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Stone Dwarves Can't Dunk

A Basketball Ruleset for D&D

With a Tier 1 Example Scenerio

By Christopher J Foster
Settling things on the Court

o you want to try some combat without fighting?
Have some friendly NPCs that you don't want Basketball Court Map
getting hurt? Or maybe your players have said
they want to try something a bit different? Then
this might be what you're looking for, an
adaptation of Basketball into D&D! It's not a 1:1
adaptation, since even a 10-minute Basketball
game would be 100 rounds and D&D has some non-realistic
parts, so instead I've prioritized playability over realism.
Basketball and its Rules
Basketball is played with an 9.5 inch diameter rubber ball full
of air. The objective is to get the ball into the opposing team's
basket, an 18 inch diameter hoop which is 10 feet off the
ground and hanging 5 feet over the court with a 5 foot by 5
foot backboard, at the end of a 50 by 90 foot rectangular
court. Getting the ball in the basket is 2 points, unless behind
the 3-point line which is 3 points, but players must dribble
the ball when moving. Most points at the end wins.
Playing the game is just like combat, with some Maneuvers
that can be done as Actions, Bonus Actions and Reactions.
The game goes to whomever scores most in a minute (10
rounds). Play will start with two players in the center, the rest
free to arrange themselves on their side as they see fit.
Initiative is rolled, and whomever in the center has the higher
initiative gets the ball.
The game is overseen by a Referee, like a Spectator (MM
030) named Mitch. Mitch loves the game and laments that he
can not play since he is without limbs, and so does his best to
a good Ref. He will use his Paralyzing Ray on anyone who
acts violently before having them removed.
While fake outs and deception are allowed, see Juking,
attacks and the like are not allowed. An attack will disrupt the
target's action, and they'll have to make a Con Save to hold
onto the ball, but the Ref will issue a yellow card to the
attacker, or a red card if the Ref deems it particularly bad. If a
player gets 3 yellow cards or a red card, they're out of the
game. If every player on a team is removed from the game, A larger version of the map can be seen at the end of this
the team loses. Play will continue without pause regardless document.
of interruption.
Magic is allowed so long as it is not directly disruptive to
the opposing team per the Ref's (DMs) decision, and the Legal Disclaimer
players can take a moment to cast buff spells on themselves DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
before hand. Flying is allowed, so long as the ball is still Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
dribbled, which is impossible to maintain more than 5 ft off ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
the ground and will cause the ball to go wild. product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
After an attempt to score has been done, regardless of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
success, the ball will bounce back onto the court in a random This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
direction for a random distance. Roll 1d6 for direction, with 1 the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
being to the left of the basket, 3 down the center of the court, permission under the Community Content Agreement for
5 to the right, and 6 has it drop bellow the basket. For 1-5, roll Dungeon Masters Guild.
1d4 and move the ball the number of squares rolled. Anyone All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by
in the path of the ball can use a reaction to intercept the ball. Forester Designs and Christopher J Foster, and published
Metal chain fencing around the court will keep the ball on the under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
court. Masters Guild.

