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ISSN 1989 – 9572

DOI: 10.47750/jett.2023.14.02.042

A Review of Studies on Math Teaching Methods

Hai Nam Hoang1

Thang Ngoc Hoang2

Hoa Thi Thanh Dang3

Thang Nguyen4

Journal for Educators,Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 14 (2)
Date of reception: 28 Jan 2023

Date of revision: 16 Mar 2023

Date of acceptance: 17 Mar 2023

Hai Nam Hoang, Thang Ngoc Hoang, Hoa Thi Thanh Dang, Thang Nguyen (2023). A Review of Studies
on Math Teaching Methods.Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers,Vol. 14(2). 448-463.

The University of Da Nang - University of Science and Education, Vietnam,
The University of Fire Prevention and Fighting;
TheVNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 448
Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 14 (2)
ISSN 1989 – 9572
A Review of Studies on Math Teaching Methods
Hai Nam Hoang1, Thang Ngoc Hoang2, Hoa Thi Thanh Dang3, Thang Nguyen4
The University of Da Nang - University of Science and Education, Vietnam,
The University of Fire Prevention and Fighting;
TheVNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Hanoi, [email protected]

A method is one of the factors that determine the quality of education in general and is a key
pedagogical element to ensure effective teaching in particular. Mathematics is not only the abstract
study of numbers, space, and change but also the paradigms for proving hypotheses by
mathematical inferences and the application of knowledge to problems in different areas of life.
Teaching mathematics is a system of concepts, theories, methods, and teaching activities. This is
determined by the teaching methods and methods, which determine the effectiveness of learning
and applying mathematics, that teachers organize for learners to solve tasks or exercises to deepen
learned knowledge or develop and operate. apply math knowledge in practice. The article finds
many aspects of math teaching methods, depending on the purpose and audience, and suggests
using a single method or a combination of methods to effectively apply not only to learners but also
to their needs suitable for pedagogical students.
Keywords: education settings, math teaching, teaching method

The content of mathematics is abstract, logical, and general. Therefore, in order to help learners, learn math
well, it is necessary to ensure a balance between learning theory and applying theory to solve specific problems.
Besides, it is necessary to have the support of devices such as handheld computers and electronic computers to
explore knowledge and solve mathematical problems. Mathematics education at all levels plays a very important
role because it helps students build and develop mathematical competence and apply it in practice. To bring
about effective math teaching, changing math teaching methods in a positive way is being applied by many
schools today. So what are the effective and commonly used active teaching methods for math? Teaching needs
to be appropriate to students' cognitive abilities and levels, with attention paid to the needs and cognitive
abilities of each subject. Organizing teaching in a constructive direction means that students will be the ones to
actively seek, discover, and make their own inferences to solve problems.
Though there are varied of math teaching and relevant to math teaching methods, some main tendencies are: 1)
visual, by computer-aided instruction (Aqda et al., 2011), virtual math objects (Bos, 2009), ICT teaching-
learning methods (Cunska & Savicka, 2012), web-page links (Khorasani, 2012), math platform accessible
(Maćkowski et al., 2018); 2) the questioning: verbal math problem-solving performance (Babakhani, 2011),
effective pedagogies (Hunter Revell & McCurry, 2013), mastery” teaching methods (Jerrim & Vignoles, 2016);
3)problem solving: the design of tasks (Álvarez et al., 2020), knowledge growth (Copur-Gencturk & Li, 2023),
elements of ethno pedagogics (Erkisheva et al., 2014) , a framework (Loc et al., 2022), comparing methods
(Thippana et al., 2020), a case study (Zohrevand et al., 2010); 4) Practices: preparation count (Akyeampong et
al., 2013) , ability grouping (Boliver & Capsada-Munsech, 2021)., digital game-based math learning (Dai et al.,
2023), case studies (Ghic, 2012)., co-teaching (King-Sears et al., 2021), An embedded mixed method study
(Öztürk, 2021), special teaching methods (Şengül, 2009), Using Math Projects (Stoica, 2015), a mixed-methods
investigation (Thomson et al., 2020); 5) lecturing and illumination: content knowledge (Copur-Gencturk &
Tolar, 2022), The school-level standardized testing policy (Im et al., 2020), RMI method (Wang et al., 2011). It
can be said that these are basic methods have been researched and applied by teachers and researchers.
Additionally, there are some other studies on math teaching methods, such as: multi-step math skills (Kellems et
al., 2016), children’s math attitudes (Levine & Pantoja, 2021), Student’s Achievement (Pachemska et al., 2014),
teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs (Perera & John, 2020), teachers’ perceived effectiveness (ten Hagen et al., 2022),
adult and young students in a same classroom (Zohrevand et al., 2010), teacher motivation and teaching quality
(Lazarides & Schiefele, 2021) social relations (Kodzi et al., 2014), teacher beliefs (Tan & Saw Lan, 2011),
Cognitive Training Program (Tashtoush et al., 2022b), concepts-rich in math (Tashtoush et al., 2022a), and
conceptual and procedural knowledge (Fannakhosrow et al., 2022).

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 449
This research is conducted based on the following basic aspects: one is to learn about the teaching methods of
math in the research; this is done by asking the following questions: (1) how many studies have been done on
math; (2) how many studies refer to math teaching and learning; and (3) how much research has been done on
math teaching methods and the terms "math teaching method," "math teaching, "and "math teaching methods."
This study uses data belonging to the Sciencedirect system, Sciencedirect is a high-quality, multi-disciplinary
electronic database of Elsevier Publishing House. The journals in Sciencedirect have a high impact factor and
are trusted by many researchers. Sciencedirect, in particular, has been very effective in assisting researchers,
staff, lecturers, learners, and students with their research, writing articles, scientific works, and teaching and
learning work. Besides, the selected data was processed by excel and VOSviewer, a software program for
creating and visualizing bibliometric networks called VOSviewer. These networks can be built via citation,
bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relationships, and they can contain journals, researchers, or
individual articles. But this software was used to visual the keywords relevant to math teaching methods.


The findings of the study focus on the following key problems: 1) The quantity of academic papers on math
teaching techniques; 2) Clusters of linked terms in math teaching methods studies; 3) The kinds of research
documents of math teaching methods; 4) Journals that publish articles on math teaching methods; 5) Sectors
related in the documents of math teaching methods.

