Points and Lines

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At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A. Define points and lines
B. Determine whether each represent a points and a lines
C. Relate points and lines in real life situation
Topic: Points and lines
Materials: Pictures, Envelope, Scramble word, chalk
Subject Integration: Mathematics 2

III.PROCEDURE (Inductive Method)

Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Good morning kids. Before we formally start may The students stood up from their seats and pray.
we all stand up and pray. (The teacher will pray)

Good morning kids!
(If I’m going to say good morning, kids, everybody
says, “Good morning, teacher. Good morning,
classmates. It’s nice to see you again. Mabuhay!..
Are we clear with that kids? Opo ma’am .

Very good! Again Good morning kids? Good morning, teacher. Good morning,
classmates. It’s nice to see you again. Mabuhay!

Ok class before you sit down, please pick up the
pieces of paper and trash under your chair and The students started picking up trash under their
arrange your chair properly. seats.

If You’re done you may now take your sits. Thank you Po ma’am . (The students sat in their

°Checking Of attendance
Now let’s check your attendance.
Chair that is not being occupied means the
students on the specified areas is/are absent.
Are we clear with that kids?
Yes po ma’am .
Good job.. So I see that all the seats are occupied,
meaning everyone is present.

°Classroom Rules
As we start our discussion I would like everyone to
remember the 5 classroom rules.
1. Listen when the teacher is talking
2. Follow the directions carefully
3. Raise your right hands if you wanted to say
4. Respect yourself and other people and the last
5. Would be, be honest, helpful and neat.

° Motivation
Before we start to our discussion, I will group you first
into four groups. This area will be the group 1, this
area will be the group 2, this area will be the group 3
and this area will be the group 4. Each group will
receive an envelope that has 2 sets of jumbled letters
inside. You are about to rearrange the jumbled letters
inside the envelope that represent the things that we
can see in our everyday living. Use the Pictures given
as a clue to solve the jumbled letters.

Who among of you here wants prizes?

(Me teacher)
The students will raise their hands
Very good many of you wants prizes right? Hope that
everyone participate in the activity.
The group that could finish the activity will receive a
Rewards star. This activity will last 1 minutes only. Are
we clear with that kids?
Opo teacher.
“Good job! Now you may start doing your activity”

Times up!!!!!
Now who among the four groups has finished
answering the jumbled letters? Raise their hands The students that finished the activity first raised
their hands.
Group ? Was the first group to finish the
jumbled letters. Who is your group leader
Can you tell to us the answer of your group?
Yes po ma’am !
The answer on the first set of jumbled letters is
The answer on the second set of jumbled letters
is LINE.

Very good the answer will be Point and Line.


A. Activity
The students will raise their hands.
From our activity who could guess our topic for
I think our topic for today is about Points and
Lines teacher.
Yes student __

Very good! So your answer such as points and lines will

now lead us to our new topic for today.

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