Math1 2

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Examination Control Division Pr.ogramme

Aii (E*""pt
Pass Marks 32
2080 Ashwin v"uilFa* I/II Time J trr.

Subject:- EnEineering N4athematics II fH a511

Candidates are required to give their answers in t practicable.
AUempt AII questions"
All questians caruy equaf marks"
Assume suitable dcta if necesscry.

I. for homogenous
\^ au-t ,^'tt ,
II.shr)w trhat x --- \' v i

i ax "ry-- -
2. Firrdtheextremer.alueof *2-n-u2 =12. subjecttotheconditions:r-z:1,2v=7:2
3" Evaluate
Ii00 vz ,2 * y2dyd* b-v-'changing it irrto polar form.

4. Using muitiple integral find the volume bounded by the cylinder *2 *y7 = 4 betrveen the
planes y'+z:B andz:1.
5. Find t'Ire image of the point (2,-1,3) in the plane 3x-2y-z= 9.
6" Define Coplanar lines and Skew lines.
show thar the iines 5 = -I---?. = urr6l- ?" =y-.:--9 =1---3- are coplanar and also find
their point of intersection and the equation of the common plane.
7. Obtainthe equation of the sphere through the ckcle
*2 * yz +r2 =9,x -2y + 2z:5
As &e great circle also determined its centre and radius.
8. Obtain &e equation of the right 4 and axis the lines x :2y = -2.
9. f)efine the power series. Apply it to solve the differential equationy"-+'xy'+v =0 .

10. Express the function: f(x): x3 + 5x2 + 4x+ I as Legendre?s polynomials.

11. Prove that Bessel's function.

J5 (x) =
,[*F"+lsin x - 1.or*],where the symbols have their usual meanings.
Vnxi x' x
Z )

12. Define Scalar Triple Product and Vector Triple Product for vectors.

Provetliatla+"b b+c
L IL a
c+al=21 b .l
13. Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for a vector function ? in variaUle 't' to
have constant direction i, ?* !3- = O

14" Find the directional derivative of $ = *2 -y2 + z2 at the point A (1,-3,2) in the direction
of AB, where B is the point (4,5,7).
15. Test for the cohvergence ofthe series;

,n * * +..."."""."
7 7 ;-rn F
16. Find the ifierval and radius of convergence of Power Series:
i{":1)lGt}l J
Programme All (Except BAR) lllerln" Sz
, pasc
2079 Chaitrn Year / Part L' II Tlme j-n;i,,^

111gering $3"thegp1i-c_9. !-I (f H 4 sI )

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own'worris as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
fllquestions carry equal marlcs.
Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. state Euler's Theorem for a homogenous function in two variables.
rf u=.or-,i +j+'
ax'cy 2

2. Find the extreme value of x2 + xy + y2 + 322 connected by the relation

- + 2y + 4z= 6A.
3' Evaluate: JJ* rAfa, where R is the region bounded by parabola 12 :4x and x2 :4y.
4. Find the volume of ellipsoid
*a" -*b" -+c' =t using triple integration.

5. iin., *-l -:r -7. =ri. x -8 y-4 z-5

4 =;' -
rhat the
I = 3
Shor,i. arecoPlanar'Findthe
4 7
plane in which they lie.
6. Find the magnitude and the eqtration of the shortest distance between the lines
x y z .x-2 r'-l z+2
2-3t and-=::--=
:=--:=- 3 -5 2

7. Define the term 'Great Circie'. Find the eqr,ration of the sphere having the circle
tt*y'*z)+ 1Oy -42- 8:0. r -y - z= 3 as aGreat t.ircle.
8. Find the equation of the cone rvith vefiex at (1,2,3) and guiding curve y2: 16x, z: l,
9. Find a power series soiution tbr y"- 4y : 0.
10. Express f(x) = 5x3 + x in terms of-i-egendre's polynomials.

