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Education | January 2022

Perioperative Pulmonary Atelectasis: Part II. Clinical

Implications 

David Lagier, M.D., Ph.D.; Congli Zeng, M.D., Ph.D.; Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, M.D., Ph.D.;
Marcos F. Vidal Melo, M.D., Ph.D.
 Author and Article Information

Anesthesiology January 2022, Vol. 136, 206–236.

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Letter: Perioperative Pulmonary
Atelectasis: Reply  CITE
Letter: Perioperative Pulmonary Atelectasis: Comment

The development of pulmonary atelectasis is common in the surgical patient.

Pulmonary atelectasis can cause various degrees of gas exchange and respiratory
mechanics impairment during and after surgery. In its most serious presentations, lung
collapse could contribute to postoperative respiratory insufficiency, pneumonia, and
worse overall clinical outcomes. A specific risk assessment is critical to allow clinicians
to optimally choose the anesthetic technique, prepare appropriate monitoring, adapt
the perioperative plan, and ensure the patient’s safety. Bedside diagnosis and
management have benefited from recent imaging advancements such as lung
ultrasound and electrical impedance tomography, and monitoring such as esophageal
manometry. Therapeutic management includes a broad range of interventions aimed at
promoting lung recruitment. During general anesthesia, these strategies have
consistently demonstrated their effectiveness in improving intraoperative oxygenation
and respiratory compliance. Yet these same intraoperative strategies may fail to affect
additional postoperative pulmonary outcomes. Specific attention to the postoperative
period may be key for such outcome impact of lung expansion. Interventions such as
noninvasive positive pressure ventilatory support may be beneficial in specific patients
at high risk for pulmonary atelectasis (e.g., obese) or those with clinical presentations
consistent with lung collapse (e.g., postoperative hypoxemia after abdominal and
cardiothoracic surgeries). Preoperative interventions may open new opportunities to
minimize perioperative lung collapse and prevent pulmonary complications. Knowledge
of pathophysiologic mechanisms of atelectasis and their consequences in the healthy
and diseased lung should provide the basis for current practice and help to stratify and
match the intensity of selected interventions to clinical conditions.

Topics: atelectasis, lung, perioperative care, surgical procedures, operative

Pulmonary atelectasis contributes to perioperative lung dysfunction1–3 and potential

injury.4–6 This emphasizes the relevance of an active clinical management based on the
identification of risk factors, and implementation of specific diagnostic and therapeutic
approaches to optimize lung function and minimize lung injury. Here, we review the
clinical implications of perioperative pulmonary atelectasis in both a pathophysiologic
and an evidence-based perspective.

Clinical Risk Factors for Perioperative Atelectasis

Risk factors for atelectasis can be categorized as patient-, anesthesia-, and surgery-
related. Many risk factors have been identified, either directly with imaging techniques
or indirectly through their association with global measurements of gas exchange and
respiratory mechanics dysfunction. In this review, we will give special attention to
direct evidence from lung imaging. Anesthesiologists should identify such factors to
anticipate the risk for perioperative respiratory dysfunction and adapt their
management to both patient and surgery (table 1).

Table 1.
Clinical Risk Factors for Perioperative Pulmonary Atelectasis

Patient-related Risk Factors


The increased weight of abdominal and thoracic adipose tissue exacerbates the
compressive forces transmitted by the chest wall to the lung and exaggerates the
cephalad displacement of the diaphragm.7 These produce a rightward shift of the
respiratory system pressure–volume curve,8 higher pleural pressure,9 lower
respiratory system compliance,8,10 and lower functional residual capacity (FRC)
before11 and after induction of general anesthesia.12 The combined effect of
compression of the dorso-caudal lung and the gas absorption in lung units exposed to
small airway closure results in greater risk of perioperative pulmonary atelectasis in
obese than nonobese patients.13,14 Postintubation atelectasis at positive end-
expiratory pressure (PEEP) 0 cm H2O assessed by computed tomography linearly
relates to body mass index (weight/square of the height) in the 18 to 30 range.15 Also,
during general anesthesia, transpulmonary pressure, i.e., the pressure directly acting to
expand the lungs, 16 decreases with body mass index up to 40, corroborating the
increased susceptibility to lung collapse with obesity. Indeed, mean PEEP estimates to
produce positive end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure during general anesthesia in
the overweight and obese were 9.1 cm H2O for body mass index 25 to 29.9; 11.2 cm
H2O for body mass index 30 to 34.9; 12.8 cm H2O for body mass index 35 to 39.9; and
16.8 cm H2O for body mass index 40 or greater.9 Also, after tracheal extubation and
during the first 24 postoperative hours, morbidly obese patients present larger
atelectasis than nonobese patients.17


The susceptibility for airway closure, as judged by the difference between FRC and
closing capacity, is minimal at young adulthood (20 yr old) and larger at younger and
older ages.18 Risk for intraoperative atelectasis would be expected to follow a similar
. .
pattern as airway closure promotes low ventilation/perfusion ratio (VA/Q) egions and
absorption atelectasis. An association between atelectasis area measured with
computed tomography immediately after induction of anesthesia and age has been
demonstrated. Atelectasis area increases with age from young adulthood to a peak at
about 50 yr old, and decreases after 50 yr old.15 Such reduction of atelectasis with age
greater than approximately 50 yr is presumably due to small airway closure delaying
denitrogenation and alveolar collapse during preoxygenation.15 In children,
anesthesia-induced atelectasis is relevant particularly before 3 yr old.19 The immature
chest wall muscles and incompletely developed supporting structures in the lung
parenchyma reduce outward tethering forces, while elastic recoil of the lung is fully
preserved,20 resulting in lower FRC and higher levels of required opening

Diaphragmatic Dysfunction

Perioperative diaphragmatic dysfunction as observed after upper abdominal and

cardiothoracic surgery substantially increases the risk of atelectasis. For instance,
preoperative diaphragmatic thickening fraction measured with ultrasound
independently predicts postoperative pulmonary atelectasis, pneumonia, or prolonged
mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery.22 Similarly, diaphragmatic excursion less
than 10 mm on ultrasound at 24 h postoperatively is associated with higher incidence
of atelectasis after thoracic surgery.23

Intra-abdominal Hypertension

Intra-abdominal hypertension (ileus, ascites, tumor, hematoma) increases pleural

pressure, reduces transpulmonary pressures, and can precipitate large pulmonary
atelectasis in supine position particularly after loss of diaphragmatic tone.24 Pregnancy
(third trimester) can similarly increase the risk for intraoperative atelectasis.25

Pulmonary Conditions

Pulmonary Inflammation and/or Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary inflammation and/or pulmonary edema substantially increase the risk of

perioperative pulmonary atelectasis due to several mechanisms such as surfactant
impairment, increased lung weight, and use of high fractional inspired oxygen tension


Active smoking has been associated with perioperative respiratory morbidity and
postoperative pulmonary complications (e.g., obstructive atelectasis, pneumonia, and
chest x-ray film findings of atelectasis or consolidation), 27–29 even if not consistently
related to anesthesia-induced intraoperative atelectasis.3,30 Increased airway
secretions in smokers leading to bronchial or bronchiolar obstruction, in addition to
bronchospasm, can contribute to lung collapse.31

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a risk factor for perioperative pulmonary

complications. Specifically regarding lung collapse, chronic obstructive pulmonary

in awake 32 and surgical33,34 patients, despite small airway closure and substantial VA/
disease has been associated with resistance to atelectasis, e.g., from oxygen absorption

Q mismatch.32,34,35 Such resistance to lung collapse is likely due to the effect of
hyperinflation and loss of lung elastic recoil. Perioperatively, the magnitude of
atelectasis is determined by the net effect of factors contributing to and preventing
lung collapse.

