Rainwater Harvesting Research Paper

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The harvested water can be used for drinking water as well if the storage is a tank that can be
accessed and cleaned when needed. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research,
International FDP on. Capturing the rainwater as it falls on roof-tops, sides of buildings and even
concrete pavements Filter it. Dependent on the regional conditions (water and wastewater prices,
available subsidies), the. Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over
time. Furthermore, one paper was not found in WoS database. 4. Conclusions This study presents a
review of RWH studies using a bibliometric analysis considering publications between 1982 and
2021 sourced from Scopus database. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce
Research (JTAER). Authors with a minimum number of 100 citations were selected and 200 of
103,021 authors met the selected threshold. It should be noted that self-citation issue was not
considered in this study. When sitting on one of the campus lawns, the sound of splashing water can
be heard faintly coming from the fountains, adding to the calm and enjoyable experience.
Department of Studies in Library and Information Science. Significant change in number of
publications with upward shift between 1982 and 2021 (mu1 and mu2 are the mean number of
publications before and after the break years, respectively) based on the Pettitt and SNHT tests. For
instance, inconsistent cells (e.g., misspellings, variant names and overflowing into the next cell in csv
format), no author information, duplicates or irrelevant documents. In the first case study of Azrou
city villa building municipal water supply is altered with rainwater supply. The number of co-
authorship was the highest for the USA (40 links), UK (40 links), Australia (37 links), The
Netherlands (35 links), and Germany (32 links). This is controlled with the help of control valve and
ultrasonic sensors connected to Arduino board. It can be seen from Table 5 that there are noticeable
differences between local and global citations; the reason is that RWH field has also received
interest from researchers in other fields. The most frequently cited articles on RWH related studies
from different databases (accessed on 31 January 2022). It is possible that an article can be cited by
others in a different discipline. The purpose of this report is to summarize the existing knowledge
base in these four areas, assess factors affecting economic benefits of rainwater harvesting, and
identify topics requiring additional research. It has been found that since early 2000s, there is a
continued growth in publication count in RWH research. As rainfall is usually unevenly distributed
throughout the year. The cluster to which the item belongs determines the colour of an item. Rains
are main source of water, and if Rain water is harvested, the scarcity of water can be eliminated. The
reason is that authors may suggest using “rainwater harvesting” in the abstract although they did not
address it in the main text. Performance of the rooftop rainwater harvesting system was evaluated on
the basis of three indicators reliability, resilience and vulnerability. Rain water harvesting is one of
the best methods fulfilling those. Finally, effective water harvesting schemes require community
participation which is enhanced. Analysing the most frequent words with their occurrence by time
allows us to interpret evaluation of research trends. The reason is the fact that considerable proportion
of these 821 papers were published in the last few years.
Impact of Locating Boreholes Near Septic Tanks Pit Latrines on Drinking Water. The most
frequently cited articles on RWH related studies from different databases (accessed on 31 January
2022). Only cost is personal system maintenance Rainwater has very low hardness. Australia is the
most dominant country in terms of number of institutions in the top 15 productive institutions. 3.6.
Comparison of the Most Cited Documents on Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar Scopus,
Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS) are the most widely used databases for scientific
search and analysis. It has been found that publication rate on RWH has been increasing steadily
since 2005. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals. The
extracted water can also be used as drinking water, for long-term storage and other uses, including
irrigation of groundwater. Review of Rainwater Harvesting Research by a Bibliometric Analysis.
Water stress is a condition where the demand for water is more than that can be supplied. Previous
Article in Journal Removal of Amoxicillin from Processing Wastewater by Ozonation and UV-Aided
Ozonation: Kinetic and Economic Comparative Study. Moreover, Water (MDPI) has published the
highest number of publications (128), followed by Journal of Cleaner Production with 81
publications. Jean Pierre Nshimyimana, SM Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT 2010.
