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Are you struggling to find the right topic for your Arab-Israeli Conflict research paper?

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Arab-Israeli Conflict spans decades of political, social, and cultural tensions, making it a challenging
subject to navigate and analyze.

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We are learning about a conflict in the Middle East. I believe the Oslo declaration wasn’t as concrete
as it liked to be. Ask - How can someone have return to a place they’ve never been? Baker worked
for President Bush, who was prepared to get tough with the Israeli government. How can it be
occupied Arab land if no Arab state was. To introduce people to the conflict’s religious element, be
sure to use the complete. For months Netanyahu blocked the plan, agreed at Oslo II, for the Israeli
forces to pull out of most of Hebron. Both the Jews and Arabs are ancient Semitic individuals
sharing language, culture and religion (Tessler 2). The ordinance which was brought in 1948 was
made law in 1967 through a legislation extending the jurisdiction and administration of the state the
occupied land. As source C suggests, the involvement of other world powers probably caused
trouble more than peace, which The USA and USSR intended. So as to end the war quicker The
British expected to open another front to attempt and secure troops of Germany or one of its
partners. It would cause total up-heave if Jewish settlers were made to leave their homes in order for
the Arab refugees to have somewhere to live. The Jewish version of this period is told in the Bible.
Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900's. As of today they don’t have political or
public privileges nor do they have a lot of access to well- being or instructive services. Jews were
given the right to re-establish a sovereign Jewish state decades before the. Netanyahu was the winner
but only just, Shimon Peres got 1.47 million votes while Netanyahu got 1.50 million votes. To many
outsiders the election seemed to threaten peace between Jews and Palestinians. On this occasion Al-
Haq calls on the international community to take immediate and concrete action in response to
Israel’s continued policy of settlement expansion in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Digital
Technology Fundamentally Changed The Nature Of. The two main factors which caused the war, in
my opinion, are Nasser’s behaviour and oil. The peace conference took place in Madrid, Spain and
began in October 1991. The Arab pre-1967 version of “occupation” referenced in nearly every. The
Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 called for part of Palestine to be under British rule, part to be placed
under a. I will have the pleasure and honor to save Palestine. ” stated Transjordan’s King Abdullah
On April 26, 1948” (PALESTINE FACTS, 2009 ). The Arab leader, Sherif Hussein, agreed to help
defeat the Turks, on the condition that at the end of the war, the Arabs would get their freedom. A
third assumption is that most people who accept the Palestinian Arab narrative do so out of
ignorance, misinformation and misconceptions about this conflict. Characterize Israel, Gaza, and the
“West Bank” not as being on Arab land, Palestinian. NOTE: This document is organized so each
section may be read independently or. In fact, no other countries in the world have maintained such a
strong and long relationship with the US like Israel does.
As they had each others’ support they were able to attack in 1967 and 1973. Ask: “Justify saying
“Palestinian Conflict” before a Palestinian identity existed.”. My administration will be steadfast in
supporting Israel against terrorism and violence, and in seeking the peace for which all Israelis pray”
(Embassy of Israel, 2006) Jordan has an estimated population of 6,198,677 people living there
according to a 2008 estimate and the total are is 35,637 square miles. The Israeli officials state, per
Klein’s writing, “the number of Palestinian rocket attacks could now spike to 200 a day” (Klein,
2008). Retrieved 02 10, 2009, from Double Standards: doublestandards. Immigration exploded as
Jews sought to escape Europe. The peace conference took place in Madrid, Spain and began in
October 1991. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Christianity is the official state religion for 20 countries. The PLO and Israel responded with harsh
security and punitive measures, although PLO chairman Yasser Arafat sought to include Hamas in
the political process, appointing Hamas members to leadership positions in the Palestinian Authority.
