Health Lesson Plan-Bandages

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(Formerly Cagayan Colleges Tuguegarao)

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines




Prepared by:
Practice Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher
(Formerly Cagayan Colleges Tuguegarao)
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines



At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the techniques in applying a dressing and bandages.
b. explain the proper dressing and bandages; and
c. demonstrate proper dressing and bandages.


Topic: Dressing and Bandages
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Picture presentation, Laptop, Television
Value Statement: giving proper care to an injured person.
References: Textbook: Doria, Jose P. et al. (2014) Physical Education and Health – Grade 9,
Learner’s Material

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity’
A. Preliminary Activities

 Opening Prayer
(One student will lead the prayer)
 Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning too, maam
How are you today?
We’re fine, maam
 Checking of Attendance
Who are the absent today?
None maam
That is good!

What was the topic that was been discussed in

your previous lesson?
Its all about basic first aid and survey of
That’s right! the scenes of the victim sir!
Very good!


Before we begin with our new lesson, let us do

this activity first entitled “DRESS ME UP

This can be done by pair. I will give a situation
with regards in our last discussion, and you will
be going to perform on how to cover up the
wound of a victim depending on your knowledge
or idea.

Are we clear, class?

Yes maam
Based from our activity, what do you think is our It’s all about dressing and bandaging,
topic for today? maam.

Very good! We will be discussing about the

dressing and bandaging to wounded person.

Here are the objectives that we ought to meet in

our lesson today, were you are expected to:

 identify the techniques in applying a

dressing and bandages.
 explain the proper dressing and
bandages; and
 demonstrate proper dressing and

You have learned in our previous lesson about
applying first aid.

Let me ask you a question, what do bystander can

do in the situation of doing a first aid on the
Student answer may vary.
Very good!

Now let’s proceed to dressing and bandaging.

What is dressing?
Maam, A dressing is a piece of sterile
cloth that covers a wound to prevent
infection and/or to stop bleeding.
What comes to your mind when you hear the
word “dressing”?
Giving a cover or a bandage to a person
who is wounded, maam.

Excellent, class!
What is bandage class? Maam bandages are used to apply pressure
to bleeding; for covering wounds and
burns; and proving support for
immobilization for broken bones, sprains,
That’s correct! and strains.
What are the three types of bandages?
Maam, the three types of bandages are
triangular, ace and tubular.
Here are the Techniques in Applying a
1. Wash hands and wear gloves if possible.
2. Unwrap the dressing as close to the
wound as possible. Be sure not to touch
the wound.
3. Place the dressing over the wound.
4. Use a dressing that is large enough to
cover the wound and extends 1 inch
beyond the edges of the wound.
5. Then secure the dressing with a bandage
or adhesive tape.

Why is it important that you need to apply

dressing in a wound?
Maam wounds dressings should provide
the most optimum conditions for wounds
healing while protecting the wound from
infection with microorganism and further
What else? trauma.

To make sure that the wound will stop the

bleeding and to avoid infections, maam.
Yes, that’s correct!
In addition, it is important that the dressing be
removed traumatically, to avoid further damage
to the wound surface during dressing changes.

Cold Compress is used to reduce swelling and

relieve pain, especially for sprains and strains.
Cold pads can be used as cold compress.
Hot compress is also used to allow normal blood
Cold and hot compress are applied alternately for
closed wound or contusions.
What is the difference between cold compress
and hot compress?
Warm compresses are beneficial for
ailments like tight tendons or soothing
lower back pain, but cold compresses are
helpful for reducing inflammation.
Very good, class!

Two Phases of Bandaging

Open Phase-bandaging that is used for wounds
on top or back of the head, chest, back, hand and
foot and as an arm sling.

Cravat Phase-bandaging that is used for wounds

that need extra support like wound in the eye,
forehead, ear, cheek, jaw, shoulder, hip, arm leg
elbow, knee, ad palm and or for a sprained ankle.
The narrower the cravat, the greater the pressure
it will give.

Which do you think is easier? Why?

Student answer may vary.

Techniques in Bandaging
Keep in mind the following:
-always use a square knot
-keep the cloth sterile to avoid infection
-always tuck the ends for a neater look

Bandaging techniques depend on and securely

over tight so as not to cut off blood circulation.

When wrapping bandages around the body, such

as knees, ankles, neck, and small back, use its
natural hollows to slide the bandages neatly into

Since most injuries are well, check regularly to

ensure that the bandages is still comfortable, and
it remains firmly secured.

Secure the bandage with a tape, clips or bow or

square knot. Ensure that the bandages, especially
the knots, do not touch the skin.

Why is it important to follow the technique in


You are correct! To make sure that the wound will not be
infected, maam
How to do Square Knot?
Right over left and left over right.

Can you do it in your own handkerchief?