Chronic Pulmonary Hyperperfusion

Chronic pulmonary hyperperfusion encountered in congenital heart disease (e.g.,

ventricular septal defect) protects from atelectasis as compared to hypoperfused lung
(e.g., tetralogy of Fallot) due to the stabilizing tethering effect of filled pulmonary
capillaries on alveolar walls. 36
Anesthesia-related Risk Factors

General Anesthesia Drugs


Both intravenous37 and inhalational anesthetics38,39 have been associated with

intraoperative pulmonary atelectasis. Inhalational anesthesia and total intravenous
anesthesia lead to a similar incidence of pulmonary complications after noncardiac
surgery.40 In cardiothoracic surgery, there is no evidence for superiority of any general
anesthesia technique in the production of postoperative pulmonary complications as
volatile agents have been found either superior,40,41 equivalent,42 or inferior43 to
intravenous agents. Nitrous oxide presents higher lipid solubility than nitrogen,
promoting alveolar gas absorption44 and increasing the risk of postoperative
atelectasis.45 Ketamine by itself maintains chest wall muscle tone, thus preventing lung


As respiratory depressants, opioids decrease the central neural drive to the respiratory
muscles and the sensitivity to carbon dioxide leading to respiratory depression and
cough inhibition. Accordingly, intraoperative systemic opioids have been dose-
dependently associated with postoperative atelectasis.47

Neuromuscular Blocking Agents and Antagonists

Neuro-muscular blockade can compound with general anesthetics to facilitate the

compressive effect of the abdomen onto the lungs, change chest wall cross-section, and
promote ensuing atelectasis.3 Postoperatively, residual neuromuscular blockade
contributes to respiratory muscle dysfunction, atelectasis, and hypoxemia,48,49 thus
reinforcing the relevance of neuromuscular blockade reversal.50 This should be
accurately done as neostigmine administered at high doses (greater than 60 μg/kg) or
not based on neuromuscular monitoring resulted in postoperative pulmonary
atelectasis, presumably from neostigmine-induced neuromuscular blockade.51

Regional Anesthesia

Use of regional anesthesia as the main anesthetic technique in a spontaneously

breathing patient can preserve physiologic diaphragmatic function and reduce
intraoperative atelectasis.3,52

While regional techniques are associated with less atelectasis than general
anesthesia,53,54 they may still produce respiratory muscle dysfunctions and facilitate
lung collapse.

Neuraxial anesthesia has been associated with a significant paresis of abdominal and
accessory respiratory muscles (e.g., intercostals) and deterioration of the exhalation
force, breathing pattern, or ability to cough. 55 Reduction of lung volumes has been
accordingly associated with neuraxial anesthesia, and depends mainly on the level and
extension of the blockade (i.e., impairment increases from lumbar to cervical). For
example, thoracic epidural anesthesia with T1–T5 sensory block decreases vital and
inspiratory capacity. 56,57 Spinal anesthesia similarly reduces vital capacity but
contributes to a higher reduction of the expiratory reserve volume (–48% with sensory
block at T2) than thoracic epidural anesthesia.58,59 Of note, reductions in
intraoperative lung volumes during spinal anesthesia are greater in the overweight53
or the obese60 patient. Due to the higher level of motor block and potential
compromise of the diaphragmatic innervation, cervical epidural anesthesia may further
deteriorate lung expansion as shown by a significant reduction in diaphragmatic
excursion, maximal inspiratory pressure, and tidal volume (VT).61 While such
respiratory muscle dysfunction associated with both epidural and spinal anesthesia
may compound to lung collapse in at-risk conditions,25 this risk does not appear to be
clinically relevant in patients without preexisting lung disease and might not surpass
the benefits of avoiding general anesthesia in patients at high respiratory risk.25,62

Peripheral nerve blocks can also facilitate lung collapse. The risk of ipsilateral
atelectasis due to phrenic nerve palsy and hemidiaphragmatic paresis may limit the use
of interscalene block or other injections of local anesthetic in the cervical region (e.g.,
supraclavicular, cervical plexus blocks) in patients presenting respiratory
conditions. 63,64 Importantly, this risk is substantially reduced by the use of ultrasound-
guided techniques and lowered volume of local anesthetic.64,65

Blood Transfusion

Perioperative blood transfusion has been associated with postoperative pulmonary

complications including atelectasis on systematic chest computed tomography after
orthopedic surgery.66,67

Surgery-related Risk Factors

Body Position

Operating Table Angle

The supine position is associated with a 27% decrease in FRC when compared to the
sitting position (90 degrees)68 as it facilitates the cephalad shift of the diaphragm
induced by the compression of intraabdominal organs. The Trendelenburg position
further increases compression of the dorso-caudal lung as shown by additional
reduction in FRC (approximately 12%) in anesthetized children.69 During robotic
surgery, steep Trendelenburg reduces end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure9
independently from patients’ body mass index and application of pneumoperitoneum.9
The reduction in regional ventilation70 and approximately 12% increase in silent spaces
(lung areas with little or no ventilation suggestive of atelectasis) in the dorsal
dependent lung have been confirmed by electrical impedance tomography.71 In
contrast, the 40-degree reverse Trendelenburg position relieves lung compression by
the abdomen with a marked benefit in obese patients, e.g., homogenization of regional
ventilation during bariatric laparoscopic surgery. 72

Prone Positioning

Normally, the prone position reduces FRC from the sitting posture in awake,
spontaneously breathing healthy humans.73 In the anesthetized surgical patient, the
prone position with free abdominal movements (upper chest and pelvic supports) can
markedly increase FRC by 53% when compared to supine posture,74 even more in
obese patients.75 Frequently, anterior chest and abdominal wall movements are
restricted in the prone position, and lung expansion is predominantly determined by
movement of the dorsal chest wall and diaphragm. The prone position reduces the mass
of dependent lung exposed to the effect of gravity, favorably modifies the matching of
lung and chest wall shapes, and reduces lung compression by cardiac and abdominal
structures. These result in spatial homogenization of lung aeration and less
deterioration of lung inflation and regional strain over time76 due to both gravitational
(dorsal greater than ventral expansion) and nongravitational (caudal greater than
. .
cranial expansion) mechanisms.77 Favorable effects on ventilation, VA/Q,78–80 and
oxygenation are also observed,81 while perfusion distribution is not significantly