Table 1. The Number of Articles on Math Teaching Methods

Total % Total % Total %
2023 229 1.69 3 1.54 -
2022 1046 7.73 14 7.18 -
2021 1004 7.42 12 6.15 -
2020 969 7.16 12 6.15 1 10.00
2019 898 6.63 13 6.67 -
2018 834 6.16 11 5.64 1 10.00
2017 740 5.47 13 6.67 -
2016 763 5.64 13 6.67 -
2015 840 6.21 15 7.69 -
2014 713 5.27 10 5.13 1 10.00
2013 664 4.91 11 5.64 1 10.00
2012 652 4.82 7 3.59 -
2011 526 3.89 13 6.67 1 10.00
2010 667 4.93 13 6.67 1 10.00
2009 412 3.04 5 2.56 1 10.00
2008 400 2.96 3 1.54 -
2007 312 2.30 2 1.03 -
2006 306 2.26 2 1.03 -
2005 278 2.05 1 0.51 -
2004 263 1.94 5 2.56 1 10.00
2003 217 1.60 7 3.59 1 10.00
2002 238 1.76 3 1.54 -
2001 188 1.39 -
2000 184 1.36 1 0.51 -
1999 193 1.43 3 1.54 -
1997 - - 3 1.54 -
1985 - - - 1 10.00

MTD = math teaching method, “MT” = math teaching, “MTDS” = math teaching methods
The Table 1 represents the data about the number of publications of math teaching method, math teaching, and
math teaching methods collected from the database of Sciencedirect, over the period of two decades from the
years 1985 to 2023. Overall, what stands out from the figure is that there were considerable upward trends of the
publications with the keyword “math teaching method”, while the articles revealed from the keyword “math
teaching” are much smaller and the documents relevant to the keyword “math teaching methods” are ten only.
Looking at the details the search of the keyword “math teaching methods” gets only ten documents during the
period of time, and each of the ten years has one of the documents mentioned in math teaching methods. The

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 450
keyword of “math teaching”, during that time, has 230 documents that were different from one article to 15
articles, and most of the documents were published in the last decades and much fewer of the numbers were
released in the first decade. The research of the keyword of “math teaching methods” has the most articles,
which was about from near 200 articles in the year 2000 to approximately over 300 documents in the year 2007,
then the number doubled in the next three years in 2010, and increased dramatically in the last period and
reached to its height of numbers are over 1000 documents in 2022. Obviously, each keyword has its own
searched number of articles, it can be said that this theme had considerably been researched by researchers
around the world.

Figure 1 .The Keywords and Their Clusters on Math Teaching Methods

In terms of keywords are extracted from the documents and that can be classified into clusters, including Cluster
1 (16 items) achievement gaps, early mathematics, home math environment, home numeracy, home numeracy
environment, longitudinal study, mathematical knowledge for teaching, numeracy, numeracy activities, parents,
pedagogical content knowledge, preschool, Reading, socioeconomic status, spatial skills, teacher professional
development. Cluster 2 (15 items) distance education, distance learning, diversity, e-learning, equity, evidence-
based practice, mathematics education, mathematics learning, online learning, pedagogy, primary education,
race, science education, teachers, teaching quality. Cluster 3 (14 items) adolescence, developmental trajectories,
gender stereotypes, math problem solving, math skills, metacognition, primary school, reading skills, school
readiness, self-concept, sex differences, social cognition, stereotype threat, stereotypes
Cluster 4 (13 items) arithmetic, arithmetic strategies, early math, Geometry, intervention, maternal support,
math attitudes, measurement, measurement invariance, problem solving, ses, teacher support, timss. Cluster 5
(13 items) achievement goals, approximate number system, effectiveness, executive function, flipped classroom,
game-based learning, home experiences, latent profile analysis, longitudinal, math education, meta-analysis,
parent involvement. Cluster 6 (13items) anxiety, attitude, elementary school, instructional strategies, low-
income, Mathematics, mathematics anxiety, Medication, nursing, student engagement, students, value beliefs.
Cluster 7 (12 items) competence, curriculum, early childhood, effort, math, mathematics achievement,
mediation, mentoring, middle school, mixed methods, motivation, reading comprehension. Cluster 8 (12 items)
cognitive development, embodied cognition, executive functioning, gesture, inhibition, math learning, pre-
service teacher education, pre-service teachers, reasoning, spatial ability sub-saharan africa, working memory.
Cluster 9 (11 items) academic skills, autism, executive functions, learning disability, math performance, person-
centered approach, planning, self-regulation, stem, video modeling. Cluster 10 (11 items) activity theory,
advanced mathematics, algebra, instructional improvement, mathematicians, standardized testing, teaching,
teaching methods, teaching practices, tracking. Cluster 11: education, educational economics, english,
evaluation, maple, maths, nurse education, nursing students, personality traits, teaching and learning,
Cluster 12: (11 items) classroom observation, creativity, homework, math self-efficacy, multilevel analysis,
pisa, self-regulated learning, structural equation modeling, student achievement, teacher self-efficacy, teacher
quality. Cluster 13 (10 items) academic achievement, academic motivation, academic performance, formative
assessment, higher education, math achievement, math anxiety, math self-concept, multilevel modeling,

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 451
transfer. Cluster 14 (8 items) dispositions, early intervention, educational games, kindergarten, learning,
mathematical thinking, mathematics teaching, secondary school. Cluster 15 (8 items) achievement, beliefs,
gender, human capital, identity, narrative, preservice teachers, social capital. Cluster 16 (8 items) applications in
subject areas, collaborative learning, discourse, elementary education, improving classroom teaching, interactive
learning environments, secondary education, teaching/learning strategies. Cluster 17 (8 items) children, early
childhood education, professional development, self-efficacy, teacher collaboration, teacher education, teaching
strategies. Cluster 18 (3 items) instructional practices, mindset, teacher beliefs.
It is noticeable that the information shows the authors and their papers have been published in the Sciencedirect
database between 1985 and 2023. It can be seen that 13 authors have their own three papers published (audette,
luke m. bachman, heather j.; berninger, virginia w.; bicer, ali; blair, clancy; boekaerts, monique; bono, r.;
caglayan, günhan; casey, beth m.; castellon, libni berenice; coles, claire d.; colindres, karla; valesca matute;
copur-gencturk, yasemin), there are 94 authors with 02 articles based on the database.

