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Implications of urban expansion on land use and land cover:

towards sustainable development of Mega Manila,
Binaya Kumar Mishra . Kafungwa Mebeelo . Shamik Chakraborty .
Pankaj Kumar . Arjun Gautam

Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract Planning of land use and infrastructure in built-up area experienced the highest net gain of
advance for a population that is projected to grow 90.96%. Two future scenario maps were projected to
rapidly is highly important for its sustainable devel- indicate the potential effects of urban expansion on
opment. A correlative approach of land use shifts and forested areas near study area. Urban expansion was
infrastructure design is perhaps the best sustainable predicted to expand by 897.16 sq. km (36% gain) with
urban development option that can be made at present. protected area scenario. Contributions to this gain
This paper is aimed at suggesting policy foresight, in were projected to come from agricultural land of
terms of infrastructure and land use management of 274.94 sq. km, identified as one of the major contrib-
Mega Manila. Using Land Change Modeller, this utors to urban expansion. Following the analysis, the
study assessed landscape pattern, change process and paper argues that land use management plan should be
future scenario of land changes in the study area. The revised in the Mega Manila city to reduce the loss of
land use/landscape change pattern, with vulnerability protected areas and anthropogenic impacts.
analysis and predicting 2030 land use maps, enabled
us to understand impacts of urban expansion on Keywords Land use change  Vulnerability  Urban
different land use sectors. Overall analysis of gains planning  Manila
and losses in different land use categories across
different sectors between 1989 and 2010 indicated that

B. K. Mishra  A. Gautam
School of Engineering, Pokhara University, Lekhnath,
Considering the spatio-temporal scale of its effect,
urbanization is assumed as biggest anthropogenic
K. Mebeelo alteration on earth and its environment (Patra et al.
Lusaka Water Security Initiative, Lusaka, Zambia 2018). According to the World Economic and Social
survey report (2013), about 2.5 billion people were
S. Chakraborty
Faculty of Sustainability Studies, Hosei University, added to the global urban population between 1950
Tokyo, Japan and 2010. This included a net addition of 1.3 billion
people to small urban centres, 632 million people to
P. Kumar (&)
medium urban centres, and 570 million people to large
Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services, Institute for
Global Environmental Strategies, Kanagawa, Japan urban centres. Since the declaration of human rights in
e-mail: [email protected] 1948, cities and towns are believed to be a basis of

sa city ang basis ng primary living standards because of many benefits GeoJournal