Lateral Decubitus

The dependent lung is exposed to compression from the weight of the nondependent
lung, mediastinum, and abdominal organs.83,84 Thus, atelectasis is almost exclusively
located in the dependent lung as detected by computed tomography in anesthetized
patients.83,85 Yet the global FRC is larger in the lateral than in the supine position both
before86 and after87 induction of general anesthesia due to the contribution of the
nondependent lung. This represents a larger nondependent lung volume exposed to
lower compression forces and larger transpulmonary pressures than that present in
supine conditions.88 Despite differences in lung size, the effect of lateral decubitus
appears similar if the patient is lying on the left or right side.68,88


Lithotomy position has little differential effect on respiratory mechanics and the
amount of poorly aerated lung tissue when compared with the supine position.54,89


Pneumoperitoneum compresses the juxta-diaphragmatic lung regions by increasing

intra-abdominal pressure, thus promoting the cephalad displacement of the
diaphragm.90 Peritoneal insufflation independently reduces end-expiratory lung
volume (approximately 35% in the nonobese and approximately 15% in the obese),91
respiratory system compliance,92 and end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure.9
These physiologic changes are consistently associated with substantially higher
atelectasis volume in the dependent lung (mean increase of 66% by computed
tomography).90,93 This effect was independent of the body position,9,92 and has been
confirmed, in humans, with relatively low intraabdominal pressure (11 mmHg).90
Combination of pneumoperitoneum and steep Trendelenburg position, as frequently
implemented during robotic surgery, is associated with a high risk of severe atelectasis
and may require a specific approach to lung recruitment.70,94,95

Cardiac Surgery
Lung inflammation and ischemia–reperfusion injury from cardiopulmonary bypass are
associated with substantial pulmonary compromise characterized by alveolocapillary
membrane injury,96 surfactant impairment,97 and mucociliary dysfunction.98
Alterations of the chest wall function including the effect of sternotomy,99,100
diaphragmatic dysfunction,101 and pleural violation compound with those effects with
impairment of lung expansion in the intra- and postoperative periods. Accordingly,
atelectasis represents a frequent cause of hypoxemia both during and after
surgery.102–104 The predominance of retrocardiac lung collapse in the postoperative
period suggests an important contribution to atelectasis from compression by the
weight of the heart (fig. 1).105

Fig. 1.


Lung computed tomography: bilateral opacities of the dependent retrocardiac lung regions
(red lines) revealing the typical aspect of severe perioperative pulmonary atelectasis in an
obese patient requiring reintubation for postoperative respiratory failure 2 days after
coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

One-lung Ventilation

Atelectasis produced by lung isolation is remarkable for its extension to a lung volume
and its continuous character (i.e., no tidal recruitment). Depending on the preoperative
respiratory status and the effectiveness of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, one-
lung ventilation may be associated with critical impairment of intraoperative gas
exchange and cardiopulmonary function. 106 Lung isolation exposes the collapsed lung
to inflammatory,107,108 ischemic,109 and reexpansion110 insults, besides direct
surgical trauma. The ventilated dependent lung is also at risk in this setting not only due
to the potential systemic inflammatory response but also due to mechanical ventilation
injury and compressive atelectasis during lateral decubitus.111,112 This effect can be
exacerbated in the obese or if insufficient PEEP is associated with low VT.113 Such
intraoperative insults to the collapsed and the ventilated lungs likely contribute to the
large number of pulmonary complications, including postoperative atelectasis,
observed in the thoracic surgery population.114–116

Surgery Duration

General anesthesia is responsible for nearly instantaneous diaphragmatic cephalad

displacement in supine and semisitting patients.71,103,117 Pulmonary atelectasis
appears in the early minutes after loss of consciousness,118,119 particularly when
preoxygenation with FIO2 of 1.0 is applied,120 and additional gas absorption persists
along the first 90 min.121 Experiments in sheep revealed that lung collapse in healthy
lungs with aeration heterogeneity comparable to that of humans occurs throughout 16
h after initiation of general anesthesia with low VT ventilation without PEEP.6 Such
progressive collapse could contribute to the detrimental effect of anesthesia duration
on postoperative pulmonary complications.122 A combined effect of time and site of
surgery is likely, as no time dependence of atelectasis volume was found in normal lung
patients undergoing intracranial surgery,123 while gas exchange and FRC progressively
deteriorate along cardiac or abdominal surgeries.124,125

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Abdominal minimally invasive procedures are frequently associated with the use of
pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position, thus increasing the risk of
intraoperative pulmonary atelectasis.9 However, avoiding open thoracic or abdominal
surgery may substantially reduce postoperative pain, improve postoperative lung
volumes,126 and lower the rate of postoperative pulmonary atelectasis and other

Diagnostic Approach to Pulmonary Atelectasis

While frequently inferred from physiologic measurements (respiratory mechanics and
gas exchange), accurate diagnosis of atelectasis, as a primarily morphologic process,
should be based on direct quantification of the collapsed pulmonary parenchyma, e.g.,
using imaging techniques. 129

Direct Morphologic Assessment

Chest Radiography

Lung deaeration is associated with increased x-ray attenuation. Accordingly,

opacification related to a lung segment or lobe is a typical finding of atelectasis. Yet
dorso-caudal or retrocardiac opacities can be missed in frontal chest radiography.130
Mediastinal or hemidiaphragmatic shift together with compensatory overinflation of
the expanded lung are additional classical findings.

Computed Tomography

Similar to chest radiography, computed tomography is also based on x-ray attenuation

yet with the important addition of three-dimensional high-resolution quantitative
assessment. Computed tomography is the accepted standard for diagnosis and
quantification of alveolar collapse,131 and attenuation values of –100 to +100
Hounsfield units correspond to the operational definition of nonaerated lung.132
Displacement of interlobar fissures; shift of the mediastinum, heart, and pulmonary
hilum toward the collapsed area; ipsilateral diaphragmatic elevation; intercostal space
narrowing; and overinflation of the remainder aerated lung are typical findings of lobar
atelectasis (fig. 1). Computed tomography is also useful to determine the cause of
atelectasis by identification of bronchial obstruction, or compressive pleural
effusion.133 The differential diagnosis between pneumonia, alveolar flooding, and
atelectasis may be difficult as lung attenuation can also result from fluid accumulation.
Differentiation approaches have been investigated although not entirely established,
e.g., a threshold of contrast (iodixanol) enhancement 85 Hounsfield units or greater to
discriminate atelectasis and pneumonia demonstrated a sensitivity for atelectasis of
90% and specificity of 92%. 134

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging is a nonionizing technique to diagnose and quantify lung

atelectasis (fig. 2).135,136 T1- and T2-weighted images have been used in clinical
conditions,136 and the method validated against computed tomography in a preclinical
study.137 As T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging allows for the identification of
water-based tissue, it could significantly help to differentiate obstructive
(hyperintensity due to accumulated secretions and total air resorption) from
nonobstructive atelectasis (low signal intensity due to less free fluid and residual

Fig. 2.

