TV Rptrs RPTR 155

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TV Rptrs Rptr-155.doc ( 2/13/24, kh6htv) p.

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Boulder Amateur
Television Club
TV Repeater's
February, 2024
2ed edition, issue #155
BATVC web site:
ATN web site:

Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, editor - [email protected]

ATV Antennas - Wrap Up

We have finally finished our testing of 70 cm & 23 cm antennas for possible use in ATV service. Here
is our list of recommended antennas.


Yagi Antennas: M-Squared, model 440-6SS (70 cm, 10 dBi)

Directive Systems, model DSE2414LYRMK (23 cm, 15 dBi)
Antennas-Amplfiers, model 70cm23cm11WB (70cm, 8dBi & 23cm, 11dBi)

Base Station: Diamond, model X50NA (70 cm, 6 dBi)

Diamond, model X6000A (qualified endorsement, 23 cm only, 7 dBi do not use on 70 cm,)

HT Antenna: Diamond, model SRH999 (70 cm, +1.5 dBi & 23 cm, +3.5 dBi)
Bingfu, model BFN00606 (70 cm, +1.5 dBi)

Mobile Antenna: Diamond, model NR2000N (70 cm, 5 dBi & 23 cm, 7.5 dBi)

We have written up complete documentation of our testing. It includes more antennas than just in the
above list. It is now posted on-line at our web site: Go to the "Application
TV Rptrs Rptr-155.doc ( 2/13/24, kh6htv) p. 2 of 11

Notes" tab/page. There are now three new documents posted there. They are too long to publish
here in our newsletter.

AN-66 "Comparison Tests of Various 70 & 23cm Antennas for ATV", 15 pages
AN-66 RL "Appendix 3 - Return Loss Measurements vs. Frequency plots", 9 pages
AN-66 notes "Appendix 4 - Additional Data & Comments on Antennas, 15 pages
Mario, KD6ILO, just sent us this notice. "FYI new modification to our dish for laser
communication from deep space. See that box it's a laser optics receiver."

Deep Space Station #13 at NASA's Goldstone, California site. Experimental antenna retrofitted with
an optical terminal. The 34 meter dish has tracked a down-link laser in addition to the RF signals
from the Psyche spacecraft. It has down-linked data from 32 million kms away at a rate of 15 Mbps.

The box seen in the photo contains seven segmented mirrors similar to those used in the James Webb
space telescope. They create a 1 meter aperture telescope. The focused laser light wave is then
transmitted through an optical fiber to cryogenically cooled, semiconducting nanowire single photon
Q0-100 is Not a Ham Satellite
(What is it ?)
Mario, KD6ILO writes --- " There was talk more among the private sector at their last east coast
conference. Note: QO-100 is often referred to as a satellite. It's not. QO-100 is a hosted payload on a
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commercial communications satellite. That's important to understand. Intelsat does host payloads as
long as they can meet specific requirements, weight, space accommodations {room} and don't forget
power source [it's own] etc. There is no way we can have an Amateur Radio TV standalone satellite in
GEO; it's just valuable space real estate, a costly endeavor. Again it's finding that "maybe we can host
your package" kind of answer. It has to be a very robust package.

Activity here in San Diego on QO-100 has been very active, thanks to Benno, PA3FBX, in the
Netherlands for providing us with seven(7) channels of LIVE real time downlink feeds from [10Ghz]
QO-100 and I appreciate the 24/7 feed to one of our channels for re-transmitting on our network as our
STEM Students enjoy and the M0DTS WB Quick Tune v1_26b spectrum readout."

