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PERT chart: Chart that reflects the relationship among Data modeling: Task of formalizing the data requirements of

the many activities that constitute the implementation the business process as a conceptual model.
Construct: Design and building of software that is ready to be
Phased cutover: Process of converting an old system to a new tested and delivered to its user community. This phase
system in modules. involves modeling the system, programming the applications,

Pseudocode: English-like code that describes the logic of a Cutover: Process of converting from the old system to the
program without specific language systems. new system. and application testing.

Procedural language: Specifies the precise order in which the Conceptual user views: Description of the entire database.
program logic is executed.
Cold turkey cutover: Process of converting entirely from an
Methods: Actions that are performed on or by objects that existing accounting system to a new system on a particular day
may change the objects’ attributes.
Quality assurance group: Independent group of
Online documentation: Guides the user interactively in the programmers, analysts, users, and internal auditors who
use of a system. Examples include tutorials and help features. simulate the operation of the system to uncover errors,
omissions, and ambiguities in the design.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) language:
Programming language containing the attributes and Request for proposal (RFP): Document summarizing
operations that constitute the object modules represented in the system requirements and sent to each prospective
ER diagram at the implementation phase of the SDLC. vendor.

Objects: Equivalent to nouns in the English language. Refining: Adding value by discovering relationships between
data, performing synthesis, and abstracting.
Object-oriented design: Building information systems from
reusable standard components or modules. Structured design: Disciplined way of designing systems
from the top down.
Object class: Logical grouping of individual objects that share
the same attributes and operations. Third-generation languages: Procedural languages in which
the programmer must specify the sequence of events used in an
Operations control reports: Identifies activities that are aboutto operation.
go out of control and ignores those that are functioning within
normal limits. Systems design: Reflects the analysts’ perception of
information needs rather than the perception of accountants
Knowledge management: Gathering, organizing, refining, and other users.
and disseminating information.
User handbook: Reference manual of commands for getting
Gantt chart: Horizontal bar chart that presents time on a started.
horizontal plane and activities on a vertical plane.
Walk-through: Analysis of system design to ensure the
Gathering: Process in knowledge management that brings design is free from conceptual errors that could become
data into the system. programmed into the final system.

Hard copy: Traditional paper-based data storage medium Wall of code: An object-oriented coding scheme that prevents
used for reports and documentation. direct access to the object’s internal structure and data.

Electronic input techniques: Forms of electronic data Zones: Areas on a form that contain related data.
collection. These fall into two basic types: input from source
documents and direct input.

Disseminating: Providing knowledge to recipients in a usable rather than phasing in the conversion process over time.
form. 1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of
activities in the systems development life cycle?
Detailed design report: Set of blueprints that specify input a. Design, analysis, implementation, and operation.
screen formats, output report layouts, database structures, and b. Design, implementation, analysis, and operation.
process logic.
c. Analysis, design, implementation, and operation.
d. Programming, analysis, implementation, and
Design phase: Production of a detailed description of the
proposed system that both satisfies the system requirements 2. Which of the following is NOT an output attribute?
identified during systems analysis and is in accordance with a. relevance
the conceptual design.
b. exception orientation
c. zones a. Timing of feedback needs relative to input,
d. accuracy need for documentation of an activity, and the
necessity for reliability and accuracy.
3. Which of the following is NOT a principal feature b. Cost considerations, volume of input, complexity
of a PERT chart? of activity, and liquidity of assets
a. starting and ending dates involved.
b. events c. Need for documentation, necessity for accuracy
c. paths and reliability, volume of output, and cost
d. activities considerations.
d. Relevancy of data, volume of input, cost
4. Internal auditors would most appropriately perform considerations,
which of the following activities during a volume of output, and timing of feedback
review of systems development activity? needs relative to input.
a. Serve on the MIS steering committee that e. Type of file used, reliability of manufacturer’s
determines what new systems are to be developed. service, volume of output, and cost considerations.
b. Review the methodology used to monitor and
control the system development function. 9. What is the name given to the systems
c. Recommend specific automated procedures to development
be incorporated into new systems that will approach used to quickly produce a model
provide reasonable assurance that all data submitted of user interfaces, user interactions with the system,
to an application are converted to and process logic?
machine-readable form. a. neural networking
d. Recommend specific operational procedures b. prototyping
that will ensure that all data submitted for processing c. reengineering
are converted to machine-readable form. d. application generation

5. Which of the following is the least risky strategy 10. The PERT is combined with cost data to produce
for converting from a manual to a computerized a PERT cost analysis to
system? a. calculate the total project cost inclusive of the
a. file conversion additional slack time.
b. parallel conversion b. evaluate and optimize trade-offs between time
c. pilot conversion of an event’s completion and its cost to complete.
d. big bang conversion c. implement computer-integrated manufacturing
e. direct conversion concepts.
d. avoid the problem of time variance analysis.
6. At which point are errors aremost costly to correct? e. calculate expected activity times.
a. programming
b. conceptual design 11. Which of the following is NOT part of the
c. analysis systems
d. detailed design implementation process?
e. implementation a. converting databases
b. documentation
7. User acceptance testing is more important in an c. systems design
object-oriented development process than in a d. testing and correction
traditional environment because of the implications
of the 12. What is the critical path in the PERT method for
a. absence of traditional design documents. network analysis?
b. lack of a tracking system for changes. a. shortest path through the network
c. potential for continuous monitoring. b. longest path through the network
d. inheritance of properties in hierarchies. c. path with the most slack
d. path with the most variability in estimated
8. Which of the following sets of application times
characteristics e. least-cost path
of an accounting application might influence
the selection of data entry devices and media
for a computerized accounting system?

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