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ISSN 2029-8587 (Print)

ISSN 2538-7197 (Online)

Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019



Yasuto Okamura, Mitsuhiro Ura
Otemon Gakuin University, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]


Research in cognitive linguistics suggests that individuals understand abstract concepts by using knowledge
of the superficially dissimilar, and more concrete concepts through conceptual metaphors. Previous studies
have reported round-warm and square-competent associations: such that curved shapes (e.g., rounds)
increase the perception of warmth and angular shapes (e.g., squares) enhance the perception of competence
in a metaphor-consistent manner. The study investigated whether manipulating abstract concepts (e.g.,
social judgments) influenced the processing of concrete concepts (e.g., shapes). Participants were asked
to select round or square ornaments in a restaurant in a dating (warm) or a business (competent) situa-
tion. Results indicated that participants in the dating condition selected more round ornaments whereas
those in the business condition selected more square ornaments, revealing that the representations of a
round shape were activated in the dating condition, whereas the representations of a square shape were
activated in the business situation. The theoretical implications of this finding are discussed.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, metaphor-consistent effects, round and square, social judgments.


Shapes are an important visual feature providing information about the physical world. They
also play a role as concrete signals representing various personality traits and representing more
abstract concepts. For example, it has been reported that round shapes are related to weakness,
gentleness, mildness, kindness, comfortableness, approachableness, and harmony, whereas angu-
lar shapes are associated with hardness, harshness, cruelty, toughness, strength, and individuality
(Berlyne,1974; Jiang, Gorn, Galli, & Chattopadhyay, 2016; Lundholm, 1921; Zhang, Feick, & Price,
2006). More recent research based on the stereotype content model (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu,
2002) has suggested that the round shape is associated with the trait of warmth and the square
shape is related to the trait of competence (Liu, Bogicevic, & Mattila, 2018; Okamura & Ura, 2018a,
2018b). These findings support the effect of exposure to shapes on social judgments.
The concrete-abstract association has been explained by the conceptual metaphor theory
(CMT: Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). The authors have elucidated that “the essence of metaphor is un-
derstanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another” (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p.5),
ISSN 2029-8587 (Print) Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and
ISSN 2538-7197 (Online) competence activates the representation of shapes
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019

and proposed the CMT in which metaphors create meanings at a cognitive level. CMT consists of
two elements: a source and a target concept. The authors have pointed out that metaphors func-
tion as conceptual mappings between source concepts and superficially different target concepts.
One characteristic of these concepts is that source concepts represent concrete knowledge and
embodied experiences, whereas target concepts, in contrast, represent more abstract knowledge
that is difficult to comprehend. Psychological research has demonstrated that manipulating source
or target concepts result in the activation of the other concept in a metaphor consistent manner
(see Landau, Meier, & Keefer, 2010), which is known as the metaphor consistent effect. Williams
and Bargh (2008), for example, reported that touching a warm cup increased impressions of
warmth and friendliness toward another person, which is suggestive of the conceptual metaphor
AFFECTION IS WARMTH (Grady, 1997). Likewise, shapes are also mapped onto more abstract
personality traits. Linguistic expressions such as “a well-rounded character” and “be there or be
square” support metaphoric mapping.
The directionality of metaphor-consistent effects has been the topic of extensive debate because
the directionality could be critical for clarifying the mechanisms of these effects. One assumption
is that the link between the concrete, or the source concept, and the abstract, or the target concept,
is unidirectional. Casasanto and Boroditsky (2008), for instance, have reported that information
about how objects relate to one another in space influences how people construe abstract temporal
relations. However, activating information about time does not influence how people construe
spatial relations. On the contrary, the other assumption is that the link is bidirectional. He, Chen,
and Li (2014) have demonstrated that perceptions of weight influence the processing of power
concepts and the processing of power concepts influence perceptions of weight. Therefore, the
directionality of the effect has been inconsistent in different studies. Moreover, the mediator and
moderator variables influencing directionality are unclear. IJzerman and Koole (2011) suggested
that most metaphor-consistent effects could be bidirectional and pointed out that CMT could ex-
plain bidirectional effects because even metaphors with unidirectional representational structures
could, with repeated use, produce bidirectional psychological effects. Lee and Schwarz (2012) noted
that psychological effects differed from linguistic patterns. In daily language, metaphors are always
unidirectional. However, in psychological representations, metaphors could be bidirectional. The
processing of conceptual metaphors might differ from their psychological consequences.
Based on these findings, it was hypothesized that the metaphor-consistent effect of shapes
and social judgments is bidirectional. As mentioned above, previous studies have shown that
shape priming influences social judgments in a metaphor-consistent manner (e.g., Okamura &
Ura, 2018a). Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the opposite effect: the
influence of the concept of warmth and competence priming on the activation of representations
of shapes. Of primary interest was whether priming the warmth trait would lead to activate the
representation of a round shape, whereas priming the competence trait would lead to activate the
representations of a square shape.