That’s right! Student performing on how to do the

square knot.
What is Wounds class?
Sir, A wound is a break in the continuity
of the tissue inside the body. It may be
closed in which there is no break or
damage in the skin. It is also called
Exactly! hematoma or contusions. A wound may
also be an open wound in which there is
Here are the difference types of wounds. break in the skin.

First is Abrasion
what is abrasion class?

Very good, how about puncture?

Maam, it is caused by rubbing or scraping
. the skin against a rough surface.

Very good that’s right! Maam, Puncture is a piercing wound

Next what is Avulsion? caused by nails, needles, and other pointed

Exactly! How about Incision? Maam Avulsion is a forcible tearing or

partial tearing away of tissues.

Yes, that’s correct!

Last what is Laceration? Maam, Incision is a cut caused by knife,
broken glass, or any sharp objects.

Ma'am Laceration is a blunt breaking or

What are the traditional first aid that our tearing of soft tissues usually resulting
mother/father can give to us when we have an from mishandling tools and other
open wound? accidents.

Ma'am herbal plant, just like

You are all correct! leaves of moringa and oregano.

How to manage wounds

A. for management of closed wound or
hematoma use the mnemonic RICE:
R- rest the injured part.
I- ice application
C- compression
E- elevation

When/how can the close wound occur to us?

Very good!
Student answer may vary.
B. First aid for open wound with severe bleeding
1. wear gloves and remove or cut clothing as
necessary to expose wounds.
2. Control bleeding by applying direct pressure.
3. Elevate the injured part above the heart except
eye and wounds with embedded objects.
4. Cover the wound with sterile dressing and
5. Care for shock.
6. Consult a physician immediately.

Are we clear class?

Now class we go to the different ways in Student answer may vary.

transporting victim.
Transporting an injured person to a safer place
requires great care. A first aider must undergo
proper training.

In doing this class what are the first aider must


 Weight and height of the victim
 Status of the victim (conscious or
 Environment (safe, floor is
smooth, narrow, or wide)
Very good class,  Special need considerations
Now we go to one-man transport.
(injuries of the victims)
First is the Fireman’s carry.
The easiest way to transport victims.

Next is piggyback.
Used when the victim is conscious.

Next is pack strap carry.

What is pack strap carry?

Next is shoulder drug.

What is shoulder drug? When the victim is smaller than the first
Next is blanket drag it used when the
victim is seriously injured and should not Used when the floor is smooth, short
be lifted. distance transport.

Two-man carry.
First is chair or seat carry it is used when
there are two first aiders and a chair is

Three or More-Man transport

first is hammock carry it is used when
there are three first aiders.
Next is bearer alongside carry.
What is bearer alongside carry?
Last is six-man lift and carry. Ma'am , carriers will stay on the uninjured
Used when there are six first aiders. side of the victim.

That’s end our discussion, its everything

clear class.

Is there any questions or clarifications?

Yes maam


Since there are no more questions, let’s have a
recap to what you have learned.
What is dressing again class?

Ma'am , A dressing is a piece of sterile

Very good! cloth that covers a wound to prevent
How about Bandage? infection and/or to stop bleeding.

Ma'am , bandages are used to apply

pressure to bleeding; for covering wounds
and burns; and proving support for
Okey that’s right.
immobilization for broken bones, sprains,
What are the three types of bandages?
and strains.

What are the different types of wounds? Ma'am triangular, ace, and tubular

You are all correct, class!

Next what are the different types of one-man
transport? Ma'am abrasion, puncture, laceration,
incision, and avulsion.

Very good! That correct. Ma'am fireman’s carry, piggy back, pack
How about two-man transport? strap carry, shoulder drag, fireman’s drag
or tied-hand crawl, and last is blanket drag.
Next what are the different types of three or
more-man transport? Ma'am , chairs, or seat carry

Exactly class!
Ma'am , hammock carry, bearer alongside
E. VALUING carry, and six-man lift carry.

Do you think our topic for today can help us to

our daily lives or soon? Why? Or why not?

Exactly, class!
Student answer may vary.
Accidents can happen at any time, and knowing
how to administer first aid properly can help you
in a circumstance where you are required to act in
that capacity.

for your performance task, choose a partner and
demonstrate the proper way of using triangular
bandage in the injured person.

Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, write FALSE if the statement is
1. Open wound can be cured through ice compress
2. Close wound has a break in the skin
3. Bandaging is not important
4. Wash hands and Wear gloves in applying dressing
5. Control bleeding by applying direct pleasure
6. Bandages is a piece of sterile cloth that covers a wound to prevent infection or to stop
7. Puncture is a piercing wound caused by nails, needles, and other pointed objects.
8. Chair or seat carry is two men carry that happens when there are two first aider and a chair
is available.
9. When someone got injured you may used metal object to alleviate the pain.
10.Bandaging is very important because it is very useful when giving first aid.

Have an advance reading to our next topic.

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