Sagittal cross-section magnetic resonance images showing the effect of general anesthesia and
paralysis in the supine position: dorsal cephalad shift of the diaphragm dome and atelectasis of
the dorso-caudal lung.

Pulmonary Ultrasound

Lung ultrasound has been recently extensively validated for bedside assessment of lung
collapse both in the operating room and in the intensive care unit (ICU).138 As air is a
strong ultrasound beam reflector, lung deaeration substantially increases the
echogenicity of lung parenchyma. Accordingly, pulmonary atelectasis, similar to other
causes of lung consolidation, is visualized as a “tissue-like” or “hepatized”
ultrasonographic structure (fig. 3A).139 Lung ultrasound is highly accurate to diagnose
pulmonary atelectasis in both children140 and adults,141 and performs better than
auscultation or bedside radiography to differentiate important causes of increased
density (e.g., pulmonary consolidation vs. pleural effusion). 142 Similar to computed
tomography, the differential diagnosis of pulmonary consolidation with ultrasound
(atelectasis vs. pneumonia) remains challenging. The visualization of dynamic air
bronchogram, revealed by a ventilation-synchronized, linear, or pinpoint hyperechoic
signal inside a lung consolidation, allows for high positive predictive value (86 to 97%)
but moderate sensitivity (61%) in the diagnosis of pneumonia. 143,144 Assessment of
atelectasis with ultrasound has been proposed for intraoperative individualization of
alveolar recruitment145–147 and postoperative prediction of pulmonary
complications.148 Transesophageal ultrasound may be used if transthoracic acoustic
windows are unavailable.149 Color Doppler interrogation of a lung consolidation can
help to evaluate local blood flow and the efficacy of hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction (fig. 3B).150

Fig. 3.

Detection of pulmonary atelectasis by ultrasound. (A) Pulmonary atelectasis revealed by a

pulmonary consolidation surrounded by a pleural effusion (white arrow). (B) Color Doppler
imaging showing the persisting pulmonary blood flow within consolidated lung (yellow arrow)
due to incomplete hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, which may result in a shunt effect.

Indirect Physiologic Assessment

Electrical Impedance Tomography

Electrical impedance tomography allows for continuous real-time and bedside

assessment of lung ventilation and aeration,151 and has been proposed as a tool to
monitor and individualize intraoperative lung recruitment.152,153 Loss of aeration
associated with atelectasis decreases the electrical impedance of lung tissue as air has
high electrical impedance. Current devices provide assessment of a cross-sectional
thoracic slice approximately 10 to 15 cm thick at the level of the transducer belt and
allow for regional comparisons (e.g., ventral vs. dorsal or right vs. left lung). 71,103 While
signals are represented as a two-dimensional lung-shaped image (fig. 4), the image does
not derive from a direct morphologic assessment, but is mapped according to a
presumed chest geometry.129 Changes in end-expiratory lung impedance produced by
PEEP strongly correlate with changes of end-expiratory lung volumes measured with
the nitrogen washout technique.154 Measurements of the impedance variation
produced by tidal ventilation have been used to describe the regional distribution of
lung ventilation and estimate regional lung expansion as poorly ventilated regions
present less tidal impedance variation than normally ventilated regions.71,103 An
important technical limitation is that pulmonary consolidations and pleural effusion
could produce a similar signal, preventing differential diagnoses.
Fig. 4.


Pre- and postoperative regional distribution of the tidal impedance variation, assessed with
lung electrical impedance tomography, in a patient presenting postoperative respiratory
failure 2 days after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Note that pulmonary atelectasis
observed on computed tomography is associated with a reduced impedance variation signal in
the dorsal hemithorax.

Respiratory System Compliance and Driving Pressure

Pulmonary atelectasis may reduce respiratory system compliance, thus increasing

driving pressure.155,156 Considering their presumed impact on patients’
prognosis,16,155–157 and easy assessment, monitoring of driving pressure during
surgery may be particularly valuable. Indeed, large registry-based studies have
consistently identified driving pressure equaling 15 cm H2O or greater as a potential
threshold to predict postoperative pulmonary complications and prompt
interventions.157,158 Yet such observations are not specific to atelectasis as lung
overdistension could lead to similar changes in compliance and driving pressures.
Moreover, respiratory system mechanical properties are determined by both lungs and
chest wall. Accordingly, the use of absolute thresholds for respiratory system
compliance or driving pressure is limited in patients presenting unphysiological or
varying chest wall mechanics (e.g., obesity, pneumoperitoneum, abdominal surgery). 159
In those cases, monitoring intraoperative trends16 to detect a deterioration (e.g.,
greater than 20% increase at constant V T), use of PEEP titration, or additional
monitoring for partitioning of lung and chest wall mechanical properties might be
helpful (fig. 5).

Fig. 5.


Principles of esophageal manometry and the use of transpulmonary pressure. (A) position of
the esophageal pressure balloon at the lower third of the esophagus, and relationship among
the different pressures measured in the respiratory system. Transpulmonary pressure (P L) is
an approximate of the elastic recoil pressure of the lung or Pel(L). (B) Selection of positive end-
expiratory pressure consistent with a positive P L during the expiration period is expected to
maintain alveoli recruited throughout the breathing cycle. (C) By contrast, negative P L allows
for the collapse of lung units. Palv, alveolar pressure; Pao, pressure at airway opening; Peso,
esophageal pressure; Ppl, pleural pressure.

Fig. 6.

Algorithm for intraoperative management of pulmonary atelectasis. A standard ventilatory

strategy targeting surgical patients is implemented after anesthesia induction (positive end-
expiratory pressure [PEEP] 2 to 5 cm H2O, no recruitment maneuvers, tidal volume 6 to 10
ml/kg of predicted body weight). In patients presenting intraoperative respiratory compromise
consistent with pulmonary atelectasis, fixed higher PEEP is set after a recruitment maneuver.
Attention is given to basic maneuvers to eliminate additional causes, e.g., secretions and
bronchoconstriction, and maintain safety (transient increase in fractional inspired oxygen
tension [FIO2]). If the respiratory dysfunction persists despite empiric alveolar expansion, an
individualized strategy can be considered in high-risk conditions for atelectasis: PEEP titration
targeting optimization of usually available (e.g., compliance, driving pressure) or advanced
respiratory measurements (transpulmonary pressure, ultrasound, electrical impedance
tomography). If individualization of lung recruitment fails to improve lung function or in
patients without specific risk for intraoperative atelectasis, a specific diagnostic approach
should be implemented without delay using lung imaging or bronchoscopy. *Hypoxemia may be
defined by oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry drop by more than 5% or FIO2
increase by more than 30% to maintain oxygenation with PEEP of 5 cm H2O (presuming other
causes such as airway, ventilator, or hemodynamic issues have been excluded). **Significant
respiratory mechanics change may be defined by a compliance of the respiratory system drop
by more than 20%, or a driving pressure 15 cm H2O or greater with PEEP of 5 cm H2O and tidal
volume of 6 ml/kg predicted body weight. ‡Attend to hemodynamic stability during
recruitment maneuvers. §Body mass index 35 kg/m2 or greater, pneumoperitoneum,
Trendelenburg position, upper abdominal surgery with diaphragmatic surgical retractors,
diaphragmatic injury, intraoperative lung injury, or pulmonary edema.