I I. Prove that J3 (x) =,,,[.

vTrx i+
r. x -.or*1.
2 )
-) * -)'l --+' i -+ -+ t, --) | - > --)tl
i2. Define vector triple product. Prove that i"!;"T ,t

i.l,.i;.; ]*i.l;- o',,=ri

-+ -) -)
where i , j , k are mutuaily unite vectors along the co-ordinates axes"
13' The necessary and sufficient condition for the vector function of a scalar variable t have a
constant magnitucle i, ?.9a = o.
14. Find the directional derivative of 0 -- *'y, * 4xz2 ai (1, -2, -l) in the direction of
2i- j-2k .

Cc .,1'i
15, Test the convergence ofthe series: F u.(n" + l) wherex>0.

16. Find the interval and radius of convergenoe of the power series: i?:(I-l1
7, in+4)
Examination Control Division
2078 Chaitra

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in the as practicable.

{ Anempt All questions.
'/y' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full M.arks.
Assurne suitable data if necessory. L[ERARY
r*'- + y'^\
1. State Euler's Theorem for Homogeneous function of two variables. [f u =.."-'l I th",
[ **v )
Ax "Ay [t+4]

2. What are the criteria for a function (x,y) to have local maximurn and minimum value? Using the
criteria, evaluate the e-xtreme value of x2 * y2 * z2 subject to the condition x -r y* z= 7. t5]
3. What advantage do we get bv changing Cartesian integrals into polar fann? Change the fcltowing
u ,'J -l i't1
integral into Polar and hence evaluate t
JJ I 1ix' + y'dydx Ii+4]
4. Find by triple integration, the volunre of the spher" *'* y' + zr : ai tsl
5. Find the image of the point (1, 3. 4) in the plane 2x - r, i z+ J : g. t5l
6" Find the magnitucie and equations of shortest distance betw.een the lines
x-l y-2 z-3 , x-2 y-4 z-5
_=_:-_ t5l

7 . What is the cross section of an intersecting sphere and a piane? Hou, many spheres pass through
their intersection?
Obtain the centre and radius of the circle *'*y'* z'.'x+ y + z- 4= A,x + y + z = 0. [l+4]
B. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder of radius 2 and rvhose axis is the line

9. Appty the power series method to solve the differentialequation y" * xy'* y:0. t5]
10. Express xt - 5x' + 6x t- 1 in terms of Legendre's polynomials. t5]
11. Frove ttrrat x J',, (x) = n J" (x) - x J""1 (x) wirere the symbol in denote Bessel's fbnction. [5]

12. Find the set of reciprocal system to the set vectors 2i+3;- t , - i* Z l-, t and
3i*4 j+2k tsl
i3" The llecessary and sufficient condition for the vector function of a scalar variabie t have a
-) da
constant magnitude is ?. Is]
14^ Find the angle betrveen
the surf"aces xy2z = 3x .r. z2 and 3x? + 2z = 1 at the point
- y2
(1, -2, 1).
15" Test the series for convergence or divergence tsl
+ +

i. 2 2.3 3..+-!....
16. Find the radius and interval of convergence of the power series: isl
$ (-tl'(x "-l)n
L "rn
' TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY Dxam. It r'1'r rI ir l"
Examination Control Division Programme AII (Except B.Arch.l Pass Marks 32
2077 Chaitra Year / Fart I i II Time 3 hrs.

" {:*$s :f : _Ftls:tqff *s-}4*k**1i.: III 6n +sts
caudidetes_are required to give their answers ln their owa words as far
as practiEable,
Attempt $llquestlons,
All questions carry equal marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Give an example of Homogeuous ftrnction. State Euler's theorem on Homogenous

function for two independent variable x and y. Veriff Euler's theorem for
u=xn ,in(I) .
2. Findtheextremevalueofxz+ f ** connectedbytherelation x*y=l andy *z:Z
3. Evaluate thc double inresrarion 1'
" ror-
4. Find the volume bounded by the cylinder *, * I = 4 and the planes y * z:4 and z: A.
5' Prove that the lines x =t* ='!-3 ona I=2.=
=2 '';6 =" -,3 are coplanar and find their
plane and point of intersection.

