E Module Design A Learning Material With Rowntree and Hannafin Model For Higher Education

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E-Module: Design A Learning Material With

Rowntree And Hannafin Model
For Higher Education
Nina Ikhwati Wahidah, Nurdin Ibrahim, Suyitno Muslim

Abstrac:t—The purpose of this article is to design the steps in developing independent learning material in the form of e-modules. E-modules are
learning materials based on information and communication technology (ICT) that have interactive properties because of the ease of navigation, display
of images, videos, and feedback through formative tests. The methodology used is the research and development of the modified Rowntree adaptation
with Hannafin and Pack. The results of this article are conceptual and procedural models for the development of independent learning materials in the
form of e-modules.

Index Terms:— E-module, Design, Learning Material, Higher Education

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1 INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the
At present the world of education faces very difficult e-Science module, which was created at Bradford College
challenges in dealing with the current of globalization. The (UK) and adapted for trial by science teachers in Portuguese.
current of globalization requires educational institutions to The results show that the majority of teachers recognize that
formulate education that can answer the challenges of e-modules can enhance new skills during the course, such as
globalization. One of the challenges of globalization in ICT skills, which have an impact on classroom practice and
education is the advancement of information technology. The enhance their professional development both in the personal
progress of developing Information and Communication domain and in the practice domain. It is also recognized by
Technology (ICT) has an influence on various aspects of life tutors that the main advantage of using an e-learning platform
including the learning process. So the world of education now is to enable it to adjust to individual needs by considering the
needs to take advantage of technological advances. One of rhythm and different learning styles. [2] Fajaryati, et.al, E-
them is a practitioner of Islamic religious education. Islamic module Development for the Subject of Measuring instruments
religious education is one of the basic theoretical and practical and Measurement in Electronics Engineering Education. The
subjects. Therefore, this course needs to be presented in a results showed that in the beta test of the learning aspects, in
creative way so that it can be effective and efficient. Islamic terms of material and evaluation and multimedia aspects, e-
education is one of the general compulsory subjects taught at modules were each considered to be feasible and quite
the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Nahdlatul Ulama feasible. Four indicators namely text, images, animation and
University in Lampung. The material in the curriculum is video are all generally considered feasible. In terms of usage
nationally the same and has a lot of content. Learning time is aspects, e-modules are considered feasible where two
too little so learning in this course is less effective and indicators, namely instructions and navigation, are generally
efficient. There are several previous studies that are relevant considered to be very feasible by all respondents.[3]
including: research from Chong, Yunos & Spahat, The Christova, Future Developments of E-Modules: The Role of
Development and Evaluation of an E-Module for Pneumatics Interactive Tools and Multimedia in Teaching European
Technology. The results showed that the e-modules were Studies Online. The results of this study state that e-modules
developed in accordance with the characteristics of students, are a growing online learning tool in the European Union. The
learning strategies, presentation of learning and software role of multimedia and interactive tools in this e-learning
applications. The developed e-module is suitable as an environment is very important with regard to increasing the
alternative learning material to help pneumatic learning in the transfer of knowledge and skills to users from online
subject of industrial automation. [1] L. Pombo, et.al, Evaluating platforms.[4] Porcaro, Ten Guiding Principles for Designing
an Online E-Module for Portuguese Primary Teachers: Online Modules that Involve International Collaborations. The
Trainees' Perceptions. results of this study state that in compiling online modules
together more effective and relevant. (David Porcaro, 2014).
Kumar, Development Of E-Module For Physiotherapy Ethics
For Final Year Students Of Bachelor Of Physiotherapy: A Pilot
study. The results show that e-Modules make learning easier,
• Nina Ikhwati Wahidah, is Doctoral Student Educational Technology and can create independent learning and can be read
Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta and Assistant Professor at Social according to their convenience. [5] Tirta, Development of
and Humanities Faculty, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Integrated and Dynamic E-Module Statistics with R-Shiny and
Indonesia, E-mail: [email protected], Mathjax. This research discusses the development of e-
[email protected]
• Nurdin Ibrahim, is a Professor in the Department of Educational modules integrated with computer simulations. So that the e-
Technology, Post-Graduate Program Universitas Negeri Jakarta, module that was developed contains mathematical notation
Indonesia,E-mail: [email protected] well accompanied by examples in the form of simulations.
• Suyitno Muslim, , is a Professor in the Department of Educational Pathon, et.al,Subjects Student Perceptions of E-Module
Technology, Post-Graduate Program Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Learning in Atomic and Core Physics. The results of this study
Indonesia,E-mail: [email protected]
are students' perceptions of the atomic and core physics e-
modules which are on average 83.5% (core structure material)

