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Furniture - Tests for surfaces -

Part 4 :
Assessment of resistance to impact
Ameublement -
Essais des finitions de surface -
Partie 4 : Evaluation de Ia rksistance au choc
ISO 4211-4:1988
ISO 4211-4 : 1988 (EI

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft Internationa) Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
Internationa I Standard ISO 4211-4 was prepared bY Technical Committee ISO/TC 136,
Furniture. ISO 4211-4:1988
Users should note that all International Standards undergo 4959db31e95f/iso-4211-4-1988
revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless otherwise stated.

0 International Organization for Standardization, 1988

Printed in Switzerland

lSO4211-4:1988 (El

Contents Page

1 Scope and field of application ..........................................

2 References ..........................................................

3 Principle ............................................................

4 Apparatus and materials ..............................................

5 Testpanel ...........................................................

6 Procedure ...........................................................
7 Assessment of results. ................................................
8 Testreport ..........................................................

ISO 4211-4:1988

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ISO 4211-4:1988

Furniture - Tests for surfaces -

Part 4 :
Assessment of resistance to impact

1 Scope and field of application

This part of ISO 4211 specifies a method of assessment of
resistance to impact of the surfaces of finished furniture.

The tests are generally carried out on Panels of a size sufficient

to meet the requirements of the test and of the same material
as, and finished identically to, the finished furniture.

The method is suitable for use either as a means of comparing

different finishing Systems or as a quality control test to ensure
that a specified Performance level is being achieved or main-
NOTE - The nature of the Substrate will have a major effect on the
results obtained in the test.
2 References ISO 4211-4:1988
ISO 3290, Rolling bearings
- Bearing Parts - Balls for rolling

ISO 6508, Metallic ma terials - Hardness test - Rockwell fest

(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K).

3 Principle
A cylindrical steel weight is dropped from specified heights
through a vertically-mounted guide onto a steel ball of specified
diameter and hardness positioned on the test Panel. The degree
of darnage to the test area is assessed by reference to a descrip-
tive numerical rating Code.

4 Apparatus and materials

4.1 Horizontal base which provides rigid support for the
test Panel. When the test area forms patt of a piece of fur- Panel
niture, the complete item should stand on a rigid floor. under test

4.2 Vertically-mounted guide tube with an inside diameter

of 40 + 5 mm (A in figure 1). A 10 Ifi 0,5 mm thick disc with a
centre hole of diameter 14 +g 05 mm for the ball (4.4) shall be
attached to the bottom end of the guide tube. .

4.3 Cylindrical steel weight (B in figure 1) with a mass of

500 + 5 g and a diameter that is approximately 1 mm less than
the inside diameter of the guide tube. This weight shall be
made of softer alloy than the ball, so that it will not make inden-
tations on the ball. Provision shall be made for the weight to be
raised and lowered. Figure 1 - Impact on surface

ISO 4211-4 : 1988 (E)

4.4 Steel ball (C in figure 1) with a diameter of 14 mm and should begin at least 7 days before testing and should be
Rockwell hardness of 60 to 66 HRC, a rolling bearing ball for carried out in air at a temperature of 23 + 2 OC and a relative
example (see ISO 3290). . humidity of (50 + 5 ) %.

4.5 Magnifier, with a magnification of at least X7 fitted with 6 Procedure

a graticule scale which permits measurements to be taken to an
accuracy of at least 0,l mm.
6.1 General

No impact Point shall be less than 20 mm from any edge of the

5 Test Panel test Panel. The centres of impact Points shall not be less than
20 mm apart. If the grid Pattern method detailed in 6.2 is to be
The test Panel shall be substantially flat, preferably not less used, then six lines spaced at least 20 mm apart shall be marked
than 120 mm x 140 mm. lt shall be prepared by the same pro- out on the surface that is to be tested. If the surface material is
cedure as adopted in making the commercial product. lt shall anisotropic, the lines shall be perpendicular to the grain (or
be allowed to age at a temperature of not less than 15 OC with equivalent). Five impact Points spaced at least 20 mm apart
free access to air for a minimum of 28 days. Conditioning shall be marked off along each line (see figure 2).

