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Task 1: Study the tables to help you understand how to use prepositions.


Use "at" for specific points in time or times.

● The concert starts at 7 PM.

● The movie starts at 8 PM.
● We'll have dinner at 7:30.


Use "in" for longer periods or when you want to express a general time frame.

● I'll finish the project in two weeks.

● She’ll return in three weeks.
● I like to read in the evening.


Use "on" for specific dates or days of the week.

● We will meet on Monday.

● They are going to Paris on June 3rd.
● I have a meeting on Friday

Task 2: Study how at / in / on is used in these expressions:


in the morning at night on Monday mornings

in the mornings at the weekend on Sunday mornings

in the afternoon (s) at Easter / Christmas on Tuesday afternoons

in the evening (s) at the same time on Friday evenings

We do not use at / in / on when we use the expressions last, next, every, and this.
Example: Gloria went to Paris last April. (not “in last April”)

ESL Pals 1 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the sentences using at / in / on. Use the theory from exercise 1 as a guide.

1. Jack is arriving _______ June 14th.

2. He starts his new job _______ Monday.

3. They usually go to Italy _______ the summer.

4. Jack is going to eat his lunch _______ 12:30 pm.

5. Tom likes to read his book _______ the mornings before work.

6. The weather is often beautiful in Buenos Aires _______ January.

7. Laura goes to the library to study for her exam _______ the evenings.

8. I have to take my son to school _______ Monday.

9. You should order a taxi if you are out alone _______ night.

10. Kim is leaving her job _______ 6 weeks.

11. She is going to play football and go to the gym _______ the weekend.

12. _______ Friday evenings, Scott and Mark go to the gym.

13. He bought a new car _______ July.

14. Hannah is having a party _______ October 14th.

15. _______ the weekend, Frank and John are going to the new restaurant in town.

16. Julie and Darren are excited to see their nephews _______ Christmas day.

17. Leigh goes to bed _______ midnight.

18. She is going to Paris _______ Monday morning _______ 9:00 am.

19. The Spice Girls were popular _______ the 1990’s.

20. Katie is coming to visit _______ 11:00 am _______ Sunday.

ESL Pals 2 Grammar Worksheet

Each sentence uses the prepositions at / in / on incorrectly. Can you correct each one?

1. Tom’s birthday is on June.

2. People spend more time with their families in Christmas Day.

3. My birthday is at Tuesday.

4. John received a phone call on midnight.

5. Sarah wore a scary costume in Halloween.

6. I went to university on 2014.

7. I have English class at Mondays.

8. He is going to watch football in the weekend.

9. My mum likes to watch TV at the evenings.

10. He needs to go to the shop before it closes in 9:00 pm.

11. The children like to go to the park on the morning.

12. In November 14th, I am going to Paris.

13. Bob likes to play football at the afternoon.

14. My mum comes home to eat on lunchtime.

15. Fred was born at June 14, 2014.

ESL Pals 3 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the dialogues with the correct preposition of at / in / on.

John: Are you going on vacation _______ July?

Ken: Yes, I am going to Thailand _______ July 14th.

John: _______ what time is your flight?

Ken: It is _______ 9:00 am. Are you going on vacation _______ July?

John: No, but I’m going to London _______ August.

Ken: London is amazing. I went there _______ 2014.

Dialogue 2

Hannah: What are you doing _______ Sunday?

Beth: I am going to watch football _______ the morning.

Hannah: Ok cool. Do you want to hangout _______ Sunday afternoon?

Beth: Yes, I’m free _______ the afternoon. What do you want to do?

Hannah: We can go to the cinema. The new James Bond film starts _______ 3:00 pm.

Beth: That sounds great. Let's meet at the cinema _______ 2:30 pm.

Dialogue 3

Danny: Is it your birthday _______ Tuesday?

Laura: No, my birthday is _______ Wednesday.

Danny: Are you having a party _______ the weekend to celebrate?

Laura: Yes, _______ Saturday. Do you want to come?

Danny: Yes, sounds great! _______ what time does it start?

Laura: It starts _______ 8:00 pm. See you there!

ESL Pals 4 Grammar Worksheet

Answer the questions below. Use the correct preposition of at / in / on in your answers.

1. What are you going to do at the weekend?

2. Do you normally wake up at 7:00 am?

3. What do you do in the morning? Describe your routine.

4. Do you normally go to bed at 10:00 pm?

5. What do you do in the evening after work / school? Describe your routine.

6. What do you normally do on Saturday mornings?

7. What are going to be doing at 10:00 am tomorrow?

8. What was your job in 2014?

9. Is your birthday in June? If not, when is it? Describe your last birthday party.

10. What do you normally do on Christmas day?

11. Do you make new year's resolutions in January? Describe them.

12. What will your job be in 2030?

13. Where will you be living in 2040?

14. Do you like to play sport at the weekend?

15. Do you prefer to study English in the mornings or in the evenings?

ESL Pals 5 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the sentences using at / in / on. Use the theory from exercise 1 as a guide.

1. I'll be ready to present my project __________ an hour.

2. The train is departing __________ 2:30 PM.

3. Our family tradition is to gather together __________ Christmas Day.

4. We're going to the beach __________ the afternoon.

5. He promised to call me back __________ an hour.

6. I have an important appointment __________ Monday.

7. She is going to graduate __________ May.

8. They're planning to move to a new city __________ a few months.

9. I have a dentist appointment __________ 10 o'clock.

10. The conference is scheduled to start __________ March 15th.

11. Dinner will be served __________ 7:00.

12. We always celebrate our anniversary __________ the 10th of October.

13. The party is happening __________ Friday night.

14. I am leaving __________ half an hour.

15. She is arriving __________ October 3rd.

ESL Pals 6 Grammar Worksheet

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