Table 2 Article Titles that Papers on Math Teaching Methods Published

Articles Titles
Total % Total % Total %
Review articles 667 3.7 8 3.48 1 10
Research articles 13,243 72.6 191 83.04 8 80
Encyclopedia 374 2.0 3 1.30 - -
Book chapters 1,772 9.7 14 6.09 - -
Conference abstracts 261 1.4 3 1.30 - -
Book reviews 368 2.0 - - - -
Case reports 10 0.1 - - - -
Conference info 31 0.2 - - - -
Correspondence 23 0.1 - - - -
Data articles 6 0.0 - - - -
Discussion 138 0.8 1 0.43 - -
Editorials 122 0.7 1 0.43 - -
Examinations 1 0.0 - - - -
Mini reviews 28 0.2 - - - -
News 58 0.3 - - - -
Practice guidelines 4 0.0 - - - -
Product reviews 24 0.1 - - - -
Short communications 280 1.5 4 1.74 - -
Other 828 4.5 5 2.17 1 10
Total 18,247 100 230 100 10 100

The above table provides information about the types of documents related to math teaching methods that have
been published in the data system, in which, research articles account for the majority (N = 13,243; 72.6%) and
the examination contained only one article. If considered in detail, it is the research articles that account for the
largest number, followed by book chapters (N = 1,700; 9.7%), review articles, and others with nearly the same
numbers and percentages (N = 667; 3.7%; and N = 828; 4.5%). The group of documents with a lower number of
publications was encyclopedias (N = 374; 2%), conference abstracts (N = 261; 1.4%), and book reviews (N =
368; 2%). It can be seen that the documents belonging to the review group have a significant number compared
to the total number of published documents on math teaching methods. If comparing the number of documents
between keywords, there is the same trend as for the keyword "math teaching method," however, there are some
types of documents that no longer appear with the keywords of math teaching and math teaching methods, that
are Book reviews, Case reports, Conference info, Correspondence, Data articles, Examinations, Mini-reviews,
News, Practice guidelines, and Product reviews

Table 3 . Journals that Published the most Papers on Math Teaching Methods
Publication Titles
Total % Total % Total %
Teaching and Teacher Education 1,063 13.8 36 20.4 2 20
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 827 10.7 42 23.8 3 30
Computers & Education 750 9.7 16 9.09 -
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 459 6.0 5 2.84 -
International Journal of Educational Research 416 5.4 10 5.68 1 10

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 452
International Journal of Educational Development 387 5.0 7 3.98 -
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 350 4.5 5 2.84 -
Economics of Education Review 337 4.4 - -
Learning and Individual Differences 337 4.4 3 1.70 -
Contemporary Educational Psychology 319 4.1 3 1.70 -
Studies in Educational Evaluation 272 3.5 6 3.41 -
Journal of School Psychology 268 3.5 - -
Learning and Instruction 266 3.4 8 4.55 1 10
Computers in Human Behavior 214 2.8 - -
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 186 2.4 5 2.84 -
Historia Mathematica 178 2.3 - -
Children and Youth Services Review 151 2.0 - -
Linguistics and Education 142 1.8 2 1.14 -
Thinking Skills and Creativity 141 1.8 - -
Educational Research Review 118 1.5 - -
System 112 1.5 - -
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 111 1.4 - -
Procedia Computer Science 105 1.4 - -
International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition),
2023 103 1.3 2 1.14 -
International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition),
2010 99 1.3 - -
Discrete Mathematics 4 2.27 -
Computers in Biology and Medicine 3 1.70 -
Economics of Education Review 3 1.70 -
Information Processing & Management 2 1.14 -
Jounral of Economic Behavior & Organization 2 1.14 -
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2 1.14 -
Nurse Education Today 2 1.14 1 10
Historia Mathematica 2 1.14 -
Learning , Culture and Social Interaction 2 1.14 -
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 2 1.14 -
Mathematical Modelling in Education and Culture 2 1.14 -
Keeping Mozart in Mind (Second Edition), 2004 - 1 10
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry - 1 10
Total 7,711 100 176 100 10 100

The Table 3 provides the information of how many articles of math teaching methods have published by
different publication titles. Generally, the titles relevant to education and social sciences have published the
most of the articles, especially relevant to keyword of math teach method, while the data of articles of keyword
of “math teach methods” are fewer. In the details, the title “Teaching and Teacher Education” have issued the
largest numbers of documents of math teaching method with over 1000 items (13.8%). The second largest
possibly are Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences and Computers & Education with over 800 documents
and around 750 articles (9.7%). The third largest of publications are Early Childhood Research Quarterly (N
=459; 6%) and International Journal of Educational Research (N = 416; 5.4%). The next group of publications
are International Journal of Educational Development, The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Economics of
Education Review, Learning and Individual Differences and Contemporary Educational Psychology, these
journals published the numbers between neatly over 300 items and nearly 400 items. And the rest has under 200
items and the fewest is International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), 2010 with 99 articles.

Table 4 . Sectors that Published the most Documents of Math Teaching Methods.
Subject Areas
Total % Total % Total %
Social Sciences 9,411 37.3 172 51.3 8 47.1
Psychology 4,932 19.5 51 15.2 3 17.6
Arts and Humanities 1,885 7.5 49 14.6 3 17.6
Computer Science 1,835 7.3 16 4.8 -
Medicine and Dentistry 1,796 7.1 8 2.4 1 5.9

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 453
Mathematics 1,582 6.3 19 5.7 -
Engineering 1,492 5.9 5 1.5 -
Economics, Econometrics and
Finance 1,076 4.3 7 2.1 -
Business, Management and
Accounting 660 2.6 - -
Neuroscience 573 2.3 5 1.5 1 5.9
Biochemistry, Genetics and
Molecular Biology 0.0 3 0.9 -
Nursing and Health Professions 0.0 - 1 5.9
Total 25,242 100 335 100 17 100

The above table compares the most articles published in the sectors of math teaching methods in the period of
over two decades. The table shows the numbers of different sectors having documents of math teaching
methods, including Social Sciences, Psychology, Arts and Humanities, Computer Science, Medicine and
Dentistry, Mathematics, Engineering, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Business, Management and
Accounting, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Nursing, and Health Professions.
Overall, it can be seen that Social Sciences is generally the most sector of numbers of publications on math
teaching methods with over 37 percent, On the whole, areas such as Nursing, and Health Professions and
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology are not as popular as Arts and Humanities, Computer Science. In
terms of numbers, Social Sciences come top of the list with 9,411 items. Psychology is the next field with
published documents with around 5.000 articles.

