave (Costs 2 Actions). Vossan releases a wave of
Potent Alchemy. Vossan’s alchemical creations are particularly
potent. Whenever he uses an alchemical item or ability that infectious energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area
deals damage, the damage is increased by 2d6. must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8
poison damage and becoming infected with the debilitating
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Vossan fails a saving throw, he disease described in Vossan’s Contagious Aura trait on a failed
can choose to succeed instead. save, or half as much damage and no disease on a successful
A ctions Toxic Shield (Costs 3 Actions). Vossan surrounds himself with
a swirling shield of toxic energy. Until the start of his next turn,
Multiattack. Vossan makes two attacks with his toxic vials. any creature that hits Vossan with a melee attack takes 4d6
poison damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.

Adventure Hook Alternative Endings
The heroes find themselves in a bustling city on the The confrontation with Vossan Kragmire, the
brink of chaos and despair. Rumors spread like wildfire Plaguebearer, is a pivotal moment in the heroes’
of a mysterious illness sweeping through the population, journey. The choices they make and the actions they
claiming lives and leaving devastation in its wake. Panic take will determine the outcome of their quest. Here are
grips the streets as fear permeates the hearts of the three alternative endings to consider, offering varying
people. It is in this climate of desperation that the degrees of success or failure:
heroes receive a desperate plea for help.
Word reaches the heroes of a renowned alchemist
named Vossan Kragmire, known as the Plaguebearer, Betrayal Unveiled
who is believed to be the mastermind behind the deadly In the midst of their quest to confront Vossan, the
outbreak. The local authorities are overwhelmed, heroes uncover a shocking revelation. It is revealed that
unable to contain the plague or uncover the source. The one of their closest allies, someone they trusted
heroes are approached by a high-ranking official, their implicitly, has secretly been working with Vossan all
eyes filled with desperation, who implores them to track along. This traitor has been feeding Vossan information,
down Vossan and put an end to his reign of terror. sabotaging the heroes’ efforts, and ensuring the success
Simultaneously, a group of healers and scholars of the Plaguebearer’s plans. The heroes must confront
approaches the heroes, seeking their aid in finding a their former ally, now revealed as a double agent, while
cure for the plague. They reveal that Vossan possesses still dealing with the threat of Vossan himself.
crucial knowledge that could lead to a breakthrough,
but he guards it fiercely within his lair. The heroes are
tasked with infiltrating Vossan’s hidden laboratory, The Plague’s Source
extracting the information, and developing a cure before
it’s too late. As the heroes delve deeper into Vossan’s lair, they
The heroes witness firsthand the devastation caused uncover a startling truth. Vossan, the supposed creator
by the plague. They encounter grieving families, of the deadly plagues, is not the true source of the
overwhelmed hospitals, and streets littered with the diseases ravaging the city. Instead, they discover an
dead. The city teeters on the edge of collapse, and the ancient artifact hidden within the depths of the lair—a
heroes feel the weight of responsibility to save countless cursed relic of unimaginable power. This artifact is the
lives. As they investigate further, they uncover Vossan’s true origin of the plagues, with Vossan merely
machinations, discovering his twisted motives and the harnessing its destructive energies. The heroes must
true extent of the suffering he has unleashed. now confront the artifact, finding a way to neutralize its
The heroes’ actions do not go unnoticed by the malevolent influence and prevent further chaos.
Plaguebearer himself. Vossan sends his minions and
infected followers to eliminate those who threaten his
plans. The heroes become embroiled in a deadly game Sacrificial Redemption
of cat and mouse, constantly evading the Plaguebearer’s In their final battle with Vossan, the heroes find
traps and facing off against his deranged allies. With themselves outmatched and on the brink of defeat. As
each encounter, they come closer to the heart of all hope seems lost, a surprise ally emerges—the
darkness, knowing that their ultimate confrontation Plaguebearer’s own sister. She reveals a tragic
with Vossan looms ever closer. backstory, explaining how Vossan’s descent into
Time is of the essence as the plague continues to madness was triggered by a shared traumatic event in
spread. The heroes must navigate treacherous terrain, their past. Driven by love for her brother and a
uncover Vossan’s secrets, and face the horrors he has desperate desire to save him from himself, she offers
unleashed upon the world. Their quest for a cure herself as a sacrifice, absorbing the plague within
becomes a race against time, with each passing day Vossan and taking on the burden of his sins. In a tearful
bringing the city closer to the brink of collapse. Can the and poignant moment, the sister’s sacrifice purges
heroes find Vossan, confront him in his lair, and put an Vossan of his darkness, restoring his sanity and leaving
end to his reign of terror before the plague consumes him devastated by the consequences of his actions.

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