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Question 1. There are increasing sign of deleveraging and cash accumulation in the economy.
A. accumulation B. deleveraging C. sign D. cash

Question 2. Most just speculative it will advance their interests and give them a better life.
A. speculative B. advance C. interests D. give

Question 3. Much of their supposedly spontaneousness outcry was probably carefully

A. orchestrated B. spontaneousness C. supposedly D. Much

Question 4. Panic is a natural startlingly reaction that gets exaggerated and becomes prolonged.
A. exaggerated B. prolonged C. is D. startlingly

Question 5. Science and statistical can be manipulated by those who hold the reins of power.
A. be manipulated B. those C. statistical D. the reins

Question 6. But in the meantime, money in the airline's pockets is almost always a ________ bet.
A. safe B. guarded C. secure D. cautious

Question 7. He was quite certain ________ his attacker's identity.

A. from B. with C. about D. to

Question 8. I wanted to ask her if she was, ________ any chance, called Veronica, but I didn't dare.
A. by B. with C. of D. in

Question 9. I'm happy with my performances and always at the disposal ________ the Coach.
A. of B. off C. for D. with

Question 10. Water vapor is by far the most important contributing factor to the greenhouse
A. result B. effect C. impact D. influence

Question 11. Indeed, most of the people I was standing near were born after 1989, ________ a guess.
A. for B. of C. with D. at

Question 12. As it ________, 10% of grandparents in the UK are under 50, half of those are under-65.
A. is B. happens C. seems D. appears

Question 13. China can build that infrastructure at bargain prices and at lightning ________.
A. momentum B. rate C. speed D. pace

Question 14. Here are some dishes that may not ________ you luck in the new year, but they will
taste good.
A. bring/luck B. carry/luck C. take/luck D. deliver/luck

Question 15. We ran out of petrol on the way home, but ________ luck would have it, we were very
near a garage.
A. when B. since C. for D. as

Question 16. Did the genetic code have to be digital for natural ________ to work?
A. election B. choice C. selection D. rejection

Question 17. Human action can be modified to some extent, but ________ cannot be changed.
A. Mother Nature B. human nature C. second nature D. animal nature

Question 18. One day, he got ________ in the rain without an umbrella and was unable to run.
A. captured B. arrested C. entangled D. caught

Question 19. And at the risk ________ a readership here, I do understand them.
A. of provoking B. to provoking C. for provoking D. with provoking

Question 20. The ________ and exercise made me feel like myself again, even on limited sleep.
A. sunscreen B. sunset C. sunshine D. daytime

Question 21. Myers was one of many scientists already convinced that pandemic flu was no ________
A. idle B. unproductive C. unnecessary D. unhelpful

Question 22. It can be printed with any design you want and topped with a ________ varnish.
A. leaky B. weatherproof C. absorbent D. porous

Question 23. The ________ of change are sweeping away corruption and cynicism.
A. sun B. cloud C. rains D. winds

Question 24. When you're having stomach issues, you should just say you're ________ the weather.
A. above B. over C. under D. up

Question 25. If you're a theatre-lover, there's every ________ you've seen this man in the aisles.
A. challenge B. chance C. choice D. expectation

Question 26. News Corp has a history of breaking into television markets ________ all the odds.
A. against B. opposed C. counter D. contrast


Question 27. ________ cats and dogs can get into trash cans, gardens and become a real nuisance.
A. homeless B. caring C. stray D. warmhearted

Question 28. How many young minds will have been poisoned by ________ being taught as fact?
A. folklore B. superstition C. belief D. rationality

Question 29. It is impossible to know what will ________ in Iran in the coming days and weeks.
A. appear B. pass C. befall D. transpire

Question 30. Your chair may ________ on the cobblestones, but your dinner will be superb.
A. sway B. wobble C. wiggle D. wriggle

Question 31. I can't tell you how much more I now ________ the freedom to sleep in comfort.
A. recognize B. acknowledge C. appreciate D. accept

Question 32. It's going to take a while for developers to figure out how to________ the iPad.
A. exploit B. use C. employ D. utilize

Question 33. Traditional decorations are composed of ________, red or gold ribbon, and real fruit.
A. flower B. greenery C. grass D. herb
Question 34. Ponds must have at least one acre of surface water and be adequate fish ________.
A. environment B. surroundings C. dwelling D. habitat


Question 35. The firm hired a private detective to ________ information on the former supervisor.
A. crack up B. cut up C. dig up D. blow up

Question 36. They continue to take out large loans so their children can ________ college.
A. put through B. fall through C. get through D. break through

Question 37. People who don’t exercise are ________ health problems for the future.
A. rounding up B. backing up C. covering up D. storing up

Question 38. The car wheels ________ a shower of stones.

A. threw up B. catch up C. head up D. hold up

Question 39. Corporations ________ capital spending, particularly for information technology.
A. fall back B. cut back C. step back D. choke back

Question 40. These figures ________ any hope that the economy is poised for recovery.
A. take off B. kill off C. clear off D. call off

Question 41. Those who are ________ of work could use retirement savings to make ends meet.
A. thrown out B. thrown in C. thrown off D. thrown in

Question 42. New Internet companies were ________ every day.

A. showing up B. turning up C. ending up D. springing up

Question 43. I thought the general instinct for all creatures was to protect their own.
A. lack B. aptitude C. inability D. incapacity

Question 44. Excitement mounted as the racers neared the finish.

A. increased B. decreased C. transformed D. diversified

Question 45. And those who do usually do sensibly and manage their money well, touch wood.
A. hit on wood B. knock on wood C. beat on wood D. strike on wood


Question 46. Mickey Mouse must save his friends after his clubhouse ________ disappears.
A. mystery B. mysterious C. mystification D. mysteriously

Question 47. Islamists continue to pressure and ________ the owner of the Afric'Art building.
A. threaten B. threatened C. threatening D. threateningly

Question 48. The Game and Parks Commission in January approved a permit to move the________.
A. wildly B. wilderness C. wildlife D. wildness

Question 49. You can't choose who you play against - it's just the luck of the draw.
A. accident B. mutuality C. destiny D. intention
Question 50. It would make me feel defensive and up against something that was

A. available B. superable C. derivable D. responsible

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