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From: COVID News [GreenMyths@charter.

net] on behalf of COVID News

<[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2023 10:45 AM
To: COVID News [[email protected]]
Subject: HORRID = Top 7 types Of CANCER Cases Are SKYROCKETING Since Humans
Began Getting Injected With COVID Spike Protein Jabs [SEE ITEM#6]


Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer
"Confidential Report" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization
Covid “vaccines” found to be EIGHT TIMES deadlier than the disease itself –
government data (

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Top 7 types of CANCER cases are SKYROCKETING since humans began getting
injected with Covid spike protein jabs (

45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All
Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show • Children's Health Defense

Incapacitated Pilots + Dying Athletes | Childrens Health Defense

Former nurse describes hospital Covid-19 protocols as “medical murder”


Former Director of National Intelligence finally admits that Fauci LIED about gain
of function research (
Australia, A Tragic Window into the Truth. Excess Mortality in 2021-22 Following
Roll-out of Covid Injections - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

U.S. Health Officials Opposed Early Efforts to Investigate Research in Wuhan’s

Coronavirus Labs • Children's Health Defense (

Fauci Lied Under Oath, Latest ‘Twitter Files’ Suggest • Children's Health Defense

Young Chefs Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly. 28 Sudden Deaths, COVID-
19 Vaccine Mandates? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

Orthopedic surgeon who received covid “vaccine” and developed career-ending

health condition says he’s been “abandoned” by his colleagues

COVID's Link to a Sharp Increase in POTS (

Spike antigen DETECTED in blood of adolescents who developed post-mRNA

vaccine-induced myocarditis, according to global medical research study

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf dishonestly blames “health misinformation” for

falling life expectancy rates… no mention of deadly medications or vaccines

Pandemic and Panopticon: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State - American

Holy Cow! Women Now Have Abnormal Placentas Since Vaccine Rollout! - The
New American

Instead of Taunting Us, Help Us: Who Will Address Jab Concerns and Pregnancy?
- American Thinker
The lies about hydroxychloroquine were the worst of the COVID era - American

COVID-19 vaccine sheds graphene-like substance that causes cellular damage

and blood clots in the unvaccinated, warns doctor (

Top 7 reasons mRNA COVID JABS are much more DEADLY than any other
“vaccine” ever created (

Blue Cross BRIBED doctors to push patients into taking deadly mRNA covid
“vaccines” (

Canadians Are Organizing a Citizen-Led Inquiry to Seek Accountability for COVID

Crimes - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Orthopedic Surgeon Sounds Off on COVID Vaccine After Developing Career-

Ending Condition: I’ve Been ‘Abandoned’ + More • Children's Health Defense

The corrupted science behind Biden's COVID vax mandates (

Australia Proves The Vaccine Is a Bio-Weapon - The New American

Dr. Robert Malone: International COVID Summit (

CDC Hired Ad Firm to Write ‘News’ Articles Promoting Flu Shots for Kids, Elderly,
Documents Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

Ian Vásquez: COVID Accelerated the Global Decline in Human Freedom


Paul Marik - COVID Doctor Who Left Hospital Job Has New Vision for Health
Care (

US Maternal Death Rates Up Sharply - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre

for Research on Globalization
How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines? (

U.K. Oncologist Warns Cancers Are Rapidly Developing Post-COVID Vaccination -

Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Stay Home, Save Lives: Uncovering the COVID Deception - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Is the BBC Responsible for mRNA Vaccine-related Deaths? - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The Wages of Fear. "The Lethal Powers of the Inimitable Covid Pathogen" -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

CHD Threatens Lawsuit if D.C. Schools Enforce COVID Vaccine Mandate •

Children's Health Defense (

Maternal Death Rates in U.S. Rose Sharply in 2021 — CDC Should Make It a
Priority to Find Out Why • Children's Health Defense

Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by

Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers • Children's Health Defense

mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome (

Exclusive: College Student Injured by Moderna Vaccine Says Independence Now

Just a ‘Distant Memory’ • Children's Health Defense

Former Pilot Slams COVID Mandates, FAA Oversight | Childrens Health Defense

Strokes Are skyrocketing in Young People. Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA
Vaccines Showed Safety Signals for Strokes as Early as November 2021, But
These Were Ignored. - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on
How Many Millions Are Disabled or Injured From the Jab? (

Spike Protein Accumulates in the Brain and Causes Infarcts, Bleeds,

Inflammation - Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Severe
Neurological Injuries - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The Covid Plandemic: Fear Is the Name of the Game - The Legal Approach -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Shocking study finding: Long covid is FAKE: People who think they have it are
just lonely and out of shape (

Cancers and other diseases are “rapidly developing” among people vaccinated
against COVID-19, warns expert (

Biden Catches Up to Rest of Country, Ends COVID-19 National Emergency


The COVID Vaccine ‘Efficacy’ Narrative Is Falling Apart • Children's Health

Defense (

BBC Veers From Official Narrative, Reports on AstraZeneca Vaccine Injuries and
Lawsuit Against the Drugmaker • Children's Health Defense

Doctors in Kentucky, California Received Millions in Bonus Payments for

Vaccinating Medicaid Patients Against COVID • Children's Health Defense

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Truth and Lies - The New American

Moderna Rep Admits Everyone Is Part of Huge Experiment (

Australia quietly drops approval for AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

Unintended Consequences of mRNA Shots (

Switzerland Stops Recommending COVID Vaccines, Citing High Level of

Immunity • Children's Health Defense (

Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots (

Damaged patients are suing AstraZeneca over covid jab injuries


Swiss government withdraws all recommendations for COVID vaccines -

American Thinker

Pfizer Hid Data on Waning Immunity as Millions Lined Up to Get Its COVID
Vaccine • Children's Health Defense (

Groundbreaking Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths, $147

Billion in Damage to Economy in 2022 Alone • Children's Health Defense

The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Those Injured by COVID Vaccine Still Waiting for Government Compensation +

More • Children's Health Defense (

Pfizer Whistleblower Will Appeal After Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Alleging
Fraud • Children's Health Defense (

Journalist Paul Thacker: ‘It’s Great to See the New York Times Catching Up’ on
Fauci Lies • Children's Health Defense (

Florida surgeon general: mRNA COVID shots have TERRIBLE safety profile
WHO declares that healthy children and teenagers do NOT need covid vaccines

Eating Disorders Among Teens More Than Doubled During Pandemic — Here’s
Why That’s a Deadly Problem • Children's Health Defense

Covid Crisis: "Let the Healing Begin" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship • Children's
Health Defense (

Italy 2020: Inside COVID’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Ophthalmologists Now Ethically Obligated to Denounce COVID-19 Vaccines, as

20,000 New Eye Disorders Are Reported - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix (

REPORT: Covid “vaccines” have caused tens of millions of injuries and

disabilities, $147 billion in economic damage (

Getting the flu vaccine with Pfizer’s COVID-19 booster increases STROKE RISK

Committee Reviewing COVID Vaccine Injuries Meets Behind Closed Doors •

Children's Health Defense (

Moderna paid U.S. government $400 million for pay-to-play participation in

Operation Warp Speed (

‘The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine’: Stanford University Project Colluded With
Feds, Social Media to Censor ‘Misinformation’ • Children's Health Defense
Are We Being Set Up for Mass Depopulation? (

Hundreds of French Citizens Suffer Cardiac Events After Bivalent Boosters -

Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

More evidence points to Fauci-backed covid science fraud (

COVID-19 vaccines can cause SEVERE MYOCARDITIS, warns Chinese cardiologist


UK still pushing covid booster shots in expensive, state-sponsored self-harm

initiative (

AstraZeneca Shot Raised Heart-Related Death Risk in Young Women: Report +

More • Children's Health Defense (

U.S. Military Runs COVID Vaccines, Former Pharma Exec Tells RFK Jr. • Children's
Health Defense (

German Health Minister Admits COVID Jabs Can Cause 'Permanent Disabilities,’
Contradicting Past Statements - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

40 Facts You Need to Know: The Real Story of “COVID” - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: Dr. McCullough US Senate: To Save Lives Pull the COVID-19 Vaccines Off
the Market - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Exclusive: FAA Granted Medical Clearance to Pilot With History of ‘Possible’

Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis • Children's Health Defense

The COVID-19 Pandemic Permanently Damaged Property Rights (

I Finally Caught COVID. The Government Made It Worse. (

COVID Vaccines and the Virus Itself Cause Neurological Disorders — But There’s
a Difference, Study Says • Children's Health Defense

Groundbreaking Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths, $147

Billion in Damage to Economy in 2022 Alone • Children's Health Defense

CDC greatly exaggerated, lied about severity of covid: STUDY (

COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries to the Liver - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre

for Research on Globalization

Fauci’s wife exploited her position at NIH to backstop husband’s covid pandemic
health directives (

Patients Launch Legal Action Against AstraZeneca Over Its COVID Vaccine +
More • Children's Health Defense (

How They Convinced Trump to Lock Down: News: The Independent Institute

40 Facts You Need to Know: The Real Story of “COVID” - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

U.S. Military Being Destroyed By Vax, Civilian Sickness Skyrockets, Australia

Excess Death Up 5,162% - The New American

Court blocks Biden’s covid jab mandate for U.S. government workers

Mainstream media’s failure to report vaccine-induced damage due to “vaccine

hesitancy” is like NOT reporting a nuclear attack for fear of “nuclear energy
hesitancy” (
Fauci CONFIRMS gain-of-function research conducted on pathogen blamed for
COVID-19 pandemic (

NO SURPRISE: The CDC LIED about vaccination rates in America, investigation

shows (

Video footage released of Fauci going door to door promoting BLACK GENOCIDE
via deadly vaccines (

‘I Got My 2nd Vax Yesterday, & I Feel Like Sh*t Today!’ Fauci Admits He Suffered
Adverse Reaction Following Jab #2 – NewsWars

The COVID panic and those who resisted - American Thinker

Court blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for US federal workers (

Video: The UK Parliament Speech About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Andrew

Bridgen, M.P. - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Testicular Turbo Cancer in Young Athletes? Diagnosis to Death in Days or

Weeks. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Injury to the Testes - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Three Years Since COVID-19 (

A 10-year-old Canadian Hockey Player From Hamilton, Ontario, Died Suddenly

on March 11, 2023. Canada's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Athletes Ages 12+
Are a Serious Crime - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Georgia College Student on Life Support with Brain Bleed After Trip to Mexico.
Just Like Brain Aneurysms, AVMs Are Also at Risk for Rupture & Bleed from
Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
The Other Covid Crisis: Prospects for Recovery from Pandemic Policies | Mises

Why Listen to an Anesthesiologist in the Middle of a Pandemic? • Children's

Health Defense (

The Public Health Establishment That Flew Too Near to the Sun - American

Vaccines - Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good? (

In Case You Forgot What Government Did to Us for COVID... - American Thinker

If Kids and Teens Keep Getting COVID Boosters, What Will Happen in 10 Years?
• Children's Health Defense (

Pfizer, CDC Withheld Evidence of Myocarditis After COVID Shots, New

Documents Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

Exposing Fauci's Horrific Lie About The Vaccine - The New American

Young male athletes now developing “turbo” testicular cancer – are covid
“vaccines” to blame? (

Over the Past Three Weeks, Five Pilots Have Collapsed and One Is Dead. 80% of
Pilots Have Been Vaxxed. (

EVIL DECEPTIONS: Stanford colluded with feds, Big Tech to create “The Great
Covid-19 Lie Machine” (

In Majority Ruling, Federal Appeals Court Again Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaccine
Mandate for Federal Workers • Children's Health Defense

America’s COVID Response Was Based on Lies: News: The Independent Institute
How COVID Made McDonald’s a Public Health Savior — With Help From U.S.
Government • Children's Health Defense (

Manitoba Family Suing AstraZeneca After Son's Stroke Following COVID

Vaccination + More • Children's Health Defense (

The COVID-19 Pandemic Permanently Damaged Property Rights (

Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine (

People Should be “Seething Mad” Over COVID – And Much More | AIER

Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer's Secret Collusion with the NIH. Big Pharma
Endangers Public Health - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

Fauci Went Door-to-Door in D.C. Neighborhood Promoting COVID Shots — It

Didn’t Go Well • Children's Health Defense (

Georgia College Student on Life Support with Brain Bleed After Trip to Mexico.
Just Like Brain Aneurysms, AVMs Are Also at Risk for Rupture & Bleed from
Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light? |
Mises Institute

Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO on Myocarditis Risk, Conflicts of Interest •

Children's Health Defense (

Victor Davis Hanson Interview: How Covid Enabled Draconian Restrictions on

Civil Liberties | Ep. 7: Multimedia: The Independent Institute

The Great COVID Rupture (

Twitter Files: Stanford Researchers Lobbied To Suppress COVID Facts

So the CDC got hold of our phone data to spy on our whereabouts during COVID
lockdowns? - American Thinker

Moderna CEO Defends Fivefold Price Hike of COVID Vaccine During Senate
Grilling + More • Children's Health Defense (

NATIONWIDE CALL for VACCINE AUTOPSIES: Every “unexpected” heart attack by

a Covid-vaccinated young person should be thoroughly investigated by autopsy
for spike protein causes (

If Kids and Teens Keep Getting COVID Boosters, What Will Happen in 10 Years?
• Children's Health Defense (

FDA to Soon Decide on Second Round of Omicron-Tailored Boosters + More •

Children's Health Defense (

Lockdown pusher admits: Closing schools during the pandemic was a MISTAKE

New Bill Seeks to Recover COVID Funds Taken by Fraudsters | Craig Eyermann

Is 'face blindness' a result of COVID-19 or government's response to it? -

American Thinker

How Fauci’s Wife Used NIH Role of Chief Ethicist to Bolster Her Husband’s
Pandemic Policies • Children's Health Defense (

Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer's Secret Collusion With the NIH (

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield: 'NIH Leadership Was Antithetical to

Science' (

Fauci Caught Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud About the COVID Vaccine During
PBS Special (
A 10-year-old Canadian Hockey Player From Hamilton, Ontario, Died Suddenly
on March 11, 2023. Canada's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Athletes Ages 12+
Are a Serious Crime - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

J&J Vaccine Heart Warning, Helium 5G + COVID-Carrying Rats: ‘This Week’ With
Mary + Polly • Children's Health Defense (

U.K.’s ‘Lockdown Files’ Reveal the Sordid Thinking Behind Pandemic Policy

Australian authorities pushing 5TH COVID SHOT on unsuspecting populace

though admitting each booster is only “effective” for a few months

New study reiterates basic grade school science, says children who catch a cold
without vaccines develop natural immunity (

German health minister admits COVID-19 vaccines are HARMFUL after

previously claiming they’re “free of side effects” (

Unearthed emails from 2020 prove that covid PCR testing is a SCAM

New media hoax: Millions to starve with a pandemic benefit ending


Twitter Files: Stanford Researchers Lobbied To Suppress COVID Facts


3 years ago American Thinker was the first to call out the fraud of Dr. Anthony
Fauci and was viciously attacked by the WaPo, NYT other MSM outlets -
American Thinker

Covid-19: "A Vaccine in Record Speed" - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization
Testicular Turbo Cancer in Young Athletes? Diagnosis to Death in Days or
Weeks. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Injury to the Testes - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The Biggest COVID Question: What Will Happen in 10 years? (

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Exclusive: CDC Doled Out Hundreds of Millions in Grants to Push Vaccines,

Collect Data in Communities of Color • Children's Health Defense

Joe Rogan and Russell Brand on Censorship, Control and Media (

Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News (

Dr. Michael Yeadon on the Covid Crisis: The Most Important Single Message I’ve
Ever Written - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Video: "It is not a Case of Pandemic, This is a Case of Murder": Dr. David E.
Martin - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: Japan Is Waking Up to the Facts. The COVID-19 Injections Are Causing
Harm. - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Project Veritas Exposes What We've Suspected About the COVID Vaccine

Pfizer, CDC Withheld Evidence of Myocarditis After COVID Shots, New

Documents Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

Massive Excess Death Continues and Only The Vaccine Can Explain It - The New
California’s COVID Misinformation Law in ‘Legal Limbo’ Following Lawsuits,
Conflicting Rulings • Children's Health Defense (

CONFIRMED: Fauci sent American taxpayer money to communist China to

research and develop COVID, spread pandemic propaganda (

Authoritarian “Virality Project” of Stanford called for Big Tech to censor TRUE
stories of vaccine injuries (

Japan Sees Major Push Back Against Big Pharma and Corrupt Japanese Health
Officials Who Are Covering Up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injuries and Deaths -
Highest Excess Deaths Now Since WWII - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer is terrified of discovery in Brook Jackson’s legal case against the company
– “Pfizer lied. People died,” says attorney (

‘Simply Obscene’: FDA Approves Fourth COVID Shot for Infants and Kids Under 5
• Children's Health Defense (

Twitter Files BOMBSHELL: Taxpayers unknowingly fund “vast censorship

enterprise” hiding truth about vaccine injuries, deaths (

Helped Fauci Cover Up the Origin of COVID, What's Next? (

German Health Minister Reverses Course on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Says

Injured Being Ignored • Children's Health Defense (

FDA Flags J&J's COVID Vaccine for Myocarditis, Pericarditis Risk + More •
Children's Health Defense (

The Looming Reckoning for COVID Tyrants - American Thinker

COVID-19 Vaccinated High School Children Are Having Cardiac Arrests, Heart
Attacks While Playing Sports — Plus 31 Shocking VAERS Reports, Some of Them
Fatal - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Another Conspiracy Theory Comes True – COVID-19 Lab Origin - American

FDA and CDC Assertions in Doubling Down on COVID-19 Vaccination - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Lawsuits Pile Up Alleging Remdesivir Killed COVID Patients • Children's Health

Defense (

UK Medical Advisers Warned Against Fast-Tracking COVID Vaccines, ‘Lockdown

Files’ Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

WATCH as former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield gives testimony damning
Fauci for covid crimes against humanity (

Fauci “prompted” scientists to fabricate COVID-19’s natural origin in a paper


Health Officials Caught Deploying Fear and Staging Coverup (

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Exclusive: CDC Doled Out Hundreds of Millions in Grants to Push Vaccines,

Collect Data in Communities of Color • Children's Health Defense

People injected with COVID-19 vaccines are shedding and transmitting

GRAPHENE to the unvaccinated, warns doctor (

Finding COVID's Origins Is a Moral Imperative + More • Children's Health

Defense (

Biden Budget: The COVID Ratchet is Permanent - American Thinker

The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Bombshell: Gov. Officials Texts Prove Covid Was A Scam To Control You - The
New American

‘No Doubt’ Fauci Funded Gain-of-Function Research That Likely Led to

Pandemic, Former CDC Director Tells Lawmakers • Children's Health Defense

The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins
From Biotech “Vaccines” - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

What’s Behind Skyrocketing Cases of Bell’s Palsy? • Children's Health Defense


Here's What the Former CDC Director Says Is Likely the Cause of 'Greatest
Pandemic the World Has Seen' (

Congressional investigation finds that Dr. Fauci “prompted” scientists to

fabricate a paper to try to disprove covid-19 lab leak theory (

UK Lockdown Files show health officials conspiring to “scare the pants off
everyone” – “When do we deploy the new variant?” (

"The mRNA Vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but Outright Dangerous." -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Italy 2020: Inside COVID’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Republicans demand accountability after Fauci exposed for commissioning

paper “debunking” covid lab leak theory (

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel admits company made 100K COVID-19 vaccine
doses in 2019 before the pandemic even started (
Criminal Investigation for Excess Deaths Due to Remdesivir (

COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Psychosis - 13 Cases of Post-Vaccine Psychosis, Mania

& Suicide Attempts That Will Shock You. - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

How Pfizer's Trials Were Fraudulent - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre

for Research on Globalization

Excess deaths in Australia off the charts following covid “vaccines” – highest in
80 years (

Demographic COLLAPSE occurring in England as covid depopulation jabs kick in


Lies, Damned Lies, and Elephants - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

New Details Emerge on How Pfizer Covered Up COVID Vaccine Trial Failures •
Children's Health Defense (

Biden Asks for Millions to Go Toward ‘Pandemic Preparedness,’ ‘Global Health

Security' + More • Children's Health Defense (

COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Psychosis - 13 Cases of Post-Vaccine Psychosis, Mania

& Suicide Attempts That Will Shock You. - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Fauci Says He's Always Been 'Honest' as COVID Origins Questions Raised + More
• Children's Health Defense (

BIOWEAPONS CRIMINAL: Anthony Fauci bought off top-level scientists to cover

up lab origins of covid-19 (

Covid Propaganda Roundup: The Lies, Distortions and Abuses - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Young People Who Suffered Blood Clots and Amputations After COVID-19
Vaccination Are Being Lied to, and Media Uses Them to Lie to Us - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Exhaustive peer-reviewed study says MILLIONS worldwide now suffer from

serious health problems caused by covid “vaccines” (

Young People Who Suffered Blood Clots and Amputations After COVID-19
Vaccination Are Being Lied to, and Media Uses Them to Lie to Us - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

SMOKING GUN OF FRAUD: Fauci used government grant money to buy off
scientists over covid origins (

SMOKING GUN: UK Health Minister’s leaked messages reveal Truman Show-like

psychological terrorism campaign involving RELEASING variants to maximize
fear and lockdown compliance (

The establishment declared covid lab leak theory to be “disinformation” so it

could censor all voices of truth (

Age-stratified COVID-19 Vaccine-dose Fatality Rate. Israel and Australia - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

‘Lockdown Files’: U.K. Health Officials Used ‘Guilt’ and ‘Fear’ — Not Science —
to Control Public Behavior • Children's Health Defense

NY Court Workers Fired for Refusing COVID Vax Must Be Rehired With Back Pay
as State Board Scraps Mandate + More • Children's Health Defense

New Documents: It Looks Like Fauci Has Even More Explaining to Do

What’s Behind Skyrocketing Cases of Bell’s Palsy? • Children's Health Defense

Exclusive: Neurologist Says Pfizer Shot Caused Woman’s Transverse Myelitis •

Children's Health Defense (

Novak Djokovic Denied Entry Into U.S. Again Over COVID Vaccine Status + More
• Children's Health Defense (

Unanswered Covid questions - American Thinker

New media hoax: Millions to starve with a pandemic benefit ending


Sen. Rand Paul: COVID lab leak among the greatest coverups in modern medical
history (

CNN Boss Ordered Staff Not to Chase Down COVID Lab Leak Theory + More •
Children's Health Defense (

Mainstream Puppets Now Admit Lab Leak Caused Pandemic (

Justin Bieber cancels entire world tour for 2023 due to post-covid “vaccine”
facial paralysis (

Destroying Vaccine Lies By The Government - The New American

Dr. Peter McCullough: Investigate Gov’t Covid Crimes - The New American

Actor Woody Harrelson doubles down, says “absurd” COVID mandates must
end (

Private Emails Show NIH Officials Helped Persuade Virologists to Write Key
Article Denouncing COVID Lab-Leak Theory • Children's Health Defense
First Child Death Due to Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Compensated.
Taiwanese Girl 5-11 Years Old Died After Second Pfizer Jab. Government
Awarded $115,000 to Family - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Biden's laughable, late-to-the-game 'crackdown' on massive COVID fraud


Former UK Health Secretary Aimed to "Frighten the Pants Off Everyone" During
COVID Pandemic (

Pandemic Origins Subcommittee Suggests Fauci Prompted Doctors To Draft

Paper To ‘Disprove’ Lab Leak Theory | The Daily Wire

WSJ: It’s Time Health Officials ‘Concede Opponents Were Right’ — Natural
Immunity Protects Against COVID • Children's Health Defense

Canada's Youngest Athletes, Ages 6-13 Are Dying Suddenly: COVID-19 Vaccine
Mandates for Children Playing Sports Were a Crime... - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Are the COVID mRNA Shots Affecting Birth Rates? • Children's Health Defense

Game Over: Medicare Data Shows the COVID Vaccines Increase Your Risk of
Dying - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

‘Worst Public Health Mistakes in History,’ Witness Tells COVID Pandemic

Oversight Committee • Children's Health Defense (

“Covid Lab Leaks” and Brick Walls - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Pancreatic cancer rates skyrocket as Covid jabs and boosters send toxic spike
protein prions into vital organs, including the pancreas, fueling turbo cancer
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Damaging Immune Systems & Hearts of Canadian
Children. Interview with Odessa Orlewicz - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

TAINTED BLOOD: 80% of the blood supply contaminated with spike proteins
from mRNA jabs, blood banks accidentally admit (

Cardiac testing at public event in Washington shows 53% myocarditis rate in

covid “vaccine” victims (

Woody Harrelson blasts vaccine industry as “biggest drug cartel” in SNL opening
monologue (

Top 10 myths told by covid “experts” that are now completely debunked

Is Long COVID Real? (

Fauci in deep trouble as emails reveal he may have lied to cover-up his role in
COVID pandemic (

COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured Doctors Are Finally Starting to Speak Up... And They
Are Shocked that the Medical Establishment Abandons Them. - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Fauci just admitted that entire “science” behind trying to stop covid with
vaccines DOESN’T WORK (

Court Blocks Repeal of New York’s COVID Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare
Workers • Children's Health Defense (

Dr. John Littell: Forced Out of Hospital After Endorsing Ivermectin - The New

Dr. Vinay Prasad: Stop Trusting the Public Health Establishment (
FBI Director Says COVID Origin Is ‘Most Likely’ a Lab Incident in China + More •
Children's Health Defense (

Dr. Marty Makary: 'The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the

Pandemic Has Been...' (

‘Worst Public Health Mistakes in History,’ Witness Tells COVID Pandemic

Oversight Committee • Children's Health Defense (

COVID lab leak is a scandal of media and government censorship (

Hubris, Horseshoe Bats, Humanized Mice: Uncovering Fauci’s COVID Lies + More
• Children's Health Defense (

CAUGHT: UK hospitals certified pneumonia deaths as COVID deaths to create

illusion of pandemic (

Miami Dolphins cornerback Byron James says covid “vaccines” destroyed his
game; “DO NOT take the injections they give you” (

NFL Star Abruptly Retires at 30, Issues Ominous Warning - 'DO NOT Take the
Injections They Give You' (

132 Canadian Doctors Have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly Since COVID-19

Vaccine Rollout - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The U.S. Government Created the Vaccine, Did It Also Create the Virus? -
American Thinker

Game Over: Medicare Data Shows the COVID Vaccines Increase Your Risk of
Dying - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
DEATH BY mRNA: German study documents heart damage, death of Parkinson’s
patient caused by covid jab (

WSJ: It’s Time Health Officials ‘Concede Its Opponents Were Right’ — Natural
Immunity Protects Against COVID • Children's Health Defense

10 Myths Told by COVID Experts — and Now Debunked + More • Children's

Health Defense (

The FDA is Too Little Too Late in Tinkering with Covid-19 Booster Schedules |
Raymond J. March (

A Pandemic of Failed Leadership: Will Trust Return? | Special Presentation:

Multimedia: The Independent Institute

Freedom Took a Hit During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Will It Recover?

Government Policies Hastened the Flight to Freer States | Adam Summers

THREE YEARS LATE: Energy Department finally concludes that COVID probably
came from a Chinese lab (

Another Doctor Who Got Jabbed Multiple Times Loses It Over COVID Diagnosis

Covid Vaccine: Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 Have Died Unexpectedly in
the Past Three Months. A Warning Call for Canadian Parents. - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

New Revelations Destroy Mainstream Media’s COVID-19 Narrative


Would Vitamin D Have Saved Half of COVID Deaths? (

Are the COVID mRNA Shots Affecting Birth Rates? • Children's Health Defense
Nobody Cares When a Young Person Dies From The Vax - The New American

COVID Likely Originated From Lab Leak, Energy Department Reportedly Finds +
More • Children's Health Defense (

We Told You the Truth About the Wuhan Lab Leak From the Beginning and
Were Punished For It (

U.S. Energy Department Endorses Lab Leak Theory of COVID-19's Origins


And Just Like That, Natural Immunity is No Longer a Conspiracy Theory -

American Thinker

DERANGED DOCTORS: Florida physician allegedly called for the unvaccinated to

be shot to death in a Nazi-style firing line (

RFK Jr :138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. "They’re all military

contractors." - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Huge new study finds COVID-19 linked to 40% spike in risk for autoimmune
disease (

Medical Marvel or the Second Coming of Al Capone? Pfizer's Sins and Crimes.
"We have a Vaccine which is Killing People" - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

"Turbo Cancer" Post COVID-19 Vaccination? 21-Year Old Evan Fishel Died of
Leukemia Only Four Days After Diagnosis. - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

COVID Aftermath: When Science Fiction Becomes Reality - American Thinker

Canada's Youngest Athletes, Ages 6-13 Are Dying Suddenly: COVID-19 Vaccine
Mandates for Children Playing Sports Were a Crime... - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Let’s Not Get Fooled Again. Since COVID Won’t be Our Last Pandemic, Here Are
a Few Questions to Ponder Before the Next Wave Hits. - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

mRNA Circulates at Least 28 Days After Injection - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Idaho Bill Would Ban mRNA Vaccines in the State - The New American

Pfizer's unpunished confession - American Thinker

New Study Finds ‘No Evidence’ That City-Wide Vaccine Mandates Impacted the
Spread of COVID-19 (

My COVID confrontation with my doctor - American Thinker

How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic (

COVID Immunization and Surveillance - American Thinker

New Studies Deliver Harsh Verdicts on Mask Mandates, Vaccine Mandates for
U.S. Cities • Children's Health Defense (

Medical Tyranny! Government Tracking Vaccination Status Using Your Doctor As

a Spy! - The New American

WHO Calls for Global Surveillance to Ensure No One Escapes Vaccination - The
New American

Fauci Publicly Dismissed Concerns About U.S. Ties to Wuhan Lab — But Privately
He Worried, Emails Suggest • Children's Health Defense
COVID Jab Gets Permanent Liability Protection as Predicted - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

WHO claims vaccines among the “most successful and cost-effective public
health interventions” despite high vaccine mortality rates (

School Districts Can’t Require COVID Vaccines, California Supreme Court Affirms
+ More • Children's Health Defense (

Pfizer found to have covered up injuries and deaths of study participants in their
clinical covid-19 vaccine trials (

Autopsies Confirm COVID Jab Hazards in Youth (

Nurse Who's Been Masking and Jabbed Multiple Times Devastated by Recent
COVID Test (

How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization

Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Idaho legislators introduce measure criminalizing COVID vaccines throughout

the state (

Over 60 scientists call for an end to covid-19 “vaccines” after documenting

foreign toxins that damage the blood and impede circulation (

Did Sweden Get COVID Right? (

The Growing List of COVID Lies (

WHO whistleblower was censored mid-presentation for exposing presence of

nanotech, graphene oxide in COVID vaccines (

Fascism in action: NYC teachers who refused covid “vaccination” had their
fingerprints and personnel files sent to FBI (
Why the Latest COVID Development Is Going to Make Millions Angry and
Regretful (

Contract for Covid Jab "Bioweapon" VERY Strange, Says Expert Karen Kingston -
The New American

Bill Gates Makes 10x Investment on mRNA Vaccines (

Governments Cannot Effectively Regulate Vaccines | Mises Institute

The Lancet finally acknowledges that natural immunity is far superior to mRNA
covid “vaccination” (

Rand Paul Confronts Johns Hopkins Nursing Dean Over Vaccine Mandates

Pfizer Documents Prove "Mass Murder," Says Naomi Wolf - The New American

Bill Gates — After Reaping Huge Profits Selling BioNTech Shares — Trashes
Effectiveness of COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

CDC data reveal that multiple covid jabs can knock up to 24 years off a person’s
expected lifespan –

BOMBSHELL: The FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) for covid “vaccines”
was FAKED (

CLOT SHOT DOUBLE DOWN: Big Pharma now pushing medications known to
CAUSE more blood clots (

Project Veritas Exposes Pfizer Plan to ‘Mutate’ COVID Virus to Keep Fueling Its
Vaccine ‘Cash Cow’ • Children's Health Defense (

COVID Symptoms of Power: Tech Billionaires Harvest Humanity (

The more vaccines a baby gets, the higher the likelihood of sudden death:

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Venom peptides produced from COVID-19 vaccines prevent
embryos from attaching to the uterus, causing miscarriages (

Horrific News from Autopsies of Dead Vaccinated People - The New American

"No Evidence of any Vax Benefit". Covid Vaccine "Makes The Problem Worse".
Professor Byram Bridle - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Billions in Pandemic Loan Fraud Was Committed With Stolen Social Security
Numbers (

Pfizer Vaccine Bonanza Slows — But Bill Gates Sold Early, Made Huge Profits •
Children's Health Defense (

Bombshell: Pfizer Illegally Experimented On 61 Kids Harming 71% Says Dr.

Naomi Wolf - The New American

Billions in COVID Fraud to Finally Be Investigated (

Pfertilitygate? Could the COVID vaccine be causing mass infertility? - American


Medical Marvel or the Second Coming of Al Capone? Pfizer's Sins and Crimes.
"We have a Vaccine which is Killing People" - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Seeing Is Believing: What the Data Reveal About Deaths Following COVID
Vaccine Rollouts Around the World - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

WEF attendees hire unvaccinated pilots to fly them to Davos: “safety of our
members is number-one priority” (

Pfizer Vaccine Bonanza Slows — But Bill Gates Sold Early, Made Huge Profits -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Florida Issues Health Alert: mRNA COVID Vaccines Caused ‘Substantial Increase’
in Reports of Adverse Events • Children's Health Defense

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI – Teachers For Choice

Pfizer, Targeting a Younger Demographic, Enlists yet Another Celeb for Its Latest
COVID Vaccine Ad + More • Children's Health Defense

What I learned watching all the episodes of Perry Mason during my COVID
lockdown - American Thinker

Are the Vaccinated causing 2nd hand vaccine injuries in the unvaccinated?

Judge Rules Against NYC in COVID Vaccine Case After Mandate Lifted + More •
Children's Health Defense (

Post Covid mRNA Vaccination: Immune System Dysfunction, Neuropathic

Symptoms - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Unvaccinated Teachers, Still Out of Work, File New Lawsuit Against New York
City • Children's Health Defense (

Thyroid Problems Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination — New Japan Study Shows

Increased Thyroid Auto-antibodies After Two Doses & Booster - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
New Idaho Bill to Charge Those Who Administer mRNA Vaccines with
Misdemeanor (

Ventilator May Increase Risk of Death From COVID-19 (

‘Finally’ The Lancet Acknowledges Natural Immunity Superior to mRNA COVID

Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

CHD Sues CDC to Obtain Documents on COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Reported in VAERS • Children's Health Defense (

So Many People Recently ‘Died Suddenly’ – What’s Going On? - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Here’s How the U.S. Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated • Children's

Health Defense (

Amnesty for an Apology? COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out (

Reviewing the Most Recent 'Apology' for the COVID-19 Response (

U.K. : Covid Vaccines Increased Risk of Hospitalization, 6-9 Months Following

Jab. Surge in Hospitalization Rates per 100,000 - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light? |
Mises Wire

CLOT SHOT COERCION: In Brazil, all Universal Basic Income (UBI) recipients must
show proof of vaccination (

Counterfeit News Network (CNN) admits to sharp rise in cancer cases among
youth, but won’t mention TURBO CANCER caused by Covid clot shots
PUREBLOOD WITCH HUNT: British politicians want police to add “unvaccinated
people” to terrorism watchlist (

Most Young People Aren’t Getting Latest COVID Booster, but They’re Not Filling
Hospital Beds + More • Children's Health Defense (

Exclusive: From the Peak of Fitness to Wanting to Die — How the COVID Vaccine
Ruined One Man’s Life • Children's Health Defense (

How can we prevent another COVID disaster? - American Thinker

Dr. Robert Malone Shares How He Was Vaccine Injured After Being Jabbed
Twice - The New American

Fingerprints of NYC Teachers Fired Under Vaccine Mandate Sent to FBI,

Personnel Files Flagged - The New American

Pandemic Blamed for Youth Mental-health Crisis - The New American

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated (

CDC in SELF-DESTRUCT mode after adding failed covid jabs to the childhood
vaccine schedule (

How Does COVID-19 Compare to the Spanish Flu? (

The needle and the damage done - American Thinker

Age-stratified COVID-19 Vaccine-dose Fatality Rate. Israel and Australia - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Africa a medical mystery to the globalist COVID elites - American Thinker

So many people recently ‘died suddenly’ – What’s going on? - American Thinker
Thailand Government Paid Compensation for Covid-19 Vaccine "Side Effects"
and Deaths, Sets a Legal Precedent - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Video: Pfizer Criminality Exposed: Thailand's Royal Princess In Coma after Covid
Pfizer Vaccine Booster - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

Let’s Pay Attention To The Experts Who Challenged The COVID Narrative -
American Thinker

Fauci (Mocks You) Admits mRNA Vaccines Could Never Work - The New

Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘Militaristic’ Medicine Linked to Excess Deaths, Especially
Among Poor and Disabled • Children's Health Defense

IT'S OFFICIAL: CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to Routine Immunization Schedule

for Children and Adolescents (VIDEO) (

What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt
Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

The OVERTON WINDOW: How mainstream media is now forced to admit Covid
jabs are deadly, but only in a “catch-and-release” format to keep their sheeple
in line (

The Fauci Files (

'People Should Be Made Aware of Link Between COVID Jab and Heart Problems'
+ More • Children's Health Defense (

Pfizer COVID/Vaxx Campaign is a Fraud: Criminal Charges against President of

Switzerland - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on
Dr. Thomas Levy: Addressing Spike-Protein Induced Heart Damage in Pilots - The
New American

Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-
accelerated aging (

Democrat officials in Minnesota are threatening to revoke Dr. Scott Jensen’s

medical license because he spoke out about inflated covid numbers

Warning as Merck’s COVID-19 pill molnupiravir is reportedly causing new

mutations of the virus (

Newsweek calls on scientific community to admit “we were wrong” about covid

Doctors are JUST SAYING NO to covid “booster” shots (

Some things never change: Documentary reveals similarities between 1930s

pre-Holocaust and 2020s COVID propaganda (

Ben Armstrong: Bombshell report from Naomi Wolf exposed Pfizer’s illegal
COVID vaccine trial on 61 kids (

BBC and other “Ministry of Truth” propaganda outlets are directly responsible
for 20 million excess deaths caused by covid “vaccines” (

NYC Ends Vaccine Mandate for City Workers on Eve of Court Hearing on
Lawsuits Challenging City’s Rejection of Religious Exemptions • Children's
Health Defense (

Mary Holland: FDA Withholding VAERS Data on Injuries, Deaths - The New

Presidents Gain Too Much Power When Emergencies Like COVID Hit + More •
Children's Health Defense (
Dr. Meryl Nass: End of Covid Emergency, Annual Shots, and Government
Malfeasance - The New American

End the COVID-19 'Emergency' -- Now (

Video: 55 Performers Collapsing or Dying on Stage or Live Camera in Late 2022

through 2023 - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Medical Professional: Scientific Community MUST Issue Mea Culpa on Its Deadly
Covid Policies - The New American

Med Student and Researcher Admits 'We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost
Lives' – RedState

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty - The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security
State (

Top Japanese Physician-Scientist Gives Dire Warning About COVID-19 mRNA

Vaccines: ‘Scientifically Misconceived’ - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Bill Gates — After Reaping Huge Profits Selling BioNTech Shares — Trashes
Effectiveness of COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

Merck’s new covid pill linked to virus mutations, study finds (
‘Elite’ Scientists Caused Deaths by Misleading Public on COVID, Newsweek Op-
ed Author says • Children's Health Defense (

Pfizer Vaccine Bonanza Slows — But Bill Gates Sold Early, Made Huge Profits •
Children's Health Defense (

CDC’s admission of overcounting COVID hospitalizations proves the agency lied

about the vaccines – Brighteon.TV (

The FDA's New Vaccine Strategy (

Top Insurance Analyst Finds 7% Increase In Aggregate Mortality for Each Covid
Vax Dose Received – NewsWars

Pfizer CEO Made ‘Misleading’ Comments About COVID Shots for Kids, UK
Regulator Finds • Children's Health Defense (

Quebec Recommends Booster Only to Vulnerable Never Infected With COVID +

More • Children's Health Defense (

Is the COVID Lab Leak Cover-Up on the Verge of Collapse? • Children's Health
Defense (

Merck’s Taxpayer-Subsidized COVID Pill Linked to New Virus Mutations, Study

Finds • Children's Health Defense (

The Dam of Lies Surrounding COVID Lab Leak Is Breaking (

The Media Hid These Vaccine Victims - The New American

California to Ditch Plans to Mandate COVID Vaccines for Schoolchildren •

Children's Health Defense (

Moderna Booster Vaccine Singled Out for Chronic Hives + More • Children's
Health Defense (
Americans Deserve the Truth About the Overcounting of COVID Deaths + More •
Children's Health Defense (

Growing number of physicians now refusing to get COVID-19 booster shots


Military spook groups SPIED on critics during covid lockdowns (

Governments spied on high-profile journalists, politicians that were critical of

covid policy (

Video surfaces of CDC official calling for WHITE GENOCIDE to eliminate all white
vaccine refusers in America (

FDA pushing for ENDLESS covid shots… annual boosters to inflame your heart
and kill you early (

Rising rates of sudden death among youth prompt UK children’s schools to

install thousands of defibrillators (

MIT professor and health analytics expert issues public call to STOP all mRNA
vaccination immediately (

COVID Conflicts: Asymptomatic Testing, Lack of Danger to Kids (

How COVID Patients Died for Profit (

Pfizer Owns Blood Thinner Patent and Their Vax Causes Blood Clots! Creating
Billions in Revenue! - The New American

Watchdog Group Finds Billions in Fraud With Covid Relief Programs - The New

Pfizer and Moderna Quadrupling Price of COVID Vaccine Raises Concerns + More
• Children's Health Defense (
Why Did UK Wait 3 Months to Disclose Data Showing COVID Vaccine Risks
Outweigh Benefits for Omicron Variant? • Children's Health Defense

U.K. Police Investigation: They Knew of the Harms Covid Vaccines Were Causing
in June and September 2021. Mark Sexton - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Exclusive: Woman Diagnosed With Vaccine-Induced Transverse Myelitis After

Pfizer Shots • Children's Health Defense (

MAKE IT STOP: Many vaccine-damaged people are killing themselves


Covid jab spike proteins invade “all major organs,” accelerate cellular aging

America has suffered 300,000 excess NON-COVID deaths since 2020 –

lockdowns lead to death (

The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test" To Lock
Down Society - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Biden Announces Plan to End COVID-19 Emergency Declarations (

What SPREADS CANCER faster: Chemotherapy, radiation or Covid vaccines?


Why Are the EKGs of Pilots No Longer Normal? (

Stroke Risk With Pfizer Shot Announced (

FDA Advisers Vote to Replace Original COVID Vaccine with Bivalent Boosters
Despite Lack of Clinical Trial Data - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization
The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? Dr. Russell L.
Blaylock - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

New Zealand’s Modern-Day Dystopia. The Imposition of Medical Tyranny -

Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and
Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

ADMISSION: Pfizer executive says company is purposely mutating covid through

“directed evolution” to keep profit stream flowing; “covid is going to be a cash
cow for us” (

Pfizer Director goes berserk after Project Veritas exposes Pfizer’s predatory
vaccine development program and the “directed evolution” of covid-19

MEMORY HOLED: YouTube CENSORS Project Veritas documentary exposing

Pfizer’s plan to direct COVID-19 mutations (

Cardiologist: Over 7M Americans may have some form of HEART INJURY due to
COVID-19 vaccines (

More Than 1,000 New Brunswickers Report Adverse Reactions to COVID

Vaccines + More • Children's Health Defense (

WHO Extends Global COVID Emergency But Some Countries Ready to Move On
• Children's Health Defense (

‘Elite’ Scientists Caused Deaths by Misleading Public on COVID, Newsweek Op-

ed Author says • Children's Health Defense (

Dr. Naomi Wolf: The Vaccine is Genocidal - The New American

Video: The Corona Lockdowns, The Vaccine and the Global Debt - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Congressman Introduces Bill to Hold Big Pharma Liable for Injuries Caused by
Mandated Shots (

COVID Made Us Sick, But Government Responses Crippled Our Liberty


Are the COVID Yarns Slowly Beginning to Unravel? - American Thinker

UK to End COVID Booster Program for Healthy People Under 50 in Shift to ‘Post-
Pandemic Life’ • Children's Health Defense (

How Does California Define COVID-19 'Misinformation'? Judges Disagree


Governments Cannot Effectively Regulate Vaccines | Mises Wire

CDC Still Looking at Potential Stroke Risk From Pfizer Bivalent COVID Shot +
More • Children's Health Defense (

FDA Advisers Vote to Replace Original COVID Vaccine With Bivalent Boosters
Despite Lack of Clinical Trial Data • Children's Health Defense

Judge Grants Temporary Injunction Against California AB 2098, the Awful

Doctor-Muzzling Law – RedState

U.K. Becomes Latest Country to Ban Covid Boosters for Under-50s – The Daily

Government watchdog: Over $60B lost to pandemic unemployment benefits

fraud (

Unvaccinated pilots suing United Airlines for firing or otherwise discriminating

against them for having pure blood (
Paul Offit pens letter to NEJM calling for immediate end to COVID “boosters”

Wall Street Journal blasts Big Pharma, Biden regime for “deceptive” covid
booster shot campaign (

Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to

Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines … ‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’ …
‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’ … ‘People Won’t Like That’ … ‘Don’t Tell
Anyone’ | Project Veritas

Covid Vaccine: Deaths in England Surge Again - Global ResearchGlobal Research

- Centre for Research on Globalization

Bill Gates Warns Australia to Prepare for the Next Pandemic — Which Could be
Man-made and Far More Brutal Than COVID - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

A new COVID scare? - American Thinker

Federal judge suspends enforcement of new California law targeting docs that
provide Covid ‘misinformation’ - American Thinker

Federal Watchdog Slams Fauci’s Agency and EcoHealth Over Deal With Wuhan
Lab + More • Children's Health Defense (

WALKING DEAD? Do Covid vaccines poke holes in the blood-brain barrier and
cause neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?

CHD Sues FDA to Obtain Documents Related to VAERS Reports on COVID

Vaccine Injuries, Deaths • Children's Health Defense

The New American
Breaking: Federal Judge Blocks California Law Punishing Doctors for ‘COVID
Misinformation’ • Children's Health Defense (

Elon Musk comes clean, says covid jabs caused him and his family “major side
effects” and “a serious case of myocarditis” (

The mRNA “vaccine” experiment does alter human DNA and may pass genetic
code from parent to child, warns Dr. McCullough (

California's Ban on Medical Advice Promoting COVID 'Misinformation' Blocked


Did COVID Vaccine Injuries Influence FAA’s Revision of Electrocardiogram Test

Limits for Pilots? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Major Media Outlet Protested For Pushing The Vaccine and Dr. Peter
McCullough On NFL Collapse - The New American

FDA’s Annual COVID Booster Shot Proposal Sparks Questions, Concerns + More
• Children's Health Defense (

San Diego Repeals Controversial COVID Vaccine Mandate for City Workers +
More • Children's Health Defense (

FDA Considering Annual Covid Vaccinations - The New American

NY State Appeals Supreme Court Decision Ending Vaccine Mandate for

Healthcare Workers • Children's Health Defense (

VAERS: 6-Month-Old Baby Dies 10 Days After Receiving Five injections, Including
COVID-19 Jab (

Experts confirm COVID INJECTIONS, not infections, are the cause behind
myocarditis (
British vaccine injury victims gather in London for “Truth Be Told” campaign

Japan to downgrade COVID to same threat category as seasonal flu


UK Data Shows: The mRNA "Vaccine" Bioweapon Is Working - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Africa Didn’t Follow WHO’s Pandemic Script. Guess What Happened? •

Children's Health Defense (

Exclusive: 53-Year-Old Woman Details Aftermath of COVID Vaccine Injury •

Children's Health Defense (

Data Shows Depopulation Plan Is Having Major Success - The New American

'Anecdotals' Documentary (

Cardiologist Calling on FAA to Recognize Spike Protein-Induced Heart Damage in

Pilots - The New American

VAX FAIL: Latest omicron variant more likely to infect the VACCINATED, CDC
admits (

Fast-Tracked COVID-19 Vaccine - What Could Go Wrong? (

A Pandemic of Lies: MHRA Confirms COVID Is Man-Made & the Vaccines Are Not
Based on the “Virus” But Instead on Computer-Generated DNA - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab. "CDC Has Ignored Clear
'Death' Signal" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

COVID Vaxes – It’s Not ‘The More the Merrier’ - American Thinker
CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab (

Musk Says Second Dose of mRNA Booster Crushed Him as Vaccine Debate
Grows Worldwide + More • Children's Health Defense

CHD Lawsuit Challenging Rutgers COVID Vaccine Mandate Likely Headed to U.S.
Supreme Court • Children's Health Defense (

WSJ Slams Vaccine Makers, Federal Agencies for Pushing Boosters, as FDA
Concedes Data Are ‘Complicated’ • Children's Health Defense

COVID-19 'lockdowns' were a deadly and costly mistake - Washington Times

BBC Scientific Nonsense: The Virus is a “Hit and Run Killer”, “The Vaccine Saves
Lives!” - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete

collapse of the immune system, bombshell study finds (

‘Felt Like I Was Dying’: Elon Musk Trashes COVID Booster Over ‘Major Side
Effects’ – NewsWars

Leana Wen Admits U.S. Way Overcounting Covid-Caused Deaths (

CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen Admits Masking Stunted Her Toddler’s
Social Development | The Daily Caller

Time Shows That The ‘Paranoid’ People Were Correct About COVID - American

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on
Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

How the 'vaccine lies' will play out - American Thinker

Big Pharma Lobbied Social Media to Flag COVID ‘Misinformation,’ Latest

‘Twitter Files’ Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

CHD Wins Landmark Case as NY Supreme Court Rules COVID Vaccine Mandate
for Health Workers ‘Null’ and ‘Void’ • Children's Health Defense

COVID Vaccines ‘Opened the Floodgates’ for New Wave of mRNA Vaccines for
Livestock • Children's Health Defense (

Prominent Cardiologist ‘Truthbombs’ Live BBC Broadcast, Calls for Suspension of

mRNA Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

Fauci's Clueless Farewell (

How the 'vaccine lies' will play out - American Thinker

The Meaning of the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in 2023 | The Libertarian


The Disturbing Precedent behind Dangerous COVID Shots - American Thinker

BIOWEAPONS FACTORIES: New study finds that the fully vaccinated are
shedding mRNA and spike proteins onto the unvaccinated (

Health care workers see VICTORY after New York Supreme Court strikes down
covid jab mandate (

How the CDC Became the Speech Police (

CDC holds secret meeting about new “public health tool” to fight “vaccine
misinformation” (

Insurance data confirms sharp increase in “sudden deaths” following covid jab
rollout (

Fired Workers Sue New York City, Seek $250 Million and End to COVID Vaccine
Mandate • Children's Health Defense (

We Need an Honest Accounting of COVID’s Toll + More • Children's Health

Defense (

COVID Vaccines Are Gene Therapy — But Big Pharma and Big Media Don’t Want
You to Know That • Children's Health Defense (

The COVID Vaccine Is Creating Monsters (

BBC executives put on notice, buildings get plastered with photos of people who
died from the COVID vaccine (

COVID Mess: ‘Something Very Dark Is Happening’ (

Biden’s DOJ Is Still Fighting to Reimpose Mask Mandates on Airline Flights +

More • Children's Health Defense (

COVID Propaganda and Its Threat to Democracy • Children's Health Defense


Inside the Facebook Files: Emails Reveal CDC's Role in Stifling COVID Dissent

The COVID Studies We Actually Need | K. Lloyd Billingsley (

Emails Show CDC Policed COVID Speech on Facebook (

Pfizer CEO Gets Trapped and Gives Vaccine Victims The Middle Finger - The New
TRIBUNAL FEAR: Covid-vaccine-pushing talking heads now BACK-PEDALING to
cover their tracks for fear of future prosecution for conspiring to push deadly
vaccines (

FAA admits pilot EKGs are no longer normal in the era of mandatory covid
vaccines (

After COVID Vaccine Roll Out, the FAA Tacitly Admitted that Pilots
Electrocardiogram (EKG) Are No Longer Normal. - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

MASS OVER-COUNTING of Covid hospitalizations and deaths key to fear-based

coercion that pushed deadly clot shots worldwide (

Covid “booster” shots linked to heart issues, cancers and “astounding decline”
in average lifespan (

Evidence Show US Planned Covid-Style Crisis "For Decades:" Journalist Janet

Phelan - The New American

CDC Study: 49% of Children Ages 5 to 11 Experienced Systemic Reactions After

Getting New COVID Booster • Children's Health Defense

Program Created to Help Those Hurt by Pandemic Treatments — but Not Many
Want to Talk About It + More • Children's Health Defense

Holocaust Survivor Ordered to Be Forcefully Institutionalized, Receive Covid

Jabs - The New American

The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer
normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned. (

Deconstructing Bill Gates’ Agenda (

Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Cardiologist goes off script on live TV, warns covid vaccines pose a
cardiovascular risk and must be shut down (

CDC Shrugs Off Increased Risk of Ischemic Stroke From COVID Bivalent Boosters
After Identifying ‘Safety Signal’ • Children's Health Defense

Big Pharma Lobbied Social Media to Flag COVID ‘Misinformation,’ Latest

‘Twitter Files’ Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

CHD Wins Landmark Case as NY Supreme Court Rules COVID Vaccine Mandate
for Health Workers ‘Null’ and ‘Void’ • Children's Health Defense

Study links vaccines to heart attacks: “Markedly elevated levels of full-length

spike protein” found in victims’ blood (

Drug insider spills beans: DoD, HHS and Big Pharma committed MASS MURDER
with covid “vaccines” (

How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible (

TWITTER FILES: Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner Scott
Gottlieb used Twitter lobbyist embedded at White House to silence debate on
covid “vaccines” (

British MP suspended, investigated for tweet critical of COVID clot shots

FOIA request forces CDC to release covid “vaccine” VAERS data – and it’s not
pretty (

Massive Clot Burden Days after Taking Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

About those overcounted COVID-19 deaths... - American Thinker

NY Healthcare Workers Fired for Declining COVID Shot Win in Court! - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Elite Athlete Everest Romney Gives First-Ever Interview From Hospital Bed

Hal Turner Radio Show - Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of
COVID Vaccine Deaths

FDA Advisers Are Angry at Moderna for Hiding Data - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

What happens when you write to your elected representatives over the COVID
vaccine issue - American Thinker

Are Athletes Dropping Dead From the COVID Jab? (

It never ends: Biden administration extends COVID-19 'emergency' - American


Video: Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19 Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top.
Redacted with Clayton Morris - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Seeing Is Believing: What the Data Reveal About Deaths Following COVID
Vaccine Rollouts Around the World - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization
mRNA/DNA Gene Injection "Vaccine": Murder Charges against Pfizer, Moderna,
FDA, CDC,NIH, NIAID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Video: US Military Oversaw Secret Contents of COVID Jabs - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to be Removing

VAERS Records - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of
COVID Deaths (

Appeals Court Refuses to Reinstate Vaccine Mandate in 3 States + More •

Children's Health Defense (

American Airlines cuts flights due to covid jab-induced pilot shortage


Leaked emails show Pfizer board member bullied Twitter into censoring tweets
about natural immunity, low (zero) covid risk in children (

Pfizer scientist admits to Project Veritas that company knows full well covid
“vaccines” cause myocarditis (

Peer-reviewed research author who re-examined Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA

trials calls for IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION of covid “vaccines” (

Vaccine damage from spike protein jabs is inducing wave of health carnage
across the globe (

Young priest develops HEART ISSUES after getting injected with COVID vaccine

Prominent Cardiologist ‘Truthbombs’ Live BBC Broadcast, Calls for Suspension of

mRNA Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (
Oh, So That’s What Moderna Forgot to Tell Us About Their COVID Vaccine

Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters "Not a
Coincidence" – The Daily Sceptic

Covid Vaccine: “This is the Biggest Crime against Humanity since the Holocaust.”
Andrew Bridgen Suspended as U.K. Conservative MP - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

With all the evidence of mRNA vaccine injury, why aren't more doctors speaking
out? - American Thinker

Bivalent COVID Boosters Offer No Extra Protection, Studies Suggest + More •

Children's Health Defense (

The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021 — Sudden Death • Children's
Health Defense (

CNN: Vaccine Advisors ‘Angry,’ ‘Disappointed’ Moderna, FDA and CDC Hid Data
on COVID Boosters • Children's Health Defense (

Exclusive: ‘Independent’ Advisor to Evaluate Pfizer Vaccine Safety Was Former

Paid Pfizer Consultant • Children's Health Defense (

Lockdowns Had Little Impact on COVID-19 (

CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines
Via FOIA - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Why Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots? - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Why Has COVID Spared Africa? (

Sins Against Children: News: The Independent Institute

Pentagon Formally Rescinds COVID Vaccine Mandate for Troops + More •

Children's Health Defense (

Americans Lost 3 Years of Life Expectancy During COVID Pandemic • Children's

Health Defense (

7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public • Children's Health Defense

COVID: Who Was Right? (

Propaganda’s Mask - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on


Video: US Military Oversaw Secret Contents of COVID Jabs - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seeing Is Believing: What the Data Reveal About Deaths Following COVID
Vaccine Rollouts Around the World - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Zinc Is Key for COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention (

Why Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots? (

COVID Vaccines Linked to Shingles Reactivation • Children's Health Defense


Pfizer Board Member Urged Twitter to Censor Posts on Natural Immunity, Low
COVID Risk for Kids • Children's Health Defense (

Biden Officials ‘Relentless’ in Pressuring Social Media Companies to Censor

COVID Content • Children's Health Defense (
RIDICULOUS: German Ethics Council chair says anyone who advocates review of
COVID-19 policy is an enemy of democracy (

Damar Hamlin contagion? Old Dominion basketball player Imo Essien clutches
chest, collapses mid-game (

Legal group files suit against new California law barring doctors from discussing
what the left deems COVID ‘misinformation’ (

Covid-jab induced AIDS: Sickness and death will increase as mRNA-damaged

immune systems succumb to every new disease (

Covid “vaccine” injuries and deaths are collapsing civilization: WATCH as Ed

Dowd and Mike Adams discuss (

“Vaccinating” the food supply is how Bill Gates and other globalists plan to
force-jab even the unvaccinated (

Video: Japan Orders Investigation Into COVID Vaccine Deaths as MSM Admit
“The Jabs Are Killing Us” - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

New Analysis Shows Studies of COVID Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Hid Critical

Safety Signal - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Video: Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19 Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top.
Redacted with Clayton Morris - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

The COVID Jabbed Are Dying While Fueling Variants (

Fauci Says He Has 'No Idea' What Elon Musk's Talking About After the Twitter
Chief Threatened to Release the 'Fauci Files' + More • Children's Health Defense
'My Body Was Burning': Suffering Since COVID Shots, Canadian Man Desperate
for Relief + More • Children's Health Defense (

FDA Licensed Pfizer Vaccine Without Following Normal Approval Process,

Documents Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

Seeing Is Believing: What the Data Reveal About Deaths Following COVID
Vaccine Rollouts Around the World • Children's Health Defense

Pfizer Has a Long History of Fraud, Corruption and Using Children as Human
Guinea Pigs • Children's Health Defense (

Look who’s talking: Skeptics of COVID-19 vaccine safety branded “criminals” by

nefarious Pfizer CEO (

GASLIGHTING: Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over

Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it (

Following release of Pfizer’s latest “booster” covid shots, excess deaths in Japan
are up 400% (

BUSTED: Those ‘ER doctors’ on Twitter who claimed hordes of patients were
dying from COVID every day were FAKE (

Former NFL Player Uche Nwaneri, Who Called to Jail the Unvaccinated and
Mandate the Jabs, Dies Suddenly at 38 - RAIR (

Pfizer Has a Shockingly Long History of Engaging in Illegal Activities and Human
Experimentation - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Yet Another COVID “Variant”: Omicron XBB & the Self-driving Narrative - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
mRNA/DNA Gene Injection "Vaccine": Murder Charges against Pfizer, Moderna,
FDA, CDC,NIH, NIAID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to be Removing

VAERS Records - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal
Undertaking - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

COVID-19 Destroys the Weakest and Poorest (

Propaganda Perpetuates the Pandemic and Censorship (

‘Cause Unknown’: Ed Dowd’s Pioneering Exploration of Sudden Deaths After the

Rollout of COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

The Big Lie: How Fauci Instilled Panic and Set the Stage for Lockdowns •
Children's Health Defense (

Here's the COVID Vaccine Injury Report CDC Was Forced to Release • Children's
Health Defense (

WSJ Latest to Suggest COVID Vaccines May Be Fueling New Variants • Children's
Health Defense (

United Kingdom Mortality Data by Age Group and Vaccination Status: Looking
at Vaccine Effectiveness | Mises Institute

Will universities ever admit they were wrong about COVID policy? - American
Cancer Vaccine Trials — Using Same mRNA Tech Behind COVID Shots — Could
Launch in U.K. This September + More • Children's Health Defense

Are COVID Boosters Behind Increase in Cancer Among Younger Adults? •

Children's Health Defense (

New Analysis Shows Studies of COVID Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Hid Critical

Safety Signal • Children's Health Defense (

Cardiologist Dr. McCullough On Damar Hamlin: ‘Leading Concern Here Is

Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis’ – NewsWars

Situation Update, 12/29/22 - 7,500 Americans KILLED or DISABLED every day...


BOMBSHELL: Ed Dowd Reports Of Disability Rate Increase Directly Related To

COVID-19 Jab (

Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax
jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault –

Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021 (

Covid Hospitals: Who Calls the Shots on Your Life? - The New American

Top Japanese Physician-Scientist Gives Dire Warning About COVID-19 mRNA

Vaccines: ‘Scientifically Misconceived’ - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Many Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine Await Decision in Suit Against Blue Cross
Blue Shield + More • Children's Health Defense (

German study finds that COVID-19 vaccines perpetuated the pandemic and
caused immune system failure (
Here's the COVID Vaccine Injury Report CDC Was Forced to Release • Children's
Health Defense (

Under Government Pressure, Twitter Suppressed Truthful Speech About COVID-

19 (

“Distrust of Government” is Bad for You, Claims Study | K. Lloyd Billingsley


PfizerGate: Tragic Truth Behind COVID Vaccines in the U.K.: 47,379 Excess
Deaths in 8 Months Due to Vaccination - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains. Shocking Decline in US Life
Expectancy - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From
COVID-19 Vaccines - Rasmussen Reports®

COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis (

If the covid jab is a “lifesaving vaccine,” why did excess death spike globally in
2021 and 2022? (

People Died from mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German

Study Provides Direct Evidence - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

California Bill to Punish Doctors for 'False' COVID Information Goes Into Effect +
More • Children's Health Defense (
‘Cause Unknown’: Ed Dowd’s Pioneering Exploration of Sudden Deaths After the
Rollout of COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

WHO Fraud. There Never Was A Pandemic! February 20, 2020, Dr Tedros
Announced an "Expanding Worldwide Epidemic" - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Criminal Malfeasance: Pfizer Knew 275 People Suffered Serious Strokes in the
First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

What Dr. Fauci Forgot About Science - American Thinker

WSJ Latest to Suggest COVID Vaccines May Be Fueling New Variants • Children's
Health Defense (

When Will Academia Account for Its Covid Failures?: News: The Independent

Yet Another Batch of Twitter Files Released, This Time on COVID Cover-Up

It's Time to Ask Whether Repeated mRNA Vaccine Shots Weaken the Immune
Response to COVID-19 - American Thinker

The Big Lie: How Fauci Instilled Panic and Set the Stage for Lockdowns •
Children's Health Defense (

CDC Finds Hundreds of Safety Signals for Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines •
Children's Health Defense (

Latest ‘Twitter Files’ Reveal Biden Officials Colluded With Twitter on

Widespread Censorship of Medical Experts • Children's Health Defense

Esteemed Cardiologist: 'Stop This Rollout NOW' (

COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains (

Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Scott Atlas calls Twitter’s COVID censorship “criminal” - American Thinker

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Gov. DeSantis: Big Pharma will pay for deceiving the public with false
advertising about COVID-19 vaccines (

Twitter’s censorship of COVID-19 information that didn’t match accepted

‘narrative’ cost lives, former Trump medical adviser says (

Gain-of-function means bioweapon: Musk blasts Fauci for overseeing creation

of COVID-19 (

WHO Director walks back his statement that some countries are using COVID-19
vaccine boosters to “kill children” (

Child-jabbing Aussie physician DROPS DEAD after taking very same covid
injections he pushed on kids (

Dr. Meryl Nass - Why Is Protecting COVID-19's Origin so Important?


Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for
Detecting "Confirmed Covid-19 Cases"? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
Vladimir Zelenko, The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and
Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Shocking: UK Government Admits COVID Vaccinated Children Are 4423% More

Likely to Die of Any Cause & 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID-19 Than
Unvaccinated Children - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

New Video Explores How the Pandemic Unveiled the Worst Among Us -
American Thinker

Will the Tragic Fate of World Stars like Celine Dion and Justin Bieber Open the
Eyes of their Fans? Impacts of Covid-19 Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is
Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines (

Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on

Their Own Organs - The New American

'Censorship actually killed people': Dr. Jay Battacharya on the consequences of

government suppression of honest discussion of COVID on Twitter - American

WHO Fraud. There Never Was A Pandemic! February 20, 2020, Dr Tedros
Announced an "Expanding Worldwide Epidemic" - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax
jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault

Breaking: German Parliament Vice President Calls For Investigation into Covid
'Vaccine' Deaths and Damages (Video) - RAIR (

Murder They Wrought - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research

on Globalization

The Ongoing Covid Deceptions: How Ruling Elites Lied about Masks and Mask
Mandates | Mises Institute

Cleveland Clinic publishes study showing that mRNA jabs INCREASE covid risk
with each subsequent “boost” (

Pfizer’s covid jab could kill you, but New Zealand government wants you to not
worry and get injected anyway (

Study shows mRNA COVID vaccine damages heart muscle cells, leading to

Pandemic policies cost students an average of $70,000, Stanford economist says

- American Thinker

Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs (

It Is Time to Dissolve the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer's Shots Aren't Safe and Were Never Shown to be - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Sri Lanka’s Neoliberal Nightmare, Widespread Famine Triggered by Covid-19

Lockdown and an Unpayable External Debt - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
Big Pharma showing signs of collapse as critical mass of population no longer
trusts vaccine scam (

The Courage to Face COVID-19 | Childrens Health Defense

Is the Pandemic Over? The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Bankruptcies,

Unemployment, Famine and Food Insecurity - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Hollywood actor Tim Robbins regrets complying with lockdowns, forced masks,
vaccine mandates and segregation (

Covid “testing” needs to STOP, says influential infectious disease panel


New Twitter Files Reveal How Government Censored Debate on COVID-19


Pfizer's Shots Aren't Safe and Were Never Shown To Be (

FL Launches Probe Into Covid-19 Vaccines - Loyal Conservatives

Vaccinated Blood Transfusion Killed My Baby | Childrens Health Defense

Stories of the Injured: Two Perspectives | Childrens Health Defense

FL Supreme Court Approves Governor’s Request for COVID Shot Investigation -

Liberty Counsel (

Edward Dowd - Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths (

People Died from mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German

Study Provides Direct Evidence - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Take This Potentially Deadly Vaccine, Or We Will Deny You Lifesaving Care -
American Thinker

Appeals court upholds decision to block Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for
government contractors (

Stiff Person Syndrome is a known adverse effect of covid “vaccination,” and

Celine Dion developed it after getting jabbed (

WHO declares war on unvaccinated people, likens them to murderers by calling

them “a major killing force globally” (

Since Covid Lockdowns, New York Lost More of Its Population than Any Other
State | Mises Wire

Germany releases definitive data proving that deaths from “covid” ramped up
AFTER the “vaccines” were unleashed (

Court Says No, Biden Cannot Enforce Vaccine Mandates For Federal Contractors
– NewsWars

Governments Worldwide Abuse COVID Surveillance Powers (

Latest Rasmussen poll finds 34% of Americans were injured by covid jabs, and
7% of the injuries were major, life threatening (

What Caused a Hollywood Actor to Have an Epiphany About the COVID

Lockdowns (

“Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d’état”. COVID-19 Was a Global Coup by
Private Finance, IT, and Intelligence Complexes - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

2023 Forecast: As the COVID Vaccine Market Evolves, What's Next for the Top
Players? + More • Children's Health Defense (
Social Credit Scores + FDA to Fast Track mRNA COVID-Flu Vaccine + More: ‘This
Week’ With Mary + Polly • Children's Health Defense

Big Pharma’s Takeover of Modern Medicine Created a ‘Pandemic of

Misinformed Doctors’ • Children's Health Defense (

Australian Doctor Injured by COVID Vaccine Slams Regulators for ‘Censoring’

Public Discussion, Calls for More Research • Children's Health Defense

Budget for Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs Set to Jump From $1 Million
to $5 Million in 2023 • Children's Health Defense (

The Orwellian response to COVID is slowly red-pilling Tim Robbins - American


Pfizer CEO ‘surprised’ that ‘they’ suggested mRNA technology in the Covid shot -
American Thinker

Moderna Fires Back at Pfizer Counterclaims in COVID Vaccine Patent Lawsuit +

More • Children's Health Defense (

6 ‘Noncompliance’ Strategies for Protecting Kids and Teens in 2023 • Children's

Health Defense (

Steve Kirsch: Celine Dion’s stiff-person syndrome almost certainly caused by

COVID-19 vaccine (

Medical police state whistleblowers raise the alarm about “devastating” vaccine
injuries, while the medicine supply chain collapses from wave of vax-
compromised SICK CHILDREN (

Military whistleblowers say cancer, miscarriages and heart disease all up 300%
following covid injection mandates (
Karma? Top Australian doctor who aggressively promoted covid vaccines breaks
silence, admits she and partner both injured by jabs (

FDA comes clean about covid-19 vaccines and formation of clots – two years too
late (

Probable Causal Association Between Australia’s New Regime of High All-cause

Mortality and Its COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

We need some Twitter Files on the early days of COVID - American Thinker

Fauci merges COVID & Climate: Infectious diseases ‘largely the result’ of human
‘encroachment on nature’ & ‘often aided by climate changes’ – Published in
New England Journal of Medicine | Climate Depot

Mother Speaks Out About Husband’s Death Due To Reckless COVID Treatment |
Childrens Health Defense

Vaccinated Blood Transfusion Killed My Baby | Childrens Health Defense

COVID Criminals in the Wild Wild West (

The Bivalent Booster Disaster - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for

Research on Globalization

Former NY Teacher Accused of Injecting Teen With COVID Vaccine Without

Parental Consent Avoids Jail Time + More • Children's Health Defense

500 Healthcare Workers Get $10 Million Settlement After Being Fired Over
COVID Vaccine Mandate • Children's Health Defense

Court Halts Biden's Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors (

Why Former AMA President's COVID-19 Vaccine Statements Are Being Called a
'Watershed Moment' (

As China Ends Its Zero-Covid Policy, Vaccine Hesitancy Runs Deep - The New

“Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d’état”. COVID-19 Was a Global Coup by
Private Finance, IT, and Intelligence Complexes - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: "I Can't Hear You" - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Appeals Court Says U.S. Cannot Mandate Federal Contractor COVID Vaccines +
More • Children's Health Defense (

How the Race for a COVID Vaccine Enriched Monkey Poachers and Endangered
Macaques + More • Children's Health Defense (

COVID Lockdowns Altered Kids’ Gut Microbiomes — Here’s Why That’s a

Problem • Children's Health Defense (

RFK, Jr.: Ed Dowd’s New Book Proves an Undeniable and Urgent Reality •
Children's Health Defense (

German insurance data shows 88 fully vaccinated people are dying suddenly
and unexpectedly every day –

FDA Study: COVID Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting in Elderly • Children's Health
Defense (

Experienced Pathologist Explains Blood Clots, Nano Tech and Parasites in COVID
Vaccines (

People Died from mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German

Study Provides Direct Evidence - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization
Ron DeSantis threatens to sue Big Pharma over the COVID shots - American

White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research "Killed Millions"
- Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Long COVID in Kids and Teens: New Study Challenges Mainstream Narrative •
Children's Health Defense (

COVID Booster Mandates for Young Adults Will Cause ‘Net Harm,’ BMJ Study
Says • Children's Health Defense (

‘Cause Unknown’: Former BlackRock Manager Details ‘Epidemic of Sudden

Deaths’ in New Book • Children's Health Defense (

Dr. Peter McCullough: The COVID "Vaccinated" Are A Health Threat To Those
Who Didn't Take The Shot (

Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread COVID-19 (

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

mRNA Vaccines and COVID Linked to POTS, a Debilitating Condition Affecting

Heart, Other Organs • Children's Health Defense (

New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by
the COVID Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl Died Suddenly While Covering World Cup: He
Bragged About Being Vaxxed And His Physician Wife Publicly Rebuked Anti-
Vaxxers - Liberty Sentinel
American Tragedy! Baby Boy Dies Of Massive Blood Clot After Hospital Refused
Non-Vaxxed Blood Transfusion – NewsWars

Opposition to Childhood Vaccine Mandates on the Rise, More Parents Say They
Want the Right to Choose • Children's Health Defense

United Kingdom Mortality Data by Age Group and Vaccination Status: Looking
at Vaccine Effectiveness | Mises Wire

COVID Origins 'May Have Been Tied' to China's Bioweapons Program: GOP
Report + More • Children's Health Defense (

Shocking Book Sheds Light on Recent Epidemic of Sudden Deaths • Children's

Health Defense (

Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of
Injuries. U.S. Senator Johnson’s Roundtable - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

FDA Records Show Significant Number of mRNA Test Rats Born with Skeletal
Deformations - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The trials of unvaccinated parents - American Thinker

‘Pure and Deadly Greed’: Lawmakers Slam Pfizer’s 400% Price Hike on COVID
Shots + More • Children's Health Defense (

DeSantis Petitions Florida Supreme Court to Investigate COVID Vaccine

‘Misconduct’ • Children's Health Defense (
Long COVID in Kids and Teens: New Study Challenges Mainstream Narrative •
Children's Health Defense (

China Says Tracking COVID Cases 'Impossible' as Infections Soar |

Conservative Risk Benefit Analyses Decide Against COVID-19 Vaccination -

Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Dr. Robert Malone Reinstated on Twitter After Being Banned Over COVID
Misinformation Policy + More • Children's Health Defense

DeSantis Seeks Grand Jury Investigation of COVID Vaccines + More • Children's

Health Defense (

Must-Read Book Investigates 40% Increase in Deaths Among Healthy, Young

People in 2021 • Children's Health Defense (

The Commercial Impacts of COVID Will Last for Years - American Thinker

Teen Denied Kidney Transplant Because She's Not Vaccinated for COVID, Say
Parents + More • Children's Health Defense (

Musk to Release More ‘Twitter Files’ on COVID Rules and Vaccines • Children's
Health Defense (

‘Cause Unknown’: Former BlackRock Manager Details ‘Epidemic of Sudden

Deaths’ in New Book • Children's Health Defense (

Exclusive: Man Whose Heart Was Damaged by Pfizer Vaccine Says ‘I Should Be
Dead’ • Children's Health Defense (

Found Dead at Home after COVID-19 Vaccination (

COVID Booster Mandates for Young Adults Will Cause ‘Net Harm,’ BMJ Study
Says - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
New Study Confirms What We Knew All Along : mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are
Associated with More Serious Harms Than Originally Claimed - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Video: Australian Doctor Finds Chips, ‘Self-assembling’ Structures Forming in

Pfizer Vaccine Contents - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Found Dead at Home After COVID-19 Vaccination - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer and BioNTech Get FDA Fast-Track Designation for Single-Dose COVID and
Flu Vaccine Candidate + More • Children's Health Defense

‘All These Vaccines Need to Be Withdrawn From the Market’: COVID Roundtable
Part 2 • Children's Health Defense (

COVID Booster Mandates for Young Adults Will Cause ‘Net Harm,’ BMJ Study
Says • Children's Health Defense (
Bombshell. India's "Shock" and Sudden Excess Mortality (April-July 2021),
Caused by Covid Vaccine Rollout In its Early Stages? - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

FDA Authorizes COVID Omicron Vaccines for Children as Young as 6 Months Old
+ More • Children's Health Defense (

EcoHealth President Played Key Role in Shutting Down COVID Lab-Leak Theory,
Emails Show • Children's Health Defense (

‘Crime Against Science’: Senate Hearing Exposes Government’s

‘Mismanagement’ of COVID Pandemic • Children's Health Defense

New Study Concludes College Vaccine Mandates Don't Make Sense


Lame-Duck Congress Want To Spend Like We're Still in a Pandemic (

Video: Australian Doctor Finds Chips, ‘Self-assembling’ Structures Forming in

Pfizer Vaccine Contents - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

‘Obsolete, Misguided’: Critics Call Out Pfizer’s Plan for Bivalent Booster for Kids
Under 5 - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

New Zealand Scientist Calls on Government Officials to Investigate COVID

Vaccine Failure, Toxicity • Children's Health Defense

CHD Files Motion to Prevent California From Punishing Doctors for COVID
‘Misinformation’ Until Lawsuit Is Settled • Children's Health Defense

Congress Set to End Military COVID Vaccine Mandate, No Sign Biden Will Veto •
Children's Health Defense (
Post-Faucist America: News: The Independent Institute

No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes: Looking Into and Beyond
Canada's Emergency Act Inquiry - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Forgetful Fauci’s Deposition: All Those Lies Are Hard to Keep Straight | AIER

Video: Accused of "Covid Misinformation", Dr Meryl Nass Fights for Her Medical
License - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Found Dead at Home After COVID-19 Vaccination - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The COVID Vaccine Mandate for Military Members Might Be the Next One to
Fall + More • Children's Health Defense (

‘Terrified by What I Saw’: COVID Was Genetically Engineered, Says U.S. Scientist
Who Worked at Wuhan Lab • Children's Health Defense

‘Obsolete, Misguided’: Critics Call Out Pfizer’s Plan for Bivalent Booster for Kids
Under 5 • Children's Health Defense (

Renowned Cardiologist: mRNA Vaccines May be "Changing the Human

Genome" - The New American

Pfizer Boss Refuses to Testify to EU Parliament COVID Panel — Again + More •

Children's Health Defense (

COVID Vaccines Were a Shot in the Dark and Mortality Statistics Prove It •
Children's Health Defense (

Autopsies Show COVID Vaccine Caused Fatal Cardiac Condition in Some People •
Children's Health Defense (
Congress is shocked, shocked by the COVID fraud it created (

Blood Damage Explains Many Harmful Impacts of COVID "Vaccines" - America

Out Loud

Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam (

Another Study Confirms Myocarditis Post Jab (

Stephanie Seneff - The COVID Jabs' Mechanisms of Injury (

Dr. Robert Malone - 'Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future
Coming' (

Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Pfizer Appears to Have Corrupted the Entire Western World - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Accused of "Corona Insanity": Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for
Speaking Against COVID Laws, April 2020 - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of

People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Don't Get Jabbed: Powerful Video on "Killer Vaccine" that Needs to be Watched
by Everyone - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario "Suggests": Unvaccinated

Patients Are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Video: The "Death Tsunami" Is Here. "You should never ever take any Covid
shot anymore". Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Video: 90 Sudden or Unexpected Canadian Doctor Deaths: Dr. William Markis

Interview - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Gene-based Vaccination — Quo Vadis? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization

Twitter Ditches COVID Misinformation Policy, Plans to Reveal Internal Files on

‘Free Speech Suppression’ • Children's Health Defense

‘Critical Win’: Appeals Court Strikes Down San Diego Schools COVID Vaccine
Mandate • Children's Health Defense (

COVID Bivalent Booster Falls Flat in First ‘Real-World’ Test, CDC Report Shows •
Children's Health Defense (

Most Americans Dying of COVID Were Vaccinated – The Vaccine Reaction

'Died Suddenly' - World Premiere (

Fauci Says China Has Done a Bad Job of Vaccinating the Elderly + More •
Children's Health Defense (

McCullough: Pandemic Won’t End Until Mass Vaccination Stops • Children's

Health Defense (

Exclusive: ‘Even Taking a Shower Can Be Difficult’ Says Man Injured by Pfizer
Vaccine • Children's Health Defense (

CDC, HHS Offer $1 Million for Research to Predict Vaccine ‘Misinformation

Trends’ • Children's Health Defense (
CHD Attorneys File Federal Lawsuit to Stop California Law That Punishes Doctors
for COVID ‘Misinformation’ • Children's Health Defense

Children's Health Defense Seeks Access to Sworn Depositions in Lawsuit Alleging

Feds Colluded with Big Tech to Censor COVID Content - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Former U.K. Vaccines Chief Says Incidence of Myocarditis Higher ‘Than Most of
Us Anticipated’ + More • Children's Health Defense

How COVID Shots Harm the Immune System and May Cause Neurological
Disease • Children's Health Defense (

Air Force Can’t Punish Members Seeking COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption,
Appeals Court Rules • Children's Health Defense (

Blinded by COVID-19 Vaccination. Visual Loss a Cruel Reminder that Vaccine

Injury Strikes within Days - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

British Medical Journal: "COVID-19 Vaccines and Drugs Were Developed at

“Warp Speed”" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

COVID Roundup. Was the mRNA Vaccine Intended as a Population Reduction

Measure? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Celebrity COVID Vaxx Injuries - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for

Research on Globalization
When COVID Reached the Shores of New Zealand... Severe Lockdowns,
Distancing and Masks - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Sri Lanka’s Neoliberal Nightmare, Widespread Famine Triggered by Covid-19

Lockdown and an Unpayable External Debt - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID “Vaccines” –

What Will the Government’s Excuse be? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport (

Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online “Misinformation” Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of

“Misleading” Vaccine Statements - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Biden's bizarre, money-wasting COVID priorities - American Thinker

Study: Majority of August 2022 COVID deaths received a vaccine | NewsNation


Fauci ‘Deliberately Conspired’ to Suppress COVID Lab-Leak Theory, Emails

Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

CHD Seeks Access to Sworn Depositions in Lawsuit Alleging Feds Colluded With
Big Tech to Censor COVID Content • Children's Health Defense

COVID Bivalent Booster Falls Flat in First ‘Real-World’ Test, CDC Report Shows •
Children's Health Defense (

How the Pandemic Became a ‘Golden Egg-Laying Goose’ for Pfizer • Children's
Health Defense (
Twitter Ditches COVID Misinformation Policy, Plans to Reveal Internal Files on
‘Free Speech Suppression’ • Children's Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État Against Humanity. Book
Review - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Here Is the Official Response from the CDC About the Death Safety Signal Being
Triggered in VAERS - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Corona Policy in the EU, "It Was All a Big Lie": "The House of Cards Is Collapsing,
They Have Failed!" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Don't Get Jabbed: Powerful Video on "Killer Vaccine" that Needs to be Watched
by Everyone - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

‘Wow!’ Fauci ‘Can’t Recall Practically Anything’ in 7-Hour Deposition • Children's

Health Defense (

‘Critical Win’: Appeals Court Strikes Down San Diego Schools COVID Vaccine
Mandate • Children's Health Defense (

The mRNA Vaccine Is a Killer: According to the Washington Post the Vaccinated
Account "For a Majority of Americans Dying from the Coronavirus" - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Study: Majority of August 2022 COVID deaths received a vaccine | NewsNation


Medical ‘experts’ struggle to explain Africa’s very low Covid vaccination and
death rates - American Thinker

They Will Lock You Down Again - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization
Video: 90 Sudden or Unexpected Canadian Doctor Deaths: Dr. William Markis
Interview - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Barbara Loe Fisher - Estimated 50% of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario "Suggests": Unvaccinated

Patients Are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Exclusive: ‘Sometimes I feel I Am Damaged for Life,’ Says Woman Injured by

Pfizer Vaccine • Children's Health Defense (

‘Wave of Litigation’ Over COVID Vaccine Mandates — Nike, Washington State

University Latest to Face Lawsuits • Children's Health Defense

Too Little Too Late? Pfizer, Moderna to Study Long-Term Risk of Myocarditis
After COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to

COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

Tulsi Gabbard on the Last Lying Press Conference of Anthony Fauci (11.22.22) -
LRC Blog (

Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Vaxxed and Boosted Al Roker Hospitalized for Blood Clots


Pfizer CEO Claims 400% Price Hike on COVID Vaccines Will be “Free” - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
White House Announces ‘New Enforcement Guidance’ on COVID-19 Vaccine
Mandates - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Video: Biden COVID Minion Tells Americans “God Gave Us Two Arms” for
Multiple Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could be Linked to

COVID Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

"The Covid mRNA Vaccine Causes Cardiac Arrests, Heart Attacks, Strokes... :
Leading British Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, and Dr. Peter McCullough
Independently Come to Same Conclusion - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Medical Ethics and the Covid Pandemic. Give People "Morality Pills" - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Accused of "Corona Insanity": Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for
Speaking Against COVID Laws, April 2020 - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer and Moderna to launch study to determine long-term effects of covid-19

vaccines - American Thinker

Video Interview: “The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against
Humanity”. Michel Chossudovsky - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Are you connecting the pandemic dots yet? - American Thinker

The Lancet bows down to the COVID cult - American Thinker

Authorities Use COVID To Justify Extensions of Student Loan Payment Pause and
Title 42 (
Lies and Secrecy: What the CDC and FDA Aren’t Telling You About COVID and
the Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

Teen’s Death 3 Weeks After Pfizer Vaccine Triggers Investigation • Children's

Health Defense (

‘Staggering’ Decline in Kids’ Reading, Math Skills, Latest Testing Reveals •

Children's Health Defense (

875 Vaccine-Related Bills Filed in 44 States — What’s Happening in Your State? •

Children's Health Defense (

A sweet goodbye to 'The Science' - American Thinker

‘Wave of Litigation’ Over COVID Vaccine Mandates — Nike, Washington State

University Latest to Face Lawsuits • Children's Health Defense

G20 Vows to Pursue Vaccine Passports — and “Counter Disinformation” - The

New American

The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury. "Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-

CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Pfizer finally investigating harmful effects of its Covid vaccine - American


College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario "Suggests": Unvaccinated

Patients Are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Exclusive: ‘Sometimes I feel I Am Damaged for Life,’ Says Woman Injured by

Pfizer Vaccine • Children's Health Defense (
Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to
COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

End the COVID National Emergency Now: News: The Independent Institute

Top Virologist Who Voted For COVID Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization DIES

They Will Lock You Down Again - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Too Little Too Late? Pfizer, Moderna to Study Long-Term Risk of Myocarditis
After COVID Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

CBDC: How COVID Became the Path to Global Financial Surveillance - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: The "Death Tsunami" Is Here. "You should never ever take any Covid
shot anymore". Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Video: 32 Young Doctors in Canada All Dead in 6 to 8 Weeks - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: The Pfizer Vaccine and "Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses". EUC President Von Der
Leyen Involved in Censorship, Surveillance, Coercion and Corruption - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Gene-based Vaccination — Quo Vadis? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization

Is There Graphene Oxide Inside the Shots? Mainstream Media Article on

Physician Who Filmed Structures Resembling Circuitry and Microchips in Pfizer
COVID-19 Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on
Video: 90 Sudden or Unexpected Canadian Doctor Deaths: Dr. William Markis
Interview - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Workers’ Compensation: A Pathway to Immediate Relief for COVID Vaccine

Injury Victims? • Children's Health Defense (

Australian Health Officials Reject 3rd COVID Booster for All Ages • Children's
Health Defense (

Stephanie Seneff - The COVID Jabs' Mechanisms of Injury (

Podcast: Jay Bhattacharya vs. Sten Vermund On COVID Lockdowns (

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (

US FDA Willfully Blind on the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccination - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Massachusetts Illegally Installed Covid Spyware on Android Users’ Phones - The

New American

Too Little Too Late? Pfizer, Moderna to Study Long-Term Risk of Myocarditis
After COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

G-20 Leaders Promote Global Vaccine Passports So ‘You Can Move Around’ •
Children's Health Defense (

What Doesn’t Fauci Want Us to Know? We May Soon Find Out. • Children's
Health Defense (

Legacy media veil of silence on myocarditis and COVID 'vaccines' beginning to

lift? - American Thinker

1 in 5 Young Adults Dies from Excessive Alcohol Consumption. Alcohol Intake

Skyrocketed During Pandemic - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization
48,817 Dead and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European
Database of Adverse Reactions - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Terrifying Vision of a "Digital Gulag": G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global

Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer Sinks $100 Billion in COVID Profits Into Developing — and Marketing —
More Drugs • Children's Health Defense (

Workers’ Compensation: A Pathway to Immediate Relief for COVID Vaccine

Injury Victims? • Children's Health Defense (

Judge Orders Fauci, Other Top Officials to Testify Under Oath (

Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism (

Australian Health Officials Reject 3rd COVID Booster for All Ages • Children's
Health Defense (

ACLU Calls California's COVID-19 'Misinformation' Ban Unconstitutional


Covid-19 Shots: Estimated 50% of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety -

Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Is There Graphene Oxide Inside the Shots? Mainstream Media Article on

Physician Who Filmed Structures Resembling Circuitry and Microchips in Pfizer
COVID-19 Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding COVID Jab Dangers - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
10-Year-Old Boy Died of Cardiac Arrest 7 Days After Moderna Shot, VAERS Data
Show • Children's Health Defense (

Long COVID: What We Do — and Don’t — Know • Children's Health Defense


Video: Pfizer's "Secret" Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The
Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn
Worldwide - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Why Are Cancers Escalating Post-mRNA Vaccination? - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of

People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: The "Death Tsunami" Is Here. "You should never ever take any Covid
shot anymore". Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Gene-based Vaccination — Quo Vadis? - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer Works to Fast-Track More Vaccines for Pregnant Moms, Despite Mounting
Evidence Rushed COVID Shots Harmed Babies • Children's Health Defense

Mainstream Media Warns of ‘Tripledemic’ This Winter — What’s Really Behind

the Hype? • Children's Health Defense (

No Amnesty for COVID Narrative Pushers • Children's Health Defense

‘Worst Yet to Come’: As COVID Spike Proteins Slowly Take Toll on Endocrine
System, Expert Warns of Rise in Hormone-Related Diseases • Children's Health
Defense (

Pfizer Predicting Covid Shots to Generate Revenue for "Many Years to Come" -
The New American

No COVID Tribunals | AIER

CHD Rutgers Lawsuit Moves Forward, as Rutgers Announces Trial With Pfizer on
COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 5 • Children's Health Defense

Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine

Companies Are Powerless to Stop It - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Pfizer’s COVID Cash Powers a ‘Marketing Machine’ on the Hunt for New
Supernovas - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Brain Inflammation and the mRNA Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer Works to Fast-Track More Vaccines for Pregnant Moms, Despite Mounting
Evidence Rushed COVID Shots Harmed Babies - Global ResearchGlobal Research
- Centre for Research on Globalization

How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding COVID Jab Dangers (

Long-Term Organ Damage After COVID-19 Vaccines Emerging in Medical

Literature - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Pfizer Works to Fast-Track More Vaccines for Pregnant Moms, Despite Mounting
Evidence Rushed COVID Shots Harmed Babies • Children's Health Defense
Systemic Reactions to COVID Vaccines Now Being Sold to Public as a ‘Feature’ •
Children's Health Defense (

Video: The "Death Tsunami" Is Here. "You should never ever take any Covid
shot anymore". Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

The Funeral Business Is Booming. And Not Because of COVID. "Spike in Deaths in
2022" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Association Between Vaccines and Excess Mortality Getting Stronger — And Is

Discussed in UK Parliament - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Pfizer Appears to Have Corrupted the Entire Western World - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Rapid Waning and Short-Lived Immunity: It’s Time to Rethink COVID Booster
Shots, Israeli Researchers Say • Children's Health Defense

Pfizer Press Release on New Bivalent Booster Raises More Questions Than It
Answers • Children's Health Defense (

As Lies Exposed, Lockdown Left Pleads for ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Will You Survive the ‘Tripledemic’? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre

for Research on Globalization

Dr. Pierre Kory: How and Why Pharma Killed Ivermectin • Children's Health
Defense (

COVID Amnesty? How About Unconditional Surrender? - American Thinker

No Amnesty for COVID Narrative Pushers • Children's Health Defense

The Merits of Pandemic Amnesty - American Thinker

Vax Propaganda Plan Exposed – The New American

Amnesty for COVID fear pushers? Forget it! - American Thinker

3 Reasons the Official COVID Narrative Is Falling Apart • Children's Health

Defense (

Disappearing Flu Data: RFK, Jr. Brings Together 5 Experts to Discuss Changes in
How Health Officials Calculate All-Cause Mortality • Children's Health Defense

No ‘Pandemic Amnesty,’ We Want Accountability • Children's Health Defense


Emily Kopp: The Media Overlooked COVID Lab Leak Evidence (

‘Worst Yet to Come’: As COVID Spike Proteins Slowly Take Toll on Endocrine
System, Expert Warns of Rise in Hormone-Related Diseases • Children's Health
Defense (

Amnesty for the Architects of Failed COVID Policies? Yes, But There’s a Price •
Children's Health Defense (

A Terrible Idea — Pfizer, Moderna Developing Combined mRNA Omicron-Flu

Vaccine • Children's Health Defense (

Myocarditis and Death After COVID Vaccines: Is the Risk Greater Than Public
Health Officials Claim? • Children's Health Defense (

Mainstream Media Warns of ‘Tripledemic’ This Winter — What’s Really Behind

the Hype? • Children's Health Defense (
No ‘Pandemic Amnesty,’ We Want Accountability • Children's Health Defense

Israeli Report: "The mRNA Experimental Vaccine from Pfizer Killed “About 40
Times More (Elderly) People Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed” During a
Recent Five-week Vaccination Period" - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of

People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than
COVID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough,
Cardiologist - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Dr. Michael Yeadon on the Covid Crisis: The Most Important Single Message I’ve
Ever Written - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Amnesty for COVID fear pushers? Forget it! - American Thinker

Hell No to the WHO Pandemic Treaty - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre

for Research on Globalization

Record Surge of Infections in Children (

COVID-19: A Universe of Questions in a Time of Universal Deceit - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Narrative Around the Safety of COVID Shots Is Cracking - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

How Fauci Derailed Informed Consent in the U.S. • Children's Health Defense

Full-blooded Psychopaths: Engineered Global Genocide in the Guise of a Global

Pandemic - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

The Surge in Childhood Infections: Are mRNA Vaccines the Solution — or the
Cause? • Children's Health Defense (

CDC, FDA Are Deliberately ‘Breaking the Law,’ Dr. Meryl Nass Tells RFK, Jr. •
Children's Health Defense (

‘Joe, Let Them Go’: Dr. Vinay Prasad Weighs in on Biden’s COVID Advisors •
Children's Health Defense (

Democrats Declared War on Democracy Through COVID Tyranny - American


Emily Kopp: The Media Overlooked COVID Lab Leak Evidence (

Arterial Shower of Blood Clots for “Neon Deion” - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Risk of Dying From COVID Always Was ‘Miniscule,’ Regardless of Age •

Children's Health Defense (

Groundbreaking: Study Details How Media, Big Tech Censored Doctors and
Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative • Children's Health Defense

The Atlantic Calls For 'Pandemic Amnesty' to 'Forgive One Another' For What
They 'Did And Said' During COVID (
Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion of Stillbirths Following COVID Vaccine
Rollout – NewsWars

Now the Disgraced COVID 'Experts' Want 'Amnesty'? - American Thinker

COVID Reset: The Day of Reckoning Is Coming - Global ResearchGlobal Research

- Centre for Research on Globalization

What Is in the So-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? - Global ResearchGlobal Research

- Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer’s Lack of Transparency, Accountability ‘Creates a New Tyranny’ •

Children's Health Defense (

COVID-19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit
Bhakdi - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pfizer Announces 400% Increase in COVID Vaccines on Same Day CDC Adds
COVID Shots to Childhood Schedule • Children's Health Defense

4 Reasons the Official COVID Narrative Is Falling Apart • Children's Health

Defense (

No ‘Pandemic Amnesty,’ We Want Accountability • Children's Health Defense


BREAKING: Dr. Fauci Will Be Deposed on November 23rd in Missouri-Louisiana

Social Media Collusion Case with Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft as Plaintiff

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer
"Confidential Report" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccine for Kids ‘Not Medically Necessary’ • Children's
Health Defense (
COVID Vaccines and First-Time Seizures: Is There a Link? • Children's Health
Defense (

Disappearing Flu Data: RFK, Jr., Brings Together 5 Experts to Discuss Changes in
How Health Officials Calculate All-Cause Mortality • Children's Health Defense

Unholy Alliance - Faith Leaders Pushing Pharma Fraud (

COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

‘Substantial Evidence’ COVID Virus Escaped From Wuhan Lab • Children's Health
Defense (

CDC Used Same PR Firm as Pfizer, Moderna — Prompting Demand for

Transparency • Children's Health Defense (

Systemic Reactions to COVID Vaccines Now Being Sold to Public as a ‘Feature’ •

Children's Health Defense (

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Caused 84% of All Deaths Recorded in VAERS for the
Past 32 Years – Pfizer #1 in Vaccine Deaths, Even Before COVID - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Dr. Meryl Nass Compares Maine Medical Board Hearings on Her Suspension to a
‘Kangaroo Court’ • Children's Health Defense (

45 Deaths, 5,000+ Adverse Events Following Updated Booster Shots Reported to

VAERS, CDC Data Show • Children's Health Defense

Senate Report: Covid Virus "Most Likely" Came From Wuhan Lab - The New
Republican Lawmakers Call for Investigation Into "Politically Motivated" CDC
Decisions - The New American

COVID Reset: The Day of Reckoning Is Coming (

‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ — The Movie - Global ResearchGlobal Research -

Centre for Research on Globalization

Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough,
Cardiologist - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

FDA Slow-Walked Studies on COVID Vaccine Safety Signals in Elderly • Children's

Health Defense (

‘The Dominoes Are Falling’: New York Supreme Court Strikes Down COVID
Vaccine Mandate for NYC Public Workers • Children's Health Defense

Fauci’s Calendar: What Was He Doing in the Months Before the Pandemic? •
Children's Health Defense (

Megyn Kelly Interviews RFK, Jr.: How Pfizer Killed the Vaccine Safety
Commission + More • Children's Health Defense (

New Analysis of COVID Virus Suggests Fauci and Baric's Fingerprints on

Pandemic Bug • Children's Health Defense (

The Permanent Emergency with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty - The Charlie Kirk Show -
CDC Adds COVID Jab to Childhood Immunization Schedule (

Video: The COVID Vaccine Gigantic Lie. "The Cat Is Out of the Bag." Christine
Anderson - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Caused 84% of All Deaths Recorded in VAERS for the
Past 32 Years – Pfizer #1 in Vaccine Deaths, Even Before COVID - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Disaster: CDC Calls for COVID-19 Vaccines on the Child Immunization Schedule -
American Thinker

Court Orders CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in

America - American Liberty Report (

CDC Advisers Vote To Add The Deadliest 'Vaccines' Ever Made To The Childhood
Schedule (

Safe States for Children: Here's UPDATED List of Republican Governors Who
Won't Comply with CDC Mandates to Force COVID-19 Vaccination on Kids for
School (

BREAKING: New York City ordered by court to reinstate all those fired over
Covid vaccine mandates | The Post Millennial |

Megyn Kelly Interviews RFK, Jr.: How Pfizer Killed the Vaccine Safety
Commission + More • Children's Health Defense (

Review of "The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie," Part 1 - The New American

Bombshell Emails: CDC Pressured FDA to Authorize COVID Boosters Without

Clinical Trials • Children's Health Defense (

‘This Should Scare Everyone’: Vaccine Mandates at Wellesley Based on Politics,

Not Science • Children's Health Defense (
Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Health Official Admits in Court That Millions of Canadians Have Been

Experimented on with COVID Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough,
Cardiologist - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Boston University’s Mad Scientists — Why Are They Still Engineering These
Viruses in Labs? • Children's Health Defense (

COVID: Just another flu - American Thinker

Mad Scientists Create Coronavirus With 80% Lethality in Mice (

NYC Was Wrong to Fire Employees for Being Unvaccinated, Court Says

FDA Slow-Walked Studies on COVID Vaccine Safety Signals in Elderly • Children's

Health Defense (

Iowa Farmers Face Loss of Their Property to United Nations’ Agenda 2030-
inspired Carbon Pipelines - The New American

Feds Still Tell Kids To Wear Masks on Halloween, For COVID-19 Safety

Northeast Facing Possible Heating-oil Shortages This Winter - The New


All Age Groups at Higher Risk of Myocarditis Death After COVID Vaccines •
Children's Health Defense (
Millions of Americans Were Assigned ‘COVID-19 Violation’ Scores Based on
Cellphone Data Collected During Lockdowns • Children's Health Defense

CDC Head Walensky Gets Highly Publicized Covid Booster — Then Gets Covid -
The New American

‘Criminal Neglect’: CDC Knew COVID Vaccine Could Cause Myocarditis in Young
Males Months Before Telling the Public • Children's Health Defense

CDC Adding the COVID-19 Vaccine to Childhood Immunization Schedule Is a

Mistake (

Biden Launches #VaxUpAmerica Tour, as Latest Research Shows New Boosters

No Better Than Old Against New Variants • Children's Health Defense

‘The Dominoes Are Falling’: New York Supreme Court Strikes Down COVID
Vaccine Mandate for NYC Public Workers • Children's Health Defense

Do You Really Understand Your Risk of Dying From COVID? (

'Speed of Science' - A Scandal Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare (

COVID Vaccines and Organ Transplants: Are Healthcare Providers Ignoring

Safety Signals? • Children's Health Defense (

A Shot=No Date? The “Vaccinated” as the New Lepers - The New American

Pfizer to Hike Price on Covid Jab 400 Percent Amid Crashing Demand - The New

UK Documentary Exposes Lies Behind ‘Safe and Effective’ COVID Vaccine

Narrative - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on
PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of
People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Israeli Report: "The mRNA Experimental Vaccine from Pfizer Killed “About 40
Times More (Elderly) People Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed” During a
Recent Five-week Vaccination Period" - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than
COVID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Watch ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ a 2-Part Documentary Based on RFK, Jr.’s
Runaway Bestseller • Children's Health Defense (

‘Insane’: Boston Researchers Create ‘More Lethal’ Strain of COVID, Prompting

Calls to Shut Down Risky Gain-of-Function Research • Children's Health Defense

‘Child Abuse on a Massive Scale’: CDC Advisers Recommend Adding COVID

Vaccines to Childhood Schedule • Children's Health Defense

CDC’s Panel Adds Covid Shots to Childhood Immunization Schedule - The New

Only 6 of Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries Eligible So Far for Compensation

• Children's Health Defense (

UK Cardiologist Tells RFK, Jr.: COVID Vaccine Caused Father’s Heart Attack •
Children's Health Defense (

Fauci’s Calendar: What Was He Doing in the Months Before the Pandemic? •
Children's Health Defense (
New Study Blames COVID on NIH, University of North Carolina — Finds Fauci
and Baric's Fingerprints on Pandemic Bug • Children's Health Defense

Unvaccinated Single Women Say 'No' To Vaccinated Single Men - American


A Letter to a Relative on 27 June 2021" About COVID in the Thick of the Corona
War - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Invalid Covid Data Drives Catastrophic Public Policies Globally - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

6 Reasons You Might Be at Higher Risk of Injury From a COVID Vaccine •

Children's Health Defense (

‘Child Abuse on a Massive Scale’: CDC Advisers Recommend Adding COVID

Vaccines to Childhood Schedule • Children's Health Defense

COVID Wasn’t Nearly as Deadly as We Thought, Study Shows • Children's Health

Defense (

These 2 Antibodies Could Neutralize All COVID Strains, Scientists Say •

Children's Health Defense (

Follow the Science: Why Florida Recommended Against mRNA COVID Vaccines
for Men Under 40 • Children's Health Defense (

Is CDC Hiding Data Showing Cancer Deaths Linked to COVID Vaccines? •

Children's Health Defense (

‘Shocking’ V-Safe Data Confirm COVID Vaccines ‘Dangerous in the Extreme’ •

Children's Health Defense (

Why Are We Calling Them ‘Breakthrough’ Infections? • Children's Health

Defense (
CDC Vaccine Advisors to Vote This Week on COVID Shots for Kids • Children's
Health Defense (

Biden prolongs COVID 'emergency' to act like a dictator (

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

UK Documentary Exposes Lies Behind ‘Safe and Effective’ COVID Vaccine

Narrative - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

COVID, the tyrant's portal - American Thinker

V-Safe Database Confirms COVID Jab Hazards (

Pfizer Exec Admits COVID Vaccine Was Not Tested for Preventing Transmission •
Children's Health Defense (

Video: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Refused to Answer in Front of European

Parliament - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

Pfizer Exec Admits COVID-19 Vaccine Never Tested to Prevent Transmission,

Media Silent | The Libertarian Institute

Huge: Pfizer Director Admits Covid Vax Never Tested to Prevent Transmission

More Manmade Pandemics Are Coming — Here’s Why • Children's Health

Defense (

31,470 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Including 26 Following

New Boosters • Children's Health Defense (
UK Documentary Exposes Lies Behind ‘Safe and Effective’ COVID Vaccine
Narrative • Children's Health Defense (

Exclusive: Healthy Police Officer Contemplated Suicide After Pfizer Booster

Injuries • Children's Health Defense (

How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden (

‘Preposterous’: FDA, CDC Authorize New COVID Boosters for Kids as Young as 5
— With No Data, No Independent Review • Children's Health Defense

Men Under 40 at High Risk of Cardiac-Related Death After mRNA COVID

Vaccines, Florida Analysis Shows • Children's Health Defense

European Public Prosecutor's Office announces it is investigating COVID-19

vaccines - American Thinker

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than
COVID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of

People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Israeli Report: "The mRNA Experimental Vaccine from Pfizer Killed “About 40
Times More (Elderly) People Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed” During a
Recent Five-week Vaccination Period" - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Is the U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? Do COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Blood

Abnormalities? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on
What the Leaked EMA Emails and Docs Reveal: Major Concerns with Pfizer C-19
Vaccine Batch Integrity and the Race to Authorize - Global ResearchGlobal
Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Big Pharma’s COVID “Vaccine” - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for

Research on Globalization

I’m a Doctor. Here’s What I Think About the LA Times Article on California’s
‘COVID Misinformation’ Law. • Children's Health Defense

Who Benefits When Pharma-Funded FDA Fast-Tracks Drugs and Vaccines? Not
Consumers, Critics Warn. • Children's Health Defense

‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Not Even Wrong. Millions of People Bought into the
Establishment Corona Narrative - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

‘Preposterous’: FDA, CDC Authorize New COVID Boosters for Kids as Young as 5
— With No Data, No Independent Review • Children's Health Defense

Abnormal Blood-Clotting: The Trail of Blood from the COVID Jabs - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

‘Everyday Heroes’? Pfizer Taps Marvel’s Avengers to Push COVID Boosters to

Kids • Children's Health Defense (

The Pandemic Is "Over," but the Feds Aren't Giving Up Their Emergency Powers
| Mises Institute

French Politician Almost Killed by COVID Vax Claims Macron Faked and Others
Faked Vaccine Status (
French Politician and Ex-Presidential Candidate Jean Lasalle Says COVID Vaccine
Nearly Killed Him - Claims Macron and Others Faked their Vax Status

Even Kaiser Admits It — Your Risk of Getting COVID Increases With Each Shot •
Children's Health Defense (

Men Under 40 at High Risk of Cardiac-Related Death After mRNA COVID

Vaccines, Florida Analysis Shows • Children's Health Defense

Exclusive: Healthy Police Officer Contemplated Suicide After Pfizer Booster

Injuries • Children's Health Defense (

Florida Surgeon General Recommends Against Men Under 40 Getting mRNA

Covid Shots, Gets Censored by Twitter - The New American

The Jabs, Are the Kids OK? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than
COVID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

How $600 billion was stolen from the American people (

Pandemics and Liberty: An Introduction | AIER

More Women Than Men Reported Injuries After COVID Vaccine, V-safe Data
Show • Children's Health Defense (

Doctors File First Lawsuit Challenging California Law That Seeks to Punish
Physicians for COVID ‘Misinformation’ • Children's Health Defense

Hospital Pulls Ad After Critics Complain It ‘Normalized’ Myocarditis in Kids •

Children's Health Defense (
Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of

People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Doctor Claims 50% of Children Who Suffer Myocarditis Due to COVID

Vaccination Will be Dead Within 5 Years - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

Dr. Pierre Kory - The War on Ivermectin (

Feds Cooked Up Detailed Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Shots, Documents

Reveal • Children's Health Defense (

The Origins of COVID: All Evidence Points to a Cover-Up • Children's Health

Defense (

Why Doctors Are Lying to You - by Dr. Joseph Mercola (

Anthony Fauci keeps money flowing to Wuhan - American Thinker

FDA, CDC Urge All Adults to Get 5th COVID Shot Despite No Safety or Efficacy
Data • Children's Health Defense (

Moderna and Pfizer Seek Booster Authorization for Children (

Justice for the Vaccinated - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for

Research on Globalization

Fauci: I Should Have Been 'Much More Careful' With COVID Messaging |

COVID Jab mRNA Detected in Human Breastmilk (

More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab "Does More Harm Than Good" - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

VAERS COVID Vaccine Injury Reports ‘Unprecedented’ in Quantity and ‘Alarm,’

Analysis Shows • Children's Health Defense (

3 New Studies Add to Mounting Evidence That COVID Vaccines May Not Be
Worth the Risk • Children's Health Defense (

More Women Than Men Reported Injuries After COVID Vaccine, V-safe Data
Show • Children's Health Defense (

Dr. Fauci Profiteered from the Pandemic | K. Lloyd Billingsley (

Denmark ENDS Covid vaccinations for almost everyone under 50.


Latest Kaiser Permanente Study Reflects Increased Risk of Heart Issues Post-vax
- The New American

Peer-Reviewed Proof: COVID Vaccines Causing More Harm Than Good •

Children's Health Defense (

CDC V-safe Data: Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Sought Medical Care

After COVID Vaccination • Children's Health Defense

Exclusive: Doctors Call for Investigation Into FSMB Attacks on Physicians, Ties to
Big Pharma • Children's Health Defense (

Health Officials Admit — Bill Gates Used His Wealth and Influence to Call the
Shots During Pandemic • Children's Health Defense

CDC Vaccine Safety Monitoring: A Tale of ‘Broken Promises, Stonewalling and

Double Standards’ • Children's Health Defense (
Doctors Speak Out Against ‘Medical Totalitarianism’ as Newsom Signs Bill That
Punishes Doctors for COVID ‘Misinformation’ • Children's Health Defense

More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good

Dutch Government Obstructs Excess Mortality Research - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Increased Risk of Myocarditis: Doctor Who Promoted COVID Shots on TV Calls

for Global Stop to COVID-19 Vaccines - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre
for Research on Globalization

Anthony Fauci found his cash cow in COVID - American Thinker

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than
COVID - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Shocking: UK Government Admits COVID Vaccinated Children Are 4423% More

Likely to Die of Any Cause & 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID-19 Than
Unvaccinated Children - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of

People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Biden orders 171 million doses of fifth Covid booster with a safety study on a
grand total of 8 mice - American Thinker

Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written -
Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pro-Vaccine Cardiologist Now Calls for Immediate End to COVID Vaccines •

Children's Health Defense (
Famous Pro-Vaccine Doctor Suspects Pfizer Booster Shot Sent His Cancer Into
Overdrive - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

JAMA: mRNA Vaccine Shedding in Breast Milk Proven! - Global ResearchGlobal

Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Fauci’s Net Worth Soared to $12.6 Million During Pandemic • Children's Health
Defense (

FDA Refuses to Release Autopsy Results on People Who Died After COVID
Vaccines • Children's Health Defense (

Vaccine Failure Is Not a Reason to Celebrate! • Children's Health Defense


Learning Deficit Due to Shutdowns Has Been a Global Disaster (

The COVID Rabbit Hole: An Inside Look at the Virus’ Origin (

The More COVID Shots You Get, the More Likely You’ll Get COVID. Here’s Why.
• Children's Health Defense (

Hospital Pulls Ad After Critics Complain It ‘Normalized’ Myocarditis in Kids •

Children's Health Defense (

Fifth COVID Shot Recommended Without Safety or Efficacy Data (

The Pandemic Is "Over," but the Feds Aren't Giving Up Their Emergency Powers
| Mises Wire

The Pandemic was a Grand Rehearsal for the Great Reset - American Thinker

Revealing Covid Vaxx Lies: US Federal Court Orders CDC to Release 137 Million
Entries of COVID Vaccine Adverse Events Collected Via V-safe App - Global
ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Here’s Proof Our Government Does Not Want to Compensate for COVID Vaccine
Injury • Children's Health Defense (

Original Antigenic Sin — The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots - Global

ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Breaking: Doctor Who Promoted Covid Vaccines Calls for Suspension of Covid
Vaccinations; Will Hold Press Conference Tuesday - The New American

The Rise of Fauci and the U.S. Biosecurity State — Who Was Behind It? •
Children's Health Defense (

CDC Backtracks on COVID Guidance — Is It a Political Ploy? • Children's Health

Defense (

Rockefeller Foundation, Nonprofits Spending Millions on Behavioral Psychology

Research to ‘Nudge’ More People to Get COVID Vaccines • Children's Health
Defense (

New Docs Confirm Pentagon Unlawfully Forced US Service Members to Take

Unlicensed COVID Shots - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research
on Globalization

COVID Injection Increases Risk of Infection, Warns Dr. Malone in Bombshell

Interview on The Sentinel Report - Liberty Sentinel

Fauci Announces He Is on His Way Out (

More Than 1,000 Reports of Adverse Events After COVID-19 Vaccination in

Children 5 and Younger, CDC Data Shows • Children's Health Defense

What Is the Cause of Increased Mortality Rates? • Children's Health Defense


Here’s Why the COVID Vaccine Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women •
Children's Health Defense (
COVID Authoritarianism Paved the Way for Biden's Socialist Tyranny - American

55% of Babies, Toddlers Had ‘Systemic Reaction’ After COVID Vaccine, CDC
Survey Shows • Children's Health Defense (

Judge Gives Fauci 21 Days to Turn Over Emails With Social Media Giants •
Children's Health Defense (

Judge: Fauci, WH Press Secretary Must Turn Over All Emails Pertaining to
Government-media Collusion - The New American

White House: Covid Vaccinations Likely to Become Annual - The New American

The Real Reason Fauci Is Stepping Down? ‘His Presence Is No Longer Politically
Sustainable.’ • Children's Health Defense (

Judge Orders Fauci to Cough Up Emails — Are Courts Finally Ready to Hold
Government Accountable? • Children's Health Defense

Leaked Video Suggests Israeli Health Officials Covered Up Serious Safety

Problems With Pfizer COVID Vaccine • Children's Health Defense

‘God Gave Us Two Arms — One for the Flu Shot, One for the COVID Shot,’ White
House COVID Response Coordinator Says - Global ResearchGlobal Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization

COVID Vaccines Linked to Excess Deaths in Germany — Where’s the

Investigation? • Children's Health Defense (

What Was COVID-19? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

A Letter to UK's Chief Coroners Office on Disturbing COVID and COVID
Vaccination Deaths - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on

After Data Show Vaccinated at Higher Risk of Dying from COVID, Canadian
Province Ends Monthly Reports - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for
Research on Globalization

Rapid Rollout of New COVID Boosters With No Human Trials — ‘A Tale of

Recklessness’ • Children's Health Defense (


The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They
have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of
government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their
principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for
something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of
ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A
to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every
election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods.


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and
hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series
of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

HL Mencken

HL Mencken (Henry Louis Mencken) (September 12, 1880 - January 29, 1956), was an
American journalist, essayist, magazine editor, satirist, acerbic critic of American life
and culture, and a scholar of American English. Mencken, known as the "Sage of
Baltimore", is regarded as one of the most influential American writers and prose stylists
of the first half of the 20th century. Many of his books are still in print.
From: Larsen, Pam [[email protected]] on behalf of Larsen, Pam
<[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 3:35 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Christopher Daniels'
[[email protected]]
CC: Ryan, Kristen [[email protected]]; Sloan, Tyna [[email protected]];
Dickman, Corinne [[email protected]]; Talarico, Lori A.
[[email protected]]; Bowen, Jonnica L. [[email protected]]; Scott, Jeff
[[email protected]]; Hemingway, Jamie [[email protected]]; Weinert,
Beate [[email protected]]; Hansen, Judy [[email protected]]
Subject: Re: Notes from RainbowFest Volunteer Meeting on 4.25.2023
Attachments: 4.26.2023 - RainbowFest-DQSH Volunteer Meeting.pdf

Hello Chris

Oops! I forgot to include you. Here are the notes from our meeting on last Tuesday. Here y'all go.

Thanks & Take Care,


Pam Larsen, MLIS

Librarian | North Valley Library Branch
Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.972.0281
1075 North Hills Boulevard, Suite 340, Reno, NV 89506

My regular work schedule is Tuesday through Saturday.

From: Larsen, Pam <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 3:31 PM
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected]
<[email protected]>
Cc: Ryan, Kristen <[email protected]>; Sloan, Tyna <[email protected]>; Dickman,
Corinne <[email protected]>; Talarico, Lori A. <[email protected]>; Bowen,
Jonnica L. <[email protected]>; Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>; Hemingway, Jamie
<[email protected]>; Weinert, Beate <[email protected]>; Hansen, Judy
<[email protected]>
Subject: Notes from RainbowFest Volunteer Meeting on 4.25.2023
Hello All

Here are the notes I took from our meeting the other day. Let me know if there is anything that
needs to be clarified.
Thanks & Take Care,


Pam Larsen, MLIS

Librarian | North Valley Library Branch
Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.972.0281
1075 North Hills Boulevard, Suite 340, Reno, NV 89506

My regular work schedule is Tuesday through Saturday.

RainbowFest/DQSH Volunteer Meeting

26 April 2023 @10 AM

Our Center Location

Present: WCLS: Pam Larsen, Tyna Sloan, & Lori Talarico

Our Center: Stacey Spain & Kelly Tanguay

Stacey has set up the following:

• Training for staff day, May 18th, with Holland Project and 2 Black Rock Rangers.
o Training will focus on personal safety & public space de-escalation.
o 2 separate sessions of 30 people each.
• Black Rock Rangers will participate in the NV RainbowFest for sure and possibly
the SV one, if they are not already on the playa.
• With Burning Man having an in-town office, Stacey is hopeful for a continued
good connection.
• Rainbow umbrellas are ordered for Our Center volunteers’ chorus line.
• As soon as Chris has made a decision regarding the titles that they will present.
We should let Stacey know so that our house can order the same titles to read
outside during Chris’ presentations.

Kelly met with her volunteers/Trans Support Group on Monday, and most were very
interested. Her breakdown of volunteer needs for all of the events, is as follows:

• June 15th@ Downtown Reno (10-12 noon) (24 Total)

o 24 – Umbrella Chorus Line
▪ Tyna will split them (? 6-6-12 – Outside, Downstairs, Childrens)
• June 17th @ North Valleys & July 15th @ Sparks (10-2pm) (Similar) (~44 Total)
o 5 – Setup & Décor
o 24 – Umbrella Chorus Line
o 2 – Black Rock Rangers
o 1 or 2 – Oversight of Pop-Up Events
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Glow Up Booth
• 4 or 5 – In-booth Volunteers
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Make Over Booth
• 1 or 2 – In-booth Volunteers
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Drag King or Drag Queen Photo Op Booth
• 1 or 2 – In-booth Volunteers with Polaroid Camera
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Growing Booth
• 1 or 2 – In-booth Volunteers
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Brüka Theatre “Kinky Booth” Show Numbers
• To be presented in between 11:30-12 noon
• Our Center will recruit volunteers in the following way:
o 1st – Our Center Volunteers
o 2nd – Pride Volunteers
o 3rd – Public Volunteer Solicitation

Publicity -

• WCLS –
o Explorer & In-branch Information
• Our Center
o Social Media
o Possible Radio Spots
▪ Stacey will take this to the board
From: Larsen, Pam [[email protected]] on behalf of Larsen, Pam
<[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 3:31 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
CC: Ryan, Kristen [[email protected]]; Sloan, Tyna [[email protected]];
Dickman, Corinne [[email protected]]; Talarico, Lori A.
[[email protected]]; Bowen, Jonnica L. [[email protected]]; Scott, Jeff
[[email protected]]; Hemingway, Jamie [[email protected]]; Weinert,
Beate [[email protected]]; Hansen, Judy [[email protected]]
Subject: Notes from RainbowFest Volunteer Meeting on 4.25.2023
Attachments: 4.26.2023 - RainbowFest-DQSH Volunteer Meeting.pdf

Hello All

Here are the notes I took from our meeting the other day. Let me know if there is anything that
needs to be clarified.

Thanks & Take Care,


Pam Larsen, MLIS

Librarian | North Valley Library Branch
Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.972.0281
1075 North Hills Boulevard, Suite 340, Reno, NV 89506

My regular work schedule is Tuesday through Saturday.

RainbowFest/DQSH Volunteer Meeting

26 April 2023 @10 AM

Our Center Location

Present: WCLS: Pam Larsen, Tyna Sloan, & Lori Talarico

Our Center: Stacey Spain & Kelly Tanguay

Stacey has set up the following:

• Training for staff day, May 18th, with Holland Project and 2 Black Rock Rangers.
o Training will focus on personal safety & public space de-escalation.
o 2 separate sessions of 30 people each.
• Black Rock Rangers will participate in the NV RainbowFest for sure and possibly
the SV one, if they are not already on the playa.
• With Burning Man having an in-town office, Stacey is hopeful for a continued
good connection.
• Rainbow umbrellas are ordered for Our Center volunteers’ chorus line.
• As soon as Chris has made a decision regarding the titles that they will present.
We should let Stacey know so that our house can order the same titles to read
outside during Chris’ presentations.

Kelly met with her volunteers/Trans Support Group on Monday, and most were very
interested. Her breakdown of volunteer needs for all of the events, is as follows:

• June 15th@ Downtown Reno (10-12 noon) (24 Total)

o 24 – Umbrella Chorus Line
▪ Tyna will split them (? 6-6-12 – Outside, Downstairs, Childrens)
• June 17th @ North Valleys & July 15th @ Sparks (10-2pm) (Similar) (~44 Total)
o 5 – Setup & Décor
o 24 – Umbrella Chorus Line
o 2 – Black Rock Rangers
o 1 or 2 – Oversight of Pop-Up Events
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Glow Up Booth
• 4 or 5 – In-booth Volunteers
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Make Over Booth
• 1 or 2 – In-booth Volunteers
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Drag King or Drag Queen Photo Op Booth
• 1 or 2 – In-booth Volunteers with Polaroid Camera
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Growing Booth
• 1 or 2 – In-booth Volunteers
▪ 1 or 2 – Oversight of Brüka Theatre “Kinky Booth” Show Numbers
• To be presented in between 11:30-12 noon
• Our Center will recruit volunteers in the following way:
o 1st – Our Center Volunteers
o 2nd – Pride Volunteers
o 3rd – Public Volunteer Solicitation

Publicity -

• WCLS –
o Explorer & In-branch Information
• Our Center
o Social Media
o Possible Radio Spots
▪ Stacey will take this to the board
From: PW Preview for Librarians [[email protected]]
on behalf of PW Preview for Librarians
<[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 1:28 PM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
Subject: The State of America's Libraries 2023; Next Week's PW Starred


APRIL 28, 2023

The Week in Libraries: April 28, 2023

Among the week's headlines: a challenging year for libraries
recapped in the ALA's 2023 State of America's Libraries
report; amid criticism, the College Board will change its AP
African American studies course again; the Seattle Public
Library will join Brooklyn Public Library in making banned e-
books available nationwide; and Cindy Hohl is elected ALA president.
ALA Releases Top 13 Most Challenged
Books of 2022
With book bans and legislative challenges to the freedom to
read surging to record levels, even the top 10 most banned
books list is bigger. In 2022, multiple books received the same number of
challenges, resulting in the expansion of the list. more

Reed, Grijalva Reintroduce Bill to Support

School Libraries, Librarians
Among its provisions, the bill would extend liability
protections to teachers and school librarians—a direct response to the
ongoing surge of book bans and state legislation threatening librarians and
teachers with fines, jail time, or job loss for providing access to books.

Highlights of Next Week's Stars

Small Worlds
Caleb Azumah Nelson. Grove, $27 (272p) ISBN 978-0-8021-6196-3

Read the Review »

You, Bleeding Childhood

Michele Mari, trans. from the Italian by Brian Robert Moore. And
Other Stories, $17.95 trade paper (128p) ISBN 978-1-913505-68-4

Read the Review »

The Viper: A Dave Gurney Novel

John Verdon. Counterpoint, $29 (400p) ISBN 978-1-64009-585-4

Read the Review »

Tokyo Time
Dawn Farnham. Brash, $18.99 trade paper (272p) ISBN 978-1-

Read the Review »

Eight Bears: Mythic Past and Imperiled Future
Gloria Dickie. Norton, $30 (336p) ISBN 978-1-324-00508-7

Read the Review »

Waiting to Be Arrested at Night: A Uyghur Poet’s Memoir

of China’s Genocide
Tahir Hamut Izgil. Penguin Press, $28 (272p) ISBN 978-0-593-

Read the Review »

Congratulations, the Best Is Over!
R. Eric Thomas. Ballantine, $26.99 (240p) ISBN 978-0-593-49626-8

Read the Review »

Necessary Trouble: Growing Up at Midcentury

Drew Gilpin Faust. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $30 (320p) ISBN 978-0-374-60180-5

Read the Review »

Still Laughing: A Life in Comedy

George Schlatter. Unnamed, $28 (250p) ISBN 978-1-951213-79-4

Read the Review »


In the Night Garden

Carin Berger. Holiday House/Porter, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-8234-4986-6

Read the Review »

The Red Jacket
Bob Holt. HarperCollins, $19.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-06-323760-5

Read the Review »

The Probability of Everything

Sarah Everett. Clarion, $19.99 (336p) ISBN 978-0-063-25655-2

Read the Review »

Wishing Season
Anica Mrose Rissi. Quill Tree, $18.99 (240p) ISBN 978-0-06-325890-7

Read the Review »

The Order of Things

Kaija Langley. Penguin/Paulsen, $17.99 (288p) ISBN 978-0-59353-090-0

Read the Review »

New Books and More
New Kids' and YA Books: Week of May 1, 2023
Among the books hitting shelves next week are a picture book about the beauty of
swimming, a graphic novel following a superhero on school suspension, a YA coming-
of-age about a girl navigating her first crush on a girl, and more. more

PW Picks: Books of the Week, May 1, 2023

Our favorite books coming out this week include new titles from Edmund White, Sarah
Pinsker, and Ben Smith. more

Panel Discusses How Judy Blume's Fight Against

Censorship Relates to Battles Today
As part of National Library Week and on the inaugural Right to Read Day, Prime Video
hosted a virtual discussion inspired by its new documentary, 'Judy Blume Forever,' about protecting
free expression and combating censorship. more

Freedom to Read Supporters Say It's Time to Get Louder

Among the ideas floated were outreach to government officials, creating library-style
“request for reconsideration of materials forms,” and improving Banned Books Week.

The Consequences of Book Bans

Educator and business owner David Lenihan argues that restricting what students
learn will create a generation that will be unemployable. more

New and Noteworthy Children's and YA Books: April 2023

Among the big books hitting shelves this month are a picture book about a dinosaur
chasing her dream to become an artist, a middle grade debut from a Grammy Award-
winning artist, a retelling of "Snow White," and many more. more

PW JobZone: Latest Jobs

• DSS Games is seeking a new Editorial Director
• Great Lakes Independent Booksellers Association is seeking a new Executive
• Tattered Cover Book Store is seeking a new CEO

Find out about these and other great jobs at Jobzone

Top 10 Bestsellers
Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea: A Graphic Novel (Dog Man #11): From the Creator
of Captain Underpants
Dav Pilkey, Author, Dav Pilkey, Illustrator

Yours Truly
Abby Jimenez, Author

The Last Thing He Told Me
Laura Dave, Author

Dark Angel
John Sandford, Author

It Ends with Us
Colleen Hoover, Author

It Starts with Us
Colleen Hoover, Author

Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Dr Seuss, Author

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear, Author

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Taylor Jenkins Reid, Author

Never Never: A Twisty, Angsty Romance (Original)
Colleen Hoover, Author, Tarryn Fisher, Author

Download a printable PDF of this bestsellers list.

For more PW bestsellers lists, click here.

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From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 9:03 PM
To: De La Torre, Marc [[email protected]]
Subject: Commissioner Andriola and Library Presentation
Attachments: WCLS Annual Report 2022.pdf

Good evening Marc,

I am attaching my presentation that I provided for Commissioner Andriola this morning. Please let me
know if you have any questions.

She also suggested I provide the tour and presentation to Commissioner Clark. If he still wants to do that
I can provide that for him.


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
County Library
Annual Report
2022-2025 Strategic Plan
Year 1
Washoe County Library System
➢Downtown Reno Library
➢Duncan Traner Library
➢Gerlach Library
➢Washoe County Detention Center
➢Incline Village Library
➢Northwest Reno Library
➢North Valleys Library
➢Senior Center Library
➢Sierra View Library
➢South Valleys Library
➢Spanish Springs Library
➢Sparks Library
➢Verdi Library
Washoe County Library System

➢369,000 Books ➢140 Library Staff

➢2 million Checkouts ➢183,000 Computer Users
➢361,000 patrons
➢$16 Million Budget ➢1.1 Million Visits
➢77% of Washoe County
Residents Have a Library Card
Enhance WCLS Collection
based on patron interest and
Identify Book Deserts
Install more Bookmachines
Virtual Authors Events
Book Promotion
Juvenile Chapter Book Project
Book Subscription Box
Establish Bookmobile
Stimulate Imagination: Identify Book Deserts
➢Book Deserts ➢Nixon
➢ Hidden Valley ➢Wadsworth
➢ Washoe Valley ➢Hidden Meadow
➢ Pleasant Valley ➢Huffaker Hills
➢ Steamboat ➢Mira Loma
➢ North of Spanish Springs ➢Donna Springs
➢Rosewood Lakes
➢ Red Rock past Silver
Knolls ➢East Sparks
➢ Cold Springs/Sierra ➢Sun Valley
Ranchos/Rancho Haven ➢Stead
➢Neil Road
Stimulate Imagination:
Install Book Machines

Book Machine Locations

Available at Incline
Village Library
Installation at Cold
Springs Community
Center scheduled for
February 2023 Launch
Stimulate Imagination:
Virtual Author Talks
Virtual Author Talks
Available on date and
available to watch later at
our virtual archive
Simon Winchester author
of The Professor and the
Liz Wiseman author of
Multipliers and Impact
And more!
Stimulate Imagination: Book Promotion
➢ Book Promotion
➢ KUNR: On The
Shelf/On the Kids
➢ KOLO Book Club
➢ Growing Up In Reno
Magazine Book Lists
Stimulate Imagination
➢ Juvenile Chapter Book
Collection Series
➢ Assessed collection to ensure
popular children’s series are
available and return to home
branches when returned
➢ Biggest Little Book Box
➢ Piloted by North Valleys and
Incline Village Library with a
focus on Young Adults and
Middle Grade Readers
Stimulate Imagination
➢Books: Book collections will include our
Lucky Day popular items for seniors.
➢English Language Learners: Reach
community members with language
barriers as well as technology barriers.
➢Technology with instruction to bridge
the digital divide.
➢Bookmobile ETA delayed due to supply
chain issues
Enhance WCLS spaces
through renovations, spaces,
furniture, fixtures, and
Renovation of Northwest
Reno, Sparks, Sierra View, and
Senior Center Libraries
Staff Training
Director Updates
Challenge Program
Lit Fiber to Gerlach
Provide Welcoming Spaces: Renovations
➢Tacchino Trust Funding
Expended and projects
➢$900,000 Donation
➢Costs Split between:
➢Downtown Reno Library
➢Sparks Library
➢Northwest Reno Library
Provide Welcoming Spaces: Staff Training
➢Staff Day Training with Tiffany Young
➢Implicit Bias Training, Exercises, and
➢Reviewed Library Access Via Library
➢Reviewed Collection
➢Next Steps program and events review
➢DEI Statement
Provide Welcoming Spaces:
Staff Development
➢Challenge Program
➢ Branch Managers developing a cross branch training
program for library staff and public.
➢ Raise awareness of library services
➢ Help staff decide for transfer or promotional
➢ Launch December 2022
➢Director Updates
➢ Regular updates to library staff on items outside of
board reports
➢ Shared in Board Packets
Provide Welcoming Spaces:
High Speed Internet
➢ Lit Fiber to Gerlach
➢ E-rate Funded Project with help of
Governor’s Office to put high
speed fiber internet to the Gerlach
➢ Project will increase speeds at the
library and provide high speed
internet into the Gerlach and
Pyramid Lake Paiute region.
➢ Increased Internet Speeds to
1Gbps at all branches
Workforce Building
Provide workforce training and virtual space
opportunities for a COVID and Post-COVID
Virtual Space/Room/ Carrels
Promote Meeting Room Usage
Northern Nevada Literacy Council
Washoe ACT Program
Workforce Building:
Virtual Meeting Space
➢Zoom Rooms
➢Nevada State Library Archives and Public
Records Library Services and Technology
Act grant to purchase seven Rooms for
virtual work in the library.
➢COVID and Post-Covid has demonstrated
the increased need for virtual work.
➢Provides way to have virtual meetings in
the library and quiet study space
Workforce Building: Meeting Rooms

➢Meeting Room Usage

➢ Marketing Meeting room to local
businesses through EDAWN
➢ Library used for Washoe County
Community Advisory Boards
➢ Libraries are Early Voting Locations
Workforce Building: Partnerships
➢Northern Nevada Literacy Council partnership with Washoe County Libraries
➢Program at Sierra View and Sparks Libraries
➢English Language Acquisition (ELA) Curriculum: 8 classes per week
➢Students enroll in the NNLC’s Integrated English Language Civics Education
(IELCE) program. Enrollment in the IELCE allows students to be concurrently
enrolled in a vocational training program leading to an industry recognized
certification, such as the Certified Administrative Assistant (CAA) program,
the Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN) program, and the Business Information
Worker (BIW) program.
➢Citizenship Classes: 50 hours of education classes
➢English Conversation and Family Literacy Program
➢Work Ready Classes: NNLC will work with the libraries to offer Computer
Literacy classes, resume and cover letter building, financial literacy and help
provide work ready resources to the libraries.
Workforce Building
➢Provide workforce training and virtual space
opportunities for a COVID and Post-COVID
➢ Washoe ACT/Work Ready Communities
➢ Working with Governor’s Office for Workforce
➢ Implementing ACT/Work Ready Communities in
Washoe County
➢ Available to all Schools in Nevada as of Fall 2022
➢ Testing available at workforce non-profits and all
libraries in the next few months
➢ Working on business adoption of program with Reno
Sparks Chamber of Commerce and EDAWN
School Support
Ensure Washoe
County Library
System supports in-
school children to
help them succeed
Teen Programs
Teen Survey
Lifelong Learning
Improve the welfare
and provide more
resources for Lifelong
Learners and Seniors
in Washoe County
Technology Senior
Homebound Services
Bookmobile Services
Celebrate Our Diverse Community
Ensure we are serving everyone and celebrating
everyone in our community
Staff Training
Collection Review
Events Review (forthcoming)
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Plan
Celebrate Our Diverse Community:
Book Collection
➢Washoe Library Collection
➢National Average 11%
➢Washoe Library 21%
➢Promoting Diverse Titles
Celebrate Our Diverse Community:
➢Honoring our community each
month we rely on our
➢ University of Nevada Reno
Performing Arts Series
➢ Historical Reno Preservation
➢ Local Presenters/Performers
➢We also incorporate themes
into our story times, film series,
book displays, and outreaches
Honoring Our Diverse Community:
Holocaust Collection and Exhibition
➢Northwest Reno Library is home to
the Shia Szrut Holocaust Memorial
Collection, which contains over 2,000
monographs, films, and posters on the
Holocaust for educators, students, and
the public.
➢Librarians also provide rotating
exhibitions from Nevada and national
➢Hosted How Did You Survive
Exhibition provided by the Nevada
Governor’s Advisory Council on
Education Relating to the Holocaust
➢Exhibition also included presentations
and discussions
Celebrate Our Diverse
Community: Outreach
Outreach Events:
Pride Parade (July, 2022)
Juneteenth (June, 2022)
Dia de Los Muertos
(November, 2022)
Project Collaboration
(October, 2022)
Older Americans Month
Fair (May, 2022)
Celebrate Our Diverse Community: Pride Events
Pride Events:
Drag Queen Story Time
Northern Nevada Pride Parade
Promote the Library
Renew Tax Initiative and ensure the library is
financially secure
Work with Board of County Commissioners to gain
support for renewed Tax Initiatives
➢Book checkout has recovered since 2020 up 4%
➢912,344 annual checkouts for books
➢Video checkout has declined 62% mostly due to RN 32% -66%
streaming options and studios not releasing on DVD SP -29% -71%

➢E-book Checkout at over 800,000 annually SV -10% -66%

NW 10% -63%
➢E-book previously would be the highest branch SS 23% -28%
circulation against our highest physical branch and SO 7% -50%
now it rivals all the branch check-out combined NV -7% -62%

➢Need increase in book budget to meet demand IV -3% -74%

TOTAL 4% -62%
➢Goal for FY 2023 is $1.5 Million Book Budget
➢$12 Million Budget from County
General Fund
➢$3.5 Million Budget from Expansion

Tax Fund 19%

➢$500,000 in Gift Funds

➢$16 Million Budget
➢Increase of 8% thanks to Washoe 78%

County Commissioners
➢Increased library hours with four of General Expansion Gift

seven major branches open seven days

a week
Thank You
Washoe County Library System
2022-2025 Strategic Plan Update
Year 1
From: Cortes, Cecilia [[email protected]] on behalf of Cortes, Cecilia
<[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 9:35 AM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]; Burton, L.J. [[email protected]]
CC: Storey, Marilyn [[email protected]]
Subject: RE: Completed March Minutes
Attachments: Minutes March 2023.docx

I made the change to Brandon Price.

Thank you

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 5:49 PM
To: Cortes, Cecilia <[email protected]>; Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Cc: Storey, Marilyn <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Completed March Minutes

Thank you CeCe. I like the new format. It’s actually easier to discern what’s going on.

Also, we have new counsel. Brandon Price is the legal rep who replaced Herb Kaplan.



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Cortes, Cecilia <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 5:31 PM
To: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>; Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Cc: Storey, Marilyn <[email protected]>
Subject: Completed March Minutes


Attached, please find the completed March minutes.

Thank you
Cecilia Cortes
Office Support Specialist | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8362
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
4:00 P.M.

The Board met in regular session in a hybrid format via Zoom webinar and in person.

Chair Ghilieri called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.


Board Members Present: Frank Perez, Amy Ghilieri, Lea Grace, Ann Medaille

Board Members Absent: None

County Staff Present: Library Director Jeff Scott, Assistant District Attorney
Brandon Price, Assistant County Manager David Solaro


1. Janet Butcher: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. The event is
not appropriate for children.

2. Nichelle Hull: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. Would like to
see fairy tale people reading to the children instead.

3. Cesar Minera: Represents over 60 churches. Spoke about his opposition to the drag queen
story hour. Presented a short video.

4. Krystal Minera: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. The event
does not belong in the public Libraries.

5. Stacey Piro: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. Would like to see
emails for the board members to be able to email any concerns.

6. Carmen Quinones: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. Let the
parents teach the children about sexuality and leave it out of the public library and schools.
7. Bruce Parks: Thanked the board for fixing the previous month’s meeting minutes. Spoke
about his opposition to the drag queen story event. The community has attended many monthly
meetings to ask for the event to be stopped.

8. Sarah DePaoli: Spoke about her support to the drag queen story event. The event is great.
Loves the library and the programming available.

9. Darla Lee: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story event. Would like Kirk
Cameron to read at the library instead of a drag queen.

10. Nicole Obritsch: Showed her support to the drag queen story event. Spoke about the South
Valleys staff and how great they are.

11. Katherine Clemons: Church member spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story
event. Children should not be exposed to this sort of event.

12. Rebecca Allured: 20-year Washoe County resident. She thanked the board for listening to
the voices. Read a statement from her friend Angela. Angela is in support of the drag queen
story event. The event is creative.

13. Wayne Holland: Sat on the Board for four years. Showed his support to the drag queen story

14. Cliff Nellis: Resident of Washoe County that is opposed to the drag queen story event.
Children should not be exposed to this sort of event. The event does not belong in the library.
The upcoming drag queen event needs to be cancelled.

15. Manuel Sanchez: Spoke about his opposition to the drag queen story event. The event does
not belong in the libraries. Children should not be exposed to this lifestyle or lifestyle choices.

16. Edwin Luyngar: Battle Mountain resident. Public spaces are for everyone. Need to treat
everyone with dignity, respect, and kindness.

17. Alan Munson: Washoe County resident that spoke on his opposition to the drag queen story
event. Young children should not be exposed to this sort of event. This type of event does not
belong in libraries.

18. Bruce Foster: Spoke on his opposition to the drag queen event. These sorts of events
confuse young children. Children should not be exposed to these sorts of events.

19. Kari Buccambuso: Spoke about her support to the drag queen story event. The event is a
great and safe event. Hopes the library will continue to hold these sorts of events. The event
should not be banned.

20. Debbie Mardon: As a child she enjoyed going to the libraries. Spoke to her opposition to the
drag queen story event.

21. Sandee Tibbett: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story event. Drag belongs in
adult spaces not libraries where children are. Drag queen story events should be banned.

22. Brandon Thompson: Opposed the drag queen story event. The event confuses children and
makes them question things. Not child appropriate.

23. Bryan Canton: Spoke on his opposition to the drag queen story event.

24. Lucy Canton: Spoke on her opposition to the drag queen story time. With this event children
are being violating their personality their mentality young children should not be exposed to this
sort of event. The parent has the responsibility to teach the children until they are of age, and
they can make their own choices. Libraries are for knowledge learning and not to be exposed to
these events.

25. Erika Ronquillo: Has two children that love to read. She is in opposition to the drag queen
story event.

26. Jesus Sepulveda: Spoke to his opposition to the drag queen story event. This event is not
child appropriate. The event is a lack of respect to the community.

27. Kimberly Sepulveda: Spoke on her opposition to the drag queen story event. The event is
wrong to expose young children to.

28. Rina Zecena: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story event. These programs are
not good for our children. Drag is for adults not for children in a library.

29. Emiliano Pasiulas: Pastor of the local community. Spoke on the opposition of drag queen
story event. This event should not be allowed for children. Since the event he does not take his
children to story time at the library.

30. Daniela Rodriguez: Spoke about her opposition to drag queen story event. This event does
not belong in the library. A library is a place to learn not a place to be exposed to adult

31. Nayelli Rodriguez: Spoke to opposition of the drag queen event. This sort of event does not
belong in a public library. The event confuses young children.

32. Diana Rodriguez: Spoke to opposition of the drag queen story event. Children need to
preserve their innocence.

33. Alexa Ibarra: Junior high school student. She is opposed to the drag queen event. There is
already a ton of confusion in our community. Most young children question who they are or
what they are. The event will continue to confuse young children.

34. Ashlye Ibarra: Opposed to the drag queen story hour. Children need to focus on positive
events that will make them become good adults in the community. Children should not be
exposed to this sort of event.

35. Aylin Jiminez: Is opposed to the drag queen story event. The last thing on children’s minds
should be gender identity or confusion. Let children be children.

36. Samantha Duron: Junior in high school and is in opposition to the drag queen story event.
Parents should not take their children to this sort of event.

37. Griselda Papilla: Is opposed to the drag queen story event.

38. Trevor Robinson: New resident to Nevada and he is opposed to the drag queen story event.

39. Britney Keife: Opposed to the drag queen story event. This event only confuses the children.

40. Elizabeth Mena: Opposed to the drag queen story event. This event is not good for children,
it is sexualizing the children. Children should be learning about science, math, and reading.

41. Yvette Pasillas: Opposed to the drag queen story event. Children cannot choose what is good
for them or not. This event does not benefit our children. The world is changing, and we have to
look out for our kids.

42. Nestor Herres: Opposed to the drag queen event. The board should not even approve these
sorts of programs. Children should be focused on learning and what they want to do for the
future. Do not consider these sorts of programs moving forward.

43. Sheena: Supports the drag queen story hour. The event is beneficial for diversity.

44. Valerie Fiannaca: Showed appreciation for their service. And spoke on her opposition to the
drag queen story event. Went on the website and saw celebrating diversity and LGBTQ
community. Would like the board to get their own emails so that each individual board member
can get their own emails. The event does not belong in a facility that taxpayers pay for.

45. Roxanne: Opposed to drag queen story hour. Parents should not take the children to this sort
of event if they are not appropriate for the children. Her taxes should not be used for such

46. Lacy Salo: Opposed to the drag queen story event.

3) Approval of Meeting Minutes

a) For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes from the Library Board Meeting of March 15, 2023
Trustee Frank Perez moved to approve the March 15, 2023, Meeting minutes. Second by
Trustee Anne Medallie. Unanimous approval.

4) Old Business [Non-Action Item]


5) New Business

c) Presentation: Memorial for Trustee Jean Stoess [Non-Action Item]

Director Jeff Scott presented a memorial for Trustee Jean Stoess.
a) Presentation and Discussion: Washoe County Library Strategic Plan Update [Non-Action
Director Jeff Scott presented a power point to the Board updating them on the strategic plan.
Touched base on the book machine. April 27th will be the opening of Sierra View after
renovations. Senior center renovations in the funding plan. Zoom room grants were awarded
to the library. Incline Village has Saturday hours as of April 1. Spanish Springs library new
flooring, South Valleys new flooring. Welcoming spaces Nevada Library Association Legislative
day was held March 9th. The library is still hiring a few open positions. Washoe County Best
Places to work survey there was good response County wide and for the library. Workforce
Development goes with the best place for working parents. Working with Tesla to implement
Act work program. School support first batch of cards are now at Renown. Planned to market
in June. Lifelong learning senior fair held at Northwest Reno, Sparks, and South Valleys
libraries. Successful grant partnership to continue to host these programs for seniors.
Celebrate Diversity was part of the women’s history month. Celebrate diversity was on KOLO
and KUNR celebrating women’s history month.

Trustee Perez asked Director Scott which libraries have zoom rooms and which libraries don’t.

Director Scott responded that he believes all the libraries have a zoom room except for

b) Presentation: National Library Week Proclamation [Non-Action Item]

Received a proclamation from the Board of County Commissioner for National Library week.
Director Scott read the proclamation.

6) Reports
a) Library Director Update by Jeff Scott [Non-Action Item]
Sierra View will open on the 27th of May, this will be a soft launch. Book machines are
coming in the next two weeks. Budget for this year was approved. Trustee appointments on

b) Northwest Reno Library Report by Robin Posniak [Non-Action Item

Robin presented a power point presentation to the Board. September of last year they had
some roof repairs done. The damage was done to over 300 books. Showed the Board the
renovation to the space in the library. New programs are back at the library. Have Saturday
and Sunday programming available. Special programs and collaborations event were well
attended. Snapshot programs by the numbers presented. Stem fun made gingerbread
homes and a life size candy land. Fun times they saw some deer and a cat. Northwest was
an early voting location. They had 5,245 in person voters and 1,995 drop off ballots. Summer
reading challenge is on again for this summer. Verdi celebrated its 20-year anniversary.
There were more than 100 patrons that showed up for the anniversary celebration. Staff
updates there were two retirements, five new staff, five staff departures, and currently have
three vacancies. Have a ton of volunteers that are willing to help.

Trustee Amy asked what the volunteers mainly do?

Robin responded that they mainly do shelving, missing lists, hold lists, cleaning.
c) Reference and Technology Team Report by Toni Farris [Non-Action Item
PowerPoint presentation made to the Board touched base on Community Resources Week
with the Truckee Meadows parks foundation help with dementia friendly nature walks at
Idlewild park. Walks are offered every Tuesday from 10am to 11 am. Community resources
center is made up of local non-profit organizations. Northern Nevada Veterans Resources
Center is also a nonprofit organization dedicated to rapidly rehousing homelessness
veterans and preventing veterans from becoming homeless. The Solace tree is another non-
profit resource that provides youth grievance support for children, teens, and family
members. These services are free and include peer support groups and grief workshops.
Nevada talking books are available. There have been a lot of positive library comments
about the resource week.

7) Staff Announcements – Three Minute Time Limit Per Person [Non-Action Item
Debi Stears let the board know they have an additional 4,000 geared toward materials.

Trustee Anne Medalli stated she still has not seen any emails. Director Scott said he would
speak to Leah to see why they are not coming through, but he has not seen any emails.

Trustee Perez stated that the Board as a governing board it is important to all to respect
whatever opinions are being said but it is important that they do anything they can to
prevent an altercation in the room. He said the behavior he saw today was unacceptable on
both sides. He hopes that if anything ever does happen there is a plan in place. Second thing
is he did notice there were a lot of Spanish speakers, and he thinks it’s worth having a
translator available so the public can voice their opinions. Is happy with the strategic plan he
follows closely and is looking forward to the updated plan in 2024.

Director Scott responded that the current strategic plan is from 2022 to 2025.

8) Board Comment – Limited to Announcements, Strategic Plan Activity Updates, or Issues

Proposed for Future Agendas and/or workshops [Non-Action Item]

9) Adjournment
From: LibraryWorks [[email protected]] on behalf of LibraryWorks
<[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 9:30 AM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
Subject: New Titles Showcase | April 2023

View this email in your browser

April 2023

Silver Alert
Lee Smith

This funny and endearing novel of family, secrets, and

aging follows an elderly man who heads off on a joyride
with a new young friend—who may have some secrets
of her own.

Learn More


All We Could Have Been and More

Joshua Shaw

Tartt First Fiction Award! Zombie ant fungus, self-

conscious crash test dummies—you surely understand
the black humor focus of this collection. The recently
commented, “A lot of the stuff I'm publishing these days
in philosophy involves defenses of pessimism and
misanthropy. I credit the last few elections for inspiring
this new research line.”

Learn more

Secret Agent Gals

Richard Gid Powers

Who are Secret Agent Gals Hilla Rebay and Peggy

Guggenheim? Just two real-life socialites who later
founded the Guggenheim Museum, but first answered
duty and joined the FBI. They steal Hitler’s mojo. They
save J. Edgar Hoover from the treasonous Pigeon, who
wants to take over the FBI and the Post Toasties®
Junior G-Men Clubs. They finally uncover a secret so
awful, so terrible, it shouldn’t even be hinted at in a

Learn More


Petrochemical Nocturne
Amos Jasper Wright IV

The Mississippi River. HAZMAT. Boxing. Suicide by cop.

New Orleans Saints football. Chemical explosions. The
Angola prison rodeo. Chlorine gas ghost ships. Through
these symbols and themes, we learn about Toussaint,
(an African-American named after the Haitian
revolutionary leader Toussaint Louverture) and his
formative experiences in the Standard Heights
neighborhood of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Petrochemical
Nocturne is an indictment of what Toussaint describes
as "that dystopian haunted carnival cruise line called

Learn More

Dust Child
A Parcel of Rogues
A Postcard from the Delta
An Art, A Craft, A Mystery

Building Lasting Bridges: An Updated Handbook for

Intercultural Ministries
Kathryn Choy-Wong, Lucia Ann McSpadden, Dale M.

Building Lasting Bridges provides insights from three US-based

faith leaders from diverse cultural and denominational
backgrounds for understanding and bridging cultural divides.
Revised for our time, this book offers a brief theology supporting
diversity, followed by reflections from the authors on their
personal journeys toward embracing diversity within their faith
context. The book features brief, easily accessible chapters with
compelling questions for either personal or group reflection that
will be perfect for intentional community-building group study or
personal growth. A light, easy sense of humor is interspersed
throughout the book, bringing some levity to an often-heavy topic.
Supplemental materials are available online.

Learn more

24/7 Embodying Christ-like Leadership

Leslie Copeland

24/7 Embodying Christ-like Leadership is a timely and

refreshing book for leaders to reflect and rethink who
they are as leaders. Leaders are encouraged to examine
their lives truthfully and carefully to grow spiritually while
faithfully operating as servant-leaders for Christ.
Copeland reminds leaders that such characteristics as
courage, commitment, and compassion are essential to
good leadership. Copeland combines Scripture and
intriguing illustrations from real-life examples of positive
and negative leadership to identify and define the traits
of solid Christian leadership.

Learn more

Pressing Forward: Faith, Culture, and African

American Youth
Curtiss Carmichael Crutchfield with Denise Janssen

Carmichael Crutchfield with Denise Janssen have

written a critical analysis of the significance of topics like
self-identity, worship, pedagogy, music, and listening
among African American youth, and they provide a
dynamic guide for applying practical tools to foster a
faith development that goes beyond memorizing
Scripture for rewards. The authors utilize responses
from adolescent focus groups to advocate for healthy
internal and external faith formation. This book is a
must-read for anyone wanting to better understand and
assist in maturing the faith of African American youth.

Learn more


Transformed by Pastoral Transition: A Guide for Congregations

A Peculiar Church: Practicing Baptist Theology
Church on the Move: A Practical Guide for Ministry in the Community


How to Craft and Utilize an Elevator Speech to Prove Your Value

Thursday, April 27, 2023
Learn more/register

Serving the Neurodiverse in Your Library

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Learn more / register

Plan a Campaign to Draw People into Your Libraries

Thursday, May 11, 2023
Learn more/register

Quiet Leadership: Cultivate your Identity as an Introverted, Quiet, or Reserved

Leader to Harvest, Motivate, and Inspire
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Learn more / register

Book Bans and Censorship: Managing Public Comment Sessions and Material
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Learn more/register


Life in Space: NASA Life Sciences Research during

the Late Twentieth Century
Maura Phillips Mackowski
This book explores the many aspects and outcomes of
NASA’s research in life sciences, a little-understood
endeavor that has often been overlooked in histories of
the space agency. Maura Mackowski details NASA’s
work in this field from spectacular promises made during
the Reagan era to the major new directions set by
George W. Bush in the early twenty-first century. For
today’s dreams of lunar outposts or long-term
spaceflight to become reality, this book argues, a robust
program in space life sciences is essential, and the
history in this book offers lessons to help prevent
expectations from being unfulfilled.

Learn more


After Apollo: Cultural Legacies of the Race to the

Edited by J Bret Bennington and Rodney F. Hill

Available in July, this book explores how NASA’s space

program impacted American society and culture during
and after the race to the Moon, looking back at the 1969
Apollo 11 Moon landing from the perspective of the
present day. From the hidden chemistry behind human
spaceflight to societal repercussions of space
expenditures to the role of art and popular entertainment
in selling spaceflight to the public, After Apollo shows the
human impacts and cultural spin-offs that came to pass
as the mythology and eventual reality of space travel
permeated American society.

Learn more


Cosmonaut: A Cultural History

Cathleen S. Lewis

Available in August, this book discusses how the public

image of the Soviet cosmonaut developed beginning in
the 1950s and the ways this icon has been reinterpreted
throughout the years and in contemporary Russia.
Compiling material and cultural representations of the
cosmonaut program, Smithsonian curator Cathleen
Lewis highlights how the government has celebrated
figures such as Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova
through newspapers, radio, parades, monuments,
museums, films, and even postage stamps and lapel
pins, and how cosmonaut imagery remains effective
propaganda today.

Learn more

Your Guide to the 2024 Solar Eclipse

Michael E. Bakich

Your Guide to the 2024 Solar Eclipse, by former

Astronomy Magazine editor Michael Bakich, provides all
the information needed to be ready for the total solar
eclipse that will cross the United States on April 8, 2024.
You’ll learn the solar eclipse path of totality, how to
observe it safely, what you’ll experience during the
eclipse, the best equipment to choose, how to
photograph the event, tips for using climate and weather
forecasts to your advantage, and much more. Written in
easy-to-understand language (glossary included), this is
the must-have reference for this unique occurrence. For
wholesale orders email [email protected].

Learn more

Picturing the Space Shuttle: The Early Years

Lunar Outfitters: Making the Apollo Space Suit
NASA and the Long Civil Rights Movement


The Railroading Handbook



Gravity: Mass, Energy, and the Force that Holds

Cindy Blobaum

In Gravity: Mass, Energy, and the Force that Holds

Things Together with Hands-On Science Activities
young scientists explore the invisible but powerful force
that is responsible for keeping the entire universe in
place—including you!
Activities, links to online resources, and more!

Learn more

Electricity: Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets with

Hands-On Science Activities
Carmella Van Vleet

Electricity: Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets with

Hands-On Science Activities explores the science of
electricity and the technology we’ve developed to
harness that power. Static electricity, currents, circuits,
electromagnetism, motors, and renewable energy—
learn about the past and future of power!
Activities, links to online resources, and more!

Learn more


Pulleys Pull Their Weight: Simple Machines for Kids

Andi Diehn

In Pulleys Pull Their Weight: Simple Machines for Kids,

readers solve the problem of a heavy elephant by
learning about forces and how we can increase the
amount we can lift simply by using a pulley! Features
engaging illustrations and lots of real-life examples that
kids can spot in their home, schools, and

Activity, poem, and more!

Learn more


Screws Keep Things Secure: Simple Machines for Kids

Grassland Globetrotting: Biome Explorers
Footsteps in the Forests: Biome Explorers


Let Me Explain BLACK, Again

Exploring Blind Spots and Black Insights for
Marketing & Understanding Black Culture and
Pepper Miller

In this book, Pepper Miller, a market researcher and

Black American subject-matter expert, explores and

• SEVEN blind spots that prevent business

leaders from “Getting” the real perspective of
their Black employees, customers, and
• FIVE shape-shifting segments within the Black
population, including Black immigrants and
LGBTQ+ individuals, and how each of the five
groups is unapologetically different from
mainstream, and also different from each other,
in meaningful ways.
• More than FIVE important sectors indicating
that America today is NOT post-racial, including:
education, health and healthcare, housing,
wealth & financial services, and the justice
system itself.
• Eye-popping statistics contradict many
commonly held stereotypes, assumptions, and

Taking readers closer to the heart and soul of Black

culture Pepper addresses Black identity and
language; the authentic realism of Black cyberspace;
the importance of the Black church; Black media,
inclusive market research; and so much more.

Learn more


How Hard Is It to Be Your Customer?

Using Journey Mapping to Drive Customer-Focused
Updated 2nd Edition
Jim Tincher and Nicole Newton

First published in 2019, before the COVID pandemic so

quickly changed the way researchers gathered data and
businesses interacted with customers, this book has
become one of the top-selling books on the subject
of customer journey mapping. It has already helped
thousands of CX research professionals and business
leaders plan and execute successful journey mapping
initiatives and avoid the pitfalls that doom so many

With insights from dozens of CX pros and real-world

examples, this book guides readers through the process
of creating and using journey maps. This edition
includes a chapter focusing on software tools and the
ability to create living journey maps.

Learn more


Different Rules
The B2B Marketer's Guide to Product Differentiation
Chris Wirthwein

Ready to differentiate? This book shows you how . .

Filled with practical, ready-to-apply lessons, Different
Rules reveals tested concepts, real-world examples and
an all-new way to differentiate any B2B product in any
B2B market. The only guidebook of its kind for B2B,
Different Rules delivers both practical ideas and
creative inspiration. Step-by-step, it teaches surprisingly
simple and potent methods that can build markets,
transform industries, and power personal success.

Learn more

A Practitioner’s Guide: Mastering Focus Groups and Depth Interviews

Predicting the Turn: The High Stakes Game of Business Between Startups and Blue
The Founder’s Manual: A Guidebook for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur


Michelle Dowd

A moving, heartbreaking, and lyrical true story of the

author’s escape from an apocalyptic cult—and the
survival skills that led to her freedom.

Learn more

This Isn’t Going to End Well

A Witch’s Guide to Creating and Performing Rituals

Phoenix LeFae

Build Powerful, Transformative Rituals for a Deeply

Meaningful Life

Rituals are a part of our breath, blood, and bone.

They’re a part of our human makeup, and they provide
us with confidence, reassurance, and stronger social
bonds. A ritualist with nearly thirty years of experience,
Phoenix LeFae teaches you how to build a solid
foundation of ritual practice while also leaving room for
your own creative exploration. She covers not only how
to craft rituals, but also why they are important.

This inspiring book walks you through every step of ritual

work, from setting your intentions to creating sacred
space to closing the ceremony. You will find a variety of
exercises, meditations, and activities, as well as
guidelines for making unique rituals from scratch.
Phoenix helps you design solitary and group rituals that
are the perfect fit.

Learn more

The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine

Linnie Thomas

An Expansive Resource with 55+ Energy Healing


This newly revised edition of The Encyclopedia of

Energy Medicine is an extensive directory for anyone
wishing to study energy healing practices. With newly
added modalities, updated course listings, and an
improved list of energy medicine associations, this
comprehensive reference features dozens of healing
schools as well as licensure and certification programs
in a field that is constantly growing and evolving. Linnie
Thomas offers resources for pursuing your education in
fifty-six energy healing methods, such as:
Reflexology • Healing Touch • LomiLomi • Holotropic
Breathwork • Thought Field Therapy • Reiki • Medical
Qigong • Melody Crystal Healing

This much-needed sourcebook covers healing session

summaries, certification and continuing education
requirements, endorsements and accreditations,
standards of practice, legalities, and class availability.
Thomas lists each therapeutic approach, course
descriptions (including contact information), and codes
of ethics, making it easy to find the information you need
to explore these healing techniques for yourself.

Learn more

Lewellyn’s Complete Book of North American Folk Magic

Cory Thomas Hutcheson

“Cory Thomas Hutcheson reminds us how the magic of the land

and the people in North America is found on every corner, in your
mother's blessing, at the ocean shores, and everywhere in
between...Immerse yourself in the rich origin, history, and
traditions of folk magic in North America...”—Rev. Laura
González, Pagan educator and creator of the English/Spanish
podcast Lunatic Mondays (Lunes Lunáticos)

20+ Diverse Traditions from New England to the West Coast

Drawing on the expertise of twenty-four renowned practitioners,

this book features contemporary folk traditions from all over North
America...these authentic practices will expand your worldview
and inspire you to enrich your own spirituality.

"Rich, engaging, and incredibly diverse, this book gives us

irreplaceable and enlightening glimpses into every folk magic you
can imagine from the South to the North and all the way out West.
A must-have book for any folk practitioner."—Frankie Castanea,
AKA Chaotic Witch Aunt, author of Spells for Change

Learn more

Thrifty Witchery: Magick for the Penny-Pinching Practitioner

Under the Sacred Canopy: Working Magick with the Mystical Trees of the World
Spirit Rescue: Clear Negative Energy and Free Earthbound Souls


Rare Trees
Sara Oldfield and Malin Rivers

Discover the secrets and beauty of the world’s rarest

trees in this fantastic book filled with more than 300 color

Learn more

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From: LibraryWorks [[email protected]] on behalf of LibraryWorks
<[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 9:29 AM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
Subject: New Titles Showcase | April 2023

View this email in your browser

April 2023

Silver Alert
Lee Smith

This funny and endearing novel of family, secrets, and

aging follows an elderly man who heads off on a joyride
with a new young friend—who may have some secrets
of her own.

Learn More


All We Could Have Been and More

Joshua Shaw

Tartt First Fiction Award! Zombie ant fungus, self-

conscious crash test dummies—you surely understand
the black humor focus of this collection. The recently
commented, “A lot of the stuff I'm publishing these days
in philosophy involves defenses of pessimism and
misanthropy. I credit the last few elections for inspiring
this new research line.”

Learn more

Secret Agent Gals

Richard Gid Powers

Who are Secret Agent Gals Hilla Rebay and Peggy

Guggenheim? Just two real-life socialites who later
founded the Guggenheim Museum, but first answered
duty and joined the FBI. They steal Hitler’s mojo. They
save J. Edgar Hoover from the treasonous Pigeon, who
wants to take over the FBI and the Post Toasties®
Junior G-Men Clubs. They finally uncover a secret so
awful, so terrible, it shouldn’t even be hinted at in a

Learn More


Petrochemical Nocturne
Amos Jasper Wright IV

The Mississippi River. HAZMAT. Boxing. Suicide by cop.

New Orleans Saints football. Chemical explosions. The
Angola prison rodeo. Chlorine gas ghost ships. Through
these symbols and themes, we learn about Toussaint,
(an African-American named after the Haitian
revolutionary leader Toussaint Louverture) and his
formative experiences in the Standard Heights
neighborhood of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Petrochemical
Nocturne is an indictment of what Toussaint describes
as "that dystopian haunted carnival cruise line called

Learn More

Dust Child
A Parcel of Rogues
A Postcard from the Delta
An Art, A Craft, A Mystery

Building Lasting Bridges: An Updated Handbook for

Intercultural Ministries
Kathryn Choy-Wong, Lucia Ann McSpadden, Dale M.

Building Lasting Bridges provides insights from three US-based

faith leaders from diverse cultural and denominational
backgrounds for understanding and bridging cultural divides.
Revised for our time, this book offers a brief theology supporting
diversity, followed by reflections from the authors on their
personal journeys toward embracing diversity within their faith
context. The book features brief, easily accessible chapters with
compelling questions for either personal or group reflection that
will be perfect for intentional community-building group study or
personal growth. A light, easy sense of humor is interspersed
throughout the book, bringing some levity to an often-heavy topic.
Supplemental materials are available online.

Learn more

24/7 Embodying Christ-like Leadership

Leslie Copeland

24/7 Embodying Christ-like Leadership is a timely and

refreshing book for leaders to reflect and rethink who
they are as leaders. Leaders are encouraged to examine
their lives truthfully and carefully to grow spiritually while
faithfully operating as servant-leaders for Christ.
Copeland reminds leaders that such characteristics as
courage, commitment, and compassion are essential to
good leadership. Copeland combines Scripture and
intriguing illustrations from real-life examples of positive
and negative leadership to identify and define the traits
of solid Christian leadership.

Learn more

Pressing Forward: Faith, Culture, and African

American Youth
Curtiss Carmichael Crutchfield with Denise Janssen

Carmichael Crutchfield with Denise Janssen have

written a critical analysis of the significance of topics like
self-identity, worship, pedagogy, music, and listening
among African American youth, and they provide a
dynamic guide for applying practical tools to foster a
faith development that goes beyond memorizing
Scripture for rewards. The authors utilize responses
from adolescent focus groups to advocate for healthy
internal and external faith formation. This book is a
must-read for anyone wanting to better understand and
assist in maturing the faith of African American youth.

Learn more


Transformed by Pastoral Transition: A Guide for Congregations

A Peculiar Church: Practicing Baptist Theology
Church on the Move: A Practical Guide for Ministry in the Community


How to Craft and Utilize an Elevator Speech to Prove Your Value

Thursday, April 27, 2023
Learn more/register

Serving the Neurodiverse in Your Library

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Learn more / register

Plan a Campaign to Draw People into Your Libraries

Thursday, May 11, 2023
Learn more/register

Quiet Leadership: Cultivate your Identity as an Introverted, Quiet, or Reserved

Leader to Harvest, Motivate, and Inspire
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Learn more / register

Book Bans and Censorship: Managing Public Comment Sessions and Material
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Learn more/register


Life in Space: NASA Life Sciences Research during

the Late Twentieth Century
Maura Phillips Mackowski
This book explores the many aspects and outcomes of
NASA’s research in life sciences, a little-understood
endeavor that has often been overlooked in histories of
the space agency. Maura Mackowski details NASA’s
work in this field from spectacular promises made during
the Reagan era to the major new directions set by
George W. Bush in the early twenty-first century. For
today’s dreams of lunar outposts or long-term
spaceflight to become reality, this book argues, a robust
program in space life sciences is essential, and the
history in this book offers lessons to help prevent
expectations from being unfulfilled.

Learn more


After Apollo: Cultural Legacies of the Race to the

Edited by J Bret Bennington and Rodney F. Hill

Available in July, this book explores how NASA’s space

program impacted American society and culture during
and after the race to the Moon, looking back at the 1969
Apollo 11 Moon landing from the perspective of the
present day. From the hidden chemistry behind human
spaceflight to societal repercussions of space
expenditures to the role of art and popular entertainment
in selling spaceflight to the public, After Apollo shows the
human impacts and cultural spin-offs that came to pass
as the mythology and eventual reality of space travel
permeated American society.

Learn more


Cosmonaut: A Cultural History

Cathleen S. Lewis

Available in August, this book discusses how the public

image of the Soviet cosmonaut developed beginning in
the 1950s and the ways this icon has been reinterpreted
throughout the years and in contemporary Russia.
Compiling material and cultural representations of the
cosmonaut program, Smithsonian curator Cathleen
Lewis highlights how the government has celebrated
figures such as Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova
through newspapers, radio, parades, monuments,
museums, films, and even postage stamps and lapel
pins, and how cosmonaut imagery remains effective
propaganda today.

Learn more

Your Guide to the 2024 Solar Eclipse

Michael E. Bakich

Your Guide to the 2024 Solar Eclipse, by former

Astronomy Magazine editor Michael Bakich, provides all
the information needed to be ready for the total solar
eclipse that will cross the United States on April 8, 2024.
You’ll learn the solar eclipse path of totality, how to
observe it safely, what you’ll experience during the
eclipse, the best equipment to choose, how to
photograph the event, tips for using climate and weather
forecasts to your advantage, and much more. Written in
easy-to-understand language (glossary included), this is
the must-have reference for this unique occurrence. For
wholesale orders email [email protected].

Learn more

Picturing the Space Shuttle: The Early Years

Lunar Outfitters: Making the Apollo Space Suit
NASA and the Long Civil Rights Movement


The Railroading Handbook



Gravity: Mass, Energy, and the Force that Holds

Cindy Blobaum

In Gravity: Mass, Energy, and the Force that Holds

Things Together with Hands-On Science Activities
young scientists explore the invisible but powerful force
that is responsible for keeping the entire universe in
place—including you!
Activities, links to online resources, and more!

Learn more

Electricity: Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets with

Hands-On Science Activities
Carmella Van Vleet

Electricity: Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets with

Hands-On Science Activities explores the science of
electricity and the technology we’ve developed to
harness that power. Static electricity, currents, circuits,
electromagnetism, motors, and renewable energy—
learn about the past and future of power!
Activities, links to online resources, and more!

Learn more


Pulleys Pull Their Weight: Simple Machines for Kids

Andi Diehn

In Pulleys Pull Their Weight: Simple Machines for Kids,

readers solve the problem of a heavy elephant by
learning about forces and how we can increase the
amount we can lift simply by using a pulley! Features
engaging illustrations and lots of real-life examples that
kids can spot in their home, schools, and

Activity, poem, and more!

Learn more


Screws Keep Things Secure: Simple Machines for Kids

Grassland Globetrotting: Biome Explorers
Footsteps in the Forests: Biome Explorers


Let Me Explain BLACK, Again

Exploring Blind Spots and Black Insights for
Marketing & Understanding Black Culture and
Pepper Miller

In this book, Pepper Miller, a market researcher and

Black American subject-matter expert, explores and

• SEVEN blind spots that prevent business

leaders from “Getting” the real perspective of
their Black employees, customers, and
• FIVE shape-shifting segments within the Black
population, including Black immigrants and
LGBTQ+ individuals, and how each of the five
groups is unapologetically different from
mainstream, and also different from each other,
in meaningful ways.
• More than FIVE important sectors indicating
that America today is NOT post-racial, including:
education, health and healthcare, housing,
wealth & financial services, and the justice
system itself.
• Eye-popping statistics contradict many
commonly held stereotypes, assumptions, and

Taking readers closer to the heart and soul of Black

culture Pepper addresses Black identity and
language; the authentic realism of Black cyberspace;
the importance of the Black church; Black media,
inclusive market research; and so much more.

Learn more


How Hard Is It to Be Your Customer?

Using Journey Mapping to Drive Customer-Focused
Updated 2nd Edition
Jim Tincher and Nicole Newton

First published in 2019, before the COVID pandemic so

quickly changed the way researchers gathered data and
businesses interacted with customers, this book has
become one of the top-selling books on the subject
of customer journey mapping. It has already helped
thousands of CX research professionals and business
leaders plan and execute successful journey mapping
initiatives and avoid the pitfalls that doom so many

With insights from dozens of CX pros and real-world

examples, this book guides readers through the process
of creating and using journey maps. This edition
includes a chapter focusing on software tools and the
ability to create living journey maps.

Learn more


Different Rules
The B2B Marketer's Guide to Product Differentiation
Chris Wirthwein

Ready to differentiate? This book shows you how . .

Filled with practical, ready-to-apply lessons, Different
Rules reveals tested concepts, real-world examples and
an all-new way to differentiate any B2B product in any
B2B market. The only guidebook of its kind for B2B,
Different Rules delivers both practical ideas and
creative inspiration. Step-by-step, it teaches surprisingly
simple and potent methods that can build markets,
transform industries, and power personal success.

Learn more

A Practitioner’s Guide: Mastering Focus Groups and Depth Interviews

Predicting the Turn: The High Stakes Game of Business Between Startups and Blue
The Founder’s Manual: A Guidebook for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur


Michelle Dowd

A moving, heartbreaking, and lyrical true story of the

author’s escape from an apocalyptic cult—and the
survival skills that led to her freedom.

Learn more

This Isn’t Going to End Well

A Witch’s Guide to Creating and Performing Rituals

Phoenix LeFae

Build Powerful, Transformative Rituals for a Deeply

Meaningful Life

Rituals are a part of our breath, blood, and bone.

They’re a part of our human makeup, and they provide
us with confidence, reassurance, and stronger social
bonds. A ritualist with nearly thirty years of experience,
Phoenix LeFae teaches you how to build a solid
foundation of ritual practice while also leaving room for
your own creative exploration. She covers not only how
to craft rituals, but also why they are important.

This inspiring book walks you through every step of ritual

work, from setting your intentions to creating sacred
space to closing the ceremony. You will find a variety of
exercises, meditations, and activities, as well as
guidelines for making unique rituals from scratch.
Phoenix helps you design solitary and group rituals that
are the perfect fit.

Learn more

The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine

Linnie Thomas

An Expansive Resource with 55+ Energy Healing


This newly revised edition of The Encyclopedia of

Energy Medicine is an extensive directory for anyone
wishing to study energy healing practices. With newly
added modalities, updated course listings, and an
improved list of energy medicine associations, this
comprehensive reference features dozens of healing
schools as well as licensure and certification programs
in a field that is constantly growing and evolving. Linnie
Thomas offers resources for pursuing your education in
fifty-six energy healing methods, such as:
Reflexology • Healing Touch • LomiLomi • Holotropic
Breathwork • Thought Field Therapy • Reiki • Medical
Qigong • Melody Crystal Healing

This much-needed sourcebook covers healing session

summaries, certification and continuing education
requirements, endorsements and accreditations,
standards of practice, legalities, and class availability.
Thomas lists each therapeutic approach, course
descriptions (including contact information), and codes
of ethics, making it easy to find the information you need
to explore these healing techniques for yourself.

Learn more

Lewellyn’s Complete Book of North American Folk Magic

Cory Thomas Hutcheson

“Cory Thomas Hutcheson reminds us how the magic of the land

and the people in North America is found on every corner, in your
mother's blessing, at the ocean shores, and everywhere in
between...Immerse yourself in the rich origin, history, and
traditions of folk magic in North America...”—Rev. Laura
González, Pagan educator and creator of the English/Spanish
podcast Lunatic Mondays (Lunes Lunáticos)

20+ Diverse Traditions from New England to the West Coast

Drawing on the expertise of twenty-four renowned practitioners,

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From: NACo [[email protected]] on behalf of NACo <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 7:36 AM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
Subject: Final Reminder: Application for 2023–2024 Presidential Leadership and Committee

Having trouble viewing this email? Click Here

TO: NACo Members

FROM: Hon. Mary Jo McGuire, NACo First Vice President
DATE: April 27, 2023
RE: Application for 2023–2024 Presidential Leadership and Committee

Thank you for your dedication to your county and counties across America through your
membership in the National Association of Counties (NACo).
While you serve your county in vast ways, I ask you to strongly consider submitting your name for a
leadership position at NACo. Together, we can achieve results for our counties and the people we
serve each and every day.

These appointments are for:

• Policy Steering Committee chairs and vice chairs and subcommittee chairs and vice chairs
• Large Urban County Caucus and Rural Action Caucus chairs, vice chairs and members
• Standing Committee chairs, vice chairs and members
• Ad Hoc Committee, Task Force and Advisory Board chairs, vice chairs and members
• At-Large NACo Board Directors

Below is more information for each committee and its specific appointment terms. Committee
leaders must cover their own travel and conference expenses.

IMPORTANT: Steering committee membership is not a part of this application process. State
associations of counties are responsible for nominating general members of policy steering
committees. The online nomination form for policy steering committee membership can be found

To become a member of a steering committee you must fill out the nomination form and submit it to
your state association. They will submit the nomination to NACo.

Presidential Appointment

To be considered for a presidential appointment to any of the following committees or as an at-

large director for the NACo Board of Directors, you MUST complete the online application by
11:59 p.m. EDT on April 30, 2023.


The 10 policy steering committees will each have a leadership team consisting of a chair, an
appropriate number of vice chairs, and subcommittee chairs and vice chairs. Those applicants who
have been active members of the steering committee will be given preference in consideration for
these appointments. The applicant should be willing to help coordinate leadership conference calls,
develop meeting agendas and participate in outreach with federal officials, if necessary. These
appointments are for one year (July–July).


The Rural Action Caucus and the Large Urban County Caucus will each have a chair and an
appropriate number of vice chairs. Applicants who have been active members of these caucuses will
be given preference in consideration for these appointments. These appointments are for one year.


Each president appoints 10 at-large directors to the NACo Board of Directors for a one-year term.
These appointments are to add balance to the board with respect to any inequities between urban
and rural, gender, geography and minority representation. As with our communities, our strength is
in our diversity. These appointments are for one year.

The Standing Committees provide important feedback and facts for NACo’s Board of Directors and
Executive Committee.

• Information Technology. Advises on information technology issues and provides oversight

on NACo information technology projects. (Appoints the chair, vice chairs and members for
a one-year term.)
• Programs and Services. Advises the development and evaluation of programs and services
for NACo members. (Appoints the chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)
• Membership. Actively recruits and retains member counties, parishes and boroughs to
advance NACo's number one performance priority of county official engagement. (Appoints
the chair, vice chairs and members for a one-year term.)


The Ad Hoc committees are as follows:

• Arts and Culture Commission. Demonstrates how the arts can be used by county officials to
promote economic development and provide solutions to many of the challenges that they
face, through workshop sessions, field trips, special publications and its annual Arts &
Culture awards, which recognize counties working to foster an environment where arts &
culture can thrive to create more livable communities. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and
members for a one-year term.)
• Geospatial Information Systems Subcommittee. Provides a framework for gathering,
managing and analyzing data to inform county decisions. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and
members for a one-year term.)
• Resilient Counties Advisory Board. Provides information, guidance and support to the NACo
Resilient Counties Initiative. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year
• Healthy Counties Advisory Board. Provides information, guidance and support to the NACo
Healthy Counties Initiative. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year
• Immigration Reform Task Force. Educates Congress, the administration and NACo members
on the impact of immigration on counties and helps advocate for NACo's priorities.
(Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year term.)
• International Economic Development Task Force. Provides information, guidance and
support for international economic development activities, including tools for county
officials. (Appoints the chair, vice-chairs and members for a one-year term.)
• Veterans and Military Services Committee. Engages NACo and its members to develop and
highlight county best practices and policies to promote innovative programs, services and
benefits for military service members, veterans and their families. (Appoints the chair, vice
chairs and members for a one-year term.)

The presidential appointments application form must be completed by anyone who would like to be
considered for a leadership appointment on a steering, standing or ad hoc committee for the 2023–
2024 presidential year. The online application form is available here.

The deadline for submitting your application is 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 30, 2023. Thank you in
advance for your interest in serving, and I look forward to receiving your application.

Please direct any questions to [email protected].

660 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20001
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From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:36 PM
To: Burton, L.J. [[email protected]]
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

He was also the one reading the book in the public comment as well. I believe he runs a construction
company in town…



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:35 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

I just … can’t

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:31 PM
To: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Drag Queen Story Hour

Yep that’s the stuff from public comment. Foster also emailed about the “transgender gunman” but I
don’t think that went to the board.



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:29:15 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
<[email protected]>; Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Drag Queen Story Hour

Just FYI, a few emails came through that I am forwarding and will put in next month’s Library Board



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: BRUCE FOSTER <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Library Board <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Cc: Clara Andriola <[email protected]>; Herman, Jeanne <[email protected]>;
Clark, Mike E. <[email protected]>; Hill, Alexis <[email protected]>; Brown, Eric P.
<[email protected]>; Garcia, Melisa <[email protected]>; De La Torre, Marc
<[email protected]>
Subject: Drag Queen Story Hour

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The cancer of the trans movement has metastasized here
as well as internationally.

"Drag Queens are the Marines of the Trans movement" -

Oli London
Washington and California have both moved to allow
state-sanctioned kidnapping to help confused kids
The UN says that minors can now consent to sex.
Big Medicine advocates for genital mutilation of underage
Drag shows are marketed as "family friendly."
Disneyland is hosting its first LGBTQIA+ "Pride Nite."
The NCAA thinks it's fine if men change in female locker-
Dylan Mulvaney identifies as a sexualized underage "girl"
and gets rich with brand sponsorships from Nike to Olay.
(This Bud is not for you)
TikTok spreads a social contagion of gender confusion
and radical trans ideology to its underage users. (Brought
to you by the CCP)
A transgender female shoots up a Christian school and
the White House says the trans community is "fierce."
Zero House Democrats vote in favor of banning biological
men from
women's sports.

This is all a ploy to destroy the family unit and the attack
on Christiananity so the pedophiles can go after our
B. Foster
From: Burton, Leah J. [[email protected]] on behalf of Burton, Leah J.
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:35 PM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

I just … can’t

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:31 PM
To: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Drag Queen Story Hour

Yep that’s the stuff from public comment. Foster also emailed about the “transgender gunman” but I
don’t think that went to the board.



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:29:15 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
<[email protected]>; Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Drag Queen Story Hour

Just FYI, a few emails came through that I am forwarding and will put in next month’s Library Board


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: BRUCE FOSTER <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Library Board <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Cc: Clara Andriola <[email protected]>; Herman, Jeanne <[email protected]>;
Clark, Mike E. <[email protected]>; Hill, Alexis <[email protected]>; Brown, Eric P.
<[email protected]>; Garcia, Melisa <[email protected]>; De La Torre, Marc
<[email protected]>
Subject: Drag Queen Story Hour

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The cancer of the trans movement has metastasized here

as well as internationally.

"Drag Queens are the Marines of the Trans movement" -

Oli London
Washington and California have both moved to allow
state-sanctioned kidnapping to help confused kids
The UN says that minors can now consent to sex.
Big Medicine advocates for genital mutilation of underage
Drag shows are marketed as "family friendly."
Disneyland is hosting its first LGBTQIA+ "Pride Nite."
The NCAA thinks it's fine if men change in female locker-
Dylan Mulvaney identifies as a sexualized underage "girl"
and gets rich with brand sponsorships from Nike to Olay.
(This Bud is not for you)
TikTok spreads a social contagion of gender confusion
and radical trans ideology to its underage users. (Brought
to you by the CCP)
A transgender female shoots up a Christian school and
the White House says the trans community is "fierce."
Zero House Democrats vote in favor of banning biological
men from
women's sports.

This is all a ploy to destroy the family unit and the attack
on Christiananity so the pedophiles can go after our
B. Foster
From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:31 PM
To: Burton, L.J. [[email protected]]
Subject: Re: Drag Queen Story Hour

Yep that’s the stuff from public comment. Foster also emailed about the “transgender gunman”
but I don’t think that went to the board.



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:29:15 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
<[email protected]>; Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Drag Queen Story Hour
Just FYI, a few emails came through that I am forwarding and will put in next month’s Library Board
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: BRUCE FOSTER <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Library Board <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Cc: Clara Andriola <[email protected]>; Herman, Jeanne <[email protected]>;
Clark, Mike E. <[email protected]>; Hill, Alexis <[email protected]>; Brown, Eric P.
<[email protected]>; Garcia, Melisa <[email protected]>; De La Torre, Marc
<[email protected]>
Subject: Drag Queen Story Hour

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The cancer of the trans movement has metastasized here
as well as internationally.
"Drag Queens are the Marines of the Trans movement" -
Oli London
Washington and California have both moved to allow
state-sanctioned kidnapping to help confused kids
The UN says that minors can now consent to sex.
Big Medicine advocates for genital mutilation of underage
Drag shows are marketed as "family friendly."
Disneyland is hosting its first LGBTQIA+ "Pride Nite."
The NCAA thinks it's fine if men change in female locker-
Dylan Mulvaney identifies as a sexualized underage "girl"
and gets rich with brand sponsorships from Nike to Olay.
(This Bud is not for you)
TikTok spreads a social contagion of gender confusion
and radical trans ideology to its underage users. (Brought
to you by the CCP)
A transgender female shoots up a Christian school and
the White House says the trans community is "fierce."
Zero House Democrats vote in favor of banning biological
men from
women's sports.
This is all a ploy to destroy the family unit and the attack
on Christiananity so the pedophiles can go after our
B. Foster
From: Burton, Leah J. [[email protected]] on behalf of Burton, Leah J.
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:29 PM
To: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
Subject: RE: Drag Queen Story Hour

From: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
<[email protected]>; Burton, Leah J. <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Drag Queen Story Hour

Just FYI, a few emails came through that I am forwarding and will put in next month’s Library Board



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: BRUCE FOSTER <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Library Board <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Cc: Clara Andriola <[email protected]>; Herman, Jeanne <[email protected]>;
Clark, Mike E. <[email protected]>; Hill, Alexis <[email protected]>; Brown, Eric P.
<[email protected]>; Garcia, Melisa <[email protected]>; De La Torre, Marc
<[email protected]>
Subject: Drag Queen Story Hour

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The cancer of the trans movement has metastasized here
as well as internationally.

"Drag Queens are the Marines of the Trans movement" -

Oli London

Washington and California have both moved to allow

state-sanctioned kidnapping to help confused kids

The UN says that minors can now consent to sex.

Big Medicine advocates for genital mutilation of underage


Drag shows are marketed as "family friendly."

Disneyland is hosting its first LGBTQIA+ "Pride Nite."

The NCAA thinks it's fine if men change in female locker-


Dylan Mulvaney identifies as a sexualized underage "girl"

and gets rich with brand sponsorships from Nike to Olay.
(This Bud is not for you)
TikTok spreads a social contagion of gender confusion
and radical trans ideology to its underage users. (Brought
to you by the CCP)

A transgender female shoots up a Christian school and

the White House says the trans community is "fierce."

Zero House Democrats vote in favor of banning biological

men from
women's sports.

This is all a ploy to destroy the family unit and the attack
on Christiananity so the pedophiles can go after our


B. Foster
From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:14 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri [[email protected]]; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
[[email protected]]; Lea Grace [[email protected]]
Subject: FW: Support for Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Attachments: WCLS Inclusivity Diversity Support 041823.pdf

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Susan Thompson <[email protected]>

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:48 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Subject: Support for Diversity and Inclusion Programs

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Text pasted below is from letter attached.

April 18, 2023

Jeff Scott
Washoe County Library Systems

Re: Support for Inclusion, Diversity, and Drag Queen Story Hour
Dear Mr. Scott,

My name is Susan Thompson. I am a long-time resident of Nevada and graduate from UNR. My husband is a
Washoe County school teacher and our child is a student at McQueen High, the school from which my three
nieces and nephews recently graduated. My parents live within 1.5 miles from the Northwest Reno Library
and my father routinely checks out ebooks from that branch.

I’m submitting this letter in advance of the Washoe County Library Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for
tomorrow afternoon after learning that well-meaning but misguided people plan to come to your meeting to
protest Drag Queen Story Hour. Their call to action on social media reads: COME OUT ON APRIL 19 AT 4 PM
to the Robb Drive “Northwest Library”, bring public comment to END ProMAP Minor Attracted Person
(Pedophilia) Drag Queen Story Hours under the leadership of Jeff Scott.
I am writing to strongly condemn the continued assault on the LGBT+ community and our libraries. Calling
people who express themselves differently than you do “pedophiles” is just plain wrong and hurts our
communities. Some of the people who I expect will come to your meeting tomorrow will say things like:

• Children have the right to have their innocence protected from sexualization. There's no value – and
indeed harms – in exposing children to the proclivities of adults.
• I am very much opposed to our tax dollars being spent for the Drag Queen Story Hour .
• Why is this dehumanizing behavior toward women being socially accepted?
• A convicted sex offender performed a drag queen story hour in Texas.

In response to each of these comments, based on my understanding of these events, I would say:

• Drag show readings are attended by library staff and require that all children be accompanied by an
adult – no lone children, no lone adults.
• Tax dollars are not used to pay for these events; they are supported by a non-profit group Friends of
the Washoe County Library.
• In Washoe County people who work with children have background checks run, including the drag
queen performer who has done readings here in the past.
• The goal of drag queen story hour is to get children interested in reading and to sign up for library
• Drag queen story hour is not burlesque or sexual.
• The books are age appropriate and popular library titles.
• These events are about acceptance and accepting others and loving who you are.
• And finally - the events are voluntary – so to anyone who doesn’t want their children to attend –
don’t bring them!

There is far too much “otherizing” happening in our communities. This happens when people don’t take the
time to get to know each other. My family and I fully support events like Drag Queen Story Hour that seek to
interest kids in reading and show them that people are not all the same - and that is okay. Our community
needs to embrace programs centered on tolerance, love, and acceptance.

Susan Thompson
April 18, 2023

Jeff Sco
Washoe County Library Systems

Re: Support for Inclusion, Diversity, and Drag Queen Story Hour

Dear Mr. Sco ,

My name is Susan Thompson. I am a long- me resident of Nevada and graduate from UNR. My husband is a Washoe
County school teacher and our child is a student at McQueen High, the school from which my three nieces and
nephews recently graduated. My parents live within 1.5 miles from the Northwest Reno Library and my father
rou nely checks out ebooks from that branch.

I’m submi ng this le er in advance of the Washoe County Library Board of Trustees mee ng scheduled for
tomorrow a ernoon a er learning that well-meaning but misguided people plan to come to your mee ng to protest
Drag Queen Story Hour. Their call to ac on on social media reads: COME OUT ON APRIL 19 AT 4 PM to the Robb
Drive “Northwest Library”, bring public comment to END ProMAP Minor A racted Person (Pedophilia) Drag Queen
Story Hours under the leadership of Jeff Sco .

I am wri ng to strongly condemn the con nued assault on the LGBT+ community and our libraries. Calling people
who express themselves differently than you do “pedophiles” is just plain wrong and hurts our communi es. Some
of the people who I expect will come to your mee ng tomorrow will say things like:

 Children have the right to have their innocence protected from sexualiza on. There's no value – and indeed
harms – in exposing children to the proclivi es of adults.
 I am very much opposed to our tax dollars being spent for the Drag Queen Story Hour.
 Why is this dehumanizing behavior toward women being socially accepted?
 A convicted sex offender performed a drag queen story hour in Texas.

In response to each of these comments, based on my understanding of these events, I would say:

 Drag show readings are a ended by library staff and require that all children be accompanied by an adult –
no lone children, no lone adults.
 Tax dollars are not used to pay for these events; they are supported by a non-profit group Friends of the
Washoe County Library.
 In Washoe County people who work with children have background checks run, including the drag queen
performer who has done readings here in the past.
 The goal of drag queen story hour is to get children interested in reading and to sign up for library cards.
 Drag queen story hour is not burlesque or sexual.
 The books are age appropriate and popular library tles.
 These events are about acceptance and accep ng others and loving who you are.
 And finally - the events are voluntary – so to anyone who doesn’t want their children to a end – don’t
bring them!

There is far too much “otherizing” happening in our communities. This happens when people don’t take the time to
get to know each other. My family and I fully support events like Drag Queen Story Hour that seek to interest kids in
reading and show them that people are not all the same - and that is okay. Our community needs to embrace
programs centered on tolerance, love, and acceptance.

Susan Thompson
From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:14 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri [[email protected]]; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
[[email protected]]; Lea Grace [[email protected]]
Subject: FW: Opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Elizabeth Parsons-Lenz <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:55 AM
To: Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]; Library Board <[email protected]>;
[email protected]
Subject: Opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Dr. Director Scott,

Drag Queen Story Hour, is a purposeful activity by individuals with a perverse agenda who seek
to give children a distorted view that transgender drag queens are glamorous. This act elevates
the concept of transgenderism as being an acceptable norm when the opposite is true.

According to August 24, 2020 study by Yale School of Public Health titled, "Transgender
individuals at greater risk of mental health problems," (Source:
article/transgender-individuals-at-greater-risk-of-mental-health-problems/) found that
transgender individuals are:

• six times more likely to have a mood or anxiety disorder than the general population.
• three times as likely to be prescribed antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.
• more than six times as likely to attempt suicide resulting in hospitalization.

I call for an immediate STOP at all Washoe County libraries that are directly or indirectly
promoting mental health abuse to children through this outrageous, dangerous and activity for
which you could be held liable in future child injury cases.
These drag queen story hours are taking advantage of the library’s privileged position in the
community as a source of knowledge to introduce children to sexual concepts which may result
in a child experiencing gender dysphoria.


Elizabeth Lenz
Washoe County Resident, Sparks
From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri [[email protected]]; [email protected]; Lea Grace
[[email protected]]; Ann Medaille [[email protected]]
Subject: FW: Email letter in Opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour in Washoe County Libraries

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: mist <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 9:57 AM
To: Library Board <[email protected]>; Scott, Jeff <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Email letter in Opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour in Washoe County Libraries

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

It is my hope that you read and strongly consider the content herein, to bring common sense into the mix
and truly do the right thing by ending Drag Queen Preschool Story Hour from our library system and
anywhere else involving children.

1. What is the main objective in having men, dressed as women, reading stories to preschool children?

If the answer is that it will have the children pay more attention to the story being read, I challenge that
response with my next question.

2. What if I wanted to dress up as a fire fighter or a goat and come to the library and read stories to
preschoolers? Would you allow that?
The truth is that preschool children do like to hear stories read to them. They also are enamored with
“costumes.” A costume of a fire fighter or a goat will get their attention, probably as much as a man
dressed in women’s clothing and make-up. The difference is that the fire fighter or the goat costume have
no affiliation or reference to sex or gender. So what is the point in even presenting something “sexual” to
preschool children…especially when fire fighters or goats are more understood than men dressed in
women’s clothing, make-up, fake breasts and gawdy wigs.

3. What percentage, and/or how many preschool children are actually “confused” or “dysphoric” about their

The truth is it doesn’t enter the mind of a preschooler UNTIL teachers, librarians, and/or other adults plant
the seed!!! And, when the seeds are planted, they are indoctrinated and inundated with garbage that God
made a mistake with in creating them…like God said, “oops, he was supposed to be a she!”

A drag queen doesn’t make a preschooler become a better reader. All it does is confuse a child. And, if
that is your objective, you win the trophy. Stop this nonsense…let children be children…let a child develop
naturally into how God designed it.

Mist Carter - concerned citizen

From: Scott, Jeff [[email protected]] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 6:13 PM
To: Amy Ghilieri [[email protected]]; [email protected]; Ann Medaille
[[email protected]]; Burton, L.J. [[email protected]]
Subject: FW: Drag Queen Story Hour

Just FYI, a few emails came through that I am forwarding and will put in next month’s Library Board



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: BRUCE FOSTER <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:02 AM
To: Library Board <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Scott, Jeff
<[email protected]>
Cc: Clara Andriola <[email protected]>; Herman, Jeanne <[email protected]>;
Clark, Mike E. <[email protected]>; Hill, Alexis <[email protected]>; Brown, Eric P.
<[email protected]>; Garcia, Melisa <[email protected]>; De La Torre, Marc
<[email protected]>
Subject: Drag Queen Story Hour

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The cancer of the trans movement has metastasized here

as well as internationally.
"Drag Queens are the Marines of the Trans movement" -
Oli London

Washington and California have both moved to allow

state-sanctioned kidnapping to help confused kids

The UN says that minors can now consent to sex.

Big Medicine advocates for genital mutilation of underage


Drag shows are marketed as "family friendly."

Disneyland is hosting its first LGBTQIA+ "Pride Nite."

The NCAA thinks it's fine if men change in female locker-


Dylan Mulvaney identifies as a sexualized underage "girl"

and gets rich with brand sponsorships from Nike to Olay.
(This Bud is not for you)

TikTok spreads a social contagion of gender confusion

and radical trans ideology to its underage users. (Brought
to you by the CCP)

A transgender female shoots up a Christian school and

the White House says the trans community is "fierce."
Zero House Democrats vote in favor of banning biological
men from
women's sports.

This is all a ploy to destroy the family unit and the attack
on Christiananity so the pedophiles can go after our


B. Foster
From: Cortes, Cecilia [[email protected]] on behalf of Cortes, Cecilia
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 5:31 PM
To: Burton, L.J. [[email protected]]; Scott, Jeff [[email protected]]
CC: Storey, Marilyn [[email protected]]
Subject: Completed March Minutes
Attachments: Minutes March 2023.docx


Attached, please find the completed March minutes.

Thank you

Cecilia Cortes
Office Support Specialist | Washoe County Library System
[email protected] | Office: 775.327.8362
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
4:00 P.M.

The Board met in regular session in a hybrid format via Zoom webinar and in person.

Chair Ghilieri called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.


Board Members Present: Frank Perez, Amy Ghilieri, Lea Grace, Ann Medaille

Board Members Absent: None

County Staff Present: Library Director Jeff Scott, Assistant District Attorney
Herbert Kaplan, Assistant County Manager David Solaro


1. Janet Butcher: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. The event is
not appropriate for children.

2. Nichelle Hull: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. Would like to
see fairy tale people reading to the children instead.

3. Cesar Minera: Represents over 60 churches. Spoke about his opposition to the drag queen
story hour. Presented a short video.

4. Krystal Minera: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. The event
does not belong in the public Libraries.

5. Stacey Piro: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. Would like to see
emails for the board members to be able to email any concerns.

6. Carmen Quinones: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story hour event. Let the
parents teach the children about sexuality and leave it out of the public library and schools.
7. Bruce Parks: Thanked the board for fixing the previous month’s meeting minutes. Spoke
about his opposition to the drag queen story event. The community has attended many monthly
meetings to ask for the event to be stopped.

8. Sarah DePaoli: Spoke about her support to the drag queen story event. The event is great.
Loves the library and the programming available.

9. Darla Lee: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story event. Would like Kirk
Cameron to read at the library instead of a drag queen.

10. Nicole Obritsch: Showed her support to the drag queen story event. Spoke about the South
Valleys staff and how great they are.

11. Katherine Clemons: Church member spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story
event. Children should not be exposed to this sort of event.

12. Rebecca Allured: 20-year Washoe County resident. She thanked the board for listening to
the voices. Read a statement from her friend Angela. Angela is in support of the drag queen
story event. The event is creative.

13. Wayne Holland: Sat on the Board for four years. Showed his support to the drag queen story

14. Cliff Nellis: Resident of Washoe County that is opposed to the drag queen story event.
Children should not be exposed to this sort of event. The event does not belong in the library.
The upcoming drag queen event needs to be cancelled.

15. Manuel Sanchez: Spoke about his opposition to the drag queen story event. The event does
not belong in the libraries. Children should not be exposed to this lifestyle or lifestyle choices.

16. Edwin Luyngar: Battle Mountain resident. Public spaces are for everyone. Need to treat
everyone with dignity, respect, and kindness.

17. Alan Munson: Washoe County resident that spoke on his opposition to the drag queen story
event. Young children should not be exposed to this sort of event. This type of event does not
belong in libraries.

18. Bruce Foster: Spoke on his opposition to the drag queen event. These sorts of events
confuse young children. Children should not be exposed to these sorts of events.

19. Kari Buccambuso: Spoke about her support to the drag queen story event. The event is a
great and safe event. Hopes the library will continue to hold these sorts of events. The event
should not be banned.

20. Debbie Mardon: As a child she enjoyed going to the libraries. Spoke to her opposition to the
drag queen story event.

21. Sandee Tibbett: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story event. Drag belongs in
adult spaces not libraries where children are. Drag queen story events should be banned.

22. Brandon Thompson: Opposed the drag queen story event. The event confuses children and
makes them question things. Not child appropriate.

23. Bryan Canton: Spoke on his opposition to the drag queen story event.

24. Lucy Canton: Spoke on her opposition to the drag queen story time. With this event children
are being violating their personality their mentality young children should not be exposed to this
sort of event. The parent has the responsibility to teach the children until they are of age, and
they can make their own choices. Libraries are for knowledge learning and not to be exposed to
these events.

25. Erika Ronquillo: Has two children that love to read. She is in opposition to the drag queen
story event.

26. Jesus Sepulveda: Spoke to his opposition to the drag queen story event. This event is not
child appropriate. The event is a lack of respect to the community.

27. Kimberly Sepulveda: Spoke on her opposition to the drag queen story event. The event is
wrong to expose young children to.

28. Rina Zecena: Spoke about her opposition to the drag queen story event. These programs are
not good for our children. Drag is for adults not for children in a library.

29. Emiliano Pasiulas: Pastor of the local community. Spoke on the opposition of drag queen
story event. This event should not be allowed for children. Since the event he does not take his
children to story time at the library.

30. Daniela Rodriguez: Spoke about her opposition to drag queen story event. This event does
not belong in the library. A library is a place to learn not a place to be exposed to adult

31. Nayelli Rodriguez: Spoke to opposition of the drag queen event. This sort of event does not
belong in a public library. The event confuses young children.

32. Diana Rodriguez: Spoke to opposition of the drag queen story event. Children need to
preserve their innocence.

33. Alexa Ibarra: Junior high school student. She is opposed to the drag queen event. There is
already a ton of confusion in our community. Most young children question who they are or
what they are. The event will continue to confuse young children.

34. Ashlye Ibarra: Opposed to the drag queen story hour. Children need to focus on positive
events that will make them become good adults in the community. Children should not be
exposed to this sort of event.

35. Aylin Jiminez: Is opposed to the drag queen story event. The last thing on children’s minds
should be gender identity or confusion. Let children be children.

36. Samantha Duron: Junior in high school and is in opposition to the drag queen story event.
Parents should not take their children to this sort of event.

37. Griselda Papilla: Is opposed to the drag queen story event.

38. Trevor Robinson: New resident to Nevada and he is opposed to the drag queen story event.

39. Britney Keife: Opposed to the drag queen story event. This event only confuses the children.

40. Elizabeth Mena: Opposed to the drag queen story event. This event is not good for children,
it is sexualizing the children. Children should be learning about science, math, and reading.

41. Yvette Pasillas: Opposed to the drag queen story event. Children cannot choose what is good
for them or not. This event does not benefit our children. The world is changing, and we have to
look out for our kids.

42. Nestor Herres: Opposed to the drag queen event. The board should not even approve these
sorts of programs. Children should be focused on learning and what they want to do for the
future. Do not consider these sorts of programs moving forward.

43. Sheena: Supports the drag queen story hour. The event is beneficial for diversity.

44. Valerie Fiannaca: Showed appreciation for their service. And spoke on her opposition to the
drag queen story event. Went on the website and saw celebrating diversity and LGBTQ
community. Would like the board to get their own emails so that each individual board member
can get their own emails. The event does not belong in a facility that taxpayers pay for.

45. Roxanne: Opposed to drag queen story hour. Parents should not take the children to this sort
of event if they are not appropriate for the children. Her taxes should not be used for such

46. Lacy Salo: Opposed to the drag queen story event.

3) Approval of Meeting Minutes

a) For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes from the Library Board Meeting of March 15, 2023
Trustee Frank Perez moved to approve the March 15, 2023, Meeting minutes. Second by
Trustee Anne Medallie. Unanimous approval.

4) Old Business [Non-Action Item]


5) New Business

c) Presentation: Memorial for Trustee Jean Stoess [Non-Action Item]

Director Jeff Scott presented a memorial for Trustee Jean Stoess.
a) Presentation and Discussion: Washoe County Library Strategic Plan Update [Non-Action
Director Jeff Scott presented a power point to the Board updating them on the strategic plan.
Touched base on the book machine. April 27th will be the opening of Sierra View after
renovations. Senior center renovations in the funding plan. Zoom room grants were awarded
to the library. Incline Village has Saturday hours as of April 1. Spanish Springs library new
flooring, South Valleys new flooring. Welcoming spaces Nevada Library Association Legislative
day was held March 9th. The library is still hiring a few open positions. Washoe County Best
Places to work survey there was good response County wide and for the library. Workforce
Development goes with the best place for working parents. Working with Tesla to implement
Act work program. School support first batch of cards are now at Renown. Planned to market
in June. Lifelong learning senior fair held at Northwest Reno, Sparks, and South Valleys
libraries. Successful grant partnership to continue to host these programs for seniors.
Celebrate Diversity was part of the women’s history month. Celebrate diversity was on KOLO
and KUNR celebrating women’s history month.

Trustee Perez asked Director Scott which libraries have zoom rooms and which libraries don’t.

Director Scott responded that he believes all the libraries have a zoom room except for

b) Presentation: National Library Week Proclamation [Non-Action Item]

Received a proclamation from the Board of County Commissioner for National Library week.
Director Scott read the proclamation.

6) Reports
a) Library Director Update by Jeff Scott [Non-Action Item]
Sierra View will open on the 27th of May, this will be a soft launch. Book machines are
coming in the next two weeks. Budget for this year was approved. Trustee appointments on

b) Northwest Reno Library Report by Robin Posniak [Non-Action Item

Robin presented a power point presentation to the Board. September of last year they had
some roof repairs done. The damage was done to over 300 books. Showed the Board the
renovation to the space in the library. New programs are back at the library. Have Saturday
and Sunday programming available. Special programs and collaborations event were well
attended. Snapshot programs by the numbers presented. Stem fun made gingerbread
homes and a life size candy land. Fun times they saw some deer and a cat. Northwest was
an early voting location. They had 5,245 in person voters and 1,995 drop off ballots. Summer
reading challenge is on again for this summer. Verdi celebrated its 20-year anniversary.
There were more than 100 patrons that showed up for the anniversary celebration. Staff
updates there were two retirements, five new staff, five staff departures, and currently have
three vacancies. Have a ton of volunteers that are willing to help.

Trustee Amy asked what the volunteers mainly do?

Robin responded that they mainly do shelving, missing lists, hold lists, cleaning.
c) Reference and Technology Team Report by Toni Farris [Non-Action Item
PowerPoint presentation made to the Board touched base on Community Resources Week
with the Truckee Meadows parks foundation help with dementia friendly nature walks at
Idlewild park. Walks are offered every Tuesday from 10am to 11 am. Community resources
center is made up of local non-profit organizations. Northern Nevada Veterans Resources
Center is also a nonprofit organization dedicated to rapidly rehousing homelessness
veterans and preventing veterans from becoming homeless. The Solace tree is another non-
profit resource that provides youth grievance support for children, teens, and family
members. These services are free and include peer support groups and grief workshops.
Nevada talking books are available. There have been a lot of positive library comments
about the resource week.

7) Staff Announcements – Three Minute Time Limit Per Person [Non-Action Item
Debi Stears let the board know they have an additional 4,000 geared toward materials.

Trustee Anne Medalli stated she still has not seen any emails. Director Scott said he would
speak to Leah to see why they are not coming through, but he has not seen any emails.

Trustee Perez stated that the Board as a governing board it is important to all to respect
whatever opinions are being said but it is important that they do anything they can to
prevent an altercation in the room. He said the behavior he saw today was unacceptable on
both sides. He hopes that if anything ever does happen there is a plan in place. Second thing
is he did notice there were a lot of Spanish speakers, and he thinks it’s worth having a
translator available so the public can voice their opinions. Is happy with the strategic plan he
follows closely and is looking forward to the updated plan in 2024.

Director Scott responded that the current strategic plan is from 2022 to 2025.

8) Board Comment – Limited to Announcements, Strategic Plan Activity Updates, or Issues

Proposed for Future Agendas and/or workshops [Non-Action Item]

9) Adjournment
From: Stears, Debi D [[email protected]] on behalf of Stears, Debi D
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 12:41 PM
To: [email protected]
CC: Washoe 311 Public Records Requests [[email protected]]; Scott, Jeff
[[email protected]]; Hemingway, Jamie [[email protected]]
Subject: FW: A new Service Request has been created [Request ID #134659] (Library System -
Public Records Requests ) - Washoe County, NV
Attachments: Items Deleted 2019, 2020, 2021.xlsx

Per our Collection Development and Management Policy, “Materials are withdrawn from the
collection to maintain the collection’s usefulness, currency and relevance. Withdrawn materials may be
sold or
used in collaboration with community agencies.” We send as many library discards to the Friends of
Washoe County Libraries as they are able to take. When the Friends are unable to take withdrawn
materials, we send items to the Better World Books facility in North Valleys. They sell what they are able
to (returning a portion of the sales to our collection development fund) and donate unsold copies to
literacy agencies. Items that are refused by either agency (magazines, severe physical damage,
biohazards) are placed in the recycling dumpster.

Attached is the list of items deleted from our collection during the years 2019, 2020, 2021. Items are
withdrawn for circulation for a variety of reasons including:
• Lack of checkouts in recent years
• Poor physical condition
• Items identified as missing from the collection
• Item checked out by patron and not returned
• Information has become outdated, inaccurate, or obsolete
• Number of duplicate copies reduced after initial demand has been satisfied

Here is a summary of number of items added/deleted for the years requested:

Items Collection Size
Year Deleted Items Added Change
2019 50,476 57,206 +6,730
2020 758 60,414 +59,656
2021 30,776 66,128 +35,352

Debi Stears

Debi Stears
Collection Development Manager | Washoe County Library System
[email protected]| Office: 775.327.8349
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Washoe 311 Public Records Requests <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 10:41 AM
To: Hemingway, Jamie <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: A new Service Request has been created [Request ID #134659] (Library System - Public
Records Requests ) - Washoe County, NV


Below please find the Public Records Request received by Washoe311. Let us know if we can
provide additional information.

Thank you,

Washoe311 Service Center – Public Records Requests

Communications Division | Office of the County Manager
[email protected] | Office: 3-1-1 | 775.328.2003 | Fax: 775.328.2491
1001 E. Ninth St., Bldg A, Reno, NV 89512

NOTICE: This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential information and is intended
only for the individual or entity whom it is addressed. Any review, dissemination, or copying of this communication
by anyone other than the recipient is strictly prohibited by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C.
2510-2521. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email, delete and destroy all
copies of the original message.

From: Washoe311 <[email protected]>

Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2023 10:30 AM
To: Washoe311 <[email protected]>
Subject: A new Service Request has been created [Request ID #134659] (Library System - Public Records
Requests) - Washoe County, NV

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments
unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Washoe County, NV
A new service request has been filed.
Service Request Details
ID 134659
Date/Time 4/16/2023 10:29 AM
Type Library System - Public Records Requests
Address 1001 E 9TH ST, Reno
Origin Website
Comments Can you please tell me how many books have
been pulped from the Washoe County Library
System in the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, and
where those books went. Also, may I please
have a list of the titles of those books.
Thank you so much.
Submitter Crump, Reva
Reno, NV
[email protected]