primary living standards because of the many benefits approach. According to Helming et al. (2008),
city spaces provide to the improvement of human sustainability impact assessments (SIA) is inherently
wellbeing (Human Development Report 2016). The difficult because they often require researchers and
United Nations Population Division marked 2007 as a policy advisors to compare things that are not easily
year when the number of people living in urban areas compared. It is argued that understanding cities’
became more than half of the world’s total population. sustainability includes social and economic develop-
The global urban population has further been pre- ment, environmental management and urban gover-
dicted to exceed 70% by 2050, estimated to be 6.25 nance. Several studies have explained that a high
billion, and about 80% of this figure has been population density and compact urban design require
projected to live in developing nations and highly walkable neighbourhoods and mass transit alternatives
concentrated in Africa and Asia (UNDESA 2014). (Kenworthy 2019).
Ismail (2014) reported that at regional level, over the Sustainable city design considers the environmen-
past decades, the south-east Asian region has seen tal land use patterns’ impacts, accepting that the
progressive increase in both the geographic and people living in any city minimise their inputs of
population size of its cities, with a doubling period energy, water, food and waste output, air pollution
of 25 years (760 million in 1985, to 1.6 billion by (carbon emissions) and water pollution. In 2013, the
2010). However, rapid but unplanned urbanization United Nations Department of Economic and Social
results into serious environmental consequences such Affairs reported that the land use patterns and
as loss of crop production areas, loss of biodiversity, urbanisation have been diverse within developing
increase in water scarcity, increase in environmental countries and between developing and developed
pollution, reduced food security, and deterioration in countries. Urban expansion in developing countries
people’s living standard among others. Rapid urban- has followed a rapid pace and concentrated in capital maraming
ization also, however has positive impacts such as rise cities. Seto et al. (2010) argued that concentrated tao, mas
in land value, job opportunities. Henceforth Rapid populations can save land for agriculture, wildlife and need ang
urbanization deserve better and pro-active attention habitat by using less land for urban development. developm
(Mundhe and Jaybhaye 2014; Wang et al. 2016). However, the trade-offs between urban opportunity, ent
City planning designs that are believed to support urban sustainability, urban governance and environ-
anthropogenic impacts on earth’s natural systems is mental challenges of the 21st century such as climate pag
reported largely lacking in comparison to high rate of change and unsustainable land use shifts being fuelled tumaas
population growth. However, if global utilisation of by the high rates of regional population growth and populati
natural resources is to evolve into efficient consump- demand for natural resources have become difficult to on, ang
tion patterns, urban sustainability has to be a priority. foresee. This trade-off between population growth and trade off
nun ay
However, achieving urban sustainability in rapidly demand for natural resources are evolving with time mas
expanding cities with little or no control from local and achieving sustainability across all national sectors bumaba
authorities is a real challenge in today’s world. strongly depends on how regional authorities respond ba ang
Shlomo et al. (2011) and Bren d’Amou (2017), by wisely managing land uses, including expansion of natural
reported that based on current density decline rates urban areas, and natural resource consumption pat- s
for the past decade, the world population is still terns. McDonald et al. (2008) reported that the (farms)
expected to double in 43 years, and urban land use transformation of contemporary patterns of urbanisa- kasi
land cover will double in only 19 years. Considering tion: footloose international capital, urban governance tayuan
this rapid expansion of urban land use research and and institutional structures, and agglomeration forces ang
actions toward building urban resilience for complex the distance between protected areas and cities to mga
mega-cities (the capacity of the city to function so that shrink dramatically in some regions. McDonald et al. lupa ng
bahay /
its inhabitants, particularly the poor and vulnerable, (2008) also reported that the median distance from a buildings
survive and thrive no matter what stresses or shocks protected area to a city in Eastern Asia was predicted
they encounter) is urgently needed. to fall from 43 to 23 km by 2030. Most of the protected
For this reason, achieving urban sustainability or areas are likely to be impacted by the new urban
transforming city designs into sustainable cities con- growth from low to moderate-income nations, where
cept by 2030 requires an integrative assessment there are institutional limits to support the capacity to