and 89% (radioactivity material) with good category.[6] DJ strategies and assessing learning outcomes.[14] Some
Naval, researching about the Development and Validation of scholars see self-directed learning as a process of organizing
Tenth Grade Physics Modules Based on Selected Least the instruction (Harrison, 1978), focusing their attention on the
Mastered Competencies. The results showed that the level of learner autonomy over the instructional process.[15]
developed module could be accepted by physics class. Furthermore, according to P. Bharathi, self-directed learning
Modules developed are effective in terms of knowledge can be defined as increasing knowledge, skills,
acquisition. Therefore, this research shows that the module accomplishments or personal development that individual
developed can be a useful tool for learning basic physics.[7] selects and brings about by his / her efforts using various
Based on the research conducted by researchers on relevant methods throughout their lives.[16] Independent learning is
previous studies above, the relevance of the research by the one of the most important aspects in the field of adult
authors is to discuss the electronic modules (e-modules). education and learning.[17]
However, there are differences from any existing research with
the research that the author is studying at this time, namely 3 METODE
the content of the courses developed and the development Method used in this research is the research and
design models used. In this study, researchers developed a development. Research and development (R&D) is the
conceptual model for developing an e-module for Islamic process of researching consumer needs and then developing
religious education courses for students of the Faculty of products to fulfill those needs. The purpose of R&D efforts in
Science and Technology at the Nahdlatul Ulama University in education is not to formulate or test theory but to develop
Lampung. effective products for use in schools. Such products include
teacher-training materials, learning materials, sets of
2 LITERATURE REVIEW behavioral objectives, media materials, and management
Developmentmodel A recommended set of activities that systems. research and development used of adaptation of the
defines a process for successful instructional design.[8] rowntree model [18] for the development of independent
Educational technology proposes that effective learning learning materials in the form of printed modules and modified
materials and systems can be made efficient through certain with the Hanafin and pack models [19] for the development of
developments.[9] The definition of instructional development online learning materials.
is: A systematic approach to the design, production,
evaluation, and utilization of complete systems of 4 RESULT AND DISCUSION
instruction.[10] Russell, and Smaldino (2002) Define The design model that fits the product to be developed is the
instructional development as "the process of analyzing needs, Rowntree model modified with the Hannafin and Peck models.
determining what content must be mastered, establishing The selection of Hannafin and Peck's model design as a
educational goals, designing materials to reach the objectives, development model for developing electronic modules (e-
and trying out and revising the program in terms of learner modules) is because the hannafin and peck models are
achievement.[11] Development is a business that is carried out software-oriented product development models. So that it is
consciously, planned, directed to help increase the very relevant to what will be developed by researchers,
effectiveness of learning by producing a product. The products namely electronic modules (e-modules) that use software. The
produced in the development have gone through several conceptual model and procedural models in this study are as
stages such as the stages of design, development and expert below:
validation. There are many learning design models known in
learning systems with different orientations. Gustafon and
Branch divided it into three categories related to its use,
namely: (1) Classroom-Oriented Models, (2) Product-Oriented
Models, (3) System-Oriented Models (Kent L Gustafson,
2002). In choosing which appropriate model will be used to
overcome a problem, an analysis is needed that shows the
suitability of the existing model categories with the problems
that occur. If the problems in learning need to be a product
innovation then the category that matches the product-
oriented model. The product development model is
characterized by four main assumptions: (1) instructional
products needed, (2) what needs to be produced and not
selected or modified from existing materials, (3) emphasis on
trials and revisions, and (4) used by students with
facilitators.[12] Independent learning is a learning process that
provides opportunities for students to improve students'
abilities and skills in learning without the help of others. Self-
Directed Learning is any increase in knowledge, skill,
accomplishment, or personal development that an individual Figure. a Draft Conceptual Development Model
selects and brings about by its own efforts using any method in E-Module
any situation at any time.[13] According to Knowles (1975)
explained self-directed learning skills: determining learning
needs, expressing learning clearly and implicitly, determining
learning materials, and implementing appropriate learning