View in QAlert

Washoe County, NV

2023-04-16 17:29:43Z
title barcode itype dateaccessioned issues renewals datelastborrowed
withdrawn_on homebranch
Sailmaking : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Bargain bride / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
The black stallion revolts / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 ######## 2/1/2019 13:54 SV SV
Familiar music for the classic guitar / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 3/4/2017 7/2/2019 15:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 5 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
Pictorial history of the wild West; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 213 15 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 RN TS
The shore road mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 72 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:47 NV VE
A taste of blackberries / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 72 3 1/4/2018 2/1/2019 17:07 SV RN
Steps out of time / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 2 5/4/2016 2/7/2019 17:46 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 1 2/7/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
The woman who flummoxed the fairies : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
Bus 9 to paradise : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 64 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:10 RN TS
Anno's mysterious multiplying jar / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 117 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SV TS
Herbert Hoover, a biography. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 5/29/2019 14:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 5/4/2016 1/30/2019 15:37 NV RN
The story of the Three Wise Kings / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 2 ######## 1/17/2019 15:03 SV TS
The story of the Three Wise Kings / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 2 ######## 2/11/2019 11:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 2 ######## 7/8/2019 14:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 113 2 6/1/2014 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 8/8/2018 8/19/2019 8:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 83 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:20 SS TS
Philip went West : a novel of the Montana3.12E+13
Territory.BK 8/25/1990 45 2 8/6/2019 8/23/2019 13:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 106 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SV TS
Blitzkrieg / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 4/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Jimmy's blues : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 2/1/2019 4/3/2019 13:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 5/5/2016 9/12/2019 10:49 RN RN
The first of men : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
The home front, U.S.A. / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 1/4/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 1 ######## 2/20/2019 15:09 SV RN
Tides of light / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 1 4/5/2015 3/4/2019 10:25 SP SP
Gideon's ride. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 6/15/2019 16:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 60 3 ######## 10/30/2019 14:27 SP TS
The Audubon Society master guide to birding3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 48 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
Strega Nona's magic lessons / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 120 1 8/5/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 98 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 46 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Goring : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 3 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 96 10 6/1/2019 6/27/2019 13:57 RN TS
Everyday life of the Maya / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Visions : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Mommie dearest / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
A medieval storybook. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 9/3/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
The Battle of the Bulge / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 62 3 4/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
A world of nonsense : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 88 13 7/2/2018 1/31/2019 12:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 247 14 ######## 3/28/2019 10:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 8/14/2019 9:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 10/9/2019 11:09 SS RN
The life and works of Thomas Paine. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 ######## 11/1/2019 15:37 SP RN
Son of the morning / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 3/8/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Gaylord's badge / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 ######## 4/19/2019 17:42 SP SP
Troubled trails. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 8/6/2019 8/23/2019 13:05 SP TS
The murder at the vicarage / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 134 9 ######## 4/27/2019 16:12 SS SP
Timetipping / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 3 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 RN RN
Case of the face at the window 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Henry VIII / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SP SV
The price of prosperity; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 1/8/2017 5/18/2019 16:14 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 2 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
Crucible (Perm) 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 9/9/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Last days : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 4 ######## 9/12/2019 11:09 NW RN
Night-side. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:20 SV RN
The great American rascal; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 3/8/2013 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
Golden treasury of children's literature. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
Buck, wild / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 56 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 RN RN
Selected poems, 1950-1982 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 1 2/4/2016 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 0 8/2/2019 11:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 8/2/2019 11:06 SP RN
Ben Jonson : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 8/9/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
The presidency of Harry S. Truman / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 RN SS
The many worlds of Andre Norton. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 101 ######## 12/13/2019 8:49 RN TS
Hey-how for Halloween! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 69 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
American costume, 1840 to 1920 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 4 ######## 5/28/2019 8:47 SP RN
Bech is back / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 74 9 ######## 1/15/2019 16:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 ######## 6/12/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 10/9/2019 12:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 117 11 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
La pierre du guetteur. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
The stonewalkers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Une affaire de famille. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
La Jeune fille de la chambre 750 : roman. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Battleships / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard : comedie/avec
... un BK
questionnaire sur la piece et des sujets8/25/1990
de devoirs/ par Adrien
3 Cart et Mlle
E. Labarere.
10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 83 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
Contes/avec une notice biographique ... et3.12E+13
des sujetsBKde devoirs/par Roger Petit. 8/25/1990 4 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Une place dans ton coeur : roman. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Painting faces / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 148 2 7/9/2019 7/18/2019 7:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 65 3 ######## 3/21/2019 13:28 IV TS
Madeleine Kamman's Savoie : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 9 3/4/2019 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 1 2/8/2015 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 2 9/6/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 10/18/2019 12:29 SS RN
Stage fright / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 IV SP
Geronimo! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Chess, move by move / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 4 5/1/2019 6/21/2019 13:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 86 4 ######## 2/15/2019 13:10 SP TS
Marital affairs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
Paper, paper everywhere / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 65 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 2 ######## 1/9/2019 15:32 SP TS
Last horizons : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 6/9/2015 2/15/2019 11:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
A collection of critical essays on "The waste
land" / BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 8/1/2019 9:56 RN RN
Mary, Queen of Scots / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 62 4 2/8/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SP TS
Now hear this : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 2 ######## 6/27/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 198 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 11/15/2019 12:47 RN RN
Shadow of the Butte. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 8/6/2016 5/7/2019 9:53 SP TS
Overlord : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 12/10/2019 8:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 7/6/2016 10/9/2019 10:05 SS RN
Dive in the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Louisa May Alcott / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
Plays of the Italian theatre 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 2 6/3/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 10/9/2019 10:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 10/9/2019 11:14 SS RN
Comanches: the destruction of a people 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 0 8/2/2019 9:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 0 8/2/2019 9:49 SP RN
Rogue's range. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 1 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
The endless game / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 2 7/5/2016 9/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
Play-by-play : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
The big green book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
The secret of Foghorn Island / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 112 9 ######## 6/13/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Rickenbacker : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 4/9/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
The face of war / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 6 ######## 10/9/2019 17:01 SP VE
American chronicle : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 1 3/2/2016 11/8/2019 13:55 SP RN
Snowfire 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 92 1 ######## 12/5/2019 13:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 57 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 1/4/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Letters and notes on the manners, customs, 3.12E+13
and conditions
BK of the North American Indians;8/25/1990 21 ######## 1/23/2019 10:09 SV TS
Someday rider / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 75 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
Make it with felt 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 2 7/8/2019 9/27/2019 9:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 4 ######## 12/18/2019 12:01 SV RN
Davita's harp / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
The Auerbach will / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 103 ######## 8/21/2019 12:49 SP RN
There's more-- much more / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 91 ######## 6/27/2019 9:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 2 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 GE SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 4/20/2019 12:44 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 3 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
A duckling is born / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 81 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 8/2/2019 9:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Photographs that changed the world : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 83 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 56 ######## 8/2/2019 8:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Confessions of an actor : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 ######## 6/18/2019 8:10 RN TS
The Luftwaffe / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 115 5/5/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Rhymes around the day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 2/3/2015 1/3/2019 10:20 SP SP
Greeks bearing gifts : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 ######## 4/25/2019 11:43 SP TS
Lady yesterday / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 2 ######## 9/25/2019 15:11 SP RN
Once there was and was not; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 1 ######## 1/2/2019 18:00 SV SO
The Star trek compendium / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:13 SP RN
The techniques of basketry 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 IV RN
Squeeze play : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
Nobody lives forever / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 93 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
Dont' tell me your name / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 5/6/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 86 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 1 ######## 2/2/2019 13:01 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 89 6 6/4/2019 8/2/2019 14:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 120 7 ######## 7/10/2019 9:33 NW TS
Glinda of Oz : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 111 1 6/8/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 ######## 9/25/2019 13:56 SS RN
Pastorale; a collection of lyrics. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 ######## 12/9/2019 14:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Jenny and the tennis nut / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 2 7/2/2018 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
Jane Martin, dog detective / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 2 3/4/2015 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 98 2/8/2019 15:36 SP SP
Fighters and bombers of World War II, 1939-45
/ BK 8/25/1990 4 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
The quest for El Cid / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
The women in his life / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 143 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Early trains / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 11 ######## 10/9/2019 11:19 RN RN
Beat the story drum, pum, pum / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 2/4/2019 9:23 SP RN
Leap year, a year in the life of a dancer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
A summer day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 IV SV
The world of Watteau, 1684-1721 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 ######## 11/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
The black ship. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Mark Twain: an American prophet 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
Over on the dry side / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 211 4 ######## 1/13/2019 16:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 8/1/2015 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
The book of fantastic machines / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 2 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 2 9/9/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 IV RN
On the Spanish Main; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 12/10/2019 11:32 SP TS
Out of control : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 1 ######## 10/21/2019 13:13 SP RN
Village school / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 NW SS
Death comes for the archbishop / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 79 3 2/9/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 IV TS
The Civil War quiz and fact book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
In the wilderness. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Philip and the Pooka, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 3/4/2015 1/19/2019 16:35 SV NW
Old English literature 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
Danger on Vampire Trail, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 129 9 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Indaba, my children. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
Here come the Purim players! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 1 3/7/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 2 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Origins : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 63 ######## 8/6/2019 10:57 SP RN
The sinister signpost / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 144 8 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
The Christmas party / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 96 ######## 4/12/2019 15:03 SV TS
Magnolia's mixed-up magic / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 SV RN
The prince of the Dolomites : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Remembrance of things past / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:26 SP SP
I know what I like / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 64 3 7/6/2019 10/23/2019 10:59 SV TS
The rangeland avenger / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 2 ######## 10/18/2019 11:10 NV TS
Hayduke lives! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 108 3 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 7/6/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 1 ######## 9/25/2019 14:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 60 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV IV
Murder post-dated / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 2/23/2019 11:38 RN SP
A jar of dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 2 ######## 9/17/2019 12:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
Athalie : tragedie / avec une notice biographique
... ancien
BK eleve de l'ecole normale superieure,
agree. 1 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Phedre : tragedie / avec une notice biographique
... et
BKdes sujets de devoirs / par Henri Chabot.
8/25/1990 2 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The big goodbye / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Aunt Arie, a Foxfire portrait / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 1 6/6/2015 5/29/2019 14:19 SP RN
Death and the chaste apprentice / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 ######## 9/10/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 11 6/8/2016 10/9/2019 12:27 SS RN
Brecht, a biography / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 RN SS
Beauty / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 1 ######## 2/8/2019 9:49 SV SP
Beaver at Long Pond / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 139 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
A pictorial life story of Misty / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 1 ######## 6/28/2019 12:35 IV TS
Speak for the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 RN SV
While the clock ticked, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 122 6 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 95 4 ######## 8/19/2019 10:37 NV TS
Everyone but thee and me. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
Zola and his time : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 8 8/9/2017 11/20/2019 15:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 79 4/2/2018 7/16/2019 10:43 NV RN
The snow walker / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 9/6/2019 10/3/2019 12:20 SP TS
Sounds my feet make / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 64 2 6/9/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
The machine age in America, 1918-1941 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SP SS
Gay American history : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
The magic orange tree : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The green ripper / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 136 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 RN TS
Tales from the story hat / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
All about baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
The quotation dictionary. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 2 3/2/2016 2/6/2019 10:08 SP RN
The man who transformed the world: James 3.12E+13
Watt. BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 63 1 2/1/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
I like you and other poems for Valentine's 3.12E+13
Day / BK 8/25/1990 18 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 IV RN
Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest.
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 9/9/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 3 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 3/3/2016 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 94 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW RN
Harriet and the garden / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 78 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 IV RN
Henri Matisse : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
The joy of sex : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 7 ######## 6/26/2019 8:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
Awakening land. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:48 SP TS
In search of the last dodo / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 2 4/9/2019 6/22/2019 12:00 RN RN
Grasshopper to the rescue : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
Study of the Articles of Faith : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
The Roman way. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 196 1 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
The jungle books / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1 5/5/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
Pursued by the crooked man / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 2/2/2015 1/2/2019 13:18 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 63 9/7/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Willa Cather / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 2/1/2019 2/25/2019 10:38 RN SV
Battledress : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 97 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
Abba Eban : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 RN RN
The second part of King Henry the Fourth /3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 8/9/2017 11/15/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 10 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
Works of Michael de Montaigne. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 4 ######## 11/15/2019 14:34 RN RN
Bear hugs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 8/5/2016 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 100 1 2/9/2016 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
The shoot out / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 ######## 6/10/2019 8:51 RN TS
A book of bees / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 3/8/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Oil pipelines and public policy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 RN SS
Art treasures of the Louvre; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 11/13/2019 14:22 RN TS
Knitting counterpanes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 ######## 7/15/2019 10:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:48 SS RN
Bugles and a tiger; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 2 ######## 10/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 3/1/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Legend of the Li River : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 7/2/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The fleecing of America / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 1/8/2017 5/15/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Moonshine; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 7/16/2019 11:07 RN RN
Apollo, the race to the moon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 ######## 6/24/2019 11:08 RN RN
Country, cat, city, cat / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 4 9/6/2014 1/22/2019 14:19 SP NW
On religion 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
The Globe restored: a study of the Elizabethan
theaterBK 8/25/1990 9 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
Tom Tiddler's ground. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 0 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
The life and times of William Shakespeare3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 87 2 ######## 11/13/2019 11:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
Night rituals : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 1 8/9/2015 9/18/2019 15:15 SP RN
In my lady's chamber / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 63 1 1/4/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Selected poetry of Robinson Jeffers. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 2 ######## 3/16/2019 11:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
San Francisco, creation of a city / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 6/6/2016 11/6/2019 13:09 RN RN
Indian clothing before Cortes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
Scarne on dice / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 2 8/9/2018 7/9/2019 16:00 SP TS
Madame Bovary : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 73 3 6/1/2017 9/6/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 123 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 162 4 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
Atlas of ancient archaeology, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 3 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NV RN
New York in the thirties 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
Great Britain to 1688, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 3 ######## 2/20/2019 11:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 NW NW
47 creative homes that started as bargain 3.12E+13
buildings BK 8/25/1990 69 3 ######## 10/21/2019 15:26 SP RN
Living with anxiety. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 4/8/2019 9:06 RN TS
Forgotten news : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
In the enemy camp / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SP RN
A cold mind / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 90 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SP TS
Outlaw : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 4 5/4/2019 11/6/2019 14:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SP SP
The life of John Milton / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 5/5/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 RN SS
Horowitz, a biography of Vladimir Horowitz 3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
A day with Tupi, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
Promises, promises. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 2/8/2015 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
Satire on stone : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 5/28/2019 9:06 RN RN
O Jerusalem / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 2 ######## 11/13/2019 11:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
"Just a housewife" : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 6/5/2015 5/7/2019 11:47 RN SP
The Third Eagle : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:59 SP SP
The book of eagles / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 68 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 IV RN
Costume of ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 RN RN
Pasaderitas hacia el ingles correcto : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 2 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 SP SP
The crucible of time / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Kiss of the spider woman / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
A Musical Christmas with Peter Duchin : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 3 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 116 5 ######## 1/17/2019 14:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 5 ######## 9/26/2019 16:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 2 1/3/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
The wolfling : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 5 1/4/2017 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
Stephen King's Danse macabre. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 65 ######## 4/16/2019 14:54 RN TS
Wolfman : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 77 6/6/2016 3/4/2019 11:14 SP SP
Thomas Wolfe / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 7/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
Clay and glazes for the potter. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 1 6/4/2019 10/3/2019 9:09 RN TS
Amycus / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 SV IV
Travels / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 79 8 ######## 1/23/2019 10:23 RN TS
Afternoon of the elves / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
Porter Rockwell : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 1 ######## 5/6/2019 9:06 SP RN
Silent spring / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 77 19 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 IV TS
Forten, the sailmaker; pioneer champion of 3.12E+13
Negro rights,
BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 ######## 7/24/2019 7:46 RN TS
Grandmama's joy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 63 1 ######## 4/3/2019 12:55 SP TS
The face of the Third Reich; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 64 1 2/8/2015 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
Marc Chagall / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 RN RN
The adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SV RN
Rembrandt takes a walk / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 4 8/4/2016 4/4/2019 11:10 RN SS
How to read music : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 11 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 IV RN
Our Nig, or, Sketches from the life of a free3.12E+13
Black, in BK
a two-story white house, north, showing
that slavery's shadows
17 fall even
1 ########
there / 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
Metropolitan corridor : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 6/4/2019 12:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 NW RN
Dance me a story : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 2 2/7/2016 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
The story of Job / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Helliconia summer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 ######## 3/4/2019 10:24 RN SP
Band of brothers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
Men, women, and dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 1 ######## 5/2/2019 10:55 RN TS
Pio Pio : cantos y rondas. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 6/9/2016 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SV RN
The first emperor of China / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Three comedies: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
The Dresden finch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:17 RN RN
The angel with a mouth-organ / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 10/18/2019 13:42 SS RN
William Shakespeare's The taming of the shrew
/ BK 8/25/1990 23 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 1 ######## 6/18/2019 8:12 SV TS
Innocent in Alaska; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 ######## 5/29/2019 14:29 SS RN
William Shakespeare's King Lear / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
Whales, dolphins and porpoises / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 84 2 ######## 3/21/2019 13:06 IV TS
One dry season : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 9 ######## 1/23/2019 8:04 RN RN
The Borgias / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
Things to do / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 6/29/2019 10:20 SP SP
Camp X / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 4/5/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Kevin Corbett eats flies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SV NW
Star Ka'ats and the winged warriors / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 4 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 SV RN
Tutankhamun, the untold story / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 104 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 1 ######## 11/1/2019 14:34 SV TS
Follow my leader / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Happy birthday, Sam / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 1 ######## 10/23/2019 10:59 SV TS
Midnight snowman / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 99 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:15 SO TS
Chuck wagon stew / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The Russians and Berlin, 1945. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
The three wonderful beggars / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 1 1/7/2014 2/20/2019 13:15 SV SV
Men in the air : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1 7/9/2016 6/24/2019 11:14 SP RN
Vietnam '68 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 3/4/2019 14:10 RN TS
The Smithsonian book of flight for young people
/ BK 8/25/1990 20 3 5/6/2016 7/8/2019 14:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 ######## 10/9/2019 11:16 SS RN
The rainbow people / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 5/8/2017 2/4/2019 9:06 SV RN
Mark Twain : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 1 ######## 11/15/2019 12:47 RN RN
Panther; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 SV IV
Peter Pan & Wendy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 7 ######## 4/11/2019 18:05 SV SP
Photographing the drama of daily life. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 73 ######## 7/2/2019 15:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Jim along, Josie; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 75 ######## 10/30/2019 14:07 RN TS
Mindbend / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 3 ######## 6/10/2019 8:51 RN TS
Letters from Mesopotamia: official business,
and private
BK letters on clay tablets from two millennia.
8/25/1990 39 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Deng Xiaoping / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 3 ######## 10/4/2019 15:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 2 ######## 10/9/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
Returning : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
Hawks in flight / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
Dream Weaver / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Good morning to you, Valentine : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 2/9/2018 2/15/2019 13:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 10/9/2019 10:07 SS RN
The silver pigs : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 74 12 ######## 8/21/2019 8:52 NW TS
Team Yankee : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 2 7/9/2019 7/17/2019 10:09 NV TS
The burden of proof / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 149 4 ######## 11/7/2019 14:43 SO TS
Robbers' roost / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 3/5/2013 2/15/2019 10:17 SP SP
The moon dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:13 SV TS
Loading mercury with a pitchfork : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 7/3/2019 8:14 NV RN
The Irish : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 6 ######## 3/28/2019 12:55 SS TS
Mountain Wolf Woman, sister of Crashing3.12E+13
Thunder; BK 8/25/1990 20 2 1/3/2015 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
Louhi, Witch of North Farm : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Finding you / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 4/9/2019 16:17 SP SP
A new history of Korea / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 3 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
Laughable limericks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 3 1/7/2019 2/20/2019 15:08 SV RN
Wheel on the chimney / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 74 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
Early American wrought iron / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 3 ######## 10/16/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Little Sister and the Month Brothers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 11 5/1/2014 2/20/2019 13:14 SV SV
Birthright / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 9/25/2019 14:29 SS RN
Corazon Aquino / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 2 ######## 1/3/2019 10:08 SV SP
The courage of his convictions 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The Inaugural addresses of the presidents3.12E+13
of the United
BK States, 1789-1985. 8/25/1990 11 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Night & low-light photography : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Tasmania, a wildlife journey / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 ######## 3/20/2019 17:42 RN SP
New road / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 74 1 ######## 10/23/2019 9:49 SV TS
A book of unicorns / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 107 4/4/2014 2/20/2019 13:13 SV SV
75 years of the comics. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 2/4/2017 6/24/2019 10:24 RN RN
Native Americans : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 IV SS
Judy Gorman's breads of New England : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 86 3 ######## 8/2/2019 10:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 NV RN
Aukele the fearless : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
Civil War collector's encyclopedia; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
Art nouveau drawings .... / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 3 7/7/2016 1/8/2019 11:37 IV RN
When Teddy woke early / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
The Doolittle Raid / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SP RN
Fire in the sky : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SV RN
A book of nonsense / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
The Fox that got away : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 ######## 7/3/2019 10:11 SP RN
Almost starring Skinnybones / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 2/1/2019 16:45 IV IV
The terrible Hodag / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Aboard a steam locomotive / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 60 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Working for love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 ######## 8/23/2019 13:30 SP RN
North from Rome. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 ######## 6/15/2019 15:59 SS RN
Wovoka / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 56 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SP RN
From Columbus to Castro: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 2 ######## 3/6/2019 13:54 SP TS
From Columbus to Castro: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 6 ######## 6/17/2019 8:45 RN TS
Lost wax casting of jewelry / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 1 ######## 3/4/2019 14:07 IV TS
Safari : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 2 ######## 8/6/2019 10:58 SP RN
The George Washington papers. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Bring me a unicorn; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 1 4/5/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Medicine in medieval England 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 RN SS
Victorian people and ideas; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 5/24/2019 15:03 IV RN
The American impressionists, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 78 1/7/2016 10/21/2019 15:53 RN RN
James Madison : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 5 ######## 4/8/2019 9:01 RN TS
Hope against hope; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 90 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Encyclopedia Brown's book of wacky cars /3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 IV RN
Encyclopedia Brown's book of wacky cars /3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 64 4 ######## 2/7/2019 17:05 NV SP
George Sand; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 3 ######## 8/1/2019 10:28 RN RN
Hungerfield, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 5 ######## 4/3/2019 13:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 3 5/3/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
Dorrie and the witches' camp / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 78 3 3/8/2019 4/15/2019 13:00 NW TS
Children do, grownups don't / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 1 4/3/2014 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
White shell horse, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
The upside-down cat / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 57 3 9/4/2018 2/1/2019 11:17 SP RN
North to yesterday / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Silky terriers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
Hold fast to dreams : poems old and new /3.12E+13
selected BK
by Arna Bontemps. 8/25/1990 24 1 ######## 11/1/2019 16:09 RN RN
Billy Bathgate : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 4 ######## 7/16/2019 11:09 SS RN
Zhukov. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
Rhode Island : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
Automobile design: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
73 poems. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 65 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
Alice in rapture, sort of / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 66 3 6/2/2016 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
Pre-Columbian ceramics. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 4/6/2016 11/8/2019 13:17 RN RN
High steel : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 62 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:03 SP TS
Willie Mays: my life in and out of baseball,3.12E+13
as told toBKCharles Einstein. 8/25/1990 25 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:37 IV RN
Chronology and documentary handbook of3.12E+13the StateBKof Montana / 8/25/1990 24 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
Thief's journal / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 2 ######## 6/5/2019 15:52 RN TS
Livingstone. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 3/2/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
Werewolves : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
California gold fields / by Charles D. Ferguson
; foreword
BK by Jos eph A. Sullivan. 8/25/1990 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
Mendeleyev and his periodic table. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
The home front : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 88 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Every brilliant eye / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 56 1 ######## 9/25/2019 15:07 SP RN
The Best of Diana Ross. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 5/9/2019 5/30/2019 10:46 SP RN
Glorious adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 3 ######## 6/4/2019 15:52 RN RN
Engine summer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 1 ######## 6/26/2019 11:05 SP RN
Moscow rules / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 2/3/2016 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Feathers like a rainbow : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Feathers like a rainbow : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 7/8/2014 2/20/2019 13:35 SV SV
The magic ring / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 98 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:34 SV RN
Games of many nations. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
Mary Shelley, her life, her fiction, her monsters
/ BK 8/25/1990 40 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
Magnus Powermouse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Folk tales from Asia for children everywhere, 3.12E+13
Book one.
BK 8/25/1990 27 3 ######## 2/4/2019 8:49 SV RN
The robots of dawn / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 107 9 ######## 11/25/2019 8:16 RN TS
Sundiata : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SV SS
The winter when time was frozen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
Separation of church and state : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 6/3/2019 11/8/2019 10:49 RN RN
Lives of the poets : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 4 8/1/2018 10/2/2019 10:00 SS TS
Bloodrose House / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 ######## 1/2/2019 10:30 SP SP
America's own holidays / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:00 SV SV
Eva's story : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese Communist3.12E+13 revolution.
BK 8/25/1990 18 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
The winter room / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 5 ######## 7/25/2019 16:42 IV TS
Princes of the Renaissance. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
The insomniac's dictionary : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 1 9/4/2014 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
The chemistry of the non-metals 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 ######## 5/30/2019 10:37 SP RN
The first horsemen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
Make it with felt; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 2 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 SV IV
La Dame en violet. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 1/4/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
The warplanes of the Third Reich / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 72 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
Contemporary Jewish ethics / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 4 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Little daylight : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
The five sparrows : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 1 ######## 2/23/2019 14:19 SV SP
The look of the old West. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 9/1/2013 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Banners of silk / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 62 1 ######## 4/19/2019 7:15 RN TS
Forts of the Upper Missouri; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 1/18/2019 8:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 IV RN
Victor Hugo: a tumultuous life, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
The chronicle of the Cid. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 RN SS
A Christmas carol / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
My life, a loaded gun : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 2 5/4/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
A history of the Scottish people, 1560-1830, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 75 1 ######## 10/2/2019 10:45 SP TS
The Berlin airlift / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 2 ######## 11/13/2019 12:03 SV RN
Marko the rich and Vasily the Unlucky / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 1 1/7/2014 2/20/2019 13:15 SV SV
Rosy Cole's great American guilt club / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 46 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
Frosted glass / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 98 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Nuremberg in the sixteenth century. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 1 ######## 8/26/2019 9:16 RN TS
Seasons of the heart / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 125 3 7/9/2017 8/23/2019 14:09 SV RN
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, partners for life;3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 1 1/4/2017 11/15/2019 13:27 RN RN
Wells Fargo, the legend / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
The gadget book. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 2 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
Daily life in early Canada. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
On the nature of things. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 8/7/2019 8/15/2019 13:29 SP RN
Jimmy Doolittle: daredevil aviator and scientist
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 11/6/2019 11:19 RN TS
Pocahontas and her world; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 1 1/4/2019 8/15/2019 8:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Frontier regulars; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 2 ######## 4/17/2019 8:20 RN TS
The World guide to automobile manufacturers 3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 1 8/2/2019 9:50 SP RN
7 plays and how to produce them / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
Within the whirlwind / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:55 RN RN
Bitter fame : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 56 ######## 11/15/2019 12:53 RN RN
The $20,000,000 honeymoon; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 7/7/2015 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Cabinets and built-ins; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Julie goes to school [in Signed English] / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 ######## 2/20/2019 13:35 SV SV
The mouldy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 RN RN
Buckskin brigade / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 4 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 RN RN
Red land, black land : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The sinking of the Bismarck. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 2 ######## 10/18/2019 8:44 SP TS
Richard Scarry's Best Christmas book ever.3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 113 8 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SV TS
Dad's car wash / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
How it was / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Brothers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 2/5/2019 10:22 SV SV
Favorite Christmas carols, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Her name was Wallis Warfield, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Goebbels and National Socialist propaganda, 3.12E+13
BK 8/25/1990 37 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Mines of the old southwest. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 2 ######## 4/12/2019 12:37 SV TS
Big Mose : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 9/5/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 57 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
The Berlin wall : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 ######## 11/13/2019 11:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:48 SP RN
Llana of Gathol and John Carter of Mars. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SO
The presidency of Herbert C. Hoover / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
The Union Army, 1861-1865 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 5/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
The classic motorcycles / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:52 SP RN
Chilton's repair and tune-up guide : Chevrolet3.12E+13
GMC vans
BK 1967-80 : Chevrolet G-10, G-20 and
G-30, GMC G-1500,
37 G-2500 and G-3500.
######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Nomads of Eurasia / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 7 1/8/2015 5/28/2019 9:05 SP RN
Angel's mother's wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Pigboat 39 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
The secret history of Stalin's crimes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Contemporary cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 1 6/3/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Peter the Great / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 2 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The best of Kathleen Norris. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 RN SS
Charles Babbage, pioneer of the computer3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 20 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Happiness can be a habit. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
A long vacation. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:04 SV SP
The roots of evil; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:12 RN TS
The last mission / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 5 3/6/2019 3/28/2019 12:26 SV TS
Keeping secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 IV RN
Lockout, the story of the Homestead strike3.12E+13
of 1892; BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Henri Matisse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 6 2/8/2017 1/30/2019 10:42 RN RN
Studies of the Book of Mormon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 1/8/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Robert A. Heinlein / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
Crystal's Christmas carol / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1 ######## 12/20/2019 10:16 IV TS
Will you love me in September / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 99 ######## 8/21/2019 13:20 RN RN
The eternal companion: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
The history of American ceramics, 1607 to3.12E+13
the present
BK: 8/25/1990 2 4/6/2016 10/16/2019 11:03 SP RN
Everyday life of the Barbarians : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 ######## 8/26/2019 9:17 RN TS
Japanese haiku : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 1 8/9/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 SP RN
A book of wizards / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 2 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SS RN
The healing art / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Back in the U.S.S.R. : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 11 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:45 RN RN
The things we do for love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 ######## 9/18/2019 15:21 SP RN
Tiffky Doofky / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 69 3 ######## 11/27/2019 14:03 SV RN
Breeds and half-breeds. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 NW SS
Songs of the dream people : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Ghost paddle; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 11 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Monster movers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
Pompeii and the region destroyed by Vesuvius3.12E+13
in A.D.79
BK 8/25/1990 66 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 2/5/2016 2/8/2019 17:22 SV SP
Heir of sea & fire / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 65 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SV RN
Confucius, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Jataka tales / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 VE RN
Marxism and religion : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
Dreamsnake / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 6/5/2018 7/25/2019 11:28 RN RN
The Slaying of the dragon : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 ######## 3/9/2019 10:48 SP SP
Cuentos espanoles de Colorado y Nuevo Mexico3.12E+13 = BK 8/25/1990 16 2 ######## 4/3/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 10/9/2019 10:44 SS RN
Spine-chillers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 4 ######## 8/19/2019 10:16 SV TS
A series of murders / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:54 SV RN
Life with Rose Kennedy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
The prophet Muhammad / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:17 RN RN
Slow learner : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 RN RN
Collected plays. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 ######## 4/3/2019 13:15 RN TS
Mousekin de viaje/ 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 6/3/2015 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
The last years of a rebel; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:39 RN RN
The Spanish Civil War / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Those were the good old days : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 4/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
A history of Russia: medieval, modern, and3.12E+13
BK 8/25/1990 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
N.C. Wyeth : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 ######## 4/8/2019 8:58 RN TS
Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 4/7/2016 7/2/2019 15:52 RN RN
Great auk. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 6/1/2017 9/17/2019 13:39 SS RN
Time / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 52 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN NW
Masterplots II : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
A dream of passion : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SV RN
Pierrot et aline / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 1/4/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Secret teachings in the art of Japanese gardens
: BK 8/25/1990 66 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
The Story of Prince Ivan, the firebird, and the
gray wolf.
BK 8/25/1990 15 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
Maltese / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SP RN
The entrepreneurs : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
Hollisters/castle rock mystery 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 83 2/8/2019 16:34 SP SP
The Pooh craft book : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 73 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SP TS
Good men still live! 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 ######## 4/15/2019 8:24 RN TS
The glass slipper : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
A matter of pride / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Indira: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 3/7/2017 10/4/2019 14:57 RN RN
Dylan / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 1 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 RN TS
Fault lines / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 2/23/2019 11:38 RN SP
American renaissance : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Journey home / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 5/3/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Dancing without music : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 RN SS
Simone de Beauvoir, a life of freedom / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 RN SS
Love for a lifetime : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 80 2 3/3/2017 5/9/2019 8:55 SP RN
Robert Fulton, a biography / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 46 1/4/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Dinosaurs are 568 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 60 2 ######## 3/7/2019 16:03 SV TS
Brightness falls from the air / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 ######## 2/14/2019 15:16 NW SP
Mao's people : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 2 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 RN SS
The new metropolis : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 1 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 16:20 RN SS
The story of flies, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 ######## 2/20/2019 16:27 SV SV
Find the hidden insect / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
The trail of the dinosaur & other essays. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 RN SS
Alice Munro / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
Signs for all seasons : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
One friend to another / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night
/ BK 8/25/1990 10 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
Murder forestalled / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 RN SP
Summer girls, love boys, and other short stories
/ BK 8/25/1990 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Helliconia winter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 3/4/2019 10:23 RN SP
The museum: one hundred years and the Metropolitan
3.12E+13 BK Museum of Art. 8/25/1990 21 ######## 3/26/2019 15:00 RN TS
Bible study of grownups 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 1 8/8/2016 4/24/2019 15:51 RN RN
The advanced airbrush book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 127 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 1 3/5/2019 9/26/2019 16:33 NW RN
Side effects / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 1 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 RN RN
The spirit and the flesh : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
War in the trenches. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 93 4 ######## 11/13/2019 12:06 RN RN
Escape to Witch Mountain. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 2/6/2016 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 82 1/7/2016 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
Treasures of Italy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
Help is on the way for math skills / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Musui's story : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SV RN
Rights of man : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 ######## 10/18/2019 13:35 NV RN
Norma Jean : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 79 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
The uneasy chair : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 3/16/2019 11:53 RN RN
Poet in New York / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:24 RN RN
The Oxford junior companion to music. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 17 6/2/2019 7/16/2019 13:16 RN TS
Voyages to paradise : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Ring of truth; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 1 4/6/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Giotto : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Paolo Uccello / [text by] Luciano Berti. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Harvest of violence : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
William Henry Seward 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
The witch in room 6 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 1 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
The parables of Jesus / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
KGB / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Reading the New Testament : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 11 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
A lamb to slaughter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 ######## 10/30/2019 8:46 SP TS
Gift wraps / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 1 ######## 10/21/2019 11:19 RN RN
German for children: 3 bears, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
Collected early poems of Ezra Pound / edited 3.12E+13
by Michael
BK John King ; with an introduction by
Louis L. Martz. 39 ######## 11/15/2019 12:42 RN RN
Art : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 3 ######## 11/15/2019 10:05 SP TS
Art : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
Hopi cookery / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 9/7/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 RN SS
Salvador Dali / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 1 9/8/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Charlotte Shakespeare and Annie the Great 3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 29 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec/ 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 RN SV
Contemporary reflections on the medieval3.12E+13
Christian BK
tradition; 8/25/1990 10 ######## 5/9/2019 9:25 RN RN
Cambodian folk stories from the Gatiloke /3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 ######## 4/9/2019 18:07 SP SP
Two hundred years of bicycles / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Museums and women, and other stories. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 3 ######## 3/16/2019 11:22 SP SP
Puss in boots : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 158 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:23 SV SP
Charles Keeping's classic tales of the macabre.
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:15 RN TS
A history of the writings of Beatrix Potter, 3.12E+13
including unpublished
BK work. 8/25/1990 18 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
The air of Mars : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
The red fox / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 ######## 7/17/2019 11:00 SS TS
Guillots African Folk Tales. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 3/1/2015 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Order of battle, U.S. Army, World War II / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
Stopping-train Britain : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
American frontier life : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 ######## 6/24/2019 16:15 SP SP
Greener than you think / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The dinosaur princess and other prehistoric 3.12E+13
riddles /BK 8/25/1990 64 ######## 11/13/2019 13:09 SP TS
Nine tales of Coyote / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 2/20/2019 13:26 SV SV
My several worlds, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 2 ######## 6/22/2019 12:00 SP RN
Charles Keeping's book of classic ghost stories.
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
Leo and Emily's zoo / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 1 ######## 7/17/2019 11:52 IV TS
The Pound era. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
Good King Wenceslas / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
History of rocketry & space travel 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 2 ######## 10/24/2019 14:22 SP TS
The making of a stormtrooper / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 45 2 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Guns / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 73 2/8/2014 2/20/2019 16:43 SV SV
Cats are cats / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SV RN
The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
Pentagon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 ######## 8/21/2019 15:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 9/7/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
The battle of Bubble and Squeak / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 51 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 SP NW
H.G. Wells : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 9 4/7/2015 7/3/2019 10:57 SV SS
Dawn to the West : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 2 ######## 11/20/2019 15:02 RN RN
The service; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 8/8/2015 6/4/2019 14:42 SP RN
The first year / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 SV NW
Crossbows / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 94 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
The education of Koko / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 54 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:40 SP RN
Bellifortis. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Dangerous to know / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 46 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 RN RN
Tiger on the loose / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 37 7/6/2016 1/31/2019 12:58 SV RN
A whale of a rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Poems / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 8/1/2019 8/8/2019 8:50 RN TS
What? A riddle book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
San Francisco / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 57 ######## 12/19/2019 9:11 RN TS
The food of Spain and Portugal / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 RN RN
Hugo at the window / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 81 1 ######## 4/15/2019 13:15 SV TS
Thinking big : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 6/6/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
J.D. Salinger, revisited / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
Jean-Paul Sartre / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 6/7/2016 4/24/2019 15:27 RN RN
Mexico: a history in art. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 78 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 RN SP
Edith Wharton. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
Tales of Mr. Pengachoosa. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 6 ######## 2/1/2019 16:36 SV RN
Bat Masterson. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
Jule : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Navaho grammar. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 31 6/8/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Bill Veeck : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 28 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:54 RN RN
The legend of Baby Doe; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 1/4/2019 1/18/2019 8:38 RN TS
By way of response / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
Voyage to a beginning; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 1 3/4/2015 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
Virginia Woolf, life and London : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 20 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SP SS
Misanthrope / [by] Moliere ; modern English3.12E+13
BK by Tony Ha rrison. 8/25/1990 16 5/7/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
The loss of El Dorado; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 1/18/2019 9:34 RN TS
The captain's verses 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 3 7/2/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
The Presence : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 4/24/2019 15:27 SP RN
Little Red Riding Hood; a story by the Brothers
GrimmBKwith pictures by Harriet Pincus. 8/25/1990 36 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 IV RN
The journals of Thornton Wilder, 1939-1961 3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
Good-bye, my wishing star / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
Standard Korean-English dictionary for foreigners
3.12E+13 : BK 8/25/1990 18 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:22 SP SP
Flush, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 9/11/2019 13:26 SO RN
Let us now praise famous men 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 42 1 4/7/2016 1/18/2019 8:28 RN TS
Downriver / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 78 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
The dreaming brain / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 111 3 2/7/2019 3/19/2019 14:32 SP TS
Who's sick today? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 1 ######## 11/7/2019 14:47 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 50 4 ######## 10/23/2019 8:46 SP TS
The anti-society; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Edgar Rice Burroughs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 1 ######## 11/15/2019 14:18 RN RN
Man and superman : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Joanna runs away. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 59 9 ######## 3/28/2019 11:02 SV TS
Zuckerman unbound / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 2/7/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Just like a friend / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
The tree of hands / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 46 ######## 3/23/2019 11:19 RN SP
The year of three kings, 1483 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 1 4/1/2018 7/29/2019 13:13 RN RN
Panzer commander : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 84 4 7/3/2019 8/15/2019 8:39 SP TS
The flowering of New England. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 2 4/8/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
The Beatles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 56 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:18 SV TS
Alternating current. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 2 4/4/2019 4/17/2019 12:05 RN TS
A taste of honey; 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 3 4/3/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
A gift for the king : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
A gift for the king : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 7/5/2017 2/4/2019 9:19 SV RN
The Decatur Road : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
Poor man's orange / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 12/10/2019 11:30 GE TS
The prince 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
The Panama Canal : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 ######## 5/2/2019 13:45 SP SP
Roughneck : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 6/4/2019 13:31 SP RN
Now we can go / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 4 8/9/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
The art of persuasion 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 3 ######## 6/13/2019 9:09 RN TS
Dead sea scrolls in English / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Make your own sails / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Design for murder / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 53 2 ######## 4/6/2019 13:28 RN SP
Better with two / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 46 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Pickles and prunes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 5 2/8/2019 16:35 SP SP
Questions of the French Revolution : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
Coins. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 ######## 3/4/2019 14:20 RN TS
Portal to America: 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 19 8/3/2014 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Our father who art in hell / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Wild Pill Hickok and other Old West riddles3.12E+13
/ BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 11/13/2019 13:08 SP TS
The Elizabethan deliverance / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 41 1 ######## 11/8/2019 14:05 SP RN
Mistress Anne / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 40 1 ######## 5/29/2019 15:01 RN RN
Madmen of history / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 35 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Charleston! Charleston! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 1 ######## 1/18/2019 9:31 RN TS
Franco : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 2 ######## 5/29/2019 15:02 SP RN
Albion's seed : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 48 3 ######## 8/5/2019 15:40 RN TS
Friend dog / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 66 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
Home is best / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 66 7 ######## 4/23/2019 9:24 IV TS
Rainbow Warrior : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 2/7/2018 3/16/2019 11:53 RN RN
Desert campfires. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 33 1 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 SP TS
The snare of the hunter. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 66 1 ######## 7/17/2019 11:07 RN TS
The unbeaten 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 80 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SP TS
The equal rights amendment. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 RN SS
Jackson Pollock : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 32 5 ######## 10/24/2019 15:08 RN RN
Toughen up 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
Modernism and the Harlem renaissance / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 1 1/7/2016 11/15/2019 12:48 RN RN
Secret agenda : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 1 ######## 3/14/2019 10:35 RN TS
After Eli / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 ######## 9/17/2019 13:56 SS RN
Nantucket soap opera / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 79 6/3/2015 9/20/2019 15:14 SS RN
The great big box book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 43 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
Coming out under fire : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Antietam : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 4/4/2013 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
Record of a friendship : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 17 3 ######## 4/23/2019 9:38 SP RN
Fair land, fair land / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 2/7/2017 9/18/2019 11:06 RN RN
Katie's kitten / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 90 6/2/2017 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
Japanese art. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 ######## 8/15/2019 8:36 RN TS
A fire in the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 ######## 12/13/2019 8:49 RN TS
The deeper Life : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 ######## 5/3/2019 14:28 SP SP
La scenografia del '700 e i fratelli Galliari. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Diaboliad, and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 ######## 9/10/2019 14:11 RN RN
The case of the vanishing corpse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Margaret Bourke-White / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Puss in boots and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 24 1/9/2014 2/20/2019 13:12 SV SV
Letting off steam / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 NW TR
All but my life. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
Court and Color 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 12 2/8/2019 15:25 SP SP
Something is going to happen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 69 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
The twentieth anniversary Playboy reader.3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 14 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
The fire trail. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 18 2/8/2019 16:34 SP SP
In the footsteps of Moses. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 47 ######## 3/15/2019 11:06 RN TS
Christmas observed : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 15 1 ######## 10/9/2019 10:43 RN RN
Modern sewing techniques. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 27 1/9/2015 8/5/2019 16:00 SP RN
Book of flying saucers for you 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 0 1/9/2019 17:23 SP SP
America's premier gunmakers, Remington 3.12E+13/ BK 8/25/1990 20 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
Queen Elizabeth, 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 ######## 5/29/2019 15:12 RN RN
Erich Fromm : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
A frog he would a-wooing go / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 3 ######## 9/17/2019 9:59 SV TS
Healing wisdom from the Bible : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 44 4 ######## 3/4/2019 14:09 RN TS
Frontier spirit : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 9/4/2014 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
Lafayette, hero of two worlds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 3 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
The thirties / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 38 3 5/4/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
Write if you get work : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 29 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SP RN
East End 1888 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
River song 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 1 2/8/2019 16:35 SP SP
Marquetry / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SP RN
Yogi : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 49 1 ######## 7/3/2019 9:59 SP RN
A long road home : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 2 1/9/2019 4/5/2019 7:57 RN TS
One dollar death / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 70 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 SP SP
Thousand pardons. 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 21 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 111 3 3/1/2019 8/15/2019 8:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 30 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 22 1 1/9/2013 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 25 1 4/3/2019 4/11/2019 15:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 4 6 ######## 2/27/2019 11:02 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 67 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 10 3 ######## 7/16/2019 7:29 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 16 ######## 4/24/2019 15:56 RN RN
Roy Lichtenstein / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 6 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 61 1 3/6/2015 5/7/2019 10:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 8 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:17 GE TS
Slam the big door / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 55 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 RN TS
The bride of Lammermoor / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 13 ######## 9/11/2019 12:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 39 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 71 ######## 5/13/2019 15:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 64 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
Grace : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 58 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
River of death / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 34 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:18 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 76 2 ######## 9/12/2019 10:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 5 ######## 8/8/2019 14:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 23 4 ######## 5/2/2019 11:10 IV TS
San Andreas / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 36 7/8/2017 9/18/2019 11:02 RN RN
Ordinary people / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1990 26 1 7/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
How did we find out about microwaves? /3.12E+13 BK 9/26/1990 7 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The bully of Barkham Street / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/1990 12 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 NV SS
A visit to the farm / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/1990 27 2 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 15:40 IV RN
Loving Ben / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1990 16 1 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 NV GE
Voices after midnight : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1990 41 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 RN RN
Dilly dilly piccalilli : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1990 18 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
Earthquakes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1990 95 10 8/7/2019 10/23/2019 9:56 SP TS
Libby on Wednesday / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1990 24 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
The trading game / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1990 33 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 SV NW
Bobby Baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1990 27 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:07 SV RN
How to be an inventor / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1990 57 3 3/1/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SV SS
Vanishing act / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1990 18 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1990 33 2 3/7/2019 4/17/2019 9:56 SP TS
Ferlinghetti : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1990 13 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 SP RN
A bad spell for the worst witch / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1990 39 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1990 68 2 ######## 7/24/2019 15:21 RN TS
Caves of the thousand Buddhas : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1990 17 4 ######## 1/18/2019 8:07 RN TS
Domesticity and dirt : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/1990 5 ######## 6/4/2019 13:34 RN RN
Little pig, big trouble / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/1990 103 8 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SV TS
Monet's table : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1990 37 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 IV RN
Waltzing in the attic / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1990 36 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The chessmen of doom / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1990 39 ######## 1/25/2019 16:40 SV SP
Cats sleep anywhere / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1990 82 1 ######## 5/31/2019 12:13 SV TS
La colmena / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1990 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Job's daughters : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1990 11 3 ######## 5/3/2019 11:58 RN SP
The intimate world of Alexander Calder / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1990 52 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Voyages / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/1990 15 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1990 17 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Fruit / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1990 13 1/7/2019 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Looking back at clothes and fashion / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1990 28 ######## 2/1/2019 13:45 SV SV
Where the birds are : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1990 5 1 2/7/2016 10/16/2019 9:31 SP RN
My outrageous friend Charlie / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1990 81 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SS RN
The twelve days of Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1990 102 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:27 SP RN
The right number of elephants / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1990 63 1 ######## 1/16/2019 8:52 VE TS
Perry Mason in the case of the burning bequest
/ BK 11/8/1990 85 1 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
America's forgotten pandemic : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/1990 19 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
A mom by magic / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/1990 31 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1990 37 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1990 113 7 ######## 5/17/2019 8:00 RN TS
Greenwich Village and how it got that way3.12E+13
/ BK 11/29/1990 27 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
America's own holidays / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1990 19 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:00 SV SV
Gorbachev : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1990 14 2 ######## 11/8/2019 13:58 RN RN
The face of a stranger / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1990 121 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Over and back : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1990 7 8/4/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
5000 years of Chinese costumes / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1990 16 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1990 150 6 5/1/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 SP RN
Eisenhower : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1990 43 6 ######## 2/14/2019 10:06 RN TS
Fire and water / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1990 44 7/5/2017 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
America in 1857 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1990 19 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
The book of J / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1990 27 2 ######## 11/7/2019 8:08 RN TS
Countdown : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1990 38 3 6/5/2019 6/26/2019 8:24 RN TS
Conversations with J. Krishnamurti : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1990 26 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Beyond the barrier : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1990 11 ######## 8/15/2019 8:37 RN TS
The living legend of St. Patrick / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1990 15 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The Great Lakes states / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1990 53 1 ######## 9/5/2019 8:36 SP TS
Fried feathers for Thanksgiving / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1990 87 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/1990 14 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 IV RN
The Frog Prince : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1990 61 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
The hidden life of the meadow / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1990 20 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Mummies, masks & mourners / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/1990 39 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/1991 72 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
Mrs. Toggle's zipper / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/1991 85 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 SV RN
Riptide / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1991 48 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1991 63 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
Before I was born / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1991 26 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
Swallowing clouds / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1991 33 5 3/7/2017 11/13/2019 12:01 SP RN
In all his glory : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1991 22 ######## 6/4/2019 14:38 RN RN
Festive Ukrainian cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1991 33 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/1991 145 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SS
New York, New York / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/1991 24 1 7/8/2014 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
India : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/1991 40 4 ######## 3/14/2019 10:30 SP TS
Vietnam, the decisive battles / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/1991 86 ######## 3/4/2019 14:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1991 74 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SV RN
Further tales of Uncle Remus : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1991 21 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:53 SV RN
Civil War treasury of tales, legends, and folklore
/ BK 1/30/1991 5 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/1991 6 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Pinocchio / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1991 14 1 6/7/2016 2/8/2019 10:22 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1991 109 2 ######## 7/10/2019 11:32 SS TS
If you're happy and you know it : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1991 6 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 GE RN
The story of Wali Dad / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1991 25 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:18 SV RN
Prized possessions / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1991 65 ######## 9/17/2019 15:00 SP RN
"We will stand by you" : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1991 20 1 ######## 6/25/2019 15:38 RN RN
Poems about war / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1991 28 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
Midnight sun / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1991 50 1 ######## 8/21/2019 15:09 SS RN
With Siberia comes a chill / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1991 47 9/6/2016 4/6/2019 13:25 SP SP
Wheel estate : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1991 25 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SV TS
Shadows and reflections / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/1991 30 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 IV TR
Never spit on your shoes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/1991 94 3 7/6/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
The first air war, 1914-1918 / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/1991 43 ######## 11/13/2019 11:58 SP RN
A gentleman's guide to toasting / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/1991 4 2 ######## 6/25/2019 14:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1991 22 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Round robin / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/1991 71 10 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 SV RN
Class president / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1991 77 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NV SS
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1991 31 3 ######## 7/25/2019 16:05 NV TS
The hidden house / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1991 39 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
My great grandpa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1991 70 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
How Joe the bear and Sam the mouse got 3.12E+13
together /BK 2/19/1991 37 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 VE RN
The story of Hoover Dam. 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1991 22 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Daddy has a pair of striped shorts / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/1991 41 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
Family pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/1991 53 1 9/5/2017 5/24/2019 13:02 SV RN
Catch that hat! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1991 92 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Hollywood 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/1991 48 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:46 SP TS
The first emperor of China : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/1991 28 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
The cat's midsummer jamboree / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1991 34 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SV RN
Prairie visions : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/1991 23 2/6/2015 1/4/2019 17:11 SP SP
Shakespeare A to Z : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1991 8 6 2/7/2018 6/12/2019 11:16 RN RN
Strangers at the bedside : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1991 8 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 RN SS
Mother Earth, Father Sky / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1991 65 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SO TS
Samuel's choice / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1991 20 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 NV SS
Quail song : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1991 31 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Five tragic hours : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1991 16 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
Our sixth-grade sugar babies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/1991 8 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 GE SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/1991 29 3/7/2015 2/14/2019 15:16 SP SP
On fields of fury : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/1991 16 9/8/2015 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
The name of the tree : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/1991 18 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1991 240 13 ######## 1/18/2019 15:14 NV SP
John Henry, an American legend / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1991 44 ######## 1/20/2019 15:08 TR TR
Chester the chick / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1991 35 1 4/2/2015 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/1991 57 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
Harrah's Automobile Collection : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/1991 0 9/19/2019 16:29 SP SP
Creation / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1991 37 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SP TS
Raymond's best summer / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/1991 45 1 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
Sticks and stones and skeleton bones / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1991 38 5/5/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
The stowaway / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1991 47 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
Joe Giant's missing boot / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/1991 44 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1991 20 2 ######## 7/2/2019 15:23 SP RN
I wonder if I'll see a whale / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1991 51 4 4/2/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
Patriot's dream / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/1991 24 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Hannah on her way / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/1991 15 5/3/2013 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
Song of the gargoyle / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/1991 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Twilight at Mac's Place / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/1991 96 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:45 SV TS
Paul / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/1991 17 4 ######## 10/18/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/1991 60 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 RN SS
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes.
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/1991 18 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Complete guide to building log homes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1991 47 2 ######## 4/17/2019 12:06 SP TS
James Joyce's Dubliners; 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1991 12 1 7/2/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1991 112 7 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 SV NW
Mozart tonight / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1991 63 2 ######## 2/8/2019 16:15 SP SP
The remarkable voyages of Captain Cook /3.12E+13 BK 8/1/1991 32 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1991 88 3 ######## 4/15/2019 13:13 NW TS
Story of the great American West. 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1991 44 ######## 1/4/2019 14:17 SP RN
Golden dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1991 24 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1991 36 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:35 SV RN
A journal of the voyages and travels of a corps
of discovery,
BK 8/14/1991 22 3 4/3/2017 11/8/2019 13:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/1991 7 1 1/6/2016 2/15/2019 9:50 SP SP
A place to claim as home / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1991 27 5/5/2016 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
The moon of the mountain lions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1991 60 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1991 77 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SV RN
Ava : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1991 48 4 ######## 10/9/2019 12:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1991 189 8 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SO TS
The Mozart season / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1991 22 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 SV RN
The Random House book of ghost stories /3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1991 27 2 3/8/2018 2/1/2019 16:30 IV RN
Alec and his flying bed / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1991 47 2 4/7/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Will's mammoth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/1991 45 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 SV RN
Wolferl : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1991 39 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SV SS
The road to Memphis / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1991 23 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 RN SV
Squeak-a-lot / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1991 41 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:25 IV RN
The merry pranks of Till Eulenspiegel / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1991 11 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
Where food comes from / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/1991 44 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 SV SP
The chestnut soldier / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/1991 43 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/1991 94 4 7/1/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
This is the Siberian husky. 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/1991 50 1 2/4/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Scary stories 3 : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1991 148 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SP
Andrew Wyeth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1991 10 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
Seashells of the Northern hemisphere / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1991 30 ######## 3/16/2019 11:55 RN RN
The perfectionist predicament / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1991 45 12 ######## 11/6/2019 14:40 RN TS
The hole in the flag : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1991 32 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
Best short plays of the world theatre 1958-1967.
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1991 7 1 ######## 1/31/2019 8:29 RN TS
A first class murder / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1991 48 ######## 9/16/2019 12:43 SP RN
By way of the wind / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1991 26 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SP SS
Indira Gandhi : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1991 28 3/7/2017 10/4/2019 14:58 SV RN
Phantom leader / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1991 68 1/3/2017 8/19/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1991 28 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
"E" is for Elisa / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1991 54 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
Planning for murder / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1991 11 ######## 2/23/2019 15:58 RN SP
Hire a hangman / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1991 60 ######## 4/10/2019 15:28 SP SP
Unforgettable : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1991 25 ######## 7/2/2019 15:34 SP RN
Deep shaker / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1991 69 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:26 SP SP
Lieberman's folly / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1991 76 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Androcles and the lion : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/1991 28 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 SV RN
Faces in the smoke : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1991 48 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
The doomsday conspiracy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1991 103 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
A step-by-step guide to your Bernina / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1991 32 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
History of my life / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1991 8 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
Nevada map atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1991 43 1 3/7/2016 11/8/2019 10:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1991 12 2 2/9/2017 6/25/2019 13:12 SP RN
Sherwood / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1991 41 ######## 9/6/2019 13:51 SS RN
1940:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1991 25 2 ######## 2/20/2019 9:05 RN TS
A dedicated man : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1991 99 10 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Heat and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1991 27 1 ######## 9/23/2019 11:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/1991 36 ######## 8/2/2019 11:20 RN RN
Stalin : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/1991 38 5/6/2016 2/28/2019 14:22 SP RN
Elizabeth I / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/1991 60 ######## 5/29/2019 15:01 SP RN
Thomas Jefferson : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/1991 24 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
The shoemaker and the elves / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1991 58 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SP SV
The terrible EEK : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1991 25 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
A wish for wings that work : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1991 109 4 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SV TS
A wish for wings that work : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1991 86 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
Love you, soldier / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1991 23 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SP SP
Rosie's baby tooth / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1991 67 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SV RN
Sorotchintzy fair / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1991 18 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1991 72 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
Love me, love my werewolf. 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1991 23 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 SV RN
A camel called April / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1991 72 1 4/2/2014 4/4/2019 11:03 SP SS
Rough magic : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1991 27 3 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
WLT, a radio romance / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1991 23 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
The new Gothic : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1991 36 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
The soul of a cop / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1991 46 4 8/9/2019 10/15/2019 15:39 SP TS
The grass crown / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1991 42 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SS TS
Journey of the sparrows / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1991 15 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1991 91 1 ######## 7/10/2019 9:54 SV TS
The journey of Meng : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1991 41 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Molly at the library / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1991 99 ######## 7/27/2019 10:12 SP RN
One ballerina two / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1991 46 2 ######## 4/15/2019 12:54 SV TS
Eating fractions / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1991 86 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 NV TS
America in World War II : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1991 67 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1991 78 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
Odd girls and twilight lovers : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1991 29 ######## 5/9/2019 9:22 SV RN
Grandmother's house : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/1991 43 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
When the lights go out : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/1991 30 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
One long argument : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/1991 42 ######## 5/30/2019 10:25 SP RN
Exploring energy sources / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1991 47 2 5/7/2018 9/10/2019 14:22 SV TS
The dragon of Middlethorpe / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/1991 17 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 NV SV
The German high command at war : 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/1991 31 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1992 5 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Jim Bridger, Mountain man : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1992 33 8/2/2016 5/24/2019 17:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1992 16 2 ######## 4/23/2019 14:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1992 15 ######## 10/9/2019 9:00 SS RN
The face of the waters / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1992 33 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:02 RN TS
I.O.U. / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1992 86 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:18 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1992 10 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Thomas Jefferson, the revolutionary aristocrat
/ BK 1/11/1992 65 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
The spirit house / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1992 37 6 ######## 2/7/2019 16:57 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1992 38 2 7/8/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Maps : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1992 43 6 ######## 4/23/2019 9:02 SS TS
Pablo Picasso / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1992 44 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
Projects for spring & holiday activities / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1992 51 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 SP IV
Short list / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1992 41 ######## 9/12/2019 10:45 SP RN
A secret country : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/1992 23 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1992 12 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Clerical errors / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1992 30 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
Kangaroos and other marsupials / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1992 65 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
The Mashpee Indians : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1992 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
Children with a star : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1992 23 2 ######## 11/8/2019 11:47 SP RN
Georgia O'Keeffe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1992 22 3 3/2/2016 2/8/2019 15:14 IV NW
Danger on the African grassland / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1992 38 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
Insect zoo / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1992 70 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:27 SV SV
Wempires / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1992 27 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
The sacred earth : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/1992 30 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SP SP
American light : 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1992 37 10 ######## 8/14/2019 8:10 SV TS
The elf queen of Shannara / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1992 94 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1992 13 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Prisoner's dilemma / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1992 39 2 1/7/2017 10/16/2019 15:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1992 15 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
The encyclopedia of shells / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1992 33 5 ######## 4/5/2019 7:57 SP TS
To ride a butterfly : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1992 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
Be a perfect person in just three days! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1992 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 GE RN
Jack Johnson in the ring and out : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1992 40 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
Nelson in love : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1992 48 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 SV NW
John Tabor's ride / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/1992 54 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1992 51 3 ######## 3/8/2019 13:23 SV RN
The palace : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/1992 21 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 NV SP
The Explorers and settlers : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1992 47 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 SP SP
Ol' Diz : 3.12E+13 BK 2/29/1992 24 1 ######## 11/1/2019 16:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/1992 27 2 1/3/2017 9/17/2019 15:06 NV RN
Show boat / by Edna Ferber. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1992 13 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Joseph Haydn / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/1992 10 3/3/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
Family business / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/1992 23 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The deerslayer : [notes] 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1992 6 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
That's all folks! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1992 28 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
New dictionary of American family names 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/1992 68 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
Quest for a maid / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1992 33 2 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
A kind of thief / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1992 14 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Max makes a million / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1992 42 8/5/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
The Chancellor manuscript / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1992 36 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Across the wide Missouri; 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1992 23 ######## 11/8/2019 12:02 SP RN
Chen Ping and his magic axe / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1992 13 2 ######## 2/4/2019 8:49 SP RN
Earth energies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1992 57 2/4/2015 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1992 78 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Dragon war / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1992 85 3 ######## 8/7/2019 14:40 SP TS
Who discovered America? : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1992 34 6/9/2015 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1992 14 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
The common insects of North America, 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1992 7 5/1/2017 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
Firearms encyclopedia, 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1992 14 1 ######## 3/16/2019 11:52 SP RN
The manual of brands and marks, 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1992 3 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:28 SP RN
How to know the western trees; 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1992 8 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1992 15 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1992 19 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1992 10 ######## 10/18/2019 14:23 NV RN
A lady's visit to California, 1853. 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1992 4 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1992 63 8 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 SV RN
The prince and the pauper : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1992 34 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/1992 10 2 ######## 4/12/2019 7:33 RN TS
Alien ink : 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/1992 14 4/7/2015 5/18/2019 15:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1992 23 1 ######## 9/5/2019 8:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1992 9 2 ######## 7/9/2019 15:15 RN TS
Rubbish : the archaeology of garbage. 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1992 26 1 ######## 6/4/2019 13:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/1992 4 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Dear Mili / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/1992 18 2/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/1992 26 4 3/7/2019 9/24/2019 13:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1992 39 4 ######## 1/31/2019 13:09 NV RN
The Cardinal sins / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1992 46 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
Wedded to crime : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1992 23 ######## 6/4/2019 13:48 RN RN
Modeling tanks and military vehicles / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1992 19 4/7/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/1992 55 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Projects for spring & holiday activities / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1992 60 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1992 12 2 3/7/2017 10/9/2019 12:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1992 26 ######## 9/24/2019 13:28 RN RN
The grand Sophy. 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1992 56 5 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1992 15 5 2/1/2019 3/8/2019 10:35 GE RN
Alphabet times four : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1992 31 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
The Cock, the mouse, and the little red hen3.12E+13
: BK 8/4/1992 48 5 8/7/2017 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
Sarah's questions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1992 16 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 RN SV
Theodore Roosevelt takes charge / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/1992 28 5/1/2017 1/30/2019 10:42 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1992 78 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1992 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1992 30 3/1/2017 2/4/2019 9:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1992 119 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Skin deep is fatal / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1992 49 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/1992 53 8 ######## 7/10/2019 12:02 SS TS
Lily / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1992 33 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 SP SP
The end of days / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1992 32 2 ######## 11/13/2019 12:11 SS RN
Minikin / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1992 17 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 RN SV
El pajaro de fuego y otros cuentos / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1992 48 3 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SV RN
What to listen for in Mozart / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/1992 53 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Inside the VC and the NVA : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/1992 25 4/4/2016 11/13/2019 11:25 RN RN
The serpent and the wave : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1992 28 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Isabel the Queen : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1992 35 1 5/5/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 RN RN
Seven kinds of death / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1992 60 ######## 10/14/2019 12:21 SV TS
The four gallant sisters / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1992 48 9/4/2015 1/22/2019 14:19 SV NW
The garden club / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1992 59 ######## 2/26/2019 10:04 SP SP
Tall ships of the world : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/1992 14 2 ######## 5/20/2019 13:48 NW RN
Columbus was last : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1992 35 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Dark of night / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1992 40 7/7/2015 4/6/2019 13:30 NW SP
The desert mermaid = 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1992 36 1 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/1992 13 2 ######## 10/14/2019 9:02 RN TS
Katie's trunk / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1992 63 2 ######## 11/27/2019 14:04 SV RN
The pigman & me / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1992 20 ######## 1/3/2019 10:20 SP SP
You cheat! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1992 95 1 2/4/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
Caribbean carnival : Songs of the West Indies
/ BK 10/10/1992 16 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SP SP
Lightning inside you : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1992 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:36 SV RN
Wilderness cat / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1992 39 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Alef-bet : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1992 11 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 IV RN
Sophie's Tom / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1992 15 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1992 102 2 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
Not for a billion gazillion dollars / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1992 22 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
Watch the house / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1992 18 3 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1992 42 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1992 20 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 IV SS
Sound science / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1992 40 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 IV RN
Jack and the beanstalk / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1992 18 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 VE IV
A Child's book of prayers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1992 34 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SP SS
Stressed out? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/1992 33 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Tackle and technique for taking trout : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/1992 64 7/8/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
How to make upside-down dolls / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/1992 21 1 2/8/2017 7/15/2019 10:37 SP RN
Let justice be done : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1992 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
I sailed with Columbus / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1992 19 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1992 73 3 ######## 9/25/2019 13:34 SP RN
The word of a woman : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/1992 6 1 3/8/2015 5/28/2019 11:16 RN SS
Miss Flora McFlimsey and the baby New Year 3.12E+13
/ BK 11/5/1992 42 2 ######## 11/27/2019 11:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1992 46 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 RN SV
Who comes with cannons / 3.12E+13 BK 11/25/1992 36 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
The great thirst : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1992 20 4/4/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Science fiction comics : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1992 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:29 SP RN
Chilies to chocolate : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1992 17 ######## 7/15/2019 10:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1992 23 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
Northern lullaby / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1992 16 1 3/1/2019 3/8/2019 10:35 SP RN
Sundiata : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1992 24 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:37 SP NW
Mr. McMouse / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1992 72 2 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SV RN
Moose Street / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1992 11 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 RN SV
Warm as wool / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1992 56 9 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1992 14 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1992 43 1 7/3/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1992 31 2 ######## 6/25/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1992 33 2 ######## 8/21/2019 15:07 RN RN
Fraud / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1992 28 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
Shakespeare for young players, 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1992 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Remembering Malcolm :[the story of Malcolm 3.12E+13
X from
BKinside the Muslim mosque] / 12/22/1992 26 2 ######## 6/7/2019 10:01 SP RN
Return to Bull Run : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1992 27 4 ######## 11/8/2019 12:03 SP RN
The Catalan country kitchen : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1992 23 1/9/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 RN TS
Hua hu ching : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1992 53 4 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 SP TS
Copier creations / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/1992 23 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/1992 92 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 SP IV
Special delivery : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1993 34 8/2/2015 9/11/2019 13:33 RN RN
Thomas Edison and electricity / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1993 36 1 3/2/2017 4/12/2019 13:03 IV TS
The adventures of the woman homesteader 3.12E+13
: BK 1/7/1993 31 1 6/8/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
Malcolm X speaks : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1993 16 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Bowl like a pro : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1993 35 1 4/6/2016 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Hot property / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1993 29 3 ######## 9/25/2019 14:10 SV RN
Kipling's fantasy / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1993 65 2 6/7/2019 7/16/2019 10:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 105 4 1/4/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SP TS
Don't you know there's a war on? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 22 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SV SS
Zomo the Rabbit : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 37 6 ######## 12/9/2019 15:47 IV TS
Mountain Jack tales / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 13 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
Flit, flutter, fly! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 24 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
The man who kept house / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 27 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 IV RN
The man who kept house / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1993 59 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The fifties : 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/1993 20 ######## 5/7/2019 11:50 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/1993 47 8/9/2015 9/16/2019 12:40 RN RN
Horror at the haunted house / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/1993 8 1 2/3/2018 12/4/2019 18:46 GE NV
Inside Gorbachev's Kremlin / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/1993 6 1 ######## 10/4/2019 14:07 RN RN
The late lady / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/1993 61 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1993 12 1 ######## 6/24/2019 15:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1993 8 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Death in store / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1993 31 ######## 9/18/2019 15:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1993 22 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
The thief of always : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1993 50 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1993 34 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 SV NW
Tortoise solves a problem / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1993 33 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Vet in harness / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1993 52 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 NV RN
U.S. destroyers : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1993 9 ######## 10/21/2019 13:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1993 40 7/5/2017 2/4/2019 8:45 RN RN
Plants / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 63 10 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
The secret room / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 15 1 1/2/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Sir Whong and the golden pig / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 38 2/3/2015 2/4/2019 8:51 SV RN
Korean Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 86 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Peace on earth : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 17 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
When I'm hungry / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 71 8 ######## 8/14/2019 10:09 SV TS
I'm somebody too / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1993 26 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
The Sam Walton story : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/1993 28 2 ######## 5/20/2019 8:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1993 31 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SP RN
Drumming at the edge of magic : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1993 45 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
The toymaker : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1993 59 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
Renaissance lives : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/1993 40 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/1993 61 1 ######## 6/17/2019 8:43 SV TS
The Vietnam War : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/1993 35 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/1993 52 ######## 3/23/2019 11:21 SP SP
The phantom of the lunch wagon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1993 21 ######## 2/6/2019 15:14 RN RN
The remarkable journey of Prince Jen / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1993 25 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SV SS
Zap! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1993 14 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
A children's book about being selfish / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1993 54 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 IV RN
A Children's book about being lazy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1993 41 3 3/6/2018 2/2/2019 10:16 IV RN
My dad the magnificent / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1993 46 2 8/7/2018 2/6/2019 16:37 IV RN
Lighting the lamp : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1993 39 3 2/6/2019 3/15/2019 11:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1993 34 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Moe the dog in tropical paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1993 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1993 42 3 8/7/2017 1/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1993 7 ######## 10/9/2019 9:24 SS RN
The citadel / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1993 46 3 ######## 8/23/2019 13:29 SV RN
How to make super pop-ups. 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1993 38 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 136 ######## 3/23/2019 11:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 76 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 7 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
The holy Qur-an : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 8 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
The bubble reputation : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 34 ######## 9/11/2019 12:38 SP RN
Bodies electric / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 39 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN NW
The archaeology of ancient Israel / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 11 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
The life of Isaac Newton / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1993 50 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 SP RN
A time for silence / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1993 54 3/5/2015 4/30/2019 15:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1993 21 3 ######## 10/9/2019 11:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1993 127 4 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1993 25 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
Rita goes to the hospital / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1993 33 4/9/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 IV RN
213 valentines / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1993 24 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
The Great War in the air : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1993 47 ######## 11/7/2019 14:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1993 85 1 ######## 8/21/2019 14:14 SP RN
The leopard unleashed / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1993 23 ######## 9/17/2019 14:57 SO RN
Plato and Augustine / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1993 53 4 4/1/2019 5/3/2019 9:04 SP TS
Judy Garland : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1993 40 2 ######## 12/3/2019 7:57 SO TS
Where or when / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1993 155 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1993 57 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 14:36 SV TS
The lesbian and gay parenting handbook :3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1993 29 1 2/7/2017 10/18/2019 12:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1993 9 ######## 5/24/2019 10:43 NV RN
Hostile intent / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1993 57 2/2/2016 9/17/2019 13:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1993 60 2 ######## 11/15/2019 12:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1993 29 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1993 57 ######## 9/25/2019 15:05 SP RN
Bravo 20 : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1993 24 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Boo! It's Halloween/ 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1993 82 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 RN RN
The boy who lived with the seals / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1993 36 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:36 RN RN
On tour / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/1993 27 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NW
Fashion from ancient Egypt to the present3.12E+13
day / BK 6/2/1993 71 ######## 5/28/2019 9:05 SP RN
Dylan Thomas in America : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1993 10 1 9/6/2016 11/15/2019 14:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1993 29 4 3/7/2017 11/15/2019 13:59 SS RN
moses's ark 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1993 13 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
All pigs are beautiful / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1993 45 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
The art of condolence : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1993 13 ######## 5/3/2019 16:41 SP SP
Worldly goods / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1993 30 ######## 9/6/2019 13:51 SP RN
Figuring kids out : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1993 19 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/1993 56 7 ######## 11/8/2019 12:49 SO TS
Eva and Adolf / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1993 53 7/3/2014 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
The Heath introduction to poetry / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1993 17 2 ######## 11/15/2019 14:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1993 6 1 2/1/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Turner / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/1993 18 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/1993 17 2 ######## 10/9/2019 9:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1993 10 2 ######## 5/24/2019 17:49 SP SP
The epic of New York City 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1993 28 2 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 IV RN
A complete defence to 1 P-K4; 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1993 18 3 ######## 5/31/2019 13:38 RN TS
Who will rule the future? 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/1993 12 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN ILL
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1993 99 12 ######## 10/18/2019 8:28 SP TS
Friends from the other side = 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1993 63 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1993 23 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
Land, sea, and sky : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1993 34 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 37 4/5/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 29 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 51 1 ######## 8/15/2019 9:11 SS TS
Paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 40 8/1/2016 4/6/2019 13:32 SP SP
The complete quilting course / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 82 1 ######## 8/2/2019 9:55 RN RN
The tree in the wood : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 25 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SV RN
When summer comes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1993 84 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
Benjamin Britten : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1993 9 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1993 59 1 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1993 92 10 9/3/2019 10/3/2019 12:09 SV TS
Halloween cats / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1993 103 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 RN RN
Inside Noah's ark / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1993 75 1 5/9/2018 2/12/2019 14:09 RN RN
The forbidden zone / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1993 57 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Bears in pairs / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1993 42 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
Virtual light / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1993 51 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Women at play : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1993 23 3 ######## 11/1/2019 15:57 RN RN
Saving grace 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1993 13 1/7/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
The story of May / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1993 46 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 RN NW
Garbo 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1993 18 2 7/3/2019 10/4/2019 9:38 SP TS
Golden trillium / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1993 42 5/6/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 RN SS
Illustrated history of Europe : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1993 21 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1993 71 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:22 SP RN
Lost daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1993 25 ######## 2/26/2019 10:13 RN SP
Beardance / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1993 40 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SP SP
The magic hare / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1993 36 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1993 33 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 SP TR
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1993 61 ######## 2/4/2019 9:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1993 28 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Pin the tail on the donkey and other party3.12E+13
games / BK 9/3/1993 58 9 ######## 4/12/2019 12:24 SP TS
A time for babies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1993 53 4 3/2/2017 2/4/2019 15:39 SV RN
Amateur night / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1993 54 3/3/2016 9/12/2019 13:54 SP RN
Come to my party / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1993 40 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1993 76 2 ######## 7/11/2019 9:53 SP TS
Sing me a window / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1993 66 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 SV RN
The walls came tumbling down : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1993 12 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1993 55 1 6/2/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Amo, Amas, Amat and more : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1993 60 7 3/8/2019 9/24/2019 10:29 SV TS
To catch a king : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1993 41 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SP RN
Son of Fletch / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1993 41 ######## 9/18/2019 15:18 SP RN
The hammer and the cross / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1993 82 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:18 SS TS
The Arabists : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1993 31 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1993 4 6/1/2017 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
On a far wild shore / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1993 54 1 7/2/2019 8/5/2019 8:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1993 79 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
The Winter Prince / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1993 18 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 SV NW
Panda / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1993 77 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NV
Heads / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1993 24 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:20 SP RN
Minden, Nevada : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/1993 17 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:07 RN RN
Fly! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/1993 41 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1993 20 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:43 IV RN
Swan's chance / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1993 28 1 ######## 8/21/2019 15:07 SS RN
Chinese painting. 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1993 9 5 6/5/2019 8/15/2019 13:31 RN TS
The life and times of Mark Twain / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1993 77 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:10 SV RN
The man who tricked a ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1993 40 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:06 SV RN
The man who tricked a ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1993 31 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SP SP
The mouse bride : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1993 20 2/3/2018 2/4/2019 9:49 SV RN
We are all in the dumps with Jack and Guy3.12E+13
: BK 10/8/1993 9 9/3/2017 2/20/2019 11:54 NV SV
The maid and the mouse and the odd-shaped 3.12E+13
: 10/8/1993 71 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
The snow wife / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1993 44 1 1/7/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 SV RN
Babysitting for Benjamin / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1993 34 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
Baseball tips / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1993 67 3 ######## 4/12/2019 12:33 SP TS
Why the sea is salt / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1993 31 7/5/2017 2/4/2019 8:45 SV RN
Grace of Monaco : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1993 29 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:59 SP RN
He was her man / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1993 56 2/3/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1993 48 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
Confessions of a raving, unconfined nut : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1993 25 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Reed's Beach / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1993 53 4/7/2015 3/4/2019 16:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1993 25 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SP RN
Farms / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1993 47 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SS
Farms / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1993 15 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1993 33 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1993 17 8/9/2015 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
Babar and the ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1993 64 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 SV RN
Richard Scarry's word book with Huckle Cat3.12E+13
and Lowly
BKWorm. 11/2/1993 66 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
Super toys & games from paper / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1993 90 4 ######## 3/4/2019 11:31 SP SP
It's always something / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1993 47 8 4/9/2019 5/6/2019 8:20 RN TS
Delta Force / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1993 18 2 ######## 11/8/2019 13:57 RN RN
Amos y Boris / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1993 22 4 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
Literary murder : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1993 65 1 2/3/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1993 97 6 ######## 11/21/2019 10:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1993 30 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Tony Curtis : 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1993 35 1 5/9/2017 7/1/2019 13:47 SV RN
A swell-looking babe / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1993 20 1 2/1/2016 9/16/2019 12:46 SP RN
A weekend with Winslow Homer / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1993 10 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Iron Hans / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1993 40 2/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The enchanted horse / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1993 41 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:22 SV SP
My Christmas safari / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1993 62 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SV RN
Applied statistics for business and economics
/ BK 12/1/1993 40 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
The tango player / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1993 5 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
The three-legged cat / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1993 96 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:43 SO RN
Andrew's amazing monsters / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1993 90 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SO SV
Ten tall oaktrees / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1993 31 1 8/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Louis; 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1993 14 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Lou Gehrig / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1993 12 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
Katie and the night noises / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1993 29 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:27 SV IV
Punga : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1993 28 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
The boy who loved morning / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1993 32 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
Catapult : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1993 40 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1993 41 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
Creole fires / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1993 35 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
Ski weekend / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1993 64 7 ######## 7/25/2019 16:13 SP TS
Carnival of saints / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1994 25 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
Earth song, sky spirit : 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1994 14 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/1994 54 4 ######## 6/28/2019 16:13 SV TS
Tennessee Williams's A streetcar named Desire
/ BK 1/13/1994 16 7/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1994 31 5 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
Indian slavery in the Pacific Northwest / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1994 18 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
Merry Christmas : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1994 53 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:51 SO RN
Celebrating Kwanzaa / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/1994 23 1 ######## 1/16/2019 14:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1994 76 7 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1994 22 3 6/1/2019 9/10/2019 10:57 IV TS
The gate of dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1994 20 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1994 58 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 NW RN
Be good to Eddie Lee / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1994 57 8/5/2017 2/12/2019 14:09 RN RN
King Solomon and the bee / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1994 22 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SP SP
Turtle Island ABC : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1994 38 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1994 144 6 8/4/2019 9/17/2019 11:16 SP TS
Shade and color with water-conserving plants
/ BK 2/15/1994 28 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The secret life of Bob Hope / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1994 54 1 2/3/2016 11/1/2019 16:05 RN RN
The comic book in America : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1994 50 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The Christmas Fox and other winter poems3.12E+13
/ BK 2/24/1994 28 3 ######## 3/21/2019 13:25 SP TS
A remarkable woman : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/1994 11 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:00 NW RN
How dogs really work! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/1994 89 7 ######## 1/17/2019 15:18 NV TS
Familiar birds of North America : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/1994 46 4/2/2013 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
The best crime stories of the 19th century3.12E+13
/ BK 3/16/1994 17 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1994 67 8 6/5/2019 8/7/2019 13:46 SV TS
King Oedipus, Oedipus at Colonus & Antigone3.12E+13
: BK 3/17/1994 26 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
536 puzzles & curious problems / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1994 15 3 7/2/2019 10/2/2019 9:58 GE TS
All quiet on the western front : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1994 9 4 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
Horses / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1994 80 9 ######## 4/25/2019 11:45 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1994 9 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 RN SS
Why snails have shells : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1994 28 3 ######## 2/4/2019 8:50 SS RN
Hollywood 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1994 24 2 ######## 7/17/2019 15:34 SO RN
Checking your grammar / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1994 46 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
Others see us / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/1994 15 1/8/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 NV SS
The layman's parallel New Testament: 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/1994 6 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Wag, wag, wag / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1994 71 1 5/4/2018 2/5/2019 11:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1994 13 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Discovering ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1994 67 1 5/3/2017 11/8/2019 13:40 SP RN
Flip-flop girl / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1994 17 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 NV SP
School spirit / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/1994 16 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SV NW
The travelers' guide to Asian customs & manners
/ BK 5/5/1994 6 9/6/2016 6/4/2019 15:53 RN RN
The Penguin book of women poets / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1994 14 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
The snow pony / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1994 25 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
The story of King Arthur and his knights / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1994 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
The history of horse racing. 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1994 13 ######## 11/6/2019 12:55 SP RN
Whompers and whammies : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1994 15 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
Platero y yo = 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/1994 32 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
Goodbye without leaving / 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/1994 20 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:32 RN RN
The Hite report : 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/1994 2 1 1/8/2015 5/6/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1994 60 5 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1994 78 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
Nightwing / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1994 45 1 ######## 3/13/2019 15:24 RN SP
Behind the attic wall / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/1994 48 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SP SS
Richard III and the princes in the Tower / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/1994 19 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
The last Italian : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/1994 27 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
The Illustrated encyclopedia of birds : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/1994 18 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:54 SP RN
Sierra bullets reloading manual. 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/1994 30 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SP RN
The cat who came to breakfast / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/1994 85 6 ######## 11/22/2019 8:46 NW TS
Miss Flora McFlimsey's Christmas Eve / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1994 36 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1994 50 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
The ocean world / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/1994 21 3 ######## 6/27/2019 15:00 RN RN
Radon in Nevada / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1994 10 9/6/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1994 42 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NW TS
550 perennial garden ideas / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1994 75 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
My first Presidents' Day book / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1994 25 ######## 1/18/2019 15:32 SV NW
Beauty and the beast / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1994 32 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
The Arthurian legends : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1994 9 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
Ducks, ducks, ducks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1994 8 6/1/2017 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
The shadow of the panther : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1994 36 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
America at D-Day : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1994 22 1 2/4/2016 11/13/2019 11:07 SP RN
Sleepy ABC / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1994 90 2 1/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1994 73 5 7/9/2018 2/6/2019 12:40 RN RN
Joe Louis : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1994 7 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
Rude rowdy rumors : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1994 34 6 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1994 17 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NV RN
The Negro leagues : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1994 15 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
Gone, but not forgotten / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/1994 51 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
Small Green Snake / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1994 52 1 9/6/2016 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
Cat running / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1994 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Cambodia : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1994 15 ######## 11/13/2019 10:57 SV RN
Fashionably late / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1994 65 8/2/2015 9/6/2019 14:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1994 56 2 3/6/2019 9/10/2019 15:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1994 15 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:37 IV TS
Worse than the worst / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1994 64 1 1/4/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1994 52 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:28 NW TS
Hungry hyena / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 39 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 51 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
The Detective Stars and the case of the super
team / 8/21/1994 23 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 93 2 ######## 6/25/2019 15:14 SV TS
Hotter than a hot dog! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 54 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Jim Bridger, Mountain man : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 13 1 ######## 10/4/2019 8:03 SP TS
Pigs will be pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 74 7 ######## 2/26/2019 9:40 IV RN
Mama, coming and going / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 41 7/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
School spirit / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1994 74 3 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 SP SP
Bosnia : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/1994 27 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SP RN
Scar tissue / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/1994 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SP RN
Crimson green : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/1994 55 1 ######## 4/10/2019 16:57 RN SP
My father's hands / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1994 50 3 ######## 1/22/2019 17:49 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1994 96 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
Seeing is believing / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1994 40 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Complete poems / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1994 33 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 TR RN
Nothing at all! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1994 89 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
I-know-not-what, I-know-not-where : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1994 9 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SV SP
The king who tried to fry an egg on his head
/ BK 8/31/1994 40 2/4/2014 1/30/2019 11:00 NV RN
Hi! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1994 75 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
Lucy comes to stay / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1994 96 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1994 66 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
Comets, meteors, and asteroids / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1994 41 4 ######## 9/10/2019 12:09 IV TS
Traveling backward / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1994 37 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Under the moon / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1994 45 3/8/2019 4/12/2019 12:50 SS TS
Unconditional surrender : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1994 11 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 IV RN
The magic tapestry : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1994 46 3 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SP RN
If I'd known then what I know now / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1994 59 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1994 66 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
Hob and the goblins / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1994 25 1 9/4/2018 2/1/2019 11:06 SV RN
Hurricane City / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/1994 41 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 IV VE
A dream is a wish your heart makes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/1994 40 1 9/7/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 SP RN
Sacred ground / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1994 91 1 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 13:10 SO TS
China white / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1994 21 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
Annie Lennox : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1994 19 8 ######## 12/5/2019 12:14 RN TS
The customer signs your pay check / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1994 43 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1994 107 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:22 SP SP
Other / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1994 38 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Birds of Yosemite and the East Slope / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1994 13 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
How Rabbit tricked Otter : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1994 13 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1994 12 4 ######## 11/13/2019 10:33 VE RN
Christmas in Germany. 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1994 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 RN SS
Aguirre : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1994 9 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
The taming of the West : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1994 71 2 ######## 7/24/2019 7:44 SP TS
Botany : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1994 17 2 2/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 36 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Gregory Cool / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 32 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
Tom's fish / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 25 9 1/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
B.J.'s billion dollar bet / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 17 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 IV IV
The happy yellow car / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 36 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SV NW
The happy yellow car / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 27 1 8/1/2016 1/29/2019 15:54 RN SP
I am the dog, I am the cat / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 119 7 4/4/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 RN TS
The drum, the doll, and the zombie / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 42 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1994 27 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
Say it with music : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1994 18 1 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NV SV
My Little Rabbit tale / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1994 40 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Egyptian stories / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1994 52 1 5/2/2015 1/18/2019 15:30 SV NW
How to debate / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1994 20 5 ######## 12/9/2019 11:43 SP TS
Get inside baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1994 19 1 1/9/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 SP RN
The desert is theirs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1994 20 2 3/2/2019 5/24/2019 10:43 SP RN
What we eat / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1994 27 5/3/2014 1/5/2019 17:00 SP SP
Newlands Reclamation Project water rights3.12E+13
: BK 10/13/1994 18 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 RN SS
Esoteric Tao Teh Ching / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1994 67 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The presidents and their pets / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1994 17 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1994 8 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1994 53 ######## 9/18/2019 14:24 SP RN
Sister and brother : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1994 19 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The Baseball anthology : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1994 38 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:57 SP RN
Stephen Biesty's incredible cross-sections 3/ .12E+13 BK 10/18/1994 63 7 ######## 3/7/2019 15:38 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1994 55 ######## 10/4/2019 8:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1994 29 2 7/2/2016 5/30/2019 10:22 SP RN
Black Saints in a white church : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1994 17 ######## 5/2/2019 17:39 SP SP
Dictionary of animal words and phrases / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1994 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1994 44 1 ######## 5/24/2019 17:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1994 91 12 ######## 11/13/2019 14:21 SO TS
Rooster crows / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 50 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 RN SV
Good King Wenceslas. 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 10 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
I never knew your name / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 28 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
My cat Jack / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 38 7/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 42 4 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Lawmen : stories of men who tamed the west 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 14 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 RN RN
Science for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1994 53 2 ######## 10/4/2019 9:23 SP RN
Looking at...Coelophysis : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/1994 74 2 ######## 3/14/2019 12:01 NW TS
The cat's meow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1994 57 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:56 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1994 63 6 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
Zero gravity / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 25 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Country fair / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 68 7 ######## 10/1/2019 17:54 SV SP
The battle of Luke and Longnose / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 39 2 ######## 11/27/2019 11:47 RN RN
Lila's little dinosaur / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 45 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Lila's little dinosaur / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 21 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
Lights on the river / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 31 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
George Washington's cows / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1994 81 1 8/7/2019 9/10/2019 10:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/1994 63 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
How to draw & paint in oils / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1994 21 1 ######## 7/16/2019 10:28 NW RN
Cookbook. 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1994 16 2/6/2014 5/26/2019 15:44 SV SS
Dressed to kill / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1994 37 1 ######## 2/26/2019 10:12 RN SP
When God doesn't make sense / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1994 52 1 ######## 4/24/2019 15:53 RN RN
Faithfull : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1994 35 3 5/3/2018 7/29/2019 13:18 RN RN
W.E.B. Du Bois : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1994 14 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
Lost in the taiga : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1994 24 7/9/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1994 34 5 ######## 5/23/2019 15:56 NV SP
Love, Alice : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1994 33 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:59 SP TS
Radio control: 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1994 29 ######## 6/24/2019 11:19 SP RN
Cannonball Simp / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1994 25 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1994 8 7/6/2016 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1994 10 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
Tales from the cottage 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1994 50 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1994 43 4 ######## 3/8/2019 15:54 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1994 11 2 ######## 8/2/2019 15:45 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1994 81 2 3/9/2019 3/26/2019 9:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1994 6 2 7/8/2019 8/22/2019 9:46 SP RN
The old man and his birds / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/1994 23 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Chicken Little / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1994 80 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:04 SV RN
The country mouse and the city mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1994 92 4 ######## 6/28/2019 10:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1994 64 2 2/7/2017 2/2/2019 10:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1994 65 ######## 10/4/2019 8:03 SP TS
Michigan: a history of the Wolverine State.3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1994 15 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Long walk to freedom : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1994 38 12 3/5/2019 3/26/2019 15:04 RN TS
Opening the doors to Hollywood : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1994 47 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
The Oxford book of comic verse / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1994 36 1 ######## 4/30/2019 7:36 NV RN
Serendipity / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1995 82 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 IV TS
The dream-detective / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1995 19 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP TS
Barrios and borderlands : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1995 6 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 RN RN
Ultralight spin-fishing : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1995 55 2 4/2/2019 10/4/2019 9:12 SP TS
A holiday for murder / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1995 92 11 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
The devil down home : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1995 15 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/1995 65 4 ######## 2/4/2019 9:52 SV RN
Swamp Angel / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/1995 46 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/1995 21 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
Encyclopedia of classic French pastries : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/1995 38 12 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 26 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 RN SS
Pillsbury healthy baking : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 47 2 3/2/2017 8/2/2019 10:48 SP RN
Slaughterhouse : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 13 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
Family album : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 38 2 ######## 2/23/2019 15:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 66 2 4/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
The book of the Navajo / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 20 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 IV RN
The unusual life of Tristan Smith / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/1995 12 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/1995 31 1/4/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1995 16 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1995 13 6 3/8/2018 2/4/2019 9:10 IV RN
Toilets, bathtubs, sinks, and sewers : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1995 8 1/3/2017 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/1995 14 1 1/5/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Dwarf Nose / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/1995 12 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
Good-bye Stacey, good-bye / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1995 32 2 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 IV RN
Mysterious skin / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/1995 22 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SV SS
Tiger! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/1995 64 ######## 3/4/2019 14:23 SP TS
The lost ships of Guadalcanal / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1995 50 1 ######## 8/6/2019 10:30 SP RN
The civilization of Europe in the Renaissance
/ BK 2/15/1995 35 3 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
The art and technique of soaring 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/1995 24 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN NW
The age of reason. 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1995 24 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1995 42 1 ######## 11/12/2019 10:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1995 57 ######## 8/5/2019 13:16 RN TS
Smuggler's Island / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1995 36 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
How Turtle's back was cracked : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/1995 33 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 RN SP
The House Cat / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/1995 41 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/1995 28 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
The orphan trains / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/1995 19 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1995 52 8 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
The pelican chorus and other nonsense / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1995 103 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SP NW
Penguins / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/1995 70 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
Maori / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/1995 8 ######## 2/23/2019 16:36 IV SV
Kwanzaa : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1995 18 ######## 1/3/2019 9:39 SP SP
Khrushchev : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1995 16 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:29 RN RN
Life on the color line : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1995 28 ######## 5/28/2019 9:17 SP RN
The enchanted storks : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1995 38 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SP NW
Star walk / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1995 21 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/1995 56 3 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
The Columbia anthology of American poetry 3.12E+13
/ BK 4/5/1995 5 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 SV RN
Walter Johnson : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/1995 25 2 8/2/2016 11/1/2019 15:53 SP RN
Sing to the stars / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 20 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
Gold unicorn / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 30 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 42 5 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 41 6 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Twelve red herrings / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 62 3 4/3/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 IV TS
Bar mitzvah : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SP SS
The Piranha book : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 26 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
Many winters; prose and poetry of the Pueblos,
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/1995 9 3/5/2015 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/1995 31 7/9/2014 1/11/2019 13:45 NW RN
A weekend with Van Gogh / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/1995 31 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 RN RN
Las Nanas de abuelita : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/1995 39 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 RN SV
Native Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/1995 30 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:43 IV RN
After Jesus : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/1995 21 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
The animal rights crusade : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/1995 18 2 8/4/2015 4/20/2019 12:40 SP SP
The shadow man / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1995 56 1 ######## 9/12/2019 13:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1995 52 3 4/9/2016 3/23/2019 11:08 SP SP
The bell curve wars : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/1995 24 ######## 5/9/2019 9:13 SP RN
Dear Mr. Lincoln : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1995 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SP RN
A world explorer: Marco Polo. 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/1995 15 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 GE RN
For whom the bell tolls : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/1995 8 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
The raven ring / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/1995 24 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:57 SP RN
Scorpions / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/1995 17 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 RN SV
Contemporary patchwork quilts : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/1995 18 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/1995 91 1 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
The last Prince of Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/1995 21 3/3/2015 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
King's oak : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/1995 47 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Two mice in three fables / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/1995 46 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 RN RN
Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/1995 52 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/1995 72 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SV RN
The bluebird and the sparrow / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/1995 75 6 7/9/2019 8/5/2019 8:52 SP TS
The history of helpless Harry : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/1995 21 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
London at war, 1939-1945 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/1995 24 ######## 8/9/2019 8:11 SV TS
Black out / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/1995 72 10 ######## 9/26/2019 13:13 SS TS
Data transmission : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1995 19 1/3/2015 6/22/2019 12:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1995 23 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
Everyday life in ancient times; 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1995 25 2 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1995 43 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 RN RN
Woe is Moe / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/1995 61 4 ######## 11/27/2019 13:57 SP RN
Chamber of horrors. 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/1995 25 6 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, and Alice Waters3.12E+13
: BK 7/14/1995 32 4 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 SP TS
Daddy, daddy, can you touch the sky? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/1995 19 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
Belonging / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 57 1 3/3/2016 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Belonging / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 143 4 ######## 11/21/2019 10:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 161 12 ######## 5/8/2019 14:36 SP TS
The return of Merlin : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 74 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
Capitol punishment / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 43 ######## 9/20/2019 15:34 SP RN
Citizen Turner : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 23 ######## 6/7/2019 9:55 SP RN
Against the law / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1995 31 2 ######## 9/17/2019 14:05 SP RN
Twister / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1995 32 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
Breakheart Hill / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1995 35 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1995 38 1 7/7/2015 9/23/2019 12:41 SP RN
Los hombres son de Marte, las mujeres son 3.12E+13
de VenusBK/ 7/24/1995 62 4 ######## 11/26/2019 13:20 SV TS
Cerdos en el cielo / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/1995 19 1 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 SP RN
The wolf almanac / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/1995 84 2 5/6/2018 8/6/2019 11:05 SP RN
Visit to Amish country / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1995 30 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
The relocation of the North American Indian 3.12E+13
/ BK 7/30/1995 27 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1995 37 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
Hardcase : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1995 65 ######## 4/6/2019 13:28 IV SP
Tailspin : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1995 19 ######## 5/8/2019 11:25 RN SP
The postwar years : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1995 17 1/7/2016 1/5/2019 15:45 SP SP
Southern cooking : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1995 39 1 6/8/2017 10/21/2019 15:38 NW RN
Whatley's quest / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/1995 67 4/6/2016 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
Our national symbols / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1995 25 6 ######## 4/23/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1995 19 1 3/2/2016 2/8/2019 11:24 NV NW
Creepy crawly critters and other Halloween 3.12E+13
tongue twisters
BK / 8/2/1995 101 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP IV
Karate kata, heian 1, tekki 1; 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1995 36 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
The dressing up book : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1995 19 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
The matzah that Papa brought home / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1995 25 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 IV SV
Fire : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1995 24 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Illustrated dictionary of symbols in eastern3.12E+13
and western
BK art / 8/3/1995 5 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SP RN
The excretory system / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1995 24 1/8/2015 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Penguin parade / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1995 79 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/1995 16 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
The gifts of Wali Dad : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/1995 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/1995 94 4 4/2/2018 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
The Arabian horse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 81 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Homes around the world / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 23 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Stories from Shakespeare / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 44 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
The Mummy's curse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 82 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:56 SV SP
The Gettysburg Address / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 30 1 5/2/2015 1/5/2019 15:45 SP SP
Pictorial history of American trucks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 50 2 ######## 11/15/2019 10:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1995 26 8/8/2015 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
Return of the wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1995 17 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1995 16 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SP RN
Dragon's gate / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1995 58 4 ######## 11/1/2019 14:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1995 12 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
The long silk strand / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1995 13 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
As good as it gets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1995 25 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
A fine white dust / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/1995 14 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
The Charles M. Russell book : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/1995 12 ######## 11/13/2019 14:23 SP TS
Farm team / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/1995 13 ######## 1/31/2019 13:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/1995 7 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
Un dia feliz / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1995 42 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 RN RN
The miracle nutrient cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1995 34 4 ######## 5/30/2019 10:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1995 27 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 NW TS
The Complete book of fighters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1995 26 1 ######## 8/8/2019 8:44 SP TS
Play ball / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1995 105 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
Grandpa Toad's secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 36 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 140 4 ######## 4/4/2019 16:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 31 2 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SV SP
Counting our way to Maine / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 52 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:06 SV RN
Harry's stormy night / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 60 2 8/6/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
The sleeping porch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 33 1 4/5/2017 2/2/2019 10:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1995 9 ######## 2/20/2019 13:22 SV SV
The trespassers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/1995 20 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:05 NW SP
The storm / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/1995 47 1 ######## 3/8/2019 15:54 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1995 44 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1995 85 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1995 24 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
Everglades / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1995 5 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Coyote makes man / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1995 20 ######## 3/20/2019 17:00 SV SP
Coyote makes man / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/1995 23 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 SP SP
Look away / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1995 24 ######## 8/23/2019 13:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1995 28 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:37 NV RN
Sacred river / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1995 21 2 1/7/2018 2/4/2019 15:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1995 13 2 ######## 6/25/2019 13:35 NW RN
The last camel died at noon / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1995 55 7 ######## 7/17/2019 10:09 RN TS
Falcon's egg / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1995 26 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:44 SV SV
Singing America / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1995 29 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
Fundamental volleyball / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 12 2 ######## 3/28/2019 10:09 NV TS
Louis Armstrong / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 16 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 NW IV
Magellan and the radar mapping of Venus3.12E+13
/ BK 9/12/1995 13 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
My first photography book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 14 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Meet the Marching Smithereens / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 73 8/8/2018 1/16/2019 9:12 NW TS
Earth : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 33 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 RN RN
The new king / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 13 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SP SP
Tom's tail / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1995 21 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1995 26 3 7/1/2016 2/4/2019 10:40 NW RN
Lizzie Logan wears purple sunglasses / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1995 43 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 SV RN
Liars / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1995 13 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 NW SV
Burning Issy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1995 17 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Away to me, Moss! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1995 20 2 6/8/2016 2/8/2019 12:02 RN NW
The monkey and the panda / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/1995 60 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 IV SV
Bellifortis. 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/1995 1 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling /by Henry
BK ; illustrated by Lawrence Beall Smith.
9/20/1995 15 4 ######## 10/30/2019 14:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1995 48 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
Black Sea / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/1995 30 10 ######## 8/20/2019 8:46 RN TS
Force of nature : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/1995 14 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/1995 28 1 2/4/2017 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/1995 77 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Murder, she wrote / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/1995 47 8 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 NW TS
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire.3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1995 26 3 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1995 34 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
Nobody's child / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1995 61 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
The strange death of the Soviet empire / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1995 35 2 ######## 11/13/2019 11:40 SV RN
The most beautiful molecule : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1995 41 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/1995 100 1 9/5/2019 9/16/2019 14:14 NW TS
Moths / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/1995 24 3 5/5/2015 2/20/2019 16:15 NW SV
Training the dressage horse : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/1995 54 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
Teapots : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/1995 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Tipis & yurts : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1995 33 1 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 NV TS
Death in September : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1995 19 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
1001 ways to reward employees / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1995 54 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1995 67 7 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1995 70 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/1995 58 10 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
Egyptians : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/1995 82 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Murder in Mellingham / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/1995 24 1 ######## 2/23/2019 15:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 36 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
The race of toad and deer / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 23 2 1/3/2018 2/4/2019 9:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 13 9/1/2015 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 66 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Star hatchling / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 34 1 2/6/2016 2/16/2019 11:39 RN SV
When pigs fly / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 27 1 7/9/2015 2/7/2019 17:28 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 66 10 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 RN RN
The comforts of country. 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 46 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:37 NW RN
Re-zoom / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1995 38 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
Sleep, sleep, sleep : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1995 22 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
The House Gobbaleen / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1995 42 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
The seal prince / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1995 27 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
Garden crafts for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1995 52 4 4/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:22 NV TS
Fritz and the Mess Fairy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 104 4 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 RN TS
Totem pole / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 26 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 RN RN
Which witch is which? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 92 6 ######## 8/14/2019 10:07 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 55 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 85 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
La tortillerÃ-a / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 25 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
If you please, President Lincoln / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1995 16 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1995 28 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The age of the biplane / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1995 32 ######## 10/18/2019 13:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1995 18 4 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NW TS
The bloody Red Baron / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1995 15 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Sara's city / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1995 47 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 NW RN
Sexuality and Catholicism / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1995 18 2 7/2/2016 6/4/2019 15:58 SP RN
Freud and beyond : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1995 23 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1995 29 ######## 5/29/2019 14:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1995 13 4 ######## 12/13/2019 8:30 NW TS
Christmas in Italy / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/1995 14 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
Christmas in Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/1995 7 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:52 SV TS
Letters home : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/1995 27 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
Red light, green light, mama and me / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1995 38 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1995 32 ######## 1/16/2019 17:20 RN NW
Wonders of the ancient world : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1995 26 6/2/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
Garcia / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1995 43 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
El Señor Conejo y el hermoso regalo / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1995 38 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
Lieh-tzu : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/1995 48 6 ######## 6/26/2019 8:26 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1995 19 3 9/1/2016 2/4/2019 9:08 NW RN
Byzantium : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1995 18 1 3/2/2014 7/3/2019 16:49 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 61 2 ######## 7/10/2019 9:41 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 92 26 6/3/2019 6/28/2019 13:49 SO TS
Ice / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 41 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:21 SV RN
The goose girl : 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 45 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 NW RN
The Christmas blizzard / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 112 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Kwanzaa crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 17 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
Swami on rye : 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 26 2 7/7/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 28 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SP SS
The pumpkin man from Piney Creek / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 141 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SP
Fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 20 ######## 2/4/2019 8:44 SV RN
Lives and legends of the saints : 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 13 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
The night before Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/1995 72 7 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1995 174 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1995 35 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
The travels of Babar / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1995 93 2 ######## 3/28/2019 10:10 SV TS
Lace, the elegant web / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1995 20 ######## 7/16/2019 10:28 SP RN
Absolutely normal chaos / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1995 61 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1995 28 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1995 22 2 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
The butterfly seeds / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1995 19 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
A school for Pompey Walker / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1995 16 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 SV NW
Panati's parade of fads, follies, and manias3.12E+13
: BK 12/7/1995 21 5 ######## 11/6/2019 14:41 SS TS
Dave Barry's complete guide to guys : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1995 30 2 ######## 4/25/2019 7:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1995 31 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
Fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1995 33 3 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 RN SO
El canto de las ballenas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1995 27 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 RN SV
Black women of the Old West / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1995 19 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 RN RN
Adler's philosophical dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1995 6 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Inside 100 great cars / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1995 71 3/4/2017 8/2/2019 10:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1995 43 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
Memorial day / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1995 15 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:51 NV TS
Rama revealed / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1995 44 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
The gingerbread boy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1995 103 9 ######## 12/23/2019 16:40 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1995 47 10 ######## 2/15/2019 13:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1995 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/1995 45 3/4/2015 2/14/2019 16:24 SP SP
Kashtanka / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 30 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 102 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Death trap : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 32 7/2/2015 1/22/2019 16:22 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 17 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
Red-tail angels : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 13 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 89 6 ######## 10/3/2019 8:47 SV TS
DiMaggio : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 25 ######## 11/1/2019 16:06 RN RN
Party on ice / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 22 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 74 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/1995 27 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/1995 84 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SP SS
Vita : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/1995 12 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SP RN
The twin in the tavern / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/1995 25 5 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 NW SV
Tarot classic / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1995 26 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Murphy's ambush / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1995 26 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1995 27 3 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
Take-down : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1995 30 2 ######## 10/9/2019 10:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1995 22 1 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 RN TS
Children's play yards / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1995 41 ######## 10/16/2019 9:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1995 36 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1995 77 5 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1995 68 6 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 NW SS
The happy prince / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1995 39 3 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 RN RN
Legend of the Milky Way / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1996 21 ######## 2/20/2019 13:22 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1996 5 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
Santa Cow Studios / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1996 51 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/1996 64 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1996 88 11 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SP VE
Mitchell is moving / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1996 49 5 1/5/2019 3/7/2019 11:14 SP TS
Young Harriet Tubman : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1996 47 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:26 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/1996 32 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/1996 33 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/1996 72 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
Rosie and the rustlers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 56 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SP SV
Number patterns / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 36 1 2/2/2017 2/23/2019 11:25 SP SP
Quadrilaterals / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 30 5 ######## 3/22/2019 12:29 SP TS
Time, distance, and speed / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 30 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 11:21 SP TS
The White Goddess : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 30 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 20 6 ######## 2/4/2019 8:48 NW RN
Pharaohs and kings : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 40 4/8/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
The complete book of cat care : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 89 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Magnificat / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/1996 19 2 ######## 4/16/2019 16:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 36 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 NW RN
The wild swans / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 11 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 106 5 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 87 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NW RN
Button soup / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 121 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Once upon a golden apple / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 44 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
Yo, hungry wolf! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 103 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 VE TS
Evil web : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 27 8/7/2019 8/15/2019 13:30 NW TS
The terrible EEK : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 20 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 115 3 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 38 2 3/1/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Aunt Elaine does the dance from Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 43 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Brush, comb, scrub : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 16 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:46 SO SV
Wiley and the Hairy Man / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 34 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
213 valentines / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 22 2/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
Paul Bunyan and his blue ox / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 62 5 4/8/2018 2/4/2019 10:03 NW RN
Teacher's pet / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 42 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
There's an ant in Anthony / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 74 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW NV
Painting / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 43 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1996 122 9 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
Vacation : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/1996 24 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 29 7/5/2015 2/8/2019 17:50 SV VE
The young producer's video book : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 29 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 28 3 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
The stories Huey tells / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 32 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 34 10 ######## 3/22/2019 12:46 SO TS
Room for a stepdaddy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 7 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
A world of knowing : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 7 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
Gabriel the happy ghost in Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1996 19 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
Gabriel el fantasmita simpatico en Puerto 3.12E+13
Rico = BK 2/2/1996 26 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1996 9 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
El gigante del desierto : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/1996 19 1 2/5/2017 5/24/2019 13:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1996 58 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
In search of the old ones : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1996 40 1 ######## 12/17/2019 13:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/1996 36 2 5/1/2019 6/26/2019 14:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/1996 70 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The tie man's miracle : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/1996 21 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Selected verse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1996 29 4 ######## 8/9/2019 8:12 SP TS
Love, again : 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1996 19 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SS RN
On the brink : 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1996 19 3 4/2/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SP SS
The Big four / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/1996 73 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/1996 115 8 8/5/2019 8/22/2019 15:06 RN TS
The armadillo from Amarillo / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1996 74 4 9/9/2017 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Humpback whales / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1996 54 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP SP
Arthur's eyes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1996 177 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
The bat in the boot / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1996 54 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Down by the pond / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1996 26 2 9/9/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
Alice in lace / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1996 66 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
The unbeatable bread / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1996 17 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
Backyard birds of summer / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1996 23 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
Kit Carson / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1996 5 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Citymaze! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1996 38 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Stokely Carmichael and Black power / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1996 4 4/6/2018 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
The Kremlin coup / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1996 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
John James Audubon : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/1996 14 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
Out of harm's way : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 19 4 5/5/2016 10/24/2019 15:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 91 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
Inheritor / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 36 2 ######## 9/23/2019 13:43 SP RN
Harley-Davidson, 1930-1941 : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 21 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
The masculine mystique : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 10 ######## 5/2/2019 16:00 SP SP
The golden age of Zen / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 60 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Short lines : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 18 7/3/2016 11/8/2019 12:41 SP RN
John's wife / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1996 21 3/4/2014 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
Clap your hands : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1996 6 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1996 129 11 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1996 73 5 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 58 10 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 IV RN
No clothes today! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 16 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
Say hola to Spanish / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 111 5 ######## 9/16/2019 8:58 RN TS
Say hola to Spanish / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 33 6 ######## 9/6/2019 10:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 12 2/5/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 25 3/8/2017 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
The whales / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 83 3 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 RN SS
The whales / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 71 5 4/1/2019 6/13/2019 9:30 SV TS
A city under the sea : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 36 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 20 5/3/2017 2/4/2019 9:26 NV RN
Atom bomb / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 42 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SV RN
Atom bomb / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 28 5 2/6/2015 1/17/2019 13:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1996 60 ######## 9/25/2019 14:09 SP RN
Monkey business / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/1996 92 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/1996 12 2 4/3/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
Eggs mark the spot / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/1996 103 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SS RN
Dancing / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1996 51 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
Etruscans : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1996 16 1 2/8/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1996 74 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
Now everybody really hates me / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1996 76 3 ######## 7/11/2019 9:57 NW TS
Kisses from Rosa / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1996 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1996 123 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1996 24 1 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1996 16 3/1/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1996 28 5 8/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:26 SV RN
Mountain bike magazine's complete guide3.12E+13
to mountain
BK biking skills : 4/12/1996 62 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Live the life you love in ten easy step-by-step
lessonsBK/ 4/12/1996 88 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
Fresh flowers for all seasons : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1996 43 1 2/6/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
Bad dates : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1996 22 2 8/3/2019 9/5/2019 8:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1996 55 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/1996 23 ######## 8/23/2019 13:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/1996 51 7 ######## 1/7/2019 8:38 NV TS
Portrait of Picasso as a young man : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/1996 43 2 ######## 7/15/2019 8:36 SP TS
Lighting & electricity. 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1996 32 1 5/2/2019 8/14/2019 14:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1996 21 1 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 SP IV
Tales from the dragon's cave : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1996 48 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1996 27 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Self-defense / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1996 35 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:06 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1996 87 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 SP TS
Rose / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1996 59 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1996 48 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
The three Gospels / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1996 21 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/1996 69 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:34 NW RN
Killing ground on Okinawa : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/1996 52 1 8/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
Pasta e verdura : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/1996 25 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:58 SP RN
The brimstone wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1996 21 2 5/6/2015 3/23/2019 11:21 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1996 29 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
Women playwrights / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1996 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SP SS
Cruel city : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1996 55 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Tales of a gambling grandma : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1996 14 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SP SS
William Shakespeare : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1996 30 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SV SS
Just enough is plenty : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1996 20 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 NW RN
Tomorrow's alphabet / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 52 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 186 15 6/1/2019 7/17/2019 10:05 SV TS
You're aboard spaceship Earth / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 18 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 38 4 ######## 2/1/2019 11:02 RN RN
El niño que pagaba el pato / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 13 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 29 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SP TS
Dictionary of mathematics. 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 31 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Mini quilts from traditional designs / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1996 71 3 4/6/2018 8/6/2019 10:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1996 46 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Building things / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1996 15 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:41 RN SV
Handbook of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1996 12 10 ######## 1/4/2019 14:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 26 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 63 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
A day at damp camp / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 37 ######## 11/27/2019 14:14 NW RN
The garden of happiness / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 46 10 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 31 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
I don't want to go to camp / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 70 1 5/7/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
Mom and me / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 36 1/8/2019 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
The golden bird / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 7 2/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Gideon's people / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 32 3/9/2016 2/2/2019 12:50 SS SP
I feel a little jumpy around you : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1996 18 ######## 2/8/2019 17:48 SP SP
The ultimate wreath book : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/1996 64 3 ######## 10/21/2019 15:31 SP RN
Cry of the benu bird : 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/1996 24 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/1996 23 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/1996 22 ######## 2/4/2019 9:09 SV RN
Red Bird / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/1996 10 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
From the recipe files of the C.I.A. / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/1996 14 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 TR SS
Harvest festivals around the world / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/1996 38 2 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
How to draw lifelike portraits from photographs
/ BK 6/6/1996 70 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SC NV
Overcoming loneliness in everyday life / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1996 37 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Mrs. Peachtree's bicycle / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1996 111 2 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Thurber : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1996 2 1/7/2016 11/15/2019 13:42 NW RN
The language of life : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1996 15 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
No more butterflies : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1996 37 2 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
Charlotte Bronte, a passionate life / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1996 8 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1996 48 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
Bicycling / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/1996 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 GE TS
Better homes and gardens wood 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1996 6 1 2/3/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1996 48 1 ######## 12/13/2019 8:52 SP TS
Christmas in Canada. 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1996 17 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NW NW
Christmas in Italy. 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1996 30 4 ######## 1/23/2019 15:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/1996 103 2 3/4/2018 9/12/2019 14:18 SP RN
Animals on the job / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/1996 7 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
George Gordon, Lord Byron / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/1996 8 8/8/2015 3/7/2019 8:39 RN RN
The firefly star : 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/1996 4 ######## 2/4/2019 9:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 148 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 5 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
We were the Mulvaneys / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 63 4 ######## 2/5/2019 10:30 IV NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 93 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 136 5 ######## 8/14/2019 10:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 50 1 1/2/2014 2/20/2019 13:36 NW SV
The mystery at the fair / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 33 11 ######## 2/20/2019 15:59 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 9 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
Bat child's haunted house / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 108 7 ######## 9/10/2019 15:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 67 6 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
A day in the life of a baby bear / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 48 5 5/1/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
My Christmas book of numbers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 46 7 ######## 3/28/2019 9:42 SO TS
Jeeps / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 51 1 7/6/2019 9/10/2019 14:16 SO TS
The mystery on the train / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 3 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 GE VE
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 67 10 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NV TS
Castle of darkness / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1996 75 1 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
How to draw spacecraft / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/1996 54 6 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
I'm losing you / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/1996 34 ######## 9/12/2019 14:21 SP RN
The instant bean / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/1996 38 4 ######## 10/24/2019 15:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/1996 44 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SP RN
Would my fortune cookie lie? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1996 17 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
The bottle imp / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1996 9 ######## 2/7/2019 16:29 SV SP
There are no secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/1996 26 ######## 6/22/2019 11:55 SP RN
Tom's techniques / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/1996 22 ######## 8/2/2019 9:52 SP RN
Master modeling / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/1996 29 ######## 8/2/2019 9:53 SP RN
Pizarro, conqueror of Peru / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/1996 30 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
The ethics of Aristotle : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1996 15 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV RN
Zen and the art of making a living : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1996 64 9 ######## 11/14/2019 13:51 IV TS
Codependents' guide to the twelve steps /3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1996 30 5 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1996 101 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1996 126 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NV GE
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1996 64 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
The world of the sea otter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 39 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SV TS
Olympic dream / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 19 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 RN IV
Forest fire! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 13 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Dreamland : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 38 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 22 1 6/5/2014 2/20/2019 13:23 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 38 9 ######## 2/4/2019 9:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 135 11 ######## 11/20/2019 10:44 SV TS
The werewolf / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 26 5/7/2015 1/22/2019 14:19 NV NW
Tales from the crypt : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1996 41 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1996 39 3 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 SV NW
Science fiction : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1996 23 3 ######## 11/6/2019 12:54 SP RN
My teacher's secret life / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1996 59 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1996 44 6 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1996 5 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
Wetland / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1996 43 1/23/2019 11:01 SP SO
Cultural gems : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1996 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The marrying kind / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1996 37 ######## 9/25/2019 14:26 SS RN
Primary colors : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1996 26 ######## 9/18/2019 11:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/1996 17 ######## 9/12/2019 11:37 SS RN
The car that could : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/1996 20 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
Libro de la Navidad : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 29 3 ######## 3/21/2019 13:03 RN TS
The hunchback of Notre Dame / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 33 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
The wall of the sky, the wall of the eye : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 21 ######## 2/8/2019 16:53 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 68 6 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 3 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
Dark star : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 45 3 ######## 11/7/2019 15:12 SV RN
Twelve months of monastery soups / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 53 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
Snap! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 84 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 NW RN
The Fabulous Flying Fandinis / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1996 46 1 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1996 21 2 ######## 6/7/2019 9:33 SP RN
Climbing mount improbable / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1996 29 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
A schoolteacher in old Alaska : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1996 38 3 ######## 9/5/2019 8:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1996 25 1 ######## 4/10/2019 16:58 SP SP
Car hops and curb service : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/1996 22 ######## 8/2/2019 11:02 SP RN
A very special critter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/1996 57 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:44 IV RN
Genesis : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1996 37 ######## 4/24/2019 15:33 SV RN
Airplanes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1996 48 1 ######## 2/23/2019 14:02 SP SP
The night in question : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1996 40 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
The Seinfeld universe : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1996 14 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Mr. Truman's war : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1996 22 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
Coastal wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest
: BK 8/29/1996 4 ######## 5/30/2019 10:40 SP RN
Robin Hood, his life and legend / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1996 20 5 ######## 11/22/2019 15:25 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1996 57 6 ######## 3/7/2019 11:16 NW TS
Arthur Ashe on tennis : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1996 11 2/7/2015 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1996 39 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1996 19 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Voices from the streets : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1996 42 ######## 4/23/2019 13:38 SP RN
A Thomas Merton reader. 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1996 23 2 ######## 11/22/2019 13:13 SV TS
Beginning school / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1996 67 14 ######## 1/15/2019 16:14 NW TS
A ride on mother's back : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1996 29 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/1996 77 5 ######## 4/23/2019 9:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/1996 53 4 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1996 137 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/1996 17 2 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/1996 56 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1996 8 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Our congress / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1996 6 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
Crafts for Thanksgiving / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/1996 35 1 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 IV IV
We shake in a quake / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 48 9/6/2017 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
Saturn / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 64 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 55 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
Sleepless Beauty / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 29 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 RN RN
Hello! good-bye! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 64 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
Hello! good-bye! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 73 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 RN RN
Hello! good-bye! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1996 54 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/1996 30 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV IV
Days of grace : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/1996 17 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 14 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
A friend for Little Bear / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 65 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 NW SV
Thomas Jefferson : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 32 3 ######## 6/10/2019 8:23 RN TS
Big meeting / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 21 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 NW SV
UC Davis book of horses : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 60 1/5/2015 5/30/2019 11:23 NV SS
Talking about death : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 9 4 ######## 4/23/2019 9:41 RN RN
A book of luminous things : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1996 28 1 ######## 5/31/2019 13:39 RN TS
The coming white minority : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/1996 18 ######## 5/9/2019 9:19 SP RN
The Vikings / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/1996 36 6 1/8/2019 9/5/2019 10:32 SS SO
Bad neighbors / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/1996 32 ######## 8/19/2019 10:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1996 107 5 ######## 4/23/2019 12:44 NW TS
The best vacation ever / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1996 40 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 NV RN
Divide and ride / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1996 29 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 RN RN
Genesis / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1996 8 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
Duke, the Dairy Delight dog / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1996 56 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SV RN
The angel doll : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1996 26 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
The hottest state / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1996 34 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
The Norton anthology of poetry / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/1996 15 2 ######## 4/5/2019 11:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1996 115 10 ######## 7/16/2019 11:14 NV TS
Memoirs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1996 11 4 ######## 10/4/2019 14:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1996 12 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 NV RN
Rave on : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1996 38 7 ######## 7/2/2019 15:17 RN RN
The year's 25 finest crime and mystery stories
/ BK 10/24/1996 73 1 4/2/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
Spirit of the moon / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1996 25 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SO RN
The dragonstone / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1996 90 2 7/8/2016 4/16/2019 17:15 RN SP
Car wars : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1996 20 2 ######## 7/15/2019 9:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1996 17 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/1996 13 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:30 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 20 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
The mad king : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 40 ######## 6/7/2019 9:31 SP RN
While the candles burn : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 5 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 38 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 17 8 ######## 11/20/2019 8:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 30 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 29 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
Picasso's : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 5 ######## 11/6/2019 12:59 RN RN
How do you spell geek? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 45 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NV NW
Wrap it up. 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1996 42 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:05 RN RN
Nine for California / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1996 81 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SS SV
Good luck, Ronald Morgan / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1996 25 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
Railroads and clearcuts : 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1996 6 3/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Swim! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/1996 59 1 ######## 4/15/2019 13:46 IV TS
Faith and the electric dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1996 19 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1996 91 4 9/5/2018 5/24/2019 9:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/1996 38 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:58 NV TS
Toad triumphant / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1996 33 11 3/5/2017 2/1/2019 14:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1996 92 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:27 SS TS
Full steam ahead : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1996 20 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
Andrew's bath / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1996 46 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1996 68 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1996 29 3 ######## 2/4/2019 9:02 RN RN
American fairy tales : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1996 13 3/4/2015 1/3/2019 10:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1996 75 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1996 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1996 38 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:05 SP RN
Christmas every day : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1996 27 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1996 46 3 ######## 11/27/2019 11:55 RN RN
A-Z of snake keeping / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/1996 36 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/1996 8 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1996 14 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Damned to fame : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1996 13 ######## 11/15/2019 14:03 RN RN
The road less traveled and beyond : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1996 56 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
Decorating eggs : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1996 24 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
Islands in space and time / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1996 7 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/1996 30 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
The American discovery of ancient Egypt /3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1996 21 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
A stitch in time / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1996 34 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 SS NW
Best gay erotica. 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1996 23 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
Don't scream / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1996 57 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SV SS
Women of valor : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1996 6 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
Bug in a rug : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1996 91 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 SV RN
Wisdom tales from around the world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1996 39 3 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SO RN
Scaredy dog / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1996 44 1 9/6/2018 2/5/2019 12:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/1996 17 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1996 62 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:21 SP SP
Mollie Whuppie and the giant / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1996 18 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/1996 16 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Brando : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/1996 25 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
The story of my life 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/1996 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/1996 77 2 2/3/2019 11/20/2019 8:27 SP RN
Hands / 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/1996 21 ######## 3/4/2019 11:15 SP SP
The wonder of bison / 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/1996 20 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SP TS
Acid rain / 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/1996 22 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 NV SS
More than one / 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/1996 33 5 1/7/2019 2/4/2019 12:03 RN RN
The snack attack mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1996 71 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 SP NW
All corvettes are red : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1996 38 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
Whales : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1996 62 1 6/7/2018 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1996 24 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
God save the Queen! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/1997 58 2 ######## 7/17/2019 13:55 SP RN
Raptors, birds of prey / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/1997 42 1 6/6/2017 10/16/2019 9:33 SS RN
Numbers = 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1997 5 ######## 5/8/2019 10:45 RN RN
Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1997 40 6 ######## 11/13/2019 14:18 RN TS
Pulgada a pulgada / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1997 15 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SO SV
Living faith / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1997 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The four winds : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1997 38 5 ######## 2/27/2019 10:56 RN TS
Scriptures of the church : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1997 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The flight of dragons / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1997 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1997 23 ######## 4/10/2019 16:08 RN SP
Rats saw God / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1997 28 3/7/2015 1/15/2019 11:17 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1997 60 ######## 3/4/2019 17:52 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1997 36 2 3/4/2018 2/4/2019 9:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1997 44 2/3/2015 1/20/2019 15:13 SP TR
The immortal / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1997 33 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1997 51 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1997 21 3 ######## 6/25/2019 15:12 SV TS
Buckskinner / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1997 13 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
The ballad of Lucy Whipple / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/1997 35 6 ######## 2/3/2019 15:27 RN TR
Gladly the cross-eyed bear / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/1997 35 2/8/2017 3/23/2019 11:22 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/1997 36 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/1997 55 3 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/1997 18 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/1997 8 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/1997 126 15 6/3/2019 7/17/2019 12:26 NV TS
The adventures of Tom Sawyer / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1997 53 4 ######## 6/28/2019 14:09 SV TS
Sody sallyratus / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1997 12 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1997 18 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:15 SV RN
Mr. Lincoln's whiskers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1997 14 ######## 1/22/2019 14:57 SV VE
Mr. Lincoln's whiskers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1997 16 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1997 35 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 SV RN
Snowboarding : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/1997 41 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1997 174 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:39 SV TS
Cimarron / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1997 16 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1997 69 4 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1997 17 2 ######## 5/14/2019 10:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1997 43 5 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
The Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-Esteem
/ BK 2/3/1997 55 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 NV RN
Kongi and Potgi : 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1997 38 9/3/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 NV SV
The Custer story : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/1997 17 1 ######## 5/29/2019 15:23 SP RN
Pablo Picasso, a retrospective / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1997 37 1 ######## 2/13/2019 14:09 RN TS
El autobus magico es devorado : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1997 15 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
Trust no one : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1997 51 2 2/5/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/1997 28 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NV SS
Steam passenger service directory. 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/1997 3 ######## 6/4/2019 14:05 SP RN
Women inventors / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1997 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
Movement / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1997 13 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
The adventures of Laura and Jack / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 95 14 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SV RN
The spirit level / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 9 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
The encyclopedia of Native American biography
: BK 3/3/1997 7 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
Penalty shot / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 16 4 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 NV IV
What does Word Bird see? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 97 5 ######## 1/19/2019 10:40 NV SP
My l sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 76 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
Word Bird's fall words / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 106 8 2/6/2019 7/17/2019 10:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 135 4 2/6/2019 3/22/2019 12:32 NW TS
Word Bird's summer words / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1997 114 4 ######## 1/19/2019 10:40 SV SP
Swimming : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1997 26 2 3/3/2018 3/16/2019 11:53 IV RN
Beany (not Beanhead) and the magic crystal
/ BK 3/4/1997 33 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 RN RN
Family values / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1997 38 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
Designation gold / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1997 46 ######## 6/20/2019 13:01 SP TS
My w sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1997 62 2 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
My x, y, z sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1997 86 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
Jaguar / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1997 43 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/1997 20 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 IV IV
The descent of man / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/1997 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
So you wanna be a gambler! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/1997 11 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/1997 29 2 ######## 2/6/2019 17:09 SP RN
Mud racing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/1997 24 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/1997 18 1 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 IV SV
Zen mind, beginner's mind / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1997 94 3 3/5/2016 1/29/2019 13:45 SS NV
Bookworks : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1997 22 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1997 37 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 IV RN
Granddaddy's gift / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1997 16 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 SV NW
On Call Back Mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1997 38 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1997 53 10 2/5/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1997 37 9 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 IV RN
Turkish / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1997 26 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:32 SP RN
Gods & pharaohs from Egyptian mythology3.12E+13
/ BK 3/18/1997 49 7 9/7/2019 10/23/2019 10:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/1997 9 1 2/6/2017 8/23/2019 14:07 SS RN
Wind, sand, and stars / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/1997 47 4 3/9/2019 3/26/2019 15:14 SV TS
Noodles : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/1997 21 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 NV RN
Sierra : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1997 34 ######## 12/5/2019 13:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/1997 30 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
Laughter, silence and shouting : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/1997 31 3 5/8/2016 5/3/2019 14:29 SP SP
Propaganda / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/1997 19 1 9/1/2016 3/22/2019 11:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/1997 66 5 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/1997 23 4 8/1/2019 10/2/2019 10:07 IV TS
11 lessons in self-leadership : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/1997 25 1 ######## 5/2/2019 15:52 RN SP
Down by the river : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1997 7 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1997 20 ######## 6/12/2019 8:38 SP TS
Porch & patio essentials. 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1997 41 2 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 RN TS
Charles of the wild / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1997 15 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
Gandhi, great soul / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1997 43 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SP RN
Follow that trash! : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 35 5/7/2018 1/30/2019 11:22 IV RN
Jumble Joan / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 45 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 98 10 9/3/2019 10/23/2019 10:11 SV TS
Chameleon / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 49 2 ######## 6/25/2019 15:55 SV TS
Moonlight kite / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 29 3 7/7/2016 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Nim and the war effort / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 40 2/6/2018 1/31/2019 13:07 SV RN
P.J. & Puppy / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1997 38 1 ######## 7/10/2019 10:22 IV TS
A celebration of customs & rituals of the world
/ BK 4/10/1997 12 11 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/1997 52 2 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SO TS
WLT, a radio romance / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1997 12 1 ######## 2/8/2019 16:53 RN SP
The Marshal and the heiress / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1997 30 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:15 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/1997 60 5 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SS RN
"M" is for malice / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1997 131 6 6/4/2019 6/13/2019 10:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1997 59 ######## 9/18/2019 15:23 NW RN
We're in this war too : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1997 9 3 ######## 4/5/2019 11:21 SP SO
Spirits, fairies, gnomes, and goblins : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1997 6 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SP RN
Imogen Cunningham : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/1997 26 6 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 SP RN
Violence : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/1997 24 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1997 18 ######## 3/20/2019 16:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1997 103 3 4/3/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
Random House Japanese-English English-Japanese
BK / 5/6/1997 11 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
The biography of Alice B. Toklas / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1997 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 NW SS
Aftershock / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1997 13 8/5/2016 4/9/2019 11:21 NW SS
Shrubs and trees of the Southwest Deserts3.12E+13
/ BK 5/7/1997 12 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1997 32 3 ######## 12/5/2019 12:33 SV TS
Halloween : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1997 39 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
Rush to judgment / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1997 15 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SP SS
Tight shot : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1997 31 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:55 SP TS
Dorin and the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1997 13 2/3/2018 2/4/2019 8:48 SV RN
Circular evidence : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1997 24 3 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 8:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1997 58 2 5/6/2019 5/17/2019 8:12 SO TS
Nini at carnival / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1997 12 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
Later novels and other writings / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/1997 58 8 ######## 10/23/2019 8:47 SP TS
The Dead Sea scrolls / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1997 17 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
Once upon a time this morning / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1997 107 9 ######## 7/17/2019 10:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1997 60 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1997 28 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
Up island / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1997 142 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1997 36 2 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1997 45 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SC RN
Shock around the clock : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1997 9 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Space camp / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1997 24 8/5/2016 4/9/2019 11:21 NW SS
School days / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/1997 92 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SV
The boy who longed for a lift / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/1997 39 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 RN RN
Who is Ben? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/1997 32 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
Bright lights, little gerbil / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/1997 31 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1997 38 1 ######## 6/25/2019 9:53 SP RN
The seeing glass : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1997 23 ######## 5/29/2019 15:16 SP RN
Getting off clean / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1997 9 ######## 9/12/2019 13:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/1997 34 1 ######## 5/31/2019 12:21 SP TS
The Cambridge companion to the Bible / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/1997 33 1 3/7/2016 4/20/2019 12:44 SP SP
The woman in the wall / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/1997 32 2 1/3/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 NW SS
Mama makes up her mind : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1997 41 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:38 RN TS
Dream cars / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1997 40 ######## 8/2/2019 9:57 SP RN
On tai chi chuan / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1997 29 7 ######## 10/16/2019 11:27 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1997 55 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 RN RN
Tangle Town / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1997 75 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
The little pickpocket / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/1997 66 2 2/3/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
Home on the bayou : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/1997 36 1 8/7/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
Feathers and fools / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1997 55 2 4/4/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
Rosa, perpetual motion machine / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1997 71 1 6/8/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
"When chickens grow teeth" : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1997 69 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
How to draw insects / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1997 42 10 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1997 105 12 ######## 5/14/2019 10:13 IV TS
Vanished / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1997 85 3 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 13:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1997 103 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1997 52 5 9/7/2017 2/4/2019 15:09 SP RN
Companions of the night / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1997 35 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SV SS
Julie Andrews : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/1997 11 2/4/2016 7/3/2019 10:20 SO RN
Mars and Venus on a date : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1997 96 8 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP SV
'20s & '30s style / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1997 59 2 ######## 7/15/2019 13:48 SS RN
Dog tales : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1997 6 3 ######## 8/6/2019 10:44 RN RN
FIA Formula 1 world championship. 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1997 17 ######## 8/2/2019 10:52 RN RN
The cop shop : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/1997 31 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Arithmetic for the practical worker / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/1997 38 4 ######## 6/12/2019 8:40 SP TS
Claudia and the genius of Elm Street / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/1997 30 4 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/1997 37 6 4/2/2019 8/19/2019 9:11 NW TS
Love, Alice : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/1997 14 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
Him with his foot in his mouth and other stories/
BKBellow. 7/15/1997 17 ######## 8/19/2019 10:46 SV RN
The secret language of the mind : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1997 32 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
The fun park is open! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1997 33 2 ######## 11/27/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1997 27 6 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1997 84 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1997 69 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 RN TS
Me and my pet dog / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1997 68 2 ######## 4/9/2019 17:31 SP SP
The princess and the pea-ano / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1997 58 8 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1997 40 ######## 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1997 12 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
50 great tales of terror / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/1997 43 7 ######## 8/13/2019 13:35 SS TS
Flatfoot Fox and the case of the missing schoolhouse
3.12E+13 BK
/ 7/28/1997 22 2 1/9/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Rockin' reptiles / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1997 34 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SV RN
The night remembers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1997 58 ######## 7/16/2019 10:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1997 61 4 7/3/2017 9/12/2019 10:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1997 104 3/8/2019 6/13/2019 10:39 SS TS
When clay sings / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1997 35 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
The collected stories / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/1997 27 2 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 12:55 RN TS
Pee Wees on parade / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 27 8/5/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Akiak : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 11 3 ######## 2/26/2019 9:41 GE RN
Steel inferno : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 71 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
Big Brother, Little Brother / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 39 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SO RN
Gabriella's song / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 22 3 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 RN RN
Dragon scales and willow leaves / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 55 3 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NV SV
Double dead / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 16 1 9/9/2015 8/23/2019 14:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 21 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SV RN
Tomorrow's tide / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 28 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Money : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 18 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1997 33 5 3/4/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
The harlequin tea set and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1997 132 13 ######## 5/24/2019 7:53 SO TS
The dazzle of day / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1997 25 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SS RN
Herbie Jones / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/1997 34 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
Toes are to tickle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 75 4 4/4/2019 4/25/2019 11:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 27 1 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
The case of the vampire cat / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 66 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 NW SV
The case of the night-stalking bone monster3.12E+13
/ BK 8/5/1997 70 1 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
Olympic dream / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 20 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 65 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 12 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
Take it easy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1997 14 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 64 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 NV RN
Circle of love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 27 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 SV NW
Amazing fish / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 53 7 1/5/2016 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 46 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
Amazing frogs & toads / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 73 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Cousin Kelly's family secret / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 74 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Scaredy-cat Elizabeth / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1997 96 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/1997 54 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1997 94 ######## 11/27/2019 11:52 NW RN
Elvenblood : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1997 56 1 1/9/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SS TS
If it's going to be, it's up to me : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1997 44 ######## 5/9/2019 9:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 42 4 ######## 3/16/2019 10:44 NW SP
The cut-ups / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 49 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 NW RN
Calendarbears : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 41 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 NV RN
A ghost named Wanda / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 56 6/8/2016 2/14/2019 15:42 NW IV
The cut-ups at Camp Custer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 71 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 NW RN
Serious science : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 26 1 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 RN SV
The summer of dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1997 9 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1997 28 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1997 103 4 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NW VE
La estacion de los bomberos / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1997 26 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 NW SV
Sing, Henrietta! Sing! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1997 61 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Mystery history of a medieval castle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1997 55 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 RN RN
Emily arrow promises to do better this year3.12E+13
/ BK 8/14/1997 31 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Pet parade / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1997 31 4 7/1/2016 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
Purple climbing days / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1997 25 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
All about Stacy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1997 33 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
The golden ocean / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1997 50 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SV RN
The golden ocean / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/1997 22 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Our money / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1997 52 2 ######## 1/17/2019 15:45 SV IV
Our Constitution / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/1997 36 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 29 5 ######## 6/26/2019 14:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 29 3 9/7/2019 9/17/2019 11:07 RN TS
Anastasia's chosen career / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 23 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 NW SV
The Greek and Roman eras / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 22 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 NW TS
Pen pal puzzle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 72 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 20 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:54 NV RN
The double horror of Fenley Place / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 48 10 ######## 11/22/2019 14:21 NW TS
The case of the photo finish. 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 32 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 NW SP
Stencil it! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 28 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
I can make puppets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 29 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
More dinosaurs! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 31 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 NW TS
Growing up in ancient Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 40 8 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 NW TS
The soccer shoe clue / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 79 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 47 1 7/1/2016 2/14/2019 15:23 NW IV
Dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 12 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 NW SV
Stick out your tongue! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 16 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Go hog wild! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 15 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Operation Sherlock / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 19 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 NW SV
The demolition mission / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 22 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Trouble at Coyote Canyon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1997 25 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
The Christmas spurs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1997 32 1 ######## 2/2/2019 13:00 NW SP
Journey into terror / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1997 29 4 1/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1997 63 8/5/2014 2/10/2019 14:22 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1997 32 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
Lizard music / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1997 36 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 NW RN
How to draw lettering / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/1997 52 9 8/6/2019 11/8/2019 12:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1997 23 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1997 13 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1997 22 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
Man o' War. 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1997 25 2 5/3/2018 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
Collage : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1997 32 ######## 2/23/2019 15:00 NW SP
Nell's quilt / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1997 10 1 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 NW TS
Across the wide Missouri; 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1997 17 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
Hook 'em, Snotty! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1997 19 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/1997 30 2 4/1/2015 5/23/2019 16:51 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 22 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 NV SP
Night cry / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 19 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
First date / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 39 4 ######## 7/25/2019 16:13 RN TS
Halloween party / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 52 8 ######## 7/25/2019 16:12 RN TS
Perennials for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 84 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
The remarkable journey of Prince Jen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 16 1 1/9/2016 2/12/2019 16:48 NW VE
Aftershock / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 20 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 NW NW
The witch herself / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 22 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 NW RN
Malcolm X / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 12 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Matthew Henson / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
Billie Holiday / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 13 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
W.E.B. DuBois / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 12 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 SO NW
Alex Haley / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 64 5 ######## 11/23/2019 16:09 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 46 1 1/3/2017 2/8/2019 11:32 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 58 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 NW RN
Chester Cricket's pigeon ride / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 36 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
The knife / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 29 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 49 6 8/1/2016 1/25/2019 16:49 NW SP
Vampire bugs : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 5 2 7/1/2016 2/4/2019 10:40 NW RN
The warrior and the wise man / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 14 2 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
The story of George Washington Carver / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 39 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
The great puke-off / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 27 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
Shadow of the Swastika / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 65 7 9/9/2018 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
Stinky socks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 80 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Canaries : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1997 11 7/9/2013 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
The imp that ate my homework / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 34 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SV SS
Snow inside the house / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 46 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
Snow inside the house / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 45 2 1/8/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
The character in the book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 SV RN
The Wolf Gang / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 14 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 32 1 ######## 6/10/2019 8:41 NW TS
Serious intent / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/1997 15 1 3/3/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1997 31 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SV RN
Dinner at Aunt Connie's house / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1997 27 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1997 39 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Promiscuities : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1997 16 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Bestseller : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1997 12 ######## 4/22/2019 10:43 RN RN
The world of the Druids / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1997 60 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1997 97 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
I'm going to be famous / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1997 33 2 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
Alaska. 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1997 19 ######## 5/9/2019 15:10 SP TS
The Great Pyramid / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1997 18 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 IV RN
Brass button / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1997 10 1 3/4/2015 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Master Maid : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1997 20 2 ######## 2/4/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1997 44 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1997 117 17 4/9/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
You and me : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1997 25 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
The book of home sewing / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1997 43 2 ######## 10/24/2019 14:59 SS RN
Carl Linnaeus : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1997 24 4 ######## 7/9/2019 16:10 SV TS
The blessings of bread / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1997 14 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:17 SP RN
Too many secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1997 17 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Too many secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1997 32 3 ######## 3/9/2019 13:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1997 37 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
The new games treasury : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1997 20 4/4/2015 7/2/2019 15:54 SP RN
The statistics problem solver : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1997 36 6 6/3/2019 7/18/2019 7:57 SP TS
Sources of strength : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1997 17 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:34 RN RN
Plays well with others / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1997 28 1 ######## 9/12/2019 12:41 SP RN
The four gallant sisters / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1997 40 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
Ruby Mae has something to say / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1997 37 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
The other woman-- my years with O.J. Simpson
: BK 9/24/1997 34 2 ######## 10/16/2019 11:20 RN RN
By the seashore / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1997 27 2 ######## 3/20/2019 17:40 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/1997 42 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1997 69 1 5/2/2017 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1997 65 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 SC RN
Dark riders of doom / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1997 61 ######## 10/30/2019 14:32 NW TS
Sunday nights at seven : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1997 40 ######## 6/4/2019 7:26 SP TS
Death of a Sunday writer / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1997 52 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:18 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1997 0 4/11/2019 11:26 GE SS
Cezanne / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1997 3 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1997 24 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 IV IV
Man on the flying trapeze : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 25 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 57 9 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 110 3 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
South of resurrection / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 36 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
The angel doll : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 12 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
The measure of a mountain : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 13 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:53 SP RN
The tetherballs of Bougainville : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 29 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
Jacob Two-Two's first spy case / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 18 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:29 SV RN
Jonah and the two great fish / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1997 8 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1997 36 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 RN SV
Bone palace ballet : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1997 69 5 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NV TS
Prisoner 1167 : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1997 37 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 NV SS
Teaching stories / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1997 24 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
Crossroads / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1997 37 ######## 9/18/2019 11:58 SP RN
Six haunted hairdos / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1997 34 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
Acts of war / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/1997 55 6 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
The Snow Queen / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1997 32 4 7/6/2019 9/10/2019 12:13 NW TS
Wild horse summer / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/1997 36 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:37 SP RN
Everybody has a bellybutton : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1997 12 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1997 73 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
Spirit like a storm : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1997 14 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1997 39 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 IV NW
Language of the robe : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1997 3 1 ######## 6/2/2019 13:44 RN SS
Color : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/1997 8 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
The camper's and backpacker's bible / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/1997 44 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The seduction of Hillary Rodham / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1997 12 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/1997 40 1 7/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
The chunnel : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1997 25 ######## 10/18/2019 12:46 SP RN
Military dune buggies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1997 46 ######## 3/22/2019 12:50 RN TS
Mother Teresa : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1997 29 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:15 RN RN
Journey through the ice age / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1997 23 2 4/9/2016 1/28/2019 13:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1997 75 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1997 44 ######## 10/4/2019 15:28 NV RN
American Bandstand : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1997 13 1 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
Rex and Lilly school time / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1997 81 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 VE RN
Meredith, the witch who wasn't / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1997 33 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 RN RN
Retro hell : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1997 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Without consent / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1997 25 ######## 1/2/2019 13:25 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/1997 19 1 ######## 11/7/2019 14:14 RN RN
Buffalo days / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1997 17 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1997 13 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
Being youngest / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1997 13 2 6/8/2016 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1997 102 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
Monteverde : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1997 13 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SV TS
Dracula / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1997 28 1 ######## 1/31/2019 13:09 NV RN
Your body belongs to you / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/1997 50 1 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1997 55 ######## 7/15/2019 12:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1997 17 1 2/6/2017 2/1/2019 14:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1997 29 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
The dark side of Camelot / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1997 66 4 ######## 9/23/2019 8:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1997 39 4 2/8/2017 1/31/2019 13:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1997 60 9 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SP TS
The Christmas tree / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1997 81 1 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 14:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1997 18 8/5/2015 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
Lobscouse & spotted dog : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1997 14 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
Fiesta! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1997 27 4/9/2015 8/5/2019 15:58 SP RN
The World at his fingertips : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1997 22 2 ######## 6/28/2019 15:43 SS TS
Stomp, stomp! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/1997 62 5 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 33 5 5/8/2017 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 26 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW SV
Snowball / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 43 5 ######## 11/13/2019 11:35 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 15 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 37 ######## 2/5/2019 10:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 89 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:34 NW RN
Johnny Germ Head / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 42 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
Not until Christmas, Walter! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 66 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
The house I'll build for the wrens / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 28 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 5 4/8/2015 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Noah makes a boat / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1997 59 3 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NW SV
The spellsong war / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1997 56 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:55 SP TS
Thief of souls / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1997 32 1 1/7/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
By the Hanukkah light / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1997 32 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 SV RN
Silent night / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1997 21 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 SV RN
Red eggs and dragon boats : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1997 15 2 ######## 1/23/2019 15:44 SP TS
Jack and the beanstalk / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1997 79 4 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 NW SV
Twilight comes twice / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/1997 29 3 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NV NW
Making cards / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1997 10 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 GE TS
My pet cats / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1997 55 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
The Spanish-American War / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/1997 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1997 121 6 1/3/2019 3/8/2019 10:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1997 84 3 2/4/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
Brandon's empire / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1997 86 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
The Key-Lock man / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1997 110 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1997 29 ######## 10/9/2019 11:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1997 5 1 3/1/2017 3/9/2019 13:40 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1997 34 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NV RN
This land is my land / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/1997 24 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/1997 54 2 ######## 9/20/2019 15:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/1997 18 ######## 2/26/2019 10:11 SP SP
The ancient Celts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/1998 43 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:32 RN TS
The strength of these arms : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 8 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SP SV
Gringos : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 22 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
The idiot : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 1 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 32 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The monkey bridge / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 12 1 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 45 9 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 52 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 25 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SP SV
Arctic son / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 32 3 ######## 4/25/2019 11:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1998 33 2 ######## 9/25/2019 14:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 38 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 SV RN
All quiet on the western front : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 4 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 RN SP
Henri Matisse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 19 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 104 7 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 NW RN
Charles A. Lindbergh : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 34 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 SV SP
Spike / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 56 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
The Great Wall / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1998 28 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 IV SV
Multicultural folktales : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1998 8 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1998 14 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 IV RN
Juice / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 16 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 5 1/3/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 16 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Sarah's unicorn / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 155 11 ######## 2/15/2019 12:51 NV TS
Man-of-war / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 37 5 ######## 1/17/2019 14:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 6 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 15 ######## 2/22/2019 9:39 SV SV
What am I? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 67 12 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
Nicholas Pipe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 16 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Mr. Chips! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 23 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
50 fabulous parties for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/1998 37 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1998 52 2 ######## 9/24/2019 13:28 NW RN
The prince : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/1998 11 2 ######## 3/19/2019 14:03 RN SP
The symbolic language of geometrical figures
/ BK 1/12/1998 26 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1998 35 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 IV RN
Turtles / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1998 25 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
The grace in older women / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/1998 26 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:51 NW TS
Prenuptial agreement / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/1998 46 ######## 3/23/2019 11:10 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/1998 96 3 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SS TS
Red storm rising / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/1998 77 8 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
The life & times of Peter the Great / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/1998 14 1 3/3/2015 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/1998 34 5 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 SP NW
Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/1998 24 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Rapunzel / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/1998 12 1 2/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The queen bee / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/1998 6 1 2/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Pooh invents a new game / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1998 85 5 ######## 1/17/2019 14:16 RN TS
A House is built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore3.12E+13
/ BK 1/30/1998 52 4 ######## 6/13/2019 11:51 SV TS
Snow White and Rose Red / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/1998 6 2 ######## 8/2/2019 16:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1998 53 7 8/9/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 IV SS
The beggar's magic : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1998 16 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
The barbarian conversion : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/1998 20 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
The hatmaker's sign / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 12 1 4/4/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
Nothing / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 31 1 5/7/2016 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
Gib rides home / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 15 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
The discovery of the Titanic / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 37 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 31 2 9/3/2015 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 39 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1998 58 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 SV RN
Where do babies come from? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1998 26 5 ######## 4/23/2019 12:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1998 100 8 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1998 35 ######## 9/17/2019 14:50 RN RN
The busy building book / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1998 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SO
Reggae : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1998 25 1 ######## 11/20/2019 15:03 IV RN
Empire by default : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/1998 25 5 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
Guevara, also known as Che / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1998 48 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:32 SP RN
The Winter Olympics / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1998 8 3 ######## 4/12/2019 11:30 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1998 59 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 RN RN
Festivals / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1998 22 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/1998 26 4 3/1/2018 7/15/2019 9:25 SS TS
Pictorial history of the Republican Party / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/1998 9 ######## 6/4/2019 12:08 SP RN
Snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1998 37 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SP TS
Budgerigars / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1998 85 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Food and recipes of the westward expansion 3.12E+13
/ BK 2/23/1998 13 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SP RN
Project Mercury / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1998 9 1 6/3/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Killing the dream : 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/1998 32 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The three little pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/1998 91 11 ######## 3/22/2019 11:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/1998 13 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
How much is a million? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/1998 95 11 ######## 11/8/2019 14:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/1998 68 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/1998 74 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/1998 31 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
Surprise party / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/1998 41 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 SP SP
And if the moon could talk / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1998 60 4 5/4/2018 2/2/2019 10:09 NW RN
Car / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1998 44 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 SV TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1998 45 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1998 32 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 RN RN
Plane / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1998 43 ######## 4/9/2019 18:01 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1998 29 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SO
Karoo / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1998 17 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1998 56 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Bed of roses / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1998 47 ######## 9/12/2019 14:23 NV RN
Air defense weapons / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1998 27 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1998 54 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
The all-true travels and adventures of Lidie3.12E+13
Newton :BK 3/4/1998 32 ######## 3/23/2019 11:20 SV SP
Murder in the map room : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/1998 29 ######## 9/12/2019 13:50 RN RN
The teams : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/1998 31 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Downsize this : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1998 36 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 28 2 ######## 3/7/2019 15:11 GE TS
Cinnamon's day out : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 26 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
Gib rides home / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 18 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
Together in Pinecone Patch / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 26 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
Living with our genes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 24 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Router joinery / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 37 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1998 59 2 ######## 3/7/2019 12:08 NV TS
Life in the Elizabethan theater / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1998 16 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
Betting cheap claimers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1998 35 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 SV RN
The art of love, 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/1998 14 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 37 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:53 SS SP
Small AC generator service manual. 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 29 ######## 5/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
Holidays of the world cookbook for students 3.12E+13
/ BK 3/23/1998 58 1 9/6/2017 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Easy braids, barrettes and bows / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 77 2 ######## 2/20/2019 15:24 NW TS
Papermaking for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 22 2 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 NW SP
Kitten care and critters, too! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 73 9 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
Steam trains. 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 63 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 VE RN
Kids garden! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1998 45 4 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 NW SV
Flying blind, flying safe / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1998 20 2/7/2019 3/6/2019 13:56 RN TS
The basic manual of fly-tying : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1998 43 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1998 54 10 ######## 2/20/2019 15:09 NV RN
The living art of bonsai : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1998 52 ######## 5/6/2019 8:47 RN TS
Little Louie the baby bloomer / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1998 50 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
Pots and pans / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1998 47 6 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Blood on the forehead : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1998 11 ######## 2/8/2019 17:48 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/1998 63 3 ######## 4/15/2019 13:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/1998 32 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/1998 70 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/1998 31 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
Rules of the road / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/1998 26 3 ######## 7/10/2019 12:45 NV TS
My mother's secret life / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 80 2 9/5/2018 2/2/2019 10:29 NW SV
Two peas in a pod / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 86 2 ######## 7/10/2019 9:58 NW TS
Mrs. Armitage and the big wave / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 60 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 102 4 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 72 5 6/8/2019 7/9/2019 15:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 51 ######## 9/23/2019 13:13 SS RN
Apt. 3 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 22 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:53 SV RN
Birthday happy, Contrary Mary / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 81 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
My gran / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 37 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 27 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
This mess / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1998 53 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
The weekend novelist writes a mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/1998 31 5 8/3/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 SP RN
Whirligig / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/1998 1 1/3/2017 5/3/2019 17:28 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/1998 71 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
Wind water / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/1998 33 1 8/2/2015 9/25/2019 14:28 NW RN
How to sharpen every blade in your woodshop
/ BK 4/14/1998 39 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
El autobus magico en el sistema solar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1998 25 ######## 5/24/2019 13:03 SV RN
El autobus magico mariposa y el monstruo3.12E+13
del pantano
BK : 4/15/1998 17 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1998 37 4 ######## 6/4/2019 8:18 SV TS
El llano en llamas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1998 25 1 5/1/2014 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
La higiene / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1998 16 ######## 3/12/2019 11:02 SV SP
Los farmaceuticos / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1998 4 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
El autobus magico se salpica todo : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1998 26 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1998 47 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1998 21 ######## 3/4/2019 17:51 SP SP
Friends / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1998 24 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1998 39 3 8/8/2018 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
The upper crust; 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1998 12 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Slaves in the family / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1998 27 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
Confesiones de un vampiro / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1998 32 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
The proudest day : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1998 13 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
Selected poems / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/1998 16 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
The farolitos of Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1998 9 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SS SS
Jesse Bear, what will you wear? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1998 84 9 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
More rootabagas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1998 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1998 67 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SO RN
My "m" sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1998 66 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
My g sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1998 72 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1998 28 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
True colors / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1998 76 1 9/3/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/1998 8 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/1998 137 2 ######## 9/10/2019 15:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/1998 29 2 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SV SS
The lustre of our country : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 6 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 31 ######## 3/28/2019 15:39 IV TS
The happy hippopotami 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 23 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SS NW
Ghost country / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 60 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
The stars are waiting / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 77 ######## 7/25/2019 15:40 NW TS
Hiroshima's shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 16 1 4/3/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Veterans day / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1998 11 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:55 IV TS
The last resort : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 33 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 22 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 NW SP
Suits me : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 16 1 2/5/2016 7/2/2019 15:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 65 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 40 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SP RN
Tracking dinosaurs in the Gobi / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 15 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Meow! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 71 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
The summer my father was ten / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 25 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 49 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Gardencuisine : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 17 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 RN RN
The medieval cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1998 12 ######## 8/5/2019 16:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1998 27 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Making cool crafts & awesome art : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1998 28 9 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1998 24 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
Return to Harmony : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1998 26 7/6/2015 9/12/2019 11:14 SP RN
Antennas : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1998 25 4 1/5/2019 1/31/2019 10:42 SP TS
Born royal : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1998 19 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SP RN
The facts of death / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1998 39 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:08 SP RN
Still-life stew / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1998 24 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 NV SV
When I first came to this land / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1998 24 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
The Kennedy Men : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1998 27 4 ######## 11/8/2019 14:08 NW RN
Devils and demons : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1998 36 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
Sacred honor : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1998 8 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Angela Lansbury : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1998 35 ######## 10/23/2019 14:16 NW RN
The Random House book of stories from the
ballet /BK 6/1/1998 34 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Un buen dia / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/1998 58 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Puzzles old & new : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/1998 19 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Adventures with Polarfleece : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/1998 21 2/6/2016 8/2/2019 11:03 IV RN
Healthy skin & coat : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1998 38 4/5/2014 2/20/2019 16:45 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1998 17 1 1/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
Asi es Josefina, una ni~na americana / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1998 31 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SV RN
Teenage survival manual : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1998 31 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:28 SP SP
German shorthaired pointers : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1998 37 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 NV TS
The best pet name book ever / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1998 34 1 ######## 6/22/2019 11:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1998 69 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
Eat smart in Mexico : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1998 27 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
Flies are fascinating / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1998 60 1 ######## 3/20/2019 17:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1998 25 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/1998 33 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
Centipedes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/1998 19 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Cuentos colombianos : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/1998 23 1 ######## 6/22/2019 11:40 SV RN
A portfolio of home spa ideas. 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/1998 26 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
Encyclopedia of American cars / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/1998 9 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
Bombay ice : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1998 27 4 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NW RN
The problem of the missing miss / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1998 28 4/6/2016 4/6/2019 13:34 RN SP
Fungi / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1998 13 ######## 2/20/2019 13:43 SV SV
Jungles & rainforests / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1998 43 9 ######## 6/25/2019 14:48 SV TS
Gorillas / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1998 22 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/1998 51 1 5/2/2018 6/13/2019 10:40 NW TS
One, two, buckle my shoe / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1998 19 ######## 9/17/2019 15:07 SS RN
The collector of hearts : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1998 17 3 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 RN SS
Future on ice / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/1998 22 1 ######## 8/21/2019 8:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1998 8 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
I dream of murder / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1998 36 1 3/9/2016 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
Frida Maria : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1998 21 2 9/8/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
Cows can't fly / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1998 123 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/1998 94 ######## 9/18/2019 14:22 SP RN
What bounces? 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/1998 72 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:21 IV TS
That sweet diamond : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 40 3 1/5/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
The Hunchback of Notre Dame / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 18 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
Fraction action / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 50 6 1/7/2019 1/30/2019 11:00 RN RN
Dance / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 42 5 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 SO RN
The Encyclopedia of mammals / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 48 2 ######## 7/24/2019 7:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 22 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 65 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 79 5 ######## 5/9/2019 9:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 23 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Good knight / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 16 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Cat and bear / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1998 49 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
All the mamas : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/1998 43 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
An island scrapbook : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/1998 12 2/8/2015 2/4/2019 16:33 NW SS
Grand jury / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/1998 30 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1998 42 7 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SP RN
The Usborne big book of experiments / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1998 85 3 9/7/2019 10/23/2019 9:43 SV TS
America and the sea : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/1998 11 2/3/2015 5/30/2019 11:01 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/1998 41 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 RN RN
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/1998 23 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SO RN
Blood and vengeance : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1998 15 6/6/2019 7/9/2019 15:12 SV TS
The smiling country / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1998 53 2 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
Ducks / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1998 13 ######## 2/20/2019 16:28 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1998 68 3 8/8/2017 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
The Rat Pack : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1998 36 3 ######## 5/20/2019 12:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1998 71 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
Great events of the 20th century / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1998 24 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Daniel Boone : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1998 19 1 1/8/2018 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
The world of Velazquez, 1599-1660 / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1998 23 3 ######## 10/2/2019 10:47 RN TS
San Francisco Giants / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1998 41 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 IV RN
All you need is love : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1998 15 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/1998 44 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 RN RN
God : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/1998 26 9/2/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1998 74 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SS
Full moon feline storybook / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1998 61 8/8/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1998 78 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:57 SP RN
Little Pig's bouncy ball / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1998 48 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1998 35 4 4/3/2016 2/5/2019 12:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1998 91 3 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP NV
The 7 habits of highly effective teens : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1998 93 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SS
What the dinosaurs saw / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1998 89 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SO
Pirate School / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/1998 89 8 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
Oh, bother! Someone's afraid of the dark! 3.12E+13
/ BK 7/28/1998 95 6 ######## 3/22/2019 12:44 SO TS
The tortoise and the hare / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 101 9 ######## 8/2/2019 13:05 SP NW
Mind/reader / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 52 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Can you spot the leopard? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 31 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Draw insects / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 79 4 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 46 2 ######## 6/28/2019 15:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 83 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 77 3 4/7/2015 1/5/2019 16:20 SP SP
My sister from the Black Lagoon : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 28 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
A summery Saturday morning / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1998 30 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1998 74 9 ######## 11/20/2019 13:38 SP TS
Garden / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1998 26 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1998 5 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
Training planes of World War II / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1998 15 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 IV RN
Achingly Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1998 14 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 IV RN
The tortoise and the hare / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1998 84 12 ######## 6/27/2019 14:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1998 28 1 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SP RN
Vejigante masquerader / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/1998 16 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SP SV
The nearly-wed handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1998 20 1 2/8/2017 6/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
Heisenberg and the Nazi atomic bomb project
/ BK 8/10/1998 12 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
The World's greatest aircraft : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1998 65 ######## 2/20/2019 11:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1998 27 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:32 SP NW
The Owl and the pussycat / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1998 36 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 NV RN
The silent spillbills / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1998 6 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Jackson Pollock / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1998 27 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 SP NW
Gamblers Anonymous. 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/1998 25 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1998 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1998 12 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The absolute beginner's cookbook revised,3.12E+13
or, How long
BK do I cook a three-minute egg? / 8/20/1998 34 3 ######## 6/13/2019 11:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1998 24 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 IV TS
Llama handling and training : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1998 22 3 3/5/2015 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
Aromaterapia y masaje / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1998 44 2 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 RN SP
El ultimo mohicano / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1998 17 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Scarlett : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1998 15 ######## 4/20/2019 12:46 SV SP
The fighters; 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1998 17 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1998 23 1 ######## 8/14/2019 10:57 NW TS
Nickel dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/1998 16 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SP SS
The personal history of David Copperfield 3/ .12E+13 BK 8/28/1998 47 6 ######## 10/2/2019 9:59 SS TS
Draw 50 animals / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1998 59 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1998 50 5 ######## 6/15/2019 16:00 SO RN
Paperart : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1998 28 2 3/7/2019 4/17/2019 9:43 IV TS
Searching for Mercy Street : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1998 18 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
Beyond the outposts / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1998 26 3/7/2013 5/9/2019 13:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/1998 95 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 52 5 ######## 1/15/2019 16:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
Ideas y trucos para elegir el nombre del bebe
/ BK 9/3/1998 9 1 ######## 10/9/2019 11:35 NW RN
The little buggers : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 8 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SV RN
Jellyfish / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 78 5 ######## 8/3/2019 11:28 SP RN
Bootsie Barker bites / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 56 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
To the limit : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 46 4 ######## 6/12/2019 8:43 RN TS
Easter parade / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 15 1 3/7/2015 1/22/2019 11:45 SP SP
Cassell companion to quotations / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 1 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 30 ######## 11/13/2019 10:32 SP RN
Legends : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 44 5 ######## 7/24/2019 15:14 SO TS
Ghosts and shadows : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/1998 25 ######## 5/29/2019 15:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 4 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Frozen stiff / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 39 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NV NW
Collecting gems & minerals : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 52 6 ######## 3/22/2019 13:13 SV TS
The California book of the dead : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 17 ######## 8/21/2019 14:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 17 6 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 SV NW
Goodnight moon 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 10 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/1998 15 4 6/5/2019 10/8/2019 10:44 SO NW
Hot air balloons / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1998 13 1 ######## 4/5/2019 15:45 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1998 42 3 ######## 3/22/2019 12:34 NV TS
Ed Emberley's Big purple drawing book. 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1998 79 11 ######## 7/10/2019 10:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1998 97 14 ######## 6/26/2019 14:56 SO TS
Look back, Moss : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1998 16 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NV NW
Trouble's daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1998 40 9 6/7/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 SP SV
Shipwreck season / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1998 10 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1998 75 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:22 SP TS
Rhythmic gymnastics / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1998 7 ######## 11/1/2019 15:55 SS RN
Last rights : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1998 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Travolta : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1998 34 3 ######## 8/20/2019 8:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 24 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 NV SP
The teeny tiny teacher : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 101 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 63 3 ######## 2/20/2019 15:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 32 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 IV RN
The face / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Arthur and the Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club.3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 106 11 ######## 11/4/2019 11:44 NV SP
Needlepoint cats / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1998 37 3 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 RN RN
Wrestling basics / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1998 29 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SV TS
The Grolier kidscrafts papercraft book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1998 101 10 9/7/2019 9/17/2019 11:08 SS TS
Success is a choice : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/1998 32 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 RN SS
Julius Caesar / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1998 7 2 2/2/2019 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
The promise / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1998 32 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1998 13 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1998 89 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SS
Marbles : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1998 20 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NV RN
The techniques of judo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1998 38 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
Tara Lipinski : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1998 34 3 9/5/2014 1/20/2019 13:34 NW TR
The most excellent book of how to do card3.12E+13
tricks / BK 9/28/1998 68 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1998 85 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 SO SS
The Usborne first book of the keyboard / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1998 20 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
The Usborne first book of the keyboard / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1998 48 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 NW IV
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of 3.12E+13
tensor calculus
BK / 9/30/1998 30 9 1/8/2019 9/24/2019 10:23 NW TS
DC Comics : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/1998 59 2 ######## 1/24/2019 12:59 SO TS
The American century / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/1998 29 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SP SS
With liberty for some : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1998 12 2 2/7/2015 6/4/2019 13:54 SP RN
Kids can quilt / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1998 31 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Trompe l'oeil : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1998 54 2 8/5/2014 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
A little book of campfire songs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1998 23 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:30 SO RN
Augustus / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1998 15 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Changes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1998 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Choices : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1998 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
The complete guide to tropical aquarium fish
care / BK 10/7/1998 45 2 ######## 4/26/2019 9:37 RN RN
Big bucks the Benoit way : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1998 9 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
The newest and coolest dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1998 41 3 1/7/2019 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Writing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1998 5 ######## 11/1/2019 15:27 GE TS
Interpreting the symbols and types / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1998 39 1 9/8/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Dream days / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/1998 9 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 RN SP
Work in progress / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1998 21 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 RN RN
Magic on ice : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1998 21 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1998 92 4 ######## 3/7/2019 11:22 SV TS
Five alien elves / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1998 22 1 7/7/2016 2/8/2019 11:37 SV NW
The Christmas story : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1998 31 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Heavy water and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 20 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
Sisters in the Resistance : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 26 3 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SV RN
La Estatua de la Libertad / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 6 ######## 2/23/2019 16:34 SV SV
La Casa Blanca / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 6 ######## 2/23/2019 16:35 SV SV
Quick & easy decorating projects. 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 41 1 4/6/2013 5/30/2019 11:37 NW SS
The golden rule / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 12 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 SP SP
Hay / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/1998 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Manner of death / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1998 71 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:47 SS TS
Extreme odds : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1998 50 1 ######## 10/22/2019 8:28 SP TS
The island wife / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1998 33 2 ######## 3/16/2019 11:25 SP SP
4,000 days : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/1998 33 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1998 72 9 ######## 10/23/2019 8:43 SV TS
Prophet : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1998 20 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1998 37 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1998 23 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 RN SV
Benny's new friend / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1998 56 5 8/7/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Walt Disney's Minnie mysteries. 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1998 68 3 ######## 4/25/2019 11:06 RN TS
The Count counts scary things / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1998 70 10 ######## 2/6/2019 17:06 SV RN
A daily dose of the American dream : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1998 37 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Happy all the time : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/1998 26 6 ######## 6/13/2019 10:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1998 77 2 4/5/2018 1/16/2019 15:05 NV TS
Some things go together / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1998 61 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1998 89 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1998 28 5 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SV RN
The Nez Perce / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1998 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1998 19 1 9/6/2014 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1998 12 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NV RN
David Brinkley : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1998 17 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1998 32 ######## 4/11/2019 18:07 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1998 100 15 ######## 7/17/2019 11:33 SV TS
Knights / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1998 33 6 6/5/2019 9/10/2019 14:05 RN TS
Get well, gators! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1998 50 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
Heaven / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1998 23 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 28 10 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SV RN
The world of the pirate / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 34 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 42 6 9/6/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 RN RN
Explorers and discoverers of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 RN IV
Loud Emily / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 39 1 5/5/2017 2/4/2019 15:27 RN RN
Hans Clodhopper / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 6 3 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
Causes and consequences of the African-American
BK rights movement / 11/23/1998 22 2/2/2017 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
When it starts to snow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 82 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
Mother Goose / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1998 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Ballerina girl / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1998 136 9 ######## 7/17/2019 10:04 SV TS
The general store / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1998 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
My trucks / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1998 91 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NV
The Kiowa verdict / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1998 26 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SV RN
La aventura de Miguel Littin, clandestino en
Chile / BK 12/1/1998 11 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Pases magicos / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1998 9 1 5/6/2016 12/3/2019 14:36 NW RN
Exploring the polar regions / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1998 18 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Cien plantas medicinales escogidas : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1998 88 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
Hoare and the Portsmouth atrocities / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1998 28 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
The haunted wood : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1998 20 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
Face-time : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1998 16 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Picasso, artista y bohemio / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1998 5 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Buster's dino dilemma / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 91 9 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 32 6 2/9/2017 3/20/2019 17:39 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 44 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 27 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Jerry Seinfeld : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 28 1 9/3/2015 7/2/2019 15:19 SP RN
Imagine that! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 RN SS
To every thing there is a season : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 15 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Forty acres and maybe a mule / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 SV SP
The evening news : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 23 3 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
Moneymakers : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/1998 15 1 2/9/2017 2/23/2019 15:13 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1998 29 ######## 9/12/2019 13:52 SP RN
Wedding photography : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/1998 30 3/7/2016 1/22/2019 14:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1998 33 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NV TS
A terrifying taste of short & shivery : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1998 57 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
World War I : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1998 52 2 ######## 11/8/2019 13:46 SP RN
A picture book of Jesse Owens / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1998 13 9/9/2014 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The Oxford history of the biblical world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1998 12 1/3/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1998 65 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Crazy gibberish : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1998 10 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1998 24 9/5/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 NV SV
Denali National Park and Preserve / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1998 15 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1998 45 10 2/7/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 IV TS
The Iroquois Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1998 37 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 RN RN
The Ojibwa Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1998 11 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SV SS
The Holocaust / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1998 37 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/1998 18 4 ######## 9/10/2019 12:07 NV TS
The second angel / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/1998 42 1 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
Christianizing the Roman Empire : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/1998 16 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/1998 34 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1998 1 3 9/6/2017 1/30/2019 10:38 GE RN
Look what came from China / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 68 6 ######## 4/29/2019 18:01 IV SO
Raised on radio : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 3 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Boshblobberbosh : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 10 3 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
The mightiest heart / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 18 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
Noah's flood : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 43 4 6/6/2019 7/24/2019 14:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 24 3/9/2017 4/5/2019 15:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 19 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SV VE
Loyal disloyalty / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 12 4/9/2015 2/26/2019 10:24 SP SP
Month by month a year goes round / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 32 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Day by day a week goes round / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/1999 16 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1999 31 1 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1999 40 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NV
Hors d'oeuvres / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1999 38 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1999 27 1 1/4/2019 1/29/2019 13:33 RN TS
The water horse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/1999 39 3 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/1999 12 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1999 28 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1999 41 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SV SV
Easter parade / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/1999 9 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/1999 44 3 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
Kermit's mixed-up message / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/1999 21 ######## 1/25/2019 15:11 SV SV
Graphics technology / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/1999 11 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/1999 8 1 8/9/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Kwanzaa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/1999 16 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/1999 42 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/1999 51 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1999 5 1 ######## 2/23/2019 15:12 SP SP
La carrera hacia el poder / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/1999 28 7/8/2014 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
West to a land of plenty : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/1999 50 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SP SP
Nothingness : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/1999 59 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Entwined lives : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1999 25 ######## 4/23/2019 9:35 SP RN
Imani's gift at Kwanzaa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1999 22 4 ######## 1/23/2019 15:55 SV TS
The stallions of Woodstock / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1999 14 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
Titian and Venetian painting, 1450-1590 / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/1999 12 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
Kidnap at the Catfish Cafe / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 38 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
Lost and found / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 38 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 21 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SV VE
Why does the cat do that? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 39 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 86 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
A breach of promise / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 56 8 6/4/2019 7/17/2019 9:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 54 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:30 NW TS
Trout flies / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 44 1 ######## 7/29/2019 8:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 46 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SV RN
Angkat : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 31 9/3/2015 1/3/2019 10:32 SP SP
8.4 / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 43 1 ######## 9/17/2019 13:36 SP RN
Mortal judgments : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 39 ######## 2/26/2019 10:20 SP SP
An elegant madness : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/1999 19 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Trains / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 60 1 ######## 1/29/2019 16:53 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 42 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
I am Mordred : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 14 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 SV NW
The invisible hunters : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:23 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 30 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
The illustrated book of fairy tales : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 25 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 47 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
The baseball counting book / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/1999 41 3 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/1999 66 7 ######## 9/24/2019 15:17 SV TS
Snowshoe trails of Tahoe / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/1999 42 8 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 SP TS
Bourbon and Stuart : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/1999 6 9/3/2014 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
Oh, were they ever happy! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/1999 44 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1999 9 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 RN SS
The Great Depression : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1999 32 3 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
How many bears? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/1999 41 7/5/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/1999 28 9/6/2016 4/4/2019 11:10 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/1999 29 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1999 81 8 ######## 8/5/2019 11:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1999 136 8/1/2017 2/5/2019 13:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1999 49 13 ######## 8/22/2019 15:48 NV TS
A Children's book about being wasteful / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1999 76 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
Lavender : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1999 53 2 8/1/2016 6/24/2019 11:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/1999 40 2 ######## 3/12/2019 10:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1999 135 10 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/1999 35 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Pathways / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1999 35 3 4/6/2017 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
Owlflight / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1999 68 6 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
Clowns & tricksters : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/1999 5 1 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/1999 26 4 1/4/2019 2/20/2019 13:08 NW TS
Third grade bullies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1999 17 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 NW RN
Harriet and the roller coaster / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1999 102 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Death at the crossroads : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/1999 24 2 ######## 12/2/2019 11:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1999 58 ######## 11/1/2019 14:25 NW SV
The dream stalker / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1999 62 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
Harriet and Walt / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1999 40 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SO SV
Hide your assets and disappear : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1999 34 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1999 86 5 ######## 1/18/2019 15:13 NW SP
Traditional archery / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/1999 34 1 ######## 6/12/2019 11:15 SV RN
Mistaken identity / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/1999 104 7 ######## 12/20/2019 8:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 30 5 2/2/2019 2/27/2019 11:03 NW TS
A Cinderella affidavit / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 26 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 29 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Skylark : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 14 1 2/8/2016 5/29/2019 15:04 SV RN
The night of the goat children / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 24 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 RN RN
Nefertiti : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 19 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Bronco busters / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 24 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 RN RN
Death by fame : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 12 ######## 5/29/2019 15:10 SP RN
The cost of rights : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Britain's secret propaganda war / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/1999 13 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Dogsbody, inc. : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 38 ######## 4/10/2019 16:04 SP SP
Soldier for the empire / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 36 ######## 9/18/2019 10:29 RN RN
Caprice and Rondo / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 13 ######## 9/17/2019 14:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 38 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:11 SS TS
I like your buttons! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 24 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 RN RN
Eleanor Rushing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 25 9/3/2015 8/23/2019 13:54 SS RN
Gifted grownups : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 42 2 3/9/2016 4/23/2019 9:34 SV RN
Michelangelo : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/1999 6 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1999 149 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
In the presence of horses : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1999 16 1 1/3/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1999 70 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1999 56 5 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1999 71 4 ######## 11/25/2019 8:08 SO TS
Chronicle of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/1999 5 1 ######## 1/4/2019 16:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 61 9 3/1/2018 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 100 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NW RN
The night journey / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 11 1 1/5/2017 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
A season of comebacks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
Disney's Winnie the Pooh's valentine / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 103 4 6/5/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
The four last things / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 23 2 ######## 1/2/2019 11:47 RN SP
Saturday sancocho / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/1999 32 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:42 SV RN
Dog Friday / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/1999 10 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 NW SV
Spence plus Lila / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/1999 13 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/1999 54 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/1999 37 3 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 16:05 SO TS
Diesel's devious deed and other Thomas the3.12E+13
tank engine
BK stories / 3/29/1999 102 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Soup for president / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1999 22 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
Vanessa-Ann's living with quilts. 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1999 28 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/1999 42 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 NW RN
Billy's boy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/1999 3 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
Ellen Tebbits / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1999 71 7 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
There's a frog in my sleeping bag / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1999 29 3 6/8/2016 2/14/2019 15:23 NW IV
Rasco and the Rats of NIMH : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1999 63 9 ######## 11/8/2019 12:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1999 67 5 8/7/2018 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Dreamer : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1999 1 ######## 9/17/2019 13:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/1999 41 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/1999 65 3 7/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NW
The nightmare machine / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/1999 28 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 61 4 ######## 6/28/2019 10:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 52 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 21 2 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SP TS
Little dog poems / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 21 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
Longwalker's journey : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 20 5/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SP SV
Shower of gold : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:15 SP RN
Nim and the war effort / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 40 6/2/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
The dancing man : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 46 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
Am I really different? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 48 7 4/8/2019 11/12/2019 10:32 NW TS
Best friends together again / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 106 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 NW RN
The service of clouds / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 2 ######## 8/21/2019 14:18 SS RN
When Aunt Lena did the rhumba / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 73 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
How close we come / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/1999 12 ######## 9/12/2019 13:03 SS RN
Little house parties : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 53 6 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 9:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 87 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
Starring first grade / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 57 5 2/6/2018 1/16/2019 9:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 48 1 1/4/2019 8/5/2019 12:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 11 1 ######## 12/27/2019 15:04 IV IV
Old Bear / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 66 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:39 SO RN
The best of sisters in crime / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 66 16 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 87 6 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
The senator's wife / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/1999 81 3 7/9/2019 8/21/2019 8:54 SV TS
On the hills of God / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/1999 6 ######## 9/12/2019 10:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1999 56 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1999 83 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
For my family, love, Allie / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1999 16 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 NW SS
Faraday's popcorn factory / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/1999 6 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
An ocean apart : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/1999 111 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/1999 29 4 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
Tom, Babette & Simon : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/1999 28 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 NW SV
The lottery / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/1999 44 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
I miss Franklin P. Shuckles / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/1999 53 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
Bachelor brothers' bed & breakfast pillow 3.12E+13
book / BK 4/13/1999 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Will's choice / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 22 2 4/4/2016 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 37 7 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
Switcharound / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 9 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
Ace, the very important pig / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 15 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 NW SV
The Downing Street years / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 9 2 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 NW SS
The grim reaper : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 23 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:21 SP RN
Aggie's home / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/1999 38 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 29 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 45 3 8/6/2016 1/22/2019 11:54 NW SP
Rosy Cole : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 5 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 NW SP
The ghost on Saturday night / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 26 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
Beware the mare / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 18 3 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 NW IV
The friends / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 3 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 43 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
Rushmore / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 36 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen /3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 48 5 ######## 1/17/2019 14:04 RN TS
Over the misty mountains / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 49 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/1999 23 1 7/7/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 28 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 62 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
Spying on Miss Muller / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 9 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 51 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 17 2 3/2/2016 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
Lizard Flanagan, supermodel? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 21 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 NW SV
Bug in a rug / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 42 3/7/2016 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
Ruthie's gift / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 18 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/1999 13 7/5/2016 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 91 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 93 8 ######## 8/22/2019 15:20 NW TS
Ribbons / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 24 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 91 2 2/1/2018 2/1/2019 14:27 RN RN
Sir Galahad, Mr. Longfellow, and me / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 8 1 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 NW SP
Ghosts in fourth grade / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 29 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
A place called ugly : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 11 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 NW NW
Absinthe : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 17 ######## 5/28/2019 8:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 10 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
The wooden doll / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 43 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
Dance night / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 19 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
The pizza that time forgot / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 11 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
The promise / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 22 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
Within a budding grove / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/1999 23 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:25 SV SP
Airedale terriers : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 12 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 106 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Don't count the candles : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 19 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SP RN
The polyester grandpa / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 40 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 NW NW
The hunchback of Notre Dame / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 18 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
The boxes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 43 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 NW SS
Bonsai survival manual : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 55 1 4/6/2018 5/6/2019 8:43 NW TS
Solar energy / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/1999 33 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1999 40 5 ######## 9/26/2019 16:31 RN RN
The book of green tea / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1999 26 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:39 RN RN
Ezra Jack Keats : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1999 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
Hollywood cartoons : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/1999 14 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 57 2 ######## 8/12/2019 14:24 NW TS
A band of angels : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 37 3 ######## 3/16/2019 11:59 NW SO
The willows and beyond / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 42 18 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 NW RN
T-backs, t-shirts, coat, and suit / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 6 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
The cat owner's problem solver / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 66 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Apples / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 9 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 NW RN
The heart of rock & soul : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 29 3/9/2019 3/27/2019 8:11 SO TS
The eagle's shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/1999 30 1 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 NW RN
Saint Camber / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 10 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 76 10 6/4/2019 8/5/2019 13:33 NW TS
Homesick, my own story / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 23 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 23 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
Dragon's gate / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 31 6 ######## 8/19/2019 11:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 74 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NW RN
Tornado alley : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 22 2/3/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 12 2/7/2015 1/16/2019 17:26 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 36 5 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 NW RN
The new gardener / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 31 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
Red-hot hightops / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 15 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
Luxury fever : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/1999 34 1 6/9/2015 5/7/2019 11:51 NW SP
Nevada bandits, bushwhackers, outlaws, crooks,
BK rogues, heroes & other assorted
characters / 31 6 4/6/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
Won by love : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1999 14 2 2/9/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 NW TS
Seduced by success / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1999 9 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
Elfsong / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1999 40 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 NW SV
The onion harvest cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/1999 11 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:01 NW RN
The FBI and law enforcement agencies of the
States / 4/26/1999 15 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Quest : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1999 30 4 ######## 8/28/2019 9:02 NW TS
Whales of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1999 31 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
The potato harvest cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1999 30 2 ######## 10/24/2019 15:01 NW RN
Organic pest control for home & garden / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1999 32 5 2/6/2019 4/23/2019 13:46 NW TS
Charlie Chaplin : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1999 15 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
Shupton's fancy : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/1999 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
Cousins in the castle / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 36 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
Death of an adept : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 16 2 ######## 9/24/2019 12:35 NW RN
The five sisters / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 21 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
Feminist fairytales / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 9 3 ######## 9/12/2019 14:04 RN RN
Against the wind : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 5 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
That's funny, you don't look Buddhist : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 17 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 5 1 3/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
Catsmart : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 25 1 4/1/2013 5/30/2019 11:23 NW SS
Storage / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 37 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:07 NW RN
Diana & Dodi : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 28 1 4/1/2015 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
The New Yankee workshop kids' stuff / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/1999 28 ######## 10/21/2019 14:13 NW RN
A cry in the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 22 1 ######## 3/21/2019 12:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 63 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 NW TS
The case of the Goblin Pearls / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 6 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
Honor dance : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 7 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 48 4 8/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
People of the western range / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 40 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
A Christmas carol / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 37 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
Crossroads / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/1999 18 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 104 1 5/2/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
The dove always cried-- : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 8 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Gowanus dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 34 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
Mouse practice / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 66 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
Amahl and the night visitors / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 22 3 3/8/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
Harley-Davidson, 1930-1941 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 22 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
Red blood & black ink : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 4 2/5/2016 4/24/2019 15:41 NW RN
The wisdom of the body / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/1999 21 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 NW RN
Tribute to another dead rock star / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 12 1 1/7/2015 1/2/2019 10:37 NW SP
How to read a poem-- and start a poetry circle
/ BK 5/3/1999 9 3 5/4/2016 11/7/2019 14:58 RN RN
107 questions children ask about prayer / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 19 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
A certain smile / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 43 3 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
Elementals : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 16 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
Nocturne for a dangerous man / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 24 ######## 4/19/2019 17:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 66 3 ######## 7/29/2019 11:44 SV TS
The cape and other stories from the Japanese 3.12E+13
/ 5/3/1999 12 2 ######## 11/15/2019 14:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 50 4 ######## 6/25/2019 15:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 39 3 ######## 9/11/2019 12:50 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 23 ######## 5/28/2019 8:49 NW RN
Stephen Biesty's incredible body / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 54 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 90 5 ######## 5/8/2019 14:37 SS TS
Don't call me Rover!! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 48 2 ######## 6/22/2019 11:21 SS RN
Foreign brides / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/1999 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 81 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
The oxygen man / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 9 ######## 9/10/2019 14:39 SS RN
Battle creek / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 10 ######## 9/12/2019 13:01 SS RN
Andrew Johnson : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 12 2 ######## 4/23/2019 14:17 NW RN
Spiderweb / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 15 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 29 1 ######## 3/4/2019 11:30 SP SP
The winter worm business / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 7 2 7/1/2016 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
Nettie's trip South / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 16 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 NW NW
In a land of plenty / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 21 1 9/5/2019 9/26/2019 13:10 SS TS
Lure of the links : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The parables of Jesus : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 14 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 NW RN
The ancient city : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 39 4 ######## 2/6/2019 17:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 54 10 ######## 2/11/2019 12:15 NV RN
Early autumn : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 153 10 7/2/2019 7/17/2019 10:06 NW TS
My heart is on the ground : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 73 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 22 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
The children's atlas of scientific discoveries3.12E+13
and inventions
BK / 5/4/1999 9 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:51 NW RN
To end a war / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 10 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Indiana gothic : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Pack of cards and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 15 6 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
In the footsteps of Alexander the Great : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 27 9/6/2017 11/13/2019 11:24 NW RN
Hiroshima's shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 25 1 2/4/2015 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Massage : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 70 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
Komodo dragons : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 59 5 1/3/2019 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
Brother Number One : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 5 2/3/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Fossils / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 15 2 ######## 6/12/2019 10:28 RN RN
The world of Shakespeare / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/1999 17 2 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
Dating Miss Universe : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 12 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
George Bush : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 12 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
The Gentleman Outlaw and me--Eli : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 17 1 3/2/2016 1/22/2019 11:45 NW SP
Eagles of America / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 60 7 ######## 6/26/2019 14:57 NW TS
Parrots / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 35 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
What is an amphibian? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 69 1 ######## 2/23/2019 11:20 NW SP
What is a mammal? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 80 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
Robert E. Lee : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 18 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
An affair with Africa : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/1999 15 2/5/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Work like your dog : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 33 ######## 10/21/2019 11:28 SV RN
The quilt-block history of pioneer days : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 14 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 17 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
The atlas of the Bible lands : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 33 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
Hunter in the snow : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 18 1 4/4/2014 2/20/2019 16:31 NW SV
Rolling thunder : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 24 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 43 3 ######## 11/13/2019 15:33 SV TS
Mexicanos : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 16 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:18 SV RN
Moving beyond words / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 10 ######## 5/7/2019 11:49 NW SP
Snails and slugs / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 54 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 RN RN
Mountain mammals / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 36 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
The animals of the Chinese zodiac / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 31 2/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
Miss or Mrs? ; 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 29 ######## 9/20/2019 15:18 RN RN
Sailors' journey into war / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 9 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
Say hola to Spanish / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 90 1 2/9/2019 9/6/2019 10:08 NW TS
Journey to an 800 number / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 11 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
The real McKay : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 8 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Jacqueline du Pre : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/1999 16 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
Daddy, Daddy, be there / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 38 ######## 6/27/2019 9:32 NW TS
What a truly cool world! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 45 1 5/6/2017 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
Mexican Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo 3.12E+13 / BK 5/7/1999 28 5/7/2016 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 28 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Parzival : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 12 1 2/1/2018 5/2/2019 11:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 67 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 3 6/4/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
Play rhymes / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 34 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
The fantastic cutaway book of giant buildings3.12E+13
/ BK 5/7/1999 46 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 73 7 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 NV RN
Bad guys : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 9 7/9/2015 2/1/2019 15:38 NW IV
Irish country : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 14 4/1/2017 10/21/2019 15:42 NW RN
Celebrate! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 26 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
Morgan : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 9 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
What is a bird? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 22 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:28 RN SV
Next stop, Grand Central / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 19 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
Japan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 25 1 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
Keeping the air clean / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 21 ######## 2/1/2019 13:52 NW SV
The memory of earth / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 62 3 ######## 7/24/2019 15:15 SP TS
Celebrating Hanukkah / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 19 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
Bless us all : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/1999 32 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1999 69 10 ######## 1/23/2019 10:05 SV TS
The young tennis player / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1999 32 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
The Civil War 100 : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1999 25 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1999 23 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 NW SV
Passport on a plate : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1999 27 3 5/4/2013 1/17/2019 17:42 NW NW
Moray eels / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/1999 32 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
Selling scripts to Hollywood. 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/1999 40 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:59 RN RN
Lost in the victory : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/1999 11 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Miriam's cup : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/1999 21 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
Mystic places / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 28 1 2/8/2016 4/23/2019 12:37 NW RN
I wonder why flutes have holes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 18 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 NV SP
Shiloh : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 13 4/7/2016 11/8/2019 12:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 32 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW SP
Bottoms up! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 4 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Some plants grow in mid-air / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 21 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 34 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 45 7 ######## 10/23/2019 9:44 NW TS
Math play! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 39 4 ######## 10/23/2019 9:42 NW TS
Freedom of movement / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 2 1/7/2014 2/1/2019 13:50 NW SV
Chicken : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/1999 23 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW RN
The Oregon Trail / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 44 8 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
Caroline Feller Bauer's new handbook for storytellers
3.12E+13 BK: 5/12/1999 10 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
The ultimate soccer almanac / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 12 2 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 23 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SP SP
An Mei's strange and wondrous journey / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 38 4 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 NW SS
Las minas del rey Salomon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 11 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
Los mundos / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 7 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SV SS
Grand Central winter : 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 22 1/7/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
Corazon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 14 6/5/2014 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
To everything / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 32 1/2/2014 2/1/2019 13:46 NW SV
Come hell on high water : 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 20 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Albert Camus [and] Winston Churchill. 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 5 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
The African-American experience : 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/1999 10 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 NW RN
Count your way through Greece / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 26 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 20 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 45 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
The Phoenix Suns basketball team / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 25 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
The legacy of the Civil War / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 18 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Learning to fly : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 14 1 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
Man in the mirror : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 8 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Climb into my lap : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 34 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 41 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Modern mathematicians / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/1999 10 3 ######## 2/23/2019 15:08 NW SP
The iceman / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 22 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
A nation is born : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 30 2 3/3/2016 2/8/2019 17:36 NW SP
What if? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 35 10 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NV TS
The politics of hallowed ground : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 10 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
The common sense of an uncommon man3.12E+13
: BK 5/14/1999 12 ######## 11/8/2019 12:39 NW RN
The spitting image : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 13 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
Nola : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 9 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
Intimas suculencias : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 20 2 ######## 6/22/2019 11:45 RN RN
Cosas que importan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/1999 14 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
The Kingfisher young people's book of oceans
/ BK 5/15/1999 42 3 3/6/2017 2/23/2019 11:27 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/1999 21 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:01 NV RN
The crane wife / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/1999 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 76 2 ######## 3/7/2019 14:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 73 6 4/4/2016 11/12/2019 10:26 NW TS
Understanding electricity / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 47 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 SO IV
Dinosaurs all around : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 87 4 7/2/2019 9/10/2019 10:37 NW TS
Science in ancient Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 29 1 ######## 9/10/2019 10:25 NW TS
Science in ancient China / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 36 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
Patton : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 34 5 ######## 4/11/2019 15:01 NW TS
Random House Webster's dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 18 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Still me / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/1999 22 1 1/8/2016 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Poisonous lizards : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 70 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
Atlas of exploration / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 9 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Animal senses : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 24 6 3/5/2017 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
Three : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 27 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
Malcolm X / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
American Indian foods / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Zoology : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 19 3 ######## 9/10/2019 10:26 NW TS
Everybody dies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/1999 58 7 6/1/2019 7/10/2019 11:56 NW TS
Circus : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 17 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 77 5 ######## 3/7/2019 13:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 18 2 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The essential Dewey / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 18 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:05 NW RN
The unknown Matisse : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 11 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Tooth tales from around the world / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 16 1 4/3/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
Grand Canyon : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/1999 7 ######## 4/23/2019 14:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 37 3 ######## 1/18/2019 15:25 NW NW
The handbook of knots / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 79 3 ######## 5/20/2019 8:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 25 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 41 3 1/8/2019 1/23/2019 9:57 NW TS
Art attack : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 14 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Skilled work : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 10 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 NW SS
Elegy for Iris / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 23 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
A history of graphic design / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 33 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Let's make presents / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 40 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
The story of Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 32 3 ######## 9/5/2019 10:36 NW TS
A child's book of art : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 42 8 ######## 9/6/2019 9:15 NW TS
The book of green tea / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 32 5 ######## 5/6/2019 8:38 NW TS
The Columbia anthology of British poetry /3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 23 ######## 3/7/2019 8:39 NW RN
The allergy self-help cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 40 3 ######## 1/23/2019 10:12 NW TS
Bulldozers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 31 4 8/6/2019 9/10/2019 10:27 NW TS
Milton : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Barn : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 22 2/4/2012 7/8/2019 9:15 NW SS
Japanese detail : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/1999 55 1 ######## 6/28/2019 13:18 NW RN
Henri Matisse / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1999 5 3 ######## 5/6/2019 8:57 NW TS
Bright star shining : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1999 27 3 2/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
Endless frontier : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/1999 5 1 ######## 10/4/2019 15:36 NW RN
Understanding Adventures of Huckleberry3.12E+13
Finn : BK 5/21/1999 15 5/5/2015 7/3/2019 10:46 NW SS
The kingdom of zydeco / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
Norman Rockwell / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 12 ######## 7/8/2019 9:15 RN SS
Capturing childhood memories : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 19 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 NW SS
The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust and the 3.12E+13
Spiders fromBK Mars : 5/22/1999 22 5/9/2016 7/2/2019 15:44 RN RN
At home with the past : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 46 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Scherenschnitte : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 19 3 ######## 7/1/2019 11:25 NW RN
Parties for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 43 3 5/8/2018 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
The shameful life of Salvador Dali / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/1999 43 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
The Irwin guide to using the Wall Street Journal
/ BK 5/22/1999 30 2 ######## 5/21/2019 17:44 NW SP
The world's wild places / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 2 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 NW NW
New decoupage : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 47 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
Science magic : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 33 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 58 1 ######## 1/23/2019 16:26 NW TS
Come morning / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 12 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Charles Babbage and the engines of perfection
/ BK 5/24/1999 17 4 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SO SV
Hazardous duty / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 18 1 ######## 6/22/2019 11:30 NW RN
A weekend with Winslow Homer / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 6 2/5/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
Arrogant armies : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 8 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Buckskin & buffalo : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 19 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
Machine quilting with decorative threads /3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 55 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
How do we move? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 33 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
Wild rose of Ruby Canyon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/1999 35 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 NW TS
Words of the dragon : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 28 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Funk : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 11 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
The complete idiot's guide to jazz / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 17 1 4/9/2015 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
Leonardo da Vinci : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 87 10 ######## 11/20/2019 13:26 NW TS
Grand tours and cooks' tours : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 11 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 59 3 5/4/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 NW VE
Do they hear you when you cry / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 11 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Justice / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 38 1 ######## 7/24/2019 15:24 SP TS
Art is a way of knowing / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 44 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Art of the Florida Seminole and Miccosukee 3.12E+13
Indians /BK 5/25/1999 7 ######## 2/27/2019 10:49 NW TS
Readings on The great Gatsby / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 36 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
The Powhatan Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 13 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
Coaching youth volleyball / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 15 ######## 7/3/2019 9:55 NW RN
Science in early Islamic culture / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/1999 5 ######## 2/1/2019 13:43 NW SV
Art of the gold rush / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 10 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 51 6 7/8/2019 8/21/2019 8:42 NW TS
One present from Flekman's / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 54 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 NW RN
Converse all star basketball : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 61 9 ######## 6/26/2019 14:58 NW TS
Quick and easy topiary and green sculpture 3.12E+13
/ BK 5/26/1999 23 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:44 NW RN
Elvis : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 20 2 4/8/2019 4/11/2019 14:54 NW TS
Max Schmeling : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 18 2 ######## 11/6/2019 12:53 NW RN
Unsolved mysteries of American history / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/1999 63 2 ######## 10/22/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 63 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NV
Senator Joe McCarthy / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 13 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Strike swiftly! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 21 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Degas in New Orleans : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 15 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
Dust bowl migrants in the American imagination
/ BK 5/27/1999 4 1 2/1/2015 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
A great heritage : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 17 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 NW RN
Readings on A doll's house / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 11 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
Junior college / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 14 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
Readings on The pearl / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 4 7/5/2016 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Francis Bacon : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 13 1 2/2/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
Bulbs : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/1999 22 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/1999 59 3 1/6/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
It's here now (are you?) : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/1999 8 1 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 NW TS
Heaven's coast : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/1999 10 1 3/1/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
The Kids Can Press jumbo book of crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/1999 76 5 ######## 7/17/2019 11:55 SV TS
John Charles Fremont and the great Western 3.12E+13
BK / 6/2/1999 39 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/1999 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SO RN
Roberto Clemente : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/1999 10 1 6/2/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The silence in the mountains / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1999 32 ######## 2/6/2019 16:52 SP RN
The life I lead : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1999 27 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
ENIAC, the triumphs and tragedies of the world's
BKcomputer / 6/3/1999 18 ######## 4/23/2019 12:40 SP RN
Goodnight, Nebraska : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/1999 17 2 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Quicker than the eye / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/1999 45 4 ######## 11/25/2019 8:17 NW TS
D.A. : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1999 29 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SV RN
Designer knits / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1999 24 1 2/3/2015 1/11/2019 13:02 RN RN
Snowshoe trails of Tahoe / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1999 53 11 1/2/2019 3/6/2019 13:52 NW TS
Fields and pastures new : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/1999 8 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
Forged by fire / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1999 27 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW SV
Oscar Wilde : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1999 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Readings on Macbeth / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/1999 28 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1999 47 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:23 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1999 50 7 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
Dorling Kindersley visual timeline of transportation
3.12E+13 /BK 6/9/1999 35 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
Ortho's all about annuals / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1999 6 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
The cheese bible / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/1999 39 4 ######## 8/2/2019 10:50 NW RN
Who are you? / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1999 14 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 NW SP
Generations of women : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1999 12 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 NW SS
Fire fighter! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1999 78 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1999 20 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The winter people / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1999 12 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Soldier life / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/1999 26 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Final assault on the Rising Sun : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1999 33 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 NW SP
The original mountain bike book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1999 40 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Fairchild-Republic A/OA-10 warthog / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/1999 28 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1999 78 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NW
The straw bale house / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1999 27 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 IV RN
The complete manual of wood veneering /3.12E+13 BK 6/17/1999 7 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/1999 85 11 5/9/2019 8/5/2019 12:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/1999 36 2 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/1999 116 7 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
Bad trips / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/1999 43 3 9/1/2019 10/30/2019 8:45 NW TS
Geisha / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/1999 26 1 ######## 10/12/2019 12:24 NW RN
Station wagon : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/1999 17 ######## 8/2/2019 10:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/1999 15 2/5/2016 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Flashing on the sixties / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1999 33 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1999 23 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1999 29 2 ######## 8/23/2019 14:13 SV RN
KidStress : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1999 35 1 5/7/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
The sonnets and narrative poems / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/1999 29 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:19 SV TS
Living the 7 habits : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/1999 64 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Wildlife and plants of the world. 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/1999 3 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
Gas station memories / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1999 3 ######## 10/21/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1999 27 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1999 34 6 9/5/2019 11/8/2019 11:24 NW TS
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1999 33 8 9/4/2019 11/8/2019 11:24 NW TS
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/1999 20 4 ######## 11/8/2019 11:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1999 10 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
Coffin's game : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/1999 19 2 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/1999 11 1 8/8/2018 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
Winning volleyball for girls / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/1999 24 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 NW RN
Tap dancing / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/1999 19 1 9/3/2015 1/12/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/1999 12 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 SP SP
Brazil : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/1999 34 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:05 RN RN
The art of American Indian cooking, 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/1999 22 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/1999 25 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:49 SP RN
Painting murals : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 66 2 8/5/2014 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 4 1 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 3 1 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 6 2 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 4 2 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 5 1 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/1999 4 1 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
ENIAC, the triumphs and tragedies of the world's
3.12E+13 first
BKcomputer / 7/2/1999 14 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/1999 4 3 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 NW SP
Italy. 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/1999 29 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
Turkey. 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/1999 13 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
Ireland. 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/1999 34 7 ######## 1/23/2019 15:49 NW RN
Coaching offensive linemen / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/1999 20 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Bobby Flay's boy meets grill : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1999 41 6/4/2014 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
Sanar la verguenza que nos domina / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1999 29 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
The amah / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1999 8 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/1999 35 3 ######## 9/11/2019 13:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/1999 69 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SS
The Star Wars cook book : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/1999 116 16 8/1/2019 9/24/2019 15:21 RN TS
Toni Morrison's Beloved / 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/1999 17 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
Great expectations : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/1999 17 1 ######## 11/7/2019 15:23 NW RN
British women fiction writers of the 19th century
3.12E+13 / BK 7/8/1999 8 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/1999 77 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 IV RN
National Audubon Society field guide to the3.12E+13
night skyBK/ 7/12/1999 43 2 ######## 5/7/2019 10:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1999 22 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Greetings from this modern world / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/1999 22 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
You have to stand for something, or you'll 3.12E+13
fall for anything
BK / 7/13/1999 18 1 2/3/2017 5/29/2019 14:25 SV RN
Uncle Tom's Cabin : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/1999 12 1 ######## 3/7/2019 17:27 NV NV
Secret weapon : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/1999 8 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/1999 8 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 RN NW
The flight of the Romanovs : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1999 31 2 ######## 3/11/2019 8:49 SP TS
Adam and evil : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1999 54 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1999 55 ######## 3/4/2019 16:49 SS SP
Lord demon / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1999 35 ######## 4/16/2019 16:38 SV SP
The view from Alger's window : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1999 23 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SV RN
My date with Satan : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/1999 27 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Temari : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 13 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
When dinosaurs go to school / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 87 13 6/1/2019 6/28/2019 12:25 RN TS
Rainy's powwow / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 36 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SP RN
The rain forest / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 33 7 ######## 6/13/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 33 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SP SS
Tundra discoveries / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 27 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
Get fit while you sit : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/1999 43 3 ######## 6/4/2019 14:56 SP RN
365 travel games & activities / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1999 24 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
Three smart pals / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/1999 47 3 ######## 4/23/2019 9:13 SS TS
The hours of the virgin / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/1999 46 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/1999 58 3 ######## 7/17/2019 10:07 SV TS
Delicious hullabaloo = 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/1999 28 11 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 SP RN
Off the planet : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/1999 12 1 ######## 6/24/2019 11:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1999 74 6 2/5/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 IV TS
The most complete food counter / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1999 12 4 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
Complete poems, 1904-1962 / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1999 14 5 ######## 3/20/2019 8:08 RN TS
The plan / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/1999 50 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/1999 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
White Wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/1999 34 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SV RN
Tut's mummy lost-- and found / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 46 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:40 SS TS
Sailor song / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 16 2 9/8/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 RN SV
Too big / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 72 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 15 1 5/2/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
King Midas / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 20 ######## 2/1/2019 13:47 SV SV
Zelda and Ivy and the boy next door / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 49 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
In the heart of the quake / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 9 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 NW RN
White tiger, blue serpent / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 16 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The black geese : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/1999 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:42 SV RN
Janice VanCleave's A+ projects in earth science
: BK 8/4/1999 31 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Soros on Soros : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/1999 25 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 31 5 2/5/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 67 3 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 NW RN
Crossing the Colorado Rockies, 1864 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 22 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 19 2 ######## 3/4/2019 11:36 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 46 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
Voyage to a free land, 1630 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 19 3 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SV SP
The eleventh commandment / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/1999 53 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 44 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
Fair ball! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 7 7/1/2016 2/23/2019 15:07 SP SP
Sparrow Hawk Red / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 14 1 7/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:41 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 27 3/2/2016 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
Roberto Goizueta : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 14 2/4/2015 6/22/2019 11:43 NV RN
Contemporary California architects / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 4 1 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The view from Alger's window : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 11 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Emergencies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/1999 63 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 NW RN
Twin trouble / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 22 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 59 3 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 35 1 ######## 5/8/2019 14:25 NV TS
The child's world of responsibility / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 57 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:27 NW RN
George Washington Carver / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 45 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
Baseball's forgotten heroes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 16 2 ######## 6/25/2019 15:54 NW RN
Rush for riches : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 21 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:51 SO RN
Why should extroverts make all the money? 3.12E+13
: BK 8/10/1999 51 8 2/4/2017 7/15/2019 10:41 NW RN
The California landscape garden : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/1999 21 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1999 75 5 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1999 29 1 6/6/2016 10/4/2019 14:26 IV RN
The ghost : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1999 33 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Creating character emotions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1999 54 8 ######## 7/24/2019 7:57 NW TS
Shakespeare's sonnets and poems / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1999 16 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Creative wedding decorations you can make 3.12E+13
/ BK 8/11/1999 34 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/1999 46 1 6/8/2017 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
Complete conditioning for football / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1999 30 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
Custom knifemaking : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1999 29 8 ######## 5/28/2019 8:19 NV RN
A more perfect union : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1999 9 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
Martial arts are not just for kicking butt : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/1999 24 7 ######## 10/4/2019 9:39 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1999 75 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
The yearling / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1999 51 4 4/9/2019 5/31/2019 11:54 SS TS
Cowboy Baby / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1999 73 3 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1999 22 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
The female cyclist : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/1999 15 9/3/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
The great tomato book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 42 ######## 6/24/2019 11:07 SP RN
Before the wind : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 9 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
The case of the firecrackers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 7 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 43 4 5/6/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 51 1 6/5/2016 9/12/2019 10:31 SO RN
Missouri bound / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 20 4 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 31 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:53 SV RN
Last one in is a rotten egg, 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 60 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Zen computer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/1999 26 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
History of women's costume / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/1999 27 4/6/2019 5/7/2019 15:25 NW TS
Kilrone / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/1999 92 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC SS
Scarecrows : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1999 30 1 ######## 8/6/2019 10:50 NW RN
Precision putting / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/1999 24 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Marijuana / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1999 9 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
One-of-a-kind Mallie / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/1999 10 2/5/2015 1/2/2019 10:20 NW SP
Snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/1999 47 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
The experiment / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/1999 23 1 3/2/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1999 44 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
Piano servicing, tuning, and rebuilding for 3.12E+13
the professional,
BK the student, and the hobbyist /8/24/1999 19 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
Penguins! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/1999 89 7 6/1/2019 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
Duke Ellington, jazz composer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1999 7 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
Essential mathematics for life. 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1999 58 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
Children of Prometheus : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1999 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
The study of orchestration / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1999 16 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
The bread builders : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1999 34 14 ######## 8/9/2019 8:10 NW TS
Pyramids / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/1999 26 3 ######## 10/2/2019 10:41 NW TS
The revolutionaries / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1999 39 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The big band almanac / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1999 6 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 NW RN
Learning to paint, airbrush / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1999 34 3 ######## 10/21/2019 15:27 NW RN
Finch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1999 30 1 1/2/2014 2/20/2019 16:13 SS SV
What can you do in the snow? 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/1999 91 9 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NW
The Portable Greek reader / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1999 13 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Barbarians and Romans : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1999 14 1/6/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Celtic Britain / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1999 30 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Encyclopedia of gods : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1999 11 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 NW RN
Iliad : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1999 16 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
El invierno / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/1999 44 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 NW SV
The Silk Road : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/1999 41 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:09 SO TS
Penguins / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/1999 59 8 9/8/2019 9/24/2019 15:07 NW TS
Step-by-step guide to drawing the figure /3.12E+13 BK 9/1/1999 70 5 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
The fuzzy future : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 30 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
The book of rules : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 23 2 ######## 11/1/2019 15:50 NW RN
Concrete mixers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 52 4 8/9/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
Shelby Foote, the Civil War, a narrative / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 41 5 ######## 8/19/2019 8:58 NW TS
The child's world of manners / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 64 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Great heroes of mythology / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 26 1 ######## 10/24/2019 14:22 SP TS
Conquer the sky : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 36 ######## 10/18/2019 13:54 NW RN
Salvador Dali / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 11 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 NW NW
Chattanooga / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 16 4 2/7/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The child's world of understanding / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 61 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
The child's world of caring / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/1999 63 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/1999 63 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
Wind in the stone / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1999 41 3 9/1/2019 10/3/2019 12:11 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1999 21 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
People of the desert / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1999 17 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
Where was Atlantis? / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1999 46 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:26 NW SS
The Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/1999 27 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 RN RN
Turtle songs : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:04 SP RN
The lost glass plates of Wilfred Eng : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 5 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Leaping Man Hill / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 13 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 111 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
The wicked winter / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 37 2 ######## 1/2/2019 11:47 SP SP
The fifty years' war : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 23 2 7/8/2017 11/8/2019 13:42 SV RN
Candles for the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 25 1 ######## 9/16/2019 12:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 65 3 ######## 6/27/2019 10:38 SP TS
Sleeping bones / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/1999 37 2/3/2015 1/2/2019 13:25 SP SP
Green Thumb / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1999 32 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1999 33 3 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1999 15 ######## 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
Summer fun! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1999 30 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SV RN
First son : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1999 31 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Ten silly dogs : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/1999 66 3 ######## 6/27/2019 9:48 IV TS
Wild discovery guide to your cat : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1999 90 6 ######## 5/2/2019 11:05 SV RN
Class clown / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/1999 40 1 ######## 3/7/2019 14:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1999 58 4 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 NW RN
Garter snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1999 46 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1999 60 1 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
Fairy tale jokes / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1999 23 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
At the police station / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/1999 28 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 40 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 SP NW
Power trip / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 70 3 ######## 3/7/2019 15:25 NV TS
Watch runs away / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 63 10 6/6/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 61 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
The Berenstain Bears go up and down / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 54 11 ######## 11/20/2019 14:05 GE TS
Star wars, episode I, watch out, Jar Jar! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 70 3 ######## 3/8/2019 15:59 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 52 6 6/6/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Button crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 31 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 13 6 ######## 2/4/2019 9:24 NV RN
Una muerte sin nombre / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/1999 27 3 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
The teaching gap : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1999 17 5 4/9/2018 6/27/2019 14:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1999 18 ######## 6/28/2019 12:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1999 95 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
Short "i" and Long "i" play a game / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1999 75 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
Play with u and g / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1999 109 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
Weekend projects : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/1999 34 2 3/7/2015 8/2/2019 11:08 SP RN
The gourmet prescription : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1999 28 3 ######## 10/21/2019 11:40 IV RN
Birds at your feeder : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1999 17 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1999 125 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
My five book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/1999 87 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
Splendid needlepoint : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/1999 9 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
The greatest benefit to mankind : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/1999 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/1999 50 1 ######## 7/29/2019 13:11 NW RN
Garlic is life : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/1999 11 ######## 10/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
The optics book : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1999 28 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1999 66 1 4/4/2016 2/12/2019 16:48 NW VE
The films of the thirties / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1999 27 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1999 34 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
Zydeco! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/1999 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 62 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SO
Baby angels / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 31 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 36 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Handbook to life in ancient Greece / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 35 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 NW TS
Grandma summer / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 64 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 10 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 NW RN
How many candles? / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/1999 35 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 10 3/9/2017 10/16/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 26 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 6 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Camp Colt to Desert Storm : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 20 ######## 5/28/2019 8:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 29 2 ######## 7/29/2019 13:14 SP RN
Wings of destiny / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 29 3/5/2015 2/8/2019 16:53 SP SP
A history of Japan : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 43 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:09 RN TS
Temari adventures : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/1999 21 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
Judo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 10 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
The secret garden / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 55 12 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Prelude to the century, 1870-1900 / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 25 4 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 32 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 15 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 53 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 TR RN
MusicHound swing! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 3 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 NW SS
Deep background / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/1999 30 2/5/2019 3/26/2019 9:08 SP TS
Ductigami : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1999 49 3 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1999 91 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
Step-by-step trees & shrubs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1999 41 1 ######## 7/15/2019 9:21 SS TS
Learn to play go / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/1999 52 3 4/2/2019 5/3/2019 14:49 RN RN
Fish riddles / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/1999 16 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 7 ######## 2/1/2019 18:04 SP SP
Hot air balloons / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 61 1 ######## 10/2/2019 14:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 6 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
The photo transfer handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 31 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 NW SS
Caddisflies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 39 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
King Rat / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 26 3 ######## 7/16/2019 10:49 SP RN
The accurate router : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/1999 38 ######## 7/1/2019 11:47 SP RN
Eagles / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/1999 60 2 ######## 4/5/2019 15:37 NW TS
Where is that cat? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1999 53 1 3/1/2017 2/4/2019 15:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1999 32 2/2/2016 2/1/2019 11:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1999 14 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
Aunt Pitty Patty's piggy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1999 47 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
Are we there yet, Daddy? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1999 15 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
The crossword murder / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/1999 26 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
Death of an angel / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/1999 27 1 ######## 10/1/2019 15:40 SS RN
Destination--polar regions / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1999 18 3 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 RN TS
The glorious Christmas songbook / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1999 21 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
The handy space answer book / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1999 28 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN NW
Twentieth century interpretations of The praise
of folly
BK ; 10/6/1999 4 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
The body in the fjord / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/1999 20 2 ######## 7/29/2019 13:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 45 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 NW RN
Spectacular science : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 19 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 37 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 SV NW
The United States of America : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 39 6 ######## 5/24/2019 10:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 71 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
The acrobat and the angel / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 20 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
Que es el sol? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/1999 39 6 ######## 1/25/2019 16:17 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 53 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
Marks in place : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 9 ######## 5/20/2019 14:05 RN RN
Saints : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 24 1 2/3/2016 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
How to write a story / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 38 8 ######## 10/4/2019 9:12 RN TS
Crafts for kids who are wild about rainforest
/ BK 10/11/1999 29 2 ######## 10/23/2019 10:44 RN TS
Common colds / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 9 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Silly Billy! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 34 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
Are you the pet for me? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/1999 8 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 84 5 4/1/2019 10/23/2019 10:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 23 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Graders / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 26 2 2/5/2015 1/19/2019 16:53 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 55 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
Snow and us / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 49 3 ######## 9/17/2019 11:05 SP TS
Sun and us / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 17 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:49 SP TR
Wind and us / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/1999 35 3 ######## 2/3/2019 13:50 SP TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/1999 11 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1999 19 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SV SS
Thumbsucker : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1999 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
Blind man's bluff : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1999 54 4 ######## 11/13/2019 14:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/1999 36 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Jackie after Jack : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/1999 37 2 ######## 8/2/2019 8:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/1999 54 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
The arithmetic of life / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 17 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
The tiniest giants : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 25 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
Novels, 1957-1962 / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 18 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:52 NW TS
Warfighters : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 48 2 ######## 6/12/2019 8:46 NW TS
Moving house / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 55 1 3/5/2018 3/7/2019 16:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 32 8 ######## 8/14/2019 9:58 NW RN
Wild about game : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 25 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 26 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:55 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 27 ######## 9/11/2019 15:55 SP TS
The most wanted / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/1999 21 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1999 29 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1999 47 7 ######## 9/17/2019 9:42 NW TS
Alaska Light : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1999 33 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Iris and her friends : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1999 22 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
52-week football training / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/1999 25 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1999 38 13 ######## 6/26/2019 8:22 NW TS
Wildlife wars : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1999 31 2 ######## 5/29/2019 14:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1999 24 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SP RN
In concert performance : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1999 7 ######## 8/21/2019 15:08 SS RN
Spago chocolate / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1999 30 1 ######## 6/12/2019 8:45 SP TS
The final Faberge / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/1999 33 ######## 4/6/2019 13:36 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/1999 20 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Owen Foote, frontiersman / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1999 11 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1999 29 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
The snoop / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1999 13 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
Hush, little baby : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/1999 55 4 ######## 11/13/2019 15:42 NW TS
Adventure cycling in northern California : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 17 3 ######## 10/23/2019 14:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 80 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 20 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
The big test : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 15 2/8/2015 6/4/2019 13:55 NW RN
Holy land : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 10 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 13 3 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/1999 20 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
Colonization : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1999 30 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:16 SP SP
The bowhunter's handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/1999 10 1 6/5/2015 8/2/2019 9:53 SP RN
Children of the vampire / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/1999 14 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Wind in the stone / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1999 31 3 ######## 4/19/2019 17:37 SP SP
Deep in the heart of Texas : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1999 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:20 SP RN
Walkin' the dog / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/1999 25 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:39 NW RN
A gift of angels / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/1999 10 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Grandmothers' stories : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1999 30 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
The seeds of peace / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1999 18 2 1/7/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
Tom Swift, the Bobbsey twins, and other heroes
of American
BK juvenile literature / 11/4/1999 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
The hare and the tortoise : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/1999 32 3/5/2015 1/20/2019 15:04 TR TR
Where is that cat? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 76 1 4/4/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 45 ######## 9/24/2019 12:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 104 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 58 4 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
Locating lost family members & friends / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 11 5 8/2/2017 6/20/2019 13:40 IV TS
The promise / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 34 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
A gift from papa Diego = 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 32 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
Breath sweeps mind : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 59 3 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
Saving Agnes / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/1999 11 7/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Visions of heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1999 67 5/7/2016 6/4/2019 12:04 SP RN
The king and the gentleman : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1999 14 6/5/2015 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
The accidental Asian : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1999 15 1 1/8/2018 4/23/2019 14:52 NW RN
Food and recipes of the Pilgrims / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1999 17 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
Creative climbers : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1999 59 2 ######## 7/15/2019 9:21 NW TS
The dream maker / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/1999 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 5 1 1/4/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Spas : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 12 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 NW SS
Grandfather Tang's story / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 66 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 NW VE
The wrath of the grinning ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 25 2 2/8/2019 3/28/2019 11:03 SV TS
Midnight magic / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 64 1 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 52 3 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 NW TS
Up the Amazon without a paddle / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 29 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 12 2 8/6/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 16 9/5/2014 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
What do we know about the Romans? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 36 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 NW SV
Minnie and Moo go to Paris / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 83 5 ######## 5/14/2019 10:42 NW TS
Thai tales : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/1999 11 3 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
The router joinery handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 11/11/1999 20 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SS RN
The tarantula whisperer : 3.12E+13 BK 11/11/1999 4 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1999 20 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 RN SV
The blue hour / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1999 90 2 4/5/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
Presumed guilty : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1999 27 ######## 6/4/2019 13:36 RN RN
Jason's gold / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1999 65 5 ######## 3/16/2019 12:02 SP SO
Colored pencil portraits step by step / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/1999 47 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Getting near to baby / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1999 13 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 NW SP
Caterpillars / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1999 17 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:28 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1999 62 8 ######## 8/14/2019 11:53 NW TS
What about me? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/1999 56 1 2/7/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 SS RN
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 4 1 ######## 10/7/2019 11:05 NW SS
The wreckers / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 34 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
A people apart : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 8 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Judo / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 10 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 88 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP NV
Cat and mouse in the snow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 101 5 6/7/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 26 2/4/2019 8/5/2019 13:45 RN TS
Teddy Bear's scrapbook / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/1999 23 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1999 6 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
100 great pie & pastry recipes / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/1999 53 3 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1999 85 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1999 26 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
The flyaway pantaloons / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/1999 14 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
The world of cactus & succulents, and other
BK plants / 11/20/1999 31 1 9/6/2018 4/23/2019 15:26 SS TS
Creepy cuisine / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1999 19 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
The Upanishads : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1999 23 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 NW SS
Siempre te querre / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1999 61 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1999 67 3 3/8/2017 1/19/2019 15:07 NW SV
The notebook of lost things / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/1999 17 4/4/2015 3/4/2019 10:33 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1999 25 3 ######## 2/4/2019 9:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1999 43 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 NW RN
Grimm's fairy tales / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/1999 19 11 ######## 6/26/2019 15:32 GE SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1999 37 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/1999 29 1 1/3/2017 2/5/2019 16:04 NW SV
The New York Times century of business /3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1999 11 ######## 5/6/2019 9:10 NW RN
Total memory workout : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1999 45 7 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 NW RN
Slaves in the family / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/1999 29 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1999 45 2 3/5/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1999 14 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/1999 15 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1999 62 2 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 NW RN
Making loss matter : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/1999 16 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1999 63 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
One Sunday morning / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/1999 43 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/1999 39 3 ######## 10/12/2019 11:08 SP RN
Randy Savage : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1999 9 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/1999 29 4 ######## 10/12/2019 11:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/1999 23 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1999 59 6 6/2/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
Killer algae / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/1999 14 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
Shocking beauty : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1999 66 9/8/2018 4/10/2019 8:18 NW TS
The complete guide to hunting. 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/1999 11 6/5/2015 8/2/2019 10:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SS RN
All or nothing / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 107 ######## 8/12/2019 14:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 17 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 121 6 ######## 1/23/2019 18:22 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 29 2 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
The miracle of flight / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 16 1 ######## 6/22/2019 11:53 SP RN
Tiptoe into kindergarten / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 48 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Elske / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 20 2 9/3/2014 1/15/2019 11:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 14 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Lost treasure of the Inca / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/1999 26 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
Young Cam Jansen and the baseball mystery 3.12E+13
/ BK 12/14/1999 81 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NV RN
Ten little bears : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 63 4 1/9/2019 1/23/2019 16:25 NV TS
Revision : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 25 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:12 NV TS
The perilous journey of the Donner Party /3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 26 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV RN
Dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 96 6 ######## 12/9/2019 15:28 NV TS
One monkey too many / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 78 4 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 NV RN
Old MacDonald / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 53 2 ######## 5/31/2019 12:58 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 97 3 1/5/2019 3/7/2019 14:11 SS TS
Rip Van Winkle / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/1999 22 ######## 4/11/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 18 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
A bed full of cats / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 90 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 45 1 ######## 7/10/2019 9:48 NV TS
Silverhair / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 27 ######## 9/18/2019 10:30 SS RN
A stockingful of joy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 34 ######## 9/17/2019 15:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 18 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
Sea horses / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 78 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/1999 23 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Ooo-cha! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/1999 15 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/1999 104 5 5/7/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
The desert mermaid = 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/1999 25 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1999 11 3 ######## 5/24/2019 13:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1999 29 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 RN RN
El autobus magico se descompone : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/1999 5 1 2/3/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1999 49 1 4/8/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Oh no, it's Robert / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/1999 37 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/1999 73 1 1/2/2019 10/3/2019 8:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/1999 16 6/6/2016 4/24/2019 15:26 RN RN
Miss America, 1945 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/1999 8 1/8/2015 2/15/2019 11:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1999 64 8 1/2/2019 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
The Senate / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/1999 12 ######## 1/16/2019 17:16 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1999 43 5 3/3/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
Moses : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1999 15 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The waste land; 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/1999 9 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2000 40 1 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2000 15 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NV RN
How to teach your dyslexic child to read : 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2000 15 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:55 SS RN
Dot to dot Zen : 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2000 25 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2000 28 ######## 11/8/2019 11:24 SV TS
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2000 14 3 8/8/2019 11/8/2019 11:24 SV TS
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2000 23 4 9/6/2019 9/24/2019 14:23 SV TS
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2000 33 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2000 22 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:40 RN RN
American heritage cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2000 29 3 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 RN TS
How bats see in the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2000 41 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2000 83 16 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 8:29 SO RN
Another look at sobriety : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2000 11 3 9/6/2019 9/27/2019 10:05 IV TS
The longest hair in the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 38 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 34 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 36 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
Amelia's war / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 38 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SS SV
American generalship : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 7 ######## 5/29/2019 11:22 SP SP
What if? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 12 1 1/7/2018 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
All together now / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 42 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
Games from long ago / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 12 ######## 2/23/2019 15:02 SP SP
Colonial times from A to Z / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 42 7 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
How to enter and win an invention contest3.12E+13
/ BK 1/20/2000 25 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 SP IV
Be first in the universe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 44 1 8/4/2017 2/1/2019 17:11 NV RN
Fire in the night : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 26 3 ######## 8/12/2019 8:19 SP TS
Cassidy's run : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2000 7 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2000 103 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2000 21 5 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2000 46 1 4/6/2018 2/4/2019 15:06 RN RN
Explosive acts : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2000 13 3 ######## 11/7/2019 15:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2000 43 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2000 41 1 ######## 7/1/2019 15:27 RN TS
The birthday presents / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2000 19 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2000 19 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2000 35 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
People / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2000 52 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2000 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:01 IV RN
The ghost of Lizard Light / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2000 33 4 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 NW RN
Ayudese con la magia blanca / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2000 20 10 6/6/2018 5/7/2019 10:53 TR TS
Fat! So? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2000 11 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SS RN
Imagine that! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2000 24 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
Colonization : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2000 34 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2000 71 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 RN RN
Mom and dad don't live together any more3.12E+13
/ BK 2/9/2000 9 1 1/6/2016 1/19/2019 15:07 SS SV
Angela's ashes : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2000 79 2 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SP TS
Foucault's pendulum / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2000 36 5 ######## 7/17/2019 10:46 NW TS
Darklost / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2000 20 ######## 8/21/2019 14:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2000 32 4 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2000 46 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
La mitad de una mariposa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2000 12 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 NW RN
Roman myths and legends / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2000 32 8 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
Witches and witch-hunts : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2000 32 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
WWII air war : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2000 30 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 SV TS
A pie went by / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 29 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 49 2/6/2019 2/20/2019 15:17 SP RN
Mad about plaid! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 26 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 19 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Ten go tango / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 35 4 ######## 12/20/2019 9:46 SP TS
Ten go tango / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 47 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
Starbright and the Dream Eater / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 16 1 8/9/2018 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
Grandpa's corner store / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2000 48 3 4/3/2017 1/16/2019 13:25 TR SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2000 48 2 ######## 10/16/2019 9:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2000 31 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2000 53 7 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SS RN
Let's go, baby-o! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2000 25 2 9/8/2017 2/4/2019 15:36 SV RN
On my street / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2000 62 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 NW TS
The new Oxford picture dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2000 6 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:23 NW NW
The basic Oxford picture dictionary : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2000 14 2/5/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
The spooky sleepover / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2000 67 12 4/3/2019 4/25/2019 10:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2000 15 3/7/2015 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
La lista / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2000 8 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2000 11 3/5/2015 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Improve your riding skills / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2000 19 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SP IV
Spider Sparrow / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 7 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
Gloria's way / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 21 2 ######## 2/5/2019 17:38 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 71 7 4/3/2019 6/13/2019 11:47 SP TS
Why not? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 47 9 1/7/2019 2/6/2019 11:52 SP RN
Oliver Wendell Holmes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Satchel Paige / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 18 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 11 ######## 2/4/2019 9:56 SV RN
Me and my cat? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 73 6 6/2/2019 7/10/2019 9:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 53 9 ######## 6/25/2019 15:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 59 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2000 25 3 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Alexander the Great and ancient Greece / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 42 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 16 3 ######## 4/9/2019 17:14 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 40 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
A dog's best friend : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 26 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 19 3 3/1/2017 5/3/2019 16:39 SP SP
How to catch an elephant / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 102 9 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 42 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
Jeremiah learns to read / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 22 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
Unwanted company / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 48 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:54 NW RN
Paul Cezanne / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 10 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
Gabriel's fire / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 9 2/4/2015 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 38 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The World book of math power. 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 27 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Games / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2000 9 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 43 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV SS
Jack on the tracks : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 22 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:44 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 33 ######## 9/20/2019 15:17 SP RN
The triumph of the moon : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 49 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 23 ######## 9/16/2019 13:00 SS RN
I was a rat! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 19 9/5/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 39 ######## 3/7/2019 11:28 NW TS
You go away / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 18 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Don't call it paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2000 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
Oysters / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2000 13 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Miss Mary Mack and other children's street 3.12E+13
rhymes /BK 3/10/2000 41 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
Room for Ripley / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2000 27 8 ######## 3/22/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2000 38 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
The exchange student / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2000 6 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2000 36 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NV TS
One-act plays for acting students : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2000 16 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:48 RN SP
Actresses' audition speeches for all ages and3.12E+13
/ 3/15/2000 42 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2000 64 5 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SO TS
Forward drive : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2000 24 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SV SS
Eight steps to seven figures : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2000 50 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The world's shortest stories of love and death
/ BK 3/22/2000 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
German poetry in transition, 1945-1990 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2000 7 1 ######## 11/20/2019 15:07 SP RN
Modern times, modern places / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2000 2 2/1/2016 11/15/2019 14:17 SS RN
Mouse practice / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2000 64 2 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
Fortress of dragons / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2000 46 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Denmark Vesey / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2000 5 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Take your soul to work : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2000 35 6 7/8/2019 8/22/2019 9:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 36 2 ######## 6/28/2019 16:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 71 1 3/6/2016 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 6 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Ghosts of the west coast : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 40 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 39 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 14 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 27 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
How the rooster got his crown / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 18 2/4/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
A trip to the stars / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 14 ######## 9/17/2019 13:35 NW RN
Egyptian hieroglyphics & their meanings /3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 22 ######## 2/13/2019 8:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 23 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SS RN
Building the book Cathedral / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 22 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SS SV
The gefilte variations : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2000 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The storytime sourcebook : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 15 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 14 ######## 2/5/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 73 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 20 4 ######## 1/23/2019 15:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 81 5 4/1/2019 4/25/2019 13:52 NV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 82 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
Barney's outer space adventure / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 63 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
Omerta / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2000 37 2 1/3/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2000 82 4 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SO VE
Uranus / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2000 49 4 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SS SV
1,000 French words. 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2000 44 1 ######## 3/28/2019 13:16 SV TS
Just look 'n learn English picture dictionary3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2000 43 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
We need teachers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2000 15 2 8/1/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
The amateur naturalist : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2000 4 2 6/5/2019 9/10/2019 10:34 GE TS
Zug the bug's big book 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2000 7 4/9/2018 12/16/2019 14:19 SS SS
Tog the dog's big book 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2000 2 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 GE NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2000 27 ######## 3/16/2019 12:04 RN SO
Hugger mugger / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 136 3 ######## 9/25/2019 9:51 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 46 6 ######## 11/13/2019 11:39 SP TS
The remorseful day / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 63 1 ######## 6/13/2019 10:44 SO TS
Trapped in the Cold War : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 5 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SV RN
Horse heaven / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 60 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:01 RN TS
The secret knowledge of water : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 76 13 ######## 1/23/2019 10:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2000 23 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 57 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 10 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Squares and courtyards / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 7 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
My generation : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 20 ######## 10/12/2019 11:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 18 2/6/2017 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
The Second World War in the East / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 43 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
You've just been told / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2000 2 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
Chicken soup with rice : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 3 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 GE NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 43 1 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 NV RN
There's a dead person following my sister 3.12E+13
around / BK 4/11/2000 40 1 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
You gotta try this! : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 62 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NV TS
The three billy goats Gruff 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 13 5 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 GE NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 42 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
Gib and the gray ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 26 ######## 2/7/2019 17:05 NV SP
El pez arco iris 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 2 3 ######## 9/5/2019 10:35 GE TS
Hugo and the bullyfrogs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 76 4 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 NV RN
What is square? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 18 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NV NV
Las estrellas y la Princesa Liwayway 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 1 3 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 GE NW
Orangutans : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 12 ######## 6/24/2019 11:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Caps for sale : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2000 13 3 9/6/2019 10/2/2019 15:45 GE SO
Taylor's master guide to landscaping / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 59 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 49 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 15 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 38 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 60 5 ######## 11/7/2019 14:55 SV TS
Happy Birthday to you, you belong in a zoo3.12E+13
/ BK 4/12/2000 61 9 ######## 6/25/2019 14:50 NV TS
If you hopped like a frog / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 84 6 7/2/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
Mort the sport / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 69 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 127 10 ######## 7/25/2019 15:16 NW TS
Snowy flowy blowy : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 60 7 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
Baseball dynasties : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 29 3 ######## 10/23/2019 14:29 SV RN
Happiness here and now : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2000 18 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
Listen to your heart / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2000 87 6 ######## 9/24/2019 10:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2000 52 1/5/2017 4/4/2019 11:10 NW SS
Nilo and the tortoise / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2000 44 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2000 31 2 7/9/2018 2/1/2019 16:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2000 101 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 RN TS
Storm track / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2000 68 6 ######## 5/17/2019 8:00 SS TS
Making memory books / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2000 32 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
Kirsten and the new girl / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2000 57 5 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
Coaching youth soccer / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2000 16 4 8/7/2018 10/4/2019 9:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2000 44 3 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SP SV
Navigating the distances : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2000 2 5/8/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
It's my birthday! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2000 73 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
The magic of Oz : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2000 26 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2000 51 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2000 17 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2000 13 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2000 21 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2000 36 7 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2000 19 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2000 24 2 3/1/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Fairy wings : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2000 81 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2000 44 5 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 RN RN
Stemware of the 20th century : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2000 1 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 33 2 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SV RN
Pigs and pork : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 10 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW RN
Maggie and the pirate / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 39 6 9/5/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 SV RN
Henny-Penny / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 47 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 37 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 20 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
Faraway home / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 10 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 46 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 SV RN
Swish! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 41 1 7/8/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
Lili at ballet / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 75 7 ######## 5/31/2019 12:44 SP TS
The warhorse, 1250-1600 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 5 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
How to overthrow the government / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 30 1 6/4/2016 5/2/2019 13:48 SP SP
No dinner! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 5 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2000 23 ######## 8/6/2019 9:26 NW RN
Janice VanCleave's 203 icy, freezing, frosty,3.12E+13
cool & wild
BK experiments. 5/5/2000 26 3 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SV TS
River friendly, river wild / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 20 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 11 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 83 12 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 TR TS
Kill me / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 16 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NV RN
Dream stuff : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 11 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 24 4/8/2017 2/4/2019 15:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 26 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 51 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2000 46 4 ######## 1/23/2019 16:14 SS TS
The Oxford illustrated book of American children's
BK / 5/5/2000 24 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2000 22 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2000 60 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2000 37 3 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 IV RN
For the cause of liberty : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2000 18 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
The tender land : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2000 18 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 IV RN
The gutbucket quest / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2000 26 ######## 9/18/2019 11:14 SS RN
The gutbucket quest / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2000 29 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 NW SS
Lichee tree / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2000 8 9/9/2014 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2000 23 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 RN SS
Caterpillars / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2000 11 3/3/2015 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Worms / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2000 37 4 ######## 3/14/2019 12:02 SV TS
Grasshoppers and crickets / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2000 13 3/3/2015 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2000 60 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2000 17 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Mothers are like that / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2000 45 2 4/4/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
Counting kids / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2000 46 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
Blackberry booties / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2000 80 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 NW RN
Hannah and the whistling tea kettle / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2000 85 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2000 8 1 2/4/2016 11/8/2019 12:39 SS RN
Daily life in 18th-century England / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2000 20 1 ######## 11/14/2019 7:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2000 18 2 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
Escape to the forest : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2000 33 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 NW SP
The cat who robbed a bank / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2000 38 3 2/6/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2000 28 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 39 5 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 64 5 ######## 2/11/2019 11:59 NW RN
Ideas for science projects / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 26 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 IV TS
Happy Easter Day! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 50 2 3/7/2018 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Where the buffaloes begin / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 39 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 40 6 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 39 10 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 RN RN
Among the dog eaters : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 13 1 3/3/2018 7/17/2019 9:36 NW RN
Truth at any cost : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 10 1 9/5/2014 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
Red rubber boot day / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2000 46 4 1/6/2019 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
The amateur zoologist : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2000 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2000 13 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 RN RN
The Official Scrabble players dictionary. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2000 6 4/3/2013 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2000 70 6 ######## 4/24/2019 15:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2000 37 1 4/4/2019 5/24/2019 8:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2000 15 1 8/6/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Mommy dressing : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2000 18 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:39 SP RN
The Usborne book of cutaway planes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2000 21 5/7/2016 2/23/2019 14:03 SP SP
Flight and flying machines / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2000 30 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2000 22 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2000 95 12 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 IV RN
The great divide / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2000 36 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2000 17 ######## 9/10/2019 14:37 SS RN
The glass menagerie, and, A streetcar named
desire :BK 6/29/2000 5 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
Africa in my blood : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2000 36 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Lop rabbits as pets / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2000 20 1 3/9/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
The hamster / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2000 32 1/5/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2000 34 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
The Judas judge : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2000 84 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2000 20 2 ######## 11/6/2019 14:34 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2000 3 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
All the queen's men : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2000 20 1 ######## 11/13/2019 10:55 SP RN
Life is funny : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 34 5 ######## 3/21/2019 12:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 41 2 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 SS RN
Folk costumes of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 33 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Around the world with Mark Twain / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 29 4/9/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
Captain Bob sets sail / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 67 5 7/2/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
The Monitor chronicles : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 8 2/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
I'm not going to chase the cat today / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 32 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 103 4 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2000 94 9 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SS RN
Two thousand years : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2000 11 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Two thousand years : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2000 16 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 34 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
Prudence's baby-sitter book / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 16 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 5 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
Game time / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 57 9 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 SV RN
Let's fly a kite / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 46 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 NW RN
Midas Mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 21 3 5/9/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 42 10 ######## 12/20/2019 9:23 SV TS
A pig is moving in! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 7 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
The art of happiness : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 77 16 3/7/2019 3/28/2019 8:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 105 2 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SV TS
Ruthie's big old coat / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 19 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 RN SV
Nice try, Tooth Fairy / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 96 9 8/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:29 NW TS
Brave potatoes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 49 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
Brave potatoes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 67 2 5/7/2017 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
A cake for Herbie / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 44 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 RN RN
Bad dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 43 2 8/2/2016 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
Bad dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 39 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
The essential Clive Barker : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2000 29 2 2/6/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Vision of beauty : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2000 11 9/3/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2000 70 11 ######## 1/16/2019 8:49 SV TS
This is the sunflower / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2000 78 11 ######## 11/12/2019 10:33 NV TS
Loons / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2000 6 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 NW NW
Big Wolf and Little Wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2000 83 10 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 SP RN
Billy the Kid : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2000 36 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
A pie went by / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 54 4 6/7/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 47 2 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 34 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 19 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 8 5 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 94 9 ######## 4/12/2019 12:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 28 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 90 18 ######## 9/17/2019 10:14 SV TS
Beyond the rangeland conflict : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 4 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Fun food / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 43 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 16 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Bebe's bad dream / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 40 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 71 8 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SP RN
What's opposite? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 53 ######## 11/27/2019 14:05 NW RN
Explorers, missionaries, and trappers : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 7 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 36 2 1/7/2018 2/7/2019 13:35 SP RN
No dinner! : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 18 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Physical science. 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 64 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 RN RN
Arco iris en la cuidad vajo la iluvia 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 14 3 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SV NW
Mis cinco sentidos : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 15 3 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 SV NW
Por un estornudo 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 31 3 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SV NW
Baile de dinosaurios 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2000 26 12 ######## 10/10/2019 15:58 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 109 4 6/4/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 101 5 2/7/2019 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 24 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 73 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 NW TS
Badger's parting gifts / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 57 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 23 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
The Flying Garbanzos / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 38 ######## 2/26/2019 9:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2000 12 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Historic sites and markers along the Mormon
and other
BK great western trails / 7/26/2000 4 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Mountain biking! : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2000 12 2 5/9/2018 9/10/2019 14:16 SP TS
My friend John / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2000 9 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
Snowboarding! Shred the powder / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2000 17 1 ######## 4/25/2019 11:11 SP TS
Don't fry my veeblax! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2000 16 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2000 29 2 5/9/2018 9/10/2019 14:16 SP TS
Lightning strikes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2000 22 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Binky rules / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2000 46 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 IV RN
Sacred sins / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2000 100 7 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2000 21 1 4/4/2017 5/24/2019 17:48 NW SP
The Washington Monument : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2000 8 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 SP RN
The country ham book / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2000 12 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Quaint birdhouses you can paint and decorate
/ BK 7/27/2000 48 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:55 SP RN
Princess Sultana's circle / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2000 57 ######## 10/12/2019 11:31 SP RN
The settlement of the Americas : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2000 17 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2000 36 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
50 chowders : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2000 37 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
Dr. Janson's new vitamin revolution : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2000 35 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
Hands are not for hitting / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2000 49 11 ######## 8/14/2019 10:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2000 36 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 NV SS
The Beatles anthology. 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2000 48 5 3/4/2016 7/2/2019 15:15 NV RN
Two down / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2000 15 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
La Grande Therese : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 10 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 134 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 IV TS
The last night I spent with you : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 11 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Brigham's day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 10 1 2/9/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 RN SS
When my sister was Cleopatra Moon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 10 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 39 1 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
That summer's trance : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 17 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Women in Vietnam / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2000 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 RN SS
Ding dong, ding dong / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2000 30 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2000 50 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2000 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Tom Jones : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2000 22 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 121 21 6/1/2019 7/25/2019 16:39 SP TS
Through the open door / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 12 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 38 2 ######## 10/22/2019 13:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 28 3 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 8:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 8 1 8/8/2015 1/19/2019 16:46 IV NW
Am I big or little? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 86 1 6/1/2017 1/16/2019 13:19 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 26 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 45 2 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 23 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 SV RN
The barn burner / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 10 8/6/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Ultimate field trip 4 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 8 3 9/8/2015 2/4/2019 17:06 IV SS
The Inca empire / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 31 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 NW NW
Taking flight : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 16 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Taking flight : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 29 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 5 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
The book of you : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 3 1 9/6/2014 1/16/2019 17:23 NW NW
Something's happening on Calabash Street3.12E+13
/ BK 8/14/2000 14 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
The planets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 49 2 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
Welcome with love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 11 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Finding out about dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 9 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 21 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 35 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 33 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Yard sale / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 49 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 IV RN
Is everyone moonburned but me? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 31 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SP SS
Soccer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2000 19 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 64 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 27 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Magnetism / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 13 3 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 IV RN
The graduation of Jake Moon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 19 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 70 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 SS SO
Sound / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 6 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Dorothy & Mikey / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 23 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 RN SV
The stray kitten / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 51 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2000 35 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2000 28 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2000 25 8 9/4/2019 11/8/2019 13:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2000 51 8 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SP
What stories does my son need? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2000 31 3 4/2/2019 11/6/2019 14:51 IV TS
The wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2000 19 5/8/2015 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
The reader's guide to contemporary
BK / 8/16/2000 19 5 3/8/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
Buenos dias, buenas noches / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2000 41 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SS RN
Visions : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2000 23 ######## 5/9/2019 9:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 35 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 20 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
A hint of witchcraft / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 17 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
A well regulated militia : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 9 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SP SP
Escondete y grita / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 34 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
Indian artifacts of the Midwest. 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 16 1 ######## 7/16/2019 10:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2000 45 ######## 4/10/2019 10:39 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 9 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 12 1 3/9/2016 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
American rhapsody / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 17 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 6 ######## 10/9/2019 11:34 SS RN
Sacajawea, Shoshone trailblazer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 40 3 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SP RN
Dying : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 15 4 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Playful patchwork projects / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 56 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2000 11 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
The doctor and the detective : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2000 9 5 ######## 11/15/2019 14:15 IV RN
John Smith : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2000 11 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 IV NV
Conejito y el mar / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2000 56 4 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Diez perros en la tienda : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2000 47 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
La fiesta de Arturo / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2000 55 4/2/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2000 6 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2000 26 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2000 12 6/9/2016 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
Koufax / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2000 39 3 ######## 11/1/2019 15:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2000 13 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
Educar con inteligencia emocional / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2000 37 ######## 10/12/2019 11:20 SV RN
Un cambio de vida / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2000 58 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 79 4 ######## 2/1/2019 15:55 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 45 3 8/3/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
Night flying / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 10 ######## 5/3/2019 17:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 53 1 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 SV RN
Some babies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 58 1 4/1/2019 4/25/2019 11:26 SS TS
Why the frog has big eyes / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 94 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
The magic kerchief / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 16 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 45 5 2/7/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 IV RN
Geraldine and Mrs. Duffy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 37 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SP RN
Black belt / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 11 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
Mr. Bear to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 48 5 5/3/2017 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 18 2 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 NV SP
Apples, apples, apples / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 83 8 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Breakfast time / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 46 2 ######## 6/25/2019 14:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2000 25 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 18 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 62 7 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
Murder in the Lincoln bedroom : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 61 2 ######## 9/16/2019 12:56 SO RN
Hannah's winter of hope / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 17 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NV NW
Orphan journey home / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 9 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
Amnesia / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 33 4/8/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
The hunted / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 7 1/3/2019 2/15/2019 13:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 12 4 ######## 5/25/2019 13:00 SV SP
Cool sites. 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 17 ######## 1/17/2019 16:58 NV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 43 11 ######## 9/24/2019 15:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 22 ######## 9/12/2019 13:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 12 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 19 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
Paper trail / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 15 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
A personal odyssey / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 41 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
The sex lives of teenagers : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 34 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 65 1 7/9/2017 9/23/2019 12:55 SS RN
The diagnosis / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 21 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2000 36 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
Crisis at Crystal Reef / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2000 20 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
Wildwood boys : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2000 15 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
Bobbi Brown teenage beauty : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2000 15 2 1/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 TR RN
Wild justice / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2000 92 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:23 RN TS
Decisiones inteligentes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2000 26 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
Blue Ridge / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2000 16 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
The gold of Exodus : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2000 28 ######## 3/28/2019 9:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2000 25 7 ######## 9/24/2019 15:14 TR TS
The world encyclopedia of coffee / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2000 24 9 ######## 11/13/2019 14:23 SO TS
Salsas / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2000 36 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2000 60 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:36 RN TS
Offbeat food : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2000 13 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Your private sky : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2000 19 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 20 4 ######## 6/28/2019 16:19 SV TS
John Tyler / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 11 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 8 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
Thomas Paine : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 33 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
Peter Stuyvesant : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 4 2 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 NV SP
La enciclopedia de los caballos / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 17 ######## 10/9/2019 10:09 SV RN
A honey of a day / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2000 41 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2000 16 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Randy Savage : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2000 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2000 16 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
Native Americans of the frontier / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2000 22 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:43 NW RN
Benedict Arnold : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2000 20 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SO RN
John Lennon / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2000 20 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2000 26 3 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2000 41 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2000 32 4 ######## 6/28/2019 16:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2000 109 12 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2000 6 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
Seven Simeons; 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2000 3 7/7/2016 2/4/2019 8:42 SV RN
Kittens / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2000 46 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 11 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 46 3 ######## 9/20/2019 15:32 NV RN
Those summers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 77 6 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 IV SV
Jumper : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 24 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 SP SP
The best American essays of the century /3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 44 5 9/2/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Keep Australia on your left : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 12 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
The girls of summer : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 14 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:19 NW RN
Real life decorating / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 93 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The new autonomous house : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 14 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
The Josephine Baker story / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 12 ######## 7/2/2019 15:28 NW RN
Beer and circus : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 18 2 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
Bringing the story home : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 11 2 ######## 10/21/2019 11:30 SS RN
James McNair's new pizza : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2000 49 3 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2000 68 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2000 72 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
The long, long tail 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2000 26 8 ######## 10/10/2019 15:58 SV SV
The Silmarillion / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2000 81 15 ######## 11/2/2019 11:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2000 84 8 ######## 6/27/2019 12:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2000 44 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2000 70 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:02 SS RN
Alexander Calder / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2000 31 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2000 38 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NV GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2000 66 6 ######## 3/14/2019 12:32 SV TS
World's best mama / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2000 61 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 RN RN
The story of baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2000 11 4 ######## 5/20/2019 13:44 SP RN
The colour dictionary of garden plants : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2000 10 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
The Pueblo Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2000 21 6 3/2/2019 5/24/2019 10:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2000 22 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2000 41 3 2/5/2019 3/22/2019 13:40 SV TS
Chief Justice William Rehnquist / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2000 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2000 15 7/9/2014 2/22/2019 9:36 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2000 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Extreme surfing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2000 11 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 111 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
The remarkable Farkle McBride / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 73 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 NW SV
Play to the angel / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 20 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 46 5 7/8/2019 9/24/2019 10:37 SP TS
Grandmother's song / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 36 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
The actor speaks : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 16 2 8/2/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
Eight animals on the town / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2000 36 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2000 22 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 RN RN
Jacques Cousteau / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 17 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SP RN
Midas Mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 28 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 38 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:56 SP RN
Only one cowry : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 13 ######## 3/20/2019 17:12 SP SP
Bad dog / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 86 7 ######## 1/23/2019 15:58 SP TS
My brother made me do it / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 21 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 20 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 50 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 38 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 16 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 21 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 7 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
The Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb 3.12E+13
in American
BK history/ 10/9/2000 19 6 5/4/2017 2/1/2019 13:39 IV RN
Words of gold : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 19 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
The vintage book of amnesia : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2000 8 ######## 6/4/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 33 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 22 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 44 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 50 1 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
The many-headed hydra : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 21 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
Full frontal fiction : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 32 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2000 32 2 1/3/2016 10/22/2019 16:10 SS RN
The Inca world : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2000 34 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2000 8 6/8/2016 10/12/2019 11:18 SS RN
Grant : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2000 35 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2000 29 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Dream catcher : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2000 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Field notes from the Grand Canyon : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2000 13 3/6/2018 5/20/2019 13:58 NW RN
Running to the mountain : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2000 35 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2000 17 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Ancient acid flashes back : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2000 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2000 77 2 5/6/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2000 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:45 IV IV
El abrazo del agua / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2000 7 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SS RN
Folk costumes of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2000 16 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
The Salem witchcraft trials in American history
/ BK 10/25/2000 41 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
The Boston Tea Party in American history /3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2000 36 8 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
Food and recipes of China / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2000 12 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
The Knot guide to wedding vows and traditions
: BK 11/2/2000 46 7 ######## 6/26/2019 8:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 27 5 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 38 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 22 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Below another sky : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 21 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Eagle's cry : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 16 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Eagle's cry : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 19 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 15 1 ######## 11/13/2019 10:55 SP RN
Blood and guile / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 6 ######## 9/17/2019 13:36 SS RN
Off camera : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Uncle Mame : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 11 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
When the king comes home / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 7 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
A goose in Toulouse : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2000 17 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
Sabriel / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 57 4 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SO
FDR, the war president, 1940-1943 : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 7 2 ######## 11/8/2019 11:23 SS RN
The Doughboys : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 28 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 57 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 18 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Joe DiMaggio : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 28 1 ######## 11/7/2019 13:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 34 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 36 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 64 6 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
Indians of the Northwest : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 32 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SP RN
Batman unmasked : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 18 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 NW RN
My life on a plate / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2000 20 ######## 9/6/2019 14:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 39 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 35 2 ######## 7/29/2019 12:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 15 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 NW NW
Clara Ann Cookie go to bed! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 7 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
Weaver's daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 14 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
The coming global superstorm / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 38 ######## 5/30/2019 10:18 SP RN
Potter's workshop : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 46 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:22 SP TS
Extruded ceramics : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 40 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
John Ruskin : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 6 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 65 1 4/9/2018 5/14/2019 10:11 RN TS
The case for marriage : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 25 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 32 2 4/3/2016 2/4/2019 8:43 NW RN
Collected stories / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 12 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SV RN
Benjamin comes back / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 13 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
When Katie was our teacher / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2000 24 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 51 1 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 96 5 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 34 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 12 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
The journal of Otto Peltonen : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 34 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 60 3 7/5/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 42 9 ######## 2/15/2019 13:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 79 8 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 33 4 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SV RN
The shipwrecked sailor : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2000 26 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
El club secreto de Franklin / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2000 58 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SP SV
Dreadful creatures / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2000 4 ######## 2/23/2019 15:46 SP SP
Grandma Fina and her wonderful umbrellas 3.12E+13
= BK 11/9/2000 24 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
Robins / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2000 20 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SP TS
Moths / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2000 14 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2000 39 5 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 NV RN
Ostrich / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2000 18 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
The virtue of prosperity : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2000 15 2/4/2015 4/24/2019 15:51 RN RN
El secuestro de Edgardo Mortara / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2000 12 9/4/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 SP RN
Green witchcraft III : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2000 73 4 9/8/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2000 5 ######## 10/18/2019 13:43 SS RN
The Usborne book of easy piano duets / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2000 14 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SV TS
Everything you need to know about anxiety 3.12E+13
and panic
BKattacks / 11/27/2000 22 4 ######## 8/2/2019 16:00 NV TS
Civil War cooking : 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 21 3 ######## 3/22/2019 12:23 RN TS