Transpulmonary Pressure

Transpulmonary pressure is conceptualized as the pressure across the lungs, i.e., the
difference between airway opening pressure and pleural pressure. While airway
pressure is usually available, pleural pressure is not. Esophageal pressure measurement
has been used to estimate pleural pressure. 160 The obtained measurement has been
shown to correspond to the pleural pressure surrounding the region where the
pressure is assessed (i.e., dorso-caudal lung according to esophageal balloon
location). 161 Exposure to negative transpulmonary pressure, notably at the end of
expiration, increases the risk of lung collapse as shown by supine pig and human
cadaver imaging studies.161,162 Negative end-expiratory transpulmonary pressures
have also been consistently associated with hypoxemia and lung collapse during acute
lung injury163 and in surgical patients.95,159 Hence, the continuous monitoring of
esophageal pressure, targeting positive transpulmonary pressure,16 has been proposed
as a strategy to individualize airway pressure and maintain lung expansion during
mechanical ventilation (fig. 5).9,164
Blood Oxygenation
. .
Pulmonary atelectasis correlates with the presence of shunt or regions of low VA/Q and
contributes to intraoperative hypoxemia.52,120,165 The magnitude of the hypoxemia
will be determined by the degree of ventilation/perfusion mismatch, including the
volume of atelectatic lung and the adequacy of regional hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction. Pulse oximetry is a simple and usually reliable continuous monitor of
oxygenation allowing for the early detection of possible perioperative atelectasis.166
Because absolute oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry (SpO2) can be
normalized by increasing FIO2, use of the SpO2/FIO2 ratio may help to diagnose impaired
blood oxygenation better than SpO2 alone. In injured lung patients, the range of
SpO2/FIO2 equaling 235 to 315 is associated with PaO2/FIO2 of 200 to 300 mmHg.167

Therapeutic Management of Perioperative Atelectasis

Several perioperative interventions have been explored to promote lung recruitment,
and, ultimately, prevent pulmonary atelectasis.Yet, while studies tested interventions
directed to reduce atelectasis, they rarely used its quantitative assessment as their
primary endpoint, but instead included postoperative pulmonary atelectasis as a
component of pulmonary outcome composites.168,169 The relevance of interventions
directed to minimize atelectasis has been recently emphasized by an international
expert panel classifying as highest quality of evidence that “formation of perioperative
clinically significant atelectasis” could “be an important risk factor for the development
of postoperative pulmonary complications.”168 In this section, we will discuss reported
therapeutic approaches considering the clinical period (pre-, intra-, or postoperative)
and the underlying pulmonary condition (normal vs. inflamed lung).

Preoperative Period

Prehabilitation combining preoperative patient education, preoperative physiotherapy,

smoking cessation, and nutritional optimization has been proposed to prevent
postoperative pulmonary complications including pulmonary atelectasis.170–175 In
high–respiratory risk patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery,
preoperative intensive inspiratory muscle training prevents postoperative pulmonary
complications including atelectasis.176 In patients undergoing upper abdominal
surgery, a randomized clinical trial found that a single preoperative physiotherapy
session (30 min) significantly reduced postoperative pulmonary complications
(including atelectasis on chest x-ray film).177 However, the relatively high rate of
postoperative pulmonary complications in controls and the influence of regional
practices should encourage the replication of these results in larger cohorts. Finally,
meta-analysis findings suggested a beneficial effect of preoperative inspiratory muscle
training before cardiac or major abdominal surgery for prevention of postoperative
atelectasis and pneumonia. Yet results could be overestimated due to lack of adequate
blinding and study size.178

Intraoperative Period


Supraphysiological VT (10 to 15 ml/kg of predicted body weight) has been until recently
the decades-long cornerstone of intraoperative atelectasis treatment.1,179 Indeed,
lower VT implies the potential for poorly ventilated lung regions exposed, in the
absence of PEEP, to progressive deaeration. Yet while effective to prevent atelectasis,
large VT has been associated with higher risk of postoperative pulmonary complications
in meta-analyses,180,181 registry-based studies,182 and clinical trials in abdominal183
and thoracic184 surgery. The protective range of VT in surgical patients may be broader
than stricter lower tidal volume ranges utilized in critical care. A recent clinical trial
found that VT of 6 versus 10 ml/kg of predicted body weight with PEEP of 5 cm H 2O
resulted in similar outcomes after major surgery (table 2),185 in line with a previous
large registry-based study.157 The presence of PEEP of 5 cm H2O in these cases may be
essential for equivalent outcomes, as absence of PEEP in association with low VT may
be deleterious.5 Such a finding underscores a limitation of previous studies addressing
VT using bundle interventions of VT and PEEP settings,183,184 which prevent the
individual assessment of VT and PEEP to outcomes. Overall, current evidence supports
a VT range of 6 to 10 ml/kg of predicted body weight for two-lung ventilation of surgical
patients with noninflamed lungs.

Table 2.
Randomized Clinical Trials on Alveolar Expansion Strategies during General Anesthesia

Of note, current data suggest that the protective effect may not derive from lower VT
by itself but from its role in limiting lung strain, defined as change in lung volume
divided by the initial lung volume, and clinically estimated from driving pressures.
Indeed, registry-based studies in surgical patients undergoing noncardiothoracic157
and cardiac surgery158 and studies in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)186
have indicated that improved outcomes are related primarily to driving pressures, not
to VT. While these two variables are related, driving pressure is more specifically
associated with lung strain, a possible explanation of those findings. That would lead
the clinician to consider ventilatory interventions when driving pressures increase,
rather than merely focusing on VT.16
Recruitment Maneuvers

Recruitment maneuvers correspond to the transient application of high airway

pressures that translate into high transpulmonary pressures aiming at reopening
collapsed lung regions. Different types of maneuvers have been used, including
sustained inflation for 30 s at airway pressure 30 cm H2O,102,183,187 or transient
increase in VT and PEEP for three breaths to reach plateau pressure of 30 to 35 cm H2O
in normal-weight people188 or 40 to 50 cm H2O in the obese.189 Recruitment
maneuvers are efficacious in reducing pulmonary atelectasis volume165 and improving
intraoperative respiratory mechanics190 and oxygenation.91,187,191 However, this
effect may be transient when high FIO2 is used during the maneuvers192 or when these
are not associated with appropriate PEEP management.14 For instance, recruitment
maneuvers only lead to physiologic and radiographic improvement in obese patients or
during pneumoperitoneum when associated with increased PEEP.14,91,193 In clinical
trials, periodic recruitment maneuvers failed to improve postoperative pulmonary
outcomes even when combined to high PEEP after abdominal or cardiac surgery (table
2).102,188,194,195 Accordingly, current recommendations limit the use of recruitment
maneuvers to patients presenting a respiratory dysfunction suggestive of atelectasis
according to an individual risk–benefit assessment and always combined with PEEP (fig.
6). Recruitment maneuvers should be performed with the ventilator instead of
manually, with the lowest pressure, during the shortest effective time and with a
continuous hemodynamic monitoring.168


