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Apache Flume is a part of the Hadoop ecosystem, was developed by

Cloudera. Initially, it was designed to handle log data solely, but later, it was
developed to process event data.

The Apache Flume tool is designed mainly for ingesting a high volume of
event-based data, especially unstructured data, into Hadoop. Flume moves
these files to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for further
processing and is flexible to write to other storage solutions like HBase or
Solr. Therefore, Apache Flume is an excellent data ingestion tool fit for
aggregating, storing, and analyzing the data with Hadoop. This article expects
you to have some basic knowledge of the Hadoop ecosystem and its

What is Apache Flume?

Apache Hadoop has become a default for big data for established businesses.
Nowadays, applications generate big data that eventually gets written to
HDFS. Apache Flume was developed to be a reliable and scalable system to
write data to Apache Hadoop and HBase. Due to this, Flume has rich features
that allow writing the data in several formats supported by the Hadoop and
HBase systems. Also, it is possible to perform this in a
MapReduce/Hive/Impala/Pig–friendly way. Thus, Apache Flume is an open-
source tool for collecting, aggregating, and pushing log data from a massive
number of sources into different storage systems in the Hadoop ecosystem,
like HDFS and HBase. It is a highly available, distributed, and reliable service
that is fault-tolerant and resilient.
Apache Flume collects vast data logs from a source and writes them to
storage while retaining all the events. These data feeds could be streaming
logs; Twitter feeds, network traffic, etc. However, we need to note that
Apache Flume works on a push model and cannot process the data. The data
ingested by Apache Flume can either be stored in HDFS or reused
later/moved further through Spark Streaming for analytics purposes, or it
could even be integrated with a Kafka pipeline for messaging requirements.
There are several ways to store and process the ingested data, but this relies
on the way of data processing by the organization. Following is a simple
representation of the Apache Flume system.

Apache Flume System

Now that we know about what Flume is, it is possible to wonder why a
system like a Flume is needed? If we can simply write data directly to HDFS
from every application server that produces data, why not do so? Let us
explore this in the next section.
Why do we Need Flume?

There are a few clear reasons why a system like Apache Flume is needed.
These can be summarized as –

1. Reducing load and latency issues: When big data needs to be handled on a
Hadoop cluster, it is usually produced by a large number of servers, i.e.,
hundreds or possibly thousands of servers. Thus, multiple servers trying to
write data to an HDFS/HBase cluster can cause significant problems. Since
HDFS requires that only one client writes to a file, it means there could be a
large number of files being written to HDFS parallelly, resulting in multiple
complex sets of operations co-occurring on the name node. This increases
the load on the machine. Similarly, when thousands of machines are writing a
vast amount of data to fewer machines, the connecting network might get
overloaded and cause severe latency issues. To address this issue, a Flume
system is required.

2. Resolving problems related to Production systems: Most production

applications experience regular patterns of production traffic, i.e., a few
hours of peak traffic each day and substantially less traffic for the rest of the
day. To ensure that there is no data loss or a requirement for a large buffer,
the HDFS/HBase cluster must be designed to handle peak demand with
minimal latency. This indicates the need to isolate production apps from
HDFS/HBase and ensure that production applications send data to these
systems in a controlled and ordered manner. This problem can be resolved
using a Flume system.

3. Add flexibility and scalability to the entire system: Due to the flexible
structure of Flume agents, it is possible to have control over the data flows
with different configurations using multiple sources/channels/sinks
(explained later in the article). So, to add flexibility and scalability, a Flume
system might be needed.

Features of Apache Flume

Next, let us understand the important features of Apache Flume.

1. Scalability: It is horizontally scalable as it is possible to have multiple

sources & channels and multiple Flume agents to transport data to multiple
sinks depending on the data processing needs.

2. Performance: It is a robust, fault-tolerant, and highly available service.

3. Latency: It provides high throughput with lower latency.

4. Reliable message delivery: Since Apache Flume performs channel-based

transactions, two transactions per message (one for the sender and the other
for the receiver) ensure reliable message delivery.

5. Fault-tolerant: Flume is an extensible, reliable, highly available distributed

system that provides tunable reliability mechanisms for fail-over and

6. Data Flow: It supports complex data flows such as multi-hop flows, fan-in
flows, fan-out flows, contextual routing, etc.

7. Ease of use: With Flume, we can ingest the stream data from multiple web
servers and store them in any of the centralized stores such as HBase,
Hadoop HDFS, etc.
8. Imported Data Size: It can efficiently ingest log data into a centralized
repository from various servers. It allows importing large volumes of data
generated by social networking sites and e-commerce sites into HDFS.

9. Support for varieties of Sources and Sinks: It supports a wide range of

sources and sinks.

10. Streaming: Using Flume, we can collect data from online streaming data
from different sources (email messages, network traffic, log files, social
media, etc.) in real-time as well as in batch mode and transport it to HDFS.

11. Economical: Being an open-source tool, Apache Flume is an inexpensive

system that is less costly to install, operate and maintain.

Apache Flume Architecture

Apache Flume’s architecture is simple and versatile. The following diagram

depicts Apache Flume architecture.