Mandate were officially identified as Palestinian as evidenced by the listing of. T Kjeilen notes
“From its beginning to the end, the war lasted 132 hours and 30 minutes (less than 6 days)” (Kjeilen,
1996-2009 ). Until these days Israel is destroying Palestinians physically by murdering,
kidnapping,and detention. They deeply offended Palestinians because they saw it as a threat to their
holy places. The Arabs had many men in numbers but they weren’t united and didn’t fight quickly
enough, unlike the Israel. Conflict between Israel and Arabs (mostly Muslim) over land in Palestine
(many of the Arabs are referred to as Palestinians). In 1921 there were violent clashes between the
Jews and the Arabs this was caused by the influx of Jewish immigrants. I believe the Oslo
declaration wasn’t as concrete as it liked to be. In March 1997 Netanyahu announced plans for a
massive expansion of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem. Once again, the Israeli approach was a
key factor to their triumph. Rabbi Yehuda Alcalay, who lived in what is now Yugoslavia, published
the first Zionist writings in the 1840s. Jewish Diaspora, Romans, return to Israel What is Zionism. A
2004 estimate states there are 22. 7 million, including about 6 million expatriates living in Saudi
Arabia. There have certainly been great benefits to some parties to the conflict, for example, Israel,
Egypt, and Jordan, but in some ways its involvement has extended the crisis perhaps unnecessarily.
supplied artillery I believe they were strong enough to resolve the situation with passing the two
resolutions 242 and 338 that the Middle East is still working towards today. Israel’s actions in East
Jerusalem are in breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the principles of the convention are
applicable to the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Then the weapons that fought the wars wouldn’t
have existed. So as to end the war quicker The British expected to open another front to attempt and
secure troops of Germany or one of its partners. This is not the first conflict as such differences date
back in history when Israel engaged in war.
Ottoman territory for the Jewish homeland including Judea and Samaria be. Netanyahu was the
winner but only just, Shimon Peres got 1.47 million votes while Netanyahu got 1.50 million votes. To
many outsiders the election seemed to threaten peace between Jews and Palestinians. The message
from the Americans was that unless progress was made, American financial support might be
reduced. SS7H2 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East)
leading to the 21st century. a. Explain how European partitioning in Southwest Asia (Middle East)
after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict. This was exactly what the USA
had hoped for, due to the subject of one thing; oil. Ottoman land allocated for the Jewish homeland,
was an illegal defiance of the. Israel was created because of the League of Nations Mandate of 1922.
Judea and Samaria, part of the former Ottoman territory allocated exclusively for a. Jewish. Unlike
the massive movement of people after World War II, there was no. Lebanon totals 4034 square miles
and borders Syria and Israel. Retrieved 02 10, 2009, from The Christian Science Monitor: csmonitor.
Arab and Israeli Leaders: A Comparative Study The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is one of the oldest
and most complicated conflicts in the world. Though practically forgotten, these ideas took root
among a few European Jews. Led by Yasser Arafat, the group joined the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) in June of 1964. Both the Jews and Arabs are ancient Semitic individuals
sharing language, culture and religion (Tessler 2). Hamas' armed wing, the 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam
Forces, began a campaign of terrorism against Israel. Accordingly, the engagement of the external
forcesin the region’s affairs significantly contributed to tensions and conflict in the region. In the
December of 1973 he arranged ceasefires and began peace talks at Geneva. In 1988, the USA held
secret talks with Arafat and persuaded him to publicly reject terrorism. Other important issues that
fuel the conflict include the need to have control over the city of Jerusalem, which is a historical and
religious place. Retrieved 02 07, 2009, from Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia: thefreedictionary.
Jewish Diaspora, Romans, return to Israel What is Zionism. Rabin soon decided that he would have
to talk to Arafat. The changes that have occurred to make the peace deal possible are. Retrieved 02
07, 2009, from PALESTINE FACTS: palestinefacts. This disillusionment led to a great rise in the
influence and prestige of Fatah, the Palestinian organisation by Yasser Arafat. Arab-speaking
Muslims made up most of the population of the area once called. We are learning about a conflict in
the Middle East. This study encourages the depiction of a balanced portrait in all textbooks. Firstly,
the control that the Israeli and Palestinian Arabs have over their extremists and keeping the support
of the majority.