adapt to anthropogenic and climate change impacts of protected area, Government’s efforts to curb defor-
urban expansion on land use change and forestry estation due to timber smuggling was reported largely
(LUCF). ineffective Deforestation of Philippines’ forests come
Therefore, as urban expansion occurs in any from both legal and illegal mining operations. Several
regional or global city, it adversely affects the carbon studies have linked deforestation to soil erosion, river
sink areas such as forest and vegetation lands within siltation, flooding and drought. In order to fully
and beyond the city. Seto et al. (2010) explained that understand the link between forest land loss and urban
urbanisation creates heavily human-dominated land- expansion, this study was conducted through mod-
scapes and drives local and regional environmental elling the land use changes to generate policy strate-
changes by transforming land use land cover (LULC), gies for building sustainable resilient Mega Manila
hydrological systems and biogeochemistry. For exam- city by the year 2030.
ple, Philippines Forest Management Bureau of the This paper tries to analyse the impact of urban
Department of Environment and Natural Resources expansion through the proposed transport infrastruc-
(FMB-DENR) report (2013) suggests that, the forest ture under Mega Manila dream plan on land use
cover of the Philippines decreased by 3286.82 sq. km change and forestry (LUCF) around in the Mega-
or 4.59% from 71,684 sq km in 2003 to Manila region. Transport infrastructure has been
68,397.18 sq km in 2010 at an annual rate of change identified as one of the most potent factors that leads
in the area of 469.54 sq. km. Over a long-term to urban expansion as they affect mobility of people
perspective between 1990 and 2010, the annual rate (Cheng and Masser 2003; Gao and Li 2011; Iizuka
of loss increases to 547.5 sq. km/year. According to et al. 2017). This paper provides results for (a) actual
Hansen et al. (2013) annual rate of loss of forest cover changes between 1989 and 2010, and (b) projected
in the Philippines is 514 sq. km/year, which is slightly changes from 2010 to 2030. Using ArcGIS Land
lower than the national figure i.e. 1353 sq. km/year. Change Modeler (LCM 2.0), implicational scenarios
Unfortunately, national level data does not provide a for planned 2030 transport infrastructure were
very tangible argument to formulate downscaled assessed to predict the impact of the ongoing road
database to develop local city level strategic urban and mass transit rail systems projects on the land use
plans for sustainable city design. sectors patterns. Projection of future land use maps
Saatchi et al. (2011) emphasise the importance of without constraint (protected area) and with constraint
forestland in the Philippines through a conscience (protected area) layers for 2030 were generated and
study that forests stores 663 million metric tonnes of used to support the analysis of the impacts of urban
carbon in living forest biomass. Protected areas are expansion on land use change and forestry (LUCF).
home to the estimated 1196 known species of The use of integrative approach through the use of
amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Unfortu- constraints, distance from major roads, proximity to
nately, 14.7% are threatened towards extinction the rail line, slope and aspect were used. The use of
(World Conservation Monitoring Centre 2004). The static and dynamic variables improved the accuracy of
biodiversity in forest and vegetation lands of the results and also, enabled consideration of Philippines
Philippines are home to at least 8931 flora species of Government laws and regulations in the modelling
vascular plants, of which 39.2% share are endemic and analysis. United Nations Framework Convention on
about 5.1% are protected under IUCN categories I–V. Climate Change, National Statistical Office (NSO)
Value for average carbon density for 10%, 20% and and United Nations Department of Economic and
30% tree cover is 111, 118 and 120 tC/ha respectively Social Affairs (UNDESA) reports were reviewed for
as shown in Table 1. The Philippines’ widespread analyzing carbon emissions and population data.
logging industry has always been termed responsible Finally, conscience implicational scenario analysis
for forest depletion. In 1980s and early 1990s, of these land use changes were carried out to
considering severe flooding at that time due to understand the study area landscape pattern, change
excessive deforestation, the government banned tim- analysis and change process techniques. The land use
ber harvesting so that incidences of frequent flooding maps of recent past and future (2030) were generated
could be reduced. Considering only about 5% of the and used to explain the change analysis for the impacts
Philippines national forests exist in some form of of urban expansion.


Table 1 Average carbon Forest definition (canopy cover %) 10% tree cover 25% tree cover 30% tree cover
density of Philippines forest
cover Adapted from Saatchi Forest area (Million ha) 21 13 11
et al. (2011)
Aboveground forest carbon (Mt C) 1810 1176 1068
Belowground forest carbon (Mt C) 502 324 293
Total forest carbon (Mt C) 2312 1500 1361
Average carbon density (t C/ha) 111 118 120

Study area and data city.Population estimates revealed that half of total
urban population of Philippines are concentrated in
The study area, Mega Manila consists of 5 provinces Mega Manila. Out of total urban population of
including National capital Region (NCR) of 59,220,000 of Philippines, Mega Manila is predicted
Metropolitan Manila, Bulacan, Rizal, Laguna and to have 29,390,000 by the year 2030 (Fig. 2). Static
Cavite (Fig. 1). Bulacan is the largest in terms of and dynamic driver variables for land change model-
spatial form while Metropolitan Manila or NCR is the ing is shown in Fig. 3. The road network is compact in
economic powerhouse of the Philippines republic. middle (Metro Manila) of the city and leads to ports
The total population of the Mega Manila has and out to other provinces. The rail line network cuts
increased to 24,889,000 in 2016 from 12,934,000 in through the middle of the city connecting the north to
1989. Urban expansion is expected to continue in the the south. Most of the city is established along river

Fig. 1 Study area location

Sources: NEDA and JICA


Fig. 2 Graphs illustrating population of provinces in, total urban population, and percent share of Mega Manila

systems Urban expansion is reaching even high slope Image classification

land area as shown in Fig. 3.
Land use land cover maps were prepared using
Landsat satellite images. The image classification
Methods process used supervised classification method. Land
use/land cover map for years 1989 and 2010, which
Flowchart for Land Change Modelling (LCM) is were used as input for modelling, is shown in Fig. 5.
shown in Fig. 4. It covers following steps:


Fig. 3 Dynamic and Static driver variables as input for land change model (LCM)