Apache Flume Architecture

As seen in the figure above, the event/log data generators create massive
amounts of data collected by individual agents (Flume agents) that run on
them. As explained in the previous section, these data generators could be
Facebook, Twitter, e-commerce sites, and various other external sources. A
data collector is also a Flume agent which gathers data from all the agents,
aggregates it, and then pushes it to a centralized repository like HBase or

Now, we will understand what the entities in the Flume architecture are.

1. Flume Event: A Flume event can be termed as the fundamental data unit
that must be moved from source to destination (sink).

2. Flume Agent: In Apache Flume, the Flume agent is an independent JVM

(Java Virtual Machine) process. A Flume agent is the most basic unit of Flume
deployment. One Flume agent can be linked to one or more additional agents.
An agent can also receive data from one or more other agents. A data flow is
produced by linking many Flume agents to one another. Each Flume Agent
consists of three main components – source, channel, and sink.

Flume Agent

3. Source: A source receives data sent by the data generators. It pushes the
received data in the form of events to one or more channels. Apache Flume
supports various sources like Exec source, Thrift source, Avro source, etc.

4. Channel: A channel acts as a transient store as it accepts data or events

from a source and then buffers this data until the sinks consume it. Apache
Flume supports several channel types like memory, file system, JDBC, etc.
5. Sink: A sink is a component that consumes data from the channel and
stores it in the destination. It can be a centralized store for the data or other
flume agents. An example of a sink could be HDFS.

Additional Components of a Flume Agent

Other than the ones mentioned above, a few more components are involved
in transferring the events. They are-

Interceptors: They are used to modify or examine flume events between the
flume source and channel.

Channel Selectors: When numerous channels are available for data

transport, channel selectors decide which channel to use. There are two
kinds of channel selectors: default and multiplexing.

Sink Processors: The Sink Processors call a specific sink from a set of sinks.

Data Flow in Apache Flume

Apache Flume helps in moving the log data into HDFS and supports complex
data flow. Three main types of data flow in Apache Flume are –

1. Multi-hop Flow: In a Multi-hop Flow, there can be multiple Flume agents.

Before reaching the final destination, the flume event moves through more
than one flume agent.

Multi-hop Flow
2. Fan-out Flow: In a Fan-out Flow, the data moves from one flume source to
multiple channels and is held in multiple sinks. This type of flow is of two
types − replicating and multiplexing.

Fan-out Flow
3. Fan-in Flow: The data flow occurs from more than one source to a single
channel in a fan-in flow.

Fan-in Flow
Pros of Apache Flume

Apache Flume offers several advantages like-

1. It enables us to store streaming data into any of the centralized

repositories (HBase/HDFS).
2. It provides steady data flow between producer and consumer during
reading2/write operations.
3. It supports the feature of contextual routing.
4. It guarantees reliable message delivery.
5. It is reliable, scalable, extensible, fault-tolerant, manageable, and

Cons of Apache Flume

Though Apache Flume offers several benefits, it still has some drawbacks

1. It offers weaker ordering guarantees for queuing messages quickly

with cheaper fault tolerance.
2. It does not guarantee that the messages reaching are 100% unique, as
sometimes duplicate messages may appear.
3. It has a complicated structure, and reconfiguring it is difficult.
4. Although it is reliable and scalable, sometimes Apache Flume might
suffer from scalability and reliability issues.
When should you go for Apache Flume?

The Apache Flume tool is a good fit for the following requirements –

 collecting data from varieties of sources, i.e., from a large number of

production servers
 pushing this collected data to storage solutions like HDFS, HBase, etc.,
or processed further through Spark streaming or Kafka pipelines.
 the data being pushed is unstructured
 The events, i.e., the data captured, are events in real-time where the
stream of data is continuous and the volume is reasonably large.

In cases where Flume is not suitable for an application, there are alternatives
like Web HDFS or the HBase HTTP API that can be used to write data.
Sometimes, there are only a few production servers, and the data is not
required to be written in real-time, then Apache Flume is also not a good
option. In such cases, it might be better to simply move the data to HDFS via
Web HDFS or NFS. Similarly, if the data is relatively small ( a few files of a few
GB every few hours), it can be moved to HDFS directly as planning,
configuring, and deploying Flume would require more effort.

Apache Flume Applications

Apache Flume can move large amounts of data generated by application

servers into HDFS at a higher speed. In addition, here are some specific use
cases of Apache Flume –

 It is used in e-commerce to analyze customer behaviour based on

 It is used for banking and financial domains for fraud detection.
 It can be applied for streaming real-time sensor data from IoT devices
for IoT applications.
 It can be used to aggregate data generated by machines and sensors
for analytics applications.
 It is applicable in monitoring and alerting potential vulnerabilities, i.e.,
enterprise security solutions (SIEM).


we learned what Apache Flume is and why we need it? Further, we explored
the features, the architecture, the pros and cons of this tool, and real-world

Below are some key takeaways:

 Apache Flume is a part of the Hadoop ecosystem and is mainly used for
real-time data ingestion from different web applications into storage
like HDFS, HBase, etc.
 Apache Flume reliably collects, aggregates, and transports big data
generated from external sources to the central store. These data
streams could be log files, Twitter data, network traffic, etc.
 Apache Flume is a highly available and scalable tool. However, it cannot
manipulate the data.
 Apache Flume has a variety of applications in different domains like e-
commerce, banking, finance, IoT applications, etc.

That’s it! I hope you found this interesting and informative. You can explore
Apache Flume in detail through the official documentation here.

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