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Patient Safety: A Literature Review to Inform an Evaluation of a Maternity Service

Undertaking a literature review on patient safety within the context of a maternity service evaluation
is no small feat. It requires meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, and a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter. A literature review serves as the foundation upon which
informed decisions and evaluations are built. It synthesizes existing knowledge, identifies gaps in
research, and provides critical insights that shape the direction of healthcare services.

The complexity of the topic adds to the challenge. Maternity services involve a myriad of
stakeholders, including expectant mothers, healthcare professionals, administrators, and
policymakers. Ensuring the safety of both mother and child during pregnancy, childbirth, and the
postpartum period is paramount. Factors such as medical interventions, communication protocols,
infrastructure, and cultural considerations all play a significant role in patient outcomes.

Navigating through the vast landscape of academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, and evidence-
based studies requires expertise and precision. Each piece of literature must be critically appraised,
its relevance assessed, and its findings synthesized into a coherent narrative. Moreover, the evolving
nature of healthcare demands a constant update of knowledge to stay abreast of the latest
developments and best practices.

For those embarking on the journey of crafting a literature review for a maternity service evaluation,
the task may seem daunting. However, there is help available. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution
to alleviate the burden. With a team of experienced researchers and writers specializing in healthcare
topics, ⇒ ⇔ can assist in conducting a comprehensive literature review tailored to
your specific needs.

By outsourcing the literature review process to ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your
evaluation of the maternity service is based on sound evidence and expert analysis. Save time, reduce
stress, and gain confidence in the validity of your findings. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to deliver a
literature review that meets the highest standards of quality and rigor.