6- Find the equation of shortest distance between the lines

x y z ,x-2 y-l z+2
2 -3 i 3 _5 2
7 . Find the radius and centre of the circle
x2 + y2 + z2 - 8x + {y + 8z - 45 0, x - 2y + 2z : - 3 :a
8. Find the equation of the cone with vertex (1, l, 0) and guiding curve is y: a,x2 +pz :4.
9. solve by the power series method of the differential equation y,,- y:0.
i0. Test whether the solutions of y,', - Zy,, - y, + 2y : 0 are linearly independent or

1 1. Show that
4J"n(x) : J,-z(x) - 2J,.,(x) .+ Jn12(x)

12. Prove that

ix(axi)+ jx(ax j)+kx(ark)=24 where i, j, I are the mutually unite vectors
along the coordinates axes.

13. The necessary and sufficient condition for the function a of a scalar variable t to have a
cbnstant direction is a *
= O.
14. Find the directional derivatives of p (x, y, z) - xyz + yr, at the point (2, -1, l) in the
direction of vector i+ Z j+ Z t .
15. Test the convergence ofthe series

* * -; *'+ * x' + .... + \"1i1 -. xn +....
lr 21 3J n3

i6. Find the interval and radius of convergence of the power series (-l)n(1-:)n-.
, n+l
INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING i Level....----------i------
i BE
Full Marks 80
1 att (ExcePt BAR) Pass Marks 32
Examination Control Division i Prog"u*s6
3 hrs.
2076 Baishakh Lt-iri i Eif_-ii "lii- ": :---- Time
Subiect,'- Enginee_ring Nlathematics XI 1^SIJ 1il.
Candidates are require<l to give their answers in their own rvords as f'ar as
i1 ttempt All que s {io tts.
4!! questians carry equai rnarks.
Assume suitah le dat* if^ necessary.

1 . State a1c1 prove Enler's theorem for a hornogete{}us f,unction of, two varia.bles'

2. Find the extreme value Of,x2 -i" ,'1 -r'22 su'o3ect to the conditions:
x fvlz==landxyz-f 1:0.
l. ro * 1:Yl-
tr" changing order of integration'
Ei'aluate .'r, l"
l" J.r
,y, -{_ }r_

.. 1 -,: -J
4. Fintl the voli'n:re of r't-,- + *r * l; = I usirrg Drichelet's integrai'
ll' t-''
r--l l;-1 z-*'tr
S" provethatthelines {} -.5:-=::: a1d4x-3y+tr =0,5x -32,+ 2 -0 are coplanar.
Also f-rnd the point r.lf interseclion.
6. Irind thc magnitude and equatir-:n cf'shortest distance between the lines:
lf'-,ALyl - t-1 r.--l 't-)
._=L=- aila! -__--_=:----:
2 -3 1 3 -5 2
'/. Find the radius and centre of tire circle:
*' -, y' -+ 12 --8x+ 4I -r- 8z* 45 :0, x--2,v +224 :A
8. Irinrltheequatir:nofconei,rithvertex(1.2"3)andthebaseg.x2+4y?:36, z=0.
9. Ijind the reciprocal s.vstem cf r'*ctct r,rflthe set ojlvectors:
-i+ j"+k, i*7+,t ald i.i*k.
'---- ::' ,-l
i0. Fur fhe curre r = 3t^ y : 6tr. z= 4ti,provethat I r r,' l=86-+
r_ "j

t1. tf r -* x i + t' i+ z ft an<i a,b arc constant veotors, tlren prove that
,/. / .>r\ -)
curll b*l r*a li=o*.4.
\ \ ))
i2. Solve b,v the powul series method the cliff"erentiai equatiort'. y"-4xy'+(Ax' -2)y =A .