Land change modeler for arc GIS 2.0 indicated in the Fig. 4, land use maps of 1989 and
2010 were the first inputs for the modelling process.
To understand the extent of urban area expansion from Thereafter, the model was used to generate transitional
1989 to 2010, a change analysis using land change potentials through the use of Multi-Layer Perceptron
modeller was carried out. More data were acquired neural network option tool in LCM model. Using the
and prepared for the modelling process using Arc GIS. LCM model, a 2030 land use map was generated.
As shown in Fig. 4, static driver variables of land use However, since this study focuses on understanding
change included digital elevation model, aspect and the impact of urban expansion on forestry sector, two
slope of the terrain. Dynamic variables included scenario models were carried out including planned
distance to major roads in 2010 and proximity to the transport infrastructure network as envisioned in the
rail line. Thereafter, prediction process was carried out Philippines authorities transport infrastructure dream
to provide how possible urban expansion might impact plan 2030. A digitized map indicating a rail network of
on the land use change and forestry (LUCF) between 75 km subway from San Jose Del Monte to Dasman-
2017 and 2030. nas, NLEX-SLEX express roads connecting ports,
91 km elevated North–South Commuter rail with
Change prediction modern high capacity train from Malolos through
Tutuban to Calamba planned infrastructure for 2030
As first step, land use map and driver variables data was used as input for change prediction (NEDA and
preparation was done and matched spatially. As JICA 2014). Thereafter, two scenarios were


Fig. 4 LCM modelling flow chart

developed, first one without protected areas (con- Land use pattern analysis
straint) layer and the other was carried out with
constraint layer. Using the constraint layer during the Cover and Thomas (2006), explains that in statistics
model represents the national designated protected and information theory a maximum entropy probabil-
lands within the city borders. The protected areas ity distribution has an entropy that is at least as great as
zones or constraint zoning model input layer included that of all other members of specified class of
three forest reserves namely Angat, Angat Pilot probability distributions. According to the principle
Project, Dona Remedios Trinidad-General Tinio, and of maximum entropy, if nothing is known about a
Marikana; one protected landscape/Seascape namely distribution except that it belongs to a certain class
Pamitinan; and four National Parks namely, Mount (usually defined in terms of specified properties or
Banahaw-San Cristobal, Mount Palay–Palay, Mount measures), then the distribution with the largest
Makiling, Biak-na-Bato and Hinulugang Taktak. entropy should be chosen as the least-informative
One of the limitations of the study was the accurate default. Cover and Thomas (2006) further explains
identification of which land was agricultural or that the motivation is twofold: first, maximising
vegetation-land use sectors. Because this might have entropy minimises the amount of prior information
been affected by the agricultural season across the city built into the distribution; second, many physical
and type of crop grown during the period the satellite systems tend to move towards maximal entropy
image was captured. However, since the study focused configurations over time.
on how much built-up area land increased and gained For this study, a Normalised Entropy method was
from other land use sectors including vegetation and used to understand the land use pattern analysis.
agriculture. Having vegetation or agricultural land According to Clark’s lab, it is Shannon’s Entropy
could not affect the accuracy result of urban area measure normalised by the maximum entropy for the
expansion. number of land cover classes involved. Another

di makaka-affect ang agricultural land sa study kasi

about lang ang study sa gaano kalawak ang
masasakop na lupa galing sa ibang land use sectors

Fig. 5 Land use maps were generated as input for Land Change Modeller (LCM)

common term for this measure is Diversity. It is patches present within each class between the 1989
calculated over the local neighbourhood of each pixel, and 2030 periods to changes in their areas and
defined as either a 3 9 3, 5 9 5 or 7 9 7 neighbour- perimeters. The output change process map where
hood. The formula is as follows: each land cover class is assigned the category of
X change that it is experiencing: deformation, shift,
E¼ ðp  lnð pÞÞ= lnðnÞ perforation, shrinkage, enlargement, attrition, aggre-
where p is the proportion of each class within the gation, creation, dissection, and fragmentation. How-
neighbourhood, ln is the natural logarithm and n is the ever, that while the output is in the form of a map, it is
number of classes. The result is an index that ranges not spatially explicit—i.e., the process attributed to a
from 0 to 1 where 0 indicates a case where the land land cover category is uniform over the entire Mega
cover is uniform within the neighbourhood and 1 Manila city.
indicates maximum diversity possible of land covers
within the neighbourhood.
Results and discussion
Change process analysis
Change analysis between 1989 and 2010
Bogaert et al. (2004), describes the change process as
an option that compares the earlier and later land cover Land use land cover maps for year 1989 and 2010 were
maps and measures the nature of the change underway prepared as input for land change modeller process.
within each land cover class. It is an optional step in Accuracy assessment was carried out using Google
the implications platform of land change model Earth pro and Arc GIS. Result indicated that 2010
software. It does this by using a decision tree Land use land cover map has a 72% accuracy rate with
procedure that compares the number of land cover a Cohen’s kappa value of 0.907. The 1989 land use
map on the other hand indicated 89% accuracy rate


