Data Sec 01

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Foreword 4
Introduction 5
Purpose 5
Scope 5
Definitions 5
Noncompliance 5
Roles & Responsibilities 5
Security Principles & Best Practices 6
Data Security Procedures 6
Hardware & Access Security Measures 6
Software & Antivirus Security Measures 6
Password Management 6
Acceptable Use 6
User Roles Access & Monitoring 7
Reporting Mechanisms 7
Incident Response Plan 7


Outline the purpose of the data security policy. Share the goals and objectives of this policy. Elaborate on
the company’s commitments to protecting and safeguarding sensitive data. Explain why this document has
been created and what you hope to achieve with it.
For example:
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of data security. Our goals are to explain our core data security principles and
provide information about the procedures and best practices we’ve implemented to abide by these principles.

Outline the scope of the data security policy. Create a list of the people, data types and networks that are
governed by the provisions in the policy. Must everyone, including third-party vendors and processors,
follow the rules of the policy? On any network? Relating to any data? If yes, clarify. If no, clarify.
For example:
The provisions in this policy apply to all equipment owned and operated by the Company, including all network domains set up by the
Company. The roles and responsibilities outlined in this policy refer to any and all employees, managers, investors or contractors of
the Company.

Provide definitions for terms the average reader might not know. Remember that your audience is not
solely data security experts. Define concepts like personal data and roles like data processor or controller.
Also outline data categories if you will be referring to them in the policy (e.g., public data, private data
and/or proprietary data).
For example:
Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person
is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number,
location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural
or social identity of that natural person. (GDPR)

In this section, state that policy violations will not be tolerated and that violators are subject to discipline
appropriate to the circumstances. Then, explain the company’s disciplinary action procedure. What are the
consequences if a person deliberately steals data? What if they accidentally cause a breach?
For example:
The company is committed to data safety and takes a zero-tolerance approach to carelessness. Any violations of the provisions and
procedures in this policy will be disciplined as per the company’s disciplinary action procedure, up to and including immediate

Roles & Responsibilities

In this section, outline the responsibilities of access administrators, users, managers, the Data Protection
Officer (DPO), the Information Systems Department and the Human Resources Department.
For example:
It is everyone’s responsibility to complete training. It is also a collective duty to speak up about bizarre behaviors, unknown or
unusual visitors, gaps in security systems, phishing attempts or lost devices and equipment.


Employees are not permitted to stream videos on the company network unless they are work-related.

User Roles Access & Monitoring

Describe the company’s approach to creating and maintaining user roles and user access to sensitive and
confidential data.
For example:
The IT Department has created access roles that restrict access to sensitive data to only those who require it. There are currently five
roles with varying access to files and folders (and each role is granted based on a person’s job and requirements). For certain tasks,
limited access to confidential files can be approved

Reporting Mechanisms
In this section, detail how to report suspicious behaviors or a security incident. List what to report, such as
lost or stolen equipment, unknown visitors or phishing attempts, and where to report. Most companies will
provide an online form or the contact information of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
In this section you’ll also want to encourage people to be vocal. Explain that it’s everyone’s duty to report
For example:
All concerns, questions and suspected or known security incidents must be reported using one of the following methods:
 Accessing the online form at [URL]
 Contacting the Data Protection Officer by [PHONE] or [EMAIL]
 Contacting a member of the Incident Response Team [CONTACT INFORMATION].
Messages sent via the online form will be directed to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) who will then identify, assess and handle the
matter in accordance with the procedures and best practices in this policy. Under no circumstances should an individual attempt to
cover up or ignore a data security incident.

Incident Response Plan

Describe your incident response plan. The plan will explain how to evaluate the breach, how to inform the
public and how to identify and carry out corrective and preventive actions.
For example:
Upon receiving a report of an incident, the Incident Response Team will conduct a brief preliminary investigation to confirm the
incident and identify any immediate actions to remedy the issue (such as resetting passwords or erasing a piece of equipment
remotely). Then, the Team will conduct a more thorough investigation of the incident to build a greater understanding of what


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