Research Methodology

General Background

An online survey was conducted for the purpose of recruiting participants with a wide range
of age. Data analysis was conducted using HAD ver. 15.106, a free software program for statistical
analysis (Shimizu, 2016). The survey was conducted in October 2018.


Sample sizes were calculated using G*Power (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007)
and the parameters alpha = .05, the power = 0.8, and the effect size f = .25 based on Cohen (1988).
All participants were office workers (100 men and 100 women; aged between 20 and 59 years). We
obtained informed consent from the participants.
Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and ISSN 2029-8587 (Print)
competence activates the representation of shapes ISSN 2538-7197 (Online)
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019

Experimental Stimuli
The 12 identical colored images that were used in Study 1 by Liu, Bogicevic, and Mattila (2018)
were used as dependent variables with the consent of the authors. Six of these images are round
ornaments, whereas the other six are square ornaments.


All participants were recruited through a Web-based survey company. They were assigned to
one of two conditions (dating or business). Participants assigned to each condition were asked to
read and imagine the respective scenario and select the ornaments that were in a restaurant (see
sample scenario in Appendix 1). Finally, as a manipulation check, participants responded to two
additional questions: one inquired about the degree of felt warmth or the degree of felt competence
in the dating or the business situation (e.g., “To what extent did you feel warmth on the situation?”,
whereas the other question inquired about the participants’ preferred shape in the forced-choice
(round or square) task (“Which shape do you prefer?”).
Then, the participants responded to the 16-item Warmth-Competence Scale, which comprised
eight items assessing warmth and eight items assessing the competence of their personality (see Ap-
pendix 2 for the complete scale). This scale was developed based on Hofstee, De Raad, and Goldberg
(1992). In responding to the scale, the participants rated the extent to which statements such as, “I
am interested in other people”, and “I learn quickly”, were applicable to them using a 5-point Likert
scale ranging from 1 (very inaccurate) to 5 (very accurate).

Research Results

An independent chi-square test was conducted on shape preferences, which revealed that a
round shape (57.0%) was preferable to a square shape (43.0%; χ 2 (1) = 3.92, p = .048, φ = .14). The
test also showed that men preferred a square shape (59.3%) to a round shape (40.7%), whereas
women preferred a round shape (57.0%) to a square shape (43.0%; χ 2 (1) = 4.59, p = .032, φ = .15).
Then, a manipulation check was conducted using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to
confirm whether imagining each situation aroused feelings of warmth or competence. The result
showed that the participants in the dating condition (M = 2.98, SE = .07) felt more warmth than
those in the business condition (M = 2.79, SE = .05; F (1, 198) = 4.23, p = .041, ηp2 = .02). Conversely,
participants in the business condition (M = 2.74, SE = .07) felt more competence than those in the
dating condition (M = 2.53, SE = .07; F (1, 198) = 4.45, p = .036, ηp2 = .02). These results indicated
that the manipulation was valid.
An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted with the selection of round or square
shapes as the dependent variables, and the condition (dating or business situation) as the inde-
pendent variables, with the shape preference as a covariate. This indicated significant effects of the
covariate (F (1, 197) = 33.62, p < .001, ηp2 = .15) and conditions (F (1, 197) = 4.54, p = .034, ηp2 = .02).
Participants in the dating condition (M = 3.12, SE = .14) were more likely to select round ornaments
than those in the business condition (M = 2.71, SE = .14), and those in the business condition (M =
3.41, SE = .15) were more likely to select square ornaments than those in the dating condition (M
= 2.76, SE = .15; F (1, 198) = 9.76, p = .002, ηp2 = .05), revealing that the representations of a round
shape were activated in the dating condition, whereas the representations of a square shape were
activated in the business situation.
An exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the responses to the 16-item Warmth-
Competence Scale using the maximum likelihood estimation and Promax rotation. Our theoretical
perspective assumed that the factor-structure of the scale would consist of two dimensions; warmth
and competence. The results indicated a good fit to the data (χ2 (89) = 225.13, p < .001, CFI = .92,
RMSEA = .09, AIC = 295.95). The two dimensions that were identified were interpreted as com-
petence (α = .87) and warmth (α = .91). An ANOVA conducted on the mean scores of each items
of warmth and competence as the dependent variable indicated no significant difference of dating
(F (1, 198) = 1.01, p = .32, ns) or business (F (1, 198) = 1.67, p = .20, ns) condition.
ISSN 2029-8587 (Print) Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and
ISSN 2538-7197 (Online) competence activates the representation of shapes
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019

