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Crafting a literature review on such a complex and sensitive topic as illegal abortion encompasses

numerous challenges and requires a deep understanding of various aspects related to the subject. A
literature review demands not only the identification and analysis of relevant academic sources but
also a critical evaluation of arguments, methodologies, and findings within these works. This process
is intricate due to the controversial nature of the topic, which is further complicated by ethical
considerations, legal frameworks across different jurisdictions, and the socio-economic factors
influencing individuals' decisions regarding abortion.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a literature review on illegal abortion is accessing credible
and diverse sources. Given the illegality and often stigmatized nature of the subject, reliable data can
be scarce, and research may be limited. Furthermore, synthesizing information from studies with
varying scopes, methodologies, and conclusions requires a comprehensive understanding of the topic
and a balanced, unbiased approach. This task also involves navigating complex ethical issues, as the
literature encompasses a wide range of perspectives, including legal, medical, ethical, and social

Moreover, the sensitivity of the subject demands a high level of discretion and respect for differing
beliefs and values. The writer must skillfully address controversial aspects without alienating or
offending readers, which is a nuanced and challenging aspect of crafting a literature review on this

Given these challenges, individuals tasked with writing a literature review on illegal abortion may
find the process to be exceedingly demanding. It requires not only a significant investment of time
and effort but also a specific set of skills, including critical thinking, synthesis, and academic writing
prowess. For those who find these demands overwhelming, seeking professional assistance can be a
practical solution.

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balanced exploration of the topic.
Eight states have limited coverage by private insurance companies to only cover abortion when the
mother’s life would be endangered if the pregnancy was carried to term. Kavanaugh last year as
tipping the balance of the court in their favor, and state legislators were energized to pass more
aggresive anti-abortion legislation. The data collected came from direct interviews with the women
or their. Subjects who participated in the online survey belonged to various cultural, socio-economic
and age demographics. Articles whose content did not meet the criteria were eliminated and the
reasons for their exclusion were documented (Additional file 1 ). Here is how limits on abortion have
changed across the states this year. Most studies on the psychological effect of abortion are clouded
by. Barriers to accessing abortion services and perspectives on using mifepristone and misoprostol at
home in Great Britain. Much of the research on psychological aspects of abortion is limited.
Somewhat related to the definition problem is the lack of uniform. Findings of a Community-Based
Study in Western Province. Vol. 1, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1974. That father is
likely to put other women into the same trouble. The choice of abortion should belong to the person
carrying the baby. Early Research on the Psychiatric Consequences of Legal Abortion. Yes, Abortion
leads directly to a disregard for human life and to the establishment of a culture of violence,
breaking peace of society. Attributes of informal sector abortions A key finding of this study is the
existence of two pathways to seeking an informal sector abortion. When a woman feels like she has
nobody there to help her or support her through the rough times, she feels abortion is the only option.
This 20-year follow-up study of 120 children born to Swedish women who were. These laws and
provisions are mostly all in effect however in some cases they may not always be enforced. A
systematic review of the qualitative literature on informal sector abortions in settings where abortion
is legal. Those who choose abortion are making a selfish choice. These studies revealed that
women’s’ reasons for seeking informal sector abortions were diverse in high- and low-income
settings, and their abortion seeking trajectories complex. The widespread use of oral abortifacients
was another key theme that emerged in this review. Two of these studies were based in South Africa
but published twelve years apart. Additionally the number who believed that government should not
be involved with women’s reproductive rights was also high and, again although not conclusive, this
could be an indication that more individuals desire less government involvement when it comes to
abortion and abortion legislation. In certain circumstances terminating the pregnancy is the best
option for some women. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 110: 243-247, May 15, 1971. The
phenomenon is a significant public health issue around the world, and a major contributor to
mortality in women of reproductive age. Articles that did not give away enough information through
their titles on the relevance of their content were reserved for step two, where abstracts were
Barriers to accessing abortion services and perspectives on using mifepristone and misoprostol at
home in Great Britain. The United States also differs from Britain in the sense that although abortion
is legal in the country, on the state level it may be restricted to varying degrees. If the government
decides the completely abolish abortion, more deaths and health issues will happen to women.