In conclusion, while writing a literature review for a maternity service evaluation is undoubtedly
challenging, it is also a crucial step in ensuring patient safety and improving healthcare outcomes.
With the support of ⇒ ⇔, you can navigate this task with ease and precision,
allowing you to focus on making informed decisions that positively impact maternal and neonatal
Misoprostol Use and Its Impact on Measuring Abortion Incidence and. Only 7 of the instruments,
none of which had been validated in a low- or middle-income country (LMIC), had good
psychometric properties. 12 However, since the review, 2 scales have been developed for measuring
women's childbirth experiences in LMICs, both with good psychometric properties—high validity
and reliability. The principle is that experts know the domain very well, in this case RMC and
maternal and newborn health, so they can provide recommendations for usability and feasibility.
Traditional classroom teaching, social media content, and cognitive activities provided theoretical
foundations. In addition, there was concern among some respondents that it was premature to
recommend specific indicators for PBF programs without testing them and also that RMC-related
behaviors should be normative and not rewarded. UserMatchHistory 1 month Linkedin - Used to
track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's
preferences. The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework, which has been used to evaluate obstetric
programmes in the past, will be used to assess the effectiveness of MANE training, assessing
participant reaction to the MANE programme, knowledge acquisition, behaviour change,
organisational change and patient experience. All authors commented on drafts and have approved
the final text. Clinicians can only apply their functional medicine education within the scope of their
current healthcare licensure. This study does not consider whistle-blowing to the public or the
authorities but focuses on performance monitoring within teams for patient safety. The Effective
Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) began in 1998. All rural and regional level 2, 3 and 4 health
Victorian health service providers, who have births ranging from 20 to 1003 births per year, 11 are
now required by the Victorian DHHS to participate in this restructured MANE programme. Quality
of care in performance-based financing: how it is incorporated in 32 programs across 28 countries.
Many junior physicians and nurses have experience hesitating to voice their concerns over patient
safety, even when they are aware of the risks and the shortcomings of such omissions. Sample size
considerations We aim to include all health services who are required to receive MANE training in
2018 and 2019. This restructured service has maintained a strong focus on recognising and
responding to clinical deterioration, in addition to educating clinicians about clinical governance and
risk management principals. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Search strategy for
MEDLINE.(PDF 37 KB) Additional file 2: The selected study and its quality assessment.(PDF 36
KB) Authors’ original submitted files for images Below are the links to the authors’ original
submitted files for images. The purpose of Living Systematic Reviews is to continuously update
priority issues, while Systematic Reviews of Measurement Instruments condense evidence on the
validity of measurement instruments. Geneva: WHO; 2016.. Accessed April 4, 2017. 21. ? Gergen J,
Josephson E, Coe M, Ski S, Madhavan S, Bauhoff S. Increased hospital documentation requirements
may not increase breastfeeding among first-time mothers. You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. Participants were more likely to raise patient safety concerns and question those in
authority. This phenomenon should be evaluated in further study. Following delivery, the mother and
baby are visited daily for ten. Hospital discharge bags and breastfeeding at 6 months: data from the
infant feeding practices study II. In addition, significant differences existed across the units of the
health care institutions with regard to the legal implications and the impacts of nursing
documentation on quality assurance and science of nursing. Figure 1 provides a research plan for our
evaluation, incorporating the essential components of the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model. Postnatal
glucose homeostasis in late-preterm and term infants. May be adolescent (age 17 yr or younger);
nullipara, age 35 yr or older; multipara age 40 yr or older; concepti on less than 3 mo after last
delivery or have interval of 8 or more yr between pregnancies. In each case, quality training of all
data collectors is essential, regardless of previous QI or CSC experience, due to the complex,
sensitive, and subjective nature of many RMC indicators.
The objective was to review the evidence for the effectiveness of training in EmOC. There is
evidence that over 50% of maternal health programmes that result in improving access to EmOC and
reduce maternal mortality have an EmOC training component. A key addition to the literature are
the WHO tools for measuring how women are treated during facility-based childbirth that focus on
measuring mistreatment through community surveys and labor observations. 54 However, the focus is
on measuring existing indicators, most of which are captured in our original list. Rockville, MD: U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. Mobilizing and Strengthening Civil Society
Organizations To Scale Up Nutritio. Researchers have projected that by 2025, the number of primary
care NPs in the United States will increase to 103,000 from the 60,407 measured in 2012 ( Auerbach
et al., 2013; HRSA, 2014a ). Download Free PDF View PDF Journal of the Egyptian Public Health
Association Assessment of patient safety culture among the staff of the University Hospital for
Gynecology and Obstetrics in Alexandria, Egypt Manal Swelem Background Patient safety (PS) is a
