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Question Details

Q1. Which of the following is a limitation of Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. Lack of interpretability
2. Potential bias in generated content
3. Difficulty in training generative models
4. All of the above

Timespent (in sec): 131 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0

Q2. What is the difference between generative AI and discriminative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :

1. Generative AI creates new data, while discriminative AI classifies existing data

2. Generative AI analyzes existing data, while discriminative AI generates new data
3. Generative AI mimics human behavior, while discriminative AI improves data analysis
4. Generative AI predicts future outcomes, while discriminative AI replicates human intelligence

Timespent (in sec): 26 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0
Q3. What is the future outlook for Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :

1. Continued advancements and applications in various industries

2. Ethical and regulatory challenges
3. Integration with other AI technologies
4. All of the above

Timespent (in sec): 18 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0

Q4. What is the potential impact of Generative AI on industries?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. Automation of creative tasks
2. Improved customer experience
3. Enhanced data analysis
4. All of the above

Timespent (in sec): 22 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0
Q5. Which industry is likely to benefit the most from Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. Entertainment
2. Finance
3. Healthcare
4. Manufacturing

Timespent (in sec): 19 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0

Q6. What is the concept of "adversarial attacks" in Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :

1. Manipulating generative models to produce desired outputs

2. Generating fake data to deceive discriminative models
3. Training generative models to mimic human behavior
4. None of the above

Timespent (in sec): 15 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0
Q7. What is a generative model?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. A model that generates new data based on existing data
2. A model that analyzes existing data to make predictions
3. A model that mimics human behavior
4. A model that improves data analysis

Timespent (in sec): 9 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0

Q8. What is the role of data in Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. Training data is used to generate new content
2. Existing data is analyzed to make predictions
3. Data is used to improve data analysis
4. Data is not required in Generative AI

Timespent (in sec): 43 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0
Q9. Which of the following is an application of Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. Image recognition
2. Speech recognition
3. Natural language processing
4. All of the above

Timespent (in sec): 11 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0

Q10. How can Generative AI be used in the field of art?

Status : Answered

Options :

1. Creating unique and original artworks

2. Analyzing existing artworks for patterns
3. Replicating famous paintings
4. None of the above

Timespent (in sec): 13 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0
Q11. What is Generative AI?

Status : Answered

Options :
1. A type of AI that generates new data
2. A type of AI that analyzes existing data
3. A type of AI that predicts future outcomes
4. A type of AI that mimics human behavior

Timespent (in sec): 54 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 1 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1

Q12. What is the role of feedback in training generative AI models?

Status : Answered

Options :

1. Feedback helps improve the quality of generated content

2. Feedback is not necessary in training generative models
3. Feedback is used to analyze existing data
4. Feedback is used to replicate human behavior

Timespent (in sec): 20 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0

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