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Film Competition 2023:
Film Battles

Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management (FSLM)

School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events (SHTE)
Bachelor of International Events Management (Hons)
March 2023


The Film Battles is served as a platform to gather all creative talent in

the filming community, showcasing their work whilst providing them
the support they need. In this project, we will work closely with students
from School of Media and Communication (BMC) and Taylor’s
University Film Festival (TUFF) in getting their participation to submit
the video. It is also open to all students from different institutions in
Malaysia and Switzerland.

The Film Battles is a collaboration project with an institution from

Switzerland. Therefore, the event will be conducted in hybrid mode to
support both physical and online participants. In managing this
collaboration, online meetings will be held weekly as well as effective
communication through online platforms.

There will be 3 particular themes for the short film entries which are
Rom-Com, Anime and Horror. All films must include and be aligned with
any 6 of the selected labs from Taylor’s Impact Lab to support purpose
learning and create a more impactful message.

There will be an entry fee of RM80 for this competition and also an
entry form for all candidates that wish to take part. However, the ticket
price for audiences attending the event day will be RM10. Candidates
must submit the film two weeks prior to the competition on 20th May
2023. After submission, the best films will be shortlisted within 1 week
through social media contest and will be screened during the event.
Candidates will be notified via email along with the invitation details to
attend the event.

On the competition day, the screening will take place in Lecture

Theatre 12, Taylor's University Lakeside Campus which will be equipped
with projection and seating. A total of 10 shortlisted films will be
presented to our audience and they will be judged entirely on the
concept, technical aspects and creativity by professional judges. The
public will also have the chance to vote through a voting system.
During the screening, participants must rate the film after each
screening and select the best films under each category by the end of
it. During the closing ceremony, prizes along with certificates will be
awarded for overall excellence to the filmmaker of the winning films.

Collaboration with the Swiss School of Higher Education

SSHE is a private university based in Switzerland. Switzerland is the heart of Europe's
luxury, finance, and hospitality. Swiss is welcome to participate and join the event.

Hybrid Event
The event will be conducted in hybrid mode to support physical and online participants.
Therefore, the audiences and judges in Malaysia can watch the film from the participants
of Switzerland.

Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Taylor's Impact
Labs aim to empower our communities and fulfill our purpose to positively impact
different societies and ensure positive progression on societal problems.
The 13 Impact Labs enable the integration of research, education, and advocacy to deliver
practical solutions and shape new policies, practices, or even products through solution-
focused teams of academics, professional staff, practitioners, partners, and students.

Eradicating Poverty
Transform lives through provision of basic needs, social protection and economic empowerment

Education For All

Champion educational liberation for vulnerable individuals and communities.

Peace &Justice & Strong Institution

Promote justice, peaceful and inclusive societies as well as accountable institutions

Mental Health & Well-Being

Promote mental health through policies, best practices and systems for human flourishing and
optimal functioning

Sustainable Tourism
Drive responsible and inclusive economic growth and community development in the tourism and
hospitality industry

Digital Innovation & Smart Society

Build a sustainable smart society and enhance industry processes for better quality, lower cost and
higher productivity
Mission, Objective & Vision
To conduct a healthy competition based around sustainability to celebrate the power of
film, art and story through an enjoyable experience.

To provide an opportunity for the arts & film community to present and celebrate their
work to the public.

To engage and support filmmakers and aspiring students on their remarkable films that
feature quality and unique production.

SMART Objectives
S: Specific
A maximum of 200 pax is targeted to watch the competition. However, we wish to gather a
maximum of 100 contestants from the school and the public. This event also aligns with
Taylor’s Impact Lab, which aims to empower society positively.

M: Measurable
To reach the targeted number of participants and candidates as above and 10% of profit.

A: Achievable
The team will be able to reach the desired outcome of a successful event from the overall
profit made on ticket fees, sponsors, and other fundraising activities.

R: Relevant
Filmmakers are able to expand their networking skills through public engagement.
Moreover, new contacts will help them grow their base of support in the future.

T: Time-based
The event will be held on the 3rd of June 2023. All assigned task will be completed before
the event commence to ensure a smooth and successful flow.
Target Market of Audiences

The students and staffs from Taylor's, SSHE, and public.

People who are interested on the genres such as rom-

com, anime and horror.

Potential audiences who can attend physically. Then,

they can get more experience than attend as an online.

The industry people who are interested to watch the

filming. Therefore, they may encourage more
participants to join the film competition.

People who has zero experience with short film

competition. They can explore what is short film
Target Market of Participants

People who are interested in video shooting and video


People who already have completed work and ready to

submit their work for competition.

People who have zero experience in joining any film

competition and would like to give it a try.

Industry people who seek for joining in more industry

related competition to enrich their personal profile.

People who attracted by the awards and prizes.

The students and staffs from Taylor's University

and SSHE.

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze In-kind

(RM1500) (RM1000) (RM700) (RM500) (RM300)

Sponsorship Benefits

Opportunity to present awards for first

prize winner

QR code of company official website

will be presented on screen on the
actual event day
Opportunity to have two (2) tables to
promote their products on the actual
event day at the event
Opportunity to have two (2) tables as
booth at Taylor’s University for 2 days
before the event
Opportunity to have one (1) table to
promote their products on the
actual event day at the event venue
Opportunity to have one (1) table as
booth at Taylor’s University for 2 days
before the event
Opportunity to have one (1) table as
booth at Taylor’s University for 1 day
before the event
Two (2) complimentary entry for each
company’s staffs to watch the

Venue recognition company logo on

event crew t-shirt

Company introduction post on the

event's social media page before the
event (include on-going program)
Company name and logo will be
presented on-screen on the actual
event day

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze In-kind

(RM1500) (RM1000) (RM700) (RM500) (RM300)

Sponsorship Benefits

Emcee announcements (verbal

recognition of sponsors at the
beginning and closing of the event)

Company logo and name on collateral

materials (banners and poster)

Insert company logo, name and

introduction on brochure and
distribute to every audience

Social media acknowledgement in


Company name and logo featured on

all event social media platforms

Logo mention in Thank You

email to participants

Thank You post with company name

and logo on social media after the

**If you are agreed to sponsor the event, please do fill in the attached reply form.
The Highlight of the Package

The opportunity of having booth at Taylor's University to

promote the products before the event

The platinum sponsorship can have two (2) tables as a booth to promote their products
at Taylor’s University for two (2) days during weekdays.
The gold sponsorship can get a chance to have one (1) table as a booth to promote their
products at Taylor’s University for two (2) days during weekdays.
The silver sponsorship can get a chance to have one (1) table as a booth to promote
their products at Taylor’s University for one (1) day during weekdays.

The opportunity of having booth on the actual event day at the


The platinum sponsorship can have two (2) tables as a booth to promote their products
at Taylor’s University on the actual event day to attract the audiences from outside..
The gold sponsorship can get a chance to have one (1) table as a booth to promote their
products at Taylor’s University on the actual event day to attract the audiences from

WHY have a booth at Taylor's University?

Connect with students

The student population is around 15,000.

The ratio of the local and international students of Taylor’s University is 4:6,
The location of booth is at Student Life Center Walkway also known as SLC Walkway.
It is the main pathway to classes from the main entrance of Taylor’s University.
Therefore, there will be numerous students passed by.

For any enquiries, please contact us by

[email protected]


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