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Struggling with the complexity of crafting a compelling thesis on childhood obesity research?

not alone. Writing a thesis demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and proficient writing
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childhood obesity, the task becomes even more daunting.

Addressing childhood obesity requires a comprehensive understanding of its causes, effects, and
potential solutions. From analyzing socio-economic factors to exploring dietary habits and lifestyle
choices, delving into the depths of this issue demands thorough research across various disciplines.

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Obesity is, easily, the world's fastest growing health concern. Child Obesity Name Institution The
growth and development of a child is divided in stages which are accompanied by changes. Hence,
this research study is an important component of my study as it highlights the intervention role of
nurses in preventing childhood obesity. Economists believe imposition of taxes contributes to
decrease in supply to certain products deemed harmful to human consumption. It includes main
causes and risks related to childhood obesity)Smith, C. (1999). Understanding Childhood Obesity. It
is such a serious condition that some countries have declared it an epidemic that needs to be dealt
with. However, the authors noted that nurses taught parents on prevention strategies of childhood
obesity, which implies that nurses were involved in intervention practices to prevent childhood
obesity. The high cost of health food impinges on the ability of the low class to buy such foods. The
Issues of Childhood Obesity: Overweight and Parent Education This paper examines the
relationships between overweight and parental education, child overweight and physical activity, and
investigate the domestic co-occurrence of overweight. There are many causes for children being at or
above this percentile. The analysis of the articles “Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Overweight and
Obesity Among 3-Year-Old Children” (by Kimbro, Brooks-Gunn and McLanahan) and “UCSF
study finds racial gaps in Child Obesity ” (by Allday), revealed that the racial background is one of
he major factors of development of obesity in a child as parents from different racial background
harbor different beliefs about obesity and this influences the weight of a child. Lack of sleep leads
to obesity in children as well. The studies we reviewed typically had limited followup and we could
not know the sustainability of these interventions. These statistics are alarming considering the risks
associated with obesity. The government involvement in control the disease is critical because the
warnings made by the health department without the involvement of the government do not seem to
yield a positive outcome. Future Research Needs for Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs. The
objective of this report is to prioritize the needs for research addressing gaps in the existing literature
on the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention programs by engaging expert stakeholders using
a modified Delphi method. What evidence could be provided to depict obesity as a massive policy-
issue in the country. Children suffering from obesity are more likely to suffer from type II diabetes,
heart diseases, sleep apnea, pancreatic complications, asthma and liver problems. Children?s Diets in
the Mid-1990?s: Dietary Intake and Its Relationship with School Meal Participation. I believe that
future results will be a bit different from the previous researches as parents are getting more and
more awareness of their children’s well-being and are doing their best to prevent childhood obesity.
Obese children are also prone to having breathing problems, and they may further develop asthma.
Pratt, Stevens, and Daniels (2008) state that the condition known as CHILDHOOD OBESITY is a
condition which increases the risk of children developing medical conditions such as diabetes and
heart diseases. Small changes in how fast-food restaurants market their. In this study, the researchers
carried out research using a convenience sample of 99 family NPs (FNPs) and pediatric NPs (PNPs)
from the Intermountain area. With the realization that obesity poses such a unique challenge to
maintaining overall public health, there is a clear impetus to examine the context of obesity, its
origins and how it will impact public health in the immediate and long-term future. Prevalence of
Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US The problem of obesity originates in harmful habits and
unhealthy lifestyle that is common for the majority of the modern population. The research will
uncover the consequences of childhood obesity on present and future lives of the children.
Childhood Obesity is a medical state that affects young children as well as adolescents. Since the
aim of this project is social change with respect to diet and physical exercise. Interestingly, since
policy will affect the entire society, collecting views from the society helps in making informed
opinion about the challenges in question.
It is much easier to halt by the local McDonalds or Burger King and pick up dinner on the manner
place from work than cook a healthy balanced repast. If you want a unique paper, order it from our
professional writers. A baby whose mother was undernourished in pregnancy is at a risk of obesity
(James et al., 2004). Some children have a sedentary lifestyle, and this directly relates to obesity.
Winning the war against obesity rests on a number of factors, which hinges on the government
against this disease. The researcher will visit children at schools and parents at homes in order to
know their views on childhood obesity. Since the realization of the problem as significant in 1980,
the number of obesity cases has tripled. What evidence could be provided to depict obesity as a
massive policy-issue in the country. Children?s Diets in the Mid-1990?s: Dietary Intake and Its
Relationship with School Meal Participation. In their findings, the researchers noted the
inconsistency among family practice nurses and pediatric nurses in the approach of screening obesity.