The Visual
Using a quasi-experimental design, Aqda et al. (2011) assess the effects of traditional instruction vs computer-
aided instruction on students' creativity in math courses. The Persian translation of the Torrance Creativity Test
and a personal information questionnaire are provided by the authors to show that this approach is more
successful than the standard one. Even if this approach might not be suited for all educational circumstances, the
results can be used as a guide to select the best strategies. Bros, B. (2009) came to the conclusion that neither
teachers nor pre-service teachers are educated about the pedagogical, mathematical, or cognitive fidelity that can
improve students' academic performance using virtual math objects and web designers. Additionally, students
might have a deeper knowledge of the mathematical formula in the case. Additionally, using a computer
network and the Internet, especially through the use of web page links sent via e-mail, students can have a
deeper knowledge of the mathematical formula in the case of both knowing and using the formula (Khorasani,
M. K. 2012).
The current generation of youngsters, Cunska, A., and Savicka (2012) say differs from the previous one in that
they are more open-minded, intuitive, sensitive, and intellectually curious, among other new traits that make
them uninterested in conventional teaching approaches. The authors claim that interactive teaching methods and
ICT tools can aid in students' active learning procedures as well as the growth of skills for self-evaluation,
teamwork, and tolerance for divergent opinions. By assisting teachers and students in understanding their
responsibilities and cooperating to fulfill the learning tasks for math sessions, these strategies provide an
engaging learning environment.
To make it simpler for professors and students to answer arithmetic issues including mathematical formulae,
charts, graphs, etc., Makowski et al. (2018) recommend adopting an e-learning platform for remote education.
This is particularly helpful for instructing and assessing college students with impairments. The authors divide a
typical math exercise into a number of straightforward sub-exercises. This makes it possible for arithmetic
problems to be solved interactively and for the accuracy of exercise outcomes to be continuously assessed.
These methods are more valuable because they were created and evaluated by students and adults with vision
impairments. They found that, despite the difficulty of the mathematical calculations, alternate structure
descriptions are more easily understood. This is due to the fact that detailed presentations make the
mathematical formulas easy to understand. A platform for computer-aided interactive mathematics training that
is adapted to the needs of the blind has also been created, constructed, and put into use. It can be used for on-
site, online, and distant learning. There are several challenges that can be solved while instructing students with
impairments with the aid of the suggested method.

The Questioning
The performance of primary school students who struggled with verbal math problem-solving was examined by
Babakhani, N. (2011) to determine how teaching cognitive and meta-cognitive methods (self-instruction
procedure) affected the results (VMPS). From the experimental and control groups of 60 kids with VMPS
difficulties, 30 girls and 30 boys received strategies instruction for 16 weeks spread over two months during the

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 454
school day. The author notes that the self-instructional procedure's teaching of cognitive and metacognitive
procedures significantly enhanced the experimental group's performance in both genders (F=44.86, P0.0001).
Boys and girls did not differ significantly in their use of the strategies or the effectiveness of education (F=1.22,
In a 2013 study, Hunter and McCurry looked at the challenges undergraduate nursing students encounter when
studying math as well as the methods used to teach math and problem-solving skills. The authors claim that it
has been challenging for nurse educators to build students' mathematics competency and problem-solving skills.
To address this issue, numerous educational strategies have been used, with varying degrees of success. The
need for more innovative pedagogical methods to teach mathematics to student nurses is another issue that
needs to be addressed. These four main issues are student learning challenges, traditional pedagogies,
curriculum strategies, technology integration as pedagogy, and the need for more creative pedagogical
approaches. To help children acquire the theoretical foundations as well as practical hands-on methods to
problem solving and arithmetic competency, nurse educators in particular play a significant role. It is
recommended that you utilize an integrated technology strategy since it will improve student performance,
comprehension, and overall satisfaction with their education.
Results from two clustered Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), in which a Singaporean-inspired "mastery"
approach to teaching mathematics was implemented in a number of England's primary and secondary schools,
are presented by Jerrim and Vignoles (2016). They point out that two aspects in particular have attracted
policymakers' attention are curriculum design and East Asian teaching strategies. The study came to the
conclusion that there is evidence of a modest, positive treatment effect that comes at a relatively low per-pupil
cost and possibly will have more high-performing East Asian economies dominate the top of the Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings. In particular, East Asian teaching methods actually represent
an improvement over the status quo in England. It has prompted speculation about the viability of incorporating
similar techniques onto.

Problem Solving
Lvarez et al. (2020) developed theoretical design concepts for projects for common college mathematics courses
that address applicability to teaching secondary mathematics. Despite the fact that teaching mathematics is a
form of applied mathematics, they stated that resources for curricula in mathematics major courses typically
disregard applications to teaching. A range of teaching-related materials produced by these writers are also used
in four mandatory undergraduate mathematics courses. Three major concepts were used to develop the exercises
that teach aspiring teachers how to comprehend and apply mathematics in a way that is crucial to their future
careers. The paper also includes suggestions for instructors who wish to develop or make use of similar
software. The process of developing these tasks serves as a reminder of the value of certain components related
to the roles of individuals in the activities, the deliberate focus on challenging school mathematics curriculum,
and the use of active engagement approaches.
Copur-Gencturk & Li (2023) make a contribution to the field by evaluating responses from 290 instructors from
48 states and showing how different conceptualizations of teachers' subject knowledge may have affected the
dimensionality of these dimensions in earlier studies. The authors held the opinion that teachers need possess
specific examples of content-specific knowledge and skills in order to effectively teach a certain subject. They
recognized that one important factor in preparing the teaching workforce is the type of knowledge required to
teach a subject matter. According to the study's findings, pedagogical content knowledge, subject knowledge
pertinent to teaching mathematics (which has two distinct components), and content-specific noticing skills all
have a role in teachers' ability to teach mathematics. Additionally, it aids in the better understanding by primary
school mathematics teachers of the distinction between subject-specific noticing and subject-specific knowledge
as well as pedagogical topic knowledge. Also underline how actual findings about the dimensionality of the
construct are impacted by the conception of content knowledge.
According to Erkisheva et al. (2014), ethno pedagogies are one of the resources being developed for math
instruction. It's because ethnic pedagogics, which has been created and transmitted from one generation to the
next, is a synthesis of pedagogical educational experiences that have been built over centuries and have a strong
connection to national educational traditions.
Loc et al. (2022) propose activity theory and show how it may be applied to teach Geometry 10's straight-line
equations in a plane using three stages. Phase 1: Motivation and goal orientation, where teachers use scenarios
to entice students to participate in the class; Phase 2: Knowledge creation, when students participate in a range
of learning activities to build the knowledge they need to acquire; and Phase 3: Assessment and evaluation.
Giving students a ton of exercises to do during Phase 3: Practice and Consolidation helps students reinforce their
knowledge and aids teachers in identifying and resolving students' misunderstandings. Researchers found that
the activity theory approach is more effective than the conventional teaching approach and that students in the
experimental class who were taught using activity theory had better learning outcomes than students in the
control class who were taught using the conventional teaching approach. In the experimental class, the number
of weak students decreased in comparison to the conventional approach, but the number of good students