Fig. 6 Change prediction incorporated protected and planned transport by 2030 layers
mas dumami ang non-forest land compare to forest land (siguro due to urbanization)
and a Cohen’s kappa value of 0.866. Figure 6 land experienced a significant land loss at 33.68%
illustrates the supervised classification process out- change. Transitioning change map was generated to
come; and the planned digitised Euclidean distance understand which land use sector gained more land
transport infrastructure map and protected area lands from the forestland. As shown in Fig. 9, vegetation
in the city. gained 2938.36 sq. km of land from forests, built-up
Our results show that there has been a wide range of area 1124.43 sq. km, agriculture gained
forest land changing to other land use sectors between 300.63 sq. km and water bodies 25. 88 sq. km.
1989 and 2010 (Fig. 6). Based on these changes, a
resulting 2030 land use map was also generated to Land vulnerability and future scenario maps
indicate how much forestland might be there by 2030
(Fig. 7). Transitioning of land from forest sector to Since the continuity and connectivity of landscape and
other land use sectors indicated a rapid change mixed land use patterns undergoes a change process
between the years 1989–2010 (Fig. 8). Here, Fig. 8a and follows a certain landscape pattern; a landscape
shows gains and loss across different land use sectors, pattern and change process analysis were carried out in
while Fig. 8b shows net land use change across order to understand the probabilities of future change.
sectors, between 1989 and 2010. With a total net loss This analysis was carried out because the connectivity
of forest land of 4389.30 sq. km in 21 years, actual of landscape and mixed land use can change the
land use shifts from forest land were gained by provision of ecosystem services, affecting sustainabil-
agriculture, vegetation and built-up area. A net gain ity conditions. As shown in Fig. 10, a landscape
for vegetation land and build-up area from 1989 to change pattern map indicated an overall probability of
2010 was found 3228.68 and 1446.63 sq. km respec- 0.27–0.54 chance that land changes across sectors in
tively. Overall analysis of gains and loss across sectors Manila will continue to shift across sectors. Land
indicated that built-up area experienced the highest net change map indicated that there is more chance that
gain of 90.96% followed by vegetation with 84.75%. the forest land remaining in Mega Manila city would
Agriculture experienced a net loss of - 25% shift to the built-up (urban) area as indicated in green
(194 sq. km) because despite gaining 66.97% of colour on the change process map below. It also
agricultural land, it lost more land at a rate of indicated that vegetation land will undergo dissec-
73.61% to 571.22 sq. km. of land use. Vegetation tion. Vegetation land area has a high chance to form


Fig. 7 Visual spatial extent of forest land cover depletion by 2030 in Mega Manila City

Fig. 8 a Gains and loss

across different land use
sectors, b Net land use
change across sectors,
between 1989 and 2010

into another land use sector. On the other hand, Thereafter, a land vulnerability map generated
agriculture pixels indicated a high attrition, which based on the actual changes that occurred between
meant that they are weakening their resistance to 1989 and 2010, indicated the same result that forest
change. Therefore, agriculture land sector indicated land has a high creation rate of pixels with a high
affinity to change because it was experiencing a vulnerability matrices between 151. 68 and 242.68,
reduction in its persistence rate of change. which is shown in red colour on map 3 in Fig. 10.