Horsefly / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 50 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 19 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 45 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 58 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
The Romans. 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 11 1 9/3/2014 2/4/2019 16:26 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2000 52 6 ######## 8/5/2019 10:47 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2000 29 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Jesus / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2000 31 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
Gravedad / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2000 5 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2000 41 3 ######## 5/8/2019 14:25 SS TS
The staircase / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2000 22 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2000 14 5 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2000 45 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 12 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 56 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
A heart of stone / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 11 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
The ship and the storm : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 22 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:52 SP RN
If wishes were horses / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 13 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 16 3 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SV SP
Munschworks 2 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 4 1 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
A child's book of angels / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 31 5 1/8/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 26 1 1/2/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Vampires / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 24 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 10 ######## 1/2/2019 10:37 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 14 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
An alligator ate my brother / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 73 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2000 38 6/1/2016 2/4/2019 8:41 NV RN
A thin cosmic rain : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 8 ######## 5/30/2019 10:22 SP RN
Endless honeymoon / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 13 ######## 4/10/2019 17:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 34 1/3/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 56 6 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 71 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
Surrealism / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 10 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 11 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 53 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2000 44 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:49 SP RN
Encyclopedia of the American Constitution3.12E+13
/ BK 12/7/2000 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
La vida breve / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2000 16 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SV RN
Dreaming of America : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2000 33 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2000 66 10 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2000 20 ######## 3/4/2019 11:23 SP SP
Turtle and Snake go camping / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2000 88 9 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2000 46 2 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SP GE
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2000 25 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2000 5 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
The greatest fishing stories ever told / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2000 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Los 7 habitos de las familias altamente efectivas
: BK 12/13/2000 53 7 9/5/2013 5/20/2019 13:58 SV SS
No paso nada / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2000 13 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SV RN
Guia practica de conversacion. 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2000 32 2 ######## 6/28/2019 13:19 SP RN
The ransom of Red Chief and other stories3.12E+13
/ BK 12/14/2000 25 5 ######## 3/9/2019 13:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2000 18 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2000 13 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Ayurveda & immortality / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2000 16 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
The journal of James Edmond Pease, a Civil3.12E+13
War Union BK soldier / 12/27/2000 38 3 7/9/2018 2/1/2019 16:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2000 33 2 2/2/2019 2/20/2019 11:14 SP TS
The Friendship garden / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2001 52 ######## 1/16/2019 9:12 IV TS
The 50-year dash : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2001 11 1 ######## 5/2/2019 16:17 SP SP
A river running west : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 29 7/3/2012 5/9/2019 14:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 31 1 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 16 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The last book in the universe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 56 3 ######## 11/1/2019 16:17 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 92 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
Shackleton's way : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 21 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
Dream freedom / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2001 16 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 70 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
Shout, sister, shout! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 IV NV
For every child : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 7 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 NW IV
Has visto a mi patito? 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 14 3 ######## 10/2/2019 14:44 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 49 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
Do not go gentle : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 14 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
Stage makeup / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 9 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
My day, your day / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 33 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP RN
It's not easy being bad / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 55 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 46 3 ######## 1/23/2019 10:08 NW TS
The temptation of innocence : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 13 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 22 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 9 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:27 NV IV
Beyond world's end / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 37 1 ######## 9/23/2019 13:11 SP RN
Over the shoulder : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 31 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 42 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
El dia en que tu naciste / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 28 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 20 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
The courage tree / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 41 7 3/5/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 SS TS
1688:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 26 ######## 1/31/2019 10:37 NW TS
Frankenbug / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 15 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
El sancocho del sabado / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 27 1 3/4/2019 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
Feliz cumplea~nos Vivi! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 30 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
A dream of wolves : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 17 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Target earth / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 15 ######## 5/30/2019 10:35 SP RN
The third freedom : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2001 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 66 3 ######## 11/8/2019 12:21 SS TS
Cold and pure and very dead : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 25 ######## 9/20/2019 15:38 SS RN
The bowlegged rooster and other tales that
signify /BK 1/10/2001 15 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
Quilts for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 29 3/3/2018 6/27/2019 14:44 SS RN
25 gorgeous sweaters for the brand-new knitter
3.12E+13 / BK 1/10/2001 56 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:29 RN RN
The Roundhill / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
A walk in the tundra / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 41 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 15 1 5/9/2016 8/2/2019 11:08 SP RN
Papier m^ache / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 42 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 54 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SO SV
The rocking horse angel / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 59 6/3/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 RN SV
The Wish Master / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 14 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
The Wish Master / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2001 14 1 5/3/2016 2/8/2019 10:44 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2001 42 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2001 63 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Blimps / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2001 16 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2001 59 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 77 5 ######## 2/15/2019 13:11 NW TS
A Norse lullaby / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 23 3 9/8/2018 2/4/2019 14:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 55 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 41 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 57 4 7/1/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 73 5 ######## 9/24/2019 14:43 SV TS
America's heritage quilts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 22 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
Foods / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2001 25 2 ######## 6/13/2019 12:40 SV TS
Alexander the great / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2001 41 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NV VE
The mystic warriors of the Plains / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2001 18 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2001 66 9 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2001 43 4 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SP RN
Jedi knight / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2001 21 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2001 8 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2001 47 5 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2001 73 4 ######## 7/17/2019 10:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 15 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 45 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 10 ######## 2/4/2019 10:04 NV RN
Master man : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 8 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
The 14th Dalai Lama / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 11 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 45 7/2/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Period : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2001 30 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
Alcohol / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 10 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 NW SS
Classic horror writers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 10 4 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
Pieces : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 11 1 2/7/2015 1/4/2019 16:49 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 24 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 14 1 ######## 3/20/2019 14:13 NW RN
Words with wings : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 14 2 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
The old man and the flea / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 59 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
Period : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 15 3 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 NW SP
Exiting nirvana : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2001 11 4/9/2019 5/7/2019 13:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 56 7 ######## 11/8/2019 14:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 30 5 9/5/2018 2/4/2019 9:33 SO RN
French by design / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 114 5 ######## 8/8/2019 14:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 16 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 74 9 ######## 8/5/2019 13:07 SO TS
Martyrs' crossing : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 8 ######## 9/24/2019 12:46 SS RN
Nobody rides the unicorn / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 102 16 ######## 3/17/2019 14:24 NW SS
Going to school / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 14 2 8/1/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
Singing boy : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 22 3/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Paradise park : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 20 4/6/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SP SS
The forgiving self : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 40 4 1/8/2018 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 21 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Tumbleweed stew / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 42 2 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Louise, soccer star? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 21 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 NV RN
Comic book nation : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2001 14 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SP SS
Nevada / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 38 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
Junior environmental activities on file / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 0 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
The Revolutionary War / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 25 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
Riding / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 5 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 17 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
A bed for winter / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 34 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
1829, down the Rio Grande / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 17 1 1/8/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
Nelson Mandela / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 6 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 IV RN
The new Italy : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 37 13 ######## 7/15/2019 10:30 NW RN
Junior science experiments on file. 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 2 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Cubism / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 7 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 SP SP
Yellowstone National Park / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2001 23 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SV TS
Arthur and the cootie-catcher / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 66 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
Children & libraries : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 8 2 6/3/2016 4/23/2019 12:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 38 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 55 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 86 3 ######## 1/12/2019 10:26 IV SP
Letters and sounds / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 29 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Calligraphy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 19 5 ######## 3/4/2019 11:29 VE SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2001 78 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
The end of the rainbow / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2001 54 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2001 25 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SP IV
A coach's life / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2001 11 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2001 10 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Flowers from Berlin / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2001 27 4/8/2015 3/4/2019 16:43 RN SP
The pyramids and sphinx / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2001 29 3 6/1/2019 10/2/2019 10:44 NW TS
Herod : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2001 11 1/7/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2001 48 1 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
Secrets of the mummies : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2001 4 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:23 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2001 5 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 NW NW
Heart of a warrior / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2001 79 5 ######## 8/2/2019 13:03 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2001 90 ######## 6/25/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2001 58 4 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2001 12 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:58 SO RN
Charles Kuralt's America / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2001 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2001 34 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:10 NW TS
Liz : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2001 34 2 2/4/2017 4/20/2019 12:41 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2001 119 12 ######## 7/17/2019 10:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2001 8 4 4/2/2019 6/5/2019 15:52 NW TS
The essential Rumi / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2001 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
The young scientist book of archaeology /3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2001 17 1 2/5/2015 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
A feel for the game / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2001 8 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
A personal devil / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 20 ######## 9/17/2019 14:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 7 2 2/4/2017 1/30/2019 10:42 IV RN
The cat and the cook and other fables of Krylov
/ BK 3/5/2001 11 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
Song of the axe / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 48 4/9/2017 8/23/2019 13:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 39 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 64 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 NW TS
The one kingdom / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 49 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 RN TS
The secret life of teens : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 19 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SP RN
Multiplication and division / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 33 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 47 ######## 7/17/2019 9:36 NW TS
Fear and trembling / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 18 2 ######## 9/12/2019 11:12 RN RN
Pia Toya : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 16 8/4/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Kissing the virgin's mouth / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 12 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
Colossus : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 10 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
Morocco / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2001 23 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 17 9/5/2017 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Bears of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 16 3/1/2017 5/30/2019 10:40 SP RN
Leon the chameleon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 25 1 4/8/2016 1/31/2019 17:05 SV TR
Kids in ancient Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 27 9 2/6/2019 4/25/2019 10:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 25 1 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 RN RN
Casey Jones / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 74 2 9/5/2019 10/23/2019 9:32 RN TS
Polly Hopper's pouch / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 18 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 57 2 ######## 4/3/2019 13:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 47 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NW
Japanese origami : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 53 2 8/3/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
Family / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 26 2 5/9/2018 1/4/2019 16:24 SO SO
The foods of Israel today / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2001 24 ######## 11/13/2019 14:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 25 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 27 2 7/7/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
Living on other worlds / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 10 ######## 3/12/2019 11:00 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 14 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
Finding out about energy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 6 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Ocelots / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 24 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 59 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SP SV
Run if you dare / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 12 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Coasts and shores / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 11 ######## 3/20/2019 17:39 SV SP
The sun / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 36 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Aaron's awful allergies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 17 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 8 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
Walkingsticks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 26 1 2/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
The sun / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 33 1 ######## 3/20/2019 17:23 SP SP
Hands on! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 19 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:15 NW RN
A child's California / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 13 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
Making ceramic sculpture : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2001 43 4 ######## 12/20/2019 8:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2001 19 2 2/6/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2001 18 5/8/2018 9/10/2019 14:08 NV TS
The cornbread killer / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2001 34 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
To bathe a boa / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2001 64 2 5/9/2018 2/5/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2001 16 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
December 7, 1941 : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2001 5 7/7/2016 11/13/2019 11:25 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2001 62 9 ######## 3/8/2019 13:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 28 1 3/2/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 63 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
The Araboolies of Liberty Street / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 12 8/2/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 24 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 SV VE
The Hoboken chicken emergency / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 30 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 49 4 8/2/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
A fish named Spot / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2001 38 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
Practical vocabulary / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2001 37 5 8/7/2019 10/30/2019 14:08 RN TS
Hokusai : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2001 34 2 ######## 6/26/2019 8:16 SP TS
Steam detectives. 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2001 71 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Leaves from A child's garden of verses / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2001 21 9/1/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 NW SV
20 decoding games / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2001 17 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2001 43 1 6/4/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
Albert / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2001 31 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 SV RN
The 100 best poems of all time / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2001 55 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
Trapped between the lash and the gun : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 53 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 SV RN
Silence and shadows / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 50 3/4/2015 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
Molly y los peregrinos / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 13 1 4/7/2015 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
Mindgames : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 26 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
Tree of origin : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 9 2 3/5/2014 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2001 59 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2001 52 2 6/6/2019 10/31/2019 8:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2001 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Polly Hopper's pouch / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2001 32 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2001 51 3/7/2017 2/4/2019 15:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2001 62 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 IV SV
The wind's garden / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2001 42 ######## 3/28/2019 13:17 NV TS
Ackamarackus : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2001 63 8 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 IV RN
Preschool to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2001 26 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
The runamuck dog show / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2001 68 6 ######## 6/27/2019 10:05 IV TS
The world around us : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2001 79 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 NW RN
Four past midnight / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2001 32 3 6/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
The baseball timeline / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2001 22 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
What to do when the police leave : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2001 17 7 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Disciplina con amor : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2001 27 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2001 40 1 8/6/2017 9/10/2019 14:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2001 95 5 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
The drowning people / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2001 22 1 2/3/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 SV RN
Frederick the Great : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2001 18 5 ######## 3/4/2019 14:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2001 37 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The muse asylum / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2001 15 1 9/1/2016 8/23/2019 13:31 RN RN
Incriminating evidence / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 92 1 5/7/2019 5/17/2019 8:12 RN TS
Whatever doesn't kill you / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 44 2 ######## 9/18/2019 14:16 SO RN
All the finest girls : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 33 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
Secrets from an Indian kitchen / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 31 1 1/3/2016 10/21/2019 13:58 SP RN
Spider Woman's granddaughters : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 6 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
Encyclopedia of antique American clocks /3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 27 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 55 7/2/2017 9/18/2019 14:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 26 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
Cooking with Pomiane / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 23 1 8/1/2015 8/5/2019 16:12 SO RN
The ultimate cheesecake cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2001 57 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
All that remains / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 22 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NW RN
All that remains / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 17 2 ######## 8/2/2019 13:04 RN RN
Son of a grifter : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 28 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
Turning the tables on gambling : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 12 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
Vulgarians at the gate : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 21 7/1/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
Our universe : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 26 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:29 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2001 39 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2001 20 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 NW RN
A pig is big / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2001 75 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2001 19 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Girl, you're amazing! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2001 49 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 NW RN
A nose for adventure / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2001 8 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 RN SV
Lenin's embalmers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2001 14 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
Human anatomy and physiology / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2001 57 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NV
How to feel good as you age : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2001 7 1 ######## 5/6/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2001 84 13 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SV RN
Aging with grace : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2001 28 9/5/2015 5/2/2019 16:15 RN SP
Jonas Salk / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2001 10 1 1/6/2015 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
Pick & shovel poet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2001 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2001 80 2 2/6/2016 8/19/2019 10:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2001 57 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:21 SP TS
Fair weather : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 26 1 8/7/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Robin's room / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 50 1 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
The monsters of Morley Manor / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 50 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 43 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Taggerung / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 92 5 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 57 7 9/8/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
Caught by the sea : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2001 18 1 2/3/2015 1/18/2019 15:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 21 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 RN SS
All elevations unknown : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 15 1 ######## 1/23/2019 8:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 27 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 47 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Designed to die / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 42 3 ######## 9/23/2019 12:37 SP RN
Lysistrata, The birds, The clouds, The frogs3.12E+13
: BK 6/7/2001 9 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
Dragon hunter : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 45 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
Death in paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 112 9 ######## 8/1/2019 9:39 SO RN
All about goats / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 35 3 ######## 7/17/2019 9:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 23 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
A history of Hispanics in southern Nevada 3.12E+13
/ BK 6/7/2001 1 2/5/2013 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
Luck of the (half) Irish / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2001 3 ######## 10/18/2019 13:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2001 16 2 ######## 11/13/2019 12:00 SS RN
In the shadows of the net : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2001 28 5 ######## 6/7/2019 12:55 SP RN
The liar's tale : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2001 18 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2001 8 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
101 family jokes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2001 24 4 7/9/2019 9/10/2019 14:22 SO TS
Stars of the sea / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2001 57 3 ######## 2/23/2019 14:10 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2001 33 8 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 12 8/1/2011 7/23/2019 12:24 RN SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 1 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 NV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 7 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 4 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 17 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 10 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 6 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2001 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 5 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 11 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 6 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 8 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 14 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 19 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 5 2/8/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 8 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 6 7/3/2018 5/20/2019 15:46 NV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 10 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2001 11 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 RN SS
The Rose Pistola cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2001 17 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:18 SP RN
Chromosome 6 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2001 44 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Better math in 5 minutes a day : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2001 37 7 ######## 10/23/2019 10:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2001 12 ######## 10/9/2019 8:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2001 62 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2001 15 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:44 SO RN
Fannie in the kitchen / 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2001 22 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:39 SS RN
Peeling the onion / 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2001 4 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Miles away from home / 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2001 41 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
The Beastly Arms / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2001 13 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 NW SP
Breathing underwater / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2001 65 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Tasty baby belly buttons : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2001 22 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 NW IV
One more Wednesday / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2001 28 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
Hole in the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2001 12 2/4/2015 1/2/2019 10:37 NW SP
I spy school days : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 75 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
The Merlin of the Oak Wood / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 8 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Lili : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 20 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
I wish I had a red dress : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 24 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Juniper tree burning : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 16 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 67 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
Beyond innocence : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 15 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
The Irish wine trilogy / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2001 14 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 7 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
So, you want to join the Peace Corps-- : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 2 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 18 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 8 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 45 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
Slavery : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 10 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Auditioning : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 20 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
The circulatory system / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 38 7 ######## 4/23/2019 13:23 SV TS
Circus train / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 70 11 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
Mountain pose / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 9 1 7/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:24 SV NW
Screws / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2001 8 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP SP
Shake, rattle & roll : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 6 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 37 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 41 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Sadie's song : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 32 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 39 7 ######## 2/6/2019 17:06 NV RN
The perfect tie : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 12 1 1/6/2016 6/4/2019 14:33 SP RN
Little Whistle / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 26 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 46 3 9/5/2017 2/1/2019 16:37 SO RN
Creating affluence : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 53 4 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Around-the-world art & activities : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 20 ######## 2/1/2019 16:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 9 1 1/8/2016 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 31 3 5/1/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
Crafts to celebrate God's creation / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 44 5 ######## 4/23/2019 13:32 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 41 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 TR SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2001 28 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 8 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
The universal dream key : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 74 ######## 4/20/2019 12:43 NW SP
The Valkyries : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 24 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SO RN
Team-building activities for every group / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 47 5 ######## 7/1/2019 13:46 SS RN
Botanica's 100 best bulbs for your garden.3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 17 1 5/6/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
Heart to heart : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 13 1 2/1/2017 1/8/2019 11:35 NW RN
Anatomy of a rose : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 5 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 NW SS
One day at Wood Green Animal Shelter / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 34 7/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 IV TS
Touching my father's soul : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2001 17 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Captain Tweakerbeak's revenge : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 11 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 49 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 RN RN
The spy wore shades / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 32 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 38 1 4/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:11 SP RN
We are bears / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 16 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 60 7 5/8/2019 8/5/2019 13:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 33 1 8/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Scatterbrain Sam / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 51 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 8 1 9/4/2014 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
The buccaneers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 23 8/3/2016 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 41 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 28 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2001 28 3 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 55 4 ######## 1/25/2019 16:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 83 12 3/5/2019 4/15/2019 13:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 14 5/7/2016 2/8/2019 11:50 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 43 4 6/7/2018 2/1/2019 16:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 15 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SV RN
Journeys in time : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 11 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
Totem poles / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 21 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SV SP
The Black Bull of Norroway : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:30 SP RN
Thomas Jefferson : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 16 3 3/7/2019 4/23/2019 13:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 46 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
Leaders and generals / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 5 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Carrier war : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 15 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2001 20 3 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 75 7 2/6/2019 4/12/2019 15:05 RN TS
California Gold Rush cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 15 1 8/8/2015 1/19/2019 16:41 SS NW
Breathing underwater / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 80 1 1/9/2019 5/3/2019 17:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 36 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
Awful Ogre's awful day : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 9 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 44 1 ######## 1/25/2019 15:10 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 33 2 4/4/2016 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
Tough beginnings : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 9 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 58 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 73 2 7/3/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 RN RN
The joy of art / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2001 48 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2001 81 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 VE SV
Charlie the caterpillar / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2001 80 8 ######## 8/7/2019 12:33 NV TS
Police cars / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2001 60 11 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2001 99 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:39 NV TS
Moray eels / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2001 35 6 ######## 1/18/2019 15:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2001 103 4 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
Author talk : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2001 4 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 IV SV
New worlds, lost worlds : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2001 18 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SV RN
Boy toy / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2001 22 1/9/2015 1/2/2019 13:25 SP SP
Waging modern war : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2001 17 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Journey to the heart of Cuba : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2001 16 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
King Oedipus, Oedipus at Colonus & Antigone
: BK 7/26/2001 5 ######## 11/7/2019 15:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2001 13 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
Swimming with hammerhead sharks / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2001 59 9 3/5/2019 4/12/2019 12:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 55 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
In code : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 32 2 ######## 10/4/2019 15:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 15 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:16 SV TS
When animals speak : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 58 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 RN RN
Kitchen junk / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 17 7/7/2015 8/2/2019 10:57 SP RN
Adivina adivinador : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2001 9 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:02 IV RN
The storm of heaven / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 33 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
Down to the bonny glen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 42 3 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 8:31 SV RN
Ingles en 10 minutos al dia / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 52 2/1/2019 5/20/2019 8:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 26 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
Coming back alive : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 37 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:34 NW RN
What you owe me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 19 2/9/2016 8/21/2019 12:48 SP RN
Grain of truth : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 16 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SV RN
The bridge at No Gun Ri : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 19 1 5/3/2019 5/31/2019 13:39 NW TS
The ancient Romans / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 27 4 ######## 3/7/2019 11:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 27 9 ######## 9/11/2019 13:21 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 30 2 1/7/2017 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
Let's take a field trip to a cave / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 16 ######## 2/23/2019 14:17 SP SP
The senses / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 34 4 ######## 3/4/2019 11:17 SP SP
Flying machines / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 19 1 ######## 4/9/2019 18:01 SP SP
Blimps / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2001 10 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SP SV
Gel candles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2001 36 3 ######## 4/22/2019 10:25 NW RN
This cold heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2001 32 ######## 2/27/2019 10:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2001 22 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
Sunk without a sound : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2001 27 2 2/7/2018 5/20/2019 13:36 SP RN
Edgewater angels / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2001 16 ######## 9/12/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2001 32 3 ######## 5/1/2019 13:35 SP TS
American empire : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2001 39 4 ######## 7/24/2019 15:07 RN TS
The great Irish potato famine / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2001 31 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
Diamond eye / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2001 22 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 NW SS
Horses don't lie : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2001 47 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:34 NW TS
Swimming with hammerhead sharks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 60 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
Girls--what's so bad about being good : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 11 2 7/3/2018 11/8/2019 11:40 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 25 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 45 2 7/5/2017 2/4/2019 15:27 NV RN
Just like you / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 21 4/5/2018 2/2/2019 10:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 37 3 ######## 4/12/2019 14:27 NV TS
Missing from Haymarket Square / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 NV SP
Basketball basics : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2001 16 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:01 RN TS
Responses to 101 questions on God and evolution
3.12E+13/ BK 8/8/2001 20 ######## 10/18/2019 13:25 SP RN
Empress of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2001 42 2 ######## 8/15/2019 9:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2001 26 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2001 77 7 3/7/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
His mother's nose / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2001 58 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2001 52 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:25 NW RN
A matter of profit / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2001 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:08 IV IV
Destination gold! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 11 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
The Sahara desert : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 12 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SS SP
Our libraries / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 4 3/9/2015 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Secret in St. Something / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 12 2 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 14:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 21 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
I loved you before you were born / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 35 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
Earth cycles / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 28 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Skyrockets and snickerdoodles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 11 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2001 67 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 SP RN
Emergency vets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 23 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
Auberon's tale / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 45 2 ######## 3/27/2019 8:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 75 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Edwin Hubble / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 14 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
My hamster and me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 27 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 24 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
Marcel Proust : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 7 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:31 SV RN
Number sense and nonsense : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2001 23 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:54 SP RN
Mama's little baby / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2001 20 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 75 6 ######## 3/14/2019 12:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 9 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Rooster / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 10 1 ######## 1/31/2019 13:09 NW RN
Dinosaurs, dinosaurs 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 29 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 20 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 32 7 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 35 4 5/5/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
The gullywasher = 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 27 1 4/8/2016 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Murphy meets the treadmill / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2001 67 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NW SV
Behold-- the unicorns! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2001 18 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2001 15 6 1/8/2019 4/3/2019 13:42 NV TS
Close encounters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2001 12 2 8/6/2016 2/23/2019 11:23 RN SP
Labrador retrievers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2001 40 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SV TS
Crispin, the pig who had it all / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2001 52 5 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 SV RN
Quartet : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2001 48 3 ######## 9/23/2019 13:12 SS RN
Herod : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2001 14 4 ######## 10/16/2019 11:21 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2001 22 ######## 6/28/2019 12:47 SP RN
Once upon a time in Los Angeles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2001 13 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
The clue of the leaning chimney / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2001 38 8 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2001 7 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The Usborne book of cutaway planes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2001 35 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 RN RN
Cuantos juguetes! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2001 35 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Felices sue~nos! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2001 44 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 6 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SV SP
The Choctaw nation / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 11 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 8 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 48 5 ######## 2/4/2019 12:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Policias / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 10 3/4/2017 5/24/2019 13:02 SV RN
Hiking / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 17 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SV TS
Stone Cold : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 20 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 24 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SV TS
Supersonic fighters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2001 29 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2001 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2001 7 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2001 3 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2001 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 47 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
Family business : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 6 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Blindsighted / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 93 9 9/7/2019 9/26/2019 13:09 NV TS
Five moral pieces / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 16 3 ######## 7/10/2019 12:36 RN TS
Dinner at the new gene cafe : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 23 3 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 RN RN
Catching water in a net / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 22 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
Sky of stone / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 16 ######## 5/29/2019 14:30 SP RN
Cardiff dead / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Political fictions / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 35 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:41 RN TS
Earthquake bird / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 5 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
Ashes of Aries / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2001 42 2 3/7/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 64 1 ######## 7/10/2019 12:00 SP TS
A walk to remember / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 39 6 ######## 5/24/2019 8:23 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 34 2 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 33 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:08 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 10 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Garter snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 55 1 ######## 3/14/2019 12:01 SP TS
Galimoto / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 14 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Special ops / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2001 33 ######## 8/15/2019 8:14 SP TS
Fair weather : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 42 8 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 62 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 53 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
Stop, drop, and roll : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 73 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
Modern practical stairbuilding and handrailing
: BK 9/10/2001 7 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 NW SS
Making twig furniture & household things 3.12E+13
/ BK 9/10/2001 32 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 23 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 NV RN
Keeping kids safe : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 12 ######## 8/5/2019 15:58 SP RN
My most favorite thing / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2001 44 3 4/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:40 SV RN
The autobiography of Meatball Finkelstein3.12E+13
/ BK 9/11/2001 8 2 6/8/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 NW SV
The loving arms of God / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 11 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The boy in the burning house / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 28 1/7/2017 2/8/2019 10:43 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 39 3 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 6 1 9/2/2015 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 42 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 39 4/9/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 48 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 20 3 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 74 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Healing the soul in the age of the brain : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 13 5 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
Simple-to-sew slipcovers & cover-ups / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 46 ######## 1/4/2019 14:23 SV TS
Creative quilting with kids / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 35 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
Madonna : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 37 1 2/9/2017 7/2/2019 15:24 SV RN
Community quilts : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 25 ######## 8/2/2019 10:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 18 ######## 3/20/2019 17:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 50 6 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
Atomic farmgirl : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 10 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
Few and chosen : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2001 14 5/6/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 10 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:22 IV RN
The Christmas encyclopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 5 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 30 1 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 32 5 ######## 6/25/2019 14:56 SP TS
Christmas makes me think / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 37 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Healing a teen's grieving heart : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 6 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2001 59 1 5/9/2017 9/25/2019 13:34 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2001 32 3 9/5/2018 2/1/2019 16:20 NW RN
Abiyoyo : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2001 56 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2001 44 2 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2001 45 2 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW RN
You read to me & I'll read to you : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2001 92 8 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NV SV
Just my dad and me / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2001 35 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
Creating a self-portrait / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2001 11 ######## 10/21/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2001 34 ######## 9/11/2019 13:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2001 10 ######## 9/18/2019 14:45 SS RN
The fairy rebel / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2001 64 4 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
Skateboarding : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2001 10 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
The winter king / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2001 32 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 SS RN
The Middle East : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2001 22 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:53 RN RN
Dragsters / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2001 20 1 2/9/2017 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2001 8 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2001 60 16 4/9/2019 5/14/2019 11:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2001 19 4/1/2015 1/22/2019 16:27 SP IV
A Childrens book about throwing tantrums3.12E+13
/ BK 9/27/2001 78 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
A bed for winter / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2001 28 3 2/2/2018 2/4/2019 14:50 SO RN
The savvy screenwriter : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2001 14 5 ######## 11/7/2019 14:59 IV RN
Selected writings / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2001 24 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
The difference engine : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2001 14 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 RN SS
Call me crazy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2001 35 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Build your own low-cost timber and beam3.12E+13
house / BK 10/3/2001 27 1 9/6/2016 10/16/2019 9:23 NW RN
Wedding toasts & vows / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2001 10 3 ######## 6/12/2019 8:03 NW RN
Home Depot. 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2001 40 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
Behind the screen : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 31 1 ######## 5/16/2019 7:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 75 5 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 82 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NV
Caterpillars / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 25 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
Do tornadoes really twist? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 65 10 5/7/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 SO RN
Strawman's hammock / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 36 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 42 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
The company of strangers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 46 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 63 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 28 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 29 2 ######## 9/18/2019 14:25 NV RN
Emeka's gift : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 44 1 5/3/2017 2/6/2019 16:41 SO RN
The bones of the buried / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 31 1 ######## 11/21/2019 10:12 RN TS
Cosbyology : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 19 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:40 SO RN
Desperate hours : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 18 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Hell's kitchen / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 25 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
Portrait in sepia : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2001 15 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 28 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Carley's song / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 35 2 ######## 9/20/2019 15:26 NW RN
The school of beauty and charm : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 28 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 43 2 3/8/2019 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 6 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 GE RN
Emmett's snowball / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 43 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
Stuffed : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 22 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2001 18 5 ######## 6/24/2019 14:53 SP RN
Josie Poe : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2001 18 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 79 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
CJ and the mysterious map / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 64 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 38 1 3/2/2014 2/20/2019 16:45 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 115 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
A plump and perky turkey / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 36 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SP
One tiny turtle / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 61 11 ######## 1/17/2019 14:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 32 ######## 4/15/2019 13:16 NV TS
Baa! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 20 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 16 2 ######## 3/20/2019 17:12 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 24 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 NV RN
New pet : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 17 3 3/1/2017 2/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 67 3 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 SV GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 53 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
Fiesta femenina : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 6 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:49 SP RN
Where's your smile, crocodile? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 60 4 ######## 2/20/2019 14:23 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 59 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 NW RN
Birdhouse for rent / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2001 29 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
Why do leaves change color? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 32 6 ######## 1/15/2019 16:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 71 5 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
I can draw wild animals / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 84 10 ######## 6/26/2019 15:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 41 6 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 26 1 ######## 8/15/2019 9:29 RN TS
Chuckie meets the Beastie Bunny / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 46 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Almanac of alien encounters / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 14 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW NW
Tender / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 33 4 5/6/2016 5/3/2019 17:19 NW RN
Attention deficit disorder / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 34 4 5/8/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
An American rodeo : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 16 1 ######## 7/9/2019 16:14 SO TS
Berries, nuts, and seeds / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2001 13 3 2/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 24 6 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 12 6 8/9/2018 2/6/2019 13:01 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 47 3 9/8/2018 2/4/2019 14:36 NV RN
Five little ducks / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 42 4 ######## 6/25/2019 16:37 SO TS
Our haunted house / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 118 8 3/1/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Our haunted house / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 39 7 3/1/2018 11/20/2019 8:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 125 9 ######## 4/12/2019 15:08 SO TS
Grover learns to read : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 99 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
Gus the greedy puppy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 80 8 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 85 5 ######## 3/22/2019 11:33 SO TS
Winnie the Pooh's silly day / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 102 10 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 54 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 8 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 108 9 ######## 7/17/2019 10:06 SO TS
Wellington's chocolatey day / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2001 28 4 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 SO RN
My counting book / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2001 65 3 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SO RN
More bugs? less bugs? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2001 59 4 3/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2001 16 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SC
Mortimer's ABCs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2001 54 4 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SO SV
Concerning The city of God against the pagans
/ BK 10/11/2001 14 4 8/4/2018 3/27/2019 7:21 SP RN
The flame trees of Thika : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2001 16 1 ######## 11/15/2019 14:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2001 12 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2001 11 2 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2001 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
The A to Z beastly jamboree / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2001 74 2 ######## 6/25/2019 14:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2001 5 ######## 6/24/2019 15:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2001 31 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
Laurel the woodfairy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2001 6 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2001 90 8 ######## 12/20/2019 15:44 SS TS
The sorcerer's apprentice / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2001 17 2 ######## 1/31/2019 13:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 37 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 IV RN
Scooby-Doo! and the weird water park / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 14 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 45 1 9/9/2018 2/5/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 2 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
Home run hero / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 16 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 54 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 54 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
I have heard of a land / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 19 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
The Christmas blizzard / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 6 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
The gullywasher = 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 25 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SO SS
Baseball's greatest hitters / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 2 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 39 2 4/4/2019 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 54 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:18 SO TS
Doug cheats / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2001 47 6 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2001 14 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Chomp! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2001 65 9 9/1/2019 9/17/2019 10:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2001 85 5 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SO VE
I can read about weather / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2001 6 1 ######## 3/21/2019 13:22 GE TS
Pooh gets stuck / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2001 90 8 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2001 35 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Thomas and the naughty diesel / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2001 15 9 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2001 37 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2001 69 9 ######## 2/15/2019 12:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2001 28 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2001 100 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2001 40 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 RN RN
The world's fastest cars / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 56 3 ######## 5/31/2019 12:18 SV TS
Every time I climb a tree / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 52 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
Beep, beep / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 34 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
Bananas! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 0 1/29/2019 17:15 GE IV
Say hola to Spanish / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 56 1 ######## 8/22/2019 15:43 SV TS
I did it, I'm sorry / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 48 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 3 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
Five brilliant scientists / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 8 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
Holiday! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2001 20 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 NW RN
Bajo el agua / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2001 30 2 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 NV RN
En safari / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2001 18 2 5/4/2017 5/24/2019 13:06 NV RN
La hermanita de Tommy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2001 17 2 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NV RN
Underwater / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2001 33 6 6/6/2019 7/17/2019 12:17 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2001 14 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2001 33 6 ######## 8/14/2019 11:55 SS TS
Peter's present / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2001 130 11 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
Spot goes splash! and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2001 66 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2001 131 11 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2001 111 10 ######## 11/8/2019 11:57 SV TS
Clifford vista el hospital / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2001 44 8 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SO RN
Clifford el pequeño perro colorado / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2001 44 5 4/6/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 SO RN
Cuenta con Clifford / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2001 47 6 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SO RN
Scientific progress goes "boink" : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2001 135 19 ######## 3/7/2019 14:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 40 2 ######## 7/25/2019 15:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 86 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SO
Firestorm / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 26 4 2/2/2017 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Franklin en la oscuridad / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 34 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Franklin miente / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 18 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SO RN
Franklin se pierde / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 25 4 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SO RN
Franklin tiene un mal dia / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 41 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SO RN
Garfield on the town / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 176 20 ######## 1/16/2019 15:02 SO TS
American English punctuation for anyone :3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2001 24 2 ######## 6/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
The pharaohs of ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2001 38 7 6/1/2019 7/8/2019 15:04 NV TS
Civil War women : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2001 1 3/8/2016 2/11/2019 8:22 GE RN
The adventures of the ingenious Alfanhui /3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2001 5 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:00 SS RN
Republic / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2001 20 5 ######## 10/18/2019 13:38 SP RN
Army badges and insignia of World War 2.3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2001 10 5/8/2013 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2001 13 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
Bohemia in history / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2001 23 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SO TS
Dear Calla Savannah Blue : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2001 43 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Honey / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2001 15 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:58 NW RN
The wit & wisdom of Abraham Lincoln : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2001 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 GE SP
The case of the vampire cat / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 52 6 3/3/2016 3/29/2019 8:32 SO GE
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 58 10 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
It's a dog's life / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 105 9 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 96 22 ######## 11/20/2019 15:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 56 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 30 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
Hank the Cowdog and monkey business / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2001 59 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2001 106 2 3/2/2019 3/25/2019 10:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 162 19 ######## 11/22/2019 15:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 110 12 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 103 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 103 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
The monk who vanished : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 35 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:47 SP TS
Space Dog Jack / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 35 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Arthur's hiccups / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 129 10 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
Wine : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 40 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 24 6 6/3/2019 10/2/2019 13:10 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 99 10 1/9/2019 3/22/2019 11:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 47 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 47 7 9/6/2018 2/4/2019 15:13 SS RN
The stable rat, and other Christmas poems3.12E+13
/ BK 11/8/2001 13 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 38 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
Mara's stories : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
Kids' funniest riddles / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 54 3 ######## 4/12/2019 12:32 SV TS
Superman Gen thirteen / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 43 ######## 7/1/2019 11:48 SP RN
Crossing / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 25 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
Major Bible prophecies : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 61 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
Priscilla and Rosy / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2001 27 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 22 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 36 4 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 103 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 107 10 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 17:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 49 4 7/1/2017 1/16/2019 16:56 SO SV
Harriet Beecher Stowe : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 19 1 5/1/2016 1/30/2019 10:42 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 10 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 SV SV
Robert and the great Pepperoni / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 11 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
Going to war in ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 27 1 9/2/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
Rosemary meets Rosemarie / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 7 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
Christmas presents kids can make / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 20 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
Christmas presents kids can make / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 46 3 8/1/2018 2/6/2019 13:01 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 114 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 17 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 60 14 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
Red dust : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 14 2/5/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Hello darlin' : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 20 ######## 10/23/2019 14:28 NV RN
Butterfly buddies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 23 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 85 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NW SV
Women with wings / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 20 2 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 NW SO
Spring / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2001 40 8 ######## 2/4/2019 11:05 SV RN
A new way to cook / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 11 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:47 SS RN
How I play golf / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 17 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 14 2 4/2/2015 4/30/2019 15:51 SP RN
The goldsmith's daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 7 ######## 9/18/2019 15:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 13 5/5/2013 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 15 ######## 9/12/2019 11:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 17 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 26 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NV RN
A gentleman of color : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 19 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SV SS
Ambrose Bierce and the death of kings / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 22 2 ######## 2/26/2019 10:05 SP SP
Swing low : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 9 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Cutter / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 39 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 SS TS
Call each river Jordan / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 22 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Kaleidoscope / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 16 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 32 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
The Vintage Book of contemporary Chinese 3.12E+13
fiction / BK 11/13/2001 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2001 30 4 9/6/2018 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 106 10 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP NV
Franklin's bad day / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 87 5 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NW
Taggerung / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 60 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 41 6 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 56 3 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 56 8 7/3/2019 9/10/2019 10:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 63 9 ######## 2/4/2019 15:40 SV RN
What's wrong with Timmy? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 25 4/6/2017 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
The legend of Strap Buckner : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 29 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:57 SS RN
Techniques in home winemaking : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2001 15 2 ######## 4/23/2019 15:42 NW TS
Going to war in Ancient Greece / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 25 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 107 28 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Going to war in ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
Crocodile : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 40 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
Davy Crockett saves the world / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 26 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
The Mohawks of North America / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 6 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SV SO
Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2001 72 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2001 41 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2001 46 3 ######## 9/24/2019 12:34 NW RN
A gap in nature : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 22 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SV RN
Ubiquity / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 36 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 76 11 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 12:54 SP TS
Letters from an age of reason / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 28 3 ######## 9/12/2019 12:53 SS RN
The complete book of wreaths : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 27 3 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 SV RN
Wedding etiquette for divorced families : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 20 ######## 5/6/2019 8:43 SP TS
The Oxford encyclopedia of ancient Egypt 3.12E+13
/ BK 11/19/2001 5 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 16 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SP RN
Becoming Mona Lisa : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 19 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
Simple trompe l'oeil : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 19 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
Wide blue yonder : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 11 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2001 46 8 ######## 3/8/2019 13:24 SO RN
The story of King Arthur and his knights / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2001 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2001 30 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2001 9 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Teller of tales : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 5 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 6 7/8/2015 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 11 1 4/9/2015 1/12/2019 13:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 55 10 2/3/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SO RN
Black boy, 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 29 7 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 22 1/9/2018 3/19/2019 15:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 20 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2001 27 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2001 113 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 28 3 ######## 9/10/2019 11:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 25 ######## 2/4/2019 15:39 SS RN
Crocodile : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 32 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Big Jimmy's Kum Kau Chinese take-out / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 30 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SP SV
Half-human / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 27 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 12 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 16 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2001 42 ######## 6/7/2019 10:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 9 6 ######## 3/16/2019 12:06 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 79 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 55 3 ######## 1/15/2019 16:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 33 8 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SV RN
Barron's science study dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 11 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 45 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
Picture maker / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 23 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Magic words : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 27 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Pirates / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 59 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
Silent fire : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 19 ######## 5/3/2019 14:24 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 23 2 3/5/2013 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 25 1 3/1/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Strip poker / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 11 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
The passionate learner : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 12 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 22 3 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 RN TS
The travels of Marco Polo. 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 26 2 ######## 4/9/2019 8:58 NW TS
The orphan singer / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 11 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
Ruby's potty / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 54 6 5/4/2019 6/25/2019 15:05 SS TS
Godiva / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2001 13 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
Getting married when it's not your first time
: BK 12/13/2001 16 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 13 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 13 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 23 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 14 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
100 years of solitude : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 23 4 ######## 5/21/2019 14:10 NV TS
Ancient Egyptians : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 6 2 9/3/2014 2/4/2019 16:56 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 35 5 ######## 10/2/2019 9:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 65 4 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 NW RN
In the time of Renoir / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 16 2/6/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 NW NV
The hill : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 18 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 IV RN
Painting American : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2001 13 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
The secret story of polygamy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2001 19 2 ######## 10/12/2019 11:41 NW RN
The unbalanced mind / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2001 22 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
A death in Texas : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2001 33 1 4/2/2016 6/4/2019 14:20 SV RN
Deadly grace / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2001 39 2 ######## 3/19/2019 16:33 SP SP
The implosion of American federalism / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2001 15 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2001 198 12 6/4/2019 8/7/2019 14:48 NW TS
The Seminole / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2001 17 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SO RN
Food rules! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2001 26 2 ######## 4/23/2019 8:57 SV TS
The mammoth hunters / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2001 65 8 ######## 11/21/2019 10:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2001 39 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2001 23 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
The case of the sneaker sneak / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2001 42 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 SP RN
The case of the sneaker sneak / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2001 32 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2002 12 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2002 26 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2002 21 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
A dictionary of literary and thematic terms3.12E+13
/ BK 1/7/2002 19 1 8/6/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
Hot air balloons / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 25 2 ######## 4/5/2019 15:44 RN RN
Islam in America / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 14 ######## 1/4/2019 14:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 42 4 ######## 7/29/2019 13:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 58 10 ######## 8/15/2019 8:30 RN TS
Quilted memories : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 25 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SV RN
The best of Robert Service. 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 16 ######## 11/20/2019 15:05 SP RN
How to sell your screenplay : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 12 3 ######## 11/1/2019 16:12 NV RN
Fondues & hot pots : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 29 1 1/5/2016 8/2/2019 10:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 8 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SP RN
Trompe l'oeil murals using stencils / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2002 44 2 1/8/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2002 30 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:42 NW RN
The Excalibur alternative / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2002 64 2 ######## 4/19/2019 17:03 SV SP
Why? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 43 5 3/6/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
Behold-- the unicorns! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 33 3 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 8:27 NW RN
Drummer / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 16 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 RN RN
One Monday / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 27 3/2/2017 1/16/2019 16:58 NW SV
Rain dance / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 53 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
Where did Bunny go? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2002 106 3 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2002 40 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2002 26 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 NW NW
Treasure Island / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2002 6 2 ######## 5/13/2019 13:17 GE SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2002 56 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SS SV
Luminous emptiness : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2002 42 6 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 NW RN
A false sense of well being / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2002 44 2 ######## 8/21/2019 13:34 SP RN
Northwoods furniture / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2002 16 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SV RN
Love and sex after 60 / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2002 12 ######## 5/30/2019 10:26 SP RN
Daytona : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2002 20 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:20 SP RN
Tribe of women : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2002 6 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Sacagawea's son : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2002 7 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
Funny Frank / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2002 40 3 1/8/2017 4/9/2019 11:40 NW SS
Ten small tales / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2002 28 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
Puppy finds a friend = 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2002 59 3 4/6/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 9 4/9/2015 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 18 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
Mummies, bones & body parts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 11 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 RN SV
The good samaritan strikes again / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
The good samaritan strikes again / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Into the twilight, endlessly grousing / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Real ponies don't go oink! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Biscuit's Valentine's Day / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 77 4 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SO
Celebrating Passover / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 15 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2002 28 2 ######## 4/15/2019 13:47 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2002 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Sure-to-win science fair projects / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2002 40 2 7/1/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2002 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:53 IV RN
One Monday / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2002 46 4 ######## 8/5/2019 13:40 IV TS
Lazarus, arise / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2002 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Kremlin gold : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2002 12 ######## 6/28/2019 12:51 NW RN
Wingwalker / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2002 18 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
Rooms your kids will love : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2002 64 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
Juntos en la cocina / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2002 29 ######## 10/12/2019 11:16 SS RN
H.M.S. Surprise / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2002 33 4 3/1/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 SP TS
A room at a time : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2002 3 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
The squirt book : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2002 5 ######## 8/2/2019 10:12 RN RN
The seasons of fire : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2002 10 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
The Manhattan Hunt Club / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2002 32 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
Sentimental journey / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2002 19 5/2/2017 9/25/2019 14:08 SS RN
Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2002 60 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 3 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NW NW
Storm is coming! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 91 12 7/5/2019 8/2/2019 12:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 55 2 8/1/2016 8/2/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 25 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
A convenient spy : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 6 1 ######## 5/6/2019 9:01 SP RN
La ley del amor 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 32 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Sakharov : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 10 3/1/2016 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
Roosevelt's secret war : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 26 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 21 ######## 9/12/2019 13:53 SP RN
Wolves at our door : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 27 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
Maid for murder / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 64 2 5/4/2019 6/26/2019 14:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 31 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
The perfectly painted house : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 37 2 1/5/2017 6/28/2019 12:51 NW RN
Channeling Cleopatra / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 32 3/4/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 26 2 3/4/2015 2/14/2019 16:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 48 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV NW
Golf A to Z : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 19 2 6/5/2015 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
Lenny and Mel / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 32 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 SP RN
Starflight / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 97 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Authentic faith : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 27 1 ######## 5/6/2019 13:02 NW RN
Whirlpool / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 27 ######## 3/23/2019 11:21 SP SP
Whirlpool / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 36 2 ######## 1/2/2019 11:47 SV SP
Sugar and spice & everything irie : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 21 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
As big as you! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2002 45 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 42 4 2/5/2017 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
Operating codes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 20 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 SP NW
Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish immigrants,3.12E+13
BK / 2/12/2002 7 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SP RN
The travelling library : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 2 5/9/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 10 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SP NW
Edward Teller and the development of the3.12E+13
bomb / 2/12/2002 11 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 14 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 SP SP
Not my kid : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 12 1 ######## 8/5/2019 16:09 SP RN
Gangsters / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 25 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SV RN
Uncle Chente's picnic / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 25 1 7/3/2016 4/9/2019 11:27 SP SS
The new engine = 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 15 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
Medieval life / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 25 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
Ancient Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 41 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
Writing your rhythm : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 22 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
From piglet to pig / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2002 49 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2002 25 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
Meerkats / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2002 32 6 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2002 34 1 ######## 3/16/2019 11:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2002 23 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2002 108 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2002 58 2 4/4/2018 7/29/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2002 72 9 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
Louis Pasteur : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2002 21 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2002 24 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
New songs for new singers. 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2002 7 3/3/2015 7/2/2019 15:26 SP RN
The house that Jack built / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2002 46 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 6 9/2/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 6 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 3 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 6 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 6 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
Beyond the rangeland conflict : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 7 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 4 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 14 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 4 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 38 3 ######## 2/12/2019 13:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 29 1 ######## 8/6/2019 10:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 2 ######## 10/9/2019 11:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 6 1 7/6/2014 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 11 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 6 ######## 9/25/2019 14:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 7 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 21 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 5 6/6/2016 10/9/2019 12:13 SS RN
A history of Hispanics in southern Nevada 3.12E+13
/ BK 2/19/2002 6 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 5 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 9 3 ######## 10/4/2019 15:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 11 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 1 6/6/2016 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2002 17 6 ######## 3/4/2019 14:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 10 2 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 29 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Art lover : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 15 1 ######## 8/1/2019 15:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 19 ######## 4/22/2019 10:21 RN RN
Casanova in Bohemia : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 12 1 ######## 9/17/2019 15:14 RN RN
Chasing spies : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 12 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Paradise on earth : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2002 9 2 2/3/2016 4/17/2019 9:59 SO TS
The story of art / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2002 16 ######## 6/28/2019 12:56 SO RN
The complete guide to home storage : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2002 21 2 ######## 8/2/2019 11:09 SP RN
Pot-bellied pigs : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 22 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 24 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 42 3 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 43 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 24 4 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SO RN
Track and field / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
King Lear : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 6 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SS RN
Dwight D. Eisenhower / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 15 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
Andrew Jackson / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2002 18 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
The moon was at a fiesta / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2002 20 3/4/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
En el fondo del mar / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 40 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 SO RN
What shall I grow? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 50 4 ######## 2/23/2019 14:03 SO SP
Frederic Remington : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 7 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 IV SS
Baby-sit / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 18 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 IV SV
The Dave Matthews Band : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 8 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
1001 things to spot in the town / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 58 7 ######## 3/7/2019 14:53 SO TS
Starting gardening / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 25 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SO SV
A history of philosophy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 10 3/2/2016 4/24/2019 15:28 SP RN
Learn to play more easy piano classics / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 46 9 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SO TS
The Usborne book of juggling / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2002 15 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 8 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Advanced chess / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 33 10 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SO RN
Knights & castles / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 52 4 6/5/2019 9/10/2019 14:08 RN TS
El reino de los juguetes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:23 SO NW
Essential science / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 34 3/1/2019 5/30/2019 15:28 SV TS
The California Gold Rush / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 27 4 4/8/2019 6/13/2019 10:19 SO TS
De Soto : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 12 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:04 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 42 5 ######## 8/22/2019 15:11 SO TS
The Underground Railroad / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 26 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 SO NW
Chickens have chicks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 41 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 36 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 21 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NV TS
Maryland facts and symbols / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 18 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SO SV
Montana facts and symbols / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 29 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SO RN
Tractor trailers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 69 1 ######## 7/10/2019 10:33 SO TS
Cargo ships / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 64 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Ambulances / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 72 5 4/9/2019 9/10/2019 15:03 SS TS
Case of the cyber-hacker / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2002 32 2 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Tying and fishing the riffling hitch / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 11 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
Monster trucks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 45 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NV
The Choctaw nation / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 21 1 5/7/2015 1/23/2019 14:22 SO SO
The Pomo Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 16 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SO RN
Sleep well : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 24 6 3/9/2018 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 28 1 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 15 3 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 22 7/3/2016 10/23/2019 14:50 SP RN
The Chinook people / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 14 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 69 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SO SO
Period make-up for the stage : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 8 ######## 11/1/2019 15:45 SP RN
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 34 9 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SO TS
Earth / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 22 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 52 10 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SV TS
Canoeing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 2 8/5/2015 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 61 5 ######## 11/8/2019 13:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 40 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
History of skateboarding : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 13 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Skateboards : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 15 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 24 4 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SO TS
Temperate forests / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 21 6 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SO TS
Grasslands / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 18 5 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SO TS
Oceans / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 43 4 ######## 6/13/2019 12:48 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 33 4 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:49 SO TS
Italian immigrants, 1880-1920 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 15 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
Japanese immigrants, 1850-1950 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 10 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
African-American aviators : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
The War of 1812 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 29 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SO SV
The Cheyenne / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
The Delaware people / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 8 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Benedict Arnold / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 17 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SO RN
George Washington / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 42 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 SS RN
Eleanor Roosevelt : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 23 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SO
Learn faster & remember more : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 32 7 6/1/2019 6/24/2019 10:05 SP TS
Plate tectonics : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2002 9 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
The art of dying : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2002 8 2 8/2/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
King Lear : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
Jump jets : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 76 8 2/6/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 37 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Attack helicopters : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 59 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SV NV
Supersonic fighters : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 97 6 ######## 9/6/2019 10:12 SO TS
Tsunamis / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 40 6 6/5/2019 9/10/2019 11:24 SO TS
Geckos / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 40 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 64 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SO RN
Grandes personajes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 14 3/5/2019 3/25/2019 7:58 SP TS
Clean naturally : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 24 1 ######## 10/21/2019 11:31 SP RN
Las dos torres / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 10 7 ######## 10/23/2019 8:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 59 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 12 6/3/2016 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
Rat snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 57 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
Operacion Pedro Pan : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2002 12 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
Burning up : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2002 26 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2002 26 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
The 1940s / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2002 18 1 ######## 6/28/2019 14:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2002 19 4 ######## 8/14/2019 9:23 NV RN
The perfect cake / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 41 5 ######## 6/27/2019 15:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 45 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 121 6 3/9/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 105 7 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 8 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 26 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 18 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 10 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 34 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 38 1 ######## 6/13/2019 10:37 IV TS
Something borrowed, something black : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 22 1 3/1/2016 9/10/2019 14:58 SP RN
Three to kill / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 12 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 24 ######## 9/17/2019 14:56 SP RN
The visitor / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 26 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 85 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
Desert burial : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 17 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 20 2 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 SP RN
Quack, quack! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 39 9/2/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
Always Copycub / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 31 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
A good fight / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 6 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
Biscuit's Valentine's Day / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 106 3/6/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
A spy for the redeemer / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 24 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
A collection of beauties at the height of their
BK : 3/11/2002 23 4/8/2015 3/4/2019 16:38 IV SP
She did it! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 39 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 RN RN
Tracks that speak : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 5 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
The rant zone : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 23 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SO SS
Clark Gable : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 35 ######## 7/15/2019 9:23 NW TS
Dare to lose : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 37 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:35 SP RN
No turning back : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 16 2 4/9/2015 5/6/2019 9:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 19 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:45 NV TR
Footprints on the roof : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 20 1 5/4/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2002 15 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 NW NW
Historical dictionary of the American Revolution
/ BK 3/12/2002 13 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Sister revolutions : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 4 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 22 3 ######## 11/13/2019 11:45 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 94 14 ######## 8/22/2019 15:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 17 6/7/2017 2/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
Belle Teal / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 16 1 6/2/2016 2/1/2019 17:48 SP SP
Life goes on : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 20 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
The voyage of the Catalpa : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 8 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 26 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 57 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SO
Beauty in exile : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
Beauty in exile : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 13 2 ######## 5/28/2019 9:03 SS RN
Over there : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 9 2/7/2016 11/8/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 10 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 NW RN
Lost cause : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 15 7/9/2015 1/5/2019 15:45 SO SP
Scorched earth / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 25 1 ######## 9/18/2019 15:21 NW RN
Way out there in the blue : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 1 4/2/2014 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 45 ######## 1/12/2019 9:53 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 103 5 5/8/2019 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 9 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 SO IV
On to Richmond : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 17 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SP SP
The shoe tree of Chagrin / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 21 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
Lenny and Mel / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 24 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 NW RN
Box girl / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 16 3 8/9/2016 2/7/2019 17:28 SP SP
Blood and splendor : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 5 1 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 42 2 2/7/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SS RN
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 10 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
The farms / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 15 2 3/7/2019 3/7/2019 14:01 SP NV
Ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 13 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:44 RN SV
Handbook of American women's history / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 8 9/8/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Jizo Bodhisattva : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 25 2 2/1/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Wheels and axles / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 10 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 13 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:42 SP SV
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning
/ BK 3/12/2002 11 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
North American Indian wars / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 11 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Discontented America : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 5 ######## 11/8/2019 11:24 SP RN
Encyclopedia of American poetry : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 4 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:05 SV RN
You're only as good as your next one : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 18 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:41 SP RN
Unsolved mysteries of American history / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2002 33 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
Deadly embrace / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 48 1 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 4 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
The professor and the madman : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 26 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 18 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 18 5 6/6/2017 1/8/2019 11:35 SO RN
Belly of the beast : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 23 2 ######## 4/23/2019 14:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 6 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Sakharov : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 10 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Days of destiny : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 9 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Capone : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 34 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 18 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
The monarchy : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 8 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
The straits of war : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2002 6 ######## 11/13/2019 12:07 SS RN
The Kwangju uprising : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 3 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:53 SS RN
The myth of the Great War : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 12 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SO RN
War at the top of the world : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 7 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SS RN
Farm / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 41 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SS
Royal Babylon : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 12 2/5/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
The Third Reich : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 18 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Chinese New Year--a time for parades, family,
and friends
BK / 3/14/2002 24 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 15 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 21 3 ######## 1/16/2019 13:04 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 22 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Nakedness, death, and the number zero : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2002 8 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 11 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 49 3 ######## 7/16/2019 10:37 RN RN
Wreath making basics : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 9 1 ######## 7/16/2019 10:35 SS RN
Storyville, USA / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 16 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Gourmet soaps made easy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 20 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 16 1 7/8/2015 5/31/2019 7:36 RN TS
Rolling Stone : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 16 1 7/5/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Rolling Stone images of rock & roll / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 13 7/6/2016 1/22/2019 14:35 SS RN
Natural beauty from the garden : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 43 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:12 SO RN
Get a shot of rhythm and blues : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 6 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 6 3/1/2016 10/24/2019 15:17 SS RN
Wedding idea book : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 15 2/8/2015 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Mouse under glass : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 26 3 ######## 10/18/2019 14:04 SS RN
I'm the one that I want / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 26 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:18 SS RN
Essentially soap / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 23 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:22 SO RN
Papermaking : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 22 3 ######## 7/16/2019 10:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 10 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Annuals for every purpose : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 16 1 ######## 6/17/2019 15:11 SP SP
Where the pavement ends : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 15 1 4/3/2016 11/8/2019 13:44 RN RN
Angels in cross stitch / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2002 5 ######## 10/21/2019 15:19 SS RN
Your first horse : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 34 2 ######## 5/20/2019 13:33 SS RN
20th-century American sculpture in the White
HouseBK garden / 3/18/2002 9 5/5/2015 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
A new owner's guide to Great Danes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 16 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
Western pleasure : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 30 1 6/8/2019 7/9/2019 15:08 SP TS
A new owner's guide to Chinese cresteds /3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 18 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 27 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:33 SP RN
A new owner's guide to Scottish terriers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 16 1 4/9/2015 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
A new owner's guide to collies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 18 4/4/2017 10/21/2019 15:00 SP RN
The perfect retriever / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 44 5 1/9/2018 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Rock 'n' roll / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 8 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 SO SO
History of the 1900s / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 17 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
History of the 1940s / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 18 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 NW SV
The bombing of Pearl Harbor / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 43 10 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 7 3 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SO SV
Pot bellied pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 17 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
The Washington Monument / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 12 3 5/7/2016 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
A new owner's guide to Keeshonden / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:59 SP RN
Tundra : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 28 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:12 SO RN
The ancient Romans / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 36 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
The ancient Egyptians / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 49 5 ######## 11/8/2019 12:31 SO TS
Skateboarding / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 21 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
Health science projects about anatomy and 3.12E+13
BK / 3/18/2002 10 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SO NV
The immune system / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 17 ######## 4/23/2019 8:57 NV TS
The muscular system / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 22 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 NV SV
A new owner's guide to English springer spaniels
/ BK 3/18/2002 18 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
A new owner's guide to Chow Chows / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 16 ######## 10/21/2019 15:00 SP RN
John James Audubon in the West : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2002 7 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
The senator's wife / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2002 45 1 ######## 4/12/2019 14:00 NV SP
Green living : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2002 28 3 5/2/2019 5/28/2019 8:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2002 39 2 ######## 5/6/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2002 24 5 ######## 7/17/2019 15:17 SS TS
Green gardening : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2002 10 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2002 22 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
Cheating lessons : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2002 23 1 2/7/2015 1/2/2019 11:59 RN SP
Allergy-free gardening : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2002 8 5/1/2013 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Skateboarding / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2002 47 2 7/5/2016 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
If I could drive a crane! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2002 50 8 ######## 9/6/2019 9:14 RN TS
The farmer's wife guide to fabulous fruits and
berriesBK: 3/21/2002 10 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 74 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Sieur de la Salle / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 12 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NW SS
African-Americans in the Old West / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 8 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 NW SP
Asian-Americans in the old West / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 4 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 NW SP
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 NW SV
I want to say I love you / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 36 4 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
Olives : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 7 2 7/8/2016 8/2/2019 11:21 SS RN
Cubism / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 8 6/8/2013 6/5/2019 16:45 SO SS
Look what came from Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 54 13 ######## 4/29/2019 18:01 SS SO
Grunt / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 42 4 ######## 4/15/2019 13:17 NV TS
How would you survive as an ancient Greek? 3.12E+13
/ BK 3/21/2002 53 4 ######## 1/15/2019 15:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 9 3/5/2015 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Foolproof Italian cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2002 20 ######## 7/15/2019 10:20 SS RN
The proving ground : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 9 1/6/2016 11/7/2019 15:28 SS RN
American impressionism / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 11 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 21 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SO SS
The complete book of baseball's Negro Leagues
: BK 3/22/2002 3 ######## 11/1/2019 15:56 SS RN
At the altar of speed : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 7 ######## 8/2/2019 10:21 SS RN
Blue skies, green fields : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 8 3/9/2017 6/25/2019 15:56 SS RN
Watercolor basics : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 18 3 2/6/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 SS RN
The head game : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 6 1 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
The cyclist's training bible : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 23 2 6/2/2019 7/3/2019 11:20 SO SS
A civil war : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2002 9 2 3/5/2014 7/1/2019 11:09 SO SS
Hedgehogs and other insectivores / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 31 9/1/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
Howlers and other New World monkeys/ 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 21 1 ######## 3/20/2019 17:48 SP SP
The complete book of coaching youth soccer 3.12E+13
: BK 3/26/2002 35 3 ######## 10/4/2019 9:16 NV TS
Declaration of independents : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 13 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:50 SS RN
To the edge : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 31 2 ######## 10/4/2019 7:54 SO TS
A season in Dornoch : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 4 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Todo sobre la imagen del exito / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 40 2 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
Gold in the water : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2002 4 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2002 21 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
A midsummer night's dream / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2002 19 3 7/2/2015 1/4/2019 16:49 SO SP
Romeo and Juliet / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2002 17 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Native Americans of the Northwest Coast 3/ .12E+13 BK 3/27/2002 19 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Native Americans of the Plains / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2002 26 6 ######## 2/16/2019 13:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2002 22 3 ######## 3/7/2019 15:05 SO TS
Building moral intelligence : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2002 10 1 4/9/2017 10/21/2019 11:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2002 4 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SV SS
Mrs. Fytton's country life / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2002 30 1 ######## 9/17/2019 15:00 SS RN
Slow yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2002 54 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
7 x 9 = trouble! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 41 7 ######## 2/1/2019 16:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 34 1 ######## 4/12/2019 10:29 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 29 7 3/4/2019 8/14/2019 10:43 NV TS
Adding it up : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 50 5 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 40 6 ######## 7/15/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 37 2 3/2/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
The industrial revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2002 7 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 22 4 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 34 1 ######## 4/16/2019 16:36 NW SP
Warning of war : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 26 3 ######## 11/25/2019 8:08 RN TS
A Children's book about tattling / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 36 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 48 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 NW TS
John Quincy Adams : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 17 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 57 ######## 2/14/2019 16:24 SO SP
Poker nation : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2002 48 7/8/2019 8/9/2019 8:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2002 34 4 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2002 34 3 1/8/2018 4/23/2019 14:16 RN RN
Smithsonian book of giant pandas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2002 19 2 ######## 6/12/2019 8:21 SV RN
Don't know much about planet Earth 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2002 12 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Grasses : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2002 34 1 3/9/2015 6/24/2019 10:22 SV RN
Prehistoric origami : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2002 62 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SV RN
The essays of Henry D. Thoreau / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2002 16 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
The book of new New England cookery / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2002 19 ######## 10/24/2019 15:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 54 8 4/5/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
Behold-- the unicorns! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 26 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 36 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 14 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NV RN
Cowboy in the making / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 14 2/6/2017 2/1/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 23 9 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 14 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Jorge el Curioso monta en bicicleta / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 26 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 NW RN
A century of great Western stories / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 43 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SO TS
The gun trail / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 21 7/5/2019 7/24/2019 15:22 SV TS
Claremont tales II / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 2 ######## 9/12/2019 13:08 SS RN
Woman of the frontier : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 20 5 8/6/2019 8/21/2019 8:44 SP TS
George Washington, frontiersman / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2002 31 4 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
Astrologia / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 40 5 ######## 6/19/2019 14:56 SP TS
Grievance / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 14 1/9/2015 1/2/2019 13:25 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 50 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 7 ######## 9/10/2019 14:02 SS RN
Jumper : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 7 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:44 SS RN
The family jewels and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 12 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 13 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:19 SS RN
The unburied / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 4 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 9 1 ######## 9/23/2019 13:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2002 11 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SS RN
The 1910s / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2002 8 ######## 11/8/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 38 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:04 SP TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 39 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 NW SS
Blues-rock explosion / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 33 5 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 11 ######## 11/8/2019 13:34 SS RN
Diccionario de la cocina japonesa : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 11 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
The last lone inventor : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 19 2 4/8/2016 5/29/2019 15:06 SP RN
Small garden solutions / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 30 3 ######## 6/28/2019 13:58 SS RN
Garden, landscape and project plans : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2002 85 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2002 53 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2002 27 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SP SV
I remember Dale Earnhardt : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2002 15 2 5/8/2019 6/27/2019 10:06 SP TS
The Shadow Club rising / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 16 3 ######## 3/16/2019 12:05 SO SO
The Shadow Club rising / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 29 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:04 SS RN
The inside story on teen girls : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 11 7/9/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Fishing in northern California / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 45 8 ######## 5/29/2019 7:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 29 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
Rowan and the Zebak / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 32 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 SO NW
Familiar and Haunting 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 9 ######## 9/20/2019 15:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 185 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
Lipsmackin' backpackin' : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 41 3 3/9/2018 6/27/2019 15:32 SV RN
Ringneck. 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 5 2 ######## 11/6/2019 13:01 SS RN
Shotguns and shooting / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 14 5/8/2017 11/7/2019 15:17 SS RN
Trap shooting secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2002 14 5/8/2017 11/1/2019 16:11 SS RN
Love among the ruins : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2002 3 ######## 9/17/2019 14:59 SS RN
Here comes civilization : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2002 4 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2002 14 4 ######## 8/21/2019 8:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2002 37 4 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2002 31 3 ######## 9/23/2019 13:22 SO RN
Star quality / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2002 19 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 RN SS
Great scenes and monologues for Actors /3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2002 38 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
Leadership on the line : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2002 19 ######## 5/2/2019 15:53 SP SP
Que son las drogas : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2002 22 4 ######## 8/22/2019 15:33 SV TS
La ruta de los Nazis : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2002 31 3 ######## 1/18/2019 17:03 SV SP
La caravana de la muerte : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2002 21 4/4/2017 5/24/2019 13:09 SV RN
American skin : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2002 19 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2002 36 5 ######## 4/24/2019 8:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2002 27 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2002 19 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2002 34 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2002 33 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SS SV
Revenge : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2002 7 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 26 1 4/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 63 10 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 SO NW
Hippolyta and the curse of the Amazons / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 29 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 NW SS
Weekend with Grandmother / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 30 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 17 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 RN TR
The earth kitchen / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 8 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 RN SP
ChaseR : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 20 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
The fish's eye / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2002 9 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 RN RN
Reader's Digest North American wildlife / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2002 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Rabble in arms, 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2002 7 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
Free agent nation : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2002 53 6 6/9/2017 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2002 75 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2002 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2002 3 ######## 10/9/2019 9:23 SS RN
A history of Smoky Valley, Nevada / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2002 14 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2002 19 ######## 10/18/2019 14:17 SS RN
A-mazing Aladdin / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2002 35 5 ######## 5/14/2019 9:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2002 13 ######## 10/9/2019 9:21 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2002 21 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:04 SS RN
The complete illustrated Shakespeare / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2002 8 ######## 11/15/2019 13:11 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 27 5 ######## 7/2/2019 15:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 45 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 33 2/6/2017 9/12/2019 13:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 58 4 1/6/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 44 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 41 ######## 9/18/2019 14:21 RN RN
Fourteen : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 24 5/7/2016 6/7/2019 9:56 SP RN
Our finest day : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 45 6/7/2017 11/13/2019 11:10 SV RN
From the heart of Covington / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 40 8/7/2016 9/23/2019 12:26 SS RN
Fantastic furniture in an afternoon / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2002 33 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
Tennis in action / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2002 5 1 5/6/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Eisenhower : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2002 14 2 ######## 5/29/2019 15:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2002 12 1 ######## 6/12/2019 11:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2002 186 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
Flying free / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2002 31 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 NV RN
Slaves of the Mastery : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2002 34 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2002 42 4 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 RN SS
Simply Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2002 41 2 7/2/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2002 12 1 9/1/2015 2/8/2019 17:48 RN SP
Delilah / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2002 24 2/7/2017 2/4/2019 15:43 RN RN
The complete stories / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2002 73 17 ######## 12/5/2019 13:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2002 41 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
King David / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2002 12 ######## 10/16/2019 11:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2002 55 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2002 32 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SO RN
Emergency wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2002 17 ######## 7/17/2019 11:17 SS TS
Accident / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2002 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2002 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2002 64 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2002 34 4 1/4/2018 5/20/2019 14:12 SV RN
Sometimes I like to curl up in a ball / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2002 143 6 ######## 7/17/2019 10:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2002 98 6 ######## 1/19/2019 10:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2002 72 9 ######## 1/18/2019 15:31 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2002 27 2 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2002 29 5 ######## 2/13/2019 9:12 VE SO
Gene machines / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 100 1 3/2/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 112 2 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
Late bloomers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 10 2 8/5/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 SO RN
The Academy Awards : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 16 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SS RN
Explorations : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 13 ######## 11/8/2019 10:31 SS RN
We played the game : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 7 1 ######## 11/1/2019 15:43 SS RN
Witches : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 19 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SP
Guglielmo Marconi : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2002 3 1 7/5/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 67 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 14 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
Jamie / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 7 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
On the go with Pirate Pete and Pirate Joe!3.12E+13
/ BK 7/9/2002 86 6 ######## 6/25/2019 14:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 115 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 24 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 28 5 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 9 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
Bad girls in love / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 39 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
The xenocide mission / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 31 1 ######## 6/13/2019 11:08 NW TS
What about me? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 12 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 35 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SP SS
Wenny has wings / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2002 30 ######## 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
Drywall : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 39 2 ######## 6/28/2019 12:48 RN RN
Harold Lloyd : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 17 1 3/2/2016 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 28 3 7/5/2016 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 87 4 1/8/2019 2/4/2019 14:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 110 18 ######## 7/17/2019 10:16 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 85 2 ######## 7/10/2019 11:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 44 ######## 9/18/2019 14:47 SS RN
Gorgeous lies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 17 ######## 9/23/2019 12:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 23 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:32 SO RN
Russell Crowe : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 5 1 9/1/2016 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 21 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Audrey and Barbara / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 41 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
The Brothers Grimm : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 7 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
To reach the clouds : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2002 20 3 ######## 5/20/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 39 10 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
Abu and the 7 marvels / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 12 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NW SS
Elizabeth Cady Stanton : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 25 1 5/7/2015 1/16/2019 17:37 NW NW
The truth or something : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 14 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 RN SV
Piggy's pancake parlor / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 29 9/1/2016 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 18 9/8/2016 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
Restaurant confidential : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 27 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 NW SS
Planets around the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 68 8 ######## 9/17/2019 9:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 12 3 1/3/2018 9/10/2019 14:29 NW TS
A present for Mom / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 74 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
Como solicitar para su propio divorcio / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 13 ######## 6/22/2019 11:46 SP RN
A place at the table : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 NW IV
Where the ground meets the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2002 10 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 NW IV
Cottage retreats 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 48 2 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SS TS
Stamp collecting for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 43 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:53 SV NV
Debugging your horse : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 30 2 ######## 3/13/2019 9:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 9 1 2/6/2018 5/20/2019 14:01 SO RN
Decorating with mini-lights : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 33 2 ######## 6/25/2019 15:42 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 13 3 ######## 4/23/2019 14:30 SO RN
Christopher Lowell's seven layers of design3.12E+13
: BK 7/15/2002 85 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 23 2 ######## 6/28/2019 12:48 SS RN
Magic lanterns : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 33 ######## 10/21/2019 15:04 SS RN
Decorating baskets : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 21 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:34 SS RN
New ways with paint : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 21 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SP RN
New ways with paint : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 34 1 ######## 10/24/2019 14:50 SO RN
Fabric harmony : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 13 1 3/4/2014 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Holy war, Inc. : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2002 23 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Our class took a trip to the zoo / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2002 90 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:13 SS RN
Beautiful bodies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2002 16 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
Perpetual war for perpetual peace : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2002 23 1/5/2019 1/31/2019 10:45 NV TS
La Cocina familiar en el estado de Nayarit.3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2002 9 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
La Cocina familiar en el estado de Quintana3.12E+13
Roo. BK 7/18/2002 28 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
La Cocina familiar en el estado de San Luis3.12E+13
Potosi. BK 7/18/2002 31 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Las mejores historias sobre perros / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2002 16 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
Yes, no, Little Hippo / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2002 21 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:22 SV RN
Unnatural causes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2002 95 9 ######## 8/12/2019 14:28 SO TS
Ender's shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2002 49 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV NW
The later plays of Eugene O'Neill / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2002 4 1 6/5/2017 11/20/2019 14:57 SS RN
Atlantis : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 23 5 5/6/2019 6/3/2019 13:29 SS SO
Edgar Cayce on the millennium / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 44 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 103 5 ######## 6/20/2019 13:07 RN TS
Sleep no more / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 71 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 97 7 ######## 10/23/2019 8:35 NW TS
High-performance cycling / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 29 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
Fingerprints : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 12 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
The atlas of the New Age / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2002 13 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 47 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
The complete poems of Carl Sandburg / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 8 2 ######## 11/15/2019 14:03 SS RN
The Amish in the American imagination / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 9 1 ######## 10/12/2019 11:30 SS RN
The new Rolling stone encyclopedia of rock 3.12E+13
& roll / BK 7/31/2002 18 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Finding your perfect soulmate or business3.12E+13
partner : BK 7/31/2002 28 4 ######## 7/29/2019 8:47 SP TS
Shaman, healer, sage : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 40 10 ######## 4/2/2019 16:32 SO RN
The mystery of haunted houses / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 46 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:24 NW RN
The woman behind the lens : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 5 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
My son Jimi / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 13 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:56 SS RN
Going native / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 6 2 ######## 8/23/2019 14:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SO RN
The Vibe history of hip hop / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2002 19 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SO RN
Find me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 12 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Girl singer : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 6 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Radio's Captain Midnight : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:31 SS RN
Hostage to fortune : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 2 1 4/2/2013 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 11 3 2/5/2017 10/4/2019 15:13 SS RN
Spirit of Bob Hope : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 7 ######## 11/7/2019 13:44 SS RN
Mao's China and after : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 22 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SS RN
The animals of the Chinese zodiac / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 32 2 9/1/2017 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
FDR and his enemies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 6 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:58 SS RN
Napoleon : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 10 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 6 9/9/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
We'll be in your mountains, we'll be in your
songs : BK 8/1/2002 2 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
China and the legacy of Deng Xiaoping : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2002 12 1/9/2015 2/28/2019 14:22 SO RN
The contemporary dachshund : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 19 ######## 9/16/2019 13:22 NW TS
Home storage projects : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 25 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
A new owner's guide to Lhasa apsos. 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 17 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:59 SS RN
The airedale terrier today / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 11 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Training your Labrador retriever / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 42 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:53 SS NV
Rock stars encyclopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 25 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
The Great Dane / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 25 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The boxer : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 41 ######## 10/21/2019 14:01 SS RN
Cichlids : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 10 2 ######## 10/24/2019 15:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2002 21 2 1/8/2019 1/18/2019 9:24 SS TS
Shetland sheepdogs : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2002 8 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The soft coated wheaten terrier : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2002 7 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The runaway jury / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2002 84 11 ######## 11/22/2019 8:39 RN TS
Smokejumpers one to ten / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2002 50 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2002 28 ######## 2/6/2019 14:08 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2002 105 9 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 NW RN
What color? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2002 13 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2002 42 2 1/3/2017 9/12/2019 11:40 SS RN
Bound for America : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2002 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SP SS
Daddy's lullaby / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2002 45 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
Buffalo Bill Cody / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2002 16 3/4/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 58 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 21 3 5/3/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
The awful aardvarks shop for school / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 18 9/9/2018 2/6/2019 9:39 RN RN
Skate legends / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 29 1 ######## 11/1/2019 15:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 56 4 4/2/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
In the middle of all this / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 15 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 85 3 9/6/2019 9/24/2019 15:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 35 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 52 7 ######## 12/31/2019 12:19 SV TS
Manhattan monologues / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 19 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
Handbook for boys : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 13 1 1/6/2015 1/2/2019 10:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 33 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 17 6/4/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 9 2 ######## 4/5/2019 15:40 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 12 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:11 SO RN
Saffy's angel / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 26 1 ######## 2/1/2019 18:06 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 25 1 7/8/2015 2/22/2019 9:15 NW SV
With a dog like that, a kid like me-- / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 14 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 20 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 19 1 3/6/2019 4/5/2019 15:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 35 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Authentic happiness : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 63 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2002 10 3 ######## 11/12/2019 7:33 SS RN
Landscape planning : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 75 7 ######## 1/24/2019 13:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 55 1 ######## 5/9/2019 7:54 SP TS
Trapped : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 18 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:27 SP RN
Meanwhile, back at the ranch : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 6 1 4/6/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
The handmade candle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 36 5 ######## 4/22/2019 10:28 NW RN
The miracle : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 20 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
The edge of doom / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 19 2 ######## 9/11/2019 12:40 SS RN
Antler, bear, canoe : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 48 2 ######## 2/11/2019 11:59 NW RN
Food for friends : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 40 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The Rotters' Club / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 14 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 18 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
The glorious cause : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 30 9 ######## 6/20/2019 13:09 SS TS
Faux finishing for the first time / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 23 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 7 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Nelson Mandela's favorite African folktales.
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 22 5 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Quilts for wilderness kids / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 23 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
The day I turned uncool : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 23 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 NW SS
Skateboard : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 22 6/8/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 64 9 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2002 92 5 2/9/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 28 9 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 15:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 79 3 4/2/2018 2/6/2019 16:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 19 1 3/8/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 19 1 ######## 1/16/2019 14:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 60 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:28 SV RN
Millicent's gift / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 31 2 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 SO IV
The Latina's bible : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 13 1 ######## 5/2/2019 11:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 23 4 ######## 2/4/2019 8:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2002 50 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SO VE
When second graders attack / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 62 8 ######## 6/27/2019 13:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 27 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SS RN
Mommy's hands / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 72 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 SO RN
Ugh! a bug / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 76 8 ######## 11/22/2019 15:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 89 5 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 46 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 71 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 12 1/4/2017 9/11/2019 13:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 18 4 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 64 9 5/7/2019 7/16/2019 11:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 9 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
Dead crowd / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 9 1 1/5/2016 9/12/2019 13:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 40 2/4/2018 2/2/2019 10:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 112 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 45 1 ######## 3/28/2019 15:40 NW TS
Rowan and the Zebak / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 24 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 SV SP
The Zuni / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 8 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 11 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
Froggie went a-courtin' / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 47 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
El padrino / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 34 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
The end of marriage / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 5 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:12 SS RN
La Tour dreams of the wolf girl / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 2 2 3/2/2015 5/3/2019 12:52 SS RN
The Shakeress / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 19 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
The voyage of Patience Goodspeed / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 24 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 39 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
The wicked flea : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 21 3 2/2/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 SV TS
Snow Island / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 13 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 5 7/5/2017 2/4/2019 8:45 SV RN
Weathermen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 2 6/9/2016 9/12/2019 12:09 SS RN
The way to somewhere : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 12 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 37 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 SP RN
Shadows of blue & gray : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 51 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NV RN
England calling : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 2 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 64 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
Exposure / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 2 ######## 9/11/2019 12:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 3 8/8/2016 9/12/2019 13:41 SS RN
From the heart of Covington / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 14 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SV RN
Surfer dog / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 41 5 ######## 3/16/2019 12:05 NW SO
Thirteen albatrosses (or, falling off the mountain)
3.12E+13: BK 8/19/2002 2 ######## 8/23/2019 13:59 SS RN
Blossom and Boo stay up late : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 83 2 1/2/2018 2/2/2019 10:05 SO RN
Up country : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2002 84 16 8/7/2019 10/18/2019 11:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 12 2 2/1/2016 8/21/2019 13:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 46 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
Educating Waverley / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 3 1 ######## 9/12/2019 12:59 NW RN
Five boys / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 2 ######## 9/17/2019 14:59 SS RN
Dork on the run / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 65 3 ######## 8/22/2019 16:15 SS TS
What my mother doesn't know / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 74 2 ######## 1/2/2019 10:37 NW SP
Detective Lauriant investigates : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Scott Fitzgerald / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 53 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
Slaves who dared : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 15 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The xenocide mission / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 7 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 11 2 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 37 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
The red rose box / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 21 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 SS RN
England's dreaming : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 21 ######## 5/14/2019 14:18 SS TS
Step to the graveyard easy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 24 2/3/2015 1/2/2019 11:47 SP SP
Step to the graveyard easy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 24 3 ######## 11/21/2019 10:16 RN TS
Elegant glassware of the Depression era : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 33 5 1/9/2019 2/13/2019 14:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 30 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 35 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SS RN
September 11 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 15 1 9/7/2019 10/2/2019 14:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SS SV
Channeling Cleopatra / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 3 ######## 9/18/2019 11:08 SS RN
The stone council / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 4 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 29 3 2/9/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
Italian stories / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 4 7/8/2015 9/20/2019 15:07 SS RN
Building robots with Lego Mindstorms / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 34 2 4/9/2019 5/6/2019 8:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 16 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS TS
The only boy for me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2002 26 3 ######## 7/17/2019 11:05 SO TS
Powerful days / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 1 ######## 10/12/2019 11:59 SS RN
Tempting Faith DiNapoli / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 5 1 7/8/2015 8/23/2019 14:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 49 1 ######## 7/17/2019 13:51 SP RN
Thieves' paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 29 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 53 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SS RN
Confessions of a sociopathic social climber3.12E+13
: BK 8/21/2002 8 8/3/2017 9/12/2019 10:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 22 ######## 10/3/2019 12:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 14 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SS RN
Bookends : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 51 7 ######## 6/26/2019 13:18 SS TS
Handcrafted ceramic tiles / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 12 ######## 10/16/2019 10:49 SS RN
The night trilogy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 30 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Debbie Travis' weekend projects : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 25 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 46 1 1/5/2016 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 17 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 29 2 ######## 9/6/2019 8:24 SO TS
Ever green is-- : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 2 3/2/2014 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
The Jericho flower / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Miss Julia throws a wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 31 4 ######## 11/7/2019 14:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 28 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 20 1 ######## 9/18/2019 15:06 SS RN
The making of June / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 9 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Martin Sloane : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 3 ######## 9/11/2019 13:24 SS RN
Waiting period / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 18 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Anchoress of Shere / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 5 ######## 9/12/2019 13:34 SS RN
Human landscapes from my country : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Quicksilver : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 11 7/8/2015 9/12/2019 12:37 SS RN
Don't believe your lying eyes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 7 1 ######## 4/10/2019 15:25 SP SP
Glazing techniques / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2002 13 2 6/4/2019 10/4/2019 9:16 SS TS
Straydog / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 16 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Shadows of power / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 29 1 6/4/2019 7/10/2019 12:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 34 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 NV RN
Phoning a dead man / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 17 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Rashomon gate / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 26 6 ######## 10/3/2019 12:18 SO TS
A dictionary of English surnames / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 12 1 4/6/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
All lost time : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 17 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
Painting floorcloths : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 16 1 1/7/2015 8/2/2019 9:54 SO RN
Heirloom machine quilting : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 16 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 3 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Dinosaurs after dark / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 101 2 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
The complete manual of woodworking / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 34 1 5/2/2019 9/26/2019 11:08 SS TS
Great scrapbooks : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 53 3 ######## 10/24/2019 15:17 SS RN
Making glass beads / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 24 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SS RN
The structure of scientific revolutions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 20 3 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 8:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 50 2 ######## 8/6/2019 10:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 6 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
Woodworking with the router : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 27 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 23 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
The potter's palette / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2002 7 ######## 10/16/2019 10:50 SS RN
The pains of April : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2002 3 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2002 43 4 2/7/2017 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
White apples / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 2 9/1/2015 8/21/2019 13:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 7 1 ######## 8/1/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 30 4 ######## 9/24/2019 10:26 SO TS
Non campus mentis : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 5 2/6/2014 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
A course in miracles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 46 4 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS NV
A compendium of skirts / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 4 ######## 9/12/2019 12:50 SS RN
The Sunday wife / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 12 7/5/2016 9/12/2019 13:02 SS RN
No lifeguard on duty : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 26 ######## 7/15/2019 10:39 NV RN
Swan / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 9 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 61 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:29 SS RN
The fall of Berlin, 1945 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 21 2 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SS TS
Mother of the bride / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 7 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
Soon be free / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 26 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SS SV
Guess who's coming, Jesse Bear / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 48 6 5/7/2019 6/25/2019 14:46 SO TS
Monster manual : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 55 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NV
The day I turned uncool : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 4 1 3/2/2014 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
A crossword to die for / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 9 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SS RN
The new Jewish wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2002 3 2 1/2/2015 6/4/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 29 1 ######## 3/4/2019 11:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 84 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 32 17 ######## 12/10/2019 11:32 SS TS
Street boys / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 40 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Little Bo in France : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 52 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 30 5/8/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The same stuff as stars / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 23 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
God calling / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 14 2 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Journey through heartsongs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 7 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
American son : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2002 4 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2002 21 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2002 187 8 6/5/2019 7/17/2019 10:18 SV TS
Breakdown : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2002 11 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2002 43 7 ######## 8/23/2019 13:25 SS RN
La cocina familiar en el estado de Coahuila.3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2002 30 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2002 29 1 ######## 9/24/2019 12:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 61 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 16 1 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
The nominee / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 11 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Good bad woman / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The adventures of Miles and Isabel / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 1 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 42 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:41 NV RN
The natural history of the rich : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 25 2 5/3/2016 5/7/2019 11:41 NW SP
Sweet dream baby / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 28 2 9/4/2015 3/16/2019 11:24 SP SP
Abraham : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2002 13 2 ######## 10/18/2019 12:31 SS RN
The clones / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 20 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:08 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 15 4/2/2016 5/7/2019 9:53 SP TS
Trout and salmon of North America / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 32 1 ######## 8/6/2019 10:59 NW RN
Trout and salmon of North America / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 16 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Trout and salmon of North America / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 26 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 12 1 3/2/2014 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 132 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV NV
The one minute millionaire : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 50 12 7/3/2019 8/2/2019 7:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 11 2 1/3/2016 2/4/2019 14:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 7 ######## 2/8/2019 17:29 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 76 5 ######## 2/6/2019 9:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 86 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
Dinosaur train / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 127 17 2/1/2019 3/22/2019 12:30 SO TS
The Wright brothers : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 20 4 2/7/2017 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 70 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 SO RN
Horace Splattly : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 43 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 38 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 90 3 ######## 9/6/2019 9:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 70 12 ######## 8/5/2019 12:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 22 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
My Louise : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 12 9/1/2015 5/29/2019 14:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 48 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Bone mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 27 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
One lucky summer / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 17 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 39 4 ######## 2/20/2019 15:10 NV RN
When wishes were horses / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 70 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 18 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SP SS
The winter people / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 23 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:40 SS NW
I smell like ham / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2002 25 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 42 3 ######## 7/17/2019 12:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 45 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 35 2 5/3/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 13 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 9 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 27 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 32 3 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SO RN
Back to Mississippi : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 20 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 57 4 2/5/2019 6/13/2019 10:22 NV TS
Magill's encyclopedia of science : animal life
/ BK 9/13/2002 6 ######## 5/19/2019 10:29 SS SS
Handcrafted rugs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 23 ######## 8/2/2019 9:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 38 1 3/5/2017 2/6/2019 16:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 35 3 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 43 13 ######## 2/20/2019 15:09 NV RN
The sea hunters II / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 20 3/3/2018 8/15/2019 13:29 SS TS
Twelve hats for Lena : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 72 6 ######## 10/23/2019 10:50 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2002 5 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 5 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 5 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
Farm animals : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 34 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 10 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 14 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 23 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 12 ######## 6/24/2019 11:12 SP RN
Lemon zest : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 63 6 4/2/2016 8/2/2019 11:21 NW RN
Behind bars : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 35 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Elderhouse : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 9 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
A Southern woman's story / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2002 11 ######## 11/8/2019 12:39 SS RN
Georgie Lee / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 5 7/8/2015 1/29/2019 15:34 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 33 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
The Ainu of Japan / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 21 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 19 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 61 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 34 4 3/3/2019 4/23/2019 9:39 NV TS
Winter / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 13 1 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NV RN
Heavy liquid / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 66 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SV RN
The Hopi / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 19 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
Sammy Keyes and the search for Snake Eyes 3.12E+13
/ BK 9/17/2002 28 1/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Great women comedians / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 11 1 2/7/2015 1/19/2019 16:41 SV NW
Remote man / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 38 2 6/3/2016 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 27 7/3/2017 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
Lost : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2002 14 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
First steps in genealogy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2002 18 5 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
Bear cub / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2002 28 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
Keeping kids safe : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2002 13 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 43 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 41 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
How Tia Lola came to visit stay / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 11 1 1/8/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 39 1 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 NV GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 33 4 4/4/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NV RN
The complete book of skateboards and skateboarding
3.12E+13 BKgear / 9/19/2002 25 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
Dinosaurs and dragons / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 37 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 33 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
Boo on the loose! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 75 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
Franklin runs away / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 59 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 28 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 19 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
Just a piggy bank / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 106 11 2/3/2019 3/25/2019 10:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 34 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 NV RN
Helen Keller / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 22 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
The big tee ball game / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2002 74 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NV
Uranus / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2002 31 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2002 53 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2002 49 2/8/2018 2/6/2019 15:22 SV RN
Chile death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2002 37 ######## 12/13/2019 8:56 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2002 19 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2002 27 2 ######## 1/24/2019 16:56 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2002 46 5 ######## 2/15/2019 12:38 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2002 78 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2002 19 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2002 27 1 3/5/2018 7/19/2019 8:54 SV RN
George speaks / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 31 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 16 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 20 2 6/3/2019 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Omar! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 10 7/9/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 27 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 26 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 IV NW
My first day at nursery school / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 50 3 ######## 6/27/2019 11:46 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 13 ######## 1/17/2019 16:36 IV IV
One heartbeat : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 11 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 15 2 ######## 11/6/2019 14:59 SS RN
Hero of Flight 93 : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 11 7/7/2014 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Chicken soup for the sports fan's soul : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 23 4 ######## 11/1/2019 16:01 SS RN
The KISS guide to golf / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 31 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SO RN
Barron's 1001 pitfalls in French / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 19 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NW
The fish's eye / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 7 ######## 11/7/2019 15:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 20 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SO TS
The ultimate pool maintenance manual : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2002 14 4 7/9/2019 10/4/2019 9:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2002 18 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2002 35 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2002 37 3 ######## 8/5/2019 13:32 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2002 25 5 ######## 10/18/2019 8:45 NW TS
Harriet and Walt / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2002 52 3 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SP RN
The belly dance book : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2002 37 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
Joseph Smith / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 23 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 65 8 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 70 7 1/2/2019 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
Blood of the prophets : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 33 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 SV RN
Floorcloth magic : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 20 1/7/2015 6/24/2019 16:13 SS SP
Let's roll! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 37 2 1/5/2016 10/4/2019 15:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 75 3 ######## 11/13/2019 11:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 77 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
What if? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 17 8 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 SP RN
Herbie's secret Santa / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 38 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 61 13 ######## 9/5/2019 12:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 19 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
Before the flood : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 30 1 ######## 4/24/2019 15:31 NW RN
Traps : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 25 2 ######## 9/6/2019 14:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 29 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW IV
The American fantasy tradition / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 4 ######## 3/9/2019 10:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 19 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
Poison : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 6 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 18 1 ######## 6/4/2019 15:53 NW RN
Shekhina / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2002 16 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Blood of the prophets : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 22 1 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SP RN
When religion becomes evil / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 11 2 3/8/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
Operation Roswell / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 26 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:20 NW TS
Guy wire / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 4 2 7/6/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 44 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
And words can hurt forever : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 22 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 85 5 ######## 12/9/2019 15:27 NV TS
Black projects, white knights : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 34 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 19 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
The year of the hangman / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 28 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 22 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:39 NV RN
The weather. 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 34 5 ######## 1/9/2019 8:24 NW TS
Josephine : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 11 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Where the bodies are : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 25 2 2/1/2018 5/20/2019 13:59 SO RN
Be boy buzz / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 13 1 3/8/2015 2/5/2019 11:04 NW RN
Matthau : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 9 1/9/2015 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 23 7 8/6/2018 2/4/2019 15:38 RN RN
Nature cures : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 12 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 121 9 ######## 11/13/2019 14:15 NV TS
Letters to a young poet / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 47 8 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
Where there's a bear, there's trouble! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 84 3 8/6/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
The snake's tales / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 40 2 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 30 1 2/9/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 31 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2002 18 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2002 49 4 ######## 8/1/2019 10:39 SS RN
Leadership / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2002 15 2 ######## 10/4/2019 15:23 RN RN
The Christmas garden affair / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2002 17 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
The Christmas garden affair / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2002 48 2/7/2015 1/2/2019 11:47 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 32 3 1/7/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
Alexander Fleming : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NW SV
The trap / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 30 1 ######## 2/23/2019 11:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 14 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 56 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 12 1 4/4/2015 1/29/2019 17:15 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 66 5 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 94 8 ######## 5/13/2019 16:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 29 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SP SS
Charles Darwin / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 7 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 27 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 10 4/2/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
Lacrosse in action / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 8 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 IV RN
I can bowl / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Jacques-Yves Cousteau : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 10 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SP RN
Chinese New Year / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2002 16 3 ######## 2/20/2019 15:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2002 17 ######## 2/6/2019 15:22 RN RN
A sword for the Immerland king / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2002 19 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
Piecework magazine presents the needleworker's
BK / 10/17/2002 5 3/9/2015 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 46 5 ######## 12/5/2019 13:14 SP TS
The Briar king / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 30 3 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 12:52 SP TS
Freedom in the family : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 5 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
King / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 6 5/4/2014 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Fishing passion : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 6 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Wreaths for every season / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 11 1 ######## 7/16/2019 10:36 SS RN
Quiver / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 48 5 ######## 5/6/2019 8:14 SS TS
From the ashes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 32 2 ######## 2/15/2019 16:47 SO SP
A spirited resistance : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:01 SS RN
Weaving new worlds : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 7 3/5/2015 6/2/2019 13:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 23 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:57 SO RN
Focused for bowling / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 28 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2002 38 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
An audience with an elephant : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 8 ######## 9/23/2019 11:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 10 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Lost discoveries : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 10 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 26 3 6/6/2017 2/4/2019 15:27 NW RN
A life worth living : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 11 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Exploring consciousness / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 23 3 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
James Bond / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 7 7/6/2016 11/8/2019 11:51 SS RN
Kids & sports : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2002 22 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SV SS
A southern belle primer : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2002 8 2 ######## 4/23/2019 14:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2002 6 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2002 26 2 ######## 11/27/2019 13:54 SV RN
B. Krigstein / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2002 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
The bad girl's guide to the party life / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2002 16 ######## 9/6/2019 10:42 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 34 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
Blood of the prophets : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 9 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
The shadow of God : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 9 1 3/9/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 8 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:19 SS RN
Roadblocks to learning : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 12 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 84 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
Alice in exile / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 2 1 ######## 9/10/2019 15:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 39 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:13 SS RN
All the President's men / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 17 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SO
American studies / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 66 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
Alvie eats soup / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 89 1 7/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
The last Noel : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 3 ######## 9/6/2019 13:52 SS RN
Plumbing and heating / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 20 ######## 10/16/2019 11:05 SS RN
Dangerous men : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 5 ######## 10/23/2019 14:45 SS RN
The man who fell into a puddle : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Shrapnel and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 1 ######## 9/12/2019 10:49 SS RN
The last commissioner : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 10 ######## 10/23/2019 14:00 SS RN
A private sorcery : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2002 1 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:28 SS RN
International dictionary of gastronomy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2002 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
World snowboard guide. 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2002 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Big vision, small business : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2002 44 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2002 38 3 2/3/2017 1/19/2019 15:07 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2002 25 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
What's wrong with Timmy? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2002 13 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2002 73 7 7/5/2019 10/23/2019 10:57 SV TS
I loved you before you were born / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2002 39 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
Mrs. McTats and her houseful of cats / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2002 83 2 ######## 8/14/2019 12:13 RN TS
The secret life of food / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2002 36 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:46 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 39 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
The gathering / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 38 2 1/9/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
The sandman. 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 62 9 ######## 12/31/2019 12:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 22 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SS TS
Going to ground / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 17 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:47 SS SP
Superman : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 23 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Dark shadows / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 33 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SS RN
The gathering II / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2002 35 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2002 27 4 ######## 4/5/2019 15:45 SV TS
Essential the Mighty Thor. 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2002 30 9 ######## 5/6/2019 8:14 SS TS
Blessings : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2002 54 4 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 10:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2002 7 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
American gypsy : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2002 2 1 ######## 4/23/2019 14:28 SS RN
Photography's antiquarian avant-garde : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2002 5 ######## 6/22/2019 11:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2002 52 12 ######## 5/14/2019 11:13 NV TS
Tattoo nation : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2002 32 3/1/2017 6/4/2019 12:12 IV RN
A single step : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2002 55 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SV RN
The Ford century : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 21 1 ######## 10/12/2019 12:00 NV RN
Manta's gift / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 32 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:16 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 101 8 ######## 6/20/2019 12:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 23 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
The road from Roxbury / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 31 4 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 22 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
Darkside / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2002 73 6 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 12:41 SV TS
The annotated hobbit : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 60 7 ######## 5/30/2019 10:46 RN RN
Jane Eyre / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 60 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SC
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 27 3 3/9/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 SO RN
Eden burning / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 45 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 SS SP
Magill's encyclopedia of science : animal life
/ BK 11/13/2002 5 ######## 5/19/2019 10:28 SS SS
Magill's encyclopedia of science : animal life
/ BK 11/13/2002 5 ######## 5/19/2019 10:29 SS SS
Magill's encyclopedia of science : animal life
/ BK 11/13/2002 3 5/19/2019 10:29 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 19 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Mao : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 22 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 21 ######## 9/23/2019 13:01 SP RN
Common nonsense / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Dinner after dark : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 10 3/9/2015 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
From the land of green ghosts : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 24 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 41 6 ######## 6/13/2019 11:04 SV TS
The tile : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 15 ######## 7/1/2019 11:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 29 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:26 NW RN
Sad and luminous days : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 9 5 1/5/2016 10/12/2019 11:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 24 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 IV RN
Life evolving : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 17 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NW
How communities build stronger schools :3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 10 3/5/2014 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
They fought like demons : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2002 15 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 26 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 69 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 54 2 2/7/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 47 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
Riding the flume / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 8 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 28 2 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 101 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 64 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 23 3 9/4/2018 2/4/2019 14:03 SS RN
It's snowing! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 88 4 2/6/2019 4/12/2019 9:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 22 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 59 1 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 22 1 3/2/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 60 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 NV RN
Zoo / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 40 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 11 3 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 23 3 ######## 2/4/2019 9:25 NW RN
One ring to bind them all : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 27 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 35 5/6/2018 11/27/2019 13:49 SS RN
Sweet hearts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 132 13 1/2/2019 2/15/2019 13:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 36 1 ######## 11/27/2019 14:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 31 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
The art of just sitting : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 42 6 ######## 5/6/2019 9:00 SP RN
Girls A to Z / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 38 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
The essentials of English : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 41 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NV
A personal wedding planner / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2002 37 1 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 21 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
All aboard! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 107 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
Michael Foreman's playtime rhymes. 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 12 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 NW SP
Remembrance / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 31 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 12 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
I ching for teens : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 11 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SS RN
Dunk / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 19 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SO SS
The gourmet zombie / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2002 8 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 NV TS
10 cool Lego Mindstorm robotics invention3.12E+13
system 2BK
projects / 11/15/2002 54 5 4/9/2019 5/6/2019 8:46 NW TS
Wilhelm Roentgen and the discovery of x-rays3.12E+13
/ BK 11/15/2002 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 17 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 59 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 38 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 SV RN
The industrial revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 23 2/7/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SO RN
I can ride a bike / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 4 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 59 7 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SO RN
Sense Pass King : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 5 6/3/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 30 2 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2002 26 4 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 RN TS
The Greek surgeon / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2002 12 6/7/2015 9/25/2019 13:37 SS RN
Yoga para ni~nos : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2002 18 1 ######## 5/20/2019 12:40 NV RN
My best friend's boyfriend / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2002 41 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 RN SV
Life strategies : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2002 64 6 ######## 5/7/2019 13:43 SP TS
Charms for the easy life / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2002 42 5 3/6/2017 9/6/2019 14:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2002 32 ######## 8/2/2019 13:16 SP TS
The right number of elephants / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2002 37 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Amazing cats / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2002 44 2 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
The eighth day : 3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2002 34 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2002 26 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:13 NW TS
Wings : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2002 37 ######## 2/26/2019 9:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2002 22 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2002 23 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2002 15 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
The clues challenge / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2002 16 4 4/2/2019 11/22/2019 14:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 23 6 1/2/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 65 1 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 20 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 SO NW
This our dark country : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
People of the ice and snow / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 4 ######## 11/8/2019 11:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 36 3 ######## 4/23/2019 14:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 8 5/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Keepers of the totem / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 8 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:17 SS RN
Cycles of life / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 3 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:18 SS RN
The Anchor book of modern African stories3.12E+13
/ BK 12/4/2002 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
Napoleon : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 12 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SO RN
Darkness in him / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2002 26 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
Mice / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 46 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Karate punches / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 21 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
Karate strikes / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 17 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 16 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 18 2/4/2019 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 25 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
I'm gone : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 8 7/6/2015 9/17/2019 13:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 31 4 1/3/2019 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 56 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 60 4 ######## 5/31/2019 13:02 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 48 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 48 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SO SV
Tierra del Fuego : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
American Indian cooking before 1500 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 25 3 3/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
Leaves of grass and other writings : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 22 ######## 8/15/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 13 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 NV RN
Time to estimate / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 6 1 1/7/2017 2/4/2019 11:24 SV RN
Emancipation Proclamation : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 11 5/2/2015 1/5/2019 15:53 SV SP
The battles of Lexington and Concord / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2002 14 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SV SS
Is your mama a llama? 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2002 31 11 8/5/2019 10/8/2019 10:44 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2002 22 7 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 NW TS
Ulysses S. Grant / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2002 19 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2002 32 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
All the dirt on dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2002 24 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 17 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 15 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 8 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
Pumpkin day! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 46 7 ######## 12/20/2019 9:47 SV TS
Teddy's snowy day / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 72 5 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 17:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 96 11 8/1/2019 8/19/2019 9:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 102 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 19 3 ######## 8/2/2019 7:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 26 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Second sunrise : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 55 1 ######## 9/26/2019 13:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 15 1 6/1/2017 11/8/2019 11:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 25 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 40 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 77 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 65 6 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 43 7 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 NW RN
Cheops : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 13 1/9/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 69 6 ######## 6/27/2019 12:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 53 8 ######## 3/28/2019 12:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 32 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 41 1 ######## 5/8/2019 14:26 SV TS
Adele : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 9 2/3/2015 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
Adele : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2002 12 ######## 3/4/2019 16:48 RN SP
The history of the Atlanta Braves / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 5 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
The history of the New York Mets / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:36 SV SV
The naked lady / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 15 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SP SV
Oscar Wilde discovers America : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 1 ######## 9/17/2019 13:44 SS RN
Caillou, just like daddy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 59 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
The story of Spider-Man / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 60 5 ######## 2/1/2019 17:11 SP RN
Heaven's edge / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:04 SS RN
The Battle of Gettysburg / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 14 1 7/9/2015 1/5/2019 15:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 24 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
What is a family? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 21 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 12 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:57 SP TS
Sometimes the magic works : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 16 2 8/5/2017 1/8/2019 11:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 8 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 12 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 17 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 51 8 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 22 3 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 10 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
High and mighty : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 15 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 43 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SP RN
A consumer's republic : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 4 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
A time to die : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 37 4 ######## 3/4/2019 14:06 NW TS
The scent of spiced oranges and other stories
/ BK 12/11/2002 3 ######## 9/16/2019 12:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2002 15 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
Building tools / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 9 1 5/9/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 SS NV
Building tools / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 27 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Boas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 45 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 36 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 34 8 ######## 11/20/2019 14:18 SV SV
Drawing in color : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 20 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 VE RN
Wild thorn / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 14 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
House of java / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 5 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
The war was you and me : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 5 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Tennis in action / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 5 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 24 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 101 11 ######## 8/19/2019 11:11 SS TS
The strange case of Baby H / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 18 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 64 4 ######## 8/19/2019 10:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 7 1 7/9/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 IV SS
Collision with history : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 25 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 21 1 4/3/2018 5/29/2019 14:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 12 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 20 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NV RN
Worlds enough & time : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 37 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 28 5 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 5 2/3/2018 2/4/2019 9:57 SV RN
The Statue of Liberty / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 26 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Six is so much less than seven / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 43 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 35 2 ######## 1/16/2019 15:07 SS TS
Mi isla y yo : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 8 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
Humble apologetics : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 6 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 15 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
The mouth and nose : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 15 4 3/7/2016 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
The heart : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 31 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 55 4 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 62 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:38 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 34 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 NW SV
Thorn Ogres of Hagwood / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 29 2 2/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Awesome hands-on activities for teaching 3.12E+13
literary elements
BK / 12/12/2002 32 3 3/9/2018 6/27/2019 15:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 26 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:26 SS RN
Eleanor and Harry : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 13 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:35 SV RN
The countess and me / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 12 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 SV NW
Bullfrogs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 30 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SP SV
Garter snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 35 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 NW TS
Alamein / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 18 1 8/5/2014 2/11/2019 8:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 11 5 ######## 2/4/2019 13:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 22 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2002 59 1 2/9/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2002 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2002 16 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 RN RN
Keats's neighborhood : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2002 76 9 ######## 2/5/2019 13:40 SO RN
The true Prince / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2002 10 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 44 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
I want to be a pilot. 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 24 3 3/7/2018 1/2/2019 15:21 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 30 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 29 3/9/2017 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Mandie and the New York secret / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 23 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 SV RN
Arturo y el negocio de mascotas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 23 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
Eichler : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 19 2 ######## 2/27/2019 10:36 NW TS
Mandie and the tornado! / Lois Gladys Leppard.
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2002 21 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 38 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Froggy plays soccer / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 86 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 41 4 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
National parks / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 24 2 8/9/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 20 1 ######## 3/4/2019 17:41 SV SP
El fantasma aullador / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 19 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2002 41 3 4/8/2019 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 33 2 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 75 10 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 SV RN
Equestrian instruction : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 12 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 23 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 25 3 8/1/2013 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 49 2 ######## 9/17/2019 9:54 NV TS
Saguaro National Park / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2002 10 ######## 2/15/2019 13:17 SV TS
Coming home / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2002 36 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:47 NW SP
The apple and the arrow / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2002 33 5 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2002 18 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2002 36 2 4/6/2016 2/8/2019 17:47 SP VE
The case of the car-barkaholic dog / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2002 39 7 1/3/2017 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
Rolling with the Stones / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 12 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 18 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 16 ######## 10/24/2019 15:00 SS RN
The story of America : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 20 5 2/1/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 SS RN
Before the deluge : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 7 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
The love of your life : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 15 1 ######## 10/12/2019 12:19 SS RN
Trees and shrubs for fragrance / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 10 2/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The philosophers' secret fire : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2002 13 2 ######## 3/15/2019 12:53 SS SV
Hands-on astronomy : 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2002 9 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Meteorites : 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2002 27 2 ######## 6/27/2019 14:40 SC RN
My lady wayward / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2002 21 ######## 7/17/2019 14:02 NW RN
A Christmas wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2002 7 ######## 9/25/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2002 72 1 ######## 10/30/2019 14:20 SS TS
Vector / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2002 21 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
The glass cafe : 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2002 24 2 5/4/2016 2/1/2019 11:50 SP SP
Herbie Jones moves on / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2002 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 SV RN
The wings of joy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2003 27 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2003 7 ######## 1/16/2019 17:26 SO NW
Traditional African American arts and activities
/ BK 1/2/2003 18 4 ######## 10/23/2019 9:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2003 61 4 ######## 12/5/2019 12:58 SS TS
Joy of cooking. 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2003 40 3 ######## 10/24/2019 14:53 SV RN
The passions of Andrew Jackson / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 14 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
Blue poppies / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 4 9/3/2015 8/21/2019 14:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 3 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
As I lay dying : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 13 3 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SO SP
Gumbo : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 24 1 6/4/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 116 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Flash flood / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2003 20 9/6/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 73 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV NV
The sands of time : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 37 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 42 1 1/2/2014 2/20/2019 13:41 SS SV
Man on the moon : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 61 3 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
Kurt Vonnegut : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 5 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:39 SS RN
Midnight is a place / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 44 7 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
A look at Canada / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 22 5/8/2017 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
Muhammad Ali : the man who could float 3.12E+13
like a butterfly
BK / 1/7/2003 17 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SS RN
Hanukkah / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2003 13 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:24 SS RN
Abandon / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 15 1 2/7/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
The amazing air balloon / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 43 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 13 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
The fifteen streets : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 23 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
Pizza for Sam / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 87 6 ######## 3/7/2019 11:33 RN TS
I'm not invited! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 80 6 ######## 5/13/2019 16:07 NW TS
John Brown : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 8 1 ######## 5/29/2019 15:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 17 2 ######## 10/9/2019 11:39 NW RN
Wise women : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 18 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
Fruitlands : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 17 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
The gardener's palette : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 18 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Finding my balance : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 17 3 ######## 7/3/2019 9:37 RN RN
The welding quirt : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2003 48 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:17 SP TS
Photographic memory / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 5 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 33 1 2/8/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 32 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 79 2 5/9/2018 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 23 ######## 4/9/2019 17:30 SP SP
Firewing / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 40 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 40 4 2/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:29 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 60 7 ######## 8/5/2019 12:48 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 78 4 2/7/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 SS VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 48 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SO RN
Acting out : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 27 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 30 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 39 5 7/9/2019 9/12/2019 8:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 43 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Color for adventurous gardeners / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 21 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Evenings at five / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 4 ######## 9/6/2019 14:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 22 2 ######## 3/7/2019 13:55 SP TS
The cross-legged knight : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 31 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
The troubled heart of Africa : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 20 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SV SS
Dead man riding : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 25 4/8/2017 9/10/2019 14:45 SP RN
Fleur de Leigh in exile : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 3 9/9/2015 9/12/2019 10:43 SS RN
Not another apple for the teacher : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 11 3 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
The gospel according to ESPN : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 6 2 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Hades' daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 49 1 4/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
The weight of a Mass : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 32 7 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 IV RN
Life's worth : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 8 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
10 20 30 minutes to sew for your home / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2003 36 3 ######## 4/23/2019 15:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 37 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NV RN
Gluey : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 19 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 45 6 ######## 11/25/2019 8:14 NV TS
Making classic country chairs : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 2 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 23 1 7/1/2016 2/16/2019 11:36 SS SV
Over his dead body / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 14 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 7 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 26 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
A perfect day for it / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 20 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 12 1 ######## 7/17/2019 9:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 34 4 ######## 5/31/2019 13:34 IV TS
Logs, wind and sun : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 27 2 ######## 4/17/2019 12:07 RN TS
Was it beautiful? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 18 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 29 4 ######## 7/8/2019 15:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 9 1 ######## 11/13/2019 12:02 SS RN
George Hogglesberry : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 50 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:08 SS TS
Twelfth night / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 16 3 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 76 2 6/9/2016 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 25 1 6/8/2014 2/22/2019 9:40 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 20 2 ######## 2/16/2019 13:13 NW RN
The kite / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 19 1 7/7/2016 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2003 42 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 27 3 4/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 101 8 ######## 8/21/2019 8:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 35 3 7/2/2019 8/5/2019 8:51 IV TS
Vietnamese Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 27 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 RN RN
Of Gods and Henchmen / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 12 ######## 11/8/2019 11:37 SS RN
Childhood's end / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 53 ######## 10/18/2019 14:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 13 4/2/2015 1/19/2019 16:53 SO NW
Looking for life in the universe : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 16 1 5/7/2016 2/4/2019 14:07 SO RN
Labyrinths : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 22 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 50 4 2/6/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 19 2 8/1/2017 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 12 2 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SP SO
GirlWise : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 28 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 29 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 32 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:43 SS TS
Winning softball for girls / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2003 10 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
Quirky qwerty : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2003 13 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:11 SS RN
Type with one hand / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2003 5 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
English costume from the seventeenth through
the nineteenth
BK centuries / 1/15/2003 19 1 9/5/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SO SS
Death of a stranger / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2003 25 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP TS
Ghosts, goblins & haunted castles / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2003 34 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
Artificial lures / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2003 24 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2003 43 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2003 73 1 ######## 4/12/2019 12:30 NV TS
The Little League guide to correcting the 25
most common
BK mistakes : 1/27/2003 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SO RN
Randy Johnson's power pitching : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2003 15 3 ######## 10/23/2019 14:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2003 42 3 ######## 9/6/2019 14:23 SS RN
Cow-country / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2003 39 2 8/2/2019 8/21/2019 8:59 SV TS
Ornamental metal casting / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2003 9 1 4/5/2015 6/5/2019 16:55 NW SS
Milk carton mania / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2003 12 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 SP SP
First offense / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2003 32 2 ######## 9/25/2019 14:27 SP RN
Butterflies and moths / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2003 62 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2003 42 6 ######## 8/7/2019 12:58 SO TS
Gemstones / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2003 60 2 ######## 10/15/2019 15:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2003 12 2 4/9/2015 2/1/2019 12:18 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2003 44 1 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 6 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 3 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 8 9/8/2016 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 4 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 7 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 5 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 1 7/7/2016 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 3 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2003 6 ######## 2/14/2019 16:45 SP SP
The end of the beginning : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2003 11 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Postcards from World War II / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2003 17 1 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
The Classico pasta sauce cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2003 42 ######## 8/2/2019 9:52 SP RN
The winter soldiers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2003 11 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SP RN
Cradle of life : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2003 5 1 5/9/2016 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
El gran gigante bonachon / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2003 12 ######## 2/7/2019 17:50 NW SP
La Europa del Renacimiento / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2003 8 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2003 15 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 92 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV SV
Hands-on word family activities for young 3.12E+13
readers : BK 2/10/2003 39 11 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SP TS
Goren's New bridge complete / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 7 5 9/9/2019 10/23/2019 14:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 64 4 ######## 6/20/2019 12:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 42 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 IV TS
Pai an jing qi zhi gu jing yuan / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 29 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Si lu / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 21 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
Winston Churchill / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 31 2 ######## 3/13/2019 8:57 NW TS
Muscle up / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 32 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
The king of torts / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2003 75 3 ######## 9/20/2019 12:48 NW NW
The pilots / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 26 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 6 4/5/2017 8/23/2019 13:38 SS RN
Surviving the Applewhites / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 38 3 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
Surviving the Applewhites / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 31 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 52 5 6/7/2019 7/17/2019 12:20 NW TS
Willa Cather / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 3 7/5/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 85 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 SS RN
Kate Chopin's The awakening / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 5 7/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 16 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 51 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:50 SV RN
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The scarlet letter /3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 13 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
Mary Shelley / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 5 6/4/2016 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Brownsville : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 20 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:56 RN TS
Toni Morrison / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 4 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Foods of the Southwest Indian nations : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 43 3 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 35 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
F. Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 11 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 8 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
Crabwalk / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 31 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
William Shakespeare's romances / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2003 4 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
My hippie grandmother / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 51 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 67 16 ######## 7/17/2019 11:10 RN TS
Jack : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 9 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
Jennifer Government : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 25 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SP TS
Period pieces / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 27 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 14 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 24 3 ######## 3/12/2019 10:18 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 13 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 25 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 26 4 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 38 6 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 74 3 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
Cruise ships / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 12 2 1/2/2019 2/26/2019 9:41 SP RN
Pilots / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 8 1 ######## 4/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 10 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 19 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 19 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 67 9 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
First flight : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 15 ######## 6/24/2019 11:10 NV RN
Widow of Jerusalem / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 15 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SV RN
The wind in the willows / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 29 7 ######## 3/22/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 22 5 8/7/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
The winner's circle / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 11 ######## 8/15/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 16 4 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 56 3/9/2018 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 17 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Knight / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 15 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 13 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Police officer / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 32 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
Skin and hair / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 12 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
Ruler of the courtyard / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 14 9/9/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 42 1 2/7/2017 2/4/2019 15:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 36 1 4/2/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 33 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 15 ######## 2/20/2019 16:29 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 22 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 21 9 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
Carlo likes counting / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 98 5 ######## 1/17/2019 15:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 31 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 39 3 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 14:31 SV TS
Look what came from Switzerland / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 29 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:55 NW IV
Sam Spiegel / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 18 2 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 28 5 ######## 10/17/2019 13:09 SS TS
Choctaw / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 11 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 25 4 ######## 1/16/2019 12:52 SV TS
Stolen smile / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2003 86 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 54 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 21 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 21 4 ######## 6/25/2019 15:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 18 3 4/2/2015 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
The North American beaver / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 23 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 126 17 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 RN TS
Alternative energy sources / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 23 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
70s & 80s : global technology / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 5 5/2/2014 2/1/2019 13:49 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 9 4/7/2015 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Alexander Fleming : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 5 1 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SS SV
Earth-friendly crafts for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 27 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
The Peloponnesian War / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 24 4 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Vietnam : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2003 14 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 63 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 37 2 5/9/2015 1/22/2019 16:49 SV IV
Abandon / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 15 ######## 9/17/2019 14:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 52 5 ######## 4/9/2019 14:24 SV NW
Rhinos who play baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 66 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 32 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 38 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
Glass / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 5 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
The wind boy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 17 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Face-off / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 10 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 SV IV
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 15 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NV RN
Zelda and Ivy and the boy next door / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 44 2/6/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 42 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Dead clever : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
The fall : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 27 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
Mending the world : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 12 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
Geysers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 13 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Jack's rabbit / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 67 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 RN RN
How to marry a divorced man / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 17 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Around the pond : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 35 3 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
The CIA / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 9 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Backstage at an animated series / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 15 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 27 3 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2003 63 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 NW RN
Outlaw Red / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2003 18 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SV RN
The night I followed the dog / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2003 49 5 9/9/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
Paul Bunyan and other tall tales / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2003 13 2 4/4/2019 4/25/2019 11:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2003 43 12 ######## 7/10/2019 10:51 SV TS
Badgers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2003 21 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SV RN
The frog alphabet book : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2003 51 7 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SP TS
Dead man's gold and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2003 13 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:28 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2003 38 6 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2003 35 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 RN RN
The encyclopedia of warfare : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2003 14 19 ######## 7/18/2019 8:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2003 126 9 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SS TS
Let freedom ring : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2003 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:25 TR SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2003 31 4/5/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
The biggest snowball of all / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2003 23 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:18 SV SV
Diez perros en la tienda : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2003 38 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2003 14 3 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SP RN
The last doll = 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2003 69 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:23 IV TS
Wicca for life : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 73 6 9/6/2015 8/2/2019 13:13 SP RN
Roy Lichtenstein / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 5 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 9 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 58 7 ######## 2/15/2019 13:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 27 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Animals / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 29 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SO RN
Beverly Cleary / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 7 4/5/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 10 2 1/5/2019 1/16/2019 17:37 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 15 6 1/5/2019 2/8/2019 7:56 SP RN
Marc Chagall / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2003 12 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:42 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2003 88 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2003 98 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2003 50 9 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2003 111 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2003 49 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2003 22 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 SP SP
Damascus journey / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2003 12 ######## 9/6/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2003 43 3 9/9/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 SV RN
The fulfillment / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2003 70 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2003 38 4 3/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2003 140 13 ######## 9/16/2019 14:10 RN TS
The ikons : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2003 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Joust / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2003 69 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
The outlaws. 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2003 39 1 ######## 7/15/2019 12:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 31 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 NV RN
Six days in October : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 20 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 41 1 ######## 9/12/2019 11:24 SV RN
Unholy fire : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 18 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
The canoe : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 24 1 ######## 10/9/2019 11:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 21 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:21 NW RN
The search for the Buddha : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 21 2 1/9/2016 5/6/2019 9:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 51 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
The McGraw-Hill children's thesaurus / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 14 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Chewing the cud / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 3 ######## 2/8/2019 17:29 SP SP
The case of the monkeys that fell from the3.12E+13
trees : BK 3/10/2003 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 36 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
Kissing coyotes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 84 10 ######## 11/22/2019 15:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 8 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:58 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 44 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 NW IV
Eight animals play ball / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 29 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 42 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 TR SV
Tilt / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 30 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 29 ######## 9/20/2019 15:38 SS RN
Building a home full of grace / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 34 4 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Stormy night / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
Food pets die for : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2003 37 6 ######## 6/22/2019 11:26 SV RN
Wild Bill : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 22 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 14 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 22 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 21 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 23 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
Monet and the Mediterranean / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 16 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
Window treatment decorating ideas / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 46 ######## 7/15/2019 11:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 38 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
Kirsten's promise / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 21 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
The Battle of the Little Bighorn / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 4 3/4/2015 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
Triumph and tragedy in Mudville : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 26 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
Motown : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 20 1 ######## 11/15/2019 14:31 SP RN
The Facts on File dictionary of botany / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 5 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SV RN
No bone unturned : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 19 2 2/8/2017 1/23/2019 8:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2003 64 8 ######## 3/22/2019 14:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 93 10 ######## 8/2/2019 12:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 18 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 RN SV
Grow up / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 24 1 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 86 2 ######## 8/7/2019 12:26 NW TS
The canine connection : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 12 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 44 5 3/5/2019 5/21/2019 16:03 IV RN
Heather has two mommies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 26 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
100 careers in the music business / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 32 7 ######## 11/6/2019 11:17 IV TS
Clic, clac, muu : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 52 9 ######## 7/25/2019 15:28 IV TS
Monsters : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 58 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
Players in pigtails / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 68 10 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
Lucas / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 46 1 8/4/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
The Bible and the Qur'an / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 28 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Bill Bryson's African diary / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 90 3 7/8/2019 7/24/2019 7:58 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 8 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 9 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 IV RN
El mundo de los niños. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 29 4/6/2018 6/29/2019 16:13 SV SP
The old man and the flea / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 25 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 NV RN
The Italians / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 1 1 1/3/2015 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 63 8 ######## 6/25/2019 15:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 9 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 RN RN
Clothing and jewelry / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 4 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 IV RN
Homes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 6 2 3/2/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 IV RN
Mouse in the Rat Pack : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 16 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
The French / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2003 1 1 1/3/2015 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
One knee equals two feet : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2003 14 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SO RN
Dog of discovery : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2003 22 4 ######## 12/20/2019 10:45 SO TS
Come all you brave soldiers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2003 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SO SS
Irish Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2003 11 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SO RN
Germany / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2003 13 3 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2003 6 9/6/2013 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2003 21 2 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SS SP
The Cuban Missile Crisis / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2003 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
Dolley Madison : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2003 17 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2003 31 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:06 SO TS
Love you forever 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 55 3 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SO NW
Knots on a counting rope 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 23 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SO NW
The magic school bus at the waterworks 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 52 6 ######## 4/25/2019 11:31 SO TS
Can't you sleep, little bear? 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 35 ######## 12/26/2019 17:09 SO SO
Strega Nona : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 31 4 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 65 7 ######## 10/3/2019 15:06 SS SP
Mufaro's beautiful daughters : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 20 8/2/2018 10/2/2019 14:43 SO SO
El pez arco iris y la ballena azul 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 25 3 ######## 10/10/2019 15:58 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 40 3 3/6/2019 5/31/2019 11:58 SO TS
The circus 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 17 2 3/6/2019 10/2/2019 13:09 SO SO
El teatro 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 7 4 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2003 57 3 ######## 10/2/2019 13:08 SO SO
Illustrating children's books : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2003 27 2 ######## 9/27/2019 9:47 SP TS
Bernard's nap / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2003 21 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SP SV
The blind men and the elephant / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2003 44 6 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SP RN
Techniques of the world's great painters /3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2003 34 4 ######## 8/2/2019 9:48 SP RN
King Lear : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2003 8 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2003 9 2 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2003 19 6 ######## 4/23/2019 12:52 SS RN
The Spanish doctor / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2003 8 6/7/2015 9/25/2019 13:36 SS RN
Shenandoah home / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2003 17 2 4/2/2017 9/18/2019 11:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2003 13 1 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2003 100 6 3/9/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
Boo-hoo 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2003 7 2 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 32 4 3/5/2018 12/16/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 16 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
Boys in control / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 47 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 55 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 41 3 8/1/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 27 2 9/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:32 NW RN
The Alamo / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 15 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2003 64 2 ######## 12/16/2019 14:21 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2003 17 1 1/9/2016 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2003 15 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 65 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 13 1/5/2016 1/5/2019 15:53 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 27 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
The best kind of gift / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 51 4 8/7/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Mommy loves her baby ; 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 47 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 25 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 RN RN
The amazing air balloon / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 36 2 1/5/2019 3/22/2019 14:19 NW TS
Robert and the lemming problem / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 13 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
I love my mama / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 126 14 5/4/2019 6/25/2019 14:58 SO TS
Slumber parties : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2003 21 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 NW SP
Creative tabletop fountains : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2003 25 1/2/2015 1/8/2019 11:37 IV RN
The killer's cousin / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2003 12 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2003 20 2 6/6/2017 10/21/2019 15:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2003 4 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
North Dakota : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2003 8 2 2/4/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SO SS
Maine : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2003 29 4 ######## 6/28/2019 15:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 7 9/5/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 7 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
Disappearing act / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 28 5/7/2016 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
The amazing love story of Mr. Morf / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 50 1 ######## 9/17/2019 9:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 23 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SS SP
Mummies and pyramids : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 57 4 ######## 5/14/2019 11:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 23 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
The best kind of gift / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 18 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
Rodzina / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 10 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 8 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 34 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 104 14 ######## 11/12/2019 10:38 NW TS
Where I'd like to be / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 48 3 ######## 8/16/2019 16:12 NW TR
Robert and the lemming problem / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 13 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
Audubon : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 15 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 19 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 76 6 ######## 11/20/2019 13:37 RN TS
Stanley's party / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 71 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SV RN
Thief of dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 23 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 20 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 8 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
The new Chinese empire, and what it means
for the BK
United States / 4/14/2003 26 6/7/2016 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Sleep toward heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 50 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 41 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
Oxygen : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 28 3 5/9/2019 6/5/2019 15:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2003 12 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 71 1 ######## 6/28/2019 12:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 12 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
Wizard at work : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 32 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
The sands of time : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 17 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 33 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
Eight animals play ball / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 40 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
Water / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2003 59 11 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2003 36 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Mexico in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2003 26 ######## 2/1/2019 16:26 SS IV
The best book of pirates / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2003 54 6 7/5/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
Girl wonder : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2003 31 2 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2003 14 ######## 6/12/2019 8:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2003 35 2 1/8/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
The Reformation : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 4 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:37 SS RN
The age of Napoleon : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 6 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:04 SS RN
A fountain filled with blood / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 55 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 57 6 3/6/2019 8/8/2019 8:46 SS TS
I, Lucifer / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 26 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Monkeewrench / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 69 8 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 NV TS
The Oster conspiracy of 1938 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 3 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Napoleon's expedition to Russia / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 3 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 4 ######## 11/8/2019 12:59 SS RN
Trading spaces : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 12 ######## 8/6/2019 10:17 SS RN
What James likes best / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 60 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SP
Hamlet : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 15 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 4 ######## 9/12/2019 13:05 SS RN
Atravesando fronteras : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 38 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SS RN
City of strangers : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 11 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NV RN
Kara Walker : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 4 2/9/2016 10/16/2019 11:02 SS RN
Sweetwater : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 28 1 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 NW TS
The masters : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 3 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Roosevelt the explorer : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2003 3 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 SS RN
Once upon a time : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2003 21 ######## 11/13/2019 11:52 SP RN
Skyhook / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2003 35 4 7/5/2019 8/2/2019 8:50 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2003 33 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2003 63 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
The shadow of the lion / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2003 31 3 ######## 9/23/2019 13:00 SV RN
Goldfish / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2003 39 3 ######## 8/7/2019 12:32 SS TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 7 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 4 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 5 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
The world of ballet / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2003 11 1 1/2/2019 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 12 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 19 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2003 7 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 69 6 ######## 3/7/2019 11:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 127 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 32 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 31 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 13 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
Swan Harbor : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 58 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Ned Mouse breaks away / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2003 5 2 4/6/2015 2/7/2019 17:28 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2003 45 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Life in the Australian Outback / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2003 20 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2003 24 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SS TS
Ancient Roman women / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2003 15 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2003 49 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Cool customs / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2003 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NW NW
Owlknight / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2003 56 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SS TS
Mysteries of mind, space & time : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2003 19 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
For this land / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2003 39 3 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 NV SV
Message in the sky : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2003 16 9/9/2016 2/1/2019 15:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2003 10 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2003 17 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2003 25 9/8/2015 2/3/2019 13:42 SO TR
Batman/Deathblow : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2003 33 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2003 6 7/3/2018 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2003 4 6/8/2016 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
J.R.R. Tolkien : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2003 10 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
The Complete encyclopedia of garden flowers
/ BK 5/21/2003 8 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
En 1492 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2003 20 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2003 10 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2003 40 3 ######## 7/17/2019 10:50 SV TS
First degree / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2003 67 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
Jules Breton, painter of peasant life / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2003 4 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2003 36 3 2/6/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2003 6 ######## 4/11/2019 18:06 SV SP
Record of Lodoss War : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2003 35 ######## 6/25/2019 14:21 SP RN
Forest of no return / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2003 61 ######## 7/1/2019 11:23 SP RN
Winter nights / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2003 4 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SS RN
Stalin's last crime : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2003 8 2 ######## 11/13/2019 11:58 SS RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2003 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Who says elephants can't dance? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2003 9 2 1/3/2016 10/12/2019 12:21 RN RN
Domestic dispute / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2003 48 ######## 10/18/2019 14:09 SP RN
Chow Chows / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2003 19 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
The water cycle / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2003 52 5 ######## 2/4/2019 12:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2003 27 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
Rhinos who play baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2003 58 3 4/7/2017 2/6/2019 9:43 SS RN
An execution in the family : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2003 6 ######## 10/9/2019 9:10 SS RN
All about quilting from A to Z. 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2003 45 5 ######## 7/15/2019 10:28 SS RN
The baby knits book : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2003 67 5 ######## 4/22/2019 10:28 SS RN
Top of the heap : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2003 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 8 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 16 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Learn to draw comics / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 22 3 ######## 10/16/2019 11:09 SS RN
A soldier's best friend : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 11 ######## 11/8/2019 13:33 SS RN
The empty ocean : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
Suspicion of madness / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2003 38 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 NW RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 4 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 11 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 8 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 9 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 12 1 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Sleep tight, little mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 64 4 3/6/2018 2/6/2019 15:18 SS RN
Betrayed / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 14 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 47 1 7/1/2018 2/1/2019 16:29 SS RN
Circle of doom / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 15 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 SS RN
Midnight lightning : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 6 7/7/2013 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 20 2 4/1/2018 2/1/2019 14:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2003 64 6 ######## 5/20/2019 16:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2003 6 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 15 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 7 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 7 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 9 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 5 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2003 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2003 75 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2003 70 9 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2003 63 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
The Peloponnesian War / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2003 25 ######## 11/8/2019 13:45 RN RN
Where the money is : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 9 ######## 6/4/2019 14:28 SS RN
Elijah's cup : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 18 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:52 SP RN
America's splendid little wars : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 7 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 8 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SS RN
Taking the fifth / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 170 12 ######## 6/26/2019 14:06 SS TS
Early American decorative patterns : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 8 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Revolucion! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2003 13 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2003 17 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
The war horse / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2003 22 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
Imagine a night / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2003 69 12 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 RN RN
Pirican Pic and Pirican Mor / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 15 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 47 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
The gold rush : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 28 ######## 11/22/2019 15:46 SS TS
Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 17 3 9/9/2018 2/4/2019 14:05 SS RN
Planet Janet / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 29 9/6/2016 2/7/2019 17:01 SS SP
My mother's daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 22 2 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 SS SP
The Erie Canal : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 10 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SS RN
Little Wolf, pack leader / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2003 48 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SS RN
Soldiers of the Spanish-American War / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2003 14 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2003 36 3 2/6/2019 10/3/2019 8:38 SP TS
Blood is the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2003 40 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NV TS
The losers' club / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2003 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 20 1 8/9/2016 8/23/2019 13:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 68 5 ######## 11/7/2019 14:51 SS TS
Family for life : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Why do my eyes itch? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Dian Fossey / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 14 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
The meanest hound around / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 24 ######## 2/7/2019 17:21 SP SP
Signals from the child : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 13 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Down to earth : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 9 3/9/2015 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
The Constitution / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 15 2 8/6/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
The secret life of cowboys / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 3 1 6/7/2012 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
I sleep at red lights : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 2 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The language police : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 10 5 ######## 9/5/2019 8:30 SS TS
The midnight / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 5 2/4/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
J'accuse / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Party science / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2003 44 3 7/1/2018 2/4/2019 10:51 SS RN
The Mercury 13 : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 4 ######## 10/24/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 46 1 ######## 11/20/2019 8:27 SV RN
A grave denied / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 65 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
100 years of the World Series / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 14 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 70 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Hercules Amsterdam / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 15 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Cry out : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Colonials : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 15 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 33 1 ######## 9/27/2019 7:58 SP TS
Roget's descriptive word finder : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2003 6 1 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2003 4 2/3/2014 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2003 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:53 SS RN
Shoddy Cove / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2003 8 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
Castles and fortified cities of medieval Europe
: BK 6/26/2003 18 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
Quincannon / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2003 58 4 ######## 10/30/2019 14:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2003 24 4 ######## 9/12/2019 12:10 SS RN
Fed up! : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2003 38 2 ######## 4/17/2019 11:58 SP TS
The 1902 edition of the Sears, Roebuck catalogue
3.12E+13/ BK 7/7/2003 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2003 62 15 ######## 5/30/2019 15:43 SV TS
The Simon and Schuster book of Greek gods 3.12E+13
and heroes
BK / 7/10/2003 68 8 ######## 11/22/2019 15:20 RN TS
Dandy dinosaurs. 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2003 9 1 5/7/2016 2/23/2019 15:46 SV SP
All my tomorrows / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2003 25 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2003 31 8 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Claire and present danger / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2003 51 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Louisiana breakdown / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2003 16 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
Roosevelt the explorer : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2003 10 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 21 1/8/2018 2/1/2019 17:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 23 1 ######## 3/28/2019 9:01 SS TS
The works of Blaise Pascal. 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 16 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Willow & Tara / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 29 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 30 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 7 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SS RN
Peace to all beings : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2003 7 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 SS RN
McGraw-Hill dictionary of astronomy. 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 9 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 33 15 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 59 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 101 10 ######## 7/17/2019 10:17 SO TS
Fleet fire : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 14 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 63 8 ######## 8/5/2019 12:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 44 9 ######## 3/22/2019 13:56 SO TS
A cruel season for dying / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 5 ######## 9/16/2019 12:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 18 ######## 10/24/2019 15:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 43 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 37 ######## 3/23/2019 11:09 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 34 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
The works of Robert Louis Stevenson : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 RN SS
Death row / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 58 ######## 8/19/2019 10:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 21 1 ######## 8/1/2019 10:31 NV RN
Glitz / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 38 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 25 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 19 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 12 3 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 SS TS
America's splendid little wars : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 14 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Like sex with gods : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 6 1 ######## 10/16/2019 9:30 SS RN
Four days to Veracruz : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 10 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:01 SS RN
Poker face : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 19 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
A hundred little Hitlers : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 19 1 ######## 5/9/2019 8:56 RN RN
Family fusion : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 13 1 6/3/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
The battle of the Atlantic : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 27 2 6/9/2015 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
The olive season : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2003 32 2 ######## 9/23/2019 12:53 SP RN
Encyclopedia Sherlockiana : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 28 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 34 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 13 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 112 4 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
The grand permission : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 22 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Terrible Terry Allen : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 14 4 ######## 12/17/2019 13:53 SS TS
Summer snow : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 52 2 ######## 9/12/2019 14:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 26 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 4 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The works of Theophile Gautier. 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 9 ######## 9/17/2019 15:04 SO RN
Skin deep : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 19 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Spitting image / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 21 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
New rules of high school / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 18 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 24 4 1/4/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
Chief : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 5 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 11 ######## 9/17/2019 15:08 SP RN
Cold Tom : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 10 5/9/2016 2/5/2019 16:04 RN SV
Notes on directing / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 6 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Amazing grace : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 3 4/9/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 26 1 4/8/2017 10/21/2019 15:22 NW RN
Following Hadrian : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 28 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SV RN
Wheels for the world : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 17 1 ######## 6/4/2019 16:16 NW RN
The cutting room / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 14 3 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SS TS
The real Eve : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 29 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Honoring the medicine : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 7 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
Open wide the freedom gates : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 9 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Beethoven / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 22 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Genesis of the Pharaohs : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2003 40 ######## 11/8/2019 13:41 NV RN
Forever summer / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 29 1 7/8/2016 8/2/2019 9:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 55 3 9/2/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 22 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 14 1/6/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 52 6 ######## 1/15/2019 16:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 21 ######## 2/20/2019 16:34 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 92 10 ######## 1/18/2019 15:29 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 26 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 47 4 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
I'll watch the moon / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 39 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 20 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
Talkin' about Bessie : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 19 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
Lawless / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 76 1 5/7/2019 5/17/2019 8:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
Where I'd like to be / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 12 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SP RN
The McGraw-Hill children's thesaurus / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:13 SP RN
Megastars / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 4 9/9/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 SS SV
Robinson Crusoe / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 29 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
A time to love : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 49 13 ######## 6/25/2019 14:49 SS TS
The girl on the high-diving horse / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 29 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 56 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
Veil : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 8 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 30 1 7/6/2016 9/11/2019 12:40 SP RN
Hello, Europe! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 15 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 13 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 20 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SP RN
The immortal count : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2003 29 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
FamilyFun home / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 58 2 ######## 6/28/2019 13:14 IV RN
The Hellfighters of Harlem : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 5 4/7/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Fear's justice : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 2 1 8/4/2015 9/23/2019 12:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 23 1 8/9/2017 9/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
Witness to the truth : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 17 2 ######## 9/6/2019 14:32 SS RN
Leaving home : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Goddesses, heroes, and shamans : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 47 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
Nostalgia de la sombra : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 13 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Stenciling : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 10 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 NW RN
Something wicked this way comes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2003 36 2 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2003 74 3 ######## 11/13/2019 11:39 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 11 2 9/6/2016 2/1/2019 16:20 RN RN
Small-scale livestock farming : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 28 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 31 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:12 SP RN
Sleep tight, little mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 45 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:18 NW RN
Prairie whispers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 10 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 NW NW
Friction : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 41 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
Curse in reverse / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 29 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
A long way / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 32 7 ######## 9/24/2019 14:44 SV TS
The best kind of gift / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 21 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
The new encyclopedia of Judaism / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 RN RN
B is for bulldozer : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 70 6 ######## 8/5/2019 12:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 33 3 ######## 9/23/2019 12:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 11 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Step-by-step digital photography : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 33 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 46 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SS SP
Lizards for lunch : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 17 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SV SS
The moon in the man / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 22 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 SP SP
The Swiss chalet book; 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2003 16 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2003 34 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2003 57 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SS
God went to beauty school / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2003 11 ######## 2/8/2019 17:48 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2003 15 4 1/9/2018 2/7/2019 13:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2003 21 ######## 9/17/2019 14:34 SS RN
Neptune : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2003 14 1 2/9/2016 10/16/2019 15:03 NW RN
Robert and the attack of the giant tarantula
/ BK 7/22/2003 17 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2003 16 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2003 46 8 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2003 74 10 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2003 23 5 4/4/2018 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2003 17 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2003 29 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 IV RN
The burglar who thought he was Bogart : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2003 19 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 40 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 4 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 30 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 53 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 39 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:32 SS RN
The big box / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 15 2 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 15:29 SV RN
Navajo rugs : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 6 1 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The 1940s / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 21 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
The 1990s / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 8 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SP SS
Cuba on the verge : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2003 17 4 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2003 128 14 ######## 11/22/2019 8:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2003 20 1 ######## 6/28/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2003 50 8/4/2015 9/25/2019 13:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2003 18 2 ######## 6/12/2019 11:16 SP RN
Chains of command / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2003 23 2 ######## 10/23/2019 8:45 SS TS
Scary stories 3 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 61 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:09 SO SP
The girls' revenge / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 19 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 SV NW
The girl who remembered snow / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 101 4 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 84 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 40 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 76 8 ######## 1/15/2019 15:53 SO TS
Payback / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2003 15 1 1/5/2016 8/23/2019 14:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2003 30 5 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2003 51 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 30 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 16 6 3/6/2019 5/13/2019 15:31 NV TS
Wizard at work : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 42 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 6 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 30 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 SO RN
Audubon : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 5 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 85 10 ######## 7/8/2019 14:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 37 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
The Iroquois : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 12 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
The story of the Incredible Hulk / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 99 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 17 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:39 SO RN
Castaways : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 7 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
Where is my mommy? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2003 48 11 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
The Kennedy curse : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2003 31 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2003 21 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2003 47 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 63 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 37 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 NW RN
Stop the train! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 8 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 25 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 96 9 9/6/2018 1/15/2019 15:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 112 9 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 26 4/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 NV RN
The Santa Fe Trail : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 3 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 NW NW
Lost liberties : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 16 6/1/2016 6/4/2019 14:29 SP RN
Lost liberties : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 12 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 26 3 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
Lost in Mongolia : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 7 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 20 5 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
The gold rush : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 18 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
A season in Bethlehem : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 8 ######## 11/8/2019 13:33 SS RN
Flesh wounds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 17 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Mother to tigers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 11 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NW SS
Final verdict / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 28 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
1-2-3 draw cartoon people : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 54 7 ######## 11/20/2019 12:31 VE TS
Word jig : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 49 8 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 NW RN
Ancient West African kingdoms / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 25 6 ######## 1/23/2019 16:17 SV TS
Norman Rockwell : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 8 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
Buzz monkey / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 16 ######## 9/12/2019 14:01 SS RN
Jefferson's war : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 6 3/8/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
William McKinley / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 10 1 ######## 10/4/2019 14:27 SS RN
Hindu and Sikh faiths in America / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 13 4/3/2015 1/16/2019 17:20 NW NW
One dark night / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2003 67 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
Power on her own / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 16 3 3/7/2015 2/14/2019 16:24 SP SP
Hitched : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 13 7/7/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Live and let die : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 36 6 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 28 2 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
The vagabond clown / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 11 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 41 7 4/3/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 RN RN
The war horse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 11 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 12 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 73 9 1/9/2019 3/7/2019 11:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 27 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:35 SV RN
One monkey too many / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 74 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 9 5 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
The magic flute / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 15 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Idlewild / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 30 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
The Mad Dog 100 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 13 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:01 SS RN
First rider's call / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 44 ######## 8/6/2019 13:47 RN TS
Foul ball : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2003 20 1 4/1/2015 6/25/2019 15:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2003 19 4 ######## 11/7/2019 15:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2003 1 9/1/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Are you really going to eat that? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2003 34 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Endangered recipes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2003 66 4 ######## 12/3/2019 7:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 16 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
Perfect plant, perfect place / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 34 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 13 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 45 5 ######## 3/22/2019 12:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 34 4 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SP SP
Zigzag / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 25 2 ######## 8/15/2019 9:30 NW TS
The soups of France / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 19 1 7/9/2016 8/2/2019 10:59 SV RN
Jack Adrift : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 11 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 32 3/2/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 80 2 ######## 7/25/2019 15:31 SS TS
A.L.T. : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 11 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
The middle school survival guide / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 34 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SS TS
A tiger called Thomas / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 63 14 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 18 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
Z goes home / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 34 3 6/7/2016 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
Hop, skip & jump : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 7 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
The farther you run / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 9 1 ######## 3/4/2019 17:22 SS SP
Old Granny and the bean thief / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 35 3 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 SP SS
Philosophy and philosophers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 13 1 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 33 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Pilot mom / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2003 52 6 4/2/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
"M" is for malice / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2003 23 5 ######## 6/4/2019 8:20 IV TS
The black velvet mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2003 55 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SO SV
What people wore : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 9 9/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
My body is private / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 14 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 23 1 3/9/2018 5/24/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 19 ######## 2/4/2019 9:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 74 3 ######## 1/16/2019 9:07 IV TS
The philosopher's stones : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 26 3 ######## 5/14/2019 9:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 60 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Ollie the Stomper / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 100 8 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 21 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 SS TS
The crafts and culture of the Aztecs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 28 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
D.I.Y. girl : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 39 2 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 SS SP
Animal house and Iz / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 9 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SP SP
WLT, a radio romance / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 10 ######## 9/17/2019 14:31 SS RN
Megastructures / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 19 1 9/9/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 69 7 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 17:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 28 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 93 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
A medieval castle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 23 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
Fantastic creatures from Greek myths / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 62 5 ######## 8/22/2019 15:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 8 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 22 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 32 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
Celtic warriors : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 19 6/6/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 NV RN
The technology of World War II / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 44 5 ######## 8/7/2019 11:04 SO TS
Pajaro sin hogar / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 20 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2003 25 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:32 SS SV
Story of pride, power and uplift, Annie T. Malone
/ BK 8/18/2003 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 NW SV
The Kennedy women : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2003 15 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2003 57 5 ######## 9/24/2019 15:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2003 47 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:40 SP RN
Debtors' planet / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2003 6 ######## 2/14/2019 15:16 SP SP
Creative cloth doll making : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2003 46 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SV RN
Peace at home : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2003 41 1 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Porches & sunrooms : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2003 28 1 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SV TS
The Cape Cod table / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2003 16 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:21 SV RN
The purpose-driven life : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2003 71 6 ######## 2/26/2019 8:28 SC NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2003 46 4 ######## 8/8/2019 8:49 SO TS
Life : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2003 12 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SS
Woodrow Wilson / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2003 11 ######## 10/4/2019 14:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2003 23 ######## 7/11/2019 9:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2003 86 15 ######## 2/11/2019 11:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2003 7 3/1/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2003 70 7 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2003 45 7 ######## 1/23/2019 16:28 SO TS
Vietnam / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2003 16 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
War and peace : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2003 9 3 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 RN SP
Dark angel / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2003 12 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 35 ######## 9/12/2019 10:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 3 ######## 9/12/2019 11:16 SS RN
Paint pots and the royal queen ; 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 57 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 RN RN
Breath / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 7 ######## 1/15/2019 13:48 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 46 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SO RN
The kaisho : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 19 ######## 10/3/2019 8:31 RN TS
Space Dog visits planet Earth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2003 16 3 7/8/2018 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 109 6 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SO TS
Little Brown Bear won't go to school / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 101 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 14 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 VE RN
Heather has two mommies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 10 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SO SV
The gift of the Magi and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 16 2 ######## 3/16/2019 12:07 SO SO
All together now / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 26 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 28 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Eleonora Duse : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 11 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2003 15 ######## 9/25/2019 13:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2003 49 3 ######## 8/19/2019 10:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2003 7 7/1/2017 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
A tenured professor : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2003 2 ######## 9/17/2019 14:52 SS RN
Mrs. Mooley / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2003 35 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SO RN
The magic porridge pot / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2003 45 10 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SO RN
Ilium / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2003 28 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2003 29 3 ######## 6/13/2019 9:32 SV TS
Day of the iguana / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2003 38 2 ######## 6/26/2019 14:45 SV TS
Paladin of souls / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2003 44 4 7/9/2019 8/5/2019 8:54 SV TS
It only looks easy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2003 30 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
Just shopping with mom / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2003 89 9 ######## 1/16/2019 15:05 SP TS
Pedro the brave / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2003 43 1 ######## 9/17/2019 9:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2003 24 4 8/8/2019 9/17/2019 12:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2003 28 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2003 15 ######## 8/2/2019 10:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 45 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 12 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 RN RN
Bill Clinton : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 20 2 7/6/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Sowing the wind : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 5 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Death by Hollywood : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 43 1 ######## 9/11/2019 12:50 SP RN
Are you really going to eat that? : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 14 ######## 7/15/2019 10:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 34 1 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2003 2 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 118 24 7/2/2019 8/7/2019 14:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 34 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
The perfect pet / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 48 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 37 4 2/3/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 55 6 1/8/2019 8/5/2019 12:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 14 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 44 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 29 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 53 2 9/4/2018 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
The drum, the doll, and the zombie / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 10 1 3/8/2016 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 52 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
The Vikings / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 20 1 ######## 5/21/2019 15:08 SV RN
Cowboys & longhorns / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 7 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 33 5 6/7/2018 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 10 2 4/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
The no. 1 ladies' detective agency / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2003 65 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 15 1 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 91 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
A sweet year : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
Italian Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 8 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
The Secret remedy book : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 17 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 11 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 19 3 6/6/2017 2/1/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 40 7 ######## 12/20/2019 13:05 SV TS
Ever is a long time : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 27 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
South Carolina facts and symbols / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 4 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 11 1 5/7/2014 2/22/2019 9:38 SO SV
Joe Jones : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 35 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 IV RN
Darknesses / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 53 2 7/9/2019 8/5/2019 8:35 NV TS
I won't get lost / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 59 4 1/5/2018 2/5/2019 14:19 SO RN
The time witches / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 37 3 ######## 2/2/2019 12:52 SS SP
Polly's picnic / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 43 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 SS RN
The farther you run / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 27 5 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NV TS
Taoism : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 32 3 ######## 12/12/2019 7:31 SV TS
The countess's calamity / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 10 2 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 NW SP
If grace is true : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 31 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Skinny-dipping at Monster Lake / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 16 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2003 28 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 SS NW
Body marks : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 24 2 ######## 9/10/2019 12:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 39 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
John F. Kennedy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 28 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The Persian Gulf War : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 10 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 28 5 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 SP IV
Remembering the prophets of sacred scripture
/ BK 9/18/2003 8 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SS RN
Grizzlies in the mist / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 8 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
The civil rights movement / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 19 2 2/1/2017 2/1/2019 13:14 SS RN
Robert Cormier / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2003 2 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SS RN
Dancing naked in the mind field / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Flannery O'Connor / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 2 7/5/2016 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
What ever : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Larger than life / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 43 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 38 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Hockey tough / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 10 1 ######## 11/7/2019 14:24 SS RN
Zora Neale Hurston / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 9 7/5/2016 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Philip Roth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 2 7/5/2016 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
e.e. Cummings : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 12 4 2/2/2016 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
Jean Frost jackets : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 21 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
A good life wasted, or, Twenty years as a fishing
BK/ 9/19/2003 11 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
George Gershwin : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The Chicago manual of style. 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2003 10 4 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2003 64 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2003 1 ######## 10/1/2019 14:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2003 22 ######## 6/28/2019 12:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2003 53 5 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2003 4 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
Skyward / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2003 34 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2003 34 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2003 33 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2003 10 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
The perfect puppy for me / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 56 5 7/3/2018 2/4/2019 15:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 10 5 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 18 3 9/4/2018 2/4/2019 13:10 SS RN
Head lice / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 18 ######## 4/23/2019 9:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 35 8 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
Hognose snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 23 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
Dollars and sense : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 22 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 95 6 ######## 9/6/2019 9:41 NV TS
Sikhism / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 22 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
Rats / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 57 6 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
Plants & fungi : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 25 3 5/7/2018 2/4/2019 14:29 SP RN
Grant and Lee at Appomattox : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 17 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 SS NW
Earthworm / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 31 5/6/2015 2/3/2019 13:41 TR TR
Islam / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 6 9/7/2014 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Judaism / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Judaism / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 18 ######## 2/1/2019 13:47 SV SV
Caring for your dog / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 38 12 ######## 7/9/2019 16:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 43 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
Life in a coral reef / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 19 3 9/5/2018 8/19/2019 9:11 NV TS
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 15 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NW
Wetlands / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 11 3 5/1/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Ancient Roman war and weapons / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 35 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 15 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 SV RN
Ancient Roman homes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 23 9 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 SV RN
Wetlands / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 17 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
Wetlands / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 24 1 9/6/2014 1/19/2019 16:52 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 27 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 SV IV
The electrical field / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 10 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:32 SS RN
Sikh festivals throughout the year / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 12 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:44 SS TS
Jewish festivals throughout the year / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 13 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
Ask me again tomorrow : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2003 15 ######## 8/14/2019 10:37 SP RN
Hushabye Lily / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 13 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 12 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 24 1 ######## 10/23/2019 9:30 NV TS
Or give me death : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 8 ######## 2/1/2019 16:29 NV RN
Stars and constellations / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 18 1 4/7/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 91 6 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2003 33 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 RN RN
Murder in three acts / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 31 3 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 32 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 18 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SP RN
Cambodia / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 6 3 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SS TS
Along the Santa Fe Trail : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 25 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 33 9 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 45 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 30 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 19 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
Iguanodon / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 19 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
A day in the life of a veterinarian / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 50 10 7/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 116 11 ######## 7/25/2019 15:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 47 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
The automobile / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 33 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 49 10 ######## 2/4/2019 14:29 SP RN
El agua como solido = 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 36 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SS SV
El agua como gas = 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 29 6/3/2015 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Soy cooperativa = 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 31 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
A bear's year / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 74 4 3/9/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 TR RN
Hard workers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 12 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2003 34 5 ######## 11/13/2019 11:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 21 1 4/4/2017 10/9/2019 9:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 104 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
Weird parents / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 37 3 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV NW
Jeepers creepers : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 48 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 23 3 8/1/2018 2/6/2019 13:01 SO RN
Big-enough Anna : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 36 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Star blanket / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 58 2 ######## 8/5/2019 12:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2003 68 10 7/1/2019 9/17/2019 9:24 SO TS
The storyteller's daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 15 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
The girls get even / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 32 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 46 9 6/1/2019 8/19/2019 10:31 RN TS
A traitor among the boys / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 27 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 SO NW
Boo to you, Winnie the pooh! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 122 9 5/3/2019 6/27/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 30 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
There was an old woman who lived in a boot
/ BK 10/13/2003 73 8 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
Bringing Elizabeth home : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 23 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 13 ######## 10/23/2019 14:02 NW RN
Bambi : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 25 7 9/5/2019 11/1/2019 15:59 SP TS
The movies of my life : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 1 ######## 8/23/2019 14:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 29 4 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SO RN
Lost Christianities : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 23 5 ######## 1/24/2019 13:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 21 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:24 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 169 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 24 7 ######## 12/20/2019 10:35 SV TS
W.B. Yeats : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 3 9/9/2019 9/10/2019 16:24 SS TS
Blind eye / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 10 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
My life as a fake : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 1 ######## 8/21/2019 12:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Freeze dry / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 13 1 ######## 9/17/2019 14:24 SS RN
Freeze dry / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 16 2/2/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
Never mind the Pollacks : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 15 4/2/2015 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
Murder at the MLA : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 7 6/3/2015 9/24/2019 13:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 40 6 1/2/2019 2/6/2019 16:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2003 8 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 25 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 NW RN
A long time ago today / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 11 2/5/2015 1/2/2019 10:30 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 50 3 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 34 3 8/1/2018 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 37 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 6 3/5/2015 1/5/2019 16:11 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 17 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 22 5 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 69 2 2/3/2013 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 56 9 ######## 8/5/2019 12:20 NV TS
A cool moonlight / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 14 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 95 3 ######## 1/17/2019 14:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2003 58 2 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 67 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 11 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
The snowy day 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 19 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 5 1 ######## 10/16/2019 11:26 SS RN
Owl babies 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 39 4 6/5/2019 10/1/2019 12:06 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 26 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 38 1 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Cleo's counting book / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 77 6 ######## 11/8/2019 13:08 SO TS
Marvin wanted more! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 49 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
Mohawk / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 3 3/7/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 10 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
The ethos effect / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 30 2 ######## 7/24/2019 15:04 SP TS
Country color combinations : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 24 3 2/1/2015 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Country color combinations : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 32 2 2/1/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
They'll believe me when I'm gone / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 40 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 57 2 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Tuscan elements / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 47 1 ######## 4/22/2019 10:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 10 1 ######## 3/9/2019 10:59 SP SP
The homeowner's ultimate tool guide : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 4 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Cinco de mayo : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 15 ######## 1/18/2019 15:32 SV NW
Flag Day / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 11 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:14 NW RN
Basements : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 4 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2003 28 3 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 18 1 2/3/2017 3/12/2019 11:12 SV SP
Sound of the beast : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 44 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 56 5 ######## 11/21/2019 10:14 NV TS
The Oster conspiracy of 1938 : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 18 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
Athletes with disabilities / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 11 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 NW TS
A look at Neptune / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:50 VE RN
Take it to the hoop : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 7 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
The wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2003 77 4 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NV
Remember / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2003 7 ######## 8/21/2019 13:46 SS RN
Escape from slavery : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2003 12 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2003 70 3 ######## 11/25/2019 8:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2003 62 4 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 10:44 SP TS
Reading New York / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2003 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2003 33 6 2/7/2018 5/2/2019 11:14 SO RN
The Tuesday club murders / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2003 73 11 ######## 8/23/2019 12:58 SS TS
Untamed / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2003 25 1 3/1/2017 9/18/2019 11:43 RN RN
Una piedra extraordinaria / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2003 10 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 RN SV
Blue willow / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2003 14 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2003 49 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2003 96 7 4/3/2019 4/23/2019 8:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2003 19 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SP RN
Make your own birdhouses & feeders / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2003 11 1 4/7/2015 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
Native American crafts of the Northwest Coast,
the Arctic,
BK and the Subarctic / 10/29/2003 15 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2003 3 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2003 28 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SV RN
Cabinetry : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2003 5 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2003 18 ######## 10/12/2019 11:21 SS RN
Presumption of death / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2003 29 2 8/1/2018 7/17/2019 13:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2003 12 2 ######## 11/1/2019 15:56 SP RN
Las religiones explicadas a los ni~nos : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2003 7 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 NV TS
Putting on a play : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 26 ######## 2/22/2019 9:34 SO SV
The bookstore burglar / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 30 4 ######## 2/5/2019 11:26 SP SP
If I could drive a dump truck! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 55 8 7/9/2019 9/17/2019 12:14 SP TS
The mixer / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 47 10 7/6/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 65 20 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
The world around us : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 40 5 7/7/2017 1/19/2019 15:07 SO SV
Cheetahs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 25 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
Lions / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 17 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
Slumberfairy falls / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 32 3 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NV NW
Tyrannosaurus rex / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2003 49 5 ######## 7/10/2019 10:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2003 17 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2003 27 2 1/9/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
The story of corn : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2003 10 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 NW TS
Into the storm : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2003 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2003 3 6/8/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Cute & cuddly cross stitch / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2003 31 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:30 SP RN
Uranium frenzy : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2003 9 ######## 5/9/2019 16:12 SP SP
The legend of Sotoju Mountain : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2003 27 ######## 10/18/2019 17:17 SV SV
Paganism today / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2003 25 4 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
The power of praying together / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2003 24 5 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 50 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV TR
Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 16 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 33 2 ######## 1/2/2019 13:25 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 60 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 62 2 ######## 8/19/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 9 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 10 8/8/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 49 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
A cry from the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 38 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 RN TS
Shutting out the sky : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 5 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 21 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 14 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 61 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 9 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 12 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 10 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SV IV
The true and outstanding adventures of the
Hunt sisters
BK : 11/17/2003 23 2 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 17 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 20 ######## 6/7/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 9 1 5/5/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 15 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
This scepter'd isle / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 34 2 ######## 9/18/2019 14:49 SS RN
The dark / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 17 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Heat of passion / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 31 5/5/2016 9/10/2019 14:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 12 2 2/7/2017 5/30/2019 11:01 RN RN
Where they lay : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 22 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
The world : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 14 3 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 38 2 ######## 3/9/2019 13:46 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 102 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NW RN
The last time around Cape Horn : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2003 10 1 8/1/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 43 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 8 2 6/1/2015 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 14 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 7 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 5 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Women don't ask : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 5 ######## 7/15/2019 10:32 SS RN
Eight lights for eight nights : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 14 ######## 2/1/2019 12:21 NW RN
Got shade? : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 13 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2003 15 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
Scholastic visual sports encyclopedia. 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 24 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 26 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 38 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 20 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 50 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
You only live twice / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 27 5 ######## 9/24/2019 10:48 SS TS
What Santa can't do / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 65 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:27 NW TS
Latina and Latino voices in literature : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Rock climbing / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 RN IV
The valley of light : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 6 1 ######## 9/17/2019 13:43 SS RN
Boys in control / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 30 4/2/2016 2/2/2019 12:58 NV SP
The mystery of too many Elvises / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 27 5 ######## 2/21/2019 11:21 NW RN
Brainboy and the Deathmaster / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 29 ######## 3/16/2019 12:04 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 39 6 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SP RN
Plate tectonics / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 24 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
The Anasazi culture at Mesa Verde / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 17 5 3/2/2019 5/24/2019 10:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 4 2/6/2017 10/4/2019 15:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 36 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
The busy family's guide to volunteering : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Not just a witch / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 32 4 ######## 11/13/2019 11:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 21 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 IV RN
The mummy's mother / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2003 9 2 4/8/2014 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Curse in reverse / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2003 20 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SP RN
Circle of doom / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2003 34 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 SP SP
The chalice and the blade / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2003 18 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 IV TS
Teens under the influence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2003 4 1 ######## 5/18/2019 14:57 TR SP
Gate keepers / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2003 62 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP NV
Vietnam in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2003 12 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2003 14 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:54 SP TR
Just Jane : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2003 11 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2003 44 8 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NV RN
Beautiful black hair : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2003 17 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:52 TR SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2003 87 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SP RN
Prep / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2003 50 9/4/2014 5/22/2019 13:37 NW SS
Bringing Elizabeth home : 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2003 14 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:19 RN RN
Julia wants a pet / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2003 17 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Wishes, kisses, and pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2003 23 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2003 6 5/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2003 7 5/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2003 6 5/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2003 104 10 ######## 10/3/2019 8:46 SO TS
The unnatural / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2003 28 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
A taste of danger / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2003 40 3 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2003 15 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
The Just War : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2003 10 ######## 4/24/2019 15:30 RN RN
Curry lover's cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2003 57 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2003 10 1 ######## 11/7/2019 15:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2003 9 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 GE GE
"M" is for malice / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2003 69 9 2/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
Sticks & scones / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2003 61 5 ######## 5/17/2019 8:09 NV TS
The canary / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2003 8 3/6/2015 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Bad love / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2003 12 4 ######## 5/24/2019 7:48 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2003 6 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2003 21 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2003 20 1 5/1/2015 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2003 108 6 6/7/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 12 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 SO SP
The American brewery / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 23 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
The complete handbook of beers and brewing3.12E+13
/ BK 12/11/2003 23 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SP RN
Political suicide / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 16 ######## 9/18/2019 14:20 RN RN
The throne of Saturn : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 7 ######## 8/23/2019 13:53 SS RN
Marc Chagall. 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 22 2 ######## 4/22/2019 10:29 RN RN
Forty years a forester, 1903-1943 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 15 1 4/2/2015 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The Kalahari Typing School for Men : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2003 47 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 33 3 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 12:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 6 ######## 8/21/2019 14:22 SS RN
The She / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 32 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 NW RN
Claude Monet / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 16 2 ######## 3/9/2019 11:00 NW SP
100 suns, 1945-1962 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 13 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:30 RN RN
A national party no more : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 25 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Little Scraggly Hair : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 54 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
Mythology : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 50 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NV
Everything was possible : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 5 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
Pretty dead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 68 2 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 10:49 NW TS
A saint, more or less : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2003 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2003 11 1 ######## 10/9/2019 12:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2003 10 ######## 3/23/2019 11:06 SP SP
Falling for Rapunzel / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 86 3 ######## 8/5/2019 12:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 69 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:21 SP TS
Key of knowledge / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 67 5 1/3/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 RN TS
The Edison mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 28 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 44 5 2/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 9 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:33 SV SV
A hole in the universe / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 24 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 37 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 50 1 ######## 6/20/2019 17:35 SS SS
Amerigo Vespucci : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 18 3 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 NW RN
Garter & ribbon snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 20 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Holy fools / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 29 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
Re-enchantment : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 13 ######## 5/6/2019 9:08 RN RN
To the doctor - a daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 12 ######## 7/17/2019 11:18 SS TS
Am I still a woman? : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Climbing higher / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 25 ######## 7/2/2019 15:34 SP RN
Bite-sized science : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 24 3 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SV RN
Basketball tip-ins : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 30 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Antics! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 29 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 RN RN
Teaching the restless : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2003 19 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:52 SP RN
Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2003 3 2 ######## 3/12/2019 10:50 SP SP
Hernan Cortes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2003 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Illustrated atlas. 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2003 9 2 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SS TS
Engaging minds : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2003 17 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:49 SS TS
Hustler days : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2003 20 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SC RN
Hustler days : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2003 5 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
100 ghastly little ghost stories / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 32 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Cooking at home with the Culinary Institute3.12E+13
of America.
BK 12/17/2003 24 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 RN SS
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 5 ######## 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 0 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 1 2 ######## 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Magic minutes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 3 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Secrets of the sands : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 16 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 7 1 8/4/2017 2/1/2019 16:23 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 12 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 44 6 ######## 11/20/2019 13:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 14 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 15 5/2/2014 2/1/2019 13:49 SV SV
Eureka! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 5 10/7/2019 10:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 10 2/5/2017 9/24/2019 12:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 20 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NV TS
La Salle and the exploration of the Mississippi
/ BK 12/17/2003 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Vasco Nu~nez de Balboa and the discovery3.12E+13
of the South
BK Sea / 12/17/2003 18 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
My first dictionary. 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 9 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 11 1 3/9/2015 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Three nasty gnarlies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 51 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SS RN
Cirque du Soleil : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 24 4/5/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 31 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 47 4 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 5 2 7/9/2016 4/19/2019 17:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2003 3 10/7/2019 10:31 SS SS
How to talk to your kids about school violence
/ BK 12/17/2003 7 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 17 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 1 ######## 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 66 3 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 17 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
Ten mice for Tet / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 6 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:59 NW TS
The best book of wolves and wild dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 48 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 26 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Brown v. Board of Education / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 9 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
Rachel Carson and the environmental movement
3.12E+13/ BK 12/18/2003 13 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 33 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 7 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
The man who walked the earth / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 34 6 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 20 2/7/2015 1/5/2019 15:18 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2003 6 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 23 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
The jumbo book of art / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 19 3 ######## 3/4/2019 17:38 SP SP
The jumbo book of art / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 18 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
Vampire High / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 52 2 8/7/2019 9/10/2019 11:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 20 3 ######## 8/14/2019 9:51 SP RN
A wizard named Nell / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 17 4 6/4/2018 2/1/2019 14:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2003 25 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SO RN
Baseball's boneheads, bad boys, & just plain
crazy guys
BK / 12/19/2003 6 6/9/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2003 22 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
America at war in color : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2003 24 1 ######## 4/11/2019 14:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2003 31 2 9/7/2017 10/21/2019 14:56 SP RN
Constructing Teddy and his friends / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 15 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 27 1 ######## 6/24/2019 16:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 18 1 9/3/2013 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 SO SV
Style by nature : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 45 5 ######## 10/2/2019 10:50 SS TS
Ducks, geese and turkeys for anyone / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 13 3 ######## 6/22/2019 12:12 NV RN
Free-range poultry / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 52 3 3/6/2017 10/24/2019 14:53 NV RN
Paint, paint, paint : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 20 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SV RN
The encyclopedia of Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2003 5 4 ######## 6/25/2019 15:08 SV RN
The commanders / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2003 2 2/8/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2003 63 4 8/1/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2003 26 5 ######## 7/10/2019 9:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2003 64 7 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2003 35 ######## 3/16/2019 11:52 SP RN
Flying feet : 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2003 50 10 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2003 10 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 VE RN
Circle of five / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2003 36 3 ######## 9/20/2019 13:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2003 60 1 ######## 6/28/2019 12:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2003 29 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SS SV
Bowhunting pressured whitetails / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2003 10 1 4/9/2015 8/2/2019 10:13 SS RN
Legend in the dust / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2003 19 1 ######## 4/16/2019 17:07 SP SP
Precision archery / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2004 34 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
Big bad Bruce / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2004 55 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2004 91 5 3/2/2019 3/28/2019 16:17 SS TS
The Dark Knight strikes again / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2004 82 7 ######## 11/13/2019 14:07 NW TS
The complete outdoor wedding planner : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2004 46 6 ######## 5/6/2019 8:36 SS TS
The complete book of puppetry / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 13 6 4/9/2019 4/22/2019 7:25 SS TS
Caleb and Kate / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 44 5 1/4/2018 2/6/2019 16:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 88 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NV
Flossie & the fox / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 44 3 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 85 9 ######## 1/17/2019 13:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 39 2 ######## 8/7/2019 11:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 78 5 1/6/2019 3/14/2019 12:39 SS TS
The Cambridge encyclopedia of space / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 6 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:52 SS RN
Elizabeti's doll / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 19 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 62 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
A daughter of Zion / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2004 22 2 ######## 9/12/2019 13:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2004 45 ######## 6/13/2019 11:31 SP TS
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 3 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Explorers & discoverers : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 2 ######## 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
The battle for Rome : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 7 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Eureka! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:00 SS SS
Eureka! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:01 SS SS
Eureka! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:01 SS SS
Eureka! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:00 SS SS
Eureka! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 3 10/7/2019 10:59 SS SS
Fire in the hole : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 9 3/3/2016 10/21/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 3 10/7/2019 10:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 3 10/7/2019 10:31 SS SS
Total body transformation : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2004 38 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2004 43 2 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2004 30 ######## 2/9/2019 15:39 SP SP
Star blanket / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2004 26 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
Blue wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2004 21 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 105 22 ######## 5/2/2019 13:39 NV TS
Internal bleeding : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 15 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
The codex / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 98 9 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
Another man's son / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 65 ######## 12/13/2019 8:39 NW TS
Project X : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Inamorata / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 11 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
Stone cribs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 34 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Pandora's baby : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Keystone : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 13 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 39 2 ######## 3/4/2019 16:46 NV SP
Cottonwood / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 32 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 24 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 24 4 ######## 9/5/2019 8:36 SP TS
I love Korea! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 29 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
One hundred million hearts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 8 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 9 ######## 9/12/2019 11:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2004 12 ######## 3/21/2019 8:25 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 17 2 ######## 1/23/2019 15:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 4 2 7/2/2013 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 3 8/6/2013 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 4 8/6/2013 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 6 8/6/2013 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 19 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 61 9 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 4 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 39 8 ######## 9/7/2019 10:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 10 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SV SV
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
How it works : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 64 7 1/3/2019 1/24/2019 13:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 13 ######## 9/10/2019 12:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 10 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 15 2 7/3/2019 9/10/2019 10:27 SS TS
Baby rattlesnake = 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 16 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Hubble : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 56 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 31 12 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
America 24/7 : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 11 ######## 11/7/2019 15:38 SS RN
Superman: the man of steel / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 36 5 ######## 3/26/2019 15:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 27 2 ######## 11/6/2019 14:43 RN TS
I think I am going to call my wife Paraguay3.12E+13
: BK 1/13/2004 2 5/9/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 105 11 ######## 3/22/2019 12:19 SS TS
Dinosaurs of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 73 2 ######## 11/8/2019 11:24 SP TS
Confessions of a tax collector : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 26 2 7/6/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
The cabbage soup solution / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2004 36 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 28 3 ######## 1/16/2019 14:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 62 3 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 19 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 30 7 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 9 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 27 4 7/3/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 10 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 15 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Moses and the plagues / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 11 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Miracles by the sea / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 9 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The war horse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 15 2 ######## 2/3/2019 15:27 NW TR
Elisa Michaels, bigger & better / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 34 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 8 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Graphs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 58 7 ######## 2/4/2019 15:06 SV RN
Secrets of the sands : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 15 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 38 2 3/1/2018 5/20/2019 13:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 42 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 29 9 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 26 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 33 2 9/2/2017 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 18 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 NW RN
Time to sleep, Alfie Bear / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 47 6 3/2/2018 2/4/2019 14:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 19 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Una sorpresa para Josefina : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 8 2/3/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 31 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 29 5 ######## 1/23/2019 15:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 30 2 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 NW RN
Mary had a little lamb / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 63 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Home, water & moisture problems : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2004 13 5/6/2015 6/28/2019 12:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2004 16 1 8/3/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2004 25 3 1/3/2018 3/21/2019 11:25 SS RN
How to pan gold for fun, profit, health / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2004 44 9 ######## 3/5/2019 11:41 NV SO
Hollywood husbands / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2004 26 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SS TS
The Nez Perce / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2004 13 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2004 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2004 163 18 6/8/2019 7/17/2019 10:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2004 54 5 3/4/2019 3/25/2019 10:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2004 9 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SS SV
Mortal prey / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2004 76 11 ######## 9/26/2019 13:10 SO TS
The book of candles / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2004 10 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:36 RN RN
Busy, busy moose / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2004 95 8 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
Encyclopedia of North American Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2004 9 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:57 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2004 9 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2004 9 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2004 23 2 2/6/2018 2/4/2019 14:59 SV RN
Galaxies / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 37 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
Becoming a citizen / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 11 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
Triceratops / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 53 2 7/6/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
Air pollution / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 19 1 5/8/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 SV RN
Martial arts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 26 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SV RN
Saturn / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 42 3 8/2/2018 1/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 25 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
Grasslands / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 18 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 25 3 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SV TS
The respiratory system / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 22 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 16 8 ######## 2/4/2019 12:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 79 6 ######## 2/15/2019 13:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 14 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 11 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:53 SV RN
Experiments with weather / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 18 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 22 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 19 6 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
Mammals / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 23 2 7/3/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
Insects / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 40 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
Fishes / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 30 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
United States of America / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2004 15 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SV RN
Doug rules / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2004 26 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2004 21 1 2/1/2017 9/10/2019 14:17 SP RN
Miss Julia hits the road / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2004 44 2 ######## 6/4/2019 8:08 RN TS
The land of Gray Wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2004 36 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Nice girls don't get the corner office : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2004 35 6 2/9/2019 4/8/2019 9:06 SP TS
Avedon at work : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 20 2 ######## 11/6/2019 13:11 SP RN
My time : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 18 ######## 5/6/2019 13:03 SP RN
Somerset Maugham, a life / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 4 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Telling lies to Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 15 7/9/2016 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 6 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
The weight of it : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 12 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:20 SP RN
Light this candle : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 5 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
The war against excellence : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2004 16 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:51 SP RN
Alphabet of thorn / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2004 23 ######## 9/9/2019 8:07 SO RN
Garden rooms / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2004 56 7 ######## 8/22/2019 8:05 SO TS
Food, teeth, and eating / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2004 33 10 2/7/2019 4/23/2019 8:47 NW TS
Bleeding Kansas : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2004 10 6/2/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Harlem's hell fighters : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2004 5 4/7/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2004 37 8 ######## 12/13/2019 8:42 SS TS
Desire of the everlasting hills : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2004 9 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Their war for Korea : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2004 14 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 93 7 5/5/2019 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
The working poor : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 37 4 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 57 4 7/7/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SS TS
The great pig escape / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 111 7 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 67 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 21 3 6/6/2019 6/18/2019 8:05 RN TS
Is it rough? Is it smooth? Is it shiny? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 33 3 ######## 8/5/2019 12:49 SS TS
Honk! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 36 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2004 77 11 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SV RN
Women and the Nazi East : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2004 14 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
Rum / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2004 19 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2004 26 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 103 8 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SP TS
Lottie's new beach towel / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 61 4 ######## 11/13/2019 11:34 SS TS
Simplicity lessons : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 36 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 4 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 70 5 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 31 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Flora : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Desserts that have killed better men than 3.12E+13
me : BK 2/9/2004 18 6/8/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Sylvia Plath : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2004 14 4 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 SS RN
The dream voyagers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2004 18 6 ######## 6/20/2019 12:50 SS TS
Cadence / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2004 20 3/6/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2004 26 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
Culture shock! 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2004 24 4 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2004 23 ######## 10/12/2019 12:26 RN RN
High rocks and ice : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2004 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
The historic restaurants of Paris / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2004 7 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2004 10 3 ######## 10/18/2019 13:28 SO RN
Healing & hope : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 6 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
American Mafia : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 31 4 ######## 12/10/2019 8:07 SS TS
Skeletons of the Atchafalaya / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 5 ######## 9/20/2019 13:15 SS RN
Telling lies to Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 17 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 42 8 ######## 5/6/2019 8:40 RN TS
I am what I ate-- and I'm frightened!!! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 27 1 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Men in knits : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 22 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SS RN
Paper for all seasons : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 46 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
Better together : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2004 19 4/7/2018 6/22/2019 12:11 NW RN
Show dog / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 5 1 ######## 9/10/2019 11:56 NV TS
The Ravenmaster's secret : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 29 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 50 7 ######## 2/25/2019 15:00 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 35 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:01 NV RN
First civilizations / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 16 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
Baseball ballerina / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 101 7 6/4/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 109 11 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 38 6 ######## 2/4/2019 11:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 11 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 100 19 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
Attack of the mutant underwear / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 23 2 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 14 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NW
The Sitting Bull you never knew / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 6 ######## 1/4/2019 16:49 NV SP
My first horse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 14 2/6/2017 2/1/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 31 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 34 5 9/8/2018 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
Sliding into home / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 11 3/9/2016 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
Nothing but miracles / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 57 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 39 12 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 10 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 41 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 49 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 53 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Crime scene whodunits : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 16 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 32 1 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
The secret life of a schoolgirl : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 35 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 66 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 IV RN
Robert and the great escape / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 13 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 8 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 51 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 21 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SV RN
It could still be a mammal / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2004 42 9 3/6/2019 9/10/2019 14:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 25 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 RN SV
Fishes in the ocean / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 47 1 ######## 8/19/2019 12:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 32 5 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 6 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
There is music in a pussycat / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 19 1 4/6/2016 1/9/2019 17:21 NW VE
Draw your own manga : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 87 13 ######## 6/13/2019 10:16 RN TS
Lost Christianities : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2004 54 3 ######## 2/20/2019 14:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 35 6 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
Life goes on : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 14 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
This unhappy country : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 15 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 21 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
Lost cause : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 20 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 19 4 2/4/2017 2/7/2019 10:34 NW RN
Mean chicks, cliques, and dirty tricks : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 24 7 ######## 6/7/2019 8:43 SS TS
A walk in the boreal forest / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 29 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
Blankets : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 64 12 6/7/2019 6/27/2019 15:01 SO TS
A walk in the rain forest / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 55 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
Flying squirrels / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 37 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SO RN
Hernando de Soto and the Spanish search 3.12E+13
for gold inBK
world history / 2/20/2004 6 1 4/6/2015 1/17/2019 13:44 NW RN
Women in the Civil War / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 28 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 57 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
South Africa in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 13 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
Your travel guide to ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 40 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
The home front during World War II in American
BK / 2/20/2004 15 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 NW RN
The Cold War / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 9 3/9/2016 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
The Korean War / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 16 1 9/8/2018 2/7/2019 12:25 NW RN
Civil War medicine / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 14 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
Oceans / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 26 4 6/2/2018 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Coral reefs / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2004 25 3 6/5/2019 8/19/2019 9:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2004 35 2 ######## 9/23/2019 13:13 RN RN
El Greco / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2004 17 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2004 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 NW IV
The horse encyclopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2004 17 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Helping plants grow well / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 12 2 9/5/2015 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
Moving and growing / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 23 3 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Simple electricity / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 14 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 31 4 2/7/2019 4/23/2019 8:47 NW TS
Life cycles / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 12 3 8/7/2018 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Adapting and surviving / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 28 6 ######## 11/8/2019 12:52 NW TS
Changing circuits / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2004 9 ######## 2/20/2019 16:42 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2004 6 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SO RN
Knives : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2004 37 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Lives of the writers : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2004 19 6 ######## 5/24/2019 11:24 SO RN
The destructive power of religion : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 1 9/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The destructive power of religion : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 1 9/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The European Renaissance and Reformation,3.12E+13
BK / 3/4/2004 5 ######## 11/13/2019 11:40 SS RN
Building a shed : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 53 9 7/5/2019 9/26/2019 11:08 SS TS
Rosas de papel / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 6 1/2/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
New directions in chenille / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 12 2/5/2014 4/22/2019 10:26 SP RN
Imperial China, 617-1644 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 1 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
The Cold War, 1945-1991 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2004 4 4 ######## 11/15/2019 13:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2004 61 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:33 NV TS
Letters in the attic / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2004 6 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:19 SP RN
The three little pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 140 11 1/4/2019 3/7/2019 12:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 74 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SS RN
Mr. Baseball / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 101 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SS RN
Tut's mummy lost-- and found / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 52 11 ######## 2/20/2019 15:45 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 116 11 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
I wonder / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 68 4 6/9/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 SS RN
My tooth is loose! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 74 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 25 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 63 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Little Witch goes to school / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 103 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SP RN
Franklin's trading cards / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 100 3 9/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
The hanged man's song / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2004 68 8 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 36 5 7/9/2019 8/7/2019 14:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 49 3 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 59 7 ######## 3/28/2019 10:29 SS TS
I spy school days : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 94 12 ######## 12/20/2019 15:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 57 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 65 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 91 9 ######## 7/17/2019 11:29 SS TS
Kipper's toybox / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 61 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
Color me dark : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 42 8 ######## 12/9/2019 13:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 56 7 ######## 2/1/2019 14:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 42 4 ######## 6/28/2019 14:17 SS TS
Heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 21 1 ######## 4/24/2019 15:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 33 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 50 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 SP NW
Love in the asylum / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2004 32 2 3/3/2015 2/8/2019 17:00 SO SP
Tales from the brothers Grimm / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2004 35 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2004 42 5 ######## 6/4/2019 14:33 SS RN
Your child at play : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2004 13 1 ######## 10/21/2019 11:26 SS RN
Hadrian's Wall : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2004 55 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2004 19 3/9/2015 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Mr. Paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2004 16 ######## 9/18/2019 11:01 SS RN
Vampires / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2004 10 ######## 11/8/2019 11:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 44 2 ######## 7/29/2019 13:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 27 6/5/2016 9/23/2019 14:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 22 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
With / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 6 5/6/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
Pete Rose : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 7 ######## 11/1/2019 16:04 SS RN
Youth soccer drills / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 36 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 4 2 ######## 8/1/2019 10:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 10 2 ######## 2/20/2019 14:11 SS TS
500 low-carb recipes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 35 11 5/9/2019 7/22/2019 8:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 39 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
Only skin deep : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 11 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
The gardener's A-Z guide to growing organic
food / BK 3/12/2004 23 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:24 RN RN
Culture and customs of Peru / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 18 4 2/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
An innocent, a broad / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 33 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SS RN
Culture and customs of Mexico / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 16 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
Food that rocks : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 20 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:18 RN RN
Finding Grace : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2004 8 8/4/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 20 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 30 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 20 2 ######## 9/5/2019 12:20 SO TS
Identity theft : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 17 1 3/8/2016 6/4/2019 14:24 SV RN
First impressions : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 38 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
The deceived / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 20 9/4/2012 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 42 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW SV
The saboteurs : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 5 9/7/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Relative danger / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 11 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 21 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 RN SV
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 56 7 8/6/2017 12/20/2019 17:57 SS RN
Sleeping beauty / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 35 6 ######## 6/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
Building antique model cars in wood / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 5 9/3/2017 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 22 2 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 37 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 NW SP
Grasping at moonbeams / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2004 6 ######## 1/2/2019 11:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 36 ######## 9/18/2019 11:04 NW RN
The colour of water / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 13 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SP SS
Changing minds : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 26 2/1/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 NV RN
Fresh food fast : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 50 7 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
The Cold War, 1945-1991 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 5 4 ######## 11/15/2019 13:49 SS RN
The Cold War, 1945-1991 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 2 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:49 SS RN
Waiting for the end of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 12 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:19 NW RN
The Green Lantern archives. 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2004 55 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2004 92 13 ######## 8/5/2019 12:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 77 14 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 32 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 44 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
A mid-semester night's dream / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 35 2 ######## 2/1/2019 18:08 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 61 6 ######## 11/12/2019 10:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 16 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 9 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 5 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 35 4 9/3/2016 2/1/2019 14:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 34 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 16 1 1/9/2016 2/1/2019 14:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 27 1 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 168 6 ######## 7/17/2019 10:21 SV TS
Three wise old women / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 72 6 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 42 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 77 10 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
Welcome to the world of porcupines / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 8 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SP RN
Mother, may I? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 59 8 ######## 6/27/2019 12:23 SO TS
Cuida de ti misma : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 23 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
The kite festival / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2004 35 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 33 5 4/5/2019 6/27/2019 13:10 IV TS
Pop princess / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 36 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 99 9 ######## 7/25/2019 15:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 17 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
The child's world of self-control / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 26 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
Inventing Elliot / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 8 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SS RN
Time for ballet / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 121 16 ######## 7/17/2019 10:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 66 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
First rider's call / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2004 32 2 ######## 8/6/2019 13:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 65 7 ######## 9/5/2019 10:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 37 8 4/1/2019 5/14/2019 10:44 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 81 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 27 1 ######## 12/20/2019 9:35 NW TS
My animal art class / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 22 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 15 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 11 ######## 10/12/2019 11:11 SS RN
Understanding the Crucible / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 5 1 ######## 1/16/2019 15:55 RN TS
1000 trucos para cuidar el centavo : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 27 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
1000 trucos para cuidar el centavo : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 16 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
The Creek : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2004 5 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 IV RN
Changes for Felicity : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2004 39 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SS SS
Take it personally : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2004 11 3 ######## 2/15/2019 16:28 SP SP
20th century drawings / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2004 8 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 56 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SV
Anastasia Krupnik / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 12 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 46 6 ######## 2/15/2019 13:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 58 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SO RN
Amazing Gracie : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 49 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 NV RN
Chinook Indians / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 13 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 48 1 3/9/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 SO SV
Anything for you / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 77 2 ######## 4/12/2019 12:21 NW TS
Abraham Lincoln / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 11 2 1/3/2017 10/4/2019 14:26 SS RN
George Washington / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 9 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The story of Easter 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 77 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SO
Frederick Douglass / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2004 5 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Microscopes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 8 3 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 38 7/6/2018 8/2/2019 14:27 NW TS
Alphabet under construction / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 52 5 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SV RN
First civilizations / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 32 4 ######## 1/11/2019 14:45 SV SP
The George Washington you never knew /3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 22 1 2/7/2017 2/8/2019 8:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 13 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
Once upon a cuento / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2004 6 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
Six silly foxes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2004 37 8 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2004 27 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:30 SO RN
The secret of the soldier's gold / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2004 44 8 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
The world of Bernini, 1598-1680 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2004 6 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2004 34 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2004 37 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SS SS
Mi salvador y vecino : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2004 19 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Papel picado / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2004 9 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
The world of Durer, 1471-1528 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2004 6 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2004 37 2 8/6/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Out & about : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2004 12 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The divine comedy I, Inferno : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2004 8 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SS SP
The man in my basement / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2004 19 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Art treasures of the National Gallery, London
/ BK 4/2/2004 8 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2004 12 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2004 12 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2004 28 ######## 6/28/2019 15:52 RN TS
To the top : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2004 14 5 1/5/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2004 10 2/7/2013 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
The little big book of love / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2004 34 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2004 43 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
Funny Cide : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 16 1 3/4/2018 7/1/2019 11:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 43 6 2/6/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 51 2 ######## 11/13/2019 11:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 9 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 26 4 ######## 8/7/2019 14:09 SV TS
Ten sleepy sheep / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 55 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 SV RN
Custom knifemaking : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 42 15 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Retake / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 49 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Roller hockey rumble / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2004 19 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2004 6 1 5/5/2015 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Big lies : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2004 14 1 6/6/2015 2/11/2019 8:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2004 10 1 2/4/2016 9/20/2019 15:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2004 13 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 27 ######## 9/6/2019 14:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 11 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Electric dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 13 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
Possum magic / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 53 9 8/3/2019 9/5/2019 10:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 9 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 12 3 2/2/2019 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
3xT/ 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 41 1 ######## 9/5/2019 12:52 RN TS
Rice is life / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 10 2 9/1/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 24 4 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 17 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Alvin Ailey / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 8 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SP RN
Let's call him Lau-wiliwili-humuhumu-nukunuku-nukunuku-Ä•
3.12E+13 BK pua'a-'oi'oi / 4/12/2004 32 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 SV RN
Rock & ice gear : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 7 ######## 10/23/2019 9:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 107 15 ######## 1/23/2019 16:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 27 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 26 1 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SP SV
One hundred years of Navajo rugs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
The Big O : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 7 2 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Yosemite Valley free climbs : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 23 5 ######## 10/18/2019 8:43 SS TS
P3 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 12 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 8 1 1/7/2015 1/16/2019 17:20 SP NW
Helicopters / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2004 18 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SP TS
Blood from stones : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 7 ######## 5/6/2019 12:59 SP RN
Saturdays and teacakes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 35 9 ######## 10/23/2019 10:19 NW TS
Saturdays and teacakes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 17 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 91 12 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
Molly's family / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 16 4/5/2016 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Three Mile Island : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 4 1 2/6/2018 5/20/2019 14:04 SP RN
Can't get there from here / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
La botica de la abuela : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 51 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 38 1 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 14 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 10 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 74 6 1/8/2019 1/23/2019 10:17 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 13 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
The story of Noah and the ark : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 9 ######## 1/16/2019 17:20 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 20 6 7/1/2018 2/1/2019 14:21 RN RN
Whose footprint is that? : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 36 3 7/5/2019 12/20/2019 10:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 38 4 ######## 9/18/2019 11:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 22 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 16 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 NW SS
Hostas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2004 15 4 ######## 10/24/2019 14:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 15 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 16 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SS SV
Canals and aqueducts / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 7 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 78 10 ######## 8/5/2019 12:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 89 12 8/1/2019 8/12/2019 14:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 37 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 12 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 50 9 ######## 8/14/2019 10:46 IV TS
The need for oil / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 5 2 5/3/2017 1/30/2019 10:56 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 9 3 1/2/2016 1/3/2019 9:58 SS SP
Bomb squad specialist / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 5 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:19 IV RN
Roy Lichtenstein / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 9 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 80 8 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 15 3/9/2017 11/6/2019 13:10 SS RN
Claude Monet / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 11 4 ######## 7/17/2019 11:29 SS TS
Chief Joseph / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 11 6/8/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 17 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Betrayal at Cross Creek / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 21 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 19 2 5/7/2018 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
The cool ghoul mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 20 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 NV RN
Putting the heart in your home / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 22 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 9 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:20 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 72 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
Count on us : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 IV SV
Ankylosaurus / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 19 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 RN SV
Randolph J. Caldecott and the story of the3.12E+13
Medal / 4/14/2004 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 SS IV
Frederic Remington / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 11 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:37 SS NW
Roofing : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 17 3 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 12 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SV RN
Weeping : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 15 4/2/2017 9/16/2019 12:45 SS RN
Jane Addams : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 16 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 NW RN
The ultimate homeschool physical education3.12E+13
game book
BK / 4/14/2004 29 12 7/2/2019 9/5/2019 8:28 SV RN
The rose of Martinique : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 13 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 18 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
Patricia Ryan Nixon, 1912-1993 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 6 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:04 SS SP
Titian / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 10 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:26 RN NW
A whole life's work : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 15 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SS
Home plumbing handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 23 1 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SS TS
The Kennedy assassination / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 16 1 2/1/2016 7/9/2019 16:04 SS TS
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 10 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:26 SS NW
Billy the Kid : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 27 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 16 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Riding for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Hector springs loose / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 12 3 9/4/2016 2/1/2019 17:04 NW RN
Smile, Lily! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 31 2 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW RN
Tales before Tolkien : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 23 4 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 NV RN
Crocodile crossing / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 74 5 ######## 6/28/2019 10:22 SS TS
Pakistani Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 3 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Storybook art : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 23 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 12 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 RN SV
Spiritually incorrect : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 17 ######## 5/2/2019 17:31 NW SP
Bernese Mountain dog / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2004 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 67 5 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 29 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 111 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 38 3 6/2/2017 1/25/2019 13:17 SO SV
Death Valley National Park / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 24 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 SO RN
Forty signs of rain / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 48 4 3/5/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 22 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 26 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 27 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
The good luck cat / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 38 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 20 1 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NV RN
Introduction to light : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 8 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Snap : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 36 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 62 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 2 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Extreme in-line skating / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 10 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 18 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SS SV
Hanukkah fun / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 7 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
Breakfast blast / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 29 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SS SP
Amazing flights : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 38 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 24 5 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 12 3 ######## 11/20/2019 15:02 SS RN
Celestial harmonies : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 5 ######## 9/17/2019 14:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 49 6 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SO
John Hedgecoe : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 46 5 9/8/2019 10/23/2019 8:01 SS TS
Lunch munch / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 32 1 3/3/2015 1/9/2019 10:41 SS SP
The Kingfisher treasury of funny stories / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 87 4 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2004 32 2 9/6/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
Drawing for the absolute and utter beginner3.12E+13
/ BK 4/15/2004 71 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2004 41 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 19 2 9/1/2016 2/6/2019 13:54 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 11 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Pin uno, pin dos / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 9 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
En esas andaba cuando la vi / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 21 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 NW SV
Señora Regañona : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 5 1/5/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 39 5 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
Grandma Fina and her wonderful umbrellas 3.12E+13
= BK 4/19/2004 23 4 1/5/2017 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 48 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SS RN
No bajes al sotano! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 21 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
El sancocho del sabado / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 13 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Los veinticinco gatos mixtecos / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2004 10 8/8/2017 1/25/2019 13:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2004 20 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2004 42 4 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2004 21 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Tun-tun : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2004 13 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2004 34 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
Landscape contractor / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2004 8 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 SP IV
Cricketology / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2004 10 2 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2004 32 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
Redemption / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2004 30 ######## 9/23/2019 12:36 SP RN
Sammy Sosa, héroe de los jonrones / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2004 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
Life, the universe, and everything / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2004 31 6 ######## 11/7/2019 14:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2004 38 3 ######## 2/14/2019 10:06 SS TS
Hardy geraniums / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2004 8 9/8/2014 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
Bacharach : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2004 4 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2004 13 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
Always my child : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2004 2 ######## 5/2/2019 16:18 TR SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2004 19 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 NV RN
Can't you sleep, little bear? 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 34 5 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SV NW
The not-so-perfect man / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 33 4 ######## 9/17/2019 13:41 NW RN
Gay marriage : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 20 ######## 6/4/2019 13:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 58 4 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 25 6 ######## 10/2/2019 13:08 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 47 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
You look too young to be a mom : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 24 ######## 5/3/2019 16:26 SP SP
Arch angels / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 38 1 3/3/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
Cómo hablar en público : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 23 1 8/4/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 5 ######## 11/15/2019 14:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 11 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 5 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 15 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SS TS
Einstein's clocks and Poincare's maps : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 13 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
A soldier's life : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 12 ######## 5/9/2019 8:54 SS RN
Encyclopedia of water garden plants / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 11 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The everyday low-carb slow cooker cookbook 3.12E+13
: BK 4/27/2004 81 18 ######## 4/17/2019 12:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2004 10 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2004 36 ######## 9/12/2019 10:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 28 1 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
Spells and bindings / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 19 4 ######## 7/17/2019 12:29 SP TS
Worse than Watergate : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 19 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 NV RN
The sons of Camelot : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 4 ######## 11/13/2019 12:02 SS RN
Pip's magic / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 70 3 3/9/2019 4/12/2019 13:09 SS TS
Twisted : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 35 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:45 SO TS
Ramage / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 36 1 4/3/2016 3/15/2019 11:30 SV SP
Cad : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 9 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
The flyers : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 9 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 9 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Governor Ramage, R. N., 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 23 ######## 9/11/2019 12:59 RN RN
In pursuit of plants : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 6 ######## 5/30/2019 10:37 SS RN
DiMaggio : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 15 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:41 SS RN
William and Harry : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 7 3/9/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Highway 61 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 13 ######## 11/13/2019 11:53 SS RN
Mercy, mercy me : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
Ramage's trial / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 31 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:29 NV SP
Ramage's prize / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 27 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 RN SS
James Rosenquist : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 9 ######## 8/5/2019 16:02 SS RN
Shakespeare's face : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Ramage & the Saracens / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 30 2/1/2016 3/15/2019 11:30 SP SP
Indian summer : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 6 ######## 10/23/2019 14:54 SS RN
Bad business / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2004 43 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2004 80 11 ######## 2/15/2019 12:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2004 57 8 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2004 60 ######## 1/13/2019 14:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2004 54 10 6/3/2019 6/27/2019 12:19 SO TS
The games treasury : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2004 6 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:55 SS RN
Smoke and shadows / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2004 25 1 ######## 8/21/2019 8:50 SP TS
The change makers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2004 19 ######## 5/9/2019 16:15 SP SP
Storey's guide to raising dairy goats / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2004 41 7 ######## 11/8/2019 13:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2004 27 1 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SP RN
Reluctantly Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2004 13 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
Harold and his friends : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2004 70 12 ######## 9/6/2019 10:27 NV TS
General Washington's Christmas farewell :3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2004 9 1/3/2013 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Armies of the Crusades / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2004 23 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Bad business / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2004 50 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
Justice for none / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 30 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SV SS
Ten days to D-Day : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 14 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SS RN
Monkey see, monkey do / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 73 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
Plain heathen mischief : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 18 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 47 1 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
Heroic stories / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 22 7 7/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 61 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
Little black book of stories / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 16 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
The executioner's mask / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 4 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 SS SP
Sylvia's farm : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 22 6/1/2013 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
La tienda de Mamá y Papá / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 16 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 NV RN
Who are we? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 10 1 ######## 10/12/2019 11:30 SS RN
Me gusta mi libro de cuentos / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2004 48 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 25 4 ######## 11/20/2019 15:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 23 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 40 5 ######## 7/8/2019 14:55 SP TS
How I found the Strong / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 22 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 16 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 76 3 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 62 10 ######## 3/22/2019 14:04 SP TS
Scarlet moon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 23 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 21 4 ######## 1/15/2019 15:49 NV TS
The American flag / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 24 7 ######## 2/6/2019 14:17 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 33 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 18 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SV RN
Exiled : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 14 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 SP RN
Sisters / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 45 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 33 5 ######## 6/27/2019 10:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 38 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 20 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SP RN
Contents under pressure / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 10 1 5/5/2016 5/4/2019 9:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 42 3 3/8/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
Scien-trickery : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 6 ######## 2/22/2019 9:34 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 33 2 6/9/2017 1/16/2019 13:20 SO SV
Bees / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 38 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Blood gold / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SS RN
Beachcombing : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 21 2 6/8/2018 6/25/2019 16:20 NV TS
Beachcombing : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 37 3 ######## 2/23/2019 14:11 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 21 2 1/3/2018 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
The girl with the golden bouffant : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 11 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 45 6 7/6/2017 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 47 5 ######## 1/24/2019 13:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 35 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
More stories we tell : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 21 4 6/5/2016 1/30/2019 15:40 SP RN
Pull me up : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2004 20 ######## 5/29/2019 14:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 36 7 ######## 2/20/2019 15:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 22 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SO SV
Rome : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 35 8 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 22 1 ######## 7/10/2019 9:52 SP TS
Mr. Worry : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:13 SP RN
The California people / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 12 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 17 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 NV TS
The story of Anne Frank / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 33 5 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SO RN
Coal / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 5 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SP SS
The Civil War and Reconstruction / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 10 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SP SP
Wacky trees / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 25 4/6/2016 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
The rainbow tiger / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2004 58 7 ######## 8/14/2019 12:16 NV TS
The pressured child : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 12 3/8/2017 10/9/2019 11:03 SS RN
100 best books for children / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 31 4 ######## 5/2/2019 10:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 24 ######## 6/28/2019 10:45 NV TS
The kids' summer handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 29 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 6 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
All music guide to country : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 11 1 7/9/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The best of the best American poetry, 1988-1997
/ BK 5/10/2004 9 7/8/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Flora : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The little giant book of tongue twisters / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 51 1 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
Painting with stitches : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 15 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:29 SP RN
Writing start-ups / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 7 3 ######## 10/23/2019 9:46 NV TS
Toys and games / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 12 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 RN SP
Another sea, another shore : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2004 75 2 6/8/2018 8/6/2019 11:20 SV RN
Crickets and grasshoppers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 24 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
Fairies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 24 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 46 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 43 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
The Sioux / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 13 2 ######## 2/16/2019 13:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 31 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 50 5 ######## 5/31/2019 12:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 27 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
Knight / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 21 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
Life in Elizabethan London / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 17 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 SO SO
The Iroquois / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 25 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Rattlesnakes / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2004 70 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 87 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
Night noises / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 53 4 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 46 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 69 2 3/5/2014 1/17/2019 16:06 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 106 5 ######## 11/8/2019 14:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 40 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 110 11 ######## 8/22/2019 15:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 78 6 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
Yesterday I had the blues / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 13 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SO VE
Nana's birthday party / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 54 4 8/9/2016 2/5/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2004 103 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2004 57 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
Evolution : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 18 3 9/1/2015 8/2/2019 13:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 25 1 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 15 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 36 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:20 NW RN
Cry of the worm / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 40 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 20 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 45 2/2/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 58 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
Robert takes a stand / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 12 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
Fossil / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 80 2 ######## 1/15/2019 16:30 NW TS
Interior design for libraries : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2004 8 3 ######## 6/28/2019 13:56 RN RN
When freedom comes / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2004 15 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:21 SP RN
Into the sea / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2004 52 4 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2004 49 3 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2004 4 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
20000 leguas de viaje submarino / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2004 18 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
My j sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2004 46 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SP RN
My "m" sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2004 38 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
My f sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2004 52 14 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2004 9 1/4/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Bead crochet / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2004 51 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 35 10 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 97 15 ######## 9/6/2019 10:37 NV TS
Anastasia on her own / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 24 2 7/5/2016 1/25/2019 17:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 25 4 8/9/2018 2/4/2019 10:23 SS RN
The agony of Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 65 7 ######## 2/1/2019 16:21 SS RN
The ivory tower and Harry Potter : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 14 4 ######## 11/15/2019 14:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 43 4 3/1/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 SS RN
Castles / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 43 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SS SV
Animal giants / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 32 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 26 2 ######## 5/21/2019 15:08 SS RN
Anastasia, ask your analyst / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 23 7 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SS RN
Bungalow bathrooms / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 32 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 13 5 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SS TS
Exploring the Arctic / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 21 3 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 15:39 NW RN
Explorers of North America / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 25 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Brush lettering step by step / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 25 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Knowing your civil rights / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
No More! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Journeys in time : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 18 2 8/1/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
The Kingfisher illustrated nature encyclopedia
/ BK 6/2/2004 13 1 3/3/2018 4/15/2019 14:30 SS TS
Beading basics : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 19 1 ######## 10/10/2019 7:54 SS TS
Flower gardens / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 44 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 SS TS
Dancing ghosts : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2004 4 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The encyclopedia of explorers and adventurers
/ BK 6/2/2004 24 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2004 25 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 NV IV
Jason's gold / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2004 17 2 ######## 11/13/2019 12:30 SS TS
She smiled sweetly : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2004 30 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SO RN
Good news, bad news / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2004 20 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2004 14 1 ######## 9/18/2019 15:18 SS RN
While no one was watching / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2004 9 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2004 48 3 ######## 2/15/2019 10:11 RN SP
My dog, my hero / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2004 40 8 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 115 ######## 4/6/2019 13:30 SP SP
Religious holidays and calendars : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 4 2 2/9/2016 5/28/2019 9:09 RN RN
The faerie's gift / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 17 1 ######## 7/25/2019 15:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 26 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:30 NW SP
The Ribbajack & other curious yarns / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 21 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 RN RN
The Safe-Keeper's secret / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 17 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SV TS
Your travel guide to ancient Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 42 1 9/6/2018 4/25/2019 11:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 20 2 1/2/2015 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
A pretext for war : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 29 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
Young magician : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 46 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 30 4 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 SO RN
Prefab / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 34 1 ######## 4/22/2019 10:27 NW RN
The midnight fairy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2004 39 4 9/6/2015 1/12/2019 13:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2004 36 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
The lion king. 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2004 99 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
Animales de circo / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2004 51 1 1/5/2019 1/25/2019 15:57 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 44 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
L'affaire / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 12 ######## 9/17/2019 14:31 SS RN
Reluctantly Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 51 6 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 SP RN
That horse Whiskey / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 38 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
The mystery of Drear House : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 17 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SP SP
The Pooh story book, 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 35 2 7/8/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 SS SV
Seven-day magic / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2004 41 6 ######## 9/6/2019 10:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 63 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
A field guide to Pacific Coast fishes of North
AmericaBK: 6/22/2004 12 1 ######## 6/13/2019 9:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 21 3 9/5/2018 8/19/2019 9:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 68 2 6/2/2018 2/5/2019 11:04 NW RN
Caterpillar / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 52 3 1/3/2019 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 75 5 1/6/2019 2/4/2019 15:13 SS RN
Within arm's reach : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 8 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Ideas are free : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 8 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:23 SS RN
American history on file / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 6 10/7/2019 10:47 SS SS
Junior state maps on file 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 17 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Tai Ji : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 18 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 119 11 5/9/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
The Pueblo / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 23 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 32 1/7/2019 2/23/2019 16:42 SS SV
The Sioux / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 30 1/6/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 31 9 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SS TS
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 57 8 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 48 10 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 122 6 ######## 1/16/2019 9:02 SS TS
Missing justice : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 61 4 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 RN TS
Science experiments on file. 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 1 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Night life : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Canada / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 25 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
Plate tectonics : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 5 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 29 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
The Sioux : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 27 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
Gentle yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2004 51 5 ######## 3/25/2019 8:04 SS TS
Hammer soup / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 47 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 SS RN
Lechuga, tomate, cuchara y tenedor! 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 85 4 ######## 4/23/2019 8:55 SP TS
Zoo : 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 40 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Living in a prairie / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 22 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 35 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
Indonesia / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 17 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:46 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 28 1 7/6/2016 4/9/2019 17:23 SS SP
Papier m^ache / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 36 2 2/5/2019 2/20/2019 15:10 SP RN
Polarised light in science and nature / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 3 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
The descent of man and selection in relation3.12E+13
to sex /BK 6/23/2004 8 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Desert critters : 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2004 10 5/1/2017 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
The first thousand words in Russian : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 13 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
Shadows and reflections / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 52 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 SS RN
Veterans Day / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 19 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 76 11 ######## 3/14/2019 11:43 SS TS
Mosquito : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 5 2 ######## 12/3/2019 15:07 RN TS
Namath : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 6 ######## 7/1/2019 11:15 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 55 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 24 3 ######## 9/10/2019 10:55 SS TS
Tornado! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 51 12 ######## 11/20/2019 12:39 SS TS
A city / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 22 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2004 91 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 51 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 53 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SS SV
Life in a rain forest / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 51 11 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 19 1 9/6/2014 1/19/2019 16:52 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 53 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
Muscle cars / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 66 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
Hot blooded / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2004 37 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SP
ElfQuest, Book 2 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2004 43 6 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SV TS
All kinds of children / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 20 1 ######## 2/23/2019 11:32 NV SP
Adverbs / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 19 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
Ants / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 53 9 8/8/2019 9/17/2019 12:57 NW TS
Asia / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 14 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
Centipedes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 20 3 ######## 1/9/2019 18:03 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 65 8 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 71 12 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
My "t" sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 70 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
Play with "a" and "t" / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 82 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 26 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 22 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 SP NW
Short "i" and long "i" play a game / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 63 9 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SO RN
Short "o" and Long "o" play a game / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 64 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SO RN
Favorite children's authors and illustrators3.12E+13
/ BK 6/30/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 31 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:49 SS RN
Brown recluse spiders / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 33 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SS NV
Copperheads / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 71 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Cottonmouths / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 68 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
The Sphynx : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 22 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 8 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
World War II / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2004 20 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2004 12 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
The big book of decorative borders / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2004 12 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2004 44 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2004 9 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2004 36 3 ######## 8/21/2019 14:07 RN RN
Science experiments on file. 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2004 2 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Scary monsters & other creatures : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2004 35 2 ######## 6/28/2019 10:56 SP TS
In God we trust, all others pay cash / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2004 17 ######## 3/20/2019 14:13 IV RN
Rocks from space : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2004 35 3 ######## 9/5/2019 8:53 RN TS
The obesity myth : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2004 39 2/3/2017 6/4/2019 14:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2004 18 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Syria. 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2004 9 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 16 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
American taboo : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 31 2 ######## 5/29/2019 11:22 NW SP
Dog-of-the-Sea-Waves : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 39 2 ######## 2/6/2019 17:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 40 5 ######## 3/4/2019 17:48 IV SP
Tenzin's deer / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 17 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 28 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 16 4 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Presidential leadership : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 15 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Gracie's baby chub chop / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2004 47 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 SO RN
Nonfiction classics for students N1193022 BK 7/15/2004 0 5/30/2019 14:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 10 1 3/7/2016 2/1/2019 17:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 67 2 7/5/2016 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 23 3 8/6/2016 3/4/2019 17:39 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 18 2 5/9/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 58 2 5/7/2015 4/5/2019 11:20 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 71 7/5/2019 8/7/2019 12:19 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 21 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 24 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 IV RN
At the pool = : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2004 43 5 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 NW TS
The illustrated history of the world : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 21 6 1/9/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
What's happening to grandpa? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 6 2 ######## 4/12/2019 14:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 46 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 86 14 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
War, evil, and the end of history / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 12 ######## 4/3/2019 13:41 SP TS
The Red Hat Society : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 21 ######## 5/2/2019 16:16 SP SP
Mud puddle / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 36 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 25 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 44 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 32 2 5/9/2018 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
Wake up, City / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 16 2 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 64 2 1/8/2018 2/6/2019 9:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 60 8 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
Rocko and Spanky go to a party / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 NW RN
Wind power / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 16 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 NW TR
Bravo, brave beavers! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2004 46 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2004 77 11 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2004 33 6 ######## 4/25/2019 15:28 SP RN
The state of Meiji swordsmanship / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2004 75 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
Gabo y Fidel : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2004 15 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 45 10 ######## 4/25/2019 11:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 38 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Godless / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 17 3 ######## 3/21/2019 12:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 48 4 ######## 10/11/2019 8:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 84 6 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SS NV
Guess who, baby duck! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 34 1 2/6/2017 2/4/2019 15:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 74 5 7/6/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
Skateboarding : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 33 4 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
Cooper's lesson / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 8 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
Loose tooth / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 93 14 ######## 11/1/2019 15:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 102 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 31 3 ######## 7/9/2019 16:44 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 50 2 2/4/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 33 7 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 31 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
The Anybodies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 30 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 IV RN
Presence : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 27 2 ######## 12/3/2019 7:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 36 2 ######## 2/1/2019 18:04 SP SP
Tending to Grace / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 18 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 12 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 4 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
T. Rex at Swan Lake / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 110 11 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NV TS
Chinook / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 15 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
Hector finds a fortune / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 16 2 9/4/2016 2/1/2019 17:04 NW RN
The Cuban missile crisis / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2004 15 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 51 3 ######## 6/26/2019 11:22 SV TS
Cómo dibujar anime. 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 15 2 3/3/2017 6/22/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 38 4 8/5/2018 2/1/2019 14:26 NW RN
The cat's vacation / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 27 1 ######## 2/6/2019 17:09 IV RN
Parthian shot / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 24 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Now you see it : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 14 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
Saints at the river / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 17 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 10 ######## 5/30/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 23 ######## 1/20/2019 16:31 NW TR
Earth colors / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 51 4 ######## 6/4/2019 8:11 SV TS
Helen Keller : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 56 6 ######## 11/22/2019 15:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 44 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 9 3/8/2016 2/7/2019 15:34 IV IV
Ultra hush-hush : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NV SS
Five days in Paris : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2004 42 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:15 SP TS
The big love : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 41 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 54 1 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 27 4 2/6/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 11 1 8/8/2016 1/8/2019 11:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 3 1 4/3/2013 1/16/2019 17:42 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 20 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 IV RN
Honeysuckle house / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 13 3 ######## 2/5/2019 17:40 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 22 2/7/2013 5/10/2019 11:47 NV RN
Abracadanger / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 12 ######## 11/20/2019 15:53 NV TS
Wanderings : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 4 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
Gig : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 22 3 3/2/2017 5/3/2019 16:02 SS SP
London : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 21 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 11 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Allergies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2004 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 15 1 9/8/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 SP GE
Sá»± tích té̂t trung­thu = 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 1 5/24/2019 12:29 SP RN
Shadowmancer / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 22 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SP RN
John F. Kennedy : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 4 ######## 1/20/2019 14:34 SP TR
Dyslexia definition and solutions : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 25 4 ######## 5/6/2019 8:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 36 ######## 4/10/2019 16:10 SP SP
Vamos a leer sobre-- Abraham Lincoln / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2004 2 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:34 SP TR
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2004 14 1/3/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
Artscape : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2004 40 1 8/1/2017 9/16/2019 12:55 SP RN
Osama's revenge : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2004 58 ######## 5/6/2019 9:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2004 31 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2004 36 1 ######## 10/4/2019 15:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2004 103 6 ######## 9/16/2019 14:08 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2004 89 10 8/8/2019 9/6/2019 9:54 NV TS
The right nation : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2004 16 ######## 5/9/2019 9:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2004 15 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:18 SO TS
Garden mosaics : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2004 49 4 ######## 6/28/2019 13:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2004 4 1 ######## 5/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
Decorative painting for the first time / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2004 28 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2004 21 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 RN SS
Infidels : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 14 4 ######## 2/4/2019 8:08 SP TS
Scrapbooking your vacations : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 41 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 23 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:26 SP RN
Coastal cooking with John Shields / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 17 ######## 8/2/2019 10:48 SV RN
The horse behavior problem solver : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 24 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 37 2 8/7/2019 11/8/2019 13:48 SV TS
The relationship edge in business : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 19 4 6/7/2015 7/15/2019 10:53 SP RN
The new restaurant entrepreneur : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2004 15 2 9/8/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Favorite children's authors and illustrators3.12E+13
/ BK 8/5/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Favorite children's authors and illustrators3.12E+13
/ BK 8/5/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Favorite children's authors and illustrators3.12E+13
/ BK 8/5/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Favorite children's authors and illustrators3.12E+13
/ BK 8/5/2004 2 ######## 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
American history on file / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2004 2 10/7/2019 10:47 SS SS
Picture this : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2004 39 10 8/9/2018 2/6/2019 13:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2004 50 7/3/2019 8/21/2019 8:57 NW TS
Dancing Miranda = 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2004 22 5 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2004 30 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 51 6 ######## 3/9/2019 13:40 SS SP
Anne Elizabeth's diary : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 50 5 3/6/2019 3/25/2019 10:59 SS RN
I wonder as I wander / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 33 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
Sabrina the teenage witch : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 5 ######## 11/8/2019 11:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 32 ######## 1/20/2019 16:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 20 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2004 60 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 19 6 ######## 12/20/2019 9:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 19 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Her name was Lola : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 5 ######## 9/17/2019 15:04 SS RN
Bet your bottom dollar : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 2 ######## 8/23/2019 14:16 SS RN
Monster bug / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 20 2 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 29 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 9 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
Quake! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 32 3 1/8/2018 2/1/2019 14:24 NW RN
The printing press / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 10 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
Winning authors : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 0 10/7/2019 11:05 SS SS
Canaries and criminals / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 5 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 16 5/7/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Now you see it : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 15 2 ######## 9/6/2019 14:00 SS RN
Priceless / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 16 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology
BK legend / 8/11/2004 2 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 16 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 28 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RNL
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 15 3 1/2/2019 2/6/2019 15:17 SV RN
German Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Irish Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 9 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Japanese Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 8 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Mexican Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 23 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 24 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS NW
The American heritage children's science dictionary.
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 11 1 8/8/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Nevada environmental issues / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 13 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Winning weight training for girls / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 14 1 7/3/2018 7/8/2019 14:48 NW TS
Jupiter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 45 8 ######## 9/10/2019 10:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 33 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
The garden / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 57 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 9 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SP SV
On angel's eve : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Debating the death penalty : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 23 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 19 1/5/2018 2/5/2019 11:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 13 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 20 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Great medical discoveries / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 10 2 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 30 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 37 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SC SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 46 2 1/2/2016 1/5/2019 16:20 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 66 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SS TS
Ancient Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 24 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:02 SP RN
The Ebola virus / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 19 ######## 2/23/2019 14:09 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 47 5 7/3/2018 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 29 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 SS NW
From the garden : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 112 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
On the couch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 20 ######## 9/6/2019 14:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2004 31 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 33 3 3/3/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
Fourth of July mice! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 28 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 49 10 5/6/2019 6/4/2019 8:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 17 2 ######## 9/25/2019 13:32 SS RN
Russia in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 39 3 3/5/2019 4/23/2019 13:33 SS TS
Life in a deciduous forest / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 39 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
Life in a desert / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 49 6 3/4/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
Life in the tundra / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 58 10 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
Life in a grassland / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 25 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
The evil elves / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 27 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2004 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2004 32 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
A Children's book about fighting / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2004 72 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 4 ######## 5/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 0 5/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 9 ######## 5/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 3 1 ######## 5/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 0 5/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
Perfect princess / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 60 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
Change of heart / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 71 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 28 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 61 4 8/2/2017 2/6/2019 16:25 SP RN
Hepcat : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 32 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
Airborn / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 84 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
Lily Quench and the dragon of Ashby / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 41 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 69 6 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 SO RN
The Chunnel / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2004 17 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:43 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 34 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 55 4 ######## 12/9/2019 14:31 NV TS
Unexpected blessings / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 40 ######## 8/21/2019 14:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 90 9 ######## 6/4/2019 8:13 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 15 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 70 2 2/2/2019 5/21/2019 16:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 90 6 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 SS VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 48 1 ######## 11/27/2019 11:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 59 2 ######## 5/9/2019 7:33 NV TS
The baby's bedtime book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 SP SP
Henry's amazing machine / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 30 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 35 11 4/1/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 24 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 23 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
Prisoner of the iron tower / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 33 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 30 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 77 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 59 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 51 3 ######## 6/26/2019 14:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 28 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
Lucky day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 54 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
Knights / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 58 8 ######## 6/25/2019 15:58 RN TS
Piggyback songs : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 8 3 1/6/2017 4/9/2019 18:10 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 22 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
Yellow submarine / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 52 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
Under the Watsons' porch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 32 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 75 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 47 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 44 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2004 28 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 33 7 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
The stowaway / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 5 1 ######## 9/17/2019 14:58 SS RN
Delta Force : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 64 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 17 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Basilisk / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 21 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SS RN
Sammy's hill : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 12 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 21 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
This truck / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 45 7 ######## 12/9/2019 15:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 70 9 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 IV RN
Indelible / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 72 5 ######## 12/13/2019 8:50 SS TS
Ask not : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 1 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Donnybrook : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 4 ######## 11/8/2019 12:00 SS RN
Aboriginal Australians / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 4 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
Jerome Robbins : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 3 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 28 2 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 50 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NV SS
George Armstrong Custer : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 6 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 46 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
The slangman guide to street speak 2 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 31 8 ######## 6/12/2019 8:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 26 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
The American Revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 8 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 7 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Magical mischief : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 57 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
The mighty asparagus / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 36 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
The Iron Curtain : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 7 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
The virtues of war : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2004 19 3/6/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 NW TS
Scepters / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2004 27 6 8/2/2019 9/16/2019 14:20 NV TS
I won't read and you can't make me : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2004 14 1 ######## 4/23/2019 13:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2004 26 6/9/2016 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
You're cookin' it country : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2004 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Christmas with Southern living. 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2004 33 ######## 4/22/2019 10:30 RN RN
Blue inferior / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2004 87 2 ######## 1/16/2019 14:58 SP TS
The shunra and the schmetterling / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2004 5 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
Pepo and Lolo are friends / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 88 2 ######## 12/20/2019 10:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 54 5 6/5/2018 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
Cruel and unusual : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 12 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Complete world of Greek mythology / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 55 14 ######## 9/23/2019 8:46 IV TS
Seven days of possibilities : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 7 3/5/2014 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Marriage made in Eden : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 6 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 27 2 ######## 8/21/2019 13:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 22 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
Dostoevsky / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
The famous flower of serving men / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 2 ######## 8/23/2019 14:11 SS RN
Crossing the Equator : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 1 5/9/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Doctor to the resistance : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2004 23 2 ######## 6/12/2019 8:43 SP TS
Monturiol's dream : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2004 3 1 1/9/2016 6/22/2019 12:00 RN RN
American soldier / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2004 10 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2004 23 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2004 28 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
Desert Shadows : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2004 48 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
The jungle book / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2004 28 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Vanity and vexation : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2004 9 ######## 2/8/2019 16:53 RN SP
Four great plays / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2004 6 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2004 26 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
American Evita : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2004 28 9 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 IV RN
Robin : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2004 53 2 6/8/2019 6/26/2019 8:20 SP TS
The sellouts / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2004 32 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Sea Dragon heir / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2004 10 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2004 17 1 8/5/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
Raj : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2004 7 ######## 9/23/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2004 54 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2004 29 2 ######## 6/27/2019 10:04 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2004 37 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2004 29 4 ######## 11/21/2019 14:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2004 19 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV IV
The year of secret assignments / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2004 7 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
Hayyim's ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2004 24 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 SO RN
Make believe : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2004 33 3 ######## 3/21/2019 13:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2004 8 ######## 10/18/2019 13:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 35 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 14 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 GE SS
Mars and Venus in touch : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 25 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SS RN
Starry night : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Drunk on the wine of the beloved : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 9 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
Paper fliers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 24 4 ######## 11/20/2019 15:52 GE TS
The palm at the end of the mind : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Ask me anything : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 18 2 1/6/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
Naked : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2004 7 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 RN RN
Hot knits : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2004 34 4 3/4/2015 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
The home wine cellar : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2004 21 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Tales of the Dominion War / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2004 29 3 ######## 2/14/2019 15:16 NW SP
The complete book of the World Rally Championship
3.12E+13 BK/ 9/9/2004 20 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 NW SS
The Violin Making School of America 30 year
BK 9/9/2004 4 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 RN RN
The future of spacetime / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2004 28 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 20 3 3/1/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 NW RN
The Saint of Dragons / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 52 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 51 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 35 ######## 6/7/2019 9:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 49 1 ######## 9/24/2019 12:52 SS RN
Loose tooth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 64 4 4/2/2018 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
Honey, Baby, Sweetheart / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 45 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
Death duties / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 33 2/7/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
La oración es una buena medicina : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2004 22 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 SV SP
The shoemaker and his elves : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 35 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 16 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SV NW
West Nile virus / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 8 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Knock! knock! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 49 4 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 17 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 10 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 98 4 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SV RN
Techniques of the great masters of art / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2004 22 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:36 SS RN
Peedie / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 89 2 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 63 11 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 6 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 54 6 3/9/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 RN RN
Knock! knock! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 75 9 ######## 7/8/2019 14:51 SS TS
Bro / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 11 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:57 SP RN
New found land : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 12 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 NV NW
New found land : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 19 5 ######## 11/20/2019 14:12 SS TS
One of those hideous books where the mother 3.12E+13
dies /BK 9/14/2004 48 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 15 1 5/2/2015 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 18 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 21 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 41 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 16 7 ######## 2/4/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 26 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 73 5 7/9/2018 2/4/2019 15:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 49 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 SS RN
Henry works / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 16 1 3/2/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 20 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 16 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Greek ornament / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 16 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 9 2 4/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 15 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 IV RN
The (short) story of my life / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 12 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 57 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 104 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2004 18 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2004 15 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2004 24 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 32 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SV
The know-it-all : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 42 4 1/4/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 SO TS
Peedie / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 48 5 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SO RN
Delta Force : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 19 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 13 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 33 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 81 2 ######## 7/17/2019 10:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 21 2 ######## 4/30/2019 7:19 SV TS
100 best books for children / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 16 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:41 SP RN
Many children left behind : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 42 1 ######## 6/24/2019 11:20 SP RN
Traveling hopefully : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 23 ######## 4/23/2019 12:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 32 1 6/2/2015 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 40 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 SP RN
Twilight whispers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 78 3 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
Outwitting history : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 13 2 ######## 4/24/2019 15:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:58 SS RN
The witch's tongue / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 62 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
Ms. Moffett's first year : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 18 4 2/9/2019 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
Under the loving care of the fatherly leader3.12E+13
: BK 9/16/2004 19 2 5/2/2015 7/3/2019 16:49 NW SS
A test of will : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2004 16 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2004 13 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
Howard Pyle's book of pirates : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2004 22 ######## 3/12/2019 10:47 SP SP
The teeny tiny ghost and the monster / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2004 103 12 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2004 104 8 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
The ultimate / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2004 40 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Florida, el Estato del Sol / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 36 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 SP RN
How to draw Poland's sights and symbols /3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 14 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 42 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 26 5 2/5/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
Easter = 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 13 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
Illinois, el Estado Pradera / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Texas, el Estado de la Estrella Solitaria / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 21 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2004 47 3 ######## 7/15/2019 12:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2004 29 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Why we love : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2004 31 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2004 11 ######## 2/15/2019 10:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2004 8 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
The accidental diva / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2004 20 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Apocalypse crucible / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2004 13 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2004 15 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SP SV
Air Force One / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2004 11 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:06 NW RN
The attorney / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2004 32 1 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2004 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2004 25 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2004 35 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SP RN
Kenya / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2004 16 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2004 11 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2004 26 6 ######## 12/30/2019 20:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2004 8 1 1/2/2013 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Vintage-style quilts : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2004 23 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2004 24 1 ######## 3/12/2019 10:26 SS SP
Myths and civilization of the ancient Mesopotamians
3.12E+13 BK
/ 10/5/2004 15 5 ######## 2/1/2019 12:28 SO RN
Forging the modern age, 1900-14. 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2004 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Brave new world 1945-70. 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2004 7 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2004 10 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 GE SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2004 15 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2004 11 1 1/9/2015 2/22/2019 9:15 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2004 16 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 NW TR
The Presidents of the United States of America
/ BK 10/8/2004 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2004 26 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NW RN
The complete Tutankhamun : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2004 33 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2004 17 3 4/4/2018 2/2/2019 10:29 NV RN
Selected poetry / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2004 9 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The howler / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2004 36 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2004 27 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzan of the apes 3.12E+13
/ BK 10/14/2004 24 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2004 25 3 ######## 11/14/2019 12:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2004 135 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2004 20 3 7/5/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
Mountain biking : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2004 31 9 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 8:38 SV TS
Ingles para hispanohablantes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2004 45 7 ######## 6/12/2019 8:41 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2004 27 3 ######## 9/25/2019 13:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2004 38 3 ######## 10/24/2019 15:35 SV RN
Till the end of Tom : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2004 11 ######## 9/18/2019 14:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2004 26 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2004 25 3 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 SO NW
Gardening in the shade / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2004 13 1 4/4/2018 7/15/2019 9:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2004 75 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2004 16 4 ######## 3/16/2019 12:01 SO SO
The Indian agent : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 17 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 15 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 7 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 70 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SS SV
Jungle drums / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 97 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 53 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 RN RN
Ulysses S. Grant : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 27 5 ######## 9/11/2019 15:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 46 4 6/7/2018 2/5/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 34 5 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 26 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 36 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 28 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
Toy tips : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 10 3 ######## 10/21/2019 11:22 SS RN
The family : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 21 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 18 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 21 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SS SV
American folk art for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 25 1 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
Shark tale : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 111 13 ######## 2/15/2019 16:39 SS SP
Sanctuary / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 30 4 8/9/2016 3/6/2019 18:29 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 32 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 10 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 25 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
DreddieLocks & the three slugs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 40 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 11 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 16 1 1/3/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 32 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SV SV
A mob of kangaroos / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 14 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 23 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
John F. Kennedy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 18 1 ######## 6/28/2019 15:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 24 1 ######## 10/3/2019 12:18 SP TS
White rose / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 31 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SV RN
My favorite thing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 25 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NV VE
The Philippines / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 25 3 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SO TS
Angelina, star of the show / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 38 1 ######## 8/5/2019 13:39 IV TS
Heir of mystery, or, Four legs good / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 15 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
Sea of slaughter / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 5 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Mary Middling and other silly folk : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 2 4/8/2015 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Wintering well / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 21 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:57 NW SP
Life on a medieval manor / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2004 20 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 SO NW
Popular mechanics moneysmart makeovers 3.12E+13
: BK 10/19/2004 25 4/1/2013 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Popular mechanics moneysmart makeovers 3.12E+13
: BK 10/19/2004 23 2/8/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 3 2 4/7/2016 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
Landmarks of American women's history /3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 4 5/9/2015 1/10/2019 11:33 SV NV
Kids draw Manga / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 29 1 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 IV IV
Cabin kitchens & baths / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 27 4 ######## 4/17/2019 12:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 31 4 ######## 5/30/2019 15:02 NV SS
Sing a song of sixpence : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 14 3 7/6/2019 9/10/2019 15:46 NW TS
Northern lights / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 31 4 ######## 10/18/2019 11:04 IV TS
Men of tomorrow : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 6 ######## 10/16/2019 11:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 12 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Bicycle for sale / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 34 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 RN RN
Motion pictures : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 6 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:41 IV SV
Motion pictures : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 6 1 ######## 3/9/2019 10:58 SP SP
ESPN : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 8 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 14 1 1/9/2014 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Creating the inspired house : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 26 3 ######## 5/6/2019 8:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 12 2/3/2016 5/25/2019 12:52 SP SP
Wedgwood : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 5 3/2/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2004 8 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 41 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 119 7 6/5/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Extreme sports / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 20 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 30 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SS RN
Extreme climbing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 8 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 9 2 1/2/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 61 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SO RN
Damned : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 5 2 ######## 6/12/2019 8:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 39 3 ######## 4/19/2019 17:56 RN SP
Brass / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 27 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 75 9 ######## 6/27/2019 13:13 RN TS
Songs of the gorilla nation : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2004 8 8/4/2014 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2004 25 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
September 11 : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2004 11 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Under the ground / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2004 15 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 RN RN
The girls get even / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 25 2 ######## 4/9/2019 17:37 NW SP
What's a pair? What's a dozen? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 16 9/2/2018 11/27/2019 14:17 SV RN
Shortcuts to decorating country style / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 25 1 8/7/2019 9/10/2019 15:02 RN TS
Outlaws / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 10 ######## 3/12/2019 11:01 SS SP
The Ojibwe / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 17 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The Nez Perce / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 21 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The Blackfeet / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 16 1 4/6/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The Arapaho / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 14 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Freshwater fishes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 20 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SS SP
Outrageous women of Civil War times / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 25 6 5/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
The Latino wave : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2004 40 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
The play of your life : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2004 19 1 8/7/2018 1/10/2019 7:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2004 33 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2004 29 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:07 NW RN
Field hydrogeology : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2004 9 2 6/4/2016 5/30/2019 11:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2004 36 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2004 9 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2004 20 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2004 13 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2004 18 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:22 IV RN
Wanted! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2004 27 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Bear and Roly-Poly / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2004 13 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2004 54 5 6/3/2019 8/5/2019 13:08 SV TS
Mr. Maybe / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2004 53 10 ######## 12/20/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2004 6 ######## 9/25/2019 13:33 SS RN
American Indian myths and legends / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2004 19 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 SS RN
Across the Puddingstone Dam / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2004 16 3 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 8:27 SV RN
The boy who would live forever / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2004 11 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
The New England gun : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2004 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
I am my own wife : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2004 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Pounding nails in the floor with my forehead
/ BK 11/4/2004 9 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2004 47 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2004 53 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2004 29 ######## 2/14/2019 16:24 NW SP
Dangerous relationships : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2004 20 10 ######## 4/9/2019 12:24 RN SP
Paws to consider : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2004 26 2/2/2016 6/24/2019 10:22 NW RN
Animal atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 26 6 ######## 5/31/2019 12:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 42 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 NW SP
Pigs will be pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 33 4 3/8/2019 5/13/2019 16:09 NW TS
Code word kangaroo / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 19 1 3/1/2015 4/11/2019 11:26 SP SS
Mister Bones : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 36 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SP RN
Mister Bones : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 30 6 ######## 3/7/2019 16:16 NW TS
Blue blood : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2004 41 2 ######## 3/23/2019 11:11 SO SP
American Evita : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2004 18 ######## 10/4/2019 15:07 RN RN
Tarot says beware / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2004 15 1 9/1/2016 2/8/2019 11:55 SO NW
Designs in patchwork / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2004 11 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:57 SS RN
Weekend warriors / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2004 65 2 9/9/2019 9/26/2019 13:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2004 21 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
In silence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 16 1 ######## 6/4/2019 15:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 53 2 9/9/2019 10/23/2019 8:34 RN TS
One snowy night / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 36 5 9/3/2019 10/23/2019 10:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 59 8 3/1/2019 6/20/2019 8:39 RN TS
George Balanchine : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 2 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
They made America : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 11 1 4/6/2014 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 16 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The inner voice : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 11 3/3/2015 1/22/2019 14:36 SS RN
Freedom rising : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 3 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Cross current / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 28 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Alex : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 6 1 ######## 10/16/2019 11:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 19 ######## 4/19/2019 17:02 NW SP
Citizen girl : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 51 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
The caddie was a reindeer : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 3 1 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Weighing the soul : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
The Fourth Crusade and the sack of Constantinople
3.12E+13 /BK 11/16/2004 9 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 13 3 ######## 8/14/2019 9:45 RN RN
Sean Penn : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 19 ######## 7/3/2019 10:42 SP RN
The temple of music : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 1 ######## 9/12/2019 11:24 SS RN
Venus in exile : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2004 3 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 21 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 48 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP TS
Emma / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 26 8 8/8/2019 8/21/2019 8:55 TR TS
How to avoid falling : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 6 ######## 9/26/2019 11:03 SS TS
Mystery of the Nile : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 29 3 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Hope in hell : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 11 ######## 5/30/2019 10:18 RN RN
Commander of all Lincoln's armies : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 1 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
The fly fishing anthology / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 12 1 2/2/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
The reunion / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 12 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:56 RN SP
Impressions of the Sahara / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
TiVo for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 18 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
World heritage : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 12 1 ######## 7/24/2019 7:46 RN TS
Restoring a presence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 7 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:24 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2004 11 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 66 6 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 53 4 ######## 4/12/2019 12:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 57 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SS RN
I am your goldfish / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 16 2/6/2017 4/9/2019 17:27 NV SP
I am your goldfish / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 21 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 29 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 9 2 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 34 8 6/5/2019 6/28/2019 11:10 NV TS
My Hutterite Life / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 11 ######## 5/6/2019 13:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 40 2 ######## 10/21/2019 13:57 SV RN
A cow's life : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 8 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Share the care : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 1 1 ######## 8/5/2019 16:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 20 3 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 43 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 39 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 24 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Encyclopedia of the American presidency /3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 2 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:25 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 27 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SS
