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<h4><strong>[PDF] UKMT - IMC -
Intermediate Mathematical Challenge 2006 - Solutions.pdf | Plain Text</strong></h4>
ATHEMATICAL C HALLENGE THURSDAY 2nd FEBRUARY 2006 Organised by the United Kingdom
Mathematics Trust from the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds SOLUTIONS LEAFLET This solutions leaflet for the IMC is sent
in the hope that it might provide all concerned with some alternative solutions to
the ones they have obtained. It is not intended to be definitive. The organisers
would be very pleased to receive alternatives created by candidates. The UKMT is a
registered charity <br><br>1. CNote that and . So is half-way between them. 1 4= 6
24 1 6= 4 24 5 24 2. BThe configuration includes three pairs of small rings. The
rings in each pair are separate from the rings in the other two pairs so at least
three rings will need to be cut. If the ring in each pair which is connected to the
large ring is cut, then all of the rings can be separated. So the minimum number of
rings which need to be cut is three. 3. DThe values of the given options are 3, 7,
31, 63 and 127 respectively. All are prime, except 63. (Note that is never prime if
is composite. However, if is prime, is not necessarily prime. The smallest example
of this occurs for : .)2 c−1c p2 p−1 p=11 2 11 −1=23×89 4. EWhatever number is
placed in the fifth box, the median and mode of the numbers will both be 7. For the
mean to equal 7, the total of the 5 numbers must be 35. This means that the missing
number is 9. 5. BEach pyramid has five faces, but the square base of each one is
glued to the cube and therefore does not form a face of the star. So each pyramid
contributes four faces to the star. As there are six such pyramids, the star has 24
faces. (It can be shown that the height of each of the pyramids is . If, and only
if, the pyramids had been of height 1/2, however, then the angle between a
triangular face of the pyramid and its square base would have been . This would
result in the solid having 12 faces rather than 24, as pairs of triangular faces
would combine to form rhombi. The solid so formed is known as as a rhombic
decahedron: a space-filling polyhedron.)1/ 2 45° (Diagram from ). 6. A Turbo will take 3 hours to
complete the 12 miles, whilst Harriet will take 1 hour 30 minutes. So Harriet
should set off 1 hour 30 minutes after Turbo, that is at 9:45 am. 7. DStatements A,
B, and E may be made by the Queen of Spades, whether it is a day on which she is
telling the truth or a day on which she is lying. She may also make statement C
providing she is telling the truth that day. However, if she is telling the truth
on a particular day then she could not make statement D since that would be a lie.
Also, if she is not telling the truth on that day then she could not make statement
D either, since that would then be a true statement. So she cannot make statement
D. 8. CThe clock time in Melbourne when Sydney arrived was 32 hours (one complete
day and 8 hours) ahead of the clock time in London when he left. So he arrived at
7:30 pm on Wednesday. 9. DNote that one cannot remove two touching coins; for if
you did, any third coin originally making up a triangle with them would then be
slideable. Note also that it is possible to remove the centre coin and each of the
coins in a corner of the frame without enabling any of the remaining coins to
slide. However, as each remaining coin touched at least one of the removed coins,
it is not possible to remove any further coins. If, instead, a coin other than one
of these four was removed first, then it would be one of the middle pair of an
edge. Four coins would have touched this coin, so that would leave five possible
coins to remove. Four of the five coins would lie along an edge of the frame, with
two of these <br><br>forming a triangle with the fifth. Clearly, only one of the
three coins which form a triangle may now be removed, together with only one of the
other two coins as they are touching. So we conclude that the maximum number of
coins which may be removed is four. 10. BThe lunch bill and tip total £28, so Gill
and her friend should pay £14 each. As Gill has paid £25.50, she should now receive
£25.50 #f £14, that is £11.50. 11. CAt 8 o’clock, the obtuse angle between the
hands of the clock is 120°. In the following six minutes, the minute hand turns
though an angle of 36° whilst the hour hand turns through an angle of 3° in the
same direction (clockwise!). So the obtuse angle between the hands increases by
33°. 12. DThree of the shadows are possible, the first, third and fourth. The
diagrams below show four positions obtained by rotating a cube about , a line
through the midpoints of a pair of opposite edges. Three of the shadows in the
question correspond to three of these positions. Though the second shadow matches
the angles and four of the lengths given by the second position, it does not match
the other two lengths and so is not possible.XY XY XY XY XY In fact, the second
shadow corresponds to a cuboid which is half a cube, as shown alongside. XY 13.