Fig. 9 Quantities of forest land loss in Mega Manila between 1989 and 2010

Fig. 10 Maps indicating probability of future land use shifts in Mega Manila

Note that the protected areas land from Fig. 7 since the The 2030 scenario analysis
modelling process used a constraint layer. However, with and without protected area layer
two future scenario maps were predicted to indicate
the probability effects of how urban expansion if not The 2030 scenario map was produced to show the
managed might contribute to the depletion of forest importance of protected area on the forested land-
land by 2030. scapes. The first scenario map for 2030 showed that
the use of a continuous enforcement of protected area


on the forest reserves, watersheds and seascapes in agricultural land than any other region on earth (Gibbs
Mega Manila is among the best pathways to prevent et al. 2010), with fruits orchards, palm oil farming, tea,
the depletion of forest land due to urban expansion. As rubber, pulp, fire, paper tree plantations etc. agro-
indicated in Fig. 11 below, in the 2030 land use map 3 forestry plantations.
forest reserves namely Angat-(Angat Pilot Project), As indicated in Fig. 12, the amount of land that has
Dona Remedios Trinidad-General Tinio and Marikina been projected to increase the built-up area by 2030
might experience less change to urban expansion. was observed to be 879 sq. km with constraint and
Unfortunately, in the south of Mega Manila national 1921 sq. km without constraint scenario. However,
parks namely Mount Banahaw-San Cristobal, Mount this clearly shows that in both scenarios, built-up area
Palay–Palay and Mount Makiling would be the forest sector was projected to experience more net gain than
land that can be affected by the urban expansion any other land use sector in Mega Manila. With the
during the first scenario that incorporated protected rate of change of 36% built-up area gain. Again, most
area lands. of it has been projected to shift to 622 sq. km from
The second scenario prediction of the 2030 map vegetation at a rate of change loss of 20% and a
that did not incorporate the protected area layer during 275.02sq. km from agriculture also at change loss of
the modelling. Clearly indicated a total expansion of 56% between the years 2010 and 2030 under a with
built area across all the national parks, forest water- constraint scenario.
shed reserves and the seascape land areas. As indicated On the other hand, without constraint impact
in map 2 in Fig. 11. The actual quantity predictions scenario indicated a high continuous loss of forest
that might occur were reported in terms of how much land, which clearly indicates the possibility if no
built-area land would gain by the year 2030. No continuous enforcement of the protected area zone law
contributions indicated from water bodies and forests is ensured. As shown in Fig. 12 map-2a the total gain
to the built-up area in the with constraint scenario in the urban expansion (built-up area) in spatial form
impact analysis. SE Asia shows that forests are the was predicted to 1921.53 sq km at a rate change of
primary source for a much higher percentage of new 54.71% gain. Contributions to this gain were predicted

Fig. 11 Implicational scenarios of urban expansion on forest land by 2030 in Mega Manila


Fig. 12 Projection quantities scenarios of built-up area land gain

to come from agriculture land, 274.94 sq. km and was Implications of the findings in Philippines
identified as one of the major contributors to urban and beyond
expansion at a rate of 35.72% of its total land use shift.
Vegetation indicated a higher resistance to change Our results are similar to the arguments of Afroz et al.
than agriculture with a rate of change loss of 16.33% (2014), Wells et al. (2014), and Hughes (2017), who
but contributing a high value in spatial form with evidenced that the high rate of built-area land expan-
622.14 sq. km. forest land also contributed to the rate sion, if not managed, might come with adverse effects
of change of 2.92% but a high value in the spatial form on remaining natural ecosystems. Expansion of built-
of 1011.97 sq. km that cover most of the forest reserve area land can lead to normal biotic consequences of
lands of Angat-(Angat Pilot Project), Dona Remedios deforestation, increase in pollution, surface run-off, as
Trinidad-General Tinio and Marikana and completely well as in due course can become a source of
transforming Biak-na-Bako National Parks into built- stable populations of invasive species. Defries et al.
up area. (2010), further explains that though most studies
However, for this study which concentrated mainly theorise that urbanisation takes pressure off rural
on how other land use sector transitioning to the built- areas, the opposite has been found to be the case, with
up area and its impacts on the forest land loss. These increasing rates of deforestation correlated with pro-
shifts between vegetation to agriculture and agricul- gressive urbanisation in 41 tropical region nations.
ture to vegetation were found not valid to affect result At the national level in the Philippines, Myers et al.
on how much land become built-up area between 1989 (2000), Brooks et al. (2006) reports that deforestation
to 2030. Since, vegetation to built-up area, agriculture has already removed 93% of the original forest cover,
to built-up area quantities are not affected by the time which is a tragedy in one of the two regions considered
the satellite data was collected. a biodiversity hotspot. According to the WWF Greater
Mekong 2013 report it is a similar situation in most