English the easy way / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 68 12 ######## 9/5/2019 8:28 SV TS
Take me out to the ball game / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 34 2 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 22 3 ######## 10/24/2019 15:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 95 7 ######## 8/19/2019 9:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 62 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 18 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:07 RN TS
Bringing Tuscany home : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 30 3 2/7/2019 5/3/2019 14:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 24 1 3/1/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 66 6 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 22 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SS SV
The Nutcracker / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 13 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 26 2 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Wake up, City / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 30 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SO RN
Animal jokes / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 65 9 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
Sew with confidence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 45 8 ######## 4/23/2019 15:35 SV TS
North American pinot noir / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 10 1 3/9/2016 7/15/2019 10:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 29 2 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SO RN
Webster's new explorer guide to English usage
/ BK 11/18/2004 8 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 88 6 ######## 8/19/2019 9:35 SO TS
The case for the living wage / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 7 1 ######## 11/6/2019 14:41 SS TS
Hazel Nutt, Alien Hunter / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 40 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
Decimals and fractions / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 41 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
The book of garden plans / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 53 13 ######## 11/13/2019 14:15 RN TS
Sun Tzu was a sissy : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2004 43 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 22 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Pearl Harbor / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 16 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 NV RN
World War II home front / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 24 3 2/6/2019 2/20/2019 15:17 NV RN
Mississippi morning / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 9 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 23 1 ######## 1/8/2019 14:42 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 13 2 ######## 3/20/2019 17:33 NW SP
Edgar Allan Poe's tales of mystery and madness
/ BK 11/19/2004 42 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 11 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Missing! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 12 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 NW NW
To scratch a thief : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 52 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 95 10 6/8/2019 8/2/2019 15:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 36 9 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 8:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 15 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 IV RN
Here today / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:51 SP SP
Here today / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 35 2 3/6/2016 2/1/2019 11:07 SS RN
Assassin / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 33 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 16 3 6/7/2018 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
Colored people : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 5 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 11 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Betrayal / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 25 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
No girls allowed / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 14 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
To establish justice : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 11 ######## 2/1/2019 13:38 SP RN
In the city / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 62 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Creative cardboard : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 44 2 ######## 7/3/2019 15:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 21 2 ######## 10/16/2019 10:51 SS RN
Fair Monaco / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 22 1 ######## 1/16/2019 13:23 NW SV
Venus envy : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 5 1 5/8/2014 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Picturing the century : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 9 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 IV RN
The ticket out : Darryl Strawberry and the 3.12E+13
boys of Crenshaw
BK / 11/19/2004 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Hirschfeld's Hollywood : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 3 1 ######## 10/18/2019 14:06 SS RN
The hunter in my heart : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 14 ######## 11/7/2019 15:16 SS RN
Big game, small world : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 4 ######## 10/23/2019 13:56 SS RN
Marooned! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2004 12 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
The new chameleon handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 3 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 60 5 ######## 8/5/2019 12:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 11 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SS RN
The riders of High Rock : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 35 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 NW TS
20 best garden designs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 57 12 7/9/2019 9/17/2019 11:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 14 2 ######## 10/16/2019 11:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 33 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:36 NW RN
The bone detectives : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 27 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
Super women in science / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 24 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 9 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 7 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Ten overnight trips on the back roads of Nevada
& California
BK : 11/22/2004 18 12 8/6/2019 9/26/2019 16:30 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 74 9 ######## 8/14/2019 13:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 35 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
The California abalone industry : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 7 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
Ella's big chance : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 18 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 26 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 10 2 7/1/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 51 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SS SV
Becoming Mona Lisa : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2004 8 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 13 1 2/1/2018 5/7/2019 11:28 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 13 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 35 3 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 37 1 4/3/2015 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 30 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 7 3/1/2016 11/7/2019 15:29 SS RN
The art of Usagi Yojimbo / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 28 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 38 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 18 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SP SV
Spaghetti and meatballs for all! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2004 24 6 ######## 11/12/2019 10:37 GE TS
Quick & easy woodcrafts. 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2004 14 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SS RN
Trouble for Thomas and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 78 11 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 51 19 ######## 6/8/2019 10:18 SS RN
The educated parent : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 11 3 ######## 10/21/2019 11:23 SS RN
America's meltdown : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 11 ######## 11/8/2019 12:34 SS RN
Charming your way to the top : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 16 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS SV
Dave Barry hits below the Beltway : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 11 4 9/6/2018 1/5/2019 14:57 SS NV
Communion with God / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 8 3 ######## 10/12/2019 11:10 SS RN
My American journey / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 8 2 2/5/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 SS RN
The Hot Flash Club / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2004 41 3 1/7/2019 1/29/2019 13:33 SS TS
Sharing good times / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2004 17 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:23 SP RN
The long goodbye / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2004 14 1 ######## 6/7/2019 9:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2004 50 ######## 9/11/2019 13:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2004 78 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2004 28 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2004 75 5 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
Watercolor workbook / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2004 26 5 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2004 5 9/2/2018 10/9/2019 8:55 SS RN
Ant / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2004 7 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Sunday driver / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2004 3 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:21 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2004 37 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SO TS
Hunter's moon / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2004 42 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SP
The low-carb baking and dessert cookbook3.12E+13
/ BK 12/8/2004 22 1 ######## 4/17/2019 12:00 SS TS
Rights from wrongs : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2004 11 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
Reef fish identification : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2004 21 3 ######## 5/7/2019 10:40 RN TS
American architecture : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2004 15 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County,
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2004 20 4/1/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 NW SV
Zim : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2004 13 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 RN RN
Philosophical writings / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2004 10 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2004 9 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
La guia completa con fotos para hacer las reparaciones
3.12E+13 BK del hogar : 12/9/2004 13 3/2/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
War stories II : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2004 29 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
El seguro social preguntas y respuestas : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2004 14 2 ######## 6/22/2019 11:37 SV RN
Hawk O'Toole's hostage / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2004 47 1 ######## 11/25/2019 8:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 48 5 5/1/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 26 3 ######## 11/8/2019 12:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 51 3 6/5/2019 6/20/2019 12:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 54 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SS RN
The big show : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 9 2 ######## 11/6/2019 15:00 SS RN
The big show : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 12 1 2/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 14 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
Mary, after all : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 3 ######## 9/6/2019 14:09 SS RN
The dominion of war : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 4 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
An end to suffering : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 9 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 4 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SS RN
Science friction : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 23 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
The great indoors / Sabine Durrant. 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2004 17 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
Sons of fortune / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 60 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 4 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Her scandalous affair / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 50 3 4/7/2015 2/23/2019 11:35 SP SP
How I became stupid / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 24 3 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
The ha-ha : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 27 9/4/2013 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 21 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
Wildlife-friendly plants : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 6 1 6/2/2013 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Grassroots : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 39 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
Ceramics from Islamic lands / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 7 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
Miss Fortune / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 37 2 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SS RN
The FBI and American democracy : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 8 6/8/2014 5/28/2019 14:31 SS RN
The autobiography of God : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 3 ######## 9/12/2019 10:33 SS RN
Fatal error / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2004 37 ######## 4/12/2019 13:44 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 19 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Why gender matters : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 33 8 4/2/2019 12/3/2019 14:10 IV TS
The modern lover : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 11 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 17 1 ######## 5/2/2019 11:07 IV RN
St. Dale / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 28 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
The complete David Bowie / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 9 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 SS SP
When America was great : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2004 7 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 49 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 NW VE
The magic behind the voices : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 21 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 24 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
Magic seeds / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 28 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Guide to owning a rat / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 9 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 RN RN
The vegetarian compass : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 15 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
The world of Christopher Marlowe / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 9 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
Gardenias for breakfast / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2004 47 1 3/3/2015 2/8/2019 16:53 NW SP
The long goodbye / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 14 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 11 3 5/5/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 20 2 ######## 10/24/2019 14:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 24 2 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 16 1 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Hedwig and Berti / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 13 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 21 1 3/1/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Nelson : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 19 7 2/7/2019 3/21/2019 8:23 NW TS
Classic cabinetry : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 12 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SS TS
Time covers history : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
2 saunters : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
15 to life : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2004 12 ######## 6/7/2019 9:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2004 41 9 ######## 12/20/2019 8:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2004 7 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2004 30 2 6/3/2018 8/5/2019 10:23 SO TS
Exporting America : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2004 30 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Racing through the century : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2004 14 2 5/6/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
Kathy Kaehler's celebrity workouts : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2004 26 4 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2004 23 1 1/3/2017 9/18/2019 10:51 SS RN
Halloween party / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 32 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 102 4 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
The Kingfisher treasury of dinosaur stories3.12E+13
/ BK 12/28/2004 62 4 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 27 6 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 27 1 ######## 6/27/2019 9:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 5 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 NV SV
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 11 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 5 5/1/2015 1/5/2019 15:37 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 55 9 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 105 4 ######## 7/17/2019 10:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 44 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
Jane Addams / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 10 2 3/7/2015 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 11 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 64 3 ######## 8/5/2019 12:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 67 8 ######## 3/17/2019 14:24 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 36 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
Ladybug / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 52 5 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 11:24 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 7 2 9/5/2013 2/1/2019 15:38 VE IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 30 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Simply window treatments / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2004 34 ######## 7/15/2019 10:57 SP SP
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 5 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 10 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 70 1 ######## 6/13/2019 11:02 SP TS
American folk art for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 3 ######## 2/22/2019 9:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 53 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
Away laughing on a fast camel : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 26 2 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 7 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 10 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 16 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 16 2 2/9/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 12 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 NW RN
Chu Ju's house / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 15 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
Days of magic, nights of war / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 33 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NV RN
Ichiro Suzuki / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 9 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
Dragon and soldier : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 37 4 8/2/2018 8/15/2019 9:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 17 1 9/3/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 6 1 4/2/2015 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2004 7 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2004 16 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2004 78 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 NW RN
Eating / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2004 14 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 VE RN
Margaux with an X / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2004 24 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
? 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2004 4 5/30/2019 14:39 SS SS
Full metal panic / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 58 2 9/9/2015 11/8/2019 11:31 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 15 6 ######## 7/25/2019 16:16 NV TS
Princess Ai. 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 44 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR RN
Santa and me / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 33 3 7/1/2018 5/21/2019 16:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 38 4 5/2/2017 11/15/2019 13:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 30 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 16 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 60 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 9 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 25 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 75 3 3/7/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 61 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
What does peace feel like? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2005 38 5 8/4/2018 6/13/2019 9:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 46 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
The complete book of Les miserables / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 8 2 ######## 7/2/2019 15:54 RN RN
Triss / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 15 1 1/3/2017 4/9/2019 11:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 51 3 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SS TS
The hallowed hunt / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 43 2 ######## 11/25/2019 8:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 38 3 ######## 7/1/2019 16:04 RN TS
No horizon is so far : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 22 1 7/1/2014 4/30/2019 15:54 SP RN
The Batman jam packed action!. 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2005 30 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2005 7 1 ######## 11/20/2019 14:40 NV TS
Recetas nutritivas que curan / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2005 21 2 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2005 30 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SO RN
A concise history of Australia / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 7 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Kitchen coach : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 28 3 ######## 10/21/2019 15:16 SP RN
Curious minds : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 18 6 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
China, Inc. : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 23 2 1/8/2017 5/18/2019 16:16 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 9 3/1/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
Parenting with pride, Latino style : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 11 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
A short history of Malaysia : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2005 4 ######## 11/8/2019 14:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2005 32 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2005 5 ######## 5/23/2019 15:56 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 44 5 ######## 2/8/2019 17:29 NW SP
Under the moon and stars / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 17 1 3/8/2016 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 68 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
Piglet is entirely surrounded by water 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 74 8 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 92 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 46 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV RN
The lonely mermaid and other stories / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2005 17 3 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2005 7 1 7/9/2015 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2005 64 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2005 91 6 ######## 9/24/2019 15:55 SO TS
The Civil War and Reconstruction : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 13 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 22 2 ######## 5/30/2019 12:57 SS SS
Ghost moon / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 46 6 ######## 9/23/2019 12:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 38 2 1/9/2019 3/7/2019 15:16 GE TS
Coming into the country / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 37 6 ######## 12/6/2019 7:43 NW TS
Encyclopedia of American historical documents
/ BK 1/19/2005 3 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
The early national period / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 15 ######## 11/8/2019 10:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2005 27 1 7/2/2014 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Tomorrow's energy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2005 9 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Hulk : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2005 62 10 8/1/2019 8/14/2019 10:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2005 8 4/4/2015 1/16/2019 17:20 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2005 12 1 1/4/2015 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Grasshoppers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 38 2 5/6/2015 2/3/2019 13:52 SS TR
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 10 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Microscopes / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 25 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SS TS
Extreme waterskiing moves / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 10 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SS RN
Jeff Gordon / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 21 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SS SP
Edgar Allan Poe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 10 ######## 8/22/2019 11:11 SS SS
William Shakespeare / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 16 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Sandra Cisneros's The house on Mango Street 3.12E+13
/ BK 1/21/2005 32 4 ######## 2/20/2019 10:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 62 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SS
Oscar Wilde / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Gorillas and their infants / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 29 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Balances / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2005 12 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 67 10 3/8/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 SO TS
Courtyard gardens / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 41 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 10 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 11 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 23 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
State of fear / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 76 8 ######## 12/13/2019 8:43 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 35 9 9/5/2019 11/12/2019 10:36 SS TS
A multicultural dictionary of literary terms3.12E+13
/ BK 1/24/2005 4 ######## 11/8/2019 11:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 9 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Sun observer's guide / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 5 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The most beautiful gardens in the world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 15 5 ######## 4/5/2019 15:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 76 6 ######## 10/3/2019 8:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 38 8 7/3/2019 7/17/2019 15:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 6 6/3/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 39 4 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SS TS
The Schocken book of modern Sephardic literature
3.12E+13/BK 1/24/2005 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 7 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 15 2 ######## 9/6/2019 13:44 SS RN
Medical marvels : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 15 5/4/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Gourmet vegetables : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 15 2/4/2014 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
The harmonious universe : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 41 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
The artful cupcake : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 57 3 2/9/2019 3/26/2019 15:53 SO RN
Milk / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Medicine : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 12 2 ######## 1/17/2019 15:15 SS TS
Clara's grand tour : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 9 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Milk : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 8 1 ######## 9/24/2019 12:59 RN RN
Olive trees inside and out / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 21 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
Oranges / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2005 11 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
The Best men's stage monologues of 20043.12E+13
/ BK 1/25/2005 5 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 43 4 ######## 5/24/2019 8:08 RN TS
Blueprint affordable : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 29 2 ######## 5/6/2019 8:44 SP TS
Saving Francesca / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 12 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 63 8 ######## 1/16/2019 15:40 SO TS
Wedding of the waters : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 6 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 6 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Close encounters of a third world kind / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 25 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 130 12 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW TS
Making friends with Hitler : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 11 1 7/8/2015 2/28/2019 14:26 SS RN
Richard Wagner : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 5 9/1/2013 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Called to question : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 14 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:25 SV RN
Sloth : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 19 ######## 4/23/2019 9:37 SP RN
Electric and hybrid cars : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 30 1 ######## 10/16/2019 9:21 NV RN
Pitch like a girl : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 14 1 6/7/2015 7/15/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 17 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:06 NW TS
Safe medicine for sober people : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 5 ######## 5/18/2019 14:53 SP SP
Look! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 5 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 25 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 11 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 18 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 34 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 73 8 ######## 8/5/2019 11:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 16 1 ######## 6/12/2019 8:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 76 7 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SS TS
Knowing the East / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 2 4/1/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 SS RN
Night / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 4 ######## 9/11/2019 12:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2005 82 13 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 44 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 66 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 SP RN
The meanwhile adventures / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 34 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 19 2 ######## 1/20/2019 15:36 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 24 4 7/5/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 9 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 12 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Harriet Tubman : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 17 2 ######## 6/28/2019 15:48 SV TS
My new school / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 24 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 15 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 36 5 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 22 ######## 2/6/2019 15:53 SV RN
It's seder time! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 11 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 SS RN
Broken bones / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 22 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 49 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 17 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 14 ######## 1/17/2019 16:36 IV IV
Pyramids & mummies / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 27 7 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 14:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 8 9/4/2015 1/19/2019 16:45 NW NW
Ella's big chance : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 15 3/4/2018 2/4/2019 15:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 43 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 29 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:39 SV RN
Science frontiers, 1946 to the present / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The mystery bear : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2005 51 8 3/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
The outlaw sea : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 18 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 4 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 31 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 6 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 17 3 1/8/2018 2/4/2019 12:19 SP RN
Playing in traffic / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 23 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 RN SS
Don't try this at home / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 14 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 43 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 12 4 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 32 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 RN SV
Beyond the Summerland / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 12 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 IV RN
Two brothers : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 15 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN TS
Escape from Saigon : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 3 1 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 IV SP
John's secret dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 10 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 19 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS IV
Ray Bradbury : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 8 3 8/3/2018 2/8/2019 8:01 NW RN
Ray Bradbury : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 6 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 4 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
A handbook of American prayer : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 17 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
Red land, Yellow River : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 6 1 9/5/2015 1/3/2019 10:20 SS SP
Miniature bonsai / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 16 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2005 89 4 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Women soldiers, spies, and patriots of the3.12E+13
Revolution / 1/27/2005 42 7 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2005 24 6 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 IV SV
John's secret dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2005 10 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 RN NV
Cuddle time / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2005 13 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 IV SV
Ferrari / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2005 9 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2005 10 ######## 10/2/2019 10:52 IV TS
Three complete books / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2005 38 8 2/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 IV TS
AA big road atlas Britain 2005. 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2005 0 7/15/2019 8:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 54 5 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 89 10 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 106 22 ######## 11/8/2019 11:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 10 3/4/2014 1/20/2019 14:37 NV TR
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 85 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Cuenta con el béisbol / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 11 1 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Cuba. 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 6 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
Candyfreak : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2005 14 1 4/4/2016 4/20/2019 12:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2005 70 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
Snowboarding for fun! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2005 25 1 3/7/2018 9/10/2019 14:55 SS TS
Louisa May Alcott / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2005 13 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2005 41 3 ######## 2/20/2019 15:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2005 13 1 5/9/2014 2/22/2019 9:35 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2005 43 4 ######## 10/18/2019 11:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2005 39 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Now, no opportunity wasted : 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2005 32 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SS
La vasija que Juan fabricó / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2005 15 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
A terrible thing happened / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2005 10 8/3/2017 2/5/2019 11:04 SO RN
Farming fear / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2005 32 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
Encyclopedia of American historical documents
/ BK 2/8/2005 3 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Encyclopedia of American historical documents
/ BK 2/8/2005 3 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2005 24 4 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 79 20 5/2/2019 7/25/2019 16:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 22 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 IV VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 43 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 7 2 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 18 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 33 7 5/1/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 IV RN
You can't rush a cat / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2005 48 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
The restauration [i.e. restoration] of paintings
/ BK 2/9/2005 3 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
The real mother / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2005 50 1 ######## 9/12/2019 11:18 SP RN
The secret garden / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2005 50 12 ######## 6/26/2019 15:23 SV SS
Le morte d'Arthur / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2005 9 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2005 58 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 SP RN
Race into space / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2005 18 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SV TS
Chatter : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2005 9 2/9/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2005 24 1 6/2/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 NV SS
World in the biggest little city : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2005 2 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
The shooting script / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2005 7 ######## 9/24/2019 12:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2005 8 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 22 3 1/6/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 111 11 2/4/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 18 1 4/1/2016 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 9 8/4/2013 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 45 2 ######## 9/20/2019 15:17 SP RN
Bourbon Street / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 10 ######## 9/17/2019 15:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 10 4/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 NV RN
Jellyfish / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 24 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
Heroes, lovers, and others : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 4 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
The first poets : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Rebels of Babylon / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 7 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 3 2 9/2/2012 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 31 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SV RN
Augusta / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2005 27 ######## 8/21/2019 15:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 28 2 2/2/2016 5/21/2019 11:51 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 35 3 ######## 6/25/2019 15:21 NV RN
The shot heard round the world : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Shawnee captive : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 11 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Fool's gold / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 20 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:39 SS RN
The official Razzie movie guide : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 31 3 ######## 10/23/2019 14:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 38 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
The difference a day makes : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 12 2 3/7/2016 5/2/2019 17:04 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 23 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 25 3 ######## 7/1/2019 13:03 SV RN
Yard full of sun : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 27 4/7/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 IV RN
The boy with the helium head / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 11 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NV RN
The story of Britain : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2005 12 7 ######## 5/21/2019 14:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 9 9/6/2012 5/30/2019 14:27 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 11 9/9/2016 9/17/2019 13:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
James Dean : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 23 1 2/8/2017 7/2/2019 15:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 44 2 1/5/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 NW TS
Eagles of fire: 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 27 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SV RN
Brick projects for the landscape : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 15 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
Centauri dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2005 7 5 7/2/2016 6/24/2019 11:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2005 48 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
The best Hawaiian style Mother Goose ever! 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2005 60 2 ######## 6/13/2019 10:39 SS TS
Threshold / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2005 7 ######## 9/12/2019 13:37 SP RN
Death in a nut / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 40 3 1/4/2018 2/6/2019 9:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 39 3 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
Froggy went a-courtin' / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 55 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 36 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Ant and Honey Bee, what a pair! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 26 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 25 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 33 8 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
The Lambkins / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 14 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 33 6 8/7/2018 2/6/2019 12:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 58 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 21 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 31 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Now you see it-- / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 29 1 4/9/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
The philosophy of civilization / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 6 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 56 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 NV TR
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 22 ######## 11/27/2019 11:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 71 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 33 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Trick of the mind / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 24 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 19 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
Mermaids most amazing / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 33 4 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 8:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 53 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 10 2 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SS RN
Dancing in red shoes will kill you / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 31 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SS RN
What you will see inside a synagogue / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 58 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 48 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 VE SP
Three's a crowd / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 38 1 ######## 11/27/2019 11:51 SS RN
The story of Honk-Honk-Ashoo & Swella-Bow-Wow
3.12E+13 /BK 2/23/2005 34 1 9/3/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 30 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 37 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 42 2 6/6/2016 2/4/2019 10:28 NV RN
Mom and Mum are getting married! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2005 18 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SS SV
Me and Billy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 18 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SS SV
Snow dude / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 69 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 102 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
Night gate / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 34 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 20 4 ######## 3/22/2019 14:52 IV TS
Boredom blasters : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 31 15 ######## 4/12/2019 9:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 18 1 8/6/2019 9/10/2019 12:04 NV TS
Escape / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 28 7/7/2016 5/3/2019 17:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 26 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 18 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 NW SV
Nutty nut chase / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 55 6 ######## 2/21/2019 17:26 NW SS
Perfect world / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 8 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 14 2 7/9/2015 1/5/2019 15:37 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 29 1/9/2016 4/1/2019 12:52 RN TS
Screwball / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 3 4/6/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Ma Dear's old green house / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 22 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 SS RN
Amazon River / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 21 3 1/8/2019 9/10/2019 14:16 SO TS
Great discoveries & amazing adventures / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 8 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
Hoodwinked : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 7 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
Blackfoot / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 19 2 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 NV RN
Mixed messages / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 25 1 3/9/2013 5/23/2019 16:51 NW SS
Miracle : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 9 1 7/2/2017 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
An illustrated treasury of Latino read-aloud3.12E+13
stories : BK 2/24/2005 42 3 3/4/2019 5/24/2019 11:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 23 2 ######## 9/24/2019 15:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2005 52 5 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 14 1 1/7/2015 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
The mushroom center disaster 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 34 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 19 1 ######## 11/20/2019 14:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 101 12 5/7/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
Mean chicks, cliques, and dirty tricks : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 60 2 ######## 5/30/2019 15:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 32 4 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 36 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 NW RN
The time team / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2005 67 2 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SP GE
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 43 6 ######## 11/22/2019 15:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 14 5 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 31 4 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 TR GE
Princess Smartypants rules / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 55 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
Life in an Egyptian workers' village / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 27 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
Life in a Roman villa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 15 8 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Yiddish with Dick and Jane / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 17 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
The frozen tundra : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 25 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NV SV
Life in a Roman fort / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 9 2 1/2/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 SV RN
The domino conspiracy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 9 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Black widow / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2005 61 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
How to talk so people listen : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2005 29 7 ######## 8/21/2019 8:28 RN TS
Roxana, the fortunate mistress, or, A history
of the life
BK and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle
3/1/2005de Beleau,6afterwards called
the Countess
de Wintelsheim
15:57 SS in Germany,
RN being the person know
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2005 31 3 ######## 10/21/2019 11:42 SS RN
Brittanys / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2005 20 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2005 10 ######## 9/12/2019 14:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2005 40 ######## 9/11/2019 13:03 NW RN
Dead of winter / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2005 27 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:30 NV RN
Secrets of the kingdom : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2005 16 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
Rats : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2005 35 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SO TS
Complete guide to trees & shrubs / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2005 36 8 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 SO TS
Snails / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 47 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Snails / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 6 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 4 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
Flies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 10 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Wildebeest / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 22 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 8 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 8 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 22 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SS RN
Helping plants grow well / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 13 2 2/7/2019 4/15/2019 14:30 SS TS
Simple electricity / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 23 4 2/6/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 NV TS
How we see things / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 16 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Inside a stove / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 19 3 9/8/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Inside a compact disk / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 22 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
I am one of you forever : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 6 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
Children's rooms & play yards / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2005 15 3 2/1/2015 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
Walking with bears / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2005 9 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Dog days : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2005 11 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 IV RN
Aeneid : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2005 8 5 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SS SP
The Count of Monte Cristo : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2005 5 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
Take your invention to market / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2005 15 1 8/9/2016 7/15/2019 10:30 SP RN
The Mississippi River / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2005 5 2 4/2/2017 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
The art and science of fencing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2005 11 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 95 7 ######## 9/16/2019 14:16 NV TS
Nightmare town : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 29 3 ######## 5/24/2019 7:57 SV TS
Visions in death / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 51 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
Cry wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 14 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
Diego Rivera : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 9 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Cuando sea grande / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 37 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 NV RN
Daniel el descortés / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 25 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 NV RN
How not to babysit your brother / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 37 5 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
Louis Armstrong and the Jazz Age / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 23 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 SO IV
Las sombras / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 41 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 NV SV
Solo sailing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
The Trail of Tears / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 16 2 3/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Pie pie pie : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2005 46 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Down in the garden : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2005 18 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 IV RN
The new decorating book / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 48 1 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 44 1 5/1/2018 11/6/2019 9:17 SO RN
Take big bites : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 26 ######## 5/29/2019 15:02 SV RN
In my brother's shadow : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 4 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Faulkner's short stories : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 2 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Scotts lawnscaping : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 34 7 ######## 4/26/2019 9:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 23 1 8/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
Guilt / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 36 4 ######## 1/2/2019 13:25 SP SP
Pirates of Pensacola / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 16 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SP RN
Pirates of Pensacola / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2005 20 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 16 5 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 61 5 4/2/2019 5/17/2019 8:04 SP TS
Gulliver's travels : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 4 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 33 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
The last of the Mohicans : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 2 1 ######## 11/7/2019 15:20 SS RN
American Prometheus : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 37 9 ######## 9/23/2019 8:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 11 3 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 14 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 17 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 15 1 ######## 11/7/2019 15:21 SS RN
Just add hormones : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 9 ######## 5/9/2019 9:05 SS RN
The wonder spot / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 41 5 2/1/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 17 2 7/2/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 7 1 ######## 11/6/2019 13:13 NW RN
CliffsNotes Cisneros' The house on Mango3.12E+13
Street & "Woman
BK Hollering Creek and other stories
/ 9 2 ######## 2/20/2019 10:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 9 2 8/6/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
The house of the seven gables : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 33 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
Real sex : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 22 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:12 SP RN
Dictionary of gods and goddesses / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 6 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 26 3 7/9/2017 9/18/2019 15:19 SS RN
All the dead fathers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2005 5 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Safety around strangers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2005 17 9/2/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2005 34 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
Foxes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2005 44 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
Forests / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2005 18 4 ######## 5/31/2019 14:10 SV TS
The Noble Yangtze / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2005 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 NW SP
Wolves / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2005 28 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2005 36 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:02 SS TS
To the flag : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2005 10 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Baker Towers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2005 18 5/9/2014 6/5/2019 14:46 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2005 16 1 ######## 2/26/2019 11:14 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 6 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Where did that baby come from? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 56 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 100 10 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 23 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
The sphere of secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 51 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
Hill of fire / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 61 14 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SO RN
Eric Carle's treasury of classic stories for children
3.12E+13by BK
Aesop, Hans Christian Andersen, and the
Brothers Grimm 46
/ 7 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 SS RN
Boy2girl / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 35 3 1/9/2015 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 33 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 79 11 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 59 7 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
The underground reporters / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
The underground reporters / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 4 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 SP SP
Inside the Hoover Dam scrapbooks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 9 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 9 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 47 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
Lowji discovers America / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2005 13 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 77 8 ######## 2/4/2019 15:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 32 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 10 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 27 2 ######## 3/28/2019 11:52 NV TS
Walking with the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 13 3 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 39 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 51 1 ######## 4/15/2019 13:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 53 1 9/5/2018 2/5/2019 11:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 42 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 52 5 7/5/2019 8/21/2019 8:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 32 ######## 2/6/2019 9:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 29 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Gentle's Holler / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
Gentle's Holler / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2005 28 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 63 1 ######## 8/14/2019 13:31 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 85 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 41 8 ######## 11/22/2019 15:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 36 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Fast, fun & easy irresist-a-bowls : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 27 4 ######## 10/21/2019 15:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 52 5 ######## 4/23/2019 14:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 72 2 ######## 3/22/2019 11:43 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 103 6 ######## 7/17/2019 10:21 SO TS
Soapmaking for the first time / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 31 3 2/6/2018 5/20/2019 14:09 IV RN
Far traveler / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 15 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SS TS
Karate for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 42 6 ######## 6/13/2019 11:56 SP TS
A girl's guide to the martial arts : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 17 4 ######## 4/12/2019 10:28 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 16 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 58 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:42 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 11 3 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 8:27 SV RN
Sew dog : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 44 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Garden lunacy : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 14 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Who's your daddy? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 32 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 17 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
The Great Depression / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 11 2 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Creative cloth doll faces : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 38 2 ######## 4/9/2019 12:56 SS TS
Crafting personal shrines [: 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 31 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
My friend has dyspraxia / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 8 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 6 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
My bones and muscles / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 22 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
Knights and chivalry / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 32 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
The civil rights movement / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 6 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 NV SO
Wonderfully whimsical quilts : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 32 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 31 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 3 1 1/6/2015 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
The perfect wedding details : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 58 6 ######## 9/5/2019 8:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 44 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 6 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 18 3 3/8/2019 5/14/2019 10:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2005 14 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2005 6 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2005 17 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
When dinosaurs die : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 10 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
My "c" sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 85 10 ######## 1/19/2019 10:38 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 74 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 61 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 57 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 73 9 ######## 1/19/2019 10:39 SO SP
Close kin / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 39 1 4/1/2015 5/22/2019 13:51 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 24 1 ######## 10/21/2019 13:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 47 16 4/3/2019 6/13/2019 11:50 IV TS
The Giant Rat of Sumatra / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 16 2/7/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 9 1/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 SS RN
The simply spa-tacular spa-time book : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 11 2 5/8/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 39 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:03 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 18 1 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 57 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 NW NW
Atoms and molecules / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 24 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SO NV
I am Morgan le Fay : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 12 2 ######## 3/16/2019 12:05 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 46 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:03 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2005 35 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2005 54 3 4/5/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
Do your ABC's, Little Brown Bear / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2005 49 6 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2005 16 ######## 11/7/2019 14:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2005 35 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2005 41 1 6/8/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2005 75 10 ######## 7/25/2019 16:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2005 39 12 2/9/2019 4/15/2019 12:55 SO TS
Uncivil acts / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2005 24 4 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 NW SP
The importance of being Gordo / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 26 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 9 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 18 3 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 13 9/8/2014 2/3/2019 13:44 SS TR
All over it! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 25 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 NW RN
Bosnia and Herzegovina / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 9 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
Hands off my crush-boy! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 28 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2005 44 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2005 60 4 ######## 5/24/2019 7:56 NV TS
Donkeys / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2005 40 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SS TS
Muskox / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2005 15 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2005 30 1 ######## 7/16/2019 10:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2005 34 5 ######## 10/30/2019 14:21 NW TS
Rituals of the season / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2005 49 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 9 3 5/9/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 0 1/12/2019 10:33 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 11 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 10 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 11 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 19 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
Forget me not / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2005 20 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2005 47 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2005 4 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 GE NW
Angel of protest / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2005 48 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SO RN
Angel eternal / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2005 49 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SO RN
The golden road / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2005 16 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:25 SO TS
Manténgase en forma : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2005 6 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2005 21 1 ######## 5/24/2019 17:47 SP SP
The ruby eye / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2005 21 2 1/7/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 SV SS
The passive solar house / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2005 61 4 ######## 4/17/2019 12:09 NW TS
Tsubasa. 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2005 108 8 ######## 1/11/2019 13:23 SV NV
Rebirth. 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2005 52 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2005 10 ######## 10/9/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2005 25 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN NW
Horatio Nelson / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2005 5 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2005 9 1 9/1/2015 9/17/2019 13:34 SS RN
Canto general / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2005 4 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Ana en el trópico : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2005 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SS RN
Cómo ser como Jesús : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2005 31 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SS
Reduzca sus zonas de grasa femenina : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2005 7 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2005 9 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 GE TS
Faithful elephants : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2005 32 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2005 18 ######## 10/24/2019 15:35 NV RN
Men in black : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2005 21 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
MVP* : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 17 4/2/2016 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 9 1 2/6/2018 5/20/2019 14:12 SS RN
The innocent / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 78 4 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Transgressions / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 24 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:14 SP SP
America's battlegrounds : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Three day road : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 50 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
A vanished world : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 23 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 27 1 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2005 16 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Lifelike drawing with Lee Hammond / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 45 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 45 5 7/9/2018 2/6/2019 16:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 36 7 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
No one loved gorillas more : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 6 2 2/3/2015 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 98 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 17 1/4/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
House : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 12 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
Oliver Twist : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 4 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 57 2/6/2017 11/4/2019 8:16 RN TS
Geography of religion : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 19 2 4/3/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
The last universe / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 21 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 SO NW
Belly dancing : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 23 1 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
True Brits : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 22 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
Feed your genes right : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 27 2 ######## 1/18/2019 8:32 SP TS
Oh my goddess! 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2005 32 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 27 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 29 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 31 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 24 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
The case of the stolen scarab / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 4 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 NW SV
Springtime addition / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 17 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Toy box subtraction / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 16 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:56 RN TS
I drive a dump truck / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 33 5 1/9/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 IV TS
The earth, my butt, and other big, round things
/ BK 4/21/2005 30 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
Fluffy, Scourge of the Sea / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 22 2 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 93 10 2/5/2019 3/8/2019 13:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 25 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SO RN
The wonders of water / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 11 5 ######## 2/4/2019 12:52 NW RN
Red-eyed treefrogs and other leaf frogs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2005 16 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SO SV
Alone in the world : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2005 3 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 NW NW
Rhymes with witches / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2005 48 1 5/2/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2005 45 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SS
The story of Robin Hood / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2005 24 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
My favorite dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2005 24 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2005 91 6 ######## 12/20/2019 9:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2005 23 8 6/1/2018 7/15/2019 9:31 SV RN
Boy proof / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 42 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 4 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 31 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 12 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 79 3 9/6/2018 2/6/2019 16:42 SS RN
Montmorency on the rocks : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 11 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 20 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 NW RN
The stone flower garden : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 16 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 19 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 25 1 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 22 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 29 1 ######## 6/28/2019 15:33 NW TS
Dzání yázhí naazbaa ̉= 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2005 8 ######## 5/24/2019 12:29 SV RN
Windy / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2005 21 1 3/2/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 NV SV
Chinese New Year / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2005 23 4 ######## 1/23/2019 15:51 SV TS
Froggy plays soccer / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2005 42 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2005 50 11 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SO RN
Shoeshine girl / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2005 13 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SS RN
La ratita presumida / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2005 41 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SP SV
Water 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2005 25 12 9/6/2019 11/12/2019 14:56 SV SO
Friends of the menehunes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2005 20 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2005 21 ######## 11/7/2019 13:35 SS RN
The baby book : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2005 37 9 ######## 4/22/2019 7:25 IV TS
The best-kept secret / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2005 13 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SP
Red jungle : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2005 11 9/9/2015 8/23/2019 13:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2005 61 8 ######## 11/27/2019 13:52 SV RN
Brown volume Board of Education / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2005 14 1 ######## 10/12/2019 11:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2005 39 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2005 62 4 ######## 7/24/2019 15:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2005 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2005 6 1 5/6/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
More incredibly awesome crafts for kids 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2005 40 8 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SP RN
Witches & warlocks : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2005 39 4 ######## 8/15/2019 9:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 25 2 1/2/2019 1/31/2019 12:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 13 ######## 2/1/2019 16:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 40 3 ######## 10/18/2019 12:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 23 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 113 16 6/6/2019 7/17/2019 10:04 SS TS
Short "a" and long "a" play a game / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 72 8 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 14 ######## 9/23/2019 13:16 SS RN
The Washington Monument / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 8 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 SO NV
The torture papers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 18 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
Plastic / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 7 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2005 22 8 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 33 6 ######## 5/8/2019 14:47 NW TS
Uninsured in America : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 22 2 ######## 5/18/2019 15:27 SP SP
The complete Peanuts. 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 40 9 4/4/2019 5/6/2019 8:21 IV TS
Tiger / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 31 6 ######## 10/22/2019 13:46 SO TS
Naphtalene : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 23 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
More book lust : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 24 3 ######## 1/18/2019 16:46 NW SP
Shadows at the spring show : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 21 3 4/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 19 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 27 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NV TS
Who does she think she is : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2005 28 1 ######## 9/12/2019 13:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2005 97 9 ######## 9/16/2019 14:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2005 51 13 6/4/2019 6/12/2019 8:42 NW TS
Hans Christian Andersen : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2005 6 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
Too late to die young / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2005 8 5/7/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
For whom the bell tolls : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2005 5 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SV SP
Why do snakes hiss? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2005 27 3 ######## 9/17/2019 10:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 15 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 13 4 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 27 5 ######## 2/4/2019 14:45 NW RN
The girls' world book of jewelry : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 26 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 3 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:32 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 16 2 5/6/2018 2/4/2019 15:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 58 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 16 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 22 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Out standing in my field / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 7 8/5/2016 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
The adventures of Robinson Crusoe / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 23 6 ######## 4/23/2019 9:30 IV TS
Cowboy José / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 17 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 19 5 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 76 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
Japanese immigrants / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 8 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
Joshua the giant frog / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 40 6 ######## 11/27/2019 14:20 SV RN
Italian immigrants / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
Jewish immigrants / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
You see a circus, I see-- / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 34 1 6/3/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
Robert finds a way / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2005 8 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 22 5 5/7/2018 2/4/2019 14:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 65 10 ######## 2/6/2019 15:51 SV RN
Angus and Sadie / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 31 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
The 1970s from Watergate to disco / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 12 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 RN SV
A friend called Anne : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 6 4/8/2015 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Public enemies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 42 6 1/3/2019 3/22/2019 12:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 11 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 37 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 SV TS
The Berlin Wall / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 10 3 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SV SP
Arc de Triomphe / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 5 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 13 3 9/5/2015 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Freedom struggle : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 9 1/5/2016 1/5/2019 15:45 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 36 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:41 SV RN
Under the wild western sky / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 4 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The Great Barrier Reef : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SV RN
Birdhouses / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 7 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 24 1 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SV RN
Solo sailing / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 4 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
The Louis Armstrong you never knew / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 10 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 SO IV
The penguin who wanted to find out / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 42 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NW
Ancient China / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 15 2 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2005 19 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2005 115 14 5/1/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2005 57 6 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2005 34 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2005 98 5 ######## 1/16/2019 9:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2005 20 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2005 86 11 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2005 36 1 ######## 1/2/2019 11:59 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2005 47 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2005 36 ######## 9/18/2019 15:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2005 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:08 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2005 14 4 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2005 22 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2005 57 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NW
Cat's eyewitness / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2005 48 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2005 61 7 8/1/2019 8/14/2019 11:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2005 8 2/4/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
Poland / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2005 27 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 11 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 77 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 125 23 ######## 4/12/2019 14:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 43 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 38 6 ######## 6/13/2019 9:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 27 8 6/7/2019 9/10/2019 14:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 49 11 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SP TS
Hamsters to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2005 48 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2005 6 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 72 8 ######## 3/7/2019 16:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 56 2 ######## 4/15/2019 13:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 30 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 85 7 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NW RN
Human / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 19 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
Tony Hawk and his team : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 7 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 50 4 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 SS RN
The girls' world book of jewelry : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2005 18 7 ######## 3/12/2019 10:14 IV SP
Clifford to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 39 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 92 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
The little hands art book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 38 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 76 1 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 112 24 5/7/2019 7/17/2019 10:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 111 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 110 23 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 RN TS
Cinderella Man : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2005 12 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
The naked heart / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2005 18 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Maggy's child / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2005 31 2 5/8/2016 9/23/2019 13:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2005 69 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SP
Manatee winter / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2005 7 2 2/7/2017 1/25/2019 15:10 RN SV
The best recipe : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2005 31 1 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SV RN
Harshini / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 40 2 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 57 9 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SO TS
The roots of desire : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 35 6/2/2018 7/25/2019 13:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 10 2 ######## 10/18/2019 11:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 28 1 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP NV
Expletive deleted : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2005 15 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SP SS
The O'Reilly factor : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2005 20 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2005 41 1 ######## 10/9/2019 10:39 SS RN
The irreducible needs of children : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2005 7 1 1/4/2016 8/5/2019 16:00 SS RN
Rocks and minerals / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2005 35 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 21 5 ######## 11/7/2019 13:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 25 ######## 11/8/2019 14:07 SP RN
Oh pure and radiant heart / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 10 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 64 1 5/2/2019 5/24/2019 7:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 131 18 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 10 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
Matisse the master : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 15 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 20 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:08 RN SP
Passion is a fashion : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 22 3 8/5/2019 10/1/2019 13:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 19 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 18 1 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SP RN
Families of value : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 6 ######## 2/14/2019 17:18 SP SP
Complicated shadows : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 10 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
No country for old men / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 46 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV IV
Breaking point : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2005 42 7 ######## 5/17/2019 8:13 SP TS
The diary of Anne Frank : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 10 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 54 6 8/6/2019 8/15/2019 8:13 IV TS
Great expectations : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 10 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 RN SP
Uncle Tom's cabin : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 17 1 ######## 5/21/2019 14:09 SP TS
The 1920s / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 3 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 GE RN
The 1940s / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 GE RN
The 1930s / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 GE RN
San Francisco : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2005 45 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2005 112 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NW
Portraits from North American Indian life.3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2005 13 ######## 8/21/2019 8:28 SS TS
Real moments for lovers / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2005 16 1 ######## 10/18/2019 12:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2005 7 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Roque Dalton redux : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2005 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Falling stars / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2005 9 1 ######## 8/19/2019 11:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2005 50 4 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SP TS
Defensive soccer tactics 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2005 11 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:52 NV RN
Soap carving : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2005 24 1/2/2018 1/30/2019 11:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2005 32 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SO TS
The mystical, magical, marvelous world of 3.12E+13
dreams / BK 6/29/2005 29 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
Hotter than a hot dog! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2005 26 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
Women to women : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2005 21 3 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2005 30 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
Churchill : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2005 15 6 ######## 4/30/2019 15:07 NW RN
Tales of a drama queen / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2005 13 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Red kayak / 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2005 11 5 ######## 3/21/2019 12:02 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2005 12 1 9/2/2014 1/20/2019 13:20 RN TR
Man from Wyoming / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2005 14 3 ######## 5/24/2019 8:26 SS TS
Big game status. 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2005 3 6/8/2016 10/12/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2005 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SV SS
Mafia wife : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2005 26 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 34 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 23 3 7/9/2016 2/28/2019 14:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 25 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
Never mind the Goldbergs / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 16 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 10 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 NW SS
Big dead place : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 28 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SV TS
The Monkees : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2005 13 1 2/5/2015 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 8 2 ######## 1/4/2019 14:14 RN RN
What is life worth? : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 7 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 37 5 ######## 5/21/2019 15:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 7 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 34 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Silent witness : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 14 1/6/2016 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Mysteries of my father / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 13 4 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 23 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 87 4 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 7 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
Freddie and Flossie and Snap / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2005 55 4 6/5/2018 4/15/2019 13:25 NW TS
101 crafts under $10 : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2005 50 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SS
The girls get even / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2005 16 1 ######## 2/2/2019 12:57 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 26 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 11 1 ######## 6/7/2019 9:26 NW RN
Club sandwich : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 20 4/9/2015 2/23/2019 15:51 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The plot against Social security : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 11 5 ######## 11/6/2019 14:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 40 3 5/1/2018 7/25/2019 13:46 NW RN
Keeping pet chickens : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2005 51 5 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
The art of digital music : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2005 31 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:36 NW RN
Bravo, Grace! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2005 4 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2005 19 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2005 23 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2005 43 3 ######## 9/5/2019 10:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 14 ######## 2/6/2019 14:00 NV IV
Ant and Honey Bee, what a pair! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 45 3 6/6/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 TR SV
Coming home to myself / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 20 1 ######## 11/15/2019 14:19 SS RN
Bulgaria in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 16 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SP TS
When life stinks : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 21 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:28 SP SP
McGillycuddy could! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 43 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SP SV
Levantaos! Vamos! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 13 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
Pajamas anytime / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 66 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
The garden / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 23 1 3/8/2017 4/11/2019 18:09 SP SP
Scribble / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 9 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 SP SP
Jonathan Swift's Gulliver / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2005 15 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2005 21 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2005 34 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
Masterpieces of American Indian literature3.12E+13
/ BK 7/22/2005 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Miss Julia takes over / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2005 43 3 6/4/2019 7/17/2019 13:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2005 36 ######## 9/25/2019 14:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 32 3 2/1/2016 2/8/2019 17:48 SP SP
Pet lover's guide to canine arthritis and joint
BK / 7/25/2005 20 3 6/6/2015 6/22/2019 12:12 SS RN
The liberation of Gabriel King / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 7 1 1/7/2017 3/16/2019 12:02 NW SO
Who loves me? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 64 2 3/1/2017 2/6/2019 9:42 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 32 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
Zorro : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 30 1 3/7/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Let's review : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 25 2 6/5/2018 8/15/2019 9:05 SP TS
Harry Sue / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 NW NW
Nobody laughs at a lion! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 61 2 ######## 4/12/2019 12:38 SP TS
Golden & Grey : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 47 3 3/7/2015 1/22/2019 11:54 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 77 7 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 NW RN
Momotarŕand the island of ogres : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 7 5 ######## 2/4/2019 9:10 NW RN
Storage solutions. 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 24 2 ######## 8/2/2019 11:04 SV RN
The far-flung adventures of Homer the Hummer3.12E+13
/ BK 7/25/2005 13 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:08 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 18 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Hiding Hoover / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 30 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 29 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
If you go walking in Tiger Wood / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2005 37 2 1/3/2019 2/15/2019 13:09 NV TS
With these hands / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 41 4 ######## 11/22/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 8 2 ######## 5/14/2019 10:49 NW TS
Who loves me? / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 56 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW RN
This is the matzah / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 13 4/5/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 25 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 29 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 26 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 19 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NW SV
The write stuff / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2005 18 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NW SS
O holy night : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2005 16 ######## 3/9/2019 10:57 SP SP
The bearded dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2005 35 8 ######## 12/17/2019 13:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2005 37 8 ######## 6/26/2019 15:31 SS SS
The calling of Emily Evans / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2005 44 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
In love with quilts. 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2005 16 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Words for the wedding : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2005 29 5 ######## 6/12/2019 8:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2005 114 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 25 3 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 NV TS
The light of the oracle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 21 4 ######## 7/17/2019 16:38 SP SP
Invisible / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 10 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 SS SS
Merriam-Webster's primary dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 19 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:11 SV RN
Meet the mummy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 21 1 ######## 7/14/2019 13:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 74 6 ######## 8/5/2019 11:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 33 7 ######## 3/8/2019 13:25 NW RN
Meet King Kong / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 22 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 81 9 ######## 3/22/2019 13:09 SS TS
Ogre eats everything / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 80 9 ######## 6/28/2019 12:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 15 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 44 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 9 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 15 4 6/2/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 17 3 1/3/2019 2/4/2019 14:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 19 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
House rabbit primer : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 6 4/7/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 IV RN
Fury / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 52 ######## 10/15/2019 15:49 RN TS
Meet the Creature from the Black Lagoon 3/ .12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 25 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 16 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Deep water : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 6 1 ######## 6/24/2019 11:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2005 35 1 ######## 8/5/2019 8:43 NV TS
Sponges and other minor phyla / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 16 3 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 27 2 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO RN
Blood red horse / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 32 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 8 4 1/4/2017 3/12/2019 10:17 SP SP
The hungry years : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 16 1 6/1/2014 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
An atomic romance : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 8 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 21 3/2/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
That anvil of our souls : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 6 1 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 69 3 ######## 6/4/2019 7:48 SP TS
Juicing the game : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 21 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:55 SS RN
Big ideas in small packages : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 5 ######## 4/23/2019 12:38 SP RN
Waterloo / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 5 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 28 8 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 SO TS
Let America be America again / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 5 ######## 2/15/2019 16:37 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 15 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 36 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2005 13 2 3/2/2015 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 70 14 ######## 6/25/2019 14:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 16 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 43 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 19 5 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 NW RN
Olympos / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 26 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
The tailgater's cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
The dynamite fiend : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 8 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
His oldest friend : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 7 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The testing of Luther Albright : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2005 21 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2005 64 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:12 SO TS
The stiff and the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2005 19 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Growing up in ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2005 21 3 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
Manténgase en forma : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 11 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 73 11 ######## 2/4/2019 14:51 SS RN
Doonesbury nation / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 9 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 25 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 RN IV
Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 12 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 SS TR
Bartleby of the big, bad bayou / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 19 2 6/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:04 SV NW
La dieta South Beach : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 24 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
While Mama had a quick little chat / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 54 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Hope's crossing / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 13 4 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 24 5 2/8/2017 1/18/2019 15:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2005 47 8 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
Bad heiress day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2005 17 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
Never look back / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2005 38 2 ######## 4/10/2019 17:13 RN SP
Bumblebee bats / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2005 28 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
Honduran white bats / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2005 16 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
Common adders / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2005 21 6/7/2016 3/20/2019 17:59 SP SP
Yellow-bellied sea snakes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2005 33 2 7/3/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 NV RN
Exact revenge / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2005 34 2 6/2/2016 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
GuÃ-a para enseñar al niño a usar el inodoro
/ BK 8/15/2005 13 2 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
The book of Renfield : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
The book of Renfield : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 4 ######## 9/12/2019 10:51 SS RN
The Sisters Mortland / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 9 ######## 3/1/2019 11:53 RN SP
On golf : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 10 6/2/2015 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 18 2 3/7/2018 7/19/2019 8:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 8 1 5/6/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
Infinite worlds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 12 ######## 6/27/2019 14:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 57 2 9/2/2014 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Greeting cards galore / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 38 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:36 SS RN
Home to Italy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 37 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Larceny & old leather : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Families of value : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2005 6 7/7/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Career opportunities in the food and beverage
BK / 8/16/2005 7 1 2/6/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
Sisterchicks in sombreros! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2005 14 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
Letters of the century : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 6 6/3/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Club sandwich : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 28 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 67 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 18 4 1/5/2017 10/4/2019 15:41 SS RN
Driver : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 25 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 11 ######## 3/4/2019 16:44 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 21 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
Crush / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 17 1 ######## 12/17/2019 13:51 SV TS
Stalin : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 30 6 ######## 6/24/2019 10:31 SV RN
The Mom book goes to school : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 29 5 9/6/2017 10/16/2019 15:02 RN RN
A shadow in the city : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 20 ######## 3/13/2019 13:52 SV SS
Skyward / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2005 24 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SO TS
The Concise Oxford dictionary of English etymology
3.12E+13 /BK 8/18/2005 10 3 9/8/2016 6/7/2019 12:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2005 29 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 38 4 6/7/2016 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 24 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 53 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 RN SP
Dying for a hamburger : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 23 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 24 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 11 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 51 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 30 4 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 47 3 ######## 7/29/2019 9:01 SP RN
The Blackjack Queen, cutthroats and good3.12E+13
time girls BK
in the gold rush (1849-1859) 8/22/2005 4 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:20 VE RN
New art city / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 1 ######## 10/16/2019 11:27 SS RN
Younger / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 35 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 44 1 ######## 3/20/2019 14:13 SP RN
Poland / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 10 2 3/4/2018 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
The assassin's touch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 16 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 17 1 4/7/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 NV RN
Tango : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 7 2 ######## 7/2/2019 15:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 23 4 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SV RN
The rise of Mormonism / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 10 1 3/8/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2005 34 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2005 60 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2005 36 5 6/3/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2005 24 3 ######## 4/12/2019 14:06 SS SP
The golf rules problem solver / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2005 14 2 4/7/2015 7/1/2019 11:09 NW SS
Fantastic floorcloths you can paint in a day3.12E+13
/ BK 8/23/2005 10 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
Fantastic companions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2005 14 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2005 11 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
The FairTax book : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2005 19 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:39 RN RN
Dogon : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2005 5 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2005 26 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
The Smithsonian collection of newspaper comics
/ BK 8/24/2005 6 1 6/8/2016 11/8/2019 10:44 SS RN
The diva's guide to selling your soul / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2005 40 2 7/2/2015 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
Mozart's letters, Mozart's life : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2005 9 3 5/3/2016 7/3/2019 10:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2005 25 3 ######## 7/11/2019 14:54 RN TS
The legend of the Wandering King / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 20 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 20 1 1/4/2017 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Poe Park / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 7 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
Badger at Sandy Ridge Road / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 21 ######## 11/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
Hamster Camp : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 54 7 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
The sunset switch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 10 1 1/2/2019 1/19/2019 16:45 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 58 6 ######## 11/12/2019 10:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 24 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 21 3 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
Jigsaw pony / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 21 2 3/8/2016 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
Frog / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 71 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Governor / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 8 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
Mayor / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 8 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 51 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 NV RN
Butterfly / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 67 7 ######## 7/9/2019 16:05 SV TS
Heirloom Library 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 5 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Bebop Express / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 40 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 21 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The gingerbread man / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 99 12 ######## 9/17/2019 9:58 SP TS
Pigs aren't dirty, bears aren't slow : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 35 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 RN RN
The return of the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 13 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 35 1 9/7/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 11 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 4 ######## 2/20/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 21 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 6 5 3/8/2017 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
The day Joanie Frankenhauser became a boy
/ BK 8/26/2005 14 2 1/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SP SV
How high can we climb? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 4 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Children's songbag / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 30 4 ######## 3/7/2019 14:34 NW TS
Know what I saw? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 29 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 12 3/5/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
How bright is your brain? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 34 10 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2005 24 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2005 21 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 104 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 51 13 ######## 11/22/2019 15:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 28 2 2/6/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 17 7/2/2014 2/20/2019 16:27 SV SV
Seymour Slug starts school / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 69 2 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 16 4 9/3/2015 1/17/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 18 1 9/4/2016 2/1/2019 16:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 44 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 50 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 5 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 5 1 6/3/2015 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Mountain biking / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 52 8 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NV RN
Never look back / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 35 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 13 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 7 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 19 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 31 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 14 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
The history of rockets / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 18 4 6/6/2019 7/25/2019 15:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 22 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:15 SV RN
Guinea pig scientists : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 22 1 7/8/2016 1/29/2019 15:34 SO SP
Comic book encyclopedia : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 12 1 ######## 5/6/2019 8:12 IV TS
Lily B. on the brink of love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2005 19 3 6/8/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 47 4 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 23 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 24 5 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
Snowy & Chinook / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 30 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 10 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 141 19 ######## 8/7/2019 12:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 23 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 46 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SP RN
Lizards / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 31 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
The young chef's French cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 12 3/9/2016 1/30/2019 11:26 SP RN
Who loves me? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 65 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NV RN
Magnus at the fire / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 40 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
Vanish : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 33 9 ######## 9/26/2019 13:12 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 9 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 15 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 51 2 ######## 7/17/2019 12:12 SP TS
Will Ferrell / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 6 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
A book about design : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 11 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 13 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:24 RN SP
Hamster / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 61 13 ######## 7/11/2019 10:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2005 16 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 NW RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 7 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 8 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 RN SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 39 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 67 10 4/3/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 TR RN
Your eyes in stars : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 16 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:56 SO TS
Soil / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 18 2 4/9/2019 9/10/2019 14:51 SO TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 11 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 RN TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 1 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2005 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
The Blackjack Queen, cutthroats and good3.12E+13
time girls BK
in the gold rush (1849-1859) 9/1/2005 5 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2005 20 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2005 27 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2005 31 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Time off for good behavior / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2005 11 1 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
Brickhouse / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2005 5 ######## 8/21/2019 14:09 SS RN
Peru : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 16 4 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SP TS
The bald eagle / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 32 6 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SP TS
Afghanistan : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 17 4 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 18 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
A lost touch of bliss / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 21 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:19 SS RN
An extraordinary flirtation / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 14 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
Rhinoceroses / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2005 21 7 ######## 6/26/2019 15:27 SP TS
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2005 5 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 IV RN
Blueprint for a wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2005 6 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
His baby to love / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2005 25 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2005 63 9 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2005 20 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Ticket to love / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2005 5 7/9/2016 9/24/2019 13:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 7 1 2/3/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Ripples on a pond / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 12 2 ######## 3/4/2019 10:32 SV SP
Pale death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 41 ######## 1/2/2019 11:47 SP SP
Pale death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 33 2 4/4/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 15 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 19 3 ######## 3/16/2019 11:23 SP SP
Stay with me / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 18 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SP RN
It's so much work to be your friend : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 20 5 1/6/2016 5/28/2019 8:23 SP RN
The cadaver's ball / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 14 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 39 8 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
Creature comforts : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 29 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
Playboy guide to playing poker at home / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2005 10 1 6/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN ILL
The last night of Ballyhoo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2005 3 1 7/3/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Goats / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 29 5 5/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 25 1 1/3/2019 1/29/2019 13:33 RN TS
Pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 16 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SS
Ocicat cats / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 25 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SP GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 76 13 ######## 7/25/2019 16:21 NV TS
Petey's bedtime story / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 26 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 37 5 ######## 5/21/2019 14:23 SV TS
Dachshunds / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 37 2 ######## 1/5/2019 17:00 NV SP
Oriental shorthair cats / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 20 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 SP TS
How to write a great research paper / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 14 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Working horses / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 41 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
Bettas : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 28 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
The mapmaker's daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 7 1 2/4/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 21 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 60 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 68 2 ######## 9/11/2019 12:51 SP RN
Dermaphoria : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 8 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SS RN
Operation Yao Ming : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2005 11 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
The bear upstairs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 112 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 9 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 26 2 ######## 9/16/2019 14:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 33 3 ######## 7/25/2019 15:29 NV TS
Murder never forgets / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 20 2 4/8/2017 9/18/2019 15:16 SP RN
Raising hell : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 4 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 10 3/5/2014 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
David Hackett Souter : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 11 1 4/8/2016 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 25 3 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Active liberty : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 9 1 ######## 5/15/2019 9:58 NW RN
Defiance / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 9 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 11 ######## 8/2/2019 10:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 29 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 23 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
All alone in the world : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 16 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:14 SP RN
[The ACME novelty library / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 29 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 36 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Heartstone / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 18 ######## 8/21/2019 14:58 SS RN
Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 31 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
Chilies to chocolate : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 11 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 RN RN
The trouble with Tom : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 23 ######## 6/7/2019 9:56 RN RN
Happiness in a storm : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 6 2 ######## 4/23/2019 9:38 SP RN
Tulia : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 13 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:34 SP RN
In a Ghanaian city / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 3 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 68 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 17 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
Washington's secret war : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 8 6/9/2015 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
Washington's secret war : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 7 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
The Delaware / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 6 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 12 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:30 SP RN
Now comes death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 29 1 3/4/2019 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
Lily B. on the brink of love / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 29 2 8/4/2016 2/1/2019 14:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2005 44 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 12 2 7/6/2016 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 35 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
Home is east / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 14 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
In the leaves / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 31 2 ######## 8/5/2019 12:08 RN TS
It's graduation day! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 36 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:47 SV SV
Sports shorts : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 21 3 8/7/2017 2/1/2019 12:07 SO RN
Hitch / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 7 3/5/2015 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 24 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 139 11 ######## 5/14/2019 11:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 44 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 30 5/6/2015 2/3/2019 13:41 TR TR
The witch's boy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 20 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 21 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SV RN
A small dog's big life : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 13 3/1/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
A small dog's big life : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 48 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 44 9 ######## 8/19/2019 9:40 SV TS
The Mason jar cookie cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 25 7 ######## 8/2/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 29 1 4/6/2014 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 14 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
You're weird! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 57 6 ######## 11/13/2019 11:41 NW TS
Clive Barker's The thief of always / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 23 3 ######## 7/1/2019 11:46 SP RN
The Dating Game : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 40 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 57 6 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 28 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 50 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 91 11 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 SS RN
The house that Jill built / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 31 5 ######## 5/14/2019 10:50 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 17 2 1/2/2019 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 26 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 NV RN
A week in the life of NASCAR : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 23 1 ######## 5/21/2019 14:18 SS TS
Dead reckoning : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 31 2 5/2/2018 2/1/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 9 6 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 RN RN
The little green witch / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 59 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 15 2 5/4/2016 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
Jonny Magic and the Card Shark Kids : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 13 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
I ching for a new age : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 34 4 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
The pastry queen : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 36 10 ######## 8/1/2019 15:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 46 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 71 6 2/1/2019 2/11/2019 11:59 SP RN
Black holes / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 60 8 ######## 9/6/2019 15:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 49 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 3 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
T is for teachers : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 15 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:27 SS IV
Yes, please! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 62 7 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 11 1 3/6/2015 2/7/2019 16:29 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 73 5 4/3/2019 5/24/2019 9:56 SV RN
The treasure of Savage Island / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2005 8 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
Asian elephant / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 38 5 3/2/2019 5/17/2019 8:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 15 ######## 4/23/2019 13:17 SO TS
Chronicles of the cursed sword. 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 56 4/2/2015 6/5/2019 16:55 SP SS
Chronicles of the cursed sword. 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 54 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 2 7/9/2018 2/1/2019 16:33 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 3 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
Washed out bridges, and other disasters /3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 9 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Cesar Chavez / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 20 2 ######## 4/25/2019 11:52 SV TS
One night in the Coral Sea / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 22 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:59 NW RN
One night in the Coral Sea / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 41 7 ######## 6/27/2019 11:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 27 10 ######## 2/14/2019 10:05 NW TS
The coming to America cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 19 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:25 SP SP
Wonderland : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 22 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SV TS
The Usborne first book of the recorder. 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 13 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 27 2 2/8/2017 7/15/2019 10:37 SP RN
Remember World War II : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 21 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
The saga of Beta Ray Bill / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 73 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SV RN
Summer's end / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 11 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 10 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 SP SP
New audition scenes and monologs from contemporary
3.12E+13 BK playwrights : 9/22/2005 23 3 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 RN SS
Chronicles of the cursed sword. 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2005 67 ######## 10/18/2019 14:11 SP RN
Danitra Brown, class clown / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 11 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 68 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Columbus Day / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 12 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 58 7 ######## 3/14/2019 12:03 NW TS
Percussion / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 8 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
It's raining! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 10 ######## 2/4/2019 12:17 SV RN
Street skateboarding : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 25 ######## 11/8/2019 11:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 107 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
Halloween sky ride / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 110 11 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 NW TS
Hamsters to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 51 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:25 SO RN
Clementine in the city / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 12 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 NW RN
Lupin III. 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2005 11 1 9/9/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Devils on the deep blue sea : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 23 5 ######## 5/10/2019 7:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SV SS
The throwback : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 29 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
How we use soil / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 6 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 31 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:26 RN RN
Polluted waters / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 SV RN
Halle Berry / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 4 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
How we use oil / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
King Lear / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2005 13 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2005 2 ######## 10/9/2019 11:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2005 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2005 88 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
Case of lies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2005 84 8 ######## 6/10/2019 8:48 SP TS
Henry's happy birthday / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2005 24 2 5/3/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
The marryin' kind / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2005 3 1 ######## 9/11/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2005 19 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2005 18 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2005 18 1/5/2015 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2005 74 19 ######## 11/8/2019 12:56 SV TS
Batman begins : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2005 49 4 ######## 2/6/2019 17:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2005 11 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:21 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2005 23 1 6/2/2019 6/18/2019 8:06 SS TS
Algebra I / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2005 60 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2005 43 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV IV
Penguin Pete 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2005 161 14 ######## 4/23/2019 13:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2005 22 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2005 23 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2005 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
My Wild Woolly / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2005 62 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
The reign of Istar / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2005 11 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2005 40 7 9/5/2019 10/23/2019 10:53 NV TS
A new owner's guide to shih tzu / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2005 20 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:16 SO RN
Eddie digs a hole / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2005 51 4 ######## 7/10/2019 10:14 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2005 87 9 ######## 7/15/2019 11:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2005 51 2 ######## 9/30/2019 8:03 SV TS
Imperial grunts : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2005 36 3 ######## 2/6/2019 7:40 NW TS
Mystics at prayer / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2005 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2005 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Ex and the single girl / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 29 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 SO SP
My heart may be broken, but my hair still looks
/ 10/17/2005 48 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NW RN
Prayer : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 12 3 ######## 4/24/2019 15:34 SO RN
The summer of ordinary ways / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 10 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 16 ######## 6/7/2019 10:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 25 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
Flashman on the march : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 18 1 5/2/2014 4/30/2019 15:54 IV RN
Chief Joseph & the flight of the Nez Perce 3.12E+13
: BK 10/17/2005 21 1/6/2015 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 18 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
In command of history : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 15 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:20 SO RN
The last gentleman adventurer : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 14 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 15 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 19 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SV RN
Lust for life / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 16 1 1/8/2015 9/20/2019 13:12 SS RN
The most exclusive club : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2005 11 ######## 10/18/2019 13:46 SP RN
Archery : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2005 42 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2005 16 1 6/8/2015 8/19/2019 10:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2005 35 8 ######## 10/24/2019 15:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2005 32 1 ######## 11/25/2019 8:13 RN TS
In search of the promised land : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2005 4 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:32 SS RN
Shaman's crossing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 41 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Mad River Road / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 50 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 10 4 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 13 1 ######## 10/4/2019 15:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 6 2 ######## 10/4/2019 15:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 18 4 9/3/2016 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
T.S. Eliot : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 14 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
An unreasonable woman : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 10 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 33 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
The Audubon Society field guide to North 3.12E+13
American mammals
BK / 10/19/2005 14 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
Stokes field guide to birds. 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 23 8 ######## 9/24/2019 10:30 SS TS
Kafka, the decisive years / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 6 2 ######## 11/15/2019 14:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 46 8 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
The polysyllabic spree / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 23 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
Flashman on the march : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 21 1 ######## 8/23/2019 14:16 NW RN
Why men fall out of love : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 28 ######## 5/2/2019 16:02 SP SP
The complete shade gardener / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 3 1 ######## 6/24/2019 11:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 11 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 IV RN
How to break an egg : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 48 4 ######## 10/24/2019 15:18 RN RN
Forever ours : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 17 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
Puppetry : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 15 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
The mayor of Lexington Avenue : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2005 34 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
Heidi Klum's body of knowledge : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2005 10 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 82 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 10 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 39 1 8/3/2017 2/6/2019 9:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 30 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 RN RN
Damarcus Beasley : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 2 3/7/2016 1/17/2019 14:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 61 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 14 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 57 7 ######## 5/14/2019 8:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 29 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 38 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 32 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 14 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SP SS
A good night walk / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 25 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 22 6 1/2/2019 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
My friend the doctor / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 67 6 ######## 1/16/2019 9:04 SO TS
My friend the doctor / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 20 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 8 ######## 3/12/2019 10:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 44 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
Dougal the garbage dump bear / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 25 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 TR RN
The power years : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 20 1 ######## 10/21/2019 11:29 RN RN
The best worst brother / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 47 3 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 SS GE
Everything horse : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 48 6 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 31 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
Code Orange / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 21 1 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
The children who smelled a rat / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 19 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 23 6 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 35 5 8/5/2019 9/6/2019 9:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 32 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Aladdin and the enchanted lamp / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 53 6 6/3/2019 8/5/2019 13:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 106 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
Deputy Harvey and the ant cow caper / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 35 2 8/2/2017 2/6/2019 16:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2005 19 5 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 SV RN
The mammoth hunters / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 46 8 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 16 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 NW SV
Capital punishment / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 27 1 3/7/2017 11/8/2019 11:46 SS RN
Fire on ice : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 13 1 ######## 3/28/2019 11:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 23 4 2/7/2018 2/6/2019 9:38 RN RN
Willow Run / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 10 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 27 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW TR
The misadventures of Maude Marche, or, Trouble
BK a fast horse / 10/24/2005 23 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:00 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 79 4 ######## 7/9/2019 16:13 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 60 3 ######## 6/27/2019 13:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 26 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 80 12 7/9/2019 8/7/2019 12:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 95 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 13 1 6/8/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 65 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 34 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 NW SP
A history of old age / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 15 2 1/7/2016 5/6/2019 9:10 RN RN
The truth about abuse / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 19 2 4/6/2019 4/23/2019 13:25 SS RN
Orphen. 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2005 41 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 67 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 22 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:47 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 39 1 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 55 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 73 5 ######## 6/26/2019 13:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 26 4 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 IV TS
Lithgow party paloozas! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 7 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 40 4 1/4/2017 2/6/2019 13:30 NV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 32 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:59 SP RN
Hee! hee! hee! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 39 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SV RN
Knock knock! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2005 63 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2005 24 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2005 48 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2005 170 29 ######## 4/12/2019 14:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2005 55 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Training without resistance : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2005 14 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 37 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 15 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 50 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Three good deeds / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 10 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
Women of colonial America / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 80 8 ######## 6/10/2019 8:56 SO TS
Mi musica = 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2005 24 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NV SV
Machine embroidery with confidence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2005 23 8 ######## 4/23/2019 15:32 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2005 32 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:36 SV SP
Teen guides to environmental science / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2005 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
The new napkin folding : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2005 9 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
Jonathan Fong's walls that wow! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2005 19 3 3/4/2016 7/15/2019 10:57 SV RN
Decorative knitting : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2005 30 2 3/1/2016 10/24/2019 15:27 SV RN
Math wizardry for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2005 43 7 ######## 11/20/2019 13:49 SS TS
Neon nuptials : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2005 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2005 132 23 ######## 8/14/2019 11:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2005 5 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2005 6 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2005 6 ######## 1/3/2019 10:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2005 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2005 4 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
A dad's guide to the toddler years / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2005 14 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
Handmade baskets : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2005 14 4/5/2016 7/15/2019 10:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2005 24 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SS RN
In the saddle with Uncle Bill / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2005 4 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 IV RN
Big-enough / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2005 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 IV RN
Uncle Bill : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2005 3 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2005 58 11 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2005 35 4 ######## 3/13/2019 9:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2005 14 1 ######## 2/20/2019 15:09 SP RN
Valley of death / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2005 11 1 6/6/2016 2/1/2019 17:07 RN RN
The quilting bible. 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2005 29 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 NV SS
The Lincoln lawyer : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 70 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 6 ######## 6/25/2019 15:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 2 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 13 2/7/2016 9/6/2019 13:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 21 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
Bulfinch's mythology : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 25 6 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 27 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 NW RN
Memory book / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2005 16 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:24 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 23 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 30 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:25 NV RN
A baker's field guide to holiday candy & confections
3.12E+13 BK
: 11/16/2005 36 1 ######## 10/24/2019 14:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 23 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN RN
Westminster Abbey / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 6 2/2/2015 6/28/2019 13:08 SV RN
Mrs. Freud : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 12 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Falling in love again : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
The untied states of America : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Bridge of souls / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2005 4 ######## 9/18/2019 14:29 SS RN
The 5th horseman : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 77 13 8/7/2019 9/5/2019 12:42 SV TS
The declaration of independent filmmaking 3.12E+13
: BK 11/17/2005 16 2 6/6/2015 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Love with noodles : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 7 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 80 4 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
The rebels of Ireland : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 44 8 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 26 4 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 9 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Fantasyland : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 14 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
Healing Lyme : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 9 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 15 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Just around the corner : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 9 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 14 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
A scanner darkly / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 29 3 ######## 2/20/2019 14:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 21 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 24 6/7/2013 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 64 9 2/7/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
American Indian religious traditions : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 4 4/7/2019 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Do they wear high heels in heaven? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2005 4 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Coyote frontier : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2005 58 2 9/1/2019 10/18/2019 11:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 7 ######## 2/7/2019 9:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 14 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 18 3 5/4/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Interplanetary avenger / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 19 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 21 7/1/2018 3/7/2019 14:29 SO TS
The summer snow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 23 5/5/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Merriam-Webster's primary dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 18 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 15 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 6 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Please, puppy, please / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 62 6 ######## 9/24/2019 15:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 8 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 7 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 63 8 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
Pyramid / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 15 1 ######## 1/15/2019 15:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 33 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
This day in the life : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 28 3 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 22 2 9/6/2017 2/6/2019 15:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 55 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:23 SS TS
The mighty Mississippi : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 7 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 18 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 11 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 90 8 1/8/2019 2/4/2019 15:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 20 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:34 SP RN
In the snow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 28 3 ######## 11/20/2019 12:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 17 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 15 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
Now you see me-- : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 30 1 2/7/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
The color of guilt & innocence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 24 ######## 5/28/2019 8:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 37 7 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NV SS
A pen pal for Max / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 7 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
War law : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 15 2 2/8/2017 1/9/2019 8:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 16 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 12 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 42 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SO RN
Robert E. Lee : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 11 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 SP SP
Hidden camera / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 7 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 18 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 29 6 3/6/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
The big oyster : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 11 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:11 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 29 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 19 2 5/9/2018 2/6/2019 15:13 NV RN
The girl with the broken wing / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 9 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SP RN
Baby brother's blues : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2005 12 ######## 9/17/2019 15:09 SS RN
Buffalo Bill's America : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2005 12 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
The camel club / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2005 69 7 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2005 39 7 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SV RN
Crossing the Delaware : 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2005 17 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 20 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Happy birthday Rotten Ralph / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 11 6/9/2017 1/16/2019 16:56 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 87 16 4/1/2019 5/24/2019 9:56 NW RN
Lottie's new friend / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 35 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:43 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 38 4 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 9 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
The best book of ancient Greece / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 30 6 ######## 5/14/2019 10:45 SS TS
In the wild! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 10 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Prohibition / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 9 1 9/2/2018 2/1/2019 14:21 NW RN
Code Orange / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 29 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Let's get to work! = 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 40 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
All-girl crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 19 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 NW VE
All-girl crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 25 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 24 3 ######## 3/21/2019 12:12 NW RN
Airball : 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 13 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Helen Keller / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 31 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 6 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 12 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SP SV
The little sailboat / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 36 5 4/2/2019 5/31/2019 13:49 NW TS
The whispering road / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 15 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP NW
To be young in America : 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
The lost treasure of the golden sun / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2005 6 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2005 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2005 28 5 ######## 12/20/2019 8:54 SV TS
The truth about sexual behavior and unplanned
BK / 11/29/2005 16 5 ######## 11/20/2019 15:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2005 45 2 ######## 2/5/2019 14:19 NW RN
Skunk scout / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 5 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 27 4 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 142 15 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 26 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:11 SS TS
La niña más pequeña del mundo / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 15 5 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 15 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
I hate my bow! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 59 8 6/4/2019 8/2/2019 15:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 23 1 2/9/2016 2/16/2019 16:21 NW SV
Forest of the Pygmies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 10 5/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:34 SS RN
Tres Cabezas y un volcán / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 5 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SS SV
Designer drugs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 19 18 ######## 9/6/2019 10:35 SP TS
Por qué se nos pone la piel de gallina? /3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 SS IV
El espejo en el agua / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 8 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Dos casos de casas y algunas otras cosas /3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 8 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
The swineherd / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2005 10 1 9/5/2015 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2005 78 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
First boy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2005 28 2 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2005 65 5 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2005 11 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2005 30 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:31 SO SV
A MINE OF HER OWN 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2005 10 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 35 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 14 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 35 5 6/6/2018 2/1/2019 11:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 19 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
Guess what? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 22 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 10 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 16 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
Happy birthday, Sam / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 19 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 33 7 3/4/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 16 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2005 5 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2005 21 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
Atlantis : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2005 40 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
Noises off : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2005 6 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
Kindertransport / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2005 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The road to Mecca : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2005 2 6/3/2019 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2005 32 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
Island trilogy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2005 22 7 ######## 6/13/2019 11:30 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 3 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 9 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 13 2 ######## 3/21/2019 8:45 NV TS
Turnpike flameout / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 23 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SV RN
Dance of death / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 74 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 21 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 26 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 27 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Children of the New World : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 5 ######## 8/23/2019 13:41 SS RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2005 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Cold in the Heads / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 30 2 ######## 9/12/2019 14:19 NW RN
Angelic layer / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 72 5 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV IV
Bad childhood, good life : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 28 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
A most damnable invention : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 7 3/4/2015 4/24/2019 15:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 30 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 25 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Golf : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 2 1 ######## 11/1/2019 15:47 SS RN
Digimon world : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2005 19 1 ######## 10/4/2019 8:58 SP TS
Rattled / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2005 15 ######## 9/6/2019 14:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2005 13 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2005 26 1 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 NW RN
The Archbishop's ceiling ; The American clock
: BK 12/15/2005 3 6/9/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Otherwise engaged / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2005 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Turn of glory / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2005 12 3 ######## 9/6/2019 14:27 RN RN
Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 36 7 4/2/2019 4/18/2019 13:55 SP TS
Sorrow without end / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 22 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 32 1 ######## 9/12/2019 14:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 11 2/6/2016 2/14/2019 17:12 SS SP
Creating their own image : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 3 3/4/2015 6/28/2019 12:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 14 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
American shogun : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2005 6 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 7 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Tommy Dorsey : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 4 1 ######## 11/15/2019 14:33 RN RN
Flooring 1-2-3 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 62 7 4/4/2018 1/10/2019 7:51 NW TS
Creating magic in midlife : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 12 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 9 1 8/3/2014 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Turning angel / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 67 1 ######## 5/9/2019 8:16 NV TS
Together forever : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 2 3/4/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Draw your own manga : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 42 2 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
Clay : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 10 1 7/2/2014 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
The Yada Yada Prayer Group gets tough : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 24 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 59 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 21 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 NW RN
Balloons can be murder : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 15 ######## 9/16/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2005 6 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
El amante turco / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 16 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 26 3 ######## 1/22/2019 15:51 SP TS
Love : undercover / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 25 3 ######## 9/24/2019 13:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 21 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
Culinary Mexico : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 47 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
Las Vegas Babylon : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 35 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV RN
Norman Hall's corrections officer exam preparation
3.12E+13 book
BK / 12/20/2005 16 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 26 1 4/2/2016 1/8/2019 11:37 SP RN
Quilt block bonanza : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 21 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2005 44 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
Harley-Davidson twin cam 88 service and repair
BK / 12/20/2005 15 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2005 14 8/7/2012 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
A night in terror tower / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2005 79 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
American minotaur & other work : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2005 1 5/9/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Amerika/America / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2005 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
7th circle / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2005 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
The crowd of time / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2005 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
The last domino / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 SS RN
A medieval merchant / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 6 ######## 8/31/2019 14:47 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 28 3 6/6/2017 5/21/2019 16:03 NV RN
The planets / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 96 18 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 66 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
How do I love you? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 53 7 ######## 4/15/2019 13:14 NV TS
Insatiable : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 25 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 39 6 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 22 2 1/9/2015 5/22/2019 13:37 SO SS
Spacer and Rat / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 10 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 18 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 56 5 ######## 6/25/2019 14:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 15 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 78 8 6/6/2019 8/5/2019 13:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 63 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 11 3 8/7/2016 2/7/2019 15:34 NV IV
Whitewater scrubs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 48 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:07 SP RN
The love of two stars : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 9 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:13 SV RN
Mario Molina / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 4 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SV NW
A perfect ganesh / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 1 7/7/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The dying Gaul / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 2 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
A medieval knight / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 13 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 11 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NW NW
Powder monkey : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 10 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Dear Santa : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NV
Vermont / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Greek and Roman medicine / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2005 8 ######## 1/16/2019 17:37 NW NW
Can you find it outside? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 39 3 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 4 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 18 3 5/7/2018 9/10/2019 14:29 SP TS
Panic disorder / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 7 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Depression / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 13 1 ######## 7/17/2019 11:48 SP TS
Anne Frank : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 37 3 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 112 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Down the Yukon / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 8 1 7/1/2015 1/29/2019 15:54 SP SP
The black paw / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 20 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 25 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 29 2 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW RN
Important and famous people / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 14 3 ######## 5/30/2019 15:02 SS SS
Tractor-trailer trucker : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 40 6 ######## 8/19/2019 9:36 SP TS
The history of classical music / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 13 3 3/3/2016 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 84 3 ######## 4/25/2019 10:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 7 4/5/2014 2/20/2019 13:37 NV SV
Hubble and the big bang / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 7 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 23 4 2/8/2016 2/8/2019 17:22 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2005 41 2 2/6/2018 2/4/2019 12:59 SS RN
Make like a tree and leave / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 10 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 62 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 101 9 ######## 5/9/2019 8:07 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 86 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Come along, Daisy! 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 76 9 ######## 4/23/2019 13:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 112 7 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
What Santa can't do / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 79 6 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 60 2 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 65 1 ######## 7/8/2019 15:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 33 5 ######## 3/16/2019 12:01 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 49 5 5/7/2019 6/4/2019 8:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2005 36 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Night sky atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2005 6 7 ######## 2/4/2019 11:29 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2005 25 2 4/2/2019 8/5/2019 12:22 GE TS
Chicks with sticks : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2005 56 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2006 28 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RNL
I spy a penguin / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2006 53 3 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2006 47 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
Rosie and the nightmares / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2006 30 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
The twelve days of summer / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2006 56 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2006 25 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2006 3 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Lips together, teeth apart / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2006 2 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Welding for arts and crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2006 15 1 4/3/2014 6/5/2019 16:55 SP SS
Follow my leader / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 13 5 9/4/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
Antes que anochezca : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 9 3 ######## 10/12/2019 11:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 56 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 50 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 27 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
La princesa dormida / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 11 ######## 9/25/2019 14:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 6 ######## 10/9/2019 11:16 SS RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 6 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 11 2 3/3/2017 6/22/2019 11:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 45 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:41 SS RN
An engagement of convenience / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 12 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
Wabi : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 24 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 13 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
The miraculous tale of the two Maries / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 21 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 NW RN
Cuckoo feathers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 23 3/3/2019 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Cuckoo feathers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 10 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
Cuckoo feathers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 8 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 29 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2006 64 13 ######## 7/25/2019 15:37 IV TS
Pearl Harbor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2006 11 3 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Chinese brush painting : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2006 30 7 ######## 8/2/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2006 55 2 6/4/2019 7/22/2019 8:14 SV TS
Manual de entrenamiento para meseros, meseras
3.12E+13y personal
BK : 1/17/2006 15 1 ######## 6/22/2019 11:42 SV RN
We remember Bataan and Corregidor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2006 14 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
Oh, God, where are you? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2006 7 4/5/2016 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 71 6 8/6/2019 8/22/2019 15:14 SS TS
False impression / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 76 6 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 15 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 NV RN
Sea change / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 121 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:17 SP TS
Platos vegetarianos / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 15 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Encyclopedia of constitutional amendments, 3.12E+13
BK amendments, and amending issues 1/18/2006
[...] / 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 48 1 ######## 7/17/2019 15:51 SO RN
Opportunities in restaurant careers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 6 1 2/3/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 NW SS
This business of music : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2006 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2006 3 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
Bats / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2006 31 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
The swamp / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Easy recorder tunes / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 29 ######## 9/10/2019 14:16 NW TS
The Facts on File dictionary of chemistry /3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 1 9/2/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 5 5/5/2015 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Crossing three wildernesses : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 7 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 16 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
Fever & thirst : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 10 3 1/3/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 25 6 ######## 4/22/2019 10:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 50 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
Tris Speaker : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 7 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 17 ######## 10/21/2019 15:22 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 37 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 42 5 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 35 7 1/5/2019 2/8/2019 8:25 SV TS
The Library of children's song classics / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 33 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SO RN
Encyclopedia of chemistry / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 4 2 ######## 10/18/2019 12:35 SS RN
Picture your world in appliqué : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2006 30 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
Teenage revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 38 11 ######## 5/20/2019 14:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 18 6 ######## 7/26/2019 13:06 SS SP
Blackbeard's last fight / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 44 3 7/1/2018 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
Blackbeard's last fight / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 37 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Alice in the know / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 27 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SS TS
Seville, Córdoba, and Granada : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 9 3 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 77 3 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 62 3 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 32 5 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 8 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 21 1 2/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 SO RN
Niagara Falls / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 58 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
Abandoned on Bataan : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 17 4 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Jaguars / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 23 5 1/9/2019 3/28/2019 16:08 SP TS
Understanding boat electronics / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 9 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2006 68 2 ######## 10/18/2019 14:11 SP RN
The good life / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2006 22 2 ######## 9/12/2019 13:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2006 51 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2006 35 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2006 27 ######## 9/10/2019 14:49 SP RN
Louder than words / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2006 7 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 57 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 25 8/9/2018 2/4/2019 10:28 SP RN
The Great Dane : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 6 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 5 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Monkey town : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 16 1 6/6/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
The bone collector's son / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 14 ######## 2/7/2019 17:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 40 4 4/2/2019 5/31/2019 12:48 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 32 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 SV IV
Pretty little devils : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 32 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
The Battle of Yorktown / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 7 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 38 1 3/6/2016 2/8/2019 10:30 SP NW
Crackback / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 16 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 10 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Bring me the head of Oliver Plunkett / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 13 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 58 10 ######## 8/15/2019 9:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 9 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SP SP
Raven quest / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 23 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 NW RN
DK first Spanish picture dictionary. 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 44 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:17 SP TS
A perfect day for love letters / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 59 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 RN TS
Toots the cat / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 21 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 35 1 ######## 11/27/2019 11:57 SP RN
Mapping Earth. 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2006 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 12 1 1/5/2015 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
You only have nine lives : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 51 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 20 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 51 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 14 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 25 4 9/5/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 60 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
Taming horrible Harry / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 33 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 39 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 7 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 RN IV
True confessions of a Hollywood starlet : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 26 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 25 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
Ant, ant, ant! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 40 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 5 7/7/2017 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
Can you hear a shout in space? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 13 6 ######## 3/8/2019 13:24 SV RN
Tasmanian devils / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 35 9 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Dawn undercover / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 31 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 6 2 9/3/2017 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 52 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Stuck in shangri-la / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 19 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
For your paws only / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 50 3 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 25 1 ######## 3/4/2019 17:45 NW SP
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 10 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 35 8 ######## 2/4/2019 12:05 SP RN
Stinky riddles / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 21 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
Evolution / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2006 33 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 33 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
Emma Dilemma and the new nanny / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 28 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 18 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
What do you stand for? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 32 8 ######## 7/25/2019 15:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 31 1 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 28 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 NW RN
Maze of shadows / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 37 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 25 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Paddington Bear/ 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 87 6 ######## 3/22/2019 11:34 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 40 ######## 9/6/2019 9:12 SS TS
Asa Candler : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
The Oxford-Hachette French dictionary : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 3 1 8/8/2013 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Michael Phelps / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 23 8 ######## 3/25/2019 11:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 22 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Peanut butter lover boy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 10 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SP SP
African American lives / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 4 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Heroes among us / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 19 2 ######## 6/24/2019 14:53 SO RN
POW : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 6 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Snowbaby could not sleep / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 35 5 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Digging for dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 36 6 ######## 12/20/2019 15:41 SV TS
Dragon trouble / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 17 6 8/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SO SV
Catastrophe in southern Asia : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Little Darlings / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 25 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SO RN
Robert E. Lee / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Ulysses S. Grant / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 8 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SV NW
Architourism : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 8 ######## 10/16/2019 9:26 RN RN
Bad, bad Darlings / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 19 3 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 SO NW
Dueling princes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2006 23 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2006 29 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
The invasion of the shag carpet creature /3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2006 38 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
La familia activa de oso / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2006 27 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2006 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2006 13 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
Iowa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2006 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2006 19 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 37 6 7/7/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
Outrageously Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 42 5 ######## 4/15/2019 13:29 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 103 8 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 20 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 41 5 ######## 6/25/2019 14:45 SP RN
It's never too late to be a bridesmaid / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 5 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
How to draw Manga / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 54 8 ######## 3/7/2019 15:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 58 15 ######## 5/14/2019 11:33 RN TS
The ghost in the third row / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 26 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 38 2 3/2/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Blood on the desert ; 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 8 1 8/9/2017 1/7/2019 8:23 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 17 3/4/2015 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
Ten little mice 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 40 4 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 34 7/1/2019 8/2/2019 14:50 SS TS
The book about Blanche and Marie / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 8 1 4/6/2015 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Weather science fair projects : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 25 7/1/2018 2/4/2019 12:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 33 1 8/5/2015 9/25/2019 14:24 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 38 2 ######## 8/22/2019 15:36 SO TS
Wonderful Tennessee / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Molly Sweeney / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The evil elves / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 25 8 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SS RN
Comedy tonight! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 6 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 32 2 4/6/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 SS RN
User unfriendly / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 10 1 5/4/2016 5/4/2019 9:56 SS RN
Native tribes of the Southeast / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 18 2 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SS RN
Everyday lif in Renaissance times / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2006 35 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 58 3 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 21 5/3/2018 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
An unacceptable death / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 18 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
An unacceptable death / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 34 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 131 12 4/3/2018 3/26/2019 12:47 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 71 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
Hazel's holiday / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 60 12 3/7/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 108 10 ######## 12/20/2019 8:44 NV TS
Rain forests : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 31 11 ######## 4/25/2019 10:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 24 1 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SV NW
The story of General Dann and Mara's daughter,
griotBKand the snow dog : 2/7/2006 5 4/2/2015 3/4/2019 16:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 27 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 78 7 7/3/2019 7/17/2019 9:52 SP TS
Night of blood / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 68 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 127 26 9/5/2019 11/1/2019 14:54 NW TS
Luther : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 10 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SS RN
Sointula / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 1 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
JLA : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 33 3 ######## 8/2/2019 7:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 37 4 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SP RN
Embracing family / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2006 3 ######## 9/6/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 11 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Dear Tooth Fairy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 62 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
John F. Kennedy and the stormy sea / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 8 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 SV IV
A touch of the poet / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 21 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Hokusai / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 24 1 ######## 6/26/2019 8:17 SP TS
The destiny of me : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 1 7/1/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
A soldier's play / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 5 2 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SS RN
The complete plays / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Twelve short plays / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 7 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2006 9 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2006 28 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SS TS
The diamond king / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2006 27 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 NV TS
Chipmunk at Hollow Tree Lane / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2006 22 6 ######## 7/27/2019 10:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 8 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Last dance : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 21 2 4/2/2016 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 23 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 49 9 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
The sex life of food : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 12 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 27 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 39 2 ######## 5/29/2019 15:06 SV RN
The blue and gray in black and white : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 4 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
The presidency of the United States : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 9 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The party planner / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 27 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 28 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
The encyclopedia of tarot / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2006 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Perishable : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 18 1 2/5/2015 5/29/2019 14:32 SP RN
House beautiful 750 designer secrets : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 47 3 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
The new basic black : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 3 ######## 10/9/2019 10:27 SS RN
Pooh helps out / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 71 6 ######## 1/16/2019 9:10 SS TS
The quantum zoo : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 36 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Majesty's Rancho / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 19 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:22 SP TS
Kabul in winter : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 8 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 20 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 45 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 4 2/6/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Smart and simple financial strategies for busy
/ 2/14/2006 22 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
The Knot guide for the mother of the bride3.12E+13
/ BK 2/14/2006 14 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The Knot guide for the mother of the bride3.12E+13
/ BK 2/14/2006 5 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Libérate, mujer! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 21 4 ######## 6/22/2019 11:24 SS RN
A week in the life of NASCAR : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 13 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
The polished hoe : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 7 ######## 12/5/2019 13:08 NV TS
Getting into medical school : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 31 11 ######## 6/26/2019 8:26 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 12 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 32 3 5/9/2015 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 5 ######## 11/8/2019 12:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 14 ######## 10/21/2019 13:59 SS RN
The God factor : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 21 2 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Contemporary western design : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2006 14 1 ######## 10/21/2019 15:43 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2006 18 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2006 19 2 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NW
Golf Annika's way / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2006 35 9/5/2014 2/4/2019 14:40 IV RN
The Mandalorian armor / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2006 33 5 7/6/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2006 44 2 ######## 10/4/2019 7:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2006 32 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
20th century ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2006 36 6 ######## 10/14/2019 12:23 NV TS
Till the cows come home / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2006 20 ######## 9/20/2019 13:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2006 16 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SO
House of Bush, house of Saud : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2006 10 3 ######## 10/18/2019 13:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2006 18 9/1/2016 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2006 188 16 ######## 7/17/2019 10:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2006 70 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 68 8 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
Labrador retrievers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 55 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 20 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 34 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 69 4 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 SS SP
The Star Wars cook book : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 108 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 71 6 3/6/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 46 7 ######## 11/13/2019 14:58 NV TS
Free horse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2006 34 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
La fiesta de Arturo / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 26 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 17 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 33 3 9/1/2016 5/3/2019 17:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 42 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
A wreath for Emmett Till / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 5 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
El sobrino del mago / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 13 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SS SV
The picture history of great explorers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 26 4 1/5/2019 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
La última batalla / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2006 5 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2006 9 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
Nora's ark / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2006 12 1 9/8/2016 1/16/2019 17:03 SO SV
Mismatch : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 34 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
Great Hispanic-Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 5 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 40 8 7/1/2019 9/17/2019 9:25 SO TS
Meet the musicians : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 6 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
Pecorino plays ball / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 56 6 6/7/2018 2/6/2019 9:43 SS RN
Pecorino plays ball / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 28 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:43 SV RN
Knights, castles, and warfare in the Middle3.12E+13
Ages / BK 2/24/2006 13 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
Leonardo's swans : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 24 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 9 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 12 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 11 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:28 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 34 3 4/3/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 2 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 19 3 9/7/2017 2/6/2019 16:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 22 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 31 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
Can true love survive high school? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 21 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 14 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 30 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 40 4 3/2/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 32 10 ######## 7/11/2019 9:51 SV TS
Climb on! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 6 ######## 11/8/2019 11:33 SP RN
The trouble with cauliflower / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 24 2 3/7/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
The trouble with cauliflower / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 69 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 17 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Myron's magic cow / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 27 6 ######## 1/17/2019 16:19 SV SV
Planet earth news presents nature shockers
/ BK 2/24/2006 18 1 7/2/2014 1/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 9 1 7/2/2014 2/22/2019 9:26 SV SV
The history of energy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SV TS
Trailers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 18 7/7/2015 2/15/2019 16:47 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2006 12 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
Spider-Man vs. Silver Sable / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 51 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 15 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SP RN
The two minute rule / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 101 15 ######## 12/5/2019 12:58 SS TS
The burglar on the prowl / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 31 5 ######## 8/15/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 39 1 9/8/2019 9/24/2019 10:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 67 5 3/7/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 SV TS
Tiny life in the air / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 21 1 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2006 39 ######## 10/18/2019 14:02 SS RN
Woodrow, the White House mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2006 21 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2006 12 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
Cause : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2006 7 6/3/2015 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Henry Ford / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2006 25 8 ######## 6/28/2019 15:51 SS TS
Head to head / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2006 12 1 ######## 1/24/2019 16:56 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2006 5 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SV RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2006 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
A little princess / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2006 51 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2006 25 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:27 SS IV
The human alphabet / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2006 20 1 5/2/2016 1/16/2019 16:58 SS SV
Stuffed / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2006 15 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Woodrow for president : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2006 23 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2006 102 8 5/4/2019 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
Chicken soup for the teenage soul III : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2006 53 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:27 SS TS
Heartbeats / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2006 13 ######## 9/23/2019 13:43 SS RN
Paddy whacked : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2006 30 9 ######## 3/6/2019 13:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2006 5 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
Easy everyday low carb cookbook. 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2006 35 11 4/2/2019 5/6/2019 8:45 IV TS
The Napoleonic Wars / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2006 15 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SS RN
Za liang shi liao xiao bai ke / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 42 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 13 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 24 4 5/1/2019 6/26/2019 14:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 13 2 6/4/2017 10/16/2019 9:22 SS RN
Talking with the clay : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 4 4/6/2016 10/16/2019 10:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 74 5 ######## 2/6/2019 9:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 23 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
Max / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 10 1 1/5/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 7 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 134 15 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
Hapgood / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2006 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Fed up! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 11 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SS RN
The American / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 13 6/7/2017 7/16/2019 13:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 33 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
What I really want to do is direct / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 7 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Kipps : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 4 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Fantasy football : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 5 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:14 SP RN
Belmont Park : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
Juicy : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 20 4/2/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
Mockingbird : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 21 4 ######## 11/15/2019 13:33 RN RN
The woman I left behind : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 5 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Handicapping 101 : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 21 3 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 SP RN
Drafting to win : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2006 5 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:03 SP RN
Supreme power / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 46 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 37 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
Crisis on multiple earths : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 30 ######## 11/6/2019 17:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 18 ######## 9/12/2019 11:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 53 2 2/1/2018 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
Damn nation / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 28 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Million dollar video poker / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2006 33 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 14 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Isolation ward / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 46 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:20 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 13 5 ######## 7/29/2019 13:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 22 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 29 1 4/9/2017 9/10/2019 15:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 23 7/7/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 29 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 20 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SP TS
Death du jour / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 11 1 6/1/2016 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
The merry matchmakers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 7 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 25 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
The memory artists / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 10 ######## 9/12/2019 13:32 SS RN
Game of patience / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2006 15 ######## 9/10/2019 14:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 50 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 27 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 15 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 50 5 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 36 3 ######## 3/8/2019 15:56 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 41 7 ######## 3/8/2019 15:55 SS VE
White shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 43 4 ######## 7/15/2019 11:49 SS TS
Dracula doesn't rock and roll / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 27 3 ######## 3/8/2019 15:56 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 27 1 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 12 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 41 1 ######## 9/23/2019 11:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 17 2 ######## 8/21/2019 15:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 20 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
Red lightning / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 44 1 ######## 7/15/2019 12:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 8 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2006 20 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 RN IV
GUARDIANS OF THE FLAME: THE WARRIORS 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2006 14 3 ######## 9/23/2019 14:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 87 6 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 34 6 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NV RN
Five little chicks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 87 11 ######## 6/28/2019 12:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 92 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 38 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SV RN
Seymour makes new friends : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 27 ######## 11/8/2019 14:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 28 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Bumblebee bats / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 16 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 29 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 17 2 6/6/2016 3/20/2019 17:34 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 10 2 3/3/2015 1/17/2019 16:45 IV IV
Stories of Mexico's independence days and3.12E+13
other bilingual
BK children's fables / 3/20/2006 12 2 9/4/2016 5/24/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 8 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 24 3 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 45 3 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 13 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 NV SV
The complete prophecies of Nostradamus3.12E+13
/ BK 3/20/2006 8 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 31 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 24 4 1/9/2019 2/4/2019 11:16 NW RN
The proud pelican's secret / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 52 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SP RN
Carmen / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 27 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 20 5/5/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 9 5 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 30 2 ######## 5/29/2019 15:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 16 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:36 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 25 3 2/4/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 25 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 RN RN
The Dreamkeeper : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 7 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 18 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 11 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 56 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
Anatopsis / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 24 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SP RN
Double eagle : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 11 7/7/2013 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 9 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SP RN
Mockingbird : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 32 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
Time of death : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 7 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
Michael J. Fox : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 5 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
The pirate princess : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 27 2 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 SP RN
Oregon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 14 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 15 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2006 20 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 SV RN
Great Hispanic-Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
The Isabel factor / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 10 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 16 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Troll Mill / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 67 1 3/7/2013 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 15 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 8 1 9/9/2015 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 84 6 ######## 4/12/2019 9:58 NW TS
The history of everyday life / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 5 ######## 2/20/2019 16:32 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 66 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SC
Medicine in the middle ages / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 7 2 1/9/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Mighty robots : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 23 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 36 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 55 4 4/9/2019 7/17/2019 13:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2006 37 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
Social intelligence : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 24 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NW
Blood mask : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 9 ######## 9/12/2019 13:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 27 3 6/3/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SP
To dare and to conquer : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 15 2 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 SP RN
Chef on fire : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 9 ######## 7/15/2019 10:31 SP RN
350 affordable home plans. 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 30 1 1/3/2019 5/6/2019 8:52 SP TS
The World Cup : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 17 1 ######## 3/19/2019 14:33 SS TS
Starting out / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 23 1 ######## 6/26/2019 11:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 36 6 8/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
From patent to profit : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 21 4 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 29 ######## 8/2/2019 11:06 NW RN
The story of Tibet : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 9 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SO SS
When babies read : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2006 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:13 SP RN
Karate Katie / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2006 44 7 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2006 40 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
Angelina and Alice / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2006 81 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2006 19 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
Making a living in your local music market 3.12E+13
: BK 3/23/2006 15 3 3/7/2017 7/3/2019 9:52 SS RN
No longer strangers : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2006 18 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
Saints : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2006 10 3/6/2018 5/28/2019 8:19 SP RN
Taoism / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2006 20 2 2/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2006 110 10 ######## 7/5/2019 12:01 SV SO
The brethren / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2006 57 13 ######## 10/3/2019 12:13 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2006 13 2 1/3/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2006 12 1 8/8/2018 2/4/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2006 22 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2006 37 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
The party / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2006 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SO RN
African art : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2006 8 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2006 23 5 ######## 11/7/2019 14:56 SP TS
Today and tomorrow / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2006 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
Double date / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2006 31 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
American Indian religious traditions : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2006 2 9/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
American Indian religious traditions : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2006 2 9/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 39 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 39 2 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SS TS
Gone / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 82 6 1/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SO TS
Dread champion / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 29 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
Eye of the beholder : a novel / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 28 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:15 SS RN
Apocalypse burning / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 23 4 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 NV SS
The world in shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 4 3/3/2015 2/14/2019 15:16 SP SP
On the run / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 38 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:05 SP RN
All things hidden / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2006 32 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2006 17 7/2/2016 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2006 35 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
The journey / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2006 26 3 8/3/2019 10/23/2019 10:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2006 20 2 2/7/2018 2/6/2019 15:14 SV RN
The magic school bus inside Ralphie : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 9 ######## 8/2/2019 13:04 SV SV
The magic school bus sees stars : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 32 7 ######## 9/6/2019 10:19 SP TS
The magic school bus sees stars : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 20 9 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 29 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 42 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
Henri Rousseau / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 2 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 NW RN
El autobus magico va contra la corriente : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2006 12 6/6/2015 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
Better homes and gardens hearts to stitch3.12E+13
& craft. BK 4/6/2006 20 5/8/2018 8/6/2019 10:16 SS RN
Flowers for a friend / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2006 4 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Connecting lines : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2006 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2006 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2006 26 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Caddie Woodlawn / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2006 23 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2006 24 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
Vive el momento / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2006 52 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
Let's get to the nitty gritty : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2006 13 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SV RN
Len's story. 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2006 38 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Tokyo mew mew / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2006 15 4/1/2016 6/22/2019 11:49 SP RN
Rough cut / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2006 34 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2006 58 4/7/2017 10/18/2019 14:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2006 57 1 4/7/2017 10/18/2019 14:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2006 58 6 ######## 11/22/2019 8:43 NW TS
Gigantic! : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2006 48 4 1/7/2019 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
It will live forever : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2006 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Pooh's fun with one. 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2006 50 4 ######## 11/12/2019 10:33 SS TS
Comanche prairie / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2006 11 ######## 10/18/2019 17:16 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2006 82 6 2/4/2016 2/3/2019 15:57 SP TR
Born to protect / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2006 16 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2006 27 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SV RN
Marvelous Marvin and the wolfman mystery 3.12E+13
/ BK 4/13/2006 7 3/1/2016 2/5/2019 16:04 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2006 0 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 29 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:24 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 20 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Paragaea : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 11 4/3/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
The ghosts of blood and innocence / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 6 1/6/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 56 3 4/6/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 52 4 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 22 2/8/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 33 9/5/2014 5/8/2019 9:02 IV RN
6 weeks to a Hollywood body : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 27 7 ######## 9/23/2019 8:45 IV TS
Don't I know you? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 22 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 34 2 7/9/2018 12/5/2019 14:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 30 2 1/2/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 12 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2006 52 1 ######## 7/29/2019 9:01 SO RN
Guests of the Ayatollah : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2006 11 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Secret daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2006 20 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
Desert children / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2006 4 2 ######## 6/4/2019 13:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 101 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NV
Guantánamo and the abuse of presidential 3.12E+13
power /BK 4/19/2006 8 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
The senator and the socialite : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 3 6/2/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 67 9 ######## 5/31/2019 13:44 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 32 6 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 13 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
California : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
The cat of Strawberry Hill : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 38 2 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 7 ######## 5/29/2019 14:45 SP RN
The evolution-creation struggle / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 12 5/6/2015 4/24/2019 15:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 53 9 ######## 10/23/2019 9:33 SO TS
Jane Austen in Scarsdale, or, Love, death, and
the SATs
BK / 4/19/2006 41 5 ######## 6/26/2019 13:08 SS SS
Jane Austen in Scarsdale, or, Love, death, and
the SATs
BK / 4/19/2006 15 ######## 9/17/2019 14:59 NW RN
Wooden on leadership / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 84 13 ######## 10/11/2019 13:27 SO SO
The 7 irrefutable rules of small business growth
/ BK 4/19/2006 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 53 4 ######## 1/17/2019 15:07 RN TS
Fix-it and enjoy-it cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 32 ######## 5/7/2019 10:44 SS TS
Coretta Scott King : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 10 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SO NW
Among empires : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 9 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
El asesor del presidente : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 4 1/8/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 SS RN
Flavor of the month : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 15 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
The shield and the cloak : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 2 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Hope diamond : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 10 2 ######## 10/16/2019 11:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 50 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 19 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
Jane Addams / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2006 7 ######## 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 9 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 27 3 ######## 4/23/2019 13:24 SP TS
Worlds to explore : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 17 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 27 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
The divided ground : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 8 2 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
The last week : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 20 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:25 SS RN
Skin / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 3 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Chasin' the Bird : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 31 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 10 1 9/1/2016 10/16/2019 9:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 11 1 2/1/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
The art and craft of entertaining / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 13 ######## 11/1/2019 15:43 SS RN
The new golden door to retirement and living
in Costa
BKRica : 4/20/2006 25 3 8/2/2019 8/26/2019 9:17 SS TS
Jesus is not a Republican : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2006 24 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Hot stuff to help kids chill out : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2006 28 8 ######## 10/15/2019 15:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2006 21 2 ######## 9/25/2019 15:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2006 14 9/5/2015 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 22 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 20 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 89 9 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
Godless : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 35 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:09 RN RN
Chess / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 42 7 5/8/2019 6/13/2019 9:23 NW TS
The drum : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 22 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
Vintage woodworking machinery : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 6 ######## 10/16/2019 9:15 SP RN
Mr. and Mrs. God in the Creation Kitchen /3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 14 1 7/2/2018 2/6/2019 11:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 48 3 2/8/2018 2/1/2019 14:21 NW RN
German shorthaired pointer / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2006 28 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 NV TS
Pecorino plays ball / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 48 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 25 4 ######## 3/16/2019 12:03 NW SO
Aftermath and remembrance / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 9 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 14 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 35 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
The ultimate indoor games book : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 50 26 ######## 6/27/2019 9:36 SP TS
100 Hispanic Americans : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 20 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
New boy / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 9 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 SS SS
Robert and the practical jokes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 16 1 3/5/2016 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 18 4 ######## 6/28/2019 16:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 106 19 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 19 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
Julep O'Toole : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 42 5 2/9/2017 2/7/2019 16:29 NW SP
Leon and the champion chip / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 12 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SV SS
Honest Ashley / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 40 5 4/6/2017 2/5/2019 14:17 SS RN
Fighting back / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 9 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
The Brothers Grimm / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2006 7 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 67 5 ######## 4/12/2019 11:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 11 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 52 7 ######## 9/24/2019 15:02 RN TS
Gangster / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 32 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Storytime crafts : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 15 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:34 NV NV
Tractors / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 11 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NV RN
The year the gypsies came / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2006 15 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 52 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 44 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SV RN
Lee sobre George Washington = 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 12 1 8/2/2015 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 42 4 4/8/2016 2/5/2019 17:40 NW NW
Treachery and betrayal at Jolly Days / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 16 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 49 6 ######## 4/25/2019 11:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 22 1 2/6/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
The boys who were left behind : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 7 ######## 6/25/2019 15:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 27 1 ######## 9/17/2019 13:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 59 8 1/8/2019 1/23/2019 10:17 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 31 3 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 20 6 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SS TS
Wuz da nite befo' / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 67 6 ######## 1/15/2019 16:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 5 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 21 2 6/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SS
Pegasus descending / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2006 48 8 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2006 78 9 ######## 9/17/2019 9:49 SS TS
Contact wounds : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2006 7 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2006 14 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Jardines pequeños : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2006 6 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Antiguo + moderno / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2006 4 7/7/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
The complete idiot's guide to World War /3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2006 52 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC RN
The complete book of Christmas : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2006 27 1 ######## 6/12/2019 8:02 NV RN
Michigan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2006 5 ######## 5/24/2019 13:09 SP RN
The shepherd / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2006 4 ######## 9/6/2019 14:14 SS RN
Celia : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2006 9 3 ######## 10/12/2019 11:18 SS RN
In other words : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2006 2 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
The monster under the shed / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2006 138 5 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
Un trip through the mind jail y otras excursions
: BK 5/8/2006 2 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2006 11 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
George and the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2006 65 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 RN RN
Carla's famous traveling feather and fur show
/ BK 5/8/2006 14 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Italian opera houses and festivals / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2006 4 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
Fifteen love / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2006 26 8/8/2013 5/22/2019 13:37 SP SS
The last stand : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2006 23 1 ######## 11/27/2019 13:59 RN RN
Hanukkah ha-has : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 17 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
The black room / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 8 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Thieves like us / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 18 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 15 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
The Arapaho / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 10 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
The Blackfoot / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 11 6 3/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
Chlorine / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2006 6 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 15 4 1/6/2017 3/4/2019 17:40 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 4 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 6 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 5 1 4/4/2015 1/3/2019 10:08 SP SP
Some like it hot : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 26 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
Princess Diana / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 41 1 2/5/2018 2/8/2019 8:01 SS RN
The Comanche / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 8 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 14 5 3/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 13 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
Ulysses S. Grant : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 22 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
Ulysses S. Grant : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 9 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
Ulysses S. Grant : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 18 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
The vanishing passenger / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 26 5 5/4/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 IV VE
Wish you weren't here / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 11 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
Double duel / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2006 72 7 ######## 6/19/2019 14:50 IV TS
One last breath / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2006 33 4 2/3/2019 6/26/2019 14:04 RN TS
Vellum / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2006 21 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2006 20 1 ######## 12/5/2019 12:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2006 27 1 ######## 8/5/2019 8:36 SP TS
The complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
/ BK 5/12/2006 10 5 ######## 11/13/2019 10:44 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 42 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 72 5 ######## 6/13/2019 10:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 24 6 1/9/2018 4/26/2019 8:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 19 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
The virgin of Small Plains : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 52 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:29 NW SP
The observations : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 31 9/4/2014 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Suburbanistas / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 28 1 ######## 9/11/2019 12:53 SP RN
Stealing Adda : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2006 22 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2006 25 2 ######## 10/18/2019 13:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2006 30 ######## 9/17/2019 14:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2006 110 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2006 23 2 ######## 9/6/2019 8:24 RN RN
The man who loved Jane Austen / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2006 22 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SO RN
The revenge of Gaia : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 15 3/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
The Oxford companion to jazz / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 5 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Secrets of the Lean Plate Club : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 15 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 26 ######## 9/11/2019 13:37 SS RN
The Jasons : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 13 2 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 11 3 ######## 6/22/2019 11:02 SP RN
The definitive book of body language / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 52 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SO
Secret daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 10 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 37 5 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 18 1 5/3/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2006 24 5 8/2/2016 11/13/2019 10:36 SS RN
Ibsen and Hitler : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 8 1 4/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:49 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 36 15 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 14 2 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SP TS
What would the founders do? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 10 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 26 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:48 SP RN
Strawberry moon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 17 2 5/3/2016 4/10/2019 16:11 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 14 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 SO RN
The quilting bible. 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 34 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 NW SS
The big book of beastly mispronunciations3.12E+13
: BK 5/18/2006 11 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
The scrapbook in American life / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Balancing in high heels / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 16 1 5/6/2015 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 29 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 11 ######## 9/25/2019 14:23 SP RN
Bubble man : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Hope diamond : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 14 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Mario tailgates NASCAR style / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 14 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 11 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
The Archangels of Dreamland / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 23 3 ######## 12/18/2019 16:30 SV SV
The Archangels of Dreamland / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2006 12 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2006 31 1 ######## 6/24/2019 11:12 NW RN
Mickey Mantle : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2006 12 2 ######## 2/14/2019 13:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 85 19 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SV TS
Poems that live forever. 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 14 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SP SP
Qué puede construir? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 28 2 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 16 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
Iran awakening : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 19 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 51 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 19 2 ######## 2/11/2019 8:21 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 9 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SS RN
In praise of athletic beauty / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 3 2 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
Baroque and desperate / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 9 6/5/2016 9/12/2019 13:50 SP RN
Rowing without oars / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 11 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2006 20 3 ######## 10/2/2019 10:51 NW TS
Bible lands / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 28 8 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 RN RN
The Inca empire / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 15 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 59 9 6/3/2019 7/25/2019 15:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 81 11 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
Geocaching for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 51 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 40 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 36 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SO TS
Treekeepers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 13 1 5/9/2016 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 55 9 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 15 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Sunset western landscaping book / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 34 2 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2006 14 1 ######## 8/21/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 74 12 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 12 1 4/5/2019 5/24/2019 13:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 17 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 11 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 112 14 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 26 6 2/9/2019 3/28/2019 11:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 155 16 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 0 1/14/2019 13:53 GE TS
Modern Asian flavors : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 26 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 SV RN
Menopausia sin medicina: 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 43 4 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 100 7 7/1/2019 8/2/2019 12:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 18 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2006 11 3 2/1/2017 2/23/2019 16:18 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 17 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 50 6 5/1/2018 2/4/2019 13:12 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 71 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
History 101001 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 18 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
The love curse of the Rumbaughs / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 10 1 1/6/2015 1/2/2019 10:37 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 9 2 ######## 9/10/2019 10:29 NW TS
When the wall came down : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 14 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 40 6 2/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 17 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 24 ######## 8/15/2019 10:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 21 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN NV
Across the blue Pacific : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 32 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 94 8 ######## 4/23/2019 8:49 NV TS
The hidden feast : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 19 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 9 6/1/2016 2/8/2019 10:43 NV NW
Piratas / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 10 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 34 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 35 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 33 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 12 2 ######## 4/1/2019 12:52 NW TS
Clint's wild ride / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 17 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 60 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 6 3 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NW RN
Dreams and visions : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2006 10 2/1/2015 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
Between Mom and Jo / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 8 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 9 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 18 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 17 ######## 3/7/2019 15:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 125 12 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 15:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Digging into Dewey / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 8 2 ######## 10/15/2019 15:36 SV TS
Pieces of Georgia : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 22 7/6/2016 4/4/2019 11:01 SS SS
Taking drugs / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 1 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
Hooray for Harry / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 31 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:39 RN RN
Ivan the terrible / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 6 3 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
Conejito : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 23 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:10 SS TR
Iran and the Islamic Revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 8 7/9/2014 1/17/2019 13:44 RN RN
Tools of navigation : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 6 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SO SS
Toilet paper flowers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 4 4/2/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2006 13 7 5/5/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
Day by day, the nineties / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Thicker than water / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2006 14 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SP SS
I drive a semitruck / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2006 25 10 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
Star trek : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2006 7 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2006 43 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2006 41 8 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SS TS
French phrase book & dictionary. 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 48 7 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 48 1 1/4/2018 8/23/2019 13:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 7 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
Nevada light blue humor / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 15 3 9/9/2019 9/24/2019 10:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 9 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 29 8 ######## 2/6/2019 16:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 18 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Que rico! 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 22 2 ######## 9/17/2019 11:20 SV TS
25 Latino craft projects / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 14 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Al agua patos! 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 19 1 1/8/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 SS TS
Maya running / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 11 1 3/6/2016 4/4/2019 11:03 RN SS
La ratita presumida / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2006 17 2 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 RN RN
Disney's Hercules. 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2006 100 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2006 22 1 3/9/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
The prophecy / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2006 26 3 ######## 12/9/2019 13:40 IV TS
If not now, when? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2006 13 7 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SS RN
Blood fever : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2006 23 4 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2006 11 2 9/8/2018 8/7/2019 13:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2006 41 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 73 7 9/5/2019 10/3/2019 12:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 5 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:22 SS RN
The culprit and the cure : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 16 3 3/1/2015 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 5 2/4/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 30 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP TR
The DNA of relationships / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 30 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Joshua, the homecoming / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 2 ######## 9/6/2019 14:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 25 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Niagara Falls / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 67 4 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 14 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Age of apocalypse. 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2006 26 4 ######## 5/31/2019 12:42 NV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 26 3 2/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 SP RN
The good doctor; 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 1 7/9/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Entre nosotras : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 15 1/7/2016 10/9/2019 11:40 SS RN
The essential boxer : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 16 4/3/2018 6/27/2019 14:30 SP RN
The history of the motion picture / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 2 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:26 RN SV
A shayna maidel / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 1 7/1/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Sunday in the park with George : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 3 1 6/3/2015 6/20/2019 10:50 SS SP
Los dientes del tigre / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 5 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 5 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 TR TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 8 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 4 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 10 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 9 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2006 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
The little engine that could. 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 97 13 ######## 1/17/2019 14:02 SO TS
Dogs : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 66 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 63 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 63 4 ######## 2/11/2019 11:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 13 6 ######## 3/4/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 60 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 14 7 ######## 2/6/2019 17:02 SO RN
Child of the dark prophecy / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 32 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SP
Big Alaska : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 31 4 1/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 50 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
Wan and the dog wash : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 35 5 ######## 9/17/2019 9:51 SP TS
Yoshi's yard : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 29 4 ######## 9/17/2019 9:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 43 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
Bernard, me, and the letter B / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 30 3/2/2018 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
My flower garden : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 48 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 12 3 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SO SV
Barkbelly / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 16 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SO SS
Quentin's quiz and the letter Q / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 26 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:47 SS TS
Decorate yourself : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2006 13 3 2/7/2017 3/4/2019 17:35 SO SP
Eat right 4 your type : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2006 117 19 6/3/2019 6/18/2019 8:05 NW TS
Oh, no! Where are my pants? and other disasters
3.12E+13: BK 6/10/2006 11 2 9/6/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
The phony marine : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 3 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Chronicles of the cursed sword. 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 51 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 25 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
North Dakota / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 5 2/4/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 NV SS
Nuestra Señora de la Noche / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 21 4 ######## 7/10/2019 12:00 SP TS
In the name of friendship / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 5 ######## 8/23/2019 13:58 SP RN
Gucci Gucci coo / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 38 2 ######## 9/6/2019 13:59 NW RN
5 minutes and 42 seconds / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 8 1 ######## 3/16/2019 11:25 SP SP
How to survive the seemingly impossible :3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
Bones of the Barbary Coast / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 20 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 23 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 46 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 16 2/3/2016 8/21/2019 14:11 SS RN
The bass handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 26 5 ######## 9/27/2019 9:46 TR TS
The complete encyclopedia of pistols and 3.12E+13
revolvers /BK 6/12/2006 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
Iron ties : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 17 1/4/2017 3/23/2019 11:12 SS SP
Century of locusts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 14 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The city is a rising tide / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 16 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 NW SS
The bird woman : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 13 1 ######## 8/23/2019 14:00 SP RN
Alhazred / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 19 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2006 35 4 ######## 7/31/2019 8:21 SO RN
Punished! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 46 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 18 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 5 1 ######## 7/9/2019 12:08 RN RN
How this night is different : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 7 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 23 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 39 4 ######## 11/14/2019 13:18 NV TS
Democracy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 3 ######## 5/28/2019 9:00 SP RN
Every single night / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 35 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
The Second Wives Club : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 8 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 46 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO SV
The serpent gift / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 33 4 8/5/2018 2/1/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 12 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 RN IV
The elixir / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 6 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
Do crocodiles dance? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:47 NW RN
Noodle / by Munro Leaf & Ludwig Bemelmans.3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 24 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SP RN
Sanctified blues : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 13 ######## 9/17/2019 14:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 11 1 6/4/2016 1/29/2019 15:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 24 3 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 46 3 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SV TS
Women's moods : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 30 2 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 8:40 RN TS
Strangers' gate / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 18 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Superior death / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 18 1 ######## 4/10/2019 16:46 RN SP
Cherry cheesecake murder / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 76 6 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 6 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 21 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:31 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 21 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
Imagine a rainbow : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 33 3 ######## 11/27/2019 14:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 129 6 ######## 11/13/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 39 2 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 SP RN
Only in your dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 39 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 NW RN
Vandal / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 8 6/6/2016 5/3/2019 17:54 RN RN
The most important gift of all / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 12 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Koyal dark, mango sweet / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 11 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 RN RN
India ABCs : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 24 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Shivers. 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2006 17 5 ######## 4/22/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 20 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Pirates / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 68 5 1/5/2019 1/23/2019 15:43 NV TS
Uncommon valor, common virtue : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 20 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
Discovering nature's alphabet / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 51 2 2/5/2017 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 75 4 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 51 7 3/8/2019 4/23/2019 13:45 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 NV RN
Joseph Priestley and the discovery of oxygen
/ BK 6/14/2006 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 39 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 11 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 31 2 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 35 1 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 21 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SP SS
Inside the mind of Gideon Rayburn / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 29 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 34 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 27 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SO RN
Running for the hills : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 12 ######## 5/29/2019 14:17 SP RN
Making globalization work / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 9 1 4/8/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 IV RN
Below / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 12 ######## 1/29/2019 16:31 NW SP
Lose that baby fat! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 17 1 1/3/2015 6/4/2019 15:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 20 1 ######## 6/4/2019 15:58 NW RN
The worthy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 8 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
The Shia revival : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 13 2 7/2/2016 5/6/2019 13:07 SV RN
Agincourt : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 26 4 9/8/2019 10/4/2019 7:53 NW TS
Jewish cooking for all seasons : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 13 2/5/2016 7/15/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 21 1 8/8/2019 9/11/2019 11:18 NW TS
RV retirement : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 29 4 1/3/2019 1/18/2019 8:31 NV TS
Pagan spirituality : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 26 7 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SS
Fast, cheap, and under control : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 17 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:32 SV RN
Hank Ketcham's complete Dennis the Menace 3.12E+13
: BK 6/14/2006 46 7 ######## 11/13/2019 10:46 NV TS
I love yoga / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 20 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 6 5/7/2015 2/7/2019 17:46 SP SP
The life and times of Pericles / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 25 1 ######## 5/2/2019 17:33 SS SP
Fields of honor / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 14 3/2/2014 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
The Pullman strike of 1894 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 7 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:44 SP RN
Climbing Rosa / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2006 13 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Viruses vs. superbugs : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 19 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NW TS
Worlds to explore : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 26 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 12 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
The Lincoln library of Greek & Roman mythology
/ BK 6/15/2006 7 3 ######## 9/24/2019 11:30 NW TS
Sailing with Noah : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 7 2 7/6/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 RN RN
A trick of sunlight : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 2 4/3/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Britain / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 36 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
Dancing under the red star : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 25 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SO RN
Civil liberties / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 8 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
Abu Musa's women neighbors : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 11 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2006 17 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 SS RN
The secret of Cacklefur Castle / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2006 114 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SO
Another nail / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2006 63 5 5/7/2019 6/26/2019 15:00 NV TS
Big Dog / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2006 49 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2006 53 13 ######## 8/2/2019 15:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2006 74 7 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2006 37 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2006 29 1 1/5/2017 2/6/2019 14:08 IV IV
Si, puedes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2006 16 7/3/2016 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Los asombrosos poderes de Spider-Man / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2006 22 ######## 3/4/2019 17:44 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2006 7 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2006 15 3 5/6/2015 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2006 7 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 RN RN
Los mejores poemas de amor : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 45 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 6 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Those baby blues / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 22 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 6 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
A weekend with Wendell / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 64 12 8/7/2018 1/16/2019 9:11 SO TS
Going to sleep on the farm / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 41 3 5/9/2019 8/5/2019 13:21 SS TS
The winter road / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 16 ######## 4/19/2019 17:51 RN SP
Mama loves you / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 40 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 SV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 8 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2006 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Sequence / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2006 11 1/4/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
The 100 best poems of all time / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2006 5 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2006 66 3 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2006 87 5 ######## 9/24/2019 10:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2006 32 3 4/9/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2006 38 4/1/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2006 45 3 ######## 9/12/2019 11:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2006 20 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2006 27 2 ######## 9/27/2019 7:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2006 21 5 ######## 12/10/2019 17:53 GE NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2006 52 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
The disunited states of America / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2006 21 1 3/5/2015 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2006 60 9 8/8/2019 9/17/2019 14:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2006 53 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
Home in time for Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2006 27 1 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
Strange birds / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2006 14 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2006 56 11 ######## 1/15/2019 16:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2006 19 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2006 44 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2006 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR TR
Ruin revealed / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2006 16 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2006 83 1 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW TR
Oh my goddess! 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2006 36 ######## 7/1/2019 11:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2006 39 4 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2006 4 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Geyser blast! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2006 72 8 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2006 16 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The collected short stories of Louis L'Amour.
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2006 27 3 ######## 9/16/2019 14:09 NW TS
The syringa tree : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 7 ######## 8/23/2019 14:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 27 1 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 17 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 20 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 26 2 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 9 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 16 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Druid's sword / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 13 1 4/7/2015 3/4/2019 17:13 SP SP
The other side of air : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 14 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
To thine own self be true / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 7 ######## 9/20/2019 15:26 SS RN
A Secret splendor / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 89 8 ######## 10/30/2019 14:17 NV TS
Dark Mondays : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 19 1 8/6/2017 9/18/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 28 ######## 9/6/2019 14:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 110 7 9/3/2019 10/15/2019 15:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2006 82 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 77 15 ######## 11/8/2019 14:11 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 41 6 ######## 8/12/2019 14:36 SS TS
The dragon of Never-Was / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 27 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 57 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 22 ######## 2/1/2019 17:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 30 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 52 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NV RN
Bienvenidos! = 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 8 1 ######## 9/5/2019 8:44 SP TS
La dama azul / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 11 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 SS RN
The monstrous memoirs of Mighty McFearless
/ BK 7/18/2006 18 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:46 SP SP
El laberinto / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 9 ######## 9/25/2019 14:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 14 3 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 NW SP
The brushstroke handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2006 28 2 ######## 6/24/2019 16:11 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2006 26 3 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2006 21 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
Spirit Walker / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 14 6 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 IV RN
Secrets of my Hollywood life : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 27 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 16 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 8 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 50 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV NV
I heard it from Alice Zucchini : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 6 3 ######## 3/25/2019 11:13 IV RN
Like a pro : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 17 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 24 1 4/8/2017 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
Maritcha : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 23 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:05 SP SP
Drawing a blank : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 18 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 40 3 ######## 8/7/2019 11:02 IV TS
I am I / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 32 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
I am I / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 18 1 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SP RN
I am I / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 18 1 6/4/2018 2/12/2019 14:09 RN RN
Dr. Art's guide to science : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 19 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 RN SV
Hannibal : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 10 2 4/7/2015 1/3/2019 9:58 SS SP
First dive to shark dive / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 4 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2006 56 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SS RN
Man-of-war / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2006 32 6 ######## 1/17/2019 14:14 SV TS
Religion in schools : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 6 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
I can do it! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 39 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SO SV
In Tasmania / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 12 4 3/6/2017 1/23/2019 8:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 21 8/3/2016 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 19 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 6 7/2/2012 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
Family business : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 10 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
Blood canticle / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 28 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 9 2 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 11 6/8/2016 10/12/2019 11:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 13 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
Prior bad acts / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 49 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 IV RN
Martha Stewart's homekeeping handbook3.12E+13
: BK 7/24/2006 23 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SS SP
The 1990s / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Blame it on the rain : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 9 3 ######## 5/30/2019 10:53 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 23 3 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 24 ######## 7/16/2019 10:40 SV RN
Complete plans for building horse barns big
and small
BK/ 7/24/2006 14 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NV RN
Brainiac : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 21 5 ######## 9/5/2019 8:53 RN TS
Inside : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 47 3 ######## 10/30/2019 11:33 SS TS
SparkNotes ultimate style : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 35 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:43 SP SV
The Cinderella pact : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 30 4 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 NV TS
Fashion, costume, and culture : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 4 2/3/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Confronting Iran : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 17 ######## 5/2/2019 13:53 SP SP
Yarn harlot : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 42 10 ######## 4/22/2019 10:42 NW RN
The 1970s / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
The 1980s / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 29 4 1/2/2019 7/22/2019 8:14 RN TS
City of ruins / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 26 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 NW RN
I like you : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 38 ######## 11/1/2019 15:45 SS RN
Dogabet / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2006 62 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2006 27 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:42 SS RN
Screaming science fiction : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2006 12 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Qué te gusta más? 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2006 11 3 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SS NW
The locket : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2006 30 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 NW TS
All in one piece / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2006 23 1 ######## 4/10/2019 16:00 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2006 19 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2006 23 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2006 4 6/5/2014 1/15/2019 17:20 RN SV
The ditchdigger's daughters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2006 6 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
Take this job and ship it : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2006 22 ######## 10/9/2019 10:28 SP RN
Wild Horse Mesa / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2006 7 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2006 25 7 9/2/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2006 13 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
Killing Pablo : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2006 14 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2006 26 ######## 8/1/2019 9:32 SV RN
Showcase presents Superman. 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2006 20 2 ######## 11/20/2019 14:36 SS TS
The uses of enchantment : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2006 11 4/1/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
Aging nation : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2006 10 2 ######## 6/4/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2006 36 9 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SV TS
Bye-bye, black sheep / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2006 23 1 ######## 9/24/2019 12:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2006 26 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The horse from the sea : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 44 8 3/7/2019 4/12/2019 13:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 9 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
Gone with the Windsors : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 12 ######## 8/23/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 28 ######## 3/23/2019 11:19 SP SP
Soarer's choice / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 26 ######## 4/19/2019 17:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 28 3 ######## 6/26/2019 14:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 45 6 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Strangers in the house : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 9 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
Spit baths : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 16 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SS RN
The ladies of Grace Adieu : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2006 15 3 2/3/2018 7/25/2019 8:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2006 24 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 NV RN
Brooklyn Bridge : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2006 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2006 88 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV NV
Bicycling magazine's basic maintenance and 3.12E+13
repair : BK 8/16/2006 24 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
Jeff Foxworthy's redneck dictionary : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2006 15 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
De mi madre lo aprendÃ- : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2006 10 9/8/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Scrapbooking everyday moments / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2006 21 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:36 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2006 50 4 ######## 11/13/2019 15:42 SV RN
The legacy of Jihad : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 14 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Ty's tricks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 6 1 4/8/2016 10/21/2019 15:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 25 7 ######## 4/8/2019 8:57 SV TS
Thimbleberries four seasons of calendar table
toppersBK/ 8/21/2006 29 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 67 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 20 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
Found / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 58 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2006 29 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2006 25 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SS RN
The money men : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2006 11 ######## 6/4/2019 13:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2006 37 3 2/6/2016 2/14/2019 17:54 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2006 33 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
Shutting out the sun : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2006 6 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:20 RN RN
Ambitious brew : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2006 12 7/2/2014 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
Prisoners : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 11 7/1/2015 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
Waiting 'til the midnight hour : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 3 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Just two more bites! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 11 5 ######## 5/20/2019 10:57 RN RN
A parent's guide to childhood obesity : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 6 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 49 6 4/3/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 11 ######## 11/8/2019 12:49 SS RN
The long tail : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 10 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 24 1 3/4/2016 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
The book of everything : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 9 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 49 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Victory / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 8 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 19 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
The lost art : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 33 4 ######## 11/13/2019 10:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 44 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 18 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 55 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 13 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 SV RN
Buried / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 27 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 51 1 2/6/2016 2/8/2019 17:50 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 51 5 ######## 9/17/2019 9:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 16 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 11 1 8/8/2016 11/15/2019 14:33 SV RN
Ultra cute / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 11 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
Frankie & the Phoenix / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 23 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 IV VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 48 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
The anatomy of peace : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 37 12 ######## 9/3/2019 16:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 14 ######## 2/6/2019 16:52 SV RN
Today is hot / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 21 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
Bad faith : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 13 2 4/9/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Dean Acheson : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 8 2/4/2016 5/29/2019 15:03 NW RN
Try / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 16 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Homefront / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 18 1 9/3/2017 9/17/2019 11:13 SP TS
The change function : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 7 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2006 106 3 ######## 11/13/2019 11:41 NV TS
Secret of the ninja / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 40 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Trouble on planet earth / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 22 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
The actual real reality of Jennifer James / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 25 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 7 9/3/2016 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 27 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 36 6 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2006 45 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2006 24 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
Guide to owning a hamster / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2006 18 10 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
Kids around the world celebrate! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 15 4 ######## 1/23/2019 15:46 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 32 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
The actual real reality of Jennifer James / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 43 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SO SS
The return of Meteor Boy? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 45 7 3/2/2017 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 23 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SO RN
El gran escape / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 10 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 75 12 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
Slinky Malinki, open the door / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 39 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
Traición / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 50 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SO RN
Animal mischief : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 15 2 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2006 58 5 ######## 3/7/2019 14:13 SS TS
Dream songs night songs : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2006 43 4 ######## 2/5/2019 14:19 NW RN
Captain's glory / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2006 21 3 ######## 10/14/2019 12:22 SP TS
Lying : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2006 4 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 NV SV
Wanda Witch and the stray dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2006 37 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2006 25 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2006 18 ######## 4/10/2019 16:08 NV SP
Danger on the Great Lakes / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2006 13 1 6/8/2016 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
Jobs in America / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2006 4 1 5/7/2015 5/3/2019 17:08 RN SP
Child health nursing : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2006 7 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2006 31 11 ######## 7/9/2019 16:06 NV TS
The Lincoln library of Greek & Roman mythology
/ BK 9/6/2006 15 2 4/4/2019 9/20/2019 17:40 NW SO
Ready! Set! Read! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2006 42 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV RN
Country wives / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 13 1 2/7/2016 9/11/2019 13:50 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 41 1 ######## 9/18/2019 15:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 23 4 9/8/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 7 3 ######## 5/20/2019 10:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 28 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Hood / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 52 3 ######## 5/24/2019 15:10 SV RN
Dark angels : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 29 1 2/7/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 NW RN
Copper River : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 106 10 ######## 9/26/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 12 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 26 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SP RN
Arizona dreams / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2006 23 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:13 NV SP
The Oxford companion to food / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2006 4 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
2,000+ essential English verbs : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2006 11 1/4/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
Intervening for literacy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2006 7 ######## 1/18/2019 16:44 NW SP
The splendor of silence / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SO TS
Not easily broken / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 10 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SV RN
Web of evil : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 86 7 ######## 9/16/2019 14:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 9 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 21 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
The threat / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 56 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
The threat / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 24 1 1/2/2016 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
Psycho alley / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 17 8/3/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Darth Bane : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 68 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2006 23 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 NV TS
Slumgullion stew : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2006 7 1 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SP GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2006 7 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
State of emergency : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2006 15 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2006 27 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2006 54 6/5/2019 6/29/2019 9:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2006 112 8 9/9/2019 11/22/2019 14:09 NW TS
Khrushchev's cold war : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 14 2 ######## 5/6/2019 9:02 SV RN
The encyclopedia of scrapbooking tools and 3.12E+13
BK / 9/18/2006 24 2 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 32 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
La isla de los amores infinitos / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 13 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 9 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
The tree : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 16 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
The architecture of happiness / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 30 6 ######## 8/20/2019 8:49 SO TS
How to scrapbook / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 49 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SS RN
Elk hunting guide : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2006 36 11 ######## 9/27/2019 9:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 20 2 ######## 4/12/2019 10:29 IV SP
Omar's Halloween / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 93 7 ######## 6/27/2019 9:53 NV TS
The alphabet of manliness / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 4 1 2/5/2017 11/15/2019 14:02 SS RN
Unforgettable journeys to take before you3.12E+13
die / BK 9/19/2006 33 7 ######## 5/20/2019 15:49 IV TS
Runaway / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 20 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 50 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
The angel of death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 19 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 31 8 5/8/2018 3/7/2019 14:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 73 7 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 64 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 15 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 IV RN
French kiss / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 22 3 ######## 12/20/2019 11:23 NW TS
Boo and Baa have company / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 9 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 NV RN
Atlas of ancient Egypt / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 15 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 10 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 13 3 4/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:55 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 26 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 IV RN
Libro de sinonimos y antonimos : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 14 7 ######## 5/24/2019 13:03 NV RN
Beware, take care : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 8 1 5/1/2015 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
The fetch / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 33 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 RN RN
The magic pudding : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 9 2 3/4/2016 2/8/2019 12:02 RN NW
The trouble with physics : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 45 11 ######## 12/5/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 54 5 ######## 11/8/2019 13:50 NV TS
Be water, my friend : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 19 1 ######## 8/7/2019 11:03 SV TS
Fix-it and forget-it 5-ingredient favorites : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 98 13 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
Internal combustion : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2006 11 1 ######## 5/11/2019 11:16 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 27 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 RN RN
Working with others / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 13 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Sing! play! create! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 24 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 20 1 2/9/2017 2/1/2019 18:01 SS SP
Can you hear the sea? / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 12 2 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Could a tyrannosaurus play table tennis? /3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 45 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 NW SV
My pony Jack at the horse show / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 78 3 ######## 5/31/2019 12:03 NV TS
Another ray of sunshine for the Latter-day3.12E+13
Saint soulBK
/ 9/20/2006 6 7/1/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The construction alphabet book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 65 13 9/9/2019 10/23/2019 10:47 SS TS
The construction alphabet book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2006 58 7 ######## 4/5/2019 15:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 34 2 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
101 spy gadgets for the evil genius / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 38 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:42 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 18 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:49 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 17 3 3/4/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 19 3 ######## 12/20/2019 15:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 61 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Pickup trucks / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 38 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 RN SS
Uranus / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 39 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
Digital photo madness : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 20 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
Tractor trailers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 46 4 ######## 12/20/2019 15:50 SS TS
Jackie and me : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 29 6 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
My life as a broken bungee cord / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 41 2 ######## 4/9/2019 17:46 SS SP
Australia ABCs : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 30 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:17 SS RN
Mercury / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2006 38 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Day by day, the nineties / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2006 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2006 29 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:33 NV RN
Understanding democracy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2006 9 2 ######## 6/13/2019 12:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2006 35 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
Stormy night / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2006 105 17 8/3/2018 11/12/2019 10:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2006 83 4 ######## 6/20/2019 12:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2006 26 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Murphy jumps a hurdle / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2006 17 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2006 16 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
Batman : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2006 35 1 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW TR
Uncle Remus : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2006 8 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2006 7 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2006 41 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2006 58 5 5/4/2019 6/4/2019 7:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2006 67 5 ######## 6/28/2019 10:35 NW TS
Tom Clancy's Op-center / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2006 38 4 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2006 85 2 ######## 1/24/2019 16:48 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2006 13 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Bosnia-Herzegovina in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2006 7 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2006 17 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
My hairiest adventure / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 55 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 52 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 52 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 45 4 ######## 10/22/2019 13:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 46 5 ######## 3/22/2019 13:14 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 34 10 7/3/2019 8/13/2019 12:20 SS NW
Nelson Mandela / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 5 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Nelson Mandela / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 13 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 RN SV
Nicaragua in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 6 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Over & out / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 4 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 NV SP
Susan B. Anthony / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 25 7 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NW RN
The Wayward wizard / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 7 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NV SV
Distributed leadership / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2006 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Creative floral arranging. 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2006 24 3 2/6/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2006 40 4 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 SS RN
The velvet rope diaries / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2006 3 1 1/7/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
A day of small beginnings : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 2 1 3/1/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 59 4 1/5/2019 5/17/2019 8:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 23 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:48 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 28 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:08 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 37 1 9/3/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 39 1 2/7/2016 9/20/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 28 2 8/7/2016 9/20/2019 15:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 35 ######## 1/2/2019 13:25 SP SP
Flint Hills bride / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 8 1 7/7/2016 9/24/2019 13:16 SS RN
Cruel sister : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 13 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
Candy from strangers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 15 ######## 9/17/2019 15:01 SS RN
Rock my world / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 14 1 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
This human season / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 4 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
Heat lightning / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 20 ######## 4/16/2019 17:08 SS SP
Meet me at the altar / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 17 ######## 9/17/2019 14:29 SS RN
The do-re-mi / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2006 6 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 SP SP
Golf heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2006 7 8/2/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2006 28 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2006 21 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2006 37 1 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 NV RN
Men and X-Men / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 19 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
American beauty : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 24 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 RN SS
The orchid thief / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 40 4 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 4 2 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 NW SP
James A. Garfield : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 7 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
James A. Garfield : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 9 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 12 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Swiss family Robinson / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2006 36 5 ######## 8/19/2019 10:29 SS TS
Pirateology : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 104 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 41 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 26 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 58 5 6/4/2019 6/28/2019 10:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 68 8 ######## 6/27/2019 13:07 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 21 3 2/1/2017 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 48 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
Side effects / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 15 ######## 5/3/2019 17:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 30 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Teammates / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 20 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
Teammates / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 45 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 60 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 23 4 ######## 6/27/2019 15:31 SO RN
Horns and wrinkles / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 34 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SP SP
Black? white! day? night! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 32 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 49 8 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 28 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 60 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 NW RN
Winifred Wagner : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 5 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Where's my darling daughter? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 18 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 27 2 8/3/2017 1/19/2019 15:06 SP SV
Last rights : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 8 1 ######## 4/24/2019 15:29 SP RN
The white elephant / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 2 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 SP SP
The flight of the Silver Turtle / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 21 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 SS SP
Mites to mastodons : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2006 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
My mother's sari / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 19 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 SS RN
Boy Heaven / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 14 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 IV RN
Tires, spokes, and sprockets : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 12 3 ######## 10/23/2019 9:45 SV TS
African Americans during the Civil War / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 11 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 43 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Natural menopause / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 15 1 5/9/2017 10/16/2019 15:06 NV RN
Creating your dream kitchen : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 31 4 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NV TS
Dr. Perricone's 7 secrets to beauty, health,3.12E+13
and longevity
BK : 10/24/2006 26 2 ######## 8/2/2019 11:03 NV RN
The homeowner's guide to mold / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 9 4 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 SP TS
The Sioux and their history / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 14 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
The tuberculosis update / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 2 1/8/2015 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 24 3 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
Saint Iggy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2006 18 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 26 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 56 6 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 16:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 17 7/8/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Making comics : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 43 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Nobody's horses : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 4 ######## 5/9/2019 15:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
What not to build : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 16 2 ######## 5/6/2019 8:52 SP TS
What not to build : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 16 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Lynn, front to back / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 4 ######## 7/8/2019 9:15 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 26 7 ######## 7/1/2019 12:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 21 3 ######## 10/9/2019 9:12 SS RN
A short history of Cambodia : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 4 1 ######## 11/13/2019 12:12 SS RN
Guitar for beginners / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 44 16 ######## 5/1/2019 13:35 SO TS
The life and times of Grigorii Rasputin / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2006 5 1 ######## 6/7/2019 10:04 NW RN
The potty book for boys / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 39 8 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 SV TS
Winter song : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 20 3 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 14 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 61 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 56 10 1/6/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 IV RN
Twins take a bath / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 55 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
Twins in the park / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 46 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 6 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 50 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 22 3 ######## 6/13/2019 11:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 76 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 12 2 ######## 1/20/2019 16:20 SO TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 77 9 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 8 1 5/3/2016 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Bad bears go visiting / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 52 7 6/2/2019 7/15/2019 9:26 SS SS
Forever / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 30 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 17 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
Diving to a deep-sea volcano / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 30 6 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
Jim Bridger : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 8 2 2/8/2017 3/28/2019 10:57 SV TS
Ancient Romans / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2006 20 10 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 SV TS
Bookkeeping made simple / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2006 45 6 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
Before I wake / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2006 28 11 9/4/2019 11/7/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2006 13 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2006 3 ######## 5/13/2019 15:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2006 6 1/7/2017 4/24/2019 15:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2006 15 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Tarot says beware / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2006 10 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 SS SP
I only have fangs for you / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2006 51 3 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
Extreme office crafts : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2006 10 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Swiped / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2006 4 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 NV SP
Angelina has the hiccups! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2006 99 9 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
The motive from the deed / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 10 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
Jake fades : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 4 ######## 9/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
The godfather's revenge / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 13 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 39 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 37 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 32 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SO TS
The night lawyer : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 13 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The letter killeth / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 16 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
The letter killeth / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 15 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 8 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 12 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:25 SS RN
Finn : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 8 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Confidential sources : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 7 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 3 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2006 45 1/3/2017 9/24/2019 13:00 RN RN
Smiling wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2006 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 SP SP
Inspirations / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2006 33 3 ######## 8/2/2019 11:05 NW RN
Suspicion of malice / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2006 24 2 ######## 9/18/2019 15:17 SS RN
On the surface of things : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2006 2 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 35 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Computers in libraries : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 8 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 44 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 26 1 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 RN TS
The book of fine linen / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 6 1 ######## 5/3/2019 14:38 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 29 4 7/5/2017 5/14/2019 10:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 21 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
The natural plaster book : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 11 3 ######## 5/20/2019 12:47 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 9 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Creative computer crafts! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 13 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 15 4 7/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 19 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 97 10 ######## 9/25/2019 10:05 NW TS
Jihad incorporated : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 20 5/6/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
Photojournalism, 1855 to the present : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2006 13 2 2/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 45 6 5/7/2019 5/15/2019 13:54 SV TS
The declaration of independence : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 13 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
Foods that harm, foods that heal : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 27 12 ######## 3/18/2019 11:04 RN TS
Grease; 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 5 2/8/2015 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Vaccine : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 14 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:16 SP RN
A princess of Roumania / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 20 ######## 6/25/2019 14:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 42 7 9/8/2019 11/20/2019 13:39 RN TS
Anne Morrow Lindbergh : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2006 8 ######## 6/7/2019 9:37 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 26 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SO RN
Egypt's sunken treasures / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 18 1 3/3/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 28 1 ######## 4/12/2019 12:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 32 ######## 7/8/2019 9:15 SS SS
The bipolar child : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 27 5 ######## 8/20/2019 8:45 NW TS
Hawk's Way brides / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 59 4 4/3/2019 5/8/2019 14:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 13 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
Big games : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 13 1 1/3/2017 10/23/2019 14:35 SS RN
High definition : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 6 4/9/2016 4/23/2019 12:41 SP RN
Jane Goodall : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 17 3 ######## 5/29/2019 14:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 18 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Annus mirabilis : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 9 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
The mixed-up grandmas treasury : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 48 5 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Extreme waves / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 12 1 5/3/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Christopher Lowell's one-of-a-kind decorating3.12E+13
BK : 11/15/2006 52 6 ######## 7/15/2019 10:57 NW RN
The mere mortal's guide to fine dining : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 10 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 50 6/8/2019 11/14/2019 11:35 SV TS
The joy of scrapbooking / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2006 33 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2006 43 3 ######## 6/4/2019 13:47 SP RN
The godfather returns / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2006 17 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Catalyst / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2006 9 ######## 2/14/2019 15:16 SP SP
Baking illustrated : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2006 27 5 ######## 5/7/2019 10:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2006 19 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:56 SV RN
Alwyn Crawshaw's Oil Painting Course / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2006 24 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:34 SV RN
Silent stars / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2006 26 6 ######## 8/20/2019 8:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 14 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 18 ######## 2/1/2019 18:05 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 77 5 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 41 3 ######## 11/20/2019 13:32 SO TS
Eager's nephew / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 34 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 47 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SS RN
Kampung boy / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 5 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Getting it / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 24 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 74 5 ######## 5/7/2019 20:13 NV SO
The braid / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 4 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
Vicious cycle / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 68 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 14 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
General George Patton : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
Ace the math on the SAT / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
Once upon a banana / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 39 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 9 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 NW NW
YM the best of (say anything) / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 12 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 54 9 9/1/2019 10/23/2019 9:38 NV TS
Boo and Baa have company / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 17 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SS NW
Samurai / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 14 1 ######## 8/19/2019 12:50 NW TS
Sewer rats / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 5 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
The U.S. Capitol / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:27 RN IV
Terrific parties for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 19 2 ######## 4/23/2019 9:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 15 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 29 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 15 3 ######## 11/20/2019 12:24 NW TS
Mistletoe : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 20 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NW SS
Ruler of the realm / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 28 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SP TS
Terror at Turtle Mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
Karting! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 21 2 7/9/2017 11/1/2019 15:54 SS RN
Home, and other big, fat lies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 30 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:28 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 41 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
Pug in a truck / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 84 10 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
Let's play in the forest while the wolf is not3.12E+13
around /BK 11/20/2006 67 9 ######## 3/7/2019 11:16 SV TS
Let's play in the forest while the wolf is not3.12E+13
around /BK 11/20/2006 51 5 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 43 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 53 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 19 3 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SP RN
The nightmare before Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2006 75 6 2/8/2019 3/22/2019 13:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2006 31 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
The way to win : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2006 13 7/7/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2006 71 5 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2006 44 3 4/9/2018 7/17/2019 13:51 SO RN
Boatowner's illustrated handbook of wiring 3.12E+13
/ BK 11/21/2006 7 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 15 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 10 2 ######## 1/16/2019 13:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 13 3 3/8/2016 3/12/2019 10:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 60 10 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 22 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 15 4 ######## 3/7/2019 11:32 NV TS
Talking with Mother Earth : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2006 6 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:34 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2006 13 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2006 45 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2006 74 10 1/6/2019 2/6/2019 15:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 54 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 118 12 ######## 11/8/2019 14:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 20 4 ######## 1/24/2019 16:56 SS SP
Memorial Day / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 16 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:53 SV TS
Flag Day / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 7 1 ######## 1/16/2019 13:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
On thin ice / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 19 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NW
A merry little Christmas : 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2006 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2006 3 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:16 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2006 3 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2006 3 4/4/2014 2/1/2019 13:46 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2006 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 SV SV
Incas : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2006 7 2 2/3/2018 5/20/2019 14:10 RN RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2006 5 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 99 9 ######## 5/14/2019 11:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 20 1 ######## 3/8/2019 16:02 RN VE
The wheels on the bus : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 72 15 7/8/2019 8/19/2019 9:20 SP TS
Harlem summer / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 5 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 29 2 7/8/2018 2/6/2019 15:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 41 2 9/9/2018 2/5/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2006 75 10 ######## 12/9/2019 13:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2006 19 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
Warrior's heart / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2006 8 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2006 47 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Ciencias naturales. 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 11 2 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 5 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 IV SV
Fashion, costume, and culture : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 5 2/3/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
A little night music : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 4 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 8 2 9/4/2014 2/20/2019 16:13 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 16 2 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2006 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:08 SP RN
Qué te gusta más? 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2006 7 ######## 10/10/2019 15:58 SS SV
The Caine mutiny court-martial : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2006 2 5/6/2015 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
In the eye of the storm / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2006 28 5 4/5/2019 6/5/2019 15:53 SS TS
Animalario universal del profesor Revillod 3.12E+13
: BK 12/6/2006 10 2/5/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
A guide to The Passion : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2006 4 6/4/2013 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
Secrets from the lost Bible / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
El misterio de Olga Chejova / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 11 1 ######## 3/21/2019 11:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 40 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 7:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 16 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NV RN
Kitchen idea file / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 22 1 3/9/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Flyboys : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 28 1 ######## 7/24/2019 7:50 RN TS
The bear and the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2006 15 2 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2006 22 1 4/6/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2006 26 2 ######## 8/19/2019 10:48 SV RN
The Commission / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 34 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 51 6 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 14 1 3/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 10 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
How big is a foot? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 64 7 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 24 4 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 26 ######## 9/11/2019 12:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 23 1 2/9/2017 9/12/2019 13:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 39 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:59 SP RN
All that matters : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 4 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 20 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:18 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 6 1/3/2013 5/9/2019 13:00 IV RN
Bright are the stars / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 12 ######## 9/6/2019 14:24 SS RN
Disturbing the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 26 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 27 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:18 SP SP
Perfecting Kate : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 28 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS RN
Good times, bad boys / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 11 3/3/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Abraham's well : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 24 5 4/2/2019 6/13/2019 10:48 NV TS
The taste of innocence : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 37 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Consequences of sin : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 6 ######## 9/24/2019 12:47 SS RN
The fortune quilt / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 25 ######## 9/20/2019 13:15 SS RN
Locked out : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 2 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 30 3 4/1/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 20 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2006 22 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 RN RN
The gift of valor : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2006 4 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
The devil's banker / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2006 37 4 ######## 7/17/2019 13:58 NW RN
Conoce nuestra constitución / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2006 5 8 ######## 5/24/2019 13:02 NV RN
Exploring wonders of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2006 7 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
About pets / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 37 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SO RN
White paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 8 ######## 11/13/2019 11:24 SS RN
The complete Peanuts. 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 77 16 ######## 11/20/2019 14:39 SO TS
Mr. Ding's chicken feet : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 19 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:25 NW RN
Rocket-powered science : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 25 8 ######## 7/25/2019 15:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 53 2 ######## 8/22/2019 8:05 SS TS
Born in the USA : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2006 17 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2006 15 1 ######## 8/21/2019 15:08 NV RN
The birthday party : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2006 23 1 ######## 10/4/2019 15:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 24 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 41 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:37 SP RN
The best seat in the house : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 11 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
The Iran threat : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 21 10 ######## 7/15/2019 9:24 NW TS
The fellowship : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 5 6/6/2017 11/13/2019 11:12 SV RN
Lessons in becoming myself / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 20 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 34 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 17 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Handwriting : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 22 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Peanut butter, milk, and other deadly threats
: BK 12/21/2006 7 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SO RN
Sheep and Goat / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2006 5 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2006 13 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SS RN
The civilian's guide to the U.S. military : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 33 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
The comfort of home for stroke : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 7 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SS RN
The DV rebel's guide : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 12 ######## 11/7/2019 15:09 SS RN
Eco-chic weddings : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 18 5 ######## 6/4/2019 14:33 SS RN
Not in my family : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 7 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
The Nest newlywed guide : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 17 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 24 3 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SV RN
If I am missing or dead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 24 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:05 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2006 14 3 ######## 8/5/2019 16:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 21 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
Moving day / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 7 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NW NV
Nightwood / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 29 1 ######## 1/2/2019 10:30 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 60 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 28 4 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 42 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:40 NV RN
Sam at the seaside / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 49 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 10 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
So this is how it ends / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 21 5 ######## 6/13/2019 11:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 6 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
Scrapped princess : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 15 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SS RN
Kathleen : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 4 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 19 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 28 5 9/4/2018 2/4/2019 11:26 SV RN
The Iroquois / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 16 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
The Ojibwe / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2006 13 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2006 21 9 ######## 6/27/2019 10:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2006 29 6 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Frank Lloyd Wright for kids / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2006 9 2 4/7/2015 2/1/2019 12:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 29 2 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 31 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 28 1 2/2/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 11 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SS RN
Levi Strauss / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 17 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 6 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
W. K. Kellogg / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2006 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 NV SV
Lighthouses of New England / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2007 12 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Just one more thing / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2007 32 2 ######## 3/20/2019 8:08 SV TS
Arts & crafts needlepoint / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2007 21 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2007 23 1 4/1/2019 7/29/2019 12:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2007 41 10 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 30 1 ######## 9/5/2019 12:54 RN TS
Squirrels : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 10 1 4/3/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 59 10 ######## 7/30/2019 7:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 36 1 2/2/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
The tinderbox / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 16 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 5 1 7/6/2015 9/23/2019 13:25 SS RN
The naming of the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 68 5 ######## 6/26/2019 14:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 35 4 1/2/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 28 ######## 1/15/2019 15:50 SP TS
Saving graces : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 14 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 RN RN
The savage detectives / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 23 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Herself / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 16 1 ######## 8/21/2019 12:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 61 9 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SV TS
Finn : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 17 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 SP SP
All's well that ends : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 22 ######## 9/18/2019 14:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 17 ######## 4/10/2019 17:01 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 46 2 1/2/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 53 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
The star / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 14 ######## 9/16/2019 12:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 17 2/8/2016 9/12/2019 13:03 SS RN
The quilter's homecoming : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 46 5 ######## 11/25/2019 8:18 NW TS
The quilter's homecoming : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 43 1 8/5/2015 8/23/2019 14:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 7 1 ######## 9/17/2019 14:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SV SS
Colorscapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 20 2 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
From the notebooks of Doctor Brain / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 6 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 30 3 ######## 11/13/2019 12:35 SP TS
Eye of the archangel : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2007 14 1 ######## 8/21/2019 15:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Up in Honey's room / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 33 2 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 73 6 ######## 7/24/2019 15:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 47 1 ######## 9/11/2019 12:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 33 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Spare change / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 85 6 4/1/2019 5/9/2019 7:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 27 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 30 7 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 45 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 29 3 ######## 7/29/2019 13:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2007 28 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
Promises 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2007 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Losing our democracy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2007 8 2 ######## 11/8/2019 12:59 SS RN
Total chaos : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2007 6 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Tú : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2007 8 ######## 6/22/2019 11:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2007 30 3 9/6/2017 10/4/2019 15:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2007 15 4 ######## 9/18/2019 12:00 SS RN
Un dÃ-a sin inmigrantes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2007 8 ######## 10/9/2019 11:38 SS RN
The horizontal world : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2007 5 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 RN SS
Sexo--¿y ahora qué hago?! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2007 16 1/7/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 56 10 2/6/2019 6/15/2019 15:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 52 3 ######## 9/23/2019 12:48 SS RN
Get hooked : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 18 1 ######## 5/2/2019 11:15 IV RN
Baby boomers and hearing loss : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 2 2/6/2014 5/30/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Tunney : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 49 5 ######## 1/23/2019 10:07 NW TS
Muses, madmen, and prophets : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 13 1 ######## 6/4/2019 16:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 20 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 21 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
My year inside radical Islam : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2007 12 1 2/2/2016 5/6/2019 13:05 SO RN
Tank top arms, bikini belly, boy shorts bottom
: BK 1/22/2007 25 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 22 4 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:48 NV TS
Flat Stanley / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 63 2 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 35 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 28 3 6/3/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 25 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 20 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 RN RN
Life on a famine ship : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 25 2 3/9/2016 1/31/2019 12:54 SO RN
West Nile virus / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 3 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
Stranger danger / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 23 1 8/7/2018 4/23/2019 8:58 SO TS
Salud total en 8 semanas : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 7 3 6/5/2013 5/20/2019 13:58 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 20 5 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SO TS
What does a nurse do? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 21 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
Pills, powders & potions : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 3 1/8/2015 1/19/2019 16:45 RN NW
I love to collage! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2007 24 1 6/3/2016 3/12/2019 10:26 SO SP
Pirateology : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 54 1 ######## 4/5/2019 15:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 16 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 48 11 ######## 2/26/2019 9:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 10 1 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 20 3 ######## 4/23/2019 9:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 12 ######## 3/8/2019 16:01 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 12 4/2/2015 2/6/2019 16:52 NW RN
First freedoms : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 7 ######## 11/8/2019 10:48 SO RN
Generating wind power / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 22 4 4/8/2018 2/1/2019 13:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 20 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
Pip & Squeak / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 49 8 ######## 1/16/2019 8:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 35 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
Caring for your fish / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 22 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:45 SS SV
Giraffe graphs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2007 13 1 ######## 12/9/2019 15:06 SV TS
Xiao ren fu si lan yi! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 9 2 4/5/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 27 ######## 1/8/2019 14:33 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 8 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 9 2/8/2018 1/17/2019 13:53 SV TS
Tundra / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 26 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS SV
Deadly invaders : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 21 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
The Middle East / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 17 4 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 SS TS
Signing fun : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 38 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Rock climbing / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 38 4 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
Nauvoo : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:20 NW NW
The hand of the devil / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 21 6/2/2014 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Deserts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 13 4 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SV NV
Bai lei Zhong yao fang lao shi pu = 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2007 34 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 37 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 22 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 23 1 ######## 8/2/2019 13:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 8 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 12 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 48 6 3/7/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
Obesity / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 17 ######## 4/23/2019 9:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2007 50 5 ######## 1/16/2019 14:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2007 8 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2007 149 30 ######## 5/30/2019 16:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2007 65 13 5/3/2019 6/27/2019 10:28 IV TS
Where's Flit? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2007 103 16 4/8/2019 5/30/2019 15:32 RN TS
Safety around strangers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 13 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Ultimate annuals / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 67 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Baby blues and wedding bells / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 23 1/4/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 RN SS
Least likely wedding? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 19 2 1/4/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 12 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:43 NW RN
The Greenwich guide to day and night / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 17 7 ######## 1/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 9 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:39 SS SP
Exodus / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 30 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Rabies / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 12 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 60 10 ######## 9/10/2019 14:22 NV TS
How to stay healthy / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 34 6 ######## 4/23/2019 8:59 SO TS
A timeline of the White House / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 10 1 3/7/2013 2/4/2019 17:06 SV SS
Forceable entry / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 14 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 8 ######## 2/1/2019 16:26 SO IV
Un granizado de moscas para el conde / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 16 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SC SV
Scooby-Doo! y el monstruo de México /3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 25 2/6/2017 1/25/2019 13:14 SS SV
Do you smell smoke? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 54 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:38 SS RN
Harvest festival / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 17 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 SS NW
Keyboard / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 18 5 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
A creature was stirring : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 72 10 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 SP RN
North Carolina, 1524-1776 / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 8 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Saturn / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 34 1 4/5/2013 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
West Nile virus / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 4 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 SS NW
The battle for Las Vegas : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 35 5 ######## 10/9/2019 11:39 NW RN
A thought is just a thought : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 12 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
Doctor Strange versus Dracula : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2007 41 4 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2007 54 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2007 28 ######## 2/1/2019 16:34 SP RN
Wind flyers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2007 37 3 3/2/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2007 39 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 41 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 59 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 30 4 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
Heal your aching back : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 17 ######## 6/4/2019 14:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 50 6 ######## 1/15/2019 16:18 SO TS
La lista de salud : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 13 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
The makeover myth : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 14 ######## 6/4/2019 14:38 SS RN
Exercising / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 20 3 3/7/2018 4/23/2019 9:03 SP TS
Life cycle : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 16 3 ######## 11/8/2019 14:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2007 30 3 ######## 1/17/2019 15:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 19 4 ######## 7/16/2019 10:37 SS RN
Ciencias naturales y desarrollo humano. 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 12 3 ######## 5/17/2019 7:34 IV TS
Español. 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 6 1 6/3/2019 11/8/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 19 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Ingrid : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 13 1 3/5/2017 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 19 1 ######## 8/5/2019 16:11 SS RN
Am I fat? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 3 1 ######## 2/15/2019 10:57 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 4 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 20 4 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
City of ruins / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 10 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
Down syndrome / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 13 7/7/2016 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
Anorexia / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2007 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Christmas in the South : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2007 2 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Matemáticas. 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2007 6 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 NV TS
Matemáticas. 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2007 15 2 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 NV TS
Palace of desire : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2007 4 2 ######## 9/12/2019 10:30 SS RN
Sugar Street / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2007 4 2 ######## 9/12/2019 11:38 SS RN
Sheer abandon : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 14 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 26 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 17 1 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 46 4 ######## 10/18/2019 11:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 11 9/2/2016 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 29 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 VE IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 36 1 7/2/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 26 1 ######## 10/4/2019 7:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 28 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 SO RN
Antidepressants / 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 9 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 34 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 66 3 ######## 6/10/2019 8:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 51 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 30 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
The Green Mill murder : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2007 62 9 ######## 8/5/2019 8:33 SV TS
Terminal event : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2007 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Every inch a king / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2007 13 1 8/8/2018 11/22/2019 13:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2007 91 1 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2007 5 ######## 10/9/2019 8:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2007 17 ######## 9/20/2019 13:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2007 19 2 ######## 4/10/2019 17:10 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2007 39 1 ######## 12/5/2019 12:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2007 51 1 7/1/2016 4/6/2019 13:27 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2007 23 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2007 29 4 7/5/2018 4/10/2019 13:01 NV RN
Sock Monkey rides again / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2007 41 3 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2007 12 3 ######## 9/5/2019 10:44 NW TS
Diving to a deep-sea volcano / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2007 21 5 4/9/2019 6/28/2019 10:37 NV TS
Wanted! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2007 15 1 4/1/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 23 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 36 12 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SV SS
Perplexing lateral thinking puzzles / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 13 1 ######## 4/12/2019 12:04 SS TS
Ingrid : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 14 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The smart divorce : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 25 5 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 34 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 31 4 4/9/2019 8/19/2019 8:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 10 1/9/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 37 4/9/2019 5/8/2019 14:27 SO TS
Ignited : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 7 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Alexis de Tocqueville : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 10 7/1/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
The canon : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 12 1 ######## 6/4/2019 16:19 SP RN
Taj Mahal : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2007 15 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SS RN
The assault on reason / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 15 9/1/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 35 8 9/5/2019 9/26/2019 11:08 SP TS
Smileytooth and the plaque attack / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 22 1 2/3/2019 11/8/2019 11:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 12 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
Army 101 : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 IV RN
Better single than sorry : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 44 9 ######## 8/6/2019 11:21 SS RN
Country style kitchens : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 27 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:41 NW RN
The national grasslands : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 7 1 2/6/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
The girl's guide to absolutely everything / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2007 43 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
The 1940s from World War II to Jackie Robinson
/ BK 2/14/2007 12 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 12 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 RN RN
On the rocks : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 9 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 NW SS
Best friends / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 16 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 11 3 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
An eye for gold / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 31 4 ######## 8/2/2019 8:44 NW TS
What this cruel war was over : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 8 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 9 3 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2007 8 2 4/2/2017 9/24/2019 12:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 44 3 ######## 3/22/2019 14:16 SO TS
Deep in the swamp / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 47 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
The Statue of Liberty / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 34 2 ######## 7/10/2019 9:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 21 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 8 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 IV SV
Estonia / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 5 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SS RN
Latvia / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 6 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 28 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 38 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
Blue Schwartz and Nefertiti's necklace : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 14 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
The space mission adventure / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 9 6/6/2016 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 69 4 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SO RN
Firehorse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 28 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SS RN
Understand your Bible from Adam to Zion 3.12E+13
: BK 2/15/2007 16 3 9/9/2015 4/24/2019 15:31 RN RN
Sophie Hartley, on strike / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 8 2 ######## 8/22/2019 15:15 NW TS
You can't, but Genghis Khan / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 33 12 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
The hare and the tortoise and other fables3.12E+13
of La Fontaine
BK / 2/15/2007 64 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 30 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
The telephone / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
Cristina keeps a promise / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 20 1 6/5/2017 2/5/2019 14:17 SS RN
The snack smasher and other reason why it's 3.12E+13
not myBKfault / 2/15/2007 12 1 ######## 8/14/2019 9:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 60 8 ######## 7/17/2019 12:03 SV TS
Want fries with that? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 16 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 8 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 37 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 14 1/2/2019 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 26 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SO RN
Makayla cares about others / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 26 2 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 RN RN
The very best bed / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2007 36 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 29 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 17 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
The custodian from the black lagoon / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 32 4 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 7 1 ######## 3/20/2019 17:50 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 11 2 5/3/2016 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 8 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 4 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:37 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 6 1 7/9/2015 1/18/2019 15:25 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
The school bus driver from the Black Lagoon 3.12E+13
/ BK 2/16/2007 28 3 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 12 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NV NW
Movie animation / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2007 22 3 ######## 3/9/2019 10:56 SS SP
Peter Parker, Spider-Man / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2007 51 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Peter Parker, Spider-Man / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2007 36 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NV RN
The Al Qaeda connection : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2007 17 2 ######## 5/6/2019 9:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 24 1 ######## 6/26/2019 8:57 SV RN
Help! Somebody get me out of fourth grade! 3.12E+13
/ BK 2/21/2007 55 8 ######## 1/23/2019 15:54 SS TS
Cool Bopper's choppers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 11 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 11 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 7 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
The hunchback of Notre Dame / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 24 11 ######## 12/5/2019 12:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 42 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SP SV
A picture for Marc / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 7 3 2/5/2017 2/1/2019 14:22 RN RN
A picture for Marc / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2007 19 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 SS SP
Kauai : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 10 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 57 2 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 35 6 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 7 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:23 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 51 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 15 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 20 3 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 20 2 9/1/2019 10/23/2019 8:46 RN TS
The gashouse gang : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 14 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2007 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 RN RN
El paÃ-s de Jauja / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2007 18 ######## 1/25/2019 16:21 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2007 51 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Rudyard Kipling : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2007 4 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
The case of the booby-trapped pickup / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2007 23 1 6/8/2017 1/31/2019 15:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2007 35 7 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SS SP
Buried in ice / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2007 5 2 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2007 104 19 ######## 9/17/2019 11:21 SS TS
Emperor Joker / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2007 49 5 ######## 11/8/2019 11:36 NV RN
Cat quilts and crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2007 12 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Restless earth / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2007 7 9/5/2013 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Love and war in California / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 10 2/3/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 14 1 6/8/2018 8/1/2019 10:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 48 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 14 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 22 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Los 5 lenguajes del amor de los niños / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 40 4 ######## 10/9/2019 12:07 SP RN
Vivir sin depresión : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 20 4/7/2015 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 37 5 2/8/2017 9/12/2019 12:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 14 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:11 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 27 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 18 3 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 7 1/8/2019 1/22/2019 9:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 16 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 40 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 16 1 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 51 2 ######## 8/1/2019 9:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 41 7 9/9/2017 1/22/2019 9:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 21 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
Cold-case killer : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 15 ######## 9/20/2019 15:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 14 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 12 2 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2007 36 ######## 12/5/2019 14:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2007 9 1 7/6/2015 9/24/2019 12:46 SS RN
Cast a long shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2007 22 8/2/2019 8/21/2019 8:59 SV TS
Cartoon America : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2007 14 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
The Bowie knife : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2007 8 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:49 RN RN
Through every storm / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2007 16 ######## 11/21/2019 10:09 SP TS
Illustrated dictionary of practical pottery /3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2007 7 2 5/7/2014 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2007 6 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
She, myself & I / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 29 1 9/7/2016 9/17/2019 14:50 SO RN
Sword of honour / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 18 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 15 7/2/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 23 1 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Harnessing power from the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 8 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Harnessing power from the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 6 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 34 12 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 NV TS
Billy Lane's how to build old school choppers,
BK and customs / 3/8/2007 24 1 ######## 6/24/2019 11:10 SP RN
Dry-farming / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 13 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 32 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
Camionetas gigantes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 13 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:43 SP SV
Camionetas gigantes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 13 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
A good dog : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 19 1 4/9/2019 5/7/2019 10:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 50 12 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
The International Space Station / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 17 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:16 RN TS
The International Space Station / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 27 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:24 SO RN
The International Space Station / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 8 2 ######## 3/28/2019 13:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2007 3 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 10 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 39 4 ######## 10/15/2019 15:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 14 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
The deep / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 32 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
The nano-reef handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 10 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 39 6 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 26 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 13 1 3/1/2016 11/1/2019 16:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 50 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SP TS
Standard catalog of Buick, 1903-2004 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 2 3/1/2018 6/27/2019 14:38 SP RN
Standard catalog of American light duty trucks
: BK 3/12/2007 3 ######## 8/2/2019 9:51 SP RN
Working in engineering / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
Sheep / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 27 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Your older cat : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 13 5 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 SP RN
Race and rally car source book : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 11 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Street bikes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2007 37 5 7/6/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
Strategic plan for the prevention of obesity3.12E+13
in NevadaBK/ 3/13/2007 3 2 8/8/2018 3/10/2019 11:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 26 5/9/2016 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 26 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP SS
The elephant's secret sense : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 7 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
A practical handbook for the boyfriend : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 21 3 ######## 8/5/2019 15:59 NW RN
Ever after / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 78 5 9/4/2019 10/18/2019 11:06 SP TS
The gentle subversive : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 30 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
Children in colonial America / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 5 9/3/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
Opening day : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2007 12 1 5/5/2016 2/15/2019 11:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2007 17 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Spirit of St. Louis / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2007 19 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 SO SP
A dog called Grk / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2007 47 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2007 92 7 ######## 8/5/2019 12:30 SV TS
Playsets : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2007 13 3 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 NV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 2 9/1/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 0 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Dichos y frases hechas / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 6 ######## 3/4/2019 11:35 SP SP
MÃ-o! MÃ-o! el huevo es mÃ-o / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 17 2 ######## 6/13/2019 9:29 SP TS
El traje nuevo del emperador / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 13 1 ######## 3/4/2019 17:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 20 7 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
Asi vamos a la escuela : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 17 3 ######## 12/20/2019 10:14 SP TS
Halloween : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 7 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SP SV
Adivinanzas y trabalenguas / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 21 4 8/7/2019 11/13/2019 15:12 SP TS
Timelines on file / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 0 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Timelines on file / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 0 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Timelines on file / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 1 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Juguemos en el bosque / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 19 5 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
La sirenita / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2007 23 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SP SV
Caring for cheetahs : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2007 80 6 ######## 9/17/2019 11:07 SP TS
Caring for cheetahs : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2007 55 9 ######## 12/20/2019 10:24 NV TS
Skulduggery Pleasant / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 49 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Lily Brown's paintings / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 36 2 5/1/2017 2/5/2019 13:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 10 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
Honey badgers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
Remembering Mrs. Rossi / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 14 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
Second fiddle, or, How to tell a blackbird from
a sausage
BK / 3/21/2007 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 39 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 76 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
Women of the Confederacy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 10 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 81 12 ######## 8/2/2019 15:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 34 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SS RN
The best Father's Day present ever / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 15 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 NV SV
The best Father's Day present ever / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 24 1 3/6/2018 2/6/2019 9:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 39 5 ######## 2/5/2019 10:40 SS SP
On the limit / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 6 1 7/5/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Georgia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Magpie Gabbard and the quest for the buried
moon BK
/ 3/21/2007 16 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 13 5/1/2015 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Extreme skydiving / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 4 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 RN IV
The other sister / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 32 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 31 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2007 14 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2007 79 1 ######## 5/17/2019 8:05 SP TS
High noon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2007 84 11 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2007 54 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2007 17 1/7/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2007 5 1 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 IV TS
The prodigal spy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2007 11 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SO
Cupcake / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2007 47 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2007 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
Anna's blizzard / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2007 5 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SP SP
DK online human body / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2007 30 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2007 62 13 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
In search of myths & heroes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2007 11 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2007 38 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2007 4 ######## 8/6/2019 11:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2007 12 2 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
The best make-ahead recipe : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2007 76 14 1/9/2019 1/23/2019 14:36 NW TS
Chuang yi shao kao = 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2007 27 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 34 13 ######## 7/25/2019 15:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 37 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 52 14 ######## 2/6/2019 17:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 3 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
The ultimate breastfeeding book of answers
: BK 3/29/2007 11 1 7/3/2013 5/30/2019 11:37 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 17 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 RN RN
The pirate cook book / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 27 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SS RN
The pirate cook book / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 8 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 NV RN
The wines of France : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 42 1 4/6/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Advertising / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 2 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 RN RN
The modern Ayurvedic cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 54 13 ######## 7/9/2019 15:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2007 19 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2007 62 5 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2007 35 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
Luna the Wake-Up Cat / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2007 52 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
Oh my goddess! 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2007 24 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2007 18 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:09 RN RN
Didn't my skin used to fit? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2007 8 ######## 11/15/2019 12:38 SS RN
Great cats : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2007 9 1 ######## 10/2/2019 9:53 SS TS
The art of Lyle V. Ball / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2007 9 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2007 9 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
A fighter's heart : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2007 31 4 8/3/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Digital filmmaking 101 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2007 11 2 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SS RN
Mi gato / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2007 1 1/7/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Cómo triunfar como padres / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2007 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
El niño gusano / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2007 4 1 4/9/2013 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
The art of friendship : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2007 34 5 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SS RN
Growing up with science / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2007 10 ######## 9/10/2019 12:03 NV TS
Tibet / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2007 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Endless things : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 7 1 6/5/2015 8/23/2019 13:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 10 1 ######## 9/6/2019 13:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 30 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 24 3 ######## 9/20/2019 15:36 SV RN
Casanegra : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 11 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
Magdalen rising : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 13 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2007 43 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 31 2 ######## 9/18/2019 15:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 42 5 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 24 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
Easter cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 8 8/7/2018 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
Bicycle science projects : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 9 ######## 2/4/2019 12:02 NW RN
Choppers / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 26 ######## 4/9/2019 18:00 SS SP
Gold diggers / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 16 ######## 9/17/2019 14:56 SS RN
In the city / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 39 7 8/6/2019 9/10/2019 14:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 12 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 38 9 ######## 11/6/2019 14:48 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 18 ######## 8/23/2019 14:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 18 3 3/3/2018 7/25/2019 8:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 18 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 RN RN
In the country / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 29 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SP TS
Tan lejos de Dios / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 37 7 ######## 11/14/2019 13:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 24 ######## 9/23/2019 13:11 SS RN
The International Space Station / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 30 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:17 SS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 TR SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2007 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
The Traitors' Gate / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2007 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
The Traitors' Gate / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2007 12 4 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SP SP
Simulacros / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2007 3 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Del rojo de su sombra / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2007 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
El coronel fue echado al mar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2007 3 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2007 58 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:41 NW RN
Hali Bote yu mi shi / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 10 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
Hali Bote yu mo fa shi / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 22 5 ######## 5/24/2019 12:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 55 9 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 SS RN
Book of magic / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 17 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 31 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:01 SO RN
The River Cottage meat book / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 23 5 4/1/2016 10/24/2019 15:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 30 1 ######## 4/26/2019 8:18 SO TS
Milet picture dictionary, English-Chinese /3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 8 3 4/1/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
Let's go canoeing and kayaking / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 3 1/10/2019 11:32 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 34 5 ######## 1/3/2019 11:00 SO SO
El fútbol en todo el mundo / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 11 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 32 1 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Jerónimo Botas y sus extrañas mascotas3.12E+13
= BK 4/12/2007 8 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 55 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SS
Música maestro! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 11 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 RN SV
The dinner party : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 10 5 ######## 5/23/2019 10:09 SO TS
Robert F. Kennedy : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2007 12 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
One perfect day : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2007 17 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
The big book of wedding music. 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2007 16 2 ######## 7/2/2019 15:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2007 13 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
The deserter's tale : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2007 18 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2007 21 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 NW RN
Camilón, comilón / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 7 1 4/5/2016 1/25/2019 13:14 SP SV
The great big book of baby names / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 38 9 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NV TS
La Fiesta del Té de Boston = 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 4 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
Career ideas for teens in manufacturing / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 2 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 TR SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 10 ######## 2/7/2019 9:35 VE RN
MatÃ-as pierde su lápiz / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 16 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 33 3 ######## 10/16/2019 9:20 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 11 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 12 2 ######## 2/23/2019 14:17 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 14 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 RN RN
Stealing the wave : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 13 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SV SS
Laura y el ratón / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 9 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SP SV
Yo también / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 21 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 8 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
MatÃ-as dibuja el sol / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 17 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
40 days and 40 nights : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 16 1/2/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Strength training past 50 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 38 5 ######## 6/26/2019 8:22 NW TS
On the road to Kandahar : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 32 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 4 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 6 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
Hydrogen : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 4 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
Pornology : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 29 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Shooting digital : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 32 4 ######## 3/4/2019 13:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 23 ######## 9/10/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 21 1 3/6/2015 6/5/2019 16:55 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 8 2 9/6/2017 10/18/2019 14:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 24 4/6/2018 7/1/2019 13:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 6 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
Hoja de papel / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 9 ######## 2/20/2019 15:08 SP RN
Creative concrete ornaments for the garden 3.12E+13
: BK 4/17/2007 27 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 4 7/1/2015 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 19 3 1/3/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Gustavo y los miedos / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 18 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SP SV
Sugarcane Academy : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 7 ######## 5/28/2019 9:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 18 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
Pale ale : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 10 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 13 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 NV SP
La gallinita en la ciudad / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 40 1 1/3/2019 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
Biotechnology demystified / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 15 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 16 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:09 NW RN
Carpenters / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 16 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SV TS
How to make biodiesel / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 9 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
What happens at a bakery? = 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 5 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Una lluvia de pájaros / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2007 10 2 5/9/2017 5/24/2019 10:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 78 13 ######## 7/24/2019 18:10 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 25 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
Afterlands : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
El conejo de terciopelo : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 14 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SP RN
Corazón / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 11 1 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SP RN
Un fantasma con asma / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 15 ######## 3/28/2019 15:45 SP TS
Mujercitas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 23 3 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SP RN
Massage in minutes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2007 31 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 9 8/2/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
My little grandmother often forgets / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 11 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Paula Deen : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 36 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 22 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 6 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 19 4 3/8/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
Nixon and Kissinger : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 9 2 2/2/2016 2/11/2019 8:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 52 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 40 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:29 SS IV
The dragon and the foreign devils : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 13 1 6/9/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 20 ######## 8/21/2019 12:48 SS RN
El hundimiento del Titanic / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 5 7/6/2016 3/4/2019 17:42 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 12 1 5/3/2016 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Growing green : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2007 13 3/2/2014 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Who is Melvin Bubble? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2007 36 4 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2007 33 2 ######## 10/18/2019 12:18 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2007 43 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SO RN
Kiko, socorrista por un dÃ-a / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2007 24 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 8 4 ######## 6/28/2019 16:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 26 8 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
Parrots / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
Spotted dolphins / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 27 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
American curl cats / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 17 4 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
Grasshoppers / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 5 ######## 2/20/2019 16:28 SV SV
Salamanders / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 11 1 6/2/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 SV NV
The angel of death : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 10 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:26 SV RN
The Union soldier / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 3 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
Racial profiling / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 11 7/7/2017 4/23/2019 13:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 36 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
Spider web / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 34 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 4 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
Grass to milk / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 6 2 ######## 4/9/2019 17:29 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 26 9 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
Pet cats / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2007 36 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SO RN
Perceval : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2007 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2007 33 1 2/4/2016 4/1/2019 12:52 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2007 34 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2007 29 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 GE NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2007 14 1 5/1/2017 1/16/2019 16:56 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2007 84 8 ######## 7/1/2019 16:00 RN TS
My little grandmother often forgets / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2007 18 1 ######## 11/27/2019 11:56 NW RN
Sardine in outer space 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2007 39 11 ######## 4/12/2019 12:00 IV TS
Jack London's Golden State : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2007 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Way Down Deep / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2007 17 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 NW SS
Way Down Deep / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2007 7 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:28 SP SP
Robert F. Kennedy : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2007 5 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 58 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 28 2 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 14 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
Curious George finds a friend : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 80 10 ######## 11/13/2019 14:12 NW TS
Final lap / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 11 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 51 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 9 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
If you're happy and you know it / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 67 9 ######## 4/15/2019 12:53 SV TS
Snow baby : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 9 9/9/2015 1/18/2019 15:30 NW NW
E. E. Cummings / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 9 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 SV IV
Joe on the go / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 35 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SS RN
Anything but ordinary / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 6 1 5/4/2016 5/3/2019 17:19 NV RN
Bionics / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 13 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SO TS
Golf's 100 toughest holes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 3 4/1/2015 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 42 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2007 14 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 77 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SO
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Cleopatra : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 20 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The marvelous adventures of Gus Beezer and
BK in Along came a spidey! / 5/1/2007 8 1 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 35 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 33 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 12 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Make your own walking sticks : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 5 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 IV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
The real Mother Goose book of American 3.12E+13
rhymes / BK 5/2/2007 8 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 NW SP
Insomnia / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2007 32 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
All aboard trucks / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2007 29 5 ######## 1/16/2019 9:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 11 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:15 SS RN
The Gilded Age / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 5 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 6 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NW RN
Herbert Hoover : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 15 2 1/4/2019 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
Herbert Hoover : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 6 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 50 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Death and diamonds / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 30 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
Boxing's ten commandments : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2007 27 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 4 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 7 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 3 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 45 12 2/9/2019 3/22/2019 12:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 3 3 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 16 3 ######## 6/22/2019 11:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 11 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
Who's your TV alter ego? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 16 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 7 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 26 3 ######## 6/28/2019 15:48 SS TS
The Easter egg hunt / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 57 ######## 2/6/2019 17:02 TR RN
Lucky's mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 4 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:06 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 46 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Warren G. Harding : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Warren G. Harding : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 6 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 5 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2007 2 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2007 10 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Hamsters / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2007 41 4 ######## 1/17/2019 14:12 SP TS
The harsh cry of the heron / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2007 28 8 3/1/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 NW TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 3 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 RN TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 RN SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Prevention of the disease of aging : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 26 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
Sanctuary Hill / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 30 2 5/4/2016 4/10/2019 16:09 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 68 17 ######## 10/2/2019 10:06 NW TS
Justice for the damned / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 12 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
Barefoot : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 100 8 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 NW TS
Barefoot : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 79 14 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SP TS
The winter prince / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 18 2 3/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 35 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:17 NW RN
Simple gifts / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 39 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 20 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 19 3 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
Bloodthirsty : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 54 2 ######## 9/5/2019 12:50 SP TS
The office of desire / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 17 6/7/2015 9/12/2019 13:18 SS RN
Design flaws of the human condition / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 21 4/8/2015 5/23/2019 11:23 RN SS
La receta del gran médico para el sÃ-ndrome
de irritabilidad
BK intestinal / 5/14/2007 18 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 SP SP
The last summer (of you and me) / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 33 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 29 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 49 ######## 8/21/2019 14:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 20 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
Mr. Sebastian and the negro magician : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 11 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 13 1 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 34 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
A much married man / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 15 6/6/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 57 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 48 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
A peculiar grace / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 16 ######## 9/12/2019 11:29 SS RN
A peculiar grace / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 9 4/4/2015 3/4/2019 16:42 SP SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 4 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 RN SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 5 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 RN SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2007 5 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Fundraising for social change / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 15 1 ######## 3/18/2019 11:02 NW TS
Naked pictures of famous people / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 10 3 2/5/2017 11/15/2019 14:05 SS RN
The other woman : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 25 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The back nine / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 10 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 27 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
Snowmen : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 26 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 17 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:37 SP RN
The Boston stranglers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2007 17 1 ######## 4/11/2019 15:04 SS TS
Camouflage / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 8 3/2/2014 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 6 2 8/5/2015 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Fun & fabulous curtains to sew : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 34 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 NV RN
Fun & fabulous curtains to sew : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 43 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Balance : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 24 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 15 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 14 1 4/4/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 10 2 2/8/2018 5/20/2019 13:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 11 ######## 7/3/2019 9:53 SS RN
Mississippi sissy / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 10 8/2/2014 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 20 9/5/2013 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
Confessions : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 11 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Lean and hard : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 33 ######## 4/3/2019 13:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 17 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
Savage century : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 10 ######## 6/4/2019 14:41 NW RN
Negima! 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 63 1 ######## 8/2/2019 7:06 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2007 22 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2007 13 2 ######## 4/5/2019 11:08 RN RN
Jane and the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 49 9 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 14 5 ######## 1/9/2019 7:57 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 33 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:13 NV RN
I.Q. gets fit / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 13 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 37 3 5/2/2019 6/13/2019 12:58 NV TS
Puppies, puppies everywhere! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 38 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SP
Mama's saris / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 25 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:43 SO RN
Hair for Mama / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 18 2 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 34 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 RN RN
Moxy Maxwell does not love Stuart Little /3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 19 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
Un-brella / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 16 3 3/5/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 19 3 1/3/2018 2/6/2019 15:18 SS RN
In the cards : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 18 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 NW SP
Benito's sopaipillas / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 10 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 10 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
Here is the tropical rain forest / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 28 6 3/4/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 20 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2007 36 3 ######## 8/5/2019 13:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 26 4 ######## 9/5/2019 12:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 23 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 85 19 9/3/2019 10/23/2019 9:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 57 2 9/7/2016 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 38 6 ######## 1/16/2019 9:09 RN TS
Who's saying what in Jamestown, Thomas3.12E+13
Savage? /BK 5/21/2007 10 3 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 46 4 ######## 7/1/2019 15:44 NW TS
Such a pretty face : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 38 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Where is the cake? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 102 20 ######## 7/17/2019 10:07 VE TS
The best of wedding photography / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 36 1 3/7/2016 1/22/2019 14:35 SO RN
The rich man and the parrot / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 21 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
What in the world! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2007 8 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 29 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 14 ######## 10/21/2019 15:44 SS RN
A colonial craftsman / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 3 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
The emotion machine : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 22 6 1/6/2018 4/12/2019 8:34 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 38 4 ######## 1/18/2019 8:07 SO TS
Extraordinary jobs in sports / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
Cerebrum 2007: 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 22 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Art. 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 7 1/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Faerie lights / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 12 1 ######## 6/24/2019 16:14 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 22 9/8/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
History and activities of ancient China / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 11 1 5/7/2014 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Complete roofing handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 12 3 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SP TS
Passover around the world / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 10 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:24 SV RN
Workbook : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2007 1 ######## 6/28/2019 12:46 SP RN
The ride of our lives : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2007 23 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2007 91 5 ######## 6/26/2019 14:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2007 18 1 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2007 30 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2007 49 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2007 87 16 ######## 9/5/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2007 28 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SO TS
Last breath : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2007 14 3 ######## 8/5/2019 9:24 IV TS
Buddy is a stupid name for a girl / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2007 5 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
Willie Mays / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2007 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SO SS
Dragon Knights. 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2007 19 6/5/2014 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
El significado de los nombres / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2007 11 4/1/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
The Alley / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2007 33 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
Harold and his friends : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2007 44 7 ######## 9/6/2019 10:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2007 26 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:09 NV RN
I would have bought you a cat, but-- : 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2007 21 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2007 28 ######## 10/18/2019 14:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2007 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Follow me, Mittens / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2007 68 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2007 10 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
X marks the spot / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2007 95 10 5/8/2019 6/26/2019 15:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2007 16 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SV
Early bird / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2007 6 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 35 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
The mature student's guide to writing / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 12 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
Hairy Hezekiah / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 6 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 17 2 ######## 10/4/2019 15:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 15 3 ######## 2/4/2019 8:33 NV RN
The Ever-After Bird / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 9 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 22 3 1/8/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 SP RN
Star Trek : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 19 2 9/7/2018 5/8/2019 14:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 63 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 9 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 20 4 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
Losing a parent : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 8 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2007 21 5 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
Out law : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 7 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SP RN
Fatal forecast : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 14 1 ######## 4/23/2019 14:45 SP RN
Forever on the mountain : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 23 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 13 5/7/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Blasphemy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 8 3/6/2015 5/28/2019 9:16 SP RN
Brave new war : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 17 3 ######## 10/9/2019 10:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 24 3 ######## 5/28/2019 8:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2007 27 ######## 2/26/2019 10:06 SP SP
Sweet home Carolina : 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2007 40 6/4/2019 6/26/2019 14:25 RN TS
Anna Pavlova, her life and art / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2007 4 1 4/2/2013 7/8/2019 9:15 SP SS
Haunted castles of Britain and Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2007 30 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2007 14 3 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 RN SP
Lejos del polvo / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 2 1 1/7/2015 1/2/2019 10:30 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 14 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 30 1 9/8/2018 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 76 4 ######## 9/24/2019 14:36 NV TS
The hand that bears the sword / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 5 ######## 8/5/2019 8:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 20 2 ######## 5/13/2019 15:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 8 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:29 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 26 11 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 13 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
Baby remember my name : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 7 ######## 10/4/2019 9:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 53 10 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 26 6 ######## 6/20/2019 13:02 NV TS
Bite the moon : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 23 2 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 SO IV
The man she'll marry / Ann Roth. 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 17 3 ######## 9/24/2019 13:21 SP RN
Emily Post's wedding planner for moms / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 32 11 ######## 12/10/2019 8:09 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 31 2 ######## 9/18/2019 15:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 24 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
El sistema muscular / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 4 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 SP RN
El sistema muscular / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 4 2 5/8/2015 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 5 ######## 1/17/2019 15:00 SS TS
Bearing the body / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 7 ######## 3/4/2019 16:44 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 16 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
Planting a Bible garden : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 13 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
Waiting / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 9 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
The cleaner / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 48 7 ######## 9/5/2019 12:51 IV TS
The cleaner / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 52 7 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SO TS
Dead money / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 13 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:33 SP SP
Scott free / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 18 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 NW SP
Maynard & Jennica / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 14 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:45 SP SP
Face down o'er the border : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 7 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Global epidemics / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 5 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 21 1 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 NV RN
Wedding bell blues / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 15 1 7/1/2016 4/20/2019 12:46 SP SP
Death in the truffle wood / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
Hotel de Dream : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 8 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
The headmaster's dilemma / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2007 6 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 21 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 20 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
La nueva era del sueño / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 3 1 9/3/2014 2/4/2019 16:26 RN SS
Nifty thrifty animal crafts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 20 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SS RN
GuÃ-a esencial de jardinerÃ-a / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 9 1 8/2/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
South American myths & legends / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 7 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:22 NW SP
North American myths & legends / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2007 18 4 ######## 2/4/2019 9:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2007 25 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2007 41 5 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Stoneheart / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2007 50 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 NW TS
Hex / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 20 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Fifteen candles : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 7 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Grace will lead me home / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 4 5/3/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
The last chance millionaire : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 29 12 ######## 12/3/2019 14:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 16 2 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 28 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 9 9/3/2015 2/15/2019 11:08 SS RN
Celebrity detox : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 17 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Once a cowboy / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 20 ######## 4/19/2019 11:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 54 4 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 17:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2007 21 3 9/4/2016 2/1/2019 11:06 SP RN
Please, Mr Crocodile! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2007 9 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 47 4 3/1/2017 2/5/2019 11:01 NW RN
Nightrise / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 34 6 ######## 1/23/2019 15:01 IV RN
The seven T's : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 7 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
Why don't penguins' feet freeze? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 32 6 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 37 2 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SS SV
The Ravenscar dynasty / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 13 ######## 8/21/2019 14:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 60 10 ######## 7/17/2019 11:10 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 45 11 6/6/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
Boas and pythons of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 12 4/1/2014 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Your critically ill child : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 6 4 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
1212:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 7 3 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 SS IV
The prince of darkness : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 21 1/7/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The body in action : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2007 17 5 ######## 3/28/2019 8:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 6 2 3/6/2018 6/27/2019 14:45 SO RN
Tales from Q school : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 6 3/9/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 36 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 IV TS
Pure dead frozen / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 19 3 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 46 1 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 16 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Blackbeard and the sandstone pillar : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 10 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NV GE
The midnight kid / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 10 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
The midnight kid / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 8 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 NV SV
Creature cozies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 7 1 2/4/2015 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 2 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 32 1 ######## 8/15/2019 9:06 SO TS
A kid's guide to Asian American history : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 17 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 40 2 ######## 2/1/2019 17:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 12 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
Leepike Ridge / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 18 4 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 IV RN
Awakening / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 23 4 ######## 2/7/2019 17:21 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 34 6 ######## 8/19/2019 10:08 IV TS
Rudy the rhinoceros / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 9 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 26 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 NV RN
Eddie's little sister makes a splash / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 20 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SO SV
Ferret Island / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2007 4 1 1/3/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 NV SS
The darkest evening of the year / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 57 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 44 1 9/2/2015 3/23/2019 11:14 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 65 5 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 41 1 ######## 7/17/2019 15:50 SO RN
The double agents / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 35 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
The double agents / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 37 8/1/2017 9/25/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2007 54 3 ######## 5/8/2019 14:39 SP TS
Rosa Moreno : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2007 14 1 8/1/2015 1/29/2019 15:34 NW SP
Day care / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2007 40 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
Jeff Foxworthy's redneck dictionary II : 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2007 7 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
China / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2007 46 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
Enchanted waters / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2007 20 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2007 26 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 12 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 30 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 14 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
The adultery diet / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 6 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Family acts : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 26 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 40 5 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
The air we breathe : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 10 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 30 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Evil, Inc. / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 9 ######## 9/23/2019 13:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 23 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SP RN
Shiver / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 51 8 ######## 6/10/2019 8:45 SP TS
Deepwood / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 11 ######## 9/24/2019 12:25 SS RN
Fingerprints and facelifts / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 16 ######## 9/23/2019 11:13 SC RN
The office of desire / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 14 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 52 6 ######## 10/18/2019 11:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 39 1 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
Willow Springs / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 24 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SV RN
Willow Springs / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 18 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN RN
My sister is a werewolf / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 37 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 19 ######## 9/12/2019 13:06 SS RN
Pollution / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 12 ######## 11/15/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 54 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 41 1 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 IV TS
The last secret of the temple / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 22 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 68 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SO
Care Bears : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 46 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP NW
Rebound. 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 6 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Hartsburg, USA : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 9 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 18 1 9/3/2016 3/25/2019 12:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 15 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Clicker training for obedience : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
Mister Pip / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 35 2/1/2014 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
The widow's mate : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2007 16 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2007 70 8 ######## 5/9/2019 7:29 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2007 7 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SP SV
The mysterious tadpole 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2007 23 7 9/6/2019 11/12/2019 14:55 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2007 22 5 2/4/2019 2/6/2019 9:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2007 41 9 8/6/2019 9/6/2019 7:43 NW TS
The war for all the oceans : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2007 11 3 1/4/2019 2/14/2019 10:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2007 44 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Martha Graham / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2007 13 3 4/2/2017 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
Soldiers of the War of 1812 / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2007 14 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SS SV
Battles of World War II / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2007 37 5 9/8/2018 1/30/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 30 2 3/8/2016 6/28/2019 13:12 SP RN
In the ruins of empire : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 15 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
The rising star of Rusty Nail / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 10 4/7/2016 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
For the soul of mankind : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 15 5 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 47 6 6/6/2019 6/18/2019 8:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 56 3 2/8/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 149 20 ######## 2/6/2019 15:14 SV RN
Crisis, pursued by disaster, followed closely
by catastrophe
BK : 7/16/2007 21 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Lady beware / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 22 9/7/2018 1/22/2019 9:06 IV RN
Two by two / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 49 1 2/6/2016 2/8/2019 17:50 SS VE
Mr. Large in charge / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 19 4 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
Roaring acres : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 29 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
The immortalists : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 3 1/7/2015 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
The immortalists : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 8 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 15 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
The murder of Regilla : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 6 1 ######## 6/4/2019 13:38 SP RN
Opportunities in building construction careers
/ BK 7/16/2007 4 ######## 10/18/2019 14:03 SS RN
Silverfish / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2007 16 6 ######## 10/4/2019 7:50 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 45 3 8/8/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 31 3 9/6/2018 8/14/2019 9:42 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 80 8 9/2/2018 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 52 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 20 4 4/6/2019 5/21/2019 15:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 21 2 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 13 4 7/8/2018 2/6/2019 16:33 RN RN
Fantasmas del pasado / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 9 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 23 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
Tulip at the bat / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 34 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 NV RN
The great cape rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 18 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 14 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 56 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 TR RN
Elvis Presley : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 18 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 51 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:08 SV RN
My dog Lyle / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 65 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 24 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 RN RN
Ty's triple trouble / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 32 1 ######## 4/12/2019 12:19 SC TS
Fair has nothing to do with it / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 16 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
Follow the line through the house / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 40 9 ######## 7/8/2019 14:59 NW TS
1776:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 43 1 ######## 4/5/2019 15:48 RN RN
1000 futbolistas : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2007 10 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 69 12 ######## 8/22/2019 16:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 52 7 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 11:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 24 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 13 1 8/7/2017 11/8/2019 11:46 NW RN
Robert Hooke : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 36 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
Duchessina : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2007 31 7 7/5/2019 10/4/2019 9:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2007 11 1 ######## 4/17/2019 9:50 TR TS
Valentina en Paris / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2007 20 2 ######## 3/7/2019 13:58 SS TS
The tipi : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 76 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
Deer quest : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 13 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
In the garden / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 16 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
Your immortal reality : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 35 3 ######## 1/18/2019 8:34 IV TS
S de silencio / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 7 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2007 58 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Seven eggs / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2007 17 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SO
Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada /3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2007 6 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2007 35 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2007 83 6 ######## 7/24/2019 15:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2007 72 15 ######## 9/16/2019 14:04 SP TS
The dark and deadly pool / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2007 18 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Inventions and inventors / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2007 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Ambrose Bierce : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2007 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2007 7 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
Hide / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2007 85 4 7/8/2019 8/5/2019 8:54 SO TS
A long way gone : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2007 48 13 ######## 10/23/2019 8:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2007 44 3 ######## 8/21/2019 8:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2007 56 14 ######## 7/17/2019 13:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2007 50 24 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2007 74 24 ######## 11/7/2019 14:53 SS TS
Trump University asset protection 101 : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2007 33 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
Battle rattle : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2007 27 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Petroglyphs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2007 3 5/1/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
The invisible man ; 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2007 29 11 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Bogus thunder mountains / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2007 1 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 11 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 13 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
The shotgun rule : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 23 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 26 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 29 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 17 4 1/8/2019 4/15/2019 14:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 65 9 ######## 6/28/2019 13:44 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 23 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SP TS
Raisins and almonds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 31 5 ######## 9/5/2019 12:55 SP TS
Raisins and almonds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 31 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 45 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
Jane Goodall / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 32 10 ######## 3/22/2019 12:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 9 ######## 11/8/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 24 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 48 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SO TS
A betrayal in winter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 21 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 30 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
Nine days in October / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 28 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
Sweetheart deal / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 23 2 ######## 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
Lee's real plan at Gettysburg / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 8 4 ######## 11/8/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 37 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
Winterbirth / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 26 1 4/3/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 69 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
Southern fatality : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
Eureka : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 10 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2007 25 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2007 33 2 ######## 7/3/2019 9:56 SS RN
Qué te gusta más? 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2007 15 3 ######## 10/2/2019 14:44 SP SO
The Ultimate weight solution food guide /3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2007 12 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2007 142 16 ######## 7/17/2019 10:07 SP TS
Things fall apart : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2007 9 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2007 32 1 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:57 SO RN
The dare / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2007 11 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
Sudden influence : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2007 12 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2007 15 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 RN NV
Muddle Earth / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2007 21 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 24 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
Burro's tortillas / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 16 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
So help me God : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 10 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 RN SS
Pure dead frozen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 13 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Dog poems / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 5 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Chain mail : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 6 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 SS SS
The smart divorce : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 39 7 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 SO TS
Elton : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 19 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
Elton : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 24 4 ######## 1/31/2019 8:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 86 7 ######## 1/15/2019 15:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 69 9 1/3/2019 2/15/2019 13:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 16 9/3/2013 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 9 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 4 1 6/3/2015 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
The Bad Luck Chair / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 26 5 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 RN RN
Vampire Island / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 18 1 1/5/2016 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 18 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:21 SP RN
Prescribing faith : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 5 ######## 4/24/2019 15:31 NW RN
Overtreated : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 16 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Dear Jo : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 6 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
See you in a hundred years : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 8 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Sacco and Vanzetti : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SS RN
Flashy fish / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 12 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SS SV
Fred & Anthony escape from the netherworld
/ BK 8/13/2007 15 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 38 6 3/1/2016 6/4/2019 13:45 SV RN
The art of pastel painting / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 23 5 ######## 4/22/2019 10:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 39 10 ######## 6/10/2019 8:23 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 16 ######## 1/18/2019 8:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 28 3 9/5/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SO
Project date / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2007 17 1 8/6/2015 9/24/2019 13:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 4 1 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 75 5 ######## 3/28/2019 16:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 6 7/2/2015 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Saturday rules : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 22 8/2/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 20 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
Bones, brains and DNA : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 21 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Real samurai : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 18 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
Jack Kerouac's American journey : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 27 4 3/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 NW RN
The wooden horse : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 6 1 ######## 4/24/2019 15:41 SV RN
Under the gun in Iraq : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2007 8 ######## 11/13/2019 12:08 SS RN
Inventions and inventors / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Crystal rain / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 18 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 45 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 18 5 ######## 11/6/2019 14:33 NV TS
Bow-Wow bugs a bug / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 46 11 ######## 11/8/2019 14:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Father's day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2007 81 6 ######## 10/15/2019 15:50 SS TS
The joy of digital photography / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2007 29 9 ######## 3/4/2019 14:22 RN TS
Chicken soup for the nurse's soul : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2007 16 3 5/6/2016 5/30/2019 10:38 NV RN
Irish tiger : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2007 16 2 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
7th heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2007 57 12 9/1/2019 10/3/2019 12:09 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2007 51 4 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2007 36 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2007 41 1 1/2/2019 6/13/2019 10:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2007 61 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
The pony guide / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2007 15 4 ######## 9/10/2019 10:54 NV TS
Mulan saves the day / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2007 91 16 ######## 12/9/2019 14:30 SS TS
Nevada veterinarians : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2007 5 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SV SS
Crop circles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2007 16 1 ######## 4/23/2019 9:50 RN RN
Stalkers and shooters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2007 24 3 5/2/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2007 18 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NV RN
Gilgamesh: 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2007 8 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2007 9 ######## 11/15/2019 13:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2007 7 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Dead wrong : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2007 13 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SO RN
Heritage of the West / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2007 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
I'm ready for my movie contract : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2007 43 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:15 SP TS
Alphabears : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2007 37 5 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 SV RN
Three rotten eggs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2007 9 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 58 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
The rebels : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 42 3 ######## 9/16/2019 14:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 78 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
The magic school bus rides the wind / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 72 11 ######## 1/23/2019 16:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 10 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 11 ######## 2/15/2019 10:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 62 12 ######## 8/14/2019 10:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 20 3 ######## 5/24/2019 8:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 31 4 ######## 4/19/2019 17:36 SP SP
A companion to wolves / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 30 2 9/9/2019 9/26/2019 13:14 NV TS
Pure land / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 25 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 VE RN
Knee high by the Fourth of July / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 26 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:24 SS RN
Ms. Etta's Fast House / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 17 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
Wouldn't miss it for the world / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 28 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Wouldn't miss it for the world / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 30 ######## 9/12/2019 12:39 SO TS
The bloodstone papers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 21 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
The mapmaker's opera / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 2 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 52 4 8/2/2018 10/31/2019 13:08 NW RN
Churchgoers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 18 2/4/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 25 1 ######## 7/17/2019 15:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 48 1 7/5/2019 10/3/2019 8:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2007 42 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SP TS
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2007 10 9/2/2015 5/29/2019 10:53 SV SP
The best plays theater yearbook ... 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 4 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 3 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
The Z-Boys and skateboarding / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 37 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2007 2 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Animal, vegetable, miracle : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 64 13 ######## 5/15/2019 7:10 SP RN
Backyard scientist : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 14 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:48 NV RN
Inside Inside / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 30 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
Into hot air : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 15 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 11 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
¡Hugo! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 13 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 53 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2007 3 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 1 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 1 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 4 5/2/2012 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Nobodies : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Drunk, divorced & covered in cat hair : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 24 1/3/2016 10/18/2019 12:57 SP RN
Finding Iris Chang : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 4 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 28 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SV TS
The big con : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 12 1 ######## 6/25/2019 15:18 SO RN
No sheep for you : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 15 2 ######## 8/6/2019 10:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 43 3 1/5/2018 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
Just in time! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 55 5 ######## 12/11/2019 7:59 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 21 4 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2007 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Apart / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 11 1 8/1/2016 5/3/2019 17:23 RN RN
Still just Grace / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 85 13 ######## 3/28/2019 12:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 7 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 66 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 21 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 19 2 ######## 2/20/2019 15:08 NV RN
The rainforest grew all around / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 38 12 ######## 2/4/2019 14:20 SS RN
Aunt Nancy and the bothersome visitors /3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 8 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
War in the Middle East : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2007 5 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
Nolo's essential guide to buying your first 3.12E+13
home / BK 9/25/2007 28 2 ######## 1/25/2019 8:58 SP TS
Spelling love with an X : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 9 1 2/3/2016 6/4/2019 15:59 SP RN
The sweet, terrible, glorious year I truly, completely
3.12E+13 BK
lost it / 9/25/2007 30 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 27 1 3/3/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 79 6 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 13:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 17 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 RN RN
Smallville : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 23 2 ######## 3/5/2019 13:38 TR TS
24:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 21 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2007 40 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2007 5 8/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2007 19 2 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SP SP
Sunrise over Fallujah / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2007 22 3 ######## 1/9/2019 7:49 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2007 4 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
Holocaust : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2007 29 14 ######## 3/13/2019 14:41 NV SP
Goldmine record album price guide / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2007 12 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 31 2 9/4/2018 2/7/2019 10:49 RN RN
Kate's surprise / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 29 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NV RN
Quite enough hot dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 37 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
Silent Kay and the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
Slower than a slug / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 26 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
¡Estoy tan gorda! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 10 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 NW SS
Encyclopedia of American civil liberties / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Encyclopedia of American civil liberties / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 4 4 8/9/2018 7/6/2019 9:50 RN RN
La adicción al amor : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2007 16 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
Aloha Bear and the meaning of aloha / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2007 56 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:06 NV RN
The biggest nose / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2007 31 2 ######## 8/22/2019 15:38 SS TS
Truman's aunt farm / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2007 11 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
Hugs : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2007 8 ######## 10/21/2019 15:23 SV RN
Macho! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2007 11 1 4/7/2016 9/25/2019 14:38 SS RN
Mobs, messiahs, and markets : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2007 14 3 ######## 5/11/2019 11:20 VE SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 57 1 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 21 4 ######## 3/21/2019 8:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 55 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:20 SS TS
Matter and energy : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 3 3 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 27 2 ######## 8/23/2019 14:16 SS RN
The Hades Project / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 15 7/9/2015 4/6/2019 13:28 SP SP
A monk jumped over a wall / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 17 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 13 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
Undoing I do / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 21 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 33 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 38 5 ######## 7/24/2019 15:17 NW TS
Twilight / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 20 ######## 8/21/2019 15:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 20 3 ######## 8/23/2019 13:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 39 5 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 21 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
Voice of crow / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 13 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
Big boned : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 31 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 8 1 ######## 9/12/2019 10:45 SS RN
Loving memory / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 14 ######## 9/12/2019 14:21 SS RN
Celebutantes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 12 ######## 9/6/2019 14:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 21 ######## 9/23/2019 13:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 15 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 21 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
The edge : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 31 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
Rise of the blood royal / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 7 1 1/4/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 RN SS
Darth Bane : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 37 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
Day / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 12 1 4/1/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 SP RN
After the leaves fall / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2007 13 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Learning about weather with graphic organizers
/ BK 10/9/2007 4 1 2/4/2015 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
365:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2007 43 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
The new France : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2007 17 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Frank Lloyd Wright in New York : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2007 16 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2007 22 3/2/2015 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Armed America : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2007 20 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
The Vikings / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2007 13 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2007 87 18 8/1/2019 8/23/2019 12:36 NW TS
Turtles : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2007 15 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2007 20 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
War without death : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2007 17 2 7/7/2016 7/3/2019 10:00 SP RN
Why there's antifreeze in your toothpaste3.12E+13
: BK 10/16/2007 17 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2007 20 2 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
What's going on in the compost pile? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2007 24 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Boobs : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2007 9 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
Great events from history : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2007 10 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
The Shluffmuffin boy is history / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2007 45 4 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SS SP
The family guide to fighting fat : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2007 9 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:47 SP RN
Love + sex with robots : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 6 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Gabriel GarcÃ-a Márquez's Love in the time3.12E+13
of cholera
BK : 10/17/2007 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 38 6 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:55 RN TS
Cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 27 8 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 RN RN
Adland : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Rape : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 21 5 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
Ex-etiquette for holidays and other family 3.12E+13
BK / 10/17/2007 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 11 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 NV RN
Elton : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 17 5 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 NV RN
Children of Jihad : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 15 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 6 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 37 4 ######## 5/24/2019 15:11 SP RN
Power to the people / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 19 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:13 SP SP
Mona Lisa awakening / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 14 1 ######## 3/16/2019 11:25 SP SP
Roadrunners / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2007 17 3 3/6/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 50 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 63 6 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SP RN
Paul Bunyan's sweetheart / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 9 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
A dictionary of dance / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 76 5 ######## 2/6/2019 15:14 SS RN
Mucumber McGee and the half-eaten hot 3.12E+13
dog / BK 10/18/2007 42 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 67 12 ######## 4/23/2019 12:49 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 28 5 2/7/2019 4/15/2019 14:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 22 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 53 5 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 16:29 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 7 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Ballerina dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 12 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
The chaos code / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 24 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 28 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:26 SV RN
Maddigan's Fantasia / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 21 2 6/7/2016 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Jake stays awake / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 45 7 ######## 3/7/2019 14:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2007 27 6 ######## 3/22/2019 12:06 RN TS
The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian
/ BK 10/19/2007 55 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2007 7 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2007 12 3 ######## 4/25/2019 10:49 SS TS
Right behind you / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2007 25 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
The Statue of Liberty / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2007 46 5 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2007 5 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2007 7 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
Dora salva a las sirenas / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2007 12 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 14 ######## 7/16/2019 10:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 21 3/9/2018 7/17/2019 14:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 53 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 64 7 ######## 5/8/2019 14:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 32 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 NV RN
Stripped / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2007 43 1 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 NW TS
The complete idiot's guide to quilting / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2007 36 2 ######## 3/4/2019 14:02 SP TS
From flea market to fabulous / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2007 10 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2007 37 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
The blue way : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2007 5 ######## 5/15/2019 9:59 SP RN
Shadow's witness / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2007 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 NW RN
Divorce / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2007 9 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SS SP
My ex is driving me crazy! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2007 7 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:12 SS RN
The Senate / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
The Senate / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 7 1 5/8/2015 1/22/2019 16:34 SS IV
Thinking about tomorrow : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 13 ######## 2/1/2019 12:33 SS RN
How a law is passed / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 12 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 5 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The Middle East / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2007 7 ######## 11/15/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2007 43 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SS
A stream of dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2007 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2007 22 3 ######## 6/12/2019 8:21 NW RN
Birth and death of a city / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2007 13 ######## 2/1/2019 13:07 RN RN
20th century ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2007 31 6 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2007 26 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Children with spina bifida : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2007 1 ######## 10/18/2019 12:06 SS RN
Too young to feel old : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2007 15 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
Random House Webster's dictionary of scientists.
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2007 7 3/6/2017 5/28/2019 8:53 RN RN
I can draw dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2007 42 5 7/9/2019 7/25/2019 15:38 SS TS
Bulgaria / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2007 10 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SP TS
Twelve lizards leaping : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2007 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SV RN
Youth volleyball : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2007 19 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2007 16 3 ######## 8/1/2019 15:30 SP TS
Stained glass for the beginner / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2007 23 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 134 22 6/4/2019 6/28/2019 11:02 SO TS
The 50 states / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 9 6 ######## 6/17/2019 8:42 IV TS
The spider and the fly / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 66 7 1/8/2019 3/14/2019 12:38 SS TS
The daddy book / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 74 8 ######## 4/10/2019 14:45 SO TS
Cache of corpses / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 17 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 57 8 ######## 9/17/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 14 ######## 3/4/2019 10:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 13 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
Hard trail to follow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 39 1 ######## 8/12/2019 14:31 SV TS
Atomic lobster / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 35 1 3/5/2019 6/4/2019 7:46 NW TS
Asia / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 13 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
North America / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 13 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SO SS
Cornelia Funke / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 5 4/1/2015 1/30/2019 16:17 SO SV
Capote in Kansas : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 25 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2007 10 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:11 SS RN
London, 1850 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2007 26 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 SS RN
Saving the world and other extreme sports3.12E+13
/ BK 11/8/2007 60 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
Quotable men of the twentieth century / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2007 3 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2007 67 6 3/1/2019 4/12/2019 13:11 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2007 43 10 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
Let's look at marbles / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2007 6 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2007 19 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
The Foundation Center's guide to proposal3.12E+13
writing / BK 11/9/2007 18 6 3/3/2018 7/1/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2007 34 4 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2007 43 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2007 16 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Covert : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 12 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 10 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 22 1 5/5/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 SP RN
Get ahead by going abroad : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 8 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Your altar : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 27 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SS
Working with tile / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 18 1 8/8/2019 9/12/2019 8:54 SS TS
The blueprint : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 16 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:33 SS RN
The design directory of window treatments3.12E+13
/ BK 11/13/2007 10 2/3/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 NV RN
Christianity's dangerous idea : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The songs of insects / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 8 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Riding with the mail : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 17 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SP RN
Vanishing America : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 25 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Bertha Venation : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 8 ######## 11/8/2019 13:36 RN RN
Animals in spirit : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 24 3 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Judgment : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 14 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2007 15 3 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
Space pirates and the monster of Malswomp 3.12E+13
/ BK 11/13/2007 46 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 29 2 8/4/2015 4/10/2019 17:01 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 10 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 31 2 ######## 9/12/2019 10:29 NV RN
What I was / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 12 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Song yet sung / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 20 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 36 1 ######## 7/17/2019 13:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 25 3 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 NW RN
V: 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 22 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
How (not) to have a perfect wedding : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 29 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
The unnatural inquirer / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 29 ######## 5/8/2019 14:46 SV TS
The winter rose : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2007 56 7 ######## 9/16/2019 14:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2007 11 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 IV TS
The nightmare game / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2007 17 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NW RN
Country living : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2007 46 3 ######## 10/2/2019 10:51 SO TS
El libro de los nombres para tu bebé / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2007 6 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Elizabeth Falkner's demolition desserts : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2007 31 2 3/6/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2007 50 9 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Everything you need to know about Wicca3.12E+13
/ BK 11/15/2007 22 8 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
If Democrats had any brains, they'd be Republicans
3.12E+13 /BK 11/15/2007 23 2 9/1/2015 4/23/2019 12:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2007 81 16 6/8/2019 12/17/2019 13:54 SV TS
Candyfloss / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2007 21 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2007 17 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 RN SV
The last mission : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2007 10 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 14 2 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 56 14 7/2/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 46 10 6/2/2019 7/17/2019 12:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 26 4 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 56 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
This is what I did / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 13 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
This is what I did / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 10 3/3/2016 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
Barack Obama : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 17 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 20 ######## 3/16/2019 11:59 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 30 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 4 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 7 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 SV NW
Artful reading / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 9 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SV SS
Two-minute drill / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 60 11 ######## 11/1/2019 14:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 20 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 7 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
The ghost of Poplar Point / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 10 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
City lullaby / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 32 1 2/7/2017 5/21/2019 16:03 NV RN
Discovering The golden compass : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 37 8 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 14:39 IV TS
Five little monkeys go shopping / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2007 104 14 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
Big ideas for growing mathematicians : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2007 22 4 9/8/2018 9/10/2019 15:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2007 10 1 ######## 2/26/2019 11:14 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2007 42 1 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 SS RN
Getting ready to read with readers theatre3.12E+13
/ BK 11/20/2007 5 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:30 SV NW
Australia / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2007 15 4 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
The great Chicago fire / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2007 6 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 SV IV
Split screen / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2007 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 IV RN
Nursing. 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2007 20 4/4/2016 4/23/2019 13:35 SS RN
Raw / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2007 40 7 ######## 5/3/2019 14:42 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2007 6 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2007 47 2 ######## 7/29/2019 12:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2007 25 2 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2007 67 12 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SP TS
Streams of silver / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2007 27 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 VE RN
The forest has eyes / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 26 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 29 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:54 NW SP
The shining stallion / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 44 12 ######## 6/28/2019 14:26 IV TS
Oh my goddess! 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 21 ######## 10/18/2019 14:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 24 ######## 2/15/2019 10:58 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 10 1 6/6/2015 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2007 13 4 ######## 6/28/2019 16:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2007 115 21 ######## 6/27/2019 14:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2007 8 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NV RN
Family pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2007 7 1 ######## 9/10/2019 11:52 NV TS
El corrido de Dante / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2007 7 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Toca y aprende criás = : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2007 23 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
Art school / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2007 5 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2007 68 13 ######## 8/22/2019 16:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2007 82 11 ######## 6/13/2019 11:35 IV TS
Floods. 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2007 22 3 8/2/2018 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Heat waves. 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2007 7 3 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NV TS
Tea & infusions : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2007 22 3 ######## 5/6/2019 8:36 SP TS
Tsunami warning / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2007 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2007 26 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NV RN
Parenting with purpose : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 12 5 ######## 3/15/2019 8:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
Richard and John : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 10 3 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 21 ######## 9/6/2019 15:46 SV TS
Danger on the Great Lakes / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 32 3 4/3/2019 5/14/2019 11:13 SO TS
Rita / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 16 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 RN RN
Berkshire encyclopedia of extreme sports 3
/ .12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 16 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Deep magic / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 34 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
His and hers / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2007 19 1 ######## 2/23/2019 11:35 NV SP
Superior deception / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2007 9 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Final winter / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2007 21 ######## 8/21/2019 15:10 SS RN
The country cooking of France / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2007 33 4 ######## 1/18/2019 8:03 NW TS
The God box / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 20 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 10 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 9 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Rama and the demon king : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 4 2 9/9/2015 1/3/2019 10:32 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 13 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 8 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
Wildcat spirit / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 21 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
Dragonfire / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 76 9 ######## 9/6/2019 10:09 SV TS
Mother Goose's little treasures / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 9 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Broken harmony / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 4 1 ######## 9/16/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 20 1 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 19 3 ######## 3/19/2019 17:11 SV SP
The spa / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 23 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 20 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The cure for modern life : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 18 2 7/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
The cure for modern life : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 33 1 ######## 8/1/2019 10:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 49 2 7/6/2017 1/7/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 50 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 19 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 29 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 30 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 44 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW TR
Windy city : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 15 9/9/2015 9/10/2019 15:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 52 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 18 3/7/2017 9/23/2019 12:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 17 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Zeroville / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 9 ######## 9/17/2019 14:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 6 1 8/3/2016 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
On ugliness / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 20 10 ######## 8/15/2019 13:30 SS TS
Ruby Tuesday / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2007 24 ######## 9/12/2019 13:58 SP RN
Barb and Dingbat's crybaby hotline / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2007 6 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Solomon Snow and the stolen jewel / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2007 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 62 11 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 11 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:39 SS RN
Monuments : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 28 1 3/3/2018 7/1/2019 13:04 SO RN
Tip tip dig dig / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 62 8 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 NV RN
How Toyota became #1 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 21 4 ######## 7/15/2019 10:19 SP RN
Tap dancing on the roof : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Tap dancing on the roof : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 7 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 43 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 NV RN
Seeing the elephant : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 16 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 11 1 7/8/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The Lord is my shepherd / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 14 ######## 2/1/2019 11:42 SS RN
The history of the telephone / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 12 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NV RN
Gai see : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 27 7 ######## 3/8/2019 15:58 SS VE
How to tell a secret : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 8 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
The Maryland Colony : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2007 6 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 32 5 2/3/2017 8/5/2019 16:10 NW RN
Truth and consequences : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 17 ######## 11/8/2019 12:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 40 3 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 NV IV
Stop whining, start living / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 33 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Punk : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 25 2 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 18 3/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 16 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:22 SP TS
Major : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 9 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 24 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:18 NW NW
Mastering digital SLR photography / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 83 17 6/6/2019 7/11/2019 14:43 SS TS
Rangers at Dieppe : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2007 36 3 3/7/2017 1/25/2019 8:50 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 27 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Make this your lucky day : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 33 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:26 SV TS
Before your dog can eat your homework, first
you have
BK to do it : 12/19/2007 16 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 31 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
Carpe diem / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 23 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 21 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Ten ways to make my sister disappear / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 46 4 ######## 7/10/2019 10:09 RN TS
Lenny's space / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 5 ######## 2/6/2019 14:08 IV IV
Flappers and the new American woman : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 8 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 34 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 8 2 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 SV IV
A pod of killer whales : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 17 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 35 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 SV TR
Zeus / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 28 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 11 1 4/1/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
Thirty ways of looking at Hillary : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 18 7 ######## 9/24/2019 14:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 19 5 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SO VE
Looking at Japan / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 32 7 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 19 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 15 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
W.A.R. : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 12 2 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 IV TS
The collapse of fortress Bush : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 15 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 24 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 54 11 ######## 9/10/2019 11:32 SO TS
Biting the bullet : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 42 ######## 3/15/2019 11:31 RN SP
Uninvited / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 56 5 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 NW GE
Shang wei da yang / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2007 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2007 46 4 4/5/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
Grk and the Pelotti gang / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2007 30 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2007 32 9 ######## 9/24/2019 15:04 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2007 13 ######## 3/14/2019 12:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2007 11 1 2/1/2015 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Peter and Lotta's adventure / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2007 30 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 15 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 27 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 42 7 ######## 3/22/2019 12:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 40 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 7 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 26 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
Eleven : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 12 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:23 NV SP
Eleven : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 12 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
India / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 25 8 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
Keeping corner / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 14 7/8/2014 5/26/2019 12:42 IV SS
Yeah! yeah! yeah! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 50 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Footwork : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 5 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 IV RN
Cómo nos movemos? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 6 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 25 1 ######## 9/10/2019 11:56 SO TS
Iceland / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 21 7 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 9 8/9/2015 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
I have asthma / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 3 1/3/2016 1/29/2019 9:40 IV RN
Women daredevils : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2007 5 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2007 67 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2007 130 13 ######## 7/17/2019 10:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2007 33 11 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2007 67 7 ######## 4/11/2019 10:52 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2007 40 2 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SS TS
Happy graduation! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2007 36 8 ######## 7/10/2019 10:18 SS TS
Where have all the leaders gone? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2007 11 2 ######## 4/23/2019 12:51 SS RN
Tell me, pretty maiden / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2008 65 12 ######## 5/9/2019 7:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2008 46 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2008 58 2 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 12:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2008 38 5 ######## 4/16/2019 14:54 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2008 32 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2008 24 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
Battle of the bands / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2008 29 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
Chronicle of the Indian wars / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2008 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
Crunch time / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2008 19 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 NV SV
Poetry in motion / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2008 17 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 NV SV
Papier-mâché treasures with Teena Flanner
: BK 1/7/2008 7 9/8/2016 10/21/2019 15:06 RN RN
Historic ship models / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2008 11 2/4/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2008 85 9 ######## 8/12/2019 14:32 SS TS
How not to be popular / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 44 3 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SO RN
Why I'm afraid of bees / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 74 10 4/2/2019 5/14/2019 11:33 NV TS
Patience Wright : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 20 2 2/6/2015 1/22/2019 15:15 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 7 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 22 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 38 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:15 IV TS
The shattered mask / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2008 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 102 16 ######## 1/16/2019 14:45 NW TS
I love you, dear dragon/ 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 80 18 ######## 11/20/2019 14:10 SV TS
Rescuing Sprite : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 23 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Son of stitch 'n bitch : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 34 6 1/4/2018 4/23/2019 14:08 SV RN
The teeny tiny woman / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 74 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 22 ######## 10/4/2019 15:35 SS RN
Living like Ed / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 16 3/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Another book about design : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 4 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:14 SV SP
Miss Spitfire : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 25 6 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SV RN
The Berenstain bears' moving day / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 116 20 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
A swift pure cry / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 9 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 48 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
The yellow boat / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 26 11 ######## 4/27/2019 10:45 NV SO
Max and Mo go apple picking / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 85 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
Franklin and the duckling / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 65 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 48 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 88 7 ######## 9/6/2019 9:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 28 6 ######## 5/9/2019 15:15 SP TS
Icecore : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 19 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 NW SS
Ready set knit cables : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 30 8 ######## 8/2/2019 11:20 IV RN
Mummies unwrapped! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 9 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 SV SV
God's problem : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 18 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 16 3 ######## 4/20/2019 12:45 SP SP
Aaron Copland / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 11 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 SV NW
Horace Pippin / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 5 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 8 1 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SV RN
Me, MySpace, and I : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 2 ######## 10/18/2019 12:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 30 9 ######## 9/10/2019 11:07 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 32 6 ######## 9/10/2019 11:27 SV TS
Peacocks / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 24 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
Chickens / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 24 6 7/1/2018 2/6/2019 13:00 NW RN
Horses / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 28 9 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NW TS
Pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 12 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
Dolphins / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 49 9 3/9/2019 6/13/2019 11:16 SV TS
Apatosaurus / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 19 1 9/3/2017 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Into the devil's den : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 11 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Triceratops / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 36 8 ######## 4/25/2019 11:59 SV TS
Tyrannosaurus rex / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 42 4 1/3/2019 2/20/2019 14:45 RN TS
Nurse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 32 4 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:50 SV TS
Arthur Schwartz's Jewish home cooking : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 16 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 7 ######## 11/8/2019 12:58 SP RN
Lo que hacen los oficiales de policÃ-a = 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 13 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:02 SV RN
Lo que hacen los trabajadores sanitarios =3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 7 1 3/4/2017 5/24/2019 13:02 SV RN
Algebra I and algebra II / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 45 8 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 SV TS
Water power / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 14 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 NW TR
Wind power / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 13 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 NV SV
Porn for new moms / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 8 1 9/7/2014 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
The greatest gift : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 3 1 ######## 5/3/2019 11:51 SS SP
Naked and not ashamed / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 8 2 ######## 5/3/2019 14:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 4 5/2/2016 2/15/2019 11:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 19 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NV RN
God in the White House, a history : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 12 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 10 3 ######## 3/13/2019 8:59 RN TS
Sunflowers : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2008 13 ######## 5/30/2019 11:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 18 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 55 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 13 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 7 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 26 2 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 15 1 ######## 9/17/2019 11:55 NV TS
President Lincoln : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 19 ######## 6/7/2019 9:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 4 8/3/2016 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 33 7 ######## 1/17/2019 15:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 42 4 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 14:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 33 7 ######## 8/5/2019 12:38 RN TS
The printer's trial : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 4 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 41 1 ######## 2/5/2019 14:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 14 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 28 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 28 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:24 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 69 9 7/7/2015 5/29/2019 9:23 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 35 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 24 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 32 5 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NV
Grandeza para cada dÃ-a : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 24 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
The blue star : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 11 1 ######## 2/8/2019 16:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 46 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 32 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 31 1 ######## 10/22/2019 8:27 SS TS
Carrot cake murder : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 77 9 ######## 8/2/2019 8:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 30 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Keeper and kid / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 26 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 19 ######## 8/21/2019 13:01 SS RN
The whiskey killing : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 9 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 17 2 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 57 2 7/2/2018 9/24/2019 10:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 10 ######## 9/17/2019 14:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 16 1 ######## 9/18/2019 14:19 SS RN
Sepulchre / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 16 3 ######## 4/19/2019 17:35 SP SP
Sepulchre / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 16 7 7/9/2019 9/5/2019 13:18 RN TS
Doesn't she look natural? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 10 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 49 1/2/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 NV RN
Black olives : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Fear and yoga in New Jersey / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 7 ######## 9/17/2019 14:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 9 2 ######## 9/12/2019 11:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 18 2 1/3/2018 5/3/2019 9:14 SO RN
Viewpoints critical : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 11 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
A taste to die for / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 9 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 29 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 7 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
Picket fence promises / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 17 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 36 6 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
From bulb to daffodil / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 21 3 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SO TS
This is what I did / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 7 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SP RN
This is what I did / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 22 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SS SP
Sacred leaf / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 9 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
Underground / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 9 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 SP SP
The sorta sisters / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 10 1 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
Keeping corner / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 8 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 8 1 ######## 2/2/2019 12:53 SP SP
Death in Kingsport / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 13 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Andersen's fairy tales / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 5 2 9/4/2016 2/4/2019 8:42 SV RN
The Declaration / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 7 ######## 2/1/2019 17:50 SP SP
Lily Dale : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 18 6 ######## 8/15/2019 9:00 SS TS
The DNA gave it away : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 11 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:45 SV SV
Dinosaurs : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 50 13 ######## 3/7/2019 11:24 SS TS
Yoga for fun! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 16 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Skinny boy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 4 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Queen Rania Al-Abdullah / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 4 5/9/2015 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Descriptive paragraphs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 10 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:03 SS RN
Persuasive paragraphs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 11 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:03 SO RN
The Bearskinner : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 4 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
Drawing cutting edge comics / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2008 38 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
The divine comedy: purgatorio : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2008 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2008 26 3 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2008 8 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2008 9 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SO NV
Rebound. 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2008 10 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2008 21 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SC RN
7th heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2008 77 9 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 7:58 SV TS
God save the fan : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2008 18 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Annual report : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2008 0 2/10/2019 10:52 RN RN
Survey of automobile body shops. 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2008 0 1/29/2019 11:44 RN RN
North Korea / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2008 13 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2008 8 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2008 6 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2008 1 6/3/2015 2/1/2019 15:55 SO IV
Antigua and Barbuda / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2008 5 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 SP NV
Freedom rides : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2008 5 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
Legal system / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2008 9 5 ######## 9/5/2019 8:51 SS TS
Seals / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2008 25 7 7/1/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 SV RN
Our daily meds : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2008 12 ######## 5/18/2019 15:42 RN SP
History of United States naval operations in
World War BK II / 3/27/2008 10 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2008 38 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2008 55 3 ######## 6/27/2019 12:10 NV TS
There was a man who loved a rat and other 3.12E+13
vile littleBK
poems / 4/8/2008 5 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
The squirrel wife 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2008 27 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2008 26 3 ######## 5/30/2019 10:57 SP RN
Polymer clay : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2008 9 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2008 11 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NV TS
Kamasutra : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2008 21 ######## 5/30/2019 10:46 SP RN
Grandes misterios del pasado : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2008 21 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
Bravo, Mia! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2008 65 15 5/8/2019 6/27/2019 10:08 NW TS
California dreaming : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2008 21 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
EcoCrafts. 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2008 9 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2008 20 5 ######## 7/1/2019 15:39 SS TS
The Beats : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2008 29 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2008 34 2 ######## 2/13/2019 17:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2008 32 2 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2008 6 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2008 39 3 4/2/2019 5/14/2019 11:12 RN TS
Small favor / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2008 57 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Small favor / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2008 55 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2008 31 1 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2008 36 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2008 64 3 ######## 7/24/2019 8:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2008 54 5 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SO RN