Development is the third step in the product

development process. The development step includes
the activity of making, modifying the learning model.
In other words, the activities of selecting, determining
methods, media and learning strategies that are
appropriate for use in delivering program material or
substance. Development of electronic module
learning materials (e-modules) for Islamic religious
education courses include: material collection
activities. Then proceed with the writing module print
activities, preparation of making flowchart view, and
making storyboards with the help of hardware and
software needed. Make a coding, and put the material
into a computer and trial product development.
Figure b. Draft Conceptual Development Model
E-Module 4 Product Validity, Evaluation and Revision Product
validation is carried out through review by experts,
Analysis Media small groups and large group tests. In carrying out
analysis becomes something very important in achieving formative evaluation, four steps are carried out,
learning success. namely one to one expert validation. This is called the
first revision. One to One Student Validation. Students
d. Technology Analysis Technology are asked to use instructional materials and discuss
analysis that supports the ability of students of the Faculty of them. In this evaluation a readability test and ease of
Science and Technology of the Nahdlatul Ulama University in access to teaching materials and interviews were
Lampung on Islamic religious education courses is: a conducted. Based on the results of the evaluation, a
computer laboratory is available that can be used for e-module second revision was made. Small group validation.
learning without disrupting the schedule of computer Instructional materials are re-evaluated to a small
practicum. There is an official website of the Lampung group. Readability tests are carried out and readability
Nahdlatul Ulama University that can be used to help the to access teaching materials. On the basis of the
learning process. results of this evaluation a third revision was made.
Large group validation involves all science and
e. Situation Analysis Situation technology students. This trial is to see the
analysis that supports the learning process in Islamic religious effectiveness of the results of developing products
education courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology of that are developed.
the Nahdlatul Ulama University in Lampung is: Students have 5 CONCLUSION
basic skills in the field of information technology. Students At this time the world of education faces the challenges of
have their own laptops, and the faculty has a computer globalization in the field of education, one of which is the
laboratory that can be used for computer-based learning. E- advancement of information technology. So that the world
module learning materials can help students learn of education now needs to take advantage of technological
independently and can be accessed anywhere and anytime. advances. One of them is an Islamic religious education
Study Programs and Faculties support forms of learning practitioner. Islamic religious education is one of the basic
innovation in an effort to improve student abilities. theoretical and practical subjects. Therefore, this course
needs to be presented in a creative way so that it can be
2 Product effective and efficient. To overcome this problem, it is
Design Design is the stage after the analysis process necessary to develop learning materials that are in
where this stage is not a follow-up or core activity of accordance with the needs of students to support
the analysis step. Learning design is also said to be a achieving the learning objectives, using e-modules. The
design in the learning process. The design is results of this article are conceptual models in developing
prepared by studying the problem, then finding a independent learning materials for Islamic religious
solution through identification of the requirements education courses in public universities.
analysis stage in the previous process. One of the
objectives of this stage is to determine the appropriate
design of learning products so that students can REFERENCES
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