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 455
increased. Further study is required to ascertain how to influence a wide range of students with diverse math
skill levels in order to increase the efficacy of teaching utilizing the activity theory approach.
In order to compare techniques with family factors and circumstances influencing math ability, number
discussion was measured for 97 parent-child pairs during in-lab and at-home play sessions in a study by
Thippana et al. (2020). They discovered that the amount of time parents spent engaging in math-related
activities during home observations was related to parent reports of math activities and parent number
conversations at home and in the lab. We found that parents of males and parents with higher educational levels
talked about numbers more during non-math-related activities than parents of girls and parents with lower levels
of education. However, during math-related activities, no such racial or gender differences in number talk were
seen. These findings highlight the importance of considering the contextual variables and constraints that restrict
children's opportunities to learn math, especially when creating interventions to encourage math learning in
family households.
Zohrevand et al. (2010) used a case study in mathematics education at the Islamic Azad University to highlight
various important and successful features of the quality of mathematics education and learning as well as
problems with teaching arithmetic to students with different requirements (IAU). The authors identified a
number of variables, including student age (adult and younger students), employment (students with jobs and
those without), prior educational programs, and others. Teaching and learning can be improved by having a
better understanding of the diversity among students and their opinions on math education.

In especially for the poorest students, the quality of learning in reading and mathematics is assured by teacher
preparation, according to Akyeampong et al. (2013). Initial teacher education, which led to false confidence and
standardized instructor-driven methods that failed to engage pupils, had the greatest impact on newly qualified
teachers. While reading instruction was disconnected from meaning, mathematical exercises were not related to
understanding concepts. They suggest that teacher education be restructured to focus on classroom practice with
students' learning at its core.
In 2021, Boliver, V., and Capsada-Munsech, Q., conducted research on how ability grouping influences the
enjoyment of math and English among UK primary school kids. Ability-homogeneous classrooms, according to
proponents of grouping children for instructional reasons based on measured ability, increase the
accomplishment of high-ability students without diminishing that of students who are perceived to have lesser
ability. In contrast, opponents of ability grouping claim that low-ability children in ability-homogeneous
classrooms perform much worse than high-ability students, with high-ability students performing at best just
somewhat better. One justification offered by individuals who oppose ability grouping is that those who receive
the label of low-capacity suffer psychological harm as a result of this practice, which results in a self-fulfilling
prophecy of poor achievement. Most earlier studies have looked at the claimed psychological impacts of ability
grouping on students' "academic self-concepts," which refers to students' perceptions of their skills with
reference to particular subjects or academic work in general. The authors examine whether enjoyment of
arithmetic, English, and education as a whole changes between the ages of 7 and 11 depending on the ability
group that the students were assigned to at age 7. The findings show that ability grouping, at least in terms of
students' enjoyment of math
Dai et al. (2023) utilized a mixed-methods approach to examine how students employed learning supports when
learning math through video games. They see digital game-based math learning environments (math DGBLE) as
potential resources for students to advance their conceptual understanding and mathematical reasoning, two
aspects that are given top priority in today's mathematics curriculum. Two learning tools that the authors
developed for a math DGBLE are Task Planner and Math Story. Six clusters of learning-support-use behaviors,
including conceptual knowledge development, skills development and application of mathematical problem
decomposition, metacognitive mathematical connections, metacognitive regulation, information selection using
cognitive aids, and sustained motivation for necessary aversive practices, were extracted using an unsupervised
machine learning technique (i.e., the Gaussian Mixture Model). As the study showed, the designed in-game
learning supports facilitate individual meaningful and mindful math problem-solving experiences, it is possible
to use a mixed-methods research design that combines machine learning with multiple case studies to guide the
creation of adaptive and efficient DGBL.
Teachers have struggled to make math engaging for students by providing them with problems and real-world
examples that highlight its relevance. The use of case studies in mathematics instruction is what Ghic (2012)
does. Contrarily, technology enables students to experience the value of mathematics in daily life rather than
just learning about it. An aids students in developing a positive mindset and, in particular, the skills needed to
improve this unwanted outcome. The authors came to the conclusion that real-world case studies provide
context for theoretical notions. The student is therefore interested in what can be done with a certain topic.
According to King-Sears et al. (2021), a meta analysis, co-teaching boosts academic achievement for children
with disabilities (SWD). They compare the academic achievements of SWD kids in co-taught classes to those of
SWD children in special education environments. Although the findings indicate that SWD can achieve