Animal's people / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2008 13 3 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
Virgin River : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2008 27 3 4/2/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
Virgin River : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2008 24 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
Pequeño Larousse ilustrado. 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2008 20 2 9/1/2016 6/22/2019 11:49 SP RN
The new book of knowledge : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 8 1/3/2018 3/19/2019 14:46 RN RN
Hijos De Mundo Anillo / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 6 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Un viaje por la historia de los templarios en3.12E+13
EspañaBK: 5/5/2008 3 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Conoce a tus hijos : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 5 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Vitaminas y minerales esenciales para la salud
: BK 5/5/2008 15 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
El sueño reparador / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 3 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 8 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 5 2 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
EnergÃ-a para el deporte : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2008 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Dreams from my father : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2008 47 13 ######## 10/30/2019 14:08 IV TS
Standing still / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2008 8 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
Ready for romance / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2008 89 8 ######## 10/15/2019 15:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2008 35 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 NV RN
Los derechos de padres solteros / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2008 6 ######## 6/22/2019 11:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2008 31 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SO RN
Dirty money / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2008 41 2 ######## 8/1/2019 11:03 NV RN
Dirty money / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2008 35 2 ######## 10/14/2019 12:25 SV TS
Ultimate guide to floors, walls, and ceilings3.12E+13
: BK 5/8/2008 24 4 ######## 8/2/2019 11:14 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2008 51 1 5/1/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2008 28 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2008 32 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Moxy Maxwell does not love Stuart Little /3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2008 13 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
Chanda's wars / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2008 7 6/2/2013 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2008 74 3 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2008 12 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SP
Redondo, o, Cuando los cÃ-rculos se convierten
en esferas
BK / 5/13/2008 8 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
El rey Cocodrilo / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2008 12 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 RN TR
Monkeys = 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2008 32 2 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 SS RN
Monkeys = 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2008 19 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2008 11 6 ######## 3/28/2019 10:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2008 12 4 3/3/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2008 17 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2008 34 1 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2008 42 2 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
Deep down popular : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2008 26 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2008 10 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2008 21 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2008 6 ######## 3/16/2019 11:59 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2008 16 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 RN TS
Of men and their mothers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2008 14 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Peculiar treasures / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2008 20 1/3/2015 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
The twelve/ 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 25 5 ######## 3/20/2019 8:09 RN TS
Piggley's tough break / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 64 9 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 16 8 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 28 5 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 20 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 SS SP
Before they are hanged / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 30 5 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 SO TS
Louis Armstrong / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 15 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:49 SO IV
Nat Love / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
Sojourner Truth / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 7 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Working then and now / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 5 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:02 SV RN
Working then and now / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 3 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 21 9 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SO RN
Soy una adolescente! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2008 11 ######## 3/12/2019 11:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2008 68 6 ######## 4/23/2019 9:41 SO TS
Our California / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2008 24 3 ######## 7/17/2019 11:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2008 4 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
Motherbridge of love / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2008 10 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 RN RN
Redemption / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2008 17 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2008 25 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 14 3 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 54 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SS RN
Texas Rangers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 34 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 16 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
Marshes and swamps : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 11 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
Audition : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 21 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2008 15 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SO RN
Portraits of NASCAR : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2008 12 1 ######## 11/1/2019 15:52 RN RN
Crash course in marketing for libraries / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2008 4 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
My answer is no-- if that's okay with you : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2008 19 4 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
One year to an organized life : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2008 40 5 ######## 4/4/2019 11:56 NV NV
Seven for a secret / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2008 7 7/6/2015 9/16/2019 12:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 40 10 ######## 4/25/2019 11:14 RN TS
The dirt on dirt / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 13 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 NW TS
Cataloging and classification : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 10 3 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 RN SS
Mondo lucha a go-go : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Amber morn / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 24 ######## 8/23/2019 13:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 17 ######## 9/18/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 21 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:49 NV RN
The mirror's edge / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 14 1 1/4/2017 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 54 3 ######## 7/17/2019 10:51 NW TS
The Lazarus project / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 10 7/7/2016 8/23/2019 13:53 SS RN
The Lazarus project / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 14 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2008 9 9/9/2015 8/21/2019 14:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 23 5 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 32 6 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 30 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SO SS
Stink and the great Guinea Pig Express / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 94 17 ######## 5/14/2019 11:31 SS TS
America's top golf courses 2007/08 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 8 4 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 RN SS
Electric guitar man : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 8 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 55 1 5/6/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 SP TS
A case of exploding mangoes / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2008 25 7 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 RN RN
Passage / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 26 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 29 6 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 SP RN
The prince of Frogtown / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 8 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
The prince of Frogtown / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 11 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SS RN
The age of Reagan : 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 18 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 27 1 ######## 9/11/2019 12:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2008 15 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
The soloist : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 29 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 43 2 ######## 9/16/2019 14:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 23 1 8/1/2018 6/20/2019 8:39 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 39 1 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 45 1 ######## 7/16/2019 10:49 SO RN
In an instant : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 11 1 9/2/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Schaum's outlines of differential equations3.12E+13
/ BK 5/30/2008 27 2 ######## 4/8/2019 8:59 SV TS
Final salute : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 16 3/2/2016 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2008 32 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2008 39 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2008 23 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2008 29 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2008 21 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 7 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SP RN
Helen Keller : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 36 6 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SV RN
Muckrakers : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 6 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:19 SP RN
Cherokee Rose / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 14 1 3/6/2017 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
Luna moths : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
United Kingdom / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 11 3 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
Cool dry ice devices : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2008 11 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:48 SS RN
Nuestra California / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 23 1 ######## 3/14/2019 12:08 SS TS
(Not) keeping up with our parents : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 11 1 1/3/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 24 2 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 11 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 82 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 12 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2008 19 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2008 48 ######## 10/18/2019 11:04 IV TS
Discovery! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2008 47 8 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2008 26 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 SP SP
Barack Obama : 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2008 18 ######## 6/28/2019 16:16 NW TS
Murder talks turkey / 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2008 27 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2008 57 18 ######## 4/3/2019 13:02 SP TS
Codex 632 : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2008 12 ######## 9/11/2019 13:02 SS RN
How to win a local election : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2008 7 1 ######## 10/12/2019 11:43 NW RN
Hotel Crystal / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2008 8 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:16 NW NW
Step-by-step crafts for gifts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 15 1 ######## 3/12/2019 10:21 NV SP
Days of atonement / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 9 2 ######## 9/24/2019 13:07 SS RN
The Supreme Court / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
George W. Bush : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 8 2/4/2015 1/16/2019 17:12 NW NW
George W. Bush : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 8 1 ######## 7/25/2019 15:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 14 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 6 4 5/8/2019 9/10/2019 8:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 8 3/4/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 3 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Un ojo al gato y otro a-- las frutas / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2008 29 1 ######## 12/20/2019 10:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 48 10 ######## 6/26/2019 14:11 SS TS
Makers of modern architecture / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 6 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:17 NV SP
The secret pulse of time : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 9 2 2/1/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 9 7/2/2017 11/7/2019 13:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 8 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 7 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
Exodus / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 31 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 8 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2008 9 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
The circle of blood : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 13 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Cuentos y leyendas hispanoamericanos / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 10 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 IV IV
The world of professional golf 2007 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 4 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 27 6 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NV RN
Birthing the elephant : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 18 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Honor betrayed : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 12 ######## 5/9/2019 9:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 15 2 ######## 8/1/2019 10:30 VE RN
Dear American Airlines / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2008 31 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 61 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Poseur : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 16 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 26 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
Alfred's nose / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 48 11 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 23 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
River ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 10 1 1/6/2015 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
I'll be sober in the morning : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 11 ######## 11/15/2019 14:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 42 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2008 15 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
When the husband is the suspect / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2008 15 5 ######## 10/18/2019 12:38 NW RN
Arthur Schwartz's Jewish home cooking : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2008 15 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 IV RN
Freedom for the thought that we hate : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2008 8 2 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 SP RN
Stink and the great Guinea Pig Express / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2008 90 15 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NW TS
The death penalty / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2008 5 3/7/2017 10/9/2019 11:15 TR RN
Should women be allowed to serve in combat3.12E+13
in the BK
U.S. Armed Forces? / 6/13/2008 15 ######## 5/15/2019 13:48 SS RN
Archie's war : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 14 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
Shot and framed : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 8 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:30 SV NW
Helicopters : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 11 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
El dinero que hay en ti! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 6 ######## 10/3/2019 13:06 IV IV
The presidency / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 7 1 4/3/2016 2/1/2019 13:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 10 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 SP SP
You wouldn't want to be an Inca mummy!3.12E+13
: BK 6/16/2008 30 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 14 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 16 1 9/3/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 16 1 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 16:40 SP SS
Roman forts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2008 4 6/9/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 34 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
A look at the Eighteenth and Twenty-first Amendments
3.12E+13 BK : 6/17/2008 7 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 19 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Mean and lowly things : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 7 5/9/2013 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
Hidden depths : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 16 3 ######## 10/21/2019 13:07 NV RN
Crocs! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 47 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 78 9 ######## 2/6/2019 9:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 78 12 ######## 7/8/2019 14:56 SP TS
I heart Bloomberg / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2008 36 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 12 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NV SS
Green living for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 13 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
The Fourth of July : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 3 ######## 6/4/2019 14:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 26 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
Please stop laughing at us-- : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 18 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Present at the future : 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 5 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
Simple stunning wedding etiquette: 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 25 9 ######## 9/5/2019 8:48 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 16 7 1/7/2015 7/3/2019 16:26 NV SS
Hair dance! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2008 5 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
What your fourth grader needs to know : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 46 13 ######## 7/15/2019 9:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 14 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
P is for Pakistan / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 18 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Green babies, sage moms : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 5 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
What your preschooler needs to know : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 44 12 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The Market / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 24 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 NW RN
Guinevere's gift / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2008 13 2 6/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 55 12 ######## 2/6/2019 16:32 SV RN
A remarkable mother / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 7 ######## 5/29/2019 14:29 SP RN
If animals kissed good night / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 41 8 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 NV RN
God's master plan for your life : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 23 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 14 2 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 20 3 ######## 8/1/2019 9:51 NW RN
Loose girl : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 57 2 ######## 5/29/2019 14:18 SS RN
Another world : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 6 2/7/2015 5/3/2019 11:52 RN SP
Beyond the night : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 21 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 40 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
100 cosas que debes saber sobre piratas /3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2008 14 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 SP RN
FairTax, the truth : 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2008 11 3/5/2014 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Sarah laughs / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2008 7 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 RN RN
Monday night jihad / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2008 15 2 ######## 9/17/2019 14:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2008 8 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2008 24 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2008 29 3 ######## 9/20/2019 15:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 20 4 7/9/2019 8/19/2019 9:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 54 8 ######## 1/18/2019 15:24 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 9 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 11 3 ######## 12/27/2019 15:25 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 33 8 2/3/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 SV RN
Vineyard chill : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 34 1 ######## 9/23/2019 11:10 SP RN
Anatomy of exercise / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 73 10 ######## 5/20/2019 10:54 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 14 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
Patient by patient : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 11 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SP SS
Celebrate Tet / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 4 1 1/3/2016 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
Cuánto dinero / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 8 1 8/6/2015 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
The Nickelodeon Guide to your best-ever school
yearBK/ 6/24/2008 18 1 8/9/2018 2/1/2019 15:38 NV RN
Puntos de luz : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 14 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:03 SV RN
Looking for loons / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 20 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
4 poemas de Lorca y un viaje a Nueva York3.12E+13
/ BK 6/24/2008 3 7/7/2015 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Shanghai / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 23 4 ######## 7/17/2019 10:02 SV TS
ABC : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2008 16 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SV SV
Spider star / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 29 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 VE SV
The bogeyman / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 7 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 28 3 ######## 5/13/2019 15:35 SO TS
Don't make me choose between you and my 3.12E+13
shoes /BK 6/25/2008 16 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
Exodus / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 26 1 4/3/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Who do you think you are? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 25 ######## 10/4/2019 14:37 SP RN
Perfect hostage : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 13 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 48 1 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 NW RN
The tools of science / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 16 2 1/3/2014 2/20/2019 13:36 SV SV
Ver es creer / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 5 1 9/3/2014 2/4/2019 16:26 SV SS
Saga / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 28 6 8/3/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 30 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:37 NW RN
Body piercing and tattoos / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 9 4 3/6/2018 2/1/2019 16:09 NW RN
The full burn : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 16 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
Ivy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2008 40 1 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2008 6 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:58 IV IV
The stem cell dilemma : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2008 6 1 ######## 6/4/2019 16:00 NV RN
In pursuit of the gene : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2008 9 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Snoop : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2008 16 4 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 RN RN
Sweet love / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2008 26 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:08 SP RN
Winter haven / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2008 21 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
One in a million / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2008 12 1 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2008 9 ######## 11/15/2019 13:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2008 19 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
Tell no lies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2008 28 6 1/3/2019 7/10/2019 10:57 NW TS
Hard air : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2008 13 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2008 53 4 ######## 12/13/2019 8:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 10 2 2/1/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 8 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 52 17 ######## 10/18/2019 11:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 27 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 22 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:34 NW RN
The 12 step prayer book : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 10 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
Alcohol / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 13 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Six innings : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 8 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 33 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Multiply by hand : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 31 4 ######## 4/23/2019 9:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 18 ######## 9/11/2019 13:49 SS RN
The best day of someone else's life / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 11 2 7/6/2017 9/11/2019 13:51 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 52 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
Final theory : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 18 1/9/2019 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:13 SV RN
Bioterrorism / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2008 5 ######## 10/9/2019 10:24 SS RN
Mind race : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 13 2 ######## 7/1/2019 15:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 8 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 21 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
The James boys : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 14 2 ######## 9/6/2019 14:34 SO RN
Painting on glass & ceramic / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 7 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 4 1/7/2014 2/20/2019 13:39 SO SV
101 kid-friendly plants : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 17 6 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 29 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 6 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
A darker side / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 7 3/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 38 1 7/6/2016 8/19/2019 11:00 NW RN
America's Rasputin : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2008 8 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2008 21 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2008 39 11 ######## 5/31/2019 12:07 SV TS
Dwarf geckos, rattlesnakes, & other reptiles 3.12E+13
/ BK 7/2/2008 21 2 7/1/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
Rocks & fossils / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2008 22 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2008 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2008 21 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:42 SP TS
Black-footed ferrets : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2008 10 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 RN SV
Fueling our future : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 12 1 ######## 5/15/2019 10:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 20 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 19 5 6/5/2019 10/2/2019 10:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 23 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 20 ######## 5/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 23 ######## 5/3/2019 14:38 NV TS
Dead lucky : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2008 18 2 3/8/2019 4/3/2019 13:00 RN TS
Office assistant : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 43 1 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 11 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 33 ######## 8/15/2019 8:28 SP TS
The Mexican War of Independence / 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 6 2 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 33 9 ######## 5/17/2019 8:42 SS TS
Construction & skilled trades selection test3.12E+13
(CAST). BK 7/7/2008 10 ######## 5/1/2019 13:35 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 47 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:39 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 21 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 13 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 27 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2008 9 2 7/5/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
A new dictionary of saints : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2008 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2008 50 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2008 9 8/5/2019 8/14/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2008 31 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
How to find that quality tenant : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2008 22 6 ######## 5/15/2019 13:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2008 22 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 42 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 12 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
El libro de oro de las historias de la vida de3.12E+13
Jesús / BK 7/9/2008 4 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 41 3 ######## 7/29/2019 12:50 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 29 6 6/7/2018 2/1/2019 13:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV IV
Maple syrup season / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 44 10 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 16:32 SS RN
A pocketful of history : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 17 7/7/2013 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Presidents FYI. 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 21 8 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
The sustainability revolution : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 6 4 ######## 10/12/2019 11:29 SV RN
DNA analysis : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2008 12 6 ######## 2/4/2019 13:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 19 ######## 4/16/2019 14:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 21 3 9/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 6 3 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
What is life? : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 9 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 34 3 ######## 10/4/2019 9:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 18 2 6/1/2018 2/4/2019 14:54 SO RN
Earth : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 18 1 ######## 6/12/2019 8:20 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 40 2 ######## 10/14/2019 11:09 RN TS
Women who love sex : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 16 2 ######## 5/7/2019 10:46 SV TS
There when he needs you : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2008 12 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
My friend John / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 9 4/1/2017 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
The founders' Second Amendment : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 4 1 9/8/2013 1/29/2019 15:34 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 23 5 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
Pension dumping : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 20 2 6/1/2016 10/18/2019 13:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 20 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 24 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 7 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
Postres / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 17 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
AnatomÃ-a and musculación : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 2 1/7/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Historias y secretos de maldiciones y maleficios.
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2008 13 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Usa tu poder mental para lograr lo que deseas 3.12E+13
: BK 7/11/2008 21 3 ######## 9/5/2019 8:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 77 15 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 18 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 22 5 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 SP RN
Ella Fitzgerald : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 14 1 2/6/2016 2/8/2019 17:29 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 14 2 ######## 9/17/2019 10:52 NV TS
Cheater : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 18 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Prey / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 33 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Blair unbound / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 6 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Wetlands / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 9 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:21 SP RN
Homosexualidad : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 2 ######## 6/22/2019 11:36 SP RN
Gomorra : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2008 7 1 3/2/2015 6/22/2019 11:37 RN RN
El grumete de Colón / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2008 8 ######## 2/7/2019 17:50 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2008 50 11 8/9/2019 9/6/2019 11:28 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2008 35 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
For the love of animals : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2008 11 4 2/7/2018 5/20/2019 14:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2008 21 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2008 91 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 22 5 8/7/2018 9/10/2019 12:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 14 1 7/5/2015 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 24 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 12 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 11 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 7 2 1/4/2018 2/1/2019 12:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 11 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
The widows of Eden : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 23 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
Dodger and me / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 19 8/1/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
After the war zone : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 7 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 24 1 ######## 4/22/2019 10:34 SO RN
The secret bride : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2008 23 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 IV RN
Green : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 18 1 3/3/2015 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Beautiful minds : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 9 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:05 SS RN
A few seconds of panic : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 11 2 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 43 3 ######## 6/18/2019 8:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 27 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 IV SS
A nuclear family vacation : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 15 1 ######## 10/18/2019 12:47 SV RN
1001 historic sites you must see before you
die / BK 7/17/2008 23 8 ######## 2/20/2019 14:12 IV TS
Drunkard : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2008 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 16 5 ######## 7/29/2019 9:01 SS RN
The yada yada prayer group / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 20 1 7/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Ancient highway : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 8 7/5/2017 7/24/2019 11:12 SS TS
Scorch / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 20 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
Scorch / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 7 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 13 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
Murder at Hotel Cinema : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 22 ######## 9/23/2019 11:11 NW RN
South by South Bronx / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 7 1 ######## 2/23/2019 15:51 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2008 9 1 3/3/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2008 26 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2008 14 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
Something to blog about / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2008 32 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2008 31 1 ######## 4/23/2019 13:38 NV TS
En palacio nos encontraremos / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2008 5 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2008 9 3 5/7/2018 8/6/2019 10:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2008 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2008 24 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2008 16 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2008 15 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SP TS
Stop in the name of pants! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2008 18 3 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 48 11 ######## 12/20/2019 8:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 25 1 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
The carbon-free home : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 16 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 33 7 ######## 7/17/2019 11:06 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 11 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SS SS
Rock & roll never forgets / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 7 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 20 2 ######## 4/19/2019 17:00 SV SP
Salud para la mujer : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 7 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
Salud para la mujer : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 30 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Salud para la mujer : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2008 11 2 8/5/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Thalia, ¡belleza! : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2008 17 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Seven miles to freedom : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2008 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
What are the facts? : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2008 14 1 ######## 3/20/2019 17:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2008 18 3 6/4/2014 7/1/2019 11:09 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2008 33 3 6/5/2016 9/20/2019 13:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 6 3/4/2017 5/24/2019 13:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 17 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 30 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Migrating animals of the air / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 6 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Adivinanzas para niños / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 4 3/1/2016 5/24/2019 13:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 16 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 26 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SS RN
Eating outdoors : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 29 1 5/3/2018 5/3/2019 14:46 SO TS
Secrets of the sea / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 6 3/4/2015 2/8/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 11 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The carbon age : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 8 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 RN RN
Game boys : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2008 15 8/9/2014 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
Iran / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 5 3 1/8/2019 4/23/2019 9:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 39 3 ######## 4/19/2019 17:33 NV SP
Napkin origami : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 18 2 8/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
When the past is a present / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 42 9 6/1/2019 7/17/2019 11:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 12 3 7/9/2016 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 17 2 4/9/2019 6/13/2019 12:54 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 26 3 6/2/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
A qué huele? : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2008 19 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SS SV
The dirt on dirt / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 11 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 41 6/8/2015 9/23/2019 12:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 13 ######## 9/11/2019 13:12 SS RN
Stand the storm : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 9 6/7/2014 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 13 2 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 7 2 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
Underground towns, treetops, and other animal
BK places / 7/31/2008 9 ######## 2/4/2019 14:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 29 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 21 6/8/2016 9/18/2019 15:14 SP RN
Mosquito / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SP RN
The rise of the Fourth Reich : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 38 10 ######## 6/25/2019 15:20 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2008 31 3 ######## 8/21/2019 14:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2008 28 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2008 20 1 4/5/2016 10/16/2019 15:03 SP RN
Guia de ciudadanÃ-a : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2008 8 2 ######## 10/12/2019 11:09 SS RN
Iodine : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2008 23 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2008 49 9 ######## 2/20/2019 11:00 RN TS
Shelter half : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2008 8 ######## 8/21/2019 12:45 SS RN
When land, sea, and life began : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 16 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 13 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
Elements and compounds / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 4 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Plant / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 22 3 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP NV
The science of light : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 7 3 9/4/2015 1/19/2019 16:53 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 25 4 7/8/2018 2/6/2019 12:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 22 6 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
The wolf sea / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2008 32 ######## 9/12/2019 13:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2008 41 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2008 10 2 2/9/2016 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
Mogo, the third warthog / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2008 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:21 SP RN
The girl who could fly / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2008 33 11 3/8/2019 4/12/2019 11:07 NW TS
Aves de México : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2008 7 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 NV SV
Feathered / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 13 4/5/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
The garden of evil / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 24 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 26 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
Physics / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 33 7 7/6/2019 9/5/2019 8:54 SS TS
Mogo, the third warthog / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 8 1 6/6/2016 2/2/2019 12:56 SV SP
Reading the wind / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 11 3/9/2016 9/18/2019 10:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 26 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NW SS
From a distance / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 46 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 23 ######## 8/23/2019 13:27 SS RN
The wait : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
Who put the B in the Ballyhoo? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2008 21 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2008 71 2 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2008 32 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP RN
Behind happy faces : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2008 14 1 ######## 8/19/2019 10:34 RN TS
Acheron / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 53 6 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 7 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 NW NW
The fortune hunters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 24 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Monkey in the middle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 17 ######## 9/18/2019 15:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 7 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 39 2 ######## 9/18/2019 14:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 29 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
Quinito, day and night = 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2008 13 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 NV SV
The wrecking crew : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2008 11 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2008 15 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2008 39 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 28 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NW TS
People who walk in darkness / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 32 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 48 3 8/3/2017 10/29/2019 15:20 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 80 5 9/5/2019 9/16/2019 14:05 NW TS
Save the males : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 15 1 5/1/2017 10/12/2019 11:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 28 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:18 NW RN
My travelin' eye / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 31 1 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SP RN
A girl named Dan / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 17 ######## 11/27/2019 14:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 24 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SP
The lost spy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2008 12 ######## 10/12/2019 11:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2008 21 2 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2008 20 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:46 SV TS
La invención de Hugo Cabret : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2008 12 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2008 31 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2008 59 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
A birthday for Cow! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2008 104 9 4/9/2019 5/13/2019 15:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2008 13 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
Duck dunks / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2008 32 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2008 13 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:15 SS RN
The GaudÃ- key / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2008 28 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
What happened to Anna K. : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2008 14 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2008 30 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
The daughters Grimm / 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2008 18 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2008 32 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 IV RN
Massacre at Mountain Meadows / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 20 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:51 NV RN
Ella Fitzgerald : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 5 1 8/7/2014 1/11/2019 13:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 91 6 3/9/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
How to really stink at golf / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 13 3/9/2014 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 21 ######## 2/20/2019 11:11 RN TS
50 fly-tying patterns in a box / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 19 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NV RN
The secret garden / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 39 3 6/2/2015 3/9/2019 11:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 63 5 ######## 3/7/2019 15:58 SP TS
Roberto Clemente : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2008 4 1 5/8/2015 1/17/2019 16:53 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 35 2 ######## 8/21/2019 14:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 33 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
Rough justice / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 59 7 4/5/2018 7/10/2019 11:20 SP SS
The king of sting : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 19 1 ######## 6/7/2019 12:55 SV RN
Six innings : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 6 6/8/2016 1/31/2019 15:12 SP SP
Hurricane song / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 6 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
Willa Cather : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 7 7 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 IV RN
Trophy kid, or, How I was adopted by the rich
and famous
BK / 8/19/2008 4 7/6/2015 1/25/2019 17:09 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 15 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Slightly suburban / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2008 20 2/5/2015 1/2/2019 13:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 57 5 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 14 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
Same-sex marriage : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 9 1/2/2015 1/2/2019 11:59 SP SP
Guerrilla P.R. 2.0 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 16 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 5 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2008 16 3 2/8/2017 7/1/2019 12:18 RN RN
A cool drink of water / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 10 2 7/8/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 24 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 9 3 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 19 3 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
How to draw jungle animals / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 39 6 3/3/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 SO RN
Circle of three : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 5 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 39 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 47 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 46 8 9/9/2018 2/6/2019 16:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 58 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 75 8 4/4/2019 6/26/2019 14:57 NV TS
Painless fractions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2008 41 8 ######## 2/11/2019 11:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2008 40 9 ######## 6/13/2019 9:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2008 31 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 NV RN
La dieta del sosiego : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2008 9 1 5/4/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
We the students : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2008 15 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:08 SS RN
Bangladesh in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2008 7 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The sinner's guide to confession / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2008 11 1 1/5/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2008 19 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2008 26 2 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2008 8 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2008 6 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2008 32 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
Tigerheart / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2008 19 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
Lo que hacen los oficiales de policÃ-a = 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Cómo comprar una vivienda para dummies 3.12E+13
/ BK 8/26/2008 5 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 52 3 6/7/2017 12/5/2019 14:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 47 4 ######## 12/5/2019 14:10 RN RN
Crazy diamond / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 10 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 21 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 21 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:21 SO RN
Swan Peak : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 41 4 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 87 19 ######## 11/8/2019 13:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 14 2 ######## 11/27/2019 11:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 39 3 1/2/2019 2/6/2019 12:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 30 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Harry Póttrez y la parodia encantadora / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 6 ######## 6/22/2019 11:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 42 5 9/6/2019 9/24/2019 14:17 SS TS
100 experimentos cientÃ-ficos / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2008 10 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 69 3 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 42 3 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 115 17 ######## 7/17/2019 10:09 SO TS
Bitterly divided : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 11 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
Cocina cubana : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 7 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Para romper los patrones de la depresión3.12E+13
: BK 8/27/2008 18 2 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
Gays y lesbianas : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 8 8/7/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
Horneando / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 12 2 1/5/2015 5/20/2019 13:58 IV SS
Del suelo al techo : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 19 2 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 SP SP
Recetario vegetariano para nutrir bien a niños
BK : 8/27/2008 19 2 ######## 6/28/2019 14:02 SV TS
Embarazo y parto / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2008 23 2 8/7/2015 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
Stars / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 27 8 7/9/2019 11/12/2019 10:29 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 31 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 16 1 ######## 2/26/2019 10:22 NW SP
Coyote speaks : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 5 6/9/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The dog who belonged to no one / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 36 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 SV RN
The dog who belonged to no one / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 40 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
The groundbreaking, chance-taking life of 3.12E+13
George Washington
BK Carver and science & invention
in America / 12 3 1/3/2018 2/8/2019 8:01 SS RN
Cool classical music : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 10 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 60 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 NV RN
Daddy longlegs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 8 ######## 1/17/2019 16:36 IV IV
Suzy, Led Zeppelin, and me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 7 8/6/2015 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 90 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO NV
Más de 30,000 nombres para tu bebé /3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 13 4/1/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Rompa con el ciclo del divorcio : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Francisco Goya / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Cómo criar bebés y preservar el matrimonio 3.12E+13
: BK 8/28/2008 5 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
Fundación e imperio / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2008 7 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2008 52 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2008 18 2 8/1/2018 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
Vanish / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2008 25 ######## 3/15/2019 11:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2008 38 4 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
The way of the world : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2008 12 5/4/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Almost green : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2008 10 2 3/2/2014 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2008 14 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Making cents / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2008 14 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 1 ######## 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 0 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Earthquakes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 11 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 9 3 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 16 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 RN RN
Rose Bowl dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 5 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 VE RN
The monarch's progress : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 5 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
Diwali : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2008 12 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2008 6 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2008 14 4 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NW RN
Guernica : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2008 18 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NW
Wild about wildlife : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2008 11 1 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 NV TS
Tree shaker : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2008 7 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2008 57 11 8/1/2019 8/22/2019 15:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2008 23 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:55 SP SP
Solucionando los problemas de pareja y familia
: BK 9/8/2008 13 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
Don Juan Tenorio / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2008 3 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2008 18 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2008 33 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SS RN
Sopas y cremas/ 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2008 5 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Twilight / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 24 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SS RN
Too late to say goodbye : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 32 9 ######## 8/15/2019 8:38 IV TS
High wire : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 19 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 39 2 ######## 7/29/2019 13:00 NW RN
Thin is the new happy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 11 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
46 science fair projects for the evil genius 3/ .12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 30 9 ######## 5/2/2019 11:15 NV RN
Walk-around tacos : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 11 1 1/8/2018 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
The gridlock economy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 6 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 34 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 38 9 ######## 11/12/2019 10:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 42 6 4/5/2019 5/31/2019 12:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2008 27 3/4/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 28 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 13 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 14 5 ######## 11/8/2019 14:07 SS RN
The Army of the Republic / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 16 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 32 5 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 13:00 NW RN
River of love / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 54 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:40 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2008 4 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 2 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SV RN
Hip ideas for hyper dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 13 5 ######## 5/20/2019 12:46 NW RN
The Mercedes coffin / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 47 4 8/2/2019 9/11/2019 12:54 SO TS
Goldengrove : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 18 2/8/2015 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 17 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 8 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:20 SO SP
InuYasha ani-manga. 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 19 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2008 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 8 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 16 6/2/2015 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 15 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 10 ######## 9/17/2019 14:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 19 ######## 9/18/2019 14:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 20 ######## 9/20/2019 15:08 SS RN
Click : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 7 1 ######## 4/23/2019 9:39 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 21 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 27 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 43 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
War as they knew it : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 10 ######## 10/23/2019 14:18 SV RN
War as they knew it : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 12 1 ######## 7/2/2019 15:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 26 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
When I grow up : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 14 5 ######## 2/1/2019 13:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 76 10 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 33 2 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 41 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SS VE
Airplanes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 55 6 ######## 11/20/2019 12:41 NW TS
The softwire : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 11 9/2/2015 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
The mystery of the Martello tower / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 31 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SP SV
Mi atlas Larousse / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 17 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:09 SP RN
Abigail Adams / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2008 9 8 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 GE RN
Rough & tumble / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2008 19 1/7/2015 4/30/2019 15:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2008 4 ######## 9/11/2019 12:46 SS RN
The smart one and the pretty one / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2008 25 4 ######## 6/20/2019 12:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2008 8 2/1/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2008 14 ######## 8/23/2019 13:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2008 3 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 2 ######## 11/8/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 1 11/8/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 0 11/8/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 3 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 0 11/8/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 4 2/9/2019 9/24/2019 11:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 7 5 ######## 9/20/2019 18:08 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 0 11/8/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 21 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 42 4 ######## 12/5/2019 13:16 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 6 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 SO IV
Sherman's march in myth and memory / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 15 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 36 7 ######## 3/15/2019 11:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 51 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SS
Taking care of your "girls" : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2008 7 7/7/2015 6/4/2019 12:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
The Berenstain Bears' really big pet show /3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 4 6/1/2017 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 105 8 ######## 5/14/2019 11:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 3 1 ######## 2/26/2019 9:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 19 9 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 9 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2008 5 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 52 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS NV
Come look with me : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 4 ######## 3/12/2019 10:24 SP SP
Come look with me : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 5 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 SO NW
Physics / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 33 9 ######## 2/4/2019 11:57 SV RN
The dictator's shadow : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 4 1 8/6/2014 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
El sabor de nuestra fe hispana / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 7 2 ######## 10/9/2019 11:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 23 5 4/8/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 66 4 ######## 7/8/2019 14:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2008 23 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 16 2 4/4/2016 2/6/2019 13:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 20 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 11 2 ######## 3/4/2019 11:58 SP SP
The grave of God's daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 5 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 24 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 21 2 ######## 6/13/2019 10:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 12 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
Family sold separately : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 5 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Sourpuss and sweetie pie / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 16 ######## 2/5/2019 13:40 NV RN
El gran libro de las adivinanzas y los acertijos
/ BK 9/24/2008 7 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2008 28 4 2/9/2018 5/24/2019 13:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 28 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Hell Week : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 26 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
Hell Week : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 15 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 26 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SP RN
Rain song / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 22 2 9/8/2016 3/16/2019 11:23 SP SP
Twisted / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 20 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Death in the air / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 11 1 ######## 8/15/2019 9:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 19 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 27 2 4/9/2015 1/15/2019 11:17 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 84 15 1/2/2019 2/6/2019 9:39 NV RN
The best American short plays, 2004-20053.12E+13
/ BK 9/25/2008 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
World atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 4 4 ######## 2/20/2019 14:10 TR TS
World atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2008 9 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2008 18 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2008 5 5/3/2011 5/30/2019 14:31 NV RN
When the white house was ours / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2008 14 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2008 67 16 6/6/2019 9/10/2019 15:46 SO TS
Overcoming your parents divorce : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2008 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:13 SP RN
Create an oasis with greywater : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 15 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 34 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 RN RN
To love what is : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 1 1 2/5/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 SS RN
Armenia in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 2 6/3/2015 2/1/2019 15:55 SO IV
Armenia in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Bangladesh in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 5 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Bangladesh in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 5 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
The deceivers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 17 8/9/2016 9/20/2019 15:30 SS RN
Stalin's children : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 22 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 NW RN
1,000 music graphics : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 12 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
One man out : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 3 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 68 6 ######## 4/23/2019 12:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 110 20 ######## 9/6/2019 10:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 52 8 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 14 1 4/5/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 27 3 7/1/2018 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2008 1 ######## 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 12 1 ######## 8/21/2019 12:50 SS RN
Piano servicing, tuning, and rebuilding for 3.12E+13
the professional,
BK the student, and the hobbyist /9/30/2008 10 1 3/3/2015 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Where's Waldo? : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 41 3 ######## 5/10/2019 7:46 SV RN
The ultimate book of paint effects. 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 15 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
Luna nueva / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 9 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SO RN
Luna nueva / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:45 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 17 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 16 3 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SS RN
Monkeys / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 27 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 16 3 3/4/2019 3/26/2019 15:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 6 1 5/9/2018 4/23/2019 9:05 RN TS
The road to Oz : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 10 ######## 1/3/2019 10:08 NV SP
The sounds around town / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 38 5 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
Race to Dakar / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 25 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
Mark Spitz : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2008 5 3/1/2015 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 65 6 ######## 6/28/2019 11:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 47 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 39 4 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NV RN
Obama's challenge : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 11 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Color is everything : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 19 3 4/3/2019 5/7/2019 10:53 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 102 17 ######## 9/17/2019 10:17 NV TS
This gaming life : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 9 3 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 32 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
The one and only Zoë Lama / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 28 1 4/6/2016 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
In every moon there is a face : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 11 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:57 NW RN
Nevada History Day / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2008 1 ######## 6/25/2019 15:23 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 9 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 14 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 29 4 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
The hidden swan : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 45 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 SO RN
Kick the balls : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 12 ######## 7/3/2019 9:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 9 1 ######## 8/5/2019 12:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 48 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
The girl who drew a phoenix / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 21 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
Abe Lincoln crosses a creek : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 20 3 2/5/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 14 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 13 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2008 13 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
Ni bruta ni cabrona : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 41 2 ######## 10/8/2019 11:06 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 17 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:48 SV RN
An evil guest / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 13 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 30 3 9/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
Violet Raines almost got struck by lightning3.12E+13
/ BK 10/3/2008 14 1 7/2/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 SS NW
Violet Raines almost got struck by lightning3.12E+13
/ BK 10/3/2008 21 6 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SP NW
Thornspell / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 19 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 SP SP
Spy! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 7 4/1/2016 2/8/2019 11:44 SC NW
The skywriter / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 9 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 52 9 1/2/2019 2/4/2019 12:03 SO RN
100 words almost everyone mispronounces 3.12E+13
/ BK 10/3/2008 15 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2008 28 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
The whiskey rebels : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 36 1 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 8 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 TR TS
Off go their engines, off go their lights / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 33 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 16 2 5/5/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 31 3 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
An imperfect offering : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 8 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 96 4 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
Snow trucking! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 46 6 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 NV VE
Snow trucking! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2008 40 5 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2008 15 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SO TS
Skies over Sweetwater : 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2008 12 1 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 SP SP
The great American pin-up / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2008 28 6 ######## 9/30/2019 8:06 NW TS
Amame pare que me pueda ir : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 4 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 22 2 ######## 7/15/2019 9:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 10 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 23 1 1/4/2019 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 12 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Knucklehead : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 18 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 SV IV
The house on Mango Street 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2008 5 ######## 2/13/2019 14:06 IV TS
The ghost in love / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 11 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
Crusade / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 51 4 ######## 9/16/2019 14:13 NW TS
True genius : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 13 2 ######## 4/23/2019 14:52 RN RN
Only the lonely : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 9 1/2/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 26 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 3 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 9 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2008 8 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2008 20 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2008 53 4 7/9/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
Astro Boy. 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2008 41 11 ######## 7/11/2019 9:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2008 20 4 ######## 6/12/2019 11:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2008 79 14 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 4 ######## 5/24/2019 17:50 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 28 1 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 62 3 7/9/2019 8/15/2019 8:17 NW TS
Oil / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 7 ######## 5/9/2019 16:00 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 13 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 28 2 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 12:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 8 9/7/2018 7/1/2019 15:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 10 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 39 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
Michael Dell / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 3 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 11 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
Left in dark times : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2008 9 1 ######## 10/18/2019 13:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 17 10 6/1/2019 9/10/2019 11:53 NV TS
Insects & spiders / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 46 5 9/3/2019 11/22/2019 15:42 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 54 3 5/2/2018 2/4/2019 11:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 55 14 6/7/2019 9/10/2019 15:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 30 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 20 1 3/5/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 32 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 NW TS
Looking closely inside the garden / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 14 5 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 23 6 ######## 2/1/2019 12:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2008 34 6/6/2013 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 5 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SV SS
Guide to the John Muir Trail and the High 3.12E+13
Sierra region.
BK 10/15/2008 9 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 IV RN
The replacement child / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 27 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
In my hood II : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 7 1 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Those preaching women : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 7 ######## 5/3/2019 14:10 SP SP
Cómo vivir y triunfar en Estados Unidos. 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 20 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 23 3 ######## 6/27/2019 9:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 7 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 19 3 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2008 24 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
Bitter harvest / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 4 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
The B list : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 7 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 11 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 7 3/7/2016 2/8/2019 17:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 14 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 12 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SP TS
The hand you're dealt / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2008 9 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
Two parties, one tux, and a very short film3.12E+13
about theBKGrapes of wrath / 10/16/2008 14 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 RN SS
Roget's 21st century thesaurus in dictionary
form : BK 10/17/2008 2 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2008 21 4/9/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
Prince Rupert : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2008 4 2/8/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
What matters : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2008 16 2/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SP RN
What matters : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2008 22 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Domino : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2008 53 2 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Bones : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 23 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:06 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 17 2 5/2/2019 5/8/2019 14:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 3 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 12 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 70 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 84 7 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2008 21 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Race like no other : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2008 13 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2008 16 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2008 10 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:42 RN SV
The Snodgrass conspiracy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2008 15 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2008 14 ######## 2/1/2019 11:39 NV RN
Sammy Keyes and the cold hard cash / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2008 16 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
The decline of men : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2008 18 ######## 5/6/2019 9:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2008 28 5 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2008 19 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
The everything parent's guide to raising your
BKchild : 10/22/2008 12 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2008 14 1 8/6/2016 5/29/2019 14:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2008 12 2/3/2016 11/7/2019 14:19 SS RN
Get positively beautiful : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2008 18 ######## 8/2/2019 11:14 SP RN
Easter Island / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2008 5 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 SP SP
The ABC book of American homes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2008 4 1 2/3/2018 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
The January dancer / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 25 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Ghost radio / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 15 9/9/2014 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 15 3 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 NW TS
Welcome to Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 14 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 22 4 7/1/2017 3/22/2019 11:25 SO TS
Welcome to South Korea / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 10 1 9/4/2015 1/5/2019 16:45 SS SP
The complete idiot's guide to wine basics /3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2008 27 ######## 7/15/2019 10:27 NW RN
Trigger city / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 31 1 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 12:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 32 ######## 12/20/2019 8:54 SP TS
Our Lincoln : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 8 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 15 2 ######## 1/23/2019 14:54 SV RN
Stone the crows : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 14 3 6/7/2017 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
Richard Scarry's The great pie robbery and3.12E+13
other mysteries.
BK 10/27/2008 71 9 3/1/2019 4/12/2019 12:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 12 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
Multiple blessings : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 16 ######## 10/4/2019 15:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 11 1 ######## 4/12/2019 12:52 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 15 4 8/6/2019 9/24/2019 15:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 20 5 4/8/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 48 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 37 7 3/9/2019 4/23/2019 13:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 119 27 ######## 7/25/2019 16:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2008 59 10 ######## 5/28/2019 8:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 10 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 88 6 ######## 1/18/2019 15:18 SO SP
Saving Savannah : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 11 ######## 2/11/2019 8:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 25 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 24 5 1/3/2017 2/8/2019 11:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 15 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 21 8 ######## 9/24/2019 10:31 IV TS
The search for spirituality : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 21 8 ######## 11/15/2019 10:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 18 7 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 19 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 48 9 ######## 8/12/2019 14:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 26 ######## 8/23/2019 8:27 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2008 50 5 3/2/2018 2/6/2019 10:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 24 7 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 25 5 1/2/2016 2/14/2019 17:14 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 12 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 15 2 ######## 7/17/2019 15:19 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 11 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
A is for abraham : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 6 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:19 RN TS
Alan Turing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 42 2 3/7/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 21 7 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 NW RN
Pretty like us / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 9 2 4/2/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
The invasion of Sandy Bay / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 9 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Amadi's snowman / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 7 1 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2008 16 1 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2008 13 2/9/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2008 9 2/3/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
Conscience point / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2008 11 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
The Emancipation Proclamation : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 10 2 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 NV SP
Scholastic pocket United States atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 7 2 ######## 3/4/2019 17:43 SS SP
Digital photography for dummies. 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 39 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV NV
A life in the wild : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 35 5 8/8/2019 9/10/2019 15:46 SP TS
Used any numbers lately? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 10 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 9 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 NW SV
Toby Keith / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2008 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2008 20 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
I thought we were making movies, not history
/ BK 11/4/2008 16 ######## 7/3/2019 10:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 58 10 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR RN
Swallowing darkness : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 40 2 ######## 6/4/2019 8:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 9 1 2/4/2015 1/2/2019 11:47 SP SP
Backstabbing for beginners : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 13 5/4/2016 6/4/2019 14:07 SV RN
Quicken 2009 for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 20 1 ######## 6/26/2019 11:28 RN TS
Kosovo : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 22 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
Bumps, bruises, and scrapes / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 10 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Living in the Australian outback / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 17 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2008 18 8 9/6/2017 10/18/2019 13:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2008 29 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 NW SV
Spiders / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2008 36 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SS
Russia : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2008 17 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 NW RN
Hidden inheritance / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2008 20 2 8/7/2019 8/23/2019 12:59 RN TS
The real mother goose ABCs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2008 29 6 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2008 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
Talent / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2008 8 2/5/2016 5/3/2019 17:43 NV RN
Paper crafts for Chinese New Year / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2008 18 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2008 13 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
Dark vengeance : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2008 8 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2008 40 7 3/8/2016 2/11/2019 17:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2008 37 3 4/1/2018 2/1/2019 17:06 SO RN
Quilting 101 : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 31 1 ######## 5/3/2019 14:41 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 7 3 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 NW TS
The great inflation and its aftermath : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 18 1/2/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
The great inflation and its aftermath : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 17 5/3/2013 1/29/2019 15:34 RN SS
Donovan & son : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 11 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
Weddell seal : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 15 7 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 IV SS
Dear Toni / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 9 2 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Catcall / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 7 ######## 2/8/2019 10:28 NW NW
Jibberwillies at night / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 20 1 6/6/2019 11/8/2019 13:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2008 23 3 3/8/2019 5/21/2019 14:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 79 13 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 5 ######## 4/23/2019 12:30 SP RN
Amazing baby : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 16 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 51 2 ######## 10/18/2019 11:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 62 6 ######## 12/20/2019 8:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 33 6 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
Your skin holds you in : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 4 2/6/2017 6/25/2019 16:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 7 3 2/5/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
Sophie and the next-door monsters / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 38 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 28 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 74 9 ######## 7/11/2019 10:00 IV TS
Too much flapdoodle! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 6 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 18 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
Slant / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2008 8 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2008 6 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2008 23 2 ######## 9/18/2019 14:19 NW RN
Looking at Poland / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2008 10 4 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SS TS
Angelina on stage / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 27 4 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 15 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 26 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 26 8 ######## 2/4/2019 12:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 24 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 17 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 24 1 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 43 1 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
The story of Edgar Sawtelle : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 46 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 12 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:29 NV RN
Excuse me while I wag / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2008 13 2 ######## 6/28/2019 12:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2008 45 7 ######## 7/15/2019 11:32 NW TS
Driving down memory lane / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2008 2 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2008 70 14 ######## 3/28/2019 10:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2008 3 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2008 66 19 ######## 6/26/2019 14:46 SS TS
Green cleaning for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2008 21 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2008 9 ######## 5/15/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2008 68 6 ######## 11/27/2019 13:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 24 11 7/9/2019 9/5/2019 8:53 SP TS
What do we do now? : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 6 ######## 5/9/2019 9:08 SP RN
Precious cargo : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 18 ######## 9/11/2019 12:39 SS RN
The unseen / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 20 1 ######## 9/17/2019 15:02 SS RN
The other side of the island / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 9 ######## 1/23/2019 15:03 NV RN
Playing with matches / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 6 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NV SS
The midnight twins / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 17 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
Granny McFanny / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2008 73 5 ######## 8/14/2019 10:16 SO TS
One extraordinary day : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2008 16 ######## 9/12/2019 12:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2008 40 4 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 NW TS
The man back there : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2008 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2008 9 1/9/2016 9/12/2019 13:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2008 24 1 ######## 9/24/2019 12:24 SP RN
A dragon in a wagon / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 36 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:20 SP RN
Franklin and the tooth fairy / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 50 7 ######## 1/16/2019 9:05 VE TS
Arctic drift / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 69 5 1/6/2019 2/20/2019 13:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 27 3 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 10 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SS RN
Talk of the town / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 16 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SV TS
To all a good night / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2008 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2008 30 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 NV TS
The ancestors / 3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2008 19 3 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2008 76 18 2/9/2019 5/31/2019 13:41 SP TS
1-2-3 magic / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 7 5 6/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 33 3 ######## 11/12/2019 10:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 9 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 5 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 18 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 19 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:42 SS RN
Salvation in death / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 48 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NW TS
Napoleon's wars : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 9 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 18 6 7/6/2019 9/5/2019 8:55 SS TS
The sweet in-between : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2008 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
It was September when we ran away the first
time / BK 12/1/2008 15 4 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2008 64 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2008 103 20 ######## 7/17/2019 10:24 NV TS
Casting spells / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2008 34 1 ######## 9/23/2019 13:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2008 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2008 27 2 2/1/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2008 23 5 4/8/2018 2/2/2019 10:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2008 47 2 ######## 1/17/2019 13:52 SV TS
Just after sunset / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 59 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
Masterpiece / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 20 4 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
Isadora Duncan : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 12 2 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 19 5 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 15 1 8/4/2016 2/8/2019 10:33 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 50 5 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 SO RN
Dark delicacies 2 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2008 28 1 ######## 4/12/2019 14:31 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 22 5 ######## 9/11/2019 15:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 30 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 33 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 12 2 ######## 8/6/2019 10:15 NW RN
Tigers / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 48 14 ######## 6/27/2019 9:15 SS TS
Sheep / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 14 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 18 2 ######## 4/9/2019 17:51 SS SP
My "j" book / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 37 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
My "i" book / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 36 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
My "s" book / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2008 23 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 11 5 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 35 6 ######## 6/15/2019 13:38 IV RN
This day in American history / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 2 ######## 9/19/2019 17:00 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 17 3 4/2/2017 10/18/2019 14:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 46 5 ######## 1/9/2019 8:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 12 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 5 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 NW SS
Fern Verdant & the Silver Rose / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 11 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
Erratum / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:04 RN RN
Erratum / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 12 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:05 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 43 4 3/7/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 40 6 ######## 2/15/2019 13:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 24 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 32 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 IV RN
Make it plain : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2008 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 2 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 19 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
Baby Jesus pawnshop / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 6 6/3/2015 9/12/2019 11:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 71 3 1/6/2019 1/31/2019 15:27 RN TR
Natalie & Naughtily / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 12 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
Milagros : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 8 4 ######## 2/1/2019 18:08 NV SP
Hollywood dreams made real : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 26 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
David Blume's Alcohol can be a gas! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2008 18 3 2/8/2016 10/21/2019 15:46 RN RN
Mrs. Jeepers' batty vacation / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 22 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Sing me back home : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 6 1 7/7/2014 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 21 1 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 44 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
The stormcaller / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 28 2 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 13 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 15 2 6/9/2015 1/11/2019 13:02 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2008 25 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
When Madeline was young : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 7 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 8 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 19 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SV TS
Augustine and the Jews : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 5 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Pete & Pickles / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 22 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 45 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
Washo religion / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2008 4 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2008 5 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
How to break a terrorist : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2008 10 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
The sword of waters / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 21 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 40 2 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 14 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 45 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
The five nightmares / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 59 11 ######## 2/7/2019 9:36 NW RN
Echoes from the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 19 1 ######## 3/16/2019 11:24 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2008 27 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:44 SP TS
Holiday symbols and customs : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2008 1 4/1/2019 9:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2008 4 ######## 6/25/2019 15:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2008 13 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2008 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:16 SV RN
Unclean spirits / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2008 9 1 ######## 2/8/2019 16:53 SP SP
DK Merriam-Webster children's dictionary3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2008 6 2 8/7/2018 8/2/2019 12:52 SV TS
DK Merriam-Webster children's dictionary3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2008 1 1/8/2014 10/7/2019 11:32 SS SS
Prisoners : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2008 13 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
Frights! Camera! Action! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2008 17 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2008 36 11 ######## 2/4/2019 11:30 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2008 58 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
No kiss for the devil / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 12 ######## 3/23/2019 11:13 SP SP
Handbook to life in the medieval world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Handbook to life in the medieval world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 2 1 8/8/2016 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Handbook to life in the medieval world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 12 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 IV RN
Spider season / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 9 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Spider season / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 20 1 3/7/2015 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 9 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 17 1 ######## 7/24/2019 7:54 SS TS
A revolution in taste : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 2 3/9/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
A teen's guide to Christian living : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2008 18 3 4/5/2017 4/25/2019 7:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2008 32 1 2/8/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2008 68 2 7/3/2019 7/17/2019 10:46 SV TS
Christy Brown : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2008 11 3 2/2/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
Christy Brown : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2008 6 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2008 36 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2008 30 4 ######## 8/6/2019 9:54 SP RN
Health : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2008 7 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2008 31 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
Benin Light / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2008 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:55 SS RN
Hero-type / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2008 11 ######## 5/3/2019 17:23 SP RN
Ronald Reagan : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2008 13 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2008 15 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2008 7 3 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 SP TS
My name is number 4 : 3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2008 9 8/6/2016 8/5/2019 16:06 RN RN
The big player : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2008 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2008 20 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2008 13 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2008 19 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2008 24 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2008 64 22 8/5/2019 9/24/2019 15:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2008 7 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
Las Vegas Babylon : 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2008 17 3 ######## 8/19/2019 13:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2008 4 2 5/4/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 RN SS
Law of the desert born / 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2008 52 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2009 19 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:09 SC SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2009 22 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 RN SS
Acids and bases / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 5 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 RN NV
Acids and bases / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 13 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:09 SV RN
Marvels in the muck : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 4 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 40 11 ######## 2/4/2019 14:44 NW RN
Happy birthday to you! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 9 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SO SV
Take me back to the beginning -- / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 22 3 ######## 1/4/2019 16:49 SS SP
Our Abe Lincoln : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2009 27 1 ######## 6/28/2019 16:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2009 53 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2009 34 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2009 14 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2009 26 2 7/3/2017 10/4/2019 14:23 SP RN
The 4 day diet / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2009 23 ######## 4/8/2019 9:02 RN TS
Ransom my heart / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2009 34 4 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2009 56 10 ######## 9/5/2019 13:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2009 62 9 ######## 1/24/2019 13:04 NW TS
Superparenting for ADD : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2009 43 17 ######## 6/12/2019 8:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2009 32 3 ######## 9/12/2019 12:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2009 30 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2009 49 3 6/7/2019 7/15/2019 12:27 RN TS
Divorce / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2009 7 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
Invisible hands : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 13 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 NW RN
The holy city : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 7 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
College girl / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Armor of God / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 4 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
Emotional bullshit : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 47 13 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
Black glass : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 14 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:50 RN RN
Stress and depression / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 17 4 6/8/2017 11/8/2019 11:41 SS RN
Abuse and neglect / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 12 2 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 NV SP
Blown coverage : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 4 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 34 4 6/2/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
Meet Ash / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 91 19 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Terrorism / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 2 6/3/2014 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Dying to get high : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 37 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
A friend like Henry : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 22 ######## 5/29/2019 15:20 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2009 25 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 36 6 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 48 4 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 VE SV
Dreams from the monster factory : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 19 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 32 3 ######## 11/6/2019 14:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 44 12 ######## 8/15/2019 8:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 25 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:07 SO SP
Bill Gates : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 38 14 ######## 6/28/2019 15:50 NW TS
Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 6 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
The rules of the game / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 23 ######## 8/23/2019 13:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 27 1 7/2/2017 9/12/2019 12:42 SS RN
Bob Schieffer's America / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 7 ######## 11/20/2019 15:31 NW TS
Phobias / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 10 4 ######## 11/15/2019 13:45 SV RN
Seven wonders of the ancient world / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 13 1 5/7/2019 9/6/2019 8:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 21 5 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 127 17 ######## 7/17/2019 10:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 108 19 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2009 134 16 1/6/2019 2/4/2019 15:09 NW RN
Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland. 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 71 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 37 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 SP RN
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 40 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 30 8 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 SP RN
Anorexia / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 6 ######## 4/4/2019 11:55 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 35 6 ######## 5/14/2019 10:53 SP TS
Tommaso and the missing line / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:33 NW RN
Priscilla and the great Santa search / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 47 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Doo-Wop Pop / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 8 2 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 39 4 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 NW IV
A girl, a boy, and three robbers / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 8 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:44 SV SV
A year in the life : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2009 12 5 ######## 4/22/2019 10:39 RN RN
Kids can cook : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2009 38 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2009 33 3 ######## 9/24/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 29 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Multiple blessings : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 16 3/4/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Green your home all in one for dummies. 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 19 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:14 NW RN
My fathers' daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 5 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 NW VE
The illustrated kitchen bible / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 19 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 NV SS
Tiny yarn animals : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2009 35 8 ######## 10/1/2019 11:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 4 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 RN SS
The boomer's guide to a great retirement 3: .12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 27 5 ######## 6/26/2019 11:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 19 2 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 26 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 19 3/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
The Great Depression and the New Deal / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 11 3 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 51 6 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
The comet's curse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 8 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 14 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 27 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 14 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 12 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 33 3 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 10 1 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
Men of the otherworld / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 30 ######## 11/7/2019 14:48 SS TS
Goofy and the magic fish. 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 60 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Mowgli and Kaa the python. | Walt Disney's 3.12E+13
Mowgli BK
and Kaa the python 1/21/2009 55 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
The Little mermaid and Spot. 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2009 68 7 9/2/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
The well-dressed ape : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2009 12 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SO TS
So damn much money : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2009 22 4 ######## 11/6/2019 14:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2009 46 11 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 83 12 ######## 10/9/2019 11:46 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 30 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 24 3 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 15 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Runaway / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 4 1/8/2015 1/15/2019 11:17 SS SV
Frequently asked questions about suicide /3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 6 5 ######## 7/9/2019 15:32 SP TS
Frequently asked questions about suicide /3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 6 ######## 7/1/2019 15:29 NV TS
Bringing the boy home / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 10 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 SP SP
Landmines in the path of the believer / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 18 7 ######## 4/20/2019 12:41 SC SP
Qué hay detrás de tu nombre? : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2009 8 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 IV RN
Treatment kind and fair : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2009 12 3 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2009 12 2 ######## 8/21/2019 14:23 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2009 40 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Native American doctor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2009 6 ######## 1/17/2019 17:42 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2009 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
Child care today : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2009 5 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
Elements and compounds / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2009 15 2 5/3/2017 2/4/2019 12:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2009 16 ######## 4/23/2019 9:06 SP TS
The Christmas rose / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2009 4 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 NV SS
The wheat doll / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2009 19 2 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SP SV
13 is the new 18-- and other things my children
BK me (while I was having a nervous breakdown
1/29/2009being their
14mother) / 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 3 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 NV SV
Waste and recycling / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 10 4 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 31 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:57 NW TS
Adónde van las personas cuando mueren? 3.12E+13
/ BK 1/29/2009 9 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Tuk and the whale / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 3 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NW NW
Busted : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 19 1/7/2015 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
A darker domain : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 37 2 ######## 9/5/2019 12:40 NW TS
A darker domain : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 40 1 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 7:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 18 5 ######## 6/28/2019 13:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 14 1 ######## 9/10/2019 10:19 SP TS
Presidents / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2009 20 4 ######## 3/12/2019 10:52 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2009 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2009 19 5 ######## 9/18/2019 14:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2009 5 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:38 SS RN
Back in black / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2009 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2009 40 3/1/2019 10/31/2019 8:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2009 33 3 2/2/2018 5/20/2019 14:12 NW RN
Menstruación : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2009 6 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Warner Bros. animation art : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2009 17 1 ######## 6/26/2019 11:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2009 63 10 2/6/2019 3/28/2019 15:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2009 35 3 1/7/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2009 19 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Más allá del valle de los espinos / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2009 14 ######## 5/24/2019 11:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 10 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 IV RN
Weather / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 4 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:09 SS RN
Bones of betrayal / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 50 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 36 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Fireflies in December / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 25 ######## 3/16/2019 11:22 SP SP
Along came Spider / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 9 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 13 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 52 3 ######## 2/20/2019 15:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 38 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 17 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SP RN
Bullets, bombs and fast talk : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2009 14 ######## 5/28/2019 9:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2009 88 16 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2009 12 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2009 50 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2009 22 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 RN RN
Bravo 20 : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2009 3 1 ######## 6/27/2019 15:00 NW RN
The seven keys of Balabad / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2009 22 4 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
The seven keys of Balabad / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2009 12 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
River of dreams :b the story of the Hudson3.12E+13
River / BK 2/6/2009 6 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2009 25 6 ######## 5/28/2019 9:25 RN TS
The Israeli secret services and the struggle3.12E+13
against terrorism
BK / 2/9/2009 11 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:06 SP RN
Metal / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
Glass / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 7 2 8/9/2017 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 19 4/4/2016 11/8/2019 12:49 SS RN
Garbage, waste, dumps, and you : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 15 2 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2009 6 1 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2009 39 4 ######## 7/10/2019 11:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2009 44 1 1/3/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 NV TS
Spade & Archer / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2009 25 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 NW TS
Murder at the Academy Awards : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2009 29 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
Moses Schallenberger at Truckey's lake, 1844-45.
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2009 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 96 6 ######## 7/17/2019 11:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 12 2 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 8 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SS SV
The aftermath of the Anglo-Zulu war / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 3 3/8/2016 2/8/2019 17:48 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 13 6 ######## 3/16/2019 12:05 SP SO
The big bell and the little bell / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 25 1 ######## 1/17/2019 15:10 RN TS
Beautiful Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 13 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Little Skink's tail / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 12 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 SS RN
The kids' guide to building cool stuff / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 5 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
The kids' guide to building cool stuff / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 26 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2009 7 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2009 15 ######## 5/30/2019 10:25 SP RN
The complete idiot's guide to vegetable gardening
3.12E+13/ BK 2/12/2009 54 8 ######## 6/13/2019 9:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2009 28 3 2/5/2016 2/15/2019 10:16 SO SP
Magic bus : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2009 17 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV IV
Watershed : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2009 2 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 3 3/6/2015 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 36 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 5 4/5/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 13 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 10 8/6/2015 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
Heroes of the valley / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 30 4 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 20 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 11 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 IV TS
Malawi in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Botswana in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2009 6 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Revelation / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 28 4 ######## 11/14/2019 13:16 IV TS
Everything changes : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 4 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 NW SS
Earthtalk : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 14 3/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 3 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 45 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 19 1 ######## 3/28/2019 10:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2009 3 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2009 25 1 ######## 8/12/2019 14:29 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2009 15 4 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 NW RN
It never rains in Antarctica : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2009 8 4 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 NV IV
Surgery / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2009 7 3 5/9/2018 4/23/2019 8:59 SP TS
Composting : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2009 21 7 ######## 6/13/2019 9:40 NV TS
Composting : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2009 17 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SS TS
The spare room : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2009 29 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2009 15 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 TR SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2009 20 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2009 22 5 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SV RN
How to be an adult in relationships : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2009 41 13 ######## 10/4/2019 8:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2009 11 3 7/2/2019 9/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
She always knew how : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2009 20 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2009 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2009 17 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 RN SS
Voss / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2009 3 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 TR SS
The secret story of Sonia Rodriguez / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2009 15 3 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2009 2 7/6/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
The bean trees : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2009 68 13 7/1/2019 9/24/2019 10:38 SS TS
Don't look twice : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2009 65 5 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2009 17 3 3/1/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 RN RN
Damosel : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2009 11 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2009 31 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
Handcuffs / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2009 23 8/4/2016 5/3/2019 17:19 SP RN
The Baltic gambit : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 27 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 37 3 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 30 2 ######## 2/8/2019 9:49 NW SP
Cracker bling / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 15 1 ######## 9/16/2019 12:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 18 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW NW
We'll always have Paris : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 2 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 24 3/4/2015 2/9/2019 15:39 SO SP
Tsunami! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 20 3 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
Hippie chick / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 6 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 40 3 ######## 7/15/2019 11:38 NW TS
One D.O.A., one on the way : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 11 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Choose Mexico for retirement : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 17 8 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2009 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 TR RN
Hanukkah haiku / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2009 13 ######## 2/1/2019 12:23 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2009 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Bein' a grandparent ain't for wimps / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2009 6 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2009 5 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2009 64 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2009 6 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 12 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 7 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 11 1 ######## 4/20/2019 14:24 TR SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 21 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 42 1 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
Can't never tell : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 36 ######## 2/26/2019 10:20 SP SP
End of the century / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2009 8 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Reconstructing Natalie / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 6 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 15 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Lucy's legacy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 21 ######## 4/17/2019 9:48 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 19 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SS TS
Road trip of the living dead / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 16 1 ######## 8/23/2019 14:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 26 3 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SS
You are so undead to me / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 20 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 NV RN
Dragon in chains / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 16 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Dope sick / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 24 3 ######## 8/15/2019 9:20 SS TS
I so don't do mysteries / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2009 44 9 ######## 5/31/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2009 43 10 ######## 2/4/2019 11:38 NW RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 2 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 6 5 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 15 2 8/2/2018 2/8/2019 7:56 SP RN
School violence / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 5 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 22 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NV RN
The preacher : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 18 ######## 2/8/2019 16:53 SP SP
Frankly, my dear : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 22 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 7 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:55 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 5 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 2 ######## 3/12/2019 11:11 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 7 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SS NW
Mauritania / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
Mauritania / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2009 3 2 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 5 1 5/9/2019 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 33 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 3 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:34 NW NW
Laish / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 9 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 28 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 26 1 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 25 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 17 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 36 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 25 1 ######## 6/15/2019 13:39 NW RN
The wonder of Chinese bronzes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2009 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2009 20 5 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 NW TS
Who stole Uncle Sam? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2009 18 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2009 8 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
American idol judges / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2009 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 16 1 3/1/2018 2/12/2019 14:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 11 2 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SP SV
Flyaway : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 7 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 10 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Run a crooked mile : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 18 4/2/2015 2/23/2019 15:54 NW SP
Run a crooked mile : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 12 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
Savannah from Savannah ; 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2009 25 5 3/5/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2009 23 5 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
Bond of Union : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2009 8 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
The passion of Mary-Margaret / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2009 17 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2009 13 1/4/2013 5/7/2019 13:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 36 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
The glister : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 11 1 8/9/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Cooking and screaming : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 24 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
The story of Jesus / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 24 3 ######## 2/4/2019 13:34 SP RN
Oooh! Picasso / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 30 5 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
The Negro speaks of rivers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 12 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 16 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 25 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Beth's job / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2009 70 12 ######## 8/19/2019 10:19 SS TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Moose music / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 25 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:32 NV RN
Snake and lizard / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 28 5 7/7/2016 4/9/2019 11:45 RN SS
Snake and lizard / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 21 4 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
A saint on death row : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 20 9/2/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Working sex : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 20 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
Favorite folk songs / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 8 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 VE RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
The Nancy Drew sleuth book : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2009 45 7 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 50 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
A butterfly grows / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 24 7 8/7/2017 2/6/2019 12:51 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 18 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 30 11 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 19 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 19 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
India / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 18 8 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 5 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 3 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2009 8 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
What was asked of us : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 7 3 6/8/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
Stalker : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 25 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 16 2 ######## 10/18/2019 11:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 26 1 3/6/2018 2/8/2019 7:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:33 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 ######## 1/2/2019 13:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 8 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 9 2 ######## 6/28/2019 16:17 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 8 1 2/7/2016 2/8/2019 7:56 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 3/4/2015 1/2/2019 13:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Andrew Johnson / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
Andrew Johnson / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 6 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 10 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 5 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 2 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
Gerald Ford / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 3 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 6 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 3 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 3 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 12 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 6 ######## 7/25/2019 16:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 3 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 11 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 12 1 ######## 3/14/2019 12:00 SS TS
The shack : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 27 4 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
Porn for women / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 12 2 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SS RN
Dreamcatcher : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 17 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SS TS
How to talk to children about art / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2009 25 8 ######## 9/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 0 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
Henry IV. 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 36 3 4/6/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 17 2 ######## 6/26/2019 15:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 53 3 ######## 10/3/2019 12:16 SO TS
Everglades National Park : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 6 1 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
Tigers : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
John Tyler / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 5 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 4 8/6/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 3 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 6 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 13 1 4/5/2019 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
Thrift : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 10 ######## 6/4/2019 12:09 NW RN
Salvador DalÃ-, 1904-1989 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 18 5 3/9/2019 9/10/2019 12:18 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2009 27 2 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2009 25 5 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2009 24 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
Yih-shin = 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2009 12 1 ######## 5/24/2019 12:29 SP RN
Seen it all and done the rest : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2009 5 1 ######## 9/17/2019 14:58 SS RN
Glennkill : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2009 1 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Heart of glass : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 11 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
The subprime solution : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 8 2 ######## 5/11/2019 11:16 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 70 5 5/4/2019 6/4/2019 7:48 SV TS
Google SketchUp 7 for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 47 6 ######## 8/15/2019 13:32 SP TS
The king's rifle / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 3 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SP RN
The white war : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 23 5 ######## 3/4/2019 14:01 NW TS
The Elvis encyclopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 10 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Reagan : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 3 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 13 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
Corydon & the siege of Troy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 10 2/1/2014 1/15/2019 13:41 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 35 4 8/4/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 44 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 7 ######## 2/4/2019 8:31 SS RN
Armadillo trail : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2009 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS RN
The face on your plate : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 13 1 3/9/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
Forever blue : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 17 1 ######## 11/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
The dog rules : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 28 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:55 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 16 9 ######## 7/24/2019 7:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 22 3 ######## 8/5/2019 11:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 17 1 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SP GE
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
The night ferry / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2009 22 2 ######## 6/26/2019 13:35 NW TS
Special edition using Microsoft Office home
and student
BK 2007 / 3/24/2009 45 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 22 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
Yogi Berra : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 18 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 3 1 ######## 10/9/2019 10:44 SS RN
Evil justice / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 19 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
Evil justice / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 17 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NV RN
Garlands of gold / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 8 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Bébés phoques / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:18 IV IV
Chef Creole / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 8 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Paintings / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 2 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 SP SP
More bones : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 27 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 16 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SV RN
When giants fall : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2009 15 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
In the palm of your hand : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 26 11 ######## 2/27/2019 11:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 39 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 78 10 ######## 7/10/2019 11:00 SS TS
Lost in the Gila / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 14 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 34 8 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 IV RN
Nachshon who was afraid to swim : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 29 5 6/7/2017 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
Solving the mysteries of Stonehenge / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 18 4 8/9/2018 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
Solving the mysteries of Aztec cities / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 13 5 ######## 2/16/2019 13:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 29 1/3/2015 5/22/2019 13:37 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 21 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
Put it on the list / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 54 10 2/1/2019 3/22/2019 13:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 32 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 IV RN
The home-run king / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 7 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 50 10 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 24 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
Vous plaisantez, monsieur Tanner / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2009 2 2/8/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 49 16 ######## 2/15/2019 13:31 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 36 ######## 7/17/2019 14:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 47 5 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 38 4 ######## 7/17/2019 15:58 SO RN
Eon : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 27 4 ######## 5/31/2019 11:52 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 23 2 1/6/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 SS TS
Kosher by design lightens up : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2009 17 1 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 IV TS
Dr. Mary : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 3 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Nevada veterinarians : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 6 4 7/3/2019 10/17/2019 12:46 NW TS
Chinatown angel / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 20 7/1/2015 4/6/2019 13:35 SP SP
The race between education and technology 3.12E+13
/ BK 3/31/2009 10 1 ######## 5/18/2019 15:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 47 7 1/7/2019 3/7/2019 11:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 11 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 7 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SS SV
Six not-so-easy pieces : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 27 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 15 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2009 13 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 27 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 41 4 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 17 7 4/8/2016 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
Elements of style : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 13 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SS RN
The complete idiot's guide to bipolar disorder
/ BK 4/1/2009 42 4 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Jamaica / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 9 4 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 28 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:39 NV RN
Old house, new house / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 35 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 19 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 40 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
Silly Tilly / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 96 17 ######## 12/9/2019 13:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 29 8 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 19 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
St. Patrick and the three brave mice / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2009 25 7 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SP RN
The laziest boy in the world / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 14 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SP SV
Palace circle / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 19 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 12 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Shambling towards Hiroshima / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:41 SP RN
Rex : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 4 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
Mrs. Somebody Somebody : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 12 1/2/2014 5/7/2019 13:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2009 66 14 ######## 11/8/2019 12:05 SO TS
Practicing Catholic / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2009 11 ######## 10/4/2019 15:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2009 16 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
Deep waters / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 33 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NW RN
America the beautiful / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 11 2 3/7/2016 8/23/2019 13:54 SS RN
Ricky / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 18 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 19 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:54 NV RN
The Valentine cat / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 8 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 IV NW
Los cuentos de Canterbury : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 3 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 18 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 16 4 1/7/2019 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2009 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:25 SO RN
Vanished smile : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 11 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Vanished smile : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 23 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 NW SS
Vanished smile : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 9 3/4/2015 1/22/2019 14:36 RN RN
Vanished smile : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 10 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
Pushin' up daisies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 24 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 32 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 55 10 ######## 6/4/2019 7:59 SV TS
Backtracked / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 16 1 ######## 3/21/2019 12:07 SS RN
More pocket poems / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 15 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
Dong wu jue dui bu ying gai chuan yi fu / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 13 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 28 3 9/2/2018 5/24/2019 9:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 42 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 13 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NW SV
Pan de muerto : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2009 13 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 64 22 ######## 7/25/2019 15:32 SO TS
Cutting-edge decoupage : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 12 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 21 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 16 4 ######## 3/12/2019 10:51 SP SP
Xiao shu he xiao cao li xian ji / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 6 9/9/2015 4/9/2019 11:27 RN SS
Wo bu shi gu yi de : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 10 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 17 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2009 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2009 20 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2009 6 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Carter finally gets it / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2009 38 2 ######## 9/6/2019 10:58 SS TS
The sacredness of questioning everything 3/ .12E+13 BK 4/9/2009 10 9/1/2016 4/24/2019 15:26 SP RN
Raising boys to be like Jesus / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2009 14 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2009 6 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
Warrĕ q al-ḥubb : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2009 2 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Unthá min al-Kūrnīsh : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2009 5 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Imraʼatĕ n wa-niṣf rajul / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2009 3 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Nawras fī mahabb al-rīḥ : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2009 2 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
El cuento de la criada / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2009 24 1 9/5/2019 9/18/2019 9:58 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 8 1 7/1/2016 9/10/2019 14:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 48 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 32 3 ######## 6/10/2019 8:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 25 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS VE
Playing jazz piano / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 26 10 ######## 8/1/2019 15:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 27 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 25 ######## 9/12/2019 12:38 SS RN
The complete divorce handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 15 5 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 IV TS
City chic : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 22 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
The purpose of boys : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 26 6 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 NW TS
Wish you were here : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 7 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Wish you were here : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 17 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
75 green businesses you can start to make3.12E+13
money and
BKmake a difference / 4/13/2009 13 3 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SS
Two or three things I know for sure / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 12 1 ######## 2/13/2019 14:27 SS TS
Shetland sheepdogs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2009 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 39 6 ######## 4/25/2019 10:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 12 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 12 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
Murder at Graverly Manor / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 28 2 4/4/2016 9/23/2019 11:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 28 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:19 NV SP
Tainted : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 35 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SP RN
Soul enchilada / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 24 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SS SV
El cambiante / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 11 4/2/2015 2/6/2019 13:56 SV IV
El libro del rey / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 12 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
Sepultura 13 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2009 3 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Give me back my legions! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 24 5 3/9/2019 5/29/2019 13:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 46 2 ######## 9/17/2019 14:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 46 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 28 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 31 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 10 3/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
The last Indian war : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 16 ######## 3/12/2019 10:38 SO TS
200 best jobs for college graduates / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2009 26 4 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2009 44 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
The Deen family cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2009 49 6 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 SS TS
Barron's E-Z math / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2009 45 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2009 22 9/6/2015 9/12/2019 12:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2009 12 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2009 16 2 ######## 9/12/2019 13:35 SS RN
Keeper of light and dust / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2009 16 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2009 12 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 IV RN
Puppet / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2009 4 8/3/2016 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 72 7 ######## 6/26/2019 14:04 NV TS
The trail of the wild rose / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 21 ######## 9/5/2019 12:38 NV TS
Dream songs night songs : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 3 1 1/7/2016 2/6/2019 14:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 17 6/5/2015 1/9/2019 10:14 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 5 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 33 1 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SO RN
The last paladin / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 14 2 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 RN RN
Killer keepsakes / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 61 7 ######## 12/13/2019 8:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2009 29 ######## 9/11/2019 12:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 40 1 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 27 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
My mom is trying to ruin my life / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 67 7 9/6/2018 2/2/2019 10:29 SO SV
Willow / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 59 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 43 7 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 30 3 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2009 38 6 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 SP RN
False economy : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 22 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
World War IV and beyond : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 17 6 1/8/2018 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
Kids against hunger / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 17 ######## 12/10/2019 17:53 SP NV
Get more money on your next job : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 10 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 26 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 8 1 ######## 10/18/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 9 1 6/7/2018 2/1/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 18 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2009 25 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
Jumped / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 19 1 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Jumped / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 18 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
New Zealand / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 13 6 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 SS TS
Memories of Babi : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 4 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 14 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
The saucer fleet / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 23 4 ######## 1/18/2019 8:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 22 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2009 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV NW
Blood of Ambrose / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2009 14 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 15 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Madre al minuto / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 6 1 ######## 10/9/2019 11:38 SS RN
Under the table : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 34 1 ######## 7/15/2019 11:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 14 1 ######## 6/28/2019 16:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 21 1 ######## 6/28/2019 15:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 3 2 ######## 1/20/2019 13:32 IV TR
Mr. Mosquito put on his tuxedo / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 17 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SO VE
Mr. Mosquito put on his tuxedo / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 42 5 ######## 2/6/2019 15:14 NW RN
Business plans that work : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 27 5 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
Los trastornos alimenticios y las relaciones3.12E+13
adictivas BK
: 4/27/2009 5 4 ######## 7/1/2019 12:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 27 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 SV RN
Perfect revenge / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2009 12 1 7/1/2013 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 3 ######## 10/9/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 11 ######## 9/18/2019 11:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 29 17 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The narcissism epidemic : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 52 17 ######## 2/28/2019 9:06 RN TS
Instant turnaround! : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 10 2/1/2016 7/15/2019 10:22 SP RN
Mainly the truth : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 12 4/3/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 23 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Addition / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2009 20 3 ######## 4/23/2019 9:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 12 1 7/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
The Aztec world / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 11 5 7/3/2019 7/16/2019 7:29 IV TS
The dream thief / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 8 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
B as in beauty / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 11 ######## 9/6/2019 13:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 9 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 11 9/9/2018 2/6/2019 15:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 13 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 68 7 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
Patterns in the sand : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 37 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 5 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Divine betrayal : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2009 14 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2009 15 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2009 9 1 ######## 9/11/2019 12:53 SS RN
The servants' quarters / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2009 22 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2009 26 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2009 36 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:41 SV TS
Preparing effective business plans : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2009 34 4 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2009 54 8 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2009 85 19 ######## 3/27/2019 16:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2009 20 1 1/4/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 NV SS
Hao hai zi bi du de mi yu / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2009 27 4 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 NW SV
Getting the job you really want : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2009 42 11 ######## 3/14/2019 10:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 11 2 1/4/2015 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
Secret invasion 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 62 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW TR
Smiling bears : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 5 2 5/9/2016 5/30/2019 11:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 19 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:40 SP RN
Stuff! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 46 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
Stuff! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 34 4 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
Is it still cheating if I don't get caught? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 7 2 9/6/2016 4/17/2019 10:31 NW RN
Outliers (fueras de serie) : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 6 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 IV RN
Malnutrition / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2009 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 10 1 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 IV IV
December 7, 1941 : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NW SS
Blue's safari skidoo / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 36 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
The city kid & the suburb kid / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 13 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN NV
Flat broke in the free market : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 18 1 ######## 5/28/2019 9:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 56 9 ######## 4/23/2019 13:28 RN TS
Sunnyside / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 16 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 14 ######## 10/16/2019 15:03 SS RN
A-Rod : | A Rod 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 13 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
Democracy in America / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 13 6 ######## 1/18/2019 9:30 IV TS
Moki and the magic surfboard : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2009 23 4 ######## 2/6/2019 17:05 SS RN
Swimming with piranhas at feeding time : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2009 7 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
Loving an adult child of an alcoholic / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2009 23 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2009 21 4 ######## 6/12/2019 8:42 NW TS
Colored pencil secrets for success / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2009 32 3 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
The subversive copy editor : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2009 6 1 7/6/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 RN SS
Nursing mother, working mother : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2009 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2009 19 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:47 SP RN
Treachery / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2009 34 3 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Lactancia materna libro de respuestas / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2009 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Medications and mothers' milk / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2009 3 2 3/5/2019 8/8/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 66 7 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
The king of vodka : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 22 9/3/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
Bella & Bean / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 70 11 9/7/2017 2/2/2019 10:41 IV RN
The parent adventure : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 6 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 24 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 23 2 ######## 2/15/2019 10:09 NW SP
La Muse : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 20 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 RN RN
A different life : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 5 ######## 5/29/2019 15:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 13 6 ######## 7/29/2019 8:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2009 14 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SO RN
House of M : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2009 38 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
The angel of the glade : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2009 11 ######## 9/10/2019 14:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2009 43 8 ######## 11/13/2019 11:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2009 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The Pen/O. Henry Prize stories. 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2009 17 5 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2009 11 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 SS NW
The master of Petersburg / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 5 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 74 13 ######## 8/14/2019 9:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 56 ######## 6/25/2019 15:56 SO TS
Face to face with orangutans / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 30 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SS TS
Far from you / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 24 4 ######## 1/5/2019 15:10 NV SV
South Africa / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 10 2 ######## 4/23/2019 9:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 32 10 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2009 11 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 25 ######## 3/23/2019 11:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 61 6 5/7/2019 5/24/2019 8:01 SP TS
Marine One / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 27 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 32 7 ######## 10/23/2019 8:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 31 5 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
The girl who threw butterflies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 NV RN
First aid/CPR/AED for schools and the community
3.12E+13/ BK 5/20/2009 23 6 4/4/2019 5/17/2019 7:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 13 1 1/7/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Bringing up happy children / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2009 4 1 8/4/2013 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Letting go of the person you used to be : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2009 16 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2009 8 1 3/4/2018 2/1/2019 12:59 NV RN
Global babies = 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2009 13 3 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2009 15 2 ######## 1/25/2019 15:39 SV SV
It's church going time / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2009 4 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SS SV
The Earth moves : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2009 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 78 13 ######## 5/14/2019 9:29 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 22 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:16 IV RN
Leaving Glorytown : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 3 3 ######## 3/28/2019 10:26 SS TS
Trains / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 32 4 ######## 2/15/2019 13:12 NV TS
Secret subway : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 3 9/9/2017 2/1/2019 16:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 20 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
Science in the Renaissance / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:07 SS RN
Alexander Calder and his magical mobiles 3/ .12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 14 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 19 2 2/5/2016 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Mouse count = 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2009 45 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
The Sticking Point Solution 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2009 10 2 4/9/2015 7/15/2019 10:23 SV RN
Asset allocation for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2009 32 3 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
Start your own cleaning service : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2009 9 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2009 15 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2009 11 ######## 9/18/2019 11:12 SS RN
Embrace the grim reaper / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2009 25 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV NW
A history of dentistry in the US Army to World
/ 6/1/2009 1 1 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2009 8 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 RN SS
Yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2009 52 10 2/7/2019 2/20/2019 11:02 SV TS
Breathing the fire : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2009 3 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Greasy rider : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2009 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Blue collar, blue scrubs : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2009 29 2/8/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 SO RN
Vamos a usar datos de división en el jardÃ-n
/ BK 6/3/2009 8 2 ######## 5/24/2019 13:03 SV RN
War of necessity, war of choice : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2009 13 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
Bo, karate weapon of self-defense / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2009 21 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
The Atlantic salmon fly : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2009 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2009 18 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 IV IV
Ultimate German : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2009 27 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2009 8 1 ######## 9/23/2019 11:17 SO RN
Recarving Rushmore : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2009 13 2 6/8/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
Temptation and surrender / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2009 45 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 IV IV
A tale of two cities / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 30 6 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
The war in Iraq : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 9 3/9/2016 2/8/2019 17:36 NW SP
Honk, honk, goose! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SO RN
Honk, honk, goose! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 3 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 13 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:36 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 11 2 5/9/2017 10/12/2019 11:12 SP RN
The red shoes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 18 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 15 4 9/9/2018 2/4/2019 14:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2009 18 ######## 1/3/2019 10:57 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 15 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 97 14 2/4/2019 3/7/2019 14:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 50 10 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
The Harlem Renaissance : 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 6 1 7/9/2016 3/12/2019 10:29 RN SP
Therapy animals / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Having fun at the White House / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 6 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 49 1 9/3/2019 9/24/2019 10:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 44 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
Horse show champ / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2009 151 19 ######## 7/17/2019 10:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2009 34 2 2/9/2018 5/7/2019 9:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2009 19 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
Never sell yourself short / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2009 3 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Medieval castles / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2009 8 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
Malena es un nombre de tango / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2009 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2009 16 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
But wait-- there's more! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2009 16 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:18 SV RN
Oath breaker / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2009 26 6 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2009 5 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 RN RN
Boo hoo Bird / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2009 62 5 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2009 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Persuasion / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2009 62 21 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2009 10 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Return of the emerald skull / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2009 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
Return of the emerald skull / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2009 12 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 SO NW
The gene smart diet : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 14 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:22 SS RN
Hound dog : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 9 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 RN SS
Ace your research paper / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 11 6/7/2014 2/4/2019 16:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 14 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Ace your writing assignment / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 7 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
Ace your oral or multimedia presentation /3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 4 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 NV SO
Abby's asthma and the big race / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 23 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 SS RN
Abby's asthma and the big race / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 6 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 8 4 2/4/2017 2/6/2019 15:20 SV RN
Baseball great / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 23 8 ######## 1/16/2019 15:42 NW TS
Alabama moon / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 6 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Botón dormilón / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2009 14 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 33 2 8/9/2017 11/27/2019 9:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 30 8 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 6 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 SP RN
Hee-Haw-Dini and the Great Zambini / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 35 6 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 16 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 9 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 35 3 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 22 4 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 23 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 SS NW
Helping your child to get fit / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2009 4 2 ######## 8/5/2019 16:01 SP RN
Create your family quilt using state blocks 3.12E+13
and symbols
BK / 6/19/2009 10 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Complete guide to landscaping / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2009 21 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 47 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 33 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
Time to eat at the White House / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 9 3 7/2/2015 1/10/2019 11:33 SV NV
Overview of the Persian Gulf War, 1990 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 10 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
Service animals / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 14 4 7/3/2019 9/10/2019 15:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 7 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
Sugar would not eat it / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 32 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SO SV
Sugar would not eat it / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 11 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 RN SV
Step by step : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2009 20 ######## 8/2/2019 10:08 SP RN
Revolting reptiles / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2009 32 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2009 17 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
Dogs bark! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2009 7 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
Instant style : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 38 8 ######## 4/26/2019 9:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 17 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SS
Cycle of rice, cycle of life : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 8 4 8/1/2017 2/6/2019 12:51 SS RN
Wishworks, Inc. / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 11 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
Stonewall Hinkleman and the Battle of Bull3.12E+13
Run / BK 6/25/2009 12 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SO SV
Tracktown summer / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 3 1 4/5/2014 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Pip in the Grand Hotel / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 12 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 14 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
The exchange-rate between love and money 3.12E+13
/ BK 6/25/2009 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 21 5 ######## 4/6/2019 13:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 21 2 ######## 6/27/2019 13:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2009 19 1 4/2/2018 2/6/2019 16:39 NV RN
Easter Island / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2009 7 1 ######## 7/17/2019 14:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2009 57 1 1/9/2019 1/30/2019 9:58 SS TS
Everything matters! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2009 21 1 ######## 6/24/2019 15:12 SP SV
The complete idiot's guide to renewable energy
for your
BK home / 6/29/2009 25 2 3/3/2015 5/28/2019 11:16 NW SS
Luke's story : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2009 12 7/2/2019 8/22/2019 9:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2009 32 5 9/2/2017 1/29/2019 13:36 SS RN
Saikano. 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 34 3 3/8/2017 1/11/2019 13:22 NW NV
The road to Woodstock / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 25 3 8/2/2016 11/7/2019 14:31 SV RN
Winter duty : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 21 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:16 IV RN
Ruby's slippers / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 14 1 4/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 SV RN
Abraham Lincoln / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 6 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 37 6 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 SS RN
Our corner grocery store / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 22 9 2/1/2019 3/8/2019 10:35 SS RN
The locked garden / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 8 1 7/7/2016 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
My name is Dug / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2009 35 4 6/1/2019 6/28/2019 10:46 NV TS
Why she buys : 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 10 2 4/1/2015 7/15/2019 10:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 18 1 ######## 2/15/2019 10:11 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 37 2 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 16 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SV RN
The summer I turned pretty / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 66 16 ######## 3/21/2019 12:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 7 ######## 2/1/2019 17:52 SV SP
The silver casket / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 26 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 36 13 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 3 5/5/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 IV RN
Ending battle / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2009 33 5 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 43 9 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SO RN
If your adolescent has an anxiety disorder 3.12E+13
: BK 7/2/2009 10 3 3/8/2019 6/11/2019 12:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 13 3 6/1/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
Kiss of life / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 38 1 8/5/2016 5/4/2019 9:56 SV RN
Plate tectonics / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 11 4 ######## 3/21/2019 10:10 SP RN
Carrying the heart : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 16 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 36 8 ######## 1/17/2019 13:56 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2009 19 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2009 10 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2009 40 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:02 NW TS
In my dark dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2009 12 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SO SS
Creating your world : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2009 8 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2009 5 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SP
Rage of the Red Lanterns / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2009 46 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW TR
Egyptian paganism for beginners : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2009 12 3 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2009 59 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2009 53 4 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2009 45 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
The devil's punchbowl / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2009 47 7 ######## 9/26/2019 13:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2009 33 5 2/9/2019 3/6/2019 13:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 36 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
A sister's hope / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 28 2 3/1/2019 5/29/2019 7:31 SS TS
Getting it through my thick skull : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 10 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
¡Barcos! ¡Barcos! ¡Barcos! = 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 6 1 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 22 1 ######## 2/15/2019 10:10 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2009 60 5 8/9/2019 10/4/2019 9:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 8 5/5/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 48 9 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 72 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 120 18 ######## 9/10/2019 15:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 86 26 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 62 12 ######## 7/10/2019 10:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 26 1/8/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 35 3/8/2018 7/1/2019 13:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 25 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 4 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 8 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 3 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
Oh my goddess! 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 14 1 ######## 10/18/2019 14:01 SS RN
Wagered heart : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2009 29 4 7/3/2019 11/7/2019 14:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 5 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
Loving grief / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 3 2 ######## 4/23/2019 12:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 63 4 ######## 5/24/2019 7:54 NW TS
Hanging by a thread : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 8 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 50 7 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Twenty boy summer / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 55 13 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SS TS
Sherman came for a visit / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2009 32 11 ######## 6/27/2019 9:41 SS TS
America's food : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2009 14 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2009 14 1 ######## 9/6/2019 9:33 SP RN
The impostor's daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2009 10 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
Paul Outerbridge : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2009 17 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 23 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SS RN
Paris Pan takes the dare / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 10 ######## 2/1/2019 11:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 6 2 ######## 3/21/2019 10:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 25 1 9/4/2019 9/16/2019 14:06 SP TS
Fall / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 15 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SS GE
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 24 2 7/9/2018 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
The Devil's company : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 29 1 4/6/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 NW SS
Explore / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 49 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2009 35 2 9/5/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
The best recipe : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 15 1 9/9/2014 5/30/2019 14:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 34 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 26 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
My parents are divorced, my elbows have 3.12E+13
nicknames,BKand other facts about me / 7/29/2009 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
Prism / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 12 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 9 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
Green / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 41 2 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Never the bride : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 20 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SS TS
Latin America / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2009 11 2/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2009 33 4 1/9/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 IV RN
Exploration in the Renaissance / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2009 8 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:43 SO RN
The crying tree / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2009 29 6/7/2017 9/11/2019 13:46 SS RN
Pretty is as pretty dies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2009 27 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2009 31 5 6/5/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 SO TS
While I'm falling / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2009 26 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2009 29 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Leaden skies / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2009 19 2 ######## 3/23/2019 11:16 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2009 23 1 ######## 3/22/2019 13:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2009 21 ######## 1/16/2019 9:43 RN TS
The September sisters / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2009 16 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SO RN
Phantom dream. 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2009 39 5 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Bound-for-college guidebook : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2009 8 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2009 23 8 ######## 11/8/2019 12:40 SS RN
The cul-de-sac syndrome : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2009 21 2 ######## 5/15/2019 13:34 NW RN
The politically incorrect guide to the Constitution
3.12E+13 / BK 8/5/2009 17 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SP RN
You wouldn't want to meet a body snatcher! 3.12E+13
: BK 8/5/2009 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:45 RN SV
The devil's punchbowl / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2009 45 7 ######## 8/15/2019 8:14 NW TS
Big machine : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2009 19 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2009 50 4 6/5/2019 6/29/2019 9:42 SP RN
Blood lines / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2009 28 2 ######## 11/14/2019 12:59 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2009 85 21 ######## 1/23/2019 16:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2009 76 13 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2009 64 21 ######## 10/3/2019 12:07 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2009 15 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
The Tear Thief / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2009 25 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
Sylvie and the songman / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2009 3 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2009 3 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 SV NW
Hammond book of the presidents : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2009 16 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2009 11 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 9 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:33 SP SP
Quirky, yes--hopeless, no : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 17 1 7/9/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The last ember / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 29 1 1/9/2015 5/3/2019 12:52 IV RN
Pocket guide to the afterlife : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 17 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Woodstock : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 13 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SO RN
Bug-a-licious / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 13 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 12 2 ######## 6/20/2019 13:47 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2009 21 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
Ellen DeGeneres : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 5 5/3/2017 4/17/2019 10:31 SS RN
Baby names made easy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 14 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 TR TS
Baby names made easy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 27 8 ######## 5/9/2019 15:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 25 2 1/4/2017 2/2/2019 10:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 52 15 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 IV RN
The real real : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 15 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NV SS
Between me and the river : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 2 2/8/2013 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 7 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 16 1 1/2/2016 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 17 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Vietnam : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 17 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
Mealtime / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 4 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
Great paintings of the western world / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2009 1 1 ######## 7/8/2019 9:15 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 33 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SS RN
Aprende a conocer tu piel, para tenerla sana
y guapaBK
/ 8/19/2009 3 6/4/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 13 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
Pig-Boy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 37 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 38 7 ######## 11/6/2019 14:49 NW TS
The last godfathers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 27 8 ######## 9/5/2019 12:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 32 2 ######## 3/9/2019 11:33 SP SP
Just like a baby / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 13 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 20 2 ######## 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 39 7 4/5/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 12 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:29 SP RN
A finder's magic / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 5 ######## 2/8/2019 10:30 NW NW
El frente / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 7 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SO RN
Outdoor careers / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 11 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 5 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
3.12E+13/ BK 8/19/2009 61 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
3.12E+13/ BK 8/19/2009 90 9 ######## 9/6/2019 9:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 11 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:13 SV RN
The management myth : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 13 ######## 7/15/2019 10:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 67 8 ######## 1/2/2019 8:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2009 82 10 ######## 8/19/2019 10:20 IV TS
Save your retirement : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2009 24 4 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
The red tree / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2009 23 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SP RN
Cloister talks : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2009 15 1 ######## 5/3/2019 14:06 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2009 31 2 ######## 3/23/2019 11:10 SV SP
Bipolar disorders / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2009 16 4 ######## 7/1/2019 15:28 SP TS
The power of no : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2009 28 7 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2009 51 7 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2009 39 7 ######## 8/6/2019 9:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2009 36 8 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 NV RN
Hércules : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2009 5 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2009 41 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SO RN
Rachael Ray : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2009 3 5/7/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Deadly charm : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2009 13 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
The rough guide to Nirvana / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2009 12 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2009 24 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 IV RN
Bleak history : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2009 27 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 52 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 17 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 IV RN
Filthy rich / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 18 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 95 13 ######## 9/24/2019 15:32 NV TS
DJing / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
India / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 23 6 1/8/2019 3/22/2019 11:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 5 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 16 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
Don't tempt me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 40 7 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 38 6 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SV TS
Michael Jackson, the man behind the mask3.12E+13
: BK 8/27/2009 18 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
Ed Begley, Jr. : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 5 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:08 SS SP
Twelve mighty orphans : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2009 3 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NV RN
Carl's Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2009 34 5 4/8/2019 6/27/2019 9:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2009 56 8 ######## 10/18/2019 12:40 SO RN
Nothing but a smile / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2009 7 ######## 9/25/2019 13:43 SS RN
The complete idiot's guide to saltwater aquariums
3.12E+13/ BK 8/28/2009 9 ######## 4/4/2019 11:55 NV NV
Big book of crochet : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2009 48 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SC
Pretty in plaid : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2009 26 1 7/6/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SO SS
Living green / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 5 1 ######## 4/23/2019 13:37 SP RN
Ultimate Hendrix : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 15 1 6/5/2016 7/2/2019 15:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 48 5 4/1/2019 5/31/2019 12:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 16 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
Cars on Mars : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 18 3 ######## 3/8/2019 13:23 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 42 7 ######## 10/30/2019 14:40 SO TS
On your potty, little rabbit / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 69 10 5/4/2019 6/13/2019 12:50 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 28 7 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 SO RN
The suicide of reason : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 14 7 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 17 2 6/7/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
The softwire : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2009 13 1 5/4/2016 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
Eat this, not that : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 51 9 ######## 11/13/2019 14:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 3 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 17 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 14 4 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 9 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 6 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 71 8 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 102 17 ######## 7/17/2019 10:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 86 26 ######## 9/17/2019 10:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 2 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2009 33 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2009 21 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Brave dogs, gentle dogs : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2009 10 2 5/4/2017 5/24/2019 13:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2009 8 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
The art and craft of jewelry / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2009 29 1 ######## 5/7/2019 10:32 NW TS
Toby's silly faces / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 39 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 SV RN
Republican Gomorrah : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 12 ######## 10/12/2019 11:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 35 4 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 84 8 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 32 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
Summer house : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 58 3 9/4/2019 9/26/2019 13:17 SP TS
Magenta va a dormir a casa de Blue / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 43 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:10 SV RN
A book about disobeying / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 46 5 ######## 2/5/2019 11:01 NV RN
A book about snooping / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 12 1/4/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SO SV
A book about fighting / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 38 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
A book about gossiping / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2009 15 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2009 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2009 14 5 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 SV IV
Grumpy Grandpa / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2009 45 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
The Mammoth Academy in trouble! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2009 29 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:03 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2009 26 8 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2009 46 1 ######## 10/22/2019 17:48 SS NV
The tear collector / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2009 12 1 6/2/2013 5/23/2019 16:51 RN SS
Under open skies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2009 9 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2009 11 2 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2009 15 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 SS RN
I'm getting a checkup / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2009 9 1 6/9/2018 4/23/2019 9:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2009 45 10 2/5/2019 3/22/2019 11:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2009 102 16 6/4/2019 6/27/2019 13:11 SV TS
1934:00:00 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2009 11 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Discovering the great masters : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2009 44 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2009 38 9 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2009 7 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
America, the owner's manual : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2009 4 2/5/2014 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Chosen to die / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2009 45 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
The hunted / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2009 37 4 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
Vengeance in death / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2009 81 9 ######## 5/9/2019 7:45 IV TS
Fragment / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2009 13 ######## 2/14/2019 16:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2009 52 7 ######## 5/18/2019 15:01 SO SP
A paradise built in hell : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2009 15 3 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 21 2 1/9/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 13 1 ######## 9/17/2019 14:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 24 3 ######## 1/17/2019 13:51 SV TS
Cleopatra : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 29 10 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
Cleopatra : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 19 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 20 4 9/6/2016 9/23/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2009 23 4/8/2016 9/23/2019 13:15 NW RN
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes. 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 2 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 23 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 36 2 ######## 8/14/2019 9:36 SS RN
In the Valley of the Kings : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 14 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
The quiet war / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 29 2 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 21 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:23 IV RN
The other girl / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 17 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 17 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 10 ######## 1/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2009 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Parent handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 3 1 ######## 5/18/2019 15:34 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 6 2 ######## 10/9/2019 11:42 RN RN
Baltimore Orioles / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 5 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SS RN
Boston Red Sox / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 14 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Crash proof 2.0 : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 43 1 ######## 11/6/2019 14:50 SV TS
When the world is ready for bed / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 12 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
Love, Aubrey / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 23 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 22 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 NW SS
Best of the Web 2009 / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 6 1 5/1/2013 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
Rescue Ink : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2009 21 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO NW
The return of Lanny Budd / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2009 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 RN RN
Cock-a-doodle-doo! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2009 30 3 8/1/2018 2/6/2019 15:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2009 49 15 ######## 9/17/2019 13:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2009 38 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2009 102 13 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2009 30 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
Future knight / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2009 24 10 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2009 30 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
Callie's rules / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2009 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2009 31 2/4/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SO TS
Crude world : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2009 15 ######## 5/18/2019 15:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2009 45 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2009 92 21 ######## 12/20/2019 10:10 RN TS
Playing dead / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2009 7 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 GE NW
Have a new husband by Friday : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2009 59 14 ######## 10/22/2019 13:46 SO TS
Immigration / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2009 13 5 1/9/2019 2/13/2019 14:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2009 36 9 ######## 6/28/2019 16:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 12 7/5/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 16 6 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 20 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 40 13 3/1/2019 4/15/2019 12:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 56 4 2/7/2019 4/5/2019 15:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 41 7 5/4/2018 7/24/2019 14:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 26 6 ######## 3/4/2019 17:24 SP SP
Managing depression with qigong / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 17 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:54 SV NV
High on arrival / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 34 8 ######## 1/23/2019 14:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2009 22 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SO RN
History of American immigration / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2009 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2009 37 8 8/3/2019 10/14/2019 9:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2009 31 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2009 61 2 8/4/2019 9/16/2019 14:20 NW TS
Climate cover-up : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2009 15 1 7/7/2013 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
A troubled peace / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2009 11 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 NV IV
Track attack / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2009 13 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
Trigonometry, the easy way / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2009 34 7 ######## 9/24/2019 10:23 SP TS
What's the difference between a butterfly3.12E+13
and a moth?
BK / 10/1/2009 33 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2009 13 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2009 12 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Killer ants / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2009 12 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:36 NW IV
Elly : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2009 11 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SO NW
Hawaiian myths of earth, sea, and sky / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2009 10 3 7/2/2018 2/4/2019 10:03 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2009 45 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2009 11 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2009 12 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2009 25 1 2/8/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Velva jean learns to drive / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2009 13 ######## 9/18/2019 11:00 NW RN
Unbuilt masterworks of the 21st century :3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2009 24 3 ######## 3/19/2019 14:31 SO TS
Birdie's book / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2009 23 4 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 NV SV
The devil's punchbowl / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2009 28 8 ######## 10/18/2019 11:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2009 37 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
D-day : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2009 27 4 ######## 5/7/2019 10:44 SP TS
D-day : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2009 31 2 9/5/2019 10/22/2019 13:18 SV TS
Miss Mingo and the fire drill / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2009 16 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2009 20 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2009 5 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Donde viven los monstruos / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2009 19 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 2 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 8 4 ######## 5/17/2019 8:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 7 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 5 1 ######## 5/17/2019 8:42 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 14 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 NW NW
The journals of Eleanor Druse : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 3 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SO RN
Something old, something new / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2009 12 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Regret-free living : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2009 8 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
The little engine that could. 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2009 58 11 ######## 2/6/2019 15:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2009 15 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:26 SP RN
ABC's of Hawaii / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2009 31 1 ######## 2/6/2019 17:09 NV RN
Toby counts his marbles / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2009 31 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2009 42 2 4/9/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
Dogs have the strangest friends : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2009 5 1 4/5/2014 2/20/2019 13:47 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2009 40 3 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SO TS
Publication manual of the American Psychological
BK 10/16/2009 30 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
The art of Star wars. 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2009 27 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SO SV
Winston of Churchill : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2009 17 6 6/5/2018 2/6/2019 16:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2009 16 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
Mr. and Mrs. Portly and their little dog Snack
/ BK 10/19/2009 18 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2009 23 6 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2009 10 3 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2009 16 ######## 1/3/2019 10:04 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2009 10 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 VE RN
Spot the plot : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2009 15 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
Making origami vehicles step by step / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 20 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 65 8 6/8/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 15 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 17 4 8/5/2017 2/6/2019 12:41 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 20 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:17 SO SP
Dial M for mongoose : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 17 3 2/2/2017 1/22/2019 11:45 SO SP
Kiss the frog / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 102 12 ######## 2/15/2019 12:54 RN TS
The little beaver / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 33 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SV RN
A Sophie treasury / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 19 4 3/7/2019 4/12/2019 11:12 SO TS
Odds and evens : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2009 9 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2009 15 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Adventures of the Berenstain bears / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 115 24 ######## 7/17/2019 10:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SP SS
Gustav Klimt : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 16 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Monty Python live! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 18 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SP RN
We are doomed : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 9 4 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SS RN
Crime and criminals / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 11 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
Agricultural subsidies / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Refugees / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2009 46 5 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2009 28 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Tu semana de Venus : 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2009 3 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2009 49 4 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2009 31 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
A deep dark secret / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2009 13 3/3/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 NV RN
The opposite field : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2009 7 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 46 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 7 8/5/2014 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Free for all : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 7 3/6/2015 7/1/2019 10:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 19 8 ######## 4/5/2019 11:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 10 7 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 NW RN
Jim Thorpe : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 7 3 7/5/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
Exposure / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2009 7 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2009 16 5 ######## 2/27/2019 10:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2009 46 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
A quilter's holiday / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2009 30 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2009 11 2 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SO
My delicious life with Paula Deen / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2009 15 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2009 13 1 4/4/2015 1/15/2019 11:20 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2009 16 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
The dying breath : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2009 14 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2009 17 3 3/4/2016 4/1/2019 12:52 SV TS
The dinosaur tamer / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2009 74 7 ######## 12/9/2019 15:50 SP TS
January's sparrow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2009 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:33 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2009 9 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 RN RN
Elegy Beach : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2009 18 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2009 22 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2009 11 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2009 10 2 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2009 65 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Handmade tales : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2009 6 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 NW RN
On Viney's mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 6 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 41 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 12 1 2/4/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 9 3 2/1/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 8 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Giuliano Hazan's thirty minute pasta cookbook
: BK 11/12/2009 17 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SO SS
Greening your small business : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 7 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 NW TS
Mustang : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 16 8/2/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
Eating green / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2009 7 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2009 19 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2009 63 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2009 54 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2009 37 1 ######## 5/9/2019 7:44 SP TS
The mirror and the mask / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2009 18 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
All you need to know about the music business
/ BK 11/17/2009 21 8 ######## 10/4/2019 7:45 NW TS
Kuwait / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2009 4 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2009 5 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2009 15 3/2/2018 6/27/2019 15:03 RN RN
Entombed / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2009 24 6 ######## 11/21/2019 10:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2009 34 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 SV RN
Undertaker / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2009 9 3/5/2017 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
Undertaker / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2009 11 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
A good fall : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2009 18 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SS RN
Angel in Vegas : 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 34 1 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 39 5 ######## 4/12/2019 11:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 14 9 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 52 8 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 IV RN
Crown of earth / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 19 ######## 2/6/2019 14:08 SS IV
Crown of earth / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 26 3 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 NW SP
Sunset Boulevard / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 6 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
Sunset Boulevard / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2009 6 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Flirt / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2009 6 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
The unusual mind of Vincent Shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2009 10 1 ######## 12/24/2019 10:51 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2009 29 5 1/5/2019 2/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
Tin city / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2009 31 8/8/2019 9/5/2019 13:26 IV TS
That's good! that's bad! on Santa's journey3.12E+13
/ BK 11/25/2009 34 6 ######## 9/17/2019 9:47 SV TS
Bayou dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2009 24 7 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2009 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2009 30 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2009 56 8 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 SO RN
Men's knits : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2009 18 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Crazy like a fox : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2009 9 ######## 10/9/2019 10:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 12 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 16 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 62 4 5/6/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 31 1 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 12 2 3/1/2018 5/7/2019 9:53 SO TS
Kindred in death / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 42 ######## 6/11/2019 16:30 SV RN
Kindred in death / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 33 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 32 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NV RN
Welcome to Obamaland : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 11 2 ######## 10/12/2019 11:51 RN RN
Our front pages : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2009 12 3 8/9/2017 11/15/2019 13:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2009 3 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2009 37 6 9/3/2019 10/23/2019 10:09 SP TS
After the ice : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2009 8 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SP SS
I love bugs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2009 45 6 ######## 7/25/2019 15:17 SO TS
Katya's busy morning / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2009 14 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2009 21 ######## 4/23/2019 9:35 SS RN
Splendor : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2009 28 7 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 NV RN
Lysistrata / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2009 5 4 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Knit the season / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2009 24 1 ######## 9/17/2019 14:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 16 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
A pretext for war : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 7 3 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 11 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 17 4 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NW RN
How does a bone become a fossil? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 16 6 ######## 7/17/2019 11:59 IV TS
Explaining cerebral palsy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 8 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 SP NW
Edward Lear's The duck and the kangaroo 3/.12E+13 BK 12/14/2009 49 10 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SO NW
La revolución de amor / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2009 8 1 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2009 42 10 ######## 7/29/2019 12:31 SV RN
Living vegan for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2009 32 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 IV TS
Brangelina / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2009 20 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 RN TS
Mississippi / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2009 3 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
The honor of spies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 30 1 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NV RN
The honor of spies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 28 1 ######## 10/23/2019 8:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 38 4 ######## 7/17/2019 11:02 NW TS
The late work of Margaret Kroftis : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 32 4 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 22 9 ######## 4/15/2019 13:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 93 18 ######## 8/19/2019 10:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2009 72 6 ######## 3/7/2019 10:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2009 38 14 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Secrets of the Lost Symbol : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2009 9 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
City of the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2009 13 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2009 48 3 5/4/2019 7/15/2019 12:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2009 66 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:48 SP TS
Waiting for Columbus / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2009 14 ######## 3/4/2019 16:51 SS SP
Batista / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 8 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SO RN
Kansas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 8 2 4/6/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SO SS
South Dakota / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:36 SS SV
North Dakota / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 6 2 9/1/2015 1/19/2019 16:35 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 36 3 ######## 1/12/2019 14:29 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 21 6 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 SS RN
Cruel games : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2009 26 7 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
Highway 61 resurfaced / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2009 11 1 4/6/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
100 questions & answers about Crohn's disease
and BK
ulcerative colitis : 12/22/2009 27 9 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 7:05 NW TS
Dr. Seuss's ABC : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2009 67 7 2/7/2019 3/28/2019 10:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2009 24 2 2/7/2018 5/20/2019 13:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2009 8 2 2/1/2017 6/22/2019 11:45 SS RN
Teddy in the park 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2009 53 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Mi primer libro de el DÃ-a de las Brujas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2009 5 ######## 3/4/2019 17:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2009 22 6 ######## 10/18/2019 13:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2009 75 14 4/5/2019 5/14/2019 10:44 SO TS
The Ever Breath / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2009 15 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SP
Rich : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2009 13 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
Secret of the night ponies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2009 18 3 2/6/2016 2/16/2019 11:44 SP SV
Elvis 1956 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2009 11 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2009 14 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
The U.S. Supreme Court / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2009 18 2 ######## 9/11/2019 15:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2009 39 ######## 8/21/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2009 29 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 72 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 87 5 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SV TS
Randy Orton / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 11 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 IV SP
The crimson cap / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 NW SS
Meeow and the little chairs / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 32 10 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
Desert Rose and her highfalutin hog / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 9 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
Desert Rose and her highfalutin hog / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 RN RN
The golden book of baking / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 37 6 ######## 9/24/2019 10:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2010 56 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2010 23 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Timmerman was here / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2010 9 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:11 SO SV
Rust attack! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2010 10 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 RN NW
Selling your house in a tough market : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2010 12 7 ######## 10/21/2019 13:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2010 38 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:19 SO RN
Mi hijo tiene déficit de atención / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2010 3 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
Rewilding the world : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2010 10 4 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2010 31 6 ######## 2/20/2019 11:13 SP TS
Feeding baby green : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2010 18 3 7/2/2017 10/21/2019 14:09 SV RN
Veni, vidi, vici : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2010 23 8 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2010 52 7 ######## 9/5/2019 13:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 4 1 ######## 10/9/2019 12:20 SS RN
The neck pain handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 19 1 ######## 6/4/2019 14:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 5 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 16 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 33 8 ######## 8/14/2019 10:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 14 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
The art of drawing and creating manga : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2010 35 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 RN RN
Breaking out of Bedlam : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2010 19 3/1/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Alien Eraser reveals the secrets of evolution
/ BK 1/12/2010 10 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 NV RN
Angels at Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2010 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2010 54 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2010 28 10 2/8/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2010 43 10 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 RN RN
When you meet a bear on Broadway / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2010 4 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 SV RN
The 10 things you need to eat : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2010 30 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
Saiyuki reload. 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2010 34 2 ######## 6/25/2019 14:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2010 13 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2010 36 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2010 51 1 ######## 7/17/2019 12:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2010 34 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
The Viking in the wheat field : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2010 10 1 ######## 5/15/2019 13:59 NW RN
Freefall : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2010 29 6 2/1/2019 3/26/2019 8:33 NW RN
A storm of passion / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2010 11 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
Tree adventures in Yosemite Valley / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2010 2 9/3/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 NV SS
Caring for the older horse : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 16 2 ######## 7/15/2019 9:23 NV TS
Where armadillos go to die / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 16 1 4/1/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 3 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lullaby and good night : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2010 18 3 7/9/2019 10/15/2019 15:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2010 36 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2010 10 1 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2010 5 ######## 9/25/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2010 5 ######## 9/25/2019 14:31 SS RN
Just kids / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2010 66 6 ######## 7/11/2019 14:46 SP TS
Custer survivor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2010 11 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NV RN
Mean mothers : 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2010 14 5 ######## 2/20/2019 9:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2010 24 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2010 111 10 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
El puente roto / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2010 10 2 ######## 3/21/2019 11:43 SS RN
El puente roto / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2010 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Savage lands / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2010 17 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2010 54 5 ######## 8/5/2019 11:52 SP TS
Chester Raccoon and the acorn full of memories
/ BK 1/25/2010 29 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:33 TR RN
Together / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2010 13 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
Big friend, little friend / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2010 74 5 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NV
Piglet is entirely surrounded by water 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 28 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
Wedding journals & keepsake gifts : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 6 ######## 7/16/2019 10:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 10 1 5/5/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 21 7 ######## 1/17/2019 14:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 29 9 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 SO RN
Muerto para el mundo / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 5 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SO RN
Sinister substitute / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 19 2 4/6/2018 2/4/2019 10:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 21 3 2/5/2019 3/21/2019 12:08 RN RN
Goddess meditations / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 23 7 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 NV TS
Patchwork holiday : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2010 6 4 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2010 19 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2010 7 2/3/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 IV SS
Acheron / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2010 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2010 62 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
The first rule / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2010 88 6 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
You can do it! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2010 70 12 ######## 4/25/2019 11:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2010 23 6 ######## 11/13/2019 14:19 SV TS
A fair maiden / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2010 16 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2010 8 3 6/2/2018 2/8/2019 7:56 SO RN
Burning shadows : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2010 13 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NV RN
Intellectuals and society / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2010 30 10 ######## 4/11/2019 14:55 RN TS
Are you ready! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2010 35 4 2/6/2016 2/14/2019 17:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2010 9 2 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2010 4 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 IV SP
Green careers for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2010 10 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 28 2 6/2/2019 9/10/2019 15:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 44 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 45 6 ######## 1/17/2019 15:08 SO TS
Are these my basoomas I see before me? :3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 20 5 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 35 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
In a perfect world : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2010 17 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2010 18 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SV SS
Love 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2010 21 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 TR SS
Bob and his No. 1 van / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2010 16 4 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
Able one / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 27 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 39 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 18 6 7/3/2018 2/4/2019 10:36 NV RN
Art for baby : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 69 12 ######## 6/26/2019 14:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 14 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:50 SV RN
Explaining blindness / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 6 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 11 2 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 78 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2010 27 3 3/7/2019 4/23/2019 13:30 SV TS
Angel's den : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2010 12 2 5/4/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2010 39 3 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
Translation that openeth the window : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2010 3 1 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
I'm still standing : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2010 13 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2010 17 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
Estate planning for blended families : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2010 11 6 ######## 8/22/2019 8:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 52 7 ######## 5/8/2019 14:33 RN TS
Dictionary of accounting terms / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 2 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
The wish stealers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 33 3 7/7/2016 4/9/2019 11:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 78 6 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NW RN
Bikini / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 19 8/7/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Bikini / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 13 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 5 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
Predator / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 8 2/5/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Staying true / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 21 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
Early mapping of the Pacific : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2010 5 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 IV RN
The choreography of presenting : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 11 2 5/7/2015 7/3/2019 11:31 NW SS
Louis' dream plane / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 23 2 5/9/2018 2/6/2019 15:26 RN RN
Jupiter / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 51 18 ######## 7/17/2019 11:21 SO TS
Making things change / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 11 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:47 NV RN
Saturn / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 17 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
The seed vault / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 8 4 5/3/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 17 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Winter's end / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 14 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:47 SS RN
I so don't do spooky / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 42 14 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 10 1 5/3/2015 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
Breakdancing / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 5 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
La guia de salud : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 5 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Promises to myself / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2010 16 3/3/2017 4/23/2019 12:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2010 20 1 4/7/2017 10/18/2019 14:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 8 7 9/6/2018 2/1/2019 16:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 24 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 31 5 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 58 7 5/4/2019 11/8/2019 12:51 NW TS
Rikers High / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 IV SV
The ring / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 9 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SS RN
FDR's alphabet soup : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2010 2 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 33 4 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 60 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:02 SC TS
Too tight, Benito! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 17 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 23 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 NW RN
Underage drinking / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 10 1 3/1/2018 4/23/2019 13:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 7 ######## 2/23/2019 11:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2010 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2010 29 ######## 9/6/2019 13:46 SS RN
I.O.U. : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2010 31 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
I.O.U. : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2010 7 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2010 20 1 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
A concise dictionary of the Bible and its reception
3.12E+13/ BK 2/19/2010 5 1 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2010 16 ######## 5/28/2019 8:29 SP RN
Soft spots : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2010 5 1 7/8/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
Keith and his super-stunt rally racer / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2010 43 2 ######## 9/24/2019 15:12 SS TS
(Re)cycler / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2010 16 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 NW RN
How to be a vampire : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2010 20 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
30-minute résumé makeover : 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2010 23 7 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
The girl sleuth / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2010 3 7/2/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2010 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 27 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 VE SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 52 11 ######## 11/21/2019 10:05 NW TS
Hip-hop dancing / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 7 1 7/2/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 40 4 ######## 10/22/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 51 11 ######## 5/14/2019 10:07 NV TS
Fly free! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 21 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Fly free! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 21 2 ######## 2/11/2019 12:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 22 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 4 7/5/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
Defining conservatism : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 12 1 ######## 5/3/2019 16:36 SP SP
Vikings : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2010 5 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2010 33 10 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2010 43 7 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NV RN
Dirty little secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2010 28 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
Battle of the network zombies / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2010 12 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
FDR's deadly secret / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2010 15 1 ######## 6/7/2019 10:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 83 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 33 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SS RN
Washington, DC / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 29 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SS
Los planetas / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 14 2 ######## 5/24/2019 13:03 SP RN
Kaboom! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 5 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 12 3 ######## 2/4/2019 9:03 SO RN
The Black-White achievement gap : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2010 102 23 4/5/2019 5/31/2019 12:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 31 ######## 8/19/2019 10:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 13 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:06 SS RN
Small kingdoms / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 12 ######## 9/17/2019 15:13 SS RN
After the workshop : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 11 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 10 3 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 RN RN
The ask / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 22 7/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 41 1 2/3/2017 3/23/2019 11:07 NV SP
Nevada / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 22 3 5/6/2019 6/25/2019 15:00 NV TS
Hop! 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2010 50 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 28 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 SP RN
Yes, you're pregnant, but what about me?3.12E+13
/ BK 3/3/2010 6 ######## 7/3/2019 9:48 SS RN
Descendants of darkness : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 23 5 ######## 7/1/2019 11:24 NW RN
Ranma 1/2. 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 30 4 ######## 6/26/2019 11:25 SP TS
Retorno a Brideshead / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 4 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 20 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 14 9 8/5/2019 11/8/2019 12:06 IV TS
Jade man's skin / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 12 1 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Jade man's skin / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 19 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
El siciliano / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 15 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Tiffany glass : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 26 3 9/7/2017 11/8/2019 10:45 SC RN
The power of memoir : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 29 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Paramedic certification exam. 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 16 5 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
The kingdom of God is within you : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 10 2 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Exilio / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2010 3 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2010 10 1 ######## 10/9/2019 10:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2010 36 8 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 NV TS
Pet shop lullaby / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2010 16 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 IV RN
A sweet disorder / 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2010 15 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2010 23 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2010 13 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2010 7 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2010 13 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
The fashion industry / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2010 5 2/1/2017 5/28/2019 8:31 SP RN
Political campaigns / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2010 13 2 ######## 9/11/2019 15:56 SP TS
Political campaigns / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2010 4 7/7/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2010 51 3 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2010 36 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV NW
La Reina Isabel cantaba rancheras / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2010 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Rebozo de aromas / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2010 10 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Memorias de un hombre de palo / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2010 9 9/4/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 SV RN
Civil War woodworking : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2010 10 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SP RN
Louder than words : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2010 30 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Life expectancy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 10 2 ######## 7/1/2019 15:07 IV TS
Backstory 5 : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 8 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 RN SS
Ritmo al éxito : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 4 7/7/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 18 3 ######## 4/30/2019 7:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 15 2 8/5/2016 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
Solar system superhero / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 80 19 ######## 6/13/2019 12:01 SS TS
Loveless. 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 40 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Musical murders / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2010 38 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 43 16 ######## 2/20/2019 15:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 17 3/8/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 87 15 1/5/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 NV TS
The audio theater guide : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 5 2 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 31 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 30 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2010 52 7 ######## 11/7/2019 14:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2010 39 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
The Latina guide to health : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2010 6 ######## 5/30/2019 10:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2010 15 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:54 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2010 61 4 4/2/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2010 71 8 4/4/2019 4/25/2019 11:22 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2010 42 9 ######## 11/20/2019 14:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2010 17 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of
basic mathematics
BK with applications to science3/12/2010
and technology / 19 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2010 32 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Comic book culture : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2010 8 ######## 7/8/2019 9:15 SP SS
Ultimate X-men. 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2010 26 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 7 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 9 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 14 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
First job smarts / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 2 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:47 SS RN
Blastin' the blues / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 14 2 8/6/2015 1/25/2019 17:22 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 1 1 3/3/2015 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
Kids growing up without a home / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
The fashion industry / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 7 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2010 16 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 60 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 6 2 ######## 5/7/2019 11:30 SS SP
Moon tiger / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 9 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 39 7 4/9/2019 6/10/2019 8:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 48 10 ######## 12/20/2019 15:49 NW TS
The psychoscope : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 31 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Gruffen / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 23 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
Gruffen / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 17 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
What will you be, Sara Mee? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
The Hallelujah Flight / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 11 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 30 7 ######## 1/15/2019 16:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 17 4 ######## 4/12/2019 14:16 IV TS
Prayers to the Great Creator : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2010 12 1 ######## 4/24/2019 15:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 5 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Little Blue Truck leads the way / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 52 12 ######## 5/31/2019 12:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 84 10 ######## 9/11/2019 12:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 8 6/6/2019 11/13/2019 14:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 5 2 ######## 3/26/2019 14:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 10 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:20 SP RN
Standard guide to small-size U.S. paper money
: BK 3/17/2010 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
The everything learning Italian book : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 23 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Stretching : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2010 30 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
Wedding season / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2010 34 2 ######## 9/12/2019 11:10 NV RN
Claiming ground / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2010 26 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 NW SS
Luna funesta / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2010 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2010 22 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2010 12 1 8/3/2016 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
Wheel throwing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2010 10 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
Where the wild rose blooms / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2010 28 7 ######## 9/18/2019 11:22 SS RN
Beautiful windows : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2010 1 7/1/2013 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 47 1 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NV
Finally / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 92 24 3/4/2019 3/12/2019 14:37 VE SS
Brownie & Pearl step out / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 71 11 8/2/2019 9/10/2019 12:11 NW TS
Smile! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 51 7 7/9/2018 2/5/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 31 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 65 3 ######## 11/8/2019 12:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 50 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
Evolution / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 13 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 14 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 22 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 NV RN
The ultimate guide to dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 23 6 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
Bing : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 21 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SV RN
Elko County / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 14 2 ######## 3/6/2019 13:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2010 19 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
Taking care of Mama / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2010 27 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2010 29 6 1/3/2018 2/2/2019 10:29 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2010 26 2 3/4/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2010 5 2 3/1/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Lazos de sangre / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2010 5 8/1/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Dinero fácil / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2010 11 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
The battery : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2010 28 4 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 RN TS
31 Bond Street : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2010 22 4/2/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
The inn at Angel Island / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2010 32 5 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2010 14 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2010 91 12 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 RN TS
The car book 2010 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2010 9 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Olivia's opposites 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 57 9 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 42 11 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 51 4 6/6/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
Raiders' ransom / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 25 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
Raiders' ransom / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 11 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 NV SP
Collectables manual : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 31 3 ######## 7/11/2019 14:42 SP TS
The handmade marketplace / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 26 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 42 7 ######## 10/17/2019 13:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 36 9 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SO
Rapacia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 19 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SP SS
Rapacia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 21 5 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 33 6 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 RN SP
Pandora gets vain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 39 6 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 NW SP
A book / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 23 4 6/3/2018 2/4/2019 15:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 7 2 2/8/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 9 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 NW TS
The wrong side of magic / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2010 11 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
The domino pattern / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2010 14 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:17 SP SP
PreTest physiology : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2010 11 1 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2010 36 8 ######## 6/28/2019 13:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2010 5 2 ######## 11/13/2019 14:48 NW TS
Fat politics : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2010 7 3 ######## 1/18/2019 8:34 IV TS
Rebels and traitors / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2010 13 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 IV RN
Iron Man and philosophy : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2010 11 4/1/2016 10/23/2019 14:43 SS RN
Sexuality and teens : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2010 3 ######## 2/15/2019 16:28 SP SP
Changeless / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2010 35 4 ######## 6/25/2019 14:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2010 53 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Road to Tater Hill / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2010 13 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2010 30 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2010 29 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2010 39 4 ######## 11/12/2019 10:38 NW TS
Paula Deen : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2010 20 1 ######## 6/25/2019 15:10 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2010 19 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2010 24 ######## 7/16/2019 10:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2010 16 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The fox maiden / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2010 10 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SP SS
Notes from the cracked ceiling : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2010 3 5/5/2016 6/4/2019 15:52 SP RN
Ticket to ride / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2010 8 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
The other side of magic / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 14 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Table tennis tactics : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 1 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
Modern humans / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 8 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 3 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 IV SV
Pocket guide to the outdoors / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
The big book of small equines : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2010 7 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 106 22 ######## 1/17/2019 15:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 34 1 ######## 4/12/2019 14:05 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 61 1 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 69 3 ######## 8/15/2019 8:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 43 6 2/6/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 26 3 2/4/2016 1/31/2019 15:42 SO TR
On-the-go schwarmas : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 5 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2010 20 4 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2010 49 11 ######## 1/16/2019 8:50 SP TS
A small free kiss in the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2010 13 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 TR SS
Essays and ancient fables of Francis Bacon.3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2010 3 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2010 14 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:28 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2010 31 4 7/8/2019 12/5/2019 14:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2010 17 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2010 34 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2010 22 3 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NV NW
The match : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2010 7 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2010 14 2 6/5/2016 10/21/2019 13:10 SS RN
Daring pairings : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2010 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
To begin the world over again : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2010 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Globalization / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2010 11 4 1/9/2019 2/13/2019 14:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 36 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 42 6 ######## 6/26/2019 13:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 47 8 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 20 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 3 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 42 8 ######## 4/26/2019 11:52 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 44 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 54 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 31 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2010 7 6 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 81 16 4/3/2019 5/17/2019 8:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 10 8/3/2016 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
The day of the pelican / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 4 2 9/8/2018 8/15/2019 9:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 15 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Prairie winter / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 6 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 7 1 ######## 3/12/2019 11:05 SS SP
Dead head : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 32 4 ######## 9/12/2019 14:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 28 2 ######## 10/24/2019 15:32 SS RN
The significant seven / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 14 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Frenemies : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:02 NW RN
Frenemies : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 11 ######## 1/17/2019 16:58 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 54 8 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 12 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 18 ######## 9/12/2019 10:50 SS RN
Guo jia de qiu tu : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 17 4 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2010 31 2 ######## 6/13/2019 10:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2010 30 10 ######## 2/4/2019 11:19 NV RN
Celiac disease for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2010 49 14 ######## 4/8/2019 9:00 NV TS
Super : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2010 24 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
The story of guns : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2010 7 4 ######## 2/1/2019 12:31 SV RN
The pug / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2010 36 8 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
Snowboarder X / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2010 7 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 IV RN
No Man's land 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 34 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 67 13 ######## 6/28/2019 14:31 SS TS
Fifty & fabulous : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 15 ######## 5/6/2019 13:04 SP RN
First car smarts / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 5 8/6/2015 2/15/2019 16:47 SP SP
Split / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 14 3 ######## 7/17/2019 9:55 RN RN
Remembering Marilyn / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 37 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
200 Beading tips techniques & trade secrets3.12E+13
/ BK 4/19/2010 63 15 ######## 10/10/2019 7:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2010 17 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 65 13 ######## 3/22/2019 14:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 68 3 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 36 6 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 28 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
This is why you're fat (and how to get thin3.12E+13
forever) : BK 4/20/2010 48 14 6/4/2019 6/19/2019 14:55 NV TS
The witchy worries of Abbie Adams / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 23 9 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 28 1 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 SO RN
Green gone wrong : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 11 ######## 10/12/2019 11:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 23 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Qué puedes esperar cuando estás esperando3.12E+13
/ BK 4/20/2010 4 3/4/2015 5/29/2019 11:18 NV SP
Qué puedes esperar cuando estás esperando3.12E+13
/ BK 4/20/2010 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 6 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 NW RN
Joan Jett / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 28 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2010 23 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SO RN
Captains courageous / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 33 8 ######## 5/13/2019 14:05 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 28 3 ######## 3/8/2019 15:59 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 50 4 1/3/2019 8/14/2019 13:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 21 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 27 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 26 13 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
Alcohol information for teens : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 6 3 ######## 4/30/2019 14:22 NW TS
Alcohol information for teens : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 11 3 2/6/2019 4/12/2019 11:25 RN TS
The curse of Mousebeard / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 12 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:18 SS RN
The curse of Mousebeard / 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 8 9/6/2016 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
Conscious communication : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 18 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 23 2 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 47 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2010 58 6 ######## 1/19/2019 10:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2010 12 1 ######## 8/21/2019 12:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2010 10 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2010 12 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2010 56 12 ######## 4/12/2019 12:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2010 34 2 9/9/2015 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
Lifescapes : 492411-62001 BK 4/23/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2010 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2010 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes : 492413-17001 BK 4/23/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
Lifescapes : 492414-16001 BK 4/23/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
Lifescapes : 492415-14001 BK 4/23/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2010 23 3 ######## 9/6/2019 9:03 NV RN
Lifescapes : 502602-10001 BK 4/23/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2010 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2010 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Los 7 hábitos de los niños felices / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2010 15 9 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
This is rocket science : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2010 6 4 ######## 3/21/2019 10:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2010 22 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2010 39 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
About dogs / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2010 43 6 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2010 22 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:51 NV RN
A sea of friends / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2010 64 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Big man : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2010 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2010 17 10 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SV RN
Beginning guitarist's handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2010 19 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 53 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 VE SP
The complete outdoor builder : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 25 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV IV
The complete outdoor builder : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 22 11 7/5/2019 9/26/2019 11:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 38 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:07 SP RN
Wedding photography : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 21 4 3/7/2016 1/22/2019 14:35 NV RN
Denim by design / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2010 9 1 ######## 6/24/2019 16:11 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 31 4 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
Obsessive-compulsive disorder / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 27 8 ######## 12/18/2019 14:03 SS RN
Un agujero en el ala / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 6 2/6/2017 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
Barron's stockbroker examination : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 13 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
The wild idea club : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 9 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
The wild idea club : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 5 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 30 5 ######## 10/23/2019 9:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 15 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
Feeding the sheep / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 8 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 69 9 ######## 6/26/2019 14:59 SS TS
I love my mom / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 20 3 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2010 36 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2010 11 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2010 19 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SS NV
Girl in the know : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2010 13 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
Girl in the know : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2010 9 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Kiss in the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2010 15 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
Fun with one block quilts : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2010 10 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 54 6 5/7/2019 7/8/2019 14:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 9 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 28 3 ######## 9/5/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 20 1 8/4/2015 1/31/2019 10:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 7 5 ######## 2/4/2019 13:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 26 2 ######## 11/1/2019 15:39 SS RN
The children's baking book / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2010 71 14 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2010 35 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2010 24 2 ######## 10/21/2019 13:15 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2010 18 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 RN RN
The last stand : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2010 31 7 ######## 3/14/2019 10:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2010 28 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2010 4 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2010 34 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
E-Z bookkeeping / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2010 27 6 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2010 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SV SS
Waynetta and the cornstalk : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2010 20 1 7/8/2016 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Lifescapes : 492418-33001BK 5/10/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
Lifescapes : 492419-30001BK 5/10/2010 0 7/23/2019 9:05 TS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 61 13 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 14 1 4/2/2018 2/6/2019 16:42 RN RN
Searching online for image, audio, and video 3.12E+13
files / BK 5/10/2010 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:44 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 24 8 2/5/2017 2/1/2019 16:19 SS RN
Wild things / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 7 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 NW SS
The kind of friends we used to be / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 17 2 ######## 2/11/2019 11:41 RN RN
The kind of friends we used to be / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 24 5 ######## 2/11/2019 11:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2010 33 6 ######## 7/10/2019 10:24 NV TS
The wild wood / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 16 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 61 8 ######## 12/13/2019 8:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 50 6 ######## 2/13/2019 17:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 34 2 ######## 9/20/2019 13:20 SS RN
Botany for the artist : featuring plants from3.12E+13
the University
BK of Oxford Botanic Garden and Oxford
University Herbaria
40 / 8 ######## 4/22/2019 10:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 5 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
Day for night / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 19 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 23 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 NV RN
How fighter pilots use math / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 13 3 8/9/2017 2/6/2019 14:11 NV RN
Hello Kitty must die / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 29 1 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 19 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
Banksy locations and tours / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 16 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 4 7/3/2018 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2010 25 2 3/3/2015 2/23/2019 11:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 94 23 9/9/2019 11/1/2019 14:35 NW TS
Oh, Daddy! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 23 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SS
Guardian angel house / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 6 1 1/4/2017 4/9/2019 11:45 SO SS
Paradise beneath her feet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 14 ######## 5/9/2019 9:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 24 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 41 9 ######## 11/27/2019 14:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2010 28 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 11 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 RN RN
Discover Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 7 2 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SP RN
The Celestial Globe / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 18 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 62 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 35 8 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SO
Pakistan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2010 6 3 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 SS TS
Optimiza tu metabolismo : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2010 21 1 8/7/2014 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
The complete idiot's guide to adult ADHD 3/ .12E+13 BK 5/14/2010 32 7 ######## 6/26/2019 14:45 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2010 7 2/8/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 IV RN
Companies on a mission : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2010 15 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Tomorrow river / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2010 22 3 8/9/2019 10/3/2019 8:30 SS TS
Bowls and boxes / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2010 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
The plundered planet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2010 7 3/5/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Moyasimon. 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2010 8 4 9/6/2016 6/25/2019 14:19 NV RN
The softwire : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2010 7 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2010 48 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2010 26 6 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NV NW
Pigs to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2010 54 6 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 IV RN
Amandine : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2010 22 2 2/8/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2010 13 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
The Prince of Mist / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2010 19 4 9/7/2016 5/3/2019 17:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 42 9 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 27 ######## 8/23/2019 13:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 16 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
The referral engine : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 19 5 3/2/2017 7/15/2019 10:35 SP RN
The wise woman / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 53 8 ######## 9/16/2019 14:06 NV TS
Daughters of fortune : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 15 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 42 10 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 22 2 2/6/2019 5/14/2019 10:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2010 40 5 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 18 6 9/3/2019 9/26/2019 13:18 IV TS
My friend Maya loves to dance / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 7 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 RN SV
Wolf wanted / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 18 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 26 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 29 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 16 3 ######## 1/29/2019 16:32 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 17 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2010 18 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2010 39 8 ######## 11/20/2019 12:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2010 79 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
The apeman's secret / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2010 28 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
The Pentagon spy / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2010 24 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2010 7 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2010 29 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2010 2 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:59 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 52 7 6/4/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 37 11 ######## 6/10/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 32 6 7/3/2018 7/31/2019 8:43 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 43 4 ######## 8/12/2019 14:27 SC TS
How to play the guitar : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 38 7 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SP
At the edge of the precipice : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 13 2 ######## 4/22/2019 10:36 SP RN
Cro-Magnon : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 32 6 ######## 9/5/2019 8:51 SS TS
Tea and dog biscuits : 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2010 26 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2010 59 5 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
Taggerung / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2010 10 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2010 76 9 ######## 12/9/2019 11:47 TR TS
Blimpo : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2010 23 4 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
What to do when your family is in debt / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2010 3 5/4/2013 2/1/2019 13:22 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2010 41 9 ######## 9/5/2019 10:30 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 22 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 NV SV
How we talk : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 13 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 SS NW
Face to face with butterflies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 9 9/4/2015 2/3/2019 13:54 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 30 7 ######## 3/15/2019 13:56 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 17 4 ######## 10/7/2019 14:28 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 16 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Stephen Foster & Co. : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:22 SP RN
Sophia Tolstoy : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 12 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 17 4 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
The book of potentially catastrophic science
/ BK 5/27/2010 11 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SV SS
Culinary careers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 13 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NV RN
The art of gift wrapping : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 24 2 ######## 10/21/2019 15:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2010 40 6 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
The rational optimist : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2010 33 10 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SO TS
Social entrepreneurship for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2010 18 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2010 41 7 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
Where's Waldo? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2010 70 10 1/3/2019 2/5/2019 11:10 IV RN
Dark Dude : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2010 5 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:46 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2010 36 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
PowerPoint 2010 for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2010 26 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NW
Snowbound / 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2010 19 5 ######## 11/14/2019 12:59 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 12 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 15 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 18 9 2/2/2019 6/13/2019 11:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 57 6 ######## 1/19/2019 10:34 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 18 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 53 5 ######## 10/4/2019 8:55 SP TS
Only one year / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 10 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
Algebra I for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 43 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
Willie Mays : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 24 4 7/5/2016 11/13/2019 11:56 SV RN
Henrietta Hornbuckle's circus of life / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2010 10 2 9/6/2016 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 22 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 RN TR
Sharp suits / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 8 ######## 5/28/2019 9:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 27 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 14 3 ######## 3/12/2019 10:30 SS SP
Divisions within Islam / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:26 SV RN
Athena : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 56 20 ######## 12/20/2019 9:53 SP TS
The year of goodbyes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 2 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
The beastly bride : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 3 1 4/3/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
The alphabet tree / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2010 38 8 ######## 2/11/2019 11:41 SO RN
Man hua cheng yu tong / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2010 14 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 NW SV
Algebra II essentials for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2010 55 12 6/6/2019 6/20/2019 13:39 SS TS
Pre-algebra essentials for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2010 32 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
Pre-algebra essentials for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2010 41 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2010 24 4 9/8/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Barnum Brown : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2010 3 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2010 27 2 3/4/2018 2/6/2019 15:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 31 2 ######## 8/21/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 35 4 7/9/2017 8/21/2019 15:12 SS RN
The shadow hunt / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 4 1 2/2/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
Storm warning / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 71 16 ######## 6/28/2019 14:32 NW TS
The Yggyssey : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 11 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 7 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 5 1/7/2019 2/23/2019 16:33 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2010 7 7/9/2013 2/7/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 35 1 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 24 8/6/2019 11/7/2019 14:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 17 2 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 22 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
Dodger for sale / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 18 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
Has anyone seen Winnie and Jean? / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 25 ######## 2/6/2019 15:51 NV RN
Waiting out the storm / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 7 ######## 2/6/2019 9:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 12 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 26 11 ######## 6/12/2019 8:42 SS TS
The case that time forgot / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 9 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 24 5 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 RN VE
Twenty gold falcons / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 6 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SC NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2010 13 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 SS RN
Clifford to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 55 7 9/1/2015 8/2/2019 13:13 SS SP
Where's Waldo? / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 82 17 ######## 4/23/2019 11:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 21 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 31 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV RN
Fabulously fashionable / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 23 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
Southern bouquets / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 11 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 20 5 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 55 21 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SO RN
Bald coot and screaming loon : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 6 1 1/3/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
The idle parent : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2010 8 2 9/7/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 9 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
More money than God : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 20 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't3.12E+13
: BK 6/11/2010 9 1 6/7/2015 7/15/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 6 4 ######## 11/15/2019 13:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 23 5 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
Food wine Rome : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NW RN
Salmon in the trees : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 13 5/4/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 NW SS
Magnetic partners : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 11 1 4/8/2013 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2010 14 3 ######## 10/21/2019 13:13 SS RN
Shadowrise / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2010 16 3 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2010 32 5 1/2/2019 2/6/2019 14:16 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2010 22 ######## 2/5/2019 17:38 VE NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2010 21 4 ######## 1/16/2019 14:36 SS TS
Uganda / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2010 5 ######## 2/23/2019 16:40 SS SV
A surprise garden / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 53 8 ######## 6/25/2019 14:40 NW TS
Hannah's list / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 57 7 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 46 9 ######## 12/5/2019 12:17 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 28 4 ######## 11/13/2019 11:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 42 4 2/6/2016 1/9/2019 17:21 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 65 6 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 NW VE
Star struck : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 14 6 2/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 RN RN
The bucolic plague : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 24 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
The wonders of water / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 40 10 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SO RN
Signed, Abiah Rose / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2010 15 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 12 ######## 8/5/2019 13:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 62 8 9/5/2019 10/3/2019 12:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 13 6 2/2/2019 10/4/2019 9:14 NW TS
The Boneshaker / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 18 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:18 NW RN
The half-life of planets : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 9 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
The glorious World Cup : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NW RN
Teaching the pig to dance : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2010 23 1/6/2017 10/4/2019 14:42 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2010 6 1 ######## 3/28/2019 10:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2010 25 5 ######## 11/20/2019 13:28 SO TS
Dewey the library cat : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2010 52 19 ######## 4/25/2019 10:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2010 40 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2010 45 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2010 21 4 5/1/2019 6/27/2019 12:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2010 29 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2010 18 3 3/6/2017 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
The joy of a Peanuts Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2010 34 11 ######## 4/25/2019 10:51 SV TS
Dark harbor : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2010 14 1 ######## 6/4/2019 13:50 RN RN
Yoruga la tortuga y otros cuentos / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2010 36 6 8/9/2017 1/25/2019 13:10 SO SV
The complete guide to backyard recreation3.12E+13
projects BK
: 6/21/2010 20 7 ######## 7/9/2019 15:08 IV TS
Storm warning / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2010 70 17 ######## 9/17/2019 11:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2010 52 10 ######## 10/23/2019 9:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 22 3 ######## 7/24/2019 15:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 13 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 19 4/4/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 25 3 5/3/2018 8/1/2019 10:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 3 3/7/2015 1/29/2019 18:30 IV IV
Football : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 7 2 2/5/2015 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Red green blue : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 11 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Oceanology : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 49 7 ######## 6/25/2019 15:13 SP TS
Bunny my honey 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2010 65 7 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 35 6 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 VE TS
Ultimate guide to outdoor projects. 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 21 9 ######## 4/24/2019 7:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 30 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 5 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 8 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NV RN
Don't call me Sidney / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 14 1 3/7/2019 5/21/2019 16:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 25 2 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 13 1 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 4 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 4 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 5 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2010 6 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2010 52 9 ######## 8/15/2019 10:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2010 15 1 ######## 5/8/2019 11:26 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2010 21 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2010 28 6 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 45 9 2/2/2019 2/20/2019 15:09 IV RN
Mr. Rosenblum dreams in English / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 31 6 ######## 8/21/2019 8:54 NW TS
The divine life of animals : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 16 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Africa United : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 1 9/8/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
Stories from Latin America = 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 20 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The illuminated landscape : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 14 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
The illuminated landscape : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2010 15 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2010 18 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SS RN
GuÃ-a para ser buenos padres / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2010 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2010 68 8 ######## 6/4/2019 7:59 RN TS
Ecotourists save the world : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2010 8 3 ######## 11/15/2019 10:07 IV TS
Superfreakonomics : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2010 15 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SC RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2010 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2010 15 17 ######## 8/9/2019 16:57 NW NW
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2010 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
Doctor of the heart : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2010 9 2 8/1/2013 5/9/2019 14:25 SC RN
The other mothers' club / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2010 16 1 ######## 8/19/2019 10:46 SS RN
Children and the entertainment industry /3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 3 7/1/2015 11/15/2019 13:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 18 2 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SO TS
Following Polly : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 22 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
The complete photo guide to sheds, barns3.12E+13
& outbuildings
BK / 6/30/2010 40 8 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SS TS
The quickening : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 20 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
America's prisons / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 5 ######## 4/23/2019 13:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 RN SS
Social security / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2010 3 1 5/5/2015 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2010 41 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
Australian spotted jellyfish / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2010 2 6/2/2015 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2010 1 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2010 24 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
The Nursery treasury : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2010 5 1 ######## 1/2/2019 13:46 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2010 38 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
Death in two courses / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2010 30 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
CareBears storybook treasury. 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2010 70 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2010 48 5 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2010 21 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2010 18 ######## 4/20/2019 12:39 SS SP
Bruiser / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2010 40 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 NW TS
A swamp full of dollars : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2010 8 1 ######## 5/9/2019 16:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2010 83 18 ######## 9/24/2019 15:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2010 16 1 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2010 20 2 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SV TS
Che's Chevrolet, Fidel's Oldsmobile : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2010 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
More low-carb meals in minutes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 23 6 4/2/2019 5/6/2019 8:45 IV TS
My life as a human hairball / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 17 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:21 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 21 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
Too pickley! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 51 11 ######## 9/17/2019 9:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 12 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
Miss Julia stands her ground / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 24 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 16 8 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2010 11 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2010 14 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
The house advantage : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2010 10 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2010 54 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
Cocaine nation : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2010 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
Miracles : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2010 12 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2010 12 5 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SO RN
Penny and Pup / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2010 13 5 7/2/2018 2/5/2019 13:36 SS RN
The man in the iron mask / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2010 28 13 ######## 5/13/2019 14:05 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2010 5 1 7/3/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2010 44 6 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2010 41 4 ######## 7/17/2019 15:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2010 27 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 VE RN
The whisperers : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2010 67 14 ######## 11/14/2019 13:07 RN TS
The news where you are : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2010 10 3/9/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2010 15 5 ######## 1/5/2019 16:11 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2010 27 12 ######## 10/3/2019 8:45 RN TS
Duelist kingdom / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2010 56 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2010 14 3 ######## 10/30/2019 11:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2010 1 ######## 8/21/2019 12:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2010 6 ######## 2/7/2019 16:29 SP SP
Life inc. : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2010 17 5 ######## 6/22/2019 12:07 SP RN
On your marks / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2010 22 3 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2010 3 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:18 NW RN
Excel saga. 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2010 25 2 ######## 6/25/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2010 1 1 2/8/2015 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Bronze metal clay : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2010 10 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
Nursing school entrance exam : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2010 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SS
The giant of the French Revolution : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2010 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
101 places not to see before you die / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2010 19 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
One mountain thousand summits : 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2010 30 4 ######## 7/11/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2010 20 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2010 33 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2010 31 3 7/1/2017 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2010 16 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2010 32 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2010 22 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Covensense / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2010 10 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 29 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 9 3 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 15 ######## 9/16/2019 12:54 SV RN
Fantastic forest / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 36 9 ######## 9/24/2019 14:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 38 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 NW RN
1 zany zoo / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 79 9 ######## 3/7/2019 12:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 22 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 25 2 ######## 11/14/2019 13:17 SV TS
Carnival in Latin America = 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SP SP
Captain Mac : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 4 4/7/2015 2/1/2019 12:18 SS SV
Witchcraft : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 17 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 16 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SV RN
Potluck : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2010 15 1 7/7/2013 10/29/2019 15:20 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 32 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 45 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
The unnamed : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 26 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 21 3 ######## 2/2/2019 12:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 9 4/8/2018 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
My big toe. 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 11 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
My big toe. 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2010 7 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2010 21 3 ######## 8/19/2019 9:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2010 0 1/4/2019 16:49 GE SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2010 12 3 2/4/2019 7/26/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2010 11 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
A bump in the road : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2010 10 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
Digital photo madness : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2010 19 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV NV
Barron's AP music theory / Nancy Scoggin 3.12E+13
; [music illustrations
BK and piano tracks by Mary Elizabeth/Voice
8/2/2010 of the26Phoenix]. 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 41 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 22 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 17 1 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
Smokin' Joe : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 11 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 SP SS
Rickwood Field : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 9 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
Salvador DalÃ- / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 4 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 8 3 ######## 8/14/2019 12:18 NW TS
Laugh your way to grace : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 15 1 ######## 6/22/2019 12:05 IV RN
Doubles : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 7 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 33 5 1/8/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 57 14 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 16:39 IV TS
Lost boy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2010 6 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 4 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 41 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 38 4 ######## 6/25/2019 14:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 47 7 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 SP TS
Whiplash / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 59 7 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SO TS
Venom / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 16 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 35 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Invisible boy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 22 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2010 19 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2010 22 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2010 30 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2010 29 3 3/7/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2010 23 8 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2010 60 10 ######## 11/21/2019 10:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2010 27 3 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2010 10 5 1/6/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 SO RN
The postcard killers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2010 57 7 ######## 11/22/2019 8:39 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2010 41 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:29 SP TS
Trucos para enseñar a tu perro / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2010 12 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2010 19 5 ######## 2/8/2019 8:35 RN TS
Churchill's secret war : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2010 16 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
An ordinary decent criminal / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2010 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2010 44 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2010 40 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2010 46 17 ######## 10/3/2019 9:08 SP TS
Give us liberty : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2010 9 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 NW SS
Playing our game : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2010 6 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2010 7 1 4/2/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Room for love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2010 11 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Toby and the secrets of the tree / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2010 8 1/7/2016 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
The long way home / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2010 37 8 8/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:21 SP RN
An evil guest / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2010 3 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:06 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2010 54 7 ######## 6/25/2019 14:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2010 19 3 7/2/2017 10/18/2019 14:05 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2010 19 2 4/9/2017 10/18/2019 14:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2010 21 5 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2010 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Now hiring : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2010 9 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2010 41 3 8/7/2017 11/6/2019 9:17 NV RN
What color is your parachute? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2010 32 12 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2010 6 1/7/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 IV RN
The little book of forensics : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2010 15 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2010 41 11 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SP
Crossing Mandelbaum Gate : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2010 13 2 3/8/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2010 12 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 GE SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2010 63 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2010 11 2 ######## 9/11/2019 12:47 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2010 24 ######## 1/12/2019 14:48 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2010 21 2 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 48 9 ######## 1/9/2019 8:02 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 40 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 7 ######## 2/6/2019 9:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 12 2 ######## 9/12/2019 13:36 SP RN
Barbie : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 48 7 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 IV RN
Big whopper / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 16 1 9/1/2016 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2010 65 7 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 40 4 4/2/2019 5/24/2019 9:56 NV RN
Sweet farts / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 17 2 9/2/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Sweet farts / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 10 1 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NW
Albania in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Albania in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 3 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Albania in pictures / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:55 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 6 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 14 4 9/4/2018 2/7/2019 10:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 15 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 89 13 ######## 4/11/2019 11:15 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 8 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:55 IV IV
Teddy Kennedy : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2010 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Tickle, tickle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2010 41 13######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2010 60 10######## 6/4/2019 7:48 NV TS
Ghost hunter / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2010 21 4######## 2/1/2019 16:24 SV RN
Elvis & Olive : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2010 4 2######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2010 37 2######## 1/29/2019 16:26 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2010 47 136/8/2019 7/17/2019 11:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 23 4######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Bucky Katt's big book of fun : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 22 6######## 5/6/2019 8:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 28 2######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 29 ######## 12/13/2019 8:54 NW TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 4 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 3 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 3 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 10 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 33 2 7/2/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 19 2 4/6/2019 11/6/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 29 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SS RN
The fire opal / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 15 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 45 4 4/2/2018 2/6/2019 16:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 25 1 4/8/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
Everyday raw / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2010 46 11 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
The time thief / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 29 3 9/5/2018 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
Beat your ticket : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 17 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Awakening the quieter virtues : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 18 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
Conventional idiocy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 13 ######## 5/28/2019 9:17 SP RN
My stolen son : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 17 3 7/8/2014 6/5/2019 14:46 SO SS
Running on faith : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 10 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 15 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 NW RN
Mary Mae and the gospel truth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 11 3 ######## 3/16/2019 12:02 SO SO
Hold 'em excellence : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2010 24 14 8/7/2019 9/16/2019 13:26 SP TS
The ghost and the goth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2010 28 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SV SS
The madman of Venice / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2010 4 1 ######## 8/15/2019 9:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2010 11 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2010 8 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
The kids college almanac : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2010 5 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:45 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2010 15 ######## 10/16/2019 9:35 SV RN
A call from Jersey / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2010 15 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2010 21 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Are you my guru? : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2010 10 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 85 11 ######## 7/24/2019 15:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 25 6 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 13 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
Engineer Ari and the sukkah express / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 12 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
Alpha Oops! H is for Halloween / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 20 2/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
Air show! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 30 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 11 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 47 10 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 NV SS
What's the big idea, Molly? / 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 14 3 4/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2010 39 6 ######## 11/8/2019 13:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2010 20 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2010 14 ######## 9/16/2019 12:59 SS RN
Five days in Paris : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2010 7 1 2/5/2015 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 31 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 20 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
Unsolved murders in Victorian and Edwardian
BK/ 9/9/2010 9 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
Mirage men : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 15 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 20 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
Magic and mayhem : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 10 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 15 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 40 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
Sassy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 9 3 ######## 1/12/2019 14:29 RN NV
Ortega / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 20 2 ######## 3/16/2019 12:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 8 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2010 24 2 ######## 2/1/2019 18:00 SO SP
The big swim / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2010 3 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 VE SV
The summer of moonlight secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2010 27 6 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2010 17 4 ######## 3/16/2019 12:03 NV SO
Mariposa road : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2010 11 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2010 11 3/7/2017 8/23/2019 13:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 52 9 ######## 11/25/2019 8:17 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 33 1 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 47 7 8/7/2015 4/25/2019 8:47 NV SP
The last narco : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 22 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 15 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 22 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 20 2 ######## 8/1/2019 10:48 SS RN
Haunted legends / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 24 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 22 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2010 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 8:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2010 23 5 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
AndreÄ- Sakharov : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2010 4 2 3/6/2018 6/22/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 15 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 33 8 ######## 2/6/2019 16:33 RN RN
The Berenstain bears visit Uncle Tex / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 84 15 2/9/2019 3/22/2019 12:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 41 14 ######## 9/5/2019 8:55 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 115 13 ######## 6/20/2019 13:43 SS TS
Demons and druids / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 55 11 ######## 8/15/2019 9:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 75 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 28 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 41 4 9/5/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 6 ######## 2/1/2019 16:07 RN RN
The miner was a bishop : 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2010 2 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2010 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
Play guitar today! A complete guide to the3.12E+13
basics. BK 9/17/2010 18 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2010 7 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2010 14 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2010 7 1 8/2/2017 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
Sans angel / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2010 5 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 19 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 12 3 ######## 5/9/2019 8:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 11 7 5/8/2019 6/4/2019 8:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 11 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 37 5 5/2/2019 6/25/2019 14:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 10 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 NV RN
Ordinary Oscar / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 54 6 ######## 6/13/2019 9:27 NV TS
I'm 3! look what I can do / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 50 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 7 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:46 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 16 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 VE NW
Curtain up! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 2 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 SV RN
The great American stickup : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 22 ######## 6/4/2019 15:59 SV RN
Seven shots : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2010 12 ######## 5/28/2019 8:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 21 8 6/7/2018 2/4/2019 8:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 35 1 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 24 1 ######## 10/3/2019 12:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 8 9/6/2017 11/6/2019 9:17 NW RN
The Dred Scott case : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 4 9/8/2013 2/1/2019 13:37 SV RN
Children with cancer : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 3 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
Hudson / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 5 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 61 16 8/4/2019 10/23/2019 9:27 SP TS
For her pleasure : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2010 53 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2010 18 2 ######## 8/5/2019 13:23 IV TS
Aggie the brave / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2010 19 1 ######## 3/8/2019 16:02 SS VE
The world is bigger now : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2010 14 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
What's up with my family? / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2010 6 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2010 99 19 ######## 5/13/2019 15:27 NV TS
Storyteller / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2010 16 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2010 16 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN NW
Inglés sin barreras : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2010 6 ######## 6/22/2019 11:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2010 13 3 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2010 18 4 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SV RN
Growing up laughing : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2010 17 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2010 17 3 1/5/2017 5/28/2019 8:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2010 27 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:08 NW TS
Five hundred 45s : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2010 13 9/7/2014 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 34 8 4/3/2019 5/7/2019 15:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 21 3/9/2018 5/20/2019 13:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 55 14 ######## 11/8/2019 14:23 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 16 6 ######## 6/22/2019 12:09 SO RN
Trickle up poverty : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 17 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 IV SS
Trickle up poverty : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 21 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
Songs of blood and sword : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 4 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
The seal destroyed / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 68 9 ######## 12/13/2019 8:30 SS TS
The smart approach to window decor / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2010 8 2 ######## 7/15/2019 11:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 12 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SO RN
Licensed to kill : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 23 7 ######## 5/31/2019 13:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 15 1 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 25 4 9/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:09 SO RN
Power down / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 66 9 ######## 10/24/2019 15:47 IV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 17 4 7/9/2017 8/23/2019 13:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2010 18 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2010 31 5 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 13:00 SO TS
Play their hearts out : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2010 10 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2010 32 7 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
Tears of a clown : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2010 8 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2010 7 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SP RN
Howling / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2010 37 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 24 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 NV TS
Beautiful : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 40 5 ######## 5/23/2019 10:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 19 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Dewey's nine lives : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 19 3 7/6/2016 10/24/2019 15:20 SV RN
Dewey's nine lives : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 23 6 8/2/2019 8/12/2019 8:18 IV TS
For time and eternity / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2010 16 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2010 66 13 ######## 7/10/2019 11:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2010 13 3/9/2017 6/22/2019 12:09 SP RN
Hi-de-ho : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2010 9 1 4/7/2016 7/2/2019 15:47 SP RN
The origin of species : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2010 13 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2010 17 1/6/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 IV RN
I want my light on! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2010 21 2 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2010 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Chief Joseph : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2010 2 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
Dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2010 38 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2010 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2010 17 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2010 26 7 6/5/2019 10/8/2019 10:44 SS NW
Ascendant / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2010 15 3 8/4/2014 1/15/2019 11:17 SO SV
Hothouse / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2010 8 1 4/5/2016 5/3/2019 17:23 SO RN
Brain gain : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 7 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SV SS
Outside looking in : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 12 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
Why Mahler? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 14 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 13 1 1/3/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 15 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 12 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2010 9 3 ######## 4/1/2019 12:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2010 12 2 4/3/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 IV RN
A bum deal : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2010 8 ######## 5/28/2019 8:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2010 36 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2010 20 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2010 21 ######## 6/25/2019 13:37 SO RN
The complete Calvin and Hobbes / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2010 51 11 ######## 5/28/2019 9:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2010 12 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
Snow day : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2010 24 2 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
Take me home : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2010 15 1 1/3/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
The dwelling place : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2010 31 5 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2010 20 6 ######## 11/15/2019 13:10 RN RN
Best easy day hikes Lake Tahoe / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2010 25 7 ######## 2/13/2019 9:21 SP TS
Best easy day hikes Lake Tahoe / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2010 39 10 ######## 2/13/2019 9:21 NW TS
The dog is not a toy (house rule #4) / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 26 4 ######## 5/6/2019 8:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 20 2 2/8/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 13 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 54 4 ######## 12/9/2019 11:46 SP TS
Ensouling language : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 12 3 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
Ensouling language : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 11 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 15 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 RN SV
Blackest Night / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 63 6 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 8 1 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2010 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Cómo ayuda Al-Anon a familiares y amigos
de alcohólicos
BK / 10/14/2010 10 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
Oriental rug repair : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2010 8 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2010 111 13 ######## 7/17/2019 10:14 SP TS
Lost at sea! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2010 41 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Lost at sea! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2010 90 17 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SO RN
Lost at sea! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2010 28 9 ######## 9/17/2019 10:09 IV TS
Guia de ciudadanÃ-a : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2010 5 1 ######## 10/9/2019 12:17 RN RN
What happened : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 5 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 71 9 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 52 1 ######## 8/1/2019 9:33 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 20 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 24 2 6/4/2019 6/13/2019 10:50 SP TS
Personality poker : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 22 4 ######## 4/17/2019 12:25 SS TS
Side jobs : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 31 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The demon's parchment : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 14 ######## 2/23/2019 11:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 17 ######## 1/19/2019 16:10 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 47 11 ######## 11/13/2019 11:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 29 9 9/5/2019 9/17/2019 12:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 45 14 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Mia and the too big tutu / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2010 81 19 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 15:46 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 17 6 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV SV
The Onts / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 17 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 SV NW
And the show went on : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 14 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 RN RN
And the show went on : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 12 1 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 29 5 ######## 8/5/2019 8:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 8 ######## 7/1/2019 12:56 NW RN
Spot's harvest 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 69 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2010 6 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2010 13 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
After the falls / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 17 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
After the falls / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 17 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 23 4 ######## 9/6/2019 10:54 NW TS
Finding family / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 20 5 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NV RN
Stone architecture in Santa Barbara / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 6 3 ######## 3/26/2019 15:09 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 6 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 3 6/3/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 4 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 6 ######## 2/7/2019 10:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 4 1 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 2 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2010 3 1 4/5/2013 2/23/2019 16:42 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2010 28 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2010 29 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The unbelievers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2010 7 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The unbelievers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2010 4 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 21 1 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 IV RN
Simple times / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 17 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 2 1/2/2015 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
Battle of Jericho Hill / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 19 3 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
The rhetoric of death / 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 13 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 27 3 ######## 9/18/2019 11:21 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 21 2 2/6/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 NV RN
You already know how to be great : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2010 19 2 4/8/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2010 16 2 7/5/2018 3/6/2019 9:01 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2010 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
Insight / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2010 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SO SS
Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2010 5 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NW
Great American short stories : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2010 8 3 ######## 7/3/2019 11:31 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 67 12 ######## 12/5/2019 13:01 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 79 8 3/9/2019 3/15/2019 16:34 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 59 11 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 8:05 SS TS
The horror! the horror! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 27 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The dove of death : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 10 2 3/4/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 SV RN
Career opportunities in the food and beverage
BK / 11/2/2010 8 1 2/6/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
Moonlight mile / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 40 4 ######## 5/9/2019 8:00 SC TS
Dethroning the king : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 13 8 ######## 1/18/2019 8:29 RN TS
Pitchforks and torches : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 12 1 4/2/2015 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
Jeremy & Dad : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 49 4 ######## 11/6/2019 11:18 SS TS
The family dinner : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 29 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 17 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
The prayers of Agnes Sparrow / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 4 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 38 4 2/5/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 12 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 NV SV
Mindblind / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 12 1 3/5/2019 5/14/2019 11:46 SP TS
Zapped : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2010 29 14 7/1/2019 8/1/2019 15:35 RN TS
Rules for school / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2010 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:41 NW RN
Rules for school / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2010 6 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SP RN
Firebird / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2010 3 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2010 16 2 2/1/2019 2/20/2019 11:54 NW SV
National electrical code : 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2010 8 3 3/5/2019 3/5/2019 16:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 33 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 IV RN
Waiting for Columbus / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 37 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 24 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 SO RN
The things a brother knows / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 7 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SO RN
Kiss me deadly : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 23 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2010 57 9 ######## 3/22/2019 12:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 106 23 ######## 3/22/2019 13:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 99 22 ######## 5/31/2019 13:25 SO TS
Possessed : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 13 2 ######## 10/12/2019 11:22 SC RN
Walden then & now : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 3 8/7/2015 2/8/2019 8:00 NV RN
Crave radiance : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 4 8/7/2015 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 33 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 43 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2010 19 8 ######## 1/17/2019 14:05 RN TS
State of fear / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2010 41 8 ######## 6/10/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2010 12 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
Low red moon / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2010 13 1 9/9/2014 5/3/2019 17:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 52 19 ######## 9/5/2019 13:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 37 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 31 4 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SV
Quicken WillMaker plus 2011 : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 40 11 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SC
100 voices : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 11 1 ######## 11/15/2019 12:55 SS RN
Running with the bats = 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 4 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 RN SV
Don't want to go! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 15 3 ######## 8/5/2019 13:26 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2010 24 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 33 9/8/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 31 13 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SP RN
Long time coming / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 10 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 29 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 36 5 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 12 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 61 3 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 47 5 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 38 3 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 20 6 ######## 1/18/2019 15:25 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 26 2 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 19 1 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 NV RN
The good garden : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 14 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:22 SP RN
10 trim-the-tree'ers : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 24 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2010 40 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SS
Hack the planet : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2010 6 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
Cooking for Isaiah : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2010 50 16 ######## 9/24/2019 10:24 SO TS
The myth and mystery of UFOs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2010 10 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Tales of an African vet / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2010 17 2 2/7/2014 5/9/2019 14:31 SV RN
My little train / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2010 26 4 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Happily ever Emma / 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2010 17 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 18 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 11 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 NW TS
That's what a friend is / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 25 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 55 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
School stories your dog didn't eat. 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 44 6 ######## 2/20/2019 14:19 NW TS
A children's book about interrupting / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 22 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 21 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
America by heart : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 12 1 4/2/2015 7/3/2019 16:20 SS SS
Deadly spin : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 9 3/5/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
You can teach yourself guitar / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 26 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 TR RN
Mickey's Christmas carol / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 85 8 ######## 11/12/2019 10:34 SO TS
Kiki's hats / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2010 24 4 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
The adventures of Robin Hood / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 15 5 ######## 4/23/2019 12:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
Peterson's graduate programs in engineering
& applied
BK sciences. 11/16/2010 3 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 17 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 50 14 3/6/2019 4/12/2019 14:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 22 2 6/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 43 3 ######## 8/5/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 41 4 9/9/2019 10/14/2019 12:14 NW TS
The passages of H.M. : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 12 4/7/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
At home with Town & Country / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 29 2 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Just me and my bicycle / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2010 46 8 5/6/2018 2/6/2019 15:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2010 35 17 4/4/2019 6/20/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2010 22 2 ######## 4/25/2019 10:59 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2010 18 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
Saints and Sinners / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2010 10 ######## 9/23/2019 14:07 SS RN
A new generation of homosexuality : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2010 4 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:28 RN SP
What causes sexual orientation? : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2010 4 1 ######## 4/23/2019 13:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 60 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NV
Big girl knits : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 7 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 87 13 5/8/2019 6/13/2019 12:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 9 1 4/1/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 14 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:03 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 46 29 ######## 11/6/2019 14:35 SP TS
Now, build a great business! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2010 25 9 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2010 16 3 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2010 18 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2010 29 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
The Tao of poop : 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2010 2 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2010 85 20 ######## 4/23/2019 13:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2010 17 5 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SS RN
Lizards / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2010 31 7 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
Bad hair days / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2010 12 ######## 9/12/2019 14:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2010 11 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Pure sea glass : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2010 17 1 ######## 6/24/2019 16:14 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2010 30 9 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2010 9 1 ######## 9/10/2019 15:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2010 42 5 ######## 7/24/2019 15:17 SP TS
On the right track : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2010 5 1 6/1/2014 7/3/2019 11:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2010 25 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
The odious ogre / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2010 28 ######## 5/24/2019 9:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2010 7 1/8/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
Celebrity Chekhov : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2010 10 1 ######## 5/9/2019 12:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 5 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 RN SP
More big girl knits : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 9 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
The princess plot / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 25 10 3/5/2019 5/31/2019 11:56 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 18 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SV RN
Seven nights to forever / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 23 1 7/9/2017 9/23/2019 13:24 SP RN
The woman I was born to be : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 22 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2010 17 2 8/7/2016 8/23/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2010 61 14 ######## 8/2/2019 15:49 NW TS
In search of mercy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2010 14 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2010 10 ######## 1/2/2019 13:25 RN SP
Mermaids on parade / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2010 54 6 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2010 6 3/6/2017 3/9/2019 14:01 SP SP
The Moonstone Castle mystery. 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2010 22 10 8/7/2018 2/1/2019 14:23 NW RN
Threats at three / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2010 24 2 3/2/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Jigsaw guilt / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2010 4 ######## 2/26/2019 10:23 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2010 32 8 ######## 5/23/2019 10:22 SO TS
Decade / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2010 13 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SP RN
My child has autism, now what? : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2010 6 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 IV RN
Biotechnology and genetic engineering / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2010 10 2 ######## 10/4/2019 9:11 SP TS
Know it all! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2010 18 4 ######## 2/4/2019 11:11 SV RN
Larousse children's dictionary. 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2010 20 6 ######## 11/22/2019 14:48 SO TS
Doctor / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2010 48 10 ######## 3/13/2019 17:28 SS RN
Ready-to-use Celtic designs : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2010 19 2 ######## 6/28/2019 13:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2010 22 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 RN RN
Crochet edgings & trims : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2010 23 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2010 25 8 9/9/2017 1/22/2019 9:13 SP RN
The steps across the water / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2010 9 5 ######## 3/16/2019 12:01 SO SO
Bandit love / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2010 17 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Tax savvy for small business / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2010 28 12 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2010 14 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2010 19 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SS RN
The complete photo guide to doll making /3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2010 34 4 3/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 NW RN
I lost my kisses / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2010 23 3 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NV RN
Mind over matter / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2010 14 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP NW
Eastern mysteries / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2010 3 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
Blood spells / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2010 23 2 4/6/2015 2/23/2019 11:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2010 50 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2010 8 ######## 9/11/2019 13:01 SS RN
The dog who ate the truffle : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2010 10 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2010 19 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2010 14 4 ######## 11/21/2019 10:07 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2010 16 6 5/9/2019 6/18/2019 8:13 SS TS
The art of collecting : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2010 8 ######## 11/1/2019 15:57 SV RN
New flavors for appetizers / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2010 15 6 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2010 26 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SC SC
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2010 33 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2010 34 6 ######## 10/3/2019 8:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2010 4 2 ######## 9/11/2019 12:33 RN RN
Her and me and you / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2010 12 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2010 9 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NV RN
Life and opinions of Maf the dog, and of his
friend Marilyn
BK Monroe / 12/17/2010 16 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2010 39 4 ######## 8/23/2019 14:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2010 63 7 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2010 38 4 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2010 33 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2010 24 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2010 19 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
The whisperers : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2010 54 7 ######## 9/26/2019 13:07 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2010 26 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 NW RN
Sell yourself first : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2010 17 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
Mastering scrapbook page design : 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2011 11 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2011 47 4 3/2/2019 10/30/2019 12:41 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2011 51 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2011 27 5 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 25 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 50 12 ######## 10/2/2019 10:05 SS TS
Alien invasion and other inconveniences /3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 6 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SP RN
En llamas / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 12 2 ######## 5/14/2019 9:38 RN TS
A girl, a ghost, and the Hollywood Hills / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 6 2 9/8/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
The Mockingbirds / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 20 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SO SS
Cigar lover's compendium : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2011 3 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
Sex and the city : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 14 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
Red harvest / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 30 7 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 NV TS
Sonia Sotomayor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 34 9 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SO RN
The Memory Bank / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 7 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 6 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SV
The Obama syndrome : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 16:30 NW SP
When oil peaked / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 19 ######## 5/15/2019 13:39 RN RN
Grow great grub : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 42 11 ######## 10/30/2019 11:35 NV TS
Shadow on the land : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 22 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SV RN
Shadow on the land : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 17 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SS RN
Folksy favorites : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 6 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
Shadows of death / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2011 2 ######## 5/3/2019 16:14 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 15 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 30 15 ######## 10/4/2019 9:31 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 30 1 ######## 9/23/2019 12:49 SO RN
International adoptions / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
International adoptions / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 4 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Popular culture / 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 7 ######## 10/12/2019 12:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2011 14 5 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 NW RN
Make an informed vaccine decision for the3.12E+13
health ofBK
your child : 1/6/2011 7 ######## 6/4/2019 16:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2011 41 17 9/4/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
Blind descent : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2011 22 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
Almost zero / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2011 5 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2011 14 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
The day Dixie died : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2011 8 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2011 16 2 9/7/2018 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2011 25 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
The golden prince / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2011 21 4 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SO RN
Happy ever after / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2011 43 8 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
Ancient, strange, and lovely / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2011 21 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SC RN
John Lennon : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2011 14 ######## 11/6/2019 12:52 SV RN
How an economy grows and why it crashes3.12E+13
: BK 1/11/2011 30 7 ######## 5/28/2019 8:31 SP RN
Your baby is speaking to you : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2011 13 3 ######## 5/6/2019 9:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2011 19 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2011 20 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SO RN
The dinosaur museum / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2011 31 1 3/9/2016 2/23/2019 14:18 NV SP
Banana! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2011 57 8 ######## 10/23/2019 9:40 SV TS
Costumes and makeup / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2011 2 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:34 SV NW
The great white bear : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2011 9 ######## 5/30/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2011 17 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NW RN
Should marijuana be legalized? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2011 10 2 ######## 11/8/2019 11:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2011 14 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2011 42 10 ######## 7/25/2019 15:26 NW TS
Cobra guardian / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2011 16 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:17 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2011 19 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The complete guide to building your own greenhouse
3.12E+13 BK: 1/19/2011 31 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 54 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 14 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 70 19 ######## 8/19/2019 10:45 SS TS
American idol : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 14 4/2/2016 1/11/2019 9:00 SV RN
Henry Knox : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 9 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:18 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 6 1 ######## 3/21/2019 10:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 5 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 7 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 13 3 ######## 2/8/2019 17:22 SS SP
Palookaville. 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2011 7 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 47 13 ######## 3/7/2019 15:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 6 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 4 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 10 4 8/6/2016 3/20/2019 17:22 NW SP
Modeling clay : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 8 2 ######## 2/22/2019 9:15 SO SV
Lady Gaga / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SS SV
Plain Kate / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2011 8 1 8/4/2013 5/22/2019 13:37 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2011 78 17 ######## 3/22/2019 11:48 SO TS
Destroy all cars / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2011 6 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SO SV
Kings of Colorado / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2011 11 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
You're making that face again / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2011 29 4 ######## 9/5/2019 8:28 NV TS
The secret soldier / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2011 43 5 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 NW RN
Elections A to Z / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 4 ######## 6/4/2019 12:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 23 2 7/3/2018 3/20/2019 13:35 NV RN
Yes you can! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Mostly good girls / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 23 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 4 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SS TS
House of the star / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 7 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 16 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 15 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 101 25 ######## 7/17/2019 10:33 NW TS
The miracle chase : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 11 2 ######## 4/24/2019 15:26 IV RN
This time, this place : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2011 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 106 20 ######## 6/13/2019 11:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Defy gravity : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 2 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SO SS
Sweet treats & secret crushes / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 36 8 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 7 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
The ghostwriter secret / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 15 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 IV RN
Tony Baloney / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 23 5 ######## 5/21/2019 14:07 SO RN
The Crowfield curse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 11 3 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SP RN
Mattaponi Queen : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 13 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 3 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2011 48 7 4/4/2018 2/5/2019 11:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 12 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
Hidden voices : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 NV RN
A certain strain of peculiar / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 5 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 RN RN
Kiss / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 15 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SP SV
Your new baby : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
Your healthy child : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 6 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:52 SV RN
The complete idiot's guide to accounting /3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 23 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
Truth with a capital T / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 9 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:02 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 16 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
The secret of the sealed room / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 12 3 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 SS NW
Stephen King's N / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 25 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Ayn Rand's Anthem : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 16 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2011 19 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 24 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 11 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 26 10 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 11 2 2/7/2016 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
The fates will find their way : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 12 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NV RN
The anatomy of ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 19 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SO RN
The anatomy of ghosts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 13 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2011 18 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
Day of reckoning / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2011 18 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Eve of apocalypse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2011 26 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2011 19 2 1/3/2017 9/11/2019 13:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2011 41 4 6/2/2019 6/13/2019 10:58 SP TS
Believe the unbelievable: 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2011 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 38 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
Yo también puedo ser presidente / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Who stole Mona Lisa? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 8 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
Who stole Mona Lisa? / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 21 10 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
The red meat survivors / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 4 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 VE SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 6 1 ######## 6/26/2019 14:45 NW TS
Weird, scary & unusual : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2011 32 8 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 45 7 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 105 23 ######## 11/8/2019 13:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 45 10 2/4/2019 11/8/2019 14:04 SP TS
Mary McCartney : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 10 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Autumn leaves : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 22 7 ######## 12/5/2019 12:13 RN TS
The education of Hailey Kendrick / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 8 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 RN SS
Holler Loudly / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 41 12 ######## 9/24/2019 15:16 SV TS
Ghoul strike! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 10 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:07 NV SV
Pound dog and frog / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 46 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
Buzz Beaker and the outer space trip / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 70 15 ######## 11/1/2019 15:03 SS TS
Beautiful brides / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 105 22 4/4/2019 5/14/2019 10:02 NV TS
T. Rex Trouble! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 93 25 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SS TS
T. Rex Trouble! / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 95 15 ######## 7/25/2019 16:36 NW TS
Consumer detox : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 21 5 1/3/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 NW RN
The bounce back book : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2011 24 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 59 16 ######## 6/13/2019 9:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 99 32 ######## 11/20/2019 15:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 63 8 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
I can be a ballerina / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 60 7 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SS RN
I was Jane Austen's best friend / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 13 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 NV RN
Just like mama / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 39 ######## 8/14/2019 10:25 RN TS
The annual Snowman's Ball / 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2011 35 9 ######## 3/22/2019 12:28 SP TS
Mr. Chartwell : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2011 7 5/8/2014 5/3/2019 12:49 SS RN
Mr. Chartwell : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2011 15 ######## 8/23/2019 13:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2011 13 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2011 30 4 4/4/2016 10/22/2019 13:24 RN TS
Ready for bed, Pooh? 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2011 49 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2011 46 3 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2011 41 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2011 30 7 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
A box of darkness : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2011 16 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Rollback / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2011 11 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Nonprofit organizations / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2011 20 4 ######## 9/5/2019 8:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2011 45 16 5/9/2019 8/22/2019 16:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2011 5 ######## 2/6/2019 12:41 NV RN
If you believe in mermaids--don't tell / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2011 9 4 2/6/2019 4/9/2019 11:21 TR SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 27 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 15 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 42 11 ######## 1/16/2019 13:58 SO SC
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 23 7 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 17 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:27 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 12 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Survivors / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2011 15 2 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2011 22 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2011 11 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2011 4 2 ######## 11/15/2019 14:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2011 14 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2011 10 ######## 1/16/2019 14:18 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2011 5 1 ######## 3/20/2019 17:47 NV SP
Chicks run wild / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2011 45 4 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
The human disguise / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2011 10 ######## 9/23/2019 14:07 NV RN
Teenage waistland : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2011 4 4/3/2014 5/22/2019 13:37 SP SS
Lament for a lost lover / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2011 5 1 ######## 8/21/2019 12:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2011 17 4/8/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2011 63 6 ######## 12/20/2019 8:50 SS TS
Stephen Hawking : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2011 8 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2011 34 10 ######## 5/2/2019 11:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2011 42 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SO RN
And furthermore / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2011 24 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2011 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Nancy Love and the WASP ferry pilots of World
War BK
II / 2/24/2011 14 1 3/6/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2011 13 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2011 5 1 4/3/2016 5/8/2019 11:40 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 24 6 4/4/2019 7/8/2019 14:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 3 3/3/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
Little Chimp's big day / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 27 4 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Little Chimp's big day / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 27 5 ######## 1/16/2019 8:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 32 2 ######## 9/18/2019 15:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 49 6 ######## 12/5/2019 14:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
Home is with our family / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 8 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SS SV
We are not eaten by yaks / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 23 8 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 19 2 6/4/2015 3/25/2019 12:13 RN RN
The emerald flame / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2011 15 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 SV RN
Jokelopedia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 82 16 ######## 12/20/2019 10:10 NW TS
Library wars. 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 56 6 ######## 2/28/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 36 6 ######## 9/17/2019 13:06 SO TS
Toy story : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 60 10 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 35 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 33 6 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN NW
Big Bird at home / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 47 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
Elmo and his friends / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 71 8 ######## 7/25/2019 16:14 SV TS
Under the mercy trees : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 16 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
Who is the beast? 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2011 24 9 ######## 9/17/2019 9:22 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 16 3 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SV RN
Jacques Cousteau / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 2 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
Fortytude : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 12 ######## 4/23/2019 12:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 20 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 29 6 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 NV VE
1993-2002 Camaro and Firebird performance
BK / 3/2/2011 5 ######## 12/12/2019 16:13 RN NV
This is the game / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 13 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 6 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
Pinewood Derby speed secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 26 9 ######## 6/13/2019 12:03 SP TS
Flesh & blood so cheap : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 3 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 16 1 9/5/2014 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Snow White makes a change 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 37 7 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV NV
The Caribbean / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2011 15 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 23 3 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
Tortall and other lands : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 29 5 ######## 7/17/2019 15:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 21 5 ######## 8/15/2019 8:29 SP TS
Cameroon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 4 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
Bahrain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
Defend the castle / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 32 8 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 47 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
The German century / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2011 20 4 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2011 54 14 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SV TS
Barbarian / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 10 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Outcast / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 7 1 7/7/2016 5/3/2019 17:28 SP RN
The hidden reality : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 40 20 ######## 6/6/2019 15:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 39 6 2/1/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
The sweet relief of missing children / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 15 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
Cleaning Nabokov's house / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 18 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 15 8/1/2013 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 10 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Giveaways : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 2 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
Tillie the terrible Swede : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 7 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SO SV
Sewing school : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 54 16 ######## 7/17/2019 12:16 VE TS
Punk : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 6 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
Lair of the bat monster / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 52 7 ######## 7/10/2019 11:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 117 21 ######## 7/17/2019 10:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 69 18 ######## 7/17/2019 11:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 45 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 6 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 30 6 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
Disintegration : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2011 9 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Sunchaser's quest / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 13 4 ######## 8/2/2019 13:07 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 16 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 14 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 17 1 ######## 2/9/2019 15:39 IV SP
From the land of the moon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 10 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
Devil's slew : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 14 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 30 6 ######## 8/19/2019 10:43 NW TS
Five thousand years of slavery / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 3 9/9/2014 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Take back your back : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2011 18 3 ######## 6/4/2019 11:55 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 22 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 15 2 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 SS TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 54 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 17 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 13 4 ######## 10/4/2019 15:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 37 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:55 NV RN
10 Easter egg hunters : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 25 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SS
Odds'R : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 14 6 ######## 4/17/2019 9:59 SP TS
Strategic battles in the Pacific / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 9 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 SO RN
The car book 2011 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2011 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 15 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:29 SS RN
The legacy / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 24 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
The best birthday ever! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 48 9 ######## 9/24/2019 15:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 14 2 ######## 3/8/2019 13:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 16 2 1/6/2019 2/6/2019 15:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 17 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SO SV
Everyone loves a hero / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 27 1 ######## 8/15/2019 8:30 SP TS
The bird house / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 14 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SV RN
Eternidad / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 21 2 ######## 11/20/2019 15:38 TR TS
Another dawn / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 15 2 7/9/2017 8/23/2019 13:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 18 2 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2011 12 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
The mask wearer / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2011 5 1 3/3/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Wondrous strange : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 26 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 7 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 5 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2011 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Pre-calculus for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 36 10 6/6/2019 6/20/2019 13:40 NW TS
Algebra I essentials for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 27 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
The savage city : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 9 3/4/2017 6/4/2019 14:08 IV RN
Medical pioneers / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
Angelina Jolie : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 4 3/7/2017 4/17/2019 10:31 NW RN
Complete mathematics / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 33 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Recipe and craft guide to Indonesia / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 6 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
Recipe and craft guide to Indonesia / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 5 8 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 16 5 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 15 3 ######## 5/3/2019 14:11 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 27 2 ######## 12/5/2019 12:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2011 22 1 ######## 11/26/2019 10:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2011 12 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 NV SS
Mickey & Minnie's gift of the magi / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2011 43 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2011 86 16 ######## 4/23/2019 12:00 NV TS
Quantum wellness : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2011 9 3 3/9/2019 4/17/2019 12:15 SV TS
Another whole nother story / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2011 28 7 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SS SV
Story County : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2011 16 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
DK online encyclopedia. 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2011 13 3 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
The Queen of France / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2011 18 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2011 43 10 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2011 49 6 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2011 26 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2011 6 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:10 SO RN
Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands : 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2011 13 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
The lost sister / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2011 15 ######## 9/12/2019 12:48 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 29 4 2/1/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 12 4 ######## 6/27/2019 12:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 22 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 14 2 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 SV GE
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 20 3 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
Forged : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 35 7 ######## 10/24/2019 14:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 66 8 ######## 11/22/2019 14:56 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 6 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
Daddy Adventure Day / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 35 2 ######## 11/20/2019 12:43 SV TS
The midnight tunnel : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 19 11 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
Montana : 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2011 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:37 SO SV
Caught / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2011 53 7 ######## 12/5/2019 12:51 SP TS
Cars galore / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2011 53 15 ######## 1/17/2019 14:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2011 20 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2011 10 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 IV SV
Student life / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2011 4 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2011 52 10 ######## 7/10/2019 9:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2011 53 11 ######## 5/8/2019 14:38 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2011 19 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
The Renaissance : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2011 2 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 44 9 ######## 9/5/2019 13:14 NW TS
Say her name / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 20 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 NV SS
La canción de Shao Li / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 4 8/4/2016 2/15/2019 12:01 SV SV
Animals home alone / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 11 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SS SV
How to teach a slug to read / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 56 13 ######## 9/10/2019 12:00 SS TS
Little Croc's purse / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 30 6 1/3/2018 2/12/2019 14:09 SV RN
Woof! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2011 14 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SS VE
Octopus soup / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2011 27 1 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
Octopus soup / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2011 47 5 ######## 4/5/2019 15:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2011 11 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 RN RN
Decision points / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2011 16 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
2009 greatest pop & rock hits. 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2011 15 5 2/6/2018 5/20/2019 13:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2011 9 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:37 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 6 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 37 1 2/1/2018 3/20/2019 13:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 7 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 5 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 19 4 6/5/2019 8/2/2019 12:41 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 23 5 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 NW RN
GLBTQ : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2011 6 1 ######## 4/23/2019 13:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 19 2 7/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
La guÃ-a de buena salud para un corazón3.12E+13
sano / BK 4/5/2011 7 ######## 5/20/2019 13:58 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 41 7 ######## 7/31/2019 8:21 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 30 5 ######## 10/23/2019 8:44 VE TS
The reinvention of Bessica Lefter / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 6 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 21 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 10 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SV RN
Marlene : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 18 1 5/2/2015 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
Marlene : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 15 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NW TS
Half the church : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 7 1 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 NV SS
Picasso by Picasso : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 6 1 8/1/2016 1/22/2019 14:35 SC RN
Silk & venom : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2011 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 21 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
The unicorn's tale / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 24 9 8/7/2019 11/1/2019 15:43 NW TS
Song of slaves in the desert / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 14 1 3/8/2013 4/30/2019 15:54 NV RN
The daughter's walk : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 29 5 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 17 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NW RN
The voyage of turtle Rex / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 43 8 ######## 6/13/2019 9:42 SV TS
The voyage of turtle Rex / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 33 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 4 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
Music was it : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 2 1 8/7/2018 2/8/2019 8:01 SS RN
William and Kate : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2011 13 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 35 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SO TS
Signs of life : 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 30 7 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 24 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 27 10 ######## 6/13/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 9 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 23 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2011 52 8 ######## 7/17/2019 10:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2011 13 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2011 13 ######## 4/6/2019 13:34 RN SP
The Crimean War : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 19 4 ######## 8/26/2019 9:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 28 9 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 20 10 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
Twitter marketing for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 22 5 ######## 4/17/2019 15:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 31 3 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SS RN
Malled : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 17 3 ######## 5/28/2019 9:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 5 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 SV NV
Geometry for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 38 9 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SO TS
Geometry for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 34 17 ######## 1/22/2019 8:46 NW TS
Geometry for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 16 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SP
Sing you home / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 35 6 ######## 8/5/2019 8:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 6 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Stieglitz, Steichen, Strand : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 21 1 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 11 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 20 2 4/4/2017 9/20/2019 15:18 SS RN
Make, take, murder : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2011 18 2 6/1/2016 9/11/2019 12:37 RN RN
Math word problems for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 47 11 ######## 10/16/2019 11:22 RN SV
101 different ways to build homes and pens 3.12E+13
for yourBK
animals : 4/12/2011 9 1 9/9/2016 6/24/2019 10:28 NV RN
South Carolina : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 3 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
New Jersey : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 6 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Alabama : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 NW NW
Colorado : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 8 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 NV RN
Doodleday / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 31 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 30 7 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SO SV
Princess Kim and too much truth / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 38 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV NW
Soy un hermano mayor / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 19 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
Salome / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2011 2 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SP RN
March in country : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2011 14 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:22 SS RN
Can I see your I.D.? : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2011 16 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:12 SS RN
Can I see your I.D.? : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2011 9 1 6/3/2015 1/16/2019 17:23 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2011 9 6 3/7/2019 3/26/2019 15:13 RN TS
Illustration school : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2011 20 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 15 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 4 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 27 7 ######## 9/6/2019 14:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 30 3 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
Deadly threads / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 44 5 1/3/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 7 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NV RN
The age of airpower / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 19 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 25 5 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 17 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
A diversity of dragons / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 31 1 4/3/2018 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
The Christmas story 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2011 39 11 8/7/2019 11/13/2019 14:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 22 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SO
Cinderella. 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 47 11 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
Treasure Planet / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 37 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 30 7 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 6 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The Big Show / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 5 ######## 1/3/2019 10:08 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 6 3 3/5/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 48 9 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 8 1 9/3/2015 1/17/2019 17:48 SV TR
The trouble with May Amelia / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 6 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 15 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
Golden retrievers / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2011 4 ######## 10/9/2019 9:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 51 9 ######## 3/22/2019 14:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 16 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 5 5/5/2015 1/16/2019 17:26 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 20 2 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
Georgia : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 5 3 4/7/2017 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
Massachusetts : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 8 4 4/2/2017 2/7/2019 13:30 SO RN
Kentucky : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SO SS
Ohio : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 4 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NV NW
Wisconsin : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 2 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 SS NW
California : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:29 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 79 22 1/6/2019 2/4/2019 15:11 SO RN
Easy dinners : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2011 41 8 ######## 1/25/2019 8:57 NW TS
Seven fathers / 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2011 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:29 NV RN
Magic of the microwave : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2011 15 2 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
My new American life / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2011 7 2/2/2016 9/11/2019 12:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 29 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 31 2 ######## 7/24/2019 8:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 42 4 ######## 2/27/2019 10:47 SP TS
Reach for the skies : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 15 ######## 4/30/2019 7:36 SS RN
Reach for the skies : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 9 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 12 ######## 10/9/2019 12:19 IV RN
The hottest dishes of the Tartar cuisine / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2011 12 1 ######## 8/21/2019 14:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 25 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 73 12 ######## 11/13/2019 15:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 60 7 ######## 12/5/2019 12:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 57 9 ######## 10/18/2019 11:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 43 3 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 69 9 9/7/2019 11/14/2019 12:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 30 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 60 22 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 RN TS
You are free : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 11 3 9/2/2016 3/27/2019 8:52 SP TS
The 150 healthiest 15-minute recipes on earth
: BK 4/27/2011 40 11 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
The handy psychology answer book / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 16 1 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
The Virgin book of British hit singles. 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 8 ######## 11/1/2019 16:08 RN RN
What is the theory of plate tectonics? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 11 4 3/1/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
What is cell theory? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 77 20 ######## 11/13/2019 14:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 9 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 13 3 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 33 9 ######## 11/8/2019 12:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 65 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NV
Sam's ride / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 25 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2011 12 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
Rapunzel / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2011 72 17 ######## 4/23/2019 12:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2011 30 7 ######## 5/14/2019 8:59 SV TS
Graphic novels : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2011 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SO SS
A Templar's gifts / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2011 16 1 6/9/2016 5/3/2019 17:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 53 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 60 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS NW
Police dog heroes / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 14 4 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
The Flash chronicles. 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 15 3 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 30 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SS TS
Dancing with a crew / 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 4 7/2/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
Funny bunny tales. 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2011 45 14 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 SV RN
Burning book : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 4 1 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 3 3 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 34 15 ######## 10/4/2019 9:11 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 62 13 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 16 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:20 SS RN
The vintner's apprentice : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 18 5 ######## 8/2/2019 10:57 IV RN
The bond : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 20 6 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
Compact with the devil : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 11 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SS RN
101 quantum questions : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 11 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2011 31 14 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2011 25 3 ######## 11/14/2019 13:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2011 29 6 5/4/2019 6/20/2019 13:04 SP TS
Oil spill! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2011 5 2 2/1/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2011 23 2 2/2/2019 10/31/2019 8:36 NW TS
Sarah Emma Edmonds was a great pretender 3.12E+13
: BK 5/4/2011 5 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:19 RN NW
Sarah Emma Edmonds was a great pretender 3.12E+13
: BK 5/4/2011 4 1 3/6/2016 3/28/2019 15:46 SP TS
Wonderland / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2011 6 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Wit'ch star / 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2011 6 ######## 2/9/2019 15:39 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2011 16 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2011 58 13 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
Sex, murder, and the meaning of life : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2011 20 2 ######## 3/6/2019 10:36 NV NV
Your daughter's bedroom : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2011 13 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
A pet for Miss Wright / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2011 13 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 RN SV
The ghost detectives guide to haunted San3.12E+13
/ 5/6/2011 28 2 ######## 4/11/2019 14:59 RN TS
Blue : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2011 19 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
I'm not dead, I'm different : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2011 12 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2011 33 6 ######## 2/20/2019 14:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2011 20 1 1/3/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2011 40 4 7/9/2017 9/24/2019 13:07 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2011 48 5 ######## 6/13/2019 9:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 61 11 ######## 3/19/2019 12:32 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 65 12 ######## 3/19/2019 12:32 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 19 5 ######## 8/22/2019 16:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 45 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
The final storm : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 14 2 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 IV TS
Dinkin Dings and the Frightening Things / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 5 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
Pirates of the sea! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 45 3 ######## 6/25/2019 15:56 NV TS
Pirates of the sea! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 73 18 ######## 9/24/2019 15:05 RN TS
Shoes for me / 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 46 6 ######## 1/16/2019 14:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 24 3 ######## 4/12/2019 14:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 21 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2011 55 12 7/3/2019 11/13/2019 11:15 NV TS
Naruto vs. Sasuke / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 45 7 ######## 5/31/2019 7:39 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 5 1 3/8/2017 1/11/2019 13:22 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
The ultimate art / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 32 4 ######## 11/5/2019 15:02 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 25 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:01 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 46 6 8/7/2019 9/10/2019 15:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 29 12 2/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
Tamales / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2011 18 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
An introduction to Greek / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2011 22 8 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Anatomy & physiology for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2011 25 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NV
Chasing Aphrodite : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2011 13 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2011 15 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2011 10 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
Simply Sara / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2011 9 ######## 2/8/2019 16:45 SP SP
An American demon / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2011 12 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN NW
Where's the birth certificate? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2011 19 4 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2011 18 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
Curation nation : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2011 9 1 ######## 4/22/2019 10:20 NW RN
Armagedón 2012 : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2011 24 2 ######## 12/3/2019 14:36 SC RN
Happiness for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2011 29 10 ######## 4/17/2019 9:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2011 72 14 ######## 12/9/2019 14:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 3 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:26 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 5 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 6 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 15 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
The Timucua / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:26 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 9 1 ######## 3/28/2019 13:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 4 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:26 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2011 10 ######## 2/23/2019 15:09 SO SP
Not dead & not for sale / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2011 16 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP NW
Stop Alzheimer's now! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2011 29 14 2/9/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 IV RN
Driving with Plato : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2011 9 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Run your butt off! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2011 36 16 ######## 5/3/2019 9:05 SO TS
The digital diet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2011 7 2 ######## 10/4/2019 7:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 46 20 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 IV TS
All my life : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 15 1 2/6/2016 5/7/2019 13:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 20 2 1/2/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 9 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 11 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 9 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SV SS
Lincoln on war / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 7 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 NW SS
Innocent spouse : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 15 1 ######## 5/29/2019 14:27 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 28 1 ######## 8/15/2019 8:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 14 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2011 10 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 61 11 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
Wolf Star / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 22 10 ######## 2/1/2019 11:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 40 16 1/3/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SS TS
Before your pregnancy : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 16 7 4/4/2018 6/27/2019 14:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 SV NW
The sticky doll trap : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 1 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SV NW
The age of deception : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 11 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Race around the world / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 83 22 ######## 4/23/2019 9:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 41 4 ######## 6/27/2019 12:13 SS TS
The complete idiot's guide to dachshunds 3.12E+13
/ BK 5/24/2011 9 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
Something for the pain : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2011 25 13 ######## 7/24/2019 7:56 NW TS
Maddigan's Fantasia / 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2011 10 1 3/6/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 NV SV
Clarity / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 12 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 70 18 ######## 10/4/2019 9:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 49 11 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 70 14 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 67 16 ######## 4/12/2019 9:57 NV TS
Meet Ash's Pikachu! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 72 19 2/6/2019 3/28/2019 13:18 NW TS
Meet Ash's Pikachu! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 68 23 ######## 8/2/2019 15:33 NV TS
Meet Ash's Pikachu! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 80 16 ######## 8/22/2019 15:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2011 9 5 3/6/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2011 44 8 ######## 4/12/2019 14:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2011 9 1 8/8/2015 1/30/2019 15:40 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 18 10 9/1/2019 10/24/2019 15:48 RN RN
Children with cancer : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 2 1 ######## 10/16/2019 10:42 SS RN
Victorian pharmacy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 18 5 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 10 2 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SO RN
The Trail of Tears : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 15 7 7/5/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
The Jefferson key : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 48 14 ######## 8/2/2019 8:48 NW TS
Feed your brain, lose your belly : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 33 12 ######## 4/12/2019 13:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 18 3 ######## 9/23/2019 13:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 22 9 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SS RN
Homeschooling the child with autism : 3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2011 6 4/2/2016 5/28/2019 8:48 SP RN
Buddha standard time : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2011 25 3 ######## 5/6/2019 9:05 SS RN
Blind allegiance to Sarah Palin : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2011 16 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2011 12 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:06 SP TS
Sam's bush journey / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2011 12 ######## 11/8/2019 14:03 SP TS
The grand plan to fix everything / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2011 16 5 ######## 6/28/2019 13:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2011 4 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2011 13 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SS TS
Buried prey / 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 36 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 36 3 ######## 11/22/2019 8:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 22 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
Hot, hot roti for Dada-ji / 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 31 10 ######## 4/12/2019 9:22 NW TS
Zoomer's summer snowstorm / 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 72 17 ######## 6/27/2019 11:56 SP TS
Africans thought of it : 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 4 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
Brum! 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 29 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 37 10 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2011 38 7 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 RN RN
Ve, perro. ve! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2011 31 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:19 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2011 21 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2011 43 6 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2011 22 ######## 9/11/2019 12:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2011 22 ######## 10/14/2019 12:26 SO TS
Érase una vez­­ / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2011 10 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 12 1 ######## 5/9/2019 12:56 NV RN
The complete idiot's guide to solar power 3.12E+13
for your home
BK / 6/8/2011 15 5 6/7/2019 6/26/2019 14:44 SP TS
Finding higher ground : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 10 ######## 5/30/2019 10:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 15 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SO
Paletas : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 23 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
The Union war / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 11 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 36 12 ######## 3/28/2019 11:33 SV TS
The abused werewolf rescue group / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 19 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:06 SP RN
3-D dinosaur / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 31 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
This thing called the future : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 3 2/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 SS RN
Famous / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2011 23 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 16 3 ######## 4/12/2019 12:49 SO TS
The stone idol / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 17 6 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
The odious ogre / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 19 1 ######## 3/20/2019 14:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 16 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 16 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 6 1 ######## 9/17/2019 9:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 33 7 ######## 4/23/2019 13:43 TR TS
Mamá and me / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2011 10 1 ######## 10/23/2019 9:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2011 19 7 ######## 8/2/2019 14:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2011 25 8 ######## 3/28/2019 10:30 SO TS
Queen defiant : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2011 28 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2011 12 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SS RN
Insurgents, raiders, and bandits : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2011 11 1 4/2/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
To the blight : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 13 ######## 12/9/2019 14:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 11 6 6/5/2018 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 37 7 5/2/2019 5/24/2019 8:08 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 54 5 7/3/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 SO TS
The handbook of Chinese horoscopes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 23 5 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 43 4 8/1/2019 10/4/2019 9:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 39 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 22 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 58 8 9/6/2018 2/6/2019 16:33 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 32 5 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 15 1 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2011 44 10 ######## 8/14/2019 11:06 NV TS
The artificial silk girl / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 13 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
Piano for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 32 18 ######## 5/14/2019 14:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 25 2 ######## 10/3/2019 8:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 20 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
Michigan : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 2 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
Raggin', jazzin', rockin' : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 4 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
East on Sunset / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 19 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 15 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 14 1 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 NV NW
Modern homestead : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 40 23 ######## 10/15/2019 15:36 SV TS
The world's best massage techniques : 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2011 21 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS NV
The complete idiot's guide to rock hits for 3.12E+13
ukulele / BK 6/14/2011 36 17 7/2/2019 10/2/2019 10:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2011 3 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2011 9 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 IV IV
Epic voyages : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2011 6 1/2/2015 1/5/2019 16:11 RN SP
S is for South Africa / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2011 4 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2011 3 1 6/4/2014 5/26/2019 16:08 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2011 19 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2011 15 ######## 9/10/2019 15:05 SO RN
The atlas of world history / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2011 12 4 ######## 3/15/2019 10:59 SP TS
Vitamin D for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 21 5 ######## 5/30/2019 10:18 SP RN
You must go and win / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 11 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 24 3 ######## 9/16/2019 14:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 28 4 8/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Poisoned legacy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 5 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 0 7/23/2019 12:24 VE SS
Whatever gets you through the night : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 12 4 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SO RN
Loop-d-loop lace / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 17 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
Reading with the stars : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2011 23 4 ######## 10/15/2019 15:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 36 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
I'm big! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 53 5 ######## 1/23/2019 15:56 TR TS
I'm big! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 65 16 ######## 11/13/2019 15:52 SS TS
Special diets for special kids, volumes 1 and
2 combined
BK / 6/20/2011 15 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 60 8 ######## 8/21/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 40 15 ######## 4/5/2019 7:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 31 2 6/6/2019 7/10/2019 11:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 46 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Wonderful exchange : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2011 10 1 ######## 6/4/2019 16:12 SP RN
Living sober. 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2011 8 1 ######## 6/27/2019 15:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2011 8 2 4/1/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 IV RN
Spiritual gardens : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2011 21 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2011 10 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 40 21 ######## 10/3/2019 8:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 37 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 60 5 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
Content marketing for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 23 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 36 4 ######## 9/24/2019 10:39 NV TS
Miss Timmins' School for Girls : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 12 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
Paper covers rock / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 13 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SV NW
Haunting Violet / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2011 30 7 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SS RN
Machine embroidered quilting and appliqué 3.12E+13
: BK 6/28/2011 33 11 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
One drowsy dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 51 8 ######## 3/7/2019 12:18 NV TS
Tucker : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 18 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Tucker : 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 21 9 ######## 11/13/2019 15:54 NV TS
Why Jane Austen? / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 7 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
Bryan Hitch's ultimate comics studio / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 16 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 14 4 ######## 6/13/2019 10:31 NW TS
Flying ultralights / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
Chemical dependency / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Chemical dependency / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 10 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 39 5 9/5/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
El osito polar 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2011 9 3 4/2/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SO NW
Lost in Shangri-la : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 35 7 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SS RN
The ghost of Greenwich Village : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 13 2 ######## 9/6/2019 13:53 NV RN
The ghost of Greenwich Village : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 12 3 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 12 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 49 10 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 17 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 28 10 ######## 8/2/2019 8:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 19 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
I could be, you could be / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2011 44 9 ######## 8/2/2019 12:44 RN TS
Stuff white people like : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2011 24 7 6/4/2019 7/11/2019 14:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2011 11 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2011 4 3 ######## 5/7/2019 10:42 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2011 55 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
El niño gol / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2011 2 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2011 30 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
A spark of death : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2011 11 ######## 2/26/2019 10:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2011 18 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 RN SS
Dutchman's flat : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2011 34 1 1/8/2019 1/30/2019 9:58 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2011 25 1 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2011 43 6 5/5/2019 5/24/2019 7:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2011 80 13 ######## 8/22/2019 16:32 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2011 43 6 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2011 11 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2011 31 8 7/1/2019 8/19/2019 9:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2011 21 2 ######## 9/6/2019 9:02 NV TS
Perros / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2011 7 2 3/2/2015 5/29/2019 11:18 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2011 64 11 ######## 12/20/2019 10:34 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2011 23 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2011 60 15 ######## 4/23/2019 13:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2011 43 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2011 35 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2011 23 1 8/9/2017 9/18/2019 10:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2011 40 6 1/9/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 SV TS
Creepy monsters, sleepy monsters : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2011 66 12 ######## 11/13/2019 11:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2011 28 6 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 11:56 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2011 12 2 ######## 9/17/2019 15:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2011 49 3 9/5/2019 12/5/2019 14:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2011 29 2 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
The Clinton St. Baking Company cookbook3.12E+13
: BK 7/19/2011 24 6 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SP TS
The wedding shawl : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2011 27 3 ######## 7/10/2019 11:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2011 21 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
Clarence Darrow : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2011 21 19 ######## 9/23/2019 8:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2011 12 6 9/3/2019 11/13/2019 15:08 NW TS
Me, the mob, and the music : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2011 22 5 ######## 1/18/2019 8:35 SP TS
Little Mouse and the big cupcake / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2011 71 14 ######## 1/23/2019 16:03 RN TS
Defiance / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 1 1 9/4/2014 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
A filth of starlings : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 21 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 17 ######## 9/20/2019 15:39 SS RN
Pigeon English / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 6 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SS RN
Without a net : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The sun's heartbeat : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2011 20 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2011 27 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:01 SS TS
My favorite recipes / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2011 29 10 ######## 7/17/2019 11:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2011 38 7 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 NW TS
International Building Code 2012. 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2011 10 7 ######## 3/4/2019 16:56 SS RN
International Building Code 2012. 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2011 3 3/6/2019 3/6/2019 17:42 NV RN
International Building Code 2012. 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2011 6 3 ######## 3/12/2019 8:27 SO RN
Silent prey / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 53 3 ######## 11/14/2019 13:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 55 8 ######## 6/25/2019 9:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 25 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 15 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Death without tenure / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 18 1 ######## 9/23/2019 11:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 10 3/5/2016 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 12 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 23 2 ######## 9/23/2019 11:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 21 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 51 14 ######## 7/10/2019 11:55 SO RN
Mr. Sam : 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 4 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 104 24 ######## 7/17/2019 10:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 106 16 ######## 4/23/2019 13:18 SO TS
How the gods created the finger people / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2011 5 2 8/4/2015 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
Garden of the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 11 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SV TS
Putting makeup on the fat boy / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 5 ######## 1/15/2019 12:33 TR SV
The summer I learned to fly / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 13 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 IV RN
Five 4ths of July / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 6 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 16 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 5 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 9 9/2/2015 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
The absolute value of Mike / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 9 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 34 17 4/8/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SV TS
The girl is murder / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 10 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:07 SP RN
Wrapped / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 9 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 3 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:20 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 17 8 ######## 5/17/2019 8:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 45 6 ######## 11/7/2019 14:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 17 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2011 35 5 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Kevin goes to the library / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 54 4 ######## 10/23/2019 9:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 30 3 ######## 8/5/2019 12:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 14 8 ######## 7/8/2019 14:39 SV TS
Trial by fire : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 27 7 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 11 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 VE RN
Catch that baby! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 21 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 9 2 9/2/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 21 3 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
Alligator, bear, crab : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 45 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Alligator, bear, crab : 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 35 7 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 23 6 2/9/2019 10/23/2019 9:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 15 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
Mine! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2011 18 6 ######## 11/12/2019 10:40 NV TS
How I stole Johnny Depp's alien girlfriend /3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 15 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 18 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 18 2 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 9 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 NW RN
The Oriental wife : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 17 2 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 NV TS
Madame Bovary's daughter : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 8 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 IV RN
Possum summer / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 13 5 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SP SS
Balls / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 33 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 43 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NV
Who do I see? 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 44 11 2/1/2019 3/14/2019 16:52 TR SS
The day Tiger Rose said goodbye / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 18 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:27 NW IV
The very fairy princess takes the stage / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 41 7 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 8 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 RN RN
The most beautiful villages and towns of the3.12E+13
Pacific Northwest
BK / 7/29/2011 45 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Robinson Crusoe / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2011 25 13 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
Fallen : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2011 50 11 ######## 11/21/2019 10:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 47 7 ######## 7/24/2019 8:57 SS TS
Eliza's cherry trees : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 11 4 7/6/2019 7/17/2019 12:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 28 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 25 3 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
Shut your eyes tight : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 47 7 ######## 12/13/2019 8:47 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 12 1 1/2/2019 3/7/2019 13:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 27 6 ######## 8/1/2019 10:08 SP RN
Wild life / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 10 4 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 NW SP
The summer of May / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 5 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 25 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 17 3 7/9/2019 7/17/2019 12:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2011 35 7 ######## 11/20/2019 13:42 NV TS
Lost city : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2011 17 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2011 39 8 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2011 6 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
When life gives you O.J. / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2011 13 2 1/6/2016 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2011 13 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 NW SV
Pepita and the bully = 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2011 7 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 IV SV
The first billion is the hardest : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2011 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 20 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 27 2 9/8/2017 10/31/2019 13:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 17 2 ######## 4/15/2019 13:29 NV TS
What is your dog doing? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 62 12 ######## 9/17/2019 9:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 13 3 ######## 1/29/2019 16:21 RN SP
Más allá de el secreto : 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2011 17 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SV
Woof, meow, tweet-tweet / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2011 19 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
Warriors : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 4 3/9/2016 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 23 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 15 5 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 29 1 ######## 10/1/2019 14:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 30 12 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 28 13 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Japanese tattooing now! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 8 ######## 5/30/2019 11:01 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 31 4 3/6/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 36 7 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2011 5 2 5/4/2017 11/13/2019 12:14 SP RN
A light in the attic / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 55 11 ######## 3/22/2019 12:10 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 12 ######## 3/6/2019 18:20 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 15 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SO RN
Death sentence / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 10 6 ######## 9/24/2019 15:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 19 6 ######## 1/25/2019 15:12 NV SV
The Flash chronicles. 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 14 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Everything I need to know before I'm five /3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 35 13 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 RN RN
Forever / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 26 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
Dino pets go to school / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 64 16 7/8/2019 8/19/2019 9:34 RN TS
A tooth is loose / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 37 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
Cork & Fuzz : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 30 8 7/8/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2011 48 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 11 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 23 5 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 10 5 4/4/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
Empowerment : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 16 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
Cows / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 7 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 RN SV
Cows / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 9 2 ######## 4/9/2019 17:52 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 16 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 14 2 ######## 11/8/2019 12:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 17 10 ######## 3/28/2019 12:52 SV TS
Las muchas muertes de Pancho Villa / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 2 8/7/2015 2/7/2019 17:50 SP SP
You'll like it here (everybody does) / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 18 6 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 12 5 6/2/2015 9/18/2019 11:51 SS RN
Cookiebot! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 30 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Urban America : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2011 6 2 ######## 11/6/2019 14:50 SS TS
The red piano / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 5 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 19 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
The quiet gun : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 19 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 80 15 ######## 3/7/2019 14:23 SV TS
The watchtower / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 8 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 7 1 7/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 13 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SS TS
State vs. Defense : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 8 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SO SS
The ripple effect : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 12 7/9/2015 5/15/2019 13:34 SV RN
The golden age of American musical theatre 3.12E+13
: BK 8/11/2011 2 2/8/2014 7/1/2019 10:59 RN SS
The caribou feed our soul = 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2011 3 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2011 17 7 ######## 9/17/2019 9:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2011 16 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SV RN
The mommy docs' ultimate guide to pregnancy3.12E+13
and birth
BK / 8/12/2011 24 7 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2011 28 8 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 SO IV
All you desire : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2011 8 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 2 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 20 4 6/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SV
The silent girl: 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 46 9 ######## 9/5/2019 13:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 6 9/9/2014 1/19/2019 16:32 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 17 1 ######## 8/21/2019 14:15 NW RN
Sherry Serafini's sensational bead embroidery
: BK 8/15/2011 12 5 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 49 11 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 16 2 ######## 3/22/2019 12:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2011 51 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP NW
Control your cash : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2011 12 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP NW
Dark road to Darjeeling : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2011 35 7 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 38 11 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 33 8 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 25 8 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 10 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NW
¡Montones de mariquitas! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 43 6 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 11 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 14 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
My favorite band does not exist / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 9 3 3/3/2016 4/1/2019 12:52 SS TS
My favorite band does not exist / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 6 3 7/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:21 RN RN
Digital disciple : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2011 7 ######## 5/9/2019 8:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 9 2 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
I like where I am / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 6 1 7/5/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 45 7 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 61 8 ######## 8/5/2019 8:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 42 7 8/6/2019 8/20/2019 8:45 NV TS
Killing Kate 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 18 3 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2011 19 6 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
Thermodynamics for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2011 9 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 29 8 ######## 8/5/2019 8:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 40 3 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 20 2 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 15 1 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
By His Majesty's grace / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 21 5 ######## 9/23/2019 14:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 18 3 2/5/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2011 10 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
Artificial intelligence : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2011 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:30 SS TS
What color is your parachute? 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2011 25 5 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
What color is your parachute? 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2011 21 6 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SO SS
Le symbole perdu : 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2011 5 4/5/2016 9/18/2019 11:03 SP RN
La gran enciclopedia de las aves / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2011 3 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 27 8 3/7/2019 9/17/2019 14:19 SV TS
The fires of heaven / 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 30 8 ######## 7/17/2019 10:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 62 9 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 4 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 14 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
Deep zone : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 41 21 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
The dragon of Cripple Creek : 3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2011 9 6 ######## 7/9/2019 16:45 RN SP
A reference guide to gulls of the Americas3.12E+13
/ BK 8/24/2011 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Gamers-- in the library?! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2011 3 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2011 22 5 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2011 28 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2011 15 2 3/6/2014 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Let's look at dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2011 14 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2011 15 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 SS RN
Birds of a feather : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 9 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
Anthropologies : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 6 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 28 11 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 SP RN
Leningrad : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 17 4 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SO RN
You are my cupcake 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 47 9 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2011 16 ######## 7/31/2019 8:14 RN TS
Pastel step by step / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 14 10 8/8/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
Maximilian the great / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 19 4 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 NV RN
Drama queen / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 51 15 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
Red Bird sings : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 4 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NW NV
The implosion of Aggie Winchester / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 7 2 ######## 3/4/2019 17:19 SP SP
Forbidden / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 27 6 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SS
Kiss of death / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 14 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SP SS
Kiss of death / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 6 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 10 2 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SO RN
The Medusa plot / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 69 23 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NW RN
The golden years of the fourth dimension 3: .12E+13 BK 8/30/2011 1 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 RN RN
The Easy way to play 100 unforgettable hits
/ BK 8/31/2011 22 5 ######## 10/30/2019 8:44 NW TS
Fundamentals of musical acoustics / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2011 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
American letters, 1927-1947 : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2011 4 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SP RN
A year and six seconds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2011 9 2 3/5/2015 1/11/2019 9:00 NV RN
The illustrated atlas of the human body / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2011 12 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2011 36 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2011 93 27 ######## 6/26/2019 14:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2011 27 4 ######## 9/10/2019 14:51 SV RN
Cell seven reunion / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2011 53 15 ######## 3/19/2019 14:36 SS TS
Children of paranoia / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2011 10 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2011 13 ######## 5/29/2019 14:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2011 21 2 2/5/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2011 10 1 ######## 6/27/2019 11:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2011 4 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2011 40 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:30 NW RN
Big military machines / 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2011 32 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2011 14 3 2/5/2015 1/2/2019 10:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2011 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2011 76 21 ######## 9/6/2019 9:49 IV TS
Private I. Guana : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 18 4 7/3/2019 11/13/2019 11:16 SS TS
Life itself : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 20 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SC RN
Life itself : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 33 6 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
You don't know about me / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 6 1 3/3/2015 5/3/2019 17:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 19 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 NV RN
It's hard not to hate you / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 13 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 26 4 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 24 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
Kiss of death / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2011 14 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 RN RN
Passion : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2011 24 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 28 4 ######## 12/5/2019 13:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 46 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SP TS
Harold : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 13 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
The monastery of the heart : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 13 5 ######## 5/9/2019 9:35 IV RN
A man of parts : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 13 1 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
Guinness world records 2012 / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 9 3 ######## 1/30/2019 10:56 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2011 37 10 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 17 1 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 11 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
Record collecting for girls : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 7 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SO RN
My beautiful genome : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 10 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 13 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 SO RN
The twins' blanket / 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 39 5 ######## 11/20/2019 12:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 42 10 ######## 3/8/2019 13:25 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 56 13 8/8/2019 9/24/2019 15:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 19 3 1/8/2017 6/7/2019 9:16 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 34 6 ######## 8/2/2019 15:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 15 3 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 22 5 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2011 18 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
Teachings of the Buddha / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2011 20 5 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
Siberian huskies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2011 10 6 ######## 10/21/2019 15:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2011 19 2 4/3/2018 7/29/2019 12:36 SO RN
Running with the pack / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2011 6 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
The white city / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2011 8 2 2/6/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Wind, sand & silence : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 5 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 36 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
The captive part II and the power / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 17 4 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 6 3 ######## 9/6/2019 14:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 27 4 7/8/2019 7/17/2019 11:08 SS TS
Zombies! zombies! zombies! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 18 6 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Zombies! zombies! zombies! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 15 6 2/7/2019 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 37 11 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SP
A quiet death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 16 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SV RN
A quiet death : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 16 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
Willy / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 10 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 49 2 3/2/2019 4/12/2019 14:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 24 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SS
The summer visitors / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 25 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 SO RN
The summer visitors / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 9 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 14 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
American Revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 17 10 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
American Revolution / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2011 22 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 10 4 ######## 1/30/2019 10:42 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 10 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 3 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Experiments with motion / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 4 2 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Experiments with motion / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 9 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:01 SO RN
The handy physics answer book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 22 9 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 36 12 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 11 2 ######## 9/11/2019 12:58 NW RN
The fiction : 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 44 24 ######## 11/2/2019 11:11 SP RN
20,001 kitchen secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2011 12 2 9/9/2013 6/5/2019 14:46 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 41 5 ######## 3/14/2019 11:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 4 1 5/4/2016 2/7/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 3 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 2 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
Nuclear meltdowns / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 4 ######## 2/1/2019 13:50 NV RN
The education of millionaires : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 22 15 8/6/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Meena / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:20 NV RN
Your moon, my moon : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 3 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:42 NV RN
Extreme money : 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2011 16 11 ######## 11/19/2019 14:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 11 3 4/6/2019 5/15/2019 13:54 IV TS
The True Love Quilting Club / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 9 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 13 3 ######## 3/25/2019 8:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 12 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 14 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 3 1 1/6/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 15 1 4/4/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 SO RN
Spaceheadz. 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 18 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 SO RN
Spaceheadz. 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 6 2 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 48 11 ######## 8/19/2019 10:30 RN TS
Too many frogs / 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2011 60 11 ######## 6/27/2019 9:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2011 23 4 ######## 1/12/2019 14:37 IV NV
Maggie's second chance : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2011 13 3 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2011 55 17 7/9/2018 6/19/2019 8:32 IV RN
Shock wave / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2011 40 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SC
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2011 41 8 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 41 16 ######## 6/28/2019 14:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 12 3 6/3/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
Mister Creecher / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 47 7 7/1/2019 8/2/2019 8:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 9 4 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 2 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2011 21 2 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 NW RN
Shatner rules : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2011 13 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2011 18 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2011 21 4 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 SP TS
What dat? : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2011 20 2 ######## 4/12/2019 12:39 RN TS
Lies that Chelsea Handler told me / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2011 31 8 ######## 7/24/2019 15:10 NW TS
Three maids for a crown : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2011 26 5 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
El color de la arena / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 13 5 1/6/2016 2/15/2019 11:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 17 8 1/4/2016 2/14/2019 17:15 NW SP
The big book of jobs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 11 5 ######## 10/12/2019 11:34 SP SP
The big book of jobs / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 14 2 ######## 10/15/2019 15:12 NV TS
How to draw animals, in simple steps / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 29 10 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Curious George 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 33 7 9/7/2019 10/10/2019 15:58 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 54 12 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 50 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2011 33 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 41 22 ######## 11/22/2019 15:50 SS TS
Soft coated wheaten terriers : everything about
BK care, nutrition, behavior, and training
/ 7 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 38 5 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 25 4 1/5/2019 10/31/2019 8:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 39 8 9/5/2018 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 35 12 9/4/2018 5/10/2019 7:58 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 15 5 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 7 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 61 17 ######## 9/17/2019 10:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2011 80 23 ######## 3/7/2019 15:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2011 22 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
Escape : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2011 6 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2011 53 13 ######## 7/10/2019 10:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 4 1 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 3 2/8/2014 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 14 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 54 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 15 5 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NV RN
Curses! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 12 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
The unforgotten coat / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 10 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:09 SS SP
Symphony city / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 16 5/7/2016 1/17/2019 14:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 22 6 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 NW RN
Road work ahead / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 56 7 ######## 8/2/2019 13:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 38 11 ######## 11/20/2019 15:20 SS TS
You will call me Drog / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 10 1 ######## 2/5/2019 17:34 SS NW
Intelligence and U.S. foreign policy : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 5 ######## 10/12/2019 11:38 SP RN
Star Wars : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 41 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Star Wars : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 66 14 ######## 6/27/2019 12:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 115 24 ######## 7/17/2019 10:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2011 102 16 6/6/2019 9/10/2019 15:19 NW TS
Bullets in the sun : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 18 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 SP TS
Don't take my lemonade stand ; an American3.12E+13
BK : 10/13/2011 10 2 4/8/2016 5/6/2019 9:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 8 1 ######## 3/22/2019 11:36 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 13 4 ######## 11/22/2019 14:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 21 4 8/8/2019 9/10/2019 12:20 SO TS
Chirchir is singing / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 5 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
A place to call home / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 25 6 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
Walking home to Rosie Lee / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 7 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
The next great awakening : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2011 5 ######## 5/6/2019 13:03 SS RN
Les misérables/ 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2011 17 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2011 10 1 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 IV TS
Bandits / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2011 10 2 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 RN VE
Your pregnancy and childbirth : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2011 6 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SP
Dead letters : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2011 16 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SS
Tornado Slim and the magic cowboy hat / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2011 11 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Spray paint the walls : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2011 9 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2011 48 20 ######## 11/1/2019 14:53 IV TS
Culinary careers for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2011 11 2 ######## 10/21/2019 11:33 NV RN
Even an octopus needs a home / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2011 5 1 1/3/2019 2/4/2019 12:56 NV RN
Thomas Jefferson for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2011 10 2 6/6/2019 6/27/2019 12:06 SO TS
The sciencebook : 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2011 22 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 12 2 ######## 9/16/2019 12:58 SS RN
Heebie-Jeebie Jamboree / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 24 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
Marching with Aunt Susan : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 12 1 ######## 6/28/2019 10:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 5 2 ######## 3/7/2019 15:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 10 3 ######## 6/13/2019 9:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 10 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 11 5 ######## 5/31/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 3 2/3/2018 2/4/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2011 32 6 ######## 11/8/2019 14:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2011 29 5 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2011 26 5 ######## 9/16/2019 14:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2011 32 12 4/6/2019 6/13/2019 12:00 SP TS
Between / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2011 30 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
Across the Great Barrier / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2011 19 4 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2011 11 6 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 11 1 1/7/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
Laying down the sword : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 12 3 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
The nightmare ninja / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 15 6 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 18 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 NW SV
There is no long distance now : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 7 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
The glass swallow / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 14 7 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SO RN
The poisoned house : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 13 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SS
Mental illness / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Mexico / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 3 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Mexico / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 9 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
School funding / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2011 5 2/1/2019 7/15/2019 9:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 26 1 9/4/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 SO TS
Poems I wrote when no one was looking /3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 16 5 ######## 11/20/2019 12:27 SP TS
Dante in love / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 15 8 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 RN SS
No ordinary day / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 7 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 20 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 18 6 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 RN SP
Bigger than a breadbox / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 3 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Bigger than a breadbox / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 16 6 8/2/2016 2/7/2019 17:05 SO SP
The secret of the skeleton key / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 24 8 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SO RN
Buckley / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 8 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 42 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 30 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 8 3 ######## 6/13/2019 12:57 NW TS
Candy : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 46 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 10 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 8 2 5/2/2018 7/25/2019 11:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 5 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2011 14 7 ######## 8/7/2019 13:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2011 29 19 ######## 3/28/2019 12:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2011 3 1 ######## 8/14/2019 9:53 SS TS
The river killers / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2011 8 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2011 9 6 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2011 17 4 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 10:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2011 56 9 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2011 42 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 9 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:20 SP RN
City farmer : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 14 5 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 31 6 5/8/2019 6/20/2019 8:39 SO TS
Bond of passion / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 27 8 5/8/2019 6/4/2019 8:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 17 6 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
Indonesia / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 10 6 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 26 8 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
Myanmar / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2011 2 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2011 31 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SC
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2011 42 11 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2011 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2011 22 5 ######## 7/17/2019 12:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2011 51 9 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
The Sotheby's wine encyclopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 12 5 4/9/2019 5/23/2019 10:10 RN TS
Wisdom's kiss : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 17 6 ######## 3/21/2019 12:07 SP RN
Checkmate / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 2 2 ######## 1/23/2019 15:06 SP RN
Famous last words / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 11 2 7/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
The phantom limb / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 10 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 32 7 5/2/2019 6/27/2019 12:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 49 11 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 16 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
The Jewel Fish of Karnak / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2011 41 21 ######## 3/7/2019 14:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2011 51 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2011 19 6 4/6/2018 4/23/2019 12:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2011 24 7 ######## 4/12/2019 12:25 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2011 15 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN SV
The space between / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2011 15 3 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SV RN
Kill you last / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2011 8 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2011 18 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2011 29 10 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2011 42 15 8/8/2018 6/20/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2011 22 5 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2011 31 7 2/7/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2011 13 7 ######## 10/12/2019 11:27 SV RN
2012 songwriter's market / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2011 6 5 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SV SS
North : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2011 5 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:26 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2011 12 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2011 29 6 ######## 1/17/2019 15:14 SP TS
Super spies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2011 50 12 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SV
Katharine Hepburn : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2011 8 4 ######## 11/1/2019 15:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 44 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NW TS
The pledge / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 41 11 6/3/2019 7/10/2019 10:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 17 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 11 4 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 39 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 15 5 ######## 1/17/2019 15:02 SP TS
Chelsea mansions : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2011 17 1 ######## 9/5/2019 12:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 9 5 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 12 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 IV RN
And so it goes : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 15 5 3/4/2017 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
The gingerbread boy 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 28 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 37 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SV TS
The third gift / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 14 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
The third gift / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 13 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:37 SS RN
The orphan of Awkward Falls / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 11 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 47 10 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 11 3 ######## 9/6/2019 14:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 21 4 5/7/2019 5/21/2019 14:23 RN TS
Red-robed priestess : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 6 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SP RN
Barefoot in Baghdad : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2011 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2011 29 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
Pirates & Princesses / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2011 64 10 ######## 6/13/2019 9:38 SO TS
Peterson's master the SAT 2012 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2011 14 5 ######## 10/9/2019 9:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2011 6 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 SV NW
Return to Exile / 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2011 34 15 ######## 5/13/2019 15:20 RN TS
Cracking the ASVAB / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2011 21 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
The drop : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2011 89 14 ######## 10/14/2019 12:15 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2011 23 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2011 44 11 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
Plastic ocean : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2011 15 4 ######## 1/23/2019 10:14 NW TS
Remedy and reaction : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2011 7 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Higher ground : 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2011 15 2 ######## 5/29/2019 15:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2011 38 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2011 14 4 ######## 10/24/2019 14:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2011 26 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 SP TS
Back to work : 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2011 13 2 7/6/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SC SS
Quantum physics for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 18 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
101 designer one-skein wonders / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 22 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 30 4 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 38 10 4/3/2018 6/25/2019 14:43 SO RN
Murder in Lascaux / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 15 4 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 20 4 ######## 1/2/2019 13:25 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 32 4 2/8/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 20 5 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 12 3 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 22 2 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
A wedding quilt for Ella / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 9 ######## 9/17/2019 14:03 SO RN
Vegetarian / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2011 29 6 ######## 10/30/2019 14:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 22 8 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 29 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV TR
Shadow walker / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 11 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SV RN
Origami architecture : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 15 4 ######## 1/23/2019 9:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 8 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
Endurance / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 13 2 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Love and shame and love : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 19 4 7/5/2019 8/21/2019 8:51 NW TS
Taking flight : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 13 8 ######## 2/1/2019 11:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2011 17 2 ######## 9/17/2019 14:58 SS RN
Agatha Christie, an autobiography / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2011 26 7 ######## 7/31/2019 15:27 SO TS
My cat, coon cat / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2011 7 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:10 SV TS
11 Practice Tests for the SAT & PSAT / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2011 22 10 ######## 5/8/2019 14:20 SS NW
Bent Road / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2011 22 1 7/2/2016 3/23/2019 11:08 NW SP
Big wheat : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2011 10 ######## 9/23/2019 13:21 SV RN
Falling together : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2011 16 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2011 29 7 2/2/2018 5/7/2019 9:53 SS TS
The myth of choice : 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2011 10 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2011 12 3 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2011 13 3 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2011 13 2 ######## 10/12/2019 12:29 NV RN
Grant's final victory : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2011 11 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 RN RN
Grant's final victory : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2011 14 4 ######## 7/3/2019 16:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2011 27 7 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 14:35 IV TS
The fire / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2011 24 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2011 35 7 ######## 8/23/2019 12:50 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2011 37 4 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2011 67 11 ######## 2/14/2019 13:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2011 40 6 ######## 10/23/2019 8:42 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2011 30 13 ######## 7/17/2019 11:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2011 17 6 2/5/2019 4/5/2019 15:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2011 36 8 ######## 9/20/2019 15:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 21 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 15 3 9/4/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SV SS
Mules, mules and more mules : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 12 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 RN RN
With liberty and justice for some : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 13 7 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 14 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:10 RN RN
God, if you're not up there, I'm f*cked : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 18 4 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
Crazy contraptions / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
From washboards to washing machines : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2011 28 10 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP NV
Rediscovering reverence : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 5 2 9/2/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Los hermanos que se volvieron micos / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 3 ######## 2/1/2019 13:01 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 28 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SV TS
One drawing a day : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 34 15 2/1/2019 3/13/2019 8:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 13 3 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 IV SS
Wicked autumn : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 50 10 ######## 7/17/2019 11:12 VE TS
Jackhammer Sam / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 29 4 2/5/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
The scar / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 15 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:14 NW RN
What's the buzz? : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 25 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
Tashi and the Tibetan flower cure / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 8 4 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2011 12 2 ######## 1/15/2019 16:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2011 36 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2011 31 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SV
The mixed-up morning : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 60 14 ######## 4/12/2019 9:54 SO TS
Brock Lesnar / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 24 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
Rosa and the water pony / 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 21 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 17 4 4/5/2018 7/24/2019 14:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 9 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Outlaw : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2011 4 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NV RN
Spin City / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Jasmine's gift 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 33 9 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO NV
The drop : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 68 9 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 8:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 38 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:44 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 22 3 ######## 7/17/2019 10:49 VE TS
Speak to the devil / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 18 4 ######## 12/20/2019 8:56 SS TS
Caleb's wars / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 IV RN
Francis woke up early / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 3 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
Circus Galacticus / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 8 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 5 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 27 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 12 13 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
The goblin war / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2011 6 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2011 5 1 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 IV GE
The lives of Sacco & Vanzetti : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2011 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2011 28 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SP VE
Utterly otterly night / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2011 33 7 8/5/2017 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
The pig scramble / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2011 44 13 ######## 9/24/2019 14:55 SO TS
8 minutes in the morning to a flat belly : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2011 32 8 ######## 4/8/2019 9:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2011 27 13 7/9/2019 8/15/2019 9:23 SP TS
Soldier bear / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2011 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
Master the corrections officer exam / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2011 4 3/7/2017 10/9/2019 9:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2011 45 13 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV NV
Fodor's Las Vegas. 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2011 9 2 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 44 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 31 9 ######## 9/24/2019 10:48 IV TS
Melody burning / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 10 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 23 3 ######## 10/9/2019 12:59 SV SP
The downside of being up / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 11 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 8 2 2/9/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Flyaway / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 5 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NV RN
Earth, sea, sun, and sky : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 6 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 5 3 ######## 1/20/2019 13:20 NW TR
Indian mythology / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 11 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:18 SP RN
Tales of mystery and imagination / 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2011 25 5 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SS
Dating the undead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2011 10 2 1/8/2017 11/15/2019 13:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2011 29 2 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2011 22 2 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2011 31 9 9/7/2019 10/23/2019 8:39 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2011 34 6 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2011 34 5 8/4/2019 8/25/2019 13:13 IV SS
Microsoft Office 2010 eLearning kit for dummies
/ BK 12/30/2011 44 17 ######## 7/31/2019 15:45 NW TS
11/22/63 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2011 46 21 6/1/2019 6/13/2019 10:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2011 40 7 7/5/2019 7/24/2019 15:11 NW TS
Old world witchcraft : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2011 16 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2011 23 11 ######## 12/12/2019 15:22 NV SS
William and Kate : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2012 16 3 ######## 7/3/2019 16:40 SS SS
The woman in black / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2012 17 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2012 24 5 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2012 30 8 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SP RN
Winslow Homer : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2012 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 13 2 ######## 6/4/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 18 6 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 15 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
Power play / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 12 4 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
The street sweeper : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 16 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 21 7 8/7/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Treasure Island / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 7 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 19 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:47 RN RN
Knitted throws and more for the simply beautiful
BK / 1/5/2012 5 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:34 SS RN
Married to a Bedouin / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2012 9 2 ######## 1/18/2019 8:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2012 38 12 ######## 7/17/2019 10:08 IV TS
Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed #847799 BK 1/11/2012 0 8/23/2019 14:58 TS TS
Three messages and a warning : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2012 7 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
Someone else's life / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2012 11 2 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2012 10 8 2/4/2019 10/2/2019 13:08 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2012 16 6 ######## 10/16/2019 18:00 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2012 45 12 ######## 5/17/2019 8:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2012 7 2 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2012 15 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NV VE
How we love now : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 5 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:31 SP RN
Health care reform : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 6 2 6/3/2019 11/8/2019 10:49 SP RN
Death of a cattle king : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 27 2 ######## 9/24/2019 8:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 14 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV SO
The 1970s : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 6 3 5/4/2015 7/3/2019 10:57 NW SS
Your body beautiful : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 13 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
The smartest money book you'll ever read3.12E+13
: BK 1/18/2012 39 17 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SS RN
The quantum thief / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 8 4 2/5/2015 1/2/2019 10:30 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 17 4 ######## 11/7/2019 8:01 NW TS
Stunned by grief : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 9 4 2/8/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2012 7 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Serious eats : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 10 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 NV SS
The bunny surprise / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 86 16 ######## 9/17/2019 11:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 53 12 ######## 1/18/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 46 7 6/7/2019 6/28/2019 14:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 53 12 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 RN RN
Mater's birthday surprise / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 43 3 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SO
How to help the Earth-- 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 81 24 ######## 3/14/2019 12:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2012 22 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2012 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
Old-time fiddle, Round Peak style : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2012 18 9 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The everything lucid dreaming book : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2012 17 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP NW
Concise Oxford English dictionary / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2012 9 1 ######## 5/7/2019 15:26 SP TS
Dave & Violet / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2012 10 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SP RN
The nightingale / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2012 7 3 2/8/2019 2/11/2019 12:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2012 23 10 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2012 2 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 11 5 9/3/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 4 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:26 SV NW
El yoga de los sueños : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 1 1/4/2015 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 15 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 14 1 6/6/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
Constitution 3.0 : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 8 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
Greedy bastards : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2012 11 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Possession / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2012 6 1 3/7/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 SP RN
Now or never : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2012 8 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
52 small changes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2012 19 14 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2012 15 3 5/1/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2012 19 1 1/8/2019 6/20/2019 8:39 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 34 6 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 20 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 24 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 3 ######## 2/4/2019 12:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 6 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 96 19 ######## 8/19/2019 10:51 NW TS
Tea time 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 84 20 6/8/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 SP TS
What am I? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 31 10 ######## 3/19/2019 17:39 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 13 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 10 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 87 16 6/8/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 62 9 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SV TS
Circle of secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 19 9 ######## 3/22/2019 14:53 NW NV
Humpty dumpty 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 42 9 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SO TS
Inside Apple : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 18 7 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SO
Inside Apple : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2012 14 8 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 IV RN
Baby's house 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 42 6 ######## 1/16/2019 14:30 SO TS
The Midwest / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 13 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 35 10 9/5/2018 2/6/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 23 13 6/5/2019 8/1/2019 9:28 NV TS
Devils & blue dresses : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 7 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
The wounded warrior handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 5 2 ######## 1/4/2019 14:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 40 10 ######## 12/9/2019 13:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 3 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Gossip can be murder / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2012 16 1 ######## 1/2/2019 11:47 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2012 16 3 ######## 8/23/2019 13:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2012 19 6 9/2/2018 1/11/2019 15:39 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2012 34 9 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2012 20 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2012 13 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 37 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 56 7 ######## 2/15/2019 12:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 50 10 ######## 7/10/2019 9:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 6 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
Bears beware / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 9 2 7/8/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
Bears beware / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 12 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2012 8 3 9/2/2016 2/8/2019 10:58 SO NW
Un cÃ-rculo en el cielo / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 21 8 ######## 11/8/2019 12:07 SO TS
The conductor / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 12 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 30 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
Hush, baby, hush! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 1 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 70 16 ######## 6/28/2019 10:33 SV TS
The street sweeper : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 26 7 2/7/2017 9/10/2019 14:39 SS RN
Lifestyles of the rich and shameless / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 16 1 4/5/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 25 7 8/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 21 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 32 13 4/3/2019 8/14/2019 9:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2012 20 8 ######## 12/10/2019 8:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 6 4 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SV RN
The daily you : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 5 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 16 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
Taste of Home baking : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 33 14 7/1/2016 2/5/2019 11:48 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 51 11 ######## 11/7/2019 14:44 SO TS
Welfare : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 21 10 ######## 11/6/2019 14:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 4 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Street teens / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 9 1 5/4/2014 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 28 4 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
The Godfather effect : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 13 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
Squeeze this! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 7 2 6/9/2013 7/1/2019 10:59 SP SS
The tools : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 11 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2012 33 10 8/9/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
The wolf gift : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 27 8 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SO TS
Origami : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 41 14 ######## 2/6/2019 7:39 TR TS
Never surrender : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 6 2 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 42 6 ######## 12/5/2019 13:11 SO TS
Delicacy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 11 4 ######## 7/10/2019 11:05 SS RN
Big day coming : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 2 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 NW SS
Paper made! : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 19 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SP
Iron Maiden : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 11 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Mick : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2012 24 4 ######## 6/26/2019 8:23 SO TS
Animals and the kids who love them : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2012 6 2 1/6/2015 6/24/2019 10:29 SS RN
Healthy family dinners : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2012 37 14 1/3/2019 2/4/2019 8:06 SP TS
Marshall and his generals : 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2012 13 6 ######## 6/6/2019 15:33 SV TS
The perfect suspect / 3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2012 30 3 ######## 9/25/2019 15:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2012 44 8 ######## 9/5/2019 13:23 SS TS
The new hate : 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2012 9 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 13 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 32 9 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 10 1 4/5/2014 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 35 3 ######## 11/21/2019 10:13 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 46 7 ######## 11/21/2019 10:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 12 2 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 14 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 31 11 ######## 10/30/2019 14:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 21 8 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 14 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 23 3 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 34 9 2/6/2019 5/9/2019 8:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 35 8 ######## 12/13/2019 8:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 43 8 8/8/2019 8/21/2019 8:51 NW TS
Things I want my daughters to know / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2012 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:07 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2012 85 23 ######## 4/5/2019 15:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2012 27 7 ######## 6/11/2019 16:47 RN RN
Star quality : 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2012 2 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The maid / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2012 9 3 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2012 30 10 ######## 4/24/2019 7:56 NW TS
Great discoveries in medicine / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2012 18 10 ######## 2/14/2019 10:03 SV TS
Lone wolf : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2012 55 13 ######## 9/5/2019 13:16 SP TS
The philosopher and the wolf : 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2012 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 IV RN
What happened to Hannah / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 13 5 8/2/2016 9/12/2019 12:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 44 21 ######## 5/9/2019 8:12 SO TS
The Cabinet of Earths / 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 13 3 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 41 10 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 58 12 ######## 12/9/2019 11:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 6 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 19 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 60 18 2/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 13 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SV TS
Devil's wake : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 10 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 11 3 ######## 9/12/2019 11:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 11 5 4/2/2015 5/7/2019 13:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 10 4 ######## 9/17/2019 14:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2012 86 26 ######## 8/23/2019 12:33 NW TS
The sins of Viscount Sutherland / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 11 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 7 1 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 IV RN
Top 10 Berlin / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 27 9 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO TS
Frommer's Madrid day by day / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 30 9 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SP TS
Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 16 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NW
Canary Islands / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 11 2 3/7/2019 5/7/2019 10:52 IV TS
Enchanting Borneo / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 5 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 IV RN
Frommer's Australia / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 15 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