42 Discussion

The result for shape preference in this study was consistent with previous findings: individuals
tended to prefer round to angular shapes (e.g., Bar & Neta, 2006; Blazhenkova & Kumar, 2018).
This phenomenon has been found in both Western and non-Western cultures, and in newborn
babies as well as other primates, supporting the universality and innateness of the preference of the
round shape (Gómez-Puerto, Munar, & Nadal, 2016) despite that the mechanisms that underlie
this shape preference remain to be clarified.
The bidirectionality of metaphor consistent effects has been reported in various studies. The
result of the present study sheds light on this issue by providing two new findings: one confirmed
the directionality from social judgments to shapes, and the other suggests shapes are selected in a
context-dependent regardless of the preference for roundness or squareness. Importantly, this is the
first study to demonstrate that social judgments of warmth and competence can be mapped onto
the more concrete concepts of roundness or squareness. This finding supports CMT and suggests
the possibility of psychological effects in the direction from the abstract to the concrete, which are
opposite to original linguistic mapping that is from the concrete to the abstract (Lee & Schwarz,
2012). In addition, priming the concept of warmth or competence did not affect the estimation of
warmth or competence as a personality characteristic of the participants. This could be because
the priming effect, which is likely to occur when a target is ambiguous (e.g., Olivers & Meeter,
2006), was not significant because self-reported personality traits are remarkably stable over time
(McCrae & Costa, 1994).
Problems have been reported in replicating social priming effects (e.g., Earp & Trafimow,
2015). Nevertheless, the ANCOVA in this study indicated that the social priming effect of warmth
and competence on shape selection did not diminish when shape preference was considered as a
covariate, suggesting that the priming effect was strong enough to influence judgments. However,
more research is needed to replicate the findings of the present study and identify the mediators
and moderators of this effect. For example, the goal system framework (Motoki, Saito, Nouchi, Ka-
washima, & Sugiura, 2018; Zhang & Risen, 2014) was submitted regarding the social and physical
warmth. It argues that physical warmth increases preference for the relevant products in relation
with the participants’ goal. When the participants are in warm ambiance, they are likely to have
goals to reduce the warm and prefer cold food (e.g., sushi). Hence, it would of course be valuable
to replicate the results of the present study using the framework.
In this study, square shapes were only focused among different angular shapes. This is because
the square is unique in that it is a pure creation of the human mind because of its singularity, homo-
geneity, regularity, and symmetry (Pinna, 2011). However, the concept of angular shapes includes
other shapes such as triangles and spikey objects. Gómez-Puerto, Munar, and Nadal (2016) have
pointed out that a unified term indicating the lack of curvature does not exist (e.g., sharp, straight,
angular). Hence, it cannot be determined whether priming of the concepts of warmth and compe-
tence has an identical influence on judgments of square and other angular shapes. Further research
is required to clarify this issue.


This research highlighted the metaphor-consistent effect on shapes and social judgments: the
influence of the concept of warmth and competence priming on the activation of representations
of shapes. In conclusion, this research provides support of CMT and proposes the possibility of
psychological effects of the metaphor-consistent effects in the direction from the abstract to the
Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and ISSN 2029-8587 (Print)
competence activates the representation of shapes ISSN 2538-7197 (Online)
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019

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ISSN 2029-8587 (Print) Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and
ISSN 2538-7197 (Online) competence activates the representation of shapes
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019
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Appendix 1

Sample scenario and images

1. On a weekend night, you and your fiancé (or your business partner) go out to a new
restaurant named “TARRAGON”, which opened a few months ago. There is a signboard
at the store front. Which type of signboard do you feel would be there?

2. You enter the restaurant and look around. You find that the crystal ceiling lights convey
an elegant, modern feeling. Which type of ceiling lights do you feel would be hanging
from the ceiling?
Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and ISSN 2029-8587 (Print)
competence activates the representation of shapes ISSN 2538-7197 (Online)
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019

3. You find that the waiting area is decorated with fresh flowers and candles. Which type
of flowers and candles do you feel would decorate the waiting area?

4. You look at an abstract painting on the wall. Which type of painting do you feel would
be hanging on the wall?

5. A waiter greets you with a smile and takes you to a table. Which type of table do you
feel you would be directed?
ISSN 2029-8587 (Print) Yasuto OKAMURA, Mitsuhiro URA. Round shapes are for dating, square shapes are for business: Priming the concept of warmth and
ISSN 2538-7197 (Online) competence activates the representation of shapes
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2019

46 Appendix 2

1. Am interested in people.
2. Make people feel at ease.
3. Know how to comfort others.
4. Inquire about others’ well-being.
5. Take time out for others.
6. Make people feel welcome.
7. Show my gratitude.
8. Make others feel good.

1. Learn quickly.
2. Use my brain.
3. Excel in what I do.
4. Do things in a logical order.
5. Come straight to the point.
6. Seek explanations of things.
7. Need things explained only once.
8. Believe in a logical answer for everything.

Received: May 08, 2019 Accepted: June 24, 2019

Yasuto Okamura PhD Student at Graduate School of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University,
Osaka, Japan.
E-mail: [email protected]

Mitsuhiro Ura Professor at Department of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka,

E-mail: [email protected]

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