Until 1967, the term was used to identify people from a specific region, like Texans or. The Jews,
once inhabitants of Palestine, had emigrated and scattered over almost the whole of the earth’s
surface. The oil producing states of the Arab Gulf decided to exploit oil by raising the price of oil by
70% and cut oil production by 10%. Hamas denounced the 1993 peace agreement between Israel and
the PLO and, along with the Islamic Jihad group, subsequently intensified its terror campaign by the
use of suicide bombers. The war with Napoleon and subsequent misadministration by Egyptian and.
The Arabs assisted the British in conquering Syria and Palestine, and were eagerly awaiting the end
of the war when they would be able to claim back their lost freedom. However, it was right next
door to Palestine, and so it would greatly benefit Britain if the people who governed the
neighbouring Palestine, were friendly towards Britain and their interests. Membership within the
PLO has varied with the reorganizations and internal disagreements of its constituent bodies. In
2009, Israel instituted a ten-month unilateral building freeze while the Palestinian. This study
encourages the depiction of a balanced portrait in all textbooks. Accessibility, User Agreement,
Privacy, Payments Terms of Use, Cookies, CA Privacy Notice, Your Privacy Choices and AdChoice.
Even though they had supplied artillery I believe they were strong enough to resolve the situation
with passing the two resolutions 242 and 338 that the Middle East is still working towards today.
Bank” as anything other than liberated Israeli territory after the 19-year post-Arab. No other people
in history can pass refugee status to future generations because in all. In this war, American help was
extremely important because their help allowed Israel soldiers to block off attack coming from Syria.
Another assumption is that criticism of Israel is not a symptom of anti-Semitism unless special
standards or definitions are applied to the world’s only Jewish state. The third edition follows the
story from Oct 2003 up to the present day, taking into account the death of Arafat, the implications
of the recent Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the realignment in Israeli politics, and Hamas's electoral
victory. In 1916, the Sykes-Picot agreement was drawn up, dividing the Middle East up into large
areas. The assassination of Rabin was a terrible event for most Israelis. Although there was no
involvement of the USA and USSR in the 1956 war, they could be accused for causing the 1967
war, as their support and supplies made the Arabs and Israeli eager to resolve their conflict with war.
Fighting has been conducted by regular armies, terror groups, etc., and no casualties have been
restricted to the military. Local Palestinians refused to cut their links with Arafat. Another way to
refer to the Middle East is Southwest Asia. Pearson Education notates “In Jan. 2002, U. S. president
Bush announced that Iran was part of an “axis of evil,” calling it one of the most active state
sponsors of international terrorism” (Pearson Education, Inc., 2008) for this Iran is not aligned with
the United States or with Britain. In 1967 there was the infamous six-day war between Israel and
Egypt, the Jews defeated the Egyptians in the June of 1967. Many may argue the fact that they
stopped many of the wars but the factor that crushes these arguments is the selling of artillery to
these countries. In March 1997 Netanyahu announced plans for a massive expansion of Jewish
settlements in east Jerusalem. Timeless Aketi - Tribute to Arakunrin OluwaRotimi Akeredolu
Timeless Aketi - Tribute to Arakunrin OluwaRotimi Akeredolu The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1. I believe
the Oslo declaration wasn’t as concrete as it liked to be. Conclusion In a nutshell, the conflict
between Palestine and Israel was necessitated by an array of issues.
It is only intended to cover forcible transfers and to protect the local population from displacement.