Insiders' guide to Chicago / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 5 2 ######## 3/4/2019 13:56 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 26 8 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SO RN
End back & neck pain / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 16 8 ######## 11/20/2019 14:34 SO TS
The half-life of history : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2012 7 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Blackstone and the great war. 3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 18 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:23 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 41 8 ######## 7/11/2019 9:50 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 3 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Wishes and worries : 3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 2 4/4/2017 10/7/2019 10:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 22 8 ######## 6/25/2019 15:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 9 ######## 6/27/2019 11:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 4 1 4/3/2017 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
Prince William : 3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 99 18 ######## 3/28/2019 15:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 16 6 ######## 11/8/2019 14:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 4 9/4/2015 1/5/2019 15:18 SP SP
Friends like us : 3.12E+13 BK 2/29/2012 18 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 35 10 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 15 6 ######## 10/3/2019 8:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 25 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 32 9 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 12 2 ######## 7/17/2019 10:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 20 6 8/4/2018 7/24/2019 11:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 38 6 ######## 9/12/2019 11:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2012 9 1 ######## 11/20/2019 8:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2012 31 5 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 8 4 ######## 11/8/2019 11:37 SP RN
The story of us / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 10 3 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
Fitzwilliam Darcy, rock star / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 25 7 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 19 1 ######## 9/10/2019 12:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 21 5 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 13 3 ######## 8/19/2019 10:45 SS RN
How it began : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 9 4 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Illegal procedure : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2012 12 2 ######## 5/18/2019 15:48 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 29 6 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
What every veteran should know. 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 6 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
Barron's PSAT/NMSQT / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 21 20 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 SO TS
Peterson's master the military flight aptitude
tests / BK 3/6/2012 2 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:33 NV RN
Nursing school entrance exam : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 15 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SS
Pass key to the PSAT/NMSQT / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 9 6 3/8/2019 3/18/2019 11:25 NW TS
Cracking the GRE : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 18 7 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 IV TS
PHR/SPHR : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 24 11 ######## 10/29/2019 13:51 SS TS
Peterson's official guide to mastering DSST3.12E+13
exams. BK 3/6/2012 5 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Barron's 6 ACT practice tests / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 14 8 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 NV TS
Barron's Act 36 : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 25 18 ######## 5/8/2019 14:20 RN NW
Barron's AP psychology / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 20 8 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 NV TS
EMT : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 16 6 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NW
The GRE for dummies. 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 14 6 6/3/2019 6/18/2019 8:03 IV TS
New GMAT premier 2012-2013. 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 11 5 ######## 6/12/2019 8:02 SV RN
McGraw-Hill's SAT subject test math level 3.12E+13
2/ BK 3/6/2012 14 5 ######## 5/8/2019 14:20 SP NW
Praxis II : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2012 13 10 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2012 15 5 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
Peterson's master the GED 2012 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2012 15 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV IV
Real estate national licensing exam prep : 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2012 14 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2012 22 4 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
Zatch Bell! 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2012 15 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV SV
All the money in the world : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 26 15 ######## 5/20/2019 8:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 4 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
There goes Ted Williams : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NW NV
The retirement savings time bomb-- and how 3.12E+13
to defuse
BK it : 3/8/2012 39 17 3/1/2019 3/26/2019 15:07 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 6 1 5/7/2015 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 3 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW SO
Cobra / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 6 2 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 20 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 3 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:35 RN SV
The spider sapphire mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2012 22 9 ######## 11/20/2019 14:57 NV TS
Zebras and oxpeckers work together / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2012 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2012 44 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch school / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2012 40 14 ######## 4/12/2019 12:19 IV TS
Little Miss Spider / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2012 57 6 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SS RN
Project management experience and knowledge 3.12E+13
BK manual. 3/12/2012 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 12 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
Chasing the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 36 13 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SV TS
Chasing the sun / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 33 5 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 16 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 30 1 ######## 12/5/2019 12:55 SO TS
They eat puppies, don't they? : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 15 1 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2012 19 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2012 25 5 ######## 1/13/2019 16:30 IV TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2012 29 9 ######## 6/27/2019 13:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2012 13 3 2/7/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 55 13 ######## 12/20/2019 12:29 IV TS
When I was a child I read books : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 23 8 4/4/2017 1/8/2019 11:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 25 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SC RN
Arthur to the rescue! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SV RN
Born wicked / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 30 9 ######## 7/8/2019 15:19 RN TS
Charmfall : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 16 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SS RN
Photo and video editing for seniors : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 16 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:15 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 47 9 ######## 6/25/2019 14:20 NV TS
R is for Russia / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 8 2 ######## 3/12/2019 11:10 NV SP
R is for Russia / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 6 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 IV RN
The savage Grace : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 19 3 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 33 5 2/5/2019 2/20/2019 15:09 SS RN
Divorce & money : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 15 6 ######## 1/30/2019 9:25 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 37 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 12 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:38 IV TS
Green collar jobs : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 23 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 16 4 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 24 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 18 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
The rescue of Belle and Sundance : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2012 17 1 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SV RN
The Hugo movie companion : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 19 2 ######## 2/23/2019 15:49 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 35 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO NV
The battle over health care : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 11 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 8 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 65 13 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SP RN
Nana takes the reins! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 8 ######## 2/1/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 28 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 94 21 ######## 7/25/2019 16:14 RN TS
Bunny rabbit in the sunlight 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 24 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Fire 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 25 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2012 30 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2012 4 2 2/5/2013 2/6/2019 13:26 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2012 20 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2012 24 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
That's not a daffodil! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2012 10 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
When Grandmama sings / 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2012 5 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2012 32 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:35 NV TS
Falcon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 15 3 ######## 5/31/2019 12:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 41 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 VE NV
Improving the silence / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 5 1 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SV TS
Girl meets boy : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 16 2 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 17 3 7/8/2017 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
Kill shot : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 39 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Thinking, fast and slow / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 27 9 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Dust to dust : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 15 7 ######## 5/29/2019 14:22 SP RN
Bambino and Mr. Twain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 15 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 12 1 7/1/2016 1/31/2019 15:42 SV TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 22 8 9/6/2018 2/4/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 22 12 ######## 8/7/2019 13:47 NW TS
Earwig and the witch / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 5 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SP VE
First peas to the table : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 22 3 ######## 6/27/2019 9:46 NW TS
First peas to the table : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 5 3/9/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
How to be friends with a dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 44 9 8/3/2019 9/5/2019 10:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 4 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SV RN
The little Brute family / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 15 5 3/9/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 SV RN
Up, tall and high / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2012 48 6 8/2/2019 9/6/2019 9:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2012 46 19 2/9/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 IV TS
The cowboy's lady / 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2012 37 4 ######## 9/24/2019 10:48 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 53 8 ######## 1/23/2019 16:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 24 5 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 13 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 36 8 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SO RN
House held up by trees : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 22 8 ######## 6/27/2019 12:08 NW TS
The house on Dirty-Third Street / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 6 1 4/1/2017 1/16/2019 17:03 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 34 15 9/1/2019 10/23/2019 9:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 RN NW
Oopsy daisy : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 20 8 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 16 3 7/7/2016 2/16/2019 11:39 SO SV
Snivel : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2012 8 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2012 45 16 ######## 6/28/2019 12:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2012 37 5 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2012 65 7 3/8/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2012 14 5 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2012 84 20 ######## 9/6/2019 10:13 SV TS
Social security, medicare & government pensions
BKed / 3/26/2012 25 15 2/9/2019 9/20/2019 16:54 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2012 15 3 ######## 1/18/2019 8:30 NV TS
Saving San Francisco : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2012 8 1 ######## 1/23/2019 8:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2012 6 2 ######## 6/4/2019 13:37 SP RN
The invisible Arab : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2012 8 4 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2012 23 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2012 3 3/2/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 NW RN
The other side of suffering : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 6 2 ######## 10/9/2019 8:55 RN RN
Solve your money troubles : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 10 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 5 3 ######## 1/17/2019 14:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 14 7 3/6/2016 4/9/2019 11:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 2 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 SV NW
The island horse / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 16 8 ######## 2/1/2019 14:27 SS RN
The island horse / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 28 7 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 12 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 35 9 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SV
Take your mama to work today / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 31 3 ######## 4/23/2019 8:56 SO TS
The car book 2012 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 6 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 18 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS NW
Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 19 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 NW NW
Arkansas : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 2 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:37 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 24 8 ######## 7/31/2019 15:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 4 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
Georgia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Indiana : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
Indiana : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 2 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 RN NV
Indiana : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 2 9/2/2015 2/23/2019 16:38 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 3 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 4 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 RN NV
Michigan : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 3 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 SS NW
Minnesota : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 2 ######## 1/5/2019 15:37 SP SP
Inglés para dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2012 13 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
Oklahoma : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 2 5/3/2015 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 5 4/4/2015 1/5/2019 15:18 SP SP
Texas : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:45 SP SP
Washington : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 5 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 IV NV
Fat no more : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 4 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SP SP
The minimum wage : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 9 2 ######## 10/18/2019 13:03 RN RN
The music industry : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 4 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 40 8 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 14 5 ######## 3/16/2019 12:01 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 17 7 ######## 10/7/2019 14:28 SO SP
Muncle Trogg / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 13 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
The ultimate illustrated guide to dreams, signs
& symbols
BK : 3/29/2012 6 2 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 7 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SO SP
Bloodline : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 35 5 ######## 5/9/2019 7:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 29 8 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 29 12 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 23 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The Winter Palace : 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2012 41 7 ######## 9/26/2019 13:16 NW TS
Shock wave : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2012 33 19 ######## 12/20/2019 8:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2012 3 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
The Oxford new Russian dictionary : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2012 4 2 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2012 30 1 4/3/2019 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
Perrito y sus amigos 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2012 36 5 ######## 12/20/2019 15:45 NW TS
The wolving time / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2012 3 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 SS SP
My life of crime / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2012 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SS NW
It's not about the pom-poms : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2012 6 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SP SS
The witches' book of the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 21 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 53 13 ######## 1/15/2019 15:45 SO TS
The crazy case of missing Thunder / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 29 13 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
The crazy case of missing Thunder / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 9 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 17 2 8/9/2016 2/14/2019 16:04 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 18 5 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 10 1 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 5 ######## 2/6/2019 16:40 RN RN
Plunked / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 9 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 8 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 18 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 28 6 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 RN RN
The whisper / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 16 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2012 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SS SS
New York to Dallas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 30 3 ######## 5/20/2019 11:28 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 9 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 32 7 ######## 7/29/2019 9:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 48 10 ######## 10/14/2019 12:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 22 7 ######## 7/17/2019 9:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 29 7 6/1/2018 7/24/2019 11:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2012 11 2 ######## 3/4/2019 10:37 SS SP
Where did I go wrong? How did I miss the 3.12E+13
signs? : BK 4/5/2012 5 4 ######## 6/4/2019 16:08 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 12 1 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 39 3 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 14 4 ######## 3/15/2019 11:28 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 79 14 ######## 7/17/2019 9:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 55 20 ######## 1/18/2019 15:25 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 19 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 51 6 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 13 3 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 47 2 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO TR
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 54 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SV SV
Pride & popularity / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 13 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2012 35 4 ######## 6/25/2019 14:22 GE TS
How to fight, lie, and cry your way to popularity
a prom date) : 4/10/2012 9 6 ######## 9/5/2019 11:03 SP TS
A picture book of Sam Houston / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2012 7 2 ######## 3/28/2019 16:01 NW TS
Superman versus the Ku Klux Klan : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2012 4 1 5/2/2015 2/22/2019 9:15 SP SV
Women explorers : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2012 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 SO IV
Cooking the books : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2012 20 6 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 IV TS
Cooking the books : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2012 29 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:10 RN TS
Grandpa's garden / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 17 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 9 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SS RN
Peaceweaver / 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 5 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
Breakout nations : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 12 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 IV SS
City : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 2 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NV SS
Leaving mundania : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 3 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
The reckoning : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 14 1 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 NW RN
Dear Marcus : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 7 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 8 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:17 SS RN
Prague winter : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 30 5 ######## 4/17/2019 15:40 SP TS
The real mad men : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 3 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2012 13 3 4/1/2014 7/3/2019 11:31 SP SS
Shades of hope : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 7 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
Ballywhinney girl / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 16 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 31 5 ######## 11/27/2019 14:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 15 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 25 4 ######## 11/8/2019 14:00 SO TS
Gopher to the rescue : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 13 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 NV RN
John Jensen feels different / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 6 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NV SS
JoJo the giant / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 7 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 RN RN
Kite day : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 43 12 ######## 6/25/2019 15:04 SS TS
Kitty come down! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2012 10 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2012 7 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2012 16 7 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
The pirates next door : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2012 31 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SS
Sadie and Ratz / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2012 3 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 RN NW
Will Princess Isabel ever say please? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2012 60 10 ######## 11/8/2019 13:05 SP TS
Is it larger? Is it smaller? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 63 7 ######## 8/2/2019 8:48 NW TS
The book of Jonas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 9 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 35 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 14 3 3/7/2015 2/9/2019 15:39 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 17 6 ######## 7/17/2019 15:28 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2012 41 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 SO TS
Gemstone settings : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 19 6 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
Man made : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 11 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 10 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 IV RN
What little boys are made of / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 52 7 ######## 8/22/2019 15:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 30 9 ######## 4/15/2019 14:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 13 6 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2012 16 12 ######## 9/17/2019 9:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2012 36 3 4/1/2019 4/17/2019 8:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2012 24 7 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2012 13 3 5/9/2019 6/27/2019 11:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2012 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2012 9 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2012 13 1 ######## 5/17/2019 8:42 SS TS
Places of faith : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2012 4 1 ######## 4/24/2019 14:01 RN RN
The handy math answer book / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2012 22 13 ######## 8/9/2019 8:10 RN TS
Spanish for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2012 20 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2012 3 2 ######## 1/4/2019 14:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2012 28 6 ######## 12/10/2019 11:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2012 19 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2012 28 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2012 22 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2012 16 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
Soul dust : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2012 8 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2012 21 12 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2012 57 14 8/6/2019 9/6/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2012 17 9 ######## 8/2/2019 8:55 IV TS
Silly frilly Grandma Tillie / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2012 28 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2012 1 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2012 12 8 ######## 11/14/2019 9:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2012 29 3 ######## 7/16/2019 10:46 SS RN
Animals = 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2012 31 5 ######## 4/12/2019 13:08 NW TS
My shapes = 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2012 37 8 ######## 3/7/2019 15:11 SO TS
Spider-Man : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2012 51 6 7/6/2019 8/2/2019 14:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 33 7 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 37 11 ######## 7/10/2019 11:50 SV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 1 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 5 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SO TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
I've got your number / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 37 8 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 22 5 3/6/2015 2/8/2019 17:00 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 35 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 3 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 92 24 ######## 2/15/2019 13:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2012 54 24 ######## 6/17/2019 12:59 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2012 6 3 4/7/2015 5/28/2019 11:25 SC SS
George Harrison : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2012 14 6 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 RN RN
Gran libro del masaje : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2012 9 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
Gran libro del masaje : 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2012 9 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
Grandpa and me : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2012 56 14 ######## 1/17/2019 15:24 SV TS
JFK and the unspeakable : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2012 18 11 ######## 1/9/2019 7:50 NW SV
Admission possible : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 13 9 9/6/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 33 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
The boy who cried alien! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 30 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 1 7/9/2013 1/22/2019 14:19 NW NW
13 photos children should know / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 3 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 IV RN
On the north slope : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 2 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:39 NW RN
This way out : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 2 6/7/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Top 100 modern worship songbook. 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 7 1 9/9/2015 1/11/2019 13:02 SS RN
The wallpaper book / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 7 2 5/8/2015 7/16/2019 10:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 8 5 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
The herbal alchemist's handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 14 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Moving the mountain : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 3 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 40 9 1/3/2019 3/28/2019 10:48 SS TS
Just joking : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 14 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV NV
Beyond the magic bullet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2012 8 3 ######## 9/5/2019 10:04 SP TS
All the right stuff / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 4 ######## 1/23/2019 15:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 11 3 ######## 5/13/2019 15:41 SS TS
Two Americans : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 10 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 12 2 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 11 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
Paris, I love you but you're bringing me down
/ BK 5/16/2012 11 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SO RN
At home on the range : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 9 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 3 3/4/2013 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
Fair coin / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 9 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Fighting for Dontae / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 25 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:49 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 11 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 56 9 8/9/2019 8/23/2019 13:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 33 6 6/5/2019 7/10/2019 11:10 SO TS
The night she disappeared / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 11 7 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 48 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
Purity / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
The runaway / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 4 1 2/3/2016 1/25/2019 17:51 SP SP
Sisters of glass / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 4 1 7/7/2013 5/22/2019 13:54 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2012 45 14 ######## 8/23/2019 12:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2012 17 6 5/1/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN NW
C++ primer plus / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2012 39 20 ######## 10/23/2019 14:10 IV TS
Farm friends : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2012 76 11 ######## 4/23/2019 13:21 IV TS
Play ball, Baby Minnie 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2012 40 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SS
Follow your nose, baby Pluto : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2012 28 6 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2012 3 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2012 34 8 ######## 8/15/2019 8:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2012 22 7 ######## 3/19/2019 14:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2012 15 3 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV RN
Fodor's Australia. 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2012 11 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
Over there 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2012 64 21 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2012 15 5 7/1/2016 5/3/2019 17:54 SP RN
The new depression : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2012 14 2 7/9/2016 5/28/2019 8:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2012 33 7 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2012 17 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SS
Where's Waldo? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2012 14 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2012 44 14 ######## 4/23/2019 11:58 SS TS
Nature's new deal : 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2012 2 2 2/2/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2012 19 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
The third gate : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2012 51 6 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SP TS
Blessings and prayers for little bears / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2012 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2012 13 5 ######## 9/24/2019 9:00 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2012 4 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:36 IV IV
Invisible monsters / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2012 21 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2012 45 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 VE SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2012 4 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2012 8 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2012 4 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:26 NW SV
Origin in death / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2012 28 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2012 31 5 ######## 9/6/2019 13:49 IV RN
Screenplay : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2012 15 9 6/3/2019 7/18/2019 7:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2012 100 14 ######## 9/10/2019 11:16 NW TS
Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT, 2013 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2012 25 12 ######## 11/6/2019 14:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2012 42 8 ######## 3/14/2019 10:34 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2012 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 5 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 13 5 ######## 9/10/2019 12:04 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 11 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:24 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 2 9/5/2015 1/22/2019 16:39 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 38 8 7/8/2019 8/1/2019 17:54 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 45 5 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2012 20 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:39 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2012 46 8 2/3/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2012 51 9 6/7/2019 7/17/2019 12:23 NV TS
Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see?3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2012 13 10 ######## 12/9/2019 13:56 SV SV
Everyday math for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2012 16 3 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN NV
The harm in hate speech / 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2012 6 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Choke / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 16 1 1/9/2018 3/21/2019 11:42 SS RN
What the robin knows : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 22 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Iran / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 4 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 12 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 18 2 ######## 10/2/2019 10:08 NV TS
Insanely simple : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 14 7 ######## 7/15/2019 10:31 SO RN
Japanese braiding : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 38 9 ######## 7/15/2019 10:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 25 11 ######## 8/14/2019 10:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 21 8 ######## 3/22/2019 13:10 SO TS
They call me Oil Can : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 8 4 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 45 9 ######## 12/20/2019 9:21 RN TS
Into the storm / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 15 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NV VE
Signed by Zelda / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 2 1 3/7/2015 1/29/2019 15:43 SP SP
Johnson's life of London : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 11 4 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 SP SS
The whispering house / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 13 7 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 44 12 4/1/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 18 4 7/1/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 18 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 29 5 ######## 8/5/2019 12:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 19 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:28 SO RN
How will you measure your life? / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 39 18 ######## 8/8/2019 14:19 SO TS
This will end in tears : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 8 1 ######## 7/9/2019 15:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2012 23 2 ######## 7/31/2019 15:48 IV TS
The Scottsboro boys / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 5 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 2 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 SS IV
Tragedy in Tucson : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 7 6 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 NW RN
Chuck Close : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 10 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 RN NW
Chuck Close : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 8 6 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 8 3 7/7/2015 2/25/2019 7:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 6 3 6/3/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SV
Bad animals : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 68 16 ######## 11/22/2019 14:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 17 7 ######## 6/22/2019 12:11 SO RN
Birth control / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 4 1 ######## 6/6/2019 15:29 SP TS
The ultimate book of gangster movies : 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 7 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 7 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 26 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 14 6 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
Lucy in the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2012 27 6 ######## 8/19/2019 10:23 NW TS
Winning balance : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2012 14 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SO
Havoc / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2012 12 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2012 24 3 ######## 7/26/2019 13:16 IV SV
Marijuana : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2012 18 6 1/9/2019 2/13/2019 14:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2012 42 18 ######## 2/5/2019 11:25 NV SP
Priscilla and the pink planet / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2012 72 12 ######## 6/27/2019 12:22 NW TS
Grace / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2012 17 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2012 22 3 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2012 29 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW NV
The official 2013 blackbook price guide to 3.12E+13
United States
BK paper money / 7/6/2012 1 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2012 5 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SV RN
Claimed / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2012 13 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2012 9 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2012 23 4 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2012 28 9 ######## 10/18/2019 11:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2012 11 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2012 15 2 2/1/2014 5/7/2019 13:54 SO RN
Hostage : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2012 11 2 2/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 20 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 SS TS
Harry Lipkin, private eye / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 10 4 5/3/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 15 1 ######## 8/1/2019 10:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 14 5 1/5/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 25 7 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 5 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 6 2 ######## 11/8/2019 13:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 11 4 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
Circle of quilters / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2012 7 2 8/8/2015 8/23/2019 14:00 NW RN
An awesome book! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 12 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
An awesome book! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 38 8 ######## 3/22/2019 12:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 8 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 11 4 9/1/2016 1/17/2019 16:16 IV SV
Surfer Chick / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 46 11 ######## 6/27/2019 9:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 6 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The elephant from Baghdad / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 8 5 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 NW SV
Giants beware! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 9 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV NW
Kepler's Dream / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 6 4 ######## 5/14/2019 9:31 SV TS
Madhattan mystery / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 12 4 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 3 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
Twice upon a time / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 30 8 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 13 9 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 6 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2012 12 7 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 IV RN
Sammy Keyes and the power of Justice Jack
/ BK 7/12/2012 8 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:05 NV SO
Creole belle : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2012 46 13 ######## 12/13/2019 8:39 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 19 3 8/9/2019 9/6/2019 10:43 SS TS
I will try / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 12 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
I will try / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 30 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV NW
The Rock of Ivanore / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:29 NV RN
Zac and the dream stealers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 8 4 ######## 3/16/2019 12:03 SV SO
Buddy and his friends 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 50 8 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
The Voting wars : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 5 4 ######## 5/15/2019 13:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 30 3 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 11 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 9 3 ######## 4/15/2019 13:43 IV TS
How do dinosaurs eat cookies? 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 46 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 8 2 8/9/2016 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 18 15 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 11 4 9/2/2016 6/4/2019 16:04 SP RN
Seasonal baker : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 19 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
The seed underground : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 7 5 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
United breaks guitars : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 9 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
United breaks guitars : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 5 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 43 8 ######## 7/17/2019 12:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 31 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW IV
Titanic : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 26 10 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
Tollins 2 : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 8 2 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2012 10 7 ######## 2/6/2019 9:39 NV RN
Day by day / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 5 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 35 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 13 1 5/6/2018 2/5/2019 11:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 62 17 9/4/2019 10/23/2019 10:18 SO TS
Here comes Hortense! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 13 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 NV RN
Mario makes a move / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 8 ######## 2/6/2019 15:53 NV RN
Oliver / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 38 6 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 16 4 4/2/2016 2/5/2019 16:34 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 19 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 25 4 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 28 6 ######## 8/12/2019 14:39 SO TS
Awesome snake science : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 31 5 ######## 6/27/2019 13:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 8 1 ######## 6/13/2019 9:41 RN TS
The great race : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:14 SP RN
Rapture : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2012 32 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2012 13 4 4/5/2018 2/4/2019 14:41 SO RN
16 inventos muy, muy importantes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2012 4 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:23 SO NW
Yami no matsuei. 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2012 0 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
What really happened : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2012 12 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 RN RN
Investing without Wall Street : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2012 32 12 1/9/2019 2/13/2019 14:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 5 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 SV NW
The new New Deal : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 9 3 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 2 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 16 7 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 10 3 ######## 1/12/2019 10:08 SO NV
Voices of the dust bowl / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 3 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 RN SP
Electrified sheep : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 4 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 1 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
The campfire collection / 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2012 20 10 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
SAT / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2012 21 16 6/7/2019 8/14/2019 10:41 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2012 15 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2012 29 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SP
Miracle melts down / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2012 32 7 ######## 2/6/2019 12:38 NV RN
Nanny Piggins and the wicked plan / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2012 7 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:08 SV NW
The beach trees / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2012 22 6 ######## 7/24/2019 15:22 IV TS
All by myself! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2012 29 3 4/9/2019 5/31/2019 13:01 SO TS
Countdown with Milo 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2012 26 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Horsefly and Honeybee / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2012 30 8 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 NV RN
Making a difference : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 8 3 ######## 5/6/2019 9:03 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 21 4 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 RN RN
Yes, yes, Yaul! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 46 9 ######## 5/31/2019 12:57 SP TS
Backseat A-B-see / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:53 SO RN
Clover Twig and the perilous path / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 9 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 22 6 ######## 7/11/2019 9:48 SS TS
Halfway to perfect : 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 11 5 ######## 2/7/2019 17:21 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 20 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
Summer at Forsaken Lake / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2012 6 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SO SV
A conspiracy of friends : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2012 4 9/5/2014 5/9/2019 13:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2012 20 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
Dead stars : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 11 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 16 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 21 4 ######## 2/23/2019 15:58 SV SP
Tenzin's deer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 4 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 9 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV NW
Flashman and the redskins / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 1 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 IV RN
Flashman and the mountain of light : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2012 2 1 ######## 8/23/2019 14:09 IV RN
Falling in love with English boys : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2012 6 2 3/3/2016 5/3/2019 17:21 NW RN
Lucy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2012 9 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2012 12 1 4/1/2014 5/22/2019 13:37 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2012 5 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2012 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2012 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Driving down memory lane / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2012 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Hollywood knits style : 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2012 4 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2012 45 14 ######## 6/26/2019 13:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2012 32 2 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2012 32 5 ######## 9/5/2019 13:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2012 13 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2012 24 8 6/3/2015 6/28/2019 9:59 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2012 22 9 ######## 11/7/2019 8:07 SO TS
Nana, what's cancer? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2012 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2012 26 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2012 36 13 ######## 1/12/2019 14:48 SS NV
The confidence gap : 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2012 16 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN NW
Imitation of death : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 18 4/9/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 SO RN
Batting: 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 1 8/6/2015 2/15/2019 11:07 SO RN
The ultimate guide to home butchering : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 9 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NV SS
Wilderness survival skills : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 19 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 16 ######## 9/10/2019 14:06 SP RN
Crackpot palace : 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 10 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 7 3 ######## 9/12/2019 12:42 SV RN
The Silmarillion / 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2012 18 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:18 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2012 42 10 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2012 34 4 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2012 9 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2012 50 9 ######## 7/24/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2012 50 18 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SO TS
Narcopolis : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2012 17 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
The organized teacher's guide to substitute
/ 8/23/2012 39 14 6/8/2019 8/12/2019 8:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 26 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 3 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 73 16 ######## 9/6/2019 9:58 SO TS
Ripley's Believe it or not! 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 28 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 28 9 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 48 13 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 5 4/3/2019 4/11/2019 11:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2012 9 6 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 28 8 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 19 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 IV RN
Eva of the Farm / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 7 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 IV RN
My extra best friend / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 5 3/5/2016 1/31/2019 12:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 8 2 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 15 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 10 4 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 22 9 ######## 5/31/2019 12:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 14 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 RN RN
Snappy critters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 9 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NV SS
The ice cream con / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2012 4 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NW RN
In a fix / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2012 17 3 ######## 4/16/2019 12:58 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2012 36 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:41 SP TS
Happiness is free --and it's easier than you3.12E+13
think! BK 8/28/2012 9 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 IV TS
Giving greatness / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2012 7 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 13 4 ######## 9/10/2019 10:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 3 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SP RN
One year in Coal Harbor / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 9 5 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 SO SP
Don't ever get old / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 28 7 ######## 6/4/2019 8:09 SO TS
My heart is an idiot / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 10 3 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SS RN
The last headbangers : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 60 17 ######## 9/5/2019 10:38 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 61 12 ######## 4/23/2019 12:29 NV TS
Two or three things I forgot to tell you / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
Fortress Europe : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 9 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
Stay with Sister / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 7 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2012 10 4 4/9/2016 5/3/2019 17:45 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 5 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
Following Grandfather / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 26 14 ######## 11/22/2019 15:17 NV TS
Surviving the Hindenburg / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 2 1 9/9/2015 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Surviving the Hindenburg / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 3 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
The waiting sky / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 9 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
The year comes round : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2012 3 1 7/3/2016 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2012 13 3 ######## 9/16/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2012 21 7 ######## 5/3/2019 9:05 NW TS
Guinness world records 2013 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2012 22 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2012 13 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Boy or beast / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2012 4 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN NW
Don't turn around / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2012 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 RN RN
Learn to speak fashion : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2012 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:46 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2012 26 5 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2012 8 5 ######## 6/27/2019 11:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2012 29 6 3/7/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2012 39 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2012 26 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2012 18 4 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 SP TS
Renters' rights : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2012 8 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2012 16 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
Still the greatest : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2012 11 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2012 9 5 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
Wearable knitWits : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2012 8 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SO RN
The dangers of proximal alphabets / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2012 11 4 2/5/2015 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
Entertainment industry : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 19 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 29 10 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SV TS
The rough guide to Android phones and tablets
/ BK 9/12/2012 52 28 ######## 10/4/2019 7:45 RN TS
Cincuenta sombras liberadas / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 11 5 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 SP TS
Leading from behind : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 13 3 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 9 3 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2012 12 6 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 17 7 5/1/2019 5/22/2019 13:42 SP RN
Just plain Dick : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
For the common defense : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 8 5 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 23 6 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
The complete book of boondock RVing : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 10 4 4/7/2019 5/3/2019 9:06 SP TS
Honey for a teen's heart : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 8 2 8/7/2018 10/15/2019 15:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 18 8 ######## 1/19/2019 15:07 SV SV
Ballerina Rosie / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 53 7 ######## 6/25/2019 14:51 NV TS
Bedtime for Boo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 7 5 ######## 2/6/2019 15:54 SV RN
Bedtime for Boo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 25 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 8 1 ######## 8/6/2019 10:40 IV RN
Night sun / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 5 1 7/7/2016 5/3/2019 17:28 NW RN
Addy's race / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 3 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SS SV
I owe you one / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 4 ######## 1/25/2019 17:51 NV SP
Star Wars tales. 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 11 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
The wheels on the truck go 'round and 'round3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2012 81 24 ######## 6/27/2019 14:51 IV TS
Golden : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2012 5 4/3/2013 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 20 2 ######## 6/26/2019 13:28 SV TS
The giant and how he humbugged America3.12E+13/ BK 9/18/2012 5 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 24 7 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 IV TS
A book of horrors / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 19 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 3 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 34 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
Heather has two mommies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 24 6 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 IV RN
Toy story. 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2012 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SP
A Dictionary of love / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2012 10 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
Skinny / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2012 12 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2012 12 4 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2012 17 2 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 5 2 3/6/2015 2/8/2019 17:00 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 21 ######## 9/5/2019 12:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 19 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 IV TS
The other half of me : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 14 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 13 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 23 7 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SO RN
Grandmother power : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 4 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Alternative medicine : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2012 3 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2012 9 4 3/6/2015 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2012 33 9 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 IV TS
Judo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2012 6 4 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2012 20 9 ######## 8/15/2019 9:01 SV TS
The red balloon / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2012 15 10 4/6/2019 7/27/2019 10:11 SP RN
Einstein never used flash cards : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2012 13 6 3/7/2018 3/26/2019 15:06 IV TS
Phoenix / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2012 31 11 ######## 2/20/2019 15:52 RN TS
Teens write through it : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2012 1 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:23 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 21 6 ######## 6/10/2019 8:40 NW TS
The man who saved the union : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 5 2 2/6/2013 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 20 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 14 1 6/4/2016 2/25/2019 7:17 SV RN
Skills and strategies for coaching soccer / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 5 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 103 19 ######## 5/14/2019 10:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 7 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 14 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SS RN
Songs in the shade of the flamboyant tree3.12E+13
: BK 9/27/2012 0 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 45 8 ######## 7/24/2019 15:02 NV TS
The dead boys / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 10 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 26 2 7/5/2019 8/2/2019 12:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 12 5 1/4/2019 3/22/2019 12:28 NW TS
The not-for-parents travel book / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 25 8 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 15 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 50 7 9/6/2019 12/9/2019 13:13 SP TS
Zombie Tag / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2012 21 6 ######## 11/8/2019 12:04 RN TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 0 7/23/2019 12:24 RN RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 6 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 7 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
If you give a pig a pancake 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2012 30 11 3/7/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SO NW
Flying the dragon / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2012 4 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2012 29 5 ######## 11/13/2019 11:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2012 26 3 ######## 1/24/2019 16:56 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2012 12 2 ######## 7/3/2019 11:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2012 47 5 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
Profit from your idea : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2012 8 5 ######## 8/22/2019 8:01 RN TS
One surprising morning = 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2012 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:20 SP SV
Tres dÃ-as de baile / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2012 9 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 TS SV
Where's Waldo now? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2012 37 8 6/5/2019 9/10/2019 11:57 IV TS
It's complicated (but it doesn't have to be)3.12E+13
: BK 10/3/2012 9 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
B is for Babar : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 32 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Babar and the ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 32 8 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 55 10 7/2/2019 8/7/2019 12:28 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 11 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 26 15 7/3/2019 8/2/2019 15:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 29 5 8/4/2018 2/2/2019 10:25 IV RN
The medical book : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2012 10 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 30 3 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 27 9 ######## 6/25/2019 14:59 SP TS
Charon's claw / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 21 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 22 11 ######## 1/17/2019 14:59 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 3 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 15 5 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 SS RN
Me and Momma and Big John / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 8 2 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 SV SV
The wheels on the bus / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 42 4 ######## 11/20/2019 10:40 NW TS
The magistrates of hell / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 11 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 34 10 7/6/2019 7/24/2019 15:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 12 5 4/3/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
Port Vila blues / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 9 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
Flashman's lady / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 3 3/6/2015 4/30/2019 15:54 IV RN
Hide / 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2012 31 4 9/5/2019 9/26/2019 13:08 IV TS
Tolkien's world : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2012 11 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2012 18 4 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2012 20 9 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 12:55 SV TS
How sweet it is / #895436 BK 10/7/2012 0 7/25/2019 12:50 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2012 37 8 ######## 6/13/2019 9:41 SO TS
Discovering totem poles : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2012 12 2 7/6/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
Good vibrations : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2012 2 8/7/2014 1/28/2019 13:55 NW RN
The miner was a bishop : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2012 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2012 30 4 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
Dorothy of Oz. 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2012 18 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:39 SO TS
Emeril's kicked-up sandwiches : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2012 15 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
I declare : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2012 36 8 ######## 9/5/2019 8:39 SS TS
A moment in the sun : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2012 9 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SS TS
Consider the fork : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2012 26 12 ######## 7/29/2019 8:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2012 18 7 ######## 6/27/2019 15:35 SO RN
Burma : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2012 22 12 ######## 6/27/2019 14:40 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2012 19 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
Becoming a U.S. citizen : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2012 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2012 21 7 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
Doméstica : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2012 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Guitar for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2012 42 22 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
Wallflower in bloom : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2012 13 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
With no one as witness / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2012 14 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2012 12 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
The racketeer / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 36 5 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SC
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 27 5 8/1/2019 8/19/2019 8:59 SO TS
Rebel raider : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
The laughing Jesus : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 11 8 ######## 7/16/2019 7:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 35 6 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 22 3 ######## 9/16/2019 12:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 30 3 2/2/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 10 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2012 33 5 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2012 37 5 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2012 31 ######## 6/13/2019 10:43 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2012 14 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2012 14 3 ######## 9/12/2019 13:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2012 5 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2012 8 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2012 12 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP NW
Fodor's Italy. 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2012 34 6 9/4/2018 9/24/2019 9:00 SV TS
Frommer's Hawaii, 2013 / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2012 34 17 ######## 1/11/2019 11:24 SP SP
Graduate programs in the physical sciences,
BK agricultural sciences, the environment
& natural resources.
1 8/3/2019 8/12/2019 8:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2012 40 10 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 NV RN
I know this much is true / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2012 17 6 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2012 40 12 ######## 10/15/2019 15:43 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 49 10 2/6/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 29 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 10 5 ######## 8/14/2019 9:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 6 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 18 5 6/4/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 6 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 26 13 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SV RN
The animals' bedtime storybook / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 9 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
A passion for trains : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 1 5/5/2013 6/5/2019 16:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 26 12 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 IV TS
Native Americans / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2012 6 2 ######## 11/8/2019 12:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 35 7 6/1/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 13 5 ######## 8/21/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 16 5 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 10 2 6/5/2018 7/24/2019 11:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 21 3 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SP RN
Billy Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 4 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SV SV
The town mouse and the country mouse :3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2012 36 6 ######## 11/20/2019 13:33 RN TS
Fodor's San Francisco. 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2012 23 6 ######## 1/11/2019 11:24 SP SP
Perry's killer playlist / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2012 6 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
Thornton Wilder : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
Mies van der Rohe : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 6 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
Internet / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 33 2 ######## 5/20/2019 11:10 NW RN
T. Merton: 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 6 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 12 5 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 21 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
The blueprint : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 5 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SP SS
¡Alto al bullying! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2012 2 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 IV RN
Tigers / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2012 36 7 ######## 8/7/2019 12:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2012 2 7/8/2013 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2012 9 6 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SP RN
The daring spectacle : 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2012 8 3 ######## 12/6/2019 14:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2012 34 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2012 16 2 2/2/2018 5/20/2019 12:41 SS RN
Hollow Earth / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2012 23 9 ######## 9/24/2019 15:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2012 7 2 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN NV
The trustee's legal companion : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 43 16 ######## 5/28/2019 8:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 17 6 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW VE
California road and recreation atlas 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 14 5 ######## 12/3/2019 15:06 SP TS
The day Louis got eaten / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 26 4 ######## 3/7/2019 11:11 RN TS
The smart guide to mastering eBay / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 30 15 ######## 3/28/2019 9:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 7 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 19 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SO SV
Don't fear the spreadsheet / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2012 17 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 63 3 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SV TS
Custom nation : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 4 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:35 SP RN
Cool colleges [2013] / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 11 4 ######## 10/9/2019 10:32 RN RN
Cool colleges [2013] / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 10 3 ######## 5/28/2019 8:47 SP RN
Fresh from Maine : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 9 ######## 8/1/2019 15:33 SS TS
The freelancer's bible : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 20 9 ######## 7/9/2019 15:16 SS TS
Incarnation / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 10 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 11 3 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
Magicians' circle : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 7 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:47 RN SP
Soap world / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2012 1 ######## 8/15/2019 13:33 RN TS
Thirty days with my father : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SO RN
The new industrial revolution : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 6 4 2/2/2016 5/15/2019 13:33 SP RN
All of me : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 10 3 ######## 1/18/2019 8:42 NW TS
The impact equation : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 7 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:23 SP RN
The atlas of endangered species / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 24 3 ######## 7/17/2019 10:04 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 14 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 16 1 9/3/2014 5/28/2019 11:16 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 12 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 39 2 ######## 7/17/2019 15:51 SO RN
Redback / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2012 6 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SP RN
The good son : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2012 12 3 5/9/2015 8/2/2019 10:11 SV RN
The real story of risk : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2012 9 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
Europe by Eurail 2013 : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2012 27 9 ######## 9/16/2019 9:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2012 25 13 ######## 11/20/2019 14:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2012 69 9 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SV TS
Dancing with Cadence / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2012 25 7 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SO RN
An unattended death / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2012 17 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2012 16 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
My life in politics / 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2012 3 4 3/2/2013 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2012 2 1 1/2/2016 1/28/2019 13:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2012 7 1 9/8/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Medical marijuana : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2012 12 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 31 8 ######## 6/10/2019 8:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 2 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:58 IV IV
Threat vector / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 34 7 8/8/2019 9/5/2019 12:34 RN TS
Threat vector / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 33 2 1/5/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 25 12 ######## 7/31/2019 15:51 SV TS
Brain on fire : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 56 11 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 9 4 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 9 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 RN RN
New England / 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2012 17 9 3/2/2019 7/9/2019 15:13 SO TS
The alien hunter's handbook : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2012 9 2 ######## 2/4/2019 14:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 26 6 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 1 1 5/2/2015 2/1/2019 13:52 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 11 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SO SS
Too noisy! / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 26 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Zayde comes to live / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 5 ######## 11/27/2019 11:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 14 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2012 18 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 41 6 ######## 9/26/2019 13:15 NV TS
Buddhist care for the dying and bereaved 3
: .12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Skulls : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 13 3 1/7/2019 7/24/2019 7:48 RN TS
Whitney : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 6 ######## 6/24/2019 10:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 17 5 9/3/2019 11/13/2019 12:29 SS TS
Suzanne Collins / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 1 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2012 66 15 ######## 7/8/2019 15:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 19 6 8/2/2016 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 25 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 13 5 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
All you need to know about the music business
/ BK 11/27/2012 8 4 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 9 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 RN SV
The Glee cast : 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 4 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SV RN
The law of divine compensation : 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 22 11 ######## 5/21/2019 14:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2012 7 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2012 21 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2012 26 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
My treasury of fairies & elves : 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2012 32 9 ######## 10/23/2019 10:43 NW TS
Robert Rauschenberg : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2012 2 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2012 4 1 2/2/2017 3/15/2019 11:27 SP SP
The science of drinking : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2012 8 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
The Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and 3.12E+13
poetics / BK 11/30/2012 4 1 ######## 4/17/2019 9:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2012 7 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SP
Hiking Glacier and Waterton Lakes National3.12E+13
Parks : BK 11/30/2012 15 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
The voice of Rolling Thunder : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2012 12 5 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SV RN
Yip Harburg : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2012 2 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2012 51 8 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SO TS
The Shahnameh : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2012 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2012 3 1 5/4/2015 5/30/2019 11:37 RN SS
The World Book encyclopedia : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2012 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Robinson alone / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 NW SS
Break my heart 1,000 times / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 11 5 7/9/2019 8/9/2019 9:37 SV NV
Bushman lives! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 6 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 18 10 ######## 2/15/2019 13:24 RN TS
Quantum coin / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 4 2 7/7/2013 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
Water frog polliwogs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 5 ######## 2/3/2019 13:51 SP TR
The tale of the ill-gotten catfish / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 5 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 9 4 ######## 11/8/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 13 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:22 NW RN
22 accessible road trips : 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 8 5 ######## 3/4/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 4 1 8/3/2017 2/5/2019 13:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 33 8 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
Stealing air / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 14 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 30 5 ######## 5/31/2019 12:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2012 57 10 ######## 10/23/2019 10:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2012 3 1 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV NW
Charlotte Street / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2012 22 16 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2012 7 3 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SV RN
Seitensprung : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2012 1 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2012 23 3 ######## 2/6/2019 10:39 SS RN
I loathe you / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2012 53 6 ######## 6/27/2019 9:55 NV TS
Here where the sunbeams are green / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2012 7 2 2/6/2018 2/1/2019 16:34 NV RN
Magicalamity / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2012 12 3 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2012 4 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2012 8 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2012 23 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:27 RN RN
Homestyle pasta / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2012 7 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NW TS
Knock out headaches / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2012 10 4 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
What is mental illness? / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2012 3 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
The beautiful lady : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2012 6 ######## 5/13/2019 16:06 SV TS
Mallory McDonald, super snoop / 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2012 19 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2012 16 6 ######## 8/7/2019 12:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2012 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2012 32 5 ######## 7/17/2019 10:06 NW TS
La última canción / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2012 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SP RN
Animals / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2012 4 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
Fodor's Chicago. 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2012 15 8 ######## 6/25/2019 14:06 SV RN
Fodor's Ireland. 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2012 18 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Superfood kitchen : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2012 36 10 ######## 8/13/2019 13:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2012 23 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
AARP tablets : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2012 10 6 ######## 10/9/2019 12:10 SC RN
Wanted / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2012 14 2 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2012 5 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2012 23 2 4/4/2017 1/7/2019 8:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2012 57 16 ######## 9/24/2019 10:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2012 28 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SC RN
National home improvement estimator / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2012 5 2 ######## 8/2/2019 11:04 SP RN
Teach yourself visually Windows 8 tablets 3.12E+13
/ BK 12/19/2012 15 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2012 8 5 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2012 22 9 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
Double blind : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2012 14 3 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SV RN
High sea adventure / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2012 21 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
Batman, Incorporated / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2012 25 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2012 29 2 2/1/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2012 29 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SS
America the beautiful : 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2012 9 3 ######## 10/23/2019 9:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2012 15 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2012 10 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
School violence and conflict resolution / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2012 5 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2012 16 3 ######## 8/2/2019 15:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2012 6 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2012 49 16 ######## 7/15/2019 11:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2012 5 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2012 6 2 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SV RN
On the run / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2012 4 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2012 10 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2012 38 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:23 NV TS
Kennst du das? 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2012 22 5 ######## 9/10/2019 11:49 NW TS
Medieval modern : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 6 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 11 6 8/8/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 SS TS
Frommer's San Francisco 2013 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 24 13 ######## 4/3/2019 13:42 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 13 4 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 16 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SS TS
Laptops for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 16 8 ######## 11/12/2019 13:10 SC TS
eBay for seniors for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2012 21 14 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2012 18 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2012 20 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2013 27 8 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 NW TS
The death of bees : 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2013 32 8 ######## 7/17/2019 10:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2013 32 5 8/2/2019 11/6/2019 15:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2013 27 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SV
Girls get curves : 3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2013 17 2 9/7/2018 8/15/2019 9:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2013 12 5 ######## 3/12/2019 10:40 SS SP
Threat vector / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2013 33 4 ######## 5/17/2019 7:59 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2013 10 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:03 SP SO
Wide awake : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2013 4 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
Deadspawn / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2013 4 3 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SV RN
Hearts on Fire. ; 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2013 2 6/9/2015 5/11/2019 11:31 NW SP
Drugs, the brain, and behavior : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2013 14 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2013 38 5 3/7/2019 5/9/2019 7:32 RN TS
iPad and iPhone tips and tricks : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 35 13 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 IV TS
Explore night science! : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 3 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 21 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SP
Right college, right price : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 9 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
What you must know about dialysis : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 5 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 12 7 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 21 7 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 NW RN
Spirit seeker : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 2 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 SP SV
Supergirl mixtapes / 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 4 3 2/5/2015 5/22/2019 13:37 RN SS
Glass : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2013 4 3 4/2/2016 8/2/2019 10:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2013 8 1 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2013 14 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2013 16 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO TS
The Passover lamb / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2013 24 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
The casual vacancy / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2013 48 10 ######## 9/5/2019 13:14 NW TS
Wish you were here / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2013 25 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2013 6 2 ######## 6/24/2019 14:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 52 4 ######## 7/17/2019 15:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 10 3 ######## 10/15/2019 12:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 23 8 ######## 3/7/2019 5:50 RN SV
Nook HD for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 9 3 ######## 4/20/2019 12:42 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 26 5 9/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 9 1 6/8/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
Sally Sore Loser : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 13 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 8 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 8 2 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
The parent's guide to in-home ABA programs3.12E+13
: BK 1/14/2013 4 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
Wired for success : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 6 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 61 16 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 76 29 ######## 3/7/2019 11:31 NW TS
The lily pond / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 4 2/1/2016 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 7 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 9 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 35 7 6/4/2019 8/7/2019 12:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 10 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Darkwater / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2013 4 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2013 60 14 ######## 10/14/2019 12:20 SO TS
Autism, the invisible cord : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 4 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 33 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 13 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 28 7 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
The creative destruction of medicine : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 22 7 ######## 6/6/2019 15:33 SO TS
Fodor's Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 27 7 1/4/2019 3/4/2019 13:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 54 11 ######## 12/9/2019 14:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 1 ######## 5/26/2019 16:08 SS SS
Criminal Justice / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 7 3 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP NW
Gay parenting / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
Government spending / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 7 5 ######## 11/6/2019 14:50 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 11 1 ######## 4/26/2019 8:19 SP TS
Teens at risk / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2013 8 3 2/2/2014 1/29/2019 15:34 RN SS
Too close to home : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2013 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2013 33 3 ######## 7/29/2019 12:35 SS RN
Aloha, lady blue / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2013 26 4 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
Supervolcano : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2013 19 3 ######## 6/13/2019 10:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2013 23 9 ######## 11/14/2019 13:08 SO TS
The weight of mercy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 10 3 ######## 6/7/2019 9:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 49 10 6/7/2019 10/31/2019 8:36 SP TS
Manifest injustice : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 12 4 7/7/2014 5/28/2019 11:25 RN SS
The right place for Albert / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 17 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 21 5 2/9/2017 2/5/2019 11:44 NW SP
Avalanche alert / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 9 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 IV RN
Cinders & sapphires / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 12 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Kodoku / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 2 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
Kodoku / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 6 8/8/2018 5/14/2019 8:57 NW TS
The finer edge : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 35 11 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 5 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2013 3 3/6/2017 7/23/2019 9:05 SS TS
Barbarians / 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2013 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
Amy Winehouse : 3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2013 5 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 NW RN
Shapes 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2013 27 9 8/3/2019 10/4/2019 9:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2013 36 5 ######## 12/20/2019 8:15 SP TS
The Tasha Tudor cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2013 13 3 ######## 5/6/2019 8:44 SO RN
The hour of peril : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 8 2 3/5/2016 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
How to travel the world on $50 a day : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Bigger is better : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 5 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 33 21 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 RN TS
My share of the task : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 15 5 ######## 4/15/2019 8:23 SV TS
My share of the task : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 12 4 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SP RN
The elements : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 27 9 ######## 7/17/2019 7:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 8 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 15 10 5/4/2019 10/2/2019 10:44 SO TS
Aztecs : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 3 1 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SP
Chicken soup for the woman's soul : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 6 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 24 7 9/3/2015 9/20/2019 15:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 10 4 ######## 8/23/2019 14:15 SS RN
Fresh food fast : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2013 35 19 ######## 12/11/2019 7:58 NW TS
Dou Dou's learning to sight read music. 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2013 5 5 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 RN RN
Firefighter candidate exams / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2013 3 1 8/7/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 25 5 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
Growing patterns : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 28 5 ######## 11/13/2019 11:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 19 6 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
Can you find these rocks? / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 12:21 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 3 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 SS VE
Faces from the past : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 2 8/8/2013 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
Faces from the past : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 3 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 4 ######## 4/9/2019 17:33 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 21 2 6/1/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
Infectious disease research / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 6 4 ######## 2/15/2019 16:47 RN SP
Infectious disease research / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 1 1 8/9/2015 2/15/2019 16:47 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 19 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 25 3 ######## 10/3/2019 8:43 SV TS
Pursuit / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 34 7 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 67 12 ######## 3/7/2019 16:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 49 15 ######## 6/13/2019 13:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 46 9 2/5/2019 4/5/2019 15:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2013 35 11 ######## 11/13/2019 12:55 SP TS
Fire truck is flashing / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2013 65 15 ######## 7/17/2019 12:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2013 29 7 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 RN VE
The mouse family / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2013 10 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 RN RN
Touch and feel Alaska's animals 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2013 70 17 ######## 4/23/2019 13:19 SP TS
iPad in education for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 43 8 4/1/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
Kalimpura / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 16 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 44 10 ######## 1/28/2019 8:15 SV TS
Embellish me : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 8 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
The Eldritch conspiracy / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 12 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
The lives of Erich Fromm : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 7 1 3/2/2016 10/4/2019 15:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 3 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
The pinecone : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 8 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2013 16 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 IV RN
The owl and the pussycat : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2013 4 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2013 55 12 9/9/2019 10/23/2019 10:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2013 17 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SV RN
Jeneration X : 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2013 9 3 3/5/2017 11/15/2019 13:34 SV RN
Black Elk's vision : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2013 2 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2013 16 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
Love and other perishable items / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2013 9 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2013 12 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:49 SP RN
Police car 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2013 52 11 ######## 6/27/2019 10:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2013 31 11 ######## 9/6/2019 9:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2013 7 1 3/4/2017 6/25/2019 16:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2013 34 4 2/6/2019 3/5/2019 16:20 SP NW
Bared to you / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2013 36 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
Shred : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2013 25 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
The Master of us all : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2013 6 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SP RN
Stargazing with binoculars / 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2013 7 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2013 4 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2013 12 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 IV VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2013 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2013 48 21 ######## 2/20/2019 15:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2013 61 21 ######## 11/1/2019 14:26 IV TS
Ballet Kitty : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2013 69 16 ######## 4/12/2019 12:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 8 4 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SO RN
Teenagers and technology / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 2 1 6/8/2016 4/23/2019 12:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 33 3 ######## 11/14/2019 12:57 NV TS
Priests of our democracy : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
Colin Fischer / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 7 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 5 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
I, witness / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 13 4 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Jump cut / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 5 2 ######## 2/1/2019 17:04 SP RN
Momentum / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 4 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SV SS
A scandalous life : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2013 13 2 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 RN RN
Goodnight Lulu / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2013 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
U.S. immigration made easy / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 8 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 38 7 ######## 9/16/2019 14:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 27 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 16 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 11 2 ######## 6/4/2019 14:43 NV RN
The Civil War and American art / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 5 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SP RN
City of ashes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 75 11 ######## 7/11/2019 12:24 IV TS
Foul play at four / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2013 14 2 3/2/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
999 frogs wake up / 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2013 53 9 ######## 10/3/2019 9:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2013 21 4 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Taltos : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2013 8 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 73 20 3/6/2019 4/12/2019 13:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 47 8 ######## 9/17/2019 9:32 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 37 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 1 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
Alphabet everywhere / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 27 8 ######## 3/22/2019 14:18 SP TS
Cooks, clowns, and cowboys : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 7 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
There was an old pirate who swallowed a fish
/ BK 2/15/2013 36 7 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 NV RN
The essential guide to family & medical leave
/ BK 2/15/2013 4 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
Cybercrime / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2013 2 2 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SS TS
Vera Gran : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2013 0 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
Tiene autismo tu bebé? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 1 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 45 14 ######## 6/26/2019 14:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 15 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 24 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 25 6 ######## 4/10/2019 17:03 SP SP
Sea urchins / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 7 3 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 NW TS
Mountain echoes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 8 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2013 37 13 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2013 13 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2013 35 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 73 25 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 26 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 56 8 ######## 2/6/2019 17:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 18 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Al Capp : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 5 7/2/2013 5/30/2019 14:27 NV RN
Odette's secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 6 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:07 SS IV
Pulse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 24 9 7/8/2019 9/6/2019 10:17 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 10 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV RN
American umpire : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 7 4 3/7/2018 4/17/2019 10:54 SS RN
Rockabilly : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 6 1 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The friendly book / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 29 7 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2013 69 3 ######## 8/14/2019 13:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 19 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 3 1 ######## 4/23/2019 13:34 SS RN
The fighting Irish : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 9 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 10 1 3/8/2016 9/18/2019 15:24 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 12 ######## 9/16/2019 12:47 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 33 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 35 22 ######## 11/6/2019 11:18 RN TS
The car book 2013 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2013 8 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2013 5 1 ######## 3/28/2019 15:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2013 20 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2013 14 2 ######## 2/20/2019 14:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2013 19 3 ######## 11/13/2019 14:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2013 5 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:06 SP RN
Sammy Keyes and the showdown in Sin City 3.12E+13
/ BK 2/25/2013 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 RN RN
Maisy learns to swim / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2013 62 12 ######## 8/19/2019 9:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2013 30 6 ######## 3/22/2019 14:33 NV TS
The wise fool : 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2013 5 4 ######## 2/4/2019 9:20 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2013 16 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
The walking : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2013 9 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2013 28 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2013 8 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 19 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 20 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 78 21 2/9/2019 4/27/2019 10:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 24 7 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SP VE
Colors 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 38 7 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 5 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 20 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
The savage fortress / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 5 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 22 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 23 5 ######## 5/31/2019 12:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 7 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 19 5 4/5/2018 7/24/2019 14:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 7 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
The new Jim Crow : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2013 35 13 3/8/2019 3/25/2019 8:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 8 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SS SP
From a Polish country house kitchen : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 12 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
The brain book : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 14 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
Social networks and blogs / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:18 SP RN
The powers of the presidency / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 3 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Shapeasaurus 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 54 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
The coup : 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2013 13 3 8/6/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 5 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 12 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 NV SS
The amazing power of deliberate intent : 3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 32 13 ######## 6/10/2019 8:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 37 5 6/8/2019 6/20/2019 13:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 22 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 42 14 ######## 7/15/2019 12:23 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 43 21 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 37 5 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2013 9 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2013 7 4 ######## 8/23/2019 12:30 SP TS
The devouring dragon : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2013 9 1 7/6/2016 6/4/2019 12:14 SV RN
California's best trips : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2013 34 21 9/7/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2013 25 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2013 27 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
Until I say good-bye : 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2013 14 4 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2013 27 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:45 NV SP
The island of last truth / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2013 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2013 18 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 8 2 1/7/2016 2/14/2019 16:07 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 12 4 3/7/2017 1/30/2019 11:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 17 11 ######## 10/18/2019 8:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 11 6 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SO TS
Delusion / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 6 1 1/4/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 4 ######## 1/3/2019 10:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 19 2 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Master George's people : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 1 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Master George's people : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
Me, him, them, and it / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 7 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV RN
The truth seeker / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2013 21 4 ######## 7/17/2019 11:06 NW TS
B.U.G. : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 4 ######## 2/7/2019 17:46 SP SP
Operation Oleander / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 18 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
Time between us / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 13 1 ######## 2/22/2019 16:26 NV SV
Who put the cookies in the cookie jar? / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 15 3 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Yesterday again / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 3 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 NV SP
33 minutes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 14 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2013 6 1 7/9/2018 2/6/2019 15:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 10 4 8/8/2015 3/25/2019 12:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 5 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Son of destruction / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 10 1 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 6 2 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Revel / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 11 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SP RN
De que color es tu paracaÃ-das : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2013 11 3 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2013 74 27 ######## 7/10/2019 9:47 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2013 30 5 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SO TS
The secretary : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2013 8 2 9/1/2015 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 67 20 ######## 6/28/2019 13:45 SP TS
Tipping sacred cows : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 5 5 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 23 10 ######## 8/22/2019 15:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 27 12 7/3/2019 8/22/2019 15:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 33 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 42 14 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 3 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
Black helicopters / 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 7 3 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 1 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 11 6 ######## 8/15/2019 9:22 SP TS
Birth 2012 and beyond : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2013 8 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 9 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 4 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
The art of war : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 10 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 7 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SO
Free trade / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 1 1 ######## 3/4/2019 14:03 SS TS
Human rights / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SS SS
Human rights / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 2 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2013 9 4 ######## 7/24/2019 7:56 RN TS
Capital punishment : 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2013 17 1 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2013 73 14 ######## 9/24/2019 10:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2013 24 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:37 SV RN
Waterborne / 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2013 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Widow's tears / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 28 5 ######## 7/17/2019 14:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 7 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:10 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 31 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 59 17 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 27 9 ######## 7/17/2019 11:28 SS TS
The dream merchant : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 11 4 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SP RN
The dream merchant : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 16 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 45 7 ######## 11/13/2019 11:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 3 2 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
The white-footed mouse / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 24 6 ######## 11/8/2019 12:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 19 5 ######## 1/18/2019 9:31 RN TS
Police officer exam / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 19 8 ######## 9/24/2019 10:22 RN TS
Police officer exam / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2013 13 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SS
Down the up escalator : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 11 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:33 SV RN
The last gun : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 10 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 6 3 ######## 4/5/2019 11:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 11 ######## 9/16/2019 13:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 8 1 ######## 5/29/2019 15:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 8 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
Self-image and eating disorders / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 1 2/4/2016 2/15/2019 16:18 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 1 ######## 1/8/2019 14:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 11 2 7/5/2019 8/15/2019 10:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 37 14 ######## 9/6/2019 9:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 SP NW
Keeping hope alive : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 7 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 RN RN
The machine : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 4 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:06 SP RN
The power of negative thinking : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 15 5 ######## 2/6/2019 15:03 NV TS
My way to hell / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 16 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 17 5 7/5/2019 11/8/2019 14:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2013 16 6 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2013 17 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Judy Moody, twice as Moody / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2013 26 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Limu : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2013 22 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2013 6 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2013 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SV SS
The secret life of a submissive : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2013 19 5 ######## 4/9/2019 12:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 17 13 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 7 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 7 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:12 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 1 ######## 2/22/2019 9:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 7 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:39 SS VE
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 21 6 ######## 6/27/2019 9:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 6 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 4 7/3/2016 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 18 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2013 15 4 9/5/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 20 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 29 5 7/1/2019 7/17/2019 9:43 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 16 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 32 5 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 29 4 4/8/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 21 2 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 11 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Bobbo goes to school / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 31 3 3/1/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 18 2 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2013 14 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:54 RN RN
Pepper : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2013 7 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
Women in the civil rights movement / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2013 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:13 RN RN
The misadventures of Don Quixote / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2013 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SV VE
The annals of unsolved crime / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2013 35 5 ######## 1/31/2019 10:41 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2013 21 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2013 19 9 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2013 16 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:07 SV RN
Final settlement : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2013 12 5 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 NW SS
Sherlock Holmes and the queen of diamonds
/ BK 4/3/2013 12 2 4/8/2014 5/8/2019 9:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2013 15 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2013 12 2 4/7/2016 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
In the kingdom of the sick : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Simpler : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 8 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 9 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Bleeder : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 16 4 ######## 10/4/2019 15:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 18 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Handknit skirts from Tricoter / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2013 5 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2013 4 2/9/2014 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Share or die : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2013 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2013 14 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 IV RN
Slaughter's hound : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2013 20 2 ######## 10/23/2019 8:47 SS TS
Fair trade and how it works / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2013 1 2 ######## 10/9/2019 10:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2013 25 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
Controlling people : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2013 8 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
In the garden of stone : 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2013 10 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SS RN
The disordered mind : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2013 12 4 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
The genius of Earth Day : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2013 5 4 4/3/2018 6/22/2019 12:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2013 28 8 ######## 8/22/2019 15:00 RN TS
The shape of the eye : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2013 12 2 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 NV GE
Quintana of Charyn / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 8 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:01 NV RN
Laptops for seniors in easy steps / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 13 8 ######## 8/24/2019 15:46 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 4 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 NW NW
Don't call me inspirational : 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 2 3/4/2016 2/15/2019 11:07 NV RN
The origins of the Irish / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 15 6 ######## 11/13/2019 10:44 RN TS
The Penguin state of the world atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 7 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SO RN
The Penguin state of the world atlas / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2013 9 3 9/8/2019 11/8/2019 13:21 SV TS
One amazing thing : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2013 13 7 ######## 11/7/2019 14:57 IV TS
The best of all possible worlds : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2013 11 3 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
The Count of Monte Cristo / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2013 15 11 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
Cuba / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2013 7 2 5/4/2017 11/8/2019 12:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2013 3 3 3/3/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 20 4 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
Douwlina : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 4 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:33 NV RN
Till we have faces : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 29 10 ######## 11/21/2019 9:58 IV TS
Rush / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 26 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SP
The sunshine when she's gone : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 11 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2013 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 19 8 ######## 11/8/2019 11:57 SO RN
The American presidents, Washington to Tyler
: BK 4/18/2013 4 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP TR
The divine comedy / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 11 5 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Portraits of change : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 8 3 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 SP RN
Not in the club : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 4 9/9/2015 1/22/2019 14:57 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 8 ######## 4/5/2019 15:35 IV TS
Poor man's feast : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 13 4 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 23 6 1/9/2018 2/1/2019 11:10 IV RN
Precocia : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 6 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:00 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 22 7 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 16 8 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 30 7 1/3/2019 1/17/2019 10:50 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2013 24 5 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SP VE
Schizophrenia : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 15 7 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 10 3 ######## 11/20/2019 15:31 NV TS
Public libraries and resilient cities / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 2 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 24 28 6/6/2019 7/11/2019 14:53 SS TS
Madalyn Aslan's Jupiter signs : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 10 3 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 6 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 4 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 7 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 4 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Fodor's the Carolinas and Georgia / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2013 45 10 ######## 9/5/2019 15:26 SC TS
Lost treasures : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2013 3 1 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2013 5 1 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2013 14 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2013 6 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2013 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
I will keep you safe and sound / 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2013 5 ######## 2/5/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2013 31 6 8/9/2019 8/19/2019 10:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2013 5 2 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
La salud hecho fácil! : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2013 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2013 10 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2013 81 24 2/1/2019 4/23/2019 13:19 RN TS
Maya's notebook : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 46 14 ######## 10/23/2019 8:44 SV TS
End of the good life : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 9 1 2/3/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
The end of the world in Breslau / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 3 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 11 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 21 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:01 SV TS
Eurock : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 1 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
Prodelki khitret͡s︡ov : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 36 6 ######## 11/25/2019 8:09 NW TS
The Martin Duberman reader : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SP RN
In translation : 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 20 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 45 11 7/5/2019 8/2/2019 14:54 IV TS
Dinosaur vs. bedtime 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 50 9 5/5/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 29 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2013 14 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 14 6 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Baby Beluga 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 49 17 ######## 4/23/2019 9:14 NW TS
Meeow and the big box 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 79 18 ######## 3/11/2019 12:52 IV SP
Night-night, Spot 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 29 3 7/2/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
Ma! there's nothing to do here! : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 12 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 77 27 ######## 3/28/2019 15:37 RN TS
Little Blue Truck 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2013 73 20 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 NW TS
The last pilgrimage : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2013 4 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
The ultimate handbook for paper crafters 3: .12E+13 BK 4/30/2013 7 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
Pretty Girl-13 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2013 9 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2013 22 8 ######## 11/8/2019 13:10 SS TS
Odisseia͡ /︡ 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 30 4 ######## 5/9/2019 7:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 22 2 ######## 3/23/2019 11:11 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 18 5 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 SV RN
A dual inheritance : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 8 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NV RN
Red moon : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 14 6 ######## 3/15/2019 11:32 SV SP
A house divided : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 6 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 29 2 ######## 7/16/2019 10:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2013 34 6 4/6/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2013 17 9 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Kinship : 3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2013 3 3 ######## 2/15/2019 10:08 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2013 3 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 21 4 ######## 9/16/2019 12:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 20 6 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 4 2 2/4/2015 5/3/2019 12:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 30 5 4/8/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SO TS
The magic circle / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 10 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 10 4 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 9 2 ######## 9/12/2019 13:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 14 3 ######## 8/21/2019 14:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 34 1 9/5/2019 11/8/2019 13:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 17 3 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 14 6 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
Until I say good-bye : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 17 7 2/6/2018 5/20/2019 11:41 NV SS
Until I say good-bye : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 14 7 7/5/2014 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
The girl of the wish garden : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 6 4 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Giant weta : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 5 7/9/2014 1/17/2019 16:36 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
When thunder comes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2013 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 NV RN
Happy, happy, happy : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2013 18 4 ######## 4/25/2019 7:18 SP TS
The lost daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2013 3 1 7/5/2017 10/4/2019 14:35 SS RN
Bliï¸ u︡z sonni : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Astrofil i Stella : 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2013 28 2 2/7/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2013 54 19 ######## 10/30/2019 14:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2013 8 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2013 15 2 1/4/2015 7/3/2019 16:40 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 22 2 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 15 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 VE SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 16 2 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
The glass wives : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 8 3 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 30 4 ######## 10/14/2019 12:28 IV TS
Ketten der liebe : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2013 0 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Deerland : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2013 1 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 NV RN
Raising the curve : 3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2013 0 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2013 4 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:07 RN RN
Swipe / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2013 11 6 ######## 1/12/2019 12:03 NW NV
Tamarin monkeys / 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2013 3 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2013 10 4 7/5/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
CDC health information for international travel
: 5/14/2013 3 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2013 18 5 ######## 11/13/2019 14:16 SP TS
How to make time when you don't have any 3.12E+13
: BK 5/14/2013 4 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2013 29 16 ######## 6/28/2019 11:07 SP SO
Tacky the penguin 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2013 19 4 ######## 10/16/2019 18:00 IV NW
Stars by magic : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2013 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2013 18 6 ######## 8/15/2019 9:04 IV TS
The Ipcress file / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2013 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 56 20 ######## 3/14/2019 11:49 SP TS
Ride or fry : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 2 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 34 8 ######## 9/5/2019 13:16 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 15 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
Housewife superstar! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 8 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
American Savage : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 6 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
Hold it against me : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 3 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
The space book : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 16 10 ######## 8/5/2019 9:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 57 18 ######## 11/20/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 11 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 32 11 ######## 12/20/2019 9:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 7 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:37 SV RN
Zebra forest / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 4 5/6/2016 1/22/2019 11:54 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 26 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 11 2 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Junie B.'s essential survival guide to school3.12E+13
: BK 5/16/2013 63 19 ######## 7/8/2019 15:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2013 42 8 7/3/2019 8/12/2019 14:35 NV TS
Brilliant mutnoÄ- vody : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2013 1 1/7/2015 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Zhaba s koshelʹkom / 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2013 1 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Skyscrapers / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2013 5 2 3/2/2016 2/6/2019 13:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 3 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 15 9 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 NW TS
Promised / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 20 5 7/2/2019 7/10/2019 10:40 SV TS
Nine days / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 5 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 13 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 RN RN
Strike three, you're dead / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
Fokus-pokus ot Vasilisy UzhasnoÄ- / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 5 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 3 ######## 5/22/2019 8:19 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Iz moeÄ- zhizni / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2013 38 9 4/7/2019 5/31/2019 13:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2013 4 2 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
My neighbor is a dog / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2013 5 ######## 2/6/2019 15:55 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2013 8 2 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2013 85 17 ######## 8/19/2019 9:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2013 65 22 ######## 9/10/2019 15:03 NV TS
The parent's guide to college for students 3.12E+13
on the autism
BK spectrum / 5/21/2013 2 1 4/9/2015 5/28/2019 8:48 RN RN
How to write better essays / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2013 9 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN NV
Icons and idiots : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2013 13 1 ######## 8/5/2019 16:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2013 15 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 NW TS
Trailblazer : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2013 5 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
The billionaire's apprentice : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2013 13 4 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2013 47 6 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
The elusive bride / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2013 9 4 ######## 7/15/2019 11:43 SP TS
13 neschastiÄ- Gerakla / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2013 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Polet nad gnezdom indi͡u︡shki / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2013 2 2 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 24 4 6/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW NV
Extremely loud : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 4 2 6/7/2014 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
Mandrills / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 6 3 1/4/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 RN SS
Papadaddy's book for new fathers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 3 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Quick check guide to gluten-free foods / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 7 2 3/1/2015 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
Dantisty tozhe plachut / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 1 5/7/2015 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Garpiï¸ i︡a s propellerom / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 2 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Cracking the LSAT / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 7 6 ######## 5/31/2019 13:41 SV TS
Cracking the SAT / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 22 10 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 RN NW
ASVAB. 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2013 7 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 17 7 1/9/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 17 4 1/6/2018 4/8/2019 15:55 NV RN
The time between / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 36 7 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 13:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 29 6 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 17 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 35 14 ######## 1/16/2019 14:33 NV TS
Quick duck! 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 29 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Quick duck! 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 27 4 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 60 8 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 VE TS
Graveland : 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 6 2 ######## 8/23/2019 13:15 RN RN
Glavbukh i pol͡t︡sarstva v pridachu / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 2 2 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Benefis martovskoÄ- koshki / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 1 1/4/2015 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
Kon͡t︡sert dl͡i︡a Kolobka s orkestrom /3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 2 2 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Peredvizhniki. 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2013 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
A far piece to Canaan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2013 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2013 8 2 ######## 1/2/2019 10:37 SS SP
Itch : 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2013 16 5 ######## 3/8/2019 13:24 SO RN
Itch : 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2013 24 7 ######## 4/15/2019 13:07 NW TS
Elie Wiesel : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 8 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 13 10 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 19 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 3 1 8/4/2015 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
Golden / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 8 2 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 NW TS
Money run / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SO RN
Nameless : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 23 6 ######## 4/12/2019 12:18 SS TS
Incognito / 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2013 3 1 ######## 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
Bad monkey / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 38 8 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 46 8 ######## 11/13/2019 11:25 RN TS
Belle epoque / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 6 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SS RN
Belle epoque / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 6 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 NW RN
My chemical mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 4 6/5/2015 1/15/2019 17:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 9 1 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 45 5 ######## 6/13/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 12 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 11 2 1/2/2019 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
This morning Sam went to Mars : 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 10 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2013 36 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 15 1 6/1/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 50 13 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 15 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SS
If you were here : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 39 7 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SS TS
123 beep beep beep! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 29 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
Chuckling ducklings : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 20 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SO
Hooray for bread! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 15 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SV RN
This little piggy / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 11 6 6/3/2019 7/10/2019 9:32 IV TS
All my noble dreams and then what happens 3.12E+13
/ BK 6/3/2013 5 1 4/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SS SV
The garden of my Imaan / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 4 2 ######## 3/16/2019 12:00 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 31 5 7/2/2019 7/17/2019 12:05 IV TS
It's time! / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 20 4 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 53 17 ######## 7/17/2019 11:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 8 2 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 SV IV
Secret lives of burrowing beasts / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 4 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 NW NW
Where food comes from : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2013 2 1 ######## 1/9/2019 10:41 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 17 4 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 12 7 ######## 3/28/2019 11:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 20 5 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 14 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 11 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:03 NV RN
Caillou : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 28 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 29 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
A girl called Problem / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 RN RN
Oy, feh, so? / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2013 8 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 NW RN
Margret and H.A. Rey's Where is Curious George?3.12E+13: BK 6/4/2013 73 14 6/4/2019 7/25/2019 15:22 NV TS
O zhizni, ucheniia͡k︡h i izrecheniia͡k︡h 3.12E+13
BK filosofov / 6/4/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
How we do it : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 6 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:15 SP RN
Controversy and hope : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 3 1/5/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 8 4 2/6/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 10 7 ######## 3/16/2019 12:00 SO SO
Catch rider / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 4 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Roger Ailes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 6 2 1/9/2015 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
Sobranie sochineniÄ- v shesti tomakh / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Sobranie sochineniÄ- v shesti tomakh / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
RusskiÄ- baletnyÄ- teatr nachala XX [i.e. dvadtÍ¡s︡atogo]
3.12E+13 BK veka. 6/5/2013 2 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 3 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Ne pokori͡a︡tʹsi͡a︡ nochi-- : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 28 3 ######## 8/21/2019 14:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 34 6 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 43 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 36 9 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 35 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 13 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SO TS
Anne Frank : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 22 14 ######## 5/21/2019 10:43 SO SO
Lincoln unbound : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2013 11 5 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2013 36 16 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
Deti Arbata : 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2013 4 4 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 RN TS
We are the night = 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2013 76 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Seaweeds : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2013 5 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
101 knife designs : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2013 4 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Yes, I could care less : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2013 15 6 1/8/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2013 5 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SC IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2013 3 1/7/2017 10/24/2019 15:09 SP RN
America's obsessives : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2013 1 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2013 21 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2013 33 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2013 8 2 6/3/2016 1/19/2019 15:07 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2013 22 4 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 NW GE
Brush of the gods / 3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2013 10 2 4/2/2017 2/6/2019 9:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2013 38 17 ######## 6/12/2019 10:28 NW RN
The story of the little piggy who couldn't say
no / BK 6/14/2013 29 7 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2013 19 7 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2013 7 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2013 17 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
Managing your depression : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2013 11 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:53 NV NV
New bankruptcy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2013 14 8 ######## 11/6/2019 14:36 SO TS
Amazing wolves, dogs & foxes / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2013 34 12 4/7/2019 5/31/2019 12:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2013 41 8 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2013 30 7 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 IV SV
Red Riding Hood and the Sweet Little Wolf3.12E+13
/ BK 6/18/2013 36 10 ######## 4/15/2019 13:48 NV TS
A curious discovery : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2013 4 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
How to draw more manga / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2013 17 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
Crazy hot / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2013 2 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2013 8 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2013 10 4 1/2/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 10 5 8/3/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 RN RN
Abberline : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 6 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Cracked open : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NW RN
Cracked open : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 3 6/7/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 9 2 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SP RN
By some miracle I made it out of there : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 16 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 17 6 9/5/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
Short and sweet : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2013 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Su embarazo semana a semana / 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2013 4 2 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2013 34 9 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2013 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2013 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2013 21 3 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2013 14 2 1/9/2016 9/18/2019 10:52 SP RN
The rose garden / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2013 25 6 ######## 8/2/2019 8:46 IV TS
The world is a carpet : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2013 6 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Social Security, Medicare and government3.12E+13
pensions :BK 6/27/2013 16 9 2/9/2019 9/20/2019 16:54 SS NW
Dachau and the Nazi terror 1933-1945 / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2013 6 ######## 11/8/2019 13:44 SS RN
More who knew? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2013 10 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP NV
Crows / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2013 15 1 3/9/2017 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
Official 2014 blackbook price guide to United
States BK
paper money / 6/27/2013 4 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2013 12 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2013 18 5 ######## 2/4/2019 12:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2013 24 6 2/9/2019 7/24/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2013 5 3 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
Good housekeeping chicken! : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2013 1 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2013 3 2 ######## 1/12/2019 14:51 NW NV
The humans : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2013 21 3 7/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2013 37 5 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 43 13 5/4/2019 6/20/2019 12:52 SV TS
123 USA : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 23 7 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
Il Duce and his women / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 3 1 ######## 2/12/2019 13:18 RN TS
The road to burgundy : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 10 1 5/7/2015 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 5 ######## 11/8/2019 14:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 16 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 9 1 1/6/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 15 2 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 18 5 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 SO RN
Awakening : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 12 5 ######## 3/21/2019 12:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 7 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 27 9 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 12:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 2 1 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 10 1 ######## 11/9/2019 12:31 RN RN
Dark waters / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 5 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 15 2 ######## 2/4/2019 9:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 6 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
Five summers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 2 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 RN SV
Memuary / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 14 3 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 IV NW
Odd duck / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 40 5 ######## 12/20/2019 12:55 NV TS
Fires in the mirror : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2013 1 1 7/3/2013 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 0 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 9 3 ######## 7/8/2019 14:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 17 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 41 4 ######## 2/15/2019 13:08 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 5 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 14 8 ######## 9/24/2019 15:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2013 6 2 5/3/2016 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Imperfect harmony : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2013 6 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2013 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2013 20 12 5/5/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2013 5 5 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2013 8 5 ######## 4/3/2019 12:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2013 5 1/2/2016 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
Claim your own mental health : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2013 10 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NV
Memoirs of teaching the good, the bad and 3.12E+13
the inappropriate
BK : 7/11/2013 8 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
March to the sea / 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2013 17 2 ######## 7/10/2019 11:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2013 13 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2013 26 4 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2013 6 2 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2013 22 4 ######## 11/12/2019 10:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2013 7 1 ######## 9/10/2019 10:18 NV TS
The complete idiot's guide to dog tricks / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2013 7 2 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SS
Furry friends forevermore : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2013 13 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SP TS
J.R. : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2013 3 1 ######## 7/3/2019 11:20 NW SS
A slaying in Savannah : 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2013 30 8 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2013 87 20 ######## 3/22/2019 12:00 SV TS
Sixth sense : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2013 5 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SP
Dictatorships : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2013 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2013 18 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2013 12 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
American lady : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2013 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 62 5 ######## 10/30/2019 14:20 SO TS
Military flight aptitude tests for dummies /3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 6 8 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 17 8 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 22 7 2/7/2019 8/14/2019 14:06 SO TS
Life's vital link : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 57 10 5/1/2019 5/17/2019 8:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 31 7 ######## 7/26/2019 10:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2013 28 12 ######## 11/22/2019 14:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2013 7 2 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Wrong turn : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2013 6 3 4/2/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Identically different : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2013 7 3 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
The end of the suburbs : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2013 4 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
What to feed your baby : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2013 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 20 2 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Out of the egg / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:57 NV RN
Ruthie and the (not so) teeny tiny lie / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 33 6 ######## 3/7/2019 12:11 NW TS
Cats and carols / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 2 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
Robert Ballard : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 1 1 ######## 3/7/2019 14:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 1 ######## 1/2/2019 10:30 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2013 63 23 ######## 9/25/2019 10:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2013 34 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2013 8 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NW RN
If the shoe fits / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2013 11 4 2/1/2017 9/12/2019 13:38 SP RN
If the shoe fits / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2013 22 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2013 9 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
The master's muse : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2013 3 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SP
Ortho's all about building waterfalls, pools,3.12E+13
and streams
BK / 7/24/2013 1 8/6/2014 5/28/2019 14:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 59 18 ######## 1/16/2019 15:54 NW TS
Heirs and graces / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 38 7 1/9/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 33 1 9/5/2019 10/3/2019 12:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 28 9 5/1/2019 6/26/2019 14:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 25 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 15 6 ######## 3/22/2019 14:05 SP TS
Love him or leave him, but don't get stuck3.12E+13
with the tab
BK : 7/25/2013 10 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 3 3 7/5/2018 2/4/2019 10:22 SS RN
Lena's sleep sheep : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 7 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 NW RN
Lena's sleep sheep : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2013 9 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
Hyperion and the great balls of fire / 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2013 20 5 ######## 8/19/2019 10:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2013 17 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2013 47 10 ######## 5/8/2019 14:37 SS TS
Encountering gorillas : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2013 5 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2013 34 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:01 SS TS
Tampa : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2013 32 6 7/2/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
Prodigal genius : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2013 14 5 7/8/2019 11/20/2019 14:38 IV TS
This is how you fall / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2013 3 1 2/4/2014 4/30/2019 15:57 IV RN
The tower / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2013 21 9 ######## 2/1/2019 11:29 NV NW
The tender soldier : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 13 4 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SP RN
Pacific Crest Trail data book : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 20 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
The chaos imperative : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 6 2 4/4/2014 5/30/2019 14:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 24 12 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 7 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 4 1 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 9 2 ######## 3/21/2019 11:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 7 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 23 8 ######## 9/5/2019 12:39 SO TS
Box office poison / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 10 1/3/2014 5/8/2019 8:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 11 4 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 9 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SO RN
Shorecliff : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 9 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 16 5 ######## 8/21/2019 14:51 NV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 0 7/23/2019 12:24 IV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 3 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 4 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SO TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 5 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2013 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 32 5 ######## 10/3/2019 8:41 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 65 25 ######## 11/13/2019 14:49 SP TS
Famous last words / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 4 ######## 1/17/2019 16:45 RN IV
Never / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 2 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Pitching for the stars : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 1 ######## 3/28/2019 10:24 SS TS
Simms Taback's safari animals. 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 23 7 ######## 3/7/2019 14:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2013 42 7 ######## 1/17/2019 13:50 NW TS
The color master : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2013 8 3 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SO RN
Rose Harbor in bloom : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2013 44 3 ######## 10/18/2019 11:11 SS TS
Izbrannoe / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2013 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Noni is nervous / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2013 7 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NV SS
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse tales : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2013 15 1 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse tales : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2013 57 18 ######## 3/7/2019 12:07 RN TS
Wicked cruel / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2013 10 3 9/6/2017 1/23/2019 15:02 SS RN
A world of trouble / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2013 10 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 16 9 ######## 11/13/2019 10:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 20 8 ######## 11/22/2019 14:23 SP TS
Checklist for change : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 0 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
Your fatwa does not apply here : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 7 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Dozens of cousins / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 11 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
Dozens of cousins / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 2 3/8/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 23 11 ######## 11/20/2019 12:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 23 8 8/1/2019 10/17/2019 12:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 16 3 ######## 9/10/2019 10:33 SP TS
The Saturday boy / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 8 3 ######## 5/31/2019 13:43 NW TS
"Shakespeare" by another name : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 2 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:32 SS RN
Chihuahua / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 10 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
Ninjutsu : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2013 40 11 ######## 1/23/2019 16:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2013 28 8 ######## 8/5/2019 8:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2013 13 5 ######## 8/15/2019 9:08 IV TS
Ashes on the waves / 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2013 4 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2013 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2013 1 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2013 11 6 ######## 3/8/2019 13:25 SV RN
Rockhounding Nevada : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 44 5 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NW TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 3 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 1 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 1 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 4 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
That's good! That's bad! / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2013 12 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2013 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2013 24 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 9 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 41 7 ######## 5/8/2019 14:38 SO TS
The complete Jack the Ripper / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 8 2 ######## 8/20/2019 8:47 SS TS
Of dice and men : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 9 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 33 6 ######## 7/15/2019 11:28 NW TS
Forsaking all others / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 35 13 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 NV TS
One punch from the promised land : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2013 13 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:00 RN RN
Four-year colleges. #944482 BK 8/16/2013 0 8/23/2019 14:59 SP SP
Four-year colleges. #944483 BK 8/16/2013 0 8/23/2019 14:59 NV NV
Four-year colleges. #944484 BK 8/16/2013 0 8/23/2019 14:59 SS SS
Four-year colleges. #944485 BK 8/16/2013 0 8/23/2019 14:59 NW NW
Seven brave women / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2013 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Back spin / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2013 64 9 ######## 12/5/2019 13:07 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2013 20 4 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2013 14 1 6/6/2019 7/31/2019 8:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2013 17 2 8/1/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2013 47 5 ######## 10/23/2019 10:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2013 53 16 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 14:26 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2013 14 2 7/9/2019 8/23/2019 12:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2013 6 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2013 37 11 ######## 3/28/2019 12:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2013 15 8 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2013 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2013 27 7 ######## 8/22/2019 15:04 NV TS
Fodor's U.S. and British Virgin Islands. 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2013 12 3 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 RN RN
Hollywood, dead ahead / 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2013 10 3 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 SV NW
Scaredy Squirrel prepares for Halloween : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2013 13 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2013 19 8 ######## 7/9/2019 16:45 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2013 4 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2013 2 2 7/5/2017 9/17/2019 15:05 SS RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2013 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2013 26 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2013 14 3 ######## 9/16/2019 13:08 NV RN
The tale of the Flopsy Bunnies 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2013 6 5 ######## 10/3/2019 15:06 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 7 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 NW RN
For discrimination : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 5 1 ######## 5/9/2019 8:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 11 1 ######## 9/16/2019 13:06 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 13 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Batik and tie dye techniques / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 6 1 ######## 8/22/2019 15:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 24 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 23 12 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 25 7 8/3/2019 10/3/2019 8:29 SV TS
Thrice told tales / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 1 9/3/2015 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
24 karat etiquette : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 10 3 ######## 7/16/2019 13:50 SP TS
JAMerica : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 5 3 8/6/2014 7/1/2019 11:09 SV SS
Navigating the complexities of stroke / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 3 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
All the land to hold us / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2013 14 9/9/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 SO RN
A colossal wreck : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2013 11 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2013 8 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
The boy on the porch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 20 7 ######## 5/14/2019 9:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 56 15 2/4/2019 4/25/2019 11:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 22 5 3/2/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 5 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 7 3 ######## 4/25/2019 10:37 SV TS
When Charley met Grampa / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 RN RN
When Charley met Grampa / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 5 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:34 SP RN
The Statesman's yearbook. 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2013 0 3/26/2019 10:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 29 8 2/6/2019 10/30/2019 12:41 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 16 3 ######## 9/6/2019 13:45 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 21 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 14 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 22 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2013 38 8 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 NV TS
Abby Cadabby up and down / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 44 12 ######## 6/28/2019 12:56 SP TS
Here comes Super Grover! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 26 11 ######## 6/28/2019 12:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 15 5 ######## 8/1/2019 10:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 13 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 16 4 ######## 6/26/2019 14:11 RN TS
The secret of life wellness : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 11 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:52 RN TS
Floating city : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2013 8 9/5/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
Remembering Roy E. Disney : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 10 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SO RN
Treasury's war : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 11 2 2/2/2016 6/4/2019 14:06 NW RN
In too deep / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 4 ######## 1/23/2019 14:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 7 ######## 9/5/2019 10:45 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 9 3 ######## 1/15/2019 15:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 3 7/6/2016 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
Reboot / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 17 5 ######## 8/7/2019 13:26 SS TS
Saint-Saëns's Danse macabre / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 8 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:59 SS RN
Things that float and things that don't / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 14 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 NV RN
Wild awake / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 4 3 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 13 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
The cat with seven names / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 7 3/8/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
The circus and other stories : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 9 1 9/7/2017 2/6/2019 15:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 7 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:55 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
Stargazey point / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 17 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 9 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SP RN
The prayer box / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 14 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SO
The prayer box / 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 24 6 ######## 9/16/2019 14:12 SP TS
The big beautiful brown rice cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 19 8 ######## 8/22/2019 15:00 SO TS
Leonard Maltin's movie guide, 2014 edition3.12E+13
: BK 9/6/2013 16 5 ######## 9/5/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2013 15 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Tell me / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2013 34 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
Photographer's market. 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2013 10 3 ######## 9/17/2019 10:45 RN SP
Ruby Redfort, mÃ-rame a los ojos / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2013 4 2 ######## 3/16/2019 12:06 SO SO
Ruby Redfort, mÃ-rame a los ojos / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2013 0 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Why photography matters / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2013 2 1 ######## 7/15/2019 10:27 SP RN
Enemy of oceans / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2013 13 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2013 7 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
My brother is a big, fat liar / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2013 25 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 18 5 7/5/2016 4/10/2019 10:18 NW RN
The remarriage blueprint : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 4 3/1/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 10 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
No plan B : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 7 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:05 NW RN
Fourth and long : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 11 2 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 13 2 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
Killing Custer / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 27 5 ######## 12/5/2019 13:00 NW TS
Monsters, Inc. / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 14 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SP
A guide to Chinese horoscopes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 12 1 ######## 3/6/2019 10:37 SO NV
The New Robert's rules of order : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2013 6 4 ######## 3/14/2019 10:29 SO TS
The Angola Horror : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 8 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
The taming of the tights / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 6 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NW SV
Draw alien fantasies : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 14 1 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 25 11 4/3/2019 5/14/2019 10:40 SV TS
Hocus Pocus takes the train / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 6 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 35 2 ######## 3/22/2019 14:20 SS TS
The strangers / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 13 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SS RN
The adventures of Franklin and friends : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 26 11 ######## 12/20/2019 15:43 IV TS
The beauty of broken : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 5 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SO RN
Maisy's first numbers : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 25 5 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SV
Others of my kind : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 14 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
Southern cross the dog : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2013 5 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 46 12 ######## 9/25/2019 10:05 NV TS
What happens next? : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 57 13 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
Red apple, green pear : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 47 13 ######## 1/23/2019 16:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 7 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SP
City of the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 4 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
Two times as hot / 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 16 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:54 SS TS
The coming bond market collapse : 3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2013 10 4 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2013 39 9 ######## 6/25/2019 16:38 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2013 13 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 20 3 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 22 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 36 5 1/3/2019 1/29/2019 13:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 17 1 3/2/2018 6/11/2019 8:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 15 3 ######## 4/3/2019 13:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 25 6 1/9/2018 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
Flo and Wendell / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 6 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:27 IV IV
Balaboosta / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 23 4 ######## 5/3/2019 9:05 SV TS
Chasing shadows / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 6 1 8/3/2014 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 1 9/8/2016 3/4/2019 17:47 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 16 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 29 5 6/7/2019 7/17/2019 11:02 RN TS
Four feet tall and rising : 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 2 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 1 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 IV RN
Space mysteries = 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2013 4 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:03 SV RN
Divine secrets of the ta-ta sisterhood : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2013 4 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SV RN
Making the team / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2013 9 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2013 6 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 17 9 ######## 12/9/2019 7:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 18 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
The unforgettable photograph : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 7 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 20 8 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 9 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Hearts and minds : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 3 3 4/2/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 7 3 4/3/2017 11/13/2019 11:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 6 1 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2013 7 3 2/9/2016 2/4/2019 14:40 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2013 8 1 ######## 11/7/2019 14:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2013 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2013 3 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2013 2 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Ruby's baby brother / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2013 16 ######## 9/10/2019 12:19 SP TS
Cracking the GED / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2013 17 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 0 7/23/2019 12:24 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 5 7/3/2018 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 3 1 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2013 45 15 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SV TS
Public enemy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 9 1 6/5/2016 5/29/2019 15:19 SP RN
Public enemy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 5 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SO RN
Wild cards / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 13 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SS
Biscuit's Christmas storybook collection / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 41 9 5/1/2019 11/12/2019 10:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 11 1 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 18 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 32 8 ######## 6/25/2019 15:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 5 2 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
Yiddish dictionary and phrasebook : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 5 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Perfect ruin / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 16 4 ######## 8/2/2019 16:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 7 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2013 18 5 ######## 1/22/2019 11:31 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 18 9 ######## 6/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 42 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 17 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 32 3 ######## 11/21/2019 10:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 21 3/3/2018 3/20/2019 14:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 29 5 7/5/2019 9/16/2019 14:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 43 10 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 IV TS
The extra / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 1 1 8/8/2014 5/23/2019 16:51 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 10 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Africa is my home : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 2 ######## 3/16/2019 11:59 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 19 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 15 2 3/1/2017 2/2/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 49 18 ######## 3/28/2019 12:42 IV TS
Charlie Bumpers vs. the Teacher of the Year 3.12E+13
/ BK 9/27/2013 1 2/4/2017 1/22/2019 11:31 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 4 ######## 2/6/2019 9:41 SV RN
Sasquatch in the paint / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
Sasquatch in the paint / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 7 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
Secret pizza party / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 48 14 ######## 4/25/2019 11:27 NW TS
What I came to tell you / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 14 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 2 9/9/2014 2/6/2019 9:42 NV RN
Young Frank, architect / 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 9 1 7/7/2016 2/6/2019 13:27 NW IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Nolo's guide to social security disability : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2013 14 5 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
How to outwit witches / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2013 52 13 ######## 7/8/2019 14:58 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 15 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 15 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 13 8 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Atlas of human anatomy for the artist / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 6 4 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
Fighting for our health : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 0 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
The interloper : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 8 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
Jacob's oath : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 11 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 NW RN
Jacob's oath : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 6 1 2/8/2014 4/30/2019 15:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 11 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 NV RN
Confessions of a so-called middle child / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Heroes in the night : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NV SS
Fodor's France. 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 21 5 ######## 1/31/2019 10:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2013 45 9 ######## 4/12/2019 11:22 NV TS
This is the day : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 1 3/9/2015 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
CLEP information systems & computer applications
3.12E+13 /BK 10/3/2013 0 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
SAT chemistry subject test crash course / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 18 13 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 16 9 ######## 8/14/2019 9:39 NW RN
Poker face : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 8 6 2/5/2019 11/13/2019 10:44 RN TS
Thunderous silence : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 6 3 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
The honored society : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 11 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 20 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Flight of the honey bee / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 15 6 7/6/2019 9/10/2019 12:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 2 5/7/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SP SS
Lola goes to work : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 3 1 8/3/2015 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 3 1 ######## 8/2/2019 12:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 4 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 NV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
Fodor's San Francisco. 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 13 9 ######## 4/20/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2013 17 15 ######## 11/12/2019 7:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 7 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 32 7 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 24 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
Gimme something better : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 9 6 ######## 6/26/2019 11:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 12 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
The healthy girl's guide to breast cancer / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Levels of life / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2013 10 4 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2013 7 2 7/3/2016 2/23/2019 15:06 NW SP
Can you say catastrophe? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2013 7 4 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2013 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 SS IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2013 33 6 ######## 12/20/2019 9:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2013 17 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2013 23 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2013 9 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SO RN
Tumble and fall / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2013 7 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SO RN
Reaper / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2013 1 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Origami in action : 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2013 13 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2013 52 13 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 SP RN
Blood wedding / 3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2013 18 1 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2013 11 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2013 15 7 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 20 1 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
The wolves of midwinter : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 16 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 16 2 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 IV TS
101 law forms for personal use / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 18 10 ######## 11/6/2019 14:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 18 7 ######## 8/1/2019 15:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 22 9 ######## 9/26/2019 13:14 RN TS
The new food lover's companion / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 2 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2013 12 3 4/2/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 SV RN
Making Masterpiece : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 9 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 22 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 8 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 13 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 RN SP
Numbed! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 6 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 SP RN
Numbed! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 13 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 NW RN
Breast cancer journey : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 9 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 7 2 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 4 3 ######## 4/23/2019 14:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 4 1 4/3/2018 2/13/2019 14:14 NW TS
What to expect when you're expecting / 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 8 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SP
Expecting 411 : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 19 5 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 10 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 10 7 4/3/2018 10/21/2019 11:31 NW RN
You, the owner's manual for teens : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2013 3 1 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SS SS
Grave images / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 9 6 2/2/2017 3/9/2019 13:48 IV SP
Anton and Cecil : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 9 3 6/7/2019 7/25/2019 16:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 11 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SS
Brewing up a business : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 2 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 IV RN
This is why you're fat (and how to get thin3.12E+13
forever) : BK 10/15/2013 5 2 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
The angry child : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2013 6 1 ######## 6/18/2019 8:11 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2013 16 2 ######## 10/2/2019 10:55 SV TS
Alone together : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2013 13 4 ######## 4/10/2019 8:19 SP TS
Franklin in the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2013 4 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Franklin in the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2013 16 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2013 2 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:43 IV SP
The animal book : 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2013 16 5 ######## 11/22/2019 15:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2013 12 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 RN SV
Who goes there? / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2013 40 4 ######## 11/20/2019 13:33 NW TS
The hit / 3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2013 59 10 ######## 12/13/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2013 22 3 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2013 36 7 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2013 26 7 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SV TS
Vanished : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 17 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 6 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 11 8 ######## 5/28/2019 11:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 17 4 9/3/2019 9/16/2019 13:23 RN TS
Lincoln in the world : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 7 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SP RN
Their life's work : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 7 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW IV
The squared circle : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 11 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2013 8 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:16 SV NW
Ingenious : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 6 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:23 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 11 1 1/3/2016 5/3/2019 17:21 RN RN
The valley of amazement / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 45 6 6/4/2019 8/12/2019 14:22 IV TS
Parkinson's disease : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 13 7 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NW TS
New and selected poems / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 2 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 9 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SV SS
Teatime for the firefly : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2013 13 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SO RN
The Vietnam War : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 4 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
World's ultimate cycling races : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 1 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
Blackout / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 5 4 ######## 3/16/2019 12:02 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 5 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 9 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
God got a dog / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 4 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Nickel Bay Nick / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 SS RN
The sound of your voice, only really far away
/ BK 10/25/2013 7 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Time trapped / 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 11 2 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 47 10 ######## 11/20/2019 12:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2013 14 1 3/7/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2013 8 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2013 10 2 ######## 2/4/2019 8:08 RN TS
Henry Darger, throwaway boy : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2013 4 1 5/3/2015 5/30/2019 14:31 SP RN
Walt Disney World / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2013 24 11 ######## 10/3/2019 14:13 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2013 25 6 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SO RN
Maximilian & the bingo rematch : 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2013 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
MCAT physics review notes. 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2013 10 2 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 NW SP
MCAT organic chemistry review notes. 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2013 10 6 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 SP TS
MCAT biology review notes. 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2013 15 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2013 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2013 47 11 3/4/2019 4/12/2019 10:42 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2013 31 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2013 54 19 ######## 11/15/2019 12:24 RN RN
Anubis speaks! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 10 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 6 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:36 IV RN
I know a lot! 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 18 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 9 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 28 7 6/7/2019 6/20/2019 13:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 21 4 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
Heart : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 7 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 22 2 ######## 9/25/2019 14:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 77 14 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 RN TS
Happy, happy, happy : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 11 1 5/8/2019 10/4/2019 9:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2013 30 5 1/4/2019 9/11/2019 13:43 RN RN
Double dribble / 3.12E+13 BK 11/2/2013 2 5/1/2014 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2013 23 2 9/3/2019 9/26/2019 13:15 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2013 13 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2013 17 3 ######## 9/24/2019 10:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2013 28 3 ######## 12/20/2019 9:47 SV TS
Fodor's Ireland. 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2013 23 10 ######## 9/16/2019 9:11 NV TS
1000 home details : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 33 7 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 28 9 ######## 2/11/2019 8:21 RN RN
The crash of 2016 : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 16 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Birth school Metallica death : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 9 5 ######## 9/27/2019 9:53 NW TS
Complete guide to prescription and nonprescription
3.12E+13 BK
drugs. 11/5/2013 8 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
The secret language of color : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 27 14 ######## 10/18/2019 8:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 6 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
World's ultimate running races : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 4 ######## 11/1/2019 15:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 17 5 ######## 11/22/2019 8:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2013 9 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 7 3 ######## 1/30/2019 15:40 SP RN
A permanent member of the family / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 13 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 18 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 52 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:12 IV TS
Red fortress : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 12 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
House beautiful color : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 4 1 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The street politics of abortion : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 4 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SV RN
Yoga XXL : 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 15 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 12 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2013 27 5 ######## 11/21/2019 10:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 20 5 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
Grounded : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 14 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Choosing sides : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 7 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
What will it take to make a woman president?
: BK 11/7/2013 4 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 TR RN
When the horses whisper : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 6 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 23 9 ######## 5/9/2019 7:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 28 5 ######## 5/17/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 39 8 ######## 5/24/2019 7:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 49 4 7/8/2019 8/22/2019 9:43 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2013 18 6 1/4/2019 2/20/2019 12:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2013 0 1/23/2019 11:01 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2013 7 2 9/7/2016 3/12/2019 10:23 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2013 68 26 ######## 8/2/2019 12:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/11/2013 28 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/11/2013 19 3 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 SV RN
Murder by sunlight : 3.12E+13 BK 11/11/2013 12 1 ######## 9/23/2019 12:37 SV RN
The fashion book. 3.12E+13 BK 11/11/2013 5 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
J.K. Lasser's your income tax 2014 : 3.12E+13 BK 11/11/2013 2 2 ######## 11/19/2019 14:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2013 13 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 NW TS
From rags to restaurants : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2013 8 5 ######## 4/22/2019 10:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2013 34 16 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SV TS
A book of hugs 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2013 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Old hat, new hat 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2013 25 7 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Meditating : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2013 9 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 RN RN
Luxe fashion : 3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2013 5 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2013 8 3 2/7/2017 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2013 34 10 3/6/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
The execution shortcut : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2013 2 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
Crash into you / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2013 7 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2013 18 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2013 30 9 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 SO RN
Soft hay will catch you : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2013 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 72 13 ######## 12/13/2019 8:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 37 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 16 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 10 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Woodcarving : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 5 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:52 IV NV
Outpatient weight-loss surgery : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 6 2 9/9/2019 12/3/2019 14:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 16 13 ######## 2/8/2019 8:22 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 21 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
So many bunnies : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2013 24 12 ######## 4/23/2019 9:21 NV TS
Oh say can you say what's the weather today?
: BK 11/20/2013 8 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2013 9 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:28 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2013 10 3 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2013 48 13 ######## 2/15/2019 13:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2013 74 16 ######## 1/16/2019 15:41 NW TS
Fodor's China. 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2013 12 6 ######## 9/24/2019 9:00 SC TS
Frommer's easyguide to Las Vegas 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2013 14 6 ######## 4/23/2019 13:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2013 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Mosaics / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2013 3 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2013 31 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV NV
Fracking / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SO RN
Escape from communist heaven : 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 4 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
Jet Black and the ninja wind / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
Ketchup clouds : 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 3 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SV RN
Man made Boy / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 0 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Red / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 6 ######## 3/21/2019 11:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2013 5 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Fifteen minutes 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2013 20 8 ######## 5/8/2019 14:49 SP TS
Herbal antibiotics : 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2013 21 9 ######## 6/26/2019 11:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2013 10 1 ######## 9/12/2019 14:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2013 1 6/2/2016 1/30/2019 15:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 36 7 1/3/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 17 5 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Ready to die : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 17 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
Knock knock : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 9 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 6 3 ######## 5/20/2019 12:43 NW RN
3 gates of the dead / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 19 3 ######## 2/5/2019 15:16 NV SP
I love you more 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 59 13 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 NW RN
This little hamster 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 65 5 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:16 SV TS
Pete the cat : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 72 11 ######## 5/14/2019 10:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 60 16 ######## 1/15/2019 16:11 SS TS
The World Book encyclopedia : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 3 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 VE TS
The World Book encyclopedia : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2013 1 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2013 9 4 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 IV SV
Holland / 3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2013 15 2 ######## 5/31/2019 12:55 SV TS
Ancient Egypt : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2013 10 4 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NV TS
Horologicon : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2013 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 RN RN
Everything's coming up profits : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2013 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
Mollie makes crochet : 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2013 13 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2013 4 1 8/8/2017 10/12/2019 11:51 NV RN
The boy who learned upside down : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 24 11 ######## 8/19/2019 9:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 0 2/20/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 45 14 ######## 12/20/2019 10:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 7 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 4 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 37 13 ######## 8/2/2019 13:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 22 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 41 8 2/1/2019 3/22/2019 12:07 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 20 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 10 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
The world's smallest country and other geography
BK / 12/9/2013 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 8 6 9/6/2016 4/9/2019 11:21 SO SS
Amy's three best things / 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 3 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 8 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 4 1 ######## 2/7/2019 15:34 IV IV
Mickey Price : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 2 1 ######## 2/7/2019 16:29 SP SP
Mickey Price : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2013 4 1 7/6/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Dangerous women / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2013 35 11 ######## 9/24/2019 10:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2013 16 2 ######## 9/18/2019 11:21 RN RN
Lick the bowl good : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2013 10 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 TR SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2013 21 12 ######## 7/9/2019 15:16 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2013 5 4 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2013 20 1 8/2/2019 11/1/2019 14:26 IV SV
Roomies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2013 4 2 2/6/2016 4/3/2019 14:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2013 33 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 SO RN
Lives of the pirates : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2013 3 1 7/5/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
I'm not a pig in underpants / 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2013 19 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SV
Ten in the bed : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2013 65 12 ######## 1/15/2019 16:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2013 4 ######## 2/5/2019 14:19 NV RN
The purity of vengeance : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 28 4 ######## 3/16/2019 14:23 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 13 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 11 4 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 12 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:07 NV RN
Fail fast, fail often : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 10 6 ######## 9/16/2019 13:25 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 3 ######## 2/5/2019 11:05 NV RN
Revolutionary Iran : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 4 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 RN SS
Let me off at the top! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 5 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 42 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:26 NW TS
Moon forest / 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 29 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:41 SO RN
Princess Penelope and the runaway kitten3.12E+13
/ BK 12/16/2013 16 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 14 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 21 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
A reluctant spirit : 3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2013 15 8 3/6/2018 6/27/2019 14:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2013 24 11 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
North and South Korea / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2013 10 3 ######## 11/13/2019 14:19 SP TS
North and South Korea / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2013 6 2 ######## 6/6/2019 15:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2013 3 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:07 IV RN
Day of the Wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2013 23 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 54 15 ######## 4/25/2019 11:34 IV TS
Angel fever / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 8 4 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SP RN
Backwards / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 3 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
Little red lies / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 5 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 11 5 ######## 4/11/2019 18:05 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 RN RN
Paw prints at Owl Cottage : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 12 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SO RN
The sultan's tigers / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 3 ######## 1/25/2019 17:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 6 2 3/6/2015 3/4/2019 17:17 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 14 7 ######## 3/21/2019 13:27 SO TS
Big hug for Little Cub 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 35 7 ######## 2/20/2019 15:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 11 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 12 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:20 RN RN
Ming's adventure with the Terracotta Army3.12E+13
/ BK 12/19/2013 20 6 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
Txtng mama txtng baby 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 9 ######## 1/16/2019 13:11 SO SV
Dinosaur Christmas / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 42 7 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 15:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 37 4 ######## 8/14/2019 14:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 6 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SV
The magic ball of wool / 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2013 21 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 SO RN
Radiance of tomorrow / 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2013 13 5 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
Secrets : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2013 16 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
Dust 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2013 39 7 ######## 11/21/2019 10:12 SP TS
The power of glamour : 3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2013 7 2 ######## 4/23/2019 9:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2013 14 5 ######## 9/24/2019 10:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 33 15 ######## 7/29/2019 8:46 SO TS
The bird skinner : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 13 3 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 10 5 ######## 1/12/2019 14:51 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 52 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 2 3/3/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 2 1 9/6/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 42 12 ######## 9/25/2019 10:05 NV TS
Revelations / 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 7 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 54 10 2/5/2019 3/22/2019 12:16 IV TS
The Osiris curse : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 5 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 14 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 RN RN
Big book of why : 3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2013 9 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
Dedicated to God : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2013 9 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2013 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 18 2 8/1/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SO
River road / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 23 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SS TS
Standup guy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 39 4 ######## 9/26/2019 13:09 NW TS
Standup guy / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 39 3 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 54 9 8/1/2019 9/24/2019 10:49 SO TS
From dust to life : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 15 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Audience : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 17 12 ######## 6/6/2019 15:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 5 1 9/5/2014 5/30/2019 11:01 SS SS
Benjamin Franklin's bastard / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 10 3 6/3/2014 8/21/2019 12:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 5 3 ######## 9/10/2019 11:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 15 6 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 9 4 9/4/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 6 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 6 4 ######## 5/24/2019 13:07 SP RN
All fall down 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 18 9 ######## 11/30/2019 10:15 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 6 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 16 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 10 3 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
While it lasts / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2013 9 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2013 16 2 ######## 8/23/2019 13:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 15 4 3/7/2016 5/28/2019 8:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 12 2 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 13 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 15 3 1/9/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 2 1 3/4/2015 2/23/2019 11:43 SP SP
Andrew Luck / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 4 9/4/2018 2/8/2019 7:56 SP RN
Joe Flacco / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 3 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
Robert Griffin III / 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 SV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Quick and nimble : 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 4 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SV SS
Home sweet home 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 23 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SS
Primeras 100 palabras = 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 24 9 ######## 1/16/2019 15:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 16 3 7/8/2019 7/31/2019 8:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 12 3 ######## 9/12/2019 14:15 SV RN
Covenant with hell : 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 7 3 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 8 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2014 10 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SS RN
Stay : 3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2014 9 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 8 5 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
The red pyramid / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 25 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
The serpent's shadow / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 21 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SS
The throne of fire / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 21 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 11 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 19 3 ######## 8/19/2019 10:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 17 2 ######## 7/17/2019 10:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 IV RN
Springtime baby 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 36 7 ######## 3/28/2019 10:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 15 2 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 NV RN
Touched by fire / 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 5 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SP SS
The world is what it is : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2014 0 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2014 15 6 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2014 28 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 RN TS
Amity & Sorrow : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2014 9 4 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 NV RN
Silver bells / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2014 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 TS NW
A medal for Leroy / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 2 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Living without the one you cannot live without
: BK 1/9/2014 3 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 3 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
Attracting beneficial bugs to your garden :3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 14 5 ######## 9/24/2019 10:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 8 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 4 2 1/9/2016 1/3/2019 9:58 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 30 4 ######## 8/14/2019 9:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 24 14 6/5/2019 7/10/2019 10:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 2 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 4 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 57 9 ######## 11/13/2019 15:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2014 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2014 10 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Big bang disruption : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2014 5 4 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SO RN
White witch, black curse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2014 12 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2014 16 4 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2014 39 10 6/3/2019 7/25/2019 15:39 NV TS
The anarchist cookbook / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 25 13 ######## 11/20/2019 14:42 RN TS
Thea Stilton and the Spanish dance mission
/ BK 1/15/2014 65 25 1/8/2019 2/23/2019 14:35 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 20 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
From Russia, with love / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 19 6 ######## 7/15/2019 12:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 28 11 6/8/2019 7/17/2019 11:00 SO TS
Return to Paradise / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 17 3 ######## 10/2/2019 10:09 SS TS
The complete idiot's guide to understanding
BK / 1/15/2014 8 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Clara Bow : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 13 7 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2014 3 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
The guts / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 13 3 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 7 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 4 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
What works for women at work : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 6 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:37 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 1 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 3 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 4 2 ######## 1/8/2019 14:40 SS SP
Drone pilot / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 6 2 8/4/2017 8/20/2019 14:30 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
Sexually transmitted diseases / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:45 SS RN
Endless knight / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 12 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SO
Because I stubbed my toe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 47 9 ######## 1/17/2019 15:17 SP TS
Because I stubbed my toe / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 39 7 ######## 4/23/2019 9:38 SS TS
How Roland rolls / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 25 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 32 10 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
The seesaw / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 11 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 26 12 ######## 6/27/2019 15:09 IV TS
Unafraid of the dark : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Peter Cottontail 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 12 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
Dora's three little fairy tales 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 19 2 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2014 28 10 ######## 7/17/2019 11:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2014 10 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2014 30 6 2/8/2019 5/10/2019 7:53 NV RN
The Port Chicago 50 : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 5 4 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 20 10 9/4/2019 11/13/2019 13:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 41 9 6/7/2019 7/10/2019 9:36 SO TS
Colin Kaepernick / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 12 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:30 SO TR
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 37 17 6/8/2019 7/10/2019 11:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 9 4 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
Lucy at sea / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
Lucy at sea / 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 7 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 12 5 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 0 2/22/2019 9:25 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 0 2/1/2019 13:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 4 1 ######## 6/28/2019 15:29 RN TS
Expressing the inner wild : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 3 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2014 2 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 30 8 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 8:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 17 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 32 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 21 1 6/6/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 10 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SP
The queen's dwarf : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 13 4 ######## 11/21/2019 10:11 NW TS
Pray and grow rich / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 7 3 3/5/2018 6/24/2019 11:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 8 7 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 6 ######## 8/17/2019 12:48 SS RN
Fear nothing : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 42 5 5/2/2019 6/4/2019 11:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 30 1 6/7/2018 7/25/2019 12:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 51 8 ######## 12/20/2019 8:49 IV TS
The Party's over : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2014 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Leadership 2030 : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 10 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 30 4 ######## 10/30/2019 14:19 IV TS
American fun : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 4 3 7/1/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 19 1 1/3/2017 8/21/2019 14:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 22 6 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SO RN
The one one one diet : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 12 3 ######## 1/24/2019 12:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 7 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
It is time for... 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 49 13 ######## 2/20/2019 15:53 SO TS
It is time for... 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 34 18 ######## 2/11/2019 11:41 SS RN
Shapes that go 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2014 24 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
Lion plays rough : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 13 2 5/9/2015 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 6 3 ######## 5/24/2019 12:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 5 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 23 6 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 8 7/7/2017 4/3/2019 10:42 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 2 ######## 1/12/2019 10:37 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 2 5/3/2016 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
Guatemala / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 6 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
Guatemala / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 2 1 ######## 3/22/2019 11:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 2 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Road to reckoning : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 12 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 13 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 10 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 3 3 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 12 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 37 16 ######## 3/22/2019 14:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 0 2/22/2019 9:38 SV SV
Reggie-12 / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 30 7 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2014 28 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:17 RN TS
Restoring valor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2014 6 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
Drywall : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2014 3 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
Painting and wallpapering : 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2014 2 1 ######## 6/4/2019 13:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2014 4 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
The swan gondola : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 7 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 42 4 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 SS RN
Extreme medicine : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 9 2 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SO RN
Grind joint / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 8 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 16 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 10 1 2/2/2016 9/18/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 22 7 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SS TS
Forgiving the angel : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 12 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 12 3 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 7 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 10 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 NV RN
The wind is not a river : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2014 13 2 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 IV RN
Dark Lord : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2014 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2014 28 5 6/7/2019 7/17/2019 12:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2014 15 2 ######## 3/14/2019 12:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2014 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 20 1 8/6/2017 9/11/2019 13:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 3 ######## 9/16/2019 12:57 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 22 1 ######## 1/2/2019 11:47 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 6 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
The antidote : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 7 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP RN
Backpacker magazine's outdoor survival stories
and the
BK lessons learned / 1/31/2014 3 1 7/2/2016 1/9/2019 8:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 9 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 RN RN
The global war for internet governance / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 4 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SO SS
Salaam, love : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 3 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 9 3/6/2017 7/23/2019 9:05 SO TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2014 0 7/23/2019 12:24 SS SS
Mindless : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2014 10 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Mindless : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2014 12 5 ######## 8/6/2019 9:55 SS RN
Everything's eventual : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2014 11 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2014 14 3 ######## 10/15/2019 8:33 IV TR
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2014 16 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 12 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 34 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 11 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 47 18 ######## 1/16/2019 15:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 13 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 28 10 ######## 9/6/2019 11:37 SP TS
Feral Curse / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 5 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 34 9 ######## 3/21/2019 12:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 9:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 14 3 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 2 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
Goth craft : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 10 2 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 19 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 15 1 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 12:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 13 4 ######## 11/13/2019 10:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2014 16 3 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2014 39 2 7/6/2018 4/26/2019 8:30 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2014 28 6 ######## 9/5/2019 13:06 IV TS
Operation Bunny / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 2 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 4 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 6 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 13 ######## 9/18/2019 14:27 SP RN
Global baby girls : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 39 13 6/7/2019 8/12/2019 14:56 NW SS
Global baby girls : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 23 10 ######## 7/11/2019 9:40 IV TS
How to barter for paradise : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 6 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SV SS
Possessions and exorcisms / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 2 1 9/8/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 28 11 7/3/2019 7/15/2019 9:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 30 6 6/6/2019 8/7/2019 13:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 2 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Ranger's law : 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 13 6 ######## 6/10/2019 8:44 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 9 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2014 12 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
The organic God / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2014 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:20 RN RN
Look, I made a hat : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2014 3 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 RN RN
Return to the Big Fancy : 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2014 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2014 20 6 ######## 7/16/2019 16:29 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 12 2 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 12 6 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
The runaway saint / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 11 4/7/2015 2/23/2019 15:50 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 9 3 4/9/2015 3/9/2019 10:44 RN SP
It's a jungle in there : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 6 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Did the Romans eat chips? : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 16 2 4/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 11 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 5 5 ######## 3/25/2019 7:58 SP TS
Essential first steps for parents of children3.12E+13
with autism
BK : 2/12/2014 4 1 ######## 10/16/2019 10:40 RN RN
The heroin diaries : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2014 13 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2014 2 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2014 16 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2014 14 11 7/5/2019 7/16/2019 11:14 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2014 37 7 ######## 10/23/2019 8:38 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 16 2 4/8/2017 1/29/2019 16:33 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 20 5 ######## 8/27/2019 16:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 17 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 15 2 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 15 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 26 6 ######## 7/8/2019 15:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 4 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 51 21 ######## 3/7/2019 11:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 4 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 2 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 7 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 SS RN
Erased / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 8 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 RN RN
The hit / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 3 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
The hit / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 19 5 ######## 8/22/2019 16:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2014 11 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2014 4 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2014 4 ######## 3/14/2019 12:06 SS TS
Family guide Washington, DC / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 29 10 ######## 1/18/2019 8:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 5 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 13 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 23 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 6 3 8/1/2017 9/12/2019 12:09 SV RN
The chase : 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 39 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 12 5 4/4/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 20 4 ######## 1/23/2019 9:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 7 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2014 51 11 ######## 11/21/2019 10:16 RN TS
Me and my dragon : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Grim / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 11 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 39 11 7/1/2019 7/17/2019 11:42 RN TS
My new gender workbook : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 4 2 ######## 10/12/2019 12:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 5 1 ######## 8/19/2019 9:22 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 6 3 ######## 5/31/2019 12:11 SV TS
Farmed fish / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 12 11 ######## 11/20/2019 12:37 SV TS
Learning and sharing with a wiki / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 2 1 1/4/2019 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Learning and sharing with a wiki / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 1 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 SO SV
Rice / 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 1 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 10 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 13 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 12 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 18 5 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 8 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 19 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 7 1 ######## 9/10/2019 11:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 17 7 ######## 9/10/2019 10:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 3 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2014 11 5 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
The hanged man's song / 3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2014 40 7 ######## 11/22/2019 8:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2014 76 19 ######## 8/22/2019 16:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2014 15 7/7/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 NV VE
The car book 2014 / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2014 6 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2014 52 6 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2014 17 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SC
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2014 36 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2014 64 15 1/4/2019 3/7/2019 11:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2014 11 14 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2014 13 5 8/7/2019 8/15/2019 13:28 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2014 1 1 5/1/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
Pro iOS table views : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2014 3 3 ######## 11/6/2019 14:37 IV TS
The thoughts and happenings of Wilfred Price,
BK of superior funerals / 2/28/2014 3 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SO RN
The broken and the whole : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2014 13 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SV SS
Apples for jam : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2014 8 6 ######## 3/6/2019 13:57 SO TS
Fodor's Colorado. 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2014 22 8 ######## 9/24/2019 9:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 30 6 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 5 2/8/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 1 5/3/2015 5/22/2019 13:37 RN SS
All about Indonesia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 3 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:45 SS SP
All about Indonesia : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 2 2/5/2017 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 29 3 2/4/2017 2/2/2019 10:41 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 9 4 4/2/2019 9/10/2019 14:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 8 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 8 3 1/5/2017 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 4 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 2 1 6/6/2015 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:26 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 6 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Laptops for seniors for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 15 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 55 17 1/9/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 9 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
The naked future : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2014 8 3 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 RN SS
False diamond : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2014 9 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
The poisoned pawn : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2014 10 2 5/8/2015 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
The poisoned pawn : 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2014 13 3 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NW RN
Corduroy's Merry Christmas 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2014 21 3 ######## 4/23/2019 13:20 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2014 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 15:38 IV IV
Welcome to South Africa / 3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2014 4 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 25 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 1 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 IV RN
Hold tight gently : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 2 1 5/1/2014 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 17 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SV RN
They danced by the light of the moon : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 14 2 2/4/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 20 2 ######## 9/25/2019 15:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 14 2 8/1/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 NW RN
Mogul, mom, and maid : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 13 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2014 10 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 14 3 ######## 8/19/2019 10:40 SV TS
Muddy, mud, Bud / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 27 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:29 SS TS
Muddy, mud, Bud / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 21 6 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 26 6 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 13 9 ######## 5/31/2019 13:48 NW TS
Ladybug Girl says good night 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 67 28 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 26 5 ######## 6/28/2019 14:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 4 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
The great day / 3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 13 2 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 3 1 3/5/2015 1/22/2019 15:15 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 23 9 ######## 7/11/2019 9:56 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2014 23 6 ######## 11/13/2019 11:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2014 4 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SP SV
How to clear your home of ghosts and spirits
: BK 3/11/2014 14 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
The 4 chord country songbook. 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2014 5 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
Top 100 classic worship songbook. 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2014 1 1 ######## 11/15/2019 14:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2014 13 3 ######## 9/20/2019 15:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2014 13 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2014 7 4 1/6/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2014 8 3 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2014 24 6 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 35 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 4 1 ######## 10/12/2019 12:29 RN RN
Reason in a dark time : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SS RN
Reason in a dark time : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
84, Charing Cross Road / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 4 2/9/2017 6/22/2019 11:16 SS RN
The second sex / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 16 12 ######## 11/13/2019 10:46 SS TS
Boy Scouts of America 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 1 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
10% happier : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 57 8 ######## 4/17/2019 9:52 RN TS
Daft Punk : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 3 2 ######## 12/9/2019 6:54 TR TS
Slavery's exiles : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 10 2 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SP TS
McGraw-Hill's ASVAB : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 6 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
McGraw-Hill's ASVAB : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 12 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 3 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Mistaken identity / 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2014 15 6 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 8:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2014 36 5 ######## 4/23/2019 9:25 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2014 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR SP
Untold / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2014 3 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 12 4 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 NW VE
Pope Francis : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
Pope Francis : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 2 ######## 3/28/2019 11:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 10 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 SV TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 4 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 7 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 4 2 6/3/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
The dragon king / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 RN VE
Dust of Eden / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 2 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 6 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 31 13 ######## 11/1/2019 15:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 11 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 22 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SP RN
Eyewitness travel Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2014 32 24 ######## 5/7/2019 10:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2014 17 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2014 53 9 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2014 47 5 4/9/2018 7/29/2019 12:51 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2014 33 4 ######## 9/11/2019 12:47 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2014 24 5 5/7/2019 8/12/2019 14:26 SO TS
The aging population / 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2014 7 4 ######## 6/27/2019 14:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2014 15 5 ######## 3/20/2019 14:13 SS RN
Plank grilling : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2014 4 1 7/6/2014 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2014 16 ######## 3/4/2019 16:08 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2014 11 3 ######## 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
Digital photo editing with picasa for seniors
: BK 3/20/2014 11 5 ######## 7/3/2019 10:09 NW RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 VE SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2014 25 4 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
Nothing holds back the night : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2014 6 1 8/1/2014 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2014 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 5 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 12 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 8 4 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SV RN
The double life of Paul de Man / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 5 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 12 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
Archie takes flight / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 9 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 10 3 3/6/2019 4/23/2019 12:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 9 2 6/5/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
Twilight of the Belle Epoque : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The gunsmith / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 1 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
The gunsmith / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 0 1/9/2019 10:41 SP SP
The merchant / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The wheelwright / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 0 2/1/2019 13:50 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 32 9 6/6/2019 7/10/2019 9:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:26 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 2 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 4 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 IV SV
PCs for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 30 7 ######## 3/18/2019 8:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2014 2 1 8/9/2018 2/1/2019 17:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 39 21 ######## 10/2/2019 10:54 IV TS
What is relativity? : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 10 7 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
Above : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 18 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 10 2 1/4/2018 7/31/2019 8:43 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 9 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
Paperback confidential : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 5 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SO RN
Savage portrayals : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 1 6/4/2015 6/4/2019 14:23 SP RN
Astrology decoded : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 4 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 5 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 14 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 25 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SS TS
Mama doc medicine : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 0 5/30/2019 11:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 8 3 2/3/2015 1/28/2019 13:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 64 8 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 10 6/1/2017 1/25/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2014 4 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 12 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 6 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 12 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 4 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 5 3 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 9 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 2 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:36 SS SV
We visit South Africa / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
We visit South Africa / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 RN RN
The humor code : 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 9 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2014 38 8 9/3/2019 9/26/2019 13:12 IV TS
The legal answer book for families / 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2014 8 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2014 23 18 1/9/2019 3/28/2019 9:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2014 9 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
Not for everyday use : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2014 5 3 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
Trick-or-treat, smell my feet! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2014 31 7 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 7 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 12 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 7 1 9/6/2016 2/7/2019 17:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 3 4 ######## 2/7/2019 17:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 20 10 ######## 11/20/2019 14:06 SS TS
Albert Pujols : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 1 4/3/2015 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
Reading and understanding the mysteries 3.12E+13
of tarot : BK 3/31/2014 10 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
The United States of America / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 3 2 1/8/2019 9/10/2019 14:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 9 6 ######## 9/10/2019 14:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 10 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Berlitz cruising and cruise ships, 2014 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 19 12 ######## 5/7/2019 10:41 RN TS
Mom in the movies : 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2014 5 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 35 7 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 13 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 3 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 NW RN
West Virginia : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 4 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 2 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 4 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 4 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 8 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 6 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 6 5 ######## 9/10/2019 14:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 8 2 1/8/2019 9/10/2019 11:33 NV TS
Twelve minutes to midnight / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Curiosity / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 4 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 RN RN
Dog 4491 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 6 1 9/9/2016 4/9/2019 11:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Poached / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 38 11 4/1/2019 5/31/2019 13:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 61 14 ######## 2/6/2019 17:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2014 70 19 ######## 4/27/2019 10:45 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 14 1/4/2018 8/1/2019 10:30 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 24 4 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
The executor's guide : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 9 4 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
The bill of the century : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 3 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 5 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Dr. Cynthia's your vibrant heart : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 10 4 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SP TS
Drinking and dating : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 11 2 ######## 8/2/2019 11:13 SP RN
Brottstycken / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2014 0 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 2 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:41 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 4 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 6 5 ######## 2/7/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 5 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 2 7/1/2015 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 2 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 3 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 22 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
Cat champions : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 2 2 ######## 3/8/2019 15:58 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 1 8/6/2015 1/16/2019 17:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 9 2 ######## 9/25/2019 13:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2014 46 10 7/6/2019 8/7/2019 11:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 21 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 19 13 ######## 1/30/2019 9:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 12 2 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NV
Baby animal farm 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 36 9 ######## 11/30/2019 10:14 SS NV
Pottytime for chickies 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 30 9 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 65 10 ######## 4/23/2019 13:21 RN TS
You are my baby : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 16 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 3 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SS
Falling out of time / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2014 5 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 0 2/23/2019 16:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 2 ######## 1/5/2019 15:37 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 4 5 ######## 9/10/2019 11:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 30 12 ######## 8/5/2019 11:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 6 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 62 25 2/2/2019 4/27/2019 10:45 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 65 18 ######## 4/23/2019 13:31 SP TS
Manor of secrets / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 5 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
The summer experiment / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2014 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2014 9 3 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SP RN
Robot uprisings / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2014 13 3 3/8/2019 5/24/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 14 10 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
The confidence code : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 29 9 ######## 3/19/2019 14:35 RN TS
Little pear tree 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 27 1 ######## 4/9/2019 9:26 NV RN
Little pear tree 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 13 1 8/6/2016 1/9/2019 17:04 NV VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 12 6 ######## 11/6/2019 14:37 SV TS
We visit Indonesia / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 4 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
The devil's snake curve : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 9 4 1/6/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 SO RN
Dreamer, wisher, liar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 5 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
Lauren's beach crush / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 5 ######## 8/19/2019 12:55 NW TS
Lauren's beach crush / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 9 1 ######## 1/12/2019 14:29 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 17 7 ######## 5/9/2019 14:50 SS NW
Digger Dog / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 23 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 12 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
Jesus / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 6 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:58 NW RN
Lost girl found / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 9 2 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 SS RN
Lost girl found / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 4 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
Maybe one day / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 20 7 ######## 5/13/2019 15:32 SV TS
The odd one out : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 40 9 ######## 10/23/2019 10:57 SP TS
Prince of Shadows : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 6 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SP GE
Unforgotten / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV IV
Bite-sized magic : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 25 15 ######## 6/13/2019 11:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 15 4 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 31 8 7/7/2019 8/23/2019 13:00 SO TS
The axe factor : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 16 3 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 46 12 ######## 7/10/2019 10:16 SS TS
The ACB with Honora Lee / 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 5 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 1 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 10 5 ######## 11/13/2019 13:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 5 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2014 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
The smart girl's guide to getting what you 3.12E+13
want : BK 4/10/2014 14 3 ######## 4/8/2019 9:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2014 9 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 IV RN
Everything I ever needed to know about _____*
I learned
BK from Monty Python : 4/10/2014 10 1 1/8/2018 4/12/2019 8:34 SV TS
The man who mistook his wife for a hat and 3.12E+13
other clinical
BK tales / 4/10/2014 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Take ten II : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2014 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2014 32 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2014 28 4 9/6/2019 9/11/2019 13:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2014 9 2 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2014 5 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Schools of hope : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2014 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2014 65 13 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2014 35 5 ######## 11/22/2019 15:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 4 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 20 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 11 3 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 4 ######## 2/6/2019 9:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 3 7/9/2018 2/5/2019 14:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2014 8 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 23 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
Grant writing for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 29 12 ######## 12/10/2019 11:22 RN TS
Spoken Norwegian. 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 4 ######## 5/30/2019 10:32 RN RN
Blood brotherhoods : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 13 5 ######## 2/28/2019 9:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 40 9 ######## 11/20/2019 13:50 SP TS
Guinness world records 2014 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 6 1 2/4/2017 4/23/2019 12:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 3 1 7/6/2014 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Robotic technology / 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2014 10 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2014 23 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2014 28 9 4/3/2019 5/24/2019 7:55 IV TS
Innovative state : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2014 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:48 SS RN
Florida and the South's best trips : 3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2014 33 9 ######## 10/2/2019 11:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2014 11 ######## 9/20/2019 13:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 14 3 ######## 5/8/2019 14:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 6 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 13 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 17 6 ######## 5/31/2019 14:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 10 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 36 5 ######## 8/7/2019 11:50 SS TS
Beauty queen : 3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 0 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 48 11 ######## 4/23/2019 13:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 23 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 15 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 9 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 8 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2014 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NV
The break-up artist / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 6 3 8/1/2016 5/3/2019 17:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 3 2 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SP RN
This side of salvation : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 7 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
Where the rock splits the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 7 6/2/2016 5/4/2019 9:59 SO RN
Into the mist / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 11 4 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NV GE
Higgledy-piggledy chicks / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 8 2 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 8 1/6/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
Clean-up time 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2014 51 20 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 47 7 ######## 12/13/2019 8:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 8 4 ######## 2/8/2019 17:47 IV VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 18 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 8 2 ######## 4/1/2019 12:52 SO TS
Bird with the heart of a mountain / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 1 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 9 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
That's when I'm happy 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 26 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
Road atlas 2015. 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2014 5 1/3/2017 11/13/2019 11:21 SS RN
New TASC strategies, practice, and review3.12E+13
2014 : BK 4/28/2014 4 4 ######## 10/9/2019 11:12 SS RN
New TASC strategies, practice, and review3.12E+13
2014 : BK 4/28/2014 12 3 7/6/2019 8/15/2019 13:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2014 72 12 ######## 7/17/2019 10:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2014 62 13 ######## 10/18/2019 7:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2014 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 IV RN
Fallout : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2014 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 SV RN
Seriously not all right : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2014 4 1 ######## 5/29/2019 15:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2014 27 2 7/9/2018 9/16/2019 14:19 SV TS
The icky sticky anteater 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2014 16 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
The way of things / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2014 1 5/1/2014 1/31/2019 12:58 NV RN
The Trojan horse / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2014 6 1 9/7/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2014 10 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2014 8 3 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Stamped : 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2014 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Selected fables / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2014 0 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
Selected fables / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2014 6 4 ######## 7/3/2019 10:57 SO SS
The one safe place : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2014 10 1 ######## 2/7/2019 16:29 RN SP
The one safe place : 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2014 10 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2014 8 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2014 19 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2014 8 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SV
Is that me yelling? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2014 10 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2014 10 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 16 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SS RN
Hard to love : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 17 5 ######## 7/11/2019 14:50 RN TS
The artist's library : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 7 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Embryos under the microscope : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 2 1 ######## 5/30/2019 11:14 RN SS
Citizen Hollywood : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 4 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
Redeemer : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 4 8/8/2014 5/9/2019 14:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2014 13 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 2 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
A lion in Paris / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 51 24 ######## 8/22/2019 15:00 RN TS
Otto in the city / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 44 16 5/7/2019 6/27/2019 11:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 6 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SP VE
Infinite sky : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SO RN
The secrets of Tree Taylor / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 6 2 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
Cracking the GRE / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 20 11 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
Cracking the SAT 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 13 8 ######## 10/9/2019 10:36 SP RN
Cracking the SAT 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 14 6 ######## 4/3/2019 13:11 SS RN
Cracking the SAT 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2014 17 10 ######## 10/15/2019 15:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 15 4 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
100 card games for all the family : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 5 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SO
The road to shine : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 11 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 4 1 8/6/2014 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Still ours to lead : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 4 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SO RN
Still ours to lead : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 11 4 ######## 7/29/2019 13:17 RN RN
Honor and betrayal : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 10 4 4/6/2019 4/16/2019 14:19 IV TS
The literary Churchill : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 8 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 24 19 ######## 8/8/2019 8:51 SP TS
7 years younger : 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 12 4 ######## 5/30/2019 10:17 NW RN
Max's chocolate chicken 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 72 11 ######## 3/22/2019 11:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV IV
The dream road and other tales from Hidden
Hills (some
BK involving rabbits) / 5/9/2014 9 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2014 14 6 ######## 11/13/2019 12:36 SV TS
The kingmaker's daughter / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2014 17 8 7/9/2019 8/5/2019 9:03 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2014 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Matagorda / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2014 24 6 ######## 8/2/2019 8:43 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2014 8 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 30 2 ######## 10/14/2019 12:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 23 23 ######## 4/11/2019 15:02 RN TS
Closed doors : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 12 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 33 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 8 3 4/9/2015 2/26/2019 10:12 SP SP
The carnivore way : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 5 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
Conceiving masculinity 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 2 3/6/2015 1/8/2019 11:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 16 5 ######## 7/9/2019 15:37 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 36 2 4/2/2019 7/29/2019 12:59 RN RN
Young god : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 10 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Prinï¸ t︡sessa na Kirieshkakh / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
Rodrick fait sa loi / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2014 18 4 ######## 11/8/2019 12:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 7 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 IV SP
Of Neptune / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 13 5 ######## 3/21/2019 12:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 34 11 9/8/2018 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
Rebel / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 6 2 ######## 8/7/2019 13:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 33 6 ######## 8/22/2019 15:02 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 7 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Express yourself with color. 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 6 2 ######## 8/8/2019 14:13 NW TS
I don't want to go to the toilet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SP RN
Florida / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 26 5 ######## 10/9/2019 9:10 SV TS
Cracking the PSAT / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2014 8 7 ######## 5/8/2019 14:20 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2014 11 3 ######## 11/21/2019 10:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2014 2 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Strasti po ryzheÄ- furii / 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2014 3 1 9/8/2019 10/18/2019 11:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2014 57 26 ######## 11/20/2019 15:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2014 55 25 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 15:34 NV TS
American values / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2014 4 3 7/9/2015 5/2/2019 15:55 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2014 2 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SC SC
Road atlas [2015] : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2014 4 2 ######## 11/13/2019 10:35 IV RN
Road atlas [2015] : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2014 8 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV RN
Road atlas [2015] : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2014 7 ######## 4/18/2019 13:54 NW TS
The tastemakers : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 11 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
Goldfinch : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 31 5 ######## 9/9/2019 8:29 IV TS
The queen's exiles / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 6 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 31 9 ######## 1/9/2019 8:24 SP TS
Home leave : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 6 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 10 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SS
What is visible : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 9 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SP RN
What is visible : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 7 2 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SC SS
The vampire's assistant / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2014 19 9 ######## 3/7/2019 11:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 16 3 4/6/2017 9/6/2019 13:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 14 13 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 5 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Brunette ambition / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 8 2 ######## 4/22/2019 10:29 SO RN
Good talk, dad : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 13 6 7/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SC NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 2 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
In my skin : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2014 3 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2014 21 3 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2014 56 13 ######## 12/5/2019 13:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2014 40 15 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2014 57 17 ######## 7/24/2019 15:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 21 2 1/8/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 17 4 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 IV RN
John Quincy Adams : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 7 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 9 5 ######## 10/4/2019 14:46 SS RN
Starfire : 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 27 6 ######## 5/24/2019 7:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 14 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 8 2 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 IV RN
The merchant emperor / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 7 1 ######## 9/23/2019 13:44 SS RN
The merchant emperor / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 4 ######## 9/24/2019 12:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 8 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 13 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
Sleep deprivation and its consequences / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 3 2 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 6 2 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Truck driver Tom / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2014 31 8 ######## 11/13/2019 15:51 SV TS
The prince of Venice Beach / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2014 3 1 9/5/2014 1/15/2019 11:17 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2014 7 6 ######## 2/4/2019 14:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2014 4 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2014 48 9 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2014 43 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2014 17 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 9 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 47 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:00 RN TS
Do fathers matter? : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 3 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 4 2 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SP SS
Clouds of glory : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 3 1 9/6/2014 5/10/2019 11:47 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
If I can't have you : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 13 3 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
Voices of the Pacific : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2014 27 9 ######## 7/18/2019 7:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2014 34 9 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW TS
Marry smart : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2014 5 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:37 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2014 44 8 ######## 9/17/2019 11:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2014 8 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2014 0 2/22/2019 9:25 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 15 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NV NW
Redeeming the dream : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 3 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 37 3 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 SV RN
Family Jensen, Massacre canyon / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 21 3 ######## 6/4/2019 8:18 SC TS
Shirley : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 8 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
Shirley : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 12 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 11 4 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SC RN
Third chimpanzee for young people / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 4 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 41 13 ######## 6/28/2019 14:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 7 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP NW
Blue sea burning / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 6 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:04 SS SO
Burn bright / 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 7 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 26 2 ######## 7/26/2019 9:43 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 14 2 ######## 7/29/2019 12:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 9 6 6/2/2017 9/18/2019 11:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 2 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 21 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 10 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 7 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 7 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
My mommy 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 17 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 56 12 ######## 12/9/2019 13:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 6 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2014 19 6 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2014 23 6 3/3/2018 7/19/2019 8:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2014 10 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2014 21 3 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Plain murder / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2014 11 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:25 SO SP
Mexican everyday / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2014 24 10 ######## 7/22/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2014 42 ######## 11/21/2019 10:18 SS TS
Quick and legal will book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 25 19 ######## 12/11/2019 7:59 SP TS
Quick and legal will book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 20 12 ######## 12/10/2019 8:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 29 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:33 IV TS
The women's small business start-up kit : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 30 12 ######## 11/7/2019 8:00 RN TS
My family, my self : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Taming the drunken monkey : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 15 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
Taming the drunken monkey : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 7 3 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 RN SV
Battle in Metropolis / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 12 4 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
Battle in Metropolis / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 29 7 ######## 7/17/2019 12:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 31 5 8/6/2019 9/6/2019 9:11 SS TS
Start your own e-business : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 26 16 ######## 5/7/2019 10:34 IV TS
The scarlet sisters : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 11 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:49 RN RN
On top of spaghetti : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 IV RN
ASVAB for dummies : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 10 5 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 15 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2014 42 10 ######## 8/14/2019 11:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2014 21 5 ######## 10/14/2019 12:15 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2014 39 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2014 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2014 23 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
Women wartime spies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2014 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
Doping / 3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2014 2 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:17 SP SP
Star Wars, the ultimate visual guide / 3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2014 40 7 ######## 1/15/2019 15:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 3 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 4 ######## 1/9/2019 16:38 SP VE
Rogue elephant : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
The New Arabs : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 10 ######## 11/15/2019 13:28 NW RN
War of attrition : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 8 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
Nirvana FAQ : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 6 5 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 5 3 7/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
The sorceress / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 15 8 6/7/2019 6/28/2019 12:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 7 ######## 1/16/2019 17:18 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 5 1 4/3/2018 2/4/2019 15:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 8 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 10 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 8 1 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 SV RN
Grandmother ptarmigan / 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 28 4 ######## 11/22/2019 15:11 RN TS
The Jellybeans love to read 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 57 15 8/6/2018 7/25/2019 16:19 SP TS
The Jellybeans love to read 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 12 2 9/5/2018 2/6/2019 15:22 NW RN
Chicken soup for the soul : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 5 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2014 2 1 ######## 5/2/2019 13:57 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 19 2 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 12 5 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 19 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 14 9 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 10 5 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
Say it ain't so / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 6 ######## 4/15/2019 13:42 SP TS
Secrets of the book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 9 2 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
The spy catchers of Maple Hill / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 8 1 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 SP SP
Susan Marcus bends the rules / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 8 4 8/9/2016 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
Susan Marcus bends the rules / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 2 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 6 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 7 2 1/5/2016 9/24/2019 12:28 RN RN
The midnight rose : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 14 3 ######## 3/23/2019 11:16 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 15 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 15 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 17 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2014 16 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2014 13 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
A possibility of violence : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 11 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 11 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 16 6 ######## 7/25/2019 16:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 13 8 ######## 8/7/2019 13:39 IV TS
Bar mitzvah : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 4 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
The prom book : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:58 SS SP
Spike Lee / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 9 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
The breast reconstruction guidebook : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 0 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 35 19 ######## 2/8/2019 8:26 RN TS
Firearms : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
How to raise the perfect dog : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 33 13 ######## 5/6/2019 8:20 NV TS
Murder at the opera : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 5 1 6/1/2017 9/23/2019 13:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2014 8 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 SC RN
Becoming Freud : 3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2014 11 3 ######## 10/4/2019 14:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 28 10 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 23 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 20 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 49 6 ######## 7/17/2019 10:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 22 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Sacred divorce : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Lucky dog: 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 15 3 ######## 10/24/2019 15:19 SS RN
Ten steps to relieve anxiety : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 5 3 ######## 4/3/2019 7:59 NW RN
Bringing down Gaddafi : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 5 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
No man's war : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 7 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 0 1/14/2019 13:53 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 2 6/9/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 17 13 ######## 8/27/2019 9:11 SO TS
Children of the depressed : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 8 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 12 6 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 IV RN
The Little Bookroom guide to New York City 3.12E+13
with children
BK : 6/27/2014 12 14 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 4 1 ######## 7/1/2019 10:59 NW SS
EMT-basic exam. 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 3 2 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Got religion? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 2 1/2/2015 5/3/2019 14:09 SS SP
Dress casual : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SV RN
Sorry about that : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 4 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 3 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
The other end of the leash : 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 18 10 ######## 11/7/2019 8:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 18 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 43 8 ######## 7/8/2019 14:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2014 6 1 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO NV
My "e" sound box / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2014 22 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2014 24 7 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2014 32 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2014 9 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SO
Minion / 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2014 11 5 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2014 11 2 8/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
VoÄ-na i mir / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2014 3 ######## 11/22/2019 8:48 NW TS
Old MacDonald had a farm / 3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2014 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2014 3 3 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
Fever / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2014 9 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2014 18 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
The tai chi bible : 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2014 9 4 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2014 15 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2014 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 27 9 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 14 6 8/7/2019 8/23/2019 12:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 4 1 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Everybody paints! : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 3 3 ######## 2/1/2019 13:15 SS RN
Eliza Bing is (not) a big, fat quitter / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 7 4 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SP RN
The feral child / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
Outside in / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 1 8/9/2014 1/15/2019 11:20 NV SV
King rules : 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 1 1 1/5/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
The lovely and the lost / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 6 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:47 NW RN
Teeth are not for biting 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2014 9 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2014 5 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2014 13 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2014 8 1 5/3/2016 9/10/2019 14:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2014 17 2 2/4/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 SV RN
Waiting for the electricity : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2014 4 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2014 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2014 3 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2014 2 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2014 39 4 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
Dreaming : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2014 6 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NV
Twee : 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2014 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2014 3 ######## 1/16/2019 17:26 RN NW
A legal guide for lesbian and gay couples /3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2014 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2014 38 5 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2014 38 4 ######## 9/26/2019 13:16 SO TS
Helena Rubinstein : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2014 1 2/6/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 SC RN
The other side : 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2014 12 4 ######## 5/6/2019 8:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2014 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
Africa overland : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2014 10 5 1/3/2019 9/24/2019 9:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2014 4 9/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
Fearful symmetries : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2014 5 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
Masculindians : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2014 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NW TS
The Winemaker's hand : 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2014 2 9/7/2014 5/30/2019 14:35 RN RN
The Victorian city : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2014 24 6 ######## 3/21/2019 8:24 SV TS
Everything I learned about life, I learned in3.12E+13
dance class
BK / 7/14/2014 3 2 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2014 19 3 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2014 15 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:08 SS RN
Full fathom five / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2014 4 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2014 9 5 6/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
Femen / 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2014 2 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SV SS
Unremarried widow : #995373 BK 7/15/2014 0 7/25/2019 14:20 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2014 68 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NW TS
Mudville madness : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2014 11 4 2/4/2016 10/24/2019 15:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2014 18 11 ######## 11/22/2019 13:13 IV TS
Scaredy Kat / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2014 4 1 9/3/2016 2/14/2019 16:17 SS IV
Magic breaks : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 27 6 ######## 11/16/2019 10:51 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 36 12 ######## 9/6/2019 11:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 20 15 ######## 12/5/2019 13:17 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 27 12 ######## 9/10/2019 10:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 13 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 6 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 7 3 ######## 8/15/2019 9:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 4 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
Starbird Murphy and the world outside / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 4 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 RN RN
Vivian Divine is dead / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 7 2 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SS
Circus girl / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 6 2 5/7/2017 2/6/2019 16:33 SP RN
Dixie wants an allergy / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 19 6 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 25 6 ######## 11/20/2019 13:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 15 3 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 12 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 4 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 6 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 5 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 6 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2014 23 10 ######## 9/10/2019 11:50 SO TS
Lamaze : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 7 2 2/3/2015 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 3 1 5/5/2016 2/1/2019 11:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 13 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SP VE
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 9 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
A horse called Hero / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 9 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 0 2/20/2019 13:24 SV SV
Down by the barn / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 29 3 ######## 7/11/2019 10:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2014 1 ######## 2/15/2019 16:47 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 11 3 ######## 11/25/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 32 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SC TS
Surgeon General's warning : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 3 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SV RN
Women change the world : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 12 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 6 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2014 31 11 ######## 3/22/2019 14:26 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2014 2 ######## 9/10/2019 10:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2014 48 13 ######## 6/13/2019 9:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2014 31 11 ######## 4/23/2019 13:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2014 18 5 ######## 6/25/2019 14:19 SP TS
Criminal enterprise / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2014 3 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2014 17 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 14 7 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 NV RN
Mars up close : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 9 4 ######## 3/4/2019 14:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 5 3/7/2015 4/30/2019 15:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 10 1 2/4/2015 5/3/2019 12:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 8 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SO RN
High as the horses' bridles : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 9 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SP RN
Sexual assault in the military : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 2 ######## 1/4/2019 14:28 RN TS
Empire / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 3 ######## 6/5/2019 16:45 SP SS
In praise of intransigence : 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 48 6 6/6/2018 3/20/2019 13:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 19 5 ######## 12/10/2019 8:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2014 8 5 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 SC RN
Global muckraking : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2014 6 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
Food a love story : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2014 2 ######## 5/30/2019 10:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2014 6 8/7/2018 12/3/2019 14:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2014 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2014 49 10 2/8/2019 3/28/2019 12:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2014 0 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
Miniature farm animals / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2014 0 2/20/2019 16:44 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2014 3 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2014 10 1/8/2019 3/21/2019 12:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
Measuring length / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 1 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:59 RN RN
Measuring volume / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 3 ######## 2/4/2019 11:57 RN RN
The science of car racing / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 3 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Top secret science : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 12 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 SO RN
Doctor White / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 13 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2014 8 3 ######## 8/5/2019 11:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2014 11 3 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2014 15 5 7/9/2019 8/23/2019 13:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2014 52 10 ######## 8/12/2019 14:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 34 ######## 7/24/2019 8:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 34 5 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 29 6 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 RN IV
Forget me / 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 7 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 21 1 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 5 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
Kate the great : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 4 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NV
The Lazarus Machine : 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 3 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
Make way for ducklings 3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2014 8 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SO RN
Blackboard : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 3 1/3/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 NW RN
The American way of bombing : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 2 9/9/2016 5/28/2019 8:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 10 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Can I tell you about stuttering? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:15 RN IV
Outlaws of the Atlantic : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 3 2 3/6/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 8 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 3 1 3/7/2015 2/1/2019 16:27 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2014 2 1 ######## 5/7/2019 10:19 NW NW
Drowned / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2014 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2014 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 1 1 2/5/2015 5/13/2019 15:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 9 3/8/2017 10/9/2019 12:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 4 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 6 2 ######## 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 5 7/2/2016 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 3 ######## 10/9/2019 12:12 SC RN
Fall of night / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2014 4 ######## 1/2/2019 11:59 SO SP
How to get a green card / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 7 7 9/9/2019 11/6/2019 14:35 NV TS
The heist : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 19 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
Season of the dragonflies : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 12 2 2/5/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 SO RN
Sharon Tate : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 13 4 ######## 10/4/2019 7:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 13 2 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 39 17 8/3/2019 9/24/2019 15:06 SV TS
Whose hat is that? / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 32 10 ######## 11/13/2019 11:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 3 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 16 6 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 NW RN
The granny square book : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 36 7 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
International Building Code 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 2 3/5/2019 3/5/2019 17:54 NW RN
International Building Code 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 1 3/6/2019 3/6/2019 17:42 SO RN
What color is your parachute? : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2014 11 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2014 18 ######## 9/18/2019 14:26 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2014 40 10 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2014 38 13 ######## 12/5/2019 13:07 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2014 19 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
The New York regional Mormon singles Halloween
BK / 8/7/2014 1 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 IV RN
Into the wilderness : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2014 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2014 9 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2014 10 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2014 10 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2014 49 15 ######## 3/7/2019 14:16 SO TS
Walden; 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2014 11 4 ######## 3/28/2019 8:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2014 8 1 ######## 12/11/2019 8:47 SS SP
Too close to home : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2014 15 2 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2014 8 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
Dog groomer / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2014 5 1 7/5/2018 2/6/2019 11:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2014 16 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Ikebana step-by-step : 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2014 1 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 IV RN
Sign language ABC 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2014 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
London / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2014 34 15 ######## 11/14/2019 13:52 SP TS
Hawaii / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2014 26 15 ######## 5/28/2019 8:30 RN TS
Frommer's easyguide to Chicago. 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2014 22 13 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 RN TS
International residential code for one- and3.12E+13
BKdwellings. 8/13/2014 4 2 3/5/2019 3/5/2019 16:18 NW RN
International residential code for one- and3.12E+13
BKdwellings. 8/13/2014 3 3 ######## 3/4/2019 16:57 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 33 13 ######## 9/17/2019 12:58 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 7 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 8 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Frank Lloyd Wright for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 2 ######## 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
Frank Lloyd Wright for kids : 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 3 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 24 18 3/8/2019 5/6/2019 8:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 5 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 0 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
Rip Van Winkle / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2014 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2014 23 7 ######## 9/5/2019 12:45 SP TS
Thomas Quick : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2014 6 2 ######## 4/10/2019 8:20 NW TS
Way below the angels : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2014 7 4/4/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2014 11 2 4/3/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2014 10 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
The remarkable courtship of General Tom 3.12E+13
Thumb : BK 8/15/2014 8 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2014 8 4 4/4/2015 5/7/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2014 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2014 36 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2014 31 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2014 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Ripley's believe it or not : 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2014 56 13 ######## 11/22/2019 15:45 RN TS
7:00 3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2014 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV NV
Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's animated characters
3.12E+13 /BK 8/20/2014 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 29 6 ######## 12/20/2019 12:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The island of excess love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 1 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 11 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 11 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 52 14 ######## 3/22/2019 12:59 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 9 2 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
The opposite of love / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 7 4 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 11 1 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 SP RN
Push girl : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 2 2/8/2015 1/2/2019 10:37 RN SP
Push girl : 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2014 1 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 19 1 6/6/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 7 3/5/2015 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
The worth of war / 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 4 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Death of a dog whisperer : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 18 5 4/6/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SC TS
Death of a dog whisperer : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 24 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 52 16 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SO TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 4 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 1 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 1 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 2 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 NW TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
Peterson's four-year colleges 2015. 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2014 3 2 ######## 3/12/2019 13:49 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 51 7 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Bramblestar's storm / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 45 12 ######## 8/19/2019 10:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 8 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 6 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 26 4 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 28 12 ######## 2/15/2019 12:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 11 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:02 SV RN
Joltin' Joe DiMaggio / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
Joltin' Joe DiMaggio / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 3 1 ######## 1/30/2019 16:17 NW SV
Circle of stones / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 4 1 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SO
Circle of stones / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
Undead with benefits / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 2 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 0 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
Fad Mania! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 3 ######## 2/4/2019 17:06 SS SS
Fad Mania! : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 2 2/3/2015 1/5/2019 15:45 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 1 9/5/2014 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 9 2 6/3/2018 2/6/2019 9:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2014 36 18 2/5/2019 3/28/2019 12:29 RN TS
Hyper : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 4 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
Hyper : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 6 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 TR SP
Broken bonds : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 5 2 3/4/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
The swift diet : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 12 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 11 3 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 8 4 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
Why football matters : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 6 3 ######## 10/24/2019 15:35 SV RN
EMT exam for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 6 3 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 22 4 9/4/2019 9/26/2019 13:12 NV TS
Bramblestar's storm / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2014 37 12 ######## 7/8/2019 15:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2014 38 18 ######## 11/20/2019 15:16 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2014 8 2 ######## 8/23/2019 14:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2014 27 5 4/9/2019 9/5/2019 10:56 NW TS
Danger down the Nile / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2014 46 10 ######## 8/2/2019 14:47 NV TS
Island of legends / 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2014 12 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV NW
Soar : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2014 0 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2014 9 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NW
Harrington Street / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
I'm not here to inspire you : 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2014 1 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2014 19 6 ######## 3/28/2019 9:05 IV TS
Rick Steves Europe through the back door 3.12E+13
2015. BK 8/29/2014 45 8 8/7/2019 9/24/2019 9:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 35 3 1/3/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 29 3 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 4 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 11 3 1/2/2019 1/23/2019 8:04 SV RN
The big ratchet : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 11 1 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
City goats : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 6 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Private down under / 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 17 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
Support and defend : 3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 21 3 ######## 6/4/2019 7:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2014 13 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 10 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 9 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SS
Remy and Lulu / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SV SV
When Aunt Mattie got her wings / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 4 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 NV RN
Evil librarian / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 8 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 SO RN
Animalium / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 41 17 ######## 4/23/2019 11:57 SV TS
Animalium / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 10 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
Letters of the West : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 1 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 25 6 6/5/2019 7/10/2019 11:12 NW TS
Chakras : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 6 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SP
Mrs. Jeffries sallies forth / 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2014 21 6 ######## 9/16/2019 14:15 SV TS
Impulse-control disorders / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 4 7/9/2016 2/23/2019 16:15 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 9 4 ######## 3/8/2019 13:23 RN RN
Spirit's key / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 7 3 9/5/2018 1/31/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 9 ######## 3/14/2019 11:42 NV TS
Christmas storybook collection. 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2014 8 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
Nolo's deposition handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 1 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 SP RN
Cosby : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
The ultimate allergy-free cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 5 4 ######## 4/3/2019 12:59 RN TS
Theater of cruelty : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 4 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 12 7 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
Steel will : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 7 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 SP RN
Thirteen days in September : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 8 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
Midtown Sacramento : 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 13 1 ######## 8/1/2019 15:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 5 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
Hitler's U-boat war / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 3 1 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SO
Rome / 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 16 8 8/7/2019 9/24/2019 9:00 SP TS
Peterson's master the GMAT 2015. 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2014 12 11 ######## 8/6/2019 10:54 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:37 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 2 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:32 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 12 7 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
Construction / 3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 31 13 ######## 3/28/2019 13:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2014 49 10 ######## 5/31/2019 12:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 10 2 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
The fault in our stars 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 7 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 15 4 1/3/2019 1/25/2019 8:50 SO RN
GI brides : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 8 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SC SV
The fault in our stars 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Rough country : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 3 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 11 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
The weed agency : 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 10 4/7/2015 5/3/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 9 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 9 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 19 12 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SO TS
My Apollo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2014 3 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 1 ######## 1/5/2019 15:37 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 0 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 4 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 0 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 1 2/6/2015 2/1/2019 16:27 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 3 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:15 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 9 1 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 9 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 8 ######## 2/8/2019 11:55 RN NW
Little Boo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
Little Boo / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 38 3 ######## 4/25/2019 11:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 11 3 ######## 11/1/2019 15:38 SV RN
No illusions : 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2014 7 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 4 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 9 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
La Belle Créole : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
McGraw-Hill's nursing school entrance exams3.12E+13
/ BK 9/12/2014 3 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
Writing young adult fiction for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 19 13 3/4/2019 5/28/2019 9:24 RN TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 5 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 5 1 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 3 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 9 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
New York City. 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 24 4 ######## 11/7/2019 9:24 SP TS
New Zealand / 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2014 21 13 5/9/2019 9/6/2019 8:24 NW TS
Dead in the water / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2014 38 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2014 2 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2014 31 4 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2014 16 3 ######## 4/18/2019 14:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2014 27 2 5/6/2019 5/24/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 3 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 20 1 ######## 2/6/2019 12:41 SP RN
Return to Planet Tad / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 2 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 7 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 11 5 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
Can I come too? / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 4 2 5/9/2018 2/6/2019 16:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 11 4 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SV NW
Through the eye of the needle : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 2 1 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
How the light gets in : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 3 ######## 5/21/2019 9:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2014 36 6 2/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 IV TS
The dog stays in the picture : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 5 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:35 SS RN
What women want : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 0 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
Blackballed : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 7 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
Glamour, Gidgets, and the girl next door : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 8 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 RN RN
Cannabis pharmacy : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 11 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 12 4 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 6 1/3/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
Chicken soup for the cat lover's soul : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 3 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2014 33 4 6/1/2019 6/26/2019 13:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2014 5 1 1/4/2017 5/2/2019 13:51 SP SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 2 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 9:05 SO TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 5 2 6/4/2018 2/1/2019 13:31 NW RN
The world according to Musk Ox / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 13 5 7/9/2019 8/7/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 37 14 ######## 1/28/2019 8:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 4 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 42 12 ######## 10/3/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 27 15 ######## 9/17/2019 12:55 IV TS
Sarah on the potty / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 8 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Mercy mode / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 6 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 1 1 1/7/2015 1/22/2019 16:39 IV IV
Let's play! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 2 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Stand there! she shouted : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 0 1/16/2019 17:08 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 0 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
Infinite possibilities : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 13 9 ######## 1/14/2019 13:52 SO TS
Top 25 football skills, tips, and tricks / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2014 14 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 19 7 1/2/2018 4/18/2019 11:05 SC RN
The American vice presidency : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 7 7 ######## 12/10/2019 11:21 RN TS
On immunity : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 11 ######## 6/12/2019 8:21 NV RN
Redemption songs : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
The baby wait : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 0 5/30/2019 11:23 SS SS
Worthy fights : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 9 1 4/2/2015 2/4/2019 14:40 SP RN
Calling on God : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 5 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 7 2 4/2/2015 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
The fall : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 2 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
101 two-letter words / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 3 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 9 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
An Obama's journey : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 3 1 ######## 6/7/2019 9:44 SS RN
Die and stay dead / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 6 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 NW SS
State of the world 2014 : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 2 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 25 4 ######## 10/23/2019 8:34 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 35 7 ######## 9/5/2019 13:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 4 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 36 8 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
Wonderful lonesome / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 7 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2014 23 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 3 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 5 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 44 8 ######## 11/22/2019 15:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 21 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 26 6 ######## 5/31/2019 12:30 SS TS
The bully bug : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 3 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SP RN
The fog of forgetting / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 3 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
Just a drop of water / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 2 1 4/9/2016 1/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
Just a drop of water / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 RN RN
A million ways home / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 3 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
The secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 4 ######## 8/7/2019 13:48 NW TS
Tut : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
Unstoppable Octobia May / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 8 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 45 15 ######## 12/20/2019 9:23 NW TS
Made for you / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 10 5 ######## 11/22/2019 15:02 SV TS
Mr. Frumble's big, flat hat : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 28 4 ######## 7/17/2019 12:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 33 5 ######## 5/13/2019 16:07 SP TS
Fun facts and silly stories : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2014 4 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Doping : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2014 0 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
Alice + Freda forever : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2014 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2014 12 ######## 9/10/2019 15:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2014 8 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SS RN
I only read it for the cartoons : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2014 9 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2014 1 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 NW RN
Scribe : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 3 1 1/5/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 36 6 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
Outpost : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 7 2 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 12 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP SV
Pen and ink : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 5 3 ######## 5/29/2019 11:22 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 7 3 ######## 8/21/2019 13:48 SS RN
Leonard Bernstein : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 3 5/6/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 SP RN
The end of greatness : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 6 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 34 16 ######## 12/9/2019 7:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2014 8 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 SO RN
The figures of beauty : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 8 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 RN RN
The great Grisby : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 7 1 3/7/2015 5/28/2019 14:35 NV RN
El umbral de la eternidad / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 3 1 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 SV TS
And give up showbiz? : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:25 IV RN
Carbon shock : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 2 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:35 SO RN
Carbon shock : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 8 4 5/5/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
Israel : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 8 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SV RN
Staging the blues : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 2 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
Caribbean / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 22 11 ######## 11/19/2019 7:55 SV TS
Caribbean / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 6 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
Costa Rica / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 38 18 ######## 5/20/2019 15:43 NW TS
Everglades : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 13 5 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 NW TS
Berlin / 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 20 15 2/4/2019 7/17/2019 15:17 SV TS
The turtle of Oman : 3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2014 3 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2014 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2014 60 18 ######## 8/5/2019 9:23 RN TS
Eleanor and Park / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2014 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
Multimedia workshop : 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2014 1 3/8/2015 5/30/2019 14:27 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2014 7 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SP
The end of days : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 22 10 ######## 8/15/2019 13:31 SV TS
#Newsfail : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 3 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Losing patience : 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 0 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 64 2 1/8/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 10 2 2/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 7 2 3/8/2015 2/9/2019 15:39 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 32 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 27 5 2/8/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 SO RN
Joltin' Joe DiMaggio / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2014 2 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 31 11 ######## 11/8/2019 11:56 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 0 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 22 3 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 17:09 SP RN
Bleed like me / 3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 4 2 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 3 ######## 1/3/2019 10:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2014 7 2 ######## 2/5/2019 13:40 RN RN
All things possible : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 NW RN
First-time landlord : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 23 10 9/4/2019 11/20/2019 14:36 SP TS
Puerto Rico. 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 23 11 ######## 12/19/2019 9:07 SV TS
Down size : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SS TS
Down size : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 4 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 NW RN
Wilde in America : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 8 2 7/5/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 2 1 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SP RN
Give me liberty : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 2 2 3/9/2015 7/3/2019 11:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 4 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SO RN
Healthy South Indian cooking / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 10 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 9 1 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NV
When we fall / 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2014 15 4 9/5/2018 10/23/2019 11:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 46 12 ######## 8/14/2019 10:13 SO TS
Arcady's goal / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 3 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 29 5 ######## 7/25/2019 15:32 NV TS
Cool game day parties : 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 4 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 1 4/8/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
My nose is long and fuzzy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2014 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2014 5 ######## 9/5/2019 12:37 TR TS
The wimpy kid movie diary : 3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2014 9 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 17 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Possibilities / 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 4 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 9 1 ######## 11/7/2019 15:01 SV RN
Make up : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 TR TR
The great New Orleans kidnapping case : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 12 4 ######## 6/4/2019 14:19 SV RN
Thunder in the mountains : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 6 3 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 5 2 3/3/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 16 10 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SP RN
The vacationers : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 34 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 RN TS
Becoming Belafonte : 3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 5 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 55 8 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2014 36 11 ######## 7/30/2019 15:38 RN TS
Who we be : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 2 1 1/3/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SP RN
Loop / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 6 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 2 1 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 6 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 5 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Friends in the wild / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
Performance-enhancing drugs in sports / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 0 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
The gospel of the Lord : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 3 2 3/8/2015 5/26/2019 15:44 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2014 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2014 13 9 ######## 4/20/2019 12:45 SO SP
Rise : 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2014 7 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 IV RN
Cracking the AP calculus AB and BC exams3.12E+13
/ BK 10/20/2014 14 7 ######## 12/11/2019 7:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/21/2014 8 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 8 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 41 4 ######## 5/9/2019 8:16 SC TS
Beautiful eyes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 5 2 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
National insecurity : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 13 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:31 NW RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 3 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 IV NW
Grave mercy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2014 9 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 6 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 0 1/19/2019 16:53 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 11 ######## 7/25/2019 12:21 SV RN
Perfectly good white boy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 3 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
Rock and roll highway : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 0 1/16/2019 17:37 NW NW
In the light of science : 3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 7 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 6 2 ######## 2/4/2019 8:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 25 8 ######## 3/28/2019 15:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 1 ######## 1/3/2019 9:49 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2014 64 16 ######## 3/7/2019 14:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:56 SS SS
Simon and the bear : 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 6 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 15 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
Little Blue Truck's Christmas 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 9 2 ######## 1/7/2019 11:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 7 2 1/3/2019 2/6/2019 12:40 RN RN
Frommer's easyguide to Las Vegas 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 8 3 ######## 10/9/2019 9:17 SP RN
2015 songwriter's market / 3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2014 5 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 18 1 2/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SV TS
Heap house / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 14 13 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SS RN
Petite mort / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 4 1 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
Petite mort / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 5 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 24 8 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 5 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SV
Splitting an order / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 4 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 3 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
Bombs over London / 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 2 ######## 2/2/2019 12:55 SP SP
Zombie Elementary : 3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 4 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2014 28 14 ######## 10/22/2019 8:26 SP TS
And away we go! / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 31 9 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 9:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 19 2 ######## 2/6/2019 16:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 7 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 35 14 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 2 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
Children growing up with war / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:32 SV RN
Breaking butterflies / 3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 3 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 11 2 ######## 1/23/2019 15:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 1 5/6/2015 2/1/2019 12:16 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 1 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2014 6 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
Goblin nation / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2014 25 5 8/3/2019 10/15/2019 15:34 SP TS
Goblin nation / 3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2014 30 3 5/5/2019 6/26/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2014 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2014 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2014 7 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2014 12 4 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NW TS
Irish travellers : 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2014 8 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2014 19 4 ######## 8/23/2019 12:57 NV TS
Five four whiskey : 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2014 18 6 ######## 9/5/2019 8:36 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2014 6 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2014 3 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC SC
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2014 13 2 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
Pilates for breast cancer survivors : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2014 3 ######## 6/4/2019 12:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2014 1 1 4/2/2015 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
An American Cardinal : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2014 1 4/6/2015 5/9/2019 14:31 SS RN
Jerry Lee Lewis : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2014 10 4 ######## 5/20/2019 14:01 RN RN
The librarian stereotype : 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2014 1 1 3/1/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
Rare books and special collections / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2014 2 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2014 12 ######## 1/8/2019 11:37 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2014 13 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
Wild rover no more : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 7 2 3/8/2016 5/3/2019 17:45 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 2 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
The disappearing / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:30 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 2 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 RN RN
Cool backyard grilling : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 3 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 NW SS
In search of the Little Prince : 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 0 1/16/2019 17:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 6 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SS
Web Design with HTML5 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/5/2014 4 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:17 SS RN
Fodor's Florida 2015. / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2014 12 5 ######## 10/3/2019 14:13 RN TS
Fodor's California 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2014 22 7 ######## 9/24/2019 9:00 SP TS
Fodor's California 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2014 21 7 ######## 9/16/2019 9:11 SO TS
Fodor's California 2015 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2014 25 4 ######## 9/16/2019 9:11 RN TS
You can begin again 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 2 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SC NW
Gil Scott-Heron : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 2 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 14 8 5/9/2019 5/15/2019 13:54 SO TS
GED test for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Going platinum : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 1 ######## 5/30/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 10 3 ######## 2/15/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 2 1 4/4/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 SS RN
The deluge : 3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 14 7 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 20 3 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 15 12 ######## 1/18/2019 11:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2014 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 6 3 5/8/2017 2/4/2019 12:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 3 2 3/1/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 0 1/22/2019 16:22 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 3 1 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SP
Echoes of us : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Echoes of us : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 11 6 ######## 8/15/2019 9:26 SP TS
Stranger / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2014 3 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2014 4 ######## 2/4/2019 9:37 RN RN
Tiptop cat / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2014 8 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:42 SP RN
The Great Recession / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2014 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2014 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2014 2 1 4/7/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
Unmade / 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2014 5 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2014 10 8 ######## 3/7/2019 8:27 RN TS
Ardor / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2014 2 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2014 7 3 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SO SS
Dairy-free diets / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2014 3 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 SS NW
Dairy-free diets / 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2014 2 1 9/5/2015 1/9/2019 10:41 SV SP
Ettore Boiardi : 3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2014 1 ######## 3/14/2019 12:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 10 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 7 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 33 7 9/7/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 0 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 5 1 3/9/2017 2/5/2019 11:03 SP RN
Netflix : 3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 0 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 7 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 24 11 ######## 7/8/2019 14:50 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2014 14 9 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2014 17 3 3/4/2017 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2014 12 6 7/8/2019 8/23/2019 12:59 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2014 9 1 4/7/2015 2/26/2019 10:07 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 12 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 13 4 1/5/2019 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 9 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Los 100 alimentos Dukan que podrás comer 3.12E+13
sin restricción
BK 11/19/2014 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 30 7 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 NV TS
Madres que no saben amar : 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SS SP
Master the ASVAB / 3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2014 16 2 8/5/2016 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
The Gallaudet children's dictionary of American
Language / 11/20/2014 23 14 ######## 2/4/2019 10:09 RN RN
A nation wholly free : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2014 4 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SO SS
¡Pa'rriba y pa'lante! : 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2014 8 3 ######## 6/22/2019 11:43 IV RN
Suspicion at seven / 3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2014 14 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2014 37 8 ######## 2/22/2019 16:29 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2014 41 10 ######## 5/31/2019 11:53 SO TS
Last Days in Shanghai : 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 11 1 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
Diamond boy / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 3 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 2 7/8/2015 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 4 2 ######## 10/23/2019 9:37 RN TS
Explore with Sieur de la Salle / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 2 7/8/2015 1/22/2019 16:49 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 8 2 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 2 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SO
Skateboard party / 3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2014 3 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Support and defend : 3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2014 22 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
One night more / 3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2014 11 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2014 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2014 2 3 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2014 5 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Casino Infernale : 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2014 16 5 ######## 10/14/2019 12:24 RN TS
Eyes of prey / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2014 39 6 ######## 2/19/2019 11:33 SV SP
Eyes of prey / 3.12E+13 BK 11/26/2014 41 4 ######## 10/30/2019 14:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2014 2 1 7/1/2015 1/9/2019 10:41 RN SP
Now that you're here / 3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2014 3 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2014 8 2 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2014 5 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2014 3 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
Tantra : 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2014 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
Her brilliant career : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2014 5 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
The reckoning : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2014 4 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 SS RN
Intolerant bodies : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2014 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Deeper than the grave : 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2014 16 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2014 5 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
Defenders / 3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2014 11 2 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
The Fender archives : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 4 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Home business tax deductions : 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 13 6 ######## 11/22/2019 8:23 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 27 2 7/9/2019 11/8/2019 13:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 50 6 ######## 8/14/2019 9:58 SO TS
A letter for Leo / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 9 2 3/6/2019 4/11/2019 9:58 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 21 6 ######## 11/8/2019 13:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 7 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 32 13 ######## 8/22/2019 15:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 5 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 28 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 3 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 2 9/9/2017 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 2 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 3 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 0 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 2 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 0 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 7/5/2018 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 2 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 2 2 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 9/6/2018 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 1 4/8/2017 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 0 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 3 ######## 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 0 5/2/2019 18:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 10 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
Tigger comes to the forest / 3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2014 7 1 7/3/2019 7/11/2019 9:52 RN TS
Family plot : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2014 13 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2014 2 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
Patti Smith : 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2014 1 1 ######## 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
Arizona and the Grand Canyon / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2014 27 8 ######## 9/24/2019 9:00 NW TS
Arizona and the Grand Canyon / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2014 25 9 5/4/2019 9/24/2019 9:00 NV TS
Indian every day : 3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2014 6 1 ######## 10/21/2019 13:56 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2014 18 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2014 13 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
The blues : 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2014 7 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2014 1 1 ######## 7/3/2019 10:46 SS SS
Curse of the Iris / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2014 9 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Avoti : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2014 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
Make it stick : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2014 33 16 ######## 5/7/2019 10:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2014 17 4 ######## 10/23/2019 8:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2014 4 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2014 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2014 15 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:21 NV RN
The 6th Extinction : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2014 32 5 ######## 9/30/2019 9:35 RN SV
National geographic kids almanac 2014. 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2014 34 6 ######## 1/23/2019 15:28 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2014 37 4 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 15:13 IV TS
Deduct it! : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2014 15 11 ######## 10/10/2019 7:20 SS TS
El coraje de hablar : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2014 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
Joseph's temples : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2014 6 2 5/7/2015 5/21/2019 12:32 RN RN
The spice and herb bible / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2014 21 11 ######## 8/8/2019 14:12 NW TS
Avoti : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2014 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 19 5 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 RN RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 8 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW NW
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 4 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Afghanistan / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 3 2 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 RN RN
Obesity / 3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2014 6 4 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
Leontyne Price : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2014 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
Who's that... playing? : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2014 20 6 ######## 6/27/2019 14:00 IV TS
Solar photovoltaic basics : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2014 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2014 10 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2014 27 8 ######## 5/23/2019 10:33 RN TS
Obama praises the "Korean education fervor"
: BK 12/24/2014 0 5/28/2019 11:25 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2014 4 2 6/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV RN
Letting go of legacy services : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2014 1 ######## 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
Audacity / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 2 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
FDR and the American crisis / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 1 1 ######## 6/7/2019 9:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 5 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 66 15 ######## 11/13/2019 14:45 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 23 9 7/3/2019 8/14/2019 13:29 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 53 5 ######## 6/25/2019 14:57 SO TS
The Iditarod : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 0 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 32 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:17 SS TS
Garden of dreams : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2014 0 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 32 1######## 10/14/2019 12:27 NV TS
Healing yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 20 3######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
Healing yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 3 1######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
The man who would not be Washington : 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 8 16/7/2015 9/18/2019 11:28 SV SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 5 2######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 5 23/7/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2014 15 107/2/2019 8/22/2019 9:37 SS RN
Driving the king : 3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2014 2 ######## 5/3/2019 12:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2015 23 6 ######## 7/24/2019 15:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2015 6 2 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 1 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 10 ######## 9/23/2019 12:51 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 15 8 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SP TS
Dogs 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 5 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
Ladybug Girl : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 10 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Noses are not for picking 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 43 9 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 NW RN
Noses are not for picking 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 53 15 5/1/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 35 17 ######## 3/22/2019 12:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
Charlie and the blanket toss / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SV SV
Charlie and the blanket toss / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 8 4 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 11 1 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 NW SV
The memory book : 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 1 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 RN RN
Sick Simon / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 44 3 ######## 10/23/2019 10:43 RN TS
Wednesday / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 1 4/1/2015 2/15/2019 12:01 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2015 28 2 ######## 10/23/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2015 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2015 3 3/4/2015 2/21/2019 14:17 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/6/2015 33 7 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 NW VE
The mindfulness habit : 3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2015 19 10 ######## 1/18/2019 8:44 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2015 2 ######## 6/5/2019 16:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 10 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 7 1 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 30 8 ######## 11/20/2019 15:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 0 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 4 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 1 2 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 43 9 ######## 12/9/2019 15:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 5 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 2 2 ######## 1/29/2019 15:54 SP SP
Judy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 2 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Judy : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 19 7 ######## 11/6/2019 12:25 SC TS
Language for God in patristic tradition : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 2 ######## 8/6/2019 11:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 6 2 ######## 10/9/2019 9:11 IV RN
Merlin Stone remembered : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2015 1 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 NV RN
Snap : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2015 72 12 ######## 11/8/2019 12:06 NV TS
Tall and short : 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2015 51 20 ######## 4/25/2019 12:00 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2015 3 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Waiting for unicorns / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 41 22 4/3/2019 5/14/2019 11:38 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 8 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 2 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 3 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
The law of loving others / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Curious George at the zoo : 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 34 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
Wrath / 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2015 3 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 19 4 ######## 10/17/2019 13:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 20 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 VE RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 1 1 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
The devil wins : 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 5 2 ######## 4/24/2019 15:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 5 1 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 24 3 2/8/2017 9/17/2019 14:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 29 5 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 9 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
My brother is a big, fat liar / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 46 8 ######## 4/25/2019 11:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 13 6 ######## 3/26/2019 15:52 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 40 12 ######## 6/13/2019 9:08 NW TS
White witch, black curse / 3.12E+13 BK 1/14/2015 11 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2015 43 4 ######## 10/14/2019 12:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2015 41 7 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 NV RN
Tunnel vision / 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2015 4 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2015 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2015 1 2/3/2015 1/3/2019 10:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 3 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 IV SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 4 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 NW SS
Puss in boots and other bedtime stories / 3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2015 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SS
88 days to Kandahar : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 VE SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 18 3 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 6 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 NW RN
A poem in your pocket / 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 3 1 4/6/2016 2/5/2019 16:16 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 9 6 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 VE RN
A tremendous thing : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 0 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2015 24 9 4/4/2019 5/9/2019 7:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2015 52 15 ######## 10/3/2019 12:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2015 60 9 9/7/2019 10/2/2019 10:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2015 52 12 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2015 3 1 ######## 2/11/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2015 7 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2015 56 15 ######## 11/1/2019 15:39 IV TS
Wonder Woman ABCs 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2015 5 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SS
Call me Debbie : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 8 5/8/2015 7/1/2019 11:09 SO SS
Reading publics : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 3 1 6/7/2015 4/24/2019 15:43 RN RN
The autoimmune solution : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 32 13 2/6/2019 3/20/2019 8:05 SV TS
One step too far : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 14 3 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 11 9 ######## 6/25/2019 15:17 SP RN
Blood of the South : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 14 3 5/8/2018 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
The Book of Storms / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 23 10 ######## 12/20/2019 10:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 45 8 ######## 4/16/2019 12:52 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 17 1 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 12 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 45 10 ######## 3/14/2019 12:37 RN TS
It's been said before : 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 7 4 ######## 9/23/2019 17:32 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 28 8 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 RN VE
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2015 25 9 ######## 4/12/2019 14:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2015 39 14 ######## 6/28/2019 14:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2015 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2015 15 7 ######## 11/15/2019 10:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2015 3 ######## 10/18/2019 14:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2015 1 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2015 42 18 ######## 9/17/2019 11:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2015 13 6 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 SO RN
The liberty for all : 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2015 2 2 ######## 5/28/2019 9:18 IV RN
Leopardpox! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2015 10 3 9/3/2016 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Leopardpox! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2015 14 2 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 SS RN
Sleeping Cinderella and other princess mix-ups
/ BK 1/28/2015 51 13 8/9/2019 9/6/2019 9:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/28/2015 11 1 ######## 11/20/2019 8:27 SV RN
Goose / 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 15 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 4 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 26 11 ######## 11/20/2019 14:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 6 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 2 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 3 6/3/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 10 1 8/8/2017 2/2/2019 10:09 SP RN
The tyranny of silence : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 1 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 IV RN
A brush full of colour : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 0 1/3/2019 9:49 SP SP
A brush full of colour : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 36 13 ######## 7/31/2019 8:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 3 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 RN SS
Running dry : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 0 1/23/2019 11:01 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 1 7/7/2015 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Xenolinguistics : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2015 2 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2015 4 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 15 5 ######## 8/23/2019 12:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 7 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SO
Shadow of the war machine / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 1 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NV RN
Tracers / 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 3 2 4/9/2016 5/3/2019 17:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 12 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The partnership : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 0 7/1/2019 10:59 SS SS
The partnership : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 5 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 49 13 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2015 20 11 2/9/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2015 4 1 ######## 10/18/2019 12:38 SP RN
Headache godfather : 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2015 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Headache godfather : 3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2015 2 1 ######## 5/9/2019 14:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/3/2015 7 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NW SS
Red berries, white clouds, blue sky / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 9 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Red berries, white clouds, blue sky / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 6 4 ######## 3/8/2019 10:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 6 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Half life : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 6 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
Pauline Frederick reporting : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 2 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
Publishing : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 5 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
The vegetarian flavor bible : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 14 4 ######## 9/24/2019 10:24 RN TS
The vegetarian flavor bible : 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2015 7 5 ######## 11/19/2019 14:37 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2015 6 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2015 15 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2015 24 7 ######## 4/12/2019 12:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2015 3 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Get what's yours : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC RN
Batman and Robin team up! 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 6 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 2 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 7 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
Utopia, Iowa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 5 3 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 SP RN
Utopia, Iowa / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 1 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 2 ######## 5/28/2019 14:37 SV RN
Everything I never told you / 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 46 11 6/6/2019 7/15/2019 12:25 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 31 15 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2015 1 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2015 24 10 ######## 8/15/2019 13:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2015 12 4 ######## 1/29/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2015 2 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 SP SS
One on one : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 3 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SS
Prodigal son : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 38 6 ######## 10/18/2019 11:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 4 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
Shame and the captives : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 5 1 8/8/2018 7/24/2019 11:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 7 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 50 17 ######## 7/24/2019 15:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 10 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 11 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 28 10 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 23 6 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SP TS
More or less 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 36 16 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 12:26 SV TS
Opposites 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 37 18 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 42 18 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 42 14 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2015 31 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NW RN
The colder war : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2015 4 1 ######## 5/28/2019 11:16 IV SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2015 9 1 ######## 9/6/2019 8:24 SO TS
The filthy truth / 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2015 8 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2015 0 7/1/2019 11:09 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 12 5 3/6/2019 4/23/2019 12:41 NW TS
Feral pride / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 1 3/5/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 6 3 4/6/2016 5/3/2019 17:34 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 5 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
Glamourpuss / 3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 50 5 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 17 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2015 7 1 ######## 8/7/2019 14:36 RN TS
Eye on the struggle : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2015 1 1 4/8/2015 5/9/2019 14:25 RN RN
Eye on the struggle : 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2015 2 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2015 5 4 ######## 3/26/2019 15:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 11 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 11 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 1 ######## 2/1/2019 17:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 8 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 16 7 ######## 5/22/2019 15:24 NW SP
Anonymous soldiers : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 7 3 3/4/2016 2/28/2019 14:22 IV RN
Anonymous soldiers : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 2 2 ######## 7/3/2019 16:49 NV SS
Irritable hearts : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 11 6 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
The psychopath inside : 3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 18 9 1/9/2019 3/13/2019 9:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2015 2 3/8/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 5 ######## 10/4/2019 11:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 3 1 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV RN
Stone in the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 2 9/9/2015 5/3/2019 17:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 14 3 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 18 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The storyspinner / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 19 6 ######## 8/15/2019 9:28 NV TS
Loves labour's lost / 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 2 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2015 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 5 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 22 3 6/1/2018 7/24/2019 11:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 13 3 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 7 2 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 SP SP
Razorhurst / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 1 ######## 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 14 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 9 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:04 SP RN
Follies of God : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 6 2 7/7/2017 1/8/2019 11:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 6 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 6 3 7/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
Me and my daddy listen to Bob Marley : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 1 4/2/2015 5/7/2019 13:49 IV RN
Me and my daddy listen to Bob Marley : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 9 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
The secret game : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2015 8 3/6/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2015 11 7 ######## 6/27/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2015 2 3/8/2016 6/4/2019 13:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2015 10 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2015 39 8 1/5/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
SAT 2015-2016 : 3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2015 10 2 ######## 1/9/2019 16:38 SV VE
American made : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2015 5 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2015 8 5 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2015 7 2 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
The Burma spring : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2015 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
The Burma spring : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2015 7 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2015 60 19 5/2/2019 6/27/2019 10:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2015 61 20 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 15:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2015 61 20 ######## 12/9/2019 13:20 NW TS
Sorceress : 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2015 7 1 6/1/2019 7/8/2019 15:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2015 9 3 ######## 5/14/2019 11:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2015 4 4 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 34 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 39 7 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 17 1 ######## 3/14/2019 10:34 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 31 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 28 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 24 12 3/7/2019 4/12/2019 15:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2015 1 5/6/2015 2/7/2019 9:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 26 14 ######## 8/22/2019 15:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 1 4/3/2015 1/15/2019 11:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 8 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:34 NV NW
Ten windows : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 3 ######## 4/23/2019 13:56 SP RN
The science of Interstellar / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 8 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 21 2 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SO TS
Inherit midnight / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 6 ######## 5/3/2019 17:47 SO RN
Fuds : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2015 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:40 SO RN
Cutting-edge art quilts / 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2015 15 5 3/8/2019 4/17/2019 10:54 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2015 0 2/22/2019 12:35 GE GE
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2015 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Wandering whale sharks / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2015 1 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2015 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2015 2 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2015 3 1 9/6/2016 1/25/2019 13:16 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2015 5 1 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 RN SV
A force for good : 3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 3 ######## 5/21/2019 12:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 10 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 5 2 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 14 3 ######## 3/28/2019 9:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 4 2 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 6 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2015 2 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
Detained and deported : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2015 0 5/28/2019 11:16 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2015 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2015 16 7 3/4/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2015 23 3 1/4/2019 11/6/2019 15:21 SV TS
Reluctantly charmed : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2015 3 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Reluctantly charmed : 3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2015 5 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2015 28 6 ######## 10/23/2019 8:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2015 3 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 44 7 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 0 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 1 1 9/4/2015 1/16/2019 17:26 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 3 3 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 RN RN
They won one! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 0 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 3 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 4 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 3 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 25 8 ######## 7/15/2019 11:35 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 10 6 ######## 11/13/2019 15:42 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2015 5 4 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2015 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Minecraft : 3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2015 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN TR
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2015 0 7/3/2019 10:57 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2015 7 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2015 0 5/28/2019 11:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2015 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SV SS
After Woodstock : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2015 0 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
After Woodstock : 3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2015 2 ######## 5/10/2019 11:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2015 26 13 ######## 8/14/2019 14:28 SP TS
Ghosts of the Golden West, 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2015 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Don't 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2015 35 3 ######## 5/30/2019 11:21 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2015 4 2 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2015 9 3 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2015 4 9/9/2015 10/15/2019 8:33 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 RN RN
The mad boy, Lord Berners, my grandmother 3.12E+13
and meBK: 3/25/2015 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 16 5 ######## 5/8/2019 15:11 RN RN
Visions and revisions / 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 8 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 3 1 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 4 1 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 9 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 8 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 10 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SO RN
Grace's guide : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 6 2 1/4/2017 11/15/2019 13:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 10 3 ######## 6/24/2019 15:07 IV RN
A man apart : 3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 6 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:07 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 14 6 ######## 8/14/2019 10:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 11 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2015 2 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Data science for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 24 17 4/1/2019 5/8/2019 10:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 0 2/14/2019 16:24 SP SP
Four years in the mountains of Kurdistan, 1915-1919
3.12E+13 BK
: 3/26/2015 9 4 ######## 10/4/2019 15:05 RN RN
Manhattan in miniature / 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 4 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 3 ######## 6/25/2019 15:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 28 6 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
Fed, white, and blue : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 1 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
Born to be king : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 6 2 ######## 10/4/2019 15:32 RN RN
Born to be king : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2015 0 2/22/2019 9:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 28 7 ######## 9/24/2019 10:45 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 29 11 ######## 11/7/2019 14:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 12 2 ######## 9/23/2019 12:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 9 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 18 5 ######## 8/1/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 19 4 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 2 2 6/3/2015 6/28/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 14 5 ######## 10/15/2019 15:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 5 ######## 5/18/2019 16:23 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 13 7 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 5 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 8 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
The official guide to the HiSET exam / 3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2015 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 5 3 8/8/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 6 3 8/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 6 3 ######## 8/17/2019 12:47 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 9 9 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 2 1/4/2016 1/29/2019 10:07 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 9 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2015 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 6 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 7 2 8/2/2016 9/17/2019 14:23 NV RN
Out from Boneville / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 0 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
LEGO Star Wars in 100 scenes / 3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 9 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2015 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:17 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 30 1 ######## 11/25/2019 8:16 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 12 8/8/2018 11/22/2019 13:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 11 2 ######## 1/12/2019 14:48 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 7 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Gray work : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 6 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:02 SP RN
Queen of the fall : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
King John : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 8 9/6/2016 10/9/2019 9:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 9 1 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2015 11 7 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2015 11 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
Young Eliot : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2015 4 2 ######## 6/12/2019 11:16 RN RN
Viper wine : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2015 7 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
The life of William Apess, Pequot / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2015 0 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2015 3 1 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2015 12 7 1/5/2018 3/19/2019 8:19 SS RN
The liar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 47 5 ######## 7/15/2019 11:32 RN TS
The liar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 43 8 ######## 8/15/2019 8:16 SO TS
The fair fight / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 10 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 4 1/4/2018 4/10/2019 13:01 SP RN
Su mejor vida ahora / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 0 5/20/2019 13:58 SS SS
Moral agents : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 3 2 8/1/2015 9/18/2019 10:36 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 3 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2015 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2015 14 5 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 SS RN
Beauty's kingdom / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2015 21 3 ######## 10/14/2019 12:19 NW TS
Three many cooks : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2015 7 1 ######## 10/24/2019 15:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2015 3 1 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 SV RN
Mashi : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2015 3 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SP SS
The Onion magazine : 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2015 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2015 5 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2015 31 8 ######## 7/8/2019 14:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2015 2 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 SP RN
My journey with Maya / 3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2015 6 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SO RN
The tapping solution for pain relief : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 45 16 ######## 12/9/2019 7:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 28 5 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 13 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 16 10 1/5/2018 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
Birth of a theorem : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 4 1 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 10 1 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 NV RN
Finding Samuel Lowe : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 3 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SC RN
Finding Samuel Lowe : 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 4 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 6 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 16 2 ######## 12/10/2019 11:11 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 5 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 6 2 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 8 4 ######## 4/22/2019 10:23 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 6 2 ######## 6/4/2019 16:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
Has anyone seen my pants? / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Underwater babies / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 3 6/6/2015 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 6 2 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 1 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2015 44 7 ######## 6/13/2019 11:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2015 49 14 4/8/2019 6/13/2019 10:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2015 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2015 2 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2015 10 1 ######## 9/12/2019 13:06 SO RN
Restless ambition : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2015 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 41 8 9/4/2019 10/3/2019 12:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 31 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:21 SS RN
The liar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 29 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 15 2 ######## 3/6/2019 13:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Flashpoints : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 16 5 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SV RN
If you knew me you would care / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 0 7/8/2019 9:15 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2015 1 2/8/2018 8/6/2019 9:39 SO RN
The trials / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 4 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
One season of hope / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 2 ######## 3/4/2019 10:33 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 0 1/17/2019 13:44 RN RN
Immigration / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 0 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 11 3 5/8/2016 9/6/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 49 11 ######## 1/22/2019 17:50 NV SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 37 9 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 1 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 15 9 ######## 4/15/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 27 14 ######## 3/7/2019 15:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 25 6 ######## 9/10/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 53 4 ######## 5/30/2019 15:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SO
The lady from Zagreb : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2015 19 3 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2015 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2015 0 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2015 6 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:10 SV RN
Airman knowledge testing supplement for3.12E+13
sport pilot,
BKrecreational pilot and private pilot / 4/14/2015 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2015 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2015 51 10 ######## 3/28/2019 12:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2015 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
Pred láskou neujdeš / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2015 1 ######## 2/13/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 57 6 ######## 10/3/2019 12:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 26 3 9/7/2018 7/25/2019 12:43 RN RN
99 Days / 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 3 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 0 1/2/2019 13:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 4 2 ######## 10/24/2019 14:55 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 1 ######## 8/19/2019 11:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 8 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 5 1 ######## 10/4/2019 15:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 1 1 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
The locavore's dilemma : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2015 0 5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2015 17 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:17 RN TS
Black Broadway : 3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2015 2 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2015 16 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2015 1 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2015 0 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2015 21 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2015 5 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2015 7 2 ######## 1/28/2019 13:55 SS RN
Virginia Woolf : 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2015 5 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2015 52 19 9/6/2019 9/16/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2015 15 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 10 3 ######## 9/23/2019 12:28 SV RN
How I shed my skin : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 3 9/3/2015 9/18/2019 9:59 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 7 3 ######## 3/7/2019 8:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 11 4 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 6 3 5/8/2018 7/29/2019 13:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 5 4 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SO RN
On shifting sand : 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 10 2 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2015 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 5 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:55 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 2 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:55 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 3 1 ######## 1/29/2019 12:23 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 22 8 ######## 8/7/2019 13:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 2 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2015 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 35 7 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 38 9 3/8/2019 8/1/2019 10:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 29 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 24 5 ######## 2/24/2019 11:11 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 3 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 4 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 24 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SO RN
The burning answer : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 2 ######## 5/11/2019 11:14 SP SP
The burning answer : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 1 1 ######## 9/18/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 2 ######## 7/15/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 48 6 ######## 12/10/2019 11:53 SS NW
Beyond the pale : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 6 3 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 1 7/6/2016 5/28/2019 9:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 12 3 8/5/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 3 1 ######## 2/25/2019 7:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 5 3 2/7/2016 5/3/2019 16:24 SO SP
Garden of dreams and desires / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 2 2 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
Garden of dreams and desires / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 2 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Boxing in New Mexico, 1868-1940 / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2015 2 ######## 8/2/2019 9:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2015 61 21 ######## 11/22/2019 14:24 NW TS
Ellie McDoodle : 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2015 13 1 ######## 7/8/2019 15:45 SO TS
The ravens / 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 16 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:37 RN SP
Scientific Babel : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 5 1 2/8/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 3 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 17 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 3 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:29 RN SP
Raw and simple detox : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2015 27 7 ######## 4/20/2019 11:12 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 43 8 8/2/2019 9/10/2019 10:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 18 8 ######## 10/2/2019 9:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 5 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 10 3 ######## 4/10/2019 16:44 SP SP
The last flight of Poxl West / 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 6 2 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 37 19 ######## 6/28/2019 11:18 NW TS
Road atlas 2016. 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 4 4 ######## 7/1/2019 17:55 SS RN
Road atlas 2016. 3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2015 2 1 ######## 7/1/2019 17:55 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2015 6 4 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2015 30 1 ######## 7/17/2019 9:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2015 22 2 ######## 7/29/2019 12:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2015 20 2 ######## 7/29/2019 12:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2015 16 3 ######## 9/17/2019 15:10 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2015 18 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 9 7 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 4 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 9 4 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 6 1 ######## 2/20/2019 14:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 4 ######## 5/9/2019 8:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 2 ######## 11/13/2019 10:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 18 4 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 9 3 ######## 9/23/2019 12:33 SV RN
Nil unlocked / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 3 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 RN TS
No ordinary disruption : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 9 3 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SP RN
Seveneves / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 26 13 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SS TS
Note book / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 1 7/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 7 2 ######## 9/6/2019 13:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 2 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
Don't leave yet : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 2 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2015 17 8 ######## 9/5/2019 8:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2015 16 3 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2015 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
The liar / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2015 35 7 ######## 11/14/2019 12:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2015 19 4 ######## 5/14/2019 10:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 1 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:08 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 0 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 3 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
Total tractor! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 23 9 ######## 2/15/2019 13:14 SV TS
Total tractor! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 23 4 ######## 12/20/2019 10:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2015 17 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 14 11 ######## 6/25/2019 8:07 IV TS
Sudden justice : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 7 2 ######## 10/21/2019 13:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 9 1 ######## 9/12/2019 12:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 17 4 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 8 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SV RN
Bad kid : 3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 4 3 ######## 2/7/2019 12:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2015 5 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 6 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 7 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 11 1 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 28 1 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 34 4 ######## 10/3/2019 8:37 SS TS
Closer : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 4 2 ######## 7/2/2019 15:37 NW RN
Don't stay up late : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NV
5,000 awesome facts (About everything!) 23.12E+13
/ BK 5/14/2015 44 25 ######## 9/6/2019 9:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 23 12 ######## 7/25/2019 15:18 SV TS
In the all-night café : 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 4 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 RN RN
Lost and found in JumpStart Town / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2015 7 6 ######## 6/25/2019 14:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2015 10 5 ######## 4/3/2019 13:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2015 29 3 7/2/2019 7/24/2019 15:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2015 31 5 3/4/2019 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
Sassy baby's ABC 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 50 11 ######## 6/27/2019 11:53 SS TS
Enchanted character guide / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 2 1 6/6/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV NV
Enchanted character guide / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 22 5 8/8/2019 9/24/2019 14:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 2 1 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 5 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
My weird but true! fact-a-day fun journal.3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 45 13 ######## 3/21/2019 13:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 10 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 2 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 8 2 ######## 6/13/2019 10:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 18 9 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 9:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 0 1/3/2019 10:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2015 15 9 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
Bad blood / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 1 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 27 4 ######## 7/17/2019 14:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 15 2 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 13 3 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 16 2 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 IV RN
Elmo says, Achoo! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 2 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 7 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 SP RN
Good night yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2015 23 8 9/8/2018 1/9/2019 7:50 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2015 2 1 7/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2015 3 ######## 1/20/2019 16:24 SP TR
Spic-and-span! : 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2015 0 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2015 0 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2015 6 2 ######## 4/17/2019 11:58 SP SV
Barron's GRE / 3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2015 17 13 ######## 8/14/2019 10:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2015 4 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2015 8 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2015 19 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2015 12 9 ######## 8/15/2019 9:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2015 14 4 ######## 5/14/2019 9:31 SP TS
Like it never happened / 3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2015 10 4 7/3/2019 8/7/2019 13:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2015 9 1 ######## 4/12/2019 14:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/28/2015 1 ######## 1/5/2019 16:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 15 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 15 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 4 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:57 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 1 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 21 2 ######## 11/14/2019 12:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 11 1 6/5/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 0 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 3 ######## 3/12/2019 10:34 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2015 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 22 5 ######## 7/16/2019 10:52 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 34 7 5/6/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 3 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 5 ######## 8/15/2019 9:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 10 2 2/4/2016 9/17/2019 13:53 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 21 5 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SO TS
Fodor's Chile / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 32 9 ######## 10/2/2019 10:55 NV TS
Devoted : 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 NV RN
The notorious Pagan Jones / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 3 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 0 1/5/2019 15:37 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 0 1/22/2019 11:29 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2015 15 8 7/2/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 NW TS
Bela Bartók / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2015 7 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2015 3 2 ######## 3/20/2019 16:50 SS SP
Binoculars / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2015 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2015 3 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NW
It's you / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2015 6 1 ######## 4/4/2019 18:08 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2015 8 6 ######## 8/2/2019 15:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2015 13 6 8/5/2017 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2015 25 8 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 IV RN
Goldmine record album price guide / 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2015 2 3 ######## 4/19/2019 15:19 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2015 17 8 ######## 3/26/2019 15:04 RN TS
Pass key to the ASVAB : 3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2015 2 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2015 20 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2015 19 8 ######## 8/12/2019 14:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2015 21 3 ######## 10/30/2019 14:15 SS TS
Potbellied pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2015 37 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 13:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2015 15 10 2/9/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 0 1/3/2019 9:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 0 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
50 recipes for kids to cook : 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 0 1/18/2019 15:35 NW NW
Goldmine record album price guide / 3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 8 1 ######## 4/19/2019 13:29 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 5 ######## 10/4/2019 14:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/11/2015 6 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2015 6 5 ######## 9/17/2019 15:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2015 12 10 4/1/2019 11/15/2019 10:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2015 8 8 ######## 10/9/2019 10:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2015 14 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2015 25 4 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2015 22 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 22 1 7/5/2017 9/23/2019 13:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 31 6 ######## 4/26/2019 15:48 NW SV
The brick Bible : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 11 12 6/3/2018 1/23/2019 14:37 NW TS
The seven good years : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 15 5 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 11 4 ######## 7/2/2019 15:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 6 3 ######## 6/7/2019 7:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2015 27 4 5/9/2019 11/25/2019 8:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2015 10 6 ######## 8/2/2019 16:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/18/2015 7 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
Forensics : 3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2015 14 6 3/5/2019 3/15/2019 11:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2015 2 1 ######## 3/12/2019 10:28 SP SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2015 0 7/23/2019 9:05 SS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2015 0 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Barron's Profiles of American colleges. 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2015 6 3 ######## 10/15/2019 15:12 NW TS
Barron's Profiles of American colleges. 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2015 1 8/4/2016 10/9/2019 10:59 SS RN
Blindness and vision impairment / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2015 1 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 RN RN
Chronic illness / 3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2015 1 6/5/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2015 39 11 7/2/2019 7/24/2019 15:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 13 3 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 11 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 4 1 ######## 6/24/2019 16:12 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 11 3 2/1/2017 7/26/2019 10:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 11 5 ######## 6/18/2019 10:57 NW RN
The good, the bad, and the grace of God : 3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2015 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
The good shufu : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2015 10 3 ######## 6/7/2019 9:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2015 11 5 ######## 5/10/2019 7:53 RN RN
The babies and doggies book : 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2015 56 13 ######## 11/20/2019 14:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2015 39 12 ######## 4/23/2019 12:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2015 1 1 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2015 4 2 6/4/2016 3/28/2019 8:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2015 0 9/18/2019 14:18 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2015 29 6 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2015 43 4 ######## 9/5/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2015 20 3 4/8/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2015 29 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2015 14 1 2/8/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/1/2015 14 3 ######## 1/24/2019 13:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 15 6 ######## 8/1/2019 10:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 13 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:26 NW RN
The redeemers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 26 4 ######## 6/21/2019 15:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 16 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 24 9 ######## 8/21/2019 8:56 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2015 11 7 ######## 9/5/2019 12:49 RN TS
Paperweight / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2015 12 11 ######## 6/27/2019 10:17 NV TS
The boy who carried bricks / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2015 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
The boy who carried bricks / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2015 7 ######## 11/1/2019 12:23 SO TS
Show and prove / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2015 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SV RN
Footer Davis probably is crazy / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2015 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NW RN
Cassidy's guide to everyday etiquette (and3.12E+13
BK / 7/6/2015 2 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SO RN
The unbelievable top secret diary of Pig / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2015 17 4 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 14:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 14 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:58 RN TS
Talent for humanity : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 4 1 ######## 4/20/2019 12:45 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 57 17 ######## 12/20/2019 13:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 21 14 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SS RN
Understanding gender dysphoria : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Pippi won't grow up / 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 19 11 ######## 6/13/2019 11:38 SP TS
MCAT 528 : 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2015 3 1 ######## 6/4/2019 16:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2015 18 2 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2015 6 1 ######## 9/12/2019 13:55 SV RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2015 3 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2015 4 8/9/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2015 4 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2015 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Kayaking / 3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2015 0 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2015 9 1 ######## 9/17/2019 15:10 SS RN
Trollhunters / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2015 11 8 ######## 10/23/2019 11:00 NW TS
The Loch Ness punster / 3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2015 4 1/7/2016 2/8/2019 12:14 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2015 14 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2015 35 6 ######## 11/21/2019 10:35 RN RN
Amelia's middle-school graduation yearbook 3.12E+13
/ BK 7/13/2015 6 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 SP RN
Anyone but Ivy Pocket / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2015 18 8 ######## 11/13/2019 15:57 NW TS
Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2015 6 4 7/5/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2015 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 RN NW
Watch the sky / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2015 7 4 ######## 1/16/2019 12:39 SV RN
Ice kissed / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2015 5 3 ######## 7/17/2019 9:44 SP RN
The whispering trees / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2015 10 3 ######## 4/12/2019 9:58 IV TS
Ringo : 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2015 18 7 5/4/2019 5/14/2019 14:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2015 17 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2015 21 6 7/8/2019 8/9/2019 8:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 30 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Oblivion / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 16 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
American wife : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 4 1 ######## 6/7/2019 9:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 27 3 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2015 17 8 2/7/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2015 18 4 7/5/2017 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2015 21 1 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2015 7 1 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SO RN
Fodor's Israel. 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2015 21 13 8/7/2019 9/24/2019 9:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 9 4 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 47 9 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 43 9 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 1 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
No. 4 Imperial Lane : 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 5 2 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 5 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SV RN
Life on the Ramona coaster / 3.12E+13 BK 7/22/2015 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2015 24 6 ######## 11/13/2019 11:11 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2015 6 1 ######## 2/15/2019 13:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2015 16 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SP RN
The girl at the center of the world / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2015 3 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SP RN
Ladies of the Lake / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2015 11 1 ######## 8/23/2019 13:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2015 44 4 ######## 9/24/2019 15:52 SO TS
Montessori map work 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2015 35 8 5/8/2019 6/13/2019 13:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2015 7 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Foulsham / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2015 7 7 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2015 6 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2015 0 1/16/2019 17:42 NW NW
Trust me / 3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2015 25 8######## 8/2/2019 7:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2015 25 12######## 3/12/2019 10:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2015 26 3######## 10/3/2019 12:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 10 5######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 6 23/8/2016 8/2/2019 11:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 3 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
My first hundred years in show business : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 2 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 NW RN
The single guy cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 1 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/29/2015 16 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:05 SO RN
Jubilee Manor / 3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2015 2 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2015 0 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
From the notebooks of a middle school princess
/ BK 7/30/2015 40 12 7/3/2019 8/2/2019 15:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2015 31 6 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2015 32 4 7/2/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2015 10 4 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2015 4 2 ######## 8/23/2019 13:51 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2015 21 2 ######## 5/9/2019 7:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2015 19 2 4/3/2018 7/24/2019 8:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2015 15 3 ######## 8/21/2019 15:09 SS RN
The Handbook of clinically tested herbal remedies
3.12E+13/ BK 8/5/2015 12 5 ######## 10/10/2019 7:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 19 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 28 3 ######## 9/16/2019 14:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 18 2 1/9/2018 3/20/2019 13:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 16 3 ######## 9/23/2019 11:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 36 3 7/1/2019 7/17/2019 15:06 SS TS
Creating a website : 3.12E+13 BK 8/6/2015 31 25 ######## 11/20/2019 14:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 15 9 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 21 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 45 11 7/5/2019 8/12/2019 14:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 32 8 2/7/2019 3/7/2019 8:15 SV TS
Into the dangerous world / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SV RN
Into the dangerous world / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 4 2 ######## 3/21/2019 12:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 25 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SO TS
The walk / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2015 11 2 2/2/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2015 28 11 ######## 9/26/2019 13:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2015 49 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2015 8 4 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2015 4 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2015 5 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2015 15 2 4/6/2017 10/1/2019 14:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2015 4 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Piper Green and the fairy tree / 3.12E+13 BK 8/12/2015 10 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:33 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2015 1 9/9/2015 1/3/2019 10:08 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2015 0 1/8/2019 14:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2015 26 9 ######## 1/23/2019 16:15 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2015 16 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2015 36 10 ######## 5/17/2019 7:59 IV TS
Statistics for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2015 14 14 ######## 7/16/2019 13:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2015 27 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
Ransom Canyon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2015 28 1 ######## 10/23/2019 8:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2015 28 14 ######## 7/17/2019 9:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2015 26 1 2/7/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 SS TS
Iron wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2015 26 6 9/3/2019 9/26/2019 13:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2015 24 10 ######## 9/26/2019 13:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/19/2015 10 2 2/3/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 4 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 9 4 ######## 2/5/2019 13:33 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 1 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 14 6 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 25 10 ######## 8/23/2019 12:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 10 6 ######## 7/17/2019 11:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 17 8 ######## 9/5/2019 10:30 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2015 6 2 ######## 8/15/2019 9:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 4 ######## 6/4/2019 13:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 13 4 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 9 8 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SO TS
The annihilation score / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 18 5 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SV TS
The annihilation score / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 13 4 ######## 11/22/2019 8:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 48 7 ######## 8/2/2019 8:48 RN TS
The way of sorrows : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2015 6 1 7/2/2016 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 6 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 48 3 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 2 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 15 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 5 1 1/3/2019 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 5 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 4 3 8/1/2018 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 7 ######## 9/12/2019 12:41 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/26/2015 10 1 8/1/2018 7/31/2019 8:43 IV RN
The trouble in me / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 1 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SP RN
Truest / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 6 ######## 11/22/2019 14:09 SV TS
Elephant man / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 0 2/1/2019 12:18 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 39 13 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 3 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:28 NV NW
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
Full cicada moon / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 11 8 ######## 7/17/2019 10:46 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 38 20 8/9/2019 9/10/2019 11:12 NW TS
Lego Star Wars : 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 40 14 6/6/2019 7/10/2019 10:17 NW TS
Hielo negro / 3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 3 3/4/2019 4/12/2019 13:19 SP TS
The unofficial guide to Walt Disney World 3.12E+13
: BK 8/27/2015 11 4 ######## 1/25/2019 8:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/27/2015 7 3 6/6/2019 6/12/2019 8:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2015 2 ######## 3/12/2019 15:34 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2015 4 ######## 3/12/2019 11:10 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2015 3 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
Until Friday night : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 IV SP
Guinness world records 2016. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2015 16 2 ######## 9/24/2019 14:37 GE TS
Guinness world records 2016. 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2015 34 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:11 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 8 3 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 NW RN
Born to be awkward : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 5 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:39 SS RN
Pokémon gotta catch 'em all! : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 44 13 ######## 4/23/2019 13:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 4 3 9/3/2016 7/16/2019 11:22 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 19 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
Fodor's 2015 Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 19 7 ######## 9/18/2019 10:24 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 26 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
Interstellar Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2015 33 10 ######## 11/13/2019 11:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2015 10 2 3/5/2016 1/11/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/2/2015 8 2 ######## 6/7/2019 9:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 27 3 8/8/2018 12/2/2019 8:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 16 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 6 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 0 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 7 5 1/6/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 SS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 2 3/6/2017 7/23/2019 12:24 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/3/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2015 9 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
Florence & Tuscany / 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2015 7 3 ######## 9/24/2019 9:00 RN TS
Gang leader for a day : 3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2015 11 1 ######## 11/6/2019 14:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/4/2015 31 10 ######## 1/15/2019 16:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2015 11 2 ######## 4/6/2019 13:24 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2015 4 6 8/7/2018 7/1/2019 17:52 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2015 0 7/1/2019 17:52 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 0 1/3/2019 10:08 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 0 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
The appearance of Annie Van Sinderen / 3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 4 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 0 1/3/2019 10:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 36 12 ######## 11/13/2019 12:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 0 1/18/2019 15:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 1 ######## 2/4/2019 14:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2015 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
Contractor's general building exam secrets3.12E+13
study guide
BK : 9/11/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 24 8 ######## 11/13/2019 14:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 35 5 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 19 4 ######## 7/29/2019 13:12 RN RN
The conquering tide : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 19 5 5/8/2019 5/31/2019 7:39 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 46 8 ######## 9/24/2019 10:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 7 1 ######## 1/30/2019 15:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 7 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 32 7 ######## 11/21/2019 10:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 5 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 2 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 SP IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 0 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
Influencer : 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 6 2 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 23 1 2/7/2019 4/26/2019 8:30 RN TS
Hawaii. 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 35 17 ######## 9/5/2019 8:47 IV TS
2016 photographer's market / 3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 7 4 ######## 9/19/2019 17:00 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2015 1 ######## 4/7/2019 10:18 RN RN
Give me wings : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2015 0 1/3/2019 9:49 SP SP
Give me wings : 3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2015 0 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2015 31 3 ######## 1/16/2019 13:59 SP SC
3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2015 27 8 ######## 4/11/2019 8:17 SP TS
Samsung Galaxy S6 / 3.12E+13 BK 9/16/2015 9 7 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 12 3 ######## 12/9/2019 13:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 10 2 3/8/2019 6/28/2019 14:33 NV TS
Disney princess storybook collection. 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 44 16 ######## 3/28/2019 16:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 37 12 ######## 1/15/2019 16:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 29 7 ######## 4/12/2019 11:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 41 8 ######## 4/12/2019 9:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 2 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:14 NW NW
Chicken butt / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 32 5 ######## 7/17/2019 12:19 SO TS
Little robot / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 25 6 ######## 7/11/2019 9:54 SP TS
Little robot / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2015 32 9 ######## 11/20/2019 14:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2015 37 11 ######## 9/16/2019 14:14 SP TS
Pret-a-party : 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2015 10 2 3/7/2016 1/11/2019 9:00 SV RN
Thailand / 3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2015 27 15 ######## 5/20/2019 15:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
The Union war / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2015 1 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2015 6 2 2/1/2016 11/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2015 10 2 ######## 8/21/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2015 7 3 ######## 5/20/2019 12:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2015 13 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2015 23 10 ######## 6/25/2019 14:21 TS TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2015 7 3/6/2017 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2015 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2015 10 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 9/23/2015 5 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 26 12 ######## 11/25/2019 8:14 NW TS
The power of I am : 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 15 7 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 0 1/16/2019 17:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 14 12 ######## 10/30/2019 15:01 RN NV
Faceless / 3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 4 2 ######## 4/12/2019 11:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 14 9 ######## 5/31/2019 13:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 0 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 6 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 11 2 ######## 11/22/2019 14:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 30 3 2/4/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 0 1/19/2019 16:52 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/24/2015 22 3 2/6/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2015 1 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 23 1 ######## 9/5/2019 12:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SO
On inequality / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 8 2 ######## 4/24/2019 7:59 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 5 5 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 11 3 ######## 9/20/2019 15:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 25 5 ######## 8/19/2019 10:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2015 34 21 ######## 11/1/2019 14:45 SS TS
Quicksand : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 10 2 ######## 8/19/2019 11:01 SV RN
And then I danced : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 3 1 4/8/2016 4/10/2019 10:18 SV RN
Birnbaum's 2016 Walt Disney World : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 14 7 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 SS TS
Ireland. 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 23 11 8/8/2019 9/20/2019 15:46 SV RN
Ireland. 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 19 9 9/7/2018 9/20/2019 15:46 SS RN
Italy. 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 34 11 ######## 7/31/2019 15:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 22 13 ######## 11/20/2019 14:31 SP TS
Poet's market 2016 : 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2015 0 9/18/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2015 11 4 8/5/2016 2/7/2019 12:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2015 6 2 2/6/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2015 16 2 2/4/2019 10/22/2019 8:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2015 41 8 ######## 8/15/2019 8:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2015 26 7 ######## 2/13/2019 11:53 NV RN
Beastly Bones : 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 10 4 9/9/2017 2/14/2019 14:19 SV TS
This may sound crazy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 2 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:10 RN RN
This may sound crazy / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 2 ######## 5/20/2019 12:42 NV RN
Dreamstrider / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 4 4 ######## 8/15/2019 9:25 NW TS
Dreamstrider / 3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 3 2 9/1/2016 5/4/2019 9:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 24 5 7/5/2019 8/2/2019 14:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/1/2015 0 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2015 7 1 ######## 2/14/2019 17:28 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2015 14 5 ######## 7/16/2019 10:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2015 13 2 1/2/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2015 11 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:59 RN RN
This is Camino / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2015 13 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
Our grandchildren redesigned : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2015 3 1 3/8/2016 10/16/2019 15:02 SS RN
Styled : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2015 17 9 2/1/2019 2/27/2019 10:40 NW TS
Styled : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2015 25 12 9/5/2019 9/26/2019 11:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2015 37 2 ######## 6/13/2019 10:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/7/2015 11 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 35 11 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 14 4 3/6/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 9 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 IV RN
Ancient sites of Hawaiʻi : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 17 7 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 4 1 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2015 27 6 ######## 8/21/2019 8:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2015 36 10 ######## 6/10/2019 8:38 SV TS
Orion and the dark / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2015 38 7 ######## 8/14/2019 9:59 SO TS
Fodor's France. 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2015 20 9 1/8/2019 1/30/2019 9:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 0 2/23/2019 16:42 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 7 ######## 2/4/2019 14:51 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 0 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 18 5 8/2/2019 8/23/2019 10:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 5 1 9/7/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 14 1 ######## 8/14/2019 10:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 13 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 44 7 ######## 11/20/2019 13:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 36 13 ######## 4/23/2019 12:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 45 14 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 11 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 37 12 ######## 11/8/2019 11:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 9 4 ######## 10/2/2019 10:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 0 2/8/2019 17:48 SP SP
Baby loves fall! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 48 9 ######## 8/14/2019 11:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 12 5 9/4/2019 10/2/2019 10:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 NW VE
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 33 12 ######## 1/15/2019 16:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 36 18 ######## 7/9/2019 16:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 2 ######## 10/24/2019 10:39 SV SP
Tractor Mac learns to fly / 3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 21 4 4/2/2019 4/25/2019 11:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 18 10 ######## 2/6/2019 16:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2015 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:27 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2015 19 5/1/2017 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2015 7 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2015 9 4 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/14/2015 22 12 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 22 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 27 3 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 28 3 ######## 9/16/2019 13:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 17 5 ######## 5/16/2019 7:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 7 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 11 1 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 SV RN
What moms can't do / 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2015 30 8 5/5/2019 6/13/2019 9:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2015 5 ######## 2/5/2019 10:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2015 6 ######## 2/5/2019 10:20 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2015 0 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
How machines work : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2015 16 1 ######## 5/14/2019 10:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2015 40 12 ######## 2/14/2019 15:59 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2015 14 1 ######## 11/20/2019 14:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2015 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:44 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2015 7 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
I don't live here anymore / 3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2015 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 21 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 20 2 ######## 8/12/2019 14:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 17 4 9/8/2019 10/23/2019 14:33 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 5 3 ######## 5/9/2019 8:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 14 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 11 3 2/1/2019 8/23/2019 8:47 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 10 1 2/9/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 31 6 ######## 3/28/2019 15:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 16 4 ######## 11/20/2019 12:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 9 2 ######## 12/20/2019 9:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 0 1/19/2019 15:06 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2015 28 7 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2015 34 6 ######## 12/5/2019 13:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2015 19 9 2/2/2019 3/26/2019 15:07 SV TS
Knock on wood : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2015 12 ######## 10/1/2019 14:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2015 25 4 8/9/2019 8/23/2019 14:17 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2015 27 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/28/2015 7 4 ######## 1/11/2019 9:00 RN RN
1,411 quite interesting facts to knock you 3.12E+13
sideways /BK 10/28/2015 11 8 ######## 3/19/2019 10:55 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2015 44 10 ######## 4/16/2019 10:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2015 19 12 8/2/2019 8/19/2019 10:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/29/2015 54 15 ######## 12/10/2019 17:11 SP SP
The big book of dinosaurs / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2015 51 13 ######## 11/13/2019 14:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 35 5 ######## 10/30/2019 14:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 3 3 ######## 10/24/2019 15:34 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 44 15 ######## 8/13/2019 13:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 35 1 6/7/2019 7/17/2019 15:28 SO TS
America ascendant : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 7 3 ######## 5/6/2019 9:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 0 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 0 1/16/2019 17:26 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 21 9 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 NV TS
Yappy hour / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 16 9/6/2019 9/16/2019 14:18 SS TS
Trashed : 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 29 13 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 10 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 31 11 ######## 2/8/2019 8:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 13 5 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
Whatever happened to my sister? / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 7 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 10 3 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 29 5 1/8/2019 3/7/2019 11:08 SO TS
Child convicts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 2 ######## 2/8/2019 15:35 SO SP
Child convicts / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 0 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 5 1 4/8/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 SO VE
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 24 18 ######## 10/23/2019 8:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 17 2 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2015 44 8 8/3/2019 8/15/2019 8:12 SC TS
Tricky twenty-two / 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2015 33 4 2/7/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2015 22 2/4/2017 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
New York City. 3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2015 15 3 ######## 11/21/2019 13:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2015 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:21 IV RN
I should be dead : 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2015 8 4 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2015 24 6 3/7/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2015 32 5 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2015 8 1 ######## 10/4/2019 14:00 SP RN
Ani's raw food detox : 3.12E+13 BK 11/12/2015 5 4 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
Calvin : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SV RN
Calvin : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 0 1/29/2019 9:38 RN RN
Calvin : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 1 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 3 1 8/3/2016 2/4/2019 11:58 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2015 7 4 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2015 0 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 28 4 4/1/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 26 7 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 32 5 7/5/2019 8/23/2019 13:01 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 9 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 32 4 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 RN TS
Slow cooker dump dinners : 3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 35 10 ######## 2/27/2019 11:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 16 6 ######## 6/4/2019 7:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/18/2015 31 12 ######## 8/21/2019 8:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2015 14 4 ######## 11/14/2019 12:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/19/2015 28 7 6/1/2019 7/25/2019 13:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2015 18 8 ######## 11/25/2019 8:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2015 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2015 9 6 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2015 9 1 ######## 11/1/2019 16:01 NW TS
Splint woven basketry / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2015 3 1 ######## 1/11/2019 13:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2015 18 2 ######## 10/14/2019 11:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2015 35 4 ######## 5/24/2019 8:02 RN TS
Fodor's 2016 Ireland / 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2015 24 15 ######## 9/16/2019 9:11 NV TS
Cracking the ACT. 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2015 19 16 ######## 11/13/2019 10:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2015 31 16 ######## 6/27/2019 13:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2015 26 5 ######## 8/22/2019 16:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2015 1 ######## 10/18/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/24/2015 0 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2015 22 5 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/25/2015 4 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 TS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2015 1 4/8/2016 9/16/2019 12:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2015 10 ######## 9/18/2019 10:22 NV RN
The white nights of Ramadan / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2015 3 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
I want to eat your books / 3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2015 26 6 ######## 9/17/2019 9:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/2/2015 26 6 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2015 19 7 7/2/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2015 12 3 5/3/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2015 26 5 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2015 18 7 ######## 12/17/2019 13:55 SV TS
Fodor's 2016 Northern California / 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2015 22 5 ######## 4/26/2019 8:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2015 18 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2015 34 13 ######## 2/15/2019 13:13 NV TS
President of the whole sixth grade / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 15 8 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 25 8 ######## 3/14/2019 11:58 SO TS
Interstellar Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 29 11 ######## 10/23/2019 9:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 27 5 ######## 11/20/2019 13:49 SS TS
Guigo, o peixinho brincalhão / 3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 0 1/25/2019 13:17 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 2 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/10/2015 23 6 1/9/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
A brief history of creation : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 19 4 ######## 8/15/2019 8:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 11 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 2/23/2019 16:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 1 1 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 1 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 1/3/2019 10:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 1/3/2019 9:58 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 1/30/2019 16:17 SV SV
Payday! / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 3 1 7/5/2017 2/1/2019 13:22 SV RN
Dogs on patrol / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 2/1/2019 13:48 SV SV
Fighter pilot / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:42 NV RN
Giving back / 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 0 1/18/2019 15:28 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2015 15 7 ######## 2/4/2019 12:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2015 2 3/1/2016 3/29/2019 8:32 RN GE
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2015 0 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2015 0 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2015 33 9 4/1/2019 5/13/2019 16:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2015 37 12 ######## 11/20/2019 9:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2015 41 11 ######## 4/23/2019 9:08 SO TS
Mon premier grand livre : 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2015 17 5 ######## 1/16/2019 14:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/16/2015 12 7 ######## 2/8/2019 8:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2015 17 2 ######## 10/23/2019 8:44 NW TS
The food lover's cleanse : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2015 14 12 ######## 1/18/2019 8:17 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Be a survivor / 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2015 0 2/20/2019 16:13 SV SV
Broken sleep : 3.12E+13 BK 12/17/2015 10 3 ######## 8/19/2019 11:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2015 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2015 19 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
Rick Steves France 2016 / 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2015 36 10 3/9/2019 3/18/2019 8:41 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2015 31 9 ######## 11/13/2019 12:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2015 4 5 ######## 11/20/2019 14:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2015 4 1 2/2/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/23/2015 3 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SP TS
Happy gut : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2015 28 6 ######## 8/8/2019 14:16 SO TS
Happy gut : 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2015 27 9 ######## 7/16/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2015 19 1 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2015 13 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2015 32 4 ######## 6/20/2019 13:40 RN TS
Halfway down the stairs / 3.12E+13 BK 12/24/2015 5 3 ######## 8/21/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2015 9 3 ######## 5/18/2019 16:33 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 11 4 ######## 9/23/2019 12:41 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 9 4 7/3/2017 9/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
American ace / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 6 4 ######## 8/15/2019 9:08 NW TS
American ace / 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 31 11 ######## 12/11/2019 8:00 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 30 9 ######## 5/10/2019 7:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 40 12 5/7/2019 8/14/2019 10:47 SP RN
Frozen : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2015 11 5 4/6/2019 6/13/2019 12:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 8 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 11 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 22 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 26 4 9/5/2019 9/17/2019 9:48 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 0 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 0 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
What is pink? 3.12E+13 BK 12/30/2015 41 12 ######## 11/20/2019 15:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2015 8 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2015 0 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/31/2015 3 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2016 11 6 3/4/2019 4/25/2019 10:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/7/2016 3 ######## 10/4/2019 15:20 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2016 8 6 1/2/2019 1/13/2019 16:19 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2016 3 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NV TS
Zootopia : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2016 31 13 ######## 8/2/2019 12:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2016 12 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:54 SO RN
The menino : 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2016 1 1 ######## 2/5/2019 11:03 SV RN
Here comes Valentine Cat / 3.12E+13 BK 1/8/2016 30 6 ######## 8/14/2019 10:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2016 3 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
5-minute Fancy Nancy stories / 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2016 39 15 ######## 1/17/2019 15:24 SS TS
5-minute Star Wars stories. 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2016 32 16 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2016 18 11 ######## 4/12/2019 11:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2016 24 7 ######## 6/13/2019 11:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2016 48 14 ######## 12/2/2019 13:17 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2016 42 15 ######## 6/27/2019 9:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2016 31 1 ######## 11/22/2019 15:23 NW TS
The great ocean conveyor : 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2016 1 1 ######## 10/16/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2016 11 3 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2016 1 1 ######## 9/24/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2016 2 1 5/4/2016 10/18/2019 13:12 SS RN
Almost everything very fast : 3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2016 1 ######## 9/6/2019 14:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/15/2016 8 2 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2016 17 4 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2016 16 5 ######## 3/20/2019 13:35 SV RN
The traumatized brain : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2016 12 6 ######## 3/13/2019 9:04 SS TS
The race against time : 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 40 20 ######## 5/14/2019 11:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 29 15 ######## 4/12/2019 10:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 7 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:54 SS TS
Further along the road less traveled 3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 4 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 0 1/5/2019 16:45 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2016 0 1/5/2019 15:53 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2016 22 5 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2016 19 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
My kitchen in Rome : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2016 10 5 ######## 4/23/2019 13:55 RN RN
A cancer in the family : 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2016 4 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2016 5 2 ######## 1/16/2019 12:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2016 10 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2016 13 3 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2016 9 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2016 8 1 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/21/2016 28 5 9/4/2018 6/25/2019 15:19 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 15 7 ######## 7/31/2019 8:14 NV TS
Techno strike! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 19 1 9/8/2018 2/6/2019 9:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 33 11 ######## 9/17/2019 10:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 4 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 27 15 5/4/2019 6/13/2019 11:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 3 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2016 7 ######## 8/22/2019 16:31 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 9 1 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 11 3 5/1/2019 5/18/2019 10:12 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 16 4 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 17 3 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
Baggage / 3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 10 1 8/1/2016 4/10/2019 9:53 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 16 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 10 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 20 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 27 6 5/8/2019 10/17/2019 12:31 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 17 2 ######## 6/4/2019 11:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2016 19 5 ######## 6/4/2019 11:26 SP RN
The burn pits : 3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2016 6 2 ######## 6/4/2019 14:13 SV RN
Red, yellow, blue (and a dash of white, too!)
/ BK 2/1/2016 15 7 ######## 5/31/2019 12:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 19 7 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 6 3 ######## 10/18/2019 12:44 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 9 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 3 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 7 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 4 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 27 2 ######## 9/24/2019 14:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 21 4 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 33 4 ######## 6/28/2019 12:44 SP TS
The noisy foxes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 1 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
The noisy foxes / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 7 3 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 5 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 25 6 ######## 4/23/2019 12:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 36 5 ######## 2/11/2019 11:39 NW RN
Rapunzel finds a friend / 3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2016 48 16 ######## 5/31/2019 12:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 22 4 1/9/2019 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 20 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 9 8 ######## 11/25/2019 8:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 11 11 2/6/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 17 4 ######## 11/21/2019 10:35 SV RN
What the waves know / 3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 10 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/4/2016 3 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:04 IV RN
Weiss Ratings' guide to life and annuity insurers.
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2016 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2016 13 6 ######## 10/23/2019 15:02 SP TS
Calamity / 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2016 18 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:32 SV TS
Nancy Clancy, super sleuth ; 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2016 8 6 ######## 3/25/2019 10:16 SO NV
Chasing freedom : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2016 2 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NW RN
Chasing freedom : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2016 0 2/5/2019 11:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2016 25 8 2/6/2019 3/25/2019 10:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2016 14 1 8/7/2018 3/20/2019 13:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2016 16 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2016 8 2 ######## 8/15/2019 9:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2016 8 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:31 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2016 4 3 ######## 3/21/2019 12:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 7 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 4 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SV VE
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 8 ######## 3/4/2019 13:30 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 38 10 ######## 11/13/2019 13:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 22 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 22 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 3 1/3/2017 2/1/2019 11:10 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 34 11 ######## 1/23/2019 16:20 SS TS
Good night, Truck / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 19 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:27 SP TS
Cheating for the chicken man / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 5 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SO SS
Dreaming death : 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 4 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
I am your judge / 3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2016 18 8 ######## 7/17/2019 9:43 SP TS
Abe Lincoln and the selfie that saved the Union
/ BK 2/16/2016 1 3/9/2016 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2016 17 13 9/4/2019 11/20/2019 12:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2016 15 2 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2016 27 7 ######## 9/5/2019 12:46 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2016 6 2 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2016 11 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/17/2016 23 3 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 31 4 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 11 3 ######## 5/30/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 11 1 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 SP RN
Way back then = 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 0 5/24/2019 12:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 11 7/1/2017 1/22/2019 9:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 15 3 ######## 11/7/2019 8:07 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 1 ######## 4/12/2019 10:40 SO TS
Mental illness / 3.12E+13 BK 2/18/2016 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
Weiss Ratings' guide to property and casualty
BK 2/22/2016 0 1/29/2019 9:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/23/2016 14 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2016 2 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 8 3 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 14 6 ######## 9/20/2019 15:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 39 1 ######## 10/30/2019 14:26 NV TS
Isabel Feeney : 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 6 9 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 8 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 9 ######## 2/6/2019 12:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 18 6 ######## 4/15/2019 13:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 29 14 ######## 3/21/2019 12:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 4 3 ######## 10/9/2019 12:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 2 1 ######## 4/11/2019 9:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
Gorilla tactics / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 0 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 4 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:40 SV RN
Rise of the ragged clover / 3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 8 5 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 8 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/25/2016 24 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2016 5 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2016 4 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2016 31 15 6/1/2019 7/10/2019 10:37 SO TS
Anne of Green Gables / 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2016 18 7 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2016 35 7 7/2/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2016 44 8 ######## 12/13/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2016 17 3 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2016 17 3 5/3/2019 7/29/2019 9:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2016 18 2 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2016 3 ######## 2/12/2019 7:47 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2016 5 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2016 24 6 ######## 2/15/2019 13:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/4/2016 5 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 61 2 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 10 1 ######## 9/24/2019 13:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 57 10 3/4/2019 4/23/2019 12:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 45 3 ######## 7/15/2019 11:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 58 9 ######## 9/5/2019 15:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 17 1 2/6/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 53 8 ######## 9/16/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 16 4 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 10 ######## 6/22/2019 11:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 23 5 6/6/2019 7/24/2019 15:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 28 3 ######## 8/23/2019 12:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 49 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 22 10 7/2/2019 7/17/2019 10:59 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 54 3 ######## 10/30/2019 14:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 15 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 61 2 5/2/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 39 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 17 3 ######## 3/6/2019 10:37 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2016 22 6 ######## 3/28/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2016 16 5 1/2/2019 3/28/2019 10:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2016 3 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 29 5 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 7 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 35 9 ######## 11/1/2019 12:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 20 9 ######## 6/26/2019 13:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 17 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 NW TS
Rush oh! : 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 7 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 24 14 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 22 11 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 NV TS
Desert dark / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2016 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2016 24 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2016 11 3 ######## 9/10/2019 14:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2016 13 5 ######## 3/21/2019 13:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2016 10 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Don't let my baby do rodeo : 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2016 5 4 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW RN
Poseidon's wake / 3.12E+13 BK 3/11/2016 13 5 2/4/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2016 20 3 6/2/2019 6/13/2019 10:56 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2016 18 5 ######## 10/23/2019 8:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2016 10 3 ######## 3/19/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 15 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
Frederick the Great : 3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 11 2 ######## 5/6/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 38 10 6/6/2019 7/25/2019 15:36 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 44 18 ######## 1/17/2019 14:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 4 2 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 22 3 ######## 9/5/2019 8:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 3 1 8/9/2016 5/4/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 43 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2016 19 1 3/6/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 RN TS
Maya Lin : 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2016 1 2 1/6/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SS RN
Rick Steves Italy 2016 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2016 20 12 4/8/2019 4/26/2019 8:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2016 32 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2016 19 2 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2016 10 6 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/17/2016 18 9 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 10 3 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 36 5 3/5/2019 3/18/2019 8:32 NW TS
The Canyon Ranch guide to men's health :3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 1 ########
10/16/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 14 15 ######## 5/10/2019 7:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 19 10 ########3/21/2019 12:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 24 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2016 40 8 ########2/15/2019 13:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 4 1 ########2/14/2019 14:19 NV TS
How to pee : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 18 7 8/6/2019 9/17/2019 9:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 9 1 ########9/23/2019 13:23 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 7 2 ########2/20/2019 15:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 6 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 16 4 ########1/16/2019 14:16 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 2 4/5/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 SV VE
I wonder / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 6 6 ########1/16/2019 16:56 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 29 8 ######## 9/6/2019 10:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 6 2 7/8/2018 2/4/2019 12:12 SO RN
Pollyanna / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 3 1 ########5/24/2019 12:29 RN RN
Single-parent families / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2016 1 1 ########5/29/2019 11:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2016 22 4 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2016 25 14 ########10/2/2019 13:57 SV TS
Spain / 3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2016 24 16 ########11/22/2019 8:23 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2016 19 5 ######## 1/18/2019 7:58 SS TS
Becoming wise : 3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2016 13 6 9/3/20199/24/2019 10:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2016 19 7 ########12/5/2019 13:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2016 15 6 ########12/10/2019 8:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2016 3 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2016 21 10 ########4/12/2019 10:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2016 10 1 7/2/201812/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/25/2016 30 13 ########5/14/2019 10:17 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2016 4 1 ########7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 14 1 3/8/20197/25/2019 13:46 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 17 3 ########
10/30/2019 12:41 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 19 8 ########
11/26/2019 10:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 4 3 ########8/19/2019 10:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 19 3 ######## 7/9/2019 15:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 21 9 1/5/2019 3/7/2019 15:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 5 3 ########6/27/2019 11:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 10 5 ########2/11/2019 11:39 SV RN
Go, little green truck! / 3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 33 10 ########4/23/2019 12:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 16 6 ########1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2016 34 6 ########6/26/2019 11:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2016 14 3 ########7/17/2019 10:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/31/2016 7 1 7/5/20199/28/2019 11:55 SC RN
Back blast / 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2016 25 4 4/2/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
Kokoro yoga : 3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2016 12 10 ########
10/15/2019 15:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2016 10 4 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2016 51 3 ########8/23/2019 13:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2016 19 13 4/2/2019 6/5/2019 15:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/1/2016 10 5 ######## 1/8/2019 11:35 SV RN
Lazaretto : 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2016 6 ########3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
Bernie / 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2016 5 4 ######## 6/7/2019 9:21 RN RN
The Syrian jihad: 3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2016 8 ########2/28/2019 14:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2016 33 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 RN TS
Dinner made simple : 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 16 1 7/2/201812/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 2 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:12 SP SP
Klickitat / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 6 2 ########
10/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 19 6 ########9/24/2019 15:18 NV TS
Big fun / 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 10 9 ######## 1/9/2019 17:22 SS VE
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 34 4 4/2/20195/14/2019 10:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 6 2 2/9/2017 2/6/2019 16:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 3 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 21 2 ########5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 25 5 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 31 15 ########
11/21/2019 10:20 RN TS
A guide book of United States coins. 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 3 ######## 8/2/2019 14:49 SP SP
A guide book of United States coins. 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 9 4 3/3/20195/19/2019 16:34 SS SS
A guide book of United States coins. 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 10 3 1/8/20197/29/2019 16:14 SO SO
A guide book of United States coins. 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 5 4 ########5/16/2019 14:51 NV NW
A guide book of United States coins. 3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2016 1 1 ########5/15/2019 13:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2016 20 3 ########
11/26/2019 10:24 RN RN
The cold dish / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2016 44 13 ########11/22/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2016 5 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 30 3 ########2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
Elmer and Grandpa Eldo / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:51 SV RN
Hurricane kiss / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 14 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:56 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 4 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:42 SO RN
Waybound / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 1 9/6/2016 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 45 20 6/8/2019 8/2/2019 14:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 29 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2016 30 10 4/1/2019 5/14/2019 10:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2016 42 2 ######## 11/14/2019 12:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2016 23 14 7/5/2019 7/16/2019 13:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2016 19 2 3/6/2018 4/12/2019 8:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2016 16 6 ######## 10/21/2019 13:55 RN RN
Ultimate travel : 3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2016 12 4/5/2019 5/20/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2016 23 1 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2016 11 1 ######## 11/7/2019 15:01 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2016 11 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2016 0 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
Sleeping giants : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2016 25 7 ######## 7/15/2019 11:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2016 13 9 ######## 11/7/2019 14:59 SV TS
Nelly Dean : 3.12E+13 BK 4/14/2016 7 1 ######## 8/21/2019 13:42 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2016 12 6 ######## 3/7/2019 14:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2016 13 7 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 IV TS
The last boy and girl in the world / 3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2016 12 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:32 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2016 1 1 6/4/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2016 10 2 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/15/2016 1 2 6/8/2016 1/24/2019 16:56 SS SP
Dream on / 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2016 5 ######## 7/2/2019 14:24 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2016 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2016 7 5/1/2017 1/2/2019 15:21 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2016 15 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2016 17 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 10 3 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 11 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SV GE
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 31 4 5/2/2019 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 28 4 7/5/2019 9/16/2019 13:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 27 6 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 16 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 32 7 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 21 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 0 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
Every girl gets confused / 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 6 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 5 1 1/9/2018 4/10/2019 10:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 9 3 ######## 6/26/2019 13:23 NW TS
Scott standard postage stamp catalogue. 3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2016 4 8/3/2019 9/18/2019 10:17 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2016 27 6 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/21/2016 4 2 ######## 1/12/2019 13:03 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 9 1 ######## 8/21/2019 14:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 11 9 ######## 4/25/2019 10:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 19 1 ######## 3/6/2019 17:59 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 12 7 ######## 9/24/2019 15:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 27 11 5/2/2019 6/28/2019 13:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 20 11 ######## 9/17/2019 10:05 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 8 9 3/1/2019 3/9/2019 15:01 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 4 3 ######## 7/15/2019 10:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 16 16 ######## 12/5/2019 12:31 RN TS
Lupe Lupita, where are you? = 3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 7 6 9/6/2019 11/12/2019 14:54 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/22/2016 37 19 ######## 11/20/2019 14:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2016 5 4 ######## 8/15/2019 8:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2016 22 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Primeras 100 palabras = 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2016 25 7 ######## 7/25/2019 15:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2016 17 7 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 13:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2016 45 9 ######## 8/23/2019 13:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2016 11 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:07 SV SP
A fine imitation / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2016 6 2 3/1/2017 8/21/2019 14:56 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2016 14 6 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2016 10 3 ######## 3/20/2019 14:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2016 15 9 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
Chrysanthemum 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 14 2 ######## 9/14/2019 13:32 SV SP
Goodnight moon 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 12 2 ######## 1/16/2019 14:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 10 6 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SV NW
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 7 3 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SO NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 18 7 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 SO NW
Owl babies 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 6 5 4/6/2018 12/30/2019 10:30 SV SO
Owl babies 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 11 6 ######## 6/4/2019 17:21 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 19 8 ######## 11/12/2019 11:30 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 4 1 ######## 8/6/2019 9:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 7 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 4 7 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 8:11 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 3 1 ######## 1/23/2019 10:10 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2016 4 1/5/2018 3/19/2019 14:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SP TS
Waiting for Augusta / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 6 3 2/4/2018 2/1/2019 11:03 SO RN
Waiting for Augusta / 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:03 RN RN
Rolling with BB-8! 3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 4 8/3/2016 6/27/2019 13:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 10 4 ######## 10/9/2019 14:33 SS SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 8 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/28/2016 17 12 ######## 10/3/2019 8:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 3 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 9 2 9/9/2017 1/29/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 22 5 ######## 3/7/2019 13:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 16 9 3/3/2019 3/13/2019 8:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 26 12 ######## 8/19/2019 10:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 34 12 ######## 9/6/2019 11:25 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 28 6 ######## 9/5/2019 13:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 23 9 ######## 9/5/2019 12:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 16 4 2/3/2019 3/28/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 24 3 ######## 11/13/2019 15:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2016 8 3 ######## 7/3/2019 9:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2016 25 10 2/6/2019 4/15/2019 13:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2016 26 10 ######## 11/20/2019 14:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2016 2 1 ######## 3/21/2019 11:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2016 22 7 9/6/2019 10/9/2019 15:49 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2016 4 7/1/2018 2/2/2019 10:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2016 13 5 6/7/2019 9/16/2019 14:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2016 2 1 ######## 9/20/2019 15:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2016 8 1 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 NW RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2016 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2016 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2016 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:46 SS SS
Lifescapes : 2016 BK 5/3/2016 0 7/23/2019 9:03 TS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 5 2 3/4/2019 9/27/2019 7:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 15 4 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 NW RN
Becoming grandma : 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 2 2 9/3/2016 4/24/2019 15:42 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 2 2 8/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
The bell in the bridge / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 3 ######## 2/5/2019 14:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 8 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2016 1 ######## 2/2/2019 12:55 SP SP
The guitar player's chord bible / 3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2016 3 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2016 25 16 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2016 14 3 ######## 3/4/2019 13:57 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2016 7 6 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/6/2016 8 2 ######## 9/12/2019 11:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2016 6 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 RN SS
Lucy Ladybug / 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2016 23 4 5/1/2019 7/8/2019 15:36 NW TS
Spot loves bedtime 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2016 21 3 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Una propuesta tentadora / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2016 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2016 30 9 ######## 6/27/2019 14:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2016 23 11 ######## 11/13/2019 14:34 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2016 24 8 8/5/2019 8/22/2019 16:32 SS TS
Handbook of United States coins / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2016 2 4 8/4/2017 7/2/2019 11:29 RN IV
Handbook of United States coins / 3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2016 3 2 2/8/2019 4/2/2019 11:10 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 16 3 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 15 7 6/8/2019 8/15/2019 8:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 13 4 5/8/2019 6/4/2019 8:00 SS TS
Big fat hen 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 2 3 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 IV NW
Crazy Hair Day 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 11 1 ######## 10/2/2019 13:11 NW SO
Crazy Hair Day 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 12 3 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 NV NW
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 17 6 ######## 10/8/2019 10:44 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 15 9 ######## 11/14/2019 11:52 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 1 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 10 3 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 11 8 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/12/2016 16 10 ######## 2/27/2019 10:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2016 11 8 ######## 11/13/2019 12:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2016 5 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2016 9 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2016 0 2/8/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2016 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 1 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:36 NW RN
McGraw-Hill's U.S. citizenship test with DVD
/ BK 5/18/2016 1 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 41 6 ######## 12/5/2019 13:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 20 7 2/6/2019 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 31 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 9 1 ######## 10/23/2019 8:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 21 4 2/2/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 37 8 ######## 5/9/2019 7:38 RN TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 0 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 1 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 0 7/23/2019 9:05 IV TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NV SS
Standard catalog of world paper money, 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2016 0 4/19/2019 15:19 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 18 4 ######## 7/25/2019 16:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 32 9 ######## 3/7/2019 15:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 26 7 6/7/2019 7/10/2019 9:07 SV TS
Where do steam trains sleep at night? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 18 11 ######## 9/24/2019 14:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 25 10 6/3/2019 6/28/2019 13:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 37 13 ######## 12/20/2019 12:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 27 7 ######## 3/7/2019 12:00 SO TS
My bus 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 38 10 ######## 8/14/2019 11:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 21 8 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 39 10 ######## 11/26/2019 13:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 9 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 3 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 3 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SP
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 2 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SV SV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 3 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2016 3 1 ######## 5/20/2019 15:30 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 2 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 RN RN
LEGO play book : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 31 9 ######## 5/14/2019 10:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 10 7 ######## 4/12/2019 14:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 2 1 ######## 11/8/2019 11:45 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 RN RN
One : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 2 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:35 NW RN
Street of Eternal Happiness : 3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 6 6 ######## 11/13/2019 10:23 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 8 4 ######## 4/11/2019 14:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2016 9 4 ######## 3/12/2019 10:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 18 2 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 39 20 4/9/2019 6/13/2019 12:44 SS TS
Tell the wind and fire / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 4 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 11 6 ######## 3/28/2019 16:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 26 4 3/8/2019 4/12/2019 13:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 7 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
My new mom and me / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 5 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 38 12 ######## 8/2/2019 12:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 3 3/2/2017 2/6/2019 15:26 SV RN
Where's the elephant? / 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 23 10 9/6/2019 9/24/2019 14:33 SV TS
Jane Doe January : 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 5 2 7/3/2017 10/4/2019 15:40 SP RN
Justice League. 3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 25 8 ######## 9/27/2019 9:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2016 25 12 ######## 8/12/2019 14:29 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2016 0 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2016 11 4 ######## 12/20/2019 10:37 SO TS
Genetic engineering : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2016 0 3/12/2019 10:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2016 11 1 ######## 12/20/2019 12:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2016 0 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Yosemite / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2016 14 5/6/2019 6/13/2019 10:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 31 6 ######## 9/5/2019 13:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 30 8 ######## 1/17/2019 14:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 3 8/8/2016 2/19/2019 12:27 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 19 14 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 8:22 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 20 5 ######## 7/10/2019 10:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 3 ######## 10/9/2019 10:25 SO RN
Nichijou = 3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2016 3 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:23 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 28 7 ######## 6/25/2019 14:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 5 7 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
Jack & Louisa. : 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 2 8/7/2016 4/11/2019 11:26 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 4 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
The remarkable journey of Charlie Price / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 7 6 7/9/2019 8/7/2019 14:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 12 1 9/9/2019 9/24/2019 15:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 5 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Skating with the Statue of Liberty / 3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 3 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:41 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 8 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:23 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/26/2016 0 3/12/2019 10:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 11 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 16 10 ######## 6/13/2019 10:43 NW TS
A dangerous age / 3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 13 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 1 2/5/2017 2/4/2019 11:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 17 4 ######## 9/10/2019 10:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 7 2 ######## 6/28/2019 10:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 3 ######## 8/14/2019 9:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 6 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 33 18 ######## 8/7/2019 12:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 39 12 ######## 8/14/2019 9:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 35 6 ######## 6/4/2019 7:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 17 7 ######## 12/21/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/27/2016 8 1 2/1/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 13 2 ######## 7/18/2019 14:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 4 2 6/5/2017 1/17/2019 16:06 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 8 ######## 1/19/2019 16:11 SO SV
Catch a kiss / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 6 3/4/2018 2/2/2019 10:41 SV RN
Ninja! attack of the clan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 36 12 ######## 3/28/2019 16:17 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 6 3 ######## 2/6/2019 9:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 34 6 ######## 11/12/2019 10:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 17 9 ######## 2/15/2019 13:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 0 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The secret war : 3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 11 5 ######## 10/18/2019 8:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2016 10 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
eBay for dummies / 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 21 18 ######## 11/6/2019 14:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 22 6 4/9/2019 6/20/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 0 2/7/2019 13:15 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 SP TS
Greetings from utopia park : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 8 4 ######## 5/29/2019 7:41 SO TS
Greetings from utopia park : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 5 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 10 5 7/8/2018 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
It's okay to laugh : 3.12E+13 BK 6/2/2016 13 7 ######## 7/24/2019 7:54 SS TS
Grayling's song / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 6 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 18 9 ######## 7/17/2019 11:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 7 5 1/9/2019 1/25/2019 16:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 18 1 7/8/2019 7/17/2019 12:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 6 5 ######## 7/24/2019 14:41 NW RN
The Skeleth / 3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 16 4 ######## 4/12/2019 10:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/3/2016 8 4 ######## 8/19/2019 11:18 SO TS
The cellar / 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2016 34 5 ######## 8/7/2019 13:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2016 13 1 3/8/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2016 13 3 ######## 1/26/2019 15:02 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2016 11 3 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2016 13 2 ######## 5/31/2019 13:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2016 50 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2016 26 13 ######## 8/1/2019 9:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2016 25 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/8/2016 24 8 ######## 9/11/2019 13:11 RN TS
Michelle Wie / 3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 0 2/8/2019 8:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 14 5 ######## 3/6/2019 17:39 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 2 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 9 1 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 17 3 ######## 3/7/2019 11:00 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 16 5 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 23 13 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 2 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 2 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 20 13 ######## 7/10/2019 10:25 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/9/2016 1 2 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
Marjory Stoneman Douglas / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 0 2/8/2019 8:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 5 2 ######## 4/23/2019 12:06 SV TS
Austin Mahone : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 0 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 0 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 0 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
Lorde : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 0 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NV RN
Big Nate : 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 36 5 3/5/2019 4/15/2019 13:03 SV TS
Autumn Princess, Dragon Child / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 9 2 ######## 11/9/2019 16:59 SS RN
Never too real / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 8 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 19 3 5/3/2018 7/25/2019 8:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:18 SP RN
This is not a book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 31 8 3/6/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 NW TS
This is not a book / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 34 11 ######## 2/5/2019 13:40 SO RN
Too many pigs / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 23 6 ######## 1/19/2019 10:32 SV SP
Las recetas de la felicidad / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 0 6/22/2019 11:39 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2016 6 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN NV
Danger, sweetheart / 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2016 7 3 ######## 9/24/2019 12:30 SS RN
What's your potential? : 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 1 ######## 2/20/2019 11:54 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 18 12 ######## 3/28/2019 16:19 SP TS
The secret life of pets / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 35 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:26 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 27 8 ######## 1/15/2019 16:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 8 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 15 13 7/8/2019 7/17/2019 10:18 SO SS
Tractor Mac teamwork / 3.12E+13 BK 6/16/2016 20 9 ######## 5/13/2019 15:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/17/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2016 11 3 2/8/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
Panama / 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2016 9 2 ######## 1/25/2019 9:02 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2016 26 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2016 44 17 ######## 11/22/2019 14:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 16 4 4/2/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 1 2 1/7/2019 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 46 12 ######## 8/22/2019 16:30 NW TS
High school algebra I unlocked / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 9 5 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 0 1/16/2019 12:03 NV SV
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 2 4 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 15 11 ######## 8/14/2019 10:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 11 6 7/9/2019 10/31/2019 8:36 RN TS
Tell us something true / 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 5 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 34 13 4/2/2019 4/25/2019 11:44 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2016 8 1 ######## 2/20/2019 15:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/24/2016 2 ######## 9/23/2019 13:21 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 25 2 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 27 13 ######## 5/14/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 19 3 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 12:57 NV TS
Cómo se construye un barco / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 0 3/4/2019 17:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 1 ######## 2/4/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 22 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 21 10 ######## 5/13/2019 15:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 5 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 37 17 ######## 9/6/2019 11:20 SO TS
I almost died. Again / 3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 0 1/29/2019 15:34 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 28 6 ######## 10/18/2019 11:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 36 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 26 2 ######## 9/24/2019 14:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 28 5 ######## 4/23/2019 13:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 44 9 ######## 11/20/2019 15:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 4 2 ######## 10/22/2019 13:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2016 26 9 3/8/2019 4/17/2019 15:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2016 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2016 17 9 ######## 2/15/2019 12:50 NV TS
