CaseStatus (Link)

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The Tab “Case Status” on the new website, serves as a

comprehensive as well as integrated aperture for obtaining variety
of information regarding cases (Pending/disposed).

Once a user clicks on the Tab “Case Status”, he or she can obtain
the case information by using various newly integrated methods
which are as follows:

 By entering Diary No.

 By entering Case No.
 By entering Party Name
 By entering Advocate Name
 By entering High Court No. (New Feature)
 By entering Filing Defects (if any), and
 By entering Free Text (of the case).

Just as a User enters any of the aforesaid details and clicks on the
“Submit” option the Title of the case along with a myraid of
information appears on the screen which is segregated under the
following heads:-

Title Nature of information

Case Details  Case Status - Pending or Disposed.
 Case Stage – Miscellaneous hearing
(Order category).
 Last listed date.
 Category of the Case.
 Act/Section.
 Name of the petitioner(s), Respondent(s)
as well as their Advocates.
Earlier Court  This is a new feature of the website.
Details  Impugned Order of the High Court
challenged before the Supreme Court
along with the details of the said
Impugned Judgment/Order, such as case
no. and date.
Tagged Matters  Already filed matters in which the same
Impugned Order has been challenged.
Listing Dates  All dates on which the case was listed for
hearing along with next tentative
hearing date.
 Coram of Hon'ble Judges before whom
the case was listed for hearing.
 Remarks (if any).
Interlocutory  Particulars (Nature) of the interlocutory
Applications/ application.
Documents  Name of the applicant along with Date of
filing the application.
 Status of the application-Disposed (D) or
Pending (P).
Court Fees  Total Amount of Court Fees and actual
fees paid.
Notices  Notice(s) issued (if any) along with the
option of tracking the stage/status of
service of said notice(s).
Defects  Defects pointed out by the Registry.
 Date on which the said effects were
Judgment/Orders  Judgments/orders in cases which have
been disposed.
Adjustments  Adjournment letters/Circulation.
Mention Memo  Memo for mentioning, if any.
Restoration  Details regarding restoration of the case
Details if abated.
Office Report  Office Report on limitation.
Similarities  Details of similar case on the basis of :
 State, Bench, Case No., Judgment Date,
 District, Police Station, Crime No.,
 Vehicle No.,
 Reference No., Government Notification

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