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1st Putnam 1938

Problem A1

A solid in Euclidean 3-space extends from z = -h/2 to z = +h/2 and the area of the section z = k is a
polynomial in k of degree at most 3. Show that the volume of the solid is h(B + 4M + T)/6, where B is the
area of the bottom (z = -h/2), M is the area of the middle section (z = 0), and T is the area of the top (z = h/2).
Derive the formulae for the volumes of a cone and a sphere.



Let the polynomial be az3 + bz2 + cz + d. Then the volume is ∫-h/2h/2 (az3 + bz2 + cz + d) dz = bh3/12 + dh.
But B + T = bh2/2 + 2d, M = d, so h(B + 4M + T)/6 = bh3/12 + dh, which proves the formula. For a sphere
radius R, we have h = 2R, B + T = 0 and M = πR2, so the formula gives 4/3 πR3, as usual. For a cone height
h, base area A, we have B = A, T = 0, M = A/4, so the volume is hA/3, as usual.

The original text of the problems and the official solutions are available in: A M Gleason, R E Greenwood &
L M Kelly, The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, Problems and Solutions, 1938-1964,
MAA 1980.

Out of print, but available in some university libraries.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
15 Sep 1999
Last corrected/updated 11 Nov 03
1st Putnam 1938

Problem A2

A solid has a cylindrical middle with a conical cap at each end. The height of each cap equals the length of
the middle. For a given surface area, what shape maximizes the volume?


Let the radius be R and the height H. The area is 2πRH + 2πR√(R2+H2). The volume is 5/3 πR2H.

The area is fixed, so for some fixed k, we have R ( H + √(R2+H2) ) = k. This gives H = (k2 - R4)/(2kR). We
must now choose R to maximise f(R) = R2H = R (k2 - R4)/2k. Evidently the allowed range for R is from R =
0 up to √k (corresponding to H = 0). But f(0) = 0 and f(√k) = 0, so the maximum is at some interior point of
the interval. Differentiating, we find it is at Rmax = (k2/5)1/4. In terms of the area A, we have A = 2πk, so
Rmax = (A/(π 2√5) )1/2.

Many thanks to Philip Ascher for correcting an error in the last line!

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
Last corrected/updated 22 Feb 03
1st Putnam 1938

Problem A3

A particle moves in the Euclidean plane. At time t (taking all real values) its coordinates are x = t3 - t and y =
t4 + t. Show that its velocity has a maximum at t = 0, and that its path has an inflection at t = 0.


The speed squared is (dx/dt)2 + (dy/dt)2 = 16t6 + 9t4 + 8t3 - 6t2 + 2. Let this be f(t). We have f '(t) = 12t(8t4 +
3t2 + 2t - 1). So f '(t) = 0 at t = 0. Also for t small (positive or negative), 8t4 + 3t2 + 2t - 1 is close to -1 and
hence negative, so f '(t) is positive for t just less than 0 and negative for t just greater than 0. Hence f(t) has a
maximum at t = 0. Hence the speed does also.

The gradient dy/dx = (4t3 + 1)/(3t2 - 1). Let this be g(t). Then g'(t) = 6t(2t3 - 2t - 1)/(3t2 - 1)2. Hence g'(0) = 0.
Also g'(t) is positive for t just less than 0 and negative for t just greater than 0, so it is a point of inflection.

Comment. This seems to be an entirely routine exercise in differentiation.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem A4

A notch is cut in a cylindrical vertical tree trunk. The notch penetrates to the axis of the cylinder and is
bounded by two half-planes. Each half-plane is bounded by a horizontal line passing through the axis of the
cylinder. The angle between the two half-planes is θ. Prove that the volume of the notch is minimized (for
given tree and θ) by taking the bounding planes at equal angles to the horizontal plane.


We find the volume of the notch above the horizontal plane. Suppose that the upper bounding half-plane is at
an angle φ to the horizontal. We may take the radius of the tree to be 1. A vertical section through the notch at
a distance x from its widest extent is a right-angled triangle with base √(1 - x2) and area 1/2 (1 - x2) tan φ.
Hence the volume is 2/3 tan φ. So the total volume of the notch is 2/3 (tan φ + tan(θ-φ) ). So we have to find
the angle φ which minimises (tan φ + tan(θ - φ). Differentiating, or otherwise, we easily find that the
minimum is at φ/2.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem A5

(1) Find limx->inf x2/ex.

