Open Test 1

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JEE (Main)-2024
TEST DATE: 20-01-2024
Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 300
General Instructions:

 The test consists of total 90 questions.

 Each subject (PCM) has 30 questions.

 This question paper contains Three Parts.

 Part-A is Physics, Part-B is Chemistry and Part-C is Mathematics.

 Each part has only two sections: Section-A and Section-B.

 Section – A : Attempt all questions.

 Section – B : Do any five questions out of 10 questions.

Section-A (01 – 20, 31 – 50, 61 – 80) contains 60 multiple choice questions which have only one
correct answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and –1 mark for wrong

Section-B (21 – 30, 51 – 60, 81 – 90) contains 30 Numerical based questions. The answer to each
question is rounded off to the nearest integer value. Each question carries +4 marks for correct
answer and –1 mark for wrong answer.

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Physics PART – A

(One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. Two blocks m1 and m2 are connected with a compressed spring and placed on a smooth
horizontal surface as shown in figure.
F1 m 1 m2 F2

Force constant of spring is k. Under the influence of forces F1 and F2 at an instant blocks move
with common acceleration a0 At that instant force F2 is suddenly withdrawn. Mark correct option.
(A) Instantaneous acceleration of m2 is a0  1
(B) Instantaneous acceleration of m2 is a0 
(C) Instantaneous acceleration of m1 is a1  0
(D) Instantaneous acceleration of m2 is a2  0

2. In the figure shown the cart of mass 6 m is initially at rest. A 6m A

particle of mass m is attached to the end of the light rod which
can rotate freely about A. If the rod is released form rest in a  m
horizontal position shown, determine the velocity Vrel of the
particle with respect to the cart when the rod is vertical. Assume
friction less surface.
7 7
(A) gl (B) gl
3 6
14 8
(C) gl (D) gl
3 3

3. In the figure shown a particle P strikes the inclined fixed smooth plane horizontally and rebounds
vertically. If the angle  is 60o , then the coefficient of restitution is:

(A) 1/3 (B) 1 3

(C) 1/2 (D) 1

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4. A uniform horizontal rod of length l falls vertically from height h on two

identical blocks placed symmetrically below the rod as shown in
figure. The coefficients of restitution are e1 and e2. The maximum h
height through which the centre of mass of the rod will rise after
bouncing off the blocks is
2 l
h  e1  e2  h
(A) (B)
 e1  e2  4
 e1  e2  h 4h
(C) (D)
2  e12  e22 
5. The displacement of a particle is represented by the equation y  sin3 t. The motion is
(A) Non – periodic (B) Periodic but not simple harmonic
(C) Simple harmonic with period 2 /  (D) Simple harmonic with period  / 

6. A steel ring of radius r and cross-section area A is fitted on to a wooden disc of radius R R  r  .
If Young’s modulus be E, then the force with which the steel ring is expanded is:
R R r 
(A) AR (B) AE  
r  r 
E R r  Er
(C)   (D)
A A  AR

7. Figure shows a disc of mass M and radius R hinged at the centre. A

small ball of mass is attached to point P with a thread of length 2R
2 R
and held at rest at position shown. Now, the ball is released to fall
under gravity with what angular speed the disc starts turning when Ball
the string becomes taut?
g g
(A) (B)
2R R
R 2g
(C) (D)
g R

8. 1 mole of an ideal gas is contained in a cubical volume V, ABCDEFGH at 300 K in figure. One
face of the cube (EFGH) is made up of a material which totally absorbs any gas molecule incident
on it. At any given time



(A) The pressure on EFGH would be zero
(B) The pressure on all the faces will be equal
(C) The pressure of EFGH would be double the pressure on ABCD
(D) The pressure on EFGH would be half that on ABCD

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9. Volume versus temperature graphs for a given mass of an ideal gas are shown in figure at two
different values of constant pressure. What can be inferred about relation between P1 & P2?
(I) P2
20 P1


100 200 300 400 500

(A) P1 > P2 (B) P1 = P2
(C) P1 < P2 (D) Data is insufficient

10. A positively charged particle is released from rest in an uniform electric field. The electric potential
energy of the charge
(A) Remains a constant because the electric field is uniform
(B) Increases because the charge moves along the electric field
(C) Decreases because the charge moves along the electric field
(D) Decreases because the charge moves opposite to the electric field

