HK1 - Tiếng Anh 7

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Thời gian: 50 phút

Nhận xét của giáo viên ĐIỂM Chữ ký của giám thị

I. PRONUNCIATION (0.8 points)

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. hamburger B. tablespoon C. plastic D. sandwich
2. A. raised B. fried C. helped D. cleaned
B. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.
3. A. collect B. teaspoon C. flour D. reggae
4. A. charity B. dangerous C. medicine D. exciting


Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
5. Do you need the scissors to open the __________ of juice?
A. can B. carton C. bag D. glass
6. Person A: How much pasta would you like?
Person B: ________, please. I’m not very hungry.
A. A lot B. Just a few C. Just a little D. Much
7. Last weekend, we __________ the beach in our area and we collected 1,000 kilograms of trash.
Most of them came from the people who visited the beach.
A. organized B. planted C. recycled D. cleaned up
8. __________ we have a car wash? It’s a simple and fun way to raise money.
A. Let’s B. Why don’t C. Why not D. How
9. Student A: Where __________?
Student B: To the sports center. He __________ table tennis with Ryan on Mondays.
A. is James going/ plays B. is James going/ is playing
C. does James go/ plays D. does James go/ is playing
10. This bag of __________ is empty. How can I cook dinner now?
A. milk B. oil C. butter D. rice
11. Last week, I __________ at a soup kitchen. We cooked and delivered free meals to the poor and
low-income families across Ho Chi Minh city.
A. donated B. volunteered C. organized D. raised
12. Student A: Let’s have a(n) __________.
Student B: That’s a good idea. We can sell handmade cards and jewelry.
A. art fair B. art exhibition C. fun fair D. craft fair
13. I bought __________ stick of butter this morning. I used half of __________ butter to make

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A. a/ some B. the/ the C. a/ the D. a/ -
14. Student A: I really enjoy classical music.
Student B: _________
A. So do I. B. No, I’m not. It’s so boring.
C. No, I won’t. I prefer pop. D. I am, too.

15. Read the poster and choose the correct statement.

A. The soup kitchen delivers free meals every day.

B. Volunteers have to work from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
C. There are two shifts for volunteers to choose.
D. Volunteers will work on the weekends from
11.45 a.m. to 2 p.m.

16. What does this sign mean?

A. There are no flashlights here.

B. You can’t use flashlights here.
C. You can’t bring any cameras to this place.
D. Photographers can’t use flash here.

III. WORD FORMATION (1.2 points)

Write the correct form or compound of the words in brackets.
17. The Saigon Zoo and Botanical Garden in HCM city received many ___________ of meat,
fruits and vegetables to help take care of the animals during the COVID-19 outbreak.
18. We left the cinema early because the movie was so ___________. (BORE)
19. My mum is a great cook. She can make __________ dishes, such as Spanish omelet or lemon
chicken. (TASTE)
20. We are all __________ about going to the concert. Taylor Swift is performing there.
21. I took part in a park __________ yesterday. The park looked beautiful after we finished.
22. John couldn’t sleep last night, so he had a terrible __________ this morning. He had to take
medicine. (HEAD)

IV. PRESENT TENSE (2 points)

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of words in brackets.
23. Jenny ___________ (TAKE) part in some volunteer activities every summer vacation,
24. Our group ___________ (VOLUNTEER) at a soup kitchen last month.
25. He ___________ (EAT) ice-cream since he was a kid.

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26. If the weather ___________ (BAD), I will go to school tomorrow.
27. Keep silent! My brothers ___________ (HAVE) a discussion.
28. If I ___________ (BE) you, I would take part in that club.
29. The party ___________ (CANCEL) because of the bad weather.
30. The train ___________ (START) at 6:00 morning.
31. I’m going ___________ (PLAY) games in my friends house.
32. You have ___________ (DO) that!

V. READING (2 points)
A. Read the following passage. For each question from 33 to 37, write T if the statement is
TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE and NI if there is NO INFORMATION on it.

Vietnamese Bánh Mì is popular and easy to find everywhere in Vietnam. You can buy it from
vendors in the street and it’s really cheap. It’s normally a takeaway and wrapped in recycled paper.
The bread is a short baguette which is crunchy outside, soft and airy inside. People fill bánh mì with
a variety of ingredients, such as coriander, fish sauce, pickled carrots, cucumber slices, chili
peppers, pork, ham, pâté and mayonnaise. It is also possible to buy vegetarian bánh mì. Sometimes,
you can eat it with fish, eggs or even ice cream. Vietnamese people enjoy bánh mì at any time of the
A Falafel sandwich is one of the best Middle Eastern vegan meals. There are so many
wonderful flavors in this sandwich. First, the chef prepares falafel balls. They are made of
chickpeas and are deep-fried for a few minutes until they turn golden brown and crispy. Or at
home, you can bake them in a hot oven. That way is healthier, but fried balls taste better. Then,
the chef stuff falafel balls into a warm pita. He also adds vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes,
and onions, and creamy tahini sauce. You can enjoy it as a quick and easy weekday meal or late-
night snack.

33. Bánh mì is a typical cheap street food in Vietnam. ______

34. People can serve bánh mì with different ingredients. _____
35. Vietnamese people have bánh mì for breakfast only. ______
36. Baking falafel balls makes them healthier and tastier. ______
37. It takes only a few minutes to cook pita bread. ______

B. Read the passage. For questions from 38 to 42, complete each blank with a suitable word in
the box. There are TWO extra words that you don’t need.



Are you looking for a great way to help others, learn new skills, gain (38) __________, and
make new friends? Try volunteering! There are many ways you can do to help people in need.
First, you can work at a soup kitchen. Soup kitchens always (39) __________ volunteers to help
serve food and cook meals. Working at a soup kitchen gives you the opportunity to meet people
from different backgrounds. Second, you can spend time visiting the elderly. Old people in
nursing homes may not see visitors often enough and would love to have some company. You
can (40) __________ books to them, bring them cookies or make birthday cards for them, and so
much more. In return, you’ll probably hear some great stories about the good old days. You can

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also take part (41) __________ clean-ups. By picking up trash and doing some yard work or
planting trees, you can make your neighborhood a more pleasant and beautiful place to live.
Besides, you should consider (42) __________ unwanted items to charity shops, or giving
unused food to a food bank. It’s a great way to help out the community.

VI. WRITING (1.6 points)

A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
43. Lucas ate something bad and his stomach hurt.
→ Lucas ate something bad and he _______________________________________________.
44. We should have a bake sale to raise money for our football uniforms.
→ How about ________________________________________________________________?
45. Andy is a good guitar player.
→ Andy is good _____________________________________________________________.
46. When you have a fever, it’s not a good idea to go to school.
→ You _____________________________________________________________________.
B. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.
47. What/ kind/ music/ Andrew/ like?
→ _________________________________________________________________________
48. Let’s/ organize/ fun run/ support/ poor students/ our school.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
49. I/ have/ sandwich/ bottle/ milk/ breakfast/ this morning.
→ _________________________________________________________________________
50. We/ need/ two tablespoons/ oil/ 400 g/ flour.
→ _________________________________________________________________________

***End – Of – Test***

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