(2) Find limk->0 1/k ∫0k (1 + sin 2x)1/x dx.


(1) Let f(x) = x3e-x. Then f '(x) = (3x2 - x3) e-x < 0 for x > 3. Hence f(x) < f(3) for x > 3, so x2 e-x < f(3)/x for
x > 3. Hence x2 e-x tends to zero.

(2) We use L'Hôpital's rule lim f(x)/g(x) = lim f '(x)/g'(x). Applied to the expression given it gives lim (1 + sin
2x)1/x. Write (1 + sin 2x)1/x = exp( 1/x ln(1 + sin 2x) ). So apply the rule again to 1/x ln( 1 + sin 2x) to get 2
cos 2x/(1 + sin 2x) which tends to 2. Hence (1 + sin 2x)1/x tends to e2 and so does the original expression.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem A6

A swimmer is standing at a corner of a square swimming pool. She swims at a fixed speed and runs at a fixed
speed (possibly different). No time is taken entering or leaving the pool. What path should she follow to
reach the opposite corner of the pool in the shortest possible time?


Answer: let k be the running speed divided by the swimming speed. For k > √2, the unique solution is to run
round the outside. For k < √2, the unique solution is to swim direct. For k = √2 there is no unique solution.
Run along a side to X, swim to Y equidistant from the corner between X and Y, then run from Y. The time
taken is independent of X.

We may take the side of the square to be 1, the swimming speed to be 1 and the running speed to be k. Let the
square be ABCD. Suppose the start is at A and the finish at C. Possible routes are (1) run to X on AB, swim
to Y on BC, run to C, (2) run to X on AD, swim to Y on CD, run to C, (3) run to X on AB, swim to Y on CD,
run to C. We start by considering case (1). Take BX to be x, BY to be y. Then the time taken is (2 - x - y)/k +
√(x2 + y2). Note that this includes the extreme cases of running all the way (x = y = 0) and swimming all the
way (x = y = 1).

Now (x - y)2 >= 0, with equality iff x = y, so (x + y)2 <= 2(x2 + y2) and hence (x + y) ≤ √2 √(x2 + y2), with
equality iff x = y. So if k > √2, then (x + y) < k √(x2 + y2) and hence 2/k < (2 - x - y)/k + √(x2 + y2) unless x
= y = 0 (when we have equality). Hence for k > √2, the unique solution is to run all the way.

If k < √2, then (x + y) ≤ √2 √(x2 + y2) implies √2 (√2 - √(x2 + y2) ≤ 2 - x - y and hence k (√2 - √(x2 + y2) < 2
- x - y unless x = y = 1 (when we have equality). So √2 < (2 - x - y)/k + √(x2 + y2) unless x = y = 1. In other
words, for k < √2 the unique solution is to swim all the way.

For k = √2 we have equality (in both the previous paragraphs) iff x = y. So any solution with x = y is optimal
in this case.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem A7

Do either (1) or (2)

(1) S is a thin spherical shell of constant thickness and density with total mass M and center O. P is a point
outside S. Prove that the gravitational attraction of S at P is the same as the gravitational attraction of a point
mass M at O.

(2) K is the surface z = xy in Euclidean 3-space. Find all straight lines lying in S. Draw a diagram to
illustrate them.


(1) Let Q be a point on S. The obvious coordinate is the angle θ = angle QOP. The density is ρ = M/4πr2. By
symmetry the attraction on P is towards O. Let the distance PO be d and the radius of the sphere be r. Let the
gravitational constant be G. The component of the attraction towards O (per unit mass at P) is G ∫0π r dθ 2 π r
sin θ ρ (d - r cos θ) (d2 + r2 - 2dr cos θ)-3/2. Note that the factor (d - r cos θ) (d2 + r2 - 2dr cos θ)-1/2 is needed
to resolve the force in the direction PO. Writing x = cos θ, this becomes 2G π r2ρ ∫-11 (d - r x)/(d2 + r2 - 2dr
x)3/2 dx.

This is not as bad as it looks. It is just the sum of a (1 - x)-1/2 and a (1 - x)-3/2 integral, both of which are
straightforward. Moreover, when we come to substitute x = ±1, the factor (d2 + r2 - 2dr x)1/2 becomes just d -
r or d + r. So we get after a little simplification 4 π r2ρ/d2 = MG/d2, which is the same result as if all the mass
was concentrated at O.