Stone Dwarves Can't Dunk

Maneuvers Dribbling: Bouncing the ball as you move, which is
required by the rules. Players can choose to not use a
Passing & Catching: Passing the ball in a straight line to Bonus Action for this if they instead use 10 ft of
another player. It's a roll using their Athletics as a movement. Failure to do either will get the Player a Yellow
modifier, where the DC is 3 per 5 ft of distance between Card for Traveling.
the players, DC 4 per 5 ft if done as a Bonus Action, and
DC 5 per 5 ft if done as a reaction. Failure results in the Maneuvers Quick Reference
ball going wide and missing the intended target. Failing by Maneuver Action Bonus Action Reaction
2 or less means a narrow miss, so the catcher can still Passing 3 DC per 5 ft 4 DC per 5 ft 5 DC per 5 ft
succeed but has disadvantage. The catching player must
succeed a DC 13 Athletics check (DC 14 if it was thrown Catch a Pass DC 13 DC 14 DC 15
as a Bonus Action, and DC 15 if it was a Reaction) to Shooting Normal +2 to DC +4 to DC
catch the ball, or they can use their Reaction to get Stealing Yes Yes (Disadv) Yes
advantage. Readying an Action to Cacth the ball
automatically succeeds to catch. Otherwise the ball keeps Juking Yes Yes No
going and any other players in the line can attempt to Dunking Yes No No
catch it.
Shooting: Taking a shot on the basket. It's a roll using Taking a Dive Yes No Yes
their Athletics as a modifier, with the DC to score Taking the Ball No Yes No
changing from the player's position. It's DC 11 inside the Blocking No Yes No
box around the basket, DC 13 between the box and the 3-
point line, DC 15 outside the 3-point line, and DC 17 from Intercepting No No Yes
the other half of the court. If done as a Bonus Action, it's Dribbling Bonus Action or 10 ft of movement
+2 to the DC, and +4 to the DC as a Reaction.
Stealing: An attempt to steal the ball from the player
holding it. An opposing Sleight of Hand check against the
person holding the ball. If used as a Bonus Action, you
have Disadvantage on the roll. Can be used as a Reaction
(like an Attack of Opportunity) on any player with the ball
that comes within reach and does not disengage.
Juking: Pretend to take a shot or move a different way. An
opposing Deception roll against everyone else's Insight,
including your teammates. A failure by people on the
opposing team imposes disadvantage on any attempts to
Intercept any passes you make or Steal the ball from you
until the start of your next turn, but failure by people on
your team imposes disadvantage when attempting to
catch a Pass from you. Using magic like Minor Illusion
can be used to the same effect, except they take the action
listed and give advantage on the Deception roll.
Dunking: An attempt to dunk the ball right through the
basket. The player must be able to jump to the basket (see
PHB 182 for jumping rules) and succeed a DC 11
Athletics check. Can only be done as an Action.
Taking a Dive: An attempt to make it look like an
opposing player tripped, pushed or otherwise injured you.
An opposing Deception check against the Referee's
Insight, with a success getting the target a Yellow Card,
while a failure gets you a Yellow Card. You have
disadvantage on the Deception if you are not within 5 ft of
the target, and will automatically fail if you are more than
10 ft from them. You end up prone when you take this
Taking the Ball: Taking the ball from a willing player.
Automatically succeeds. Must be with 5 ft of each other.
Blocking: Spread your arms and act defensively. Imposes
disadvantage on Passing, Shooting and Dunking attempts
by members of the opposing team within 5 ft of you until
the start of your next turn, but gives advantage to Intercept
any passes to you or to Steal the ball from you.
Intercepting: If the ball is passed and the player is within
5 ft of the line, they can try to intercept it. The Interceptor
must roll an Athletics save that beats the Passer's
Athletics' check to pass. You can't intercept a Nat 20 Pass.
Stone Dwarves Can't Dunk
Pak-Nuk-Thung Ja-Ran-Gat-Tiz Marl-Rez-Fed-Gre-Ret, an
Example Scenario Orange Grung Elite Warrior (Volo 157) without the
Poisonous Skin, who will try to get in position so that he
can dunk thanks to his Standing Leap. If any players ask
Here's an example scenario for Tier 1 Players, about the Poisonous Skin, everyone will let the players
where the players have to get some information know he doesn't have it, as the poison comes form what
from Mozak Fastball Agukakune, a Goliath who can Grung eat and they don't produce it themselves. If he's
be found playing on a basketball court, and won't feeling crowded by the players, he would use his
talk to them until after they have a game with him. Mesmerizing Chirr to Stun those around him, which
might get him a Yellow Card if the Ref notices.
Shurdat Facebreaker, a Hobgoblin Iron Shadow (Volo
162), who will use her Minor Illusion to Juke the players
There are several paved courts surround by metal chain as she takes shots. If the players start taking the lead,
fencing out here, designed for various kinds of games which she'll use Silent Image to create a fake duplicate of
several patrons are playing. herself, Disguise Self to look like one of the players, or
A quick look around and you see Mozak playing a game of Expeditious Retreat to allow for a Dash as a Bonus
basketball as several onlookers watch. Mozak dunks just as a Action.
Ref yells "Time!", signally the end of the game and declaring
Steps to the Clouds, a Tabaxi Hunter (ToA 232), who will
defend her team's basket, Steal the ball if it comes near
Mozak's team the winners. Mozak postures proudly as he
her and attempt to use her Feline Agility to take the ball
speaks out. "Well then, looks like we're on a hot steak today! Is across the court before handing it off.
there anybody here who thinks they can stop our streak?" Mespiel Geldava, a Human Spy (MM 349), she'll follow
The people watching look hesitant, and a few of them look the ball and attempt to steal it from the players, and will
towards you, followed quickly by Mozak. "Do we have some attempt to take a dive against any player that has gotten a
new blood? Do you have want it takes to play?" he says with a Yellow Card.
Ghil Birchride, a Centaur (MM 038), he'll try to block the
players and run interference, keeping between the players
and his basket, and if he gets the ball he'll run it down the
If the players say they want something from him, Mozak will court and try to pass it off as soon as possible.
tell them to prove themselves on the court and he'll consider
their request. After the Game
If the players do accept the challenge, he will imply that Regardless of how well the players scored or if they won, if
they aren't strong enough, and ask they flex to show their they worked together, tried their best and played fair, he'll
stuff. They'll have to make a Charisma (Athletics) or Strength congratulate them on a game well played and hopes they can
(Persuasion) checks to impress him with their flexing. play again sometime.
If the nobody gets over 14, he'll say that the players If they didn't work together, tried their best or played fair,
obviously need the workout and tell them to get ready. Mozak will tell them they need more practice but will be
If some of them score 15 or higher, he'll say that it looks generally supportive.
like some of them have talent and that this might be If they all got kicked out of the game, Mozak will say that
interesting, even if they aren't going to win. "Basketball probably isn't your sport", and that maybe they
If most or all of the players score 15 or higher, he'll nod should try their hands at being adventurers.
happily and say that they might have a chance winning. Regardless, Mozak will be available to answer questions to
The game will be the players against Mozak's team, which help the players in the quest as best he can after the game,
is the same number of people as the players. If the players although his mood will depend on how the players acted.
don't know how to play basketball, Mozak will be happy to
explain the rules. They'll play a 1 minute game (10 rounds)
with no pauses for scoring.
Mozak doesn't actually care about winning or losing, just
Awarding XP
that everybody works as a team, tries their best and plays fair, Add up the XP depending on who was on Mozak's team and
and that's what he'll be watching the players for, but he won't divide it equally.
actively express this to the players. Mozak gives 450 xp
Pak-nuk-thung gives 450 xp
Mozak's Team Steps to the Clouds gives 200 xp
Mozak should have a team the same number as the players, Shurdat gives 450 xp
and can include the following members: Mespiel gives 200 xp
Ghil gives 450 xp
Mozak Fastball Agukakume is a Goliath with Bandit
Captain (MM 344) stats and will play center forward,
trying to keep in the middle of things and setup plays for
his team, but will also take a shot if he has a good