4'1 l/ 00 / b / 20mm min.
t / /
ISO 4211-4:1988

$-, Direction of grain

Figure 2 - Impact Points on surface

ISO 4211-4 : 1988 (EI

The test Panel shall be placed in a stable Position on the 7 Assessment of results
horizontal base (4.1) in such a way that all impact Points are in-
side the area covered by the base. 7.1 Rating
When the horizontal surfaces of finished furniture or Parts of Rate the test areas according to the descriptive numerical rating
furniture are being tested, they shall be aged and conditioned code in the table (see also figure 3).
as in clause 5, and the unit being tested shall be supported on a
rigid floor. On finished furniture, the impact shall be on the
most rigid part of the furniture. Table - Descriptive numerical rating code
The tests should be carried out at an ambient temperature of Rating Description
23 -+ 2 OC, and at a relative humidity of (50 + 5) %. No visible changes (no darnage).
4 No Cracks in the surface but the impact mark is visible
when light from the Source is reflected from the surface
6.2 Test at or very near the test Point, and the reflected light
strikes the observer’s eye.
Make five tests from each of the following dropping heights : Slight cracking at the surface, , usually one or two cir-
10 mm; 25 mm; 50 mm; 100 mm; 200 mm and 400 mm. The cular Cracks within the impact mark.1)
dropping height, which shall be measured within + 0,5 mm, is
Moderate to heavy cracking limited to the impact
the distance from the top of the ball to the bottom surface of
the weight.
Cracks which extend outside the impact mark and/or
Either make a random selection of test sites, making Provision flaking of the surface finish.
to identify the dropping height for each site adequately, or 1) The Cracks need not form full circles; they tan form circle arcs.
preferably use the grid Pattern described in 6.1 making five These arcs usually form across the grain. In such cases, darnage is
tests on each numbered line with dropping heights as follows : estimated on the basis of the number of Cracks or circle arcs inside the


on line 1 from a dropping height of 10 mm;
impact mark.
2) A certain amount of care should be taken when deciding whether

- (
on line 2 from a dropping height of 25 mm;
Cracks lie inside or outside the impact mark, since its boundaries are
often obscure. See note 2 in 6.2.

- on line 3 from a dropping height of 50 mm; ISO 4211-4:1988 . -
c. -..
- on line 4 from a dropping height of 1004959db31e95f/iso-4211-4-1988
mm; .#. * .. l .-.
. .’ 0.‘.
l .’ ..*
. .*

- on line 5 from a dropping height of 200 mm;

- on line 6 from a dropping height of 400 mm.

For each test, Position the guide tube (4.2) on the test area with
the ball (4.4) in direct contact with the surface. Drop the cylin-
drical weight (4.3) once from the specified height onto the ball.
n;;,. *. ’ -



. l


l* :
l .* l a ,.*-
., -.

- e 9.. .
. l * . ,. . - *.
. . .
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1 After each test, the ball should be examined for possible deforma-
tion and if necessary replaced by an undamaged ball.
2 After completion of the tests, the application of penetrating stain or
other suitable material to the test area may assist with the identification
of surface Cracks.

6.3 Examination of test Panel

Carefully examine the test area under magnifica tion and good
direct light using the following procedure.

Keeping the test area directly under the light, rock the Panel or
the light, so that the angle between the direction of the light
and the plane of the Panel varies between O” and 30°. During
the rocking movement, examine the test area using the
magnifier (4.5).

Turn the test face of the Panel through 90° and repeat the pro-
cedure. Figure 3 - Visible chan
ISO 42114: 1988 (El

Calculate the rating to be reported as the nearest whole number The average impact mark diameter for all five test areas shall be
to the mean of 5 individual ratings, for example: calculated and reported for each dropping height used.

a) Individual ratings : 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 NOTE - If the impact mark cannot be observed directly using the
magnifier, the boundaries of the mark are ascet-tained when illuminated
Reported rating : 3 as set forth for rating 4 in the table, using the magnifier.

b) Individual ratings : 2, 2, 2, 3, 3

Reported rating : 2
8 Test report
The average rating shall be calculated and reported for each
dropping height used. The test report shall include at least the following information :

NOTE - lt is recommended that each test area be rated by more than a) a reference to this part of ISO 4211;
one observer experienced in this type of assessment.
b) relevant data of the unit or Panel tested (Wherever
possible, the Substrate and the finishing System should be
7.2 Diameter of impact mark
identified. );

Measure the largest diameter of the impact mark at each of the

c) the dropping height for each test area;
test areas using the magnifier (4.5). (See figure 4.)
d) the reported rating of each test according to 7.1;

e) the reported rating of each test according to 7.2;

f) the result of the test in terms of the stated requirements,


( g) any deviations from this part of ISO 4211;

Figure 4 - Impact mark diameter h) the date of test.

ISO 4211-4:1988

UDC 645.4 : 539.536 : 620.178.7

Descriptors : furniture, tests, impact tests, test equipment.

Price based on 4 pages

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