11. A hollow conducting sphere of inner radius R and outer radius 2R has resistivity '  ' a function of
the distance ‘r’ from the centre of the sphere:   kr 2 / R . The inner and outer surfaces are
painted with a perfectly conducting ‘paint’ and a potential difference V is applied between the
two surfaces. Then as ‘r’ increases from R to 2R, the electric field inside the sphere
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) Remains constant (D) Passes through a maxima

12. A galvanometer shows a reading of 0.65 mA. When a galvanometer is shunted with a 4
resistance, the deflection is reduced to 0.13 mA. If the resistance of 2  is further connected
parallel to 4  resistance (i.e. galvanometer is further shunted with a 2  wire) the new reading
will be (Assume main current remains the same)
(A) 0.60 mA (B) 0.8 mA
(C) 0.12 mA (D) 0.05 mA

13. A soap bubble of radius R is blown. After heating the solution a second bubble of radius 2R is
blown. The work required to blow the second bubble in comparison to that required for the first
bubble is:
(A) Double (B) Slightly less than double
(C) Slightly less than four times (D) Slightly more than four times

14. In an experiment to measure the length of a rod by four different instruments, the measurement is
reported as
(i) 200.0 cm (ii) 20 cm (iii) 20.00 cm (iv) 0.200 cm
From the above data, we can infer that
(A) All measurements have same accuracy (B) A has least accuracy
(C) B has least accuracy (D) D has least accuracy

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15. The figure shown a uniform conducting loop ABCDA placed in a uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to its plane. The part ABC is the (3/4) portion of the square of side length  . The
part ADC is a circular arc of radius R. The points A and C are connected to a battery which
supply a current I to the circuit. The magnetic force on the loop due to the field B is
X X X X X X X X
 B D B


(A) Zero (B) BI

(C) 2BIR (D)

16. In the figure, if IL = 0.8A, IC = 0.6A, then I = ? (given currents are rms values)



(A) 0.4 A (B) 0.2 A
(C) 1.0 A (D) 1.4 A

17. An x – ray tube has three main controls.

(i) The target material (its atomic number Z)
(ii) The filament current (If) and
(iii) The acceleration voltage (V)
Figure shows a typical intensity distribution against wavelength. Which of the following is

 m in
(A) The limit min is proportional to V 1
(B) The sharp peak shifts to the right as Z is increased
(C) The penetrating power of X ray increases if V increased
(D) The intensity everywhere increases if filament current If is increased

18. Which of the following statement is correct in connection with hydrogen spectrum?
(A) The longest wavelength in the Balmer series is longer than the longest wavelength in Lyman
(B) The shortest wavelength in the Balmer series is shorter than the shortest wavelength in the
Lyman series
(C) The longest wavelength in both Balmer and Lyman series are equal
(D) The longest wavelength in Balmer series is shorter than the longest wavelength in the Lyman

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19. The output of the given circuit in figure

V m s in  t 

(A) Would be zero at all times

(B) Would be like a half wave rectifier with positive cycles output
(C) Would be like a half wave rectifier with negative cycles output
(D) Would be like that of a full wave rectifier

20. A linear charge having linear charge density  penetrates a cube diagonally and then it
penetrates a sphere diametrically as shown. What will be the ratio of flux coming cut of cube and

1 2
(A) (B)
2 3
3 1
(C) (D)
2 1

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 10 Numerical based questions. The answer to each question is rounded off to the
nearest integer value.

21. The diagram shows part of the vernier scale on a pair of calipers.

0 10
3cm 4cm
If the correct reading is “n” cm. Then the volume of “100n” is___

22. A long wire AB is placed on a table. Another wire PQ of mass 1.0 g and length 50 cm is set to
slide on two rails PS and QR. A current of 50 A is passed through the wires. At what distance
above AB, will the wire PQ be in equilibrium (in mm):


50 A

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23. The acceleration of a train between two stations 2 km apart is shown in the figure. The maximum
speed of the train is ____ (m/s)
2 12 16
4 8 t(s)

24. A ray of light incident at an angle  on a refracting face of a prism emerges from the other face
normally. If the angle of the prism is 5o and the prism is made of a material of refractive index
1.5 the value of 10  is (in degree)