1:. Solvc thc l,egcntire's equation' (i -.r' \*

' tlx'
-zr*dx + nln 4-1)y= p"

14. Prove tt'tat ^llx'./,{.r)]: x"J,-r(.r).


15.'fest tlie convergence lif thc series:+.*+.]t. , (x r 0)"

t.2 2.3 3"4
i 6. Irind the interval and radius of convergence of power series:
(-1)'(3"v - 2)'
F !:j/_r"
L-/ 4 tt .t

Examinatiom Control Di's'ision Programmre ALL except BAR Pass lVlarks

2076 Bhadra Yean / Fart rlu Time 3 hrs.

1 "Er;g_1leg,$ng;tulathqma-1f -c_y!J {s-!! +s!)
Candidatus are requir*d tu giv* i.heir ansv,rel'n in iheir crrr,rl words as far as practicable.
Ai l que stiatzs.
.At t e,wpt
The.ligures ,''t the marg,itt fu:lic:ittt {y!!-Marks
Assunte: suilq,4lp dat* iJ" necdss{ttr-.

State Eule,r's Iheorem fi:lr h,lfilogenous firnction of two variables. If Z:sin-lf&/]"

then sir.lw
oz Ot. I
thrt x-' +)'-;
= tail.;srll ^zur')l
A\ x+Y ll,
i .))

/.. Find the extreme: values cf l.he function (x,y,s):xy*yz'izx subject to x+y+rl\A. t5]
Flvalu:rte the dout,le integrati.;n f t+g+
over the region R bounded by x:1, y*x2, anC

x-ams. tsl
4. Find tlie volume of rhe regiou V bounded by x:+-y2:4 , *2 and tr=x+y. tsl
5. Sh,rw thar the hrs, :)
3t-2 =Jl'4 ='-: and 3x+2y+z-2:0, x-3y+Zz-13:0 are coplanar

and find ihe eqrmti*n tr: rlhe plane in which they lie, Isl
6. Find the lenlgttr aud *quation of shartest distance befween the lines
*-3 L-1* z-3
3 -1 1 '
2x-3y +27 ,.= 0, 2y -z+'2A =A .
'i. lrind thr equatiiril of the sphel'e having circle x2+y2+22+7}y-42-8:O; x+y+z=3 as a great
circie. l5l
8. Find the equation *f'cyliader *'hose axis is parallel to the lirre
.j: y-?_ =z:? and
whr:se guidirrg cur\,'o ts y2+72"=4,v=2. tsl
g. Solve the equaticl l;:1 pou-er series meihod. x2)'"+y-0. isl
i0" l:ind the general s.ohition of (1-x2)y" -2xy' + n(n+1)50. [1+4]
_-( \ ^
i i prove that J5 ,, (*) = ,l-3--l '-l'
,* * - "ot*
x f. tsl

i2. If 6',6',d'form reciprocal system of vectors d,6,e , then prove that [il'6,d'11d,6,d1:1. t5]
13. A particle is moving with a constant angular speed co around a circle x:Rcosolt, yRsinrr:t
where R be the raclius of the circle. Show that, for aii t, i) the velocity vector is
perpendicular to the displacement vector and ii) magnitude of centripetal acceleration is
proporti.onal to the radius of the circle. t5]
14. Ilefine graciient t,f a soalar field. Find the angle between the surface xlogz:y2-l an6
x'yt-r=$ at tire point ( 1 ,1,1). tsl
i5. l'r:st whelher the series ifU";
t-t - n) ,, convergenr or not. isl
;-r\ I
(. tz)'
i6. Find the i.nterval and radius of,convergence of power series: f lsl
#, 3nn
02 TRIBHIJVAN UNIVERSIry Exam, i:1;iii* " .,,*RegUlArr.;l;.+ili*i:k[;,i., ."'r:'

Examin ation Control Division Programme All (Except B.Arch.) Pass Marks 32

2075 Bhadra Year / Part r/fi Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Engineerine Meltrgg3gg1l] !f!_!)!

/ Can<iidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
/ Alt questions csrry equal marks.
{ Assume suitable data dnecessary.

1. State Eulsr's theorem of homogeneous function and use it to show

du I
au*y:-=-;tanu whereu=cosec-ll
X -
dx dy 0 [ x/3 +y/3 )
2. Find the maximum value of f(x, y, z): xyz when x + y* z= 9.

3. Shorv the region of integration of the following integral:

Also evaluate the integral using polar coordinates.