Launching an Amateur Radio Satellite Digital

TV transponder into GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) is no easy feat. It is a
complex and expensive undertaking involving multiple challenges. Here is a breakdown of the
Technical Challenges:
Sponsor Launch Vehicle: You need a powerful and reliable launch vehicle capable of lifting your
transponder (weight) and its fuel to a designated altitude of 35,786 km above the Earth's equator. This
requires significant engineering expertise and resources.
Orbital Maneuvers: Reaching GEO is not enough. You need to precisely adjust the satellite's trajectory
and speed to achieve a circular orbit at the correct altitude and over the desired longitude. This delicate
process requires complex calculations and fuel expenditure.
Station Keeping: Once in GEO, the satellite is not truly stationary. Subtle gravitational forces and solar
radiation pressure can nudge it off course. Maintaining its position within specified tolerances (usually
< 0.1°) requires continuous thrusting using on-board propulsion systems, demanding fuel, and careful
Transponder Technology: The transponder itself needs to be robust and dependable, operating
flawlessly for years in the harsh space environment. It withstands extreme temperatures, vacuum,
radiation, and micrometeoroid impacts. Additionally, your transponder design must comply with
international regulations regarding spectrum allocation and signal characteristics.

Financial Challenges:

Launch Cost: Launch costs are substantial, ranging from tens to hundreds of millions of dollars
depending on the vehicle and mission complexity.
Satellite Development: Building a sophisticated transponder with all the necessary components and
systems is expensive, requiring specialized engineering teams and materials.
Ground Infrastructure: You need ground stations for communication and control of the satellite, adding
to the overall cost.
Regulatory Compliance: Obtaining licenses and complying with international regulations can be a
lengthy and expensive process.

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Limited Slots: GEO orbit is a crowded space with limited vacant positions. Obtaining the rights to a
specific longitude slot can be challenging and expensive.
In Conclusion

Placing a satellite digital TV transponder in GEO orbit is a demanding and expensive endeavor. It
requires significant technical expertise, financial resources, and careful planning. However,
advancements in technology and a growing demand for satellite TV in certain regions can make it
feasible for ventures with the necessary capabilities and market strategy.

*Remember, this is just a general overview. The specific difficulty depends on several factors like the
transponder's size, launch vehicle used, target region, and existing competition for that GEO space.

Mario Badua Jr., KD6ILO

San Diego DATV Soceity

New: TV with a view through

Klaus Welter, DH6MAV
About three years ago, I reported for the first time on a "pane of glass"; a pane not only for looking
through, but also suitable as a display. The idea was actually the dual use of a window pane, or to put it
more carefully, a pane in a window frame. The idea was to make it possible to look outside during the
day (a play on words in German: in die Ferne zu sehen) and watch television in the evening (German:
fernzusehen). Okay, back then everything was still in the laboratory stage.

In the latest issue of the German magazine "connect professional" (formerly "Funkschau"), the
matching report came as a surprise. It reports on CES 2024 and the presentation of a „TV for look
through" (Fernseher zum Durchsehen). The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) took place in January
2024. LG received two honours for the TV discussed here.

The TV model bears the name "Signature OLED T" and is designed in a 77-inch size (= 2 diagonally).
If you go straight to the German homepage of the manufacturer LG to find out more: No answer. A
statement as to when the innovation will be available in Germany has been kept open. The presentation
at the CES in Las Vegas suggests that, in addition to the South Korean domestic market, the large
American market could be supplied as a first step. Further indications refer exclusively to use within
the living environment, i.e. not as a window pane, as speculated above.

With various advertising images aimed specifically at North Americans - who tend to live in spacious
rooms - LG presents its innovation, the see-through television.
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The Signature OLED T from LG allows three things: a transparent view, a "punch-out" view (as shown
here) or a regular opaque TV picture. (Photo: LG)

It is integrated into an airy shelf, which is positioned in different ways, but always functions as a room
divider. An undoubtedly nice interior design solution. This means that the owner does not have a dark
wall in the middle of the room all day. During the time when no TV programme is being watched, art
pictures, videos or photos, for example, can be displayed, even semi-transparently. Or news, weather or
information about the music currently playing can be displayed at the bottom of the "digital screen".