Why these studies did not bring about the desired effect of curbing CHILDHOOD OBESITY has
been attributed to the interventions not being sufficient enough. Journal of the American Academy
of Nurse Practitioners, 18, 70-79. The body needs regular exercise in order to stay healthy, and sitting
around all day does nothing to prevent obesity. Many factors lead to childhood obesity, such as, lack
of exercises, poor nutritional habits, and eating junk food. While these two formed the objectives of
the study, the researchers also wanted to find connections between prevention practices and
demographic variables of NPS while also carrying out an examination of the resources for and
obstacles to applying prevention practices. Stages of childhood include; infancy, toddler hood, pre-
school, middle childhood and adolescence. Based on these findings, school nurses were in a good
position of providing interventions that could contribute to the reduction of childhood obesity due to
their interactions with the students. A mother who ate a diet low in saturated fats and rich in protein
significantly improves the lipid profile of their baby. The pre-school period represents a critical time
for interventions, which could prevent excess weight gain and its associated physical and
psychological damage to health. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 14(1), 2-9. Another
research gap stems from lack of a prospective longitudinal study that links dietary and other behavior
patterns to development of obesity. With the realization that obesity poses such a unique challenge to
maintaining overall public health, there is a clear impetus to examine the context of obesity, its
origins and how it will impact public health in the immediate and long-term future. In this study, the
researchers wanted insight into current obesity-related school nursing practice with a focus on
obesity prevention programs. Moreover, the study examined the interest of nurses in implementing
obesity prevention programs. The research findings observed that LSNs delivered crucial and
additional obesity prevention services. Its predominant focus on weight may also foster stigma in
health care and society, and data show that weight stigma is also linked to adverse health and well-
being. CausesThere are numerous causes for obesity in general and CHILDHOOD OBESITY in
particular. Firstly is displaces time for physical activity replacing it with sitting. However, the authors
noted that nurses taught parents on prevention strategies of childhood obesity, which implies that
nurses were involved in intervention practices to prevent childhood obesity. Some curriculums have
removed physical education from their programs, thereby denying children their primary source of
physical exercise. The authors conclude that literature supports the important intervention role of
nurses in a family-based approach that focuses on advocacy, development of skills among parents,
and collaborative leadership with families in order to establish healthy living among children and
prevent obesity at a young age. Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US The problem
of obesity originates in harmful habits and unhealthy lifestyle that is common for the majority of the
modern population. Report this Document Download now Save Save Obesity Research Paper For
Later 88% (16) 88% found this document useful (16 votes) 94K views 10 pages Obesity Research
Paper Uploaded by Paige-Hill A research paper about Obesity in the United States.
It is a very troubling problem because the extra weight often puts the children affected on a path that
leads to health problems that one would expect to see only in adults, such as high blood pressure
among others.. w whether their child is obese or not, and it is always best to have a doctor measure
the child’s weight in comparison with his or her height to determine whether he or she is in a healthy
weight range. Obesity is a condition in which body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health
may be negatively affected. Get a custom essay written according to your requirements. The data
and statistics will be collected and organized in the form of charts and tables.Results as Predicted
The preliminary findings are that childhood obesity puts an adverse impact on the psychological
development of children as other children always point fingers at them and laugh at them. The author
of this essay discusses results from various researches and studies conducted by experts on the issue
about childhood obesity and its probable link towards adulthood obesity. A significant number of
these children (about 35 million) live in the developing countries (Holecko, 2011). The high cost of
health food impinges on the ability of the low class to buy such foods. Since the aim of this project
is social change with respect to diet and physical exercise. Of the 8000 children included obese
children were found in the following percentiles in the study 13% were Asian 16% were white,21 %
were black,22% were Hispanic and 31% were American Indians(Holecko,2011). Since the
realization of the problem as significant in 1980, the number of obesity cases has tripled. Obesity is,
easily, the world's fastest growing health concern. Hence, this research study is an important
component of my study as it highlights the intervention role of nurses in preventing childhood
obesity. Modern life has seen the trend change significantly and today childhood obesity has reached
pandemic levels not only in Australia but globally. Parents with self-identified weight problems
internalize significant self-blame for children's weight gain, while parents without personal weight
problems more freely allocate blame to outside actors and factors. The aim of the study was to find
out the relationship between breastfeeding and obesity in children. With the realization that obesity
poses such a unique challenge to maintaining overall public health, there is a clear impetus to
examine the context of obesity, its origins and how it will impact public health in the immediate and
long-term future. The statistics will also be there to reveal how many parents actually have awareness
of this health issue. The Issues of Childhood Obesity: Overweight and Parent Education This paper
examines the relationships between overweight and parental education, child overweight and
physical activity, and investigate the domestic co-occurrence of overweight. The prenatal stage marks
the beginning of life and has an influence on obesity predisposition. Children?s Diets in the Mid-
1990?s: Dietary Intake and Its Relationship with School Meal Participation. In effect, the fact that
the article highlights the roles of the nurse in intervention in childhood obesity makes it an important
component for my study. Obesity is a lifestyle disease whose control and prevention lies on the
behavior of the society. With the triple-escalation of obesity numbers in the country over three
decades, the effects of the issue has also affected the health care systems and the tax payer.