Stone Dwarves Can't Dunk

Quick Book References
Shorthand Book
AI Acquisitions Incorporated Special thanks to my
AGG Attack of the Giant Gingerbreads! Patrons for their support
BoB Bake-off Battle Guards of Plifortakune: Joe, Multi-Entertainment, Carl
CoS Curse of Straad Cederholm, Michael Wilson, Levi Tanton & Rehairgongr
Commoners of Plifortakune: Derek Faldik & Gaming
DDRM Dungeons & Dragons vs. Rick and Morty Otaku
DIA Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus
EE Elemental Evil Accreditation
GoS Ghosts of Saltmarsh Writting & Art by: Christopher J Foster
Find my other works on Dungeon Master's Guild,
GGR Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica or my Patreon.
HDQ Hoard of the Dragon Queen This adventure is part of The City of Plifortakune
series, which includes Toecap's Puzzle House, The
ITT The Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy, & Return to the
LMP Lost Mines of Phandelver Puzzle House.
This adventure can be played as a stand alone
MM Monster Manual adventure.
MToF Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Document Version: 1.1.4
OGA One Grung Above
OotA Out of the Abyss
PIWI Pokémon Inspired Weapons & Items
PHB Player's Handbook
PotA Princes of the Apocolypse
RBR Runway Bloody Runway
RLW Eberron: Rising from the Last War
RoT Rage of Tiamat
RPH Return to the Puzzle House
SKT Storm King's Thunder
STDD Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons
TCC The Cursed Courtesan
SCAG Sword Coast Adventure Guide
Tortle The Tortle Package
ToA Tomb of Annialation
Volo Volo's Guide to Monsters
WBD Walk the Blink Dog
WDH Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
WDMM Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage
WGE Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron
WtP Welcome to Plifortakune
XGE Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Yawn Tales from the Yawning Portal

Quick Page Reference

Wondrous (Sphere) – Common (10 gp)
This 9.5 inch rubber ball is full of air. It is easily bounced
against hard, even surfaces, and holds well in people's hands.
The ball can be thrown at an opponent as an improvised
ranged weapon (30/90 ft range) doing 1d4 Bludgeoning
damage, but if the ball takes any piercing, slashing, acid, cold,
fire or lighting damage it pops and becomes a couple of
randomly shaped pieces of rubbers. The ball is immune to
bludgeoning, force, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant and
thunder damage, although bludgeoning, force, and thunder
damage will cause the ball to fly off in the same direction the
damage was travelling.