fundamental component of healthcare quality. Michele Issel, PhD UIC School of Public Health.
Objectives. Develop a sampling strategy Develop a design for an effect evaluation Appreciate the
trade-offs between rigor and costs. Detect “high risk” pregnancies and give the mothers special. The
term “independent practice” has become a charged term for some physician groups, which view it as
implying solo or competitive practice. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person
you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail.
This shift has created an opportunity for nurses, physicians, and other providers to work together to
find common ground in the new context of health care, and to devise solutions that work for all
professions and patients. Authors’ contributions AO had full access to all of the data in the study and
takes full responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of data analysis. Every Woman
Every Child website.. Published July 14, 2017. Full description Save Save NurseReview.Org - The
high risk pregnancy For Later 100% 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 23 Search inside document. References ?
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Objectives: Become informed consumers of impact
evaluation Set the learning agenda. In medicine, human factors, also referred to as nontechnical
skills, are widely acknowledged as contributing to medical harm. 2. The Future of Nursing:
Campaign for Action (the Campaign) should broaden its coalition to include more. We then updated
the indicator spreadsheet to identify which could potentially be used in CSCs and PBF schemes.
Qual Saf Health Care. 2010, 19 (6): 585-591. PubMed. Learn More Milbank State Leadership
Network Multipayer Primary Care Network Medicaid Transformation Network Leadership Programs
Overview The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and
executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health. In 2008,
scope-of-practice restrictions were loosened slightly when legislation 10 was passed permitting
APRNs to sign birth and death certificates, advance directives, and applications for handicapped
license tags. For example, many studies in this review emphasised the importance of team
relationships or leaders’ attitudes for speaking up. The goal of establishing quality obstetric care with
trained providers and access to this. The overall goal of Functional Medicine Universitys
Certification Program CFMP is to increase and expand the clinical expertise and knowledge base of
healthcare practitioners in the principles and practice of functional medicine. Maternity services
operate in a networked system across these six levels of care. An understanding of the provisions of
this act may be useful. It also acknowledged that nursing and medicine are not interchangeable
professions and that the “captain-of-the-ship notion needs to be refined for the 21st century” (
RWJF, 2013, p. 3). Efforts to refine and publish the report ended when a leaked early draft drew
opposition from physician organizations. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
Get the gold standard in Health Coaching Certification with the only program designed and
delivered in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine and fully approved by the
National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching. Further, we want to avoid the idea that the
implementation of one (albeit important) action, like hanging curtains for privacy, means respectful
care was achieved. In 2012, the Virginia state legislature unanimously voted to approve a bill that
was the result of negotiations between the Medical Society of Virginia and the Virginia Council of
Nurse Practitioners. Knowledge is the most democratic source of power. -Alvin Toffler. a world in
which there are two types of people. Another criticism of the survey is the length and time it takes
for completion with the potential effect on validity and reliability of participant response. Prevention
of unintended pregnancy also reduces the complications. Start there with IFMs introductory course
and go on. All potentially identifying information about individuals and individual hospitals will be
removed. Find this author on Google Scholar Find this author on PubMed Search for this author on
this site. Development of a tool to measure person-centered maternity care in developing settings:
validation in a rural and urban Kenyan population. Learn More Reports Issue Briefs Case Studies
Health of US Primary Care Scorecard Milbank-Supported Reports The Milbank Quarterly About Us
Overview The Milbank Memorial Fund is is a foundation that works to improve population health
and health equity. In addition, we reviewed 11 handpicked articles to identify RMC indicators that
could be used for PBF. Federal Trade Commission, 4 sided with the FTC, which alleged that the
Board’s efforts to prevent nondentists from providing teeth-whitening services constituted an unfair
method of competition under federal law. 5 The Board sought to dismiss the motion on grounds of
state-action immunity. Despite national recommendation for multidisciplinary human factors
training, there is a lack of guidance and healthcare-orientated training. Progress on removing barriers
to APRN practice and care. All routine procedures, assessments, screenings, immunizations, and
laboratory draws can be performed during skin-to-skin contact or at the mother’s bedside. 10-12
Early mother-infant separation may lead to poorer mother-infant interaction during breastfeeding 18
and could affect early initiation of breastfeeding. 19. And tomorrow. How to boost households'
financial resilience. Government policy must also include midwifery in health systems and. Some of
the indicators recommended have been used to measure women's experiences during prenatal care, 9
but more work is needed in this area. Some states—for example, Kentucky, New York, Texas, and