25. If the light of wavelength of maximum intensity emitted from surface at temperature T1 is used to
cause photoelectric emission from a metallic surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
electron is 6 eV, which is 3 times the work function of the metallic surface. If light of wavelength of
maximum intensity emitted from a surface at temperature T2(T2 = 2T1) is used, the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted is

26. The Q – factor of a series LCR circuit with L = 3mH, C = 2.7 F, R  , ___

27. The Zener current in the circuit is___ (in mA)

5 K IL
140 V 10 K 
50 V

4 1
28. One mole of ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent   undergoes process P  200  , then
3 V
change in internal energy of gas when volume changes from 2m 3 to 4m3 is (in Joules)

29. A container filled with liquid of density 103 kg / m2 is kept on horizontal surface. An orifice of area
10 cm2 is made in the wall of container at a distance 100 cm below the free surface of liquid. Find
the thrust on the container at the instant when height of liquid is 50 cm above the orifice is
____(in newton’s) (Assuming container is at rest and area of orifice is very small than the area of
the container) Take g = 10 m/s2

30. An object is placed in front of a convex mirror at a distance of 50 cm. A plane mirror is introduced
covering the lower half of the convex mirror. If the distance between the object and plane mirror is
30 cm, it is found that there is no parallax between the images formed by two mirrors. Radius of
curvature of mirror will be: (in cm)

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Chemistry PART – B

(One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

31. If we accelerate particle through a potential difference of V volts. The de-Broglie wave length
associated with it is:

(A) 150.V 1 A o (B) 0.286. V 2 Ao
0.101 0.983
(C) Ao (D) Ao

32. A certain quantity of a gas occupies 100 mL when collected over water at 15 C and 750 mm
pressure. It occupies 91.9 mL in dry state at NTP. Find the aqueous vapour pressure at 15 C ?
(A) 15.7 mm (B) 7.9 mm
(C) 736.8 mm (D) 13.2 mm

33. For the reversible reaction

N2  g  3H2  g 
 2NH3  g
At 5000C, the value of KP is 1.44  105 when partial pressure is measured in atmospheres. The
corresponding value of Kc with concentration in mole litre1 , is
1.44  10 5 1.44  105
(A) 2
(B) 2
 0.082  500   8.314  773 
1.44  10 5 1.44  105
(C) (D)
 0.082  773 2  0.082  773 2
34. Predict the order of  for the following compounds
 Mn H2 O6 

 Mn  CN2  H2O  4 

 Mn  CN4 H2 O 2 
(A)  () <  () <  () (B)  () <  () <  ()
(C)  () <  () <  () (D)  () <  () <  ()

35. Match the items of List I and List II:

Reactions Unit of rate constant
A. Decomposition of N2O on hot Pt. (I) mol2L2Time2
B. Hydrolysis of ester by acid (II) mol L1Time1
C. Alkaline hydrolysis of ester (III) mol1L Time1
D. Reduction of FeCl3 by SnCl2 (IV) Time1
(A) A  III, B  II, C  I, D  IV (B) A  I, B  II, C  III, D  IV
(C) A  IV, B  II, C  I, D  III (D) A  II, B  IV, C  III, D  I

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36. The oxidations states of X, Y and Z are +2, +5 and –2 respectively. The possible formula of
compound formed by them is:
(A) XYZ2 (B) X3  Y4 Z 2
(C) Y2  XZ 3 2 (D) X3  YZ 4 2

37. The IP1, IP2 , IP3 , IP4 and IP5 of an element are 7.1, 14.3, 34.5, 46.8 and 162.2 eV respectively.
The element is likely to be
(A) Cl (B) Na
(C) C (D) Ba

38. Which option is not matched in correct sequence?

(A) d5 , d3 , d1, d4  increasing magnetic moment
(B) MO, M2O3 , MO2 , M2O5  decreasing basic strength
(C) Sc, V, Cr, Mn  increasing number of oxidation states
(D) Co2  , Fe3 , Cr 3 , Sc 3  increasing stability

39. K 2 Hgl4  detects the ion/group

(A) NH2 (B) NO
(C) NH4 (D) Cl

40. The distribution of the number of molecules with energy E is given in the figure for two
temperatures T1 and a higher temperature T2 . The letters P, Q, R refer to the separate and
differently shaded areas. The energy of activation on the energy axis