The application of PEEP aims to prevent or treat atelectasis by maintaining positive

transpulmonary pressure when alveolar pressure reaches its lowest end-expiratory
level. During general anesthesia, PEEP improves gas exchange and respiratory
mechanics,179 and reduces the volume of collapsed lung both in adults3,196 and
children.197 This occurs either with mere application of PEEP to normal lungs,3 or
when PEEP follows lung recruitment maneuvers in high-risk settings for atelectasis
(e.g., obesity). 14,91,193

Besides those beneficial physiologic effects, PEEP can also prevent the mechanical and
biologic lung injuries associated with atelectasis26 and, consequently, improve
postoperative pulmonary outcomes. Such protection has been implied by the
observation of better postoperative pulmonary outcomes with moderate PEEP (5 to 8
cm H2O) than with lower to no or high PEEP in large registry-based studies in
noncardiothoracic surgery,157,198 and worse outcomes when PEEP of approximately 0
is associated with low VT.5 In multicenter randomized controlled trials, moderate PEEP
bundled with low VT leading to better outcomes than when no PEEP was combined with
high VT further supported its value (table 2).183,184

Application of PEEP higher than those moderate levels (i.e., 8 to 12 cm H 2O) has not
brought additional improvement of postoperative pulmonary outcomes, although it
reduces intraoperative atelectasis. Indeed, large randomized controlled trials using high
PEEP (12 cm H2O) strategies consistently enhanced intraoperative oxygenation and
respiratory mechanics, while they failed to improve postoperative pulmonary and
extrapulmonary outcomes (table 2).188,189,194 Importantly, high PEEP may expose
patients to excessive alveolar pressures, as suggested by the finding of biomarkers of
alveolar overdistension103,199 and the higher incidence of arterial hypotension,
bradycardia, and need for vasopressors in patients exposed to it.188,189,200
Consequently, recent expert recommendations propose the avoidance of PEEP of 0 cm
H2O while limiting intraoperative PEEP to fixed low levels (2 to 5 cm H2O) as the
standard intraoperative approach.168 High PEEP strategies would be restricted to
clinical scenarios strongly suggestive of significant atelectasis (e.g., oxygenation or
respiratory mechanics compromise) 156,201 or consistent with high risk for lung
collapse (e.g., body mass index greater than 50; obesity plus pneumoperitoneum or
Trendelenburg; abdominal hypertension; fig. 6).9,70,189,202

The considerable variability in individual PEEP requirements for optimal lung

mechanics, oxygenation, or aeration depending on patients’ characteristics (e.g., body
mass index 9,14 ) or surgical factors (e.g., abdominal surgery, 90,164,203 robotic-assisted
laparoscopic surgeries,9 stage of surgery,159 one-lung ventilation155 ) has been
increasingly documented. Such variability implies the need for PEEP individualization,
which can be done using respiratory mechanics including estimates of transpulmonary
pressure using esophageal balloons,9,159,194,204 pulse oximetry,205 and bedside lung
imaging (ultrasound or electrical impedance tomography).94,152,153,202 Studies to date,
mostly physiologic, indicate that these personalized interventions resulted in better
transpulmonary pressures, driving pressures,159 intraoperative lung expansion,94,202
and postoperative lung aeration152 than fixed PEEP strategies. Demonstration of the
outcome benefits of individualized PEEP approaches will require further investigation.

Inspired Fraction of Oxygen

Partial or complete alveolar denitrogenation with oxygen promotes oxygen absorption

atelectasis.117,192 Accordingly, atelectasis area quantified by computed tomography
was 20 times higher with preoxygenation with FIO2 of 1.0 for intubation than with FIO2 of
0.3 in nonobese patients.120 Of note, desaturation time (i.e., time to reach a SpO2 less
than 90%) is still 1.8 min longer after preoxygenation with FIO2 of 1.0 than with FIO2 of
0.8.206 In the obese, adding continuous positive airway pressure during
preoxygenation mitigates the collapsing effect of FIO2 of 1.0 as it improves end-
expiratory lung volume and oxygenation during and after intubation.207 Besides the
intubation period, a dose-dependent association between median intraoperative FIO2
and major postoperative pulmonary complications and 30-day mortality has been
reported after noncardiothoracic surgery in a large registry-based study, suggesting a
protective effect of restrictive approaches.208 Yet in large randomized clinical trials,
intraoperative FIO2 of 0.8 or greater versus 0.3 did not significantly impact postoperative
atelectasis (assessed by chest x-ray film or computed tomography), 209 pulmonary
complications,210 or supplemental oxygen requirements211 after abdominal surgery in
mostly nonobese patients. Accordingly, intraoperative FIO2 should target normoxic and
not hyperoxic conditions. High FIO2 should be particularly directed to treatment or
prevention of hypoxemia (e.g., preintubation and preextubation), and avoidance of FIO2
of 1.0 might be most beneficial intraoperatively to patients at high risk for

Spontaneous Ventilation

Maintaining diaphragmatic tone during general anesthesia preserves negative pleural

pressure and diaphragmatic shape, favoring alveolar ventilation distribution213 and
aeration of the dorso-caudal lung in small clinical studies.3,214 Adding high-flow oxygen
in nonintubated spontaneously breathing anesthetized children further improved lung

Lung Recruitment during Perioperative Lung Inflammation

Either in complex surgical cases or in the surgical ICU, anesthesiologists frequently

manage critically ill patients with respiratory dysfunction due to or associated with
significant acute inflammatory lung injury, e.g., systemic inflammatory response, sepsis,
postcardiopulmonary bypass, transplant surgery, extrapulmonary surgical
complications, lung trauma, transfusion-related acute lung injury, and lung ischemia. In
such conditions, implementation of strategies for lung protection is particularly
important as increased susceptibility to lung injury including mechanical lung injury is
likely present, as supported by the concept of two-hit injury, 215,216 and determines an
increased risk for further respiratory dysfunction, multiorgan failure, and death.186
The frequently present alveolar instability and higher opening pressures (45 to 60 cm
H2O)217,218 than normal lungs (30 to 40 cm H2O)111 set these patients at increased
risk for atelectasis. For these reasons, PEEP 5 cm H2O or greater should be used in
virtually all patients presenting with acute lung inflammation. PEEP higher than that
required for oxygenation (e.g., higher PEEP tables from Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome Clinical Network) 219 is likely reserved to patients fulfilling criteria for
moderate and severe ARDS (PaO2/FIO2 200 mmHg or less with bilateral lung infiltrates
and acute onset, and not explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload).220,221
Individualized PEEP settings have been increasingly advanced also in this group of
patients aiming at optimal respiratory mechanics (e.g., respiratory system
compliance, 222 driving pressure,186 transpulmonary pressure,163 oxygenation,219 or
imaging measures of lung expansion).223 Such approaches have shown physiologic
benefit to respiratory system mechanics and blood oxygenation,163 while mortality
benefits await confirmation. Attention to complications associated with high PEEP, e.g,
hemodynamic instability and pneumothorax, is key for safety during severe lung injury,
as major morbidity has been associated with aggressive use of “open-lung”
strategies. 222 Systematic use of low VT (6 to 8 ml/kg of predicted body weight) and
associated attention to driving pressure should compose the ventilatory