The Tick-Tock Man / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2016 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2016 3 2 ######## 6/28/2019 15:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2016 6 3 1/8/2017 10/29/2019 15:20 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2016 1 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2016 27 14 ######## 11/22/2019 13:54 RN TS
Florida / 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2016 14 8 ######## 10/2/2019 11:48 SV TS
Scholarship handbook 2017. 3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2016 15 9 ######## 7/11/2019 14:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 39 12 ######## 3/28/2019 15:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 6 2 4/1/2019 4/29/2019 13:28 RN IV
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 14 6 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 NW RN
Big bad ironclad! : 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 36 7 ######## 12/20/2019 12:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 18 7 4/8/2018 1/15/2019 16:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 21 9 ######## 8/2/2019 15:30 NV TS
Curious George's 1 to 10 and back again 3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 32 13 ######## 3/7/2019 11:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/30/2016 5 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 SP RN
A night in terror tower / 3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2016 24 3 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 15:03 SO TS
How to be a person in the world : 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 13 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
The really big awesome book : 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 12 3 ######## 11/20/2019 12:33 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 1 9/3/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
China's economy : 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 10 9 ######## 10/17/2019 15:43 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 2 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The Prizewinners of Piedmont Place / 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 41 9 ######## 9/24/2019 14:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 8 4 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 1 8/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 8 2 ######## 11/1/2019 16:48 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2016 2 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 29 9 ######## 8/14/2019 11:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 27 7 ######## 11/1/2019 15:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 14 7 ######## 2/4/2019 11:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 18 5 2/9/2019 5/14/2019 11:12 IV TS
Sharks and other deadly ocean creatures :3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 34 4 5/1/2019 6/20/2019 13:40 SO TS
Super bug encyclopedia : 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 14 5 ######## 6/25/2019 16:04 SV TS
The Angry Birds movie official guidebook /3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2016 20 5 ######## 11/20/2019 14:45 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2016 14 6 ######## 1/16/2019 15:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2016 28 8 5/6/2019 6/13/2019 9:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2016 21 9 ######## 3/6/2019 10:35 NW NV
The ever never handbook / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2016 20 11 ######## 9/6/2019 10:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2016 1 9/4/2016 2/1/2019 12:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2016 10 6/5/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2016 13 1 ######## 1/15/2019 16:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2016 32 10 2/7/2019 3/28/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2016 12 3 7/3/2019 7/24/2019 15:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2016 30 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SP RN
Noragami, stray god. 3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2016 3 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2016 12 5 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2016 22 5 7/1/2019 7/15/2019 12:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2016 20 4 ######## 7/17/2019 11:14 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2016 1 8/2/2016 7/23/2019 12:24 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2016 3 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SO SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2016 2 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:33 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2016 12 8 2/1/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 SO TS
Counting cockatoos 3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2016 30 7 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/14/2016 42 14 ######## 5/30/2019 15:27 RN TS
Big truck show! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 21 3 ######## 3/22/2019 11:37 SP TS
Movie Night Magic! / 3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 14 3 ######## 1/17/2019 14:04 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 3 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 49 16 ######## 11/13/2019 11:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 20 5 2/5/2019 4/15/2019 13:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 23 14 ######## 1/17/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/15/2016 33 5 3/1/2019 4/12/2019 11:01 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2016 3 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SP TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2016 1 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2016 2 ######## 5/20/2019 14:41 NW SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2016 0 7/23/2019 12:24 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2016 1 ######## 7/23/2019 9:05 SO TS
Partners in crime : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 6 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 5 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO RN
Night of the animals / 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 11 1 ######## 11/1/2019 14:25 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 1 1 ######## 6/4/2019 15:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 6 3 ######## 4/10/2019 9:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 32 4 1/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 11 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 0 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 0 4/10/2019 10:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 50 11 ######## 11/22/2019 14:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 31 5 3/4/2019 4/23/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 32 7 ######## 12/20/2019 10:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 33 7 1/7/2019 3/7/2019 10:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 41 8 ######## 8/2/2019 16:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 34 10 4/4/2019 4/25/2019 10:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 6 5 8/1/2018 7/31/2019 8:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2016 12 3 8/3/2019 9/11/2019 13:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 4 3/5/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 SS VE
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:13 RN RN
The best birthday ever / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 31 5 ######## 1/16/2019 9:09 SO TS
Viaje dentro de un arrecife de coral / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 0 3/12/2019 11:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 4 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 6 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:30 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 8 ######## 3/19/2019 14:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 33 13 3/4/2019 4/5/2019 15:25 NW TS
The secret language of birthdays : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 9 6 ######## 3/5/2019 18:08 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 30 12 3/8/2019 4/12/2019 14:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 18 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 NV RN
Garfield hams it up / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 22 8 ######## 3/22/2019 12:49 SS TS
Garfield hams it up / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 28 8 ######## 5/14/2019 11:38 RN TS
Garfield hams it up / 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 38 11 ######## 9/6/2019 9:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2016 27 7 ######## 10/23/2019 10:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 33 14 ######## 12/20/2019 12:59 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 11 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 11 5 ######## 7/10/2019 9:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 19 10 ######## 8/22/2019 16:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 31 11 ######## 11/7/2019 14:44 RN TS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 0 7/23/2019 12:24 IV IV
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 2 ######## 5/20/2019 15:08 SS SS
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2016 1 ######## 7/23/2019 12:24 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 7 1 ######## 7/17/2019 9:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 3 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NW RN
Jellyfish / 3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 18 2 ######## 4/12/2019 14:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 15 10 4/3/2019 5/22/2019 13:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 7 7 ######## 8/14/2019 10:56 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/26/2016 1 ######## 6/28/2019 16:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2016 15 1 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2016 29 7 9/3/2019 9/16/2019 13:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2016 12 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2016 32 3 7/8/2019 8/15/2019 8:22 RN TS
A brief history of vice : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2016 11 8 ######## 5/6/2019 8:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2016 22 8 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2016 16 2 9/3/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2016 25 3 3/9/2019 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2016 17 4 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2016 41 2/1/2019 3/7/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2016 0 2/7/2019 17:12 SP SP
The MD emperor has no clothes : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2016 5 2/3/2017 6/4/2019 14:47 NV RN
Chile & Easter Island : 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2016 21 13 ######## 3/12/2019 10:41 SO TS
The narcissist you know / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2016 10 5 ######## 8/17/2019 12:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2016 1 2 ######## 2/7/2019 15:31 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2016 17 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Ms. Marvel. 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2016 20 8 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 SP TS
Zionism : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2016 5 2 ######## 10/12/2019 11:51 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2016 3 ######## 2/1/2019 17:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2016 2 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
When we was fierce / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2016 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2016 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2016 41 4 ######## 9/10/2019 11:40 RN TS
Pojo's unofficial ultimate Pokémon : 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2016 28 11 ######## 12/20/2019 15:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2016 27 9 ######## 11/20/2019 12:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2016 18 2 7/2/2018 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2016 28 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2016 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SO SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2016 15 5 ######## 4/10/2019 10:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2016 29 5 ######## 12/2/2019 8:04 SV RN
Shibumi : 3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2016 12 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/9/2016 22 6 ######## 2/6/2019 17:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2016 17 5 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2016 10 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2016 12 7 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 RN TS
Argentinosaurus : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 25 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:02 SO TS
Argentinosaurus : 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 18 5 ######## 3/22/2019 13:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 29 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:04 SV RN
Towering Brachiosaurus / 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 16 7 ######## 2/20/2019 14:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 12 3 ######## 11/22/2019 14:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 18 10 ######## 9/17/2019 11:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 19 7 ######## 1/15/2019 15:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 29 7 6/9/2019 8/2/2019 14:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 7 2 ######## 11/1/2019 16:48 NW NV
Guide to Pokémon legends. 3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 24 10 ######## 12/20/2019 10:08 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2016 24 9 ######## 1/15/2019 16:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2016 21 7 ######## 6/13/2019 13:02 RN TS
Herbs and nutrients for neurologic disorders
: BK 8/15/2016 19 10 ######## 7/24/2019 7:54 NW TS
Black man, White House : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2016 7 ######## 11/8/2019 13:01 RN RN
Naturally sweet : 3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2016 28 12 ######## 10/18/2019 8:29 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2016 16 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NV TS
Love is all you need : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2016 7 9 ######## 8/22/2019 15:02 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2016 1 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:22 NW RN
California camping / 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2016 7 4 ######## 7/24/2019 14:25 SS TS
The convoluted universe. 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2016 3 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2016 11 2 ######## 9/12/2019 14:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2016 11 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SV RN
All the ugly and wonderful things / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2016 26 8 ######## 8/23/2019 12:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2016 20 10 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2016 19 3 ######## 6/13/2019 10:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2016 1 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2016 5 4 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2016 41 10 7/1/2019 8/14/2019 11:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2016 11 6 5/1/2018 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2016 31 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2016 3 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2016 3 ######## 7/2/2019 15:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2016 24 6 ######## 8/20/2019 8:47 RN TS
Preacher's slaughter 3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2016 17 1 3/7/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 20 11 ######## 6/13/2019 11:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 24 13 ######## 10/23/2019 14:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 2 ######## 6/28/2019 15:44 NV TS
Tell me something real / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 4 4 3/9/2017 4/4/2019 12:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 13 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 11 4 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 52 9 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2016 33 16 ######## 6/27/2019 10:00 SO TS
Ghost (Overlaid) #1182011 BK 8/25/2016 0 8/23/2019 14:39 SS TS
Ghost (Overlaid) #1182012 BK 8/25/2016 0 8/23/2019 14:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2016 43 13 ######## 9/24/2019 14:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2016 60 1/2/2019 2/8/2019 8:32 SV TS
Book-o-beards : 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2016 40 14 ######## 12/20/2019 15:47 SP TS
Landfall / 3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2016 16 5 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 16:06 SO TS
Rick Steves Europe through the back door 3.12E+13
2017 : BK 8/25/2016 17 7 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2016 13 3 1/2/2019 6/11/2019 8:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2016 22 1 ######## 11/7/2019 14:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2016 18 4 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2016 9 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:21 SV RN
Master sudoku / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2016 7 8 ######## 5/3/2019 14:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2016 15 6 ######## 9/5/2019 12:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 2 3 ######## 2/8/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 13 9 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 17 6 ######## 5/17/2019 10:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 38 13 ######## 4/23/2019 9:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 42 20 ######## 12/20/2019 10:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 7 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 7 4 3/9/2017 6/11/2019 8:16 SO RN
Stanley's colors 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 25 4 ######## 7/9/2019 16:10 SS TS
The new art of capturing love : 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 11 5 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 14 4 1/3/2018 2/28/2019 11:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 19 4 8/2/2019 8/14/2019 10:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 37 5 ######## 3/22/2019 12:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 4 3 ######## 5/6/2019 12:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2016 34 1 ######## 12/5/2019 12:30 RN TS
Earwig and the witch / 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2016 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 11 7 ######## 6/18/2019 8:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 16 3 ######## 12/5/2019 14:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 18 5 5/1/2019 6/27/2019 11:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 19 7 8/6/2019 9/6/2019 9:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 2 ######## 2/7/2019 16:29 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 49 9 ######## 8/19/2019 10:08 SO TS
American Girl ultimate visual guide : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 26 8 ######## 1/17/2019 15:17 NV TS
American Girl ultimate visual guide : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 22 11 2/5/2019 3/22/2019 11:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 2 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 28 9 ######## 8/14/2019 10:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 13 9 ######## 5/29/2019 7:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 18 3 ######## 2/6/2019 17:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 20 5 ######## 3/28/2019 11:26 NV TS
Monster trucks / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 29 12 ######## 4/23/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 9 1 ######## 7/17/2019 10:04 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 30 6 ######## 6/27/2019 12:59 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 43 6 5/2/2019 6/25/2019 15:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 36 8 ######## 6/13/2019 11:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 12 1 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2016 15 4 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2016 7 1 ######## 9/12/2019 10:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2016 30 7 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2016 26 7 ######## 5/31/2019 13:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2016 5 3 ######## 6/10/2019 16:10 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2016 9 2 3/5/2019 4/15/2019 13:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/9/2016 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:55 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 24 3 ######## 6/26/2019 13:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 7 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 28 6 5/7/2019 6/26/2019 14:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 12 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 4 4 ######## 1/26/2019 12:21 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 4 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 22 4 ######## 8/14/2019 9:50 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 10 7 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 29 11 ######## 6/28/2019 10:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 25 5 ######## 11/22/2019 15:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 14 13 1/9/2019 1/18/2019 8:06 RN TS
The poverty industry : 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 10 6 ######## 10/18/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 15 7 7/7/2019 7/24/2019 15:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 2 1 1/9/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
Devil survivor. 3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 16 11 ######## 2/5/2019 15:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2016 7 5 ######## 5/17/2019 7:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2016 42 13 9/9/2019 11/20/2019 14:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2016 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:12 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2016 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2016 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2016 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2016 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2016 16 3 ######## 12/5/2019 14:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2016 17 6 ######## 5/8/2019 14:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2016 3 1 2/2/2018 5/7/2019 10:45 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2016 5 ######## 5/6/2019 8:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2016 11 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 20 1 ######## 11/7/2019 14:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 13 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 3 2 ######## 10/23/2019 14:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 20 4 ######## 5/28/2019 8:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 27 7 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 8 5 1/2/2019 1/28/2019 8:09 SP TS
Joint ventures : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 0 5/29/2019 11:18 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 52 9 ######## 12/20/2019 13:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 39 16 ######## 5/30/2019 16:06 RN TS
Beautiful / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 30 2 2/2/2019 4/15/2019 13:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 22 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 24 12 ######## 2/6/2019 15:01 NW TS
An American family in Paris : 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2016 3 1 ######## 4/12/2019 8:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 8 4 ######## 8/23/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 7 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:20 SV TS
The swan riders / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 41 14 ######## 5/14/2019 11:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 48 3 ######## 10/10/2019 7:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 4 2 ######## 10/4/2019 15:12 RN RN
The poison tree / 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 6 1 ######## 9/5/2019 12:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2016 20 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2016 2 ######## 7/17/2019 9:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2016 12 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 23 8 ######## 8/19/2019 9:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 17 2 4/1/2019 4/25/2019 13:52 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 14 7 ######## 11/13/2019 13:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 13 2 8/7/2019 9/10/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 30 7 ######## 4/25/2019 11:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 38 7 ######## 4/12/2019 13:18 NV TS
Beautiful oops! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 32 2 ######## 1/16/2019 14:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 25 4 ######## 8/22/2019 14:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 41 3 ######## 4/12/2019 14:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 1 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 1 ######## 3/12/2019 10:50 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 27 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2016 17 11 ######## 7/24/2019 7:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2016 9 9 6/1/2019 9/10/2019 10:14 SO TS
10 trick-or-treaters : 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2016 30 11 ######## 8/7/2019 14:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2016 26 8 ######## 12/2/2019 8:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2016 26 2 ######## 7/17/2019 11:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2016 27 7 ######## 9/16/2019 14:22 NW TS
The bitch is back : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2016 10 2 ######## 6/26/2019 8:23 SP TS
The bitch is back : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2016 23 2 9/3/2019 10/15/2019 15:38 NW TS
American Ulysses : 3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2016 12 10 ######## 6/18/2019 10:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2016 14 3 2/6/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 SP TS
Bright smoke, cold fire / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2016 6 3 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 15:54 NV TS
A deadly thaw / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2016 26 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
Out of nowhere / 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2016 12 4 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
10 trick-or-treaters : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2016 29 12 ######## 4/12/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 29 9 ######## 7/17/2019 10:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 22 12 ######## 3/22/2019 14:37 SO TS
Moana / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 28 7 ######## 4/15/2019 13:56 NV TS
Moana / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 33 9 ######## 2/20/2019 14:24 SS TS
Moana / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 25 11 ######## 6/28/2019 10:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 25 5 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 34 6 ######## 7/8/2019 15:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2016 17 10 ######## 8/7/2019 13:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 6 5 8/2/2018 11/22/2019 13:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 33 8 7/3/2019 8/2/2019 12:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 1 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 RN RN
First light, first life : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 10 4 1/8/2019 2/6/2019 17:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 11 2 5/3/2019 6/13/2019 12:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 12 1 ######## 7/25/2019 15:17 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 5 10 8/7/2018 8/15/2019 9:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2016 35 4 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 7 2 ######## 12/31/2019 11:24 SP TS
Ron Weasley : 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 12 3 ######## 3/28/2019 10:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 12 5 7/9/2019 8/7/2019 14:46 RN TS
#1195187 BK 10/5/2016 0 8/23/2019 14:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 4 1 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 18 3 7/2/2019 10/21/2019 14:44 SP SP
Battle lines / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 5 3 ######## 1/23/2019 15:08 NV RN
Cheer tools and gear / 3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2016 0 2/23/2019 16:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2016 11 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2016 17 10 ######## 12/13/2019 8:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2016 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2016 7 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2016 23 9 ######## 8/15/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 7 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 SP RN
Hermione Granger : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 12 3 ######## 3/21/2019 13:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 27 8 6/4/2019 7/17/2019 12:04 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 16 1 ######## 1/17/2019 15:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 0 4/4/2019 11:10 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 12 4 ######## 7/11/2019 9:55 SV TS
Spy ski school : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 31 13 ######## 12/9/2019 14:21 NW TS
My mouth is a volcano! : 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 8 5 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 23 7 ######## 6/27/2019 12:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 5 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 13 2 ######## 8/7/2019 12:43 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 28 8 ######## 11/20/2019 10:38 SO TS
Halt's peril / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 20 7 6/2/2019 7/10/2019 10:42 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 32 10 ######## 11/13/2019 14:39 SS TS
My first trick or treat 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 39 10 ######## 9/10/2019 11:49 SP TS
My first trick or treat 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 40 8 ######## 11/20/2019 15:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 24 8 ######## 7/17/2019 10:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 39 11 ######## 9/24/2019 15:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 0 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 16 2 5/7/2019 6/27/2019 9:42 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 0 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 1 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 0 2/8/2019 11:37 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 2 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:07 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 0 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 32 14 6/1/2019 7/8/2019 15:48 SP TS
William and the witch's riddle / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 2 8/2/2017 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 26 8 ######## 11/13/2019 13:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 20 11 ######## 7/16/2019 9:36 SS SO
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 19 9 ######## 4/23/2019 9:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 13 11 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 42 9 ######## 8/19/2019 12:51 SV TS
Bad unicorn / 3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 15 8 ######## 8/19/2019 11:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 46 ######## 10/18/2019 8:43 RN TS
Healthy, happy pregnancy cookbook : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 5 3 ######## 8/12/2019 8:15 NW TS
The eleventh hour : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 3 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 RN RN
Mind prey / 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 33 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 26 7 8/2/2019 8/21/2019 8:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 5 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 5 2 8/1/2018 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 2 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 2 ######## 9/25/2019 14:37 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 4 2 ######## 5/10/2019 7:53 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 2 ######## 9/25/2019 14:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 0 9/25/2019 14:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 0 9/25/2019 14:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 2 1 5/1/2017 9/25/2019 14:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 0 9/25/2019 14:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 11 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 4 2 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 3 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 2 1 5/5/2017 5/10/2019 7:53 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2016 0 9/25/2019 14:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2016 2 1 ######## 1/16/2019 16:58 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2016 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 15 13 ######## 8/5/2019 8:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 5 3 ######## 8/15/2019 10:07 IV TS
Boy robot / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 3 7/5/2018 2/1/2019 11:32 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 1 ######## 8/2/2019 10:14 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2016 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 12 3 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 19 8 3/1/2019 3/18/2019 8:31 SO TS
Batman's missions / 3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 29 5 ######## 3/25/2019 10:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 45 14 ######## 11/13/2019 14:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 21 8 ######## 1/16/2019 15:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/18/2016 27 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2016 5 1 ######## 10/9/2019 9:01 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2016 28 13 ######## 4/11/2019 10:14 RN TS
America the ingenious / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2016 6 2 3/2/2017 5/29/2019 11:18 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2016 15 10 ######## 7/17/2019 15:16 SC TS
Poet's market 2017 : 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2016 2 2 ######## 9/18/2019 13:00 RN RN
Othello / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2016 2 ######## 11/23/2019 16:09 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2016 14 11 ######## 4/23/2019 13:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2016 0 2/8/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2016 9 7 ######## 11/20/2019 13:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2016 0 2/8/2019 10:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 26 3 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 29 3 ######## 11/22/2019 8:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 23 4 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 33 2 ######## 10/14/2019 12:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 22 3 3/8/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 29 7 ######## 12/20/2019 8:46 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 27 2 ######## 8/12/2019 14:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 16 2 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 25 5 7/5/2019 11/13/2019 15:04 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 22 5 ######## 5/8/2019 14:34 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 9 4 7/3/2017 9/10/2019 15:09 SP RN
The boat rocker : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 9 5 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 20 4 7/1/2019 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 13 2 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 18 ######## 5/21/2019 11:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 13 7 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
Albus Dumbledore : 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 10 2 ######## 3/7/2019 14:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 11 11 ######## 3/7/2019 16:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 9 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 1 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:55 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 0 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
The October country; 3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 13 5 ######## 11/7/2019 14:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 21 7 3/6/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 15 ######## 6/26/2019 13:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 21 4 5/6/2019 7/15/2019 11:41 RN TS
Cracking the AP environmental science exam
/ BK 10/25/2016 6 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 24 11 ######## 11/13/2019 15:44 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2016 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2016 18 4 ######## 6/20/2019 8:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2016 18 3 2/1/2018 4/18/2019 14:32 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2016 44 3 5/1/2019 5/8/2019 14:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2016 37 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2016 25 5 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
Small great things 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2016 24 4 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SP TS
Victim without a face / 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2016 13 2 ######## 7/17/2019 11:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 29 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 22 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 24 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 22 3 ######## 10/18/2019 11:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 7 ######## 10/22/2019 8:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 25 3 5/2/2019 6/4/2019 8:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 21 3 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 9 ######## 6/13/2019 11:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 0 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 3 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 0 2/1/2019 13:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 0 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 15 2 ######## 6/27/2019 9:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 16 1 ######## 12/10/2019 13:16 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 25 11 ######## 6/28/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 28 2 ######## 10/14/2019 12:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 38 7 ######## 10/14/2019 16:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 8 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 36 8 ######## 8/12/2019 14:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 30 7 ######## 7/17/2019 9:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 23 3 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 32 15 8/7/2019 10/4/2019 9:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 21 7 ######## 8/19/2019 10:20 RN TS
Ghost ship / 3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 18 15 ######## 3/7/2019 12:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 14 13 6/4/2019 9/23/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/1/2016 7 4 ######## 12/13/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2016 10 1 9/5/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2016 15 6 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2016 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2016 23 13 ######## 5/30/2019 15:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2016 0 2/8/2019 10:44 NW NW
A spy in the White House / 3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2016 8 2 ######## 3/28/2019 11:04 RN TS
Parents' night fright / 3.12E+13 BK 11/4/2016 0 2/3/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2016 12 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2016 15 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2016 25 9/9/2019 9/24/2019 10:41 SP TS
Please sendBK
to T.S. 11/7/2016 17 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2016 17 3 ######## 11/22/2019 8:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2016 22 8 ######## 7/17/2019 11:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 25 3 ######## 5/9/2019 7:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 23 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 32 4 ######## 9/23/2019 9:27 NW SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 17 6 3/2/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 9 2 ######## 2/20/2019 8:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 24 7 ######## 12/13/2019 8:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 1 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
Pacific homicide : 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2016 19 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:55 NW TS
Washington, DC. 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2016 8 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 30 14 4/9/2019 5/31/2019 13:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 2 ######## 7/17/2019 9:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 0 2/6/2019 15:26 RN RN
Sargasso skies / 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 1 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 SS NW
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 30 8 ######## 9/6/2019 10:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 44 15 ######## 12/9/2019 11:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2016 44 11 ######## 7/17/2019 10:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2016 12 1 ######## 9/10/2019 11:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2016 20 9 ######## 5/24/2019 8:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2016 13 5 5/6/2019 5/24/2019 7:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2016 11 6 ######## 6/28/2019 10:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2016 0 1/31/2019 17:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2016 0 2/5/2019 11:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2016 0 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2016 24 5 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2016 17 1 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2016 7 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SO TS
Democracy for hire : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2016 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2016 37 4 9/5/2019 10/31/2019 13:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2016 50 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2016 5 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2016 20 2 5/9/2019 5/17/2019 8:02 IV TS
Please understand me II : 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2016 4 4 ######## 3/21/2019 11:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2016 38 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2016 11 4 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2016 52 9/1/2019 10/3/2019 12:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2016 0 2/4/2019 10:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2016 14 6 5/1/2019 7/17/2019 12:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2016 1 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2016 0 2/7/2019 17:21 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2016 1 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
Ruin / 3.12E+13 BK 11/28/2016 13 5 ######## 9/16/2019 14:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2016 30 12 ######## 10/30/2019 8:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2016 22 2 ######## 8/5/2019 8:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2016 12 8 ######## 4/17/2019 15:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2016 19 10 ######## 11/21/2019 10:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2016 30 4 7/2/2019 10/31/2019 13:08 RN RN
Duck and Goose 123 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2016 9 5 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2016 0 2/7/2019 10:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2016 23 11 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2016 32 9 ######## 11/13/2019 13:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2016 17 4 9/1/2019 11/13/2019 13:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/3/2016 19 3 ######## 12/9/2019 14:26 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2016 7 4 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/5/2016 13 1/6/2018 6/11/2019 17:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 8 1 ######## 3/21/2019 13:26 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 9 6 ######## 3/25/2019 8:03 SO TS
The Avengers storybook collection. 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 17 7 ######## 4/23/2019 13:27 SS TS
The Avengers storybook collection. 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 19 6 ######## 12/9/2019 11:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 14 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 13 5 ######## 4/23/2019 12:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 39 13 ######## 11/20/2019 15:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 13 8 ######## 5/17/2019 12:20 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 23 7 2/7/2019 3/28/2019 16:16 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 19 7 6/4/2019 8/12/2019 13:22 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 27 4 ######## 3/7/2019 11:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 20 6 ######## 7/10/2019 10:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 30 2 2/5/2019 3/6/2019 13:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2016 16 3 8/7/2019 8/22/2019 14:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2016 21 9 4/5/2019 4/25/2019 11:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/9/2016 21 6 ######## 9/25/2019 10:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2016 8 2 3/8/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 3 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:32 NV TS
Star Wars galactic maps : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 13 8 ######## 7/8/2019 14:26 NW TS
Star Wars galactic maps : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 31 11 ######## 6/27/2019 11:18 SO TS
Star Wars galactic maps : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 27 19 ######## 7/8/2019 14:26 SV TS
Dinosaurs : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 15 3 ######## 6/27/2019 14:45 IV TS
Dinosaurs : 3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2016 21 8 1/7/2019 3/7/2019 14:43 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2016 20 5 ######## 8/2/2019 8:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2016 25 8 ######## 6/13/2019 13:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2016 8 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2016 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:03 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2016 13 2 ######## 9/10/2019 10:53 NW TS
Fire in the valley : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2016 1 ######## 10/12/2019 11:49 SS RN
Over-the-counter natural cures : 3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2016 15 7 ######## 7/11/2019 14:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2016 8 4 ######## 3/21/2019 8:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2016 25 9 ######## 8/14/2019 11:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2016 32 3 ######## 3/7/2019 11:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2016 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2016 7 5 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2016 7 4 9/8/2018 1/9/2019 8:04 NV NV
Star wars Rogue one : 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 25 4 5/8/2019 6/13/2019 9:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 4 ######## 2/4/2019 12:18 SP RN
More hugs! 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 29 10 ######## 2/11/2019 12:03 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 34 10 ######## 5/14/2019 11:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 31 10 ######## 9/24/2019 14:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 0 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 31 6 ######## 5/14/2019 10:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 31 9 ######## 11/20/2019 14:43 SP TS
Fodor's essential Ireland. 3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2016 15 9 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 NV TS
The world almanac and book of facts, 20173.12E+13
/ BK 12/22/2016 0 3/26/2019 15:53 SO RN
The world almanac and book of facts, 20173.12E+13
/ BK 12/22/2016 4 2 ######## 4/12/2019 13:49 NV TS
The world almanac and book of facts, 20173.12E+13
/ BK 12/22/2016 0 9/9/2019 8:07 SC RN
Green smoothies for life / 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 15 4 1/5/2019 3/22/2019 18:11 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 20 5 2/7/2019 3/4/2019 14:09 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 4 4 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SS RN
Living with schizophrenia : 3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 7 7 ######## 12/10/2019 11:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 25 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 41 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/27/2016 16 2 2/5/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2016 28 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 9 5 ######## 3/7/2019 16:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 34 8 ######## 12/9/2019 15:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 29 11 ######## 4/12/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 25 5 9/4/2019 12/9/2019 14:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 19 8 ######## 1/16/2019 9:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 17 11 ######## 1/29/2019 13:46 IV TS
Hacking : 3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2016 16 7 1/3/2019 2/27/2019 10:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2017 17 5 ######## 8/14/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2017 34 7 ######## 9/10/2019 14:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2017 18 6 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 RN SS
Once we were sisters : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2017 11 4 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2017 6 4 ######## 12/20/2019 8:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 17 7 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
Night watch 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 25 1 ######## 6/4/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 43 5 ######## 6/10/2019 8:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 19 9 2/7/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
Beep! beep! 3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 41 9 9/9/2019 9/24/2019 14:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 35 7 ######## 3/25/2019 14:37 TR RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 28 8 5/8/2019 6/28/2019 13:28 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 32 7 ######## 7/17/2019 11:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 45 8 9/7/2019 11/1/2019 14:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 37 8 ######## 7/25/2019 16:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 24 14 ######## 4/15/2019 13:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 2 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 36 7 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:30 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 8 3 ######## 11/1/2019 16:48 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 34 8 ######## 11/22/2019 14:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 36 8 ######## 7/8/2019 15:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 28 15 ######## 7/25/2019 16:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2017 37 6 ######## 5/30/2019 16:01 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 17 8 5/8/2018 12/10/2019 18:00 NW NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 28 9 ######## 4/27/2019 10:45 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 6 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 27 9 ######## 3/28/2019 13:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 27 10 ######## 8/19/2019 10:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 1 1 ######## 1/16/2019 14:18 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 26 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:44 SV TS
Batman's guide to being cool / 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 16 7 ######## 3/7/2019 14:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 27 3 ######## 5/31/2019 15:05 IV NW
3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 0 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
Milk and cookies 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 29 10 3/2/2019 4/23/2019 12:39 SO TS
Milk and cookies 3.12E+13 BK 1/13/2017 14 2 5/8/2019 6/26/2019 15:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2017 3 3 5/8/2018 8/6/2019 11:13 NV RN
The war of the worlds / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2017 3 2 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 SO TS
Dead and breakfast : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2017 26 7 ######## 8/2/2019 8:54 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2017 12 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2017 42 2 ######## 9/6/2019 8:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 28 9 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 1 ######## 2/6/2019 16:40 RN RN
Big fish little fish 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 27 7 ######## 6/27/2019 9:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 40 7 ######## 9/24/2019 15:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 15 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 7 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 16 5 9/3/2019 10/23/2019 10:55 NW TS
Weiss Ratings' guide to banks. 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 1 6/3/2018 4/24/2019 9:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2017 0 1/29/2019 9:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2017 22 4 3/8/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2017 10 3 4/3/2019 5/31/2019 13:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/19/2017 12 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 21 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 11 5 ######## 3/7/2019 11:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 22 3 ######## 4/15/2019 13:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 21 8 ######## 8/19/2019 10:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 27 14 ######## 12/20/2019 12:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 32 9 8/6/2019 9/25/2019 10:05 NW TS
Llama Llama sand and sun 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 30 5 5/8/2019 6/26/2019 14:43 NW TS
Llama Llama sand and sun 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 27 9 ######## 3/7/2019 15:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 35 10 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 36 9 7/5/2019 7/25/2019 15:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 19 6 7/9/2019 9/6/2019 10:31 SV TS
How do dinosaurs eat cookies? 3.12E+13 BK 1/20/2017 32 4 5/4/2019 6/25/2019 14:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2017 12 8 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 SO TS
The Batman movie : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2017 19 6 ######## 3/22/2019 13:59 NW TS
The Batman movie : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2017 3 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2017 5 3 8/8/2017 1/31/2019 11:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2017 8 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:47 SV SP
Fodor's essential Europe : 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2017 19 6 5/6/2019 5/30/2019 11:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2017 25 4 ######## 6/25/2019 9:50 SC RN
14 ways to protect your baby from SIDS : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2017 0 5/30/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2017 15 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
Well fed weeknights : 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2017 22 4 ######## 8/15/2019 13:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2017 14 10 ######## 7/16/2019 11:23 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 36 12 ######## 6/27/2019 15:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 0 2/4/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 24 10 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 28 4 ######## 11/1/2019 15:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 18 8 5/1/2019 6/25/2019 16:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 6 5 ######## 9/10/2019 12:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 17 6 ######## 7/8/2019 15:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/27/2017 12 1 ######## 1/16/2019 15:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2017 12 6 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2017 5 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SO SV
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2017 19 6 3/2/2019 5/17/2019 7:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2017 23 6 7/3/2019 7/29/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2017 8 7 ######## 3/26/2019 15:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2017 18 11 ######## 12/5/2019 13:11 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2017 13 4 1/8/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 38 6 ######## 9/26/2019 13:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 9 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
Blood and fears : 3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 17 11 ######## 8/2/2019 7:04 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 36 2 3/6/2019 5/9/2019 7:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 20 4 ######## 6/13/2019 10:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 9 2 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 46 ######## 5/8/2019 14:45 SO TS
The only grant-writing book you'll ever need
/ BK 2/6/2017 10 5 5/1/2019 5/30/2019 10:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 21 9 ######## 9/5/2019 8:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 29 11 ######## 11/7/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2017 35 1 ######## 9/24/2019 10:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 33 10 2/8/2019 3/28/2019 12:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 7 1 ######## 5/31/2019 10:25 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 9 6 ######## 7/25/2019 16:32 NW TS
I love you, little one : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 31 8 ######## 6/28/2019 10:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 30 5 ######## 6/26/2019 15:03 NW TS
Peek-a-love 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 0 1/16/2019 13:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 28 5 ######## 2/6/2019 17:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 41 7 ######## 7/25/2019 15:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 4 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Five-minute Peppa stories. 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 27 12 ######## 7/9/2019 16:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 29 8 ######## 11/8/2019 10:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 0 2/1/2019 11:04 RN RN
One lonely fish : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 29 6 5/7/2019 6/13/2019 12:06 IV TS
One lonely fish : 3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 25 3 ######## 6/27/2019 12:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 20 4 ######## 3/28/2019 11:38 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 8 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 0 1/31/2019 11:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 35 6 ######## 7/25/2019 15:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 32 4 ######## 6/13/2019 10:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/7/2017 4 6/8/2017 6/3/2019 13:29 NW TR
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2017 31 13 ######## 6/27/2019 13:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2017 13 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2017 23 13 ######## 12/20/2019 10:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2017 18 3 2/4/2019 4/25/2019 10:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2017 33 17 ######## 9/6/2019 10:10 SV TS
Mud city / 3.12E+13 BK 2/10/2017 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2017 15 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
Real food, real simple : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2017 15 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2017 20 5 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2017 33 5 ######## 11/13/2019 12:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2017 20 5 ######## 8/19/2019 11:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/16/2017 37 6 ######## 6/7/2019 17:36 IV SO
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 19 4 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 18 3 1/2/2019 10/23/2019 11:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 4 2 8/6/2017 12/20/2019 17:58 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 1 2 3/8/2017 3/9/2019 13:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 11 3 ######## 3/7/2019 11:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 23 6 3/7/2019 4/23/2019 13:47 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 15 4 ######## 1/15/2019 16:25 SP TS
Hearts in suspension : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 5 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 14 4 ######## 8/21/2019 8:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 9 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 17 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 8 1 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 12 2 ######## 5/14/2019 11:44 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 10 8 ######## 7/25/2019 16:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2017 19 4 ######## 8/14/2019 11:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2017 25 14 ######## 6/27/2019 13:22 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2017 19 3 ######## 6/28/2019 12:37 RN TS
Good night baby! 3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2017 18 6 ######## 3/28/2019 11:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2017 7 5 ######## 4/12/2019 11:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2017 29 10 ######## 9/20/2019 11:56 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/24/2017 39 6 ######## 7/10/2019 9:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2017 22 8 ######## 12/16/2019 7:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2017 7 8 ######## 8/5/2019 11:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 20 4 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 24 12 9/8/2019 10/24/2019 15:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 18 7 ######## 2/15/2019 12:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 28 12 ######## 8/22/2019 16:28 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 24 7 6/3/2019 7/8/2019 15:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 21 2 6/4/2019 6/28/2019 11:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2017 0 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2017 0 2/1/2019 11:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2017 30 3 7/1/2019 8/2/2019 13:01 SO TS
The great pet escape / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2017 7 2 ######## 6/26/2019 14:25 IV TS
The great pet escape / 3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2017 14 4 ######## 2/15/2019 12:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2017 14 5 ######## 12/3/2019 7:56 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2017 17 3 ######## 6/25/2019 14:32 RN TS
Rebellion / 3.12E+13 BK 3/3/2017 11 ######## 3/22/2019 11:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2017 18 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2017 21 9 ######## 10/22/2019 16:00 RN SP
Astrology for enlightenment / 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2017 7 2 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2017 31 2 ######## 8/21/2019 8:54 SV TS
The witching herbs : 3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2017 7 3 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2017 29 7 ######## 7/8/2019 14:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2017 19 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2017 1 ######## 3/9/2019 14:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2017 25 9 ######## 7/8/2019 14:41 SV TS
When my sister started kissing / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2017 2 7/5/2017 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2017 3 6/1/2017 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
Peppa Pig and the Easter rainbow / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2017 38 11 ######## 11/20/2019 13:30 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2017 15 2 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2017 28 4 ######## 8/23/2019 12:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2017 25 4 ######## 6/10/2019 8:55 RN TS
My Jewish year : 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2017 18 6 ######## 12/23/2019 12:18 SO SV
The forgotten girls / 3.12E+13 BK 3/10/2017 32 3 ######## 5/8/2019 14:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 26 4 ######## 6/10/2019 8:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 36 5 ######## 8/14/2019 12:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 28 4 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 15:30 SP TS
Olga and the smelly thing from nowhere /3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 17 6 ######## 8/19/2019 10:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 30 6 ######## 7/17/2019 11:11 SS TS
Beauty and the beast : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 15 4 ######## 4/12/2019 14:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 16 7 ######## 8/19/2019 10:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 22 4 ######## 7/25/2019 15:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 37 9 ######## 12/20/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 13 5 ######## 11/13/2019 12:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 5 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 4 5 ######## 12/13/2019 8:56 RN TS
The separatist / 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2017 1 ######## 9/18/2019 15:13 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2017 15 ######## 10/2/2019 10:02 NV TS
Forever Liesl : 3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2017 4 1/9/2019 1/25/2019 9:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2017 38 4 5/7/2019 6/4/2019 8:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2017 34 4 ######## 7/10/2019 12:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2017 13 5 ######## 4/23/2019 13:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2017 8 5 1/4/2019 8/15/2019 8:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2017 33 12 ######## 6/26/2019 14:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2017 24 13 ######## 6/13/2019 12:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2017 19 6 ######## 2/15/2019 12:56 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2017 22 10 ######## 3/7/2019 12:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2017 19 9 ######## 7/17/2019 11:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2017 9 6 ######## 4/18/2019 16:39 SS NV
Warman's antiques & collectibles 2018 / 3.12E+13 BK 3/23/2017 19 5 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 8:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2017 19 2 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/24/2017 21 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2017 23 5 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2017 13 3 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/27/2017 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 22 8 5/9/2019 6/28/2019 13:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 33 6 4/6/2019 4/25/2019 12:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 26 2 ######## 8/7/2019 12:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 25 10 ######## 1/9/2019 8:03 SO SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 35 3 ######## 9/24/2019 15:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 14 4/4/2018 3/20/2019 13:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2017 33 9 ######## 7/25/2019 16:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2017 20 4 ######## 8/12/2019 14:33 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2017 15 11 ######## 12/5/2019 12:51 SP TS
Dinner chez moi : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 7 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SO RN
I funny : 3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 23 6 ######## 4/25/2019 12:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 28 8 ######## 4/15/2019 13:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 26 9 ######## 8/14/2019 11:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 9 3 ######## 3/7/2019 11:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 18 6 5/4/2019 8/14/2019 10:55 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 20 6 ######## 12/20/2019 15:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/30/2017 18 11 ######## 6/13/2019 11:40 SO TS
Beckett baseball card price guide / 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2017 3 ######## 4/18/2019 15:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2017 10 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SS RN
Boo! / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2017 33 8 ######## 12/20/2019 15:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2017 11 3 ######## 12/9/2019 11:49 SO TS
Pick your poison / 3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2017 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:30 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/7/2017 3 3/7/2018 5/7/2019 9:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 27 3 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 31 3 1/7/2019 4/26/2019 8:30 NW TS
Notes on a banana : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 10 2 ######## 11/7/2019 8:06 NW TS
Border child : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 15 7 ######## 2/27/2019 13:42 IV SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 15 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 RN RN
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 12 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
The Whisperer War 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 16 2 ######## 8/13/2019 13:35 SP SP
Penguin the magpie : 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2017 13 1 ######## 7/16/2019 13:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2017 19 4 ######## 8/15/2019 8:20 SV TS
Flavor : 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 7 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 22 11 ######## 6/28/2019 11:08 SO TS
123 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 42 13 ######## 9/6/2019 10:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 29 10 ######## 6/27/2019 13:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 26 5 3/7/2019 4/12/2019 11:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2017 16 3 ######## 7/10/2019 10:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 15 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 41 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 21 8 4/4/2019 7/8/2019 14:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 13 1 3/6/2018 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
The song of glory and ghost / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 14 6 ######## 9/24/2019 15:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 30 9 ######## 12/20/2019 10:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 29 3 ######## 7/17/2019 10:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 25 9 ######## 5/14/2019 9:27 NW TS
First words and pictures : 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 22 10 ######## 1/15/2019 15:47 SS TS
At the carnival! 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 40 8 ######## 9/24/2019 14:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 14 6 ######## 3/22/2019 14:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 34 9 ######## 9/24/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 30 9 4/3/2019 5/14/2019 11:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 26 5 ######## 11/22/2019 14:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 18 6 4/3/2019 5/14/2019 11:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 22 6 ######## 11/13/2019 11:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 16 3 1/2/2019 3/7/2019 11:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 26 7 ######## 2/20/2019 15:31 SS TS
Mama loves you so 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 34 5 ######## 6/13/2019 12:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 27 5 3/2/2019 3/28/2019 15:35 SV TS
Rex wrecks it! 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 24 6 ######## 11/22/2019 14:22 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 26 14 ######## 11/20/2019 14:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 25 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 13 4 1/3/2019 4/23/2019 13:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 9 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Fodor's essential France / 3.12E+13 BK 4/18/2017 19 1 ######## 4/15/2019 8:24 RN TS
Standard catalog of world paper money, modern
BK 1961-present / 4/18/2017 0 4/18/2019 15:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 24 5 ######## 8/21/2019 8:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 26 6 ######## 8/5/2019 8:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 30 4 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 24 4 ######## 11/14/2019 13:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 23 ######## 5/7/2019 10:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 21 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
And then there were none : 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 19 4 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 9 4 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 26 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 35 6 ######## 9/11/2019 13:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 26 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 21 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 45 1/3/2019 10/23/2019 11:18 NW RN
A storm of swords / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 5 7 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
A storm of swords / 3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 12 11 ######## 11/7/2019 14:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 25 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 27 7 ######## 11/22/2019 8:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 23 5 7/9/2019 7/24/2019 15:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2017 31 6 ######## 12/10/2019 11:52 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2017 22 9 ######## 1/9/2019 7:58 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2017 15 7 8/6/2018 1/9/2019 8:05 NV NW
Flora and the chicks :k] 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2017 10 2 ######## 4/1/2019 15:37 SV SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2017 21 10 6/5/2019 6/13/2019 11:06 RN TS
After we collided / 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2017 13 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2017 26 7 ######## 7/11/2019 9:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 11 3 ######## 10/24/2019 11:55 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 23 4 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 13 9 8/7/2019 8/22/2019 16:28 NW TS
The Body Market / 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 6 ######## 2/27/2019 13:26 SO SS
Fodor's Florida. 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 7 5 ######## 10/2/2019 11:48 RN TS
The burial hour : 3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 27 6 ######## 12/10/2019 11:53 RN NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 47 1 6/7/2019 7/24/2019 15:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 30 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 23 5 7/2/2019 8/5/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 24 4 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 32 7 ######## 8/12/2019 14:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/27/2017 16 1 ######## 5/17/2019 7:58 RN TS
The rise of nine : 3.12E+13 BK 4/29/2017 11 4 ######## 10/3/2019 8:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2017 20 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2017 8 5 ######## 2/8/2019 16:10 NW SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2017 25 11 ######## 9/24/2019 15:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2017 24 8 ######## 6/28/2019 14:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2017 27 4 ######## 5/28/2019 8:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2017 11 1 ######## 2/6/2019 17:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2017 29 7 9/6/2019 9/24/2019 14:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2017 23 8 ######## 11/13/2019 14:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2017 23 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2017 24 5 ######## 9/5/2019 12:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2017 3 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
How to write a business plan / 3.12E+13 BK 5/5/2017 10 6 ######## 1/23/2019 10:33 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 7 1 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 4 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 NV SV
Everybody lies : 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 17 6 ######## 1/10/2019 7:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 0 2/1/2019 16:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 24 5 4/2/2019 5/14/2019 8:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 20 10 ######## 11/13/2019 11:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 9 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:01 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2017 27 5 ######## 11/22/2019 8:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2017 31 8 ######## 8/14/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 43 2 ######## 9/16/2019 14:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 22 8 ######## 9/24/2019 10:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 15 10 ######## 3/7/2019 10:56 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 11 4 ######## 10/14/2019 10:14 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 3 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 15:13 NW RN
Shake, wiggle and roll 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 17 3 ######## 7/9/2019 16:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2017 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2017 20 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2017 31 2/4/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2017 28 9 ######## 6/13/2019 10:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2017 24 3 2/8/2019 3/7/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2017 22 3 4/6/2019 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2017 20 8 ######## 10/18/2019 11:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2017 35 3 4/9/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2017 8 8/6/2019 9/11/2019 13:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2017 23 5 7/8/2019 9/5/2019 10:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2017 5 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2017 18 8 5/1/2019 6/13/2019 12:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2017 24 3 ######## 6/26/2019 14:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2017 29 4 ######## 9/6/2019 9:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2017 10 5 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2017 19 3 ######## 6/20/2019 12:58 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2017 22 3 ######## 4/25/2019 11:28 NW TS
Bad luck and trouble : 3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2017 42 8 ######## 11/7/2019 14:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2017 14 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2017 24 3 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/30/2017 13 2 ######## 7/24/2019 15:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2017 22 1 ######## 10/14/2019 11:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2017 15 11 ######## 8/19/2019 9:29 IV TS
Alex and Eliza : 3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2017 13 2 ######## 5/14/2019 9:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2017 13 5 ######## 12/20/2019 11:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2017 12 12 8/8/2019 11/13/2019 11:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2017 16 6 ######## 8/22/2019 15:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2017 13 6 3/4/2019 8/2/2019 15:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2017 17 5 ######## 8/14/2019 11:17 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2017 13 4 ######## 12/21/2019 13:43 SO NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2017 25 7 ######## 8/2/2019 15:06 RN TS
County Fair : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2017 9 4 ######## 2/6/2019 16:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2017 24 9 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
Stay interesting : 3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2017 18 2 4/8/2019 10/24/2019 8:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2017 12 1 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2017 15 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2017 11 3 9/4/2019 11/8/2019 13:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2017 26 5 ######## 9/24/2019 14:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 14 7 ######## 8/21/2019 8:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 27 6 3/7/2019 5/8/2019 14:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 16 2 ######## 7/10/2019 11:38 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 23 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 20 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 24 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 18 5 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 35 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2017 21 1 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 21 7 2/2/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 30 8 ######## 12/20/2019 9:36 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 12 5 7/2/2019 7/25/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 23 9 ######## 7/15/2019 12:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 21 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 3 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2017 24 7 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 8:40 RN TS
Eggs or anarchy : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2017 5 4 ######## 6/6/2019 15:33 SO SV
War paint : 3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2017 3 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2017 28 5 ######## 10/23/2019 8:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2017 10 5 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 RN TS
Petal to the metal / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2017 28 6 ######## 8/7/2019 12:37 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2017 10 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 NW RN
The foretelling of Georgie Spider / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2017 1 ######## 3/21/2019 12:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2017 7 6/3/2019 6/27/2019 14:29 SP TS
J.K. Lasser's new rules for estate, retirement
and taxBK
planning / 6/26/2017 7 3 ######## 1/18/2019 8:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2017 22 3 7/2/2019 7/15/2019 12:25 NW TS
The Gods of Sagittarius / 3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2017 11 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2017 21 8 ######## 6/27/2019 14:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2017 25 2 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 15:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2017 25 3 ######## 12/20/2019 10:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2017 29 6 9/8/2019 9/17/2019 12:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2017 5 1 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
The retreat of western liberalism / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2017 9 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SO RN
Beneath a scarlet sky : 3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2017 26 3/4/2019 3/26/2019 12:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2017 15 3 1/2/2019 1/25/2019 9:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2017 20 1 7/7/2019 8/2/2019 8:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2017 25 2 ######## 5/17/2019 8:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2017 26 8 ######## 7/11/2019 9:49 SO TS
One shadow on the wall / 3.12E+13 BK 7/6/2017 1 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
Grillo / 3.12E+13 BK 7/8/2017 1 7/8/2017 2/14/2019 15:16 NW SP
A guide book of United States coins, mega3.12E+13
red, 2017BK
/ 7/10/2017 11 12 ######## 7/29/2019 15:27 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2017 8 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2017 17 11 6/1/2019 7/11/2019 14:43 SO TS
Barron's SAT / 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2017 5 5 ######## 11/13/2019 10:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2017 18 5 ######## 11/20/2019 14:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2017 35 2 ######## 12/5/2019 12:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2017 4 8/2/2017 2/6/2019 12:51 RN RN
Marigold bakes a cake / 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 31 14 ######## 11/20/2019 12:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 17 4 ######## 9/17/2019 10:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 13 4 ######## 8/14/2019 10:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 29 6 ######## 8/2/2019 14:21 SO TS
Dino records : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 12 5/8/2019 5/14/2019 11:39 SS SV
Dino records : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 10 3 ######## 3/7/2019 11:18 NW TS
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur : 3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 10 3 ######## 3/28/2019 13:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 10 5 ######## 6/25/2019 16:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2017 2 4/4/2019 6/28/2019 10:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2017 32 2 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2017 12 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2017 20 9 ######## 6/27/2019 9:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/19/2017 5 4 ######## 2/6/2019 11:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2017 29 8 ######## 10/30/2019 14:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2017 26 4 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2017 12 2 ######## 11/22/2019 14:52 NW TS
The secret : 3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2017 10 4 2/2/2019 2/20/2019 14:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/21/2017 31 4 7/3/2019 7/15/2019 12:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2017 26 7 ######## 9/17/2019 11:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2017 43 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2017 12 7 ######## 6/26/2019 14:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2017 20 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2017 13 4 ######## 3/14/2019 11:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2017 12 4 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 14:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2017 9 7 ######## 11/20/2019 15:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2017 29 5 ######## 11/20/2019 13:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2017 21 7 7/3/2019 8/5/2019 16:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2017 23 12 5/9/2019 6/25/2019 16:32 NV TS
The talent show / 3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2017 0 2/1/2019 14:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/25/2017 13 5 ######## 2/15/2019 13:32 NW TS
The hot one : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2017 20 7 ######## 6/6/2019 15:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2017 15 8 ######## 5/20/2019 7:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2017 24 7 7/7/2019 8/7/2019 13:29 SP TS
Crime scene : 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2017 28 1 4/1/2019 5/9/2019 7:33 SV TS
Hero is a four-letter word / 3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2017 12 1 ######## 6/25/2019 16:35 RN TS
The haunted dinosaur / 3.12E+13 BK 8/2/2017 32 9 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2017 12 5 ######## 11/13/2019 14:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2017 4 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2017 21 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2017 27 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 IV TS
Tahoe payback / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2017 26 5 ######## 5/8/2019 14:42 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2017 10 6 4/1/2019 5/31/2019 11:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2017 5 1 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 15 2 ######## 6/12/2019 7:53 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 26 5 ######## 11/20/2019 13:47 RN TS
Best. Night. Ever : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 8 2 ######## 4/15/2019 13:50 SS TS
Cosmic commandos / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 15 3 ######## 4/5/2019 15:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 2 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NW SV
Halloween heroes! 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 13 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:57 IV TS
How to be a WWE superstar / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 8 3 ######## 3/7/2019 11:38 NV TS
Barbie you can be 5-minute stories / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 27 5 ######## 6/27/2019 9:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 24 6 7/1/2019 9/6/2019 10:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 21 14 8/7/2019 11/1/2019 14:25 SV TS
Super slug of doom : 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 20 7 ######## 4/12/2019 14:26 SO TS
Percy Jackson's Greek heroes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 19 6 ######## 6/27/2019 12:09 SS TS
Percy Jackson's Greek heroes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 13 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:27 NW TS
Percy Jackson's Greek heroes / 3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 16 7 ######## 3/22/2019 13:04 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/10/2017 3 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2017 21 5 ######## 12/20/2019 8:56 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2017 19 5 ######## 9/30/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2017 23 ######## 2/20/2019 10:48 SP NV
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 24 7/8/2019 8/2/2019 8:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 21 5 1/4/2019 2/15/2019 13:09 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 17 4 ######## 11/8/2019 12:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 25 2 7/9/2019 8/14/2019 9:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 14 2 5/8/2018 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 16 2 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 14 4 ######## 6/13/2019 11:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2017 0 1/2/2019 15:21 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2017 17 5 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
The wise heart : 3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2017 12 8 ######## 6/18/2019 8:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2017 7 4 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2017 8 7 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2017 7 8 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/16/2017 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2017 15 4 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2017 21 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2017 21 2 ######## 6/24/2019 15:12 RN SV
The writing desk / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2017 16 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2017 17 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2017 18 4 ######## 6/26/2019 14:07 SO TS
Snowflakes in photographs / 3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2017 5 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2017 9 2 ######## 7/17/2019 11:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2017 29 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2017 15 5 ######## 9/11/2019 13:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2017 38 ######## 9/11/2019 13:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 24 3 ######## 9/6/2019 9:55 IV TS
BB-8 on the run / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 19 4 ######## 6/25/2019 15:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 13 2 ######## 1/9/2019 7:58 NW IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 17 4 ######## 4/12/2019 12:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 17 9 ######## 7/10/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 5 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Guinness world records 2018. / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 12 8 ######## 9/17/2019 9:45 SO TS
Guinness world records 2018. / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 22 9 ######## 8/19/2019 9:53 SP TS
Guinness world records 2018. / 3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2017 15 7 ######## 4/5/2019 15:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2017 6 7 ######## 1/16/2019 14:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2017 12 9 ######## 2/15/2019 13:29 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2017 26 5 ######## 11/13/2019 14:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/24/2017 27 8 ######## 11/22/2019 15:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2017 34 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/25/2017 25 10 ######## 5/24/2019 7:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2017 13 4 ######## 2/15/2019 13:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2017 27 4 ######## 7/10/2019 10:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2017 20 4 1/5/2019 3/7/2019 14:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2017 11 6 ######## 9/24/2019 10:45 SP TS
The red bandanna / 3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2017 1 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2017 22 4 ######## 4/12/2019 14:50 SP TS
Missy Piggle-Wiggle and the Won't-Walk-the-Dog
BK / 8/30/2017 12 9 8/8/2019 8/19/2019 10:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2017 19 7 3/4/2019 4/23/2019 13:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2017 17 7 2/7/2019 3/22/2019 13:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2017 1 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2017 24 5 ######## 6/4/2019 8:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2017 16 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:12 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2017 34 1 ######## 7/17/2019 9:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2017 31 4 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2017 9 4 ######## 3/6/2019 10:25 SP RN
The amazing Spider-Man. 3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2017 16 2 ######## 6/6/2019 15:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/5/2017 21 9 ######## 10/3/2019 12:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2017 26 6 3/4/2019 5/30/2019 15:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/6/2017 11 2 ######## 10/22/2019 13:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2017 19 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2017 21 2 6/5/2019 6/20/2019 13:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2017 19 3 3/7/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2017 24 4 6/7/2019 8/2/2019 15:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2017 26 2 ######## 11/14/2019 13:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2017 15 4 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
Age of swords / 3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2017 14 1 6/8/2019 6/26/2019 13:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/12/2017 10 3 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Robert B. Parker's The hangman's sonnet :3.12E+13 BK 9/13/2017 25 1 5/9/2019 6/10/2019 8:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2017 16 ######## 4/11/2019 10:08 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 24 3 1/4/2019 1/29/2019 13:33 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 24 2 ######## 5/17/2019 8:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 12 2 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 26 4 ######## 9/24/2019 15:46 NV TS
Nickelodeon 5-minute Christmas stories collection.
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 19 4 ######## 2/20/2019 14:38 SV TS
Nickelodeon 5-minute Christmas stories collection.
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 16 2 1/9/2019 3/7/2019 14:02 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2017 12 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:24 RN TS
Princess bedtime stories / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2017 23 10 ######## 11/13/2019 15:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2017 3 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2017 26 9 6/8/2019 7/10/2019 10:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2017 13 2 ######## 9/24/2019 15:41 SV TS
The care and feeding of a pet black hole / 3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2017 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
Robert B. Parker's The hangman's sonnet :3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2017 35 7 ######## 12/5/2019 12:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2017 16 4 ######## 8/1/2019 10:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2017 12 1 ######## 7/19/2019 8:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2017 21 1 ######## 10/30/2019 14:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2017 17 6 ######## 11/21/2019 10:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2017 15 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2017 16 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 16 6 ######## 3/7/2019 14:42 SO TS
The Lego Ninjago movie : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 18 6 3/1/2019 4/12/2019 14:07 NV TS
There's nothing to do! / 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 22 3 ######## 11/8/2019 12:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 28 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 21 5 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 7:26 RN TS
Tyrannosaurus rex vs. Edna, the very first chicken
3.12E+13/ BK 9/25/2017 17 5 7/3/2019 8/7/2019 12:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 14 15 1/2/2019 3/28/2019 12:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2017 7 3 ######## 2/8/2019 16:57 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2017 25 7 ######## 11/8/2019 14:25 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2017 21 5 ######## 1/23/2019 16:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2017 22 7 ######## 9/10/2019 11:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2017 3 2 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2017 2 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Bear's merry book of hidden things / 3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2017 23 6 ######## 8/22/2019 15:07 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2017 14 5 3/1/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2017 21 4 ######## 10/3/2019 12:04 RN TS
A casualty of war / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2017 18 5 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
Belle's story collection : 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2017 7 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
Predator vs prey / 3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2017 11 1 ######## 7/10/2019 10:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2017 14 4 3/1/2019 4/15/2019 13:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2017 8 3 8/1/2018 10/22/2019 15:53 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2017 8 5 8/9/2018 8/8/2019 13:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/30/2017 16 1 4/5/2019 4/25/2019 12:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2017 8 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2017 23 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2017 19 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2017 33 3 ######## 8/23/2019 12:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2017 26 2 ######## 8/21/2019 8:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2017 20 5/9/2019 5/30/2019 11:25 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2017 15 10 9/9/2019 11/6/2019 14:39 IV TS
A royal sleepover / 3.12E+13 BK 10/3/2017 20 10 ######## 7/8/2019 15:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/8/2017 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 18 4 ######## 5/17/2019 10:21 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 14 4 ######## 6/27/2019 11:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 14 6 ######## 8/19/2019 10:39 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 9 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 2 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 14 5 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
Gone tomorrow : 3.12E+13 BK 10/9/2017 33 2 ######## 8/23/2019 13:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2017 11 7 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/10/2017 17 7 6/5/2019 8/1/2019 15:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2017 20 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SS TS
Half broke horses : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2017 18 5 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 12:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2017 21 8 ######## 10/4/2019 8:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2017 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/13/2017 16 5 8/6/2019 8/22/2019 8:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2017 20 ######## 5/8/2019 14:29 NW TS
Lady killers : 3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2017 19 9 ######## 8/23/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2017 13 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The princess imposter / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 4 2 ######## 1/9/2019 7:51 NW NW
Ultimate dinosaur dinopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 12 6 ######## 2/15/2019 12:49 SP TS
Ultimate dinosaur dinopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 18 9 ######## 9/17/2019 9:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 13 10 ######## 7/8/2019 15:06 NV TS
Building amazing creations : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 14 4 ######## 6/28/2019 10:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 3 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Belly up / 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2017 18 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2017 20 4 ######## 7/11/2019 14:50 NW TS
An unquiet mind / 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2017 12 2 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2017 42 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2017 30 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2017 25 5 ######## 8/15/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2017 23 1 ######## 9/5/2019 13:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2017 24 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2017 18 4 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2017 22 8 ######## 7/17/2019 10:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2017 16 3 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2017 22 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2017 28 2 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2017 3 2 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2017 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2017 18 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2017 25 3 ######## 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2017 14 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 RN TS
Catalina / 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2017 4 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2017 9 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:48 RN RN
Witches, midwives, and nurses : 3.12E+13 BK 10/31/2017 8 ######## 10/18/2019 8:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2017 7 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2017 25 6 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2017 14 4 5/2/2019 5/17/2019 8:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2017 28 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2017 20 5 ######## 7/24/2019 15:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 22 5 5/8/2019 6/28/2019 14:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 24 5 ######## 8/8/2019 9:49 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 10 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:29 IV SV
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 17 5 ######## 4/12/2019 14:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 26 5 ######## 11/8/2019 14:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 18 3 ######## 3/22/2019 12:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 13 4 ######## 7/10/2019 9:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 9 4 ######## 6/26/2019 12:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2017 5 9 5/2/2019 8/14/2019 10:40 IV RN
Renegades / 3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 15 4 8/8/2019 11/1/2019 12:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 8 ######## 1/23/2019 16:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 30 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 7 2 ######## 3/7/2019 13:56 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 12 9 ######## 8/7/2019 12:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 29 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 9 3 ######## 1/26/2019 10:42 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 23 5 ######## 11/21/2019 10:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/8/2017 23 2 7/9/2019 8/15/2019 8:24 RN TS
Yoga for diabetes : 3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2017 2 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2017 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 20 2 ######## 8/31/2019 9:26 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 21 1 ######## 7/10/2019 11:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 36 5 ######## 10/18/2019 9:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 15 3 ######## 5/21/2019 14:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 15 6 2/7/2019 3/15/2019 11:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 11 4 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 16 3 ######## 6/13/2019 10:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 18 1 ######## 7/15/2019 11:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 14 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 21 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 28 6 ######## 9/16/2019 14:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 30 3/9/2019 7/24/2019 11:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/14/2017 13 4 9/5/2019 11/8/2019 13:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2017 24 3 ######## 8/21/2019 8:53 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2017 23 1 9/4/2019 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2017 9 4 ######## 2/20/2019 15:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2017 1 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2017 31 1 ######## 10/18/2019 11:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2017 13 4 5/3/2019 5/17/2019 8:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2017 9 3 ######## 2/14/2019 10:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2017 11 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2017 11 3 ######## 2/15/2019 12:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2017 12 2 ######## 5/14/2019 11:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2017 22 3 ######## 9/17/2019 11:56 NW TS
Peppa's storybook collection / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2017 26 5 ######## 12/20/2019 9:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2017 12 5 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 15:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2017 10 7 3/5/2019 4/25/2019 11:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2017 16 1 3/1/2019 3/13/2019 9:00 RN TS
Ghosts among us : 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2017 10 2 ######## 11/6/2019 14:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2017 23 3/1/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 SV TS
The road to ever after / 3.12E+13 BK 11/27/2017 8 8/7/2019 8/22/2019 15:42 SO TS
Slug days / 3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2017 1 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:03 SP RN
Rick Steves Italy 2018 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2017 23 7 6/6/2019 7/9/2019 15:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2017 10 6 ######## 6/18/2019 8:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2017 12 3 ######## 11/30/2019 15:55 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2017 8 10 ######## 6/12/2019 8:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 22 15 ######## 11/20/2019 15:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 8 2 ######## 8/21/2019 15:19 SV TR
Alone / 3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 5 1 ######## 2/20/2019 15:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 2 2 ######## 7/9/2019 15:44 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 13 3 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 4 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 11 6 ######## 6/4/2019 8:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 16 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 20 4 ######## 11/22/2019 8:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 14 6 ######## 10/22/2019 15:21 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 6 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/6/2017 9 7 ######## 12/20/2019 13:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2017 22 9 ######## 12/17/2019 13:55 RN TS
A piece of cake : 3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2017 7 4 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2017 16 4 ######## 5/6/2019 8:20 NW TS
Saving the whole wide world / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2017 22 2 ######## 6/27/2019 13:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2017 15 6 1/7/2019 3/7/2019 10:51 NW TS
The world almanac and book of facts 20183.12E+13
/ BK 12/11/2017 12 3 ######## 12/6/2019 7:04 NW TS
The world almanac and book of facts 20183.12E+13
/ BK 12/11/2017 2 ######## 12/5/2019 11:04 RN TS
How to make your money last : 3.12E+13 BK 12/11/2017 2 1 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2017 21 10 ######## 7/8/2019 15:16 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2017 11 8 4/3/2019 6/13/2019 12:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/19/2017 10 3 ######## 8/14/2019 11:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2017 24 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2017 18 3 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2017 21 2 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2017 11 2 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2017 25 1 3/2/2019 11/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/26/2017 10 ######## 8/15/2019 8:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2017 16 6 ######## 8/8/2019 8:46 RN TS
Sheep no more : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2017 8 4 ######## 1/18/2019 9:44 RN TS
The goal : 3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2017 6 10 ######## 7/10/2019 12:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2017 10 3 ######## 11/20/2019 14:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2017 7 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 NW RN
Waking the tiger : 3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2018 5 2 ######## 5/23/2019 10:26 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/2/2018 19 3 ######## 5/15/2019 18:52 RN SO
Coco : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 18 2 7/2/2019 8/2/2019 14:44 SV TS
Coco : 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 11 3 ######## 7/17/2019 11:25 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 24 6 ######## 8/5/2019 8:59 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 10 5 ######## 2/20/2019 11:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 6 5 ######## 3/7/2019 11:34 NV TS
Miracle's boys / 3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 0 5/3/2019 17:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 25 1 ######## 6/10/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 2 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2018 21 4 ######## 11/14/2019 12:52 SO TS
Keepers of the flame / 3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2018 5 5 5/6/2019 6/10/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2018 17 3 ######## 6/4/2019 7:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2018 21 6 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/9/2018 18 4 8/9/2019 10/18/2019 7:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2018 17 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SO TS
Gnomon : 3.12E+13 BK 1/10/2018 10 7 ######## 8/11/2019 10:18 SO RN
Raising your spirited child : 3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2018 9 4 ######## 9/5/2019 8:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2018 13 3 5/6/2019 5/24/2019 8:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/12/2018 14 5 2/8/2019 3/28/2019 12:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2018 11 6 ######## 6/5/2019 15:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2018 5 2 9/4/2019 9/20/2019 14:14 SP TR
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 16 7 ######## 5/21/2019 14:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 17 6 ######## 11/13/2019 13:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 16 4 2/5/2019 3/22/2019 13:56 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 11 3 ######## 6/28/2019 12:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 13 13 ######## 12/9/2019 13:57 NV TS
Science : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 10 2 ######## 3/7/2019 11:30 RN TS
Science : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 11 7 ######## 1/16/2019 14:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 5 3 ######## 5/31/2019 12:01 SP TS
The ultimate Roblox book : 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 5 8/1/2018 10/22/2019 15:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 24 4 9/4/2019 10/18/2019 7:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 20 4 6/1/2019 7/24/2019 15:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 22 2 ######## 8/12/2019 14:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 13 4 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 13 2 ######## 8/2/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 17 4 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 NW TS
Endangered / 3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 11 1 1/8/2019 1/30/2019 9:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 11 1 3/9/2019 4/11/2019 15:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/17/2018 17 7 7/1/2019 8/2/2019 14:29 NW TS
The kill / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2018 5 2 ######## 12/5/2019 12:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2018 18 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2018 12 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2018 12 7 1/4/2019 2/27/2019 11:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2018 17 2 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2018 11 4 7/5/2019 8/1/2019 15:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2018 8 4 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2018 13 2 1/9/2019 2/27/2019 10:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2018 14 3 5/6/2019 6/25/2019 16:32 SS TS
Let's go fishing / 3.12E+13 BK 1/25/2018 22 6 ######## 7/10/2019 9:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2018 17 3/4/2019 4/17/2019 9:50 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2018 16 8 ######## 6/13/2019 12:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2018 13 6 ######## 4/23/2019 12:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2018 29 4 ######## 12/13/2019 8:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2018 12 4 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2018 14 1 ######## 9/5/2019 8:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2018 5 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/1/2018 2 2 ######## 6/25/2019 16:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2018 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2018 24 ######## 5/9/2019 8:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2018 24 2 9/3/2019 10/3/2019 12:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2018 17 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2018 24 6 9/5/2019 10/3/2019 8:29 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2018 12 3 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 VE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2018 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2018 18 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
Moving forward in mid-career : 3.12E+13 BK 2/5/2018 8 11 7/7/2019 8/23/2019 12:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2018 4 1 7/8/2019 8/15/2019 8:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2018 19 ######## 8/2/2019 8:43 SO TS
Dragon Ball super. 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2018 6 5 ######## 4/18/2019 13:56 SP TS
Dangerous illusions / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2018 8 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 17 2 ######## 8/2/2019 12:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 8 6 ######## 3/28/2019 11:56 SV TS
Check-raising the devil / 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 5 ######## 1/9/2019 8:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 16 ######## 6/12/2019 8:39 SS TS
I hate myselfie : 3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 6 2 ######## 3/21/2019 16:28 SS SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 6 5 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/12/2018 7 4 ######## 3/22/2019 11:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2018 27 7 ######## 10/30/2019 14:28 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2018 15 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2018 26 1 6/5/2019 6/13/2019 10:54 SO TS
Furniture restoration : 3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2018 2 1 ######## 8/1/2019 15:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2018 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2018 15 10 ######## 4/5/2019 15:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2018 26 12 ######## 11/20/2019 13:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2018 9 5 ######## 3/28/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2018 21 6 ######## 11/22/2019 15:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2018 12 7 4/3/2019 6/13/2019 9:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2018 16 3 6/6/2019 8/22/2019 15:09 SV TS
Social security, medicare and government 3.12E+13
pensions :BK 2/16/2018 5 3 ######## 10/4/2019 7:45 SO TS
A pup called trouble / 3.12E+13 BK 2/20/2018 14 1 ######## 8/22/2019 16:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2018 17 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2018 15 6 ######## 4/10/2019 13:01 NW RN
Birch Coulie : 3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2018 1 ######## 4/9/2019 15:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 23 7 ######## 10/14/2019 12:17 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 13 5 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 14:29 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 3 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 9 1 ######## 8/19/2019 10:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 21 3 ######## 11/8/2019 13:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 28 5 ######## 10/23/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 15 5 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 21 6 ######## 12/13/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 8 6 ######## 6/13/2019 10:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 5 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 4 1 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 16 2 ######## 8/7/2019 13:05 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 18 7 ######## 7/10/2019 10:07 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 10 2 ######## 3/5/2019 11:28 GE RN
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 13 5 1/8/2019 3/7/2019 16:14 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 10 8 3/6/2019 5/14/2019 9:53 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 18 2 ######## 10/15/2019 16:24 GE SO
The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane 3/ .12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 10 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:00 GE TS
Ultimate dinosaur dinopedia / 3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 6 1 ######## 11/20/2019 13:40 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 13 2 ######## 7/9/2019 16:12 GE TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/26/2018 26 3 ######## 8/12/2019 14:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2018 16 5 ######## 11/21/2019 10:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2018 19 5 ######## 7/17/2019 11:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2018 14 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2018 19 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2018 16 2 ######## 7/17/2019 10:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/27/2018 15 1 ######## 9/5/2019 8:16 RN TS
#1260602 BK 2/28/2018 0 8/23/2019 14:41 TS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2018 7 2 ######## 3/4/2019 14:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2018 16 5 ######## 6/13/2019 11:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2018 1 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2018 11 12 ######## 11/1/2019 15:04 SV TS
La cabaña : 3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2018 4 3 ######## 5/17/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2018 6 4 ######## 4/26/2019 8:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/2/2018 7 3 ######## 11/13/2019 15:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 16 3 5/1/2019 6/10/2019 8:56 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 17 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 15 2 1/2/2019 7/31/2019 8:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 15 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 13 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 10 3 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/6/2018 6 7/2/2018 9/13/2019 9:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2018 22 5 ######## 11/27/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2018 18 1 3/4/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2018 19 1 ######## 7/10/2019 11:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2018 22 1 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NV TS
The Christmas party / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2018 10 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:54 SV TS
The Christmas party / 3.12E+13 BK 3/8/2018 12 4 1/7/2019 3/7/2019 15:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2018 4 3 ######## 7/17/2019 7:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2018 3 2 ######## 7/29/2019 13:21 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/12/2018 3 3 9/4/2019 10/23/2019 8:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/13/2018 4 ######## 8/14/2019 9:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2018 9 8 ######## 5/1/2019 13:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2018 17 1 ######## 3/26/2019 12:42 RN NV
The photo ark : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2018 13 3 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 SS TS
The Old farmer's almanac : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2018 10 3 ######## 4/2/2019 8:44 SS TS
Murder machine : 3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2018 3 1 ######## 5/11/2019 13:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2018 7 ######## 11/20/2019 8:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2018 21 5 ######## 12/9/2019 11:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2018 10 3 ######## 8/2/2019 12:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2018 6 2 ######## 1/25/2019 8:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/15/2018 10 1 6/3/2019 7/8/2019 15:48 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 18 3 ######## 3/19/2019 13:29 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 0 7/29/2019 13:25 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 0 7/29/2019 13:21 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 1 2 8/1/2018 7/29/2019 13:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 40 ######## 12/17/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 25 ######## 10/30/2019 14:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 11 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 10 ######## 7/26/2019 10:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 13 3 ######## 2/8/2019 12:56 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 24 9/6/2019 10/3/2019 8:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 22 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:44 RN TS
Crossed. 3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 6 1 ######## 9/19/2019 11:08 NV SS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 6 3 ######## 10/24/2019 14:30 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/19/2018 12 5 ######## 9/23/2019 8:48 RN TS
I'll stay / 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2018 11 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:17 NW TS
This love story will self-destruct : 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2018 8 3 ######## 5/9/2019 8:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2018 2 2 6/1/2018 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2018 4 2 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2018 4 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2018 3 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2018 9 2 4/2/2019 5/30/2019 15:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2018 18 5 ######## 8/19/2019 9:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 15 ######## 2/8/2019 12:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 15 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 13 6 ######## 1/23/2019 14:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 12 6 ######## 9/24/2019 10:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 15 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 17 2 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 17 3 ######## 7/26/2019 10:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2018 16 4 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2018 15 2 ######## 10/3/2019 12:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2018 16 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2018 5 4 ######## 4/12/2019 14:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2018 21 6 ######## 12/20/2019 8:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2018 14 5 ######## 9/17/2019 11:19 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2018 13 1 ######## 5/9/2019 7:56 SO TS
Mega Robo Bros / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2018 9 4 4/2/2019 5/14/2019 11:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2018 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2018 19 3 ######## 7/17/2019 13:57 NV NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2018 13 ######## 7/15/2019 11:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2018 17 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2018 10 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2018 8 2 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SC RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2018 12 5 ######## 4/17/2019 9:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2018 20 8 ######## 10/3/2019 12:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2018 5 4 ######## 11/13/2019 14:42 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2018 10 ######## 7/31/2019 8:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2018 12 2 ######## 12/20/2019 12:06 RN TS
Slim and Jim / 3.12E+13 BK 4/8/2018 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2018 3 1 3/9/2019 5/4/2019 9:59 SP RN
The beginning of everything / 3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2018 5 3 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2018 10 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2018 10 2 1/4/2019 1/23/2019 10:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2018 11 1 ######## 5/31/2019 13:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2018 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:56 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2018 20 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2018 1 2 8/1/2018 7/29/2019 13:20 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2018 0 7/29/2019 13:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2018 3 6 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2018 14 3 8/2/2019 8/13/2019 8:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2018 13 3 ######## 8/14/2019 9:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 18 6 ######## 8/26/2019 9:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 9 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:56 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 13 3 ######## 7/8/2019 15:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 3 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 9 4 3/2/2019 6/13/2019 11:36 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 6 6 7/2/2019 9/17/2019 12:03 SP TS
Rise of the wolf / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2018 6 3 ######## 7/25/2019 15:56 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2018 19 2 ######## 7/10/2019 11:34 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2018 13 4 8/3/2019 10/2/2019 10:04 NW TS
Blackguards : 3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2018 6 2 ######## 6/4/2019 8:16 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2018 19 3 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2018 12 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 13:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2018 14 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2018 21 9 ######## 11/1/2019 15:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2018 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
Standard catalog of world paper money. 3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2018 1 8/6/2019 9/19/2019 17:00 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2018 29 3 ######## 8/2/2019 8:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2018 23 ######## 11/14/2019 13:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2018 9 7 ######## 1/23/2019 10:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2018 6 3 7/2/2019 8/14/2019 10:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2018 4 3 9/8/2019 11/13/2019 13:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/23/2018 7 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:18 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2018 24 1 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2018 9 1 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2018 12 5 ######## 5/17/2019 8:27 RN TS
Dragonfly : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2018 3 4 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2018 14 1 ######## 9/5/2019 8:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2018 2 1 ######## 1/18/2019 9:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2018 12 6 ######## 5/21/2019 18:06 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2018 14 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2018 16 3 ######## 5/8/2019 14:39 RN TS
We are unicorns! / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2018 14 5/4/2019 6/27/2019 12:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2018 7 3 ######## 4/12/2019 13:05 SO TS
Sweet dreams, Jack-Jack / 3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2018 8 5 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2018 10 4 3/1/2019 5/31/2019 13:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2018 13 4 7/1/2019 10/14/2019 12:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2018 10 3 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2018 16 2 4/8/2019 5/6/2019 8:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2018 14 3 2/8/2019 4/11/2019 14:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2018 14 2 ######## 11/14/2019 13:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/2/2018 17 2 ######## 10/3/2019 8:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2018 11 9 ######## 6/28/2019 10:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2018 11 4 ######## 3/7/2019 15:37 SO TS
Incredibles 2 : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2018 8 1 ######## 8/2/2019 15:51 NV TS
Incredibles 2 : 3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2018 9 4 4/4/2019 6/28/2019 14:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2018 12 1 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 12:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 13 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 22 8 ######## 11/20/2019 14:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 0 7/25/2019 11:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
Triangles / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 9 8 ######## 12/20/2019 8:56 RN TS
Dream snow / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 12 2 7/5/2019 9/10/2019 15:03 NW TS
Dream snow / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 10 1 ######## 7/1/2019 15:43 NV TS
Dream snow / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 11 4 ######## 6/28/2019 12:27 SS TS
How to fall in love with a man who lives in3.12E+13
a bush : BK 5/7/2018 9 ######## 1/9/2019 7:51 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2018 21 2 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2018 21 6 ######## 11/20/2019 14:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2018 5 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2018 12 3 3/7/2019 5/6/2019 8:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2018 10 5 ######## 11/21/2019 10:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2018 15 4 ######## 8/14/2019 9:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2018 15 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2018 12 7 ######## 7/17/2019 11:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/11/2018 13 4 ######## 8/22/2019 16:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2018 14 3 ######## 6/28/2019 14:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2018 12 3 ######## 5/9/2019 8:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2018 20 5 ######## 10/14/2019 11:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2018 18 2 ######## 8/12/2019 14:39 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2018 13 2 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 13:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2018 9 2/9/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2018 16 3 ######## 11/6/2019 11:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2018 13 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 RN TS
Grey sister / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2018 7 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SV TS
Grey sister / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2018 9 6 ######## 7/17/2019 10:01 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2018 14 3 ######## 2/6/2019 15:02 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:56 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 9 2 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 7 1 ######## 4/26/2019 8:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 11 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 RN TS
The recovering : 3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 9 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 20 7/2/2019 8/9/2019 7:28 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/17/2018 17 2 ######## 7/9/2019 15:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2018 16 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2018 20 4 ######## 5/17/2019 8:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/19/2018 8 6 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2018 18 6/5/2019 6/20/2019 12:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 11 7 ######## 9/17/2019 11:25 NW TS
Driving by starlight / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 4 3 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 7 3 ######## 11/13/2019 11:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 10 5 ######## 11/13/2019 15:04 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 7 1 ######## 6/13/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 10 2 6/3/2019 7/10/2019 9:09 SP TS
Jughead's Time Police / 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 11 5 ######## 3/22/2019 12:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 4 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 2 2 ######## 1/15/2019 15:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2018 11 5 7/1/2019 8/19/2019 10:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2018 14 2 ######## 4/23/2019 12:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2018 14 3 9/4/2019 11/8/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2018 7 3 ######## 12/20/2019 12:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2018 10 3/4/2019 5/14/2019 11:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2018 13 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2018 12 1 ######## 4/17/2019 9:47 SO TS
The Vory : 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2018 13 2 ######## 10/15/2019 15:40 SV TS
The endless beach / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2018 16 3 ######## 10/30/2019 14:37 SP TS
The endless beach / 3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2018 22 2 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2018 14 1 1/3/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 25 1 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 13 5 ######## 7/24/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 14 3 5/6/2019 6/13/2019 12:20 SO TS
Out of this world / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 10 4 6/5/2019 7/8/2019 14:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 26 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 0 2/20/2019 12:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 19 ######## 10/30/2019 14:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 15 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 RN TS
Tahoe payback / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 16 5 ######## 12/13/2019 8:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 15 4 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 3 1 ######## 3/7/2019 10:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 18 6 ######## 9/24/2019 15:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 5 2 ######## 3/7/2019 15:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 5 ######## 7/10/2019 10:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 13 7/9/2019 7/16/2019 7:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 7 3 1/9/2019 2/27/2019 10:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 10 4 1/5/2019 5/10/2019 9:31 RN TS
The stranger beside me / 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 15 5 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 10:31 RN TS
Change your schedule, change your life : 3.12E+13 BK 5/29/2018 12 10 ######## 11/7/2019 8:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 13 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
Turbulence / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 13 4 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SS TS
Turbulence / 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 17 1 1/3/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:56 SS TS
Violets are blue : 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 5 ######## 5/17/2019 8:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 15 7 ######## 8/15/2019 8:19 NW TS
Spider-Man/Deadpool. 3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2018 11 1 ######## 8/2/2019 7:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2018 16 1 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 3 ######## 8/8/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 12 9 ######## 9/24/2019 14:59 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 12 2 ######## 12/9/2019 14:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 2 2 ######## 1/9/2019 8:11 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 8 3 6/6/2019 7/10/2019 10:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 7 6 ######## 11/7/2019 8:02 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 5 6 ######## 4/23/2019 16:31 SP SO
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 22 8 ######## 12/9/2019 13:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2018 17 8 ######## 11/13/2019 14:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2018 12 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2018 15 ######## 5/9/2019 8:17 SP TS
Roadwork / 3.12E+13 BK 6/10/2018 10 3 9/9/2019 10/23/2019 8:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2018 14 9 ######## 10/29/2019 13:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2018 4 3 ######## 7/26/2019 10:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/12/2018 10 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2018 8 3 ######## 12/20/2019 12:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2018 9 2 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2018 10 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2018 14 2/6/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2018 9 1 ######## 1/16/2019 15:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2018 9 2 1/2/2019 3/22/2019 13:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2018 10 1 ######## 1/23/2019 16:16 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2018 14 5 9/4/2019 11/1/2019 12:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2018 17 5 ######## 11/1/2019 12:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2018 13 5 ######## 10/23/2019 15:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2018 12 2 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
Widow's wreath : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2018 20 2 ######## 10/3/2019 12:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2018 10 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2018 7 8 ######## 4/4/2019 10:29 SP TS
The boys in the boat : 3.12E+13 BK 6/21/2018 5 5 2/5/2019 3/1/2019 7:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2018 21 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2018 21 3 ######## 6/26/2019 13:37 RN TS
The signature of all things / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2018 4 2 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2018 11 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2018 14 4 ######## 9/24/2019 10:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2018 9 4 ######## 6/13/2019 11:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/23/2018 3 6 ######## 3/21/2019 14:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2018 12 2 ######## 3/7/2019 15:39 SS TS
The emerald sea / 3.12E+13 BK 6/25/2018 7 3 ######## 6/20/2019 18:04 SV SP
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2018 10 5 ######## 6/26/2019 11:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2018 6 3 1/3/2019 1/29/2019 7:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/27/2018 21 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/28/2018 2 ######## 5/17/2019 7:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2018 14 3 ######## 6/13/2019 12:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2018 9 1 ######## 7/17/2019 11:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2018 0 1/16/2019 12:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2018 11 3 8/7/2019 10/23/2019 11:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2018 8 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/2/2018 9 ######## 2/8/2019 12:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2018 8 3 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2018 13 1 ######## 1/17/2019 14:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/5/2018 10 2 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 13:15 RN TS
ABC 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 12 8 ######## 9/6/2019 11:22 SV TS
ABC 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 6 6 3/4/2019 3/25/2019 12:42 SP SS
Pennybaker School is revolting / 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 3 2 ######## 4/25/2019 11:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 14 5 ######## 7/25/2019 16:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 8 3 ######## 9/10/2019 11:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 7 2 7/5/2019 7/17/2019 11:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 7 3 ######## 6/28/2019 13:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 10 7 9/7/2019 11/1/2019 14:48 SS TS
The rhino in right field / 3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 6 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/7/2018 5 2 ######## 5/15/2019 13:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2018 14 2 ######## 12/10/2019 13:16 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2018 11 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/10/2018 10 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/11/2018 18 4 ######## 12/20/2019 11:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 20 ######## 8/2/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 23 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:11 IV TS
Zuckerman bound : 3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 5 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 15 1 7/5/2019 7/17/2019 12:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 9 2 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 13 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 11 5 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 13:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 12 1 6/5/2019 7/10/2019 11:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 14 1 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/12/2018 16 4/3/2019 5/8/2019 14:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2018 4 ######## 2/8/2019 12:56 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2018 2 5/9/2019 6/10/2019 8:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2018 8 4 ######## 7/26/2019 9:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2018 8 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2018 14 4 ######## 9/5/2019 13:24 RN TS
Your fantastic elastic brain : 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2018 6 1 1/2/2019 2/2/2019 10:41 SO RN
Paddington marches on / 3.12E+13 BK 7/18/2018 1 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 NV RN
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2018 9 1 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2018 6 4 ######## 9/5/2019 12:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2018 5 1 5/7/2019 6/4/2019 8:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2018 17 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2018 14 2 7/9/2019 8/5/2019 10:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2018 13 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2018 16 3 ######## 5/9/2019 8:17 RN TS
Order of protection / 3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2018 14 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/24/2018 14 4 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2018 10 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SP TS
The bad place / 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2018 3 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 RN TS
The odd 1s out : 3.12E+13 BK 7/27/2018 8 3 ######## 4/26/2019 8:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/28/2018 4 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/30/2018 17 3 ######## 6/10/2019 8:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 11 2 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 16 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 9 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 19 4 6/7/2019 8/5/2019 8:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 16 ######## 8/5/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 6 3 ######## 11/13/2019 15:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 6 2 ######## 7/10/2019 10:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2018 13 2 ######## 6/27/2019 9:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 10 2 ######## 3/22/2019 11:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 13 4 ######## 9/10/2019 11:14 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 16 5 ######## 12/9/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 11 6 ######## 11/13/2019 13:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 7 2 ######## 4/12/2019 11:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 15 6 ######## 12/20/2019 11:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 9 1 ######## 5/31/2019 12:59 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 10 2 ######## 11/22/2019 13:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 10 2 ######## 11/13/2019 11:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/1/2018 11 5 8/7/2019 8/22/2019 16:23 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 17 3 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 IV RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 7 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SS TS
Mastering Minecraft : 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 7 4 3/7/2019 4/8/2019 8:58 SP TS
Numerology / 3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 9 4 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 5 6 ######## 9/24/2019 10:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 14 1 ######## 5/17/2019 8:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 8 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/3/2018 12 4 ######## 10/4/2019 17:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2018 16 4 ######## 7/15/2019 12:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2018 10 1 7/2/2019 7/11/2019 13:08 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2018 16 1 ######## 10/14/2019 12:21 SS TS
The sky unicorn / 3.12E+13 BK 8/4/2018 10 6 ######## 6/28/2019 12:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 5 1 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 10 2 4/9/2019 5/8/2019 14:50 RN TS
The black echo / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 17 6 ######## 10/14/2019 12:16 RN TS
Good luck with that / 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 12 8 ######## 11/14/2019 13:01 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 12 3 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 7 3 ######## 9/24/2019 15:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 16 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 8 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 7 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 12 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SO TS
JFK : 3.12E+13 BK 8/7/2018 2 3 ######## 4/5/2019 7:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2018 5 2 ######## 12/11/2019 16:14 IV IV
3.12E+13 BK 8/11/2018 11 2 ######## 4/3/2019 13:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2018 7 4 ######## 8/2/2019 14:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2018 8 5 ######## 6/27/2019 14:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2018 2 3 2/4/2019 5/14/2019 11:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2018 9 1 2/6/2019 3/12/2019 10:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2018 13 3 ######## 12/20/2019 13:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2018 9 2 3/8/2019 3/27/2019 8:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/15/2018 10 1 3/6/2019 10/30/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2018 5 3 ######## 1/16/2019 15:01 SP TS
Triple homicide : 3.12E+13 BK 8/18/2018 22 2 ######## 10/14/2019 12:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2018 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2018 13 5 ######## 11/20/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2018 13 4 ######## 11/1/2019 15:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/23/2018 13 2 ######## 7/29/2019 8:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2018 13 ######## 10/23/2019 11:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2018 8 1/9/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
Praise song for the butterflies / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2018 9 3 ######## 10/4/2019 9:31 SO TS
The shootist / 3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2018 4 ######## 4/16/2019 13:18 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2018 8 4 ######## 12/9/2019 13:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/29/2018 6 4 6/3/2019 6/27/2019 14:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2018 18 6 ######## 11/22/2019 14:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/30/2018 6 5 ######## 11/13/2019 13:51 SS TS
Shadow tyrants : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2018 15 1 ######## 5/9/2019 8:08 SO TS
Shadow tyrants : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2018 18 3 ######## 10/3/2019 12:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2018 2 2 7/7/2019 8/22/2019 9:30 RN RN
Assess, rebuild, connect : 3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2018 3 2 ######## 1/3/2019 13:03 RN SP
Shadow tyrants : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2018 18 2 8/1/2019 8/15/2019 8:19 NW TS
Shadow tyrants : 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2018 9 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SO TS
Timeless / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2018 7 9 6/1/2019 8/5/2019 8:43 NV TS
Timeless / 3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2018 9 2 ######## 5/8/2019 14:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2018 9 5 ######## 10/30/2019 14:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/1/2018 18 3 ######## 11/1/2019 10:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 8 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 14 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:03 RN TS
The amazing Spider-Man : 3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 14 1 ######## 11/5/2019 9:52 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 11 2 5/7/2019 6/27/2019 13:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 7 2 ######## 2/28/2019 15:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 9 4 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/7/2018 8 3 ######## 7/29/2019 13:12 RN RN
Glad monster, sad monster : 3.12E+13 BK 9/8/2018 9 ######## 6/13/2019 9:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/10/2018 11 6 ######## 7/29/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/11/2018 13 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2018 21 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2018 10 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/15/2018 13 1 ######## 7/15/2019 11:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2018 9 6 ######## 7/10/2019 10:53 SO TS
Positive discipline for today's busy (and overwhelmed)
3.12E+13 BK parent : 9/17/2018 5 6 ######## 11/14/2019 13:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2018 6 2 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2018 3 3 ######## 8/14/2019 10:58 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2018 7 7 ######## 9/6/2019 11:43 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2018 9 1 ######## 8/22/2019 16:33 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/18/2018 4 ######## 3/22/2019 12:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/19/2018 7 ######## 5/8/2019 13:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2018 1 2 ######## 2/15/2019 12:57 NV TS
Mental resilience : 3.12E+13 BK 9/20/2018 2 4 ######## 2/8/2019 8:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 4 1 4/3/2019 5/14/2019 9:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 5 1 ######## 3/7/2019 10:59 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 10 1 5/5/2019 7/8/2019 15:38 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 9 3 ######## 5/14/2019 10:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 8 3 3/9/2019 6/13/2019 10:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 13 2 ######## 11/22/2019 15:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 8 6 ######## 8/2/2019 15:28 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 4 4 ######## 11/20/2019 14:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 2 2 ######## 3/20/2019 17:40 NW SO
The Spooky Express Nevada / 3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 6 ######## 6/13/2019 11:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/21/2018 16 ######## 7/15/2019 11:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2018 8 1 ######## 4/17/2019 15:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2018 14 3 ######## 6/13/2019 9:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2018 14 5 ######## 8/19/2019 16:47 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2018 15 2 7/5/2019 8/2/2019 15:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2018 3 ######## 1/9/2019 8:07 IV VE
Harley and Ivy meet Betty and Veronica / 3.12E+13 BK 9/22/2018 7 3 ######## 2/27/2019 10:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2018 12 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/26/2018 18 ######## 9/16/2019 13:43 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2018 8 3 ######## 8/22/2019 16:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/27/2018 14 ######## 9/24/2019 14:57 SP TS
Jesus always : 3.12E+13 BK 9/28/2018 1 ######## 8/17/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 6 2 ######## 8/2/2019 14:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 13 1 ######## 12/6/2019 13:09 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 7 5 ######## 6/27/2019 10:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 8 1 ######## 11/20/2019 15:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 12 2 ######## 9/6/2019 11:44 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 0 4/3/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2018 16 5 9/7/2019 11/8/2019 13:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2018 8 4 8/6/2019 9/5/2019 12:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/2/2018 15 ######## 10/3/2019 12:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2018 24 1 ######## 10/18/2019 11:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2018 15 2 ######## 6/25/2019 9:53 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2018 7 3 3/2/2019 11/13/2019 15:42 RN RN
The Browns of California : 3.12E+13 BK 10/4/2018 9 5 ######## 9/6/2019 9:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2018 14 6 ######## 11/18/2019 14:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2018 8 6 ######## 11/13/2019 13:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2018 5 1 8/6/2019 9/6/2019 10:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2018 5 1 ######## 11/13/2019 13:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/5/2018 8 4 6/4/2019 8/12/2019 13:21 SP SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2018 11 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:08 SP TS
Hidden among the stars / 3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2018 4 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2018 6 2 1/5/2019 1/30/2019 9:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2018 6 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2018 8 ######## 5/17/2019 8:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/6/2018 11 5 ######## 9/5/2019 12:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2018 7 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/11/2018 12 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2018 5 6 ######## 8/15/2019 8:40 SC TS
The U.S. Constitution : 3.12E+13 BK 10/12/2018 3 2 ######## 11/1/2019 13:58 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2018 9 3/1/2019 3/27/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/15/2018 7 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2018 14 4 ######## 9/6/2019 9:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/16/2018 4 2 ######## 3/7/2019 11:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2018 10 7/1/2019 7/26/2019 8:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2018 23 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:45 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2018 15 2 ######## 8/23/2019 12:56 SS TS
Death of a rainmaker : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2018 6 ######## 7/29/2019 11:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2018 5 ######## 9/6/2019 9:17 SV RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2018 10 ######## 7/29/2019 8:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2018 4 ######## 1/14/2019 12:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2018 0 5/3/2019 17:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2018 8 2 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 7:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2018 14 3 ######## 7/30/2019 7:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2018 3 3 ######## 4/17/2019 12:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/20/2018 1 2 ######## 3/21/2019 14:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2018 12 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/22/2018 11 2 ######## 7/17/2019 10:48 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2018 10 1 ######## 12/3/2019 7:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/23/2018 10 3 6/8/2019 6/26/2019 11:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 20 1 8/7/2019 11/14/2019 11:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 6 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 7 4 ######## 5/14/2019 10:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 11 1 ######## 6/27/2019 12:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 13 1 ######## 8/2/2019 8:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/24/2018 14 4/2/2019 5/8/2019 14:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2018 10 3 ######## 8/1/2019 15:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2018 7 3 ######## 5/31/2019 11:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/25/2018 9 1 7/5/2019 8/22/2019 15:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2018 5 3 7/2/2019 7/26/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2018 20 2 ######## 11/15/2019 14:14 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 10/27/2018 11 3 5/3/2019 6/4/2019 8:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 8 ######## 8/15/2019 8:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 5 ######## 2/26/2019 16:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 11 1 4/2/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 10 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 7 5 6/3/2019 6/26/2019 13:14 RN TS
Worlds. 3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 3 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 16 1 ######## 9/11/2019 13:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/30/2018 18 1 ######## 10/2/2019 10:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2018 11 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2018 13 ######## 6/20/2019 12:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/3/2018 19 2 ######## 11/22/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/6/2018 2 ######## 3/21/2019 8:51 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2018 13 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2018 20 7/3/2019 7/17/2019 10:56 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/7/2018 6 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 9 4 ######## 6/13/2019 10:55 SO TS
Timelines of everything / 3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 7 2 ######## 6/26/2019 14:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 8 4 ######## 8/19/2019 10:25 SO TS
Do-it-yourself projects to get you off the grid
: BK 11/9/2018 1 ######## 1/9/2019 7:52 NW SO
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 16 1 ######## 12/26/2019 14:39 RN SS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 14 ######## 6/20/2019 13:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 22 1 ######## 11/21/2019 10:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 20 2 ######## 10/3/2019 12:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 7 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 16 ######## 7/24/2019 15:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 1 1 ######## 1/18/2019 9:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/9/2018 6 2 4/5/2019 6/24/2019 10:05 RN TS
The big fella : 3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2018 9 2 ######## 3/21/2019 8:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2018 6 2 ######## 6/13/2019 11:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/10/2018 5 1 ######## 3/28/2019 10:59 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2018 9 6 ######## 12/9/2019 15:03 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/13/2018 6 ######## 3/28/2019 10:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2018 13 3 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 13:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2018 11 1 ######## 5/17/2019 7:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/15/2018 14 4 ######## 7/24/2019 15:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 5 8 ######## 7/9/2019 16:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 14 1 ######## 10/23/2019 10:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 11 2 ######## 8/5/2019 8:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 16 1 ######## 10/30/2019 14:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 14 1 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 4 3 ######## 5/31/2019 13:28 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 4 2 ######## 4/17/2019 8:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2018 14 1 ######## 8/14/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2018 9 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/17/2018 14 3 ######## 12/20/2019 9:50 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/20/2018 7 4 ######## 10/2/2019 9:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 4 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 RN TS
Robert B. Parker's Blood feud / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 16 ######## 10/23/2019 8:40 RN TS
The 12th planet / 3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 4 2 ######## 8/6/2019 9:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 6 1/3/2019 1/9/2019 8:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 4 4 ######## 8/12/2019 14:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 11 1 ######## 7/10/2019 11:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 7 3/5/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/21/2018 6 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2018 15 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:38 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2018 4 1 1/9/2019 2/23/2019 14:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2018 2 5/1/2019 5/24/2019 8:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2018 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
The best American short stories 2018 / 3.12E+13 BK 11/22/2018 12 3 ######## 11/22/2019 8:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 8 2 5/7/2019 6/4/2019 8:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 17 2 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 11 6/5/2019 7/10/2019 11:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 18 3 8/6/2019 10/18/2019 7:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 16 ######## 10/3/2019 12:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 15 1 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 13:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/29/2018 18 2 9/5/2019 9/24/2019 10:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2018 12 3 ######## 8/2/2019 8:44 SO TS
Life in technicolor : 3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2018 3 3 ######## 7/11/2019 9:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2018 7 3 ######## 6/20/2019 13:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2018 5 2/1/2019 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 11/30/2018 18 1 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2018 14 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/1/2018 13 ######## 7/15/2019 12:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/4/2018 2 2 ######## 4/23/2019 9:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/7/2018 4 1 3/7/2019 3/21/2019 8:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2018 3 2 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 NW TS
The Standing Rock portraits / 3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2018 6 10 ######## 9/27/2019 9:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/8/2018 5 2 ######## 9/6/2019 9:17 RN RN
Spider-Man : 3.12E+13 BK 12/12/2018 10 3 ######## 10/4/2019 7:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 16 2 ######## 12/9/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 6 4 ######## 9/17/2019 11:26 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 12 2 ######## 9/5/2019 12:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 10 ######## 9/11/2019 13:15 RN TS
The individualist : 3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 4 1 7/3/2019 10/4/2019 9:39 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 6 2 7/1/2019 11/23/2019 11:44 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 2 2 ######## 6/20/2019 13:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/13/2018 2 6/1/2019 7/10/2019 10:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2018 17 2 9/5/2019 10/30/2019 14:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/14/2018 17 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2018 10 5 ######## 9/5/2019 12:49 RN TS
The blood / 3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2018 10 4 ######## 8/2/2019 8:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2018 5 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2018 12 ######## 8/15/2019 8:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/15/2018 10 6 ######## 11/22/2019 8:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/18/2018 14 4 ######## 11/7/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2018 5 ######## 6/13/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2018 9 3 8/8/2019 9/6/2019 15:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/20/2018 4 2 ######## 6/3/2019 13:30 SP SS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2018 6 2 ######## 9/23/2019 8:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2018 8 3 6/3/2019 10/14/2019 14:49 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2018 2 1 3/9/2019 4/3/2019 12:57 RN TS
Gotham City Sirens. 3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2018 8 1 ######## 7/17/2019 15:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/21/2018 2 1 ######## 2/12/2019 13:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2018 3 5/3/2019 5/17/2019 8:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/22/2018 3 3 ######## 8/15/2019 11:46 SO TS
The annotated memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant3.12E+13
/ BK 12/22/2018 6 7 ######## 11/7/2019 14:11 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2018 14 4 ######## 9/24/2019 15:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/28/2018 3 1 5/8/2019 6/26/2019 14:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 12/29/2018 5 2 5/6/2019 10/21/2019 15:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2019 12 8/7/2019 9/5/2019 13:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2019 12 1 9/7/2019 9/24/2019 10:39 IV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/3/2019 10 ######## 8/21/2019 8:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2019 8 ######## 5/9/2019 8:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2019 14 1 9/5/2019 9/16/2019 14:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/4/2019 21 3 ######## 11/25/2019 8:22 SV TS
The LEGO book / 3.12E+13 BK 1/5/2019 7 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/11/2019 10 6/5/2019 7/10/2019 11:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/16/2019 11 3 7/5/2019 7/24/2019 7:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 7 ######## 6/10/2019 8:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 7 ######## 5/8/2019 14:27 SS TS
Put your best face forward : 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 7 7 9/3/2019 10/4/2019 7:50 SP TS
The break line / 3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 19 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 6 ######## 6/20/2019 12:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 8 ######## 5/6/2019 8:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 11 1 ######## 7/15/2019 11:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/18/2019 6 3 ######## 8/20/2019 8:51 NW TS
The magic feather effect : 3.12E+13 BK 1/22/2019 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2019 14 ######## 12/13/2019 8:45 SP TS
We hope for better things / 3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2019 16 1 ######## 11/8/2019 7:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2019 5 1 7/1/2019 7/24/2019 15:11 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/23/2019 6 4 8/3/2019 9/5/2019 12:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2019 7 3 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
Ballad / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2019 3 8/6/2019 9/6/2019 10:30 NV TS
The snow leopard project : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2019 6 1 ######## 10/15/2019 15:39 IV TS
Shout your abortion / 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2019 1 1 7/3/2019 8/1/2019 15:34 RN TS
The art of Fantastic beasts : 3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2019 5 5 ######## 7/11/2019 9:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/24/2019 10 ######## 8/5/2019 8:59 RN TS
An Elephant & Piggie biggie! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2019 10 2 ######## 11/20/2019 15:36 SP TS
An Elephant & Piggie biggie! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2019 9 1 ######## 8/19/2019 10:38 RN TS
An Elephant & Piggie biggie! / 3.12E+13 BK 1/26/2019 12 5 ######## 12/20/2019 12:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 9 7/1/2019 8/5/2019 8:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 13 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 9 3 ######## 8/2/2019 8:50 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 3 ######## 10/17/2019 13:02 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 3 2 ######## 6/10/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 5 1 8/1/2019 8/22/2019 16:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/29/2019 7 3 ######## 9/10/2019 10:45 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 3 ######## 5/30/2019 15:52 IV TS
Raising humans in a digital world : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 6 6 9/9/2019 10/30/2019 14:11 NW TS
The girl who danced with death / 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 6 ######## 7/9/2019 15:09 RN TS
Happy birthday to you! 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 8 3 ######## 8/14/2019 10:32 NW TS
Happy birthday to you! 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 9 3 ######## 8/14/2019 10:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 15 1 ######## 11/20/2019 13:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 8 ######## 11/13/2019 10:43 RN TS
The Holy Bible : 3.12E+13 BK 1/30/2019 0 3/9/2019 10:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 3 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 11 5 ######## 9/26/2019 13:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 10 1 ######## 7/17/2019 9:39 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 8 ######## 7/15/2019 12:26 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 6 5/7/2019 6/4/2019 7:47 RN TS
A bad deal for the whole galaxy / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 4 ######## 6/13/2019 10:47 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 4 ######## 3/29/2019 16:29 NV SP
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 6 1 ######## 8/5/2019 8:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 14 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 7 1 ######## 7/17/2019 9:39 NW TS
Tombland / 3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 12 4 ######## 11/7/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 10 6/8/2019 7/15/2019 11:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 13 1 ######## 10/23/2019 8:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 10 1 8/3/2019 9/5/2019 13:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 1/31/2019 3 4 ######## 11/13/2019 14:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2019 6 ######## 6/12/2019 8:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2019 8 ######## 6/12/2019 8:39 RN TS
Air Apaches : 3.12E+13 BK 2/2/2019 6 5 ######## 7/9/2019 15:10 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/6/2019 7 ######## 7/10/2019 11:51 RN TS
The photo ark : 3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2019 7 1 ######## 10/23/2019 14:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/8/2019 6 ######## 9/5/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 2 2 ######## 8/5/2019 16:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 13 ######## 10/3/2019 12:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 14 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 10 3 ######## 9/5/2019 12:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 6 ######## 5/9/2019 8:12 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 6 5 ######## 11/1/2019 15:00 SO TS
Color train 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 4 1 ######## 4/23/2019 11:11 SV TS
Color train 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 6 2 ######## 8/22/2019 16:16 SS TS
Color train 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 1 ######## 5/31/2019 12:06 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 5 1 7/5/2019 8/5/2019 9:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 7 1 6/3/2019 7/10/2019 11:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 6 1 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 12:53 RN TS
Woman enters left / 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 1 ######## 3/5/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 10 3 ######## 10/18/2019 11:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 6 ######## 7/17/2019 10:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 3 ######## 6/4/2019 7:58 RN TS
The red coat : 3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 13 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 13 1 8/6/2019 8/15/2019 8:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/9/2019 15 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:52 RN TS
The write story / 3.12E+13 BK 2/11/2019 4 2 ######## 11/20/2019 12:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2019 2 1 3/1/2019 4/23/2019 12:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2019 0 4/11/2019 10:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2019 7 ######## 7/17/2019 11:19 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2019 3 6/1/2019 7/17/2019 12:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/13/2019 7 2 ######## 8/22/2019 16:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2019 15 3 ######## 11/7/2019 14:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2019 6 1 ######## 6/26/2019 13:30 RN TS
After she's gone : 3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2019 8 2 8/2/2019 8/15/2019 8:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/14/2019 11 ######## 10/23/2019 8:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/15/2019 0 2/15/2019 13:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2019 1 1 ######## 9/6/2019 9:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/19/2019 6 1 ######## 12/20/2019 10:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2019 8 7/6/2019 8/2/2019 8:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/21/2019 8 2 8/6/2019 8/21/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2019 19 1 ######## 12/5/2019 13:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2019 12 2 8/9/2019 9/5/2019 8:39 RN TS
Still the best hope : 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2019 3 8/7/2019 9/5/2019 8:47 RN TS
Minecraft master builder toolkit / 3.12E+13 BK 2/22/2019 2 1 ######## 9/6/2019 9:09 RN TS
Hacking : k1308408 BK 2/27/2019 0 8/22/2019 13:55 TS TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2019 9 1 ######## 8/5/2019 11:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2019 11 ######## 11/21/2019 10:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2019 5 8/3/2019 9/5/2019 12:43 RN TS
The concrete blonde / 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2019 2 ######## 4/10/2019 12:25 RN SP
Persuader : 3.12E+13 BK 2/28/2019 13 1 ######## 11/21/2019 10:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2019 10 1 ######## 8/23/2019 12:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2019 7 ######## 8/5/2019 8:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2019 13 ######## 11/21/2019 10:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/1/2019 6 ######## 6/26/2019 13:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/5/2019 12 1 ######## 10/9/2019 12:59 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 3/7/2019 0 7/16/2019 17:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2019 2 2 6/4/2019 7/10/2019 11:00 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2019 7 ######## 8/19/2019 11:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2019 11 2 ######## 11/22/2019 8:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2019 5 2 ######## 8/19/2019 9:15 IV TS
Worlds. 3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2019 1 ######## 5/9/2019 7:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/9/2019 0 5/15/2019 10:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 3/14/2019 6 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 13 1 ######## 10/18/2019 11:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 8 8/6/2019 9/5/2019 12:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 5 1 ######## 7/17/2019 10:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 6 ######## 6/13/2019 11:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 11 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 3 2 ######## 8/19/2019 11:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 3 1 ######## 6/13/2019 12:35 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 7 ######## 8/5/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/16/2019 1 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/18/2019 7 ######## 7/10/2019 10:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/20/2019 14 1 ######## 10/14/2019 12:19 SS TS
The American agent 3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 6 ######## 8/2/2019 8:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 4 ######## 8/2/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 6 ######## 6/13/2019 10:45 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 14 ######## 10/23/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 5 ######## 7/17/2019 11:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 7 1 ######## 8/23/2019 12:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 10 4 ######## 11/7/2019 14:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/21/2019 7 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/22/2019 2 1 ######## 8/6/2019 17:49 RN SP
Silent no more : 3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2019 9 2 ######## 11/6/2019 12:42 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2019 3 ######## 5/23/2019 11:58 SV SO
3.12E+13 BK 3/26/2019 5 1 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 15:49 NW TS
The complete book of ketones : 3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2019 8 4 ######## 12/20/2019 8:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2019 1 ######## 5/6/2019 8:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/28/2019 9 2 7/9/2019 9/16/2019 13:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 3/29/2019 11 ######## 10/30/2019 14:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 7 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 10 ######## 9/11/2019 13:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 10 2 9/4/2019 10/18/2019 10:59 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 5 ######## 11/30/2019 10:59 RN NW
Game on! 2019 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 6 2 7/2/2019 7/17/2019 12:19 SP TS
Game on! 2019 : 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 4 2 ######## 8/14/2019 10:11 IV TS
My brother is a big, fat liar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 3 2 ######## 8/7/2019 14:42 SS TS
My brother is a big, fat liar / 3.12E+13 BK 4/2/2019 4 2 ######## 7/10/2019 10:10 NW TS
Karamo : 3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2019 4 ######## 7/2/2019 18:03 SP RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/3/2019 5 ######## 11/22/2019 8:48 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2019 10 8/8/2019 8/23/2019 12:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2019 4 2 ######## 7/24/2019 15:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2019 7 ######## 8/2/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2019 5 2 ######## 9/5/2019 13:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2019 5 1 7/3/2019 7/17/2019 9:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/4/2019 6 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2019 9 1 ######## 10/30/2019 14:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2019 13 ######## 10/14/2019 12:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2019 6 2 7/9/2019 8/12/2019 14:38 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2019 12 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/5/2019 2 ######## 5/24/2019 8:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/6/2019 3 ######## 10/18/2019 16:15 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2019 8 2 ######## 10/18/2019 8:42 SV TS
Spanish in 100 days : 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2019 5 3 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 RN TS
By night. 3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2019 2 2 ######## 8/5/2019 9:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/9/2019 3 2 ######## 11/8/2019 7:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2019 10 ######## 9/11/2019 13:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2019 2 3 ######## 9/6/2019 10:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2019 13 ######## 11/6/2019 11:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/10/2019 2 2 ######## 7/17/2019 11:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 5 ######## 8/5/2019 8:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 10 ######## 10/23/2019 8:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 5 ######## 8/5/2019 9:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 3 ######## 6/13/2019 10:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 6 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:57 RN TS
This little pumpkin 3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 7 1 ######## 12/10/2019 17:10 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 4/11/2019 7 1 ######## 12/20/2019 12:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2019 8 5 ######## 11/21/2019 10:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2019 8 5 ######## 11/13/2019 14:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/12/2019 8 2 ######## 12/14/2019 11:32 NW SP
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 5 1 ######## 8/15/2019 8:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 7 2 ######## 8/13/2019 9:20 SP TS
The Pandora room / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 8 1 ######## 10/18/2019 11:02 SP TS
The Pandora room / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 9 ######## 9/16/2019 14:07 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 9 4 ######## 12/13/2019 11:30 SP NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 3 ######## 6/21/2019 15:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 7 3 ######## 9/11/2019 13:36 SO TS
The risk of us / 3.12E+13 BK 4/13/2019 6 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2019 7 1 ######## 10/23/2019 16:46 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2019 2 2 ######## 8/26/2019 9:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/16/2019 3 2 ######## 11/7/2019 14:10 SO TS
Quick prep cooking with your Instant Pot :3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2019 7 4 ######## 12/5/2019 12:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2019 2 1 ######## 11/7/2019 8:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2019 9 3 ######## 11/26/2019 13:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2019 2 ######## 5/15/2019 18:53 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 4/17/2019 6 4 ######## 12/20/2019 12:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2019 3 6/1/2019 6/15/2019 13:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/19/2019 3 ######## 5/14/2019 13:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BK 4/20/2019 3 1 ######## 9/6/2019 10:20 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2019 12 ######## 12/5/2019 13:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2019 7 ######## 9/11/2019 13:12 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2019 3 ######## 10/30/2019 14:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/24/2019 2 ######## 5/25/2019 13:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2019 5 4 ######## 12/3/2019 7:58 SV TS
The lost prince : 3.12E+13 BK 4/25/2019 6 2 ######## 9/23/2019 8:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2019 9 2 ######## 9/26/2019 13:14 NW TS
The road to Grantchester / 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2019 5 2 ######## 9/21/2019 13:22 RN NW
Someone knows 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2019 14 ######## 12/20/2019 8:46 RN TS
A stranger in the house 3.12E+13 BK 4/26/2019 3 ######## 6/13/2019 10:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2019 2 6/8/2019 7/15/2019 12:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2019 1 2 5/8/2019 8/7/2019 11:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 4/30/2019 4 2 ######## 11/20/2019 14:18 RN SV
3.12E+13 BK 5/1/2019 4 2 ######## 9/6/2019 11:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2019 14 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:57 SV TS
The long goodbye / 3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2019 2 ######## 7/15/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/3/2019 2 3 9/7/2019 11/21/2019 10:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/4/2019 6 2 8/8/2019 9/26/2019 13:09 NV TS
The walking dead. 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2019 5 2 ######## 9/5/2019 8:30 SP TS
D is for dump truck : 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2019 9 ######## 12/9/2019 13:28 RN IV
The ugly five / 3.12E+13 BK 5/7/2019 6 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2019 4 7/8/2019 8/23/2019 10:31 IV IV
Star wars alien archive / 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2019 6 1 ######## 12/20/2019 15:31 SV TS
Color train 3.12E+13 BK 5/8/2019 9 ######## 11/13/2019 13:47 RN TS
Make a wish, Midas! 3.12E+13 BK 5/9/2019 4 2 ######## 11/1/2019 15:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/10/2019 4 ######## 8/7/2019 12:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/13/2019 8 1 ######## 11/8/2019 13:06 RN TS
Discworld quiz diary 2019 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2019 1 ######## 5/15/2019 12:36 RN TS
Tarot predictions 2019 / 3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2019 0 8/17/2019 12:49 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2019 6 ######## 12/10/2019 11:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/14/2019 0 5/21/2019 15:08 RN RN
The goodbye summer / 3.12E+13 BK 5/15/2019 1 2 ######## 11/13/2019 14:32 RN TS
Nothing's bad luck : 3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2019 2 1 ######## 8/1/2019 15:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/16/2019 6 ######## 9/17/2019 12:24 NV TS
Pawsome puppy adventures! 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2019 4 1 ######## 11/20/2019 12:31 SV TS
Pawsome puppy adventures! 3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2019 5 3 ######## 9/17/2019 12:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2019 9 2 ######## 10/24/2019 15:10 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/18/2019 9 1 9/5/2019 9/26/2019 12:03 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/20/2019 8 4 ######## 12/20/2019 10:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/21/2019 2 1 ######## 8/1/2019 13:51 SS SS
Deep state target : 3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2019 5 ######## 9/11/2019 11:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/22/2019 6 1 ######## 11/20/2019 15:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2019 10 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2019 6 2 ######## 11/26/2019 13:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2019 4 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/23/2019 6 ######## 9/5/2019 12:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2019 5 1 ######## 9/26/2019 13:13 SC TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2019 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2019 1 1 6/1/2019 8/17/2019 12:47 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2019 5 ######## 12/5/2019 13:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/24/2019 3 ######## 8/15/2019 8:17 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2019 3 1 ######## 8/12/2019 14:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 5/25/2019 9 2 ######## 10/9/2019 12:59 SO SP
3.12E+13 BK 5/31/2019 8 ######## 9/5/2019 12:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/1/2019 1 2 6/6/2019 8/14/2019 11:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2019 7 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:25 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2019 5 ######## 11/1/2019 14:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/4/2019 1 2 ######## 8/2/2019 10:46 RN NV
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2019 4 2 ######## 12/16/2019 7:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/5/2019 4 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 8:46 RN TS
Buffy the vampire slayer : 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2019 3 1 ######## 9/24/2019 10:24 SP TS
The good son / 3.12E+13 BK 6/6/2019 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:02 SV TS
Smokin' Joe : 3.12E+13 BK 6/7/2019 6 2 ######## 11/22/2019 8:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2019 4 ######## 9/12/2019 17:05 SS SS
3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2019 3 ######## 8/22/2019 16:16 SS TS
I love you so mochi / 3.12E+13 BK 6/13/2019 0 7/2/2019 18:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/14/2019 5 ######## 8/23/2019 13:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2019 8 ######## 10/30/2019 14:32 RN TS
Outrages : 3.12E+13 BK 6/15/2019 0 7/11/2019 7:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BK 6/19/2019 3 8/6/2019 8/15/2019 8:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/20/2019 0 8/19/2019 9:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2019 7 9/7/2019 11/7/2019 14:45 SO TS
A family of strangers / 3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2019 5 ######## 11/14/2019 12:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2019 2 ######## 8/8/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/22/2019 5 ######## 11/20/2019 13:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/26/2019 5 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 6/29/2019 1 1 7/6/2019 8/14/2019 11:15 NV TS
The shameless / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2019 8 ######## 10/18/2019 11:04 SP TS
The body keeper / 3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2019 8 3 ######## 12/13/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/3/2019 1 1 ######## 8/12/2019 14:32 NV TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/9/2019 10 ######## 12/13/2019 8:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2019 3 1 ######## 10/30/2019 14:10 SP TS
One giant leap : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2019 2 ######## 11/22/2019 8:22 SC TS
The case of the phantom cat / 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2019 1 ######## 8/14/2019 11:22 NV TS
High achiever : 3.12E+13 BK 7/13/2019 5 ######## 10/18/2019 8:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2019 8 ######## 11/21/2019 10:12 NW TS
Presidential misconduct : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2019 2 ######## 11/14/2019 9:46 RN RN
Gingermelon's embroidered animals : 3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2019 3 3 ######## 11/25/2019 7:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/16/2019 8 1 ######## 11/14/2019 13:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/17/2019 2 8/1/2019 8/12/2019 14:24 SP TS
Assad or we burn the country : 3.12E+13 BK 7/20/2019 4 3 ######## 11/21/2019 14:00 RN TS
Game of snipers / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2019 6 ######## 11/21/2019 10:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2019 5 ######## 11/22/2019 8:50 NW TS
Largo pétalo de mar / 3.12E+13 BK 7/23/2019 2 ######## 10/18/2019 11:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2019 4 2 ######## 12/20/2019 11:11 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 7/31/2019 1 8/9/2019 9/17/2019 11:31 NV TS
Checked out / 3.12E+13 BK 8/5/2019 2 ######## 9/5/2019 12:37 SP TS
Finding Mrs Ford : 3.12E+13 BK 8/8/2019 3 ######## 9/26/2019 13:09 RN TS
Fortune's favorites / 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2019 0 12/23/2019 13:44 RN RN
Sailor Moon. 3.12E+13 BK 8/13/2019 1 1 9/5/2019 10/18/2019 16:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2019 2 ######## 10/23/2019 8:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/14/2019 5 ######## 10/30/2019 14:25 RN TS
Dark visions / 3.12E+13 BK 8/17/2019 2 9/9/2019 9/19/2019 14:16 RN SP
3.12E+13 BK 8/20/2019 2 ######## 10/18/2019 11:43 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/21/2019 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2019 2 ######## 10/15/2019 8:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2019 3 ######## 11/12/2019 8:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/22/2019 6 ######## 12/5/2019 11:52 RN SO
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2019 1 ######## 9/26/2019 13:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2019 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2019 1 9/7/2019 10/14/2019 12:16 RN TS
Share your smile : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2019 1 9/7/2019 9/24/2019 11:27 SV TS
Share your smile : 3.12E+13 BK 8/28/2019 0 9/5/2019 10:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 BK 8/31/2019 6 ######## 12/10/2019 11:53 SV NW
3.12E+13 BK 9/14/2019 3 ######## 11/14/2019 12:53 SV TS
An orc on the wild side / 3.12E+13 BK 9/17/2019 2 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:47 RN TS
The covenant : 3.12E+13 BK 9/25/2019 1 ######## 12/22/2019 11:07 IV RN
The best American short stories 2019 / 3.12E+13 BK 9/29/2019 2 ######## 11/22/2019 8:17 NW TS
The gaslight effect : 3.12E+13 BK 10/17/2019 1 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:15 IV TS
Laughing Tomatoes- Jitomates Risuenos 3.12E+13 BK 10/19/2019 1 ######## 11/20/2019 10:45 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2019 2 ######## 12/5/2019 12:53 NW TS
A single thread : 3.12E+13 BK 10/26/2019 2 ######## 11/21/2019 10:09 RN TS
Manhunters : 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2019 1 ######## 12/10/2019 11:29 RN TS
The Mystery at Camp Creepy 3.12E+13 BK 11/16/2019 1 ######## 12/9/2019 14:25 TR TS
The Christmas Strangers 3.12E+13 BK 11/23/2019 1 ######## 12/20/2019 10:11 TR TS
Arroz Con Leche: Popular Songs and Rhymes
from Latin
BK America 12/7/2019 1 ######## 12/20/2019 15:46 TR TS
3.12E+13 BK 11 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 BK 8 5 2/6/2018 5/7/2019 9:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BK 10 2 ######## 7/25/2019 13:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 BKGE 3/5/2015 1 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 GE RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/8/2015 29 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2016 40 5/7/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2016 84 1/2/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2016 76 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2016 48 5/7/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2016 78 2/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2016 79 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/22/2016 84 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/1/2016 65 2 1/2/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/1/2016 48 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/12/2016 31 1 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SS RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/15/2016 62 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/15/2016 56 1 ######## 1/22/2019 8:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/15/2016 86 1 7/8/2019 7/24/2019 15:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/26/2016 42 5/3/2018 1/14/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/10/2016 72 ######## 4/10/2019 8:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/13/2016 62 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/16/2016 87 ######## 9/30/2019 8:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/22/2016 67 ######## 6/20/2019 13:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/22/2016 70 1 ######## 5/8/2019 14:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/19/2016 43 ######## 1/31/2019 10:39 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/27/2016 81 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 13:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/27/2016 63 ######## 7/17/2019 10:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/27/2016 47 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/28/2016 61 3 ######## 9/26/2019 11:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/28/2016 61 3 ######## 7/31/2019 15:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/28/2016 56 ######## 4/22/2019 7:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/3/2017 72 6/1/2019 6/20/2019 12:43 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/3/2017 63 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/19/2017 67 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/19/2017 68 5/6/2019 6/4/2019 12:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/19/2017 52 3/8/2019 4/10/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/26/2017 58 1 3/5/2019 3/26/2019 9:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/26/2017 56 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/6/2017 60 1 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/22/2017 48 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/22/2017 45 1 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/22/2017 62 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/6/2017 66 ######## 11/21/2019 10:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/10/2017 53 1 4/5/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/16/2017 51 1 2/8/2019 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/27/2017 59 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/27/2017 52 5/9/2019 6/4/2019 12:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/29/2017 55 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/12/2017 75 ######## 8/8/2019 9:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/12/2017 58 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 76 ######## 9/28/2019 11:31 NW SV
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 63 ######## 5/9/2019 8:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 38 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 69 ######## 8/12/2019 14:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 64 ######## 10/23/2019 13:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 51 2/4/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2017 50 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
The burial hour : 3.12E+13 BKLD 4/27/2017 45 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/4/2017 45 ######## 3/4/2019 11:04 NW TS
The burial hour : 3.12E+13 BKLD 5/16/2017 43 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/16/2017 60 ######## 7/15/2019 11:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/16/2017 74 2 ######## 12/20/2019 8:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/16/2017 47 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/17/2017 57 ######## 11/6/2019 11:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/22/2017 50 1 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/22/2017 41 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/22/2017 60 6/4/2019 6/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/22/2017 48 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/30/2017 43 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/31/2017 39 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/31/2017 50 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/14/2017 39 ######## 1/11/2019 7:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/14/2017 50 1/9/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/14/2017 41 1 ######## 8/2/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/19/2017 55 1 7/6/2019 8/8/2019 9:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/21/2017 53 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/26/2017 49 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/26/2017 42 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/26/2017 60 1 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/5/2017 49 1 ######## 6/24/2019 10:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/5/2017 37 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/6/2017 40 5/1/2019 6/4/2019 12:11 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/20/2017 36 3/1/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/20/2017 42 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/20/2017 41 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/20/2017 35 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/20/2017 49 8/8/2019 9/5/2019 13:12 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2017 49 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
Crime scene : 3.12E+13 BKLD 8/1/2017 63 1 ######## 8/5/2019 8:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/10/2017 74 1 ######## 11/19/2019 14:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/14/2017 57 1 ######## 9/13/2019 8:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 42 1 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 37 2/1/2019 3/7/2019 8:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 42 1 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 13 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 39 5/6/2019 6/11/2019 8:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 49 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 38 ######## 5/24/2019 8:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/16/2017 35 ######## 6/24/2019 11:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/16/2017 39 1 1/8/2019 2/12/2019 14:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/16/2017 37 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/16/2017 42 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/17/2017 48 ######## 5/17/2019 8:02 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/17/2017 52 ######## 6/26/2019 14:48 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/17/2017 50 4/8/2019 5/28/2019 8:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/17/2017 44 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/17/2017 61 ######## 10/2/2019 14:39 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/18/2017 63 ######## 10/14/2019 12:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/18/2017 53 8/5/2019 8/21/2019 8:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/25/2017 46 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/25/2017 26 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/29/2017 41 1/3/2019 1/29/2019 13:33 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/5/2017 25 ######## 1/31/2019 10:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/11/2017 32 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/11/2017 27 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/13/2017 53 ######## 7/15/2019 12:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/18/2017 42 3/6/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/19/2017 51 ######## 7/17/2019 11:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/19/2017 36 ######## 4/15/2019 7:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/20/2017 44 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/21/2017 45 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/27/2017 23 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 NV TS
A casualty of war / 3.12E+13 BKLD 9/29/2017 36 4/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/2/2017 29 ######## 1/9/2019 10:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/5/2017 43 ######## 11/7/2019 14:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/9/2017 39 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/9/2017 26 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/12/2017 48 ######## 7/15/2019 11:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/12/2017 63 ######## 8/5/2019 8:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/12/2017 40 ######## 5/9/2019 7:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/16/2017 37 5/3/2019 5/24/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/16/2017 13 4 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/16/2017 43 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/17/2017 37 ######## 4/18/2019 14:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/17/2017 36 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/23/2017 42 ######## 4/18/2019 14:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/23/2017 39 2/5/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/23/2017 41 ######## 9/6/2019 7:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/24/2017 43 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/24/2017 39 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/26/2017 33 ######## 6/12/2019 8:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/26/2017 21 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/26/2017 55 ######## 11/7/2019 7:57 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/30/2017 40 1 ######## 5/24/2019 8:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/31/2017 29 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/31/2017 40 ######## 5/24/2019 8:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2017 37 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2017 28 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2017 47 ######## 9/13/2019 8:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2017 9 ######## 5/3/2019 10:23 SP SV
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/8/2017 48 ######## 5/8/2019 14:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 43 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 34 1/8/2019 2/12/2019 14:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 35 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 64 ######## 10/30/2019 8:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 38 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 25 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 24 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 25 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 64 ######## 10/30/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 57 ######## 11/7/2019 14:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/14/2017 30 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2017 33 ######## 7/9/2019 14:43 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/16/2017 42 7/7/2019 8/5/2019 8:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/6/2017 51 ######## 8/5/2019 8:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/6/2017 31 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/6/2017 26 ######## 1/11/2019 7:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/6/2017 41 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/20/2017 51 ######## 6/26/2019 14:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/22/2017 32 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/26/2017 37 ######## 6/20/2019 13:01 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/26/2017 28 2 ######## 3/22/2019 8:24 SC RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/26/2017 49 ######## 10/28/2019 8:02 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/28/2017 40 ######## 5/17/2019 7:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/29/2017 33 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/4/2018 31 2/8/2019 2/28/2019 11:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/11/2018 28 2/9/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/12/2018 33 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/12/2018 33 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/17/2018 22 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/17/2018 19 ######## 1/7/2019 8:42 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/19/2018 16 2/7/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/19/2018 36 ######## 6/4/2019 12:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/22/2018 30 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/22/2018 30 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/25/2018 44 ######## 7/15/2019 11:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/30/2018 29 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/30/2018 28 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/2/2018 35 4/8/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/2/2018 40 ######## 9/5/2019 12:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/2/2018 37 ######## 5/8/2019 14:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/2/2018 35 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/5/2018 39 7/8/2019 7/24/2019 15:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/5/2018 35 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/5/2018 31 3/9/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/8/2018 27 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/8/2018 33 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/8/2018 40 7/3/2019 7/29/2019 8:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/13/2018 50 ######## 8/27/2019 9:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/13/2018 24 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/13/2018 32 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/13/2018 25 3/4/2019 4/10/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/13/2018 39 ######## 7/17/2019 10:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/26/2018 26 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/27/2018 31 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/6/2018 28 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/6/2018 29 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/8/2018 42 ######## 9/4/2019 15:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/14/2018 25 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/19/2018 49 ######## 10/23/2019 14:26 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/19/2018 29 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/19/2018 31 ######## 8/15/2019 13:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/19/2018 21 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/19/2018 29 ######## 3/23/2019 12:54 SO SV
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/22/2018 34 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/28/2018 22 ######## 2/22/2019 7:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/28/2018 33 5/4/2019 6/11/2019 8:16 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/28/2018 27 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/28/2018 32 ######## 6/4/2019 12:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/28/2018 39 6/5/2019 6/27/2019 7:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/28/2018 31 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/2/2018 18 ######## 1/16/2019 15:06 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/4/2018 20 ######## 4/10/2019 9:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/4/2018 37 5/7/2019 6/10/2019 8:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2018 16 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/12/2018 24 ######## 4/17/2019 8:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/13/2018 28 ######## 5/20/2019 7:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/16/2018 24 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/16/2018 48 1 ######## 9/23/2019 8:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/16/2018 46 9/7/2019 9/10/2019 17:09 RN SP
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/16/2018 39 ######## 7/15/2019 12:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/17/2018 17 1/6/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/20/2018 28 ######## 5/24/2019 7:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/20/2018 19 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/20/2018 26 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/20/2018 30 ######## 9/20/2019 15:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/20/2018 25 ######## 8/22/2019 15:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2018 20 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2018 28 4/1/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/24/2018 23 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/26/2018 23 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/26/2018 36 ######## 7/24/2019 15:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/26/2018 34 ######## 6/4/2019 11:35 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/27/2018 33 ######## 3/5/2019 12:07 SP NW
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/27/2018 18 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/27/2018 17 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/2/2018 18 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/2/2018 25 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/2/2018 32 9/7/2019 9/26/2019 13:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/7/2018 25 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/14/2018 24 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/17/2018 11 2 ######## 5/21/2019 14:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/18/2018 20 3/1/2019 4/9/2019 9:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/18/2018 30 ######## 6/13/2019 11:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/18/2018 24 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/21/2018 25 5/9/2019 6/4/2019 11:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/21/2018 27 4/7/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/21/2018 35 ######## 9/16/2019 14:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2018 19 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/24/2018 36 9/5/2019 10/3/2019 14:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/24/2018 14 2/6/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/24/2018 37 ######## 12/5/2019 11:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/29/2018 36 ######## 9/11/2019 13:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/29/2018 11 ######## 1/29/2019 13:36 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/29/2018 31 ######## 7/10/2019 12:49 NW RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/29/2018 17 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 RN TS
Turbulence / 3.12E+13 BKLD 6/4/2018 20 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SP TS
Turbulence / 3.12E+13 BKLD 6/4/2018 27 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/4/2018 26 5/9/2019 6/11/2019 8:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/6/2018 20 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/6/2018 30 ######## 7/15/2019 12:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/6/2018 33 ######## 11/13/2019 14:00 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/6/2018 15 ######## 4/17/2019 8:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/10/2018 19 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/10/2018 22 ######## 5/24/2019 7:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/13/2018 19 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/13/2018 24 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/13/2018 14 ######## 1/6/2019 12:47 SP RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/14/2018 14 2/3/2019 2/13/2019 17:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/20/2018 32 9/5/2019 10/9/2019 8:11 SV RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/27/2018 26 4/2/2019 4/18/2019 14:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/27/2018 22 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/27/2018 28 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/9/2018 40 1 ######## 12/19/2019 9:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/12/2018 24 ######## 6/11/2019 8:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/12/2018 14 ######## 1/18/2019 11:14 NW RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/12/2018 19 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/12/2018 27 ######## 6/24/2019 11:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 30 ######## 10/3/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 23 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 38 ######## 11/15/2019 10:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 26 6/5/2019 6/20/2019 12:38 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 22 ######## 7/17/2019 9:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 24 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 32 ######## 11/14/2019 7:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 26 ######## 7/15/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/24/2018 12 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 13:09 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/31/2018 16 2/6/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 7/31/2018 32 ######## 12/13/2019 8:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/3/2018 22 ######## 6/4/2019 11:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/3/2018 37 ######## 11/4/2019 7:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/3/2018 41 ######## 10/30/2019 14:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/4/2018 13 1/3/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/7/2018 28 ######## 9/26/2019 13:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/7/2018 14 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/7/2018 29 ######## 11/1/2019 9:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/7/2018 22 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/9/2018 34 ######## 10/16/2019 7:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/13/2018 23 4/4/2019 4/17/2019 7:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2018 29 ######## 11/21/2019 8:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/27/2018 14 3/4/2019 5/28/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/27/2018 7 ######## 2/15/2019 11:40 SP SC
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/29/2018 33 ######## 9/30/2019 8:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/31/2018 13 ######## 5/29/2019 7:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/1/2018 14 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/1/2018 12 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/7/2018 15 4/9/2019 5/7/2019 9:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/7/2018 21 8/5/2019 9/11/2019 8:32 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/7/2018 11 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/7/2018 16 ######## 4/11/2019 14:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/7/2018 13 2/9/2019 3/6/2019 8:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/7/2018 8 ######## 2/14/2019 10:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/14/2018 12 3/6/2019 4/10/2019 9:13 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/14/2018 13 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/14/2018 11 3/4/2019 4/4/2019 14:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/14/2018 12 ######## 8/22/2019 15:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/15/2018 23 5/8/2019 7/17/2019 10:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/15/2018 14 2 ######## 6/24/2019 11:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/19/2018 14 ######## 4/3/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/19/2018 6 1 ######## 1/8/2019 9:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/19/2018 14 7/8/2019 8/22/2019 15:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/19/2018 8 ######## 2/14/2019 10:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/22/2018 13 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 9/26/2018 17 ######## 6/24/2019 11:02 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/2/2018 10 2/8/2019 8/2/2019 8:47 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/2/2018 22 ######## 9/20/2019 15:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/2/2018 19 ######## 5/8/2019 14:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/2/2018 7 ######## 9/25/2019 7:42 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/2/2018 16 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 25 ######## 6/13/2019 10:41 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 16 ######## 5/24/2019 7:59 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 25 ######## 8/15/2019 8:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 25 ######## 7/17/2019 9:59 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 34 ######## 11/8/2019 13:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 21 7/3/2019 8/8/2019 9:04 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 21 8/5/2019 9/4/2019 8:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 11 2 ######## 5/24/2019 7:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/4/2018 28 ######## 12/3/2019 14:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/9/2018 19 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/15/2018 8 ######## 2/12/2019 14:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/15/2018 9 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/17/2018 29 ######## 10/29/2019 13:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/19/2018 19 ######## 10/2/2019 8:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/19/2018 23 ######## 10/23/2019 13:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/22/2018 11 ######## 5/8/2019 14:34 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/23/2018 18 ######## 8/1/2019 9:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/24/2018 12 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/24/2018 27 ######## 9/12/2019 12:58 RN SV
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/25/2018 11 ######## 3/15/2019 11:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/30/2018 18 ######## 9/4/2019 15:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/30/2018 14 7/9/2019 7/26/2019 9:49 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/31/2018 27 ######## 11/6/2019 8:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 10/31/2018 19 ######## 6/24/2019 10:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/2/2018 20 6/3/2019 6/18/2019 8:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/3/2018 32 ######## 9/23/2019 8:42 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/3/2018 33 ######## 12/17/2019 13:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/3/2018 21 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/3/2018 27 ######## 9/5/2019 13:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2018 23 ######## 7/24/2019 15:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2018 23 ######## 8/5/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/7/2018 18 8/2/2019 8/16/2019 14:43 SS SO
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/9/2018 21 ######## 11/13/2019 10:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/9/2018 14 6/2/2019 6/6/2019 15:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/9/2018 10 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2018 21 ######## 7/15/2019 11:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2018 14 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2018 18 9/3/2019 10/3/2019 12:07 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2018 20 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 13:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2018 4 ######## 1/29/2019 16:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/15/2018 13 8/2/2019 8/22/2019 13:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/17/2018 10 ######## 5/8/2019 11:57 NW RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/20/2018 16 ######## 6/26/2019 14:46 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 20 ######## 10/23/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 17 ######## 7/15/2019 11:44 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 17 ######## 6/10/2019 8:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 28 ######## 11/13/2019 13:59 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 7 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 24 4 ######## 9/13/2019 8:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 30 ######## 11/8/2019 13:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 13 4/1/2019 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 13 ######## 5/24/2019 8:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 25 ######## 9/5/2019 12:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 11/29/2018 21 8/7/2019 9/4/2019 8:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/1/2018 13 7/2/2019 7/31/2019 7:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/1/2018 26 ######## 9/26/2019 13:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/1/2018 2 ######## 1/24/2019 11:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/8/2018 26 ######## 11/21/2019 10:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/8/2018 23 ######## 11/14/2019 12:54 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/14/2018 22 ######## 9/11/2019 12:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/14/2018 19 ######## 7/17/2019 10:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/15/2018 25 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 12:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/15/2018 21 ######## 8/21/2019 8:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/21/2018 21 ######## 10/30/2019 15:02 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 12/21/2018 13 1 ######## 11/13/2019 13:59 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/4/2019 24 ######## 11/7/2019 14:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/4/2019 13 ######## 5/24/2019 8:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/18/2019 6 ######## 7/24/2019 15:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/23/2019 16 7/8/2019 8/12/2019 14:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/23/2019 9 5/6/2019 5/17/2019 8:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/29/2019 17 8/1/2019 8/21/2019 8:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 1/31/2019 4 4/9/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/9/2019 23 ######## 12/5/2019 13:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/9/2019 13 ######## 8/2/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/9/2019 2 3/6/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/14/2019 11 7/2/2019 7/24/2019 15:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/14/2019 22 ######## 10/30/2019 14:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/14/2019 15 ######## 10/30/2019 8:39 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/14/2019 13 8/9/2019 10/16/2019 14:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/28/2019 21 ######## 11/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 2/28/2019 14 ######## 10/18/2019 8:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/1/2019 8 ######## 6/20/2019 12:50 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/1/2019 12 ######## 8/15/2019 8:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2019 8 7/3/2019 8/5/2019 9:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2019 4 6/8/2019 7/10/2019 12:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/7/2019 5 ######## 6/20/2019 13:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/9/2019 5 ######## 5/17/2019 8:16 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/14/2019 8 ######## 6/13/2019 10:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/16/2019 3 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/16/2019 24 ######## 12/13/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/21/2019 13 ######## 10/30/2019 15:04 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 3/22/2019 7 6/5/2019 6/26/2019 13:30 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/4/2019 9 1 ######## 8/12/2019 14:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 15 9/9/2019 9/26/2019 13:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 16 ######## 10/18/2019 11:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 2 ######## 5/17/2019 8:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 18 ######## 10/23/2019 8:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 13 ######## 9/5/2019 12:36 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 11 ######## 9/5/2019 12:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 7 ######## 6/20/2019 12:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 16 ######## 11/14/2019 6:59 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 11 ######## 10/3/2019 14:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/5/2019 18 ######## 8/23/2019 12:59 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/12/2019 6 7/8/2019 8/8/2019 9:07 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/13/2019 4 ######## 6/13/2019 10:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/13/2019 22 ######## 11/14/2019 13:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/17/2019 10 ######## 9/24/2019 9:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/19/2019 7 ######## 8/13/2019 13:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 4/26/2019 15 ######## 10/30/2019 14:38 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/10/2019 3 ######## 7/24/2019 15:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/22/2019 3 7/2/2019 10/9/2019 8:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/22/2019 6 ######## 10/16/2019 14:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 9 ######## 11/21/2019 8:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 8 ######## 9/16/2019 13:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 5 ######## 9/4/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 4 ######## 9/20/2019 15:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 5 ######## 8/9/2019 7:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 6 ######## 10/23/2019 14:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 7 ######## 9/4/2019 8:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 9 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 14:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 5 8/5/2019 9/4/2019 8:52 SC TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 5/23/2019 8 ######## 10/22/2019 13:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/11/2019 4 ######## 10/18/2019 11:14 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/19/2019 6 ######## 11/21/2019 10:19 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 6/19/2019 9 ######## 11/14/2019 13:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/8/2019 10 ######## 12/5/2019 13:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/8/2019 8 ######## 12/11/2019 7:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/8/2019 5 ######## 12/11/2019 7:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/21/2019 2 9/3/2019 9/26/2019 13:16 SO TS
3.12E+13 BKLD 8/15/2017 49 3/4/2019 4/10/2019 9:13 SO TS
Volkswagen: Beetle, Super Beetle, Karmann 3.12E+13
Ghia; BKX 8/25/1990 14 3 ######## 12/5/2019 12:32 SP SP
Winter book / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/25/1990 14 ######## 1/20/2019 16:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/25/1990 34 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Alexander the Grape fruit and vegetable jokes
/ BKX 8/25/1990 50 ######## 1/20/2019 16:32 TR TR
American sports poems / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/25/1990 27 ######## 1/20/2019 16:19 TR TR
Chilton's repair & tune-up guide, Chevy S-10,
GMC S-15
BKXpick-ups 1982-85 : 8/25/1990 18 4/4/2019 4/17/2019 15:38 SP TS
A frost in the night / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/25/1990 13 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 4/9/1992 29 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 4/16/1992 6 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Monkeys and apes / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/30/1992 41 ######## 11/14/2019 7:25 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/4/1992 35 2 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/5/1992 42 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/5/1992 28 1 9/4/2015 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
Side by side : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/5/1992 22 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/1992 63 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Gerbils / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/1992 15 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
The Tower of London / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/30/1992 12 2 ######## 11/22/2019 15:36 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/3/1992 53 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/1992 69 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
Gerbils / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/6/1992 26 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
Hamsters / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/1992 62 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
The Greek and Roman eras / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/17/1992 11 5/7/2015 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/1993 33 9/4/2015 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/1993 10 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/6/1993 28 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:13 TR TR
All pigs are beautiful / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/1993 20 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Discovering the Titanic / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/13/1993 28 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
Dingoes / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/16/1993 35 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
The checkered flag : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/16/1993 42 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/16/1994 11 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/18/1994 28 ######## 1/20/2019 14:48 TR TR
My Black me: 3.12E+13 BKX 5/19/1994 9 ######## 1/20/2019 16:19 TR TR
Science fun with toy cars and trucks / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/24/1994 10 9/3/2014 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Science fun with drums, bells, and whistles3.12E+13
/ BKX 5/24/1994 3 ######## 1/20/2019 16:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/26/1994 25 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:05 TR TR
The plant cycle / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/26/1994 34 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 TR TR
The search for the East / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/14/1994 5 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 TR TR
The world's weather / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/14/1994 8 ######## 2/3/2019 13:49 TR TR
Light / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/14/1994 4 ######## 1/20/2019 16:44 TR TR
How big is a foot? / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/1994 70 3 6/3/2019 11/8/2019 10:49 TR TR
Como se esconde una mariposa y otros insectos
/ BKX 6/16/1994 25 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Como crecen los perritos / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/1994 35 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
The heroes / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/12/1994 11 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Taking care of your goldfish / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/26/1994 10 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
The kids' wildlife book / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/1/1994 12 ######## 2/3/2019 13:46 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/3/1994 40 5/9/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Discovering owls / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1994 24 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
The monkey and the ape : 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1994 13 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Looking at weather / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1994 8 ######## 1/20/2019 16:41 TR TR
The girl who changed the world / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1994 7 ######## 2/3/2019 15:26 TR TR
Winter weather / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1994 13 1 3/5/2015 2/3/2019 13:49 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/16/1994 56 5 3/7/2019 4/23/2019 12:13 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 8/21/1994 34 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
The Vikings / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/29/1994 14 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:25 TR TR
The puppy book / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/2/1994 112 6/6/2015 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
Mothers can do anything. 3.12E+13 BKX 11/3/1994 19 5/9/2013 2/4/2019 15:36 TR RN
Festival crafts / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/4/1994 8 2/4/2015 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Squeaker the dog / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/4/1994 34 ######## 1/14/2019 14:22 VE VE
Thunderbird : 3.12E+13 BKX 11/4/1994 30 6/3/2015 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Animal monsters : 3.12E+13 BKX 11/7/1994 24 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Beware the brindlebeast / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/1994 3 1 4/7/2015 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/30/1994 14 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Baby animals / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/30/1994 47 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 2/6/1995 13 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/6/1995 2 ######## 1/20/2019 15:14 TR TR
Sea lion / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/6/1995 8 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
The headless haunt and other African-American
BKXstories / 2/24/1995 30 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/17/1995 81 1 9/4/2014 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/17/1995 15 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/2/1995 31 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
Discover nature at sundown : 3.12E+13 BKX 8/1/1995 11 ######## 2/3/2019 13:45 TR TR
Robots : 3.12E+13 BKX 8/1/1995 8 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:33 TR TR
The children's visual dictionary / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/7/1995 10 ######## 1/20/2019 16:19 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/1995 38 1 4/5/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Sea turtles / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/1995 50 1 ######## 11/4/2019 14:17 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/23/1995 8 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/7/1995 8 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 11/28/1995 62 2/5/2016 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/1/1995 20 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/6/1995 12 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:57 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/12/1995 8 5/4/2016 6/24/2019 17:44 TR TR
Henry David Thoreau : 3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/1996 5 ######## 1/20/2019 14:38 TR TR
How on earth do we recycle metal? / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/13/1996 3 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/18/1996 25 1 8/6/2016 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
Bugged out / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/24/1996 13 ######## 2/3/2019 15:26 TR TR
World history / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/24/1996 40 1 ######## 6/13/2019 10:40 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/28/1996 18 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/12/1996 65 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Stars / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/12/1996 32 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
The old ladies who liked cats / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/12/1996 61 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/22/1996 37 7/7/2016 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Converse all star football : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/8/1996 34 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
Talking in animal / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/21/1996 2 ######## 2/3/2019 15:25 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/5/1996 40 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
Talking in animal / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/5/1996 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:26 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/14/1996 4 5/1/2015 1/20/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/18/1996 56 6/2/2015 1/20/2019 16:23 TR TR
Discovering Sierra trees / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/22/1996 2 5/1/2015 1/20/2019 15:23 TR TR
Bruce Coville's book of aliens : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/12/1996 19 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:29 TR TR
The monster bash / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/24/1996 8 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
Belize / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/31/1996 4 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Frogs, frogs everywhere / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/9/1997 27 1 3/4/2015 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Sammy Skunk / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/28/1997 11 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/1997 24 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Birding / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/12/1997 25 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
The true story of Pocahontas / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/12/1997 21 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Armenia / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/25/1997 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
Blackberry ink / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/18/1997 11 ######## 1/20/2019 16:31 TR TR
Animal families / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/19/1997 3 ######## 2/3/2019 13:56 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/19/1997 4 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:56 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/23/1997 15 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
El Autobus Magico : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/23/1997 26 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/1997 9 ######## 1/20/2019 14:46 TR TR
Thirteen moons on turtle's back : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/1997 24 4 2/5/2019 3/22/2019 14:16 TR TS
Letters to Julia / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/25/1997 13 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1997 22 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
Ramona y su padre / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1997 15 3 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
Geology : the active earth / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1997 8 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:45 TR TR
Mousekin's Easter basket / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/9/1997 47 ######## 6/25/2019 14:42 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/1997 45 2 3/8/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/1997 29 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
A river dream / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/17/1997 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 TR RN
Metamorphosis / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/21/1997 13 9/3/2015 2/3/2019 13:48 TR TR
Ancient peoples / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/21/1997 17 ######## 1/20/2019 15:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/1997 24 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
Christmas in the big house, Christmas in the
/ 7/23/1997 4 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:30 TR TR
Mufaro's beautiful daughters : 3.12E+13 BKX 7/28/1997 15 1 7/5/2018 12/16/2019 14:19 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/29/1997 6 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/29/1997 31 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:14 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1997 13 9/3/2014 1/20/2019 16:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/5/1997 10 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/5/1997 18 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/5/1997 7 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Dabble the duckling / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/6/1997 18 2 7/2/2019 8/1/2019 17:11 TR TR
Santa Claus around the world / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/7/1997 19 ######## 1/20/2019 14:06 TR TR
The ghost in the mirror / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/7/1997 27 1 ######## 11/20/2019 15:57 TR TS
America's bald eagle / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/11/1997 28 5/6/2015 2/3/2019 13:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/12/1997 51 2/1/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
More than just a vegetable garden / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/12/1997 11 5/4/2015 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/12/1997 4 3/8/2015 1/20/2019 16:21 TR TR
Understanding & collecting rocks & fossils3.12E+13
/ BKX 8/12/1997 17 3 ######## 2/3/2019 13:49 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/1997 76 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Como cavar un hoyo hasta el otro lado del3.12E+13
mundo / BKX 8/14/1997 3 6/9/2015 1/20/2019 14:35 TR TR
Seeds and weeds / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/1997 20 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:47 TR TR
The bridge book / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/1997 5 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Birds at my feeder / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/15/1997 5 5/6/2015 2/3/2019 13:45 TR TR
Dame Shirley and the Gold Rush / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/18/1997 6 9/2/2014 1/20/2019 14:32 TR TR
Presents / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/18/1997 13 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Yo puedo leer sobre las ballenas y los delfines
/ BKX 8/18/1997 2 1 9/5/2015 1/20/2019 14:35 TR TR
I need a lunch box / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/1997 23 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
John Henry, steel-driving man / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/1997 3 ######## 1/20/2019 15:09 TR TR
Babar learns to cook / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/21/1997 40 5 8/7/2019 10/23/2019 9:35 TR TS
Weather / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/21/1997 9 ######## 1/20/2019 16:42 TR TR
Cinderella / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/25/1997 10 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:58 TR TR
American currency / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/27/1997 16 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Crafty ideas from nature / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/27/1997 11 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Toys / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/27/1997 1 9/3/2014 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/28/1997 9 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
The story of clever Gretel : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/2/1997 7 3 ######## 1/20/2019 14:47 TR TR
Bingo Brown's guide to romance / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/2/1997 17 ######## 2/3/2019 15:35 TR TR
The desert beneath the sea / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/4/1997 6 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:55 TR TR
Moonstick : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/8/1997 12 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/8/1997 10 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
Vincent Van Gogh / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/16/1997 10 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
The Mud Flat mystery / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/22/1997 13 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Tundra mouse : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/22/1997 11 1/6/2016 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/3/1997 24 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/3/1997 32 ######## 2/3/2019 15:52 TR TR
Beginning softball / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/4/1997 4 ######## 1/20/2019 16:20 TR TR
Fundamental softball / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/4/1997 3 ######## 1/20/2019 16:20 TR TR
Animal communications / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/4/1997 4 ######## 2/3/2019 13:56 TR TR
Valentine friends / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/17/1997 60 ######## 2/20/2019 10:37 TR SO
3.12E+13 BKX 1/16/1998 29 9/9/2014 1/20/2019 14:37 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/26/1998 18 1 2/6/2015 1/20/2019 14:08 TR TR
Choosing a career in hotels, motels, and resorts
/ BKX 3/30/1998 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Satellites / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/30/1998 10 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/1998 30 ######## 2/8/2019 17:47 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/27/1998 34 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Helen Keller : 3.12E+13 BKX 4/27/1998 47 2 ######## 7/25/2019 16:00 VE TS
Thunder from the clear sky / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/27/1998 4 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Looking at bears / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/27/1998 22 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Las manchas del sapo = 3.12E+13 BKX 4/29/1998 13 9/9/2014 1/20/2019 14:36 TR TR
Weather forecasting / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/30/1998 1 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:49 TR TR
Poland : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/12/1998 4 ######## 1/20/2019 15:32 TR TR
Wacky weather / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/18/1998 19 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 TR TR
Hawaii / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/9/1998 12 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/1998 27 2 9/2/2015 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/1998 8 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Life underground / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/23/1998 13 4/4/2016 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/23/1998 37 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
The red wolf / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/1998 18 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
State flowers : 3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1998 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1998 21 3 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 VE RN
Library Lil / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1998 18 ######## 2/3/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/1998 28 2 3/6/2019 5/13/2019 15:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/1998 39 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Light fundamentals : 3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/1998 2 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:45 TR TR
Great white sharks : 3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 75 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 9 ######## 1/20/2019 16:45 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 32 ######## 2/3/2019 13:53 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 21 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:53 TR TR
The Visual dictionary of the earth. 3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 21 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:45 TR TR
Frogs and toads / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 37 ######## 2/3/2019 13:52 TR TR
Blizzards / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/16/1998 17 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 TR RN
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/1998 31 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/1998 38 3 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Fantastic book of math puzzles / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/1998 10 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
Floating in space / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/1998 10 4 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
The Daffy Duck storybook / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/1998 58 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/1998 41 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Everyone gets gold stars but me! / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/28/1998 36 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Jazper / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/14/1998 32 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
Frogs / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/14/1998 30 ######## 2/3/2019 13:51 TR TR
Hand-print animal art / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 6 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 12 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Groom your room : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 17 9/4/2014 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 39 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Rubber-band banjos and a java jive bass : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 5 ######## 1/20/2019 16:32 TR TR
Great book of math puzzles / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 16 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:24 TR TR
An Under the sea Christmas : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/1998 22 2 ######## 1/20/2019 16:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/27/1998 25 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/27/1998 23 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
The beast's feast / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/1998 51 9/6/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/1998 51 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
Illinois / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/1998 2 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/1998 23 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Civil War / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/1998 20 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Spanish-American War / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/1998 4 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Walk the dark streets / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/4/1999 11 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 1/19/1999 37 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/20/1999 37 ######## 2/3/2019 15:34 TR TR
Bomb squad officer : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/25/1999 31 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Air pollution / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/1999 41 2 ######## 11/20/2019 9:55 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/1999 48 2/6/2015 1/20/2019 14:09 TR TR
Skateboarding basics / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/2/1999 23 ######## 1/20/2019 16:21 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/8/1999 26 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/1999 37 3/3/2016 2/3/2019 15:27 TR TR
Ghosts, vampires, and werewolves : 3.12E+13 BKX 2/17/1999 28 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/1999 43 ######## 2/3/2019 15:31 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/24/1999 10 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/1999 62 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Peter Pan / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/1999 33 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 TR RN
3.12E+13 BKX 3/8/1999 23 ######## 2/3/2019 15:57 TR TR
Police patrol / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/8/1999 67 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:11 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/22/1999 54 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Look who's playing first base / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/22/1999 25 ######## 2/3/2019 15:34 TR TR
Morocco : 3.12E+13 BKX 3/31/1999 3 2/5/2015 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
Police officers / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/6/1999 3 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/1999 23 1 6/3/2015 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/12/1999 12 1 ######## 2/3/2019 16:02 TR TR
The case of the great elephant escape / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/29/1999 32 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1999 5 5/6/2015 1/20/2019 13:31 TR TR
Kiss of the mermaid / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/1999 31 3/9/2016 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
The amusement park mystery / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/19/1999 28 1 5/9/2016 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Showing / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/21/1999 6 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
Where's Woolly? / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1999 14 ######## 1/14/2019 14:22 VE VE
Where's Rusty? / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/1999 19 ######## 1/14/2019 14:22 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/9/1999 28 ######## 1/20/2019 15:09 TR TR
The jacks book / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/13/1999 10 ######## 1/20/2019 16:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/6/1999 25 1 ######## 1/30/2019 11:22 VE VE
Your puppy, your dog : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/6/1999 40 1 2/5/2015 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/24/1999 19 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Poland. 3.12E+13 BKX 2/7/2000 5 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:06 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/18/2000 9 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
The lady in the box / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/18/2000 10 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 TR RN
A band of angels : 3.12E+13 BKX 2/24/2000 5 3/3/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
Condor's egg / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/2/2000 60 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/17/2000 7 1 ######## 2/3/2019 16:02 TR TR
The journal of William Thomas Emerson, a3.12E+13
BKX War patriot / 3/20/2000 12 1 4/6/2016 2/3/2019 16:02 TR TR
Dear old Donegal / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/22/2000 8 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
Plays from fairy tales : 3.12E+13 BKX 3/27/2000 6 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/28/2000 7 2/4/2014 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Elephant Small and the splashy bath / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2000 19 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Catch me if you can! / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2000 16 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
The ghost of Nicholas Greebe / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2000 26 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2000 18 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2000 11 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2000 26 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Memorial Day / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/30/2000 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
Caring / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/30/2000 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/30/2000 9 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
Tolerance / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/30/2000 4 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/5/2000 34 2 1/8/2016 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2000 24 ######## 1/15/2019 17:27 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/26/2000 11 ######## 1/20/2019 15:00 TR TR
Who's who in the Bible / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/26/2000 18 4 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Ghost trap : 3.12E+13 BKX 7/11/2000 19 ######## 2/3/2019 15:51 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/15/2000 17 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 IV RN
Daniel's story / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/28/2000 15 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Holocaust / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/28/2000 10 2 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2000 18 4 7/2/2016 9/10/2019 16:29 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2000 19 2 ######## 9/10/2019 16:25 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2000 25 3 ######## 9/10/2019 16:26 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2000 23 2 ######## 5/31/2019 13:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2000 22 4 ######## 5/31/2019 13:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2000 26 3 ######## 5/31/2019 13:31 NW TS
Bruce Lee / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/14/2000 8 ######## 1/20/2019 13:34 TR TR
To the point : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/14/2000 3 ######## 1/20/2019 14:38 TR TR
Alice Walker : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/27/2000 0 1/22/2019 15:15 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2000 17 2 ######## 3/8/2019 17:27 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2000 21 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2000 33 3 3/2/2019 3/27/2019 13:10 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2000 22 2 ######## 3/22/2019 14:30 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2000 21 3 ######## 12/20/2019 11:09 NW TS
Canada / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2000 1 3/4/2015 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Wilma Mankiller / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2000 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2000 9 ######## 1/20/2019 15:21 TR TR
Can't have ants / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2000 36 1 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 TR RN
Over sea, under stone / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/5/2000 14 5/2/2016 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/9/2000 37 1 4/9/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Columbus : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/19/2000 6 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:57 VE VE
Best best colors / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/30/2000 6 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/6/2000 22 ######## 1/20/2019 16:28 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/6/2000 28 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
What to expect at bedtime / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/27/2000 13 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
After the war / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/2000 12 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/2000 11 1 2/5/2019 4/10/2019 8:21 NW TS
Huracanes! / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/13/2000 7 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:35 TR TR
Defenders / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/13/2000 9 ######## 2/3/2019 13:46 TR TR
Dreaming of America : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/14/2000 10 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:33 TR TR
Fair, Brown & Trembling : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/14/2000 28 2 6/4/2015 1/20/2019 15:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/20/2000 3 ######## 1/20/2019 16:32 TR TR
Trouble for Lucy / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/12/2001 18 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2001 27 1/6/2016 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/6/2001 43 1 6/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 VE SV
Speed of light / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2001 7 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
Good-bye Marianne / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2001 4 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
Good-bye Marianne / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2001 10 ######## 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 3/8/2001 12 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Messy Bessey's garden / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/14/2001 55 ######## 1/13/2019 16:13 TR TR
The chalk box kid / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/20/2001 50 2 ######## 2/3/2019 15:30 TR TR
The woman in the wall / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/20/2001 17 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR TR
Shoeshine girl / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/20/2001 36 2 ######## 7/8/2019 15:15 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/22/2001 18 ######## 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
Welcome to Italy / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2001 11 ######## 1/20/2019 15:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/2001 59 1 5/9/2019 5/24/2019 9:45 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/2001 11 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/2001 11 ######## 1/20/2019 14:08 TR TR
Animal ears / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/2001 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Six silly foxes / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/18/2001 17 1 4/5/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2001 21 ######## 2/3/2019 15:27 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2001 17 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2001 16 2 ######## 2/3/2019 13:47 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/24/2001 13 ######## 1/20/2019 15:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/24/2001 11 2/6/2015 1/20/2019 14:08 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2001 25 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/15/2001 20 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Morgan plays soccer / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/18/2001 37 4 ######## 3/8/2019 16:02 VE VE
Kids during the age of exploration / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/21/2001 12 2 ######## 1/30/2019 10:38 TR TR
Sacajawea, Shoshone trailblazer / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/21/2001 10 3/4/2015 1/20/2019 14:38 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/21/2001 8 ######## 1/20/2019 15:22 TR TR
Chief Joseph : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/22/2001 6 ######## 1/20/2019 13:30 TR TR
Dear diary, I'm dead / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/2001 35 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/2001 53 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 TR RN
3.12E+13 BKX 8/15/2001 24 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/16/2001 17 1 ######## 3/8/2019 13:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/26/2001 28 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2001 7 ######## 1/20/2019 15:34 TR TR
Cactus poems / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2001 32 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:18 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/5/2001 36 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/9/2001 2 7/7/2015 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/10/2001 3 ######## 1/20/2019 16:22 TR TR
Hilary Knight's Cinderella. 3.12E+13 BKX 10/10/2001 24 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:46 TR TR
The travels of Marco Polo / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/8/2001 5 3/4/2015 1/20/2019 14:37 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/18/2001 8 ######## 1/20/2019 16:18 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/2/2002 22 3/7/2016 1/31/2019 15:27 TR TR
The travels of Sieur de La Salle / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2002 1 3/4/2015 1/20/2019 13:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/15/2002 30 2 ######## 6/26/2019 11:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/23/2002 4 ######## 1/20/2019 15:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/2002 7 ######## 1/20/2019 14:11 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/8/2002 45 2 ######## 5/30/2019 13:59 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2002 20 ######## 1/13/2019 16:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2002 24 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2002 21 1 4/6/2016 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
Katarina : 3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/2002 8 1 8/3/2016 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
Tituba / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/2002 12 1/20/2019 14:38 TR TR
USA / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/28/2002 5 3 ######## 1/20/2019 14:06 TR TR
Frog's best friend / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/11/2002 37 3 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 VE RN
The very quiet cricket 3.12E+13 BKX 3/13/2002 43 2 ######## 3/7/2019 14:33 VE TS
Camouflage / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/28/2002 3 2/5/2015 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
I lost my tooth! / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2002 19 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Kick the football, Charlie Brown / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2002 15 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/30/2002 78 2 ######## 2/15/2019 13:24 VE TS
Arthur's hiccups / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/5/2002 25 1 4/5/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/18/2002 5 ######## 1/20/2019 15:25 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/19/2002 13 2 4/6/2016 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
Much ado at the zoo / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/19/2002 30 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Colin and the curly claw / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/2002 17 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/2002 12 2 8/6/2016 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
Magic lemonade / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/2002 23 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
"Here I am!" said Smedley / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/2002 15 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
The bracelet / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 6 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Warren G. Harding / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 3 ######## 1/20/2019 13:31 TR TR
William H. Harrison / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 6 ######## 1/20/2019 13:31 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 11 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 12 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:03 TR TR
Andrew Jackson / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 10 ######## 1/20/2019 13:30 TR TR
Journey to Ellis Island : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2002 6 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/6/2002 9 3/2/2015 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
Italy / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/25/2002 12 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:09 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/26/2002 24 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/27/2002 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
I am a zookeeper 3.12E+13 BKX 6/27/2002 22 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 7/9/2002 32 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
My canary yellow star / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/11/2002 6 8/3/2016 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 BKX 8/27/2002 18 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Encantado : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/17/2002 11 1 ######## 1/17/2019 13:46 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/17/2002 14 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Foods / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/18/2002 8 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Los Osos Berenstain y demasiada fiesta / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/19/2002 15 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/8/2002 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/10/2002 2 ######## 1/20/2019 15:31 TR TR
Power play : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/10/2002 62 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 10/11/2002 10 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Ducks and other birds / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/18/2002 18 9/8/2014 2/3/2019 13:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/22/2002 15 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/14/2002 10 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/19/2002 32 ######## 1/31/2019 15:27 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/22/2002 20 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Whales! / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/27/2002 21 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:46 TR TR
Rabbits as a hobby / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/9/2002 17 3 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/12/2002 15 1 ######## 3/22/2019 14:36 TR TS
History of World War I. 3.12E+13 BKX 12/23/2002 2 1 ######## 3/12/2019 13:17 SP SP
Funny answers to foolish questions / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/26/2002 27 ######## 1/20/2019 16:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/27/2002 6 ######## 1/20/2019 16:20 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2003 12 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/13/2003 12 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
Board games / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/27/2003 32 5/2/2016 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
Pirates / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/29/2003 18 ######## 1/15/2019 17:28 VE VE
History of World War I. 3.12E+13 BKX 2/3/2003 1 1 ######## 3/12/2019 13:17 SP SP
History of World War I. 3.12E+13 BKX 2/3/2003 4 2 ######## 3/12/2019 13:17 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2003 11 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/13/2003 8 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
Iran / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/13/2003 3 ######## 1/15/2019 17:17 VE VE
Memories of Summer / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2003 10 2 7/5/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/25/2003 15 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/27/2003 24 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:47 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/27/2003 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:11 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/11/2003 9 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:57 VE VE
What do you do on a farm? / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/11/2003 20 3 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Honesty counts / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/12/2003 4 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/21/2003 8 4/6/2016 2/8/2019 17:47 VE VE
Molly's puppy tale / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/4/2003 17 ######## 2/3/2019 15:27 TR TR
Holocausts in other lands / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/7/2003 2 1 4/8/2015 2/14/2019 11:16 NW NW
Word Bird's dinosaur days / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2003 12 1 4/5/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/25/2003 17 ######## 2/3/2019 16:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/29/2003 109 4 ######## 4/11/2019 10:22 TR TS
Sergio and the hurricane / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/29/2003 26 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/6/2003 24 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/6/2003 39 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
Hands on projects about weather and climate
/ BKX 5/13/2003 12 ######## 1/20/2019 16:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/13/2003 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/13/2003 5 5/8/2015 1/20/2019 15:35 TR TR
A Plains Indian village / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2003 12 ######## 1/20/2019 15:25 TR TR
Amphibians / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2003 27 ######## 2/3/2019 13:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2003 15 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2003 10 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
Grasshopper / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2003 12 5/6/2015 2/3/2019 13:51 TR TR
Plants and us / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2003 16 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:47 TR TR
Trees / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2003 19 ######## 2/3/2019 13:47 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2003 40 1 9/9/2015 2/3/2019 13:42 TR TR
What was cooking in Mary Todd Lincoln's White
BKX / 5/20/2003 8 ######## 1/20/2019 15:22 TR TR
What was cooking in Julia Grant's White House?
/ BKX 5/20/2003 5 ######## 1/20/2019 15:24 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/10/2003 99 2 ######## 6/13/2019 10:15 TR TR
Goofy jokes & giggles / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/21/2003 30 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/4/2003 7 ######## 2/3/2019 15:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/9/2003 17 1 ######## 2/3/2019 16:01 TR TR
A night in terror tower / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2003 33 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2003 22 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Legend of the lost legend / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2003 18 1 3/9/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Now you see me-- now you don't / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/10/2003 12 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/16/2003 24 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/16/2003 26 5/8/2012 2/10/2019 14:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/17/2003 26 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/17/2003 26 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/17/2003 26 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
The American heritage student thesaurus 3/ .12E+13 BKX 11/20/2003 8 ######## 1/20/2019 16:29 TR TR
I can add and subtract. 3.12E+13 BKX 11/24/2003 7 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:10 TR TR
I can multiply and divide. 3.12E+13 BKX 11/24/2003 3 ######## 1/20/2019 14:10 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2003 22 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
The witch who was afraid of witches / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2003 16 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2003 17 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Big max / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2003 6 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2003 13 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/22/2003 17 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/8/2004 10 ######## 1/22/2019 15:15 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/8/2004 16 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Straight to the pole / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2004 16 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Wee Willie Winkie & other nursery rhymes.3.12E+13 BKX 1/21/2004 3 9/6/2014 1/20/2019 16:27 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2004 2 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/10/2004 15 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Advanced yo-yo tricks / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2004 9 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2004 12 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2004 16 2 ######## 12/9/2019 13:47 NW NW
What are you waiting for? / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/11/2004 10 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 19 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 27 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 33 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Fluffy goes apple picking / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 27 3 9/2/2016 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 28 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Fluffy meets the Tooth Fairy / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 39 4/5/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 26 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2004 4 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/18/2004 11 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
I spy a runaway robot / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/18/2004 8 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 TR RN
Almost to freedom / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/18/2004 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/2/2004 14 9/4/2015 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/5/2004 4 4/4/2016 2/3/2019 16:01 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/5/2004 5 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:34 TR TR
Big blue whale 3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2004 20 4 ######## 10/3/2019 15:06 SP SP
Amigos 3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2004 12 8 ######## 10/3/2019 15:06 SP SP
The lucky lottery / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/11/2004 18 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Qué está despierto? 1 2 3 3.12E+13 BKX 5/13/2004 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Annie Oakley : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2004 22 4 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2004 24 1 8/6/2016 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2004 14 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/2/2004 7 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:45 TR TR
QÌ‚uien nacera aqui? 3.12E+13 BKX 6/2/2004 10 9 ######## 10/3/2019 15:06 SP SP
The Gentleman Outlaw and me--Eli : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/8/2004 6 ######## 2/3/2019 15:24 TR TR
Alida's song / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/14/2004 2 ######## 2/3/2019 15:59 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/2004 27 1 9/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/2004 10 1 4/6/2016 2/3/2019 16:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2004 30 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
The journal of C.J. Jackson : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2004 10 3 ######## 2/3/2019 16:03 TR TR
Wizard at work : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2004 19 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Little Red Cap / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2004 5 1/2/2019 1/20/2019 14:52 TR TR
Trouble River / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2004 2 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:26 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2004 42 5/3/2016 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/2004 4 9/9/2015 1/20/2019 13:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/2004 21 2 ######## 1/20/2019 15:11 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/2004 10 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:27 TR TR
Oak tree / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/13/2004 13 ######## 2/3/2019 13:46 TR TR
Pyramids / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/14/2004 3 ######## 1/20/2019 15:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/19/2004 4 ######## 2/3/2019 13:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 13 4 4/3/2017 12/16/2019 14:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 9 ######## 2/10/2019 14:38 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 13 3/4/2015 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 4 9/3/2014 1/20/2019 16:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 4 9/3/2014 1/20/2019 16:22 TR TR
Yo-yo tricks / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 1 9/3/2014 1/20/2019 16:21 TR TR
Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2004 2 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:24 TR TR
Into the danger zone / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/12/2004 7 ######## 2/3/2019 15:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/17/2004 17 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/17/2004 34 2/6/2016 3/8/2019 16:00 VE VE
Cameroon / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/10/2004 2 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/13/2004 4 ######## 2/3/2019 15:24 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/13/2004 11 4/8/2016 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/14/2004 15 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/15/2004 16 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2004 40 4/6/2016 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2004 11 5/6/2015 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
What do insects do? = 3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2004 5 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/30/2004 9 ######## 2/3/2019 15:24 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/19/2004 27 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/3/2004 83 3 ######## 11/13/2019 12:57 VE TS
Clipper ship / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/28/2004 12 4 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Crocodile / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/28/2004 23 ######## 2/3/2019 13:45 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/29/2004 16 3/8/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Fish faces / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/29/2004 20 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 VE RN
3.12E+13 BKX 12/29/2004 17 3/8/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Pigs might fly / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/21/2005 22 ######## 2/3/2019 15:46 TR TR
A lion to guard us / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/21/2005 44 11 ######## 12/9/2019 14:34 TR TR
Basho and the fox / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/21/2005 10 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/25/2005 7 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/25/2005 11 5/7/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/28/2005 13 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/2/2005 29 ######## 5/9/2019 15:39 TR TR
The girl who owned a city / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/8/2005 12 3 1/2/2014 2/3/2019 16:03 TR TR
How big is a foot? / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/8/2005 30 4 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
The eagle and the wren / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/8/2005 20 ######## 1/20/2019 15:03 TR TR
Fog magic / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2005 17 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:57 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2005 14 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Jelly Belly / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2005 8 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Ghost light on Graveyard Shoal / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2005 10 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:53 TR TR
A first book about growing / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2005 10 ######## 2/3/2019 13:49 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/18/2005 27 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2005 9 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2005 4 5/7/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Milo's toothache / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/8/2005 16 ######## 1/3/2019 15:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/2005 14 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/2005 13 ######## 1/20/2019 14:08 TR TR
The Canada geese quilt / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/11/2005 11 ######## 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
My bones and muscles / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/21/2005 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/21/2005 8 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/22/2005 11 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
The piggy in the puddle / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/22/2005 29 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/24/2005 30 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/25/2005 11 ######## 1/20/2019 15:10 TR TR
The Berenstain bears in the dark / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/25/2005 62 1 ######## 6/13/2019 13:04 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/4/2005 7 1 ######## 2/3/2019 16:01 TR TR
Circle of fire / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/12/2005 3 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:53 TR TR
Riddle of the prairie bride / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/12/2005 9 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:54 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/15/2005 21 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:06 TR TR
Pilgrims : 3.12E+13 BKX 4/19/2005 6 ######## 1/20/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2005 34 3 ######## 11/20/2019 14:53 VE TS
Cliff hanger / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2005 5 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2005 6 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2005 32 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
Clown fish / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2005 9 2 ######## 2/3/2019 13:53 TR TR
Insects / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/22/2005 11 1 6/1/2015 2/3/2019 13:54 TR TR
Bulldog bats / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/22/2005 26 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Horseshoe bats / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/22/2005 26 ######## 1/22/2019 14:46 TR TR
Plain-nosed bats / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/22/2005 23 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Yesterday I had the blues / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/27/2005 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:27 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/28/2005 20 2 5/9/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/2/2005 16 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Mural on Second Avenue, and other city poems
/ BKX 5/3/2005 6 2 2/6/2015 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/9/2005 14 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/23/2005 75 13 ######## 1/17/2019 15:22 VE TS
Eloise : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/24/2005 5 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/27/2005 13 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/27/2005 17 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/31/2005 53 7 ######## 5/31/2019 13:50 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/31/2005 5 1 5/4/2016 2/3/2019 15:51 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/31/2005 10 ######## 2/3/2019 15:59 TR TR
The yellow yacht / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/2/2005 18 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/7/2005 62 11 ######## 11/13/2019 14:44 VE TS
The weimaraner / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/7/2005 14 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/7/2005 11 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/5/2005 56 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/5/2005 72 ######## 2/3/2019 16:12 TR TR
Chemical reaction / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/19/2005 8 ######## 1/20/2019 16:45 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/25/2005 17 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/25/2005 8 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/2/2005 4 5/3/2014 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/2/2005 14 1 9/2/2014 1/20/2019 16:20 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/8/2005 10 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/9/2005 9 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Trial by fire / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/10/2005 32 ######## 2/3/2019 15:25 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/10/2005 3 ######## 2/8/2019 17:47 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/31/2005 6 5/7/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/1/2005 2 ######## 12/17/2019 14:10 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/14/2005 5 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
London, 1850 / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2005 12 ######## 2/3/2019 16:00 TR TR
The ghost in Room 11 / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/23/2005 6 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/23/2005 11 1 5/5/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
Anteaters / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/31/2005 4 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Abra & Kadabra magic / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/31/2005 39 3 ######## 4/15/2019 13:37 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 11/3/2005 3 ######## 1/20/2019 13:30 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/2/2005 4 ######## 1/20/2019 16:19 TR TR
Skin / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/2005 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Great women of pioneer America / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2005 3 1 2/3/2015 1/20/2019 15:21 TR TR
Piano lessons can be murder / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/22/2005 28 7 ######## 7/17/2019 11:40 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/11/2006 17 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/7/2006 6 3/6/2014 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/7/2006 8 3/6/2014 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
Bear in sunshine / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2006 13 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
More than ten 3.12E+13 BKX 2/21/2006 7 2 ######## 12/16/2019 14:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 3/2/2006 7 ######## 3/8/2019 16:01 VE VE
World Series / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/2006 11 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/2006 6 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
On the go! / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/27/2006 20 5 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 VE RN
Your body, from head to toe / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2006 4 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/9/2006 5 ######## 1/13/2019 16:32 TR TR
Huy! : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2006 15 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
The trouble begins / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2006 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:54 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2006 24 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Junie B. Jones es una peluquera / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2006 2 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2006 11 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
What a mess, little puppies : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2006 26 7/7/2016 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/10/2006 8 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
I love my Papi! / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/17/2006 39 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/25/2006 9 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/25/2006 4 3/2/2015 1/20/2019 16:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/8/2006 4 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/2006 41 8 6/6/2019 8/7/2019 13:06 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 8/28/2006 15 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/28/2006 5 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:18 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/11/2006 8 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:52 VE VE
The best book of snakes / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/11/2006 20 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Airplanes and flying machines / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/18/2006 6 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
The AFC South : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/19/2006 9 5/8/2014 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/19/2006 10 1 2/3/2014 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
How do bats see in the dark? : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/19/2006 4 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2006 3 5/8/2015 1/20/2019 15:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2006 10 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2006 6 ######## 1/20/2019 16:25 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/26/2006 7 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:59 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/13/2006 13 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Dk online encyclopedia. 3.12E+13 BKX 11/13/2006 6 1 ######## 9/24/2019 11:30 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 11/13/2006 21 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/5/2006 8 1 5/7/2015 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/2006 40 1 1/9/2019 3/7/2019 15:18 VE TS
More gross jokes / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/7/2006 28 ######## 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
The trouble with tadpoles : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/20/2006 17 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:52 TR TR
The best book of mummies / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/3/2007 19 5 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/5/2007 13 6 1/2/2019 3/22/2019 12:12 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/12/2007 80 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:30 VE TS
Stem cells / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/22/2007 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
Honduras / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/23/2007 2 ######## 1/20/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/23/2007 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
The crafty art book / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/23/2007 25 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/31/2007 23 1 4/9/2016 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
How do we move? / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/31/2007 3 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/31/2007 3 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/2007 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:47 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/2007 8 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
The digestive system / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/2007 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/6/2007 14 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR RN
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2007 4 2/6/2016 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/20/2007 15 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/20/2007 10 ######## 1/13/2019 14:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/20/2007 4 9/8/2015 2/3/2019 13:42 TR TR
Fire fighter! / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/20/2007 10 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/2007 4 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/2007 9 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
The case of Hermie the missing hamster / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/2007 11 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/22/2007 46 ######## 3/7/2019 13:53 TR TS
The International Space Station / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/8/2007 3 ######## 4/3/2019 8:35 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/2007 8 6/7/2016 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
Working in engineering / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/12/2007 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/12/2007 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2007 20 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2007 14 ######## 1/3/2019 14:51 TR TR
Rescue patrol / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 16 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
Diego saves the tree frogs / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 13 3 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
Pirates! / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 14 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 10 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
The Gulps / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 22 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
Dizzy's bird watch / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 13 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
Matchbox, hero city : 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 24 2 ######## 4/25/2019 12:06 VE VE
Sea monsters / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2007 5 2/8/2015 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Jeep Cherokee, Wagoneer & Comanche manual3.12E+13
de reparación
BKX / 3/28/2007 10 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SP RN
Big boys use the potty 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2007 23 4 ######## 2/4/2019 14:21 TR TR
Nissan pick-ups, Xterra & Pathfinder automotive
BKXmanual / 4/3/2007 15 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
Star Wars. 3.12E+13 BKX 4/17/2007 64 11 ######## 11/22/2019 14:07 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/17/2007 3 9/3/2014 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Rubber / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/17/2007 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
Night of the living dummy III / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2007 39 4 ######## 7/17/2019 10:43 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/23/2007 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
The case of the perfect prank / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/24/2007 11 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:54 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/24/2007 9 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:23 TR TR
Quién se ha llevado mi queso? para jóvenes
: BKX 4/24/2007 4 ######## 1/20/2019 14:37 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/25/2007 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/25/2007 4 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:27 TR TR
The Snow Queen / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/25/2007 7 3 ######## 1/20/2019 14:42 TR TR
Bring it on / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/25/2007 8 ######## 2/3/2019 15:30 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/30/2007 32 ######## 4/16/2019 17:46 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/1/2007 4 1 2/6/2015 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
Warren G. Harding : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/8/2007 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:31 TR TR
Invaders from outer space : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/11/2007 11 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/21/2007 10 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/21/2007 33 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
Harriet Tubman : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/21/2007 6 ######## 1/22/2019 15:15 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/21/2007 4 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:55 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/21/2007 22 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/30/2007 3 ######## 2/3/2019 13:55 TR TR
Junie B. Jones busca una mascota / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/31/2007 5 1 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
Spider-Man versus Sandman / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2007 143 6 ######## 3/28/2019 10:43 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/4/2007 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
Storks and other large wading birds / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/12/2007 8 1 2/9/2015 2/3/2019 13:44 TR TR
Gestapo : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/14/2007 15 2 ######## 10/18/2019 8:44 NW TS
Enchanted waters / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/6/2007 17 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
Sparkletastic : 3.12E+13 BKX 7/19/2007 31 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/9/2007 18 ######## 2/3/2019 16:04 TR TR
Run, Remy, run! / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/9/2007 28 3 ######## 1/9/2019 17:22 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/30/2007 33 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/30/2007 6 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
El misterio del tigre desaparecido / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/30/2007 2 1 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/26/2007 8 ######## 2/3/2019 15:53 TR TR
Usborne Internet-linked introduction to music
/ BKX 10/2/2007 3 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:41 TR TR
A tale of gold / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/17/2007 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
I know what we did that summer / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/17/2007 7 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
Pirates most wanted / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/7/2007 9 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
Snow White and the Seven Aliens / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/9/2007 18 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2007 11 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
Metamorphosis : 3.12E+13 BKX 11/29/2007 8 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:48 TR TR
Animals grow and change / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/29/2007 8 1 ######## 2/3/2019 13:46 TR TR
What color is it? / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/29/2007 5 9/4/2015 1/20/2019 16:43 TR TR
Living things in my back yard / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/29/2007 4 ######## 2/3/2019 13:55 TR TR
Amazing sound / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/29/2007 6 ######## 1/20/2019 16:38 TR TR
The ABCs of animals / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/29/2007 10 3 ######## 1/17/2019 17:37 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/10/2007 5 3/2/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/10/2007 11 1 9/8/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/7/2008 14 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:31 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 8 ######## 1/20/2019 15:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 14 9/4/2015 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 21 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
Scholastic book of lists II / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 7 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
The Battle of the Bulge : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 13 ######## 1/20/2019 15:33 TR TR
The Battle of First Bull Run : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 6 5/2/2015 1/20/2019 15:24 TR TR
The Monitor vs. the Merrimac : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2008 3 5/9/2015 1/20/2019 15:24 TR TR
The assassination of Medgar Evers / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/11/2008 5 5 ######## 1/20/2019 14:11 TR TR
Off the wall : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/11/2008 6 9/9/2015 1/20/2019 16:21 TR TR
The complete book of skateboards and skateboarding
3.12E+13 BKX
gear / 1/11/2008 4 9/9/2015 1/20/2019 16:20 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/11/2008 17 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/12/2008 12 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 TR RN
High school musical 2 : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/12/2008 23 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:55 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/5/2008 33 ######## 1/15/2019 15:55 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/8/2008 44 9 3/2/2019 6/13/2019 12:02 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/11/2008 14 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2008 4 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2008 15 ######## 2/3/2019 13:42 TR TR
Families / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2008 2 9/3/2015 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2008 15 ######## 1/20/2019 16:25 TR TR
We are bears / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2008 6 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/12/2008 74 2 ######## 11/12/2019 11:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/12/2008 22 4/6/2016 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Killer lipstick and other spy gadgets / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/28/2008 7 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
Spiders / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/29/2008 5 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Incredible insects / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/29/2008 5 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Welcome to the world of otters / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/29/2008 9 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Fish / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/30/2008 11 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Muskrats / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/30/2008 4 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Peterson first guide to fishes of North America
/ BKX 6/2/2008 12 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/2/2008 6 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
Your skin weighs more than your brain : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2008 8 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Are you ready for me? / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2008 5 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/4/2008 24 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/5/2008 8 ######## 1/20/2019 16:26 TR TR
Indiana Jones : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/6/2008 46 5 ######## 8/7/2019 12:20 VE TS
Return of the Jedi / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/9/2008 19 3 3/2/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2008 14 ######## 2/3/2019 15:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/17/2008 16 2/1/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/18/2008 5 1 ######## 1/22/2019 14:57 VE VE
A merry fair / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/18/2008 17 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/2008 7 1 ######## 1/20/2019 14:07 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/2008 17 2 5/2/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Juneteenth : 3.12E+13 BKX 6/25/2008 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:04 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/30/2008 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Volcanoes / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/2/2008 5 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/2/2008 44 ######## 4/25/2019 11:20 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/17/2008 6 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Awful Ogre running wild / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/17/2008 5 1 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/2008 11 4 ######## 5/14/2019 9:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/30/2008 8 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
Reading the wild / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/4/2008 2 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
Everything reptile : 3.12E+13 BKX 8/5/2008 12 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/6/2008 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/6/2008 6 ######## 2/3/2019 13:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/6/2008 7 4/6/2016 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/7/2008 72 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/7/2008 42 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/13/2008 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/18/2008 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
Complete fraction skills. 3.12E+13 BKX 8/18/2008 2 ######## 1/20/2019 16:17 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/2008 10 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
A journey into a lake / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/2008 4 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Red-eared sliders / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/2008 5 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
Friends 4Ever? / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/2008 11 ######## 2/3/2019 15:56 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/25/2008 5 2/3/2014 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/26/2008 9 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
The groundbreaking, chance-taking life of 3.12E+13
George Washington
BKX Carver and science & invention
in America / 3 ######## 1/20/2019 13:21 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/12/2008 14 2 5/3/2016 2/3/2019 16:01 TR TR
Stopping bullets with a thread : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/24/2008 1 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/26/2008 2 2/3/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/26/2008 6 ######## 2/3/2019 15:56 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/30/2008 11 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/1/2008 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/2/2008 9 ######## 3/8/2019 16:00 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/3/2008 13 ######## 2/3/2019 15:58 TR TR
The Tahoe Rim Trail : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/6/2008 10 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
Snow trucking! / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/6/2008 17 1 3/8/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/13/2008 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:34 TR TR
Sharks / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/14/2008 14 4 2/6/2019 3/22/2019 10:38 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/15/2008 6 ######## 2/3/2019 15:27 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/21/2008 4 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:48 TR TR
The life cycle of a beaver / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/22/2008 4 ######## 1/11/2019 17:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/28/2008 10 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/28/2008 7 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/29/2008 3 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/10/2008 3 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Nissan Altima automotive repair manual /3.12E+13 BKX 11/14/2008 17 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2008 64 12 ######## 2/15/2019 12:58 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/11/2008 7 ######## 1/15/2019 17:13 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/30/2009 22 11 ######## 3/15/2019 7:59 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/3/2009 9 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/3/2009 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2009 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2009 9 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2009 14 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
Attack of the robots / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2009 10 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
Bigfoot : 3.12E+13 BKX 2/25/2009 10 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/2/2009 11 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/3/2009 12 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
The Qwikpick Adventure Society / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/3/2009 7 3/2/2016 2/3/2019 16:00 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/3/2009 12 ######## 2/3/2019 15:59 TR TR
Cinco de Mayo / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/5/2009 4 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/24/2009 5 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/8/2009 18 2 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
Meet Marley / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/8/2009 11 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/8/2009 27 11 ######## 9/20/2019 10:15 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/14/2009 23 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/11/2009 54 7 ######## 7/13/2019 11:03 TR SO
3.12E+13 BKX 5/13/2009 15 5 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/1/2009 4 ######## 1/3/2019 15:44 TR TR
Creature camouflage / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/8/2009 2 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Vietnam / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/8/2009 3 ######## 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
We work in space / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2009 3 7/9/2013 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/28/2009 5 4/4/2016 2/3/2019 15:31 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/19/2009 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
India / 3.12E+13 BKX 8/27/2009 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:25 TR TR
First day of school / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/9/2009 5 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/28/2009 4 ######## 2/3/2019 13:55 TR TR
Citizenship : 3.12E+13 BKX 9/30/2009 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/1/2009 7 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
Barack Obama / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/1/2009 3 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:32 TR TR
Share a scare : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/1/2009 4 ######## 1/20/2019 16:19 TR TR
Operation Yes / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/8/2009 12 3 ######## 2/3/2019 15:52 TR TR
Dial M for mongoose : 3.12E+13 BKX 10/20/2009 12 ######## 2/3/2019 15:57 TR TR
Testing the ice : 3.12E+13 BKX 11/5/2009 7 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/18/2009 13 1 2/6/2019 3/8/2019 15:55 VE VE
El timo / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/28/2009 2 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/5/2010 8 ######## 2/3/2019 15:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/12/2010 6 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/15/2010 94 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/17/2010 8 2 1/4/2016 2/3/2019 15:56 TR TR
Magical mama / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/18/2010 5 ######## 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/24/2010 13 1 3/2/2016 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/7/2010 12 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Monster magic / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/7/2010 3 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/8/2010 17 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
The Hopi / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2010 5 1 6/6/2015 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
Huron / 3.12E+13 BKX 4/21/2010 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/29/2010 21 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR RN
3.12E+13 BKX 6/15/2010 11 5/9/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
East tahoe trails / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/2010 21 6 5/5/2019 6/12/2019 8:35 IV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/21/2010 10 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/22/2010 13 5/7/2016 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Christian, the hugging lion / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/23/2010 5 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/2010 11 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 IV NW
3.12E+13 BKX 6/30/2010 92 6 ######## 10/3/2019 16:50 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/30/2010 57 2 ######## 1/17/2019 16:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/30/2010 16 ######## 6/13/2019 9:30 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/1/2010 7 ######## 1/8/2019 14:52 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/29/2010 16 3 7/2/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/3/2010 6 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Ortega / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/9/2010 3 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2010 4 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Butterfly express / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/30/2010 5 5/1/2018 4/12/2019 12:20 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/4/2010 11 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/12/2010 97 5 5/1/2019 9/10/2019 11:09 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/13/2010 10 7/9/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/14/2010 5 4/6/2016 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/15/2010 9 ######## 2/3/2019 15:25 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2011 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/20/2011 3 ######## 2/3/2019 16:02 TR TR
The horror at Chiller House / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/5/2011 47 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/11/2011 3 3/2/2016 2/8/2019 17:50 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/19/2011 60 ######## 9/6/2019 9:45 TR TS
My father, maker of the trees : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/20/2011 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW NW
Trucks 3.12E+13 BKX 6/20/2011 46 6 ######## 12/4/2019 17:06 TR TR
Causes and effects of the American Civil War
/ BKX 6/20/2011 5 ######## 1/20/2019 15:24 TR TR
Emergency 3.12E+13 BKX 6/20/2011 47 2 ######## 5/6/2019 14:18 TR TS
Pinkalicious / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/20/2011 45 4 ######## 3/7/2019 14:31 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 8/29/2011 32 3 ######## 10/24/2019 10:46 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/29/2011 56 9 ######## 12/9/2019 13:55 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/29/2011 4 1 ######## 2/3/2019 16:04 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 8/30/2011 6 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/20/2011 1 9/17/2019 11:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 9/20/2011 2 ######## 1/15/2019 17:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/20/2011 7 3 ######## 1/20/2019 15:35 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2011 4 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2011 25 ######## 4/25/2019 11:21 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2011 44 ######## 4/25/2019 11:19 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/21/2011 5 1 5/7/2015 1/15/2019 17:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/26/2011 4 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:30 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/1/2011 38 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/2/2011 29 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 TR TR
Sprinkles and secrets / 3.12E+13 BKX 11/16/2011 61 8 ######## 12/20/2019 13:04 TR TS
The Medusa plot / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/15/2011 66 2 5/6/2019 5/28/2019 17:55 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/15/2011 5 1 ######## 2/10/2019 14:22 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/15/2011 3 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
Money for hobbies / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/29/2011 2 1 ######## 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
Digging on dirt / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/29/2011 4 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:31 TR TR
To hope and back : 3.12E+13 BKX 3/8/2012 3 1 ######## 5/14/2019 9:35 NW TS
Meet me in Horrorwood / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/9/2012 76 9 ######## 6/27/2019 13:27 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/12/2012 8 ######## 2/3/2019 15:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/16/2012 13 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:22 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/27/2012 1 ######## 1/20/2019 15:04 TR TR
William Bradford and Plymouth : 3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/2012 2 ######## 1/20/2019 15:30 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/21/2012 4 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 GE GE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/23/2012 12 1 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/24/2012 5 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 VE RN
Diggers and dumpers 3.12E+13 BKX 6/25/2012 39 3 ######## 11/12/2019 12:22 TR TR
How do dinosaurs eat cookies? 3.12E+13 BKX 6/25/2012 30 1 ######## 7/25/2019 15:55 TR TS
Pinkalicious and the pink drink / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/2012 25 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/2012 5 2/5/2016 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/2012 8 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/31/2012 2 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/31/2012 19 4 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/31/2012 29 6 ######## 3/28/2019 10:55 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 8/23/2012 0 9/17/2019 11:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 9/11/2012 0 9/17/2019 11:49 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 12/5/2012 4 1 2/9/2018 5/14/2019 9:20 NW TS
Olivia counts 3.12E+13 BKX 12/9/2012 48 11 ######## 9/6/2019 10:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/2/2013 14 3 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/2/2013 11 3/1/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
First big book of animals / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/3/2013 46 9 ######## 4/11/2019 10:08 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/3/2013 3 4/4/2016 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/16/2013 38 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 TR TR
Curious George : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/16/2013 30 5 7/1/2019 8/22/2019 15:24 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/16/2013 4 9/5/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2013 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2013 2 3/9/2013 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
Lifescapes : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/18/2013 4 1 ######## 5/20/2019 14:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/1/2013 5 1 9/7/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/7/2013 68 5 ######## 4/25/2019 11:54 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/8/2013 3 ######## 1/13/2019 16:31 TR TR
Grizzly bears / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2013 2 ######## 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/11/2013 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/15/2013 77 ######## 5/31/2019 12:03 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2013 6 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2013 7 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2013 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/19/2013 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/20/2013 22 2/7/2017 1/8/2019 17:55 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 2/26/2013 5 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/6/2013 6 3 5/2/2016 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/28/2013 3 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/17/2013 34 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 TR TR
Dinosaur dig 3.12E+13 BKX 4/26/2013 43 2 8/8/2019 9/10/2019 10:41 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2013 5 ######## 2/3/2019 15:30 TR TR
Electricity / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/3/2013 1 1 2/6/2014 1/17/2019 17:48 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/4/2013 15 5 ######## 9/10/2019 10:54 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/4/2013 25 3 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 VE RN
Ten little kisses 3.12E+13 BKX 6/12/2013 44 2 ######## 4/9/2019 14:21 TR TR
Puppies and kittens / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/12/2013 28 1 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 13:47 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/12/2013 1 3/3/2016 1/31/2019 15:27 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/13/2013 28 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/18/2013 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
No asylum / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/24/2013 67 ######## 4/11/2019 10:08 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/5/2013 3 ######## 1/13/2019 16:32 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/12/2013 63 2 ######## 12/10/2019 14:37 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/25/2013 9 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
Baby animals at the zoo 3.12E+13 BKX 9/13/2013 21 3 ######## 3/7/2019 14:19 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/25/2013 9 ######## 1/31/2019 15:58 TR TR
From kingfishers to ... bullet trains / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/7/2013 2 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/30/2013 11 5/9/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 10/30/2013 11 5/9/2017 1/9/2019 17:21 VE VE
The World Book encyclopedia : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2013 4 2 ######## 10/8/2019 8:45 RN RN
Chess in action : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/5/2013 0 1/15/2019 17:23 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 12/9/2013 44 ######## 3/7/2019 14:22 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2014 26 1 4/8/2019 4/15/2019 14:20 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2014 22 2 ######## 3/7/2019 13:54 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2014 19 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2014 18 6 7/5/2019 9/6/2019 10:22 VE TS
The volcano of fire : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/14/2014 52 15 ######## 9/24/2019 14:17 VE TS
Toot! 3.12E+13 BKX 1/15/2014 32 2 ######## 4/23/2019 12:18 TR TS
Sophie and friends 3.12E+13 BKX 1/15/2014 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
My first colors : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/15/2014 4 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 VE RN
Math at the bank : 3.12E+13 BKX 1/16/2014 1 6/6/2015 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 9 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
State showdown / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 2 4/6/2016 2/3/2019 15:30 TR TR
State showdown / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 6 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 9 1 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 4 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Exile / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/17/2014 3 ######## 2/12/2019 16:48 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 1/23/2014 13 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 1/30/2014 1 ######## 1/20/2019 13:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 2/4/2014 7 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
Chilton's Nissan pick-ups and Pathfinder, 1989-95,
BKX manual. 2/5/2014 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 2/24/2014 21 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/2014 4 ######## 1/20/2019 14:10 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/2014 7 9/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/2014 66 3 2/1/2019 3/22/2019 13:08 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/4/2014 32 2 ######## 11/12/2019 14:09 TR NW
3.12E+13 BKX 3/17/2014 4 1 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/31/2014 76 4 ######## 10/4/2019 9:30 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/1/2014 36 5 ######## 6/13/2019 11:05 TR TS
Little Bunny Foo Foo : 3.12E+13 BKX 4/1/2014 26 1 ######## 4/11/2019 10:20 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/1/2014 14 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 4/10/2014 16 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/4/2014 15 2 4/6/2016 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
Life in a Nazi concentration camp / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
The Big Show / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 21 1 ######## 3/6/2019 16:51 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 13 2 ######## 5/14/2019 11:21 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 5 ######## 2/3/2019 15:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 12 3 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 1 3/9/2016 2/3/2019 15:26 TR TR
Duck and Goose, here comes the Easter bunny!
3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 31 3 ######## 7/25/2019 15:54 TR TS
Ten twinkly stars / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/11/2014 28 3 ######## 7/9/2019 15:59 TR TS
WW[E] head-to-head legends / 3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/2014 53 3 ######## 9/6/2019 9:46 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 6/29/2014 16 ######## 8/23/2019 8:58 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 6/29/2014 8 1 2/8/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/9/2014 1 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV IV
3.12E+13 BKX 7/23/2014 74 25 ######## 11/8/2019 10:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKX 8/14/2014 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
3.12E+13 BKX 9/12/2014 3 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 9/12/2014 4 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
School buses / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/5/2014 3 2 4/9/2015 1/22/2019 14:44 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 10/13/2014 0 1/15/2019 17:24 VE VE
Remy and Lulu / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/22/2014 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:42 TR TR
Big bird's color game 3.12E+13 BKX 10/22/2014 20 7 3/4/2019 3/18/2019 17:50 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/26/2014 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 11/30/2014 0 9/23/2019 15:22 SP SP
3.12E+13 BKX 12/1/2014 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 1 2 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 1 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 3 1 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 2 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 0 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 0 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 4 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 1 2 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 0 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 2 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 2 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 1 1 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 2 4 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 3 2 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 3 ######## 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 2 6/5/2018 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 0 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 4 1 7/7/2017 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 0 1/22/2019 15:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/4/2014 0 1/22/2019 15:15 VE VE
Try this! : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/22/2014 0 1/11/2019 17:34 VE VE
The dangerous book for boys / 3.12E+13 BKX 12/22/2014 5 2 3/1/2019 4/12/2019 12:29 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/18/2015 0 1/11/2019 17:36 VE VE
Valentine's Day / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2015 11 4 ######## 3/28/2019 13:05 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2015 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/19/2015 1 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:54 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/23/2015 22 6 ######## 11/13/2019 14:27 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/6/2015 2 ######## 1/20/2019 14:41 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/6/2015 0 1/20/2019 13:34 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/11/2015 4 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/15/2015 23 9 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 VE RN
Rodeo / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2015 1 ######## 1/20/2019 16:33 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2015 19 6 ######## 11/20/2019 14:47 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2015 13 5 ######## 6/27/2019 15:05 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2015 2 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2015 12 2 3/8/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 7/27/2015 2 3/8/2016 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 8/6/2015 0 1/20/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/16/2015 6 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
The secret of the snow / 3.12E+13 BKX 10/7/2015 60 3 8/7/2019 9/6/2019 10:18 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/8/2015 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:12 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 11/3/2015 3 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 11/23/2015 53 14 ######## 7/17/2019 11:05 RN TS
Ten playful penguins 3.12E+13 BKX 12/16/2015 34 2 ######## 8/2/2019 12:47 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/23/2015 37 2/6/2019 3/22/2019 12:52 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2016 1 ######## 2/3/2019 15:26 TR TR
A frozen Christmas 3.12E+13 BKX 2/9/2016 24 4 ######## 2/20/2019 14:37 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/23/2016 13 3 ######## 1/16/2019 15:44 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/23/2016 0 2/12/2019 16:34 VE VE
The night before Christmas / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/23/2016 0 2/5/2019 16:16 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/23/2016 14 6 ######## 3/7/2019 15:59 VE TS
Chicken feathers / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/25/2016 0 2/8/2019 17:49 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/15/2016 2 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
3.12E+13 BKX 6/16/2016 0 1/31/2019 15:08 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 7/6/2016 20 2 ######## 1/17/2019 14:39 VE TS
The story of the leprechaun / 3.12E+13 BKX 7/14/2016 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 TR RN
3.12E+13 BKX 7/14/2016 35 4 ######## 3/22/2019 11:56 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/14/2016 51 4 ######## 11/13/2019 13:04 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/2016 37 11 ######## 3/7/2019 12:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKX 7/15/2016 42 7 4/6/2019 5/30/2019 16:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/16/2017 33 6 ######## 6/28/2019 14:21 VE TS
Dino safari : 3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2017 10 5/8/2019 5/14/2019 11:39 VE SV
Wandmaker / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2017 6 3 ######## 2/13/2019 17:24 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 4/4/2017 7 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 NW TS
Horses to the rescue / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/4/2017 39 5 ######## 12/2/2019 13:16 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 9/5/2017 13 1 ######## 3/28/2019 10:49 GE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/5/2017 19 2 ######## 1/15/2019 15:56 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/5/2017 19 4 ######## 12/20/2019 10:46 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/13/2017 2 9/4/2018 4/11/2019 10:20 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2018 7 ######## 11/20/2019 12:43 GE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 1/10/2018 5 4 ######## 4/15/2019 13:49 GE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/21/2018 5 2 ######## 8/19/2019 10:55 GE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 2/23/2018 0 4/1/2019 16:42 GE GE
Virtual reality / 3.12E+13 BKX 2/26/2018 5 1 ######## 8/22/2019 16:34 GE GE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/6/2018 1 ######## 4/1/2019 16:35 GE GE
3.12E+13 BKX 3/15/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 GE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 3/28/2018 0 4/8/2019 13:24 TS TS
Leonardo da Vinci / 3.12E+13 BKX 3/29/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 GE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/3/2018 13 2 ######## 1/17/2019 14:58 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 4/17/2018 24 1 ######## 12/9/2019 13:14 VE VE
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2018 18 1 ######## 12/20/2019 9:55 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2018 21 2 4/5/2019 5/14/2019 11:46 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2018 22 3 ######## 6/28/2019 14:22 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2018 25 4 8/1/2019 8/19/2019 10:57 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2018 7 ######## 4/21/2019 9:40 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/3/2018 17 4 5/6/2019 6/27/2019 14:39 TR TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/7/2018 17 ######## 4/12/2019 10:02 TR TS
Utterly amazing Earth / 3.12E+13 BKX 5/11/2018 12 5 ######## 11/8/2019 13:27 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2018 15 ######## 12/9/2019 15:23 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/14/2018 12 4 1/2/2019 1/15/2019 15:37 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 5/15/2018 11 3 4/2/2019 5/31/2019 11:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BKX 5/24/2018 11 2 ######## 7/24/2019 15:06 NW TS
Miss Tracy is spacey! / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 5 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
Miss Newman isn't human! / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 1 ######## 11/1/2019 16:39 NV NV
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 8 1 ######## 6/13/2019 12:37 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 10 3 ######## 8/22/2019 16:26 NV NV
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 8 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 15 2 ######## 8/5/2019 16:36 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 6 2 ######## 8/14/2019 11:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 1 ######## 11/1/2019 16:39 NV NV
Bride of the living dummy / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 9 ######## 8/22/2019 16:08 NV NV
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 6 3 6/1/2019 6/27/2019 13:14 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 8 2 8/7/2019 10/23/2019 11:03 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 9/22/2018 6 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
Mouse house hunter / 3.12E+13 BKX 9/29/2018 9 1 ######## 9/10/2019 11:25 NV TS
3.12E+13 BKX 10/10/2018 11 ######## 6/13/2019 12:22 RN TS
Doing her bit : 3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 5 1 ######## 4/25/2019 10:43 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
3.12E+13 BKX 12/21/2018 0 4/11/2019 10:08 VE TS
Mary the sharing fairy / 3.12E+13 BKX 1/30/2019 3 ######## 3/6/2019 16:51 TR TR
3.12E+13 BKX 3/25/2019 5 ######## 11/22/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 98 26 ######## 12/17/2019 13:29 SO TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
Noah 3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Mega shark vs. giant octopus 3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 2 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
Gamer 3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 114 20 ######## 3/28/2019 9:47 SV TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/13/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
Stallone Rambo III 3.12E+13 BLU 8/14/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SP
Fracture 3.12E+13 BLU 8/17/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/17/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
WALL-E 3.12E+13 BLU 8/17/2015 94 31 4/9/2019 6/6/2019 15:21 NV TS
The eye 3.12E+13 BLU 8/17/2015 2 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Hop 3.12E+13 BLU 8/17/2015 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TS SV
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Home 3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 117 28 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 56 22 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 SS TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 67 37 ######## 7/29/2019 8:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/18/2015 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Bee Gees : 3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 39 11 ######## 9/26/2019 10:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 48 6 ######## 10/4/2019 9:49 SP RN
Robin Hood 3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/19/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 111 32 ######## 10/30/2019 14:05 NW TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 105 26 ######## 4/26/2019 9:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/21/2015 80 18 ######## 8/14/2019 8:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/24/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/25/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/25/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/25/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/25/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
Pirates of the Caribbean : 3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 1 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 97 45 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 10:23 NV TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/27/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/28/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 8/28/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/28/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
Rio 3.12E+13 BLU 8/28/2015 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
21 Jump Street 3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 103 18 ######## 9/11/2019 10:23 IV TS
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
42:00:00 3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Terminator salvation 3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Braveheart 3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Good Will Hunting 3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/2/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Flight 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Faster 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Escape from planet Earth 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Christmas at Downton Abbey 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
The class = 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Taken 2 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
Shrek forever after : 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 68 20 ######## 10/29/2019 13:48 SO TS
Moneyball 3.12E+13 BLU 9/3/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 57 26 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NW RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Ferngully : 3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 46 16 ######## 12/4/2019 9:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/4/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/8/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/8/2015 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/10/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
3.12E+13 BLU 9/10/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/10/2015 70 20 ######## 1/16/2019 10:14 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 9/10/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/14/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
An empress and the warriors 3.12E+13 BLU 9/15/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Inside out 3.12E+13 BLU 10/21/2015 97 32 ######## 5/31/2019 7:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 11/2/2015 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Inside out 3.12E+13 BLU 11/5/2015 88 29 ######## 10/18/2019 7:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 11/25/2015 55 18 ######## 1/16/2019 10:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 12/30/2015 42 8 ######## 12/4/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 1/27/2016 20 6 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 BLU 1/29/2016 27 5 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 2/4/2016 63 31 ######## 5/29/2019 7:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 BLU 3/9/2016 67 18 2/1/2019 4/17/2019 15:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 3/15/2016 35 11 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/21/2016 44 15 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
The Godfather 3.12E+13 BLU 3/30/2016 33 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SS RN
The Godfather, part II 3.12E+13 BLU 3/30/2016 32 14 ######## 9/23/2019 8:31 NV TS
3.12E+13 BLU 4/11/2016 20 6 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 BLU 4/20/2016 27 7 ######## 12/4/2019 7:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 BLU 4/20/2016 16 8 ######## 9/26/2019 10:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 BLU 4/20/2016 52 18 3/9/2019 3/22/2019 11:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 BLU 4/21/2016 30 11 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 4/21/2016 61 12 ######## 12/10/2019 11:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 4/28/2016 91 21 6/4/2019 6/13/2019 8:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 BLU 4/28/2016 50 13 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 NV TS
3.12E+13 BLU 5/6/2016 90 18 6/4/2019 7/15/2019 9:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 6/1/2016 26 6 ######## 4/8/2019 8:33 SC TS
3.12E+13 BLU 7/13/2016 60 23 ######## 9/30/2019 8:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 BLU 7/13/2016 22 5 8/6/2018 12/7/2019 12:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 BLU 7/19/2016 37 18 ######## 12/4/2019 7:36 RN RN
Terminator 2 : 3.12E+13 BLU 7/19/2016 38 12 ######## 6/3/2019 10:40 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 7/20/2016 25 5 8/6/2018 12/4/2019 7:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/1/2016 37 13 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/19/2016 22 8 ######## 12/4/2019 7:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 10/10/2016 38 8 ######## 9/27/2019 7:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 10/11/2016 35 16 ######## 9/4/2019 15:26 SO TS
3.12E+13 BLU 11/22/2016 35 15 2/4/2019 9/25/2019 14:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 BLU 11/30/2016 53 11 8/1/2019 9/26/2019 10:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 12/7/2016 14 1 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 12/19/2016 54 15 ######## 12/17/2019 13:32 SS TS
3.12E+13 BLU 12/29/2016 26 14 8/9/2018 2/5/2019 11:26 RN SP
3.12E+13 BLU 1/23/2017 20 2 ######## 12/4/2019 7:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 BLU 2/8/2017 69 20 ######## 9/26/2019 10:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 2/9/2017 48 16 ######## 12/20/2019 8:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 3/15/2017 37 13 ######## 8/20/2019 8:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 BLU 3/15/2017 42 15 7/8/2019 7/17/2019 7:22 SO TS
Ray 3.12E+13 BLU 3/15/2017 7 4 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/16/2017 20 8 ######## 12/4/2019 9:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/16/2017 50 16 ######## 12/10/2019 11:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 3/21/2017 36 7 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
Real steel 3.12E+13 BLU 3/22/2017 20 8 ######## 12/4/2019 9:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/22/2017 8 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/27/2017 5 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SP RN
Mulholland Dr. 3.12E+13 BLU 3/27/2017 17 9 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/28/2017 52 18 ######## 6/14/2019 7:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 4/13/2017 24 3 ######## 8/8/2019 14:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 5/22/2017 45 7 2/9/2019 3/7/2019 10:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 7/11/2017 26 3 ######## 12/4/2019 7:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 7/11/2017 19 6 ######## 12/27/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/10/2017 10 3 ######## 12/4/2019 7:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 BLU 8/24/2017 7 1 ######## 12/4/2019 7:30 SO RN
3.12E+13 BLU 9/12/2017 56 13 ######## 11/19/2019 14:43 NW TS
3.12E+13 BLU 9/12/2017 25 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:49 SS SP
3.12E+13 BLU 9/19/2017 28 8 ######## 2/5/2019 11:56 SV SP
3.12E+13 BLU 1/16/2018 31 11 9/3/2019 9/26/2019 10:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 BLU 1/31/2018 7 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/8/2018 21 1 3/4/2019 10/18/2019 9:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/8/2018 19 7 2/4/2019 12/4/2019 9:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/15/2018 35 12 ######## 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 3/21/2018 21 4 ######## 6/21/2019 9:15 RN IV
3.12E+13 BLU 3/29/2018 23 7 7/5/2019 7/26/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 4/4/2018 18 4 ######## 12/14/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 4/6/2018 28 4 9/9/2019 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 5/11/2018 15 9 ######## 6/21/2019 9:15 RN SP
3.12E+13 BLU 6/12/2018 26 7 8/1/2019 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 6/26/2018 7 1 ######## 12/4/2019 7:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 BLU 6/28/2018 26 4 ######## 10/1/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/9/2018 16 1 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/16/2018 19 6 ######## 8/22/2019 14:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 8/30/2018 25 8 ######## 11/14/2019 7:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 9/24/2018 27 17 ######## 11/13/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 10/4/2018 25 3 ######## 12/20/2019 8:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 11/16/2018 20 12 ######## 9/4/2019 15:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 12/7/2018 1 ######## 1/16/2019 10:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 12/12/2018 22 2 ######## 9/24/2019 9:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 12/17/2018 15 ######## 7/24/2019 6:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 1/4/2019 6 ######## 12/14/2019 12:34 RN RN
BLU 2/1/2019 0 2/1/2019 13:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 BLU 2/13/2019 20 6 9/6/2019 10/22/2019 8:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 2/19/2019 21 ######## 9/26/2019 10:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 3/7/2019 23 3 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 BLU 6/7/2019 7 6 ######## 11/16/2019 16:04 RN SP
3.12E+13 BLU 7/2/2019 6 9/3/2019 9/10/2019 11:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 BLU 8/2/2019 7 ######## 10/30/2019 14:00 SP TS
Old time radio. 3.12E+13 CDB 5/3/2000 93 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Pearl Harbor collection 3.12E+13 CDB 3/8/2001 86 7 ######## 11/7/2019 16:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/1/2001 206 28 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
Beyond valor 3.12E+13 CDB 9/26/2001 83 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SO SP
Envy 3.12E+13 CDB 9/26/2001 196 14 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO TS
Charlotte's web 3.12E+13 CDB 9/27/2001 117 15 ######## 11/7/2019 14:55 SO TS
Skipping Christmas 3.12E+13 CDB 1/7/2002 154 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SS TS
The wailing wind 3.12E+13 CDB 9/17/2002 208 11 ######## 8/2/2019 8:59 SP TS
Cloud of sparrows 3.12E+13 CDB 10/8/2002 48 ######## 8/19/2019 11:50 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/8/2002 56 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2002 58 7 3/6/2019 3/12/2019 14:01 TR SP
The best school year ever 3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2002 68 4 7/3/2017 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
Homer Price 3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2002 83 13 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SP TS
Living biographies of great philosophers 3.12E+13 CDB 10/28/2002 36 5 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SS SP
Blue turtle moon queen 3.12E+13 CDB 12/23/2002 60 2 6/6/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
The history of America 3.12E+13 CDB 12/27/2002 24 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDB 1/13/2003 184 11 9/6/2018 10/30/2019 12:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/25/2003 72 6 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
The adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein 3.12E+13 CDB 2/25/2003 60 3 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 SO RN
Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH 3.12E+13 CDB 2/25/2003 100 19 ######## 11/7/2019 14:53 NV TS
Back story 3.12E+13 CDB 3/10/2003 113 3 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SC SO
Revenge of the middle-aged woman 3.12E+13 CDB 3/13/2003 163 14 ######## 10/3/2019 12:23 SP TS
The best school year ever 3.12E+13 CDB 3/13/2003 55 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NV SS
Stone Fox 3.12E+13 CDB 3/13/2003 83 10 ######## 11/7/2019 14:50 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/21/2003 82 3 ######## 10/15/2019 15:33 SP TS
On the halfpipe with-- Tony Hawk 3.12E+13 CDB 5/6/2003 25 3/6/2017 11/15/2019 13:56 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/8/2003 158 21 ######## 1/16/2019 15:45 SO TS
The face 3.12E+13 CDB 6/18/2003 164 17 ######## 10/30/2019 14:41 NW TS
The second time around 3.12E+13 CDB 8/28/2003 172 5 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
The best of old time radio starring Lucille Ball
3.12E+13 CDB 9/2/2003 68 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Far from the madding crowd 3.12E+13 CDB 9/2/2003 163 15 ######## 12/5/2019 13:22 SO TS
Hollywood stars on radio 3.12E+13 CDB 9/2/2003 52 ######## 11/7/2019 16:03 SO RN
Maigret : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/2/2003 59 4 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
Trading up 3.12E+13 CDB 9/11/2003 129 5 ######## 8/19/2019 11:48 NW RN
The African-American audio experience 3.12E+13 CDB 10/20/2003 16 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/25/2003 16 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:40 SP RN
Lord John and the private matter 3.12E+13 CDB 11/10/2003 88 7 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 IV TS
A-Z Mysteries. 3.12E+13 CDB 11/20/2003 143 20 8/8/2019 10/22/2019 14:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/14/2004 69 11 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 IV TS
Who's looking out for you? 3.12E+13 CDB 1/15/2004 51 2 ######## 9/4/2019 15:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/23/2004 95 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDB 1/26/2004 66 10 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NV TS
The last precinct 3.12E+13 CDB 1/26/2004 106 6 ######## 10/23/2019 8:48 NV TS
The year 1000 3.12E+13 CDB 1/27/2004 84 9 3/8/2019 6/4/2019 16:18 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 1/27/2004 62 2 7/2/2017 8/19/2019 11:46 IV RN
The chisellers 3.12E+13 CDB 1/27/2004 80 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 NV RN
Jane Austen 3.12E+13 CDB 1/27/2004 48 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/4/2004 112 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NV
Lies and the lying liars who tell them : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/17/2004 48 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
Chet Gecko-- private eye. 3.12E+13 CDB 3/25/2004 44 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
William Shakespeare's Henry V 3.12E+13 CDB 4/6/2004 29 2 3/2/2018 4/17/2019 10:51 SO RN
The John Cheever audio collection 3.12E+13 CDB 4/8/2004 62 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/15/2004 73 6 9/1/2016 3/16/2019 12:06 RN SO
Los tres cerditos, Caperucita Roja, Aladino3.12E+13
y la lm`para
CDBmaravillosa y muchos cuentos ms`-- 4/19/2004 44 8/2/2018 5/26/2019 10:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/21/2004 78 5 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/21/2004 71 10 ######## 11/7/2019 14:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2004 50 4 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SP SP
The passion of Artemisia 3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2004 72 7 ######## 6/25/2019 14:29 SS RN
In the company of soldiers 3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2004 59 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 CDB 4/27/2004 6 1 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
The book of the lion 3.12E+13 CDB 5/6/2004 28 1 ######## 2/23/2019 14:22 NW SP
Outlaw princess of Sherwood 3.12E+13 CDB 5/6/2004 46 2 ######## 3/7/2019 16:01 RN TS
The ghost with the one black eye and other 3.12E+13
stories CDB 6/17/2004 13 2 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/22/2004 30 1 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/22/2004 26 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/24/2004 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Somewhere next door to reality 3.12E+13 CDB 7/9/2004 33 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/21/2004 16 1 9/3/2016 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
Florence of Arabia 3.12E+13 CDB 7/28/2004 59 5 ######## 8/19/2019 11:47 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/17/2004 80 16 ######## 2/21/2019 17:56 SS NV
3.12E+13 CDB 8/17/2004 84 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
A house called Awful End 3.12E+13 CDB 8/18/2004 68 10 1/2/2019 5/26/2019 10:45 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/18/2004 122 18 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
Terrible times 3.12E+13 CDB 8/18/2004 48 1 5/6/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Dancer 3.12E+13 CDB 9/9/2004 71 6 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/26/2004 68 5 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/8/2004 108 10 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SO TS
Magical thinking : 3.12E+13 CDB 11/17/2004 69 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SS SP
3.12E+13 CDB 11/29/2004 83 9 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
The secret language of girls 3.12E+13 CDB 11/29/2004 26 2 ######## 2/23/2019 14:28 SS SP
The jungle books. 3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 74 13 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 69 4 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 50 5 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 167 26 8/6/2019 10/22/2019 14:01 SP TS
The kid who became President 3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 32 2 ######## 2/8/2019 15:14 SS NW
Darwin's radio 3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 77 4 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Matilda 3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 73 17 6/6/2019 11/7/2019 14:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2005 101 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW NV
3.12E+13 CDB 1/26/2005 78 14 ######## 6/4/2019 8:23 IV TS
The Arctic incident 3.12E+13 CDB 1/31/2005 98 8 ######## 11/7/2019 14:52 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/31/2005 108 12 8/1/2019 8/23/2019 13:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/31/2005 122 13 7/8/2019 10/22/2019 14:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/3/2005 54 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 RN TS
Eyewitness 3.12E+13 CDB 2/3/2005 26 4 7/3/2016 5/23/2019 10:35 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 67 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 NW SP
Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good,
very bad
CDBday 2/7/2005 74 11 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 123 29 ######## 11/7/2019 14:47 SO TS
Charlotte's web 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 74 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 81 9 6/3/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 89 10 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 57 5 ######## 2/7/2019 17:54 SO SP
Favorite scary stories of American children3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 26 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
The Grand Canyon 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 29 1 ######## 8/19/2019 11:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2005 13 6/6/2016 11/8/2019 10:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/14/2005 26 1 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 SP RN
The Red-Hot Rattoons 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2005 31 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
American ideals : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2005 52 3 8/8/2017 4/17/2019 10:54 SV RN
Depeche Mode, 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2005 5 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/14/2005 49 1 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 IV RN
Louder, we can't hear you (yet!) : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/14/2005 11 1 2/8/2015 2/6/2019 10:08 RN RN
The Pepins and their problems 3.12E+13 CDB 3/18/2005 63 12 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/24/2005 39 1 ######## 5/29/2019 15:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/28/2005 21 2 7/3/2016 6/25/2019 14:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/28/2005 38 1 8/8/2017 4/17/2019 10:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/31/2005 45 6 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/31/2005 33 2 ######## 1/4/2019 17:24 NV SO
Trophies and dead things 3.12E+13 CDB 3/31/2005 102 9 ######## 10/14/2019 12:34 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/31/2005 90 9 ######## 11/7/2019 14:47 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/31/2005 55 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 NW NV
Leeway cottage 3.12E+13 CDB 4/12/2005 89 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2005 148 18 8/1/2019 9/5/2019 12:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/12/2005 12 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SO SS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/19/2005 90 11 6/6/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/19/2005 98 21 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/23/2005 82 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SS RN
I am Charlotte Simmons 3.12E+13 CDB 5/23/2005 34 9 8/7/2019 11/14/2019 11:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/23/2005 85 3 8/9/2019 11/4/2019 8:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/22/2005 101 11 ######## 1/18/2019 8:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/22/2005 83 14 ######## 1/30/2019 9:27 SS TS
The ice queen 3.12E+13 CDB 7/14/2005 88 7 3/5/2019 11/4/2019 8:16 SS TS
The Thief Lord 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2005 84 11 7/8/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 SV TS
Princess in the spotlight 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2005 32 4 ######## 2/23/2019 14:32 SS SP
Ramona Quimby, age 8 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2005 103 19 8/5/2019 11/7/2019 14:52 NV TS
SpongeBob SquarePants. 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2005 57 3 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 TR RN
Ramona and her father 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2005 91 17 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
Here today 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2005 9 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 SP NW
The amber spyglass 3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 59 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
The bad beginning 3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 83 10 2/6/2019 2/7/2019 9:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 56 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 RN SS
Ballet shoes 3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 78 14 ######## 10/22/2019 14:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 155 33 9/6/2019 11/13/2019 13:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 141 32 ######## 10/22/2019 14:01 SS TS
Love, Ruby Lavender 3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 47 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SO
3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 106 27 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 SO RN
Stuart Little 3.12E+13 CDB 7/26/2005 117 26 ######## 11/7/2019 14:54 NW TS
The first part last 3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2005 8 4/8/2015 5/22/2019 13:45 NV SS
A corner of the universe 3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2005 18 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 RN IV
Harriet, the spy 3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2005 53 11 9/3/2019 11/7/2019 14:51 SP TS
Lucy Rose, here's the thing about me 3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2005 24 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 SP IV
3.12E+13 CDB 8/10/2005 71 4 4/4/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 SV TS
Eye of the needle 3.12E+13 CDB 8/11/2005 101 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SO
3.12E+13 CDB 8/22/2005 60 7 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/28/2005 69 3 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
R is for ricochet 3.12E+13 CDB 9/8/2005 129 12 ######## 9/11/2019 12:53 NV TS
Flush 3.12E+13 CDB 9/15/2005 94 14 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/30/2005 65 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2005 144 9 1/2/2019 1/30/2019 9:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2005 120 6 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
Modern Greek 3.12E+13 CDB 10/25/2005 27 5 ######## 11/7/2019 16:11 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/26/2005 52 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/26/2005 53 4 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 SS NV
3.12E+13 CDB 11/2/2005 122 9 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/5/2005 51 8 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/5/2005 44 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/19/2005 45 4 1/8/2018 9/4/2019 15:45 NW TS
The Weeping Werewolf 3.12E+13 CDB 12/19/2005 25 2 1/7/2019 1/31/2019 11:07 SV NW
Down came the rain 3.12E+13 CDB 12/22/2005 38 2/5/2015 5/29/2019 10:53 SS SP
3.12E+13 CDB 1/12/2006 62 5 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/12/2006 88 3 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SP RN
King Kong 3.12E+13 CDB 1/30/2006 25 3 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
The hunt club 3.12E+13 CDB 1/31/2006 116 17 ######## 4/11/2019 10:12 SV TS
The bellywog! (and other strange stories) 3.12E+13 CDB 2/2/2006 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2006 96 10 ######## 9/24/2019 15:28 NV TS
The hostage : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2006 86 4 ######## 3/30/2019 12:59 NV SO
3.12E+13 CDB 2/14/2006 91 4 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SS TS
A breath of snow and ashes 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2006 102 14 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SS RN
Midnight over Sanctaphrax 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2006 23 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SP SV
Firestorm 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2006 93 3 6/6/2017 8/19/2019 14:19 NW RN
The keeper's son 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2006 81 4 5/1/2019 5/17/2019 8:30 VE TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/22/2006 68 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
Snake 3.12E+13 CDB 3/8/2006 23 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Monkey 3.12E+13 CDB 3/8/2006 25 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2006 72 11 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
The march 3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2006 63 2 ######## 8/19/2019 11:42 IV RN
Dark tort 3.12E+13 CDB 3/20/2006 96 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/23/2006 36 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Tickled pink : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/24/2006 94 2 ######## 8/19/2019 11:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/5/2006 23 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NV SS
How to help your husband make more money 3.12E+13
so youCDB
can be a stay-at-home mom 4/12/2006 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/14/2006 89 20 6/6/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/19/2006 63 4 4/7/2015 8/27/2019 8:19 SP SP
Afternoon of the elves 3.12E+13 CDB 4/19/2006 24 3 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/19/2006 31 3 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 IV TS
James and the giant peach 3.12E+13 CDB 4/19/2006 92 20 8/8/2019 11/7/2019 14:50 SS TS
Apples to Oregon 3.12E+13 CDB 4/19/2006 40 8 ######## 11/22/2019 14:18 NW TS
Willow Run 3.12E+13 CDB 4/26/2006 25 2 ######## 2/23/2019 14:39 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDB 4/26/2006 35 1 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 RN NV
3.12E+13 CDB 4/26/2006 96 6 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/11/2006 61 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 IV RN
Undead and unreturnable 3.12E+13 CDB 5/22/2006 65 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
Accidents of nature 3.12E+13 CDB 5/22/2006 24 1 4/8/2015 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/23/2006 96 19 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SS RN
Tales from Robin Hood : 3.12E+13 CDB 5/26/2006 10 1 ######## 5/26/2019 10:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/31/2006 55 10 4/9/2019 4/17/2019 15:43 SO TS
The revenge of the Shadow King 3.12E+13 CDB 6/1/2006 42 1 4/8/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 CDB 6/13/2006 46 3 4/6/2016 5/23/2019 10:36 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDB 6/19/2006 141 26 9/6/2019 10/22/2019 14:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/19/2006 96 9 9/6/2018 4/11/2019 9:00 SV TS
Junie B., first grader : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/19/2006 91 12 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/10/2006 84 6 ######## 3/22/2019 12:15 RN TS
The wishing well 3.12E+13 CDB 7/12/2006 21 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Kill me 3.12E+13 CDB 7/20/2006 59 2 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/20/2006 46 4 ######## 11/7/2019 16:01 SS RN
The scratch of a pen 3.12E+13 CDB 8/14/2006 79 12 ######## 9/5/2019 15:26 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/22/2006 65 6 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/22/2006 71 5 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 NV RN
The rider of Lost Creek 3.12E+13 CDB 8/25/2006 104 9 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 VE TS
The call of the wild and White Fang 3.12E+13 CDB 9/18/2006 42 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/18/2006 43 5 ######## 5/23/2019 10:33 SV SP
3.12E+13 CDB 9/18/2006 114 7 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NV TS
Armed madhouse : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/18/2006 40 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:55 RN RN
Endymion Spring 3.12E+13 CDB 10/2/2006 56 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SO SS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/24/2006 33 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/2/2006 51 2 6/6/2016 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/16/2006 72 4 ######## 10/18/2019 8:58 SC TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/20/2006 82 6 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 IV TS
Traveler 3.12E+13 CDB 12/14/2006 50 3 ######## 8/19/2019 11:50 RN RN
Palestine : 3.12E+13 CDB 1/3/2007 25 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SV RN
When darkness falls 3.12E+13 CDB 1/18/2007 118 11 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 SS TS
The shadow of the wind 3.12E+13 CDB 1/22/2007 112 13 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
What a party! : 3.12E+13 CDB 1/24/2007 17 1 9/7/2014 5/20/2019 11:41 SO SS
A perfect mess 3.12E+13 CDB 2/1/2007 81 20 ######## 8/19/2019 9:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/6/2007 116 17 ######## 8/15/2019 8:33 RN TS
Baby Snooks. 3.12E+13 CDB 3/6/2007 19 1 6/4/2016 11/8/2019 10:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2007 93 5 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/21/2007 56 10 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 NW RN
The alibi man 3.12E+13 CDB 3/22/2007 82 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 RN SO
3.12E+13 CDB 3/22/2007 41 3 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/29/2007 66 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Tool and die 3.12E+13 CDB 3/29/2007 117 12 ######## 8/2/2019 9:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/4/2007 113 20 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/20/2007 119 7 ######## 11/22/2019 8:53 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/20/2007 90 7 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SS SO
About Alice 3.12E+13 CDB 4/25/2007 30 1 ######## 11/8/2019 12:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/25/2007 49 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 CDB 5/9/2007 77 13 ######## 5/24/2019 14:51 SV RN
Emma-Jean Lazarus fell out of a tree 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2007 17 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 NV SV
Black water 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2007 30 4 ######## 2/23/2019 14:26 SS SP
The reality bug 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2007 26 2 8/8/2016 2/14/2019 18:08 SS SP
The rivers of Zadaa 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2007 29 1 3/3/2015 2/6/2019 13:36 SS IV
Company man 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2007 56 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 NV SO
3.12E+13 CDB 5/21/2007 84 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/21/2007 57 8 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/30/2007 79 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 NW SO
3.12E+13 CDB 5/30/2007 130 17 ######## 10/30/2019 14:41 SO TS
A masterpiece for Bess ; 3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2007 69 8 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NV TS
Flyte 3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2007 61 9 ######## 8/2/2019 8:59 SP TS
The places in between 3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2007 38 2 9/8/2017 11/7/2019 15:59 IV RN
Magic tree house. 3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2007 105 25 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 SS TS
Midnight over Sanctaphrax 3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2007 17 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
First test 3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2007 69 3 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NV TS
The atomic bazaar : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/5/2007 23 ######## 6/25/2019 14:25 SP RN
Possible side effects 3.12E+13 CDB 6/7/2007 33 1 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Origin in death 3.12E+13 CDB 6/18/2007 122 12 4/8/2019 6/10/2019 8:58 SP TS
Tales from Q school : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/20/2007 15 5/5/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 RN SS
Teach yourself beginner's Turkish 3.12E+13 CDB 6/20/2007 21 4 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SP SS
Vengeance in death 3.12E+13 CDB 7/12/2007 104 10 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/18/2007 68 8 ######## 11/14/2019 13:24 NW TS
Saint Iggy 3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2007 28 5/3/2015 5/23/2019 16:51 SO SS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2007 50 4 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDB 7/30/2007 93 9 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2007 103 13 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2007 86 15 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 NV RN
Radio's comedy teams : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/9/2007 54 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/24/2007 61 5 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/19/2007 76 3 9/3/2019 9/24/2019 10:57 IV TS
Happy endings : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/26/2007 21 2 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SO SS
Maximum confidence : 3.12E+13 CDB 10/10/2007 83 13 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
Home to Holly Springs 3.12E+13 CDB 10/10/2007 76 7 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/10/2007 91 18 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2007 85 11 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SS RN
The husband 3.12E+13 CDB 10/20/2007 99 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
George Orwell box set : 3.12E+13 CDB 11/20/2007 64 4 ######## 8/7/2019 14:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/10/2007 105 9 ######## 12/5/2019 13:21 SS TS
Chosen by a horse 3.12E+13 CDB 12/11/2007 43 6 ######## 5/29/2019 10:53 NV SP
3.12E+13 CDB 12/13/2007 87 5 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 IV RN
Dracula 3.12E+13 CDB 12/13/2007 41 4 ######## 10/30/2019 14:41 SV TS
Conquer stress : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/17/2007 60 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
The obvious : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/18/2007 32 6 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/19/2007 53 6 6/4/2018 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/19/2007 106 12 9/5/2018 2/23/2019 9:53 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDB 12/19/2007 103 12 ######## 6/4/2019 8:22 SO TS
Once upon a quincea&#xFFFD;nera : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/20/2007 19 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
Richistan 3.12E+13 CDB 1/11/2008 27 5 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SP RN
The Boxcar children collection 2 3.12E+13 CDB 3/18/2008 58 20 ######## 4/12/2019 11:09 VE TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/18/2008 6 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 NV NV
El maravilloso n�umero 7 3.12E+13 CDB 3/26/2008 22 3 ######## 6/25/2019 14:27 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/16/2008 76 7 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Dragonsdale 3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2008 65 16 8/9/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/23/2008 49 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 IV NV
3.12E+13 CDB 4/24/2008 89 14 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/13/2008 32 7 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 NW NV
3.12E+13 CDB 5/16/2008 129 19 9/7/2019 9/26/2019 13:20 SS TS
Santa Fe dead 3.12E+13 CDB 5/16/2008 86 9 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/10/2008 78 12 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/10/2008 86 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
Death and honor 3.12E+13 CDB 6/10/2008 60 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Death and honor 3.12E+13 CDB 6/10/2008 81 18 ######## 11/7/2019 14:36 SS TS
The day I ate whatever I wanted : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/12/2008 59 16 9/7/2018 1/7/2019 8:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/26/2008 38 4 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SV RN
Innocence 3.12E+13 CDB 7/8/2008 68 6 ######## 11/25/2019 11:10 RN SO
The cure for modern life 3.12E+13 CDB 7/18/2008 28 7 3/8/2019 11/26/2019 10:24 IV RN
The last lecture 3.12E+13 CDB 7/22/2008 52 2 2/3/2017 11/7/2019 15:44 SO RN
The abstinence teacher 3.12E+13 CDB 7/22/2008 52 9 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2008 37 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 IV SS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2008 62 11 ######## 5/28/2019 8:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2008 46 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 RN RN
The ghost war 3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2008 107 14 4/1/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2008 91 9 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 NV SO
The water horse 3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2008 28 6 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
This moment on Earth : 3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2008 6 1 5/5/2013 5/20/2019 11:41 SO SS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2008 56 5 ######## 3/28/2019 9:08 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2008 27 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
Just say nu 3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2008 14 3 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
The 33 strategies of war 3.12E+13 CDB 7/25/2008 51 4 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/12/2008 72 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SS RN
The 19th wife : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/29/2008 79 9 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SO RN
El poder y la gloria 3.12E+13 CDB 8/29/2008 14 3/1/2015 5/23/2019 10:25 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/15/2008 68 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/15/2008 27 1 1/3/2017 2/8/2019 15:14 SO NW
La sombra de un p�ajaro 3.12E+13 CDB 9/18/2008 12 1 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/24/2008 17 3 5/4/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 RN NV
Malinche : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/29/2008 21 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 SO RN
Como hacerle el amor a una mujer 3.12E+13 CDB 9/29/2008 19 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 IV SS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/3/2008 14 1 8/2/2014 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 CDB 10/16/2008 107 17 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/20/2008 32 4 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SO RN
Skinny bitch 3.12E+13 CDB 10/23/2008 25 3 2/2/2016 5/29/2019 10:53 NW SP
Running with scissors : 3.12E+13 CDB 11/5/2008 49 7 ######## 5/30/2019 10:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/14/2008 75 14 7/6/2019 10/22/2019 14:27 SO TS
The book of names 3.12E+13 CDB 11/17/2008 63 7 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Lost 3.12E+13 CDB 11/17/2008 81 9 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 NV RN
Cheney 3.12E+13 CDB 11/20/2008 33 2 ######## 11/7/2019 15:42 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/26/2008 87 14 ######## 9/16/2019 14:25 SS TS
Revenge of the living dummy 3.12E+13 CDB 12/22/2008 34 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN NW
Page 3.12E+13 CDB 12/22/2008 42 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:07 NV SO
Smiles to go 3.12E+13 CDB 12/30/2008 13 1 8/1/2015 2/23/2019 14:35 SP SP
Smiles to go 3.12E+13 CDB 12/30/2008 16 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 CDB 12/30/2008 81 12 ######## 9/26/2019 13:20 NV TS
1st to die 3.12E+13 CDB 1/5/2009 100 9 ######## 2/7/2019 9:43 RN RN
The black tattoo 3.12E+13 CDB 1/6/2009 30 6 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 VE SS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/6/2009 54 1 8/4/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SC SO
Blasphemy 3.12E+13 CDB 1/14/2009 63 11 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/14/2009 47 3 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 SP TS
The capture 3.12E+13 CDB 1/15/2009 45 5 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 CDB 1/28/2009 88 11 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SO RN
Boys are dogs 3.12E+13 CDB 2/6/2009 26 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 SO IV
The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Figg
/ CDB 2/6/2009 26 1 1/9/2016 2/23/2019 14:37 NV SP
The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Figg
/ CDB 2/6/2009 17 2 1/3/2019 6/25/2019 16:20 SV TS
Man in the dark 3.12E+13 CDB 2/11/2009 32 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 IV RN
A journal for Jordan 3.12E+13 CDB 2/19/2009 5 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 IV SP
3.12E+13 CDB 2/19/2009 14 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:55 SO RN
Beyond Tuesday morning 3.12E+13 CDB 2/26/2009 31 10 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 VE RN
The daily coyote 3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2009 64 4 ######## 3/7/2019 8:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2009 14 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 SS IV
You can observe a lot by watching 3.12E+13 CDB 3/16/2009 25 2 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/23/2009 11 3 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 IV SV
Dramarama 3.12E+13 CDB 3/24/2009 7 1 8/6/2014 5/22/2019 13:45 NV SS
The shooters 3.12E+13 CDB 3/25/2009 82 17 ######## 10/30/2019 14:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/26/2009 5 2 9/6/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 VE NV
The 6th target 3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2009 21 5/2/2019 5/14/2019 10:29 GE NW
3.12E+13 CDB 4/1/2009 66 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
3.12E+13 CDB 4/1/2009 60 5 ######## 8/22/2019 16:03 NV TS
One second after 3.12E+13 CDB 4/9/2009 97 19 ######## 6/4/2019 12:34 NW TS
French for children 3.12E+13 CDB 4/14/2009 42 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDB 4/21/2009 27 2 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 VE RN
The shattering 3.12E+13 CDB 4/21/2009 13 3 3/9/2016 2/8/2019 15:14 NW NW
3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2009 69 7 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2009 59 8 ######## 8/19/2019 11:50 RN RN
The outcast 3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2009 10 1 7/6/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SS SV
The outcast 3.12E+13 CDB 4/22/2009 5 3/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:29 NW NW
3.12E+13 CDB 5/8/2009 34 3 9/4/2018 10/30/2019 12:39 SS RN
The divine comedy 3.12E+13 CDB 5/12/2009 73 12 ######## 10/15/2019 15:33 SV TS
The hatchling 3.12E+13 CDB 5/18/2009 10 3/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:29 SS NW
The hatchling 3.12E+13 CDB 5/18/2009 10 1 7/6/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 CDB 6/3/2009 21 11 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 SS NV
Squire 3.12E+13 CDB 6/3/2009 38 3 ######## 3/16/2019 12:06 SO SO
Matters of the heart 3.12E+13 CDB 6/3/2009 100 20 2/2/2019 4/6/2019 16:45 SO SO
The burning 3.12E+13 CDB 6/22/2009 11 2 3/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:29 SO NW
Marilu Henner's body victory 3.12E+13 CDB 6/23/2009 17 1 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 RN SS
Faith, hope, and Ivy June 3.12E+13 CDB 7/1/2009 22 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 NV SV
3.12E+13 CDB 7/14/2009 64 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
German with Michel Thomas 3.12E+13 CDB 7/15/2009 41 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/20/2009 29 1 3/7/2018 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
Look both ways 3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2009 14 2/4/2015 1/2/2019 11:59 SP SP
Fern Verdant and the Silver Rose 3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2009 24 5 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 NV NV
Escape from HorrorLand 3.12E+13 CDB 7/23/2009 22 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP NW
3.12E+13 CDB 8/13/2009 51 10 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/13/2009 30 3 ######## 6/27/2019 10:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/27/2009 100 17 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 RN NV
206 bones 3.12E+13 CDB 9/3/2009 59 7 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/4/2009 83 13 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/9/2009 12 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/16/2009 17 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SO SS
The Penderwicks : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/16/2009 61 20 3/8/2019 4/23/2019 13:48 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/2/2009 50 10 ######## 10/22/2019 14:40 RN TS
America's march to Socialism 3.12E+13 CDB 10/2/2009 27 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 RN SP
The last stand of Fox Company : 3.12E+13 CDB 10/6/2009 38 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NV TS
Hardball : 3.12E+13 CDB 10/7/2009 65 4 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 SV RN
The year of the flood 3.12E+13 CDB 10/7/2009 46 8 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/7/2009 19 3 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NW TS
The maze runner 3.12E+13 CDB 10/22/2009 85 9 ######## 9/10/2019 12:21 NW TS
Southern lights 3.12E+13 CDB 10/27/2009 72 10 ######## 8/23/2019 13:09 VE TS
True compass 3.12E+13 CDB 11/5/2009 24 5 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 NW RN
Secret vampire 3.12E+13 CDB 11/9/2009 22 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SV TS
The islands of the blessed 3.12E+13 CDB 11/10/2009 6 ######## 2/8/2019 15:14 NW NW
Wait, wait-- don't tell me! 3.12E+13 CDB 11/10/2009 68 7 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/17/2009 77 7 ######## 6/10/2019 8:58 SV TS
Bobby and Jackie 3.12E+13 CDB 12/24/2009 23 2 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 NV SP
Deeper than the dead 3.12E+13 CDB 1/21/2010 96 10 ######## 2/23/2019 9:40 SS SP
3.12E+13 CDB 1/29/2010 81 13 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SP TS
Blood ties 3.12E+13 CDB 2/9/2010 57 9 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NV TS
I, sniper 3.12E+13 CDB 2/9/2010 71 10 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/11/2010 56 13 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 NW TS
Dianetics : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/4/2010 7 4 9/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SO
3.12E+13 CDB 3/11/2010 13 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 IV RN
Classics of childhood 3.12E+13 CDB 3/11/2010 42 18 ######## 7/10/2019 10:47 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/22/2010 26 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 SO IV
3.12E+13 CDB 3/22/2010 5 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/23/2010 22 2 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 SO NV
Doctor Who and the dinosaur invasion 3.12E+13 CDB 3/24/2010 18 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2010 46 6/5/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2010 40 4 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 RN IV
3.12E+13 CDB 4/7/2010 27 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 IV RN
The Arthur and friends collection 3.12E+13 CDB 4/7/2010 53 8 ######## 10/22/2019 14:27 NW TS
The gold coast 3.12E+13 CDB 4/7/2010 103 20 ######## 11/26/2019 9:55 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDB 4/14/2010 28 3 ######## 7/17/2019 9:59 SS RN
L.A. theatre works audio theatre collection3.12E+13 CDB 4/27/2010 5 2 ######## 11/8/2019 10:37 RN RN
The light 3.12E+13 CDB 4/29/2010 11 3 3/8/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 SP NV
3.12E+13 CDB 5/3/2010 9 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
The mutiny on board H.M.S. Bounty 3.12E+13 CDB 5/3/2010 24 3 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SO TS
Lift 3.12E+13 CDB 5/7/2010 25 3 ######## 6/25/2019 14:26 NW RN
Hive of horror 3.12E+13 CDB 5/10/2010 20 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
The mind robber 3.12E+13 CDB 5/10/2010 10 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SC RN
The chosen one 3.12E+13 CDB 5/11/2010 15 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SO
3.12E+13 CDB 5/12/2010 38 17 2/8/2019 3/14/2019 11:57 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/17/2010 4 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 RN SS
The blueprint 3.12E+13 CDB 5/28/2010 10 2 ######## 5/20/2019 11:41 SS SS
German complete course 3.12E+13 CDB 6/24/2010 44 20 ######## 8/20/2019 9:18 NW TS
Italian complete course 3.12E+13 CDB 6/24/2010 28 9 ######## 2/14/2019 10:11 IV TS
Stories from Native America 3.12E+13 CDB 7/6/2010 39 3 5/7/2019 5/28/2019 8:28 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/8/2010 54 4 ######## 9/16/2019 14:25 SP TS
The shadow of your smile 3.12E+13 CDB 7/27/2010 119 16 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
James Earl Jones reads the Bible 3.12E+13 CDB 7/29/2010 32 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
Unaccustomed Earth 3.12E+13 CDB 8/4/2010 45 11 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/4/2010 41 7 8/9/2018 2/28/2019 11:14 RN RN
Infamous 3.12E+13 CDB 8/5/2010 60 16 1/2/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 SO TS
Spirit bound 3.12E+13 CDB 8/5/2010 27 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/26/2010 54 10 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 NW RN
Where there's smoke 3.12E+13 CDB 8/31/2010 83 14 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/8/2010 28 5 ######## 1/3/2019 10:20 NW SP
The clockwork angel 3.12E+13 CDB 9/13/2010 60 12 5/4/2016 9/17/2019 13:14 SO TS
The eternal kiss : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/13/2010 21 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
Confessor 3.12E+13 CDB 9/15/2010 18 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
The widower's tale 3.12E+13 CDB 9/16/2010 80 15 ######## 12/20/2019 8:59 SS TS
Creep from the deep 3.12E+13 CDB 9/29/2010 13 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 NV IV
Monster blood for breakfast 3.12E+13 CDB 9/29/2010 17 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV NW
Emperor Mage 3.12E+13 CDB 10/5/2010 21 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SO SS
Torment 3.12E+13 CDB 10/13/2010 25 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 NW RN
The reversal 3.12E+13 CDB 10/15/2010 83 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS NW
Busy body : 3.12E+13 CDB 10/21/2010 77 14 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/21/2010 82 23 8/5/2019 10/22/2019 14:01 SO TS
Crescendo 3.12E+13 CDB 11/9/2010 22 2 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 NW SS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/22/2010 28 4 ######## 2/23/2019 9:27 SV SP
Heart of valor 3.12E+13 CDB 12/1/2010 10 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
The birthday ball 3.12E+13 CDB 12/7/2010 12 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 SP TR
Getting to happy 3.12E+13 CDB 12/7/2010 13 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
Edge of war 3.12E+13 CDB 12/7/2010 59 12 ######## 12/5/2019 13:22 NV TS
Real mermaids don't wear toe rings 3.12E+13 CDB 12/7/2010 18 2 ######## 7/9/2019 16:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/14/2010 32 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SP RN
Last sacrifice 3.12E+13 CDB 12/15/2010 29 7 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 1/3/2011 53 11 8/2/2018 10/30/2019 12:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 1/5/2011 38 7 6/1/2015 8/19/2019 11:46 IV RN
Solitary 3.12E+13 CDB 1/13/2011 13 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/14/2011 11 2 9/1/2016 2/23/2019 14:24 NW SP
Nightshade 3.12E+13 CDB 1/14/2011 35 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NV TS
Reading Jackie 3.12E+13 CDB 1/21/2011 14 2 ######## 2/6/2019 10:08 SO RN
Look again 3.12E+13 CDB 2/2/2011 42 8 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/9/2011 43 10 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
Ninth grade slays 3.12E+13 CDB 2/9/2011 20 7 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2011 78 22 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 12:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/9/2011 75 13 ######## 10/18/2019 8:58 SP TS
Big Jack 3.12E+13 CDB 3/10/2011 38 9 ######## 8/8/2019 8:53 SS TS
True grit 3.12E+13 CDB 3/16/2011 46 10 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SP
Griff Carver, hallway patrol 3.12E+13 CDB 3/28/2011 5 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/1/2011 23 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/7/2011 23 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 NW NW
Unquestioned integrity 3.12E+13 CDB 4/13/2011 5 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:39 SS RN
Eve : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/19/2011 30 5 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SS RN
Divinity of doubt 3.12E+13 CDB 4/20/2011 12 ######## 4/12/2019 8:33 NW TS
Plastic : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/21/2011 18 1 ######## 11/8/2019 10:41 RN RN
The sixth man 3.12E+13 CDB 4/28/2011 116 25 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/28/2011 21 6 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 IV IV
Hothead 3.12E+13 CDB 5/2/2011 13 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
A tale of Two Castles 3.12E+13 CDB 5/6/2011 19 5 9/8/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 NW NV
Basic Tagalog 3.12E+13 CDB 5/11/2011 19 7 9/8/2016 5/29/2019 10:53 RN SP
Love overboard 3.12E+13 CDB 5/18/2011 60 11 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 NW TS
A turn in the road 3.12E+13 CDB 6/9/2011 68 19 ######## 10/3/2019 12:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/23/2011 65 2 ######## 12/20/2019 9:00 SS TS
The devil colony 3.12E+13 CDB 6/28/2011 63 17 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SO TS
Judy Moody was in a mood 3.12E+13 CDB 6/28/2011 21 3 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
Slaughter of eagles 3.12E+13 CDB 7/7/2011 47 9 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 NV TS
Quinn 3.12E+13 CDB 7/13/2011 47 7 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SO TS
Wicked game 3.12E+13 CDB 8/3/2011 83 20 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/3/2011 10 3 3/3/2015 2/15/2019 11:01 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDB 8/17/2011 16 2 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
The castaways : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/24/2011 58 15 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/13/2011 14 4 8/7/2017 11/8/2019 10:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/15/2011 15 1 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
My thoughts be bloody 3.12E+13 CDB 9/15/2011 22 6 ######## 6/26/2019 8:14 NW TS
Wisdom's kiss : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/21/2011 23 5 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
Perfect 3.12E+13 CDB 9/27/2011 15 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW NW
Neverlution 3.12E+13 CDB 10/4/2011 25 3 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/5/2011 93 26 ######## 11/26/2019 9:45 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDB 10/13/2011 48 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/19/2011 55 3 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 NV RN
Spanish. 3.12E+13 CDB 10/19/2011 37 11 ######## 1/4/2019 14:26 NV TS
Wishin' and hopin' 3.12E+13 CDB 10/19/2011 24 10 ######## 6/26/2019 14:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/27/2011 93 23 3/8/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/27/2011 45 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/31/2011 21 10 7/1/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/2/2011 88 16 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 IV TS
Chasing ghosts, Texas style 3.12E+13 CDB 11/2/2011 22 3 2/1/2018 4/17/2019 10:53 RN RN
Anna and the French kiss 3.12E+13 CDB 11/3/2011 20 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SV RN
Rip tide 3.12E+13 CDB 11/7/2011 14 4 ######## 2/23/2019 14:29 NV SP
The quest for Aztec gold 3.12E+13 CDB 11/14/2011 17 5 ######## 2/8/2019 15:14 RN NW
Cuentos de tia Lola 3.12E+13 CDB 11/22/2011 4 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:08 RN TR
Roughing it 3.12E+13 CDB 12/12/2011 65 24 8/5/2019 8/19/2019 9:05 SP TS
Bleak House 3.12E+13 CDB 12/22/2011 44 17 ######## 6/10/2019 9:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/6/2012 104 24 5/1/2019 6/10/2019 8:59 IV TS
Madeline's rescue 3.12E+13 CDB 1/19/2012 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
Frost wolf 3.12E+13 CDB 1/19/2012 13 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 IV NW
3.12E+13 CDB 2/1/2012 26 9 ######## 1/15/2019 16:23 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/14/2012 54 8 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
The Blood 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2012 7 2 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 NV NV
The Mormon people : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2012 28 6 1/8/2019 1/23/2019 10:25 SS TS
Criminal : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2012 63 13 ######## 4/9/2019 9:24 SV TS
Dying for you 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2012 14 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 RN TS
First, best and only 3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2012 40 9 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
3.12E+13 CDB 2/16/2012 4 1 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SS RN
The 3rd alternative : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2012 45 14 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 RN TS
Chocolate covered murder 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2012 61 12 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SS RN
Dead low tide : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2012 46 9 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SO TS
The technologists 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2012 30 7 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SO RN
Chasing shadows 3.12E+13 CDB 2/24/2012 28 8 ######## 2/28/2019 14:26 SO RN
In Zanesville 3.12E+13 CDB 2/27/2012 18 1 ######## 8/19/2019 11:49 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/1/2012 74 20 ######## 11/26/2019 10:24 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/19/2012 59 20 ######## 6/20/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/21/2012 24 6 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
Cal Ripken, Jr.'s all-stars 3.12E+13 CDB 3/22/2012 5 2 8/9/2015 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
Chomp 3.12E+13 CDB 3/28/2012 32 13 ######## 11/22/2019 15:01 SV TS
Hope unseen : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2012 21 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
Liar & spy 3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2012 10 1 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 RN NV
Two rings 3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2012 35 11 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/30/2012 34 8 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
Between shades of gray 3.12E+13 CDB 4/4/2012 26 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
Rebel fire 3.12E+13 CDB 4/4/2012 10 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 IV IV
Samurai game 3.12E+13 CDB 4/4/2012 26 7 ######## 11/23/2019 16:07 NW NV
3.12E+13 CDB 4/9/2012 23 3 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/10/2012 84 23 3/5/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 NW TS
The lost city of Faar 3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2012 3 2 ######## 2/14/2019 18:06 IV SP
What the night knows 3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2012 58 13 5/9/2019 6/10/2019 9:01 SO TS
The price of civilization : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2012 18 9 ######## 4/17/2019 10:51 SS RN
Boundaries : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2012 32 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/26/2012 62 10 ######## 12/20/2019 9:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/1/2012 7 2 9/8/2014 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
Perfectly imperfect : 3.12E+13 CDB 5/8/2012 6 1 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SV TS
Spanish : 3.12E+13 CDB 5/8/2012 27 7 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/21/2012 17 3 8/9/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 SS NV
Resonancia : 3.12E+13 CDB 5/22/2012 1 1 ######## 5/30/2019 10:55 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/30/2012 79 22 ######## 6/10/2019 8:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/4/2012 42 17 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
Once upon a quincea&#xFFFD;nera : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/13/2012 8 2 1/9/2015 5/20/2019 11:41 NV SS
Get started in Japanese / 3.12E+13 CDB 6/14/2012 25 10 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 RN TS
Game changers 3.12E+13 CDB 6/18/2012 5 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 SV NW
A confusion of princes 3.12E+13 CDB 6/18/2012 10 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 IV SS
Rapture : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/20/2012 19 7 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/9/2012 59 16 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/11/2012 6 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 NW NW
3.12E+13 CDB 7/16/2012 31 10 2/7/2018 1/15/2019 16:48 SV NV
3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2012 47 14 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 NV RN
I, Michael Bennett 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2012 62 14 3/5/2019 3/27/2019 8:57 IV TS
Act of valor 3.12E+13 CDB 7/30/2012 42 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 IV RN
Dream lake 3.12E+13 CDB 8/7/2012 39 9 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/15/2012 20 5 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 IV RN
The first collier 3.12E+13 CDB 8/16/2012 6 3/9/2016 2/8/2019 11:29 SS NW
3.12E+13 CDB 8/23/2012 46 10 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 IV RN
Charlie Joe Jackson's guide to extra credit 3.12E+13 CDB 8/30/2012 3 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:33 SP SP
A wanted man : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/6/2012 83 25 ######## 10/17/2019 13:05 SP TS
The book of night women : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/12/2012 36 17 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/13/2012 54 13 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
The girl who fell beneath Fairyland and led3.12E+13
the revelsCDB
there 9/27/2012 7 2 8/3/2014 2/4/2019 13:43 SO SS
Poison princess 3.12E+13 CDB 10/4/2012 19 5 4/2/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/11/2012 8 2 ######## 6/25/2019 14:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2012 37 7 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 IV RN
A wanted man : 3.12E+13 CDB 10/25/2012 69 13 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SP RN
Shades of gray 3.12E+13 CDB 11/12/2012 38 8 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/16/2012 55 12 ######## 11/4/2019 8:16 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/29/2012 90 20 ######## 11/7/2019 14:36 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/20/2012 24 15 ######## 1/18/2019 8:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/20/2012 45 11 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SC RN
3.12E+13 CDB 12/28/2012 73 21 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 1/24/2013 16 3 ######## 5/23/2019 10:35 SO RN
Game changers 3.12E+13 CDB 1/31/2013 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 NW IV
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2013 28 9 ######## 7/25/2019 12:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/12/2013 13 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SP
3.12E+13 CDB 2/12/2013 18 2 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/13/2013 20 4 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/14/2013 25 8 ######## 4/17/2019 10:54 RN RN
When your parent becomes your child : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/21/2013 3 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 2/28/2013 9 4 9/8/2016 2/8/2019 11:29 NW NW
Beholding Bee 3.12E+13 CDB 2/28/2013 4 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 IV SV
3.12E+13 CDB 3/13/2013 9 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/11/2013 23 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
Daddy's gone a hunting 3.12E+13 CDB 4/11/2013 54 13 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/12/2013 25 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
The humanity project : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2013 13 2 ######## 8/19/2019 11:48 SO RN
The Ophelia cut : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/18/2013 52 24 ######## 1/7/2019 8:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/25/2013 39 9 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 IV TS
Brothers Emanuel : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/25/2013 5 1 ######## 9/18/2019 11:28 RN SS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/9/2013 78 11 ######## 11/26/2019 10:24 RN RN
The beautiful and the cursed 3.12E+13 CDB 5/9/2013 2 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 NV NW
3.12E+13 CDB 5/23/2013 26 9 7/6/2018 3/7/2019 8:15 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/6/2013 47 14 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
The last original wife : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/13/2013 18 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDB 6/13/2013 29 8 ######## 4/16/2019 11:15 SP RN
A fatal grace 3.12E+13 CDB 6/13/2013 64 12 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Romulus Buckle and the city of the founders 3.12E+13 CDB 6/20/2013 11 3 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SO
Flying colours 3.12E+13 CDB 7/15/2013 20 6 8/9/2019 8/15/2019 8:32 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/17/2013 36 8 ######## 11/26/2019 10:24 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/1/2013 48 17 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 RN RN
Sylo 3.12E+13 CDB 8/8/2013 13 4 4/6/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SP RN
Winds of Salem : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/15/2013 15 3 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 RN RN
Fairest 3.12E+13 CDB 8/27/2013 9 4 ######## 2/14/2019 18:05 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDB 9/19/2013 6 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/25/2013 43 15 ######## 6/10/2019 8:59 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/9/2013 35 6 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 NW RN
The lost kingdom 3.12E+13 CDB 10/9/2013 5 2 ######## 1/29/2019 9:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/9/2013 2 ######## 11/15/2019 13:54 SS RN
American sniper : 3.12E+13 CDB 10/9/2013 26 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
The great gold robbery 3.12E+13 CDB 10/17/2013 3 3 7/3/2016 2/23/2019 14:23 SS SP
The prince of Frogtown 3.12E+13 CDB 10/22/2013 9 2 4/6/2017 5/30/2019 10:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/24/2013 62 12 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/24/2013 5 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 NV NW
The extra 3.12E+13 CDB 10/30/2013 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
The carpet people 3.12E+13 CDB 11/7/2013 18 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 IV SS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/13/2013 23 5 6/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SO
3.12E+13 CDB 11/21/2013 17 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/21/2013 64 23 ######## 12/5/2019 13:22 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/27/2013 43 12 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
Switch on your brain : 3.12E+13 CDB 11/27/2013 39 18 ######## 10/14/2019 9:06 RN TS
The incorrigible children of Ashton Place : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/18/2013 11 3 ######## 11/13/2019 16:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/31/2013 12 4 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 NV SS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/23/2014 9 5 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
At night we walk in circles 3.12E+13 CDB 1/30/2014 8 2 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SV SS
Ripper 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2014 54 13 ######## 9/24/2019 10:58 RN TS
Ripper 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2014 57 14 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SS TS
Somerset 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2014 21 6 3/6/2019 5/3/2019 9:14 SO TS
36531031 CDB 2/7/2014 0 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
The sittin' up 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2014 1 2 ######## 2/23/2019 14:30 SV SP
The Viking funeral 3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2014 32 8 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/7/2014 24 9 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NW TS
Hornblower and the hotspur 3.12E+13 CDB 2/11/2014 11 1 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 SO RN
Death of the black-haired girl 3.12E+13 CDB 2/13/2014 10 1 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SV SO
3.12E+13 CDB 2/19/2014 41 9 ######## 7/15/2019 9:53 SS TS
The unwinding : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/19/2014 12 3 ######## 1/10/2019 7:54 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/19/2014 9 2 ######## 2/8/2019 15:14 SO NW
The song of the quarkbeast 3.12E+13 CDB 2/27/2014 6 3 5/5/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 CDB 2/27/2014 11 2 ######## 2/20/2019 12:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/5/2014 28 3 4/7/2019 5/9/2019 8:26 NW TS
With a mighty hand : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/6/2014 3 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 SP NV
3.12E+13 CDB 3/13/2014 22 8 ######## 11/14/2019 13:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/14/2014 1 3/3/2015 2/6/2019 13:36 NW IV
Saucer : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/19/2014 44 9 ######## 8/15/2019 8:32 SP TS
Elusion 3.12E+13 CDB 3/19/2014 5 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 3/19/2014 10 6 ######## 2/8/2019 11:31 SP NW
Storm 3.12E+13 CDB 3/27/2014 11 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 IV RN
Perfect game 3.12E+13 CDB 3/27/2014 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 NW IV
3.12E+13 CDB 4/3/2014 54 14 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/3/2014 28 11 ######## 10/14/2019 12:33 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/3/2014 56 10 ######## 11/7/2019 14:36 RN TS
The inventor's secret 3.12E+13 CDB 4/17/2014 11 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:30 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/17/2014 3 1 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 SO NW
3.12E+13 CDB 5/1/2014 2 2 ######## 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
The investment answer 3.12E+13 CDB 5/1/2014 22 10 ######## 4/26/2019 8:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/7/2014 56 10 8/1/2019 9/11/2019 12:50 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2014 37 10 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SP TS
Of Neptune 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2014 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
The professional 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2014 15 7 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/22/2014 26 7 ######## 3/21/2019 12:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/22/2014 29 7 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
Summer house with swimming pool : 3.12E+13 CDB 5/29/2014 18 7 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 RN RN
The dark between the stars 3.12E+13 CDB 6/12/2014 21 3 9/9/2019 9/9/2019 9:45 RN RN
Earth awakens : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/12/2014 12 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
Earth awakens : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/12/2014 31 6 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/19/2014 45 9 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/26/2014 29 8 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SO RN
Eden in winter : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/26/2014 33 5 ######## 7/15/2019 12:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/16/2014 42 10 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SS TS
Return to Homecoming Ranch 3.12E+13 CDB 7/16/2014 13 4 8/5/2019 11/6/2019 12:15 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2014 6 2 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SV SS
The young world 3.12E+13 CDB 7/31/2014 3 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/31/2014 22 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
The drifter 3.12E+13 CDB 8/12/2014 25 7 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
Guilty wives : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/12/2014 31 17 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/13/2014 30 8 ######## 12/20/2019 9:01 NW TS
Conform : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/14/2014 17 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
Back channel : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/21/2014 24 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/21/2014 11 4 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/4/2014 4 1 ######## 3/9/2019 10:53 SP SP
The collector 3.12E+13 CDB 9/4/2014 33 12 7/2/2018 3/7/2019 8:15 RN TS
Ashes to ashes 3.12E+13 CDB 9/17/2014 5 1 ######## 3/21/2019 12:17 SV RN
Neil Armstrong : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/17/2014 29 8 ######## 11/26/2019 9:55 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDB 9/17/2014 6 1 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/15/2014 44 9 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/23/2014 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 SS NW
Ambassador 3.12E+13 CDB 10/23/2014 1 ######## 2/6/2019 13:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 CDB 10/29/2014 7 2 4/2/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/13/2014 34 5 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/13/2014 51 4 ######## 5/17/2019 8:31 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/20/2014 32 11 ######## 11/14/2019 11:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/25/2014 22 7 ######## 7/17/2019 10:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/25/2014 43 12 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/25/2014 18 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN IV
3.12E+13 CDB 12/11/2014 39 4 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
Moriarty ; 3.12E+13 CDB 12/11/2014 38 10 ######## 6/4/2019 12:37 SV TS
Moriarty ; 3.12E+13 CDB 12/11/2014 31 14 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/11/2014 7 2 ######## 2/23/2019 14:27 NW SP
Blood of eagles 3.12E+13 CDB 12/11/2014 32 8 ######## 9/24/2019 10:57 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/30/2014 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NW
Sense and sensibility 3.12E+13 CDB 1/12/2015 31 11 ######## 10/23/2019 8:49 NV TS
Wilderness and other stories 3.12E+13 CDB 1/29/2015 26 5 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/6/2015 22 5 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SV RN
Finding the worm / 3.12E+13 CDB 2/6/2015 1 1 ######## 2/23/2019 14:38 SP SP
Ghettoside : 3.12E+13 CDB 2/6/2015 23 4 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/12/2015 15 2 ######## 2/23/2019 9:38 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDB 2/18/2015 5 ######## 2/8/2019 11:29 SP NW
Madness in Solidar / 3.12E+13 CDB 2/26/2015 7 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SS TS
The recovery 3.12E+13 CDB 3/5/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Frank Einstein and the electro-finger 3.12E+13 CDB 3/11/2015 9 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 SO NV
3.12E+13 CDB 3/11/2015 36 7 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SP TS
The last time we say goodbye / 3.12E+13 CDB 3/18/2015 8 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SP TS
When books went to war : 3.12E+13 CDB 3/25/2015 16 5 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/8/2015 43 7 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 RN TS
Whispering shadows 3.12E+13 CDB 4/23/2015 14 3 ######## 3/29/2019 10:53 SV RN
The bone tree : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/23/2015 30 12 ######## 10/18/2019 8:58 SS TS
Your next breath : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/23/2015 29 9 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/29/2015 22 9 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SC RN
Stolen magic 3.12E+13 CDB 4/29/2015 6 2 4/4/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 NW NV
Beach town : 3.12E+13 CDB 5/12/2015 42 11 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 SS TS
The Whitechapel fiend / 3.12E+13 CDB 5/13/2015 8 1 9/3/2019 11/1/2019 15:40 SC TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/26/2015 40 11 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/27/2015 39 9 ######## 12/13/2019 8:58 RN TS
Jack of spades : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/5/2015 22 3 ######## 9/5/2019 12:56 IV TS
Moone boy : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/5/2015 6 3 8/6/2016 2/8/2019 11:29 NW NW
The rumor : 3.12E+13 CDB 6/16/2015 41 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/26/2015 14 4 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/6/2015 44 7 ######## 8/12/2019 14:49 RN TS
Oh crap! potty training : 3.12E+13 CDB 8/11/2015 18 11 ######## 8/8/2019 14:19 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 8/19/2015 18 3 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/3/2015 20 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/16/2015 5 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/22/2015 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SO
3.12E+13 CDB 9/23/2015 17 4 8/9/2018 2/28/2019 11:14 SC RN
Island of graves / 3.12E+13 CDB 9/23/2015 4 4 7/5/2018 2/20/2019 15:33 NV NV
3.12E+13 CDB 9/23/2015 39 1 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 SO RN
The fiery trial / 3.12E+13 CDB 10/6/2015 8 1 8/4/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 10/14/2015 28 7 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 RN RN
The cold, cold ground : 3.12E+13 CDB 11/10/2015 42 9 ######## 8/12/2019 14:49 IV TS
Cold-hearted rake 3.12E+13 CDB 11/10/2015 23 3 ######## 10/30/2019 14:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/25/2015 27 14 ######## 12/20/2019 9:01 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/3/2015 28 8 ######## 9/5/2019 12:57 SV TS
Destiny and power : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/3/2015 12 2 ######## 4/11/2019 8:21 RN TS
After she's gone 3.12E+13 CDB 12/24/2015 25 10 ######## 10/29/2019 9:55 SV SP
The hunting trip : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/24/2015 30 5 ######## 9/5/2019 12:57 NW TS
The hunting trip : 3.12E+13 CDB 12/24/2015 28 8 ######## 9/5/2019 12:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/7/2016 29 9 ######## 12/20/2019 9:01 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/25/2016 16 4 ######## 10/30/2019 12:41 SS RN
Away in a manger 3.12E+13 CDB 2/4/2016 29 8 ######## 5/24/2019 8:27 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/9/2016 39 13 6/3/2019 7/24/2019 15:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/9/2016 35 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/19/2016 41 3 2/5/2019 5/24/2019 8:27 SV TS
Gone again / 3.12E+13 CDB 3/1/2016 18 13 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 SV TS
Geek girl 3.12E+13 CDB 3/15/2016 1 2 4/2/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 RN RN
Killing grounds 3.12E+13 CDB 3/24/2016 12 4 ######## 5/9/2019 8:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/29/2016 7 3 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
Firstlife 3.12E+13 CDB 4/12/2016 5 3 ######## 11/8/2019 10:33 SS NV
Best of my love 3.12E+13 CDB 4/20/2016 30 4 9/9/2019 9/24/2019 10:58 SS TS
Where the light gets in : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/20/2016 6 4 2/6/2018 3/7/2019 8:15 SS TS
Where the light gets in : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/20/2016 10 5 7/5/2019 8/7/2019 16:42 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDB 4/28/2016 33 8 ######## 10/30/2019 12:37 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/28/2016 28 13 ######## 6/6/2019 15:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 4/28/2016 9 3 7/6/2018 10/30/2019 12:41 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 4/28/2016 11 3 4/1/2017 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/10/2016 2 8/9/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDB 5/14/2016 17 2 1/3/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/26/2016 8 4 ######## 12/3/2019 14:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/26/2016 7 ######## 1/23/2019 10:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/6/2016 18 8 9/9/2018 10/30/2019 12:37 RN RN
The Watts Towers project / 3.12E+13 CDB 6/7/2016 3 ######## 11/8/2019 10:37 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/9/2016 18 6 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 SP TS
Denton Little's deathdate 3.12E+13 CDB 6/22/2016 3 1 ######## 3/21/2019 12:18 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/30/2016 19 2 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/13/2016 6 2 5/2/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
Aunt Dimity and the buried treasure 3.12E+13 CDB 7/19/2016 18 6 ######## 8/9/2019 8:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/21/2016 6 1 4/5/2018 7/25/2019 12:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/22/2016 26 9 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/13/2016 19 7 ######## 10/30/2019 12:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 9/13/2016 24 4 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 9/28/2016 28 2 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NW TS
Wishes for Christmas 3.12E+13 CDB 9/28/2016 12 3 ######## 1/29/2019 13:32 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 10/19/2016 11 7 ######## 4/9/2019 13:57 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDB 10/25/2016 33 11 ######## 10/18/2019 10:48 RN SO
3.12E+13 CDB 10/26/2016 0 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 CDB 11/3/2016 3 1 8/3/2017 2/14/2019 14:18 SO RN
Order to kill 3.12E+13 CDB 11/3/2016 20 5 ######## 11/22/2019 8:53 RN TS
Order to kill 3.12E+13 CDB 11/3/2016 30 3 ######## 11/20/2019 15:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/3/2016 27 11 ######## 3/7/2019 8:15 RN TS
Chaos 3.12E+13 CDB 11/21/2016 26 10 6/4/2019 6/26/2019 14:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/29/2016 19 6 ######## 3/6/2019 13:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/4/2017 1 1 ######## 3/21/2019 12:15 SV RN
Six of crows 3.12E+13 CDB 1/12/2017 13 6 ######## 5/14/2019 9:43 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/30/2017 8 4 ######## 6/27/2019 10:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/30/2017 15 6 5/7/2019 6/13/2019 10:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/6/2017 3 5 5/7/2019 9/17/2019 13:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 2/27/2017 8 7 ######## 9/17/2019 13:14 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 3/28/2017 12 6 ######## 1/18/2019 7:57 RN TS
The crow trap 3.12E+13 CDB 3/28/2017 31 7 5/7/2019 6/10/2019 9:01 IV TS
Detective Cross 3.12E+13 CDB 4/26/2017 36 4 ######## 11/14/2019 13:24 NV TS
Song of the lion 3.12E+13 CDB 5/30/2017 32 4 ######## 10/14/2019 12:34 SO TS
The last coyote 3.12E+13 CDB 6/15/2017 34 2 ######## 7/15/2019 12:31 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 6/29/2017 21 3/8/2019 10/30/2019 12:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDB 6/29/2017 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDB 7/10/2017 12 5 ######## 6/13/2019 9:10 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/24/2017 19 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/21/2017 3 3/5/2018 3/7/2019 8:15 NW TS
Midnight jewel 3.12E+13 CDB 8/21/2017 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDB 8/24/2017 19 4 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 RN TS
The Alice Network : 3.12E+13 CDB 9/27/2017 20 ######## 5/8/2019 14:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/13/2017 21 7 ######## 3/19/2019 14:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDB 11/28/2017 16 4 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/28/2017 14 2 2/6/2019 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/28/2017 23 4 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/13/2017 26 8 ######## 11/6/2019 12:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 1/4/2018 12 4 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 RN TS
Ricochet Joe 3.12E+13 CDB 4/9/2018 16 1 ######## 11/22/2019 8:53 SS TS
Waterloo : 3.12E+13 CDB 4/12/2018 14 3 ######## 4/11/2019 8:22 NV TS
The case for a creator : 3.12E+13 CDB 7/3/2018 1 1 ######## 4/11/2019 9:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDB 7/18/2018 6 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 NW TS
John Woman 3.12E+13 CDB 9/14/2018 7 2 2/1/2019 6/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/6/2018 5 ######## 1/23/2019 14:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/13/2018 13 4 8/6/2019 9/24/2019 10:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDB 11/17/2018 14 ######## 7/10/2019 12:05 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDB 12/6/2018 3 ######## 2/22/2019 8:23 NW SV
3.12E+13 CDB 1/11/2019 11 2 9/6/2019 10/18/2019 8:58 NW TS
Samantha Spinner and the super-secret plans
/ CDB 5/15/2019 3 3 ######## 12/9/2019 15:05 RN TS
Me and Marvin Gardens 3.12E+13 CDB 5/15/2019 1 2 6/2/2019 8/7/2019 14:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDB 5/25/2019 1 1 ######## 11/22/2019 14:51 SV TS
A single thread 3.12E+13 CDB 10/3/2019 2 ######## 10/30/2019 14:42 SO TS
Highway 61 revisited 3.12E+13 CDM 1/25/1994 262 8 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Chicago bound. 3.12E+13 CDM 1/25/1994 211 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
Stand! 3.12E+13 CDM 1/26/1994 177 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SV
Brahms clarinet sonatas and trio : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/13/1995 78 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
3.12E+13 CDM 2/15/1995 107 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
Guitar Passion. 3.12E+13 CDM 2/16/1995 165 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
Ticino 3.12E+13 CDM 3/14/1995 87 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Golden hits 3.12E+13 CDM 11/15/1995 166 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 RN RN
Doc Watson/Memories. 3.12E+13 CDM 1/18/1996 94 6 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Stories without words 3.12E+13 CDM 2/27/1996 63 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SC
Umthombo wamanzi 3.12E+13 CDM 2/29/1996 67 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Main offender 3.12E+13 CDM 11/14/1996 131 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Prime time 3.12E+13 CDM 4/13/1998 112 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SC RN
Children of the world 3.12E+13 CDM 6/4/1998 95 11 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 NW TS
Oremi 3.12E+13 CDM 9/16/1998 64 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Crown of jewels 3.12E+13 CDM 4/6/1999 58 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Rising son 3.12E+13 CDM 6/28/1999 83 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Essential Leo Kottke 3.12E+13 CDM 7/21/1999 97 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
Beethoven: 3.12E+13 CDM 9/8/1999 88 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Love for Pasta, Passion for Opera : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/8/1999 43 4 ######## 12/20/2019 8:08 SO TS
Cantatas 3.12E+13 CDM 9/9/1999 98 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Symphonie n 1 en ut majeur, op. 21 3.12E+13 CDM 9/9/1999 139 18 6/5/2019 6/27/2019 13:50 RN TS
Live, you get what you play for 3.12E+13 CDM 12/1/1999 186 19 ######## 8/2/2019 7:08 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 12/7/1999 132 6 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Unison 3.12E+13 CDM 1/31/2000 11 4 ######## 11/19/2019 14:40 SP TS
Pat the bunny 3.12E+13 CDM 2/23/2000 35 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 NV TS
Chattanooga choo choo : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/24/2000 92 6 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
I've got a right to cry 3.12E+13 CDM 3/8/2000 54 3 2/5/2018 10/12/2019 13:39 SS RN
The Masters 3.12E+13 CDM 3/8/2000 143 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Brazilian romance 3.12E+13 CDM 3/9/2000 88 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Robin Hood, 3.12E+13 CDM 3/22/2000 90 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Love & lullabies : 3.12E+13 CDM 5/1/2000 63 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
TROUBLE 3.12E+13 CDM 6/19/2000 150 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Celtic voices 3.12E+13 CDM 6/21/2000 140 9 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
The Statlers greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 9/28/2000 108 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SP RN
Absolute heaven : 3.12E+13 CDM 10/4/2000 155 4 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 SV TS
Shakin' a tailfeather 3.12E+13 CDM 10/25/2000 61 4 6/5/2018 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 11/2/2000 101 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDM 1/23/2001 100 5 8/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SO
Water from the well 3.12E+13 CDM 1/23/2001 139 6 ######## 1/11/2019 17:32 RN RN
Friends 3.12E+13 CDM 4/2/2001 39 3 8/3/2017 2/14/2019 14:21 SO TS
A Sugar Beats Christmas 3.12E+13 CDM 12/12/2001 73 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 NW TS
A Sugar Beats Christmas 3.12E+13 CDM 12/12/2001 39 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
Santana 3.12E+13 CDM 2/1/2002 177 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
Circle game : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/20/2002 91 7 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 NV TS
Lovers rock 3.12E+13 CDM 3/13/2002 152 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 CDM 3/13/2002 136 3 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
Christmas interpretations 3.12E+13 CDM 4/6/2002 57 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Burl Ives sings Little white duck 3.12E+13 CDM 4/11/2002 42 12 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 12/3/2002 240 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Animal crackers in my soup : 3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2002 72 6 ######## 1/16/2019 10:49 SS TS
For our children 10 : 3.12E+13 CDM 1/3/2003 73 6 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDM 2/5/2003 27 2/7/2018 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
Motown 1970s. 3.12E+13 CDM 2/10/2003 157 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NW
The best of-- 3.12E+13 CDM 2/10/2003 78 1 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SP
Men in black II : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/10/2003 93 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Legacy 3.12E+13 CDM 3/20/2003 111 7 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
A is for Allah 3.12E+13 CDM 9/3/2003 14 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SP TS
Bridge over troubled water : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/4/2003 33 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Don't fear the reverb 3.12E+13 CDM 9/24/2003 52 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SV
3.12E+13 CDM 10/16/2003 40 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
No alternative 3.12E+13 CDM 11/24/2003 86 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
Brokedown palace : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/24/2003 40 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2003 24 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
You are my sunshine 3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2003 126 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Alison Krauss + Union Station live 3.12E+13 CDM 12/31/2003 173 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SC RN
Wee sing around the world 3.12E+13 CDM 1/15/2004 80 12 1/3/2018 2/14/2019 14:21 SO TS
Order in the court 3.12E+13 CDM 3/2/2004 69 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
The best of Bach 3.12E+13 CDM 4/19/2004 89 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
Jaco Pastorius 3.12E+13 CDM 4/19/2004 60 2 ######## 7/16/2019 13:50 SS RN
Best of Patti LaBelle 3.12E+13 CDM 4/19/2004 97 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Even kids get the blues 3.12E+13 CDM 8/10/2004 40 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
Gypsy soul 3.12E+13 CDM 8/23/2004 102 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NW
Garden State : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/9/2004 114 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
Fever to tell 3.12E+13 CDM 9/13/2004 124 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
No angel 3.12E+13 CDM 10/5/2004 123 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Those were our songs : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/4/2004 122 7 ######## 8/31/2019 14:45 SS SC
Bob the Builder, the album 3.12E+13 CDM 11/22/2004 57 2 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
A new day at midnight 3.12E+13 CDM 11/23/2004 85 2 6/8/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 SO GE
The rebirth of Kirk Franklin 3.12E+13 CDM 11/23/2004 79 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Hooked on Classics / 3.12E+13 CDM 12/12/2004 37 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
98 degrees this Christmas 3.12E+13 CDM 1/4/2005 37 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
Frederic Chopin 3.12E+13 CDM 1/25/2005 35 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NW
The Aviator : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/9/2005 17 3/8/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Bring home the holidays 3.12E+13 CDM 2/17/2005 18 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
Hangover you don't deserve 3.12E+13 CDM 2/25/2005 114 2 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SO RN
Life goes on 3.12E+13 CDM 3/9/2005 91 7 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
The essential Bruce Springsteen 3.12E+13 CDM 3/15/2005 183 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SV
Lyte as a rock 3.12E+13 CDM 3/23/2005 49 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Stone cold rhymin' 3.12E+13 CDM 3/23/2005 101 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Tesoros de colección. 3.12E+13 CDM 3/24/2005 50 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 TR SS
Pa Toda mi raza...Eso! / 3.12E+13 CDM 3/24/2005 40 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
Diamonds and pearls 3.12E+13 CDM 5/12/2005 81 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO IV
Music in the time of Shakespeare : 3.12E+13 CDM 7/14/2005 44 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Symphony no. 9 in D minor, op. 125 ("choral")
3.12E+13 CDM 8/18/2005 38 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
Don't blink 3.12E+13 CDM 8/29/2005 52 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NW RN
Never gone 3.12E+13 CDM 9/15/2005 72 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Supreme : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/27/2005 80 4 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2005 43 ######## 4/16/2019 14:54 SV TS
Symphony no. 6 3.12E+13 CDM 11/21/2005 24 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
Plans 3.12E+13 CDM 12/19/2005 128 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
Tracy Chapman 3.12E+13 CDM 12/27/2005 93 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Pay the devil 3.12E+13 CDM 1/24/2006 122 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDM 2/14/2006 58 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR SV
Magic time 3.12E+13 CDM 2/14/2006 109 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SC RN
Catching tales 3.12E+13 CDM 3/6/2006 32 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
A profile of Patsy Cline / 3.12E+13 CDM 3/14/2006 81 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Born to run 3.12E+13 CDM 3/23/2006 67 3 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SC RN
3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2006 95 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Sweeney Todd : 3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2006 85 4 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SO RN
Mescalero 3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2006 132 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Having the blues under European sky 3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2006 79 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Sing me back home 3.12E+13 CDM 4/18/2006 65 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Oral fixation. 3.12E+13 CDM 5/8/2006 130 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Supernature 3.12E+13 CDM 5/8/2006 78 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Forrest Gump 3.12E+13 CDM 5/25/2006 124 7 ######## 6/26/2019 15:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 CDM 5/31/2006 70 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
The hits 3.12E+13 CDM 6/7/2006 158 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SP
What a way to play! 3.12E+13 CDM 7/20/2006 42 1 3/8/2019 9/30/2019 8:09 NW TS
The best of Earth, Wind & Fire. 3.12E+13 CDM 7/20/2006 126 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
Live at Ludlow Garage, 1970 3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2006 101 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
We are The Laurie Berkner Band 3.12E+13 CDM 8/28/2006 79 14 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
The art of flamenco 3.12E+13 CDM 9/11/2006 71 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
Sound vibrational healing / 3.12E+13 CDM 10/23/2006 85 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Grey's anatomy : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2006 82 5 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Fulfillingness' first finale 3.12E+13 CDM 11/9/2006 65 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Ain't no other man 3.12E+13 CDM 11/20/2006 48 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NV RN
Mommy knows best 3.12E+13 CDM 12/21/2006 25 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
Daughtry 3.12E+13 CDM 12/28/2006 147 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
The road we're on 3.12E+13 CDM 12/28/2006 76 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Portable sounds 3.12E+13 CDM 1/25/2007 87 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
Collaborations 3.12E+13 CDM 1/25/2007 57 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDM 2/28/2007 65 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SC RN
A beautiful lie 3.12E+13 CDM 2/28/2007 92 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians 3.12E+13 CDM 3/26/2007 80 3 ######## 11/13/2019 13:52 SO TS
Don't mess with the dragon 3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2007 57 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NV SP
Mission Temple fireworks stand 3.12E+13 CDM 5/2/2007 34 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SP
Machina : 3.12E+13 CDM 5/11/2007 118 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Whatcha lookin' 4 3.12E+13 CDM 6/12/2007 37 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
New magnetic wonder 3.12E+13 CDM 6/18/2007 39 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
Violent Femmes 3.12E+13 CDM 6/27/2007 88 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
Are you listening? 3.12E+13 CDM 6/27/2007 60 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Billboard top R & B hits, 1967 3.12E+13 CDM 8/7/2007 104 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/8/2007 104 3 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Let the good times roll : 3.12E+13 CDM 8/23/2007 59 2 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
3.12E+13 CDM 9/5/2007 87 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
High school musical. 3.12E+13 CDM 9/24/2007 76 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
You are my little bird 3.12E+13 CDM 9/27/2007 50 15 9/5/2018 2/14/2019 14:21 NW TS
Shining light : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/27/2007 10 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
Two sevens clash 3.12E+13 CDM 10/1/2007 40 2 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 TR SP
3.12E+13 CDM 10/11/2007 82 4 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
Magic Sam live 3.12E+13 CDM 10/12/2007 41 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
Carrying your love with me 3.12E+13 CDM 10/22/2007 107 5 9/3/2019 9/23/2019 8:31 SO TS
Forever cool 3.12E+13 CDM 11/6/2007 125 10 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 14:20 SV TS
Ananda 3.12E+13 CDM 11/19/2007 18 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SS
#NAME? 3.12E+13 CDM 11/27/2007 58 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Best of. 3.12E+13 CDM 11/28/2007 166 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Boats, beaches, bars & ballads 3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2007 82 2 ######## 10/1/2019 13:17 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 1/3/2008 89 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The kite runner 3.12E+13 CDM 1/10/2008 36 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Putumayo Kids present Reggae playground3.12E+13 CDM 1/11/2008 59 13 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 IV TS
Funk this 3.12E+13 CDM 3/24/2008 68 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Free at last : 3.12E+13 CDM 4/1/2008 32 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
E=mc² 3.12E+13 CDM 5/5/2008 88 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
The soul sessions 3.12E+13 CDM 5/8/2008 89 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Rockferry 3.12E+13 CDM 7/1/2008 61 7 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
You taught my heart to sing 3.12E+13 CDM 8/8/2008 31 4 ######## 5/21/2019 14:01 NW TS
Listos, montados y armados 3.12E+13 CDM 8/13/2008 48 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SS
Putumayo Kids presents Brazilian Playground
3.12E+13 CDM 8/29/2008 55 13 ######## 5/7/2019 9:18 IV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 9/23/2008 33 5 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 9/24/2008 77 5 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW NW
3.12E+13 CDM 10/15/2008 45 19 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SO TS
Peter and the wolf 3.12E+13 CDM 10/27/2008 38 11 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 VE RN
Juanita the Spanish lobster 3.12E+13 CDM 10/27/2008 10 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
Camp Lisa 3.12E+13 CDM 10/27/2008 33 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
Evolver 3.12E+13 CDM 11/3/2008 70 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2008 39 7 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 RN TS
Twilight : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/14/2008 96 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Soul 3.12E+13 CDM 11/21/2008 86 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 11/21/2008 81 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Dark horse 3.12E+13 CDM 12/1/2008 34 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
The RCA years 1967-1986 3.12E+13 CDM 12/9/2008 66 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Human 3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2008 53 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Atlantic R&B 1947-1974 3.12E+13 CDM 12/24/2008 72 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
El mundo se equivoca & algo mas 3.12E+13 CDM 12/26/2008 50 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
3.12E+13 CDM 12/30/2008 84 8 ######## 6/25/2019 8:06 SS TS
A different me 3.12E+13 CDM 1/9/2009 69 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
And winter came 3.12E+13 CDM 1/9/2009 83 7 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Unstoppable 3.12E+13 CDM 1/12/2009 71 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NW
Sweeping up the spotlight 3.12E+13 CDM 2/2/2009 85 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS NW
The best of the Modern years 3.12E+13 CDM 2/4/2009 63 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Beware of the dog 3.12E+13 CDM 2/5/2009 53 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
More guitar : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/9/2009 48 5 ######## 3/7/2019 10:45 SS TS
Honky tonk angels 3.12E+13 CDM 2/11/2009 16 3 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SC
Women who rock I 3.12E+13 CDM 2/26/2009 113 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 VE RN
So 3.12E+13 CDM 3/6/2009 54 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SS
3.12E+13 CDM 3/9/2009 27 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
4:13 dream 3.12E+13 CDM 3/30/2009 110 2 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
Willie Nelson 3.12E+13 CDM 4/2/2009 76 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SP
150 toddler tunes 3.12E+13 CDM 4/20/2009 60 7 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 CDM 5/6/2009 64 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
Regular Joe 3.12E+13 CDM 5/7/2009 30 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Universe of song. 3.12E+13 CDM 5/21/2009 51 15 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SO TS
The dance 3.12E+13 CDM 5/27/2009 98 7 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
Music from the heart : 3.12E+13 CDM 5/28/2009 15 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Live at Sweetwater 3.12E+13 CDM 5/28/2009 88 8 5/7/2019 5/14/2019 14:13 NV TS
Pulp fiction : 3.12E+13 CDM 6/10/2009 36 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 VE SV
El que la hace la paga 3.12E+13 CDM 6/11/2009 25 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
Summer in the city 3.12E+13 CDM 6/11/2009 55 5 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Jesus Christ superstar 3.12E+13 CDM 6/11/2009 15 2 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 IV RN
Taking a chance on love 3.12E+13 CDM 6/19/2009 32 5 ######## 9/22/2019 13:28 NV RN
Greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 6/22/2009 62 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SP
Greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 6/26/2009 116 2 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
Klymaxx 3.12E+13 CDM 7/1/2009 37 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Sweet home Alabama : 3.12E+13 CDM 7/1/2009 45 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
Don't tread on me 3.12E+13 CDM 7/15/2009 66 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
Leave this town 3.12E+13 CDM 8/11/2009 72 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
(The album) 3.12E+13 CDM 8/20/2009 71 1 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Abnormally attracted to sin 3.12E+13 CDM 8/26/2009 56 7 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Imperial blaze 3.12E+13 CDM 8/27/2009 68 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
Rearviewmirror 3.12E+13 CDM 9/2/2009 91 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO SV
Learning to crawl 3.12E+13 CDM 9/9/2009 81 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Freaky Friday : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/15/2009 64 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
James Taylor's greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 9/17/2009 71 6 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy 3.12E+13 CDM 10/9/2009 39 2 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 10/19/2009 101 10 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Humbug 3.12E+13 CDM 10/20/2009 90 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDM 11/9/2009 58 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDM 11/18/2009 49 7 ######## 1/16/2019 10:49 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 11/19/2009 16 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS NW
Battle studies 3.12E+13 CDM 11/24/2009 75 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
3.12E+13 CDM 12/17/2009 77 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
Abbey Road 3.12E+13 CDM 1/7/2010 117 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 VE RN
Great Organ Works / 3.12E+13 CDM 1/7/2010 15 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
Metamorphosis 3.12E+13 CDM 1/7/2010 98 10 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
Greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 1/11/2010 95 2 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Kris Allen 3.12E+13 CDM 1/13/2010 55 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
Sex therapy 3.12E+13 CDM 1/13/2010 52 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SV
Now that's what I call love 3.12E+13 CDM 2/11/2010 138 22 5/7/2019 6/5/2019 15:39 SO TS
The boy who knew too much 3.12E+13 CDM 3/2/2010 32 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 3/7/2010 30 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
The grass is blue 3.12E+13 CDM 3/8/2010 46 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
Bedtime stories 3.12E+13 CDM 3/8/2010 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
Essential Robin Trower 3.12E+13 CDM 3/30/2010 94 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Divided by night 3.12E+13 CDM 4/2/2010 77 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
Pretenders / 3.12E+13 CDM 4/5/2010 71 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Freight train 3.12E+13 CDM 4/6/2010 61 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Break the cycle 3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2010 39 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Best of Don Williams, volume II 3.12E+13 CDM 4/14/2010 27 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Hierba mala nunca muere 3.12E+13 CDM 4/23/2010 26 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SS
El cartel : 3.12E+13 CDM 4/26/2010 37 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
Babies go Beatles 3.12E+13 CDM 4/28/2010 35 9 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDM 5/11/2010 51 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDM 5/11/2010 58 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
The little mermaid 3.12E+13 CDM 5/12/2010 79 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
20 bluegrass originals 3.12E+13 CDM 5/18/2010 66 3 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
From the heart 3.12E+13 CDM 5/18/2010 23 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
Now that's what I call party hits! 3.12E+13 CDM 6/16/2010 103 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SP
Oracular spectacular 3.12E+13 CDM 6/16/2010 76 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
Oracular spectacular 3.12E+13 CDM 6/16/2010 85 10 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SS RN
Time bomb 3.12E+13 CDM 6/16/2010 33 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
Victory 3.12E+13 CDM 6/16/2010 83 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
Symphony no. 25 in G minor, KV183 3.12E+13 CDM 6/24/2010 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 TR SP
Let's go to the movies 3.12E+13 CDM 6/24/2010 3 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SS
3.12E+13 CDM 6/25/2010 40 2 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
Breathe 3.12E+13 CDM 7/7/2010 82 8 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
Men in black, the album 3.12E+13 CDM 7/7/2010 56 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
Ultimate collection 3.12E+13 CDM 7/7/2010 40 9 9/3/2019 9/24/2019 9:13 SS TS
Too legit to quit 3.12E+13 CDM 7/12/2010 54 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
Pizza boogie 3.12E+13 CDM 7/20/2010 31 8 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDM 7/28/2010 92 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Korn III 3.12E+13 CDM 7/28/2010 100 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
Debussy for daydreaming : 3.12E+13 CDM 7/29/2010 38 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NV
The lake house 3.12E+13 CDM 7/29/2010 32 4 7/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
You won't ever be lonely 3.12E+13 CDM 7/29/2010 30 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
A Mannheim Sampler 3.12E+13 CDM 7/29/2010 27 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:13 RN TS
Now that's what I call the U.S.A. 3.12E+13 CDM 8/12/2010 65 5 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
Hot Peas 'n Butter. 3.12E+13 CDM 8/17/2010 18 4 8/7/2018 2/14/2019 14:21 RN TS
Beat this! 3.12E+13 CDM 8/18/2010 61 11 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
Maya 3.12E+13 CDM 8/18/2010 26 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Sally the swinging snake 3.12E+13 CDM 8/18/2010 15 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
The blues book 3.12E+13 CDM 9/23/2010 16 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Wake up! 3.12E+13 CDM 9/24/2010 53 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Life turns electric 3.12E+13 CDM 10/14/2010 68 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Feels like today 3.12E+13 CDM 10/21/2010 89 10 ######## 10/15/2019 9:35 SO RN
The Beatles 3.12E+13 CDM 10/25/2010 155 14 ######## 3/14/2019 11:42 SS TS
AC/DC live 3.12E+13 CDM 10/26/2010 82 4 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 VE SP
Let's dance 3.12E+13 CDM 11/3/2010 41 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SV
Loud 3.12E+13 CDM 11/23/2010 90 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Libra scale 3.12E+13 CDM 11/30/2010 65 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 CDM 11/30/2010 72 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDM 12/13/2010 49 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
No mercy 3.12E+13 CDM 12/16/2010 40 4 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
My kinda party 3.12E+13 CDM 1/4/2011 89 9 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
Hits alive 3.12E+13 CDM 1/4/2011 114 22 ######## 9/27/2019 9:35 NV TS
Los Vaqueros, el regreso 3.12E+13 CDM 1/27/2011 32 6 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
One more love 3.12E+13 CDM 1/27/2011 66 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NV SP
Now that's what I call music! 3.12E+13 CDM 2/15/2011 93 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Disney soundtracks collection 3.12E+13 CDM 2/24/2011 114 31 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
Going out in style 3.12E+13 CDM 3/8/2011 78 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SV
The Velvet Underground & Nico 3.12E+13 CDM 3/10/2011 57 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDM 3/16/2011 96 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
Pornography 3.12E+13 CDM 3/16/2011 58 7 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
The best of Bud Powell on Verve 3.12E+13 CDM 3/16/2011 31 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
How the Grinch stole Christmas 3.12E+13 CDM 3/23/2011 31 8 9/1/2018 2/14/2019 14:21 NW TS
The Bodyguard : 3.12E+13 CDM 3/24/2011 29 4 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDM 4/12/2011 66 6 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDM 4/25/2011 39 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
The fall 3.12E+13 CDM 4/25/2011 89 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
In your dreams 3.12E+13 CDM 5/6/2011 59 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Fresh horses 3.12E+13 CDM 5/26/2011 39 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDM 5/29/2011 9 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Sacred fire : 3.12E+13 CDM 6/7/2011 31 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS RN
Back to back hits 3.12E+13 CDM 6/8/2011 30 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SC
Destroyed 3.12E+13 CDM 6/10/2011 37 3 4/9/2015 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Hot sauce committee. 3.12E+13 CDM 6/14/2011 57 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NW
Suck it and see 3.12E+13 CDM 6/14/2011 53 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SP
3.12E+13 CDM 6/16/2011 56 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SC SP
The love below 3.12E+13 CDM 6/17/2011 75 8 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
101 crazy jokes for kids 3.12E+13 CDM 6/28/2011 54 15 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SS TS
This loud morning 3.12E+13 CDM 7/13/2011 31 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
4 3.12E+13 CDM 7/14/2011 59 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
The ultimate collection 3.12E+13 CDM 7/20/2011 12 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Just me 3.12E+13 CDM 8/4/2011 50 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Tailgates & tanlines 3.12E+13 CDM 8/16/2011 57 6 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
Phineas and Ferb across the 1st and 2nd dimensions
3.12E+13 CDM 8/25/2011 66 14 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
The original Jill Scott from the vault. 3.12E+13 CDM 9/13/2011 42 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 9/15/2011 52 8 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
Own the night 3.12E+13 CDM 9/15/2011 79 4 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Passion, pain & pleasure 3.12E+13 CDM 9/23/2011 41 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Re(disc)overed 3.12E+13 CDM 9/28/2011 54 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Neighborhoods 3.12E+13 CDM 9/29/2011 72 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
When the sun goes down 3.12E+13 CDM 10/6/2011 22 4 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 VE SV
In pieces 3.12E+13 CDM 10/11/2011 32 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV NW
More greatest hits 3.12E+13 CDM 10/11/2011 48 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
Love deluxe 3.12E+13 CDM 10/13/2011 25 5 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 10/13/2011 61 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NW
Short works for piano 3.12E+13 CDM 10/17/2011 17 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NW
One hot minute 3.12E+13 CDM 10/24/2011 62 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SP
Come on pilgrim 3.12E+13 CDM 10/24/2011 36 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Square dance fun for everyone 3.12E+13 CDM 10/31/2011 14 10 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 RN TS
Fairy tale songs 3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2011 79 34 ######## 4/12/2019 10:37 NV TS
World tour live : 3.12E+13 CDM 1/6/2012 71 19 ######## 8/2/2019 7:08 SO TS
35 aniversario 3.12E+13 CDM 1/19/2012 23 5 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Headless cross 3.12E+13 CDM 2/10/2012 48 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Dirt 3.12E+13 CDM 2/10/2012 61 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
2012 Grammy nominees 3.12E+13 CDM 2/13/2012 73 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 2/24/2012 35 6 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Sleeping beauty 3.12E+13 CDM 2/27/2012 51 7 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 RN TS
Th1rt3en 3.12E+13 CDM 2/27/2012 67 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
A Jewish odyssey 3.12E+13 CDM 3/5/2012 24 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SP
Slow dancing in the fifties 3.12E+13 CDM 3/5/2012 28 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
A light in the attic 3.12E+13 CDM 3/5/2012 43 15 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SV TS
Swordfishtrombones 3.12E+13 CDM 3/5/2012 31 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 TS SS
3.12E+13 CDM 3/9/2012 64 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Kids in the street 3.12E+13 CDM 3/9/2012 33 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
AC/DC live 3.12E+13 CDM 3/19/2012 64 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SV
Sevens 3.12E+13 CDM 3/21/2012 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NW
The B-52's 3.12E+13 CDM 3/22/2012 54 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV NW
The razors edge 3.12E+13 CDM 3/22/2012 55 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Visions 3.12E+13 CDM 3/26/2012 40 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
Endgame 3.12E+13 CDM 4/11/2012 61 6 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
Breezin' 3.12E+13 CDM 4/16/2012 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 4/16/2012 40 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
United abominations 3.12E+13 CDM 4/17/2012 30 2 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
Disintegration 3.12E+13 CDM 4/18/2012 40 4 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Indestructible 3.12E+13 CDM 4/20/2012 40 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 CDM 5/8/2012 25 15 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SP TS
Mariah Carey 3.12E+13 CDM 5/11/2012 27 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
For the masses 3.12E+13 CDM 5/14/2012 31 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 5/21/2012 76 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Every picture tells a story 3.12E+13 CDM 5/21/2012 27 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
Fifty years : 3.12E+13 CDM 5/23/2012 20 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Now that's what I call music! 3.12E+13 CDM 6/11/2012 66 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Greatest hits : 3.12E+13 CDM 6/11/2012 47 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Digital bullet 3.12E+13 CDM 6/25/2012 30 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SP
Flashpoint 3.12E+13 CDM 6/25/2012 40 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
30 years [of] Tejano music memories. 3.12E+13 CDM 7/9/2012 8 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SS
3.12E+13 CDM 7/9/2012 26 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 7/9/2012 27 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
That's why God made the radio 3.12E+13 CDM 7/9/2012 38 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Classic R&B 3.12E+13 CDM 7/13/2012 37 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
Man overboard 3.12E+13 CDM 7/13/2012 18 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDM 7/19/2012 12 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Almost famous : 3.12E+13 CDM 7/19/2012 52 5 ######## 2/23/2019 15:45 NV NWD
Rhythm country and blues 3.12E+13 CDM 8/14/2012 13 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SP
Greatest hits. 3.12E+13 CDM 8/14/2012 52 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
Waiting to exhale: 3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2012 12 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2012 17 1 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
Now & forever : 3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2012 36 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
Fancy free 3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2012 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV NW
Ni es lo mismo ni es igual 3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2012 14 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV
Beats, rhymes and life 3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2012 41 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
Channel orange 3.12E+13 CDM 8/21/2012 43 8 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/21/2012 35 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Take a vacation! 3.12E+13 CDM 8/21/2012 15 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Careless world : 3.12E+13 CDM 9/13/2012 33 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
Undisputed 3.12E+13 CDM 9/13/2012 54 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Beacon Theatre: 3.12E+13 CDM 10/5/2012 70 18 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDM 10/9/2012 31 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Wild ones 3.12E+13 CDM 10/9/2012 51 6 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
No strings attached 3.12E+13 CDM 10/12/2012 37 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
R.e.d. 3.12E+13 CDM 11/3/2012 37 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
R.e.d. 3.12E+13 CDM 11/3/2012 32 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Now that's what I call music . 3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2012 45 11 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDM 11/9/2012 35 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Nothing but the beat 2.0 3.12E+13 CDM 11/16/2012 58 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
Girl on fire 3.12E+13 CDM 11/21/2012 46 5 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Jesus piece 3.12E+13 CDM 12/6/2012 23 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 12/19/2012 67 17 ######## 10/14/2019 8:40 SS TS
She's got a way : 3.12E+13 CDM 1/18/2013 29 3 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 CDM 1/30/2013 78 27 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDM 2/5/2013 39 8 9/3/2019 9/24/2019 9:12 NW TS
Mad about Beethoven 3.12E+13 CDM 2/14/2013 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NW
Beautiful creatures : 3.12E+13 CDM 3/14/2013 16 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Set you free 3.12E+13 CDM 3/14/2013 49 6 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 NV TS
Based on a true story... 3.12E+13 CDM 3/21/2013 38 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
Comedown machine 3.12E+13 CDM 3/21/2013 30 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDM 3/21/2013 41 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
2013 Grammy nominees 3.12E+13 CDM 3/27/2013 41 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SP
3.12E+13 CDM 4/17/2013 49 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
To be loved 3.12E+13 CDM 4/18/2013 38 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SP
Hellbilly deluxe 3.12E+13 CDM 5/14/2013 33 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
The heist 3.12E+13 CDM 5/29/2013 44 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Mosquito 3.12E+13 CDM 5/29/2013 31 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
The essential Daryl Hall and John Oates 3.12E+13 CDM 6/4/2013 35 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
3.12E+13 CDM 6/4/2013 52 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
Hunter hayes encore 3.12E+13 CDM 6/17/2013 35 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
Mothership 3.12E+13 CDM 6/30/2013 36 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
The chase 3.12E+13 CDM 7/11/2013 20 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV
VH1 storytellers 3.12E+13 CDM 7/31/2013 35 11 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
Gold / 3.12E+13 CDM 7/31/2013 17 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 7/31/2013 35 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Ciara / 3.12E+13 CDM 7/31/2013 21 4 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
The essential Elvis Presley 3.12E+13 CDM 7/31/2013 30 5 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Magna Carta Holy Grail / 3.12E+13 CDM 7/31/2013 38 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS SP
Crash my party 3.12E+13 CDM 8/7/2013 40 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
One true vine 3.12E+13 CDM 8/12/2013 21 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
One true vine 3.12E+13 CDM 8/12/2013 27 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/13/2013 20 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
IV play 3.12E+13 CDM 8/27/2013 29 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SP
3.12E+13 CDM 9/25/2013 27 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 CDM 9/26/2013 36 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
Lightning bolt 3.12E+13 CDM 10/9/2013 29 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
The paradigm shift 3.12E+13 CDM 10/9/2013 27 2 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
20 3.12E+13 CDM 10/11/2013 17 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Justified 3.12E+13 CDM 10/16/2013 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 10/23/2013 11 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
The best that I could do : 3.12E+13 CDM 10/28/2013 19 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2013 42 11 ######## 9/11/2019 10:23 RN TS
Haircut 3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2013 12 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2013 22 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 CDM 11/8/2013 34 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
Baptized 3.12E+13 CDM 11/13/2013 20 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Baptized 3.12E+13 CDM 11/13/2013 16 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDM 11/13/2013 32 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Now that's what i call music 48 3.12E+13 CDM 11/13/2013 27 4 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
The wrong side of heaven and the righteous
side of hell
CDMvolume 2 11/13/2013 35 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
Magnetic 3.12E+13 CDM 12/4/2013 23 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Godsmack 3.12E+13 CDM 12/17/2013 20 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
We walk the line : 3.12E+13 CDM 12/19/2013 61 6 ######## 6/18/2019 7:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDM 12/31/2013 29 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
Is there anybody out there? 3.12E+13 CDM 1/16/2014 24 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NV
3.12E+13 CDM 1/16/2014 28 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Anchorman 2 : 3.12E+13 CDM 1/21/2014 21 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Todo comienza otra vez 3.12E+13 CDM 1/21/2014 2 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 SO TS
All is lost : 3.12E+13 CDM 1/21/2014 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
The violin sonatas 3.12E+13 CDM 1/21/2014 13 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NW
Like clockwork 3.12E+13 CDM 1/29/2014 16 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 CDM 1/29/2014 21 4 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
I love you 3.12E+13 CDM 1/29/2014 20 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 CDM 1/30/2014 23 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SV
Oxymoron 3.12E+13 CDM 2/20/2014 26 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Now that's what I call country : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/25/2014 72 12 8/5/2018 1/16/2019 12:19 SS TS
Louder 3.12E+13 CDM 2/27/2014 13 1 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Making mirrors 3.12E+13 CDM 2/28/2014 16 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Ballads 3.12E+13 CDM 2/28/2014 26 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Oh what a life 3.12E+13 CDM 3/13/2014 25 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Rise of an empire 3.12E+13 CDM 3/13/2014 18 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
3.12E+13 CDM 3/13/2014 57 19 8/7/2019 10/14/2019 8:40 SP TS
Burn 3.12E+13 CDM 3/19/2014 21 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV NW
3.12E+13 CDM 3/20/2014 23 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Shakira 3.12E+13 CDM 3/20/2014 20 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SS
3.12E+13 CDM 5/2/2014 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
Inspirato 3.12E+13 CDM 5/9/2014 11 4 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Platinum : 3.12E+13 CDM 5/30/2014 11 2 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP NW
You are loved 3.12E+13 CDM 6/5/2014 11 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
DConstructed 3.12E+13 CDM 6/20/2014 34 8 ######## 5/6/2019 8:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 CDM 6/20/2014 32 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDM 6/23/2014 25 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
Rockabye baby! 3.12E+13 CDM 6/26/2014 5 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SS
The fault in our stars : 3.12E+13 CDM 6/26/2014 27 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 7/30/2014 17 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 CDM 7/30/2014 25 4 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
Jazz for people who are shorter than me 3.12E+13 CDM 8/6/2014 4 4 ######## 2/14/2019 14:21 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 8/6/2014 16 5 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
X 3.12E+13 CDM 8/6/2014 69 16 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 IV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/8/2014 9 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 IV RN
Songs kids really love to sing : 3.12E+13 CDM 8/8/2014 13 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
Chavela Vargas con La Rondalla del Amor de
Saltillo CDM 8/8/2014 21 2 ######## 1/11/2019 17:31 SV RN
Warped tour : 3.12E+13 CDM 8/13/2014 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
3.12E+13 CDM 8/15/2014 16 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/20/2014 14 3 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SV GE
Seen it all : 3.12E+13 CDM 8/29/2014 16 1 3/4/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Nirvana 3.12E+13 CDM 9/10/2014 10 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
The ultimate hits 3.12E+13 CDM 9/12/2014 20 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
Indie Cindy 3.12E+13 CDM 9/24/2014 15 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 9/25/2014 11 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
3.12E+13 CDM 9/30/2014 12 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Dookie 3.12E+13 CDM 10/9/2014 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Heart on my sleeve 3.12E+13 CDM 10/14/2014 11 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NV NW
Old boots, new dirt 3.12E+13 CDM 10/20/2014 14 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
I don't dance 3.12E+13 CDM 10/21/2014 61 16 ######## 8/19/2019 8:53 NW TS
3.12E+13 CDM 10/22/2014 18 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS NW
Tornado 3.12E+13 CDM 10/22/2014 43 4 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 RN TS
Black star elephant 3.12E+13 CDM 10/30/2014 4 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 CDM 11/3/2014 15 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 CDM 11/3/2014 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Singers and songwriters : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/10/2014 16 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 11/18/2014 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NW
Kool and the Gang 3.12E+13 CDM 11/25/2014 4 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SP
Kings & queens of the underground 3.12E+13 CDM 11/25/2014 11 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 11/25/2014 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
A better tomorrow 3.12E+13 CDM 12/2/2014 9 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
Lullaby renditions of Maroon 5 - V 3.12E+13 CDM 12/2/2014 10 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP NV
Rock or bust / 3.12E+13 CDM 12/2/2014 12 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 CDM 12/11/2014 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NW
Hood billionaire 3.12E+13 CDM 12/16/2014 5 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 CDM 12/16/2014 9 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
3.12E+13 CDM 12/16/2014 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
Ultra 2015. 3.12E+13 CDM 12/18/2014 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Salinger : 3.12E+13 CDM 12/23/2014 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Gone girl : 3.12E+13 CDM 1/5/2015 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 1/15/2015 9 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Fan of a fan : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/19/2015 5 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP TR
First kiss 3.12E+13 CDM 2/19/2015 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SV
Song one : 3.12E+13 CDM 2/24/2015 4 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
They want my soul 3.12E+13 CDM 2/24/2015 9 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
Non-fiction 3.12E+13 CDM 3/10/2015 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
Ludaversal 3.12E+13 CDM 3/27/2015 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
The past, the present, the future 3.12E+13 CDM 4/9/2015 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
If you're reading this it's too late 3.12E+13 CDM 4/16/2015 5 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
If you're reading this it's too late 3.12E+13 CDM 4/16/2015 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NW
Fly international luxurious art 3.12E+13 CDM 4/23/2015 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
Neon future II 3.12E+13 CDM 5/8/2015 7 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDM 5/22/2015 8 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Hollywood : 3.12E+13 CDM 6/3/2015 5 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Before we forgot how to dream 3.12E+13 CDM 7/28/2015 9 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 7/29/2015 20 ######## 12/11/2019 7:54 SO TS
Kill the lights 3.12E+13 CDM 8/7/2015 43 17 ######## 1/12/2019 14:39 NW NV
Living legend 3.12E+13 CDM 11/13/2015 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 11/24/2015 60 9 ######## 8/31/2019 14:34 RN SP
Carol : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/25/2015 4 6/3/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SC TS
3.12E+13 CDM 11/25/2015 11 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NW RN
Wake Up! 3.12E+13 CDM 12/3/2015 0 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 12/11/2015 8 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDM 2/24/2016 45 25 ######## 1/11/2019 17:33 RN NW
Pride and prejudice and zombies : 3.12E+13 CDM 3/9/2016 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Party rock mansion 3.12E+13 CDM 3/18/2016 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 3/22/2016 6 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Manh(a)ttan : 3.12E+13 CDM 4/4/2016 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
Life on Earth 3.12E+13 CDM 4/13/2016 9 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
The documentary 2/2.5 3.12E+13 CDM 4/29/2016 29 7 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
3.12E+13 CDM 5/3/2016 12 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SS RN
Black summers' night 3.12E+13 CDM 7/6/2016 9 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
Big hits of the 80's. 3.12E+13 CDM 7/19/2016 59 23 9/3/2019 9/24/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDM 9/1/2016 14 5 1/9/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
Press play 3.12E+13 CDM 9/1/2016 0 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 CDM 9/19/2016 34 10 ######## 9/6/2019 7:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 CDM 10/31/2016 35 8 ######## 1/16/2019 12:19 RN TS
The blues, the whole blues and nothing but
the bluesCDM 1/17/2017 26 4 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 NW TS
Freedom highway 3.12E+13 CDM 3/7/2017 30 9 ######## 9/11/2019 10:23 SO TS
Tremaine 3.12E+13 CDM 4/3/2017 28 14 ######## 3/21/2019 13:38 SV TS
3.12E+13 CDM 8/8/2017 11 3 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 NW RN
Vans warped tour '17. 3.12E+13 CDM 8/25/2017 10 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
3.12E+13 CDM 8/25/2017 19 8 ######## 12/30/2019 10:48 SO RN
3.12E+13 CDM 9/25/2017 23 6 ######## 6/18/2019 17:14 SV SP
Last man standing 3.12E+13 CDM 5/25/2018 27 12 ######## 8/31/2019 14:46 SC SV
Love yourself : 3.12E+13 CDM 8/27/2018 9 1 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 13:32 SP TS
Love yourself : 3.12E+13 CDM 10/10/2018 16 7 ######## 12/19/2019 9:16 SP TS
Pacific Northwest '73-'74 : 3.12E+13 CDM 11/7/2018 22 7 ######## 9/11/2019 10:23 SO TS
Love Yourself; Answer 3.12E+13 CDM 3/21/2019 8 3 ######## 9/4/2019 15:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 CDMX 4/9/2007 55 4 ######## 7/17/2019 12:40 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD 6/1/2004 128 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SV RN
M*A*S*H : 3.12E+13 DVD 2/8/2005 197 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 3/21/2005 227 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW SV
Gilmore girls : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/16/2005 180 12 ######## 6/12/2019 11:20 SP RN
Dark shadows. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/1/2005 140 4 ######## 8/22/2019 14:57 SV TS
Jennifer Kries' Pilates method 3.12E+13 DVD 11/14/2005 82 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
WWII : 3.12E+13 DVD 11/29/2005 127 3 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Dark shadows. 3.12E+13 DVD 4/18/2006 83 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Nero Wolfe. 3.12E+13 DVD 6/1/2006 192 27 ######## 12/10/2019 11:09 NW TS
Desperate housewives : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/25/2006 93 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV SV
Smallville : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/25/2006 242 13 ######## 4/17/2019 15:42 RN TS
The Inspector Lynley mysteries. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/15/2007 266 19 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD 4/12/2007 169 5 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
Bear in the big blue house. 3.12E+13 DVD 4/25/2007 124 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS SV
Feasting on asphalt with Alton Brown : 3.12E+13 DVD 6/15/2007 57 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
Remington Steele : 3.12E+13 DVD 6/18/2007 146 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 7/18/2007 115 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD 9/20/2007 129 8 ######## 12/6/2019 17:54 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 9/24/2007 137 14 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Desperate housewives : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/24/2007 138 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD 9/24/2007 104 7 ######## 1/16/2019 12:05 SV TS
Smallville. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/27/2007 95 2 ######## 4/17/2019 15:43 SV TS
Los ricos también lloran 3.12E+13 DVD 10/1/2007 74 1 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
Monk : 3.12E+13 DVD 10/29/2007 166 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD 11/27/2007 145 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
John Ratzenberger's Made in America. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/10/2007 82 4 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SS
Hetty Wainthropp investigates. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/11/2007 228 20 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 SO TS
Boston legal. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/17/2007 143 13 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 NV RN
The Henry Rollins show. 3.12E+13 DVD 1/3/2008 99 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
What I like about you. 3.12E+13 DVD 1/3/2008 140 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Rey Mysterio 3.12E+13 DVD 1/11/2008 108 5 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
Learning English : 3.12E+13 DVD 7/1/2008 82 13 ######## 1/16/2019 11:56 SO TS
Railroads, the ultimate collection : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/16/2008 101 13 2/1/2019 3/7/2019 10:44 SS TS
JAG, Judge Advocate General. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/24/2008 188 11 ######## 5/31/2019 7:30 SO TS
CSI: crime scene investigation. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/27/2008 133 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Highway to heaven. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/18/2008 179 26 ######## 10/24/2019 14:19 SV TS
Alfred Hitchcock, the masterpiece collection
: DVD 2/10/2009 104 4 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Agatha Christie's Miss Marple 3.12E+13 DVD 2/11/2009 213 15 ######## 4/17/2019 13:21 SO TS
One Tree Hill. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/19/2009 114 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Sex and the city : 3.12E+13 DVD 6/4/2009 127 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Soap : 3.12E+13 DVD 7/14/2009 117 5 ######## 8/27/2019 10:04 SP RN
House, M.D. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/27/2009 129 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 RN RN
Scrubs : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/14/2009 102 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Smallville : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/16/2009 115 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Grey's anatomy. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/23/2009 175 17 ######## 4/30/2019 7:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 10/7/2009 121 6 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
Murdoch mysteries. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/7/2009 191 5 ######## 3/28/2019 9:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/17/2009 141 22 ######## 3/14/2019 11:35 SP TS
Firefly. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/28/2009 172 18 ######## 6/13/2019 8:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/4/2010 71 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN NV
WWII road to victory 3.12E+13 DVD 1/4/2010 83 5 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Great lodges of the national parks 3.12E+13 DVD 1/27/2010 50 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 2/2/2010 47 5 5/3/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 NW GE
Core rhythms dance exercise program. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/2/2010 55 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SS
3.12E+13 DVD 3/10/2010 156 18 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
Scooby-Doo where are you! 3.12E+13 DVD 5/6/2010 94 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD 5/18/2010 117 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD 9/13/2010 92 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD 9/22/2010 17 1 ######## 12/11/2019 9:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 9/22/2010 38 2 ######## 12/11/2019 9:08 SP RN
The penguins of Madagascar. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/4/2010 104 15 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Wolverine and the X-Men. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/14/2010 100 9 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Star wars, the clone wars. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/26/2010 95 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Gangland. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/27/2010 122 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
Doctor Who. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/18/2010 139 22 ######## 1/16/2019 11:59 SP TS
God in America 3.12E+13 DVD 12/15/2010 53 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD 1/18/2011 192 15 ######## 8/7/2019 16:26 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD 2/8/2011 32 3 ######## 12/11/2019 9:08 SP RN
CSI: crime scene investigation. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/1/2011 152 10 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Border wars. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/10/2011 75 15 3/9/2017 12/6/2019 12:23 RN RN
The L word. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/30/2011 81 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD 4/4/2011 91 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS NW
Survivor. 3.12E+13 DVD 4/21/2011 87 9 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 6/7/2011 151 10 3/1/2019 3/7/2019 10:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 6/15/2011 86 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 6/24/2011 95 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
Beverly Hills 90210. 3.12E+13 DVD 7/7/2011 65 8 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
American pie presents The threesome pack 3.12E+13 DVD 7/18/2011 95 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 8/2/2011 80 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
The Commish. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/11/2011 37 6 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Nip/tuck. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/23/2011 50 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
Rescue me. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/23/2011 82 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
The L word. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/24/2011 65 4 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
Compassion in emptiness 3.12E+13 DVD 9/14/2011 43 10 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/14/2011 37 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
Grey's anatomy. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/14/2011 64 8 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV NW
Private practice. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/14/2011 45 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
Kashimashi, girl meets girl. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/14/2011 42 12 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Perry Mason. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/15/2011 121 14 ######## 7/31/2019 12:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/4/2011 73 9 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN SP
Invasion. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/7/2011 100 14 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD 10/11/2011 70 10 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SC RN
Santa's magical stories 3.12E+13 DVD 10/12/2011 89 15 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 RN TS
Breaking bad. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/13/2011 82 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/13/2011 88 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/25/2011 68 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE SP
Rey Mysterio : 3.12E+13 DVD 10/31/2011 56 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD 12/21/2011 93 9 ######## 8/1/2019 9:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/23/2011 70 7 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SV SS
Beverly Hills 90210. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/27/2011 61 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
Lovejoy. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/29/2011 75 16 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 SV TS
The Civil War : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/5/2012 34 7 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 1/11/2012 135 1 ######## 3/28/2019 10:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/17/2012 73 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Smallville. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/3/2012 123 9 ######## 4/17/2019 15:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 2/3/2012 88 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 2/15/2012 76 16 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 SV TS
Numb3rs 3.12E+13 DVD 2/15/2012 56 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Outer limits original series. #854332 DVD 2/15/2012 0 7/25/2019 12:53 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD 2/15/2012 154 10 ######## 2/20/2019 13:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD 2/15/2012 63 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
House, M.D. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/28/2012 71 5 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
House, M.D. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/28/2012 144 18 ######## 7/30/2019 10:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD 3/7/2012 64 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD 4/2/2012 76 3 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 4/2/2012 54 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV NW
The lord of the rings : 3.12E+13 DVD 5/21/2012 101 12 ######## 3/7/2019 10:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD 5/23/2012 49 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD 6/14/2012 65 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 6/18/2012 66 7 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
The Larry Sanders show : 3.12E+13 DVD 6/20/2012 55 5 ######## 12/13/2019 8:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 6/26/2012 63 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
CSI: Miami. 3.12E+13 DVD 6/26/2012 47 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 7/10/2012 25 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD 7/11/2012 53 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
The closer. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/9/2012 98 14 ######## 3/7/2019 10:31 NV TS
Navy SEALs 3.12E+13 DVD 8/14/2012 55 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SC RN
Fists of vengeance 3.12E+13 DVD 8/15/2012 35 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD 8/23/2012 57 5 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN IV
Grey's anatomy : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/28/2012 45 4 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NW
Smallville : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/6/2012 110 9 ######## 4/18/2019 14:00 IV TS
Dallas. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/11/2012 28 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
John Wayne : the ultimate collection 3.12E+13 DVD 9/12/2012 83 11 ######## 8/8/2019 14:20 NW TS
4 kid favorites. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/20/2012 24 3 ######## 12/7/2019 13:42 SV RN
4 film favorites : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/25/2012 69 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
The pretender 3.12E+13 DVD 9/25/2012 59 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
M*A*S*H : 3.12E+13 DVD 10/2/2012 114 19 ######## 11/20/2019 10:17 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD 10/9/2012 128 3 4/1/2019 4/17/2019 13:18 SP TS
Desperate housewives. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/18/2012 28 6 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS SV
The L word. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/1/2012 36 8 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Leverage: 3.12E+13 DVD 11/1/2012 60 9 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Felicity. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/5/2012 27 6 ######## 12/20/2019 9:58 RN TS
Felicity. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/5/2012 31 5 ######## 12/20/2019 9:58 SV TS
Hollywood western collection 3.12E+13 DVD 11/5/2012 9 2 ######## 8/27/2019 9:59 SO RN
Grey's anatomy : 3.12E+13 DVD 11/12/2012 76 15 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SS TS
The L word. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/14/2012 37 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
Leverage. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/14/2012 115 10 ######## 7/29/2019 10:29 SO RN
Family movie marathon 3.12E+13 DVD 11/27/2012 46 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
Leverage. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/19/2012 114 7 ######## 8/5/2019 13:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/11/2013 78 19 7/1/2019 8/8/2019 8:54 SS TS
Carnivà le : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/11/2013 104 10 ######## 4/17/2019 9:16 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 1/17/2013 49 3 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN NW
Awesome dinosaurs! : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/22/2013 35 4 ######## 7/18/2019 15:40 SV SS
Warehouse 13. 3.12E+13 DVD 1/22/2013 52 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SC SP
The Kennedys 3.12E+13 DVD 1/25/2013 67 15 ######## 8/8/2019 8:52 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/28/2013 25 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 1/28/2013 108 21 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 IV TS
Lost : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/28/2013 51 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD 2/14/2013 100 17 ######## 9/4/2019 15:17 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 2/26/2013 101 15 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 SS TS
Smash. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/26/2013 73 16 ######## 8/2/2019 7:09 NV TS
Private practice. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/7/2013 27 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD 3/7/2013 42 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SP
Private practice. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/14/2013 30 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
Without a trace. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/20/2013 36 2 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SP
Private practice. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/20/2013 30 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 3/27/2013 115 15 8/7/2019 9/4/2019 15:14 SO TS
WWII : 3.12E+13 DVD 4/8/2013 28 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SC
3.12E+13 DVD 4/8/2013 83 14 ######## 10/15/2019 12:49 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 4/9/2013 32 3 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
Great cinema : 3.12E+13 DVD 4/10/2013 102 23 ######## 12/10/2019 11:04 SP TS
Private practice. 3.12E+13 DVD 4/25/2013 27 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
Medium. 3.12E+13 DVD 5/1/2013 88 12 7/1/2019 8/8/2019 14:21 RN TS
30 Rock. 3.12E+13 DVD 5/20/2013 81 17 ######## 12/3/2019 7:51 SP TS
CSI: crime scene investigation. 3.12E+13 DVD 5/20/2013 99 16 ######## 1/22/2019 15:35 RN TS
Perry Mason. 3.12E+13 DVD 5/20/2013 116 7 ######## 10/4/2019 7:43 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 5/29/2013 57 6 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD 5/30/2013 30 1 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
Family guy. 3.12E+13 DVD 6/3/2013 35 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
Felicity. 3.12E+13 DVD 6/3/2013 22 4 7/3/2018 12/20/2019 9:58 SV TS
Angel: 3.12E+13 DVD 6/4/2013 30 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD 6/11/2013 134 10 ######## 6/26/2019 14:40 SO TS
Barbara Taylor Bradford's a woman of substance
DVD 6/28/2013 83 12 ######## 11/21/2019 8:48 SO TS
The color of war 3.12E+13 DVD 7/8/2013 49 9 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SO TS
Fringe. 3.12E+13 DVD 7/12/2013 59 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 7/12/2013 102 6 ######## 10/12/2019 10:12 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD 7/17/2013 116 3 ######## 10/22/2019 13:09 NV TS
4 film favorites : 3.12E+13 DVD 7/25/2013 29 2 ######## 1/30/2019 17:19 SP NV
Borgen = 3.12E+13 DVD 7/31/2013 78 3 ######## 1/29/2019 7:55 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 8/2/2013 31 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP TR
Vietnam : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/6/2013 31 6 ######## 12/6/2019 17:55 IV RN
Grey's anatomy : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/14/2013 84 9 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 NW TS
Grey's anatomy : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/14/2013 24 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD 8/14/2013 130 7 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 15:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/15/2013 28 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Spartacus, war of the damned : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/22/2013 37 1 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SP RN
Fringe. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/24/2013 43 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Zodiac killer ; Black Dahlia ; Green River killer
3.12E+13 DVD 9/26/2013 48 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD 9/27/2013 32 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD 11/6/2013 40 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
Godzilla Collection 3.12E+13 DVD 11/6/2013 33 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD 11/6/2013 30 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
Breaking bad. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/12/2013 35 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Breaking bad. 3.12E+13 DVD 11/12/2013 97 11 3/1/2019 3/7/2019 10:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 11/12/2013 30 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Leverage : 3.12E+13 DVD 11/13/2013 84 6 ######## 4/17/2019 15:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/4/2013 100 15 5/3/2019 5/21/2019 7:26 RN TS
The Cosby show. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/4/2013 37 3 ######## 11/26/2019 13:29 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/11/2013 43 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 12/17/2013 18 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD 12/19/2013 17 3 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NW
Buffy the vampire slayer. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/31/2013 72 13 ######## 4/12/2019 8:37 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/31/2013 23 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 12/31/2013 43 14 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SO RN
V: 3.12E+13 DVD 12/31/2013 39 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 1/2/2014 94 5 3/1/2019 3/7/2019 10:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/2/2014 95 12 ######## 10/15/2019 15:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/2/2014 34 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 1/2/2014 47 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
Buffy the vampire slayer : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/15/2014 19 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:14 SO SV
My name is Earl. 3.12E+13 DVD 1/15/2014 32 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 1/15/2014 38 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
The history of WWE : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/15/2014 24 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
The John Cena experience 3.12E+13 DVD 1/21/2014 18 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
The best of Raw & Smackdown 2013 3.12E+13 DVD 1/22/2014 21 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 TR SP
Seinfeld. 3.12E+13 DVD 1/31/2014 23 2 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
CSI: crime scene investigation. 3.12E+13 DVD 1/31/2014 33 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
JAG, Judge Advocate General. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/5/2014 17 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Ally McBeal : 3.12E+13 DVD 2/11/2014 25 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS NV
Ally McBeal : 3.12E+13 DVD 2/11/2014 18 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD 2/12/2014 22 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW NW
WW greatest stars of the 90s 3.12E+13 DVD 3/7/2014 12 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD 3/13/2014 19 3 6/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SO TR
3.12E+13 DVD 3/13/2014 22 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD 3/14/2014 34 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 3/20/2014 17 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
Rumpole of the Bailey. 3.12E+13 DVD 3/25/2014 47 8 ######## 9/10/2019 9:31 SV RN
Ally McBeal. 3.12E+13 DVD 4/2/2014 16 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD 4/4/2014 30 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN IV
3.12E+13 DVD 4/11/2014 80 9 ######## 1/29/2019 10:39 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD 4/11/2014 24 1 ######## 1/29/2019 10:39 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD 4/29/2014 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD 5/30/2014 107 20 ######## 12/10/2019 8:17 RN TS
Timothy Spall somewhere at sea : 3.12E+13 DVD 6/4/2014 11 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 6/25/2014 36 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
The Oprah Winfrey show : 3.12E+13 DVD 7/16/2014 10 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
Heist 3.12E+13 DVD 7/24/2014 42 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SV
Breaking bad. 3.12E+13 DVD 7/25/2014 10 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Jem and the Holograms : 3.12E+13 DVD 7/30/2014 48 3 ######## 4/17/2019 15:30 NV TS
Justice League. 3.12E+13 DVD 7/30/2014 15 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
Justice League. 3.12E+13 DVD 7/30/2014 25 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SO
Justice League. 3.12E+13 DVD 7/30/2014 17 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
Wrestlemania XXX 3.12E+13 DVD 7/30/2014 18 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 8/6/2014 12 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 8/8/2014 102 13 ######## 11/7/2019 14:19 RN TS
Battlestar Galactica. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/8/2014 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
The X files : 3.12E+13 DVD 8/13/2014 10 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD 8/20/2014 73 12 9/3/2019 9/24/2019 9:04 VE TS
Drop dead diva. 3.12E+13 DVD 8/20/2014 48 4 ######## 9/5/2019 15:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 9/9/2014 99 8 ######## 1/16/2019 11:23 SS TS
Oz. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/10/2014 14 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP RN
Veronica Mars. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/18/2014 15 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
Saved by the bell. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/30/2014 8 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Saved by the bell. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/30/2014 8 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
The wild Thornberrys. 3.12E+13 DVD 9/30/2014 19 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SO
Desperate housewives : 3.12E+13 DVD 9/30/2014 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
Scooby-Doo! mystery incorporated. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/14/2014 111 17 8/6/2019 8/22/2019 7:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD 10/15/2014 19 3 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
New girl : 3.12E+13 DVD 10/21/2014 11 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/27/2014 15 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/27/2014 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/27/2014 11 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Covert affairs : 3.12E+13 DVD 10/27/2014 84 16 ######## 4/17/2019 15:33 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 63 10 ######## 6/12/2019 11:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 17 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The secret life of the American teenager. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 7 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
The secret life of the American teenager. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 4 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
The secret life of the American teenager. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 3 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
The secret life of the American teenager. 3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 5 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 6 1 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
4 film favorites : 3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 5 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 12 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD 10/28/2014 8 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD 11/18/2014 4 1 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP IV
3.12E+13 DVD 11/20/2014 56 9 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 11/25/2014 99 7 ######## 5/31/2019 11:40 RN TS
The secret life of the American teenager : 3.12E+13 DVD 12/3/2014 12 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
The secret life of the American teenager : 3.12E+13 DVD 12/3/2014 5 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
House, M.D. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/5/2014 57 21 ######## 7/31/2019 9:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/8/2014 55 6 ######## 12/6/2019 17:51 RN RN
Agatha Christie Poirot : 3.12E+13 DVD 12/9/2014 64 7 ######## 1/16/2019 11:58 SS TS
The closer. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/9/2014 79 12 5/8/2019 5/23/2019 8:48 SP TS
American heroes collection 3.12E+13 DVD 12/11/2014 81 2 9/9/2019 9/9/2019 9:46 SV RN
Monk : 3.12E+13 DVD 12/11/2014 69 8 ######## 3/15/2019 10:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/12/2014 14 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SS
4 film favorites : 3.12E+13 DVD 12/16/2014 24 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD 12/16/2014 73 4 3/1/2019 3/7/2019 10:14 RN TS
Boardwalk empire : 3.12E+13 DVD 12/22/2014 77 9 ######## 12/10/2019 11:04 RN TS
American horror story 3.12E+13 DVD 12/23/2014 73 4 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 12/23/2014 47 14 ######## 4/8/2019 9:21 RN TS
Glee : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/6/2015 48 11 ######## 6/19/2019 14:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/16/2015 10 1 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD 1/16/2015 7 1 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
Desperate housewives : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/20/2015 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Prison break : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/29/2015 17 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Prison break : 3.12E+13 DVD 1/29/2015 13 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC RN
Family guy : 3.12E+13 DVD 2/2/2015 11 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Family guy. 3.12E+13 DVD 2/2/2015 14 4 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 2/3/2015 75 9 6/4/2019 6/26/2019 14:40 RN TS
Dancing on the edge / 3.12E+13 DVD 4/16/2015 65 11 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Glee : 3.12E+13 DVD 5/8/2015 41 16 ######## 6/19/2019 14:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 5/14/2015 73 11 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Turn: 3.12E+13 DVD 6/1/2015 46 12 3/6/2019 3/23/2019 12:53 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD 8/5/2015 47 11 ######## 10/15/2019 15:15 RN TS
Full house. The complete second season 3.12E+13 DVD 8/17/2015 54 8 ######## 3/20/2019 11:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/18/2015 56 10 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/24/2015 46 18 8/6/2018 12/11/2019 9:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 8/27/2015 44 4 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 9/9/2015 76 18 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 15:52 RN TS
Daniel Tiger's neighborhood : 3.12E+13 DVD 11/13/2015 72 11 ######## 12/5/2019 10:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 1/4/2016 67 2 1/9/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 SP TS
The Flash 3.12E+13 DVD 4/11/2016 52 3 9/4/2018 12/11/2019 9:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD 4/11/2016 71 9 ######## 8/24/2019 14:50 RN SV
El Chavo. 3.12E+13 DVD 4/19/2016 43 1 ######## 3/7/2019 10:27 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 6/20/2016 9 6 ######## 10/24/2019 14:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 9/29/2016 35 5 ######## 11/27/2019 9:19 RN RN
Theories of human development 3.12E+13 DVD 10/7/2016 15 5 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 10/19/2016 42 9 4/4/2019 4/17/2019 13:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 10/25/2016 57 11 ######## 11/19/2019 14:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 11/10/2016 41 5 ######## 1/16/2019 11:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 11/16/2016 61 6 ######## 7/31/2019 8:03 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 12/19/2016 30 2 7/3/2019 8/8/2019 8:54 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD 3/1/2017 34 6 4/9/2019 7/2/2019 11:55 SP SP
Wrestlemania 2017. 3.12E+13 DVD 5/19/2017 41 8 ######## 3/7/2019 10:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/18/2017 42 4 7/9/2019 8/7/2019 16:30 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD 8/29/2017 27 2 9/7/2019 10/14/2019 8:45 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD 11/6/2017 24 2 ######## 4/12/2019 10:38 SO TS
House, M.D. 3.12E+13 DVD 12/12/2017 23 6 7/8/2019 7/31/2019 9:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD 3/6/2018 25 3 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 3/29/2018 13 3 ######## 7/29/2019 8:37 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD 4/12/2018 23 2 6/4/2019 7/9/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/24/2018 15 4 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/27/2018 13 4/9/2019 4/26/2019 9:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 8/27/2018 9 ######## 2/20/2019 13:38 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD 11/9/2018 20 ######## 11/21/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD 11/27/2018 9 1 ######## 4/8/2019 9:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2000 290 13 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 IV RN
American movie 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2001 197 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
Last night 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2001 336 13 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SO RN
The tailor of Panama 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/26/2001 437 20 ######## 9/21/2019 8:57 SV RN
Greenfingers 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2001 343 13 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 IV RN
Captain Corelli's mandolin 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2002 263 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
Truly madly deeply 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/28/2002 284 6 ######## 12/11/2019 9:26 SO RN