(2) We can write a general line as x = at + b, y = ct + d, z = et + f, for some constants a, b, c, d, e, f and a

parameter t which takes all real values. If this lies in z = xy, then et + f = ac t2 + (bc + ad) t + bd for all t.
Hence a or c must be zero. If a is 0, then z = by, so the line can be written as x = b, z = by. Similarly, if c = 0,
then the line can be written as y = d, z = dx. Conversely, it is easy to see that these two families of lines lie in
the surface.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem B1

Do either (1) or (2)

(1) Let A be matrix (aij), 1 ≤ i,j ≤ 4. Let d = det(A), and let Aij be the cofactor of aij, that is, the determinant
of the 3 x 3 matrix formed from A by deleting aij and other elements in the same row and column. Let B be
the 4 x 4 matrix (Aij) and let D be det B. Prove D = d3.

(2) Let P(x) be the quadratic Ax2 + Bx + C. Suppose that P(x) = x has unequal real roots. Show that the
roots are also roots of P(P(x)) = x. Find a quadratic equation for the other two roots of this equation. Hence
solve (y2 - 3y + 2)2 - 3(y2 - 3y + 2) + 2 - y = 0.


Answer: (2) The quadratic is A2x2 + (AB + A)x + (AC + B + 1) = 0. The quartic in y has roots 0, 1, 2, 2.

(1) We have ai1Ai1 + ai2Ai2 + ai3Ai3 + ai4Ai4 = d. But ai1Aj1 + ai2Aj2 + ai3Aj3 + ai4Aj4 = 0 for i not equal to
j (because it can be considered as an expansion of the determinant for the matrix derived from A by replacing
row i by row j - the resulting matrix has two identical rows and hence zero determinant). So if we multiply
the transpose of A by the matrix (Aij) then we get d down the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Hence d D = d4,
so D = d3.

(2) It is obvious that if P(x) = x, then P(P(x)) = x.

P(P(x)) = x is A(Ax2 + Bx + C)2 + B(Ax2 + Bx + C) + C = x. This is evidently a quartic and two of its roots
are those of Ax2 + (B - 1)x + C = 0. We could obtain the quadratic for the other two roots by multiplying out
P(P(x)) - x and factorising it. But it is sufficient to obtain the coefficients of x4, x3 and x0. This gives us the
sum of the four roots as -2B/A and their product as (AC + B + 1)C/A3. The sum and product of the two
known roots are -B/A - 1/A and C/A. Hence the sum and product of the other two roots are -B/A + 1/A and
(AC + B + 1)/A2, so the roots are the roots of the quadratic A2x2 + (AB + A)x + (AC + B + 1) = 0.

y2 - 3y + 2 = 0 has roots 1 and 2. So these values are also roots of (y2 - 3y + 2)2 - 3(y2 - 3y + 2) + 2 - y = 0.
The other two roots are also the roots of x2 + (-3 + 1)x + (2 - 3 + 1) = 0. These are obviously 0 and 2.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem B2

Find all solutions of the differential equation zz" - 2z'z' = 0 which pass through the point x=1, z=1.


Answer: z = 1/( A(x - 1) + 1).

We have z''/z' = 2 z'/z. Integrating, ln z' = 2 ln z + const, so z' = - A/z2. Integrating again: 1/z = Ax + B. But
z(1) = 1, so B = 1 - A.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem B3

A horizontal disk diameter 3 inches rotates once every 15 seconds. An insect starts at the southernmost point
of the disk facing due north. Always facing due north, it crawls over the disk at 1 inch per second. Where
does it again reach the edge of the disk?


Answer: at the northernmost point of the disk.

Take polar coordinates with r = 3/2, θ = 0 at the start. The equations of motion are dr/dt = - cos θ, r dθ/dt =
2rπ/15 + sin θ.

Differentiating the second equation: (dr/dt) (dθ/dt) + r d2θ/dt2 = (2π/15) dr/dt + (dθ/dt) cos θ. Substituting
from the first equation, 2 (dr/dt) (dθ/dt) + r d2θ/dt2 = (2π/15) dr/dt. Multiplying through by r and integrating
wrt t, we get r2 dθ/dt = (π/15) r2 + C, for some constant C. At t = 0, r = 3/2 and dθ/dt = 2π/15, so C = 3π/20.
Thus r2 dθ/dt = (π/15) r2 + 3π/20. But the original equation gives r2 dθ/dt = 2r2π/15 + r sin θ. Hence π r2/15 +
r sin θ = 3π/20 (**). Hence if r = ±3/2, we have sin θ = 0 and hence θ = 0 or π.