Magic Items
Basketball Court Map

Thank you for Reading Stone Dwarves
Can't Dunk

hoped you've enjoyed it! Consider checking out some
of my other adventures on Dungeon Masters Guild, Quests from the Job Board
or supporting my Patreon so I can keep producing One-shot adventures for everyday use
content, and you can help decide what I work on
next! Runway Bloody Runway
The half-orc fashion designer Gromir Fingercutter is
preparing for another fashion show, but he and the models he
The Toecap Trilogy had lined up have been getting threats to stop, intimidating
the models into quitting. Gromir wants combat capable
Toecap's Puzzle House adventures to be his models and deal with these threats. He
A Dying Woman turned her home into a Puzzle House so hopes they'll be able to handle things...
that her fortune could be claimed, but the house isn't as This adventure is designed for 4 3rd level characters, and
simple as it seems... should take 2-3 hours to play.
Toecap's Puzzle House is an Escape Room style dungeon
for a party of four 1st level characters, with options for higher The Cursed Courtesan
levels, and can also work as an introduction adventure to Patreon Exclusive
Dungeons and Dragons for new players, although Dungeon Warning: This module contains adult themes, situations,
Masters should be more familiar with the system. It should and a good helping of silly raunchy humor.
take around 2 hours to play. Madame Belle's Maison Derrière has a problem, one of
If players use their wits and skills, they should be able to their courtesans has been cursed! Can you figure out the
make it in and out of the dungeon with the treasure and their curse, find the culprit, and bring them to justice?
lives. This adventure is designed for 4 5th levels or higher
characters, and should take around 3-5 hours to play.
The Investigation of Toecap's
Tragedy Walk the Blink Dog
A family was murdered in their own home, and the Do you have animal lovers in your party? Does everyone want
Murderers were never caught. Can somebody find the truth an animal companion? Then this is the adventure for you!
and bring a grieving soul peace? Several canines at Harmony Park have gone missing and
So your players have completed Toecap's Puzzle House need to be found!
and, spoiler alert, found that there is, in fact, no treasure for This module can be played with any level party, and should
solving the puzzle. Are they unsatisfied with that conclusion? take 3-5 hours to play.
Good, that’s what Toecap wanted. But what about what she
needed? The players will need to investigate the secret they Bake-off Battle
discovered in Puzzle House and find the truth. If any of your
players have expressed to desire to solve a mystery, or you The Baker's Union is holding their annual bake-off! Will you
just think this is interesting, then this is the follow up for you! join the bake-off, compete in the pie eating contest, fight
This adventure is broken up into five chapters, each of some magical food monsters, or just take in the sights?
which can be played in a 2-3 hour session, and even as stand This adventure can be played by any size or level party with
alone adventures if you so choose, for a party of 4 characters. options to scale certain parts, and should take around 3-5
This adventure should bring 4 1st level characters to level 3 hours to play, depending on how long the players take
by the final chapter. checking out the 20 vendors stalls. Also includes 10 food-
based creatures, including 5 Food Friends that can be
Return to the Puzzle House purchased as companions by the players, and 5 mutated
versions that might fight the players!
A soul lays trapped in a self-inflicted magic puzzle. With a
little help from the puzzle's designer, they might be freed, or Attack of the Giant Gingerbreads!
the whole thing might just explode...
Can the players survive the Puzzle House's designer's A festive one-shot adventure where gingerbread creatures
pinball dungeon and convince him to help them? have created a dangerous gingerbread house dungeon! Can
Will the players be able to dismantle the Puzzle House they be stopped before they finish what they're cooking?
from within without it killing them? This adventure is designed for 4 characters of any level,
Will Toecap's soul be able find peace? Find out in the with various options for scaling difficulties, although we
thrilling conclusion to the Toecap Trilogy! recommend at least level 4 or higher, and should take around
2-3 hours to play. Includes a new race, the Gingerbreadians,
giant cookies brought to life, and options to run this
adventure as a Gingerbread Rebellion one-shot.
Thank you! :)

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