ENote that % of of . So 2006% of 50 = 50% of 2006 = 1003.xy=y%x=xy/ 100 14. DThe
diagram shows that the two pieces will fit together to form a right-angled triangle
which has base 8 and height 6. The length of the hypotenuse , that is 10, so the
perimeter of the triangle is 24.= 62 +8 2 33 3 44 8 15. AThe mean of and is .1.2 •
2.1 • (1.2 • +2.1 •)÷2=3.3 • ÷2=1.6 • 16. BAl and Bertie have £55 between them, so
Chris and Di have £150 #f £55, that is £95, between them. As Al and Chris have £65
between them, the difference between the amounts Al and Di have is £95 #f £65. 17.
EThe profit made would be £14 999.50, which is 29 999 times the original price. So
that gives a profit of , that is 2 999 900%.29 999×100% 18. ENote that . So .4 x +4
x +4 x +4 x =4×4 x =4 x+1 x+1=16 19. BEach interior angle of a regular pentagon
is , whilst each interior angle of a regular hexagon is . The non-regular pentagon
in the centre of the diagram contains two angles which are interior angles of the
regular hexagon, two angles which are interior angles of the regular pentagon and a
fifth angle, the one marked . So . Hence .108° 120° x°x+2×120+2×108=5×108=540x=84
<br><br>20. DAs is clearly odd, the series may be written as . So . So , that is .
n1+[−2+3]+[−4+5]+ … +[−(n−1)+n] 1#f2+3#f4+5#f6+ … +(n−2)−(n−1)+n=1+1+ … +1 = 1
2(n+1) 1 2(n+1)=2006n=4011 21. ALet be the centre of the semicircle with diameter
and let produced meet the circumference of the larger semicircle at .TQR OT U By
symmetry, we note that is perpendicular to .OT QR As (radii of semicircle),
triangles TR=TO=TQ ORT OU PQ R S T and are both isosceles, right-angled triangles.
So is a right angle.OQT QOR By Pythagoras' Theorem: . So and the radius of
semicircle is .QR 2=OQ 2+OR 2=2 2+2 2=8QR= 8=2 2 QOR 2 The area of the shaded
region is equal to the area of semicircle plus the area of the quadrant bounded
by , and arc less the area of triangle . So the required area is .QOR OQ OR QU R
OQR 1 2π( 2)2+ 1 4π2 2− 1 2×2×2=π+π−2=2π−2 22. BFirst note that counters of the
same colour form diagonal lines across the board. The diagrams show the board
before and after the counters are added. In both cases, the board has been rotated
anticlockwise. Note that the red counters are shown as grey. 45° Now consider the
board to consist of 15 horizontal rows of squares, numbered from 7 to #f7 as shown.
The only rows in which the colour of the squares on the board matches the colour of
the counters are rows 7, 6, 1, 0, #f5 and #f6. These contain 1, 2, 7, 8, 3 and 2
squares respectively, so the required fraction is 23/64. 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -77 6
5 4 3 2 1 23. BTriangles and are similar since and .QPR RPS∠QPR=∠RPS∠RQP=∠SRP So .
Hence . So is 4 units long. PR PS = PQ PR PR 2=PQ×PS= 7 3× 48 7 =16PR (The
geometric mean of and is defined to be , so in this problem is the geometric mean
of and .) xy xy PR PQ PS 24. C Let be the radius of the circle. Then, in the
smaller square:r r2 = ( x)2 + (1 2 x)2 =x+ x 4 = 5x 4 and in the larger square: r 2
= (1 2 y)2 + (1 2 y)2 = y 4 + y 4 = y 2 So and we deduce that . 5x 4 = y 2 x:y=2:5
r r x 1 2x 1 2y 1 2y 25. D First note that as and are all non-negative, the values
of , and are all odd. However, the sum is even, so we deduce that cannot be even
and hence , that is . Now, for all positive integer values of and , the units digit
of is , that is 7. So the units digit of is 9 and we deduce that since 7, 49 and
343 are the only positive integer powers of 7 less than 2006. We now have , that is
. The only positive integer powers of 11 less than 2006 are 11, 121 and 1331. These
would require the value of to be 1945, 1835 and 625 respectively, and of these only
625 is a positive integer power of 5. j,lm5 j7l 11 m 5j+6 k+7 l+11 m 6k k=06 k=1jm
5 j+6 0+11 m 5+1+17 l l=2 5 j+6 0+7 2+11 m=2006 5 j+11 m=1956 5 j So .5 4 +6 0 +7 2
+11 3 =2006 <br><br>
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