That is not quite enough to show that the insect reaches the edge again at θ = π. But we can treat (**) as a
quadratic in r and solve to get r2 = (sin2θ + (π/5)2)1/2 - sin θ. This shows that r first decreases, but then
increases again to ±1 at θ = π. We can rule out -1 because r2 is always positive, and r starts positive. So by
continuity it must always remain positive. Thus the insect next reaches the edge at the northenmost point of
the disk.

Many thanks to Melih Ozlem for pointing out an error in the original solution.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
Last corrected/updated 9 July 03
1st Putnam 1938

Problem B4

The parabola P has focus a distance m from the directrix. The chord AB is normal to P at A. What is the
minimum length for AB?


Answer: 3√3 m.

We may take the equation of P as 2my = x2. The gradient at the point A (a, a2/2m) is a/m, so the normal at (a,
b) is (y - a2/2m) = -m/a (x - a). Substituting in 2my = x2, it meets P at (x, y) where x2 + 2m2/a x - (2m2 + a2)
= 0, so the other point B has x = -(2m2/a + a).

Thus AB2 = (2a + 2m2/a)2 + 4m2(1 + m2/a2)2 = 4a2(1 + m2/a2)3. Differentiating, we find the minimum is at
a2 = 2m2 and is AB2 = 27m2.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem B5

Find the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the center of a rectangular hyperbola to a tangent. Obtain
its equation in polar coordinates and sketch it.


Answer: r2 = 2k2 sin 2θ. It is a figure of 8 with its axis along the line y = x and touching the x-axis and y-axis
at the origin.

Take the hyperbola as xy = k2. Then the tangent at (a, k2/a) is (y - k2/a) = - k2/a2 (x - a). The perpendicular
line through the origin is y = a2/k2 x. They intersect at x = 2k2/(a (a2/k2 + k2/a2) ), y = 2a/(a2/k2 + k2/a2). So
the polar coordinates r, θ satisfy tan θ = y/x = a2/k2, r2 = x2 + y2 = 4a2(k4/a4 + 1)/(k2/a2 + a2/k2) = 4a2(cot2θ
+ 1)/(tan θ + cot θ)2 = 4 a2 cos2θ/(sin2θ + cos2θ)2 = 4a2cos2θ = 4k2sin θ cos θ = 2k2 sin 2θ. Thus the polar
equation of the locus is r2 = 2k2 sin 2θ.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002
1st Putnam 1938

Problem B6

What is the shortest distance between the plane Ax + By + Cz + 1 = 0 and the ellipsoid x2/a2 + y2/b2 + z2/c2
= 1. You may find it convenient to use the notation h = (A2 + B2 + C2)-1/2, m = (a2A2 + b2B2 + c2C2)1/2.
What is the algebraic condition for the plane not to intersect the ellipsoid?


The tangent plane to the ellipsoid at (X, Y, Z) is Xx/a2 + Yy/b2 + Zz/c2 = 1. It is parallel to Ax + By + Cz + 1
= 0 iff X/a2 = kA, Y/b2 = kB, Z/c2 = kC for some k. But 1 = X2/a2 + Y2/b2 + Z2/c2 = k2(a2A2 + b2B2 + c2C2)
= k2m2, so k = ±1/m. There are two values corresponding to two parallel tangent planes (one on either side of
the ellipse). The equation of the tangent plane is k(Ax + By + Cz) = 1.

The distance of the origin from the plane Ax + By + Cz + 1 = 0 is 1/(A2 + B2 + C2)1/2 = h. The distance of
the origin from the tangent plane k(Ax + By + Cz) = 1 is h/|k| = hm. So if m ≥ 1, the plane Ax + By + Cz + 1
= 0 lies between the two tangent planes and hence intersects the ellipse. So in this case the minimum distance
is zero. If m < 1, then the distance between the plane Ax + By + Cz + 1 = 0 and the nearer tangent plane is
h(1 - m) and that is the required shortest distance.

1st Putnam 1938

© John Scholes
[email protected]
5 Mar 2002

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