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Pokhara University

.NET Technology


Compiled by:

Er. Bishwo Adhikari

Asst. Professor

Apex College

January 2020
.NET Technology

Guidelines for Lab

Language to be used
Labs will be conducted in C#. The first few labs will be introductory to Visual Studio
Code and ASP.NET Core MVC using C#. Microsoft SQL Server will be used as back-end.
Please note that .NET core can run on multiple operating system like Windows, Linux,
Mac OS.
Lab Procedure:
The lab plan will be provided to the students during the start of semester. Students are
required to study the related chapters from the book or research relevant topic from the
internet and prepare a pre-report before coming to the lab. The lab instructor will make a
presentation explaining the concepts, through the use of one or several typical program.
In the lab, students will modify the program as instructed.
Pre Requisite:
a. Basic programming (Conditionals, Loops, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MVC, DB, etc.)
b. Visual Studio Code
c. C# for Visual Studio Code (latest version)
d. .NET Core 3.1 SDK or later
e. SQL Server 2017 Express Edition,
f. SQL Operations Studio
The Visual Studio Code instructions use the .NET Core CLI for ASP.NET Core development
functions such as project creation. You can follow these instructions on any platform
(macOS, Linux, or Windows) and with any code editor.
To check if you have already installed .NET Core, type the following in command/
terminal: dotnet --version
Buffer Labs:
In addition to accommodate for labs that could not be conducted, buffer labs can be used
to repeat past labs, or complete labs that were not completed in the assigned session.
However, at the end of the buffer lab, the student should have submitted all lab reports
until that point.
Lab 1: Introduction to Visual Studio Code and ASP.NET Core MVC
Lab 2: An Introduction to Web API - Part I
Lab 3: An Introduction to Web API - Part II
Lab 4: ER Diagram, Create Database Tables and N-Layered Architecture
Lab 5: Buffer Lab
Lab 6: ApexRestaurant.Repository Setup
Lab 7: ApexRestaurant.Services Setup
Lab 8: ApexRestaurant.Api Setup for Web Services/Web API
Lab 9: ApexRestaurant.Api Testing via Postman
.NET Technology
Lab 10: Presentation / Viva
Bonus Lab I: ApexRestaurant.Mvc Setup
Bonus Lab II: Mobile Application (ApexRestaurant.Mobile) Setup
.NET Technology
Lab 1
Setup Environment

 Open the integrated terminal.

 Change directories (cd) to the folder that will contain the project folder.
 Run the following commands:


dotnet new webapi -o TodoApi
cd TodoApi
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory
code -r ../TodoApi

 When a dialog box asks if you want to add required assets to the project,
select Yes.

The preceding commands:

o Creates a new web API project and opens it in Visual Studio Code.
o Adds the NuGet packages which are required in the next section.
.NET Technology
Lab 2:
Create a Web API Project
 Follow this document and create REST API for your project.
.NET Technology
Lab 3:
ER Diagram, Create Database Tables and N-Layered Architecture
Below is the ER Diagram for Restaurant and Customers.

Run the following code in SQL Server:

-- Create database

-- Use db
USE ApexRestaurantDB;

-- Create table
FirstName NVARCHAR(200),
LastName NVARCHAR(200),
Address NVARCHAR(500),
PhoneRes NVARCHAR(50),
PhoneMob NVARCHAR(50),
EnrollDate DATETIME,
IsActive BIT,
.NET Technology
CreatedBy NVARCHAR(200),
UpdatedBy NVARCHAR(200),

Then insert a seed data to the table Customers. This is done to ensure that you
get at least one record to test your application.


'Ram Bahadur',
'2019-01-01 00:00:00.000',
'2019-01-01 10:00:00.000',
'2019-01-01 11:00:00.000'

Follow the same process for all the tables in your database.
Initializing Project Structure:
Create a folder D:\ApexRestaurant\ and initialize projects:

dotnet new mvc -o ApexRestaurant.Mvc --auth Individual¶

dotnet new webapi -o ApexRestaurant.Api¶

.NET Technology
dotnet new classlib -o ApexRestaurant.Services¶

dotnet new classlib -o ApexRestaurant.Repository¶

Create a solution:
dotnet new sln -n ApexRestaurant¶

Add the above projects to this newly created solution:

dotnet sln ApexRestaurant.sln
add .\ApexRestaurant.Repository\ApexRestaurant.Repository.csproj¶

dotnet sln ApexRestaurant.sln

add .\ApexRestaurant.Services\ApexRestaurant.Services.csproj¶

dotnet sln ApexRestaurant.sln

add .\ApexRestaurant.Api\ApexRestaurant.Api.csproj¶

dotnet sln ApexRestaurant.sln

add .\ApexRestaurant.Mvc\ApexRestaurant.Mvc.csproj¶

Add reference of projects:

dotnet add .\ApexRestaurant.Services
reference .\ApexRestaurant.Repository\ApexRestaurant.Repository.csproj¶

dotnet add .\ApexRestaurant.Api

reference .\ApexRestaurant.Services\ApexRestaurant.Services.csproj¶

dotnet add .\ApexRestaurant.Api

reference .\ApexRestaurant.Repository\ApexRestaurant.Repository.csproj¶

Restore the dependencies and build:

dotnet restore ApexRestaurant.sln¶

dotnet build ApexRestaurant.sln¶

Verify that the API project is running:

dotnet run --project .\ApexRestaurant.Api\ApexRestaurant.Api.csproj¶
.NET Technology
Ensure that the Controllers folder has ValuesController.cs file, then run the following URL
in your preferred web browser:

If the above returns output similar to below, your project is running!