Buraq. The al-Aqsa mosque was built on the site generally regarded as the area of the Jewish
temples. In November 1917, before Britain had conquered Jerusalem and the area to be known as
Palestine, Britain issued. From the late 1960s, the PLO organized and launched terrorist attacks
against Israel from its bases in Jordan. The Israeli forces took over Arab region in the north. They felt
the increase in Palestinians would make the Jewish state less secure. In short, Zionism movement
raised the opinion that Jews were fully entitled to Palestine and this in turn energized the Jews to
fight in order to have self-determinism.Therefore, this conflict may not have happened in the first
place without Zionism because the Jews would have never been interested in establishing their own a
Jewish state. Palestine had suffered from a lot of Israeli attacks since 1948, which is the day of the
Nakba that was a bloodshed to the Palestinians, thousands of Palestinians died, including men,
women, and children. The separate barrier issue became severe in 2002, when the Israel started
constructing an extension of network of fences and wall to prevent terrorists and suicide bombers
from reaching its civilians around. Israel in 1948. The territorial area of Israel is regarded by the
Jewish people as their historical homeland, and by. I believe that his behaviour and actions caused
the war in 1956. Zionists felt that British restriction of immigration to Palestine had cost hundreds of
thousands of lives. The Jews. Therefore, this commission drew up the Partition Plan. This is because
when finally there are peace deals struck someone always opposes the idea of it. Ask: “Justify saying
“Palestinian Conflict” before a Palestinian identity existed.”. East that included testimony from
official Arab representatives from 1919 through the. The resulting Israel-PLO accords, signed on
Sept. 13, 1993, by 'Arafat and the leaders of the Israeli government, included mutual recognition and
outlined a gradual transfer of governing authority to the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza
Strip over a five-year period. British that Palestine as a Jewish National home would be
ungovernable. They did help to end wars such as the Yom Kippur war; this was a pivotal war
because it made the whole world take notice of the trouble in the Middle East. What is essay writing
and types Kinds Of Essay Writing. In the January of 1974 the Jews and Egyptians agreed to
withdraw troops from and surrounding the Suez Canal, Israel also agreed with Syria to separate the
forces on the Golan Heights. They mean all Jewish communities and cities anywhere. Between 1933
and 1936 140,000 new immigrants arrived. In the summer of 1945, the Labor party came to power in
Great Britain. In a nutshell, the conflict between Palestine and Israel was necessitated by an array of
issues. However, most of the local population gradually accepted Islam and the Arab-. Jews west of
the Jordan River was never surrendered or revoked. It is difficult to resolve disputes and win the
public’s support when words have different. Under the kings David and Solomon the Jews reached a
peak of power in the 10 th century before Christ. At the same time, the most influential Jihadists,
including Hamas, believe that the conflict is a religious jihad.
Return’ if it applied to descendents of the rightful owners of their homes? Example - Say the “Party
of God” before saying Hezbollah. Point out that while the US, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Korea,
and several other. The west feared this alliance would spread and they allied with Israel to stop the
threat from spreading. Jewish Diaspora, Romans, return to Israel What is Zionism. Rationale: To refer
to a community as a “settlement” suggests it is a small new. British that Palestine as a Jewish
National home would be ungovernable. Egyptian-Israeli negotiations ensued and in March 1979,
Israel and Egypt signed a formal peace treaty “desiring to bring to an end the state of war between
them and to establish a peace in which every state in the area can live in security” (The Preamble of
the Camp David Treaty). Arab narrative du jour is wrapped in propaganda, myths, beliefs and
contradictions. It. The USA sent money, soldiers and weapons to Israel to help them fight the Arabs.
Peres had intended to give Palestinians greater powers and, possibly, an independent state on the
West Bank and Gaza. Terrorist organizations connected with the PLO have included the Black
September group of Fatah and the Popular Front for the Liberation General Command. There was an
upsurge of Hamas attacks on Israeli targets in December 1992. Oil did not have a part to play in
1967, however in the war of 1973, oil was a huge factor. During the seventh century (A.D. 600's),
Muslim Arab armies moved north from Arabia to conquer most of the. Product Identifiers Publisher
Bloomsbury Publishing USA ISBN-10 0897897552 ISBN-13 9780897897556 eBay Product ID
(ePID) 1914792 Product Key Features Author Elie Podeh Publication Name Arab-Israeli Conflict in
Israeli History Textbooks, 1948-2000 Format Hardcover Language English Publication Year 2001
Type Textbook Number of Pages 216 Pages Dimensions Item Length 9in Item Height 0.6in Item
Width 6in Item Weight 17.3 Oz Additional Product Features Number of Volumes 1 Vol. The Sykes-
Picot Agreement of 1916 called for part of Palestine to be under British rule, part to be placed under
a. As a result of the 1956 war, Britain faced an economic slump as the Arabs cancelled their supplies
to them. Admission Essays Annotated Bibliography Business Plan Case Study Coursework
Dissertation Essays Personal statement Presentation Report Research paper Research Proposal
Reviews Speech Term Paper Thesis. This let them stop the Syrians attacking from the north. This was
because Jews mainly controlled the Israeli government the Palestinians feared they would be
outnumbered and so fled. For the first time ever Israelis voted directly for their prime minister.