Southeast Asian countries, where the forest is 2–4% have already lost over half their original forest cover
for Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and specific values (i.e., the Philippines, parts of Indonesia), with projec-
for Lao PDR that has lost 5.29% of forest, Cambodia tions of as much as 98% loss for some regions in the
6.97%, Indonesia 8.73% and Malaysia 14.5%. This coming decade. Deforestation is mainly supported by
forest loss becomes eminent because it does not only activities such as mining, through the construction all
include encroachment (Pearce 2007; Hughes 2017), the infrastructure needed to facilitate production and
but also in worst-case scenario the entire denudation of the cost of this to biodiversity is not only through the
a protected area may take place, for example, in Riau direct loss of areas for mines, but also through the
National Park in Indonesia, only 2.63 sq. km of the development of roads that further fragment the
157.83 sq. km of forest present in 1986 remained in landscape.
Typically, Sundaland, Wallacea, Indochina and the
Philippines, represent some of the most biologically Conclusion
diverse regions on earth and the continuous reduction
of forest land leads to degradation of remaining It is claimed that that SE Asian protected areas were
biodiversity hotspots. Fox et al. 2014 explains that the performing comparatively well relative to other parts
implications of little or no law enforcement leads to of the world in terms of protecting forests (Hughes
increased erosion, increased environmental risk of 2017; Heino et al. 2015). However, on closer scrutiny,
landslides and reducing emissions from deforestation protected areas only perform 1.5% better than forest
and forest degradation (REDD) is among the examples outside protected areas in terms of preventing defor-
of global initiatives that is always being criticized and estation, and in a number of countries (i.e., the
improved though it has the potential to facilitate forest Philippines), protected areas actually have higher
water reserves, national parks, and seascape preser- rates of deforestation than unprotected areas (3.14%
vation from humanity inhabitant occupation impacts. vs. 2.86%), and the majority of countries show under
Hughes (2017) reported that at global level South- 1% difference between the two.
east Asia experiences the highest deforestation rates, In our study, urban expansion through transport
with major threats to biodiversity being anthropogenic infrastructure, together with industrial structure devel-
activities such as mining in the tropics, the greatest opments, contribute to adversely affect ecological
number of hydropower dams under construction, and a sustainability. These factors are continuously fed by
consumption of species for traditional medicines. high demand of natural resource use in Mega Manila
Miettinen et al. (2011) estimated that around 14.5% of city. Urban expansion has been projected to expand by
regional forest cover loss in the last 15 years at an 897.16 sq. km (36% land gain) with 275.02 sq. km
average rate of 1% loss annually, and of the 73% of (19.52% land loss) to be gained from agriculture sector
land covered by forest in 1973, only 51% existed by and 622.14 sq. km (55.59% land loss) to be gained
2009. from vegetation-land use sector. Land use activities
Furthermore, in global analysis, the expansion of such as timber industry or urban expansion can change
urban areas in East and SE Asia was found to surface reflectance and local precipitation patterns. It
potentially disproportionately impact on protected eventually affects the hydrological cycle, carbon cycle
areas, with more protected areas projected to become hence contributing to climate change related events at
within 10 km of a city by 2030 in SE Asia than in any a local city level. In conclusion, land use changes
other region (McDonald et al. 2008), driving a direct across sectors followed a landscape pattern change
loss in biodiversity in areas directly converted, process from forest to vegetation, vegetation to
increases in accessibility and potential disturbance to agriculture and then agriculture to built-up area,
surrounding regions and increasing demands for vegetation to built-up area between 1989 and 2010.
conversion of surrounding regions to support the The same simultaneous land sector shift patterns have
needs of urban expansion and inhabitants. been observed to continue for the coming years from
Hughes (2017) mentioned that tree plantations and 2010 to 2030. There is a continuous exchange between
deforestation represents one of the most imminent vegetation and agriculture land sectors.
drivers of land use change in cities, and some countries


Based on the findings of this study, considerable What are the consequences for the environment?
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