The Powerpuff girls : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2002 168 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2002 275 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
Dogtown and Z-boys 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2002 209 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Greenfingers 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2002 244 4 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP NW
Amazing tales of wartime escapes 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2002 186 5 ######## 9/20/2019 17:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2002 276 11 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 NW RN
An American in Paris 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2003 198 17 9/7/2019 9/20/2019 17:21 IV RN
Red Rocks live : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2003 171 8 8/6/2019 9/20/2019 17:25 SO RN
Live-- and alone 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2003 129 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2003 161 4 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2003 338 19 ######## 12/17/2019 13:30 SV TS
Josh Groban in concert 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2003 109 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2003 279 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2003 66 2 9/2/2015 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
A Charlie Brown Christmas 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2003 159 7 ######## 8/2/2019 13:14 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/7/2003 68 5 ######## 6/12/2019 11:20 SS RN
Quest for the true cross 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2003 74 5 1/7/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 IV TS
The Desert Rats 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/21/2003 313 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
American flyers 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2003 176 6 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2003 224 9 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/19/2003 150 8 ######## 9/20/2019 17:23 SO RN
Some folks call it a sling blade 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/19/2003 220 3 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Revolutionary girl Utena : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2003 143 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
Tenchi universe [episodes 01-04] : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2003 189 7 ######## 9/21/2019 8:57 RN RN
Ashtanga yoga : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2003 137 10 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV NW
Best of the Muppet show : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2003 168 11 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
About Schmidt 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2003 63 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2004 273 4 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Greatest heroes of the Bible 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2004 186 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
Sympathy for the Devil 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2004 229 10 6/3/2019 9/20/2019 17:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2004 231 10 ######## 9/20/2019 17:23 SS RN
The Office : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2004 191 21 ######## 12/11/2019 9:00 IV RN
Something's gotta give 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2004 264 16 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2004 284 20 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
Three came home 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2004 170 8 1/3/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
Micawber 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2004 131 11 ######## 10/14/2019 17:34 NW RN
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2004 172 6 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NW
CinderElmo 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2004 163 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV IV
Thomas and friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2004 121 3 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2004 186 1 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SS GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2004 254 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
Saludos amigos 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2004 187 5 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/28/2004 269 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Sacred yoga practice. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2004 162 21 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2004 117 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
My sister's keeper 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2004 227 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2004 225 5 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2004 260 5 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
The art of Romare Bearden 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2004 49 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2004 290 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Neverwhere : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2004 241 15 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SP RN
Poker for dummies 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2004 182 10 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 RN RN
Flipper's new adventure 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2004 155 5 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2004 14 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2004 23 7/6/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2004 96 3 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
Thomas & friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/19/2004 153 16 5/3/2019 5/8/2019 14:15 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2004 183 4 ######## 9/20/2019 17:23 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2004 197 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV NV
The Stepford wives 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2004 230 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
The absent-minded professor 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2004 166 17 ######## 3/4/2019 13:41 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/4/2004 190 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Arthur cracks the case 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2004 184 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 219 5 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
The elegant universe 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 177 28 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 120 4 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
Life of Brian 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 250 33 8/1/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 SO RN
Excalibur 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 218 6 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Rome, power & glory 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 145 9 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 RN RN
Needful things 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 211 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
WWII in color, the British story : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2004 81 2 8/6/2018 12/6/2019 17:54 SO RN
Mahatma Gandhi : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2004 92 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NW
John F. Kennedy, Jr. : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2004 23 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
Mrs. Winterbourne 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2004 190 5 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
Cosmos 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2004 98 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2004 121 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2005 227 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV RN
Babar : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2005 161 18 ######## 4/17/2019 15:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2005 159 1 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 NV TS
Alfie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2005 180 13 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 SS RN
The ultimate National Geographic DVD collection
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2005 72 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 VE TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2005 165 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC SP
Cantinflas show. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2005 94 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2005 115 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2005 164 7 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 SV RN
Founding fathers 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2005 104 8 ######## 8/2/2019 7:11 NV TS
Pee-Wee's playhouse 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2005 101 4 ######## 7/23/2019 15:54 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/16/2005 79 10 ######## 8/8/2019 8:57 SS TS
Sister Wendy's American collection 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2005 53 4 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2005 37 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
My flesh and blood 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2005 119 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
Egypt : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2005 175 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2005 106 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS IV
12 angry men 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 235 19 ######## 9/28/2019 11:04 RN RN
All about Eve 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 201 12 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 SP RN
In good company 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 219 7 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
A day at the races 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 190 13 8/5/2019 9/21/2019 8:57 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 166 18 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SO RN
Yours, mine and ours 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 176 9 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SP
This is Spinal Tap 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 186 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2005 165 9 ######## 9/28/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2005 61 9 ######## 9/13/2019 9:11 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2005 166 6 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2005 192 14 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2005 64 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
The silk road : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2005 157 7 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SP RN
Reconstruction 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2005 275 5 ######## 8/27/2019 10:01 RN RN
Kamikaze in color 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2005 161 6 ######## 9/20/2019 17:23 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2005 121 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Time without pity 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2005 171 6 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
Super size me 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/28/2005 165 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
Hostage 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2005 230 9 ######## 8/2/2019 13:07 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2005 223 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SP
John Paul II : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2005 52 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SO TS
Thomas & friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2005 177 20 1/8/2019 1/20/2019 11:09 RN RN
Witness to hope : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/20/2005 21 1 5/1/2018 12/5/2019 13:55 TR TS
The Lion in winter 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2005 207 16 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2005 89 3 ######## 12/27/2019 15:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2005 58 15 ######## 4/14/2019 10:32 SO RN
Slither & slime and other yucky things 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2005 60 11 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO NW
The awful truth : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/9/2005 107 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/22/2005 63 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2005 183 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
Guilty conscience 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2005 246 13 9/9/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2005 242 19 ######## 8/2/2019 7:09 SP TS
Family plot 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/19/2005 261 17 ######## 9/21/2019 8:59 SV RN
Mondovino 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/19/2005 90 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2005 196 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
Get a clue 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/10/2005 192 16 ######## 4/24/2019 9:43 NV TS
Fire busters 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/10/2005 109 10 ######## 5/23/2019 13:23 NV SS
Time Life's Lost civilizations 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/10/2005 168 5 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
The ring two 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/16/2005 167 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
A lot like love 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/16/2005 249 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2005 217 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Tae guk gi : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2005 158 5 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2005 89 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
Alphabet 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2005 125 9 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Hercules 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2005 181 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
Cyborg2 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2005 319 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/29/2005 64 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 VE RN
Christmas with the Kranks 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/12/2005 168 2 9/5/2019 9/21/2019 8:58 RN RN
Christmas with Gumby 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2005 123 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2005 202 9 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2005 208 2 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/8/2005 182 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
Tut : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2005 166 6 ######## 9/20/2019 17:23 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2005 273 4 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2005 64 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2005 70 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Cadet Kelly 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2005 191 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
Buddy 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2006 162 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
The flight of the Phoenix 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2006 204 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
Because of Winn-Dixie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2006 164 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Entrapment 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2006 244 9 ######## 4/24/2019 9:43 VE TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2006 235 7 8/1/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
An unfinished life 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2006 249 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 IV SP
Pokémon Johto League champions. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/7/2006 102 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
Drake & Josh. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2006 158 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2006 164 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Howl's moving castle 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 186 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 179 33 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 SV RN
Cheaper by the dozen 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 180 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Wolf Creek 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 88 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR SV
In the mix 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 235 11 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Casanova 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 195 15 7/1/2019 9/20/2019 17:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2006 219 15 ######## 8/8/2019 8:57 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2006 181 6 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2006 169 6 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/6/2006 212 14 8/7/2019 9/20/2019 17:21 VE RN
Jacques Pepin's summertime celebration 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/6/2006 43 1 7/9/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Malice aforethought 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/6/2006 172 13 3/6/2019 9/28/2019 11:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2006 196 6 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 IV RN
The third man 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2006 237 23 ######## 8/8/2019 8:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2006 201 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Bedazzled 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2006 216 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2006 162 8 9/6/2015 8/9/2019 11:13 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2006 85 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2006 201 14 7/5/2019 9/21/2019 8:58 SP RN
Stardust memories 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2006 164 9 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 NW RN
Far and away 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2006 207 2 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2006 68 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
John Wayne 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2006 129 7 ######## 8/2/2019 7:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2006 88 10 ######## 11/13/2019 13:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2006 84 8 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2006 83 3 ######## 12/11/2019 9:07 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2006 72 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2006 84 4 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
Madea's family reunion : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2006 244 7 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Crossfire 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2006 164 14 ######## 9/20/2019 17:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2006 172 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
On the backroads. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2006 106 3 9/7/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 SP GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2006 106 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Find me guilty 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2006 153 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NV SP
Procol Harum live 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2006 98 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Amelia Earhart 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2006 49 5 5/6/2019 8/27/2019 10:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2006 183 15 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 VE RN
Shine 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2006 167 15 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 NW RN
They call me Mister Tibbs! 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2006 74 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC RN
Matchstick men 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/15/2006 241 5 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2006 212 6 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2006 95 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Jesse McCartney : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2006 39 1 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 NW TS
Clifford the big red dog : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2006 157 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
The four feathers 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2006 147 8 ######## 4/24/2019 9:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2006 184 3 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Star wars IV : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2006 150 6 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NW
Greek 101 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2006 53 4 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Russian 101 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2006 77 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/7/2006 69 4 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/7/2006 84 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2006 138 11 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Bob the Builder. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2006 154 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2006 168 7 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
The island 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2006 247 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV RN
Scary movie 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2006 124 2 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Carrie's war 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2006 181 7 ######## 9/20/2019 17:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2006 144 8 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
The Gold rush 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2006 89 5 ######## 12/11/2019 9:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2006 198 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS TR
Point of no return 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2006 115 2 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/5/2006 202 8 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/5/2006 222 16 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 SP RN
Take the lead 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2006 141 6 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
The real DaVinci code 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/20/2006 131 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2006 159 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
The busy little engine (and his friend pig) 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2006 75 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
Passing the written DMV test 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2006 10 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 TR SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2006 97 17 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 NV RN
Yours, mine and ours 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2006 128 8 ######## 8/9/2019 11:22 VE SV
Anatomy of a drum solo 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2006 90 7 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SP RN
Down in the valley 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2006 212 2 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 NV GE
Too late for tears 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2006 209 28 ######## 7/16/2019 15:04 SV RN
The best of Friends 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2006 149 6 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/17/2006 9 1 7/6/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/19/2006 168 9 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 VE RN
Poseidon 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2006 240 4 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Thomas comes to breakfast & other Thomas 3.12E+13
DVD7/ 8/29/2006 107 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
Little man 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2006 150 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV TR
L'enfant = 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2006 172 11 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 IV RN
Clifford the big red dog : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2006 110 13 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SP
American Dreamz 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2006 237 13 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 RN RN
Thomas & friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2006 102 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
Wolf Creek 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2006 136 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
Detonator 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/10/2006 257 10 ######## 4/24/2019 10:00 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2006 163 5 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SP
Frontline reporting 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/31/2006 93 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 IV TS
The spy who loved me 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2006 171 13 8/8/2019 9/21/2019 9:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2006 189 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
Agatha Christie, a life in pictures 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2006 258 23 3/4/2019 4/24/2019 10:04 IV TS
The eagle has landed 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/30/2006 236 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2006 175 7 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
Half nelson 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/12/2006 262 13 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
He changed our world : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2006 71 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 NW TS
Cuando Mexico canta 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2006 122 5 ######## 4/24/2019 10:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2006 80 10 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SP
Disney Channel holiday 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2006 192 12 ######## 1/16/2019 11:46 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2006 81 12 3/9/2019 3/28/2019 10:01 SP TS
Rey Mysterio 619 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2007 102 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
A good year 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2007 203 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2007 139 4 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SC
The Black press : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2007 29 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
Black Panther ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2007 52 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SC
The fallen idol 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2007 223 28 ######## 9/21/2019 8:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/23/2007 171 7 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/25/2007 174 7 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SC NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2007 222 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Shadow man 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2007 323 16 2/9/2019 2/15/2019 15:25 VE RN
Hollywoodland 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2007 175 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Identity 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2007 260 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Rising damp. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2007 45 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
The million dollar kid 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2007 17 1/2/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2007 82 7 ######## 4/3/2019 17:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2007 212 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
Der fliegende Holländer 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2007 39 4 ######## 4/17/2019 15:27 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2007 129 6 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Without evidence 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2007 118 2 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
John Wayne : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2007 105 3 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
Narc 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2007 196 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
Pan's labyrinth = 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2007 140 7 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 TR SP
A man for all seasons 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2007 156 20 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 IV RN
NASCAR, driven to win 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2007 71 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 168 6 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 240 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 183 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 136 7 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 197 17 ######## 5/8/2019 13:34 SO TS
Flicka 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 193 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 222 8 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 127 13 ######## 12/11/2019 9:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2007 38 6 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
He changed our world : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2007 49 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Prancer returns 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2007 152 11 6/3/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 SS RN
Passing the written DMV test 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2007 54 8 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SC SV
War stories 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2007 228 5 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
The lost generation 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2007 89 6 2/3/2019 2/15/2019 9:13 NW TS
Casino Royale 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2007 210 6 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Apocalypto 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2007 210 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The bridge 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2007 171 19 9/5/2019 9/20/2019 17:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2007 120 22 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SP RN
Verbs 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2007 30 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 TR RN
Punctuation 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2007 44 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
Fast future generation 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2007 35 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2007 116 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Seraphim Falls 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2007 271 5 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
How do I? 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2007 47 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
Child safety at home (Spanish version) : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2007 10 ######## 12/11/2019 8:35 RN RN
Fire trucks in action 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2007 71 9 ######## 7/29/2019 8:33 SS TS
We sign : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2007 62 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
Factory girl 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2007 222 5 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
Love potion #9 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2007 179 7 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
The heart of the game 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2007 50 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2007 158 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/15/2007 58 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/15/2007 144 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Baby songbird 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2007 60 7 1/6/2019 4/24/2019 8:52 SV TS
Battling eating disorders 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2007 32 1 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
48 hrs. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2007 213 3 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2007 238 9 ######## 10/15/2019 9:56 NV RN
The Bear 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2007 205 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SS
Allegheny uprising 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2007 185 2 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 VE TS
Zodiac 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2007 306 26 ######## 8/27/2019 10:11 IV RN
The goddess workout. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2007 108 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2007 50 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Constellation myths 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2007 63 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Ruby 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2007 154 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
New Year's revolution 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2007 113 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2007 175 9 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 RN RN
Blades of glory 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2007 170 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
The Red Skelton show 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2007 26 1 ######## 12/7/2019 10:24 SS RN
Louise Solomon's yoga & pilates : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2007 131 26 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2007 165 7 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/14/2007 215 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/14/2007 80 2 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2007 196 5 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2007 121 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Action classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2007 86 1 ######## 12/20/2019 8:12 VE TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/12/2007 130 4 8/5/2018 4/24/2019 8:52 SS TS
The canteen spirit 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2007 17 ######## 12/6/2019 17:50 NW RN
Santa clause 3 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2007 153 7 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 23 12/7/2019 10:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 28 4 ######## 12/7/2019 10:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 18 8/1/2017 12/7/2019 10:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 17 8/1/2017 12/7/2019 10:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 21 8/1/2017 12/7/2019 10:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 24 8/1/2017 12/7/2019 10:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 20 ######## 12/7/2019 10:26 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 19 12/7/2019 10:25 RN RN
The fundamentals of pitching 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 22 8######## 10/18/2019 9:17 IV RN
The art of quilting 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2007 54 3######## 5/28/2019 13:52 TR RN
Knocked up 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2007 204 36/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Knocked up 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2007 181 3######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2007 168 7######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SC SP
A midsummer night's dream 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2007 51 64/7/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 TR TS
Athfcmfft 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2007 163 5######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Because I said so 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2007 197 6######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Baby genius. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2007 62 27/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 TR NV
Timon of Athens 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2007 21 3######## 8/27/2019 9:57 SP RN
Shrek the Third 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/22/2007 182 13######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
How to drive safely in a roundabout 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/27/2007 27 2######## 11/26/2019 13:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2007 114 4######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
The art of the drink. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2007 14 16/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2007 215 17######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2007 177 14######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SV RN
Red eye 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/6/2007 229 3######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2007 102 10######## 4/12/2019 10:24 SP TS
Disturbia 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/24/2007 277 18######## 1/16/2019 12:02 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/27/2007 156 9######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/27/2007 203 4######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
Underdog 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2007 99 4######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Library 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2007 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
School 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2007 12 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Bob the Builder : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2007 20 ######## 12/7/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2007 153 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2007 198 11 6/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SS
Futurama. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2007 139 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/15/2007 171 7 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2007 129 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
The condemned 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2007 181 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
28 weeks later 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2007 217 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Snow dogs 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2007 165 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2007 160 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2007 146 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Beauty and the Beast 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2007 120 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SP
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/19/2007 157 11 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NV
48 hrs. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2007 155 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2007 179 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2007 75 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/27/2007 162 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/27/2007 242 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE RN
All about fast trains ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2007 76 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SO
DUI : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2007 76 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 IV TS
Hot rod 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2007 175 4 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
Learn to drive a stick shift 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2007 29 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Learn to drive standard 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2007 25 5 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 RN TS
The king of Kong : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2007 60 4 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 NV TS
Sesame Street. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2007 105 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SO
Nancy Drew 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2007 154 15 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2007 324 26 ######## 1/16/2019 11:12 SV TS
Dare to dream 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2007 40 5 6/2/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
In old Arizona 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2007 191 13 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2007 173 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
The good shepherd 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2007 219 15 3/6/2019 4/24/2019 8:52 SS TS
Smiles for a lifetime : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2007 15 5 8/9/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
World War I : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2008 92 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2008 129 9 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
American gangster 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2008 32 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Quest for Camelot 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2008 136 8 ######## 3/4/2019 14:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2008 164 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
The Firm. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2008 68 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
Little women 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 156 17 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SV RN
Proof : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 248 14 8/1/2019 9/21/2019 8:57 RN RN
Craft in America 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 47 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
What lies beneath 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 194 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 195 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
Aguila o sol 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 110 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Professional bull riders : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2008 27 3 ######## 4/9/2019 9:14 SC RN
Lonely hearts 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2008 284 21 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2008 170 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
Beavers 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/12/2008 102 4 ######## 4/4/2019 11:16 SS RN
Atonement 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2008 153 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2008 181 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2008 164 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
Strange wilderness 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2008 166 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2008 150 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2008 32 1 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2008 129 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2008 232 18 7/6/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2008 162 17 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 SC RN
Junebug 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2008 167 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
Felicity : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2008 122 17 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2008 146 7 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2008 168 11 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SS
Desperate crossing : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2008 129 16 ######## 8/2/2019 7:11 SO TS
Aliens vs. Predator. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/5/2008 180 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
Jumper 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2008 157 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SC RN
The bucket list 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2008 175 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Best pals Mickey & Pluto 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2008 115 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
Pokémon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2008 220 38 ######## 3/7/2019 10:10 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2008 25 5 ######## 8/2/2019 7:10 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2008 123 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2008 100 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 VE SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2008 148 9 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
No country for old men 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2008 188 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Bill Nye the Science Guy : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2008 54 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV IV
Vantage point 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/7/2008 161 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/7/2008 55 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/7/2008 70 3 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/9/2008 38 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SV
Women & money : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2008 60 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO RN
Environmental science for students. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2008 17 4 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Environmental science for students. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2008 25 6 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Animals of the rainforest 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2008 45 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
Teen safety : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2008 25 2/7/2016 12/4/2019 8:14 SP RN
Unearthing life. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2008 41 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2008 129 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Volcanoes of the United States 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/12/2008 127 3 ######## 10/15/2019 15:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2008 91 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/21/2008 137 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
A.m. & p.m. yoga conditioning for weight loss
: DVD7 8/26/2008 65 10 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/26/2008 178 14 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2008 61 7 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
The ruins 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/3/2008 215 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
Fractions, decimals & percents 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/3/2008 68 1 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SC SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2008 113 5 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR NW
Serial mom 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2008 181 5 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN IV
The Wiggles. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2008 87 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2008 154 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Return of the dragon 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2008 171 8 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 SP RN
Absolute power 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2008 185 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Pearl diver 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2008 150 7 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
Lung cancer : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/29/2008 9 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2008 136 21 3/6/2019 11/6/2019 12:44 SP RN
Ben & Jerry's 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2008 91 4 ######## 6/4/2019 7:25 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/6/2008 72 18 2/5/2019 2/14/2019 10:08 RN TS
The belly of an architect 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2008 172 12 ######## 9/20/2019 17:21 TR RN
Kim Possible. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/15/2008 139 9 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2008 186 42 ######## 1/16/2019 11:27 SO TS
Che Guevara where you'd never imagine him3.12E+13 DVD7 10/22/2008 108 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
Finding Rin Tin Tin 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2008 131 4 7/9/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2008 123 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2008 193 17 9/6/2019 9/20/2019 17:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2008 165 27 6/3/2019 6/13/2019 8:57 SP TS
Belphégor, phantom of the Louvre = 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2008 197 7 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2008 97 14 ######## 10/23/2019 13:57 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/29/2008 64 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Animalia 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2008 61 2/4/2019 12/7/2019 13:39 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2008 68 10 ######## 12/26/2019 14:37 SO NV
Muse of fire 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2008 13 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
The Berenstain Bears. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2008 117 11 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2008 110 7 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
Rosewood 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2008 135 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
Dirty money = 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2008 169 5 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/12/2008 174 5 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/14/2008 123 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Dogma 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/17/2008 174 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
Hancock 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2008 191 8 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
The seven little Foys 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2008 70 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 IV RN
The legend of Zorro 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2008 143 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2008 189 18 ######## 5/23/2019 17:51 SV SS
Committing poetry in times of war 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/26/2008 41 3 ######## 12/6/2019 12:22 NW RN
Jeepers creepers II 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2008 120 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2008 162 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2008 126 14 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Wanted 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2008 202 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW NV
The X-files : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2008 169 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Max & Ruby. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2008 77 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2008 149 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Curious George leads the band : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2008 126 11 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV IV
Peter & the wolf 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2008 178 8 ######## 8/5/2019 9:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2008 173 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Godzilla, the original animated series. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2008 98 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
The little mermaid II : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 127 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NW SS
The mummy. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 170 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
The mummy. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 71 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Farscape. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 123 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SC NV
Farscape. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 106 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 VE NV
Farscape. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 107 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 VE NV
Farscape. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 140 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SC NV
Farscape : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 131 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN NV
Farscape : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 133 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SC NV
Farscape : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2008 146 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SC NV
Pokémon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2008 198 27 9/4/2018 8/27/2019 10:13 SV RN
Pokémon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2008 189 33 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
The birds 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2008 166 27 5/6/2019 8/27/2019 9:57 RN RN
Traitor 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2008 165 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2008 153 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2008 114 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2008 125 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2008 56 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2009 60 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
For your eyes only 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2009 160 16 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2009 124 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
All or nothing at all 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2009 171 8 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
Dante's peak 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2009 161 19 ######## 9/21/2019 8:58 SS RN
Big top Pee Wee 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2009 146 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV NV
Pokemon. | Pokémon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2009 189 35 7/9/2018 12/27/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2009 172 14 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2009 106 3 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
Heaven can wait 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2009 148 15 ######## 12/10/2019 8:17 NV TS
Bangkok dangerous 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2009 226 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2009 148 14 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2009 92 2 3/8/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2009 88 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Son of Rambow 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2009 174 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2009 157 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Mirrors 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2009 175 6 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NV
The hole 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2009 183 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
Saw V 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2009 97 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
The Sicilian 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/23/2009 224 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2009 165 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
The Doodlebops. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2009 72 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Nick & Norah's infinite playlist 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2009 122 3 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
Madagascar : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2009 160 10 ######## 2/5/2019 10:21 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2009 138 11 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2009 94 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
Walk away the pounds with Leslie Sansone.3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2009 80 31 ######## 2/6/2019 12:57 SS SV
Grey's anatomy. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2009 107 4 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NW
Cold Creek Manor 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2009 159 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
Go ask Alice 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/10/2009 167 7 ######## 9/21/2019 8:58 RN RN
Scream 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/10/2009 107 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Campion : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2009 141 19 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SP TS
Zoom : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2009 178 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Campion : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2009 104 8 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Agatha Christie's Poirot. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2009 278 30 ######## 5/16/2019 7:36 SP TS
Cellular 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2009 170 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
Center stage. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/17/2009 133 7 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/18/2009 81 4 4/9/2019 4/17/2019 13:25 SS TS
Click 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/18/2009 22 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/19/2009 108 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/19/2009 162 16 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 SV RN
A bridge too far 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2009 126 7 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Hulk / 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2009 173 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
Valley girl 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2009 210 27 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 NW RN
The out-of-towners 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2009 253 25 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2009 71 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Peter Pan in Return to Never Land 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2009 154 18 ######## 4/17/2019 13:22 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2009 167 10 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2009 84 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Flash Gordon 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2009 122 17 4/8/2019 4/17/2019 14:33 NW TS
Ben 10, alien force. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2009 118 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2009 142 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Still waiting 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2009 172 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
Game of death II 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2009 107 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/3/2009 117 9 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
Disney's Little Einsteins : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/3/2009 104 10 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/3/2009 12 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/3/2009 225 26 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 RN RN
South Park : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2009 127 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2009 104 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
Hurray for Huckle. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2009 85 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV SP
Star trek : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2009 119 2 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2009 105 10 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 IV RN
Corduroy : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 89 18 ######## 4/24/2019 10:08 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 133 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Pooh's grand adventure : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 141 23 ######## 1/16/2019 11:34 SO TS
Curious George rides a bike-- and more tales
of mischief
DVD7 3/11/2009 153 16 ######## 9/24/2019 9:04 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 179 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Tarzan II 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 47 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Transporter 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 191 5 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Transporter 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 187 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 19 4 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2009 37 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/12/2009 113 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SC SV
The Shawshank redemption 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 126 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC RN
Six days, seven nights 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 173 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Disney's Little Einsteins : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 107 8 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO NV
Star trek III : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 99 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Star trek III : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 34 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 92 8 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 NV RN
All star sports day! 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 74 14 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
Wayne's world 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 196 20 ######## 1/16/2019 11:57 SS TS
War, Inc. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2009 167 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2009 138 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
The life and death of Peter Sellers 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2009 100 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
My girl 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2009 136 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2009 117 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2009 97 4 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
The confessor 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2009 270 15 ######## 2/24/2019 13:22 RN RN
Empire of the sun 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2009 144 7 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2009 154 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
GoodFellas 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2009 159 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Dead calm 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2009 162 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/25/2009 131 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2009 89 9 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 SO GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2009 148 24 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 IV TS
Barefoot in the park 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2009 103 6 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Another 48 hrs. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2009 172 5 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Anywhere but here 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2009 131 7 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
Crimes and misdemeanors 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2009 156 12 ######## 4/24/2019 10:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2009 129 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Xin jing wu men yi jiu jiu yi = 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2009 26 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
My big fat Greek life 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2009 149 2 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Death becomes her 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2009 167 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Bambi II 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2009 131 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2009 123 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2009 144 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2009 186 11 ######## 8/8/2019 8:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2009 20 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2009 171 15 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
Spider-Man, the new animated series 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2009 147 16 ######## 2/3/2019 10:38 SV RN
Modern problems 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2009 125 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Barbie in the Nutcracker 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2009 107 16 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2009 125 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
The land before time VII : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2009 84 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 VE SP
Yi ma de hou xian dai sheng huo = 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2009 91 2 ######## 5/29/2019 16:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2009 123 3 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 NW GE
Stalag Luft 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2009 161 10 ######## 12/11/2019 9:30 RN RN
Vicky Cristina Barcelona 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2009 119 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SV
Fay Grim 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2009 312 18 ######## 4/17/2019 15:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2009 162 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2009 63 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2009 58 2 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Critter quest : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2009 65 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
Noble house 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2009 147 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
Mahogany 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2009 102 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2009 165 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SP
Modern times wonders. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2009 42 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/28/2009 78 7 ######## 1/16/2019 10:14 SC TS
Wild wild West 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2009 157 4 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
Wild wild West 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2009 144 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Wild wild West 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2009 227 20 ######## 9/28/2019 11:04 SV RN
Nirvana, unplugged in New York 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2009 91 4 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SC RN
Die hard with a vengeance 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2009 175 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2009 162 4 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2009 134 20 ######## 10/12/2019 12:03 SP SP
Follow the river 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2009 147 5 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SP
Twisted 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/6/2009 185 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SV
My friends Tigger & Pooh. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/6/2009 114 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SS
Speed / 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/6/2009 155 23 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 RN RN
Leave it to Beaver 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2009 105 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Primal fear 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2009 182 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Curious George goes green 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2009 118 11 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SP
Taking Chance 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2009 146 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2009 140 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
The gathering storm 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2009 193 16 ######## 9/24/2019 9:04 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2009 142 3 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Air marshal 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2009 170 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
The great mouse detective 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2009 127 8 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SV
What a way to go! 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2009 151 13 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SS RN
Trade 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2009 178 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP NV
The cake eaters 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2009 137 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SV
Die hard 2 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2009 140 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
Baby Shakespeare. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/3/2009 48 2 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2009 64 11 ######## 12/26/2019 14:37 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/9/2009 137 12 ######## 7/23/2019 11:57 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/9/2009 110 8 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS NW
The magnificent scenery of Ireland 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/9/2009 101 16 3/8/2019 11/4/2019 13:30 NV RN
Interstate 60 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2009 160 4 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NW
Princess of thieves 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2009 148 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2009 95 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
David and Goliath 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/16/2009 104 5 ######## 4/24/2019 9:46 SV TS
Hancock 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/16/2009 183 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Scooby-Doo meets the Harlem Globetrotters
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2009 135 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO NW
What's new Scooby-Doo. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2009 126 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NV
Running with scissors 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2009 140 8 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Big trouble in Little China 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2009 206 17 ######## 2/6/2019 10:34 SP RN
The legend of Zorro 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/22/2009 117 7 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/22/2009 102 2 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2009 79 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
The number 23 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2009 205 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Absolute power 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2009 199 6 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SC NW
World War II behind closed doors : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2009 116 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
Mr. Mom 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2009 150 12 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 SP RN
Power Rangers Mystic Force: 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2009 100 8 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2009 92 5 ######## 12/11/2019 9:14 SP RN
Last days 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2009 148 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW RN
Babette's feast 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2009 116 10 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
Frances 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/1/2009 149 11 3/3/2019 4/24/2019 9:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2009 137 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/7/2009 177 6 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
21 grams 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2009 164 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2009 155 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2009 172 13 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Bound by lies 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2009 153 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Desert hearts 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2009 173 21 3/4/2019 4/24/2019 10:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2009 31 3 1/4/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 VE TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2009 80 9 1/6/2019 4/24/2019 8:52 SV TS
Barbie and the magic of Pegasus 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2009 169 29 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SS TS
Cactus flower 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2009 161 19 ######## 4/24/2019 10:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2009 161 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Lena's dreams 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2009 152 3 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/21/2009 191 23 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
Baby MacDonald : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2009 65 5 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
The cat's meow 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2009 183 15 7/3/2019 9/20/2019 17:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2009 172 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2009 171 3 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2009 125 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SV
Fast and furious 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/27/2009 162 6 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS TR
Sex and lies in Sin City 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2009 173 4 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Spaceballs 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2009 46 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SP
Free Willy 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2009 89 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2009 164 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
The Shawshank redemption 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2009 86 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2009 144 16 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2009 147 6 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/10/2009 67 3 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
17 again 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2009 134 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SC NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2009 29 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2009 145 2 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
The fountain 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2009 167 8 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
Hudson Hawk 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2009 161 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
VeggieTales. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/19/2009 115 12 ######## 5/21/2019 14:01 SP TS
Duplicity 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/24/2009 142 13 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/26/2009 158 21 6/7/2019 9/28/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2009 150 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/2/2009 129 2 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/2/2009 100 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
The hustler 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2009 124 12 ######## 12/11/2019 8:43 SO RN
When a stranger calls 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2009 141 7 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2009 172 12 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2009 120 7 ######## 12/14/2019 12:40 VE RN
Crank 2 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2009 202 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2009 170 17 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/16/2009 72 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2009 159 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2009 128 6 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/22/2009 48 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
The Kaiser's lackey 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2009 100 7 3/6/2019 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
Donkey Xote 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/29/2009 145 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Yellowstone cubs 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2009 82 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NV
Yellowstone cubs 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2009 80 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
Knights of bloodsteel 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2009 189 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/6/2009 190 19 ######## 9/21/2019 8:59 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2009 112 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2009 156 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
The juror 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2009 195 13 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Men of honor 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2009 133 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/12/2009 128 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Transformers Armada. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2009 119 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Orange County 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/15/2009 129 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
August 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/15/2009 160 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/22/2009 118 11 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/4/2009 143 5 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV RN
Wow! wow! Wubbzy! 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/4/2009 106 20 ######## 4/17/2019 13:22 SV TS
The taking of Pelham 1 2 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2009 145 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The ugly truth 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2009 147 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2009 118 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Cutthroat Island 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/12/2009 228 18 9/4/2019 9/28/2019 11:04 NW RN
Wizards 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/12/2009 164 27 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2009 159 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Four Christmases 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2009 146 2 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SP
My sister's keeper 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2009 120 9 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Adaptation 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/30/2009 118 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 VE RN
Ben ten, alien force. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2009 113 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2009 150 40 ######## 3/6/2019 11:41 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2009 83 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SO
Jay and Silent Bob strike back 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2009 138 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/3/2009 125 16 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NW RN
It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/3/2009 31 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/3/2009 148 22 9/6/2018 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
Murders of Hollywood 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/3/2009 143 5 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2009 129 9 9/6/2015 8/9/2019 11:12 IV RN
Shorts : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2009 109 11 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2009 155 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Darius goes West : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2009 13 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
The haunted airman 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2009 173 5 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
The goods : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2009 143 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
The goods : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2009 172 5 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2009 151 6 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
How to be a serial killer 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2009 156 8 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2009 52 3 ######## 12/11/2019 8:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2009 123 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2009 106 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SV
Flash Gordon : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2009 43 1 ######## 4/17/2019 13:27 SC TS
Jennifer's body 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2009 142 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
Grave danger 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2009 162 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
Extract 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2009 150 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2009 105 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2010 101 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2010 16 1 4/8/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Little Miss Sunshine. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2010 82 13 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SV
Pete's a pizza : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2010 35 6 ######## 12/11/2019 8:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/13/2010 133 6 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
Christmas with the Kranks 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2010 187 13 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SV TS
Seven years in Tibet 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2010 135 6 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
The accidental husband 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2010 224 31 ######## 4/24/2019 9:48 SO TS
The accidental husband 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2010 152 9 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Scooby's all star laff-a-lympics. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2010 129 9 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Blue's room. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2010 88 10 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SS
Donald in Mathmagic Land 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 80 6 8/6/2018 8/27/2019 10:13 NV RN
Thomas & friends. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 109 19 ######## 10/18/2019 12:50 NV SP
Hiding Victoria 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 159 10 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SS RN
The midnight meat train 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 239 14 8/3/2019 9/28/2019 11:12 RN RN
Off the map 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 235 44 ######## 9/21/2019 8:57 SV RN
Off the map 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 122 7 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 VE RN
WordWorld. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2010 115 24 2/6/2019 3/7/2019 10:28 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2010 134 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2010 96 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV SV
Mystic River 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 153 18 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 IV RN
The Mexican 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 154 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 188 12 8/8/2019 9/21/2019 8:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 180 30 ######## 9/13/2019 9:13 SS RN
Broken arrow 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 171 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 147 7 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Tremors 4 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2010 182 17 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2010 97 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2010 77 3 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SV
The watcher 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2010 219 20 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2010 134 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2010 27 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2010 53 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
The Dick Cavett show. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2010 50 7 ######## 4/9/2019 9:13 SP RN
Carrington 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2010 121 17 ######## 12/10/2019 8:17 SP TS
Blood work 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 141 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Open water 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 154 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Power of attorney 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 229 9 8/8/2019 8/21/2019 8:29 SP TS
Gothika 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 119 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV TR
The X-files : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 135 4 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 150 12 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN NV
Dirty 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 167 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 62 ######## 10/14/2019 10:21 RN SV
Love happens 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2010 95 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2010 111 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2010 137 7 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2010 89 9 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV TR
High crimes 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2010 82 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Lords of Dogtown 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2010 206 32 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 RN RN
One way out 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2010 155 4 9/7/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
L.A. law : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2010 148 8 ######## 1/29/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2010 138 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Darkness 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2010 169 6 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Law abiding citizen 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2010 152 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2010 78 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
Yo gabba gabba!. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2010 104 15 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Curious George makes new friends! 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2010 113 13 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2010 99 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Hide and seek 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2010 133 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Catch and release 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2010 116 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Catch and release 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2010 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 129 6 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 128 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Julie & Julia 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 126 11 ######## 12/11/2019 8:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 120 7 ######## 9/3/2019 12:00 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 58 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
The box 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 160 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Stander 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2010 204 5 8/6/2018 12/11/2019 9:29 RN RN
Pretty persuasion 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2010 133 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2010 124 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
InuYasha. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2010 87 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2010 120 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2010 149 13 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2010 130 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2010 80 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 VE RN
Speed 2 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2010 149 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2010 40 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV NV
The adventures of Elmo in Grouchland 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2010 120 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Best of the Muppet show :[DVD videorecording]
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2010 97 8 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
Olivia takes ballet 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2010 115 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SO
The sweetest thing 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2010 62 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2010 61 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2010 134 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/16/2010 252 31 ######## 9/20/2019 17:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2010 233 47 9/6/2019 9/28/2019 11:12 SP RN
A pup named Scooby-Doo. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2010 103 13 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
Blue in the face 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2010 113 7 ######## 12/6/2019 17:53 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2010 208 12 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
Brothers 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2010 178 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Big fan 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/25/2010 123 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP NV
Okuribito = 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/25/2010 88 15 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Trucker 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/25/2010 118 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2010 150 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
The devil's own 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2010 285 30 ######## 9/28/2019 11:04 SP RN
The Backyardigans. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2010 85 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2010 138 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV RN
Peter Pan 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2010 133 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Winter passing 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2010 144 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2010 70 3 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SS IV
Medicine man 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2010 125 8 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2010 43 ######## 12/11/2019 9:29 VE RN
Tarzan's magic fountain 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2010 63 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
The dangerous lives of altar boys 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2010 90 6 ######## 4/24/2019 9:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2010 120 18 ######## 2/1/2019 10:17 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2010 74 2 ######## 12/11/2019 8:57 SV RN
Ben 10, alien force. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2010 114 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Rose Red 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/6/2010 5 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/6/2010 111 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2010 114 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2010 97 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Assault on Iwo Jima 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2010 53 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
Baby's first impressions. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2010 43 6 ######## 8/21/2019 8:29 RN TS
The city of violence 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/7/2010 94 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2010 100 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
The towering inferno 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2010 158 13 ######## 10/4/2019 13:00 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2010 192 21 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 NW RN
Caillou. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2010 101 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Anne of the thousand days 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2010 153 23 ######## 10/3/2019 8:51 RN TS
Halloween II 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2010 135 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Kids 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2010 81 3 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NV SP
World's greatest dad 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2010 128 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2010 132 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2010 113 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
The power of the past-- Florence 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2010 43 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2010 128 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
I hate Valentine's Day 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2010 113 9 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
Storm 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2010 150 9 2/9/2019 9/28/2019 11:06 NW RN
Crazy heart 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2010 96 3 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Crazy heart 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2010 106 3 5/4/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 IV GE
James Dean : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/20/2010 156 11 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
James Dean : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/20/2010 74 6 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2010 139 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW RN
One hot summer 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2010 123 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 TR SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2010 283 25 ######## 8/30/2019 16:13 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2010 188 15 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 NW RN
Precious 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2010 93 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2010 37 5 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Cheaper by the dozen 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/28/2010 119 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2010 97 4 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Leap year 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/30/2010 192 22 ######## 4/12/2019 10:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/30/2010 124 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/30/2010 44 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN RN
Rudy Maxa's world, exotic places. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2010 59 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Chepachet 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/5/2010 148 8 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/7/2010 153 11 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2010 69 6 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2010 193 18 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
Go, Diego, go! 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2010 109 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Saturday morning cartoons. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2010 58 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NV
Match point 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2010 104 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Another stakeout 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2010 129 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2010 161 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NV
It's a small world of fun! 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/13/2010 89 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Blessings : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/13/2010 64 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
24 cuadros de terror 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2010 55 4 9/1/2017 12/11/2019 9:25 RN RN
A pup named Scooby-Doo. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 128 9 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
A pup named Scooby-Doo. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 104 12 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 23 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 129 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NV
Whip it 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 137 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Whip it 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 178 23 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SV RN
Cross creek 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 173 18 ######## 9/24/2019 9:04 NV TS
Mermaids 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2010 101 4 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SC RN
2001: a space travesty 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2010 87 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV RN
Changing hearts 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2010 76 6 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
The Batman : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2010 101 11 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Lord of the flies 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2010 106 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Jarhead 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2010 92 4 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
Untraceable 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2010 155 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
6teen. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2010 86 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2010 80 6 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SC SP
Open water 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 128 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 131 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 164 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Walk away pounds express : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 61 26 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 108 16 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The best of Barney. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 81 10 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 NW TS
The great American western. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2010 86 5 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 SO TS
War Eagle, Arkansas 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/3/2010 161 25 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SS RN
Baby IQ. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/7/2010 50 4 ######## 9/4/2019 15:16 NW TS
Jason and the Argonauts 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2010 171 21 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2010 100 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
Origins of the Mafia : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2010 118 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Disney parks. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2010 43 3 3/7/2019 3/22/2019 11:13 NV TS
Remember me 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2010 120 12 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
Commandos 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2010 93 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Percy Jackson and the Olympians : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2010 229 35 ######## 12/13/2019 8:33 RN TS
Hot tub time machine 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2010 140 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Little Pim, fun with languages. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/30/2010 29 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/30/2010 99 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Brooklyn's finest 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2010 152 3 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/12/2010 80 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Jarhead 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2010 104 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Vantage point 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2010 98 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
The vaccine war 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2010 41 4 ######## 8/22/2019 7:59 SO TS
Stealth 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2010 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2010 88 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SP
The book club 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/21/2010 148 17 ######## 12/3/2019 15:04 SV TS
Frequency 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2010 107 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2010 98 10 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2010 119 17 ######## 5/3/2019 8:05 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 109 9 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Something's gotta give 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 120 10 3/4/2019 6/14/2019 14:50 SV RN
Leaving Las Vegas 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 145 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
The quick and the dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 120 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NV
The quick and the dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 111 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
Repo men 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 158 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
Saint John of Las Vegas 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2010 136 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2010 108 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/4/2010 72 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SC NV
The break-up 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/4/2010 69 2 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Pink Floyd : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/4/2010 137 19 ######## 3/19/2019 16:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/4/2010 140 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2010 129 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2010 76 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SV
Uptown girls 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2010 129 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2010 109 12 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2010 99 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NW
Vinyan 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2010 163 7 7/7/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
Bullet to Beijing 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2010 114 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
Rose Red 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/12/2010 133 27 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/12/2010 72 4 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/16/2010 95 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Penguins of Madagascar. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/17/2010 89 8 ######## 2/5/2019 10:21 NV SP
Children of invention 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/17/2010 175 15 ######## 9/21/2019 8:58 SV RN
Five minutes of heaven 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2010 132 10 7/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2010 146 17 ######## 3/22/2019 11:16 RN TS
The Boondock saints 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2010 114 10 ######## 2/20/2019 8:00 SS SP
Cemetery junction 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2010 136 13 3/4/2019 12/14/2019 12:42 SV RN
The penguins of Madagascar 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/19/2010 111 14 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
The back-up plan 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/19/2010 214 26 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 NW RN
In the night garden. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/24/2010 23 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
City Island 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2010 115 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV NV
Flicka 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2010 112 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2010 112 6 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2010 61 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/26/2010 105 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/26/2010 62 4 ######## 12/11/2019 9:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/30/2010 84 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/30/2010 79 17 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Wordworld. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/30/2010 109 25 ######## 12/4/2019 9:17 SP RN
Slipstream 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/30/2010 199 11 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 103 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
Marmaduke 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 126 8 6/6/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
Green eggs and ham and other favorites 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 82 11 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
Thunderbird six 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 40 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 82 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
Ordinary miracles 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 59 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SV RN
The bridge of San Luis Rey 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2010 215 28 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 SS RN
Denise Austin hot body yoga 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/8/2010 62 11 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/8/2010 77 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Killers 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/8/2010 138 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2010 69 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP NW
Crazy heart 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2010 157 19 8/5/2019 9/20/2019 17:20 NW RN
Bugs Bunny's howl-oween special 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2010 66 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
Dora the explorer. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2010 94 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2010 79 5 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
Casper's scare school 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/16/2010 107 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Scooby-Doo!. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2010 101 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
Scooby-Doo!. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2010 99 11 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2010 129 8 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Quiz show 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/22/2010 137 17 ######## 11/20/2019 13:51 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2010 214 32 9/8/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
Phineas and Ferb. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2010 123 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2010 97 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2010 110 16 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2010 165 22 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
Run, fatboy, run 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2010 117 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2010 158 25 8/5/2019 8/7/2019 10:13 IV RN
The untouchables 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2010 184 12 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2010 128 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
Ben 10, alien force. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/19/2010 93 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
September thunder : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2010 30 3 8/6/2018 12/7/2019 10:25 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2010 50 6 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
Rock 'n' roll high school 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2010 107 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2010 94 6 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SS
Traitor 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2010 145 14 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
The air I breathe 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2010 239 28 ######## 9/20/2019 17:25 SP RN
Sex and the city 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2010 88 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2010 95 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2010 102 11 ######## 4/9/2019 15:11 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2010 69 3 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SS GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2010 96 15 ######## 6/12/2019 11:20 IV RN
The bucket list 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2010 54 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2010 42 3 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SO GE
Dudley Do-Right 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2010 93 8 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/10/2010 104 7 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Love & distrust 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2010 171 17 7/2/2018 8/27/2019 9:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2010 86 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
Cats & dogs. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2010 110 9 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
16 wishes 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2010 99 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV SV
Snow 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2010 89 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS SP
A mother's courage : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2010 19 1 ######## 12/6/2019 13:59 RN RN
We own the night 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2010 118 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Crunchless abs 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2010 40 7 ######## 12/6/2019 13:59 NV RN
Eat pray love 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2010 80 9 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2010 75 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2010 120 11 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Riding in cars with boys 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/23/2010 105 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/23/2010 83 10 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/23/2010 92 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SV
SpongeBob SquarePants. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2010 80 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
30 for 30. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/30/2010 18 6/2/2015 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
The five people you meet in Heaven 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2010 104 9 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2010 110 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Going the distance 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/3/2010 158 19 ######## 9/21/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2010 33 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 VE SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2010 109 11 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2010 102 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Curious George. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2010 86 12 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 VE SP
Cyrus 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2010 126 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Transporter 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2010 126 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 141 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 110 15 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
Family guy. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 115 3 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Legend of the guardians : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 107 10 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SV
Legend of the guardians : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 96 5 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 162 16 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 IV RN
Salt 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 117 9 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SV
Salt 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 135 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Step up 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2010 112 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2011 117 12 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2011 90 8 ######## 3/20/2019 12:49 SO RN
The good shepherd 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2011 165 20 9/3/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
Cahill, United States Marshal 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2011 153 14 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 NV TS
Surrogates 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2011 95 4 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2011 124 5 8/7/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SC SV
Yogi Bear's all-star comedy Christmas caper
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2011 78 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Love & basketball 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2011 14 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Machete 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2011 120 7 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2011 91 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2011 56 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
The secret 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2011 75 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2011 104 9 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2011 86 14 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NW
The water horse : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2011 113 13 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
Piranha 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2011 134 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
Starsky and Hutch 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2011 159 11 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SP RN
NASCAR ultimate DVD collection 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2011 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
Saw : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2011 120 8 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
Anchorman : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2011 111 10 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SP
Galaxy Quest 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2011 103 10 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2011 44 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2011 152 24 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
iCarly. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2011 83 4 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2011 110 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/25/2011 84 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Body of lies 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/25/2011 123 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP NV
World history : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2011 54 18 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SC RN
The Satanic rites of Dracula 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2011 36 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2011 112 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NV SP
Conviction 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2011 158 21 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
Pokemon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2011 81 14 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
LeapFrog. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2011 57 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS RN
Bob the Builder. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2011 74 11 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP NV
Chuggington. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2011 73 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SV
Mystic River 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2011 43 2 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Die hard with a vengeance 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2011 101 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
The Muppet movie 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2011 75 10 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2011 199 22 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/7/2011 182 32 8/6/2018 12/7/2019 12:09 SV RN
What happened, dad? : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/7/2011 19 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
All aboard Minden 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/7/2011 28 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Power, passion & murder 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2011 86 9 9/4/2018 12/11/2019 9:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2011 104 10 ######## 12/11/2019 8:59 SS RN
Middle men 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2011 141 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2011 99 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2011 86 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2011 114 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2011 81 13 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
Jump into Spring 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2011 53 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
Wishbone 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2011 81 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2011 77 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2011 99 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/17/2011 102 9 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2011 120 12 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2011 93 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN TR
Meet the parents 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2011 104 13 ######## 7/13/2019 16:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2011 79 5 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
Deep cover 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2011 142 6 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NV RN
Get low 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2011 102 10 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
30 for 30. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2011 13 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2011 107 14 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
Scooby Doo : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2011 116 13 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
The girl who kicked the hornet's nest 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2011 205 27 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SP RN
Alphabet fun : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/2/2011 64 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
The eagle has landed 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2011 100 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV SV
Jackass 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2011 124 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Jackass 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2011 108 9 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Anchorman : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2011 68 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Elmo's world. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2011 47 12 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Caillou. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2011 67 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
The switch 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2011 116 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2011 114 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2011 83 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2011 111 25 7/6/2019 11/8/2019 11:35 SP TS
Pokémon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2011 148 48 ######## 8/27/2019 10:12 SO RN
Permanent midnight 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/23/2011 153 12 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
Into great silence 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/23/2011 72 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Better off dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2011 102 10 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Kull the conqueror 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2011 116 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2011 68 3 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2011 89 10 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SC SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2011 79 12 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2011 85 6 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2011 112 16 ######## 9/19/2019 16:22 SC RN
Little Fockers 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2011 123 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2011 98 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
Next avengers. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2011 88 5 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2011 112 26 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2011 79 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2011 99 9 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2011 79 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2011 85 11 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2011 115 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/6/2011 73 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Redwall. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/6/2011 54 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
The buccaneers 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2011 89 10 ######## 3/28/2019 9:51 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2011 92 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2011 148 26 ######## 12/3/2019 15:03 RN TS
Phantasm 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2011 202 22 8/2/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2011 198 32 ######## 11/13/2019 10:23 SP TS
Paycheck 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2011 21 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Entrapment 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2011 10 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2011 129 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV TR
Jungle fever 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2011 27 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
Pure 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2011 126 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2011 163 21 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2011 69 9 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2011 93 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
Rabbit hole 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2011 114 13 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/20/2011 197 17 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2011 86 8 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Jim Brown all-American 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2011 27 8/2/2014 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
Predators 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2011 108 5 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SP RN
Murder at 1600 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2011 165 19 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2011 95 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
Eat pray love 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2011 142 18 2/5/2019 2/20/2019 13:39 NW TS
A knight's tale 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2011 83 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2011 90 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SP
The good shepherd 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2011 92 10 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2011 73 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SV
The dilemma 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2011 96 10 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
The green hornet 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2011 99 7 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SS
No strings attached 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/6/2011 111 7 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2011 119 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Rules of engagement 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2011 103 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
The cooler 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2011 127 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2011 151 22 9/5/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 NW RN
Resurrecting the champ 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2011 194 19 9/7/2019 9/21/2019 9:00 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2011 99 11 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2011 173 20 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2011 37 5 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
The hit list 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2011 122 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Bad boys II 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2011 97 5 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Budrus 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2011 41 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
Broken Hill 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2011 179 24 ######## 4/17/2019 15:32 SO TS
The other woman 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2011 188 24 9/9/2019 9/21/2019 8:57 NW RN
The mechanic 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2011 121 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
The roommate 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2011 72 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/17/2011 84 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/17/2011 160 35 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/17/2011 181 30 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/17/2011 73 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2011 98 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2011 116 33 ######## 6/27/2019 13:49 NW TS
Galaxy Quest 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2011 65 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2011 55 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2011 107 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Wow! wow! wubbzy!. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2011 74 6 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV TR
No more back pain! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2011 18 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2011 25 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
The art of War. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2011 187 15 9/8/2019 9/20/2019 17:24 RN RN
Fury 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2011 58 9 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Yogi and the invasion of the space bears 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2011 61 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Elle : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2011 65 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Strawberry Shortcake. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2011 65 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2011 109 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Corrina, Corrina 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2011 142 19 ######## 3/4/2019 13:41 SP TS
Renaissance man 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2011 72 6 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2011 90 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2011 81 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Sanctum 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/7/2011 104 10 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/7/2011 55 5 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Running scared 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2011 119 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
Autumn in New York 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2011 172 30 ######## 9/20/2019 17:21 NV RN
The chaos experiment 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2011 203 13 ######## 9/21/2019 8:58 SS RN
The day after 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2011 246 20 1/4/2019 2/20/2019 13:44 SV TS
Jarhead 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2011 78 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO RN
Old school 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2011 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Battle : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2011 108 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
Hall pass 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2011 108 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SP
Faith like potatoes 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/14/2011 82 9 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Colonial America 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2011 26 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2011 94 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2011 114 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2011 59 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2011 71 5 ######## 11/27/2019 9:17 SS RN
A few good men 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2011 68 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2011 100 7 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Ultimate avengers : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2011 100 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
Bunny play date 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2011 85 18 9/4/2019 9/11/2019 15:52 NV TS
Finding home 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/22/2011 203 19 ######## 7/23/2019 11:57 RN RN
Wyatt Earp 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2011 43 1 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2011 81 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2011 111 12 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2011 76 6 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
American pie 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 117 5 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 54 7 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 73 5 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Charlie Chan in Shanghai 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 72 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 61 13 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
House of sand and fog 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 90 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2011 97 6 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Hard times 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/30/2011 137 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Mari Winsor Pilates 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/30/2011 31 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/5/2011 23 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/5/2011 67 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE RN
Unfaithful 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2011 114 4 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
Under siege 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/7/2011 218 23 ######## 9/28/2019 11:04 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2011 109 3 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2011 109 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
The Lincoln lawyer 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2011 104 13 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Salt 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2011 264 30 ######## 8/27/2019 9:21 IV TS
Universal squadrons 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2011 207 13 ######## 9/28/2019 11:04 SV RN
Wake Wood 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2011 234 20 9/9/2019 9/28/2019 11:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2011 221 43 ######## 11/6/2019 16:14 SO NW
Batman : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2011 96 5 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Arthur 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/15/2011 96 5 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SP
Arthur 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/15/2011 160 18 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 SP RN
Jesse Stone. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2011 33 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2011 98 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2011 61 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The water horse : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2011 133 7 ######## 12/10/2019 8:17 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2011 173 12 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2011 159 6 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 SV RN
Samurai deeper Kyo. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/20/2011 106 14 7/8/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2011 83 6 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Welcome home Roscoe Jenkins 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2011 95 4 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2011 63 7 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2011 184 19 9/8/2019 9/21/2019 9:00 NV RN
Amanda Knox : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2011 102 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 102 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
Ray 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 94 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Ladder 49 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 119 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 98 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 47 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 90 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
A nightmare on Elm Street. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 90 8 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Closing the ring 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 158 19 ######## 9/21/2019 8:58 SO RN
The Smurfs. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 76 11 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Fred Astaire : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 36 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Going upriver : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2011 15 5 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2011 40 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2011 69 15 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
Dora the Explorer. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 77 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 98 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 92 11 ######## 4/9/2019 8:25 SP SP
Western classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 52 3 7/9/2019 8/2/2019 16:18 NW TS
Western classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 52 9 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Western classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 65 4 8/1/2018 8/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
Western classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 24 ######## 7/22/2019 13:21 RN TS
Western classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2011 59 7 6/8/2019 8/14/2019 13:22 SP TS
UFO ultramaiden valkyrie. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/10/2011 32 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
Priest 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/12/2011 220 20 ######## 9/21/2019 8:57 SS RN
Bat*21 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2011 128 2 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2011 107 16 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SO TS
Blades of glory 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2011 87 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
Against all odds 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2011 162 17 9/3/2019 9/20/2019 17:21 SP RN
Trollhunter = 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2011 166 19 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 NW RN
Phineas and Ferb, the movie : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2011 70 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 TR RN
The Warrior's way 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2011 117 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2011 100 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2011 85 9 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Blue murder. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2011 167 24 ######## 9/20/2019 17:20 SO RN
Halloween H20 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/2/2011 88 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC RN
Halloween H20 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/2/2011 37 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Children of the corn II and III and IV 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/2/2011 93 6 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Dora the explorer : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/7/2011 66 6 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
The music never stopped 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/8/2011 144 30 ######## 12/11/2019 8:58 SP RN
Once upon a time in the West 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2011 82 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2011 97 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2011 103 9 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2011 94 13 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2011 111 36 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SP TS
Desperate hours 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2011 191 17 8/8/2019 9/21/2019 8:58 RN RN
Inspector Lewis. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2011 190 39 ######## 12/10/2019 8:18 SO TS
Endhiran = 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2011 20 4 ######## 12/11/2019 9:28 NV RN
Man with the gun 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2011 212 16 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SO TS
Angelina ballerina. The shining star trophy3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2011 67 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/19/2011 66 8 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2011 88 11 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SV TS
Bottle shock 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2011 91 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Toddler favorites 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2011 8 2 ######## 12/7/2019 13:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2011 61 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
Kiss the girls 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2011 76 5 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
The best of comics unleashed 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2011 65 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
Girlfight 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2011 94 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Dodgeball 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2011 57 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
The Big red one 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2011 122 8 ######## 12/6/2019 17:52 SV RN
House of sand and fog 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2011 106 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2011 99 11 3/5/2019 4/24/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2011 68 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2011 92 12 3/5/2019 3/14/2019 11:31 SS TS
The man with two brains 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2011 34 5 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 VE NW
Furry vengeance 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/4/2011 93 7 6/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/5/2011 74 12 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
The secret 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/5/2011 83 18 4/3/2017 3/18/2019 11:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/6/2011 90 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Judy Moody and the not bummer summer3.12E+13 DVD7 10/6/2011 64 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SS
Memphis Belle 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/6/2011 49 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/7/2011 101 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN RN
Skinny b*tch 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/7/2011 51 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
In the valley of Elah 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/10/2011 85 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SS RN
Babar : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/10/2011 51 5 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2011 48 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Ed Hardy : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/12/2011 31 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS NW
Timecrimes = 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/12/2011 123 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2011 66 12 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Bad teacher 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/17/2011 92 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Elmo's shape adventure 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2011 39 7 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2011 105 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2011 93 4 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 VE SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2011 105 11 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2011 95 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
The Kingdom 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2011 111 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2011 80 7 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
The pledge 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2011 93 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2011 89 15 ######## 6/19/2019 14:38 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2011 186 16 8/4/2019 9/21/2019 8:59 TR RN
The American president ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2011 71 6 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Barton Fink 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2011 154 19 ######## 4/24/2019 10:00 IV TS
Make it funky! 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2011 19 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
Thomas & friends. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2011 58 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
Boxcar Bertha 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2011 222 18 ######## 11/13/2019 13:48 RN TS
Four rooms 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2011 61 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
The Russia house 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2011 97 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2011 60 4 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
Father Ted : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2011 82 9 ######## 3/7/2019 10:16 NV TS
Tremors attack pack 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/31/2011 95 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/31/2011 81 9 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Sleepover 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2011 31 3 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2011 79 7 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
Stargate. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2011 99 4 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SC
The bucket list 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2011 101 12 ######## 6/14/2019 11:25 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2011 45 4 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
Cops 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2011 87 11 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
Ong-Bak : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2011 99 8 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2011 84 9 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/8/2011 80 6 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Mickey mouse clubhouse. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2011 88 10 ######## 2/5/2019 10:21 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2011 108 26 ######## 12/10/2019 11:03 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2011 58 11 ######## 12/11/2019 8:40 RN RN
Palo Alto, CA : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2011 73 5 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2011 211 28 9/1/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2011 137 20 ######## 6/14/2019 7:41 TR TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2011 164 36 9/7/2019 9/16/2019 13:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2011 81 5 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2011 160 35 ######## 7/31/2019 8:02 RN TS
Juno 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2011 60 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
The Frighteners 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/17/2011 109 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NW RN
Shaolin : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/17/2011 183 9 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 NW RN
Conan the barbarian 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2011 114 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
The wild Thornberrys : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2011 61 12 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SV
Monsieur Hire 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2011 96 9 ######## 9/4/2019 15:15 SP TS
Spy kids 4. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/22/2011 66 10 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/30/2011 107 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
Crazy, stupid, love 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2011 110 23 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SV RN
Crazy, stupid, love 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2011 96 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Humane handling of livestock 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2011 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
Dragons. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2011 77 14 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2011 80 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2011 75 20 ######## 7/17/2019 7:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2011 101 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SO SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2011 94 7 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 TR RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2011 188 33 ######## 9/5/2019 15:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2011 69 8 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 TR NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2011 72 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SC NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2011 79 6 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2011 91 6 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2011 67 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV SP
The big bounce 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2011 105 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2011 69 10 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
Through the wormhole. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2011 71 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2011 78 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
Willow 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2011 97 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2011 76 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2011 62 6 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2011 124 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC SV
Transformers prime. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2011 120 21 1/2/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/14/2011 98 27 ######## 1/16/2019 11:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/14/2011 132 16 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 9:04 SP TS
Mesrine : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2011 102 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2011 77 11 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2011 67 10 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2011 111 18 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2011 87 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SO
Catch .44 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2011 37 3 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
Underdog. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2011 67 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2011 160 9 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SP RN
Rick Steves' Travel extras 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/22/2011 90 18 ######## 6/25/2019 8:23 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2011 74 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Arthur. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2011 53 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Miss Evers' boys 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2011 80 2 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Bollywood Hollywood 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2011 52 8 ######## 12/14/2019 12:45 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2011 92 9 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
Mesrine : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2011 182 28 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2012 99 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NV
The wave = 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2012 98 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2012 103 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 68 8 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
Star trek insurrection 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 38 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 73 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 174 22 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 30 5 9/7/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 SC GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 76 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SC SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2012 95 8 6/8/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
The WaterBoy 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2012 79 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2012 133 18 ######## 8/2/2019 7:10 SO TS
In the name of the king 2 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/13/2012 92 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
The Chateau Meroux 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/13/2012 88 13 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SS RN
There be dragons 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/13/2012 178 36 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2012 157 14 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NW RN
Schoolhouse rock!. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/19/2012 34 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/19/2012 72 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV RN
Along came Polly 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/23/2012 165 30 ######## 8/7/2019 15:17 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2012 90 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/1/2012 85 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Snowmen 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2012 76 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2012 83 9 2/8/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Footloose 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/7/2012 76 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Immortals 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/7/2012 82 6 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2012 78 7 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Dream house 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 99 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
In time 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 81 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 87 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
10 minute solution. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 31 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SC SV
10 minute solution. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 35 14 ######## 8/27/2019 9:56 NW RN
Renée 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 14 2 9/2/2017 12/5/2019 13:55 NW TS
Chalet girl 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 86 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
The double 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 241 24 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 SS TS
Salvador DalÃ- 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 39 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
Beyoncé : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 26 5 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 40 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Crazy in Alabama 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2012 58 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/10/2012 66 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Kissology. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/10/2012 49 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
The legend of drunken master 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/10/2012 89 5 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2012 58 14 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert 3.12E+13
Hall DVD7 2/15/2012 51 8 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW RN
The robber 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 135 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
The sins of Rachel Cade 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 50 6 ######## 12/11/2019 9:06 IV RN
The sins of Rachel Cade 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 60 12 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
Thousands cheer 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 31 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
Royal rumble 2012 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 72 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
The Garfield show : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 71 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 84 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2012 70 5 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SP
Dora the explorer. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2012 62 9 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
Penguins of Madagascar. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2012 76 7 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
VeggieTales. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2012 45 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Tower heist 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2012 80 8 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2012 184 46 9/7/2019 9/20/2019 17:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2012 74 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
Alvin and the Chipmunks 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2012 76 7 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2012 75 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
We bought a zoo 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2012 59 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
We bought a zoo 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/21/2012 140 35 ######## 12/3/2019 15:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/23/2012 69 9 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Angelina ballerina. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2012 47 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SP
The machinist 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/24/2012 106 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
Saturday morning cartoons 1960s. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 12 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 59 9 7/1/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 53 14 4/8/2019 5/3/2019 10:42 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 74 17 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
Scooby-doo! and the zombies 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 68 9 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 98 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
Texas killing fields 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 86 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NW
These amazing shadows : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 35 2 ######## 12/4/2019 7:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2012 73 22 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2012 90 14 9/9/2019 9/26/2019 10:34 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/29/2012 73 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/29/2012 72 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/29/2012 37 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/29/2012 73 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/29/2012 24 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV SV
Merry Madagascar 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2012 77 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
On strike for Christmas 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2012 54 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2012 49 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2012 64 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP NV
Contraband 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2012 68 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2012 84 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 158 23 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 NW RN
All's faire in love 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 110 15 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 RN TS
The bling ring 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 63 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Bob the Builder : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 43 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
Bollywood beats 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 47 7 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Breaking wind 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 84 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 73 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Knuckle 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 99 11 1/9/2019 11/4/2019 13:30 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 52 5 4/3/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP NV
Loosies : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 68 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
The man nobody knew 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 72 13 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
More business of being born 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 14 4 ######## 10/29/2019 13:48 NV TS
Pokémon the movie. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 176 47 ######## 11/19/2019 7:54 SO TS
Scooby-Doo! 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 65 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
Swing : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 25 17 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
Up, up & away! 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2012 64 14 ######## 1/16/2019 12:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 68 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 66 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 61 4 ######## 8/9/2019 11:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 71 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 205 23 ######## 9/28/2019 11:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 92 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 62 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 98 16 ######## 1/16/2019 11:20 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 67 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
The myth 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2012 94 5 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2012 105 26 9/9/2019 9/26/2019 10:34 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2012 65 4 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
The fugitive 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/22/2012 76 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SV
The Green Berets 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2012 109 12 8/8/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2012 45 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Scarface 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 70 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
The devil inside 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 80 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
Ghost Rider 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 70 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 102 8 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 207 22 9/6/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 66 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/29/2012 67 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Freedom song 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2012 31 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Wanda Sykes : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2012 80 6 ######## 8/27/2019 9:56 SS RN
Flawless 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2012 212 20 9/6/2019 9/21/2019 8:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2012 60 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
Thomas & friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2012 67 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Pariah 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2012 49 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
P2 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2012 112 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2012 117 18 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2012 23 8 7/9/2019 8/8/2019 14:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2012 71 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Sex, lies, and videotape 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2012 64 3 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2012 137 16 ######## 8/8/2019 8:57 SP TS
Shanghai Noon 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2012 153 17 2/6/2019 2/13/2019 17:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2012 17 1 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 GE GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2012 80 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2012 92 14 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 NW TS
Safe house 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2012 78 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2012 70 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2012 88 8 7/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The Hurricane 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2012 68 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Sinners and saints 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2012 75 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Hitch 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/24/2012 68 8 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
Star wars V : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2012 62 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2012 14 2 ######## 10/15/2019 12:49 IV TS
Viva la causa 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2012 14 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2012 150 40 ######## 4/17/2019 15:31 NW TS
Liza with a "Z" xx870138 DVD7 4/26/2012 0 7/9/2019 10:55 IV IV
The real CSI 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/30/2012 56 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2012 69 5 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2012 83 8 9/9/2015 5/17/2019 10:22 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/9/2012 94 18 ######## 6/12/2019 11:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2012 20 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2012 75 10 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
21 Jump Street 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2012 98 8 ######## 2/5/2019 10:23 SC SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/10/2012 86 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SS
Quantum apocalypse 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/14/2012 160 10 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
Tim & Eric's billion dollar movie 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2012 36 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
Sky High 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2012 71 2 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2012 107 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC SP
Boys don't cry 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2012 62 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2012 63 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2012 18 4 4/1/2015 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2012 59 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2012 43 4 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2012 100 18 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
Meet the Spartans 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2012 97 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Mirror mirror 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2012 65 7 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 SV SV
Mirror mirror 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2012 76 5 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SV
Mirror mirror 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2012 58 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 IV SV
The twilight zone. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2012 80 20 ######## 8/8/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2012 44 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2012 72 7 1/7/2019 12/11/2019 8:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/24/2012 62 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
The legend of Su-Ling ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2012 63 9 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Almost famous 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2012 64 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
Blood and chocolate 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/5/2012 101 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2012 168 23 ######## 12/13/2019 8:33 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2012 69 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2012 67 4 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
10 movie mystery pack 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2012 65 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
Casino Royale 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/7/2012 71 6 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2012 54 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2012 64 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Goon 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2012 45 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV NV
The Great Gatsby 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2012 54 5 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Kelly's heroes ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/18/2012 126 26 ######## 11/6/2019 7:25 IV TS
Be big! ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/18/2012 40 2 3/8/2019 4/17/2019 15:28 SV TS
Are we there yet? 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 192 29 ######## 9/23/2019 8:30 SO TS
Eulogy 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 78 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The astronaut farmer 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 70 7 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
A family thing 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 49 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 69 7 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 56 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 66 5 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
Along came Polly 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2012 125 15 ######## 7/29/2019 8:45 SS RN
Young adult 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2012 69 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
Humorists 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2012 31 2 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SV GE
Famous duos 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2012 6 7/8/2015 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2012 62 11 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Up the creek 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/9/2012 67 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
America and the Civil War 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/9/2012 64 19 4/8/2019 9/10/2019 14:37 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/9/2012 107 13 7/6/2019 7/18/2019 14:18 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/9/2012 49 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Get the gringo 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 102 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
Hatfields & McCoys : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 88 6 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Angelina Ballerina. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 35 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
Ben 10 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 135 22 ######## 10/3/2019 14:24 NW TS
Ben 10 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 60 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NW
Beyond 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 102 3 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SP
Birdsong 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 153 24 9/1/2019 9/20/2019 17:20 NV RN
The Brontes of Haworth 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 102 13 ######## 3/22/2019 11:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 45 5 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 65 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
The hunter 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2012 165 10 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 NV RN
Lady Gaga's secret world : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2012 74 22 ######## 10/15/2019 9:56 RN RN
Pippi longstocking - the best of pippi longstocking
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2012 43 9 ######## 2/5/2019 10:23 SP SP
Seven wonders of the Buddhist world 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2012 53 16 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2012 49 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Mr. Destiny 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2012 22 2 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 IV RN
Messenger of death ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2012 30 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
Cars toon. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2012 50 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
4 kid favorites 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2012 42 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2012 50 7 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Scooby-Doo and the robots 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2012 60 11 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SV
SpongeBob SquarePants. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 63 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV RN
SpongeBob SquarePants. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 69 12 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 38 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
The mist 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 88 5 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 73 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
In the valley of Elah 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 151 14 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 165 11 ######## 4/25/2019 7:13 SO TS
Forces of nature 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 108 17 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 NV TS
Just like Heaven 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2012 47 8 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
The great outdoors 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2012 70 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2012 85 7 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2012 68 13 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2012 28 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2012 36 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SS
Walk away the pounds : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2012 22 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO SV
The Dictator 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2012 81 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2012 41 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
The Kennedys 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2012 36 15 ######## 4/12/2019 10:07 NW TS
Tom Green's subway monkey hour 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 23 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
Barbie Fairytopia 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 50 11 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 58 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 75 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
The star chamber 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 146 5 ######## 3/7/2019 10:33 RN TS
Stealing time 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 65 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO SP
Lies & illusions 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 197 20 1/2/2019 2/3/2019 10:36 SS RN
Born in East L.A. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 75 3 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 99 10 ######## 12/12/2019 12:18 NW NV
Reno 911! 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 75 7 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
Ronin 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2012 79 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Despicable me presents Minion madness 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 146 36 ######## 10/30/2019 14:02 SV TS
Jesus Henry Christ 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 48 6 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 52 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 62 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 51 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
The dirty dozen 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 78 4 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV RN
THX 1138 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2012 49 3 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 IV RN
Looney tunes mouse chronicles 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2012 59 8 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2012 46 6 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2012 67 7 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2012 67 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
Safe 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2012 92 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2012 61 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2012 106 20 ######## 4/8/2019 8:31 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2012 55 9 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Goats 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/31/2012 155 32 8/9/2019 9/21/2019 8:58 NV RN
Beowulf 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2012 75 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2012 82 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
The hitcher 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/6/2012 83 7 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/6/2012 79 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
The break-up 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/6/2012 51 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2012 9 4 ######## 8/1/2019 9:51 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2012 150 29 ######## 3/14/2019 11:36 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2012 69 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
Thomas & friends: blue mountain mystery3.12E+13 DVD7 9/10/2012 56 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
Bait 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2012 87 5 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2012 56 16 ######## 6/13/2019 8:55 NW TS
Bel ami 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2012 73 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2012 52 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
Drunkboat 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2012 68 6 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
Growing up with Hello Kitty. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2012 67 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Growing up with Hello Kitty. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2012 103 25 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2012 36 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2012 167 39 ######## 12/10/2019 8:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2012 40 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2012 59 8 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/24/2012 69 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/24/2012 74 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
Don 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2012 45 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
The Fletch collection 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2012 60 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
Cocaine cowboys 2 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2012 62 5 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2012 67 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Scooby doo!. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2012 61 10 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
Spot. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2012 17 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV IV
In time 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2012 75 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
Fit for murder 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/5/2012 134 10 ######## 1/16/2019 11:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/5/2012 73 24 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 SP TS
The Wiggles big birthday! 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2012 19 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2012 47 4 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2012 62 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO NV
Last ride 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2012 34 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2012 39 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2012 74 9 ######## 9/23/2019 8:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2012 50 2 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Lost Junction 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2012 67 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Thomas & his friends get along and other Thomas
DVD7 10/11/2012 42 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Wild Nevada. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/15/2012 56 10 ######## 12/6/2019 17:53 IV RN
Batman super villains : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2012 23 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SV
Batman super villains : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2012 66 15 ######## 2/1/2019 10:17 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2012 47 12 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 61 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
Last will 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 201 31 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 NW RN
Something from nothing : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 45 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 84 27 ######## 12/20/2019 8:12 SV TS
A Flintstone Christmas collection : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 45 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 40 5 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Home alone 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 57 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 63 4 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
The original Christmas classics. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/18/2012 39 11 ######## 1/16/2019 11:41 SP TS
Dark shadows 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/19/2012 73 4 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/19/2012 59 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 NV SS
Your sister's sister 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/19/2012 38 2 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
Crooked arrows 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/19/2012 31 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2012 64 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/24/2012 65 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Arthur Christmas 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2012 43 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2012 52 9 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Angelina Ballerina : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2012 41 5 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2012 28 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Love's Christmas journey 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2012 87 27 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2012 51 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Christmas cupid 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2012 38 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2012 31 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
Chernobyl diaries 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 122 12 ######## 8/27/2019 9:58 SP RN
Chernobyl diaries 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 73 7 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 159 32 ######## 1/16/2019 11:35 SO TS
Savages 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 65 6 8/3/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Savages 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 71 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Looney tunes super stars. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 40 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 25 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 NW RN
My friend Bernard 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/2/2012 35 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NW NV
Dances with wolves 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2012 148 21 ######## 10/4/2019 7:44 SS TS
O brother, where art thou? 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2012 56 6 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2012 78 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2012 57 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
Jason and the Argonauts 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2012 106 21 1/7/2019 1/13/2019 15:32 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 43 5 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 62 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
The Tommyknockers 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 146 19 ######## 10/24/2019 14:19 SV TS
Sleepless in Seattle 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 49 6 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 44 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 58 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
Over her dead body 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/7/2012 80 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2012 60 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2012 70 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2012 65 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Prep & Landing : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2012 88 10 ######## 1/16/2019 11:09 SO TS
Prep & Landing : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2012 49 9 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP TR
Shade 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2012 150 13 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 NW RN
Lost highway 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2012 61 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV SO
Grand theft Parsons 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2012 55 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
Growing up with Hello Kitty. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/14/2012 45 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
Love overboard 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/14/2012 38 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2012 91 13 ######## 12/11/2019 9:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2012 57 3 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2012 34 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV
The Smurfs and the magic flute 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2012 45 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2012 46 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/27/2012 52 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/27/2012 60 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/27/2012 84 17 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2012 60 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
The bourne legacy 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2012 130 19 9/6/2019 9/11/2019 10:23 IV TS
The bourne legacy 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2012 76 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
National Lampoon's Holiday reunion 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2012 84 1 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
National Lampoon's Holiday reunion 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2012 101 14 ######## 7/12/2019 15:30 SO SP
Men in black 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2012 77 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2012 58 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
Total recall 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2012 57 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
Total recall 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2012 54 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
10 years 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2012 61 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
Babette's feast 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2012 94 36 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2012 69 3 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2012 60 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2012 57 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2012 55 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SV
El Cortez 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2012 98 9 ######## 12/11/2019 9:10 SV RN
Killer Joe : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2012 55 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Lego. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2012 54 7 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SO
Mickey Mouse clubhouse. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2012 64 13 ######## 2/5/2019 10:24 SP SP
Merry Madagascar 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2012 42 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Monsuno : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2012 105 19 ######## 2/3/2019 10:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2012 46 4 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NW
Transformers, rescue bots : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/21/2012 24 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2012 56 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2012 66 4 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Seal team six : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2013 83 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2013 82 10 ######## 8/8/2019 8:57 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2013 58 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2013 51 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2013 128 23 ######## 10/4/2019 12:59 SS SC
Taken 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2013 75 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SV
Taken 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2013 214 24 ######## 11/19/2019 7:54 SS TS
Taken 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2013 61 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 VE SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2013 47 5 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
Cocaine cowboys 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2013 63 5 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
Seven years in Tibet 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2013 49 5 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 IV RN
Dark secrets 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2013 160 18 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 SP RN
The Oblong murders 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2013 173 19 ######## 9/28/2019 11:12 NW RN
Let's learn : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2013 36 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2013 44 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
Out for a kill 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2013 87 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SV
Speed racer 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2013 51 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV NV
Ghost town 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2013 177 16 ######## 9/21/2019 8:59 SO RN
Relax into yoga 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2013 37 20 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2013 79 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SV
Adventures in Shapeville Park 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2013 58 17 ######## 12/11/2019 8:33 SS RN
The condemned 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/16/2013 72 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Beauty shop 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/16/2013 64 7 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Eastern promises 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/16/2013 85 5 ######## 8/2/2019 13:08 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 63 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
The haunting hour. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 52 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SO
The haunting hour. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 112 16 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 NW RN
High noon 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 65 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SC
Killshot 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 77 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SC
Shadowheart 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 73 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NV
Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2013 31 8 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2013 41 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2013 52 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2013 61 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV NW
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2013 51 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2013 63 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2013 58 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2013 77 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2013 55 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2013 66 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2013 64 2 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SP
Cape fear 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2013 179 18 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 NW TS
Call of the wild 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2013 102 32 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 9:04 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2013 133 31 7/2/2019 7/18/2019 14:17 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2013 71 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2013 34 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2013 40 6 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
Dora the Explorer. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2013 52 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
Curb your enthusiasm. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/30/2013 83 17 ######## 12/11/2019 9:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2013 111 13 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2013 52 4 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
WordWorld. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2013 37 7 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NV
WordWorld. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/8/2013 31 15 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 13 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
An American tail 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 41 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
George Lopez : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 38 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
Made for each other ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 8 3 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
Heavy metal comedy 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 41 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
What doesn't kill you 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 203 17 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SV RN
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 38 8 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SC RN
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 109 33 ######## 8/27/2019 10:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 47 5 7/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
Family guy presents Blue harvest 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 77 1 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 72 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 134 25 ######## 9/5/2019 15:19 RN TS
Alvin and the chipmunks 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 45 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2013 50 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2013 31 2 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SV RN
Jeff Dunham. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2013 52 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2013 99 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2013 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
Dragons. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2013 60 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
For Ellen 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2013 91 13 ######## 1/9/2019 18:55 NW TR
Teenage mutant ninja turtles. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2013 43 5 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2013 35 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2013 140 30 ######## 1/16/2019 11:45 VE TS
Waiting for lightning 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 34 4 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 40 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 36 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 43 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
The bay 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 64 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Lay the favorite 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 58 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
Playing for keeps 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/22/2013 63 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Drive angry 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 222 35 ######## 8/27/2019 9:58 NW RN
Be cool 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 106 7 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 59 5 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Bulletproof monk 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 71 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 8 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SS GE
Get Smart 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 56 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SV
Entrapment 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 49 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 49 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 59 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SC RN
Tropic thunder 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 47 4 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
Twisted 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 75 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
What's love got to do with it 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
Girl, interrupted 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2013 178 23 ######## 9/21/2019 8:59 IV RN
Camp Rock 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2013 45 9 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
A little bit of faith 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2013 36 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2013 108 21 ######## 12/11/2019 8:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2013 64 10 ######## 12/3/2019 15:04 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2013 46 4 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
30 for 30. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2013 11 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
The exorcist 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2013 34 3 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
The exorcist 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2013 62 5 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2013 47 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 VE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/28/2013 52 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
This is not a film 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2013 32 4 6/3/2018 12/5/2019 13:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2013 67 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Cold Creek Manor 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2013 58 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2013 46 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2013 7 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Godzilla : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2013 69 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2013 57 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2013 26 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Barbie : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2013 53 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2013 103 17 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SC RN
Zero dark thirty 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2013 59 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2013 40 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2013 39 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2013 172 14 6/1/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/14/2013 47 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Dazed and confused 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/14/2013 57 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/14/2013 38 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/14/2013 80 19 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/14/2013 30 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Killing them softly 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2013 68 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Parental guidance 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2013 101 11 ######## 10/15/2019 8:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2013 91 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2013 40 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/20/2013 32 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 43 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 37 8 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
Little Nicky 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 69 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 50 4 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 39 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 164 17 ######## 5/8/2019 13:34 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2013 151 21 ######## 1/8/2019 14:34 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2013 55 13 ######## 12/3/2019 15:03 NV TS
One day on Earth 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2013 74 8 8/6/2019 8/7/2019 15:07 SV RN
48 hrs. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2013 44 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 NV RN
Triage 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2013 192 16 9/5/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2013 59 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2013 46 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/5/2013 59 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SV
Azumi 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 54 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Nomad : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 48 3 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 35 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP NV
25th hour 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 68 3 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 IV RN
Jumper 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 37 3 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 39 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SC SV
Serenity 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 146 25 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SO TS
Alphabet exercise 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 15 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2013 116 17 ######## 11/13/2019 13:49 NV TS
The good doctor 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2013 48 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
The evil dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2013 71 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Mickey's house of villains 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2013 48 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 148 23 ######## 11/26/2019 13:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 43 2 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Gangster squad 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 184 26 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 SV TS
Gangster squad 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 31 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Celebrate family! 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 32 6 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 54 2 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Bring it on 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2013 53 1 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
The Garfield show. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2013 120 36 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2013 41 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2013 33 6 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2013 20 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2013 25 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Survive and Advance 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2013 16 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2013 64 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 65 12 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 NV GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 131 33 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 64 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 107 24 ######## 8/2/2019 7:11 NV TS
Power Rangers : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 53 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
Bangkok dangerous 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 90 1 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SC
Hitman 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 214 27 ######## 11/7/2019 7:50 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2013 87 15 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2013 56 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2013 52 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2013 43 7 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV RN
The great mouse detective 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2013 50 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2013 129 16 ######## 11/13/2019 7:13 RN TS
The art of War. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2013 150 12 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2013 51 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SC RN
The messengers 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2013 49 4 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Hannibal rising 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2013 57 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SP
Mama 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2013 43 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
Sesame street elmo the musical 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2013 21 5 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
Starship troopers 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2013 60 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2013 71 2 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2013 72 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Cinderella : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2013 55 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Best pet in the world 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2013 23 4 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2013 59 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2013 43 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2013 38 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SC SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 41 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 42 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 43 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 56 7 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 47 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 25 4 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 27 4 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 NW RN
Evil dead II 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 67 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Four brothers 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 173 26 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 NW RN
Halloween : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2013 72 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Dark skies 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/17/2013 62 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Under our skin 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2013 23 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 IV RN
Last train from Gun Hill 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2013 117 17 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 IV TS
Road house 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2013 62 1 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
The secret of Moonacre 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2013 126 25 ######## 10/15/2019 15:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2013 49 13 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2013 60 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2013 50 2 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2013 45 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
Doctor Who : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2013 47 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2013 64 24 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SS RN
R.L. Stine's The haunting hour. 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2013 69 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Rosemary's baby 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2013 26 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SO
Meet the Browns 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2013 38 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
Hansel & Gretel : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 62 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 70 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 178 27 9/4/2018 8/27/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 52 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Saint Ralph 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 80 8 ######## 1/16/2019 12:06 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 53 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SC RN
American pie presents band camp : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 52 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Follow that bird 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 89 16 ######## 8/7/2019 10:02 SO SV
Along came Polly 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2013 41 5 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
Oz : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2013 51 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 VE SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2013 40 6 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2013 36 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/3/2013 47 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP NW
Maid in Manhattan 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/3/2013 35 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
King Solomon's mines 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/3/2013 17 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Friends with money 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/3/2013 82 12 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2013 126 25 2/2/2019 2/15/2019 9:13 IV TS
Garrow's law : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2013 87 24 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 9:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2013 47 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2013 75 5 8/4/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SC TR
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2013 34 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2013 26 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
Resident evil 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2013 38 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2013 42 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2013 16 2 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 170 27 ######## 9/5/2019 15:18 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 57 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
21 and over 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 31 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Austin and Ally : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 94 12 9/4/2018 8/27/2019 9:57 SV RN
The brass teapot : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 45 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS SP
Shake it up : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 83 18 ######## 8/2/2019 7:09 NV TS
Kung fu panda : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 45 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SV RN
Movie 43 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 160 29 8/2/2019 9/28/2019 11:02 SP RN
Superman super villains : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 67 7 ######## 3/14/2019 11:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 34 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 29 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
The Langoliers 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/10/2013 116 11 9/4/2019 9/11/2019 10:23 SO TS
The black cauldron 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2013 46 6 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
Lonesome Dove 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2013 35 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Best of Warner Brothers : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2013 73 20 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
The wild west 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2013 45 2 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
The wizards return : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2013 84 19 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
The great commanders : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/18/2013 20 3 ######## 12/6/2019 12:22 SV RN
Teen titans. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/18/2013 42 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/18/2013 39 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
Blue lagoon 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/18/2013 55 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Identity thief 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2013 45 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 VE SV
Identity thief 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2013 52 3 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 TR SP
Identity thief 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2013 41 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2013 159 10 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2013 62 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2013 62 8 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2013 43 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2013 47 7 ######## 12/14/2019 12:19 SO RN
My super ex-girlfriend 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2013 65 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2013 125 37 ######## 9/5/2019 15:17 SP TS
When a man falls 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2013 188 12 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 SV RN
Dead man down 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 56 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 45 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 42 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 61 17 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SS RN
Love and honor 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 43 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Love and honor 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 37 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2013 41 5 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Clerks uncensored 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 35 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 45 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 52 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 31 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 42 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
Trucker 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 159 20 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SP TS
The Berenstain Bears : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2013 77 36 ######## 4/25/2019 7:16 NW TS
The nutty professor I and II 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 71 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 55 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
The Cat in the Hat 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 35 4 ######## 8/27/2019 9:58 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 71 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
The curious case of Benjamin Button 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 44 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Rick Steves' Iran 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 55 19 ######## 6/25/2019 8:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/3/2013 48 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SC SV
The snowman 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2013 29 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2013 28 6 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NW SP
Ladder 49 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2013 90 13 ######## 12/11/2019 8:54 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2013 58 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Out of time 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2013 43 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2013 59 16 3/8/2019 4/24/2019 8:52 SS TS
Evil dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2013 36 4 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2013 26 1 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
Collateral 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 51 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 44 8 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 39 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
The woods 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 38 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 24 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 41 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 33 4 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV NW
War, Inc. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 64 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Rampart 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2013 69 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/12/2013 40 4 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/12/2013 56 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/12/2013 29 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
G.I. Joe : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2013 48 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
G.I. Joe : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/18/2013 60 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
The Lord of the rings : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/19/2013 228 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2013 64 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Lethal weapon 4 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2013 79 10 ######## 11/19/2019 14:42 NW TS
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2013 54 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2013 26 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2013 51 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2013 48 6 ######## 2/13/2019 10:30 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2013 34 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2013 117 11 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
What Maisie knew 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2013 48 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Inside the Vietnam War 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2013 62 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SC
The Black stallion 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2013 76 19 8/6/2019 8/15/2019 13:21 RN TS
Godzilla 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2013 123 26 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 SO TS
Revenge 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/25/2013 159 14 9/9/2019 9/21/2019 9:00 RN RN
Heroine = 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2013 17 4 ######## 12/11/2019 9:24 NW RN
Joker : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2013 26 4 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2013 42 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2013 33 3 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
The definitive guide to the mob 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/2/2013 29 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2013 32 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2013 39 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NW
Peter Pan in Return to Never Land 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2013 34 7 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2013 59 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Pilates for every body 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2013 19 6 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2013 55 1 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SV RN
Pain and gain 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2013 201 23 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/22/2013 30 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/27/2013 152 23 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 RN RN
Bigger, stronger, faster* 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2013 24 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Earthquake 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2013 110 7 ######## 4/24/2019 9:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2013 70 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2013 26 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Crazy kind of love 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2013 120 13 4/3/2019 4/24/2019 10:07 SP TS
Extreme rules 2013 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2013 34 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
Star trek : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/29/2013 151 24 ######## 11/6/2019 6:51 RN RN
Star trek : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/29/2013 42 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/3/2013 52 4 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/3/2013 106 23 4/1/2019 4/17/2019 13:13 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2013 39 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
Disconnect 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2013 165 34 ######## 3/24/2019 11:29 SS RN
Thomas and friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2013 33 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2013 30 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2013 35 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2013 156 31 9/3/2019 10/14/2019 8:45 SS TS
Jim Henson's the storyteller : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2013 75 20 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 RN TS
Making the grade 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2013 26 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2013 40 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Shark tale 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 29 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 TR NW
Mr. Deeds 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 52 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 30 5 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 49 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
Restoration 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 47 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 115 19 ######## 4/17/2019 15:32 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 56 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SV RN
Blade Runner : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/13/2013 109 20 ######## 1/29/2019 17:42 SO RN
Death proof 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/16/2013 162 27 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 IV TS
Confidence 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/16/2013 67 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 38 8 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
Bullet to the head 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 156 15 ######## 11/6/2019 7:25 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 56 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 73 2 ######## 12/11/2019 8:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 53 5 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 62 4 ######## 2/5/2019 10:22 SS SP
Road trip 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/17/2013 38 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Sex : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2013 35 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2013 40 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2013 59 7 9/5/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2013 41 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2013 46 4 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
Monterey pop 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2013 30 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Summer slam 2013 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/19/2013 46 1 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
The frozen ground 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/19/2013 57 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/19/2013 28 3 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/19/2013 48 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2013 158 35 ######## 10/23/2019 7:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2013 37 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
V/H/S 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2013 49 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Casper's scare school : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/24/2013 31 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/24/2013 105 12 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 42 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SP
Adventures in Zambezia 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 39 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SS
Dead man's bounty 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 47 3 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
The game plan 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 116 28 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 NV TS
A mighty heart : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 32 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 38 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV RN
100 years, 100 events. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2013 22 8/1/2017 11/4/2019 13:30 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2013 73 13 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
For the love of Benji 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2013 88 26 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SV TS
Cardiac procedures/angioplasty (PCI) 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
Cardiac surgery (coronary artery bypass surgery)
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
Raw in a rush : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 18 17 ######## 1/16/2019 11:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 21 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SC IV
Spirit of the eagle 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 27 1 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
Harlem nights 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 46 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
The brave one 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/1/2013 29 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2013 127 26 ######## 10/22/2019 8:13 SS TS
Jimi plays Berkeley 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2013 72 19 ######## 12/6/2019 14:02 RN RN
Red Dwarf V 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2013 25 10 ######## 3/14/2019 11:30 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2013 33 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Dogma 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2013 27 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
Mind of Mencia. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2013 20 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2013 26 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Vehicle 19 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/7/2013 46 4 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS RN
Oblivion 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2013 48 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
Final destination 3 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2013 37 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2013 21 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 IV RN
Read it and weep 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2013 37 7 ######## 12/11/2019 8:35 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2013 37 9 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/8/2013 32 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV RN
The internship 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2013 33 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN NV
The internship 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2013 37 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2013 111 15 1/3/2019 1/16/2019 9:00 IV RN
The Big Lebowski 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2013 180 25 ######## 12/10/2019 11:08 SV TS
Fargo 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2013 39 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 36 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 33 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 59 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
As I lay dying 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 48 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
The colony 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 43 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV NW
Home for Christmas : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 34 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
A hijacking = 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 164 25 9/8/2019 9/28/2019 11:04 SO RN
Shrek : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 28 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
The snowman : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2013 26 3 ######## 1/16/2019 11:22 SO TS
Doctor Who : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2013 32 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2013 16 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 37 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 46 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 45 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 50 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
Monster High : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 48 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 49 3 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 41 4 7/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 49 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
White House down 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 39 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN NV
White House down 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 141 22 8/8/2019 9/4/2019 15:18 RN TS
White House down 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 45 1 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
The uninvited 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/23/2013 31 2 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Turbo 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2013 27 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
Angelina Ballerina. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2013 21 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SP
Barbie & her sisters in a pony tale 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2013 120 31 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2013 83 17 ######## 4/4/2019 18:01 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2013 31 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2013 41 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
Jake and the never land pirates. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2013 15 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP NV
Halloween III : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/5/2013 85 13 ######## 1/29/2019 7:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 28 2 3/8/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 40 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 39 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Revenge. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 31 4 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SP
One true thing 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 83 12 ######## 11/7/2019 14:06 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 31 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
Akeelah and the bee 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 16 5 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO NW
Snow White 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 33 1 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 22 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SC SP
Hauntings in America : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 28 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
Trapped 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 44 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Bela Lugosi meets a Brooklyn gorilla 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 7 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 31 6 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Stick it 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 32 3 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
Monster-in-law 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 40 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SP
The island 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 56 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
A man apart 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 46 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 40 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SS SP
Friday the 13th. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 76 4 ######## 12/11/2019 9:12 SV RN
Breach 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 30 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
The covenant 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 56 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Pastor Jones 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 22 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Cold Creek Manor 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 51 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Stand up guys 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 44 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2013 36 6 ######## 3/7/2019 10:29 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/8/2013 16 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV RN
Cop out 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/12/2013 57 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
Good luck Chuck 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/12/2013 48 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
King of New York 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2013 47 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Sid the science kid. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2013 36 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SV
Black snake moan 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2013 128 25 ######## 5/20/2019 13:29 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2013 30 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SC RN
Willow 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2013 36 2 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
Creepshow 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2013 30 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2013 21 3 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 48 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 30 1 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 48 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN NV
The Smurfs 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 38 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
The Smurfs 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 36 4 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
The Wolverine 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 153 31 9/5/2019 9/28/2019 11:04 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 31 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
The Rocky Horror picture show 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 36 3 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 43 2 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 26 3 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Angry birds toons: volume 1 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 44 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Mickey Mouse clubhouse : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 26 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Mickey Mouse clubhouse : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 37 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 37 3 ######## 12/7/2019 13:39 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 106 27 ######## 5/21/2019 14:01 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 29 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 36 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 47 3 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
Tales from the darkside : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 40 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2013 16 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/21/2013 31 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/21/2013 19 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2013 32 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2013 125 12 ######## 9/30/2019 8:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2013 36 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 52 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 36 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 35 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 40 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 46 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
The master designer : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 17 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
Small town murder songs 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2013 168 19 ######## 9/21/2019 9:00 SS RN
Carnal innocence 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2013 133 22 ######## 4/24/2019 9:58 RN TS
Asylum blackout 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2013 175 29 9/9/2019 9/20/2019 17:21 SO RN
Kill list 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2013 68 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2013 42 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP RN
Attack on Leningrad 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2013 120 19 ######## 12/6/2019 17:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2013 37 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
Sherlock Holmes double feature 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2013 35 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/12/2013 39 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2013 22 6 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
Battle of the year 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/13/2013 49 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2013 32 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2013 23 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
The legend of Cool "Disco" Dan : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2013 9 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 SP GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2013 34 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SO
Absolutely fabulous : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2013 22 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 39 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SC
Runner runner 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 40 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 13 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 37 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 40 2/2/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
The canyons 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 161 21 ######## 9/20/2019 17:20 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 20 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SP
Curse of Chucky 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 59 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 41 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 21 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV RN
Aftershock 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 25 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Drug war : = 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 61 4 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 22 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2013 17 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/24/2013 25 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/24/2013 25 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
King Arthur 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/26/2013 55 10 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2013 30 3 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that!3.12E+13
: DVD7 12/27/2013 27 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2013 16 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2013 46 2 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The city 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 20 4 6/7/2018 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
Double identity 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 179 26 9/9/2019 9/21/2019 8:58 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 46 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 12 3 ######## 12/14/2019 12:19 SO RN
Opus n Bill : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 23 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
Shiver 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 36 4 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/31/2013 144 26 6/4/2019 6/10/2019 8:21 RN TS
Carrie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 27 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SP
Carrie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 31 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NV
Carrie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 35 3/8/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Carrie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 34 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Carrie 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 44 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Patrick Squarepants : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 27 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 24 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV SP
Stromboli 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/2/2014 54 25 7/5/2019 8/8/2019 8:56 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2014 36 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2014 25 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
The little mermaid II : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2014 36 3 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
The little mermaid. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2014 34 3 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2014 32 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2014 33 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2014 30 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2014 40 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2014 35 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/13/2014 29 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 91 11 ######## 12/19/2019 9:19 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 29 4 ######## 4/4/2019 11:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 36 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 34 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
The Berenstain Bears : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 62 13 ######## 12/10/2019 8:18 SP TS
Richard the lionheart 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 34 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 23 4 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 34 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
100 below zero 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 34 2 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 102 17 ######## 4/12/2019 16:58 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 103 17 ######## 5/31/2019 7:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 31 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 27 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 106 28 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 SS TS
Ace Ventura, pet detective 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 26 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 29 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 27 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 29 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
Jay-Z : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 22 3 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Jay-Z : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 28 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 TR RN
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 33 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 30 2 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 23 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 29 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 27 2 9/6/2015 8/9/2019 11:14 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 22 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 40 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
London : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 31 13 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 NW TS
The mask 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 43 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Rapture-palooza 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 38 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 77 12 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 19 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NV RN
WWE elimination chamber 2013 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 38 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
A pony tale 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 65 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:10 SS SP
The princess twins of Legendale 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2014 60 5 ######## 12/11/2019 8:34 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 35 3 8/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 30 3 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 27 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
Dead in Tombstone 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 51 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
Batman & Robin 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 31 1 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Bonnie and Clyde 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 34 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
The cable guy 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 35 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 28 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 38 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 38 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 24 4 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 IV SV
Primates of the Caribbean 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 36 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 26 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2014 52 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2014 38 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2014 26 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SC SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2014 29 4 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV RN
Afternoon delight / 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2014 102 12 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2014 33 2 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SS
Bad girls 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 46 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
Bollywood hero 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 17 3 ######## 12/6/2019 12:18 NV RN
Once bitten 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 42 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 30 7 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 15 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Saw IV : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 27 3 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SV
Saw IV : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 26 2 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
A wrinkle in time 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 117 32 3/6/2019 3/23/2019 12:53 SO SV
Day of the dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 32 2 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
Day of the dead 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 62 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2014 31 6 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV SP
A case of you 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2014 50 7 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SO RN
Scooby-Doo! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2014 28 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2014 55 5 ######## 6/12/2019 11:20 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2014 32 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2014 8 ######## 12/11/2019 9:04 SP RN
The Three Stooges collection. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2014 8 1 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
The untouchables 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2014 96 17 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SC RN
The Pink Panther classic cartoon collection,
volume 1DVD7
: 2/5/2014 22 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2014 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2014 29 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Marked for death 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2014 164 13 ######## 9/28/2019 11:06 NV RN
The mind of a chef : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 20 7 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 30 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 145 30 2/4/2019 8/27/2019 10:11 RN RN
The Garfield show: 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 39 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Looney Tunes, center stage : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 25 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Looney Tunes, center stage : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 29 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 23 5 ######## 8/9/2019 11:21 NW SP
Wings 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 27 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
Wings 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/6/2014 34 4 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
Dabangg 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2014 32 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2014 30 2 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
Reno 911. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2014 25 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2014 41 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Thomas & friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2014 16 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SV
The Blind Swordsman : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/11/2014 66 16 ######## 6/27/2019 13:49 NW TS
Cheech and Chong's animated movie 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2014 27 2 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
Speed / 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2014 33 2 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Silk. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2014 31 3 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2014 29 1 6/3/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2014 33 2 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 RN GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2014 36 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
Tom & Jerry : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2014 18 6 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO IV
Tom & Jerry : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2014 23 3 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2014 39 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
Phantom punch : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 34 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Above the rim 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 30 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
All about the Benjamins 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 41 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV NW
Beethoven 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 101 25 3/5/2019 4/25/2019 10:48 SS TS
Beethoven 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 26 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Beverly Hills chihuahua 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 37 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 16 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Leroy and Stitch 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 18 3 3/2/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 28 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 39 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
Scary movie 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 32 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SO RN
Crazy sexy cancer 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2014 5 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
Journey to the center of the Earth 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/25/2014 13 3 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 115 38 ######## 10/18/2019 7:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 111 30 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 RN TS
Teen titans go! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 20 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 31 3 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN TR
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 29 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 134 18 9/3/2019 11/8/2019 11:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 23 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 36 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 35 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 40 1 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
The twilight zone. 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2014 70 11 ######## 3/28/2019 16:51 SC RN
Angels in the infield 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 27 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
Blue crush 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 28 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 40 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 56 14 ######## 8/20/2019 14:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 26 3 5/5/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SV
Manhunter 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 38 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 29 4 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 13 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV NW
The Phantom 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 25 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 20 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
Scream 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 22 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
Spooky buddies 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 23 3 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SS NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 27 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 152 31 ######## 9/20/2019 17:24 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 14 1 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 124 30 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 23 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Fruitvale Station 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2014 28 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/6/2014 58 16 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/6/2014 25 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2014 17 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2014 33 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2014 25 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2014 24 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2014 21 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2014 133 14 1/6/2019 1/18/2019 11:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2014 24 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/12/2014 37 3 8/7/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2014 8 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
Walking with dinosaurs : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2014 26 1 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2014 163 22 9/7/2019 9/21/2019 8:58 SO RN
In the name of the king 3 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/13/2014 17 3 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
Saw VI 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2014 21 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SC SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2014 34 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2014 51 7 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
Piranha DD 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2014 128 9 ######## 8/27/2019 10:00 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2014 23 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2014 25 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
The Pearl Princess 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2014 19 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2014 27 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2014 31 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2014 21 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2014 34 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2014 34 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 27 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 31 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 51 13 ######## 11/8/2019 11:47 NW TS
Francis : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 33 10 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 32 1 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 16 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW RN
Sesame Street. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/26/2014 52 14 5/3/2019 5/8/2019 14:15 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2014 34 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2014 29 3 8/7/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2014 29 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2014 89 15 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2014 25 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 55 6 ######## 2/5/2019 10:22 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 18 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 34 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SC SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 23 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO SO
Catherine the great : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 23 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SS RN
Gridiron gang 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 21 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
Jarhead 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/28/2014 9 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2014 91 30 ######## 1/16/2019 11:42 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2014 30 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
Three blind mice 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2014 156 19 ######## 9/28/2019 12:05 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/1/2014 40 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Pokémon 4ever 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 99 27 9/3/2019 9/4/2019 15:26 SV TS
Operation Valkyrie 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 101 17 ######## 10/4/2019 7:43 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 69 6 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SP TS
Crash 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 21 5 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
The burrowers 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 27 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 24 3 2/9/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 23 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
All the king's men 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/2/2014 28 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/3/2014 39 3 ######## 7/18/2019 14:18 RN TS
In search of memory 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 27 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
In search of memory 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 23 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SO TS
Practical magic 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 18 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 32 1 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 75 11 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 21 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 17 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 19 3/1/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 18 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 20 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 25 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 20 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 17 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 18 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 25 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Earthsea 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 27 7 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 19 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SV
Due date 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2014 32 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 34 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 19 3 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 26 1 5/3/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 23 2 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 12 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV IV
Cliffhanger 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 30 3 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
Nothing but the truth 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2014 111 22 4/2/2019 4/17/2019 13:23 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 25 1 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 25 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 29 1 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 117 29 ######## 12/10/2019 11:03 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 95 17 ######## 8/2/2019 7:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 27 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 27 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
Kaboom! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 24 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Kumare 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 85 23 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2014 19 3 8/5/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NV
Zack and Miri 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2014 26 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP SV
Cockneys vs. zombies 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2014 25 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Flowers in the attic 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2014 72 9 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
DVD home moviemaking : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/15/2014 6 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Devil's due 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2014 52 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2014 45 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Gimme shelter 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/17/2014 55 9 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/22/2014 42 4 ######## 12/11/2019 9:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2014 38 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SV RN
Franklyn 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2014 27 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2014 52 10 ######## 12/11/2019 9:11 RN RN
Miss You Can Do It 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2014 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
The art of the steal 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/24/2014 144 18 ######## 4/24/2019 9:45 NV TS
SpongeBob Squarepants. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/24/2014 21 2 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV TR
Mr. Jones. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/24/2014 20 4 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/24/2014 83 15 5/8/2018 12/11/2019 7:53 RN TS
The snowman 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/28/2014 20 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2014 96 7 7/3/2019 7/9/2019 14:51 RN TS
Bollywood burn 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2014 9 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Gia 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/30/2014 32 1 6/1/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
Generation war = 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2014 80 17 ######## 10/23/2019 13:57 IV TS
That awkward moment 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2014 17 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2014 29 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2014 36 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2014 90 11 ######## 8/2/2019 11:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2014 29 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2014 30 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/2/2014 25 3 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/6/2014 37 10 ######## 4/2/2019 15:29 NV SV
Tamara 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/6/2014 52 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/7/2014 28 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
Jimmy Neutron, boy genius 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/7/2014 22 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 79 6 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 153 18 9/3/2019 9/28/2019 12:05 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 22 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 26 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 46 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 26 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO RN
The Scorpion King 2 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2014 48 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP RN
Bugs Bunny Road runner movie 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2014 23 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 TS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/15/2014 23 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS NW
Modern marvels : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/17/2014 23 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2014 33 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
The bodyguard 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2014 183 15 ######## 12/19/2019 9:19 IV TS
Broken trust 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2014 70 7 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Dreamcatcher 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2014 14 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
House party collection : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2014 18 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
Set up 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/20/2014 48 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/20/2014 37 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2014 23 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
Kill zombie! 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2014 32 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
McCanick 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/22/2014 133 10 1/3/2019 1/10/2019 13:46 SO SP
Journey to the Christmas star 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2014 81 13 2/4/2019 12/14/2019 12:19 NV RN
Cellular 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/23/2014 32 1 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN SV
Ben 10 and friends 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2014 14 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Ben 10 and friends 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2014 16 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2014 85 21 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 IV RN
Making the rules 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2014 21 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2014 50 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2014 64 17 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
Puppet master : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2014 25 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2014 117 19 ######## 9/20/2019 17:21 SC RN
Poseidon 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2014 21 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SO NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2014 13 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/30/2014 53 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Shiver 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/2/2014 25 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
Unstoppable : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2014 63 10 9/4/2019 9/11/2019 10:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/4/2014 76 15 4/4/2019 4/17/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/5/2014 30 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/5/2014 16 3 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
Any given Sunday 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2014 30 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2014 17 6/2/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SO RN
Home fries 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2014 21 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NW
Adam and Steve 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2014 103 17 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 SO TS
Yours, mine and ours 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2014 42 4 ######## 8/9/2019 11:22 RN RN
Rocky 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2014 34 4 8/6/2018 12/11/2019 9:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2014 77 11 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2014 29 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SS
Bratz 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2014 27 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2014 29 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2014 20 2 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2014 26 1 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
Windows 8 for dummies 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2014 34 12 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2014 20 1 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2014 13 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/20/2014 125 24 9/7/2019 9/24/2019 9:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2014 30 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2014 28 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2014 22 2 ######## 5/31/2019 14:03 RN SV
Internet bullies : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2014 3 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2014 21 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SO
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/23/2014 23 2 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2014 15 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
Sweetwater 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/25/2014 21 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/2/2014 19 2 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/2/2014 73 20 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2014 14 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2014 16 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2014 25 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2014 86 20 ######## 6/10/2019 8:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/8/2014 19 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN RN
United States of secrets 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2014 78 14 ######## 11/1/2019 16:51 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2014 75 19 ######## 12/11/2019 9:06 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2014 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2014 108 20 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 IV TS
X-Men 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/15/2014 20 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
King Kong 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2014 21 1 3/8/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2014 28 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2014 18 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2014 149 22 ######## 5/31/2019 7:29 NW TS
Curious George sails with the pirates : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2014 9 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2014 16 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2014 13 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2014 75 17 ######## 11/9/2019 9:54 IV RN
Monster's ball 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2014 18 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2014 13 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2014 27 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2014 25 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2014 25 9/6/2015 8/9/2019 11:09 IV RN
Total body sculpting 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2014 7 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 108 18 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 99 32 ######## 9/26/2019 10:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 36 6 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 24 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
Caillou. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 8 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 IV SS
Caillou. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 16 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 11 3 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 SO RN
Lego legends of Chima. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 82 36 ######## 7/15/2019 9:18 SS TS
Monster High : Clawesome double feature3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2014 27 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2014 95 24 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2014 17 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2014 3 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2014 39 3 2/4/2019 12/11/2019 9:12 RN RN
The jungle book. 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2014 19 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2014 21 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2014 75 10 ######## 5/8/2019 7:22 SO TS
Frankie and Alice 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/31/2014 21 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/6/2014 4 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Franklin and friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/6/2014 13 1 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
Pac-Man and the ghostly adventures : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/6/2014 20 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
Quigley down under 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2014 27 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 26 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 26 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 11 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NV
Austin & Ally : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 77 11 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 63 14 ######## 12/7/2019 13:43 RN RN
Scooby-Doo! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 27 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Lonesome Dove 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 11 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW RN
Mr. Woodcock 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 18 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP RN
Age of heroes 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 145 15 ######## 3/22/2019 11:14 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2014 18 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
Over-the-hill gang 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2014 5 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Crunchless abs 4 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2014 4 ######## 12/6/2019 13:59 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2014 17 3 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Teenage mutant ninja turtles : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/13/2014 15 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SV
Cesar Millan = 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2014 2 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2014 13 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2014 109 26 ######## 10/29/2019 13:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2014 24 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Identity ; 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/19/2014 14 4 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SP
Free spirits / 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 22 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 19 2 5/9/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 16 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SP
Sex, lies and gender 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 12 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Blood ties 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 13 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/20/2014 100 12 ######## 4/24/2019 9:58 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/22/2014 23 1 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/22/2014 98 21 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Jackpot / 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/22/2014 36 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/29/2014 21 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/3/2014 20 2 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
Funny people 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 19 1 5/4/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SS
Witless protection 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 22 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
Meet the parents 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 12 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Megiddo : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 127 7 ######## 4/17/2019 15:28 SP TS
Stuart Little 2 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 18 1 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 27 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/4/2014 105 21 ######## 7/29/2019 8:37 RN TS
Thomas & friends. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 38 13 ######## 1/19/2019 14:44 SP NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 48 11 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 19 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 14 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The Wood 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 16 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW RN
VeggieTales. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV RN
Tom and Jerry 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 17 7 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SC SV
Four brothers 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2014 14 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 16 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SP
Walk of shame 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 106 17 6/5/2019 11/7/2019 14:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 18 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 17 9/9/2015 1/30/2019 17:18 NV NV
Go Diego go! 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 13 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
American crude 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 20 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
American me 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/11/2014 12 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2014 115 21 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2014 26 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
Bernie 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 16 2 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 26 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
The Mask 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 27 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 13 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW RN
Salt 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 17 1 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 12 3 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SS RN
Hijacked 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 62 7 5/7/2017 12/11/2019 9:13 IV RN
Never surrender 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 29 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
Care Bears. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Just married 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 30 3 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV SP
John Q 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 17 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV RN
Speed racer 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 8 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NW NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 11 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 12 3 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 14 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 23 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2014 20 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2014 100 23 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2014 16 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2014 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2014 118 18 7/1/2019 7/16/2019 7:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/25/2014 110 17 ######## 3/28/2019 10:04 RN TS
House 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 11 2 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SP RN
Sharktopus : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 18 1 6/9/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SS SV
Sharktopus : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 116 13 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
The wild Thornberrys : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 23 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SO
The wild Thornberrys. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 11 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SO
The wild Thornberrys : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 12 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SO
Good deeds 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/30/2014 25 1 9/2/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2014 12 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2014 58 11 ######## 12/6/2019 12:22 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2014 22 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2014 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2014 10 1 4/7/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 15 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 68 7 ######## 2/1/2019 10:18 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 19 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 27 7 ######## 12/11/2019 7:55 RN TS
A golden Christmas triple feature. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 14 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 19 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 8 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SP
Madea goes to jail 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 142 27 3/1/2019 3/7/2019 10:09 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 5 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 9 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2014 12 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
Deliver us from evil 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2014 26 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Planes : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2014 77 23 4/9/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2014 46 17 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2014 4 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
An American tail : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2014 6 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
Deepsea challenge / 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2014 5 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2014 14 1 6/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/27/2014 21 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 53 11 7/1/2019 7/9/2019 14:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 90 19 6/4/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 SO TS
New Jersey's red October 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 6 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SS TS
Paris-Manhattan = 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 37 5 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 10 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 77 10 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 NW TS
For whom the bell tolls 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 60 17 ######## 10/22/2019 8:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 15 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 51 9 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 9 4/1/2016 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 8 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2014 8 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SP RN
Drive hard 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 130 14 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 120 18 4/9/2019 4/23/2019 9:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 12 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 87 19 ######## 10/3/2019 8:52 RN TS
Tammy 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 15 1 ######## 1/9/2019 11:49 RN SV
Tammy 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Tammy 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 71 12 ######## 2/12/2019 10:51 RN TR
Tammy 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 88 17 ######## 1/9/2019 11:50 RN TR
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 13 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 68 12 ######## 7/12/2019 15:30 SP SP
The skeleton key 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 9 2 4/6/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO RN
The skeleton key 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 27 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2014 14 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2014 20 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2014 15 1 8/1/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/1/2014 26 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
Frozen sing along edition 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 13 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN SP
Frozen sing along edition 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 117 37 ######## 3/7/2019 10:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 15 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 24 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN TR
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 80 17 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 19 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/6/2014 9 4/2/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Golden Winter : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/11/2014 10 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/11/2014 6 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2014 19 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/18/2014 25 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/18/2014 22 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/18/2014 130 21 9/7/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
Agatha Christie's Poirot : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2014 111 35 9/4/2019 9/26/2019 10:34 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2014 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/2/2014 11 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2014 19 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2014 16 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2014 14 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN TR
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/5/2014 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/5/2014 17 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN TR
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/5/2014 7 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/5/2014 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Me, myself & Irene 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/5/2014 19 ######## 8/2/2019 13:08 SV NV
Me, myself & Irene 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/5/2014 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 NW RN
Family movies, 4 movies 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 8 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 2 1 6/9/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV IV
My stepmother is an alien 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 10 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 20 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW SV
The desert fox 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 13 2 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 SP RN
Good luck Chuck 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 16 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SV RN
The taking of Pelham one two three 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/8/2014 16 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2014 98 16 ######## 3/12/2019 8:09 NV TS
Monty Python and the Holy Grail 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2014 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2014 15 4 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SP
Thumbtanic 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2014 5 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Frankenthumb 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/9/2014 15 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2014 14 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
WWE : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2014 12 2 8/2/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2014 62 17 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SV RN
Red eye 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2014 13 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SO
Jerry Maguire 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2014 13 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Yellow Rock 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/15/2014 18 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2014 17 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2014 3 1 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN NV
Bad teacher 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2014 16 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SS SO
Murder by numbers 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2014 47 2 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2014 23 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW IV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2014 16 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2014 18 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SC SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2014 109 19 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
Battle for the book! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 4 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SP
Battle for the book! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 11 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
SpongeBob SquarePants : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 13 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP RN
SpongeBob SquarePants : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SO TR
SpongeBob SquarePants. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
SpongeBob SquarePants: 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 21 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 52 8 7/9/2018 9/14/2019 9:49 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2014 24 5 ######## 12/14/2019 12:39 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2014 10 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2014 20 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2014 120 37 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2014 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2014 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2014 18 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2014 4 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2014 2 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/29/2014 6 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SV
Caillou's furry friends. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2014 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV NV
Caillou's furry friends. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2014 41 7 ######## 12/19/2019 9:19 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2014 22 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2014 22 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
SpongeBob SquarePants : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2014 3 1 3/3/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO TR
Arthur's Fountain Abbey 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2015 78 18 4/5/2019 4/16/2019 14:12 NW RN
The adventures of Chuck & friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2015 10 2 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2015 2 2/7/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
Horns 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2015 18 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SP
Horns 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2015 17 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/5/2015 79 20 7/3/2019 7/17/2019 7:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2015 16 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2015 109 17 1/4/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
Trail of tears : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2015 11 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SP RN
The Bourne supremacy 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2015 7 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SS RN
Chuck Norris 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/7/2015 10 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:35 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2015 10 1 6/5/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2015 18 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2015 108 24 4/8/2019 5/6/2019 8:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2015 18 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Madea's tough love / 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2015 15 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
Madea's tough love / 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/8/2015 14 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Life of crime 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2015 97 14 ######## 3/7/2019 10:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/12/2015 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2015 1 2/6/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NW NW
Sleepless in Seattle 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/14/2015 1 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2015 12 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2015 15 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/16/2015 17 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/19/2015 111 22 ######## 12/5/2019 10:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 17 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN RN
Blade : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 10 1 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SS
Blade : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 7 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
Sybil 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 8 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 13 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 57 17 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 9 1 ######## 4/4/2019 11:21 NV SP
John Q 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2015 16 1 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SC SP
Richard Pryor : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2015 46 1 2/4/2019 12/7/2019 10:24 SP RN
DuckTales the movie : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2015 3 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
DuckTales the movie : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2015 109 22 ######## 4/12/2019 10:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/28/2015 19 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2015 73 7 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2015 104 17 8/1/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2015 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/3/2015 21 3 5/4/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
Berenstain bears : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2015 45 19 7/9/2018 12/11/2019 7:53 SP TS
Springtime adventures 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2015 91 23 ######## 11/13/2019 13:08 SO NW
Springtime adventures 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2015 55 21 ######## 8/14/2019 8:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/5/2015 89 14 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/12/2015 130 36 ######## 9/6/2019 7:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/13/2015 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 IV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/13/2015 15 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Geronimo Stilton : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2015 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
Dragonheart 3 : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/19/2015 23 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Looney Tunes : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/19/2015 124 39 9/5/2019 11/20/2019 14:35 NV SV
Ouija 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/20/2015 9 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 113 19 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 37 4 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 RN GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 12 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 20 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 15 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 19 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2015 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2015 85 33 ######## 10/2/2019 15:05 RN NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2015 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/5/2015 48 13 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 11 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 41 15 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SO RN
Through a lens darkly : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 18 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 GE GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 6 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 GE GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 2 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 GE GE
Sin City: 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 6 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 12 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2015 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2015 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Peppa Pig. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/11/2015 108 28 9/3/2019 9/11/2019 15:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/12/2015 8 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/12/2015 19 3 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/12/2015 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/16/2015 120 38 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
Alvin and the Chipmunks : 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2015 92 24 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2015 8 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2015 30 2 9/7/2016 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/23/2015 36 4 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/9/2015 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2015 8 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/14/2015 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SV
Scooby-Doo! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2015 110 44 ######## 12/5/2019 10:52 NV TS
Peppa Pig. 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2015 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SO
The wedding ringer 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2015 13 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/16/2015 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/21/2015 6 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2015 136 22 ######## 8/8/2019 8:57 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2015 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/23/2015 11 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SV
Painted skin = 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2015 16 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2015 69 16 ######## 12/7/2019 12:10 SO RN
Girl, interrupted 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/7/2015 7 7/2/2015 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2015 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/8/2015 3 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2015 10 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2015 5 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2015 7 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV TR
Tom and Jerry : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2015 11 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/18/2015 117 32 ######## 7/12/2019 8:46 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/20/2015 65 15 ######## 12/14/2019 12:38 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/27/2015 62 8 ######## 5/29/2019 7:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/29/2015 104 15 6/8/2019 9/26/2019 10:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2015 38 4 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2015 10 1 9/6/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/11/2015 107 21 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2015 99 19 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2015 64 18 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
Perfect school 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2015 10 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 TS SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/16/2015 43 18 ######## 3/28/2019 9:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2015 38 7 ######## 5/21/2019 14:01 SV TS
On a beam of light : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2015 18 6 ######## 12/7/2019 13:40 NW RN
Teen titans : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/24/2015 8 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2015 80 24 ######## 4/17/2019 13:26 RN TS
Set it off : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2015 4 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Set it off : 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/29/2015 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SV
Teenage mutant ninja turtles : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/2/2015 71 20 ######## 12/20/2019 8:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/2/2015 3 ######## 1/4/2019 8:48 NV RN
Let's learn : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2015 6 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2015 6 5 ######## 12/6/2019 14:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/23/2015 80 17 2/5/2019 4/24/2019 8:52 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2015 137 22 ######## 3/28/2019 10:00 RN TS
LEGO friends : 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/29/2015 69 22 ######## 12/7/2019 13:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/30/2015 43 17 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
Child 44 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/5/2015 146 28 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2015 100 25 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SP RN
Super why! : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2015 62 13 ######## 1/16/2019 12:07 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2015 79 18 ######## 12/6/2019 17:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2015 57 10 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 RN RN
Alpha and Omega : 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2015 7 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2015 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/12/2015 95 19 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/17/2015 65 6 ######## 9/17/2019 9:14 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2015 26 11 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/21/2015 75 28 ######## 4/12/2019 10:39 SP TS
Daffy Duck's quackbusters 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2015 3 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SO RN
Daffy Duck's quackbusters 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2015 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 GE RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/8/2015 90 28 ######## 4/30/2019 7:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/8/2015 45 13 ######## 4/17/2019 15:30 SO TS
Day of the dead : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/9/2015 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/16/2015 15 7 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2015 115 31 8/6/2019 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/18/2015 84 19 ######## 12/19/2019 9:19 RN TS
Shining night : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/22/2015 0 4/8/2019 13:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2015 74 16 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
Insidious : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/23/2015 80 14 ######## 12/11/2019 8:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2015 89 16 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/28/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/29/2015 69 17 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/29/2015 2 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP RN
Kung fu killer = 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/29/2015 87 16 ######## 3/4/2019 13:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/2/2015 100 26 ######## 1/6/2019 10:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2015 67 13 2/4/2019 12/11/2019 9:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/9/2015 31 6 ######## 12/11/2019 9:01 RN RN
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
The great fire 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2015 73 14 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2015 62 28 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
Goosebumps. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/14/2015 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2015 94 24 ######## 10/22/2019 13:58 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2015 121 31 ######## 2/20/2019 9:56 NW SP
Jamel Shabazz : 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2015 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/21/2015 125 19 ######## 2/20/2019 13:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/28/2015 80 5 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2015 85 11 ######## 2/21/2019 12:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/30/2015 47 17 ######## 3/7/2019 10:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/3/2015 123 16 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/4/2015 124 29 ######## 5/23/2019 13:23 RN RN
Peppa Pig. 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/12/2015 40 16 ######## 2/1/2019 10:17 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2015 138 16 ######## 8/8/2019 9:01 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/17/2015 69 28 ######## 12/11/2019 8:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2015 73 14 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 SV TS
Paw patrol : 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2015 96 32 9/3/2019 9/4/2019 15:26 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/20/2015 66 8 ######## 12/11/2019 9:12 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/24/2015 22 ######## 1/30/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2015 32 3 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 RN GE
Men with beards 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/25/2015 10 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SV TS
Doc McStuffins. 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/3/2015 81 15 1/4/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/10/2015 99 18 8/8/2019 8/22/2019 7:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/11/2015 37 20 4/5/2019 4/23/2019 9:45 RN TS
SciFi classics : 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/18/2015 24 6 ######## 1/16/2019 8:47 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/23/2015 87 12 ######## 10/29/2019 7:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2015 59 15 ######## 10/24/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/30/2015 79 22 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2016 52 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2016 80 20 ######## 10/22/2019 13:10 NV TS
Paranormal activity : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2016 68 12 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 RN RN
ABC monsters : 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2016 27 11 ######## 1/16/2019 12:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/6/2016 35 17 ######## 3/14/2019 11:19 SP TS
Whiskers and paws / 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2016 79 21 6/3/2019 6/13/2019 8:58 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2016 101 28 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/21/2016 68 1 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/29/2016 60 24 ######## 12/11/2019 8:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/2/2016 90 18 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2016 55 25 ######## 10/24/2019 8:57 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2016 59 19 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 RN TS
Take me to the river 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2016 25 8 4/5/2018 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
Walking with dinosaurs : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/4/2016 38 13 ######## 1/16/2019 12:03 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/17/2016 70 22 ######## 10/24/2019 8:56 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2016 59 22 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2016 92 14 ######## 8/5/2019 9:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2016 79 28 ######## 4/3/2019 17:20 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/26/2016 77 12 ######## 1/16/2019 11:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/29/2016 85 14 ######## 9/6/2019 9:27 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2016 79 14 1/3/2019 6/12/2019 11:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2016 76 20 2/9/2019 2/15/2019 16:07 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2016 72 19 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/4/2016 61 13 2/1/2019 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2016 34 10 ######## 6/5/2019 15:42 RN TS
PAW patrol. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2016 79 33 ######## 1/16/2019 10:50 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2016 51 19 ######## 9/4/2019 15:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2016 92 17 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2016 84 14 8/9/2018 2/5/2019 11:26 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2016 80 17 ######## 12/7/2019 13:41 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2016 77 26 ######## 3/14/2019 11:34 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/18/2016 48 13 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2016 53 11 ######## 1/16/2019 11:43 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/21/2016 75 20 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/6/2016 52 8 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2016 56 14 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2016 59 15 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/11/2016 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/13/2016 45 7 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/20/2016 53 20 2/8/2019 3/7/2019 10:44 NV TS
Tradition is a temple : 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/20/2016 4 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/25/2016 89 15 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2016 38 17 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2016 41 15 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/29/2016 35 7 ######## 12/11/2019 9:03 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2016 33 5 ######## 2/13/2019 17:24 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2016 0 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Queen Elizabeth II 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2016 1 2 1/3/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 SV TS
Queen Elizabeth II 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2016 11 8 2/6/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2016 27 7 ######## 12/7/2019 13:43 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2016 57 24 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2016 54 14 3/4/2019 3/22/2019 11:18 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/13/2016 31 5 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/16/2016 7 ######## 12/11/2019 9:24 SO RN
A giant adventure : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/26/2016 33 10 ######## 8/2/2019 7:10 NW TS
The mist 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/1/2016 111 18 ######## 10/24/2019 14:20 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2016 10 2 ######## 12/11/2019 9:04 RN RN
The cat in the hat knows a lot about that!.3.12E+13 DVD7 6/17/2016 26 5 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/22/2016 34 14 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2016 47 11 1/2/2019 1/6/2019 16:40 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2016 113 18 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
Alvin y las ardillas 2 = 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2016 25 11 ######## 10/22/2019 13:53 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2016 78 23 ######## 10/22/2019 13:44 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2016 29 9 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Term life/ 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2016 62 10 ######## 12/11/2019 9:27 RN RN
Term life/ 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2016 106 14 ######## 8/5/2019 9:20 RN TS
Ong Bak 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/6/2016 36 5 ######## 10/24/2019 8:44 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/12/2016 59 12 2/9/2019 3/4/2019 13:41 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/13/2016 48 14 ######## 12/7/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2016 28 4 ######## 12/14/2019 12:35 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2016 35 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/15/2016 50 11 ######## 3/7/2019 10:28 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/19/2016 28 5 6/1/2018 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/21/2016 0 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/21/2016 98 19 ######## 12/3/2019 7:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/22/2016 3 1 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 SO TS
Secret of the wings 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2016 40 11 ######## 1/16/2019 11:34 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2016 98 19 ######## 8/5/2019 9:20 RN TS
Kill Bill. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/1/2016 31 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2016 57 12 ######## 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2016 59 24 ######## 8/8/2019 8:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2016 53 8 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/3/2016 82 22 1/8/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/9/2016 69 27 ######## 10/24/2019 14:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2016 65 4 ######## 11/30/2019 9:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/11/2016 35 4 ######## 2/5/2019 14:33 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/15/2016 20 6 ######## 12/11/2019 8:58 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/1/2016 33 5 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2016 32 3 ######## 12/7/2019 13:46 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/14/2016 27 3 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2016 33 11 5/7/2018 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2016 50 9 1/7/2019 12/11/2019 9:05 RN RN
Kubo and the two strings 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2016 50 10 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
Nerve 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2016 40 6 ######## 8/23/2019 8:48 RN RN
Nerve 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2016 39 9 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
Kate & Mim-Mim. 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2016 7 ######## 12/7/2019 13:45 SO RN
Social studies kids. 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/3/2016 2 4 9/5/2018 11/6/2019 12:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/6/2016 62 14 ######## 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/10/2016 40 3 9/4/2018 12/11/2019 8:52 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/10/2016 34 6 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/11/2016 69 16 ######## 6/27/2019 13:48 RN TS
My love, don't cross that river 3.12E+13 DVD7 10/13/2016 26 11 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/20/2016 55 8 ######## 11/3/2019 13:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2016 9 8 ######## 12/7/2019 13:40 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/25/2016 22 4 4/9/2019 4/23/2019 9:43 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/26/2016 100 8 ######## 3/19/2019 11:07 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2016 72 11 ######## 4/18/2019 13:59 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/14/2016 60 10 3/6/2019 11/6/2019 12:44 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/16/2016 70 21 3/4/2019 3/14/2019 11:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/17/2016 30 2 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2016 13 4 ######## 12/14/2019 11:52 RN RN
Mysteries of the Bible 3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2016 9 2 2/4/2019 11/15/2019 9:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2016 13 7 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/29/2016 29 20 ######## 12/10/2019 11:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/1/2016 10 1 ######## 12/14/2019 12:46 RN RN
Space jam 3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2016 26 11 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/16/2016 49 7 9/4/2018 9/7/2019 9:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/19/2016 44 8 9/5/2019 10/14/2019 8:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2016 32 12 2/4/2019 10/19/2019 12:57 IV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2016 27 2 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2016 70 12 ######## 9/4/2019 15:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2016 55 21 ######## 4/17/2019 15:36 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/27/2016 25 5 ######## 12/7/2019 13:42 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2017 64 17 8/7/2019 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
Letter factory adventures. 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/20/2017 34 11 ######## 11/15/2019 9:49 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/23/2017 90 9 ######## 8/19/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/25/2017 33 ######## 12/11/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/25/2017 30 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/26/2017 62 21 9/6/2019 9/23/2019 8:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/27/2017 62 21 ######## 4/17/2019 15:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/1/2017 26 5 ######## 11/6/2019 12:44 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2017 7 5 ######## 12/11/2019 8:40 RN RN
Poison Ivy 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2017 20 8 ######## 12/13/2019 8:33 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2017 71 4 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/9/2017 73 13 ######## 9/4/2019 15:18 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/14/2017 27 7 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
Wonder Woman 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/15/2017 27 10 ######## 12/4/2019 9:17 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2017 61 10 ######## 1/16/2019 10:23 SC TS
Looney Tunes : 3.12E+13 DVD7 2/16/2017 66 14 ######## 11/20/2019 14:34 SV SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2017 46 6 9/4/2018 12/11/2019 9:01 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2017 60 12 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2017 34 6 ######## 5/23/2019 13:20 IV NW
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2017 26 7 ######## 1/12/2019 14:34 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2017 36 19 2/9/2019 3/4/2019 13:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/7/2017 52 11 ######## 6/21/2019 9:15 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2017 39 6 ######## 12/11/2019 7:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/10/2017 35 13 2/6/2019 3/7/2019 10:50 SC TS
Elena and the secret of Avalor 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2017 59 25 ######## 10/22/2019 13:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/15/2017 36 14 ######## 4/17/2019 13:19 SS TS
Mindfulness 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2017 32 12 ######## 9/4/2019 15:24 SP TS
Time stand still 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2017 20 5 ######## 12/6/2019 14:01 SO RN
Curious George. 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2017 38 15 4/9/2019 4/9/2019 9:59 NV RN
Curious George goes green 3.12E+13 DVD7 3/17/2017 51 23 ######## 7/29/2019 8:33 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2017 10 2 8/9/2017 1/12/2019 9:33 NW NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/24/2017 39 8 2/9/2019 3/7/2019 10:16 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2017 44 16 6/3/2019 8/5/2019 9:19 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/27/2017 62 7 ######## 1/16/2019 12:06 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2017 19 2 ######## 10/31/2019 9:34 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/31/2017 46 6 9/7/2019 10/16/2019 13:13 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/4/2017 42 5 ######## 4/17/2019 13:25 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2017 34 4 ######## 12/11/2019 9:06 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/18/2017 37 10 9/4/2018 12/11/2019 9:25 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2017 51 13 ######## 9/13/2019 9:16 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/19/2017 37 7 ######## 4/27/2019 15:43 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/27/2017 57 12 2/7/2019 2/21/2019 12:38 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2017 14 6 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SS RN
Axe giant : 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/1/2017 73 8 ######## 1/16/2019 12:07 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/3/2017 73 12 ######## 5/31/2019 7:28 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2017 68 14 ######## 12/10/2019 11:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2017 59 18 ######## 9/20/2019 17:37 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2017 46 5 ######## 1/16/2019 11:47 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/4/2017 62 5 ######## 9/4/2019 15:18 SO TS
En el ultimo trago 3.12E+13 DVD7 5/12/2017 5 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:55 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/19/2017 58 16 ######## 9/4/2019 15:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/5/2017 22 5 ######## 5/31/2019 7:29 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/5/2017 41 8 ######## 4/17/2019 13:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/6/2017 16 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/8/2017 53 10 ######## 6/3/2019 10:39 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2017 24 6 ######## 12/11/2019 8:54 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2017 18 4 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 14:21 RN TS
Barbie & her sisters in the great puppy adventure
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/15/2017 30 18 ######## 3/7/2019 10:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/16/2017 15 7 ######## 5/28/2019 13:52 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2017 18 9 ######## 11/4/2019 13:30 SC RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/19/2017 70 20 ######## 9/4/2019 15:03 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/21/2017 35 4 ######## 2/15/2019 9:13 RN TS
Tickling giants 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2017 34 10 2/3/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/26/2017 38 6 ######## 12/11/2019 9:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2017 11 7/9/2018 12/11/2019 8:41 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/5/2017 14 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/5/2017 39 10 ######## 6/17/2019 8:39 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2017 46 12 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/11/2017 29 12 ######## 12/11/2019 8:41 NW RN
Absolute power 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/14/2017 71 17 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/26/2017 9 1 ######## 8/2/2019 11:13 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/27/2017 19 9 ######## 12/10/2019 11:05 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/28/2017 30 4 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 RN TS
Oyster factory 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/1/2017 13 2 7/1/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/7/2017 50 4 ######## 4/24/2019 8:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/8/2017 43 12 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/18/2017 6 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/21/2017 43 6 ######## 11/15/2019 16:32 RN SV
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/22/2017 4 2/7/2019 12/5/2019 13:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2017 57 15 ######## 9/5/2019 15:18 NW TS
Star Wars, the Clone wars. 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/25/2017 1 ######## 10/24/2019 8:53 NV RN
The lion king 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2017 39 11 1/9/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 SP TS
The lion king 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2017 32 11 ######## 9/13/2019 9:17 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/28/2017 27 8 ######## 3/28/2019 10:04 RN TS
Sarkar 3 / 3.12E+13 DVD7 8/29/2017 31 6 ######## 10/22/2019 8:13 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/29/2017 53 8 ######## 1/16/2019 11:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/29/2017 76 15 ######## 11/18/2019 11:24 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/6/2017 32 9 ######## 1/26/2019 13:54 RN NV
Beowulf 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/7/2017 48 11 ######## 10/18/2019 7:45 NW TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/12/2017 19 ######## 10/4/2019 9:24 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2017 52 10 ######## 6/14/2019 14:50 NW RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2017 61 11 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 RN TS
Citizen Jane : 3.12E+13 DVD7 9/15/2017 11 9 9/5/2018 12/5/2019 13:55 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2017 44 6 ######## 3/22/2019 11:12 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/20/2017 54 11 ######## 12/10/2019 11:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2017 25 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:11 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/21/2017 50 16 ######## 10/30/2019 14:02 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/26/2017 18 3 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/31/2017 46 14 6/1/2019 10/18/2019 12:54 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2017 28 8 ######## 12/10/2019 11:07 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/13/2017 17 8 ######## 8/9/2019 11:09 SO RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/20/2017 25 20 ######## 10/24/2019 14:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/3/2018 35 13 ######## 10/15/2019 15:15 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2018 55 6 ######## 12/19/2019 9:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2018 7 ######## 10/17/2019 8:44 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/9/2018 27 1 2/4/2019 12/11/2019 9:11 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/16/2018 36 12 ######## 4/12/2019 10:22 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/16/2018 1 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2018 54 7 ######## 7/12/2019 15:30 SV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/17/2018 25 14 ######## 4/17/2019 13:27 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/18/2018 37 1 2/9/2019 3/7/2019 10:40 RN TS
Waterworld / 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2018 4 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 SP RN
Waterworld / 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/22/2018 41 11 ######## 7/29/2019 10:07 SS RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/23/2018 34 3 ######## 1/16/2019 10:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2018 35 6 5/9/2019 5/14/2019 14:12 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2018 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2018 26 2 ######## 1/16/2019 10:11 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/1/2018 20 2 ######## 10/16/2019 13:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2018 37 6 ######## 6/6/2019 15:21 IV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2018 25 11 5/4/2019 7/12/2019 8:46 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/9/2018 2 ######## 7/12/2019 8:43 RN NV
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/30/2018 41 9 6/3/2019 8/8/2019 8:53 RN TS
Solomon Kane / 3.12E+13 DVD7 4/10/2018 41 11 ######## 7/9/2019 14:51 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/12/2018 22 7 3/8/2019 3/14/2019 11:18 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/26/2018 44 10 9/6/2019 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/3/2018 17 3 ######## 10/18/2019 13:03 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/3/2018 29 11 8/8/2019 9/5/2019 11:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/7/2018 30 9 ######## 5/8/2019 7:21 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2018 22 3 4/1/2019 9/12/2019 9:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/11/2018 20 6 2/6/2019 11/4/2019 13:30 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2018 17 1 ######## 12/11/2019 8:43 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/21/2018 30 3 ######## 12/14/2019 12:41 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/25/2018 25 8 ######## 4/17/2019 15:27 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 5/31/2018 21 14 ######## 7/12/2019 15:30 NV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2018 15 7 ######## 8/8/2019 8:55 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2018 8 3 ######## 12/11/2019 7:53 SO TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2018 10 5 ######## 2/5/2019 11:10 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2018 34 11 ######## 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2018 35 13 ######## 12/17/2019 13:32 RN TS
Supernatural. 3.12E+13 DVD7 6/12/2018 3 1 ######## 12/11/2019 9:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2018 24 6 6/7/2019 6/20/2019 7:44 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/13/2018 40 11 ######## 11/21/2019 13:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/14/2018 15 6 ######## 10/14/2019 8:45 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/14/2018 18 7 1/3/2019 2/14/2019 14:58 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2018 17 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:14 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2018 2 ######## 12/11/2019 8:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2018 25 4 ######## 2/20/2019 9:56 SC SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/27/2018 19 4 ######## 10/18/2019 12:58 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 6/28/2018 32 8 ######## 8/27/2019 13:57 RN SP
The spy who came in from the cold 3.12E+13 DVD7 7/16/2018 25 5 ######## 7/23/2019 7:03 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2018 5 2 ######## 1/5/2019 14:42 IV SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2018 7 3 ######## 1/16/2019 10:18 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/17/2018 26 1 ######## 5/31/2019 13:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2018 14 ######## 10/5/2019 10:28 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/24/2018 26 11 ######## 8/15/2019 8:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/27/2018 17 1 3/5/2019 3/14/2019 11:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/5/2018 29 7 ######## 9/4/2019 15:16 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/10/2018 30 ######## 9/24/2019 9:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2018 12 4 ######## 7/26/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2018 13 7/9/2019 7/26/2019 8:50 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 10/16/2018 20 11 6/1/2019 8/2/2019 14:44 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2018 14 3 ######## 6/14/2019 14:51 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/9/2018 23 1 ######## 7/15/2019 9:15 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/15/2018 19 ######## 6/18/2019 17:24 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/27/2018 28 8 ######## 10/15/2019 15:15 SV TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 11/28/2018 27 13 ######## 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/4/2018 16 3 ######## 10/3/2019 14:24 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2018 14 7/8/2019 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2018 15 ######## 7/12/2019 15:19 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/6/2018 22 7 ######## 8/22/2019 7:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/7/2018 28 3 ######## 10/23/2019 8:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2018 25 2 ######## 10/22/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2018 10 2 ######## 7/12/2019 15:30 SO SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2018 27 3 ######## 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2018 23 3 ######## 11/26/2019 10:28 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/17/2018 7 1 ######## 4/23/2019 9:44 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 12/28/2018 24 3 ######## 11/8/2019 11:30 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2019 27 4 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 RN TS
The wolfman 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2019 10 3 ######## 4/12/2019 10:13 SP TS
The wolfman 3.12E+13 DVD7 1/4/2019 5 3 ######## 5/29/2019 7:31 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/10/2019 28 2 ######## 12/13/2019 8:33 SC TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/11/2019 13 3 ######## 8/27/2019 9:24 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/15/2019 5 2 ######## 5/6/2019 9:01 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2019 20 1 ######## 11/18/2019 11:23 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/24/2019 16 2 ######## 6/27/2019 18:03 RN SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 1/31/2019 19 1 9/3/2019 9/10/2019 11:35 SP SP
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/19/2019 13 1 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 9:04 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 2/27/2019 25 8 ######## 11/22/2019 7:53 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/19/2019 15 4 ######## 10/18/2019 8:03 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 3/25/2019 19 ######## 10/10/2019 9:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 4/8/2019 6 4 7/6/2019 8/2/2019 7:09 SP TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 7/10/2019 1 ######## 9/19/2019 9:19 RN SC
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2019 7 1 ######## 11/20/2019 13:50 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/14/2019 2 ######## 9/24/2019 10:20 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/21/2019 4 ######## 11/21/2019 8:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/21/2019 5 ######## 11/13/2019 10:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 8/23/2019 3 ######## 9/25/2019 14:55 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVD7 9/3/2019 1 1 ######## 9/30/2019 8:09 RN TS
3.12E+13 DVD7 57 8 1/6/2019 1/18/2019 11:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 DVDGE 8/25/2015 1 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 GE GE
3.12E+13 DVDX 7/6/2016 3 ######## 3/28/2019 9:58 NW TS
Deadly housewives 500012-1001EAUDIO 4/14/2010 0 5/2/2019 7:41 VIR VIR
Frommer's Philadelphia & the Amish Country
510269-1001EBOOK 8/23/2010 0 9/24/2019 8:10 VIR VIR
Adventure guide to the Sierra Nevada 510316-1001 EBOOK 8/23/2010 0 9/20/2019 7:48 VIR VIR
Cancún : 510345-1001EBOOK 8/23/2010 0 10/3/2019 8:20 VIR VIR
The rough guide Latin American Spanish phrasebook
510346-1001EBOOK 8/23/2010 0 10/3/2019 8:20 VIR VIR
The Rough Guide Mexican Spanish phrasebook
510347-1001EBOOK 8/23/2010 0 10/3/2019 8:21 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Spain 516181-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:23 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Britain 516182-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:15 VIR VIR
The rough guide to New England 516184-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:22 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Boston 516185-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:14 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Florida 516186-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:18 VIR VIR
The rough guide to France 516188-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:19 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Hawaii 516189-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:19 VIR VIR
The Rough guide to Italy 516190-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:20 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Florence and Siena 516195-1001 EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:17 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Florence & the best of516197-1001
Tuscany EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/4/2019 13:18 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Alaska 516199-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/3/2019 8:21 VIR VIR
Honolulu & Oahu 516200-1001EBOOK 11/22/2010 0 10/3/2019 8:20 VIR VIR
Frommer's best hiking trips in Northern California
517912-1001EBOOK 12/20/2010 0 9/20/2019 15:06 VIR VIR
Fodor's essential Italy 539482-1001EBOOK 4/28/2011 0 9/20/2019 7:56 VIR VIR
Frommer's Spain 2011 542117-1001EBOOK 6/13/2011 0 9/24/2019 8:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's Arizona & the Grand Canyon 2011542119-1001EBOOK 6/13/2011 0 9/20/2019 15:04 VIR VIR
Frommer's California 2011 552031-1001EBOOK 10/31/2011 0 9/20/2019 15:08 VIR VIR
Fodor's Florence and Central Italy 552039-1001EBOOK 10/31/2011 0 9/20/2019 14:20 VIR VIR
State of wonder 554100-1001EBOOK 12/5/2011 0 9/4/2019 14:44 VIR VIR
Fodor's London 2012 554609-1001EBOOK 12/9/2011 0 9/20/2019 14:59 VIR VIR
Frommer's Hawaii 2011 VIR12010035EBOOK 1/19/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's Alaska cruises and ports of callVIR12010024
2011 EBOOK 1/19/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:04 VIR VIR
Frommer's New Orleans 2011 VIR12010025EBOOK 1/19/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's San Diego 2012 VIR12033666EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/24/2019 8:11 VIR VIR
Frommer's Bermuda 2012 VIR12033667EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:05 VIR VIR
The unofficial guide to Las Vegas 2012 VIR12033669 EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 10/4/2019 13:27 VIR VIR
Frommer's England 2012 & the best of Wales
VIR12033698EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:10 VIR VIR
Frommer's San Francisco 2012 vir120229067
EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/24/2019 8:11 VIR VIR
Fodor's essential France : VIR12033791EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:56 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 New York City : vir120229161
EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:00 VIR VIR
Fodor's Paris 2011 : VIR12033792EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:01 VIR VIR
Fodor's Rome : VIR12033793EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:01 VIR VIR
Frommer's Costa Rica 2012 VIR12033801EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:10 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 Washington, D.C VIR12033818EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:03 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 Hawai'i VIR12033819EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 14:58 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 San Francisco VIR12033824EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:02 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 Maui VIR12033820EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:00 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 Costa Rica VIR12033842EBOOK 2/29/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:55 VIR VIR
Frommer's New York City day by day VIR12033854EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:13 VIR VIR
Frommer's Paris day by day VIR12033862EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:14 VIR VIR
Frommer's France 2012 VIR12033867EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:11 VIR VIR
The unofficial guide to Disneyland, 2012 VIR12033869EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 10/4/2019 13:27 VIR VIR
Frommer's Los Cabos & Baja VIR12033868EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:11 VIR VIR
Frommer's New Orleans 2012 VIR12033871EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's Hawaii 2012 VIR12033874EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's Italy 2012 VIR12033880EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's Washington, D.C. 2012 VIR12033886EBOOK 3/5/2012 0 9/24/2019 8:13 VIR VIR
Walt Disney World with kids 2012 7.57E+08 EBOOK 4/5/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:03 VIR VIR
The complete idiot's guide to Walt Disney 7.73E+08
World EBOOK 4/5/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:49 VIR VIR
Orlando & Walt Disney World 2012 VIR793425095
EBOOK 6/8/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:49 VIR VIR
Brit guide to New York 2012 VIR793519969
EBOOK 6/8/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:49 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2012 France VIR793947502
EBOOK 6/8/2012 0 9/20/2019 14:21 VIR VIR
Frommer's New York City 2012 VIR747411955
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:13 VIR VIR
Frommer's Paris 2012 VIR747411962
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:14 VIR VIR
Frommer's Bahamas 2012 VIR759158138
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:05 VIR VIR
Frommer's London 2012 VIR763160182
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:10 VIR VIR
48 hours in Las Vegas VIR783624848
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:43 VIR VIR
48 hours in New Orleans VIR783631210
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:45 VIR VIR
Discover Australia VIR795207251
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:50 VIR VIR
Discover Spain VIR795207389
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:54 VIR VIR
Discover India VIR798355108
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:53 VIR VIR
Frommer's Bahamas VIR802051711
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:04 VIR VIR
48 hours in Manhattan VIR802345367
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:44 VIR VIR
48 hours in Denver VIR802346273
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:43 VIR VIR
48 hours in Miami VIR802346278
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:44 VIR VIR
48 hours in San Diego VIR802346319
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:45 VIR VIR
48 hours in St Louis VIR802346439
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:46 VIR VIR
48 hours in Boston VIR802347818
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:43 VIR VIR
48 hours in Los Angeles VIR802348460
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:44 VIR VIR
48 hours in San Francisco VIR802351703
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:45 VIR VIR
48 hours in Seattle VIR802351858
EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:46 VIR VIR
Frommer's Cancun and the Yucatan 8E+08 EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:09 VIR VIR
New Orleans 8.1E+08 EBOOK 9/21/2012 0 10/3/2019 8:17 VIR VIR
Best New England trips VIR809192861
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 10/3/2019 8:16 VIR VIR
48 hours in Austin VIR795714458
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:43 VIR VIR
Frommer's Spain 2012 VIR759159242
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/24/2019 8:12 VIR VIR
Discover Kaua'i VIR818222925
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:53 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2013 Costa Rica VIR817871329
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/20/2019 7:55 VIR VIR
Frommer's Walt Disney World & OrlandoVIR769189248EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/24/2019 8:12 VIR VIR
Frommer's Cancun & the Yucatan 2012 VIR747411900 EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:10 VIR VIR
New York City encounter VIR795240145
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 10/3/2019 8:17 VIR VIR
Frommer's Maui 2012 VIR747412601
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/23/2019 9:11 VIR VIR
Lonely Planet Mexico VIR817936009
EBOOK 12/12/2012 0 9/24/2019 8:14 VIR VIR
Frommer's France VIR809263077
EBOOK 12/24/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:11 VIR VIR
Las Vegas 2013 VIR812482134
EBOOK 12/24/2012 0 9/20/2019 15:13 VIR VIR
Fodor's 2013 San Francisco VIR823263336
EBOOK 1/10/2013 0 9/20/2019 15:02 VIR VIR
Adrift : VIR759580958
EBOOK 6/3/2013 0 9/20/2019 7:46 VIR VIR
ePocket New York City travel guide VIR819546389
EBOOK 6/12/2013 0 10/3/2019 8:18 VIR VIR
San Francisco 2013 VIR802293371
EBOOK 6/12/2013 0 9/24/2019 8:11 VIR VIR
Bike snob abroad : VIR834573927
EBOOK 7/16/2014 0 9/20/2019 7:48 VIR VIR
Rough Guide to Washington DC 4.5E+08 EBOOK 9/29/2014 0 10/4/2019 13:24 VIR VIR
The rough guide to London 4.35E+08 EBOOK 9/29/2014 0 10/4/2019 13:21 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Paris 4.5E+08 EBOOK 9/29/2014 0 10/4/2019 13:22 VIR VIR
The rough guide to Vancouver 8.7E+08 EBOOK 9/29/2014 0 10/4/2019 13:23 VIR VIR
South Korea VIR830870564
EBOOK 11/6/2014 0 9/24/2019 8:15 VIR VIR
South Korea. VIR864823131
EBOOK 11/6/2014 0 9/24/2019 8:14 VIR VIR
The bad beginning VIR180177109
EBOOK 4/8/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:10 VIR VIR
Divergent VIR729756447
EBOOK 4/8/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:19 VIR VIR
Flight behavior : VIR819351677
EBOOK 4/8/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:21 VIR VIR
Call the midwife VIR829387966
EBOOK 4/8/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:38 VIR VIR
Grand Forks : VIR856523387
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/24/2019 8:13 VIR VIR
Second watch : VIR857579241
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 10/4/2019 13:07 VIR VIR
"M" is for malice : VIR861512701
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/16/2019 14:14 VIR VIR
For the win VIR861787008
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/9/2019 12:38 VIR VIR
10% happier : VIR865575024
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:04 VIR VIR
The beast : VIR871354830
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 10/4/2019 13:11 VIR VIR
Flowers in the attic / VIR871535951
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:11 VIR VIR
My anecdotal life : VIR872550207
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:51 VIR VIR
Tales from a not-so-talented pop star VIR875061037
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 10/3/2019 14:10 VIR VIR
Natchez burning : VIR875275396
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:39 VIR VIR
Infectious greed : VIR881469058
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:54 VIR VIR
On immunity : VIR883300940
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 15:02 VIR VIR
Crank VIR884736617
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:16 VIR VIR
Fallout VIR884736992
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:21 VIR VIR
No place to hide : VIR886583434
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:15 VIR VIR
The blazing world : VIR892937278
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:20 VIR VIR
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis : VIR893096303EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:42 VIR VIR
The innovators VIR893115359
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:42 VIR VIR
As you wish : VIR893208877
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:16 VIR VIR
Deep down dark : VIR893677608
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:29 VIR VIR
The lotus caves. VIR893720650
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 10/3/2019 14:08 VIR VIR
The Andy Cohen diaries : VIR894997741
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:41 VIR VIR
You were mine VIR894999627
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 10/31/2019 15:07 VIR VIR
First frost VIR899212552
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:21 VIR VIR
A hunter's road : VIR903129124
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 9/24/2019 8:14 VIR VIR
Every day I fight VIR905914839
EBOOK 4/9/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:36 VIR VIR
America's National wildlife refuges : VIR759839829
EBOOK 4/22/2015 0 9/20/2019 7:48 VIR VIR
Notorious VIR886578038
EBOOK 5/13/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:16 VIR VIR
Compulsion VIR905658709
EBOOK 5/13/2015 0 10/31/2019 15:19 VIR VIR
Do cool sh*t : VIR854854906
EBOOK 5/18/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:30 VIR VIR
The littlest angel VIR905306148
EBOOK 5/18/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:28 VIR VIR
A girl and her greens : VIR908256086
EBOOK 5/18/2015 0 9/9/2019 12:40 VIR VIR
Before I go VIR898295909
EBOOK 6/24/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:10 VIR VIR
Cold betrayal : VIR903692552
EBOOK 6/24/2015 0 10/31/2019 15:18 VIR VIR
The patriot threat VIR905658612
EBOOK 6/24/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:40 VIR VIR
All the single ladies VIR906029421
EBOOK 6/24/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:05 VIR VIR
New Zealand's North Island (Te Ika-a-MÄ•
ui) EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 10/3/2019 8:17 VIR VIR
Betrayed : VIR894997622
EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:10 VIR VIR
Naples, Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast. VIR897840270
EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 9/24/2019 8:15 VIR VIR
Bill O'Reilly's Legends and lies : VIR906031372
EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:41 VIR VIR
The Isle of the Lost : VIR910556317
EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:27 VIR VIR
Frog and toad together VIR911055847
EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:22 VIR VIR
Southeastern Europe VIR911628506
EBOOK 7/21/2015 0 10/4/2019 13:26 VIR VIR
Lord of the wings VIR906813905
EBOOK 8/6/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:28 VIR VIR
Shadow play VIR906814229
EBOOK 8/6/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:36 VIR VIR
The ground rules VIR911390562
EBOOK 8/13/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:23 VIR VIR
Badlands VIR906031342
EBOOK 8/20/2015 0 10/31/2019 15:16 VIR VIR
The naked eye VIR906813902EBOOK 8/20/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:38 VIR VIR
Agatha's first case VIR918279628EBOOK 9/11/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:05 VIR VIR
Etched in sand : VIR854853143EBOOK 9/11/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:44 VIR VIR
It IS about Islam VIR914904951EBOOK 9/11/2015 0 10/3/2019 13:58 VIR VIR
Plunder and deceit : VIR914905370EBOOK 9/11/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:21 VIR VIR
The trouble in me VIR919728840EBOOK 9/11/2015 0 10/3/2019 14:11 VIR VIR
South toward home : 9.21E+08 EBOOK 9/14/2015 0 10/4/2019 13:25 VIR VIR
Blonde hair, blue eyes : VIR918985907EBOOK 9/16/2015 0 10/9/2019 14:26 VIR VIR
Hunter VIR915746019EBOOK 9/16/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:45 VIR VIR
How's your faith? : 9.21E+08 EBOOK 9/21/2015 0 9/9/2019 13:03 VIR VIR
Scottish brides 63200816 EBOOK 9/23/2015 0 12/24/2019 12:08 VIR VIR
Into the wild 1.85E+08 EBOOK 10/1/2015 0 9/9/2019 13:06 VIR VIR
Ashley's war : 9.06E+08 EBOOK 10/1/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:17 VIR VIR
Waterloo : 9.07E+08 EBOOK 10/1/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:50 VIR VIR
The pioneer woman cooks : 9.08E+08 EBOOK 11/3/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:20 VIR VIR
The theory of death 9.22E+08 EBOOK 11/3/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:46 VIR VIR
The house on Olive Street 4.37E+08 EBOOK 11/9/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:39 VIR VIR
Traffick 9.27E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:46 VIR VIR
Let the dead sleep 8.29E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 12/13/2019 14:48 VIR VIR
Wicked appetite 8.62E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:53 VIR VIR
The guard : 8.68E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:23 VIR VIR
Death wears a beauty mask : 9.06E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:18 VIR VIR
The girl of fire and thorns 7.74E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/9/2019 12:42 VIR VIR
Over the top and back : 9.11E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:19 VIR VIR
Rick Steves' Florence and Tuscany 2016 9.23E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 10/3/2019 8:19 VIR VIR
Avenue of Mysteries 9.27E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:18 VIR VIR
The big question : 9.28E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:19 VIR VIR
House of the rising sun : 9.31E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 11/4/2019 13:26 VIR VIR
Worth any price 52945543 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:54 VIR VIR
Because you're mine 58424285 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 10/9/2019 14:28 VIR VIR
The vendetta defense 52941939 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:49 VIR VIR
Against the night 7.79E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:05 VIR VIR
Against the mark 8.53E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:04 VIR VIR
Justice League : 9.19E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:25 VIR VIR
Destinations of a lifetime : 9.24E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/20/2019 7:50 VIR VIR
Crippled America : 9.27E+08 EBOOK 12/16/2015 0 9/9/2019 12:56 VIR VIR
Maps and geography 8.92E+08 EBOOK 12/21/2015 0 10/3/2019 14:09 VIR VIR
The bean trees : 1.41E+08 EBOOK 12/31/2015 0 11/4/2019 13:13 VIR VIR
Island beneath the sea : 6.53E+08 EBOOK 12/31/2015 0 11/4/2019 13:20 VIR VIR
Transfer of Power 8.81E+08 EBOOK 12/31/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:46 VIR VIR
A cat was involved 8.9E+08 EBOOK 12/31/2015 0 9/4/2019 14:15 VIR VIR
Ravens in winter 8.93E+08 EBOOK 12/31/2015 0 9/26/2019 8:23 VIR VIR
The big short : 9.16E+08 EBOOK 12/31/2015 0 8/14/2019 9:20 VIR VIR
The geography of genius : 9.34E+08 EBOOK 1/8/2016 0 9/9/2019 12:39 VIR VIR
Other broken things 9.35E+08 EBOOK 1/15/2016 0 9/26/2019 8:19 VIR VIR
Gone again VIRocn942584125
EBOOK 3/11/2016 0 9/9/2019 12:55 VIR VIR
Among the Impostors 8.69E+08 EBOOK 4/7/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:11 VIR VIR
Among the Barons 8.69E+08 EBOOK 4/7/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:10 VIR VIR
Among the betrayed 8.93E+08 EBOOK 4/7/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:10 VIR VIR
Eleven on top 8.62E+08 EBOOK 4/8/2016 0 12/13/2019 14:35 VIR VIR
Crystal keepers 9.05E+08 EBOOK 4/8/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:16 VIR VIR
Big Nate in the zone 9.09E+08 EBOOK 4/8/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:11 VIR VIR
Splat the cat takes the cake 9.11E+08 EBOOK 4/8/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:44 VIR VIR
Dark territory : 9.42E+08 EBOOK 4/12/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:28 VIR VIR
Big Nate on a roll 8.93E+08 EBOOK 4/14/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:11 VIR VIR
Clawback : 9.44E+08 EBOOK 4/21/2016 0 10/31/2019 15:18 VIR VIR
How to raise collaborative angel capital for9.36E+08
internet business
EBOOK startup 5/25/2016 0 9/9/2019 13:02 VIR VIR
The colossus rises 8.28E+08 EBOOK 6/9/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:26 VIR VIR
Islamic exceptionalism : 9.51E+08 EBOOK 6/14/2016 0 9/9/2019 13:08 VIR VIR
One pink rose 9.49E+08 EBOOK 6/14/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:39 VIR VIR
A house full of daughters : 9.52E+08 EBOOK 7/28/2016 0 9/9/2019 13:01 VIR VIR
Sweet little lies : 9.52E+08 EBOOK 8/4/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:45 VIR VIR
Elizabeth and Michael : 9.49E+08 EBOOK 9/15/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:32 VIR VIR
Fodor's ireland 2016 VIRod927397603
EBOOK 10/10/2016 0 9/20/2019 14:58 VIR VIR
Nepal VIRod932012777
EBOOK 10/10/2016 0 9/24/2019 8:15 VIR VIR
Carry On, Warrior : VIRod878704446
EBOOK| VIR 10/19/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:25 VIR VIR
Day of doom VIRod911182058
EBOOK 10/24/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:28 VIR VIR
Carry On, Warrior : VIRocn878704446
EBOOK 11/14/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:25 VIR VIR
Eruption : VIRod944253272
EBOOK 12/9/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:35 VIR VIR
The Magnolia story VIRod960814347
EBOOK 12/12/2016 0 9/4/2019 14:30 VIR VIR
Now you see me VIRod828953919
EBOOK 12/13/2016 0 9/26/2019 8:17 VIR VIR
Broken glass VIRODN0002875998
EBOOK 12/15/2016 0 8/14/2019 9:23 VIR VIR
The Godfather notebook VIRocn967334857
EBOOK 12/19/2016 0 9/9/2019 12:54 VIR VIR
Green smoothies for life VIRod908108413
EBOOK 1/11/2017 0 9/9/2019 12:57 VIR VIR
Inherit the bones--a mystery VIRod961877756
EBOOK 1/11/2017 0 9/9/2019 13:05 VIR VIR
Food, health, and happiness : VIRod967655243
EBOOK 1/11/2017 0 9/9/2019 12:37 VIR VIR
EBOOK 1/11/2017 0 7/30/2019 11:55 VIR VIR
Legend ODN0000013932
EBOOK 1/12/2017 0 10/9/2019 14:27 VIR VIR
The Inn at Ocean's Edge ODN0002044873
EBOOK 1/12/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:26 VIR VIR
The killer's wife ODN0003064297
EBOOK 2/3/2017 0 1/22/2019 12:05 VIR VIR
From bacteria to Bach and back : ODN0002833402
EBOOK 2/3/2017 0 9/9/2019 12:38 VIR VIR
Spurt ODN0002754523
EBOOK 2/3/2017 0 10/3/2019 14:10 VIR VIR
Death's mistress ODN0002813025
EBOOK 2/3/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:29 VIR VIR
Bound by flames : ODN0001759977
EBOOK 2/21/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:23 VIR VIR
The Highlander takes a bride ODN0001999818
EBOOK 2/21/2017 0 9/9/2019 12:58 VIR VIR
Diamond Bay ODN0002201823
EBOOK 2/21/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:14 VIR VIR
Lord Dashwood missed out : ODN0002355966
EBOOK 2/21/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:28 VIR VIR
White lies ODN0002276091
EBOOK 2/21/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:50 VIR VIR
Dead woman walking ODN0003158192
EBOOK 3/13/2017 0 10/9/2019 14:21 VIR VIR
Make Me Love You ODN0002461065
EBOOK 3/13/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:30 VIR VIR
Snowfall on Haven Point ODN0002678526
EBOOK 3/13/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:43 VIR VIR
The power of different : ODN0002931527
EBOOK 3/13/2017 0 9/26/2019 8:21 VIR VIR
The german girl : ODN0002621426
EBOOK 3/20/2017 0 9/9/2019 12:40 VIR VIR
American epic : ODN0002420603
EBOOK 4/26/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:09 VIR VIR
One day we'll all be dead and none of thisODN0002650984
will matterEBOOK
: 4/26/2017 0 9/26/2019 8:17 VIR VIR
The devil's punchbowl ODN0000312165
EBOOK 4/26/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:29 VIR VIR
The Evangelicals : ODN0002855986
EBOOK 4/26/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:35 VIR VIR
Enemy of the state : ODN0003249445
EBOOK 5/30/2017 0 12/24/2019 12:01 VIR VIR
Mrs. Fletcher : ODN0003070614
EBOOK 5/30/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:38 VIR VIR
Down among the sticks and bones ODN0002949313
EBOOK 5/30/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:31 VIR VIR
Blue gold : ODN0000013827
EBOOK 5/30/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:22 VIR VIR
One white rose ODN0002476078
EBOOK 5/30/2017 0 9/26/2019 8:18 VIR VIR
Blue gold : VIRod891860168
EBOOK 5/30/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:22 VIR VIR
Hello, Sunshine : ODN0002461040
EBOOK 6/12/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:23 VIR VIR
Impatient foodie : ODN0003022448
EBOOK 6/12/2017 0 9/9/2019 13:04 VIR VIR
Brave new world : ODN0001695615
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:14 VIR VIR
Ransom ODN0000451599
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:41 VIR VIR
Love story : ODN0002914366
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:29 VIR VIR
MatchUp ODN0002949496
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:28 VIR VIR
One second after ODN0000513008
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:39 VIR VIR
A drink before the war ODN0000355591
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:19 VIR VIR
Partner in crime ODN0000019436
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 12/24/2019 12:06 VIR VIR
Blue moon ODN0002890716
EBOOK 7/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:12 VIR VIR
The murder on the links VIRod57201826
EBOOK 7/6/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:18 VIR VIR
Wicked abyss VIRod966436636
EBOOK 7/6/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:52 VIR VIR
Astrophysics for people in a hurry ODN0003009955
EBOOK 7/11/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:08 VIR VIR
The river at night ODN0002621444
EBOOK 7/14/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:41 VIR VIR
The sun also rises ODN0000018684
EBOOK 7/14/2017 0 10/4/2019 13:05 VIR VIR
Comanche moon : ODN0000456438
EBOOK 7/14/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:27 VIR VIR
Dead man's walk : ODN0000346091
EBOOK 7/14/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:28 VIR VIR
The bride says numbers ODN0001330541
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:14 VIR VIR
Betrayal of trust ODN0000534719
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:19 VIR VIR
Little Beach Street Bakery ODN0001811746
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:40 VIR VIR
Big Sky Mountain ODN0000903412
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:12 VIR VIR
The only way out ODN0000226265
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:39 VIR VIR
Straight from the hip ODN0000251954
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:19 VIR VIR
Only the lucky ODN0003205762
EBOOK 8/1/2017 0 9/26/2019 8:19 VIR VIR
Jackie's girl : ODN0002831030
EBOOK 8/2/2017 0 10/3/2019 13:57 VIR VIR
The fact of a body : ODN0003023324
EBOOK 8/2/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:38 VIR VIR
The given day : ODN0000196705
EBOOK 8/4/2017 0 9/9/2019 12:46 VIR VIR
Dating you / hating you ODN0003022393
EBOOK 8/9/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:17 VIR VIR
Ink and bone ODN0002461047
EBOOK 8/9/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:26 VIR VIR
The people we hate at the wedding ODN0003035515
EBOOK 8/9/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:40 VIR VIR
It's always the husband ODN0003023039
EBOOK 8/9/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:27 VIR VIR
Deadmen walking ODN0002996826
EBOOK 8/9/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:18 VIR VIR
Immortally yours ODN0003117107
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:46 VIR VIR
State of the union : ODN0000050850
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:44 VIR VIR
Angels and demons ODN0000014197
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:11 VIR VIR
The Athena Project : ODN0000481801
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:09 VIR VIR
Purgatory Ridge : ODN0000321427
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:40 VIR VIR
Beautiful Tempest : ODN0003022361
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 10/31/2019 15:00 VIR VIR
For whom the bell tolls ODN0000018605
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 10/9/2019 14:23 VIR VIR
Song of Susannah ODN0000055709
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:43 VIR VIR
Wicked deeds ODN0003124416
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:50 VIR VIR
Borne : ODN0002996766
EBOOK 8/16/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:14 VIR VIR
The duchess deal ODN0003051160
EBOOK 8/29/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:20 VIR VIR
Come the spring ODN0000451576
EBOOK 9/6/2017 0 10/31/2019 15:02 VIR VIR
Identical ODN0000285459
EBOOK 9/6/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:25 VIR VIR
Fight Club : ODN0002310289
EBOOK 9/12/2017 0 12/24/2019 11:58 VIR VIR
The Gustav Sonata : ODN0002621285
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:27 VIR VIR
The knitting circle ODN0002314000
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 12/24/2019 11:59 VIR VIR
The mirror sisters ODN0002621440
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 10/31/2019 15:16 VIR VIR
Six four ODN0002854790
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:10 VIR VIR
Rage against the dying ODN0000984156
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:06 VIR VIR
Full bloom ODN0000511882
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 12/24/2019 12:10 VIR VIR
Lady Sophia's lover ODN0000033533
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:47 VIR VIR
The last original wife ODN0001085393
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 10/3/2019 14:02 VIR VIR
Extreme measures : ODN0000285156
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:20 VIR VIR
Claimed for the Leonelli legacy ODN0003148721
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:55 VIR VIR
Enchanted : ODN0000104378
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:38 VIR VIR
Mind game ODN0003233322
EBOOK 9/18/2017 0 10/31/2019 15:03 VIR VIR
The sea of monsters : ODN0002231123
EBOOK 9/29/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:42 VIR VIR
Killing England : ODN0003198691
EBOOK 10/2/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:35 VIR VIR
A very merry princess ODN0003488568
EBOOK 10/5/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:50 VIR VIR
The trouble with twelfth grave ODN0003243029
EBOOK 10/5/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:53 VIR VIR
The autobiography of Gucci Mane ODN0003249664
EBOOK 10/10/2017 0 8/14/2019 9:18 VIR VIR
The last castle : ODN0002621377
EBOOK 10/10/2017 0 10/3/2019 14:02 VIR VIR
4321: ODN0002854750
EBOOK 10/17/2017 0 10/31/2019 15:14 VIR VIR
The kill clause ODN0000037921
EBOOK 10/23/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:46 VIR VIR
12:00 ODN0003177675
EBOOK 10/23/2017 0 10/31/2019 15:05 VIR VIR
Holiday wishes : ODN0002854976
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:24 VIR VIR
Sunset in central park ODN0002570698
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:44 VIR VIR
Thursdays at eight ODN0003088127
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:58 VIR VIR
Back of beyond ODN0000542973
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:37 VIR VIR
Collared ODN0003082121
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:40 VIR VIR
Sarah's key ODN0000513364
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:52 VIR VIR
A secret kept ODN0000510589
EBOOK 10/31/2017 0 12/13/2019 15:02 VIR VIR
Billionaire at the barricades : ODN0003217908
EBOOK 11/3/2017 0 12/13/2019 15:03 VIR VIR
Edward VII : ODN0003091527
EBOOK 11/3/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:53 VIR VIR
The drowning ODN0002385982
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 12/13/2019 15:03 VIR VIR
True grit : ODN0002309728
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:54 VIR VIR
The Green Road ODN0002311107
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 12/13/2019 15:03 VIR VIR
Risky business ODN0003375943
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 10/9/2019 14:22 VIR VIR
Plum lovin' ODN0000513142
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:52 VIR VIR
Secrets of Cavendon ODN0003262521
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 12/13/2019 15:04 VIR VIR
Christmas at Carnton ODN0003287934
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 9/4/2019 14:15 VIR VIR
Of mess and moxie : ODN0003035625
EBOOK 11/21/2017 0 9/26/2019 8:17 VIR VIR
The It girls ODN0003091342
EBOOK 12/14/2017 0 11/4/2019 13:29 VIR VIR
Last ride ODN0002633967
EBOOK 12/14/2017 0 10/3/2019 14:03 VIR VIR
Down river ODN0003461241
EBOOK 12/14/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:56 VIR VIR
Troubleshooter ODN0000077603
EBOOK 12/22/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:59 VIR VIR
Birds of prey : ODN0000008239
EBOOK 12/22/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:44 VIR VIR
Lying in wait : ODN0000106432
EBOOK 12/22/2017 0 12/13/2019 14:49 VIR VIR
Waking Kylie ODN0003566084
EBOOK 1/23/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:50 VIR VIR
Assassins ODN0003602587
EBOOK 1/23/2018 0 12/24/2019 12:03 VIR VIR
Unravel me ODN0001042824
EBOOK 1/24/2018 0 10/3/2019 14:12 VIR VIR
Can't hardly breathe ODN0003124400
EBOOK 2/8/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:24 VIR VIR
Waking the dead ODN0001473439
EBOOK 2/12/2018 0 12/13/2019 15:00 VIR VIR
The kommandant's girl ODN0002571009
EBOOK 2/21/2018 0 10/3/2019 13:56 VIR VIR
Noir : ODN0003359719
EBOOK 3/5/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:16 VIR VIR
A second chance ODN0002500736
EBOOK 3/7/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:00 VIR VIR
A symphony of echoes ODN0002500740
EBOOK 3/7/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:45 VIR VIR
Between you and me : ODN0003619448
EBOOK 3/12/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:19 VIR VIR
Ain't She a Peach : ODN0003717484
EBOOK 3/12/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:09 VIR VIR
The love letter ODN0003647525
EBOOK 3/12/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:57 VIR VIR
Send down the rain ODN0003321577
EBOOK 3/12/2018 0 12/24/2019 12:03 VIR VIR
An unwilling accomplice ODN0001437410
EBOOK 3/26/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:48 VIR VIR
By invitation only : ODN0003462176
EBOOK 4/13/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:15 VIR VIR
Rattlesnake crossing ODN0000107448
EBOOK 4/13/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:23 VIR VIR
Prayers for rain ODN0000107447
EBOOK 4/17/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:22 VIR VIR
Anyone but you ODN0000116389
EBOOK 4/17/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:14 VIR VIR
Untamed ODN0002830074
EBOOK 4/17/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:59 VIR VIR
Love is murder ODN0001153276
EBOOK 4/17/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:29 VIR VIR
Rosemary cottage : ODN0001331773
EBOOK 5/1/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:42 VIR VIR
The fixer upper ODN0000226491
EBOOK 5/3/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:38 VIR VIR
Walking shadows ODN0003742852
EBOOK 5/3/2018 0 12/24/2019 12:04 VIR VIR
Desolation mountain : ODN0003717649
EBOOK 5/3/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:19 VIR VIR
Dead witch walking ODN0000054878
EBOOK 5/14/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:45 VIR VIR
The Elizas : ODN0003442156
EBOOK 5/14/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:34 VIR VIR
Bones of the lost : ODN0001382038
EBOOK 5/14/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:22 VIR VIR
Fascism : ODN0003350218
EBOOK 5/15/2018 0 10/4/2019 13:10 VIR VIR
Chasing the prophecy ODN0001243160
EBOOK 5/15/2018 0 8/14/2019 9:26 VIR VIR
Impulse ODN0000285472
EBOOK 5/15/2018 0 9/9/2019 13:04 VIR VIR
The right bride ODN0001135225
EBOOK 5/18/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:57 VIR VIR
The Flamethrowers : ODN0001260380
EBOOK 5/18/2018 0 9/9/2019 12:35 VIR VIR
Invisible Emmie ODN0002903451
EBOOK 5/21/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:27 VIR VIR
Prey : ODN0000024100
EBOOK 5/23/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:23 VIR VIR
Paw and order : ODN0001879724
EBOOK 5/23/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:20 VIR VIR
The kingmaker's daughter ODN0001010710
EBOOK 6/4/2018 0 10/3/2019 13:57 VIR VIR
Half Moon Bay : ODN0003717748
EBOOK 6/12/2018 0 9/9/2019 12:58 VIR VIR
The house at Saltwater Point ODN0003647523
EBOOK 6/13/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:24 VIR VIR
An English bride in Scotland ODN0001085150
EBOOK 7/5/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:45 VIR VIR
Little bitty lies ODN0000055298
EBOOK 7/5/2018 0 11/4/2019 13:16 VIR VIR
Spellbound ODN0001316789
EBOOK 7/5/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:49 VIR VIR
Plain truth : ODN0000017460
EBOOK 7/5/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:20 VIR VIR
The humans ODN0001342762
EBOOK 7/5/2018 0 12/16/2019 14:08 VIR VIR
The map of salt and stars ODN0003718293
EBOOK 7/17/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:30 VIR VIR
An expert in murder : ODN0000167999
EBOOK 7/25/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:56 VIR VIR
Leave no trace : ODN0003962315
EBOOK 7/30/2018 0 12/24/2019 12:05 VIR VIR
Josh and Hazel's guide to not dating ODN0003962289
EBOOK 7/30/2018 0 11/4/2019 13:15 VIR VIR
Three things about Elsie : ODN0003718415
EBOOK 8/13/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:46 VIR VIR
The briefing : vir1284650EBOOK 8/15/2018 0 9/26/2019 8:04 VIR VIR
Paul Simon : 1284652 EBOOK 8/15/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:40 VIR VIR
Unhinged : ODN0004032144
EBOOK 8/15/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:48 VIR VIR
Marriage vacation : 1284819 EBOOK 8/20/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:30 VIR VIR
Urban enemies ODN0003022559
EBOOK 8/27/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:48 VIR VIR
Tear Me Apart : ODN0003695355
EBOOK 8/27/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:58 VIR VIR
Full black : ODN0000611480
EBOOK 8/28/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:22 VIR VIR
She's come undone : ODN0000567429
EBOOK 8/28/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:43 VIR VIR
The four legendary kingdoms ODN0002988680
EBOOK 8/28/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:22 VIR VIR
Macrieve ODN0001400409
EBOOK 8/28/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:29 VIR VIR
Demon from the dark ODN0000451579
EBOOK 8/28/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:18 VIR VIR
House of secrets ODN0003441658
EBOOK 8/28/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:24 VIR VIR
Heaven's keep : ODN0000288399
EBOOK 8/29/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:23 VIR VIR
Red Knife : ODN0000286091
EBOOK 8/29/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:41 VIR VIR
Trickster's point : ODN0001028266
EBOOK 8/29/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:47 VIR VIR
The world of Cork O'Connor : ODN0002621448
EBOOK 8/29/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:53 VIR VIR
Clockwork prince ODN0000674514
EBOOK 8/31/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:16 VIR VIR
The infernal devices : ODN0001255865
EBOOK 8/31/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:26 VIR VIR
Mort : ODN0000144591
EBOOK 9/18/2018 0 9/4/2019 14:31 VIR VIR
Lothaire ODN0000680081
EBOOK 9/18/2018 0 11/4/2019 13:05 VIR VIR
A closed and common orbit ODN0002620140
EBOOK 9/25/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:15 VIR VIR
The pope of Palm Beach ODN0003255341
EBOOK 9/25/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:57 VIR VIR
Hidden order : ODN0001154083
EBOOK 9/25/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:53 VIR VIR
A hunger like no other ODN0000284602
EBOOK 9/25/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:15 VIR VIR
Déjà dead ODN0000013843
EBOOK 9/25/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:19 VIR VIR
Capturing angels ODN0001001713
EBOOK 10/11/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:17 VIR VIR
The Watchman : ODN0000286900
EBOOK 10/11/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:42 VIR VIR
Black Betty ODN0000350215
EBOOK 10/17/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:17 VIR VIR
The shroud conspiracy VIR#1291888-653461
EBOOK 10/23/2018 0 12/13/2019 15:02 VIR VIR
The bucket list ODN0003718191
EBOOK 10/25/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:06 VIR VIR
Nightmares & Dreamscapes ODN0000330411
EBOOK 10/25/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:04 VIR VIR
Stones from the river ODN0000527316
EBOOK 10/25/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:05 VIR VIR
The electric state ODN0003962675
EBOOK 10/30/2018 0 10/31/2019 15:06 VIR VIR
Every day is extra ODN0003962197
EBOOK 10/31/2018 0 12/13/2019 15:04 VIR VIR
A cloud in the shape of a girl : ODN0003962080
EBOOK 11/1/2018 0 12/13/2019 15:05 VIR VIR
Love Anthony : ODN0001014503
EBOOK 11/6/2018 0 12/13/2019 15:01 VIR VIR
Hand of evil : ODN0000285337
EBOOK 11/6/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:51 VIR VIR
Touch of Red ODN0003249739
EBOOK 11/13/2018 0 12/13/2019 15:01 VIR VIR
Wrong highlander ODN0003973267
EBOOK 12/3/2018 0 12/13/2019 14:51 VIR VIR
Indecent-- proposal ODN0001555965
EBOOK 1/3/2019 0 9/4/2019 14:26 VIR VIR
Borrower of the night : ODN0000087268
EBOOK 1/3/2019 0 12/13/2019 14:55 VIR VIR
THE MARKET LADY AND THE MANGO TREE3.12E+13 EBOOK 2/9/2019 1 2/9/2019 3/22/2019 14:21 NV TS
To Sir Phillip, with Love with 2nd EpilogueODN0002145150
EBOOK 4/2/2019 0 12/13/2019 14:58 VIR VIR
Color Cartwheel 3.12E+13 FA 8/7/2015 2 1 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 RN RN
FALLON NEVADA TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 3.12E+13 FA 9/11/2016 2 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
meerkat 3.12E+13 FA 9/16/2016 2 2 ######## 6/11/2019 13:19 SV SV
FA 2/11/2017 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:19 SV SV
Lego star wars yoda chronicles 3.12E+12 FA 3/14/2017 1 ######## 5/20/2019 7:57 NV NV
JUST LIKE A BABY 3.12E+13 FA 4/26/2017 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:19 SP SP
Wired 3.12E+13 FA 5/23/2017 2 ######## 6/11/2019 13:19 NW RN
3.12E+13 FA 5/24/2017 2 1 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 NW RN
THE HUNTED 3.12E+13 FA 6/18/2017 2 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SS RN
TWENTY QUESTIONS FOR GLORIA 3.12E+13 FA 7/12/2017 2 8/9/2017 6/11/2019 13:19 SP SP
LA PRIMERA NAVIDAD DE CLIFFORD 3.12E+12 FA 9/26/2017 1 ######## 5/20/2019 7:57 TS TS
AMERICAN TALIBAN 3.12E+13 FA 9/27/2017 2 ######## 2/26/2019 10:07 NW RN
FAST ADD GRAIN BRAIN 3.12E+13 FA 10/19/2017 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:21 NV NV
SKATEBORDING SCIENCE 3.12E+13 FA 11/14/2017 1 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:21 SV SV
Dust 3.02E+13 FA 11/18/2017 2 ######## 6/11/2019 13:21 SP SP
the thrills and chills of amusement parke 3.12E+13 FA 11/28/2017 1 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:21 NV NV
The real life mba 1.24E+12 FA 12/21/2017 1 1 ######## 5/20/2019 7:57 NV NV
fast add Tito 3.12E+13 FA 1/9/2018 3 ######## 7/17/2019 12:22 NV TS
Watercolor BASICS Trees, Mountains and Rocks3.12E+13 FA 1/16/2018 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:28 IV IV
the baby signing bible 3.12E+13 FA 2/17/2018 2 1 ######## 2/26/2019 9:52 NW RN
3.12E+13 FA 2/18/2018 2 ######## 4/26/2019 9:23 SS TS
THE TALE OF APPLEBECK ORCHARD 3.02E+13 FA 2/20/2018 1 2 ######## 6/11/2019 13:28 SP SP
A Grief Observed 3.12E+13 FA 3/17/2018 2 ######## 6/11/2019 13:28 SV SV
The Madness jof March 3.12E+13 FA 3/26/2018 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SO TS
Don't Blame Women for Rape 3.12E+13 FA 3/27/2018 3 3 ######## 2/26/2019 10:06 NW RN
Skinned 3.12E+13 FA 4/3/2018 2 ######## 7/1/2019 15:37 NV TS
UN DIA DE NIEVE 3.12E+13 FA 4/5/2018 3 ######## 2/26/2019 9:57 NW RN
Rare Earth 3.12E+13 FA 4/7/2018 1 4/7/2018 6/11/2019 13:28 NW NW
TREASURES OF ISLAM 3.12E+13 FA 4/26/2018 1 2 ######## 1/4/2019 14:31 NW TS
Dr. Seuss The Great Doodler 1.34E+13 FA 4/30/2018 1 ######## 5/20/2019 7:57 SV SV
Wednesday Night Witches 3.12E+13 FA 5/4/2018 2 ######## 2/26/2019 9:53 NW RN
The Last Town 3.12E+13 FA 5/12/2018 1 2 ######## 4/8/2019 13:24 NW TS
Bruce springsteen and the promise of rock3.12E+13
and roll FA 5/15/2018 1 ######## 6/11/2019 13:28 SV SV
What to expect when you're expecting 3.12E+13 FA 5/23/2018 1 ######## 2/13/2019 8:59 SV RN
RENO 3.12E+13 FA 6/12/2018 2 ######## 2/26/2019 10:05 NW RN
CURIOUS GEORGE GOES FISHING 3.12E+13 FA 7/17/2018 3 1 ######## 5/31/2019 12:01 VE TS
JABBERWOCKY 3.12E+13 FA 8/14/2018 2 2/1/2019 3/22/2019 14:31 NV NV
SPIRITS REBELLIOUS 3.12E+13 FA 8/28/2018 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
Debt to Pay / Robert Parker 3.12E+13 FA 9/8/2018 2 1 ######## 2/26/2019 10:00 NW RN
American Theocracy 3.12E+13 FA 10/3/2018 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SV TS
The Germans 3.12E+13 FA 10/8/2018 1 ######## 1/14/2019 13:53 SP TS
Pop's Bridge 3.12E+13 FA 10/24/2018 2 1 ######## 6/13/2019 9:44 SP SP
A Child Called "It" 3.12E+13 FA 10/25/2018 1 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 SV TS
dear mr president 3.12E+13 FA 11/17/2018 1 2 ######## 2/20/2019 15:33 NW TS
the perfect storm 3.12E+13 FA 11/21/2018 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 NW TS
BALD MEN ALWAYS COME OUT ON TOP 3.12E+13 FA 12/2/2018 1 1 ######## 1/10/2019 7:51 RN TS
Shrine of Stars 3.12E+13 FA 12/11/2018 1 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:06 RN TS
GOLD RUSH PRODIGAL 3.12E+13 FA 12/12/2018 1 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:33 RN TS
Dust 3.12E+13 FA 12/15/2018 1 ######## 2/2/2019 10:05 NW TS
TUDOR ENGLAND 1485-1603 3.12E+13 FA 12/16/2018 1 ######## 1/9/2019 8:33 RN TS
SAY-HEY AND THE BABE 3.12E+13 FA 12/18/2018 1 1 ######## 1/12/2019 8:20 RN TS
Long Life 3.12E+13 FA 12/20/2018 1 2 ######## 3/22/2019 13:58 SO TS
ACORNA'S CHILDREN: SECOND WAVE 3.12E+13 FA 12/21/2018 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 NW TS
A SMART GIRL'S GUIDE TO MANNERS 3.12E+13 FA 12/22/2018 2 1 ######## 12/20/2019 10:40 SO SO
A is for Annabelle 3.12E+13 FA 12/26/2018 1 ######## 2/20/2019 14:37 IV TS
Divine and human 3.12E+13 FA 12/28/2018 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NV TS
Deja Who 3.12E+13 FA 12/29/2018 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
Chickens to the rescue 3.12E+13 FA 12/30/2018 1 ######## 3/7/2019 14:28 RN TS
THE WIND AT WORK 3.12E+13 FA 1/3/2019 1 1/3/2019 3/7/2019 11:07 NW TS
Telling Time 3.12E+13 FA 1/4/2019 1 1 1/4/2019 4/15/2019 13:34 NW TS
Genghis Khan 3.12E+13 FA 1/5/2019 1 1/5/2019 2/20/2019 15:34 NW TS
BLESS THE BEASTS 3.12E+13 FA 1/6/2019 1 1/6/2019 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
Angel's Rest 3.12E+13 FA 1/8/2019 1 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
The Other Side 3.12E+13 FA 1/8/2019 1 1/8/2019 2/20/2019 13:06 NW TS
The magic school bus Kicks up a storm 3.12E+13 FA 1/8/2019 1 1/8/2019 3/14/2019 12:40 RN TS
Matthew's Dream 3.12E+13 FA 1/10/2019 1 2 ######## 4/15/2019 13:58 SV TS
101 Great Science Experiments a Step - by3.12E+13
- step guide
FA 1/12/2019 1 ######## 3/22/2019 11:34 SV TS
MEDIEVAL WEAPONS AND WARFARE 3.12E+13 FA 1/12/2019 1 ######## 3/7/2019 14:50 NV TS
what's the hurry, fox? and other annimal stories
3.12E+13 FA 1/14/2019 1 ######## 1/23/2019 16:13 SO TS
recruited surviving south side 3.12E+13 FA 1/17/2019 1 1 ######## 3/22/2019 14:32 NW TS
Invisible Code, The 3.12E+13 FA 1/19/2019 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 SP TS
Jalapeno Bagels 3.12E+13 FA 1/22/2019 1 ######## 3/7/2019 12:06 TR TS
The Silent Playmate 3.12E+13 FA 1/26/2019 1 ######## 3/7/2019 11:01 SP TS
Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch 3.12E+13 FA 1/29/2019 1 ######## 3/22/2019 11:55 TR TS
LET IT SHINE 3.12E+13 FA 1/30/2019 1 ######## 5/13/2019 15:40 RN TS
Hola, hombre mosca 3.12E+13 FA 1/30/2019 1 ######## 4/15/2019 13:39 TR TS
the thrills and chills of amusement parks 3.12E+13 FA 2/4/2019 1 2/4/2019 3/22/2019 13:50 SV TS
Alvin Ailey31235031852119 3.12E+13 FA 2/7/2019 1 2/7/2019 8/22/2019 15:10 SS SS
CHINA'S BRAVEST GIRL 3.12E+13 FA 2/8/2019 1 1 2/8/2019 4/15/2019 13:54 NW TS
Sniffles, Sneezes, Hiccups, and Coughs 3.12E+13 FA 2/8/2019 1 2/8/2019 3/22/2019 12:56 NW NW
I'LL BE GONE IN THE DARK 3.12E+13 FA 2/11/2019 1 ######## 2/15/2019 11:39 SC SC
Global Babies/Bebes del Mundo 3.12E+13 FA 2/13/2019 1 ######## 3/7/2019 10:50 NW TS
DICK WITTINGTON AND HIS CAT 3.12E+13 FA 2/14/2019 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:43 SP TS
mythion improbable 3.12E+13 FA 2/16/2019 1 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 NV TS
Special assignments 3.12E+13 FA 2/19/2019 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 NW TS
THE HAHA 3.12E+13 FA 2/25/2019 1 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SS TS
Life on a Medieval Manor 3.12E+13 FA 2/25/2019 2 2 ######## 11/20/2019 9:56 NW NW
FA 2/26/2019 1 ######## 3/28/2019 9:41 NV TS
AM I BIG OR LITTLE? 3.12E+13 FA 2/28/2019 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:51 SV TS
CELEBRATING CALIFORNIA 3.12E+13 FA 2/28/2019 3 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:31 SO TS
tHE tALE OF jEMIMA pUDDLE-dUCK 3.12E+13 FA 3/2/2019 1 3/2/2019 4/12/2019 11:56 SV TS
Aaron Rodgers FA 3/6/2019 0 4/12/2019 12:27 SO SO
Aaron Rodgers / 3.12E+13 FA 3/6/2019 1 3/6/2019 4/12/2019 12:27 SO TS
chile - cultures of the world 3.12E+13 FA 3/7/2019 1 3/7/2019 4/15/2019 13:38 RN TS
Farm Animals 3.12E+13 FA 3/8/2019 1 3/8/2019 4/5/2019 15:52 SV TS
RAIN DROP SPLASH 3.12E+13 FA 3/9/2019 1 3/9/2019 4/12/2019 13:18 RN TS
Game Day 3.12E+13 FA 3/9/2019 1 3/9/2019 4/23/2019 12:37 NW TS
FAST ADD Warp Tour 2002 2.12E+13 FA 3/13/2019 0 3/28/2019 9:56 SO SO
warped tour 2002 3.12E+13 FA 3/13/2019 1 1 ######## 3/28/2019 9:57 SO TS
Pull the other one 3.12E+13 FA 3/13/2019 1 ######## 4/12/2019 11:13 SV TS
Voices from the Streets 3.12E+13 FA 3/17/2019 1 ######## 5/14/2019 11:30 TR TS
CLEAN UP GRUMPY BUNNY 3.12E+13 FA 3/17/2019 1 ######## 4/12/2019 14:16 TR TS
TIGERS VOYAGE 3.12E+13 FA 3/18/2019 1 ######## 5/14/2019 9:42 RN TS
Middle Eastern Crafts Kids Can Do! 3.12E+13 FA 3/20/2019 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:07 NW TS
Temptation's Kiss 3.12E+13 FA 3/21/2019 1 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SV TS
CRUSH 3.12E+13 FA 3/21/2019 1 ######## 4/23/2019 9:09 NV TS
The Four Gallant Sisters 3.12E+13 FA 3/23/2019 1 ######## 4/23/2019 12:06 NW TS
I CAN DRAW CHRISTMAS 3.12E+13 FA 3/25/2019 1 1 ######## 5/10/2019 13:15 SP SP
El Primer Dia de Accion de Gracias 3.12E+13 FA 3/26/2019 1 ######## 5/31/2019 12:19 RN TS
THE SECRET HISTORY OF ELIZABETH TUTOR 3.12E+13 FA 3/28/2019 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
FA 4/4/2019 1 4/4/2019 5/31/2019 12:13 NW TS
LILA AND THE SECRET OF RAIN 3.12E+13 FA 4/5/2019 1 4/5/2019 5/14/2019 10:47 NW TS
LIZARDS FROGS AND POLLIWOGS 3.12E+13 FA 4/6/2019 1 1 4/6/2019 6/13/2019 9:35 NW NW
20 Fun Facts about the Great Wall of China3.12E+13 FA 4/8/2019 1 4/8/2019 5/31/2019 12:02 NW TS
Arrow to the Sun 3.12E+13 FA 4/11/2019 1 1 ######## 6/27/2019 9:38 SV TS
DIGITAL ART 3.12E+13 FA 4/14/2019 1 ######## 6/25/2019 15:46 TR TS
birthday flowers 3.12E+13 FA 4/17/2019 1 ######## 5/30/2019 15:54 SS TS
My Favorite Writer 3.12E+13 FA 4/20/2019 1 1 ######## 5/29/2019 17:09 SV TS
Serena & Venus Williams Tennis Stars 3.12E+13 FA 4/20/2019 1 ######## 6/20/2019 13:46 SV TS
Amaerica's Champion Swimmer 3.12E+13 FA 4/20/2019 1 ######## 6/25/2019 15:22 SV TS
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 3.12E+13 FA 5/1/2019 1 5/1/2019 6/25/2019 14:47 NW TS
The Great Barrier Reef 3.12E+13 FA 5/4/2019 1 5/4/2019 6/25/2019 16:37 SV SV
PET sHOW! 3.12E+13 FA 5/9/2019 1 5/9/2019 6/25/2019 16:34 SV SV
voices from the amazon 3.12E+13 FA 5/9/2019 1 5/9/2019 6/4/2019 16:15 RN RN
Lord of Misrule [Sound Recording] 3.12E+13 FA 5/11/2019 1 ######## 6/27/2019 10:42 NV TS
FAME AND GLORY IN FREEDOM, GEORGIA3.12E+13 FA 5/18/2019 1 1 ######## 6/27/2019 14:53 SP TS
WHAT'S THAT AWFUL SMELL? 3.12E+13 FA 5/21/2019 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:41 IV TS
Morris the Moose 3.12E+13 FA 5/22/2019 1 ######## 6/25/2019 14:25 VE TS
ORANGE ANIMALS 3.12E+13 FA 5/24/2019 1 ######## 6/27/2019 13:55 RN TS
Elements and compounds 3.12E+13 FA 5/28/2019 1 ######## 7/8/2019 14:50 NW NW
PIONEER DAYS 3.12E+13 FA 5/30/2019 1 1 ######## 7/9/2019 15:58 SO SO
THE GUARDIANS SAVE THE DAY 3.12E+13 FA 6/3/2019 1 6/3/2019 6/28/2019 12:50 RN TS
THE SEVENTH DAUGHTER 3.12E+13 FA 6/10/2019 1 ######## 7/10/2019 10:11 SP TS
Francine Believe It or Not 3.12E+13 FA 6/17/2019 1 ######## 6/28/2019 12:36 IV TS
Polar bear babies 3.12E+13 FA 6/19/2019 1 ######## 7/8/2019 15:20 RN TS
Oliver Button is a Sissy 3.12E+13 FA 6/20/2019 0 7/8/2019 14:40 SP TS
mouse count 3.12E+13 FA 6/20/2019 1 ######## 8/2/2019 13:09 NV TS
Red Bird 3.12E+13 FA 6/20/2019 1 ######## 7/17/2019 12:31 NW TS
still life 3.12E+13 FA 6/25/2019 1 2 ######## 9/6/2019 11:24 SO TS
Wonders and Miracles 3.12E+13 FA 6/26/2019 1 2 ######## 8/2/2019 12:39 NW TS
THE CLONES 3.12E+13 FA 6/27/2019 1 ######## 7/11/2019 9:47 SP TS
The Deliverance of Dancing Bears 3.12E+13 FA 6/27/2019 1 ######## 8/7/2019 12:36 NW TS
On the Move 3.12E+13 FA 6/27/2019 1 ######## 7/25/2019 15:59 TR TS
Tell Me What You See 3.12E+13 FA 7/3/2019 1 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 15:51 SV TS
FA DIPLOMAT 7/3/2019 1 1 7/3/2019 8/14/2019 10:06 SP TS
RED BALLOON 3.12E+13 FA 7/11/2019 1 ######## 8/2/2019 12:25 IV TS
HERMIT CRABS 3.12E+13 FA 7/16/2019 1 ######## 8/7/2019 12:44 SP TS
Justin Bieber, His World 3.12E+13 FA 7/22/2019 1 ######## 8/7/2019 12:51 NW TS
Un Leon en la biblioteca 3.12E+13 FA 7/25/2019 1 ######## 8/22/2019 15:04 TR TR
THE GREAT KAPOK TREE 3.12E+13 FA 8/5/2019 1 1 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 10:55 RN TS
GRANDMOTHER'S GARDE 3.12E+13 FA 8/5/2019 1 1 8/5/2019 9/5/2019 10:39 RN TS
Penalty Shot 3.12E+13 FA 8/9/2019 1 8/9/2019 9/6/2019 10:52 NW TS
Leola and the Honeybears 3.12E+13 FA 8/12/2019 1 ######## 9/10/2019 10:26 NW NW
NATIVE AMERICAN DOCTOR 3.12E+13 FA 8/17/2019 1 ######## 9/17/2019 10:13 NW TS
From Sea to Shining Sea 3.12E+13 FA 8/24/2019 1 1 ######## 10/23/2019 10:53 SP TS
How much is that doggie in the window 3.12E+13 FA 8/25/2019 1 ######## 9/24/2019 15:09 SS TS
Music 3.12E+13 FA 8/31/2019 1 ######## 12/27/2019 15:13 SV SV
One Hundred Years Of Poetry 3.12E+13 FA 9/6/2019 1 1 9/6/2019 11/13/2019 11:52 NW TS
Kermit's Mixed-up Message 3.12E+13 FA 9/9/2019 1 9/9/2019 10/23/2019 11:06 SV TS
life in an egyptian worker's village 3.12E+13 FA 9/9/2019 1 9/9/2019 9/17/2019 12:49 SP TS
THE FLEDGLING 3.12E+13 FA 9/13/2019 1 2 ######## 11/13/2019 14:29 NW TS
Junie B. Jones Espia un Poquirritin 3.12E+13 FA 9/27/2019 1 ######## 11/13/2019 12:32 NW TS
THE ENCHANTED HEIR 3.12E+13 FA 10/4/2019 1 1 ######## 11/20/2019 14:49 NW NW
SUNDY FA 10/4/2019 1 ######## 11/13/2019 14:57 NW TS
Lady Liberty's Holiday 3.12E+13 FA 10/8/2019 1 ######## 11/20/2019 12:24 TR TS
FA CAME TO BE 10/11/2019 1 1 ######## 11/20/2019 13:47 VE VE
A SCALY TALE 3.12E+13 FA 10/15/2019 1 ######## 11/22/2019 14:00 SS SS
JE WIL 3.12E+13 FA 10/18/2019 1 ######## 11/20/2019 13:54 NW NW
SADIE AND RATZ 3.12E+13 FA 10/21/2019 1 ######## 12/9/2019 14:28 NW NW
Peppa Pig - The School Play 3.12E+13 FA 10/24/2019 1 ######## 11/22/2019 14:25 RN RN
The Travels of Lewis and Clark 3.12E+13 FA 10/24/2019 1 ######## 11/20/2019 15:47 TR TS
Animales de Circo 3.12E+13 FA 11/1/2019 1 ######## 12/9/2019 14:50 RN RN
delante y detras 3.12E+13 FA 11/6/2019 1 ######## 12/9/2019 13:06 SO TS
FA 11/6/2019 1 ######## 12/20/2019 9:48 NW NW
DARK EDEN 3.12E+13 FA 11/9/2019 1 ######## 12/9/2019 13:54 SV SV
Werewolves 3.12E+13 FA 1 2 ######## 8/14/2019 9:57 SV TS
ILL-Loiver revealed 3.12E+13 ILL 2/20/2015 1 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 ILL NV
ILL-Dance with the devil 3.12E+13 ILL 3/5/2015 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 ILL SS
ILL-Independence 3.12E+13 ILL 3/9/2015 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:35 ILL SS
ILL-Out of body, out of mind 3.12E+13 ILL 4/1/2015 1 4/9/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 ILL RN
ILL-A handmade life 3.12E+13 ILL 7/28/2015 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 ILL ILL
ILL-"Behold a pale horse" 3.12E+13 ILL 9/9/2015 2 ######## 3/26/2019 15:49 ILL RN
ILL-Brown sugar 3.12E+13 ILL 4/28/2016 1 5/8/2016 3/26/2019 15:50 ILL RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/25/1990 55 3 ######## 12/5/2019 13:17 NV TS
Legend in green velvet / 3.12E+13 PB 8/25/1990 19 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Lion hound / 3.12E+13 PB 8/25/1990 55 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SV RN
Nowhere to run / 3.12E+13 PB 8/25/1990 5 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Nyumba ya Mumbi : 3.12E+13 PB 2/22/1993 14 1 ######## 2/20/2019 13:25 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 6/23/1993 36 2 ######## 1/16/2019 16:56 RN SV
West side story 3.12E+13 PB 3/15/1994 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 GE TS
Cannons of the comstock / 3.12E+13 PB 8/21/1994 41 1 ######## 11/21/2019 9:58 NW TS
The new baby / 3.12E+13 PB 1/30/1995 113 8 ######## 4/25/2019 10:45 NV TS
The graduation / 3.12E+13 PB 5/30/1995 38 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SV SS
3.12E+13 PB 5/30/1996 26 2 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 RN TS
The Dutchman's dilemma / 3.12E+13 PB 6/4/1996 28 2 2/9/2016 3/23/2019 11:17 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 7/15/1996 65 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
God on a Harley : 3.12E+13 PB 9/4/1996 34 4/2/2018 8/23/2019 8:19 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/17/1996 27 1/8/2016 2/5/2019 16:01 NV SV
3.12E+13 PB 12/18/1996 20 2 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 SS TS
Alison goes for the gold / 3.12E+13 PB 2/12/1997 82 3 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 SV RN
Three cheers for Keisha / 3.12E+13 PB 2/12/1997 62 3 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 SV RN
A sending of dragons / 3.12E+13 PB 5/8/1997 33 1 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 9/23/1997 25 ######## 3/23/2019 11:09 SP SP
The king's bishop : 3.12E+13 PB 9/24/1997 25 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
Asi es Josefina, una ni~na americana / 3.12E+13 PB 11/12/1997 32 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Caught in the act / 3.12E+13 PB 12/1/1997 20 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:50 NV SP
The reaction / 3.12E+13 PB 12/9/1997 73 1 ######## 8/7/2019 14:04 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/8/1998 97 10 ######## 1/16/2019 15:57 SP TS
Breaking faith : 3.12E+13 PB 1/8/1998 21 2 ######## 4/10/2019 16:05 SP SP
Keep still / 3.12E+13 PB 1/30/1998 11 1 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
The dance / 3.12E+13 PB 2/25/1998 28 7 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SV SS
How like a god / 3.12E+13 PB 3/12/1998 20 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
The wedding gift goof / 3.12E+13 PB 5/4/1998 49 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SV SV
Terror at high tide / 3.12E+13 PB 5/4/1998 37 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SV SS
Truth or dare / 3.12E+13 PB 5/8/1998 58 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SP
Murder manual / 3.12E+13 PB 8/3/1998 8 3/7/2015 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
The Christmas spirit strikes Rotten Ralph /3.12E+13 PB 8/13/1998 21 ######## 1/2/2019 15:21 RN SS
Bonjour, Miss Seeton / 3.12E+13 PB 8/19/1998 54 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SO TS
Shapes : 3.12E+13 PB 9/3/1998 47 2 ######## 5/21/2019 16:03 NV RN
To love, honor, and betray / 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/1998 23 ######## 9/25/2019 15:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/5/1998 22 3 ######## 2/4/2019 14:33 RN RN
The pretender / 3.12E+13 PB 12/21/1998 63 4 ######## 11/20/2019 15:48 NV TS
Thrill on the hill / 3.12E+13 PB 1/7/1999 48 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 1/15/1999 132 1 7/3/2017 9/25/2019 15:33 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/21/1999 8 ######## 10/4/2019 10:49 VE RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/10/1999 53 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 SV RN
As I am / 3.12E+13 PB 2/26/1999 30 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
The chill / 3.12E+13 PB 3/19/1999 54 7 ######## 8/2/2019 8:56 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/24/1999 86 1 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 SV GE
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / 3.12E+13 PB 3/24/1999 28 9/9/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
The Bremen-town musicians / 3.12E+13 PB 4/5/1999 29 3 4/2/2019 9/10/2019 14:29 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/8/1999 6 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
Two sixes / 3.12E+13 PB 4/12/1999 58 ######## 10/18/2019 17:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 4/29/1999 50 3 ######## 7/24/2019 15:25 SP TS
The case of the missing movie / 3.12E+13 PB 5/4/1999 32 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 NV RN
Amelina Carrett, Bayou Grand Coeur, Louisiana,
1863PB/ 5/14/1999 15 8/5/2014 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 5/21/1999 29 9 9/3/2019 9/16/2019 14:23 IV TS
The cat who sniffed glue / 3.12E+13 PB 5/24/1999 73 3 ######## 6/26/2019 14:24 SP TS
Wed and buried : 3.12E+13 PB 5/24/1999 65 3 8/2/2019 8/21/2019 9:00 SO TS
The Worthing saga / 3.12E+13 PB 5/24/1999 52 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/27/1999 122 3 9/5/2019 9/26/2019 13:18 SO TS
A dry spell : 3.12E+13 PB 5/27/1999 25 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/11/1999 45 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 SV RN
Lion of Ireland : 3.12E+13 PB 7/7/1999 25 ######## 6/10/2019 9:09 RN TS
Foolish goose / 3.12E+13 PB 7/15/1999 50 5 ######## 1/18/2019 15:15 SP SP
On wings of magic / 3.12E+13 PB 7/17/1999 22 5 ######## 10/4/2019 10:44 RN RN
Red-hot hightops / 3.12E+13 PB 7/21/1999 22 ######## 1/24/2019 16:56 SP SP
The lure of the Italian treasure / 3.12E+13 PB 8/16/1999 39 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/18/1999 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 8:57 RN TS
Tooth fairy travels / 3.12E+13 PB 10/7/1999 28 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
Folks call me Appleseed John / 3.12E+13 PB 11/10/1999 5 3/2/2014 1/25/2019 15:11 RN SV
Flowers for the dead / 3.12E+13 PB 12/14/1999 29 9/9/2015 4/10/2019 17:20 SP SP
Armageddon summer / 3.12E+13 PB 12/15/1999 10 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SP SV
Donor / 3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2000 25 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 RN TS
Santa Fe / 3.12E+13 PB 2/28/2000 37 2 4/3/2018 7/24/2019 15:27 IV TS
Torch / 3.12E+13 PB 4/6/2000 36 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
Maddie Retta Lauren, Sandersville, Georgia,3.12E+13
C.S.A., 1864
PB / 4/20/2000 19 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 5/1/2000 52 2 ######## 3/22/2019 14:21 SO TS
The journey / 3.12E+13 PB 6/19/2000 59 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
The campfire collection : 3.12E+13 PB 6/27/2000 23 ######## 8/1/2019 9:35 RN RN
First date / 3.12E+13 PB 7/3/2000 20 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SP
The test / 3.12E+13 PB 7/18/2000 82 1 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SV RN
The unexpected / 3.12E+13 PB 8/18/2000 60 1 ######## 1/16/2019 15:54 NV TS
Is it Hanukkah yet? / 3.12E+13 PB 9/5/2000 70 1 ######## 3/22/2019 13:14 SV TS
Scream of the evil Genie / 3.12E+13 PB 9/21/2000 120 9 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV RN
My do it! / 3.12E+13 PB 11/8/2000 37 3 ######## 2/2/2019 10:16 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2000 91 3 9/9/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV IV
In self-defense / 3.12E+13 PB 12/26/2000 17 3 6/1/2016 4/9/2019 11:45 NV SS
Final grade / 3.12E+13 PB 1/4/2001 33 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/4/2001 18 2 9/6/2019 9/17/2019 12:00 SV TS
Grandpa's monster movies / 3.12E+13 PB 1/8/2001 25 2/1/2017 1/24/2019 16:56 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 2/5/2001 125 7 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/6/2001 27 4 2/2/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/6/2001 35 8 ######## 6/13/2019 11:06 SS TS
Death takes up a collection / 3.12E+13 PB 2/6/2001 25 1 ######## 4/6/2019 13:29 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2001 28 1 3/7/2017 10/1/2019 15:40 SP RN
Llama pajamas / 3.12E+13 PB 2/17/2001 8 5/6/2016 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Handa's surprise / 3.12E+13 PB 2/17/2001 64 2 6/5/2018 2/4/2019 15:09 VE RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/27/2001 51 1 ######## 2/12/2019 16:34 NW VE
By blood possessed / 3.12E+13 PB 3/6/2001 8 ######## 4/9/2019 17:05 SS SP
I want to be a clown / 3.12E+13 PB 3/13/2001 36 4 5/8/2018 2/5/2019 12:04 RN RN
Grand passion / 3.12E+13 PB 4/7/2001 55 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Biostrike / 3.12E+13 PB 4/20/2001 11 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
Through the flames / 3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2001 46 1 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 SS RN
The walkie-talkie mystery / 3.12E+13 PB 9/14/2001 25 2/5/2014 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
Blood red roses / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2001 31 5 5/8/2019 6/10/2019 9:09 SS TS
Stormy 3.12E+13 PB 10/2/2001 25 2 ######## 1/31/2019 13:07 NV RN
Enemy in the Fort / 3.12E+13 PB 10/18/2001 26 4 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2001 73 1 4/9/2016 1/9/2019 17:21 SV VE
Orion arm / 3.12E+13 PB 11/20/2001 13 ######## 5/8/2019 8:59 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2001 114 10 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SO SP
Night cry / 3.12E+13 PB 2/1/2002 10 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
El encuentro / 3.12E+13 PB 2/13/2002 6 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 SP NW
The parafaith war / 3.12E+13 PB 2/13/2002 20 1 ######## 7/24/2019 15:27 SP TS
Los mejores relatos de terror / 3.12E+13 PB 2/13/2002 12 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2002 36 5/6/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
The backward bird dog / 3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2002 38 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:21 SV SP
Dead time : 3.12E+13 PB 4/2/2002 34 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2002 33 3 3/8/2018 3/28/2019 8:39 NW RN
Black Beauty / 3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2002 19 5 ######## 2/8/2019 16:39 SP SV
The shelters of stone / 3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2002 91 3 ######## 6/10/2019 9:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/6/2002 42 3 ######## 9/25/2019 15:26 SS RN
The vanished / 3.12E+13 PB 8/7/2002 16 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
The body in the moonlight : 3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2002 45 2 ######## 9/11/2019 13:39 SV TS
Kerosene / 3.12E+13 PB 8/19/2002 23 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2002 17 7 6/4/2019 7/15/2019 12:30 VE TS
Hazard / 3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2002 67 2 ######## 5/9/2019 7:48 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/16/2002 50 3 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/18/2002 57 2 1/2/2019 1/30/2019 9:54 NW TS
Confessions of a teenage drama queen / 3.12E+13 PB 9/18/2002 36 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SP RN
See no evil / 3.12E+13 PB 10/10/2002 39 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
The strange case of Baby H / 3.12E+13 PB 10/15/2002 13 1 1/2/2014 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
How Spider saved Santa Bug / 3.12E+13 PB 10/18/2002 24 1 ######## 1/16/2019 17:03 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/22/2002 20 ######## 11/6/2019 9:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/10/2002 81 9/1/2016 1/31/2019 13:07 SS RN
The Rocky Mountain Company / 3.12E+13 PB 12/18/2002 30 2 5/6/2019 6/26/2019 14:20 SP TS
Devil's due / 3.12E+13 PB 1/8/2003 45 2 ######## 12/5/2019 13:19 NV TS
Animal rage / 3.12E+13 PB 1/9/2003 32 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Street bike extreme / 3.12E+13 PB 1/13/2003 30 1 ######## 9/18/2019 10:36 SS SS
The courtship of Izzy McCree / 3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2003 20 2/4/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 NV ILL
3.12E+13 PB 2/26/2003 77 4 2/8/2019 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
The diamond king / 3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2003 58 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 SP SP
The case of the psychic's vision / 3.12E+13 PB 3/6/2003 35 2 5/3/2019 6/27/2019 10:39 SP TS
High meadow / 3.12E+13 PB 3/11/2003 36 ######## 4/19/2019 11:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/15/2003 30 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/15/2003 22 1 ######## 11/15/2019 13:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/1/2003 15 ######## 8/9/2019 11:27 NV GE
3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2003 38 1 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/21/2003 47 1 ######## 8/21/2019 9:00 RN TS
Los sue~nos de Nassima / 3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2003 10 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Bad seed : 3.12E+13 PB 5/28/2003 29 ######## 10/4/2019 11:12 SP RN
The shape of dread / 3.12E+13 PB 6/2/2003 50 5 ######## 2/20/2019 12:57 SP TS
One pink rose / 3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2003 32 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2003 118 9 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO RN
Alien and Possum hanging out / 3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2003 55 4 9/4/2016 2/5/2019 12:04 SV RN
Summer secrets / 3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2003 41 2 ######## 9/25/2019 15:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/18/2003 33 8/1/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NV
3.12E+13 PB 6/25/2003 22 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SO
3.12E+13 PB 6/26/2003 47 1 ######## 10/1/2019 14:34 SP RN
The conspiracy / 3.12E+13 PB 7/1/2003 52 1 2/8/2019 8/7/2019 14:05 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/31/2003 12 2/9/2016 9/25/2019 15:32 RN RN
Von Skalpel's experiment / 3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2003 22 3 ######## 2/14/2019 16:16 RN IV
Matchbox, hero city : 3.12E+13 PB 8/7/2003 83 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/12/2003 46 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN RN
Dear Little Wolf / 3.12E+13 PB 8/12/2003 21 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV SV
The book of the sword / 3.12E+13 PB 9/17/2003 21 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SP SS
11th hour / 3.12E+13 PB 9/17/2003 16 2 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/17/2003 43 1 ######## 8/12/2019 14:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/17/2003 96 10 ######## 10/23/2019 15:58 SV TS
Turkey trouble / 3.12E+13 PB 10/17/2003 14 2 ######## 4/11/2019 18:01 SV SP
The lawmen / 3.12E+13 PB 11/4/2003 37 5 ######## 4/19/2019 17:46 SC SP
H-E-R-O: 3.12E+13 PB 11/17/2003 21 ######## 5/30/2019 14:27 SS RN
The malodorous mess / 3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2003 34 3 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Ponies on parade / 3.12E+13 PB 12/1/2003 6 3 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/4/2003 41 1 ######## 5/7/2019 13:49 NW RN
Samantha / 3.12E+13 PB 12/30/2003 32 3 7/2/2017 9/25/2019 15:07 SV RN
Rasco and the Rats of NIMH : 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2004 31 4 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 NW RN
The carousel mystery / 3.12E+13 PB 1/21/2004 13 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:01 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 1/26/2004 92 4 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SV VE
Brotherhood of blood / 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2004 29 ######## 10/18/2019 17:15 IV SV
3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2004 45 1 ######## 10/18/2019 17:17 SV SV
Golden lies / 3.12E+13 PB 3/15/2004 40 2 ######## 9/25/2019 15:19 NW RN
In too deep / 3.12E+13 PB 3/19/2004 24 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/24/2004 36 3 ######## 3/22/2019 14:40 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/28/2004 33 3 ######## 11/22/2019 14:21 SP TS
Poison blonde : 3.12E+13 PB 4/7/2004 31 1 ######## 9/25/2019 15:26 SP RN
Stalker / 3.12E+13 PB 4/13/2004 16 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SP SP
Alice alone / 3.12E+13 PB 4/15/2004 18 1 7/2/2016 4/4/2019 12:37 SS TS
H.M.S. Cockerel : 3.12E+13 PB 4/29/2004 28 3 ######## 1/7/2019 8:23 NW TS
Point of law / 3.12E+13 PB 5/4/2004 32 ######## 10/3/2019 12:22 SP TS
Carson City / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2004 37 1 ######## 1/30/2019 9:54 RN TS
Mistress of Rossmor / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2004 28 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
The bike race mystery / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2004 18 2 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 SV RN
Who left that body in the rain? : 3.12E+13 PB 6/17/2004 22 5 ######## 10/4/2019 11:11 SP RN
Grasp the stars / 3.12E+13 PB 7/20/2004 18 2 2/6/2018 5/28/2019 8:22 SV RN
The Imperium game / 3.12E+13 PB 7/20/2004 9 1 ######## 4/19/2019 17:01 SP SP
The rose queen / 3.12E+13 PB 7/21/2004 13 ######## 3/4/2019 17:23 SP SP
Black water / 3.12E+13 PB 7/22/2004 42 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/3/2004 14 ######## 9/25/2019 15:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2004 24 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
Maggie by the book / 3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2004 38 2/2/2017 4/6/2019 13:27 SP SP
Code name: Nanny / 3.12E+13 PB 8/12/2004 41 7/5/2015 10/4/2019 10:59 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2004 46 8/5/2016 2/8/2019 11:50 SV NW
Five days in summer / 3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2004 46 4/8/2015 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/17/2004 32 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/25/2004 49 1 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SC TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/26/2004 30 10 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Space case / 3.12E+13 PB 9/13/2004 18 2 ######## 4/11/2019 18:01 SV SP
Captured dreams / 3.12E+13 PB 9/30/2004 23 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SV RN
Ricky's rat gang / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2004 46 7 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 SV VE
Banner of souls / 3.12E+13 PB 11/16/2004 7 4/8/2015 5/8/2019 9:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2004 47 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 1/5/2005 45 17 4/1/2019 5/14/2019 11:17 SP TS
My life as crocodile junk food / 3.12E+13 PB 1/14/2005 23 1 ######## 4/9/2019 17:39 SV SP
Time rogues / 3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2005 47 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
The witches of Sea-Dragon Bay / 3.12E+13 PB 1/25/2005 17 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
88 pounds of tomatoes / 3.12E+13 PB 2/2/2005 44 4 6/5/2018 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
Ahead of the game / 3.12E+13 PB 2/3/2005 23 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
The haunted house on Honeycutt Street / 3.12E+13 PB 2/16/2005 11 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Dead in the water / 3.12E+13 PB 2/18/2005 49 5 ######## 10/23/2019 8:51 SV TS
Perfect strangers / 3.12E+13 PB 2/24/2005 32 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SP SS
The witches of Winged-horse Mountain / 3.12E+13 PB 2/28/2005 19 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SV RN
Waiting for Nick / 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2005 63 1 ######## 7/24/2019 15:25 SS TS
Blue twilight / 3.12E+13 PB 3/7/2005 44 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
One way out / 3.12E+13 PB 3/7/2005 52 1 ######## 5/23/2019 10:25 SV SS
3.12E+13 PB 3/10/2005 38 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 4/7/2005 27 4 ######## 9/25/2019 15:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2005 63 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SO
Seven minutes to noon / 3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2005 26 4/8/2015 3/4/2019 16:15 SP SP
Josie Day is coming home / 3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2005 25 3 2/6/2016 4/4/2019 18:07 SP SP
Jilly the kid / 3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2005 25 3 ######## 2/1/2019 14:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2005 24 ######## 5/9/2019 7:47 SP TS
Across the Rio Colorado / 3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2005 55 4 ######## 10/23/2019 8:52 SP TS
Message in a bottle / 3.12E+13 PB 7/26/2005 20 1 3/9/2013 5/23/2019 16:51 NW SS
Voodoo child / 3.12E+13 PB 8/3/2005 27 3 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 SV SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/3/2005 30 5 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2005 65 12 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SV TS
The bone flute / 3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2005 6 2 3/6/2014 5/22/2019 13:37 SP SS
Penguins are my favorite sort of frogs / 3.12E+13 PB 8/11/2005 6 1 9/4/2015 1/15/2019 17:05 SV SV
Mr. Beekman's deli / 3.12E+13 PB 8/11/2005 29 ######## 11/8/2019 10:49 SV RN
Turning angel / 3.12E+13 PB 8/15/2005 56 2 ######## 8/15/2019 8:18 IV TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/22/2005 21 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
Splintered icon / 3.12E+13 PB 8/22/2005 33 2 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 RN TS
The discovery / 3.12E+13 PB 8/29/2005 27 3 ######## 3/22/2019 14:23 SP NV
3.12E+13 PB 8/30/2005 57 3 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/31/2005 54 3 4/5/2018 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
Something to die for / 3.12E+13 PB 9/1/2005 6 ######## 5/7/2019 13:54 RN RN
Marry the man today / 3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2005 21 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Better off dead / 3.12E+13 PB 9/8/2005 36 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/14/2005 26 1 3/7/2015 2/14/2019 16:32 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 9/14/2005 18 ######## 10/1/2019 14:50 SS RN
Man of her dreams / 3.12E+13 PB 9/14/2005 7 2/4/2017 4/18/2019 11:05 SP RN
Dishing it out / 3.12E+13 PB 9/21/2005 11 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/21/2005 22 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Solomon vs. Lord / 3.12E+13 PB 9/21/2005 31 1 9/4/2016 10/1/2019 14:36 SP RN
Smart mouth / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2005 45 3 ######## 4/4/2019 16:17 RN SP
Return of the sorceress / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2005 22 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 9/23/2005 12 4 ######## 2/28/2019 11:28 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/23/2005 21 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 10/1/2005 20 4 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 12:52 NV TS
Every step you take / 3.12E+13 PB 10/1/2005 8 ######## 5/3/2019 12:49 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/1/2005 25 1 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SO
3.12E+13 PB 10/3/2005 17 ######## 4/10/2019 16:41 SP SP
One eye closed / 3.12E+13 PB 10/6/2005 17 ######## 4/19/2019 11:48 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/6/2005 12 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Follow / 3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2005 29 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
In the name of the vampire / 3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2005 18 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2005 51 1 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 SV TS
Man of her dreams / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2005 18 2 2/5/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 RN SS
3.12E+13 PB 11/14/2005 23 3 2/9/2017 4/20/2019 10:48 RN SP
Daddy in waiting / 3.12E+13 PB 11/14/2005 10 1 ######## 4/4/2019 18:11 SP SP
Gone with the nerd / 3.12E+13 PB 11/22/2005 50 2 ######## 1/2/2019 11:59 SO SP
3.12E+13 PB 11/22/2005 14 3 5/8/2017 9/25/2019 15:06 SP RN
The home / 3.12E+13 PB 11/22/2005 26 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Both sides of time / 3.12E+13 PB 11/28/2005 17 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SS RN
Blue twilight / 3.12E+13 PB 11/30/2005 26 4 ######## 10/1/2019 15:37 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/1/2005 44 2 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SP TS
The playboy / 3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2005 37 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 NV SS
Coyote rising : 3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2005 29 1 5/4/2019 5/24/2019 8:23 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/27/2005 22 2 2/1/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV RN
Time bomb / 3.12E+13 PB 1/10/2006 20 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:58 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2006 18 3 ######## 1/17/2019 16:06 SV SV
The eagle catcher / 3.12E+13 PB 1/23/2006 52 6 ######## 11/21/2019 9:59 NW TS
All's fair in love and war : 3.12E+13 PB 1/24/2006 22 ######## 4/30/2019 15:54 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/8/2006 56 5 ######## 2/7/2019 8:00 SP RN
Man o' War : 3.12E+13 PB 2/8/2006 55 4 ######## 1/18/2019 15:13 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 2/15/2006 7 ######## 10/1/2019 15:34 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2006 24 8 ######## 5/1/2019 16:36 IV NV
3.12E+13 PB 2/24/2006 20 2/2/2016 4/1/2019 12:52 SV TS
Skinnybones / 3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2006 15 6 ######## 4/12/2019 14:03 SP TS
Hobby / 3.12E+13 PB 3/6/2006 8 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
The cat who sniffed glue / 3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2006 30 1 4/1/2019 5/9/2019 9:10 NW TS
West Texas / 3.12E+13 PB 3/9/2006 19 1 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SV RN
Camping out. 3.12E+13 PB 3/14/2006 48 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
UltraViolet : 3.12E+13 PB 3/14/2006 17 1 7/2/2015 3/14/2019 11:21 NV TS
The fugitive factor / 3.12E+13 PB 3/27/2006 7 3 ######## 7/25/2019 11:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/31/2006 27 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/4/2006 12 7/2/2015 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 4/7/2006 30 1 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 SP RN
The big boat to bye-bye / 3.12E+13 PB 4/10/2006 8 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SP RN
The mutation / 3.12E+13 PB 4/11/2006 29 1 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 IV SV
Missing / 3.12E+13 PB 4/13/2006 46 1 8/7/2018 5/9/2019 8:19 SP TS
Momo, o, La extaña [i.e. extraña] de los3.12E+13
ladrones del
PB tiempo y de la niña que devolvió4/20/2006
el tiempo a los hombres
4 / ######## 2/7/2019 17:50 SP SP
The keeper of the doves / 3.12E+13 PB 5/3/2006 13 ######## 1/25/2019 16:20 SP SP
Beware of virtuous women / 3.12E+13 PB 5/15/2006 31 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
The sorceress & the savage / 3.12E+13 PB 5/18/2006 27 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:23 RN TS
Downright dangerous / 3.12E+13 PB 5/25/2006 32 3 ######## 6/13/2019 11:09 RN TS
Junie B. Jones es una peluquera / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2006 23 1 3/4/2019 4/12/2019 11:31 SP TS
The comeback kiss / 3.12E+13 PB 6/12/2006 33 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:32 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 6/12/2006 16 ######## 4/19/2019 17:29 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 6/21/2006 14 2 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/10/2006 21 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/14/2006 52 3 2/8/2019 2/13/2019 15:27 SO SO
3.12E+13 PB 7/20/2006 23 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SS
Deceived / 3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2006 40 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
Dead silence / 3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2006 47 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Silence the whispers / 3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2006 37 1 ######## 9/25/2019 15:30 NW RN
Infamous / 3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2006 30 4/9/2017 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
Cold as death / 3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2006 26 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV RN
Secret of the ninja / 3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2006 50 7 3/4/2019 4/23/2019 12:02 SV TS
The brilliant Dr. Wogan / 3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2006 19 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
War with the evil power master / 3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2006 35 9 ######## 11/13/2019 13:36 SO TS
The case of the Silk King / 3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2006 37 10 ######## 4/25/2019 11:46 SV TS
The case of the creative crime / 3.12E+13 PB 8/26/2006 15 1 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
Dreaming of you / 3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2006 22 ######## 3/4/2019 16:08 NW SP
Fever dreams : 3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2006 28 4 ######## 8/23/2019 8:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2006 16 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
O'Rourke's bride / 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2006 26 1 4/2/2015 2/23/2019 11:35 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 10/20/2006 67 4 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 RN VE
3.12E+13 PB 10/20/2006 63 2 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SS VE
The Korean intercept / 3.12E+13 PB 11/3/2006 15 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
The enemy inside / 3.12E+13 PB 11/3/2006 29 5 ######## 10/3/2019 12:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/4/2006 21 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/29/2006 19 1 6/8/2017 10/4/2019 10:27 SP RN
Saxon lady / 3.12E+13 PB 12/8/2006 24 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/12/2006 29 ######## 6/5/2019 14:46 SP SS
Wolf pass : 3.12E+13 PB 12/19/2006 10 7/7/2016 3/25/2019 12:13 SP RN
Hot number / 3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2006 32 1 ######## 4/10/2019 17:09 SS SP
The mystery of the mother wolf / 3.12E+13 PB 12/30/2006 8 ######## 2/14/2019 16:17 IV IV
Beneath the skin / 3.12E+13 PB 1/2/2007 49 1 7/5/2015 12/13/2019 9:59 NV SS
Dead and dateless : 3.12E+13 PB 1/2/2007 42 1 9/6/2016 10/29/2019 15:20 IV SS
Dead head / 3.12E+13 PB 1/8/2007 6 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:18 SP SP
Warrior angel / 3.12E+13 PB 2/5/2007 17 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
In her defense / 3.12E+13 PB 2/12/2007 11 1 5/8/2017 2/20/2019 13:10 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/16/2007 16 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Who needs cupid? / 3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2007 13 2 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2007 26 1 2/2/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
Draw down the darkness / 3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2007 16 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Some like it brazen / 3.12E+13 PB 3/6/2007 18 1 8/4/2015 4/12/2019 13:49 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/10/2007 20 7/5/2015 9/25/2019 15:28 SS RN
Bones in the badlands / 3.12E+13 PB 3/21/2007 5 ######## 2/1/2019 16:30 SP RN
Scooby-Doo and aliens, too! / 3.12E+13 PB 3/27/2007 65 5 ######## 3/7/2019 11:36 SO TS
The ebony eye / 3.12E+13 PB 3/29/2007 13 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 4/2/2007 33 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SS
La fábrica de nubes / 3.12E+13 PB 4/17/2007 6 ######## 2/7/2019 17:50 SP SP
El hacha / 3.12E+13 PB 4/17/2007 3 1 ######## 3/16/2019 12:06 SP SO
El invisible director de orquesta / 3.12E+13 PB 4/17/2007 3 8/3/2016 2/7/2019 17:50 SP SP
Chinto y Tom / 3.12E+13 PB 4/17/2007 5 ######## 2/7/2019 17:50 SP SP
The leopard prince / 3.12E+13 PB 4/18/2007 63 4 ######## 8/2/2019 8:57 NV TS
Just like heaven / 3.12E+13 PB 4/19/2007 41 ######## 10/29/2019 15:20 SP SS
3.12E+13 PB 5/2/2007 26 3 7/8/2019 9/6/2019 9:48 SV TS
Don't you forget about me : 3.12E+13 PB 5/7/2007 4 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 RN SV
Ghost wolf / 3.12E+13 PB 5/7/2007 16 2 9/9/2016 2/8/2019 16:39 SV SV
Bishop's Reach / 3.12E+13 PB 5/8/2007 32 2/4/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
Missing white girl / 3.12E+13 PB 5/8/2007 22 1 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
Key of valor / 3.12E+13 PB 5/11/2007 54 3 ######## 9/11/2019 13:38 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/17/2007 31 4 ######## 8/5/2019 10:21 SV TS
Mimosa Grove / 3.12E+13 PB 5/18/2007 24 1 ######## 10/23/2019 8:51 RN TS
Scandal's darling / 3.12E+13 PB 5/23/2007 13 2/8/2018 1/22/2019 9:06 SV RN
Gifts / 3.12E+13 PB 5/23/2007 25 3 3/5/2015 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Mrs. Jeffries and the best laid plans / 3.12E+13 PB 5/31/2007 69 3 ######## 5/9/2019 7:53 SP TS
A crossworder's delight / 3.12E+13 PB 5/31/2007 6 ######## 2/26/2019 10:17 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 5/31/2007 26 3 ######## 8/14/2019 11:20 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2007 38 2 ######## 5/9/2019 8:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2007 56 5 ######## 8/5/2019 9:05 SO TS
Love life / 3.12E+13 PB 6/11/2007 11 1 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
Epoch / 3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2007 14 3 ######## 5/14/2019 11:22 SP TS
Rabbit race / 3.12E+13 PB 6/14/2007 37 5 6/7/2019 7/25/2019 16:24 SP TS
Man vs. machine. 3.12E+13 PB 6/19/2007 15 2 4/9/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2007 43 11 ######## 8/22/2019 16:29 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/9/2007 30 5 7/2/2019 7/17/2019 10:59 SP TS
Swords of Eveningstar / 3.12E+13 PB 7/9/2007 27 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 SP SS
Let's misbehave / 3.12E+13 PB 7/11/2007 19 2 ######## 10/4/2019 10:54 SS RN
Natural selection : 3.12E+13 PB 7/12/2007 14 1 ######## 9/25/2019 15:06 SS RN
You know you love me : 3.12E+13 PB 7/18/2007 15 8 ######## 3/21/2019 13:05 SO TS
Country brides / 3.12E+13 PB 7/23/2007 64 6 3/5/2019 4/23/2019 8:06 NV TS
The stranger / 3.12E+13 PB 8/8/2007 20 5 6/1/2016 4/4/2019 11:03 SP SS
3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2007 20 3 ######## 10/31/2019 16:41 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/10/2007 40 11 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 RN RN
Mystery on Maui / 3.12E+13 PB 8/10/2007 28 6 ######## 11/22/2019 14:21 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/30/2007 44 4 ######## 9/11/2019 13:38 SS TS
Eden burning / 3.12E+13 PB 8/30/2007 29 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/30/2007 12 1 ######## 4/16/2019 17:08 SP SP
Warlord / 3.12E+13 PB 9/4/2007 11 ######## 3/4/2019 16:08 SP SP
Blood red / 3.12E+13 PB 9/4/2007 38 3 ######## 9/25/2019 15:04 NV RN
Paying the piper / 3.12E+13 PB 10/10/2007 17 2 ######## 3/25/2019 12:13 RN RN
Pearls of Lutra / 3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2007 15 7 ######## 9/17/2019 11:52 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/22/2007 83 9 3/6/2019 3/25/2019 11:12 RN RN
Anakin Skywalker / 3.12E+13 PB 11/8/2007 34 2 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 NW VE
Courageous / 3.12E+13 PB 11/14/2007 42 5 ######## 11/25/2019 8:26 SO TS
Kiss me deadly / 3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2007 15 4 8/1/2016 9/25/2019 15:27 SP RN
Becket's last stand / 3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2007 34 2 ######## 4/4/2019 16:19 NV SP
The horse charmer / 3.12E+13 PB 11/17/2007 49 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO IV
Once upon a castle / 3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2007 40 3 ######## 5/24/2019 8:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/28/2007 14 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Dead end / 3.12E+13 PB 12/1/2007 16 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV RN
A stiff risotto / 3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2007 21 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 RN SS
Blood brothers / 3.12E+13 PB 12/13/2007 57 8 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/30/2007 41 7 7/9/2019 9/26/2019 13:18 RN TS
Old bones : 3.12E+13 PB 12/30/2007 39 2 ######## 2/20/2019 13:12 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/31/2007 53 1 ######## 8/22/2019 16:25 NV TS
Devil's prize / 3.12E+13 PB 1/7/2008 41 3 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/8/2008 23 3 ######## 10/1/2019 15:42 NW RN
Wicked / 3.12E+13 PB 1/8/2008 39 5/7/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
The coming of Cassidy : 3.12E+13 PB 1/11/2008 23 3 ######## 9/5/2019 13:26 SV TS
Wild and wicked / 3.12E+13 PB 1/11/2008 49 7 ######## 6/4/2019 8:21 NW TS
Whitechapel gods / 3.12E+13 PB 1/11/2008 22 1 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/5/2008 46 4 ######## 7/25/2019 16:20 NV TS
Murder by the slice : 3.12E+13 PB 4/1/2008 41 6 ######## 6/13/2019 11:07 SS TS
Decorated to death / 3.12E+13 PB 5/6/2008 29 ######## 9/25/2019 15:31 SS RN
French pressed / 3.12E+13 PB 5/8/2008 53 9 8/3/2019 8/17/2019 16:14 SP SP
50 ways to hex your lover / 3.12E+13 PB 5/9/2008 38 1 9/5/2018 5/24/2019 8:22 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/12/2008 54 6 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 NV SV
A lady's secret / 3.12E+13 PB 5/12/2008 33 3 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 SS TS
Aunque ud. no lo crea de Ripley : 3.12E+13 PB 5/15/2008 10 ######## 5/24/2019 13:02 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2008 12 ######## 2/14/2019 15:42 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2008 15 1 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2008 37 5 ######## 2/1/2019 14:22 SP RN
Lifelines / 3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2008 18 6/5/2015 10/1/2019 15:39 SP RN
Dora, hermana mayor / 3.12E+13 PB 5/21/2008 25 3 ######## 10/3/2019 8:45 NV TS
Lacrosse firestorm / 3.12E+13 PB 5/21/2008 9 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
Heart of the wolf / 3.12E+13 PB 5/21/2008 53 5 ######## 4/12/2019 13:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2008 21 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
The tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson / 3.12E+13 PB 5/28/2008 14 2 ######## 2/7/2019 8:09 SV RN
Crochet jewelry : 3.12E+13 PB 6/3/2008 25 5 ######## 7/3/2019 16:26 NV SS
3.12E+13 PB 6/6/2008 21 5 9/8/2016 2/5/2019 17:38 NW NW
Celebra la navidad y el dia de los reyes magos
con Pablo
PB y Carlitos / 6/11/2008 16 2 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2008 43 5 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/16/2008 37 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/17/2008 42 9 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NV RN
The trouble with moonlight / 3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2008 25 5 ######## 4/10/2019 16:43 RN SP
Dragones y magia / 3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2008 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
Deprivation house / 3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2008 23 5 ######## 2/14/2019 15:23 SO IV
The Carlyles / 3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2008 20 4 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SV RN
My search for a cure / 3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2008 31 8 8/8/2018 1/18/2019 15:12 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2008 52 10 2/1/2018 2/6/2019 17:02 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/24/2008 14 ######## 5/22/2019 17:55 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 6/24/2008 27 1 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
Under darkness / 3.12E+13 PB 7/1/2008 27 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 7/7/2008 13 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 NV RN
X in flight : 3.12E+13 PB 7/10/2008 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
Geronimo Stilton, secret agent / 3.12E+13 PB 7/15/2008 90 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SS
Harnessing power from the sun / 3.12E+13 PB 7/16/2008 14 4 ######## 5/14/2019 9:00 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/21/2008 25 8/1/2013 5/23/2019 11:23 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 7/29/2008 70 7 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2008 22 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2008 11 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
La Pascua en todo el mundo / 3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2008 3 ######## 1/29/2019 9:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2008 22 5 ######## 2/6/2019 13:00 SO RN
Diego's birthday surprise / 3.12E+13 PB 8/7/2008 42 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:04 TR VE
The shield of weeping ghosts / 3.12E+13 PB 8/7/2008 9 1 4/5/2015 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 8/8/2008 14 2/8/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 8/8/2008 16 3 ######## 2/4/2019 13:03 SO RNL
The devil's hatband / 3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2008 12 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2008 26 1 ######## 9/25/2019 15:28 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2008 32 1 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SV TS
The fall of Rome / 3.12E+13 PB 8/19/2008 5 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
That's amore / 3.12E+13 PB 8/19/2008 20 2/6/2016 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/20/2008 6 ######## 3/12/2019 11:04 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/25/2008 90 13 7/7/2018 1/31/2019 15:35 SO RN
Huevos de pascua / 3.12E+13 PB 8/27/2008 18 ######## 6/28/2019 11:20 NV TS
Alguien en la ventana / 3.12E+13 PB 8/27/2008 11 1 3/2/2017 3/9/2019 13:07 SP SP
Alguien en la ventana / 3.12E+13 PB 8/27/2008 5 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:50 NV SP
Blackstaff tower / 3.12E+13 PB 9/10/2008 5 3 ######## 1/15/2019 11:17 RN SV
3.12E+13 PB 9/12/2008 30 7 ######## 4/25/2019 12:05 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/12/2008 44 11 1/8/2018 2/1/2019 16:34 NW RN
El mundo de la astronomÃ-a / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2008 5 2 7/7/2015 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
We can help! / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2008 32 4 1/3/2017 4/11/2019 11:26 SS SS
Penguins and Antarctica : 3.12E+13 PB 9/29/2008 29 2 ######## 11/13/2019 14:51 SS TS
Penguins and Antarctica : 3.12E+13 PB 9/29/2008 19 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NW NW
Mistshore / 3.12E+13 PB 9/30/2008 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/1/2008 34 2 ######## 4/4/2019 16:45 SO SP
Murder house / 3.12E+13 PB 10/6/2008 16 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/6/2008 7 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 10/7/2008 52 9 ######## 12/13/2019 8:57 SO TS
Watch me / 3.12E+13 PB 10/7/2008 3 6/5/2019 14:46 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2008 45 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 IV SP
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2008 27 2 9/5/2017 2/5/2019 12:08 RN RN
A Highlander never surrenders / 3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2008 40 2 ######## 8/2/2019 8:58 SP TS
The devil's closet / 3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2008 17 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN RN
You just can't get enough / 3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2008 15 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Surrender to the highlander / 3.12E+13 PB 10/13/2008 14 1 ######## 11/25/2019 8:27 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/15/2008 28 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/15/2008 16 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:24 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/27/2008 35 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SO RN
With this ring / 3.12E+13 PB 10/29/2008 14 1 ######## 4/4/2019 16:18 SP SP
Sister wife / 3.12E+13 PB 11/3/2008 15 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SO SV
Buried fire / 3.12E+13 PB 11/6/2008 15 1 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2008 35 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:54 NV SS
Dead is the new black / 3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2008 40 1 ######## 1/23/2019 15:03 SP RN
Death by bikini / 3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2008 10 ######## 8/7/2019 13:34 SV TS
Revelation : 3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2008 19 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SO SV
3.12E+13 PB 11/13/2008 12 4 ######## 4/4/2019 11:03 SP SS
The secret life of Maeve Lee Kwong / 3.12E+13 PB 11/13/2008 11 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Project UFO / 3.12E+13 PB 11/13/2008 17 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:25 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 11/13/2008 19 4 2/8/2017 2/4/2019 10:36 SP RN
Prodigal daughter / 3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2008 13 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SO RN
Treasure well / 3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2008 26 8/2/2019 8/21/2019 9:01 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/5/2008 46 5 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/9/2008 11 1 ######## 10/1/2019 13:53 SP RN
The fractured sky / 3.12E+13 PB 12/9/2008 9 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Romeo, Romeo / 3.12E+13 PB 12/10/2008 33 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/15/2008 17 1 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
Book of signs / 3.12E+13 PB 12/16/2008 13 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/17/2008 13 2 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 12/22/2008 28 4 3/5/2016 1/29/2019 13:45 SS NV
3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2009 12 1 ######## 4/24/2019 12:44 SS TS
Dead is a state of mind / 3.12E+13 PB 1/13/2009 31 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 1/13/2009 32 5 2/5/2018 3/22/2019 7:46 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/13/2009 37 5 ######## 11/22/2019 14:21 RN TS
The night before Christmas / 3.12E+13 PB 1/14/2009 28 5 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW RN
Smart girls think twice / 3.12E+13 PB 1/14/2009 28 1/3/2014 5/8/2019 8:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/15/2009 28 4 ######## 1/15/2019 17:05 SO SV
3.12E+13 PB 1/15/2009 32 10 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 RN SV
3.12E+13 PB 1/15/2009 22 3 ######## 2/16/2019 16:21 NW SV
Prisoner of the flames / 3.12E+13 PB 1/15/2009 13 ######## 10/1/2019 15:27 SS RN
An improper aristocrat / 3.12E+13 PB 1/15/2009 15 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/16/2009 15 1 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO NW
Talk me down / 3.12E+13 PB 1/28/2009 39 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SO RN
I'm gonna make you love me / 3.12E+13 PB 1/28/2009 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/2/2009 50 9 4/2/2019 5/31/2019 12:07 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/3/2009 20 2 ######## 2/16/2019 11:36 SO SV
Watch me grow! : 3.12E+13 PB 2/3/2009 22 4 ######## 1/16/2019 11:53 NV SV
Dead right / 3.12E+13 PB 2/4/2009 14 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/4/2009 22 8 ######## 4/12/2019 14:55 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/11/2009 33 2 7/9/2017 10/4/2019 10:53 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/18/2009 25 2 6/8/2019 11/22/2019 14:21 IV TS
Unholy / 3.12E+13 PB 2/18/2009 5 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2009 4 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2009 22 2 5/1/2019 7/25/2019 13:47 SO RN
Shattered : 3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2009 39 3 3/7/2017 9/25/2019 15:21 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/25/2009 8 2 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 SP NW
3.12E+13 PB 2/27/2009 29 ######## 10/1/2019 14:32 SV RN
Silent in the sanctuary : 3.12E+13 PB 3/2/2009 42 5 ######## 8/12/2019 14:42 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/2/2009 22 1 ######## 3/23/2019 11:17 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2009 1 1 ######## 2/23/2019 16:42 RN SV
Primal needs / 3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2009 26 5 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2009 19 2 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2009 39 4 ######## 6/20/2019 8:40 NW TS
My immortal promise / 3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2009 18 1 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 RN SP
Drop dead gorgeous / 3.12E+13 PB 3/10/2009 17 ######## 4/12/2019 13:57 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2009 41 3 6/7/2019 8/2/2019 14:20 SS TS
At the Greek boss's bidding / 3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2009 8 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SV SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/13/2009 32 3 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SO TS
Her man of honour / 3.12E+13 PB 3/13/2009 3 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
Jake Drake, bully buster / 3.12E+13 PB 3/13/2009 16 3 ######## 1/16/2019 14:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/18/2009 40 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SS RN
Changes for Felicity : 3.12E+13 PB 3/19/2009 10 1 ######## 2/8/2019 15:19 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2009 19 ######## 10/1/2019 14:38 RN RN
Don't touch that! : 3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2009 9 7 2/6/2019 3/8/2019 10:35 RN RN
Don't touch that! : 3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2009 9 4 ######## 2/1/2019 13:49 NW RN
Belle : 3.12E+13 PB 3/24/2009 29 3 ######## 3/26/2019 9:10 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/24/2009 24 7 ######## 11/12/2019 10:28 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/25/2009 4 ######## 1/23/2019 14:22 SO SO
Sea shadow / 3.12E+13 PB 4/2/2009 24 4 ######## 6/28/2019 14:26 NW TS
China Lake : 3.12E+13 PB 4/6/2009 32 2 ######## 8/23/2019 8:27 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/8/2009 6 1 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02 NW NW
¡Quiero a mi abuela! / 3.12E+13 PB 4/8/2009 24 3 ######## 11/20/2019 12:33 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/13/2009 13 6 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SS RN
Wilbur's prize / 3.12E+13 PB 4/14/2009 53 4 ######## 6/25/2019 16:41 SP TS
Masters of magic / 3.12E+13 PB 4/14/2009 10 1 8/6/2016 4/19/2019 17:05 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 4/14/2009 38 6 6/4/2019 11/22/2019 14:21 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/14/2009 56 5 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NW RN
Her favorite husband / 3.12E+13 PB 4/15/2009 8 2 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
Trouble in high heels / 3.12E+13 PB 4/17/2009 13 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
3.12E+13 PB 4/20/2009 8 3 ######## 11/13/2019 14:22 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/27/2009 69 8 ######## 5/31/2019 12:51 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/27/2009 14 3 7/5/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/28/2009 27 11 ######## 1/15/2019 15:52 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/1/2009 18 5 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/4/2009 34 3 ######## 5/14/2019 11:39 SV TS
Kiss & tell / 3.12E+13 PB 5/7/2009 13 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 RN RN
Hello, doggy! / 3.12E+13 PB 5/13/2009 16 1 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NV RN
The keys of hell / 3.12E+13 PB 5/18/2009 26 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/18/2009 8 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/18/2009 4 ######## 2/23/2019 16:33 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 5/18/2009 2 ######## 9/10/2019 14:55 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2009 105 19 ######## 12/20/2019 12:12 NV TS
Maverick mania / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2009 7 7/6/2014 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2009 24 3 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NW
The Arizona Diamondbacks / 3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2009 7 7/9/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2009 2 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 6/2/2009 23 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 NV SP
Letters from the heart / 3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2009 16 2 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 SO SP
3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2009 13 2 6/6/2018 2/1/2019 11:00 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2009 42 6 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 SO RN
Inner circle : 3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2009 21 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SO SV
Legacy : 3.12E+13 PB 6/5/2009 16 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SO SV
The treasure map / 3.12E+13 PB 6/8/2009 31 4 2/2/2017 2/5/2019 12:11 RN RN
The riverbank / 3.12E+13 PB 6/8/2009 34 6 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
The circus crocodile / 3.12E+13 PB 6/8/2009 51 8 4/4/2019 5/14/2019 10:33 NW TS
Stories for a teen's heart : 3.12E+13 PB 6/9/2009 6 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2009 26 7/7/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SP
Mary Ann & Miss Mozart / 3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2009 9 4 1/9/2016 4/9/2019 11:21 SO SS
A natural father / 3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2009 16 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
The goblin baby / 3.12E+13 PB 6/15/2009 19 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
The goblin baby / 3.12E+13 PB 6/15/2009 18 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 SO NW
The goblin baby / 3.12E+13 PB 6/15/2009 20 4 ######## 3/28/2019 10:23 NV TS
The mealworm diaries / 3.12E+13 PB 6/17/2009 20 7/7/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SP SV
The great roadrunner race / 3.12E+13 PB 6/17/2009 40 3 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 TR RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/18/2009 25 3 ######## 11/22/2019 14:05 SV TS
The world's greatest skate parks / 3.12E+13 PB 6/18/2009 17 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
Mom has cancer! / 3.12E+13 PB 6/25/2009 8 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
The loner / 3.12E+13 PB 6/30/2009 33 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN RN
More super scary stories for sleep-overs / 3.12E+13 PB 7/15/2009 11 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/15/2009 13 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
Website of the warped wizard / 3.12E+13 PB 7/21/2009 8 1 4/4/2016 1/25/2019 17:22 SP SP
Copper and candles / 3.12E+13 PB 7/21/2009 2 ######## 10/4/2019 11:05 SS RN
The arrangement / 3.12E+13 PB 7/22/2009 21 5 9/5/2018 5/24/2019 8:25 SP TS
The good old boys / 3.12E+13 PB 7/23/2009 21 1 8/4/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 NV NV
Courage in the ashes / 3.12E+13 PB 7/23/2009 22 ######## 1/7/2019 8:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/28/2009 34 4 2/8/2019 6/20/2019 8:40 RN TS
The Renaissance in Europe / 3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2009 7 3 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SV RN
Dead girl dancing / 3.12E+13 PB 8/5/2009 19 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SP RN
The edge of chaos / 3.12E+13 PB 8/6/2009 4 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SS SS
A fair to remember / 3.12E+13 PB 8/11/2009 9 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:04 SV SV
The alpine fury / 3.12E+13 PB 8/14/2009 27 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/19/2009 16 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SO SS
3.12E+13 PB 8/19/2009 15 5 7/9/2019 12/9/2019 13:39 SS TS
Loves me, loves me knot / 3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2009 26 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2009 18 3 5/8/2019 6/10/2019 9:09 SV TS
The treasures of Venice / 3.12E+13 PB 8/28/2009 12 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
My brother is autistic / 3.12E+13 PB 8/31/2009 4 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:18 NV RN
Falling stars / 3.12E+13 PB 9/1/2009 4 1 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/1/2009 16 3 ######## 6/28/2019 13:51 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/1/2009 7 1 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/2/2009 7 3 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 RN SV
El diente de Franklin / 3.12E+13 PB 9/3/2009 18 1 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 SV SV
El autobus magico salta hasta llegar a casa3.12E+13
: PB 9/3/2009 4 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
El autobus magico va contra la corriente : 3.12E+13 PB 9/3/2009 5 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 9/8/2009 30 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO RN
I'm no turkey / 3.12E+13 PB 9/10/2009 58 11 2/1/2019 4/25/2019 10:57 SS TS
Red blooded murder / 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2009 22 1 ######## 1/2/2019 13:32 NW SP
In the midnight hour / 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2009 12 5/4/2016 4/11/2019 18:13 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 9/16/2009 36 5 7/9/2017 9/25/2019 15:29 SS RN
Diego's Arctic rescue / 3.12E+13 PB 9/16/2009 30 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 NW NW
Blind eye / 3.12E+13 PB 9/21/2009 17 3 ######## 9/25/2019 15:32 SS RN
One touch of Topaz / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2009 19 1/6/2015 5/22/2019 17:55 SP SS
3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2009 11 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 9/24/2009 6 1 3/3/2017 4/4/2019 12:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/24/2009 46 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Reality check / 3.12E+13 PB 9/29/2009 12 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV NV
Touchdown trouble / 3.12E+13 PB 10/1/2009 6 ######## 4/11/2019 18:08 SP SP
The yum-yum house / 3.12E+13 PB 10/1/2009 19 2 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 NW SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/5/2009 30 4 ######## 3/22/2019 7:46 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/7/2009 17 2 ######## 4/10/2019 17:08 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2009 12 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:09 RN RN
The return of the dragon / 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2009 6 9/9/2015 2/1/2019 16:34 SV RN
Wicked all day / 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2009 25 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SS RN
De la flor a la miel / 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2009 5 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Football fugitive / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2009 13 3 ######## 4/15/2019 13:53 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2009 33 4 ######## 2/1/2019 11:04 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2009 34 4 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SS SP
Crocodile mission / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2009 26 2 ######## 2/11/2019 17:27 SO NW
Stock car champion / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2009 21 3 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/20/2009 18 2 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SV RN
Dragonfire / 3.12E+13 PB 10/20/2009 25 2 ######## 7/10/2019 10:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/21/2009 7 ######## 2/6/2019 16:42 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/21/2009 46 9 ######## 11/20/2019 15:18 SS TS
Origins / 3.12E+13 PB 10/21/2009 12 6/9/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 SV SV
The diva takes the cake / 3.12E+13 PB 10/22/2009 47 6 ######## 2/20/2019 13:08 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/23/2009 4 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SV SV
Pokémon. 3.12E+13 PB 10/27/2009 75 7 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2009 40 4 ######## 5/21/2019 15:08 SV RN
Superstar Watch / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2009 31 3 ######## 2/4/2019 10:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2009 16 2 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 RN SV
Ain't too proud to beg / 3.12E+13 PB 11/3/2009 17 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SO RN
Winter kiss : 3.12E+13 PB 11/4/2009 15 ######## 4/30/2019 15:57 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/5/2009 40 6 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2009 16 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 SP RN
Ghost cat and other spooky tales / 3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2009 19 4 ######## 2/1/2019 16:32 NW RN
What is friction? / 3.12E+13 PB 11/12/2009 9 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 NV RN
Silver showdown / 3.12E+13 PB 11/13/2009 14 2 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2009 17 1 ######## 10/1/2019 14:30 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/20/2009 24 7 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/20/2009 20 1/8/2015 5/8/2019 8:59 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/23/2009 28 3 6/7/2016 12/19/2019 20:42 SV GE
Catmagic / 3.12E+13 PB 11/23/2009 24 3 3/5/2018 5/9/2019 13:44 RN RN
Shakespeare's Christmas / 3.12E+13 PB 12/10/2009 39 4 1/2/2019 1/29/2019 13:32 NW TS
She's all that! : 3.12E+13 PB 12/14/2009 15 6 6/7/2018 2/1/2019 12:08 SS RN
The ghost on the stairs / 3.12E+13 PB 12/15/2009 26 2 ######## 3/22/2019 11:52 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/15/2009 27 4 ######## 8/19/2019 10:59 NV TS
Turned / 3.12E+13 PB 12/22/2009 6 3/5/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 NW SO
The dead girls' dance / 3.12E+13 PB 1/4/2010 24 1 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 1/4/2010 10 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 IV RN
Santa paws, come home / 3.12E+13 PB 1/11/2010 6 ######## 1/29/2019 15:34 SV SP
Pirates of the Caribbean : 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 24 4 ######## 7/25/2019 16:21 SP TS
Hear my roar : 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 4 ######## 2/1/2019 13:48 SP SV
Beauty's curse / 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 19 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NW RN
Angels at Christmas / 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 20 4 ######## 2/20/2019 13:10 NW TS
Hit or miss / 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 22 1 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN NV
Realms of the dead / 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 10 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Private killer / 3.12E+13 PB 1/12/2010 17 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SS RN
The ugly egg / 3.12E+13 PB 1/14/2010 20 3 ######## 1/9/2019 16:38 SP VE
The other side of magic / 3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2010 10 4 1/6/2018 1/31/2019 15:35 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2010 10 2 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2010 12 3 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2010 12 2 ######## 2/5/2019 11:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2010 19 5 ######## 11/27/2019 11:42 SV RN
The big fat cow that goes kapow / 3.12E+13 PB 1/25/2010 55 20 ######## 7/8/2019 14:48 NV TS
El Perro que gritó "Socorro!" / 3.12E+13 PB 1/27/2010 12 2/3/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 2/1/2010 15 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SO RN
Wild hunt / 3.12E+13 PB 2/1/2010 17 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SP SS
The case of the pen gone missing : 3.12E+13 PB 2/2/2010 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 9:52 SO SP
3.12E+13 PB 2/9/2010 15 2 3/5/2019 4/9/2019 15:07 NV RN
The wolf / 3.12E+13 PB 2/9/2010 21 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP NV
3.12E+13 PB 2/10/2010 28 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 IV RN
State of decay / 3.12E+13 PB 2/10/2010 16 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
Reign or shine / 3.12E+13 PB 2/16/2010 21 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/17/2010 6 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
3.12E+13 PB 2/17/2010 24 4 ######## 8/19/2019 10:58 SO TS
Magical mama / 3.12E+13 PB 2/18/2010 6 1 7/1/2018 2/4/2019 14:40 RN RN
The perfect carrot / 3.12E+13 PB 2/22/2010 41 7 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 IV SP
3.12E+13 PB 2/22/2010 8 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SS SV
Bomb and mine disposal officers / 3.12E+13 PB 2/22/2010 6 ######## 2/1/2019 13:47 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/22/2010 2 1 1/6/2015 1/10/2019 11:32 SV NV
Smileytooth and the castle hassle / 3.12E+13 PB 2/22/2010 13 2 ######## 10/15/2019 14:48 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2010 19 4 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SO NW
Reese's bride / 3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2010 35 4 ######## 5/17/2019 8:25 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/24/2010 105 23 7/9/2019 8/14/2019 11:42 SP TS
Blood and chocolate / 3.12E+13 PB 2/24/2010 17 2 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/24/2010 14 ######## 4/1/2019 12:52 SV TS
Little Miss Red / 3.12E+13 PB 2/25/2010 16 3 7/2/2016 5/3/2019 17:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/25/2010 10 1 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2010 40 8 8/6/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SS NW
3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2010 12 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SV SS
My family and me / 3.12E+13 PB 3/2/2010 45 3 ######## 11/22/2019 15:24 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/2/2010 25 3 2/1/2017 2/4/2019 15:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2010 27 2 1/4/2019 7/24/2019 8:57 NW TS
The Coffin Club / 3.12E+13 PB 3/4/2010 26 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:54 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/4/2010 43 4 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Dark angel ; 3.12E+13 PB 3/9/2010 44 4 ######## 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/11/2010 4 5/1/2017 2/1/2019 13:29 NV RN
World financial meltdown / 3.12E+13 PB 3/11/2010 7 5 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/15/2010 20 3 ######## 10/1/2019 14:37 SP RN
Guys are waffles, girls are spaghetti / 3.12E+13 PB 3/15/2010 11 ######## 6/18/2019 8:26 NW TS
Writing a screenplay / 3.12E+13 PB 3/16/2010 5 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
Journals and blogging / 3.12E+13 PB 3/16/2010 6 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
Coat of arms / 3.12E+13 PB 3/22/2010 16 1 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 SO RN
While you were sleeping / 3.12E+13 PB 3/22/2010 23 8 8/7/2018 4/15/2019 13:19 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/22/2010 26 3 ######## 8/7/2019 13:40 SP TS
Rawhide Flat : 3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2010 31 3 ######## 6/13/2019 11:07 SP TS
Killer connections / 3.12E+13 PB 3/24/2010 6 1 ######## 1/2/2019 10:20 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/31/2010 26 6 3/4/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SO SO
Budgeting / 3.12E+13 PB 3/31/2010 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:27 RN RN
Cursed to death : 3.12E+13 PB 3/31/2010 18 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/1/2010 30 2 ######## 6/26/2019 14:21 SS TS
When a man loves a weapon / 3.12E+13 PB 4/6/2010 15 2/9/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/8/2010 8 ######## 3/7/2019 11:14 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/8/2010 26 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
Return of the mountain man / 3.12E+13 PB 4/13/2010 23 1 ######## 10/14/2019 12:33 NV TS
In the ice caves of Krog / 3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2010 21 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2010 26 5 ######## 1/25/2019 16:49 SP SP
Can't never tell : 3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2010 17 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 NW SS
3.12E+13 PB 4/19/2010 4 4/2/2015 2/7/2019 17:00 SO SP
The elusive bride / 3.12E+13 PB 4/19/2010 26 2 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/19/2010 5 ######## 1/19/2019 16:38 NW NW
Slam dunk / 3.12E+13 PB 4/19/2010 5 1 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SV NW
3.12E+13 PB 4/21/2010 31 7 ######## 8/21/2019 9:01 RN TS
The haunting / 3.12E+13 PB 4/22/2010 4 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
The crazy horse electric game / 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 56 8 ######## 4/9/2019 15:07 SV RN
The name of the game was murder / 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 3 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 5 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 NW RN
Darkest hour / 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 15 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SS RN
I am Iron Man / 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 82 15 ######## 1/16/2019 15:03 NW TS
David Copperfield / 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 10 3 ######## 2/20/2019 13:09 NW TS
Makeup : 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2010 20 5 ######## 6/27/2019 13:58 RN TS
When it starts to snow 3.12E+13 PB 4/28/2010 43 7 9/6/2019 11/12/2019 14:57 NW SO
Secuestro / 3.12E+13 PB 4/28/2010 5 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 RN NW
3.12E+13 PB 4/29/2010 9 3 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/29/2010 4 1 ######## 2/7/2019 13:15 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/29/2010 2 1 ######## 1/11/2019 17:36 NW VE
Please write back! / 3.12E+13 PB 5/4/2010 66 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:11 NV RN
Seduction and the CEO / 3.12E+13 PB 5/4/2010 17 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 5/7/2010 14 3 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NW RN
Copper sun / 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2010 12 4 ######## 4/4/2019 12:37 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2010 11 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2010 18 5 ######## 11/22/2019 14:21 SP TS
Opposites = 3.12E+13 PB 5/11/2010 9 4/1/2015 1/15/2019 17:20 NW SV
Bro-Jitsu : 3.12E+13 PB 5/11/2010 9 3 ######## 2/1/2019 13:03 SS RN
Dark magick / 3.12E+13 PB 5/11/2010 18 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 NW SV
Knocked out by my nunga-nungas : 3.12E+13 PB 5/12/2010 5 2 3/6/2018 7/17/2019 9:45 NW RN
Dinky Hocker shoots smack / 3.12E+13 PB 5/13/2010 3 1 ######## 3/4/2019 17:21 SS SP
The spider bites / 3.12E+13 PB 5/13/2010 7 1 2/2/2015 5/26/2019 12:42 SS SS
Full circle / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2010 13 2 ######## 5/26/2019 12:42 SV SS
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2010 43 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 RN NV
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2010 40 7 ######## 1/9/2019 17:21 SS VE
Up close and dangerously sexy / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2010 10 ######## 5/9/2019 7:51 RN TS
Alice im Wunderland / 3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2010 5 2 ######## 5/24/2019 12:29 RN RN
Hardcourt comeback / 3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2010 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:50 SV NW
The highlander's sword / 3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2010 45 7 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/24/2010 3 1 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2010 15 2 ######## 2/1/2019 16:23 NW RN
Nuclear annihilation / 3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2010 16 16 7/5/2015 2/1/2019 13:48 SS SV
Food supply collapse / 3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2010 16 13 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 RN RN
Maps and navigation / 3.12E+13 PB 5/26/2010 4 1 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 NV SV
3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2010 31 6 ######## 1/4/2019 10:10 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2010 34 12 ######## 6/13/2019 13:11 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/28/2010 18 3 1/6/2018 5/3/2019 9:14 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 33 9 ######## 2/13/2019 12:25 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 10 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SP SP
Cartoon cute animals : 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 66 7 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SS TR
3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 5 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:36 NV SP
Full circle / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 7 ######## 1/2/2019 10:30 SO SP
Dark magick / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 15 2 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SO SV
Blade silver : 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 19 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 SO RN
The screwed up life of Charlie the Second 3/ .12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 17 3 ######## 2/14/2019 14:19 SV TS
Eclipse / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 11 3 2/9/2016 5/4/2019 9:56 NV RN
Reckoning / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 14 1 ######## 3/28/2019 12:19 NV SV
Girl / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2010 16 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
Great moments in World Cup history / 3.12E+13 PB 6/2/2010 8 3 6/6/2015 2/6/2019 14:11 RN RN
Great moments in World Cup history / 3.12E+13 PB 6/2/2010 9 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/3/2010 30 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:13 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2010 17 4/1/2015 4/30/2019 15:51 NW RN
Hunting Julian / 3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2010 30 4 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS RN
Ain't too proud to beg / 3.12E+13 PB 6/6/2010 6 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 RN SS
3.12E+13 PB 6/7/2010 21 3 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 SO VE
3.12E+13 PB 6/8/2010 17 6 9/8/2018 2/6/2019 15:17 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/8/2010 14 5 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2010 30 3 ######## 10/4/2019 9:37 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2010 17 7 ######## 9/30/2019 17:52 NV SO
3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2010 69 4 ######## 4/12/2019 10:44 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2010 19 3 ######## 4/23/2019 12:38 SS TS
Wedlocked: banished sheikh, untouched queen
/ PB 6/10/2010 7 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
Snakes and other reptiles / 3.12E+13 PB 6/14/2010 18 1 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP SS
Lola & Tiva : 3.12E+13 PB 6/14/2010 8 1 5/3/2017 1/9/2019 17:04 VE VE
3.12E+13 PB 6/14/2010 31 5 ######## 1/9/2019 17:32 SS VE
Rush / 3.12E+13 PB 6/16/2010 13 1 ######## 3/21/2019 11:47 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/16/2010 11 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 6/18/2010 11 2 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 SV RN
Nature's yucky! 2 : 3.12E+13 PB 6/21/2010 7 4 ######## 1/19/2019 16:45 NW NW
Treasure trouble / 3.12E+13 PB 6/22/2010 46 15 5/3/2019 6/27/2019 9:34 SV TS
All-season Edie / 3.12E+13 PB 6/23/2010 5 ######## 1/25/2019 17:12 SP SP
New friends / 3.12E+13 PB 6/24/2010 22 7 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/25/2010 5 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 6/27/2010 29 2 ######## 10/4/2019 11:05 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/1/2010 16 1 ######## 5/23/2019 11:23 NW SS
3.12E+13 PB 7/6/2010 34 2 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/6/2010 3 ######## 2/4/2019 9:35 NW RN
Breaking loose / 3.12E+13 PB 7/7/2010 13 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/7/2010 6 3/5/2016 3/14/2019 11:21 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/8/2010 7 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SV SS
3.12E+13 PB 7/13/2010 10 1 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 RN RN
Somewhere in blue / 3.12E+13 PB 7/13/2010 14 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
Somewhere in blue / 3.12E+13 PB 7/13/2010 10 1 7/8/2015 10/11/2019 15:19 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/13/2010 50 7 ######## 12/13/2019 8:56 SP TS
I spy a skeleton / 3.12E+13 PB 7/13/2010 28 5 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SS
Killing ground / 3.12E+13 PB 7/14/2010 33 4 8/5/2019 9/25/2019 15:32 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/14/2010 10 ######## 4/30/2019 15:51 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/14/2010 42 6 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS NV
Rise of the poison moon / 3.12E+13 PB 7/20/2010 11 3 ######## 10/4/2019 10:28 SS RN
The rescue / 3.12E+13 PB 7/26/2010 14 4 ######## 2/1/2019 14:21 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/27/2010 24 3 ######## 4/10/2019 17:07 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 7/27/2010 7 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:29 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/27/2010 4 1 ######## 9/10/2019 10:40 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/28/2010 30 20 ######## 3/22/2019 13:11 SP TS
Crash test love / 3.12E+13 PB 7/29/2010 18 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Makuta's revenge / 3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2010 8 2 ######## 4/4/2019 11:01 NV SS
Dreamquest : 3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2010 7 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:44 SV SV
A Highland duchess / 3.12E+13 PB 8/2/2010 35 ######## 4/23/2019 8:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/3/2010 18 3 6/4/2015 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 8/3/2010 21 3 ######## 10/14/2019 12:32 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2010 13 1 ######## 10/1/2019 14:35 SS RN
Dead is just a rumor / 3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2010 17 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/17/2010 32 2 5/2/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SV SP
The battlefield ghost / 3.12E+13 PB 8/18/2010 11 4 7/2/2016 1/31/2019 15:35 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/20/2010 65 10 ######## 5/9/2019 7:46 IV TS
Kindergarten day USA and China : 3.12E+13 PB 8/25/2010 7 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/30/2010 45 7 ######## 12/9/2019 15:30 SV TS
Love me if you dare / 3.12E+13 PB 8/31/2010 20 1 ######## 4/10/2019 17:08 SS SP
Charm city / 3.12E+13 PB 9/3/2010 29 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:41 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2010 9 1 ######## 9/20/2019 13:20 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2010 19 3 ######## 6/10/2019 9:09 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2010 56 9 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SO
3.12E+13 PB 9/9/2010 27 4 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 NV SV
3.12E+13 PB 9/10/2010 37 8 ######## 11/20/2019 14:48 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/10/2010 2 ######## 2/8/2019 11:32 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 9/10/2010 23 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 9/13/2010 39 1 ######## 10/1/2019 13:55 SO RN
Winning it all / 3.12E+13 PB 9/14/2010 9 1/6/2015 5/23/2019 11:11 SP SS
The tin princess / 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2010 7 2 8/2/2014 5/26/2019 12:42 SO SS
Murder in Greenwich : 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2010 8 2 ######## 5/28/2019 11:25 TR SS
3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2010 72 20 9/4/2019 9/24/2019 15:14 SV TS
Clifford is a star / 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2010 45 6 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SV SO
3.12E+13 PB 9/16/2010 5 2 7/9/2016 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
Key of stars / 3.12E+13 PB 9/16/2010 3 1 9/9/2013 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
Scoundrel / 3.12E+13 PB 9/16/2010 17 1 ######## 10/1/2019 13:56 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2010 11 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 SO IV
Dragonfly and the Web of Dreams / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2010 21 7 ######## 7/17/2019 11:37 SV TS
Marine biologist / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2010 10 1 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 SS SS
Adventures of Durga : 3.12E+13 PB 9/24/2010 2 4/5/2016 1/25/2019 16:20 SP SP
Philip Hall likes me. I reckon maybe / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2010 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:45 NW SP
3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2010 22 5 ######## 2/3/2019 15:57 NW TR
Sara learns the secret about the law of attraction
3.12E+13/ PB 9/27/2010 20 4 ######## 3/28/2019 12:39 SV SV
Emergency quarterback / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2010 7 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:21 NW SP
3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2010 7 5 ######## 2/8/2019 11:04 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 9/28/2010 27 5 5/8/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 9/29/2010 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 9/30/2010 60 26 ######## 8/19/2019 10:59 NV TS
The dead girls' dance / 3.12E+13 PB 10/4/2010 8 3/9/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/5/2010 27 9 ######## 1/15/2019 15:58 GE TS
Not your parents' money book : 3.12E+13 PB 10/6/2010 15 2 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/15/2010 13 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/15/2010 20 ######## 1/9/2019 16:38 VE VE
Song / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2010 8 ######## 4/9/2019 11:40 SS SS
Body heat / 3.12E+13 PB 10/20/2010 30 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NV RN
A scaly tale / 3.12E+13 PB 10/22/2010 11 1 ######## 4/11/2019 11:26 SP SS
The wedding / 3.12E+13 PB 10/26/2010 32 7 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/26/2010 5 1 4/2/2015 4/30/2019 15:51 RN RN
Married with zombies / 3.12E+13 PB 10/26/2010 12 1 ######## 3/15/2019 11:31 NW SP
3.12E+13 PB 10/28/2010 6 2 ######## 2/2/2019 10:25 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 22 4 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 10 3 3/7/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SV
A new generation of homosexuality : 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 6 ######## 2/15/2019 16:28 SS SP
Feeling wrong in your own body : 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 7 2 ######## 4/23/2019 13:33 NW RN
Coming out : 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 7 ######## 2/15/2019 16:21 SS SP
One night pregnancy / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 18 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 RN RN
Fired waitress, hired mistress / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 11 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SP
Master of the desert / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 12 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SV TS
From doctor-- to daddy / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 10 ######## 8/2/2019 8:57 RN TS
The doctor's undoing / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 15 ######## 4/19/2019 11:48 RN RN
Prognosis, romance / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 15 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SP RN
One night-- nine-month scandal / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 19 1 ######## 3/6/2019 9:01 SV RN
The one that got away / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 6 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SO RN
Falling for his proper mistress / 3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2010 8 4/8/2015 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
Bigger isn't always better : 3.12E+13 PB 11/3/2010 5 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
I eat when I'm sad : 3.12E+13 PB 11/3/2010 8 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/4/2010 29 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW SP
Breathless / 3.12E+13 PB 11/8/2010 18 2 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN NV
3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2010 13 ######## 5/31/2019 11:46 SP TS
Pokémon. 3.12E+13 PB 11/10/2010 54 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NW SP
Run-away Roley / 3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2010 25 7 ######## 2/4/2019 15:09 NW RN
Joseph's amazing coat / 3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2010 3 1 ######## 2/1/2019 11:41 NW RN
London, 1850 / 3.12E+13 PB 11/16/2010 9 2 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 NW SS
3.12E+13 PB 11/16/2010 21 1 ######## 1/15/2019 13:38 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2010 48 11 6/1/2019 7/10/2019 10:54 SV TS
The cuckoo clock of doom / 3.12E+13 PB 11/19/2010 33 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 11/30/2010 19 3 6/3/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/2/2010 17 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV SO
3.12E+13 PB 12/3/2010 20 4 ######## 6/12/2019 13:23 NW SO
3.12E+13 PB 12/3/2010 13 2 ######## 1/31/2019 15:35 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/3/2010 17 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NW RN
Saving Cinderella! / 3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2010 10 2 3/6/2019 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2010 17 4 ######## 10/1/2019 14:30 SV RN
Alphabet = 3.12E+13 PB 12/7/2010 14 3 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Covert Christmas / 3.12E+13 PB 12/10/2010 6 2 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SO TS
One week in December / 3.12E+13 PB 12/13/2010 18 4 2/7/2019 3/26/2019 9:08 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/13/2010 11 1 ######## 10/4/2019 11:07 SS RN
Slayed / 3.12E+13 PB 12/16/2010 34 5 ######## 12/19/2019 20:42 NW GE
3.12E+13 PB 12/17/2010 13 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SP SV
3.12E+13 PB 12/23/2010 37 10 ######## 5/24/2019 8:24 NW TS
Wicked Highlander / 3.12E+13 PB 12/23/2010 40 6 ######## 5/24/2019 8:25 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/23/2010 37 3 3/4/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 NV TS
Wit'ch war / 3.12E+13 PB 12/29/2010 10 1/9/2018 5/3/2019 9:14 SS RN
El botÃ-n de Atolondrado / 3.12E+13 PB 1/5/2011 6 3/7/2016 2/15/2019 11:59 SV SV
El botÃ-n de Atolondrado / 3.12E+13 PB 1/5/2011 8 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/5/2011 29 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/7/2011 16 6 ######## 2/4/2019 10:28 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/11/2011 27 5 ######## 4/10/2019 17:23 NW SP
Velociraptor and other raptors and small carnivores
3.12E+13 /PB 1/14/2011 23 6 ######## 8/7/2019 12:26 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/18/2011 18 4 ######## 4/9/2019 11:45 SS SS
Cupid's arrow / 3.12E+13 PB 1/18/2011 7 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 NV RN
Black Sabbath : 3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2011 2 ######## 3/14/2019 8:54 SS TS
Inside hurricanes / 3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2011 8 5 ######## 6/24/2019 10:25 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/19/2011 6 ######## 6/24/2019 17:44 IV TR
3.12E+13 PB 1/20/2011 26 10 2/9/2019 3/28/2019 13:04 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/20/2011 21 5 5/7/2018 1/30/2019 11:04 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 1/20/2011 22 7 ######## 12/20/2019 9:49 SO TS
Coyote attacks / 3.12E+13 PB 1/20/2011 9 2 ######## 2/20/2019 16:31 SV SV
How do you read to a rabbit? / 3.12E+13 PB 1/25/2011 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 IV SS
3.12E+13 PB 1/26/2011 23 6 ######## 5/9/2019 7:50 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/26/2011 27 3 ######## 6/20/2019 8:40 SO TS
Are social networking sites harmful? / 3.12E+13 PB 1/27/2011 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
Masked / 3.12E+13 PB 1/28/2011 5 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:51 SO SS
Zoom Broom / 3.12E+13 PB 1/29/2011 18 6 ######## 2/6/2019 16:37 VE RN
Blue's best rainy day / 3.12E+13 PB 1/29/2011 14 4 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/31/2011 16 1 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/31/2011 32 3 ######## 4/17/2019 10:31 SP RN
Thanksgiving groom / 3.12E+13 PB 2/1/2011 11 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SV RN
Little prince : 3.12E+13 PB 2/2/2011 12 3 ######## 2/8/2019 11:24 SO NW
Garfield and the wicked wizard / 3.12E+13 PB 2/3/2011 19 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:04 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/3/2011 13 5 1/5/2017 4/9/2019 11:45 NV SS
3.12E+13 PB 2/4/2011 11 ######## 3/28/2019 8:39 SP RN
Toast mortem / 3.12E+13 PB 2/4/2011 29 1 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SV RN
Battle drift / 3.12E+13 PB 2/4/2011 7 3 ######## 12/20/2019 13:06 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2011 41 7 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 NW RN
Gravity / 3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2011 3 2 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 RN RN
Pirates past noon / 3.12E+13 PB 2/8/2011 112 32 ######## 9/4/2019 16:37 SO SO
3.12E+13 PB 2/8/2011 10 3 1/2/2019 2/11/2019 12:02 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/8/2011 3 1 ######## 2/5/2019 16:13 NW NW
A Roman soldier's handbook / 3.12E+13 PB 2/9/2011 5 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:26 SO SS
3.12E+13 PB 2/9/2011 2 ######## 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
The power of five / 3.12E+13 PB 2/10/2011 19 1 ######## 2/7/2019 17:28 SV SP
3.12E+13 PB 2/10/2011 1 1/22/2019 16:39 SO IV
3.12E+13 PB 2/10/2011 2 2 ######## 2/1/2019 12:17 RN RN
The taste of lightning / 3.12E+13 PB 2/10/2011 7 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 SO RN
Inconvenient / 3.12E+13 PB 2/11/2011 3 1 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 NW SS
Infinite days : 3.12E+13 PB 2/11/2011 19 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:45 SV RN
The last notebook of Leonardo / 3.12E+13 PB 2/14/2011 11 2 4/6/2018 2/4/2019 10:40 NW RN
Shakira : 3.12E+13 PB 2/15/2011 6 ######## 2/8/2019 8:01 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/16/2011 7 5 9/8/2016 2/8/2019 11:04 SV NW
3.12E+13 PB 2/18/2011 33 9 2/7/2019 3/21/2019 11:23 NV RN
Crossing Fire River / 3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2011 14 1 8/7/2017 3/6/2019 9:01 SS RN
War cry / 3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2011 30 2 ######## 10/18/2019 17:15 SC SV
Le petit Nicolas et les copains / 3.12E+13 PB 2/24/2011 10 1 7/3/2019 8/7/2019 13:17 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/28/2011 22 5 ######## 4/29/2019 8:26 NW NW
Healing the Highlander / 3.12E+13 PB 2/28/2011 21 5 1/4/2017 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
Dark oracle / 3.12E+13 PB 2/28/2011 18 1 ######## 4/10/2019 15:30 SV SP
God Emperor of Dune / 3.12E+13 PB 2/28/2011 13 2 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN RN
Far-out guide to asteroids and comets / 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2011 9 2 ######## 2/4/2019 11:44 NW RN
Cry of the giraffe : 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2011 5 1 5/1/2015 1/15/2019 11:17 NW SV
3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2011 7 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:27 NW IV
The red heart of Jade / 3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2011 19 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
Rogue oracle / 3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2011 18 3 ######## 4/10/2019 15:31 NW SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/3/2011 33 10 ######## 1/16/2019 14:01 SO SC
3.12E+13 PB 3/7/2011 3 3 ######## 1/22/2019 16:34 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 3/7/2011 2 1 ######## 1/18/2019 15:30 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 3/7/2011 14 3 ######## 2/3/2019 15:47 SV TR
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2011 35 8 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 RN SV
Paris, 1850 / 3.12E+13 PB 3/9/2011 7 ######## 2/8/2019 10:43 SP NW
Big guy / 3.12E+13 PB 3/9/2011 3 2 ######## 5/4/2019 9:56 NW RN
It started with a house-- / 3.12E+13 PB 3/18/2011 10 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/21/2011 10 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
Clifford makes the team / 3.12E+13 PB 3/21/2011 36 10 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SV NV
3.12E+13 PB 3/21/2011 23 2 ######## 1/9/2019 17:33 NW VE
The scandal and Carter O'Neill / 3.12E+13 PB 3/21/2011 11 3 ######## 10/1/2019 15:07 SS RN
Tyler O'Neill's redemption / 3.12E+13 PB 3/22/2011 10 2 ######## 10/1/2019 15:06 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2011 17 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2011 1 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SS SS
Monkey trouble / 3.12E+13 PB 4/5/2011 11 1 ######## 2/5/2019 15:53 IV VE
My fair godmother / 3.12E+13 PB 4/6/2011 27 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/12/2011 47 6 9/3/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SO
The bald-headed princess : 3.12E+13 PB 4/12/2011 3 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
Haunted by your touch / 3.12E+13 PB 4/18/2011 24 6 ######## 5/9/2019 8:20 SV TS
Trouble in the trees / 3.12E+13 PB 4/19/2011 4 1 ######## 4/9/2019 11:21 SS SS
Tumbleweed skies / 3.12E+13 PB 4/22/2011 8 2 ######## 2/7/2019 17:05 SO SP
Skin / 3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2011 4 1/6/2015 1/15/2019 11:17 SV SV
A bride until midnight / 3.12E+13 PB 4/27/2011 9 1 ######## 5/23/2019 16:40 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 4/29/2011 6 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
Shadow walkers / 3.12E+13 PB 4/29/2011 13 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/4/2011 22 4 ######## 2/7/2019 11:09 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/4/2011 3 1 1/5/2016 9/10/2019 15:03 NV TS
Hexbound : 3.12E+13 PB 5/5/2011 22 4 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 NW RN
The girl who threw butterflies / 3.12E+13 PB 5/9/2011 3 ######## 5/22/2019 13:37 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 5/9/2011 5 1 8/6/2015 2/1/2019 15:17 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 5/9/2011 21 4 ######## 11/1/2019 14:43 RN TS
Not your parents' money book : 3.12E+13 PB 5/9/2011 6 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 RN SO
Rivals : 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2011 24 11 ######## 11/20/2019 14:50 NW TS
Master of mirrors / 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2011 8 1 8/6/2016 2/1/2019 17:59 SP SP
Master of mirrors / 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2011 17 3 ######## 2/1/2019 11:08 SO RN
Hounded / 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2011 23 2 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SV SP
Kofi Kingston / 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2011 1 7/8/2015 1/18/2019 15:55 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 5/11/2011 1 ######## 2/1/2019 12:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 5/11/2011 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:16 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2011 11 4 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 NW RN
Trill changes her tune / 3.12E+13 PB 5/19/2011 26 6 ######## 3/29/2019 8:32 NV GE
3.12E+13 PB 5/20/2011 36 7 ######## 1/7/2019 8:26 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2011 12 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:49 SS RN
Dreaming Anastasia / 3.12E+13 PB 5/31/2011 14 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2011 2 ######## 2/1/2019 15:50 IV IV
Drawing Godzilla / 3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2011 27 9 1/6/2019 3/21/2019 14:39 NW SS
Love at first bite / 3.12E+13 PB 6/2/2011 16 2 ######## 2/28/2019 11:14 SP RN
A very haunted holiday / 3.12E+13 PB 6/3/2011 17 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:26 SS RN
Just like heaven / 3.12E+13 PB 6/6/2011 47 5 ######## 11/7/2019 14:59 SO TS
The ultimate guide to paper airplanes : 3.12E+13 PB 6/6/2011 37 9 2/8/2019 5/14/2019 10:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/7/2011 16 7 2/9/2017 2/1/2019 16:34 NV RN
Queen Iween's beautiful butterflies / 3.12E+13 PB 6/7/2011 3 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:36 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 6/9/2011 7 3 ######## 2/1/2019 16:25 SS RN
Hank Aaron : 3.12E+13 PB 6/10/2011 4 3 ######## 2/4/2019 13:43 SP SS
3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2011 3 7/3/2019 7/25/2019 16:08 NW TS
The last mall rat / 3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2011 5 4 ######## 7/17/2019 9:54 SO RN
El grito de la máscara maldita / 3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2011 3 ######## 4/9/2019 11:27 SS SS
Hexed / 3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2011 21 2 8/8/2015 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
Perros salvajes : 3.12E+13 PB 6/13/2011 9 3 ######## 2/6/2019 13:54 SP IV
3.12E+13 PB 6/14/2011 6 1 ######## 1/29/2019 18:30 IV IV
Drawing King Kong / 3.12E+13 PB 6/14/2011 7 ######## 1/12/2019 13:43 SO RN
Clifford and the big parade / 3.12E+13 PB 6/15/2011 26 4 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS IV
3.12E+13 PB 6/15/2011 15 ######## 1/3/2019 14:11 TR TR
Terror in Ghost Mansion / 3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2011 14 2 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS RN
The Goblin King / 3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2011 15 1 7/1/2019 9/17/2019 9:41 IV TS
Shipwrecked on Mad Island / 3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2011 34 7 ######## 8/22/2019 15:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2011 12 6 ######## 8/1/2019 10:03 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/20/2011 22 9 1/9/2019 2/20/2019 13:06 SO TS
Nickel plated / 3.12E+13 PB 6/28/2011 6 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:43 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/28/2011 38 5 ######## 5/8/2019 14:43 SV TS
Thunder rolling down the mountain : 3.12E+13 PB 6/29/2011 3 ######## 2/8/2019 7:56 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/29/2011 3 1 ######## 5/24/2019 13:06 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/29/2011 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 6/29/2011 1 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 7/15/2011 41 15 ######## 10/23/2019 14:57 NW TS
Dragon's leaf collection / 3.12E+13 PB 7/18/2011 25 4 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2011 24 6 ######## 11/7/2019 15:00 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2011 49 5 6/6/2019 7/25/2019 13:47 SP RN
Daphne's Diary of Daily Disasters : 3.12E+13 PB 7/20/2011 12 1 ######## 2/1/2019 16:19 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/22/2011 24 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
Dead is not an option / 3.12E+13 PB 7/25/2011 11 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
Storm's heart / 3.12E+13 PB 7/26/2011 29 9 ######## 10/18/2019 11:15 SP TS
I'm not her / 3.12E+13 PB 7/27/2011 26 7 4/8/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
Torn / 3.12E+13 PB 7/27/2011 19 6 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/28/2011 4 3/9/2015 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
Blood trails: 3.12E+13 PB 8/2/2011 18 3 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 SP TS
In the air tonight : 3.12E+13 PB 8/2/2011 22 5 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/2/2011 9 2 ######## 2/14/2019 16:04 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 8/3/2011 28 ######## 3/27/2019 8:52 NV TS
You just can't help it! : 3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2011 7 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 RN NV
You just can't help it! : 3.12E+13 PB 8/4/2011 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:13 RN SV
3.12E+13 PB 8/8/2011 24 6 ######## 4/16/2019 14:48 SP RN
Blueberry queen / 3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2011 29 5 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP RN
Some parts are not for sharing / 3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2011 5 1 ######## 2/7/2019 10:34 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2011 6 7/9/2014 1/9/2019 17:57 SO SP
Secrets to seducing a Scot / 3.12E+13 PB 8/11/2011 16 5 ######## 1/2/2019 13:18 SV SP
The sacred vault : 3.12E+13 PB 8/11/2011 11 3 ######## 10/11/2019 15:19 NV NW
The bad queen : 3.12E+13 PB 8/11/2011 15 4 4/4/2015 3/22/2019 7:38 SO SO
The Boneshaker / 3.12E+13 PB 8/15/2011 9 1 ######## 2/2/2019 12:47 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/15/2011 44 5 ######## 12/13/2019 8:56 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2011 68 18 ######## 8/14/2019 10:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2011 35 9 ######## 5/31/2019 14:00 NV SO
3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2011 6 3 ######## 11/22/2019 13:33 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2011 6 1 8/8/2018 11/22/2019 13:33 NV RN
Dark war : 3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2011 11 2 ######## 5/8/2019 9:02 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/17/2011 8 2 6/7/2017 2/4/2019 10:22 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/17/2011 4 3/7/2017 2/6/2019 14:16 SP RN
Farming for the future / 3.12E+13 PB 8/17/2011 6 2 ######## 4/9/2019 18:02 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 8/22/2011 14 1 ######## 12/13/2019 7:38 SO RN
Geist / 3.12E+13 PB 8/22/2011 13 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2011 23 3 ######## 10/4/2019 11:04 RN RN
Forgiven / 3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2011 11 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/24/2011 8 1 6/3/2019 7/3/2019 11:20 SP RN
Katy's homecoming / 3.12E+13 PB 8/26/2011 6 1 6/9/2014 5/26/2019 12:42 NW SS
3.12E+13 PB 8/29/2011 7 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SS
Viscount Breckenridge to the rescue : 3.12E+13 PB 9/6/2011 33 8 ######## 1/30/2019 9:58 NW TS
Off we go to the grocery store / 3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2011 2 2 3/8/2014 1/5/2019 16:11 SV SP
Off we go to the grocery store / 3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2011 3 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:53 RN NW
A donkey reads : 3.12E+13 PB 9/8/2011 7 1 ######## 1/3/2019 10:32 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 9/13/2011 55 4 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SP SS
Confessions of a wannabe cheerleader / 3.12E+13 PB 9/15/2011 22 8 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2011 15 3 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2011 3 2 ######## 2/4/2019 16:33 NV SS
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2011 2 6/4/2015 1/12/2019 9:51 SS SP
Red's hot cowboy / 3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2011 32 3 ######## 9/26/2019 13:19 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/21/2011 38 6 ######## 5/31/2019 12:08 SS TS
Bad moon rising / 3.12E+13 PB 9/22/2011 16 6 7/6/2019 7/24/2019 15:26 SP TS
Bad boys do / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2011 18 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SV RN
Farmed out / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2011 7 ######## 5/22/2019 13:45 SS SS
Stuff we all get / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2011 8 2 ######## 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
Nekropolis / 3.12E+13 PB 10/10/2011 15 2 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 NV TS
Bonded by blood / 3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2011 10 1 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2011 9 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/12/2011 38 8 3/6/2015 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SO
3.12E+13 PB 10/13/2011 8 9 7/9/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/17/2011 43 6 ######## 11/22/2019 8:52 NW TS
Don't know much about the Presidents / 3.12E+13 PB 10/17/2011 8 ######## 1/17/2019 13:44 SO RN
Everything sharks / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2011 51 20 ######## 4/12/2019 14:23 NV TS
Our first Amharic words / 3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2011 3 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/19/2011 2 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 SP RN
Almost final curtain : 3.12E+13 PB 10/20/2011 12 2 ######## 3/28/2019 12:17 SS SV
Only the mountains do not move : 3.12E+13 PB 10/21/2011 3 1 8/1/2018 2/7/2019 13:15 NW RN
First pitch : 3.12E+13 PB 10/24/2011 9 2 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SO RN
The Immortal Realm / 3.12E+13 PB 10/24/2011 5 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/26/2011 19 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/27/2011 25 4 ######## 7/25/2019 8:40 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/27/2011 18 6 2/1/2017 4/19/2019 17:16 SV SP
The border lord and the lady / 3.12E+13 PB 10/27/2011 23 4 ######## 5/9/2019 7:51 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/27/2011 24 4 5/7/2019 5/24/2019 8:24 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/1/2011 21 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NW NW
Waterfall / 3.12E+13 PB 11/1/2011 32 7 ######## 3/7/2019 11:54 SO TS
Scandalous desires / 3.12E+13 PB 11/1/2011 27 6 ######## 3/27/2019 8:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2011 12 3 9/2/2016 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/2/2011 3 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
3.12E+13 PB 11/14/2011 11 5 ######## 3/14/2019 12:06 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/28/2011 26 5 ######## 9/16/2019 14:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/29/2011 19 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SP
Puddle's new school / 3.12E+13 PB 11/30/2011 15 2 ######## 3/17/2019 14:24 SP SS
3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2011 23 2 ######## 10/31/2019 13:08 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/6/2011 17 2 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/7/2011 15 1 ######## 11/13/2019 11:32 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/7/2011 9 ######## 6/25/2019 16:20 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 12/8/2011 4 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SV NV
3.12E+13 PB 12/8/2011 11 1 ######## 2/4/2019 11:16 SP RN
Addition and subtraction smarts! / 3.12E+13 PB 12/8/2011 3 ######## 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
The goblin gate / 3.12E+13 PB 12/15/2011 5 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NW RN
Shattered dreams : 3.12E+13 PB 12/21/2011 10 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:21 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/29/2011 1 ######## 1/23/2019 11:01 SO SO
3.12E+13 PB 1/4/2012 16 4 ######## 10/4/2019 10:55 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 1/5/2012 24 7 ######## 3/26/2019 9:08 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 1/17/2012 13 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 1/24/2012 9 2 ######## 2/1/2019 11:02 SS RN
La espada del Lombricero / 3.12E+13 PB 2/1/2012 6 2 ######## 2/6/2019 13:56 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 2/1/2012 6 1 ######## 2/4/2019 9:22 SO RN
The summer garden / 3.12E+13 PB 2/6/2012 31 9 ######## 5/17/2019 8:24 NW TS
Aunt Severe and the dragons / 3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2012 5 3 ######## 1/31/2019 17:29 SP RN
The Berenstain Bears and the nutcracker /3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2012 47 11 2/9/2019 3/8/2019 13:14 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2012 22 23 ######## 2/4/2019 14:49 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/7/2012 41 10 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 2/8/2012 44 10 ######## 11/8/2019 14:28 SO TS
The highlander's heart / 3.12E+13 PB 2/21/2012 22 6 ######## 7/25/2019 12:31 SV SV
The Kneebone boy / 3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2012 26 12 ######## 1/9/2019 8:05 SO SV
Tempted by blood. / 3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2012 15 6 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SS SV
3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2012 22 9 4/1/2019 6/13/2019 11:47 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/23/2012 9 1 ######## 2/1/2019 14:23 NV RN
Thea Stilton and the secret of the old castle
/ PB 2/23/2012 78 18 ######## 1/23/2019 15:54 SP TS
Slocum and the bitterroot belle / 3.12E+13 PB 2/27/2012 11 4 5/6/2019 6/13/2019 13:52 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 2/27/2012 10 2 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 2/27/2012 19 5 ######## 10/30/2019 14:40 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 2/27/2012 46 13 ######## 3/7/2019 11:30 SS TS
A talent for war / 3.12E+13 PB 2/29/2012 13 2 ######## 5/7/2019 9:53 RN TS
Spirit bound : 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2012 26 5 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 NW RN
Spirit bound : 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2012 39 11 ######## 6/26/2019 14:22 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2012 29 7 ######## 1/23/2019 16:21 SV TS
Choosing a community service career : 3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2012 3 2 ######## 2/1/2019 13:43 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/1/2012 4 1 ######## 2/1/2019 13:51 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 3/5/2012 19 3 2/5/2017 3/25/2019 12:13 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 7 ######## 2/6/2019 15:15 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 2 1 ######## 1/22/2019 11:29 SV NW
Little Rock girl 1957 : 3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 6 2 ######## 1/11/2019 13:40 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 1 2/8/2015 1/12/2019 13:43 RN RN
Diego's buzzing bee adventure / 3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 31 6 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 3 2 ######## 1/19/2019 16:52 RN NW
Reaching through time : 3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 7 1 ######## 3/7/2019 15:46 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 27 10 ######## 1/31/2019 12:54 SS RN
This hotel is haunted! / 3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 42 11 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 3/8/2012 49 11 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/9/2012 6 1 ######## 1/15/2019 11:20 SP SV
Claim of innocence / 3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2012 16 2 ######## 2/8/2019 17:00 SV SP
Deadly sins / 3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2012 20 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2012 12 5 ######## 5/28/2019 8:22 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/12/2012 20 2 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SV
3.12E+13 PB 3/14/2012 16 4 ######## 2/6/2019 15:17 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 3/16/2012 6 1 ######## 2/8/2019 10:58 SP NW
3.12E+13 PB 3/19/2012 43 5 2/5/2015 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SO
Getting ready to drive : 3.12E+13 PB 3/19/2012 3 1 ######## 9/10/2019 14:40 NV TS
Getting ready to drive : 3.12E+13 PB 3/19/2012 1 1 9/7/2014 2/4/2019 15:42 SS SS
3.12E+13 PB 3/19/2012 10 3 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SV NV
We love our mom! / 3.12E+13 PB 3/23/2012 64 23 5/8/2019 11/13/2019 11:42 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/27/2012 61 9 ######## 1/17/2019 15:23 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 3/28/2012 7 1 ######## 5/24/2019 10:58 IV RN
Strength training for teen athletes : 3.12E+13 PB 3/29/2012 5 ######## 1/29/2019 17:11 IV IV
Los Osos Berenstain y la regla de oro = 3.12E+13 PB 3/30/2012 14 3 ######## 5/24/2019 10:33 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/2/2012 16 4 5/1/2019 6/28/2019 15:26 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/4/2012 15 2 ######## 2/7/2019 16:59 SS SP
Agent Angus / 3.12E+13 PB 4/5/2012 3 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 NV SP
Agent Angus / 3.12E+13 PB 4/5/2012 1 8/7/2012 5/22/2019 13:51 SS SS
A perfect storm / 3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 31 8 ######## 12/5/2019 13:20 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 17 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 22 5 ######## 9/26/2019 13:19 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 16 5 2/2/2016 4/10/2019 17:22 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 11 ######## 2/20/2019 12:52 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 50 17 ######## 10/23/2019 9:45 SS TS
Dragon boogie / 3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 29 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 83 38 ######## 7/30/2019 12:59 NW SO
Winter's tail : 3.12E+13 PB 4/9/2012 7 3 ######## 2/6/2019 14:16 NV RN
Heads, you lose! / 3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2012 39 8 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SV
A night in terror tower / 3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2012 33 10 5/6/2015 4/16/2019 15:13 SO SP
Stay out of the basement / 3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2012 28 7 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SO RN
Weirdo Halloween / 3.12E+13 PB 4/16/2012 34 13 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SO SV
Tina, the detective = 3.12E+13 PB 4/24/2012 7 ######## 1/25/2019 13:14 SV SV
Jorge el curioso vuela una cometa = 3.12E+13 PB 4/24/2012 3 3 ######## 1/25/2019 13:10 IV SV
Margret and H.A. Rey's Curious George at 3.12E+13
the aquarium
PB = 4/24/2012 9 4 ######## 1/25/2019 13:21 SO SV
3.12E+13 PB 4/25/2012 18 4 ######## 2/8/2019 10:26 SS SP
3.12E+13 PB 4/25/2012 14 9 ######## 11/13/2019 12:41 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/25/2012 14 ######## 7/10/2019 10:48 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 4/25/2012 11 5 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/26/2012 6 1 ######## 3/1/2019 8:46 SS RN
3.12E+13 PB 4/27/2012 5 1 ######## 1/17/2019 16:53 IV IV
3.12E+13 PB 4/27/2012 2 1 ######## 3/12/2019 10:58 SO SO
3.12E+13 PB 4/30/2012 17 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 SP SV
The sins of Viscount Sutherland / 3.12E+13 PB 5/10/2012 20 3 4/9/2015 2/23/2019 15:55 SP SP
Cool biology activities for girls / 3.12E+13 PB 5/15/2012 4 4 1/3/2017 2/4/2019 13:06 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/15/2012 8 5 2/4/2017 6/24/2019 10:25 RN RN
The Plains Indian wars 1864-1890 / 3.12E+13 PB 5/15/2012 2 1 ######## 1/19/2019 16:35 SV NW
Deadly justice / 3.12E+13 PB 5/15/2012 9 1 ######## 11/21/2019 10:01 SP TS
When monsters escape / 3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 12 3 9/1/2015 12/13/2019 10:02 NV IV
Cape Mermaid mystery / 3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 39 24 4/8/2019 6/27/2019 9:34 RN TS
A breath of Eyre / 3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 9 4 7/8/2016 5/3/2019 17:47 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 19 4 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 33 5 ######## 7/1/2019 15:35 SP TS
Living violet : 3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 9 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:50 RN RN
Head over heels : 3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 32 11 5/2/2019 5/24/2019 8:21 NW TS
Ship of souls / 3.12E+13 PB 5/16/2012 2 ######## 5/3/2019 17:28 RN RN
Sudden death / 3.12E+13 PB 5/17/2012 11 1 ######## 2/11/2019 17:24 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 5/17/2012 6 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 NV SP
The agreement / 3.12E+13 PB 5/24/2012 7 ######## 5/23/2019 11:11 SS SS
Reunion / 3.12E+13 PB 5/27/2012 7 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:37 RN RN
Tanka Tanka Skunk! : 3.12E+13 PB 5/29/2012 31 15 ######## 12/20/2019 10:31 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 5/30/2012 5 3 ######## 2/8/2019 10:44 IV NW
3.12E+13 PB 5/31/2012 11 4 ######## 5/3/2019 9:14 NW RN
The blood of renegades / 3.12E+13 PB 5/31/2012 16 2 4/6/2019 8/21/2019 9:01 IV TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2012 16 5 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 6/1/2012 45 8 ######## 3/28/2019 12:54 NW TS
Die Sammler : 3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2012 1 ######## 5/9/2019 13:00 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/4/2012 10 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 RN SV
Batman versus Bane / 3.12E+13 PB 6/7/2012 24 5 ######## 12/13/2019 9:59 IV NV
3.12E+13 PB 6/7/2012 37 10 ######## 3/7/2019 12:21 SO TS
Chasing the sun / 3.12E+13 PB 6/7/2012 19 1 2/2/2019 3/6/2019 9:01 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/12/2012 17 9 ######## 1/8/2019 17:55 SP VE
3.12E+13 PB 6/19/2012 23 6 ######## 9/10/2019 11:59 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/21/2012 13 ######## 9/25/2019 15:18 SS RN
Alvin gets an A / 3.12E+13 PB 6/26/2012 46 18 ######## 8/5/2019 16:37 NV TS
Alvin gets an A / 3.12E+13 PB 6/26/2012 50 10 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 SV TS
3.12E+13 PB 6/26/2012 21 5 ######## 2/5/2019 12:04 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 6/27/2012 21 1 ######## 10/31/2019 8:36 SS TS
Hard luck money / 3.12E+13 PB 6/29/2012 18 2 ######## 3/27/2019 8:57 SS TS
In a witch's wardrobe : 3.12E+13 PB 7/3/2012 40 7 9/5/2019 10/3/2019 12:23 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/6/2012 50 9 9/2/2018 2/4/2019 14:51 SV RN
Gods & monsters : 3.12E+13 PB 7/9/2012 6 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SO RN
Surprise for Pocoyo / 3.12E+13 PB 7/9/2012 40 7 ######## 2/15/2019 13:15 RN TS
Mater and the little tractors / 3.12E+13 PB 7/9/2012 30 12 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 7/9/2012 25 7 6/8/2016 1/22/2019 9:06 SS RN
On the prowl / 3.12E+13 PB 7/10/2012 21 5 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 IV SO
Beguiling the beauty / 3.12E+13 PB 7/10/2012 16 4 ######## 1/11/2019 8:09 SO RN
The minority council / 3.12E+13 PB 7/10/2012 10 3 ######## 10/1/2019 15:36 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/12/2012 7 1 2/6/2016 2/1/2019 18:09 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 7/12/2012 13 3 ######## 3/28/2019 10:23 SS TS
I see the sun in Russia = 3.12E+13 PB 7/12/2012 6 1 ######## 5/24/2019 12:29 SS RN
Centaurs / 3.12E+13 PB 7/17/2012 5 ######## 2/4/2019 8:27 NV RN
Firebirds / 3.12E+13 PB 7/17/2012 2 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 SP NV
3.12E+13 PB 7/17/2012 19 10 2/7/2019 4/25/2019 10:52 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2012 25 6 5/8/2019 6/28/2019 10:48 SP TS
Facing the hunchback of Notre Dame / 3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2012 3 1 4/6/2015 1/15/2019 13:38 IV SV
3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2012 38 13 7/5/2019 7/17/2019 11:46 SO TS
A perfect storm / 3.12E+13 PB 7/19/2012 21 3 5/9/2017 1/22/2019 9:10 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 7/25/2012 26 10 3/9/2019 4/5/2019 15:54 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 7/30/2012 2 1 ######## 2/16/2019 11:39 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 8/1/2012 55 17 ######## 2/2/2019 10:09 SV TS
New friends / 3.12E+13 PB 8/8/2012 39 9 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 NV NV
Suspicion : 3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2012 3 ######## 5/3/2019 17:34 NW RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/9/2012 16 9 ######## 3/15/2019 11:20 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/13/2012 23 4 ######## 6/20/2019 8:40 SS TS
Tempest's fury / 3.12E+13 PB 8/13/2012 11 4 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
Princess Pigsty / 3.12E+13 PB 8/15/2012 7 1 ######## 1/16/2019 13:26 IV SV
3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2012 9 2 ######## 12/13/2019 10:02 RN SV
Samurai strike / 3.12E+13 PB 8/16/2012 26 4 2/4/2019 2/26/2019 9:39 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/20/2012 26 8 3/1/2019 3/27/2019 8:49 NW TS
Good girls don't / 3.12E+13 PB 8/20/2012 7 1 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2012 31 6 ######## 6/10/2019 9:09 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/21/2012 39 24 ######## 10/24/2019 8:58 NW RN
The Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy /3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 51 18 ######## 10/23/2019 9:34 IV TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 16 7 ######## 2/6/2019 14:11 SS RN
Batman versus Man-Bat / 3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 63 13 ######## 5/14/2019 11:48 RN TS
Batman versus Man-Bat / 3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 26 6 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV SV
Penny and her song / 3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 24 7 ######## 3/7/2019 15:25 IV TS
High wire / 3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 1 ######## 5/3/2019 17:19 SO RN
Rangers unite / 3.12E+13 PB 8/23/2012 43 5 ######## 6/25/2019 16:38 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 8/30/2012 12 2 ######## 4/23/2019 11:59 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/4/2012 33 14 ######## 4/15/2019 13:53 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2012 54 10 ######## 5/31/2019 13:44 SO TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2012 53 11 ######## 1/17/2019 14:15 SP TS
Christmas toys / 3.12E+13 PB 9/7/2012 23 5 ######## 10/4/2019 9:29 IV TS
Between Hell and Texas : 3.12E+13 PB 9/12/2012 24 2 ######## 5/9/2019 9:10 NV TS
The Santa pups / 3.12E+13 PB 9/13/2012 33 10 ######## 6/13/2019 11:18 NV TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/13/2012 40 12 ######## 2/5/2019 12:08 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/13/2012 32 10 ######## 2/4/2019 12:03 SO RN
City of orphans / 3.12E+13 PB 9/18/2012 14 2 ######## 1/31/2019 11:36 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/19/2012 28 6 4/1/2015 3/1/2019 8:46 NW SV
Let them eat stake / 3.12E+13 PB 9/19/2012 15 4 7/3/2018 3/27/2019 8:49 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2012 30 2 ######## 1/22/2019 9:06 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 9/20/2012 14 4 4/6/2015 2/23/2019 11:35 NW SP
Arts and culture in the early Islamic world 3.12E+13
/ PB 9/24/2012 6 5 ######## 1/30/2019 11:26 NW RN
The role of religion in the early Islamic world
/ PB 9/24/2012 1 1/7/2015 1/16/2019 17:16 NW NW
3.12E+13 PB 9/25/2012 40 7 ######## 10/17/2019 12:46 SP TS
3.12E+13 PB 9/25/2012 4 ######## 2/1/2019 13:35 SP RN
Invisible lines / 3.12E+13 PB 9/26/2012 9 2 ######## 1/15/2019 13:41 SO SV
Where's Waldo? / 3.12E+13 PB 9/27/2012 11 4 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 IV RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/5/2012 17 3 ######## 6/21/2019 14:18 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2012 3 2 ######## 1/18/2019 15:30 SV NW
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2012 4 8/1/2018 2/6/2019 14:11 SP RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2012 3 ######## 2/20/2019 16:15 SV SV
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2012 22 6 ######## 11/13/2019 11:31 NW TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2012 9 9 ######## 5/24/2019 9:45 NV RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/8/2012 4 6/2/2015 1/11/2019 13:45 SP RN
Do or die : 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2012 13 1 ######## 1/29/2019 13:35 SC RN
3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2012 46 7 ######## 5/8/2019 14:31 SS TS
Tempest's legacy / 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2012 7 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 RN TS
Tracking the tempest / 3.12E+13 PB 10/9/2012 7 1 ######## 4/26/2019 13:35 IV TS
Watch out, monsters about! / 3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2012 58 16 2/2/2019 4/15/2019 13:05 SP TS
Amazing fantasy / 3.12E+13 PB 10/11/2012 61 7 ######## 9/17/2019 10:08 SO TS
Id_entity. 3.12E+13 PB 10/16/2012 28 5 ######## 10/17/2019 12:31 RN TS
3.12E+13 PB 10/23/2012 5 1 ######## 1/10/2019 11:32 NV NV
Willa Bean's cloud dreams / 3.12E+13 PB 10/25/2012 12 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 IV IV
Willa Bean's cloud dreams / 3.12E+13 PB 10/25/2012 4 1 ######## 1/29/2019 15:43 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 10/29/2012 16 ######## 10/11/2019 15:20 IV IV
Be brave, Willa Bean! / 3.12E+13 PB 10/29/2012 11 1 ######## 2/14/2019 15:45 NV IV
3.12E+13 PB 10/31/2012 16 6 1/6/2019 10/31/2019 13:08 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/5/2012 57 13 ######## 1/19/2019 10:30 NV SP
3.12E+13 PB 11/5/2012 53 7 ######## 4/5/2019 15:55 SS TS
3.12E+13 PB 11/5/2012 48 13 ######## 1/19/2019 10:28 IV SP
3.12E+13 PB 11/5/2012 8 ######## 1/19/2019 15:06 SS SV
The jerk magnet / 3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2012 5 1 3/9/2015 3/28/2019 12:17 SP SV
The elusive bride / 3.12E+13 PB 11/15/2012 6 1 ######## 5/8/2019 8:56 SO RN
3.12E+13 PB 11/27/2012 3 2 4/7/2015 1/11/2019 13:45 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/1/2012 3 1 8/6/2013 5/3/2019 17:43 SV RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/4/2012 3 ######## 4/4/2019 11:10 SV SS
Mate claimed / 3.12E+13 PB 12/7/2012 16 1 ######## 3/22/2019 7:38 RN RN
3.12E+13 PB 12/11/2012 1 1 ######## 1/22/2019 16:22 SV IV
3.12E+13 PB 12/11/2012 1 9/1/2015 2/4/2019 16:33 NW SS
3.12E+13 PB 12/11/2012 28 5 ######## 4/23/2019 15:31 NV SV
A study in seduction / 3.12E+13 PB 12/11/2012 18 ######## 1/22/2019 9:10 SO RN
Why should I save energy? / 3.12E+13 PB 12/13/2012 9 3 7/2/2018 12/13/2019 7:38 RN RN
The missing golden ticket and other splendiferous
PB / 12/13/2012 11 2 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SV SO
3.12E+13 PB 12/13/2012 33 5 ######## 4/16/2019 15:13 NW NV
3.12E+13 PB 12/17/2012 12 4 ######## 1/31/2019 15:29 SP RN
Princess hearts / 3.12E+13 PB 12/17/2012 32 5 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 NV NW
3.12E+13 PB 12/19/2012 23 3 ######## 4/18/2019 11:05 SS RN
The stranger you seek : 3.12E+13 PB 12/19/2012 20 5 ######## 4/10/2019 16:47 RN SP
3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2012 21 7 ######## 1/24/2019 8:12 RN SO
Scooby-doo! and the zombie's treasure / 3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2012 20 4 ######## 10/21/2019 14:43 SO SP
3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2012 14 3 ######## 2/22/2019 12:36 SP SP
3.12E+13 PB 12/20/2012 7 4 ######## 2/8/2019 12:02

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