Coming from a broken home gives a higher percentage of the child having suicidal thoughts. Judging
from its official regulation of the practice, Northern Ireland for example, may be considered a
country with relatively little abortion restrictions, particularly considering the exceptions to protect
woman’s mental health; however, women’s access to abortion services is in practice severely limited
in the country. In addition to friends, family, neighbours, teachers and even strangers whom the
women had just met were also an important source of information on ISA. There are two different
types of abortions, a medical abortion and a surgical abortion. For an abortion to go ahead, two
doctors must concede that continuing with pregnancy may well cause supplementary mental or
physical harm to the mother than having an abortion. Register for a free account to start saving and
receiving special member only perks. Motivations and experiences of people seeking medication
Abortion online in the United States. Why are women still aborting outside designated facilities in
metropolitan South Africa. ISAs were reported in low-income as well as high-income countries; long
waiting lists, costs, and lack of awareness about the legality of abortion appeared to be the dominant
concern in the former countries, while privacy concerns and lack of insurance coverage were quoted
in some high-income studies. Finally, relevant information was extracted and analysed by the two
authors. Self-induction of abortion among women in the United States. The first page of the PDF of
this article appears above. So, the mother who is thinking of abortion should be helped to love, that
is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. Weeks noted
indicate the weeks since last period, a common measure of gestation. Never the less many people
contest this notion and don’t mull much over abortion. Evidence that planned pregnancies more
frequently produce psycho-. The science content needs to be improved by describing different
methods of abortion and how these are carried out. I have read nothing in The Post recently about
the support of contraception by members of Pope John?XXIII’s Second Vatican Council, way back
in the 1960s. Many states limited the procedure to 22 weeks, but until this year, six-week bans were
largely seen as too extreme; two that passed, in Iowa and North Dakota, were later struck down in
court. A table has been included under Additional file 1 showing the exact search terms used for
each database and results generated. According to NCBI, around 50 million abortions are estimated
to be induced annually, of which 33% are illegal and almost 50% are performed outside the
healthcare system ( Abortions typically are a decision due to fearing the thoughts
of family. Abortion rights harm society therefore abortion should be illegal. Download citation
Received: 20 July 2018 Accepted: 28 March 2019 Published: 08 April 2019 DOI: Share this article
Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Get shareable link Sorry,
a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Abortion opponents saw the appointment of
Justice Brett M. One main reason for this is because I am a Christian. Additional data are available
from Prague on a follow-up study of. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 110: 243-247, May 15,
I see the real issue to be a woman’s personal choice of her own body’s health care, no matter her
religion, and the real fault to be lack of affordable contraceptive health care for all women. Abortion
is seemingly becoming an enormous public health challenge in the United States. These databases
were specifically selected for their multidisciplinary nature. Despite these shortcomings, we believe
this review represents a meaningful contribution to the existing knowledge of why women keep
taking the risk of undertaking informal abortion practices even when legal options are available. This
included in the wording of the bill the assumption that all fetuses over 28 weeks gestation were
capable of survival outside the womb. Social networks and decision making for clandestine Unsafe
abortions: evidence from Kenya. Recent data on the psychiatric complication rate of abortion have.
Even when abortion was freely available, such as in the case of South Africa, women held the
perception that informal sector abortions would be cheaper. Choosing abortion could also lead to
mental issues as well, such as depression and anxiety. High levels of post-Abortion complication in a
setting where Abortion service is not legalized. PLoS One. 2017 Jan;12(1):e0166287. Article.
Articles whose content did not meet the criteria were eliminated and the reasons for their exclusion
were documented (Additional file 1 ). Casey the court determined that the trimester system should
be replaced with the point of fetal viability. A systematic review of the qualitative literature on
informal sector abortions in settings where abortion is legal. This also would make the government
lose money by having to assist the unhealthy child due to the parent being forced to have it. More
than 400 restrictions have been put on abortion in the past seven years. Obstetrics and Gynecology
121: 1008-1019, April 1, 1975. What is Roe v. Wade and what historical events led up to it? 2.
Founded by Milli Brown in 1994, Brown Books Publishing Group is a full-service, independent
publisher of high-quality books across all genres, from non-fiction to fiction. Some countries in this
category also permit abortion on grounds of preserving the mothers’ mental health; (c) Abortion is
permitted on socioeconomic grounds, and; (d) Abortion is available on the request of the mother
without restriction as to reason. Also new research shows that foetuses can feel pain just as we can.
Findings were reported following the PRISMA guidelines. Previous experiences of mistreatment,
such as shaming and general hostility by health workers or hearing of other women’s experiences of
mistreatment, was a strong deterrent to seeking a legal abortion. Conclusion The use of informal
sector abortions (ISAs) is a widespread and normalised practice in many countries despite the
liberalisation of abortion laws. At home oral abortifacients included misoprostol and mifepristone, the
standard for a medical abortion and less effective and more dangerous methods such as overdosing
on vitamin c and taking herbal concoctions. A few limitations should be considered when
interpreting the findings from this review. Conclusion The use of informal sector abortions (ISAs) is
a widespread and normalised practice in many countries despite the liberalisation of abortion laws.
We screened over 2700 publications to identify a total of sixteen relevant studies exploring the
practice in seven low-and middle-income countries. Methods We used the PRISMA guidelines to
search Pubmed, Web of Science, Sciencedirect and Google Scholar databases between January and
February 2018. 2794 documents in English and French were screened for eligibility against pre-
determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills
even her own child to solve her own problems. And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not
have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The databases
Scopus, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Web of Science and Sciencedirect were searched between the 30th
of January 2018 and the 1st of February of the same year.