Utah—have made incremental improvements to their laws but are still categorized by AANP and the
Campaign as having reduced or restricted practice for APRNs ( AANP, 2015; CCNA, 2014b, 2015 ).
Several new initiatives in education and practice are part of national efforts both to foster
interprofessional education and practice and to break down the barriers that exist when professionals
are educated in silos (see Chapter 5 ). It is anticipated that the interview will take approximately
1?hour to complete and will be audio-recorded for later analysis. Where there is no existing data
collection mechanism to integrate RMC indicators, facility-based exit surveys of women who have
recently given birth might be the least expensive approach. Less common problems can occur, placing
both the client and the fetus in a potentially compromised situation. Since we completed the review,
there have been other quantitative studies measuring RMC. Bergh and colleagues reviewed evidence
of change in healthcare provider behaviour and maternal and neonatal outcomes as a result of
emergency obstetric and neonatal care training. 20 This review proposed a refined version of the
Kirkpatrick classification for programme evaluation, with increased focus on levels 3 (behaviour) and
4 (results). Level 6 services are equipped with neonatal intensive care units, and therefore care for the
earliest and sickest newborns in the state. Those who voice their opinions or concerns feel that they
create a safer environment for others. May be jaundiced, screening positive for active hepatitis.
Removal of industry-sponsored formula sample packs from the hospital: does it make a difference.
The most cost-effective approach will depend on existing data collection mechanisms in the particular
setting. Thought you might appreciate this item(s) I saw in Journal of Patient Safety. The draft report
noted the shortage and maldistribution of primary care providers and emphasized the need for
patient-centered care. Incorporating lessons learned in pursuing a consensus. (accessed September
23, 2015). Medical Doctor Doctor of Osteopathy Doctor of Chiropractic Naturopathic Doctor
Dentist Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Registered Nurse Registered Dietitian Acupuncturist.
Open-ended responses will be coded and collapsed into meaningful themes. To this end, the
importance of skilled maternal health providers. In 2016, 97% of mothers birthed in hospitals, in
birth centres (1.8%), at home (0.3%) or in other settings including births before arrival at hospital
(0.4%). 3 Of the mothers who birth in hospitals, the majority (74%) do so in public hospitals, with
the remaining 26% birthing in private health services. 3. Only three studies assessed effectiveness at
all four levels. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board
We're Hiring. These estimates were consistent with those from the 2008 National Sample Survey of
Registered Nurses (RNs) ( HRSA, 2010 ) and research supported by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality ( AHRQ, 2011 ). The Network's monitoring framework includes a flexible set
of indicators for each WHO quality of care domain, including the 3 experience of care domains. Of
the remaining 18 studies, 8 (31%) described the speaking-up behaviour of nurses, and 10 (38%)
described the speaking-up behaviour of both physicians and nurses. Mobilizing and Strengthening
Civil Society Organizations To Scale Up Nutritio. The Functional Medicine model is an
individualized patient-centred science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to
work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. For
example, many studies in this review emphasised the importance of team relationships or leaders’
attitudes for speaking up. The overall goal of Functional Medicine Universitys Certification Program
CFMP is to increase and expand the clinical expertise and knowledge base of healthcare practitioners
in the principles and practice of functional medicine. Second, in this review, similarities were found
between factors influencing the speaking-up behaviour of junior physicians and factors influencing
that of nurses, but the impact of these factors may differ between these groups. Despite national
recommendation for multidisciplinary human factors training, there is a lack of guidance and
healthcare-orientated training. Find this author on Google Scholar Find this author on PubMed
Search for this author on this site Mary Mwanyika-Sando c Africa Academy for Public Health, Dar
es Salaam, Tanzania. The effects of aviation-style nontechnical skills training on technical
performance and outcome in the operating theatre. Applied Functional Medicine Certification AFMC
credential. Thus, for instance, leaders’ inclusiveness can increase a feeling of safety and efficacy of
speaking up. Ethics and dissemination The research team will inform eligible health service sites
about the evaluation with the option for health services to opt out if they do not wish to participate.
The objective was to review the evidence for the effectiveness of training in EmOC. Among the NP
respondents to the 2012 HRSA survey employed in patient care roles, 59 percent of those who had
graduated in 1992 or earlier were working in primary care, compared with 42 percent of those who
had graduated between 2003 and 2007. These influencing factors could be assigned to the following
categories: motivation and clinical context, general contextual factors, individual factors, the
perceived safety of speaking up, and the perceived efficacy of speaking up (Figure 2 ). Figure 2.
Blood glucose monitoring is an important aspect of care and intervention for patients with diabetes
or those who are critically ill and therefore, it is important to explore it and the factors that influence
it. Standards for Improving Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Health Facilities. During each
of these visits the midwife checks temperature, pulse.

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