Number of R
Molecules with
energy E

Reaction coordinate
Which expression gives the fraction of the molecules present which have at least activation
energy at the higher temperature T2 .
Q Q R
(A) (B)
Q R QR
(C) (D)
P P  QR

41. Arrange the following compounds in their decreasing basic strength in aq. Solution.
|| ||
CH3  C NH2 CH3 C NH2 CH3CH2NH2 CH3 2 NH
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) IV > II > III > I (B) II > I > IV > III
(C) I > IV > III > II (D) IV > I >II > III

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42. From the following TLC plate

if the Rf values of A and B are 0.75 and 0.5 respectively, then the difference in the height of A and
B on TLC plate is
(A) 1 cm (B) 1.5 cm
(C) 2 cm (D) 2.5 cm

43. What is the order of reactivity of the alkenes  CH3 2 C  CH2 I , CH3 CH  CH2 II and
CH2  CH2 III when subject to acid-catalyzed hydration?
(A) I > II > III (B) I > III > II
(C) III > II > I (D) II > I > III

44. Which of the following structure are superimposable?

(1) H (2) Cl

Cl CH3 H CH3


(3) Cl (4) CH3

CH3 H Cl H


(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 4 (D) 1 and 3

45. In Williamson synthesis of mixed ether having a primary alcohol and a tertiary alkyl group if
tertiary halide is used then:
(A) Rate of reaction will be slow due to slow cleavage of carbon-halogen bond
(B) Alkene will be the main product
(C) Simple ether will form instead of mixed ether
(D) Expected mixed ether will be formed

46. When HCl gas is passed through propene in the presence of benzoyl peroxide it gives
(A) n-propyl chloride (B) 2-chloropropane
(C) allyl chloride (D) no reaction

47. At 25oC, pK b of NH2 and pK a of COOH are x and y respectively. Then, pI of the glycine is

(A) x  y (B) 14  x  y
2 2
14  x  y (D)
14  x  y
2 2

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48. The formation constant of complex HgI24 at 25oC is

Given: E Hg2  /Hg = 0.85 V and E(HgI2 /Hg, I– ) = – 0.05 V.
  4

(A) 1.0  10 (B) 1.0  1060
(C) 1.0  1026.66 (D) 1.0  1030

49. Consider the following reaction:

 A
The product ( A ) is:
(A) OH (B) OH O

(C) (D)


pH (4 - 5) H2 / Ni
50. X Y. Here Y is:
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 10 Numerical based questions. The answer to each question is rounded off to the
nearest integer value.

51. Find out the change in pH of water (at 25℃) when a drop of 1 M HCl is dipped in 1 litre H2O.
(Given 100 drop = 1 mL)

52. Given Reaction Energy Change (in kJ)

Li  s   Li  g 161

Li  g  Li  g  520
F2  g   F  g 77
F  g   e   F  g  (Electron gain enthalpy)

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Li  g   F  g  Li F  s  – 1047
Li  s   F2  g  LiF  s  – 617
Based on data provided the value of electron gain enthalpy (in kJ mol1 ) of fluorine is (neglecting

53. The pK a1 , pK a2 and pK a3 values for the amino acid cysteine are respectively 1.8, 8.0, 10.0.
NH 2
The isoelectric point of cysteine amino acid is

54. If formic acid, acetic acid, propanoic acid and benzoic acid is mixed with Phosphorus and
Bromine then the number of products (including stereoisomer) formed are

55. The number of 3d electrons occupied in t2g orbitals of hydrated Cr 3 ion (octahedral).

56. How many of the following can show geometrical isomerism?

Me OH Et
C N 
(I) (II) C N (III) C N

(IV) C N (V) (VI) CHCl = C = CHCl


(VII) Ph – N = N – Ph (VIII) MeCH = N – NH2 (IX)

Cl Cl
(X) CHCl = C = C = CHCl (XI) C C (XII) CH3 – C  C – CH2Cl


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57. For the strong electrolytes NaOH, NaCl and BaCl2 the molar ionic conductivities at infinite
dilution are 250, 125 and 300 mho cm2 mol–1 respectively. The molar conductivity of Ba(OH)2 at
infinite dilution ( mho cm2 mol–1 ) is

58. Two moles of a gas at 8.21 bar and 300K are expand at constant temperature up to 2.73 bar
against a constant pressure of 1 bar. How much work is done by the gas in atm-litre?
(neglect the sign)

59. 30 ml of 0.2 M NaOH is added with 50 ml 0.2 M CH3COOH solution. The extra volume of 0.2 M
NaOH required to make the pH of the solution 5.00 is ml. The value of x is: (The ionization
constant of CH3COOH = 2  10 5 )

60. The combustion of sodium in excess air yields a higher oxide. What is the oxidation state of the
oxygen in the product? Neglect the negative sign.

