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OLL24231 42V S.L.C.

AMENDMENT NO.llll Calendar No.lll

Purpose: To prohibit the use of funds to label speech as
disinformation or misinformation or to coerce online
platforms to alter, remove, restrict, or suppress speech.


H. R. 2882

To reauthorize the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall

Trust Fund, and for other purposes.
Referred to the Committee on llllllllll and
ordered to be printed
Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed
AMENDMENT intended to be proposed by Mr. SCHMITT
1 At the appropriate place, insert the following:
2 SEC. lll. (a) None of the funds made available
3 by this Act may be used—
4 (1) by an employee acting under the official au-
5 thority of the Federal Government to create a list or
6 database with the purpose of gathering and labeling
7 any speech of a United States citizen as
8 disinformation or misinformation;
9 (2) to provide or transmit a list or database de-
10 scribed in paragraph (1) or a single item of speech
11 to any provider or operator of a covered platform in
OLL24231 42V S.L.C.

1 order to alter, remove, restrict, or suppress speech
2 of a United States citizen that is shared on the cov-
3 ered platform based on a determination, by an em-
4 ployee acting under the official authority of the Fed-
5 eral Government, that the views of the speech in the
6 list, database, or item are disinformation or misin-
7 formation; or
8 (3) to create, or provide funding to a foreign
9 government, quasi-governmental organization, or
10 nonprofit organization for the research, development,
11 or maintenance of, any disinformation or misin-
12 formation list or ranking system relating to news
13 content, regardless of medium.
14 (b) For purposes of this section, the term ‘‘covered
15 platform’’ means an interactive computer service, as that
16 term is defined in section 230 of the Communications Act
17 of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230).

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