Of note, critically ill patients presenting uninjured lungs did not benefit from the
systematic use of low V T (6 ml/kg vs. 10 ml/kg of predicted body weight) 224 and PEEP
higher than 5 cm H2O.225 Accordingly, the ventilatory management of lung recruitment
in critically ill patients with normal lung function is consistent with the approach
described for the surgical patient.

Large Airways Hygiene

In intubated patients, mucociliary clearance impairment, bronchial hypersecretion,
ineffective coughing, and lack of gas humification could compound to produce airway
obstruction as with mucus plugs, thus precipitating obstructive atelectasis. Tracheal
suctioning should be performed on an as-needed basis to avoid lung derecruitment and
hypoxemia.226 In case of lobar and segmental obstructive atelectasis, fiberoptic
bronchoscopy allows for confirmation of diagnosis and etiological treatment with
bronchial toilet under fiberoptic guidance and restoration of lung aeration.227 Routine
nebulization of N-acetylcysteine and salbutamol (every 6 h) is not advantageous as no
reduction of ventilator-free days was observed in intubated ICU patients ventilated for
more than 24 h as compared to on-demand treatment.228

Nonventilatory Preventive Strategies

Nonventilatory intraoperative interventions contribute to prevention of postoperative

atelectasis. Opioids are associated with ventilatory depression and a large registry-
based study on a wide range of adult noncardiac surgeries under general anesthesia
showed that indeed, a lower dose of intraoperative fentanyl (approximately 60 to 120
mcg for a 70-kg patient) was associated with lower rate of pulmonary complications
including atelectasis than higher doses (approximately 4 mcg/kg) and interestingly also
than no fentanyl.47 Lower doses of neuromuscular blocking agents in a similar
population also related to fewer major postoperative pulmonary complications. These
are also reduced by accurate reversal of neuromuscular blocking agents with
associated appropriate monitoring of neuromuscular function.48,229 The combination
of rocuronium-sugammadex, compared to neostigmine, may reduce certain
postoperative pulmonary complications but the benefit on atelectasis has not been
definitely demonstrated.230,231 Optimized fluid administration through perioperative
monitoring of stroke volume (e.g., esophageal Doppler) and goal-directed hemodynamic
therapy during major surgery prevent fluid overload and reduce postoperative
pulmonary complications in randomized clinical trials. 169,232,233 Large observational
studies in cardiac234 and noncardiac235 surgery further suggest that optimized patient
blood management to limit blood product transfusion may help in preventing
postoperative pulmonary complications.

Emergence from Anesthesia and Extubation

Emergence from anesthesia and extubation may hasten alveolar

derecruitment.94,103,147,153,236 Specifically, high pre-extubation FIO2 has been
associated with absorption atelectasis.237,238 Yet the clinical impact on postoperative
outcomes is unknown, and safety issues related to shortening desaturation time with
FIO2 less than 1.0, such as for difficult extubations, should be considered.239,240

In mostly nonobese patients undergoing emergence from anesthesia with FIO2 of 1.0 at
the end of noncardiothoracic surgery, neither weaning PEEP to 0 cm H2O236 nor
performing recruitment maneuvers and adding PEEP 10 cm H2O241 before extubation
significantly affected postoperative atelectasis formation or gas exchange.

In contrast, an intensive alveolar recruitment strategy (PEEP 13 to 30 cm H2O)

performed before extubation in selected patients presenting hypoxemia (PaO2/FIO2 less
than 250 mmHg) at the end of cardiac surgery improved lung aeration and significantly
reduced the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications and hospital length of
stay.201 Limiting tracheal suction and applying positive airway pressure during cuff
deflation before extubation to prevent postoperative atelectasis appear safe and have
been suggested to prevent early postoperative atelectasis. However, the systematic use
of this approach requires further validation.242 Importantly, extubation should be
performed in patients who have recovered from neuromuscular blockade (train-of-four
greater than 0.9).50,243

Postoperative Period

Intraoperative lung recruitment may not consistently translate into higher

postoperative lung aeration.103,147,152,153 Accordingly, strategies aiming to maintain
lung recruitment in the postanesthesia care unit, ICU, or surgical ward may
independently improve postoperative outcomes and be at least as valuable as
intraoperative lung expansion interventions. Multimodal bundle strategies244,245
aiming at reducing postoperative alveolar collapse have been advanced, but clinical
trials are still required to produce high-level evidence.169,172,246

Noninvasive Ventilatory Support

Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation after extubation may prevent pulmonary

atelectasis and compensate for the postoperative reduction of FRC.246,247 Continuous
positive airway pressure and noninvasive ventilation increase the pressure at airway
opening and improve gas exchange.248,249 While mechanisms underlying the benefits
of noninvasive positive pressure support have not been entirely defined, improvement
in lung aeration through alveolar recruitment is likely the most relevant followed by the
potential reduction in work of breathing, and improved cardiac function with reduction
of pulmonary edema.247 Recently, high-flow nasal cannula has been used to
noninvasively increase pressure at the airway opening. In adults, at flow rates
approximately 60 l/min, with closed mouth, mean airway pressure is approximately 5
cm H2O,250 which is satisfactory in many cases but may be inadequate in settings
requiring higher airway pressures (e.g., obesity). In children up to 6 yr of age, a flow rate
of 2 l · kg –1 · min–1 had a significant effect on lung expansion.135 Clinical studies have
explored noninvasive ventilatory support to treat postoperative respiratory failure or to
prevent postoperative pulmonary atelectasis and complications

Curative Use

In selected patients already presenting postoperative hypoxemia, the curative use of

noninvasive ventilatory support substantially improved postoperative outcomes as
compared to conventional oxygen therapy and should be considered as a standard of
care. Recent European guidelines251 propose the immediate use of noninvasive
ventilation or continuous positive airway pressure rather than conventional oxygen
therapy for hypoxemic patients after abdominal, cardiac, or thoracic surgery to reduce
atelectasis and prevent further respiratory failure.251