The resolution is 4K with up to 120 frames per second. The only cable required is the power cable. LG
calls this proprietary wireless solution Zero Connect Technology. The necessary connection box with
tuner, HDMI etc. is located off to the side. Anyone researching on the Internet will stumble across a
reference to a not so strong contrast. LG claims to be able to increase the contrast at the touch of a
button. Speculatively, this certainly reduces other measured values. So be it.

Transparent TV will rarely find its way into the Shack. But
as an ATV enthusiast, you want to know what's going on in
the TV scene. Hence our report. And who knows whether
someone among us will end up with the device in their
living room and the next ATV repeater will get a
programme slot. After all, you don't treat yourself to
anything else.
73 de Klaus Welter, DH6MAV, Hofstetten, Germany
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Sat-Link DVB-T Modulator
Mike, KM7MH, writes to us with this report.

"Jim -- I've been experimenting with the SatLink

WS-6990 DVB-T for several months and have not
experienced any difficulties. There is one quirk:
QPSK will not work with HDMI input but with
composite input; I believe that to be a design issue.
The unit must be operated QAM16 at a minimum
for the HDMI input to work.

The settings are as follows: Frequency selection up to 900 MHz, 7M, Output attenuation: 0 = -5Dbm,
HDMI, QAM16, 7/8, 1/32" Unfortunately, running the SatLink at 6 MHz BW causes pausing of the
video stream. Upon further investigation, pausing also occurs to a lesser extent at 7 MHz BW. Moving
to 8 MHz BW appears to eliminate pausing.

SatLink WS-6990 Key Specs: freq. range 50-860 MHz, BW 6, 7 or 8 MHz, QPSK/16QAM/64QAM
Video Inputs or analog composite or HDMI, H.264 encoding.
Price ??? -- A google search shows prices all over the place ranging from $116 to a high of $317 ! ! !

Editor's Note: We have reported on the WS-6990 previously here in our ATV newsletter. We first
mentioned it in Dec. 2021, (issue # 94). In issue #96, Mario, KD6ILO, reported he had one and it
worked fine for him. In the spring of 2022, I purchased one for evaluation and wrote a complete
report on it which we published in May, 2022 (issue # 101). I had encountered some "quirks" in it
which I thought I had de-bugged. We then got some "feed-back" about it in issue #102 from John,
K0ZAK. But then "ops", the box failed on me, and I again wrote about this in June issue #103 and
said I was giving up on SatLink as a supplier. Then again in June, 2023, (issue # 134 ), Fran, PAFEX,
in Holland wrote to us about his issue with not being able to get the HDMI input to work on his WS-

Now today (2/13/24), after receiving Mike's report -- I found our WS-6990. I had given up on it and
given it to a fellow Boulder ATV ham. He didn't have any more success with it, so had simply sat it on
the back shelf, instead of ash canning it. He returned it to me today and I again tried to make it work.
So -- the good news is that Yes, I can confirm Mike's finding that the WS-6990 does work OK with both
video and audio, either CVBS or HDMI, on 8 MHz band-width with either 16QAM or 64QAM. The
bad news is it doesn't work with 6 MHz BW, nor QPSK suffering from bad freeze-framing.

So - I rest my case on the SatLink WS-6990 is

"DO NOT BUY - a Waste of $$$ for ATV"

73 de Jim, KH6HTV, editor
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Why Most Hams Ignore the 33 cm (900 MHz) Band

I have gotten from a swap-fest a very nice, well built, Yagi antenna for 900 MHz, of unknown
manufacturer. So, I decided to add it to my array of yagis on the back deck ( 70cm, 23cm & 13cm).
They all are pointing towards Boulder and the W0BTV repeater. Connecting this new yagi to my
spectrum analyzer vividly demonstrates why we hams tend to stay away from the 900 MHz band. See
below. Good luck getting any ham signal thru that mess of unlicensed RF ! ! !

