Laprak Kimter 2

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Processing coconut fruit into cooking oil has been done by boiling coconut milk.
Coconut oil produced in this way produces poor oil quality, because the oil contains
high free fatty acids, brown color and rancid oil. To produce coconut oil with better
quality, it can be done without heating (temperatures below 40○C). The resulting oil is
known as Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).

VCO is also known in Indonesian as "virgin coconut oil". The advantage of VCO
compared to traditionally produced coconut oil is that VCO has better quality, and is
very beneficial for health. The benefits of VCO include maintaining and lowering
blood cholesterol, preventing heart disease, stroke, liver, lowering blood sugar levels,
can damage the structure of influenza, hepatitis, chickenpox and herpes viruses. (TIM

The pulp can be used as raw material to produce copra, coconut oil, coconut cream,
coconut milk and dried shavings, while coconut water can be used to make vinegar
and nata de coco. Coconut milk is a liquid obtained by squeezing the flesh of grated
coconut fruit. Coconut milk is a food ingredient that is used to prepare various dishes
containing meat, fish, chicken, and for making various cakes, ice cream, sugar. In
addition, coconut also produces a popular processed product lately, namely Virgin
Coconut Oil (VCO) which is beneficial for human life (Suhardiyono, 1993).

Virgin Coconut Oil also does not burden the work of the pancreas and in energy for
diabetics and overcome the problem of obesity / obesity. Because its utilization is
quite extensive, the manufacture of virgin coconut oil can be one of the alternative
medicines, besides that it can also increase economic value (Anang, 2009).

Coconut (Cocos nucifera L) is one of Indonesia's potential agricultural products.

Almost all parts of the plant can be utilized. Many uses can be obtained from coconut
and one way to utilize coconut fruit is to process it into edible oil or cooking oil. The
most valuable coconut product is coconut oil, which can be obtained from fresh
coconut meat or copra (Suharni, 1995).

Basically, two varieties of coconut are known, namely the Nana variety which is
commonly called early maturing coconut and the Typica variety which is commonly
called deep maturing coconut. Early maturing coconut by nature is divided into 5:
ivory coconut, king coconut, quail coconut, malabr king coconut, ornamental coconut.
Inner coconut based on its nature is divided into 6 namely: green coconut, red
coconut, sweet coconut, bali coconut, kopyor coconut, wax coconut (Wahyuni, Mita,
Ir., 2000).
1. Describe the coconut fruit that is best used as a source of VCO.
The best coconut to use is an old coconut, because it contains a lot of oil

2. Describe the composition of coconut milk?

water, fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals

3. If coconut milk is allowed to stand, a layer will form. What is the name of What is
the name of this layer? Which layer has the most oil? which layer?
cream and skim, but the most oil is in the cream layer

4. Explain the principle of VCO extraction from coconut milk?

take the coconut milk from the grated coconut, then let it sit until a layer of vco is
5. Explain the term "blondo" in this lab. What is the main composition of "blondo"?
a layer between coconut water and coconut oil, the main composition is protein

6. What is the function of filtration in the above process.

filter out unneeded substances, improve the quality of vco

Corn is one of the sources of carbohydrates other than rice. This plant has the Latin
name Zea mays L. Countries that consume corn as a staple food source are Central
America, South America. Corn has
nutrients per 100 grams, namely:


Corn, besides being used as a staple food turns out to be very useful for human health.
Some of the benefits of corn include being able to fight cancer, because it is rich in
phenolic acid compounds, ferulic acid. linoleic acid which can prevent anemia and as
immunity, a source of minerals, fiber and so on.

Corn milk is obtained by grinding corn kernels that has been boiled in water. The
result of milling is filtered to obtain the filtrate and continued pasteurization and
flavored to improve its taste. The content of carbohydrate extracts in corn milk is
influenced by the corn variety, the amount of water added, the time period and storage
conditions. Besides sweet corn, the main ingredients of corn milk are sugar,
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) or skim milk and water.

Sweet corn is a secondary crop and belongs to the family of grasses (Gramineae),
genus Zea and species Zea mays saccharata. Sweet corn is characterized by clear-
colored endosperm, thin seed coat, little starch content, and wrinkled seeds when ripe
(Koswara, 2009).

Almost all parts of the sweet corn plant have economic value. Some parts of the plant
that can be utilized include young stems and leaves for animal feed, old stems and
leaves (after harvest) for green fertilizer/compost, dried stems and leaves as firewood,
young corn fruit for vegetables, cakes, bakwan and various other processed foods
(Purwono and Hartono, 2007).

Corn milk is obtained by milling corn kernels that have been boiled in water. The
result of milling is filtered to obtain a filtrate which is then pasteurized and flavored to
improve the taste. The content of carbohydrate extracts in corn milk is influenced by
the variety of corn, the amount of water added, the period of time and storage
conditions, the fineness of the grind and heat treatment (Arma et al., 2013).

CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose) is often part of the beverage composition, which

acts as a thickening agent. The thickening of the drink due to the addition of CMC,
the producer hopes that the drink will become one type of drink that is in great
demand by the public, especially if it has a sweet taste. The structure of CMC is a
polymer chain consisting of sellulose molecular units. Each anhydroglucose unit has
three hydroxyl groups and several Hydrogen atoms from the hydroxyl group are
substituted by carboxymethyl (Kamal, 2010).

1. What are the functions of sugar, maltodextrin and sodium benzoate.
sugar: sweetener
maltodextrin: stabilizer and thickener
sodium: preservative
2. What does it mean for products not to be contaminated
the product is kept from being exposed to materials that can damage or harm the
product resulting in failure.
3. Why should the filtrate be heated to 70-80oC?
because if less or more will affect the end result

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