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 456
academic success in co-taught classes, more research is necessary to ascertain how SWD differ in co-taught
versus special education settings and how instruction differs in each. Two of the reasons that are linked to the
results that are presented are the lack of understanding about instructional strategies and the comparability of
students put in co-taught or special education settings. Future researchers are advised to follow the
recommendations and are cautioned against implementing SWD widely in either setting before making sure that
effective teaching strategies are in place and that students are receiving carefully individualized instruction as
specified in their Individualized Education Plans.
M. ztürk (2021) designed an embedded mixed approach to (1) examine the effect of the IMPROVE method, a
metacognitive training method, on the academic accomplishment of middle school pupils regarding algebraic
expressions, and (2) examine the teaching process of algebraic expressions with IMPROVE. The results of the
study showed a significant difference between the students' total accomplishment scores for algebraic
expressions and their achievement scores for questions requiring advanced cognitive abilities, favoring the
experimental group. When comparisons based on cognitive field levels are made, it has been found that there is
a statistically significant difference in favor of the group that received education based on metacognition for
questions at the synthesis level. The qualitative results also demonstrated how this teaching method enhanced
the students' many emotive characteristics, enhanced their conceptual learning, and captured their interest.
Additionally, it has been discovered that students who receive education based on metacognition value their
education and feel that this method of instruction ought to continue for future sessions.
S. Engül (2009) investigated how particular teaching strategies affected the performance of teacher candidates.
that carrying out the goals of education is something teachers have to do. In a teaching-learning context,
teachers' responsibilities are changing and becoming more important. Teachers should have the necessary
training in order to accomplish this goal because they are responsible for guiding future generations and have a
huge impact on shaping the future. In lesson two on special teaching approaches, fourth-year primary arithmetic
students are evaluated on how well they function as teachers throughout the application period.
Stoica, A. (2015) asserts that the "Maths Project," which is incorporated into regular classroom activities, can
take the role of the conventional mathematics curriculum, which entails teaching students the theory first before
assigning them exercises and problems to answer. The solutions to these challenges and exercises are generally
algorithmic, and they rarely relate to actual actions. According to the author, this approach integrates instruction,
learning, and evaluation. The study's findings, which included a significant difference in test scores between the
experimental and control groups even after adjusting for pre-testing variables, confirmed the experimental
hypothesis that the "Maths Project determinates better child learning than other classic approaches."
In order to examine how rookie teachers' mathematical efficacy trajectories altered over the course of their
teacher preparation and their first two years of work, Thomson et al. (2020) employed a mixed-methods
approach. Alumni of an esteemed American university's elementary STEM program made up the participants (N
= 245). Overall, quantitative findings showed that participant efficacy increased over their teacher training
program and decreased during their first years of teaching. For particular groups, efficacy trajectories—patterns
of either increasing or decreasing efficacy over time—were also discovered. Utilizing qualitative data, it was
possible to pinpoint the timing and root reasons of changes in teaching effectiveness.
Arithmetic knowledge and skills are extremely abstract, therefore they are frequently developed through
practice. This is because the cognitive qualities of primary school pupils are quite particular, and since math
knowledge and skills are frequently formed through practice and practice. In order to encourage students'
independence, the practice strategy works well. The following are examples of practice activities: completing
tasks or assignments given by teachers so that students can discover or acquire new knowledge and skills on
their own; practicing applying knowledge in doing calculations and solving math problems to consolidate
knowledge and form skills; collecting data and creating simple statistical tables; moving from solving practical
problems to solving math problems that they have set themselves; and solving exercises.

Lecturing and Illumination

Im et al. (2020) investigate the direct and indirect links between math proficiency in primary grades and
standardized testing practices at the school level. Data from the nationally representative Early Childhood
Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort in the United States were used to create the sample, which included
6774 children spread among 925 primary schools. The advantages of frequent testing policies in Grade 1 do not
carry over to Grade 3, despite students making short-term gains in that grade, according to the results of a
multilevel comprehensive structural mediation study. On the other hand, procedural instructional techniques
were discovered to attenuate a detrimental link between Grade 3 math achievement and policies regarding
school-level standardized testing (e.g., drills). The results have consequences for primary-grade teachers,
educational policymakers, and students regarding the validity of standardized tests.
Copur-Gencturk & Tolar (2022) gathered the viewpoints of 290 instructors from 48 US states to advance the
topic. This was accomplished by showing how different conceptualizations of teachers' subject-matter
competence may have affected the dimensionality of these dimensions in earlier investigations. Additionally, it
aids in the better understanding by primary school mathematics teachers of the distinction between subject-

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 457
specific noticing and subject-specific knowledge as well as pedagogical topic knowledge. According to the
findings, there are three separate elements of instructors' ability for teaching mathematics: subject knowledge
(with two distinct components), pedagogical content knowledge, and content-specific noticing abilities. The
results also demonstrate the multifaceted nature of teachers' subject-area expertise in teaching mathematics. The
outcomes also show how conceptualizing content knowledge affects empirical discoveries about the
dimensionality of the construct.
Mathematics is fundamentally a tool for thinking, by which we mean a specific way of thinking, according to
Wang et al. (2011). The invasion and dissemination of the mathematical style of thinking is the main means by
which the mathematical sciences achieve their goal. For mathematics to advance, it is important to promote the
use of mathematics as a tool. By examining the theoretical and practical applications of the RMI thinking
approach in the teaching of mathematics, the authors accelerated the process of creating mathematical thinking
and raised the capacity for applied mathematics. As a result, improving teaching standards is essential.