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Mathematics PART – C

(One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

 4x  1  2  3x   2  dy 
61. Let y  tan1  2   tan   , where x   0,  . If  2
, then the value of  is
 1  5x   3  2x   3  dx 1  25x
equal to:
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6

n n
62. If the value of lim  k
equals L. Then L  is equal to
k 0 n k  3 

[Note: Where [k] denotes greatest integer function less than or equal to k]
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

63. Let f  x  and g  x  are functions defined in the real domain and co – domain, such that
1  f 2  x   g  x  , then which of the following statements are necessarily true?
(A) If g(x) is periodic with period 1, then f(x) is periodic with period half.
g'(c) 1
(B) If f’(c) = - f(c) = 0.5, then 
g(c) 3
(C) If g(x) is an even function, then f(x) is odd.
(D) If g(x) is continuous function then f(x) is also continuous in their respective domains.

 n 1/ ex 1/ex 
e x  2x    
 3x

64. The value of lim   where n is positive integer, is:
x  xn
(A) In 2 – In 3 (B) In 3 – In 2
(C) 0 (D) None of these

65. Let f be an invertible function form R  R satisfying the equation

f 3  x    x 3  2  f 2  x    2x 3  1 f  x   x 3  0 . Then the value of f '  8    f 1  '  8  , is:
(A) 12 (B) 16
(C) 20 (D) 32

 
3 tan  x  
 4
66. If 
2 3 2
cos x tan x  tan x  tan x
dx  k tan1  
tan x  1  cot x  C , then the value of k is: [where

C is constant of integration]
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 6 (D) 8

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15 AITS-CRT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/2024

67. The solution of the differential equation e  x  y  1 dy   cos2 x  sin2x  y dx  0 subjected to

condition that y = 1 when x = 0, is:
(A)  y  1  e x cos 2 x  2 (B) y  In y  e x cos2 x
(C) In  y  1  ex cos2 x  1 (D) y  In y  e x cos2 x  2

68. Let f be a function defined by y  f  x  where x  2t  t and y  t 2  t t for t  R, then:

(A) f(x) is both continuous and differentiable at x = 0
(B) f(x) is non differentiable at x = 0
(C) f(x) is discontinuous at x = 0
(D) f(x) is neither continuous nor differentiable at x = 0

69. If 32 tan8   2cos2   3cos  and 3 cos2  1, then the most general value of  are:
 2
(A) n  (B) 2n 
3 3
 
(C) n  (D) n 
3 3
(Where n  I)

70. The difference between the radii of the largest and the smallest circles, which have their centres
on the circumference of the circle x 2  2x  y 2  4y  4 , and pass through the point (3, 4) is equal
(A) 4 (B) 6
(C) 8 (D) 10

x 1 y  2 z  3 x  2 y 1 z  2
71. If a line with direction ratio 2:1:1 intersects the lines   and  
2 3 4 1 2 3
at A and B then AB is:
(A) 2 3 (B) 2 5
(C) 2 6 (D) 2 7

         
72. Let a, b and c be three vectors such that a  2 b  4 c and 2a  3b  6c  0. If  is the angle
 
between a and b , then cos  equals:
2 1
(A) (B)
3 3
3 4
(C) (D)
5 5

73. Let P and Q are points on the parabola y 2  4ax with vertex O, such that OP is perpendicular to
r14 /3 r24 /3
OQ and have length r1 and r2 respectively, then the value of is:
r12/3  r22/3
(A) 16a2 (B) a2
(C) 4a (D) None of these

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AITS-CRT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/2024 16

x2 y2
74. Consider the ellipse   1, where f(x) is a positive decreasing function,

f k 2  2k  5  f  k  11
then the value of k for which major axis coincides with x-axis is:
(A) k   7,  5  (B) k   5,  3 
(C) k   3, 2  (D) None of these