Young people may find that they can not cope with the pressure or stress that parenting would bring.
When the decision was finally issued they agreed with the district courts, only they changed which
amendment they believed that abortion fell under. Research would also be needed on how to address
the issues with formal sector abortion services identified in this study, such as privacy, affordability
and timeliness. The inclusion and exclusion criteria against which the studies generated by the search
results were assessed covered their topic, participants, settings, type of study, language and
publication date (Table 1 ). Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member
only perks. Attributes of informal sector abortions A key finding of this study is the existence of two
pathways to seeking an informal sector abortion. This factsheet examines the unique abortion-related
experiences and needs of adolescents (ages 15-19) and girls (ages 10-14), based on a comprehensive
literature review Ipas conducted in 2018. Certain trends emerge from a review of the scientific
literature on. Events like this can traumatize a person, living with the thought of not knowing if it
was the right decision for her or if she went through with it for someone else. Despite these
shortcomings, we believe this review represents a meaningful contribution to the existing knowledge
of why women keep taking the risk of undertaking informal abortion practices even when legal
options are available. Health care providers’ attitudes towards termination of pregnancy: a qualitative
study in South Africa. The rest of the states do allow individuals to purchase abortion coverage
under their private insurance plans. Pro-life advocates believe that when a woman chooses to abort
she is killing an innocent baby. In Deliver Us From Abortion, Fisher uses personal testimony and
experience to reveal the human and deeply personal side of abortion. In some databases where very
large numbers of search results were generated during the preliminary searches, additional limits were
placed, such as restricting the search terms to the Titles, Abstracts and Keywords. 405 duplicates
were identified and removed through hand searching. Regulations should be re-evaluated to ensure
that they are reasonable in their requirements and that they do not jeopardize a woman’s right to
anonymity. Many people nowadays are thinking that it is better and more effective to provide under
16s with contraception as well as educating then beforehand. At very early stages of pregnancy we
can test the foetus for any signs of disability and inform the mother so she can make a suitable
decision of whether to keep the baby or not (links to source 3). Some children do not have the
correct assistance that they need because of their parents being unstable. Some kids grow up
watching their parents become addicts. Abortion Law reform in sub-Saharan Africa: no turning
Back. Abortion, like any other controversial issue, is not a black and white matt. In countries where a
fee is required, legal abortion was out of reach for women and girls from low-income backgrounds.
The present review understands that women seeking informal sector abortions may do so via one of
two trajectories; those who undertake the first trajectory turn to the informal sector as their first
point of call for a number of reasons, such as privacy concerns, high costs and lack of awareness of
abortion laws (Fig. 1 ). Women who undergo the second trajectory first attempt to seek a legal
abortion, through a formal provider but face barriers and are forced to turn to the informal sector. No
mention was made of constitutional personal freedom of religion. Increasing interest in why some
women obtain abortions in the second. Self-induction of abortion among women in the United
States. A few limitations should be considered when interpreting the findings from this review. The
father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts. Many people retain the outlook that
life begins at fertilisation for religious or philosophical motives or plainly because of opinion.
This suggests that there is potential to address the issue of ISA through education and awareness
raising campaigns aimed at communities where abortion is legal. Beyond any private distress or
depression, the pregnancy is obvious to. And according to the newest statistic reported in latest Fort
Worth Sunday Magazine, abortion kills 1.5 million innocent human beings in America every year.
Women’s opinions on the home management of early medical abortion in the UK. The Act was
passed on October 27, 1967 and became effective in 1968. This is backed up by science in that these
cells have no feelings, memory, organs, or visible characteristics or any life worth living as they have
not yet developed any visible human features (face, limbs, intestines, etc). Young people may find
that they can not cope with the pressure or stress that parenting would bring. South Dakota is the
only state to defy federal requirements that funds be used in cases of rape or incest; they only use
funds in case of life of the mother (2012). Despite these shortcomings, we believe this review
represents a meaningful contribution to the existing knowledge of why women keep taking the risk
of undertaking informal abortion practices even when legal options are available. The mother not
wanting to carry the child could also lead to an unhealthy pregnancy which could potentially put the
mother and child at mortality risk. Kaltreider noted that a first-trimester group of ten women moved
swiftly. Abortion leads directly to a disregard for human life and to the establishment of a culture of
violence, breaking peace of society. Attributes of informal sector abortions A key finding of this
study is the existence of two pathways to seeking an informal sector abortion. American Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology 117: 299-304, October. Abortion should be allowed if the family is
unstable, the mother does not want a child, or if the family cannot take care of the child. Two of
these studies were based in South Africa but published twelve years apart. The effects of denied
abortion are also not completely documented. These databases were specifically selected for their
multidisciplinary nature. Finally The Abortion Act 1967 attempted to clarify all the previous laws and
to add free provision through the National Health Service. Research would also be needed on how to
address the issues with formal sector abortion services identified in this study, such as privacy,
affordability and timeliness. It was not until the second half of the twentieth century during the
feminist movement of the 1960’s, that abortion took a place in the national spotlight and became a
largely debated topic among feminists, women’s rights advocates, politicians and the general public.
