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Handout 1: Legislation

The purpose of this handout is to clearly and simply explain important information about legislation.
Your handout should:

Explain the purpose of Work Health and Safety legislation, including the function of a WHS
Act, WHS regulation and Code of Practice.
Provide an overview of WHS legislation including name of Act, regulations and examples of
code of practice.
Outline key roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation.
Include at least 3 references for further sources of useful information.

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the WHS Act) provides a framework to protect the
health, safety and welfare of all workers at work. It also protects the health and safety of all other
people who might be affected by the work.
The WHS Act also provides protection for the general public so that their health and safety is
not placed at risk by work activities.
The WHS Act places the primary health and safety duty on a person conducting a business or
undertaking (PCBU). The PCBU must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and
safety of workers at the workplace. Duties are also placed on officers of a PCBU, workers and
other persons at a workplace.
Provide for a balanced and nationally consistent framework to secure the health and safety of
workers and workplaces.
WHS regulation
Set out detailed requirements to support the duties in the model WHS Act. They also prescribe
procedural or administrative requirements to support the model WHS Act.
Code of practice
They are practical guides to achieving the standards of health, safety and welfare required under
the WHS Act and the WHS Regulations.
WHS Legislation
Purpose of WHS legislation is to ensure the health and safety of all workers.

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▪ Work Health and Safety 2011
▪ Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011
Examples of code of practice

• Abrasive blasting
• Confined spaces
• Construction work
• Demolition work
• Excavation work
• First aid in the workplace
• Hazardous manual tasks
• How to manage and control asbestos in the workplace
• How to manage work health and safety risks
• How to safely remove asbestos
• Labelling of workplace hazardous chemicals
• Managing electrical risks
• Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work
• Managing the risk of falls at workplaces
• Managing risks of hazardous chemicals in the workplace
• Resources List
• Managing the risks of plant in the workplace
• Managing risks in stevedoring
• Managing risks when new and inexperienced persons interact with horses
• Managing the work environment and facilities
• Preparation of safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals
• Managing the risk of falls in housing construction
• Safe design of structures
• Spray painting and powder coating
• Welding processes
• Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination

Key roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation

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▪ Worker/HSR
▪ WHS Practitioner/Advisor
▪ Middle Manager
▪ Executive/Senior Manager
▪ CEO/Agency Head

-All employees including manager have a responsibility to work safety, take all reasonable care
for their own health and safety.
-Always consider the health and safety of others who may be affected by their actions.
-All employees including manager have a responsibility to work safely, take all reasonable care
for their own health and safety.
-Always consider the health and safety of others who may be affected by their actions.

Further information

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Handout 2: Identifying hazards and risk control in the office environment

The purpose of this handout is to provide information about identifying hazards and risk control,
and organisational procedures for dealing with hazards in an office environment.

You should briefly explain the process of identifying hazards and risk control and provide 5
common examples of hazards that may occur in an office environment, including fire. Include
information about how employees can complete an incident report and the investigation process
undertaken by the business.

Choose one of the common hazards that you have identified and include a simple step-by-step
procedure for dealing with that hazard (risk control), using diagrams to illustrate each step where

Hazard identification is part of the process used to evaluate if any particular situation, item,
thing, etc. may have the potential to cause harm. The term often used to describe the full process
is risk assessment:

• Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm
(hazard identification).
• Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and
risk evaluation).
• Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the
hazard cannot be eliminated (risk control).

Hazard identification can be done:

• During design and implementation

o Designing a new process or procedure
o Purchasing and installing new machinery
• Before tasks are done
o Checking equipment or following processes
o Reviewing surroundings before each shift
• While tasks are being done
o Be aware of changes, abnormal conditions, or sudden emissions
• During inspections
o Formal, informal, supervisor, health and safety committee
• After incidents
o Near misses or minor events
o Injuries

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Look for these common hazards in your office:
• poor or inadequate lighting;
• ergonomic hazards;
• extremes of temperature;
• manual handling hazards;
• slip, trip and fall hazards;
• Electrical hazards (e.g. appliances, power sockets, etc.);
• contagious illnesses spread by sick workers;
• fire hazards;
• chemical hazards (e.g. cleaning products); and
• Stress hazards.

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Handout 3: WHS/OHS Consultation

The purpose of this handout is to explain the requirements for WHS consultation under
legislation and to indicate how the business communicates WHS legislation and consults with
staff as indicated in the organisation’s health and safety policy and procedure.

You should also explain why it is important for a business to conduct WHS communication and

WHS/OHS legislation has the requirement to consult with workers about WHS matters that
affect their workplace health or safety. This includes consultation with employees,
contractors, sub-contractors, volunteers, labour-hire workers and any other person completing
work for the PCBU.
Consultation is important because:
• Ensures participation in procedures
• Improves WHS through consultation
• Identifies safety hazards and risks
• Contributes to decision-making process
• Enables discussion to share health and safety concerns.
Consultation is one of the corner-stones of health and safety in Australia.
Persons conducting businesses or undertakings have a duty under the law to consult with their
workers and others in relation to health and safety matters.
This is because of the recognized benefit that comes from workers input into decision making
about health and safety.
The input of workers is valuable as they are the people who are most familiar with the operations
of the company; they daily see the hazards or indicators of emerging hazards that could result in
disease and injury. They are also frequently best placed to suggest solutions that will work.
By creating a culture of co-operation and consultation Management can draw on this valuable
source of information to ensure that the decisions they make about safety are effective.

Consultation can be accomplished in a number of ways:

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▪ It can be as simple as regularly talking to workers about health and safety and taking
their views into consideration when making health and safety decisions. As a formalized
arrangement this would come under the category of "Other Agreed Arrangements" - and
is an acceptable method, so long as the arrangements are consistent with the legislation
▪ It can be done through elected Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs).
Legislation requires a PCBU to consult using HSRs if a worker requests
representation by a HSR
▪ It can be done through formalized Health and Safety Committees. A committee is
required to be established if 5 or more workers or a HSR request that a committee
be established
▪ Or your consultation arrangements could be a combination of some or all of
these mechanisms

To: Operations Manager

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Subject: Handouts
Date: February 26, 2020

Dear Claudia,

Good day!
I am writing to you to give a summary of my work and to request for your approval.
The respective documents are as follows,
1 handout1: Legislation the Work Health and Safety / occupational health and safety.
2 handout2: Identifying hazard and risk control in the office environment
3 handout3: WHS/OHS consultation and importance
Please review the documents and incase of any comment and suggestions, kindly contact me.

Yours truly,
Jesse Jr. Sia

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