Arguably, as people learn about the disease in school, many will not only focus on the danger, but
also care about passing the same information to the coming generation. West Sussex: Blackwell
Publishing Ltd. (This book will provide the researcher with an understanding of latest evidence based
research on interventions to improve children’s well-being)Methodology Personal interviews and
questionnaires with parents and children will be conducted. Parent involvement in their children’s
physical activities and nutritional habits at home and at school will be the main focal point of the
research.Literature Review Sources. The body needs regular exercise in order to stay healthy, and
sitting around all day does nothing to prevent obesity. Obese children are also prone to having
breathing problems, and they may further develop asthma. The high cost of health food impinges on
the ability of the low class to buy such foods. In order to come up with a strong paper, you need to
start with a strong topic.
If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Prevalence of Childhood and
Adult Obesity in the US The problem of obesity originates in harmful habits and unhealthy lifestyle
that is common for the majority of the modern population. There are several risk factors and causes
of obesity, while the most common one is imbalance ion the calorie intake and burn out. The
researcher will use personal interviews and questionnaires to conduct the research. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Obesity has
been one of the primary health problems among children in developed nations for the last few
decades and various scholars have pointed out the increase in the rate of CHILDHOOD OBESITY
in Australia. Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi. (This book will provide the researcher with
the knowledge of every aspect of childhood obesity. However, when disavowing the effects of
encouraging weight loss, parents with current or past weight issues rely on a shared experience that is
unavailable to their slender counterparts. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Bad eating habits, high calorie intake, genetics, and lack of activity or
exercise are some of the elements that, either combined or individually, are the cause for childhood
obesity in America, Latin America, and many other nations. In order to come up with a strong paper,
you need to start with a strong topic. Since obesity is a national health problem, medical health
courses cover the issue carefully. The researchers wanted to carry out a description of the prevention
practices of nurse practitioners (NPs) regarding childhood obesity. Parents, under stress and
spending most of their day at work, often have little to no time to prepare healthy meals — a
common contributing factor to childhood obesity (Morrissey, Dunifon, and Kalil 2011). Fifth, the
last sentence should summarize the points in the paragraph and present the transition to the next idea.
Small changes in how fast-food restaurants market their. Based on these findings, school nurses were
in a good position of providing interventions that could contribute to the reduction of childhood
obesity due to their interactions with the students. Future Research Needs for Childhood Obesity
Prevention Programs. The objective of this report is to prioritize the needs for research addressing
gaps in the existing literature on the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention programs by
engaging expert stakeholders using a modified Delphi method. Obese children have a high likelihood
of becoming obese adults, and this is associated with several serious health conditions which include
heart disease and some types of cancers. This paper will look at the analysis of diabetes in young
children, obesity, health education strategies and communication strategies used in nursing care and
control of diabetes Benjamin, 2011, 108. The studies we reviewed typically had limited followup
and we could not know the sustainability of these interventions. Parent involvement in their
children’s physical activities and nutritional habits at home and at school will be the main focal point
of the research.Literature Review Sources. The author concludes that the advertisements, indeed,
have an impact on the obesogenic food consumption but denies the notion that it is the sole cause of
childhood obesity. Children?s Diets in the Mid-1990?s: Dietary Intake and Its Relationship with
School Meal Participation. Take your MBA to the next level and use our creative business topic
ideas. It is much easier to halt by the local McDonalds or Burger King and pick up dinner on the
manner place from work than cook a healthy balanced repast. Give me your paper requirements and
I connect you to an academic expert. In their findings, the researchers noted the inconsistency among
family practice nurses and pediatric nurses in the approach of screening obesity. A recent study on
childhood obesity found in Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine finds that 1 in every 5
children in preschool is obese with a BMI of 18 or more.

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