Developing a forward-looking agenda and methodologies for research of self-use of medical
abortion. Despite the controversy overshadowing the issue, abortion appears to be a personal issue
because; it influences one’s health and social life. Further research on the social and psychological
dimensions of second-. Please download one of these browsers for the best experience on Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Microsoft Edge Safari. In addition to friends,
family, neighbours, teachers and even strangers whom the women had just met were also an
important source of information on ISA. The studies reviewed also showed that a lack of knowledge
of abortion laws, and a widespread perception that abortion is not legal, even though all of the
studies included were based in contexts where abortion is permitted. Findings were reported
following the PRISMA guidelines. The use of medical abortion pills for self-induction, as a harm
reduction programme is another area of interest highlighted in this study. Future research into
potential interventions should also place an emphasis on addressing long waiting lists and high costs
of services which often force women to choose between having a late term abortion or turning to the
informal sector.
Kaltreider noted that a first-trimester group of ten women moved swiftly. Whilst it is beyond the
scope of this review to provide a comprehensive list of recommendations for addressing informal
sector abortions, it has highlighted areas for potential intervention. Waiting periods and mandatory
counseling have also been mandated in twenty-six and seventeen states respectively. Vol. 1, London:
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1974. Women’s reasons for choosing to have an informal sector
abortion The studies surveyed widely confirmed the quantitative evidence that the practice of ISA is
a widespread phenomenon: The majority of the respondents in the studies included reported being
aware of women in their communities who had undergone the termination procedure clandestinely.
Kavanaugh last year as tipping the balance of the court in their favor, and state legislators were
energized to pass more aggresive anti-abortion legislation. Women’s reasons for choosing to have an
informal sector abortion The studies surveyed widely confirmed the quantitative evidence that the
practice of ISA is a widespread phenomenon: The majority of the respondents in the studies included
reported being aware of women in their communities who had undergone the termination procedure
clandestinely. In total, sixteen articles were identified as eligible for this review. According to Brind,
the 50 percent risk increase revealed by the studies means that women face a higher risk of
eventually dying from the effects of an abortion than of dying in childbirth. The full data extraction
table, complete with key study characteristics such as study type, methods, purpose and main
findings, is listed in Additional file. A systematic review of the research evidence on cross-country
features of illegal abortions. There are about 1.2 million abortions a year and 3,322 a day. Firstly,
given their importance, further primary qualitative studies appear to be needed on the phenomenon
of informal sector abortion in more regions of the world where it is recognised that ISA is an issue,
such as South East Asia, South America, North Africa and the Middle East. Women’s perceptions
about abortion in their communities: perspectives from western Kenya. This suggests that long
waiting lists have been an issue affecting South African women’s chances of procuring a safe and
legal abortion for many years. It has been found out that half of the women experiences at least one
unintended pregnancy before the age of 45 years, and a third of these pregnancies are terminated.
These databases were specifically selected for their multidisciplinary nature. Certain trends emerge
from a review of the scientific literature on. Despite growing global attention to the health and
welfare of adolescents and girls, little is known about the abortion experiences of girls under the age
of 15. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier
than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. For example, Scopus focus covers a
range of disciplines such as the social sciences, medicine, public health, humanities and women’s
studies, all of which concern the subject of unsafe abortion. The PRISMA statement for reporting
systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions: Explanation
and elaboration. PLoS Med. 2009;6:e1000100. Article. The following search queries were inputted
into the majority of databases. The use of oral methods of inducing abortion, such as new drugs like
misoprostol. Abortion increases a women’s risk of breast cancer harmful to teenagers. The present
review understands that women seeking informal sector abortions may do so via one of two
trajectories; those who undertake the first trajectory turn to the informal sector as their first point of
call for a number of reasons, such as privacy concerns, high costs and lack of awareness of abortion
laws (Fig. 1 ). Women who undergo the second trajectory first attempt to seek a legal abortion,
through a formal provider but face barriers and are forced to turn to the informal sector. Self-
induction of abortion among women in the United States. This was compounded by the fact that
most abortion clinics require two or more appointments to administer the pills and follow up for
complications. If the government decides the completely abolish abortion, more deaths and health
issues will happen to women. The suction or chopping up of the foetus during the abortion process is
in fact felt by the developing human (Links from source 5).

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