75. Let A1, A2, A3, ……, An are the vertices of a polygon of n sides. If the number of pentagons that
can be constructed by joining these vertices such that none of the side of the polygon is also the
side of the pentagon is 36, then the value of n is equal to:
(A) 8 (B) 10
(C) 11 (D) 12
6 12
76. Let 1  3x  2x 2    ak x k
k 0
(A) The coefficient of x12 equals 212 (B) The coefficient of x11 equals 9  2 
6 6

a 2k
3 6 a 2k 1
(C) k 0
 (D) k 1
 2 3 
a12 2 a12

77. If , ,  are the roots of the equation x 3  px  1  0, p  R and A, B, C three matrices defined as:
  3  1 2 3   3  2 3 1   3  5 1 2 
 3   3   3 
A 2  1 1  , B   3  2 2  and C   1  5 1  . Then
 3 1  3  1  1 2  3  2   2 1 3  5 
  
the value of det. (A + B + C) equals:
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 5 (D) 6
78. If A and B are square matrices of order 3 such that det. A  2 and det. B  1 , then
  
det. A 1adj B1 . adj 2A 1   is equal to:
(A) 8 (B) –8
(C) 1 (D) –1

79. z1 and z2 are two distinct points in an argand plane. If a z1  b z2 ,  where a,b  R  then the point
az1 bz2
 is a point on the:
bz 2 az1
(A) Line segment [- 2, 2] of the real axis (B) Line segment [- 2, 2] of the imaginary axis
(C) Unit circle z  1 (D) z  tan1 2

80. A square OABC is formed by line pairs xy  0 and xy  1  x  y where ‘O’ is the origin. A circle
with centre C1 inside the square is drawn to touch the line pair xy  0 and another circle with
centre C2 and radius twice that of C1, is drawn to touch the circle C1 and the other line pair. The
radius of the circle with centre C1 is:
2 2 2
(A) (B)
3 2 1   3 2 1  
2 2 1
(C) (D)
3  2 1  3 2

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17 AITS-CRT-I-PCM-JEE(Main)/2024

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 10 Numerical based questions. The answer to each question is rounded off to the
nearest integer value.

81. Let E and M be 3  3 matrices satisfying the system of equations

EMT  EM   20I
And  E  M   17 E  M
where I denotes identity matrix of order 3.
If E2  M2  I (where a and b are co – prime), then find the value of (a + b).

82. Let f(x) be monotonically strictly increasing function in [3, 5] such that  f  x  dx  9;

f 1  3; f  4   5. Find the value of 2  x 5  f 1  x  dx.  


83. Let Sk be the area bounded by the curve y  x 2 1  x  and the lines x = 0, y = 0 and x = 1. If
lim  Sk is equal to , where p and q are co-prime positive integers, find (p + q).
k 1 q

              1

84. Let k, l, m, n are four distinct units vectors in space such that k . l  l . m  m . k  n . l  n . m  .
  A
The value of k . n can be expressed as , where A, B are co-prime positive integer. Find the
value of A + B.

85. If eccentricity of conjugate hyperbola of the given hyperbola:

2 2 2 2
 x  1   y  2  x  5   y  5  3

is e' , then the value of 8e' is:

86. Let (a, b) be the outcome of throwing a pair of fair dice. If the probability for which


In  cos x 
 exist and is finite can be expressed as p , where p and q are co – prime positive
x 0 x q
integers, then find the value of (p + q).

2 2
87. Let z1, z 2  C andsatisfy the equation z  1  z  1  2 z  6 . If maximum value of
2 z 1  2  2z 2  1  is equal to  , then find the value of 4  .

88. Consider f  x   x 4  ax3  bx 2  cx  d . If straight line y  3x  2 is tangent to the curve

y  f  x  at P 1,f 1  which again intersects f  x  at Q  2,8  and f " 1  0 , then find the value of
f 3 .

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89. Consider a family of n children. Let two events A and B are defined as follows:
A : is the event that the family has both boys and girls
B : is the event that the family has at most one girl
If the vents A and B are independent, then find the value of n.
[Note: Probability that a randomly selected child is a boy or girl is same]

 16 
90. If the function f  x   2x 3   8  a  x 2   a2  
 x  12 has local minima at some x  R , then
 9 
find the number of integers in the range of a.

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