4. Evaluate V is the region in the first octant bounded by the surface

a/ -/^
qyts -/^

5. Find the distance frorn the point (3, 4, 5) to the point where the line
x-3 v-4 z-5
* Y * z- 2'
meets the plane x -=-:-=-
6. Find the magnitude and equation of shortest distance between the lines
*-3 y-5: ,-7 - Y x+l +2
3 -4 =z+3
= urd
| 2 -3 1

7. Find the equation of the sphere having the circle

x'+y'+zz +fiy-42-B=0, x+y+ z=3 as a greal circle. Also determine its center
and radius.

8. Prove thai the equation 2xz + y2 +322 + 4x +2y + 6z+d = 0 represents a cone ifd = 6.
9. Define scalar triple product of three vectors. State its geometrical meaning and hence find
the voiume of the parallelopiped rvhose concurrent edges are:

i+zi-[, i-j+f and i+1*[.

10. Prove that the necessary and sufficient condition for the vector function i1t; of scatar

variable t to have constant direction ls i, I = 0.

' I L Find the directional clerivativc of $(x, y, z) : *' + y, +4x* at the point (1,'2, -i) in the
direction of vector Zi-i-ZU.
12. Apply Powcr series method to solve thc following differential equation:

' 'dx' *z*9

-2y =o

1 3. Express the polynomial (x) = 2x3 + 6x2 + 5x + 4 in terms of Legendre's polynomials.

15. Test the convergence ofthe series:

) _+_ where x > 0.
n=0n +/
16. Find the intemal and radius of convergence of power series:

+ (-l)'(2x - l;n
n=l J
\'Al'' U\ I" ERSII\'
TR.IBHL. Eram.
Level BE Full Marks 80
Examination Control Division Programme All (Except BAR) Pass Marks JL

2076 Baishakh Year I Part I iu Time 3 hrs.

- ---
s iiiliii,ii^:i;;irreei*s M;ih#ics II ist:.l til)
Candidates are required to give their ansr,vers in their own words as far as
Attempt Allquestions.
AUquestiails car{Y equui mm'ks.
A,:^stu'vl€ suitable datct if nece,ssary.

1. State ancl prove Enler's theorem for a homogenerlus function of two varia'bles"
2. Find the extreme value ofx2 +- y2 'r.z? subSect to the condiiions:
t. Evaluate I l. .y-
.ro J., _l_
by changing order of integration.

-"1 -,: -2
1. Fintl the voirime of l-a' + {* + 1; =1 using Drichelet's integral.
f,- c'

5" prove thatthe tines IJ =!-^1 =?:i and 4x - 3y +tr =0, 5x -32+ 2 = A areeoplanar.
Also find the point of intersectir:n.
6. Irind tirc magnitritle and equation af'shortest distanee between the lines:

,x-Z -r'-1 :'-2

x y z alLa!.------.-=
2 -3
-=L 1 3 -5 2

7. Find the radius and centte of the circle:

*' + f + ,2 - 8x + 4y + 8z - 45 :0, x-zy tzz -3 : o
8. Find the equation of cone with vertex {1, Z, 3) and the base 9x2 1' 4y2 : 36, z: 8.

9. Find the reciprocal system cf vector of the set of vectors:

-+ --+ -+ --+ -t --+ --) -) +
- i+ j+ k, i- i+k ad ;+ i-k .

[', ", "'rl

10. For the curve x = 3t, y : 6t2, z: 4t3,prove that Itl r r r i=

+ + I ++
11. If r = x i + y j+ z k attd a,b areconstantvectors, then prove that
/-+ /r -+\\ + +
curll bx{ r*all=axb.
\ \ ))
12. Solve by the power series method the differential equation y"-4xy'+(4x2 -Z)y =0 .

13. Solve the l-egendrc's equation,{J -..')+


14. Provr'that -|[-r',/,,{.r)] = x"Jn-Jx).


15, 'fest tire ccnvergence of the series: *1.2- +; *

2.3 *;
* (x > 0).

1 6. Find lhe interval ancl radius of convergence of power series:

S (-1)'(3x
\1 \-r., \J,l - 2)'
/-/ in
--r 't

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