Rainwater Harvesting (RWH): A quantitative analysis of world publications during 1. SCP presents
single country publications whereas MCP presents multiple country publications. High Initial
investment Costs - The main cost of a rainwater collection system. In India, it is more than years
since the rainwater was harvested. SCP represents publications done by authors who belonged to the
same country, whereas MCP represents that the publications were written by the authors who
belonged to different countries. Simply, a higher H-index shows a greater academic impact.
Rendering of mathematical equations is done with MathJax. Does your damp skin feel the cooling
effect of a light breeze. Rainwater capture is accomplished primarily from roof-top, surface runoff,
and other surfaces. Several factors should be considered when selecting rainwater harvesting systems
for. The main reason for the water crisis is environmental pollution. Analysing the most frequent
words with their occurrence by time allows us to interpret evaluation of research trends. Maneuvering
yards. Rainwater harvesting increases the availability of water during dry seasons by increasing the
levels of dried borewells and wells. For example, the percentage of papers published between 2020
and 2022 was 41% (336 documents) whereas 5% (46 documents) of non-cited papers were
published before 2005. Significant change in number of publications with upward shift between
1982 and 2021 (mu1 and mu2 are the mean number of publications before and after the break years,
respectively) based on the Pettitt and SNHT tests. The PHS is of larger scale and has greater
potentials and effectiveness as an alternative water supply system. This document has been produced
to assess the effectiveness of rainwater collection system, the impact of implementing them on
saving water and relieving water stress. In several parts of the world, however, water is being.
Adopted workflow for conducting bibliometric analysis carried out in this study. Now this can be
true to some extent but the water can very well be used for agricultural usage and different non-
critical purposes. Furthermore, Resources Conservation and Recycling holds the highest H-index (32)
and the second-best citation per publication (CPP) (40.45). Figure 3 illustrates that Water (MDPI)
was the only one showing the steepest growth trend among other journals. It can be seen that the top
four authors who are Ghisi, E., Butler, D., Rahman, A. and Imteaz, M.A. had far higher total link
strength than others. During 2001-2012 scientists contributed 370 items under. Furthermore, 821
papers out of 3226 have not been cited either locally or globally. Conserve and supplement existing
water resources Available for capture and storage in most global locations Potentially provide
improved quality of water Supply water at one of the lowest costs possible for a supplemental supply
source. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Country refers
to the country where the first institution of the author’s latest paper. As we can see, local citations
show the number of citations within the 3226 publications whereas global citations present the actual
Scopus citations ( Table 4 also presents global citations). We obtained 3226 documents after data
cleaning (removing duplicates, no author information and irrelevant papers) for the analysis to be
addressed. In the second case the design of storage tanks is done to recycle the water for various
potable and non-potable uses after the segregation of water is being done on the basis of the quality
parameters such as PH value, turbidity etc. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more
about MDPI. Notwithstanding these immense available water supplies, we face a countrywide water
crisis. It refers to storing of rainwater for various uses. Harvested rainwater can be used for all non
drinking water uses. Literature review articles published recently on RWH. To browse Academia.edu
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Rainwater harvesting is considered as a best alternative to bridge the gap between the demand and
supply. The effectiveness of rainwater harvesting system lies in its ability to meet the. SSC is the
standard score of citation, SSP is the standard score of publications and TSS is the total standard
score. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. For instance,
Abdulla and Al-Shareef (2009) has ranked as first in Table 5 in terms of local citation yet has been
placed at the sixth rank based on global citation ( Table 4 ). This stage has not reached in one day, or
one century. Villagers had little time for leisure, education, or economic development when mere
existence was such a struggle. Published studies on RWH were obtained through the Scopus
database covering the period from 1982 to 24 October 2021. Countries with a minimum of five
published and cited articles were included. The number of publications is one of the important
indicators to assess the development trends in a specific research area. The notion behind rainwater
harvesting is to not waste the rainwater Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Rain Water Harvesting
Research Paper - Words Essay on Rainwater Harvesting: To beat water scarcity and sustain lives
across continents, rainwater harvesting is a practice followed by nations worldwide. The way
civilization has progressed, nature and water are most tormented and ignored.

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