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Groups of RIPPED WIZARDS live together in BUFF Players use the same method to adjust their WIZARD stat as
COVENS, watching over their turf and looking for they did for their RIPPED stat, while describing how their
opportunities to put their skills to good use. RIPPED characters studied their spells.
WIZARDS never charge for their help. Instead BUFF
TESTS: Unless they are being opposed by someone or

COVENS find creative ways to make ends meet, like
operating day spas or making craft cheeses. something a RIPPED WIZARD is capable of doing pretty
much anything a player wishes. In cases when a RIPPED
WIZARD is being opposed players must pass a test to
A game of magic and muscles
CHARACTER CREATION determine whether they can complete their desired action.
By tim zee
To create your RIPPED WIZARD first make-up a cool When a GM declares that a player is being tested, the player
THE BASICS ABSTORM. Then, in as much or as little detail as you like,
rolls a number of D6 equal to either their RIPPED or
WIZARD stat (the GM and player must agree on which
note down what your character looks like and what kind of
makes the most sense). If the player rolls doubles, they have
In RIPPED WIZARDS players take on the roles of heroes person they are. No baddies allowed.
passed the test and their character is successful at whatever
doing good deeds in the most awesome ways imaginable. Game
they are trying to do.
Masters (GMs) provide the environment, atmosphere and
challenges for the players. Players and GMs are not in PLAYING THE GAME
opposition. The goal of this game is for players and GMs to STATS: In RIPPED WIZARDS your character has only two
collaborate on the telling of stories that are both enjoyable stats, RIPPED and WIZARD. Your score for these stats RIPPED WIZARDS often find themselves in combat versus
and memorable.
fluctuates throughout the game. A stats’ score can never be enemies who threaten to do harm against innocents.
higher than 6.
WHO ARE THE RIPPED Whenever a RIPPED WIZARD wakes up from a good night’s
The difficulty of defeating an enemy in combat depends on
how many dice that enemy has. There are four different
WIZARDS? sleep their score for both stats is set at 0. categories of enemies and each has a different number of
dice. Those enemy categories, and how many dice they have,
After a good night’s sleep RIPPED WIZARDS like to work are as follows:
The Inter-dimensional Society of RIPPED WIZARDS is a
not-for-profit collective of magically inclined exercise out. After a player describes how their character worked out Minion (1 die)
enthusiasts. Admission to a branch of RIPPED WIZARDS they roll 6 D6. The highest number shown becomes the new
has nothing to do with an individual’s physique or PBs. All score for their RIPPED stat. Captain (2 dice)
that matters is that, in addition to enjoying working out and Boss (3 dice)
studying spells, would-be initiates swear to follow the When all players have done this, each player is allowed to
RIPPED WIZARDS’ creed, which is thus: decrease their RIPPED stat by 1 in order to permit another Big boss (4 dice)
1. Speak truth to power. player to increase their RIPPED stat by 1. Combat plays out over turns. On a player’s turn they can
2. Help those in need. attempt a single hit on a single enemy. On the GM’s turn each
After RIPPED WIZARDS have worked out they eat a enemy can attempt a single hit against a single RIPPED
3. Always use a spotter. balanced meal and then study their spells. WIZARD.
If a RIPPED WIZARD fails to brush off a hit they subtract 1

COMBAT CONT’D point from the stat that was being targeted. If one stat is
reduced to 1, all subsequent hits must target the other stat. If R
that stat is also reduced to 1 the RIPPED WIZARD goes U

During combat enemies act first. They are then followed by down. RIPPED WIZARDS who are down cannot attempt to L
players in whatever order the players choose. Once the order hit enemies. E
is set it continues until combat is over. Combat is over when S

If all RIPPED WIZARDS are down, they black out. When
either all enemies are down, all RIPPED WIZARDS are they come to, the encounter is long over and the enemies
have moved on. If this happens the RIPPED WIZARDS have L
down, either side retreats or a truce is made. I
failed at whatever they were trying to achieve.

To hit an enemy a player rolls a number of D6 equal to either H
When combat ends, RIPPED WIZARDS’ stats remain as
their RIPPED stat (for physical attacks) or WIZARD stat they are until the completion of a good night’s sleep. T

(for magical attacks). A player successfully hits an enemy if
they roll doubles. When describing an attack, the more T
outlandish the better! Wanna body slam that giant squid? SAFETY T

Great! Wanna pull a moon out of orbit and drop it on the P
cruel warlord’s head? Fantastic! Have at it. Consent is cool. G
Whenever a RIPPED WIZARD succeeds at hitting an enemy, Before you play this game check out the TTRPG Safety
Toolkit, assembled by Lauren Bryant-Monk and Kienna

that enemy has an opportunity to brush it off. To attempt this Shaw.
the enemy rolls all their dice. They successfully brush off the
hit if they roll a 6.

If an enemy does not brush off a hit, their number of dice is

decreased by 1. When an enemy has 0 dice, they go down. LICENSE I
Enemies who are down cannot attempt to hit RIPPED
WIZARDS. The text of this work is offered under a CC BY-SA 4.0
license. This means you are free to copy, hack and remix this Z
When an enemy tries to hit a RIPPED WIZARD they roll all work and sell what you produce. However, any product made
their dice. To hit a RIPPED WIZARD the enemy must roll, on using this content must also be offered under a CC BY-SA
4.0 license. Also, please include ‘Inspired by RIPPED
one of their dice, a number that equals or exceeds either the

WIZARDS by tim zee’ or similar somewhere in your product.
character’s RIPPED or WIZARD stat (the GM decides
which and declares this before rolling). Full text of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license can be found here:
If an enemy hits a RIPPED WIZARD, the player has an
opportunity to brush it off. They attempt this by rolling a
RIPPED WIZARDS (V 1.0) is written and designed by tim zee
Thanks: KW, RW, ST, MZ.
Images: Eugen Sandow, Wellcome Collection, Twemoji, Twitter Inc.
number of D6 equal to either their RIPPED or WIZARD stat Title: Green Fuzz by Typodermic Fonts
Body: LT Feelgood by LyonsType
(whichever one the roll to hit was compared to). They Trifold template by Speak the Sky (
successfully brush off the hit if they roll a 6. © 2021 tim zee (

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