13 cm, 900 MHz Spectrum as seen from KH6HTV's QTH.

center frequency = 915 MHz, span = 50 MHz, 10dB/div & 5 MHz/div. 30kHz BW, top ref. line is -
30dBm. analyzer noise level = -110dBm. Yellow trace is "live" single sweep. Magenta trace is in
Peak Hold, for 1 min. data acquistion time. Markers 1 & 3 at the band edges of 902 & 928 MHz
exactly match where the cluster of rf occurs.
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3 cm, 10 GHz, DVB-T Transverter -- Progress Report

Mike Henkoski, KM7MH, Athol, Idaho

I've been working on a 10.4GHz transverter design for use as a repeater output, where BW is not so
much a concern at this time. There is a second LO option for running a HiDes at 1200 MHz (-10 dBm).
The ubiquitous Ham Bulls Eye Ku band-down converters work great for receiving into the GT Media
V7 Pro SAT receiver at 650 MHz, -100dBm +/- threshold at 6 MHz QPSK. I use a USB to 12V
converter cable plugged into the V7 and into a bias tee for Bulls Eye power. +20dBm out of the Down
East Microwave 1 watt L3-3PA from the -5dBm transverter into a wave guide iris filter without much
at all spectral regrowth. I plan to use an omni-directional, twelve slot waveguide antenna at around
10dB gain. Range should be decent with the Bulls Eye in front of an 18" pizza pan dish.
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10 GHz Iris Band-Pass Filter Filter Response

10.4 GHz RF output spectrum of the transverter

with the SatLink modulator as the IF input.
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W0BTV Details: Inputs: 23 cm Primary (CCARC co-ordinated) + 70 cm secondary

all digital using European Broadcast TV standard, DVB-T 23cm, 1243 MHz/6 MHz BW
(primary), plus 70cm (secondary) on 441 MHz with 2 receivers of 6 & 2 MHz BW
Outputs: 70 cm Primary (CCARC co-ordinated), Channel 57 -- 423 MHz/6 MHz BW, DVB-T
Also, secondary analog, NTSC, FM-TV output on 5.905 GHz (24/7 microwave beacon).
Operational details in AN-51c Technical details in AN-53c. Available at:
W0BTV ATV Net: We hold a social ATV net on Thursday afternoon at 3 pm local
Mountain time (22:00 UTC). The net typically runs for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. A DVD ham travelogue is
usually played for about one hour before and 1/2 hour after the formal net. ATV nets are streamed live
using the British Amateur TV Club's server, via: Select ab0my or n0ye. We
use the Boulder ARES (BCARES) 2 meter FM voice repeater for intercom. 146.760 MHz ( -600 kHz,
100 Hz PL tone required to access).

Newsletter Details: This is a free newsletter distributed electronically via e-mail to

ATV hams. The distribution list has now grown to over 700+. News and articles from other ATV
groups are welcomed. Permission is granted to re-distribute it and also to re-print articles, as long as
you acknowledge the source. All past issues are archived at:

ATV HAM ADS -- Free advertising space is offered

here to ATV hams, ham clubs or ARES groups. List here amateur
radio & TV gear
For Sale - or - Want to Buy.
TV Rptrs Rptr-155.doc ( 2/13/24, kh6htv) p. 11 of 11


23 cm, 2 Watt, Digital ATV Amplifier

--- $325
The KH6HTV-VIDEO Model 23-12A, RF Power Amplifier is for use in the
amateur radio 23 cm band. It is a Class A-B amplifier designed for linear
service. It can produce a 2 Watt, high-definition (1080P), digital TV (DTV)
signal. It can also be used to produce an 10 Watt (pep), analog TV or
SSB signal, or 15 Watts for FM/CW service. For DTV service with it's low
DC current draw of only 1.0 Amp at 13.8 Vdc, it is ideal for in the field
battery operations, such as for ARES emergency operations. With it's
heat sink and fan it is rated for 100% duty cycle.
for detailed specs. - go to:

KH6HTV Video, Boulder, Colorado,, e-mail [email protected]

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