Other Factors
Using a video prompting intervention package, Kellems et al. (2016) assess the efficacy of teaching multi-step
math skills to nine persons with disabilities in a transition program for students ages 18 to 21 after high school.
The percentage of steps correctly completed served as the dependent variable. The video prompting intervention
served as the independent variable and required students to perform various multi-step arithmetic calculations,
including (a) figuring out a tip (15%), (b) figuring out item unit pricing, and (c) modifying a recipe for more or
less people. The percentage of steps correctly completed was shown to have a functional link with the video
prompting interventions and prompting package, according to the authors. After receiving the video prompting
intervention, 8 out of the 9 adults immediately displayed considerable improvements.
According to Levine and Pantoja's study from 2021, both adolescents and adults have been widely investigated
in terms of how different math attitudes relate to math achievement. Math anxiety, math self-concept, mindset,
and math-gender stereotype were all examined as they related to early math learning. By the beginning of
primary school, these attitudes start to develop and are linked to math proficiency. The authors contend that
early math success is crucial for the beginning formation of either favorable or unfavorable attitudes toward
math, which may set off a negative or favorable loop that can either support or hinder math learning.
Additionally, during early to mid-elementary school, gender disparities in math attitudes (favoring boys) start to
show. Understanding how early attitudes toward arithmetic link to one another and whether particular attitudes
constellation is frequent is an important future direction. As important socializers, parents and teachers, they
also take into account these different forms of math attitudes: generic (math gender stereotypes and mindsets),
self-relevant (math anxiety), and child -specific (expectations and value of math for their child or student). The
review emphasizes a connection between important socializers' attitudes toward math and related actions and
their kids’ attitudes toward math and arithmetic achievement. The Early Math Achievement-Attitude model is
suggested by the authors (EMAA). Increasing our knowledge of how key socializers with various math attitude
constellations interact with kids regarding arithmetic is an essential future direction. Finally, we address
intervention strategies that show promise for enhancing young children's math achievement and attitudes based
on the examination of these subjects as well as intervention research.
Pachemska et al. (2014) conducted study on ICT-based approaches for modernizing math instruction in primary
schools. The empirical findings from the completed research indicate that the Macedonian educational system
should introduce and practice using ICT for math instruction with the theoretical basis of the terms: math
instruction, teaching techniques, ICT instruction... and the gained results.
Results of multilevel structural equation modeling showed that teachers' self-efficacy beliefs for teaching math
were positively correlated with teachers' job satisfaction, class levels of math achievement, and interaction
quality. Perera & John (2020) gathered data from over 6000 4th grade students and 450 teachers. Both
individual views of the quality of interactions and individual levels of math self-concept were positively
correlated with math achievement at the level of the individual student. Math achievement, however, was found
to have a negative correlation with residualized interindividual assessments of interaction quality. These were
the outcomes of putting out and testing an integrative model of the relationships between teachers' job happiness
and students' math achievement, both directly and indirectly through the quality of their interactions as a crucial
aspect of the quality of classroom operations. According to the ecology of the classroom, other relational and
motivational indicators of math accomplishment at the student level are also included. These include personal
assessments of the effectiveness of student-teacher interactions and math self-concept.
In order to account for innate differences in students' interests, cognitive abilities, school grades, and family
backgrounds, ten Hagen et al. (2022) investigated the relationships between teachers' perceived student-specific
and domain-specific teaching effectiveness in math and reading, student-reported interest-supportive instruction,
and students' subject-specific interest in these domains. N = 449 for arithmetic and N = 568 for reading; grades
3-6; data from 48 math and 55 reading teachers and their elementary school students were analyzed. Domain-
specific multilevel path analyses showed significant within-classroom relationships between teachers'
perceptions of their ability to teach specific students and student reports of interest-supportive instruction and

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 458
subject interest, but no significant between-classroom relationships were found. The perceived efficacy of
instructors' instruction in arithmetic, but not reading, was positively predicted by prior differences in students'
subject-specific interest within classes. In both disciplines, a teacher's perception of the effectiveness of a
particular student's learning was correlated with how probable it was that student would find the teacher's
instruction compelling, which in turn predicted an improvement in the student's interest in arithmetic and
reading. Different findings across levels of study (between- vs. within-class) and disciplines (math vs. reading)
highlight the significance of looking at correlations between student- and subject-specific outcomes and teacher
perceptions of their teaching abilities.
According to Lazarides & Schiefele, (2021), in mathematics classes, teacher-reported cognitive activation,
classroom management, and emotional support were all positively correlated with teacher-reported self-efficacy
in instruction. Positive correlations were found between teacher reported educational interest and both student
and teacher reported emotional support. It is proposed that future studies concentrate more on the distinctive
relationships between various teachers' motivational traits and pertinent aspects of teaching quality. These
conclusions are based on data collected from 84 mathematics teachers (61.2% female) and their students (1718
students; 48.5% girls), as well as from earlier studies on teacher motivation, which looked at the relationships
between mathematics teachers' interest and self-efficacy and other pertinent aspects of teaching quality as
perceived by both teachers and students.
In 70 schools across six Kenyan districts, Kodzi et al. (2014) looked at how differences in important facets of
social relationships among instructors, between teachers and students, and between principals, teachers, and
parents and kids affect sixth-graders' arithmetic proficiency. While accounting for baseline factors at the school,
classroom, and student levels, we modeled math achievement as a function of social perception and support
measures. They discovered that regardless of topic expertise and background traits, pupils performed better
under the instruction of teachers who consistently check students' homework and keep them engaged in math
sessions. Math performance was inversely correlated with teacher absence and lack of interest. The absence of
parents from the classroom also had a negative impact on students' grades. Math achievement at the school level
benefited from the principal's degree of participation as seen by his or her effective teacher supervision and
warm parent contacts. While student misbehavior and absence had a detrimental impact on grades, schools
whose parents provided material and financial support had superior scores.
The attitudes and beliefs of upper secondary Math and Science teachers (MST) whose students are the first and
second cohorts to learn Mathematics and Science in English are examined in Tan & Saw Lan's (2011) study.
The results demonstrate how MST attitudes and beliefs influence teaching practices through teacher interviews
and classroom observations. Additionally, the data demonstrates how the interaction between exam policy,
instructor perceptions, and their beliefs promotes the use of translation and a focus on keywords during
instruction. These methods benefit students who are academically and linguistically talented but have a negative
effect on their ability to master new material and express themselves in new languages. Additionally, these
techniques might enhance students' short-term information understanding while limiting the growth of their oral
and written communication skills.