Israel, at that time had secure boarders as they occupied all Palestine i.e. the West Bank, Gaza Strip,
Golan Heights in Syria and Sinai Desert in Egypt. Bush stated, “We will speak up for our principles
and we will stand up for our friends in the world. Even though the number of Arab refugees and
displaced persons from the Palestine. For Israelis it is a process with the goal of reaching the goals as
stated in their. Retrieved 02 07, 2009, from FAS Intelligence: fas. However, Israel fought cleverly,
contrary to what sources B, F and G probably expected. High court of justice determined the
construction of wall in the OPT was legal in Beit Sourik case. (AL-HAQ, 2008). The USA depended
on the support of the Arabs, so became worried on the criticism that it received.
Oil did not have a part to play in 1967, however in the war of 1973, oil was a huge factor. This
compelled Israel to impose a military blockade in Gaza. Hussein protested that the Arabs of Beirut
would greatly oppose isolation from the Arab state, but did not bring up the matter of the area of
Jerusalem, which included a good part of Palestine. In Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and the
countries of North Africa, most people are Arabs, speak Arabic, and follow the Sunni branch of
Islam. Jews were given the right to re-establish a sovereign Jewish state decades before the. Like
Comment One 28 reviews 1 follower December 9, 2018 Very good 'short' summary. Two groups of
people are fighting over the same piece of land. Jordanian Arab invaders from across the Jordan
River in eastern Palestine occupied. Hostilities continued in the days that followed, and on fifth day
of the war, the Israelis mustered enough forces to remove the Syrian threat from the Golan Heights.
So, he did not find it odd or strange that Palestinian nationals and resistance. One of these was the
gentle persuasion from the USA. The British prime minister, Anthony Eden feared that Nasser “will
have to place their united oil resources under the control of a united Arabia led by Egypt and under
Russian influence. Christianity is the official state religion for 20 countries. Lastly, assuming that this
Terminology Guide will be used by people who are already. Arab Nationalism is an important factor,
however just having a goal in mind cannot cause a war, and I believe that it only made wars easier to
happen, as the Arabs would just wait for one tiny spark and start war. Talking Points (See Part I
Items “A - Palestinian” “B - Palestinian Land” “C - Occupation”). There were still main issues that
needed to be solved before there was a lasting peace between the conflicting states. Terrorist
organizations connected with the PLO have included the Black September group of Fatah and the
Popular Front for the Liberation General Command. Major factions within or associated with the
PLO include Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for
the Liberation of Palestine. Using accurate terms is a key weapon in countering the propaganda and
lies being used against Israel. The Middle East region has indeed faced more rivalry and conflict as
compared to any other region in the world.TheArab-Israeli conflict of 1948 was actually the first
instance of a bloody battle in the region triggered by the announcement of Israel’s independence in
the same year (Schulze 13).The 1948 war between Arab and Israel was triggered by many
international and intraregional factors combining to form a complex situation and a catalyst for war
(Hurewitz 73). The administrative and the legislative measures including expropriation of land and
properties which are affecting the legal status by the Israel was declared invalid and they cannot
change the actual status of the nation. The General Assembly resolved on 29-11-1947 that the
Palestine should be divided in to two separate countries in between Arabs and Jewish. Dixon St:
Israel palestine conflict essay Books. Gerner, D. One land, two peoples: The conflict over Palestine.
The crushing defeat which the Arabs endured meant that Nasser was even more eager for revenge
and to stimulate war in 1967 Nasser banned the Gulf of Aqaba to all Israeli ships and he also had a
united Arab world and soon war followed. The essential elements to successfully reengage Israel’s
detractors in the battle of narratives and public opinion are honesty. Rationale: The terms refugees
and refugee camps imply a humanitarian problem. Yassir Arafat was persuaded to publicly reject
terrorism. Even though new peace deals maybe achieved they will never be able to stick with two
nations histories dominated by war. The Arabs felt they were in danger of dispossession by the
Zionists, and did not.

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