In hypoxemic patients after major abdominal surgery (e.g., room air SpO2 96% or less for
5 min194 ), postoperative continuous positive airway pressure (5 to 10 cm H2O) was
effective in preventing postoperative pulmonary complications194 and
reintubation,252 and noninvasive ventilation (inspiratory pressure support 5 to 15 cm
H2O; PEEP 5 to 10 cm H2O) reduced 90-day mortality as compared to standard oxygen
therapy.253 Noninvasive ventilation prevented postoperative reintubation in patients
presenting acute respiratory failure after cardiothoracic surgery, also reducing ICU
length of stay,254–256 and after solid organ transplantation, also reducing ICU
mortality.257 In patients presenting with hypoxemia after cardiothoracic surgery
(approximately 32% with obesity), high-flow nasal oxygen therapy (flow 50 l/min; FIO2
50%) was noninferior to noninvasive ventilation to prevent reintubation.258

Preventive Use
High-risk patients, e.g., the obese, may particularly benefit from extended postoperative
noninvasive ventilatory support. 259 After bariatric surgery, preventive continuous
positive airway pressure or noninvasive ventilation improved blood oxygenation260
and postextubation lung volumes,261 while early application of high-flow nasal cannula
decreased postoperative hypoxemia and prevented postoperative pulmonary
atelectasis.262 Similarly, in mostly nonobese patients who had undergone elective
cardiac surgery, preventive nasal continuous positive airway pressure (10 cm H2O, 6 h
or greater) reduced the rate of postoperative complications and reintubation but had
no significant effect on ICU or hospital length of stay.263 Despite these results, recent
randomized clinical trials assessing the preventive use of postoperative noninvasive
ventilatory support did not demonstrate efficacy of continuous positive airway
pressure or high-flow nasal cannula after abdominal surgery in mostly nonobese
patients at intermediate-to-high pulmonary risk,194,264 noninvasive ventilation after
thoracic surgery in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients,265 or high-flow
nasal cannula after cardiac surgery in overweight to obese patients.266,267 These
results emphasize the need for better treatment stratification (e.g., super-obese,
significant intraoperative atelectasis) and identification of the optimal interface, time of
initiation, and dose of preventive ventilatory support.

Early Mobilization

Early mobilization, as part of enhanced recovery after surgery,268 has been suggested
to improve postoperative FRC.269 In clinical trials, early mobilization relieved lung
atelectasis after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery270 and coronary artery bypass
graft surgery,271 but the effect on pulmonary complications was not significant after
colorectal surgery.272,273

Respiratory Physiotherapy Targeting Lung Expansion

Deep-breathing exercises and incentive spirometry have been associated with

improved FRC and atelectasis reduction after abdominal274,275 and cardiothoracic
surgeries.276,277 A reminder system may improve outcomes and the adherence to
postoperative physiotherapy.276 Nonetheless, while presumably beneficial, the
widespread use of incentive spirometry has been questioned, and appropriate
matching of indications, techniques, and doses needs to be established due to low
quality of evidence.278–280

When compared to systemic opioid-based analgesia, postoperative epidural analgesia

is associated with a preventive effect on pulmonary atelectasis.281,282 The potential
mechanisms are the improvement of cough by greater expiratory muscle strength,283
deep breathing with higher diaphragmatic inspiratory velocities,284 and earlier
mobilization by enhanced analgesia,285 while avoiding the respiratory depression
produced by systemic opioids. After thoracotomy, paravertebral block is an alternative
to epidural analgesia to prevent pneumonia and need for ventilatory support.286

Oxygen Therapy

In spite of scarce evidence during routine oxygenotherapy,287 humidification of

inspired gas may improve bronchial drainage and prevent mucus plug responsible for
airway obstruction.288 Room air trials should be regularly performed in patients
receiving oxygen in order to reevaluate the indication for oxygen therapy and,
importantly, identify patients at risk for pulmonary complications, as these could
benefit from additional noninvasive respiratory support.166,194


Prophylactic intravenous ambroxol may prevent postoperative atelectasis in at-risk

patients, but the quality of evidence is low.289 N-acetyl cysteine failed to prevent
postoperative atelectasis after elective upper laparotomy.290

Relief of Extrinsic Compression

Along with lung expansion techniques, relieving severe extrinsic compression due to
pleural effusion (e.g., thoracocentesis) or abdominal hypertension (e.g., paracentesis,
medical treatment of ileus, laparostomy) as well as significant pneumothorax may be
necessary to improve lung aeration. Gastric decompression should be strictly selective
(e.g., severe postoperative gastric distension). Routine use of a nasogastric tube
significantly increased the incidence of postoperative atelectasis and pneumonia in a
meta-analysis of clinical trials. 291

Interventions described in this section compose most of the current clinical tools to
approach perioperative atelectasis. As can be derived from the presentation, the
evidence on interventions specifically addressing atelectasis is dispersed in sources
varying from clinical trials, in combination with other pulmonary outcomes, to
individual studies or meta-analyses addressing subsets of patients, single interventions,
and particular outcomes. Formal systematic analyses are needed to advance
quantitative and specific understanding in the field.


Pulmonary atelectasis is a prominent perioperative clinical entity. Hypoxemia and

lowered respiratory system compliance are classical presentations of atelectasis in the
operating room, but specific and quantitative diagnosis always requires lung imaging.
While patient- and surgery-related risk factors are well known, the direct impact of
intraoperative pulmonary atelectasis on postoperative outcomes is still unclear.
Mechanical ventilation strategies aiming to maximize alveolar recruitment in all-
comers during surgery did reduce undesirable gas exchange and respiratory mechanics
dysfunction and are, consequently, effective in improving physiologic dysfunction. Yet
they did not affect mid- or long-term postoperative pulmonary or composite outcomes.
To date, the generalizability of those results remains controversial, as shown by the
limited clinical guidelines. Future directions for anesthesiologists and investigators
should primarily address the stratification of patients’ risk for severe pulmonary
atelectasis, the use of titrated physiology-based strategies, and the extension of lung
recruitment from the pre- to the postoperative period.


The authors thank Laurent Zieleskiewicz, M.D., Ph.D. (Aix-Marseille University,

Marseille, France), Christian Putensen, M.D., Ph.D. (University of Bonn, Bonn,
Germany), and Jean-Michel Constantin, M.D., Ph.D. (Paris Sorbonne University, Paris,
France), for providing graphic material. Figures were made in BioRender
(, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).

Research Support

This work was funded by National Institutes of Health–National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute (Bethesda, Maryland) grant Nos. R01 HL121228 to Dr. Vidal Melo and UH3
HL140177 to Drs. Vidal Melo and Fernandez-Bustamante. Dr. Lagier received research
grants from Societe Francaise d’Anesthesie Reanimation (Paris, France), European
Association of CardioThoracic Anaesthesiologists (Rome, Italy), and Fondation
Monahan (Paris, France).

Competing Interests

Dr. Fernandez-Bustamante reports financial relationships with Merck Sharp & Dohme
Corp. (Kenilworth, New Jersey) and the U.S. Department of Defense (Arlington,
Virginia). The other authors declare no competing interests.

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