In terms of Visual, the student's math learning results are assessed as the ability to do the math, and the ability to
do all kinds of math problems is a key criterion for assessing the student's math learning level. Therefore,
teaching math is important, especially the visual method. The visual is a teaching method in which teachers
organize instructions for students to directly operate on teaching media and tools, thereby helping students to
form the necessary knowledge and skills of mathematics. This method is based on specific images, drawings,
objects, and surrounding reality to form knowledge for learners. This method is often used at many stages in the
teaching process, such as knowledge acquisition, problem-solving, learning practice, and knowledge review.
This method helps teachers understand the importance of teaching methods and the need to use visual methods
in teaching and learning mathematics. It also makes it easier for students to acquire knowledge through specific
images or models that represent mathematical symbols, concepts, rules, and properties. Typical studies on
visualization methods (Aqda et al., 2011), (Bos, 2009), (Cunska & Savicka, 2012), (Khorasani, 2012),
(Maćkowski et al., 2018) all show that the effectiveness and impact of this method not only for learners but also
can help teachers' teaching more effective, meeting the diverse needs of students' understanding and
understanding of math learner. Intuition is a method and a means to assist learners in achieving mastery of
abstract mathematical knowledge and developing thinking capacity. Therefore, teachers must choose the
appropriate form, content, and expression of the visual method to avoid confusion in the process of helping
learners exploit pictures, models, or diagrams of problems or systems of prompting questions, so that learners
can find a way to solve problems and apply math knowledge in a vivid and practical way.
The Questioning method in mathematics instruction uses a series of questions to steer students' thought
processes and prompt their responses rather than explicitly imparting all of the information to gain the required
information and abilities. This approach is appropriate for the demands of teaching innovation because it does
not demonstrate the knowledge that is already in the classroom. Instead, teachers encourage students to seek out

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 459
knowledge on their own by asking them questions, which helps them think critically and express themselves.
Learning methods are developed to support in long-term memory retention, improved comprehension, increased
confidence, and learning. When employing this technique, teachers must be mindful of creating and utilizing a
system of questions that suggest the outcomes of offering related information or solutions to learners' learning
activities. Additionally, it's important to systematize the questions by making them: 1) appropriate for particular
subjects, requirements, and teaching content; 2) each question should have a specific purpose related to the
lesson's goals; 3) ask a variety of questions and rely on prior knowledge to predict potential responses.
This Problem-Based approach can involve the following steps: raise the problem at the beginning of the lecture;
evaluate the relationship between the known and the desired; Propose and put into practice a problem-solving
strategy that includes gathering and organizing facts, mobilizing knowledge, drawing conclusions utilizing
cognitive processes and techniques, developing solutions, selecting the best answers, and coming to a
conclusion. After an issue has been resolved, fresh information that is extremely helpful for future use may
emerge from the outcomes. However, if we simply stop at the discovered solution, then this valuable
information only exists in the form of the unique knowledge and experience that each student has gained by
participating in problem-solving activities. Consequently, they vary depending on the pupil. It is the
responsibility of the teacher to provide and communicate that knowledge to the class so that it becomes general
knowledge that all pupils may utilize later. This is stated explicitly as a theorem, formula, rule, procedure, etc.
The teacher is said to have completed the institutionalization step at that point. To put it another way,
institutionalization is the process of converting individual knowledge into collective knowledge.
Several prerequisites for utilizing the practice method. It's important to spell out the lesson's goals explicitly, as
well as the fundamental concepts and abilities that need to be practiced, and to give enough time for exercises
practice with certain material. Determine what needs more practice - prepared practice exercises so that all
pupils can actively practice in each subject. Provide each pupil with enough practicing space. To avoid replacing
or performing all of the student's work during the practice, it is important to observe, check, and correct any
faults that may occur. You should also set up circumstances with educational aims to encourage students to be
active and self-disciplined.
The Lecturing and Illumination is a kind of method in which the instructor explains the information in words
and then supports the explanation with visuals to help the students comprehend the lesson's material. Because
mathematics contains many very abstract concepts that are challenging to learn about on your own, this method
is essential in the process of teaching math at many school levels, including elementary and high schools. To
help pupils comprehend material and develop concepts at that time, teachers must employ this approach of
explanation. When utilizing the method, there are a few key criteria. This technique is frequently applied in
practice and review classes to identify issues with inefficient teaching techniques. The teacher should employ
this strategy when pupils do not fully or properly understand the material. Give a precise definition of why a
knowledge unit or other object needs to be explained. The instructor either presents a point that conflicts with
the students' recently acquired knowledge and asks them to express their opinions on the subject or tries to
explain it succinctly in a way that is easy to understand (e.g., a wrong solution, an explanation that contradicts
the existing rule, etc.). Thus, the teacher will know if the student understands the knowledge correctly or not,
thereby finding a way to explain it appropriately.
It can be said that besides the main trends, math teaching methods and activities are also influenced by many
different factors, which may come from the environment outside the classroom, but there are also factors that
come from within the classroom. learn. Understanding these factors not only enables quality teaching and math
learners to enjoy quality and effective learning sessions, but it can also help overcome problems that may affect
the quality of teaching. and learning math, or even help come up with solutions to improve teaching as well as
the driving factors themselves. For example, teacher motivation or student attitudes.


The terms math, teaching, and methods are found in many documents; there are documents that only deal with
math problems and mathematical forms that have been studied and popularized in the general education system
and schools in particular. Next are the materials on math teaching, math learning, and math learning methods,
which are more limited in number, on the one hand, because of problems not only in the scope of mathematics
or mathematics at all levels of study, on the other hand. The problem is interdisciplinary or pedagogical in
nature and does not refer entirely to field knowledge. With the math teaching method, the number is lower
because most of it is pedagogical in nature, with the main requirement being how to do pedagogical activities to
understand and practice math or math problems.
Teaching methods are very important, if well researched and prepared, the published data and quality on math
teaching methods will contribute to innovation in teacher training and retraining at all levels of education.
Thereby, it will improve professional and professional capacity, update methodological developments, thereby
helping to improve learners' activities, creativity and problem-solving ability, self-monitoring and self-
monitoring. evaluate the learning outcomes of learners, integrate many methods to create effective math
teaching and apply math in practice. No method is absolute, because what may work well for one learner may

Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 460
not work for another, so not only depends on one method, but the teacher needs not only to be proficient in
many teaching methods , but more importantly, mastering the application of appropriate methods or a
combination of methods to create the highest efficiency of the teaching process, ensuring the appropriateness for
each learner, group of learners and even the needs of students with specialized demand.
The first limitation of this study is the lack of literature on math teaching methods in other languages. This
limits aspects of research in many different languages and prevents us from getting a full picture of math
teaching methods. The materials we used for this study were all published in English.

Authorship Contribution Statement

Dr. Hai designed the study, Dr Thang Ngoc Hoang and Hoa Thi Thanh Dang contributed to the design and
implementation of the research, to the analysis of the results, Dr. Thang The Nguyen, and wrote the manuscript,
reviewed the final manuscript and revised the manuscript as the reviewers commented.

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Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers JETT, Vol. 14 (2); ISSN: 1989-9572 463

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