Since you’re in a working state, initialize and put the project to git.
Go to and create a new public repository, e.g. yourname_dotnet. You need to
submit a fully working instance of your github repository for project marks. I have
created a public repository as apexrestaurant. The public url of my github repository is
Initialize git inside the folder “D:\ApexRestaurant\”
git init¶
Add all changed files to be tracked by git
git add .¶
Commit with message “initial commit”
git commit -m "initial commit"¶
Setup your github url as your remote git location
git remote add origin¶
Push to github
git push -u origin master¶
Go to your github location in browser and see the changes reflected online.
.NET Technology
Lab 4:
ApexRestaurant.Repository Setup

Create an interface IGenericRepository.cs:

using System.Linq;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository
public interface IGenericRepository<T>

T Get(int id);

IQueryable<T> Query();

void Insert(T entity);

void Update(T entity);

void Delete(T entity);


Create a class GenericRepository.cs

using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository
public abstract class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T>
where T : class, new()
protected RestaurantContext DbContext { get; set; }

public T Get(int id)

return DbContext.Find<T>(id);
.NET Technology

public IQueryable<T> Query()

return DbContext.Set<T>().AsQueryable();

public void Insert(T entity)


public void Update(T entity)

DbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;

public void Delete(T entity)


Create a class RepositoryModule.cs

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using ApexRestaurant.Repository.RCustomer;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository
public static class RepositoryModule
public static void Register(IServiceCollection services, string connection,
string migrationsAssembly)
.NET Technology
services.AddDbContext<RestaurantContext>(options =>
options.UseSqlServer(connection, builder =>
services.AddTransient<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();

- Whenever you add a new repository, add a line similar to the highlighted line.
- Transient objects are always different; a new instance is provided to every controller
and every service. Scoped objects are the same within a request, but different across
different requests. Singleton objects are the same for every object and every request.

Create a class RestaurantContext.cs:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository
public class RestaurantContext : DbContext

public RestaurantContext(DbContextOptions<RestaurantContext> options) :


public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)



- Whenever you add a new table, add a line similar to the highlighted line.
.NET Technology
Create a folder “Domain” and add a class “Customer.cs”.
using System;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }

public string FirstName { get; set; }

public string LastName { get; set; }

public string Address { get; set; }

public string PhoneRes { get; set; }

public string PhoneMob { get; set; }

public DateTime EnrollDate { get; set; }

public bool IsActive { get; set; }

public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }

public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

public DateTime UpdatedOn { get; set; }


Create a folder “RCustomer” where R stands for Repository.

Create an interface “ICustomerRepository.cs” inside “RCustomer” folder
using ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain;
.NET Technology
namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository.RCustomer
public interface ICustomerRepository : IGenericRepository<Customer>

Create a class “CustomerRepository.cs” insider “RCustomer” folder

using ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Repository.RCustomer
public class CustomerRepository : GenericRepository<Customer>, ICustomerRepository
public CustomerRepository(RestaurantContext dbContext)
DbContext = dbContext;

To add related packages:

cd ApexRestaurant.Repository¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer¶

dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json¶

Good work! Your repository project is complete. Now build your project to ensure there
are no errors.
dotnet build¶

Then add the changes to git.

git add .¶

git commit -m "added repository for customer"¶

git push -u origin master¶

Follow the similar steps for other database models as per your ER diagram.
.NET Technology
Lab 5:
Buffer Lab
.NET Technology
Lab 6:
ApexRestaurant.Services Setup
Create an interface “IGenericService.cs”
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Services
public interface IGenericService<T>
IList<T> GetAll();

T GetById(int id);

void Insert(T entity);

void Update(T entity);

void Delete(T entity);


Create a class “GenericService.cs”

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ApexRestaurant.Repository;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Services
public abstract class GenericService<T> : IGenericService<T>
where T : class, new()
protected GenericService(IGenericRepository<T> entityRepository)
EntityRepository = entityRepository;

protected IGenericRepository<T> EntityRepository { get; }

.NET Technology
public void Insert(T entity)

public void Update(T entity)


public IList<T> GetAll()

return EntityRepository.Query().ToList();

public T GetById(int id)

return EntityRepository.Get(id);

public void Delete(T entity)


Add a class “ServiceModule.cs”

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using ApexRestaurant.Services.SCustomer;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Services
public static class ServicesModule
public static void Register(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
.NET Technology

Note: Add similar line to the highlighted line for every new services.

Next, add a folder “SCustomer” where S stands for services.

Add an interface “ICustomerService.cs” inside the folder “SCustomer”.
using ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Services.SCustomer
public interface ICustomerService : IGenericService<Customer>


Add a class “CustomerService.cs” inside the folder “SCustomer”.

using ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain;
using ApexRestaurant.Repository.RCustomer;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Services.SCustomer
public class CustomerService : GenericService<Customer>, ICustomerService
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository customerRepository) :


Great work! Services project is setup. Build to ensure there are no erros.
cd ApexRestaurant.Services¶

dotnet build¶

Then add the changes to git.

git add .¶

git commit -m "added services for customer"¶

.NET Technology
git push -u origin master¶

Follow the similar steps for other models as per your ER diagram.
.NET Technology
Lab 7:
ApexRestaurant.Api Setup for Web Services/Web API & Testing via Postman
Navigate to “appsettings.json” file and add “ConnectionStrings” section:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=.;Database=ApexRestaurantDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"
"Logging": {
"IncludeScopes": false,
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"

Navigate to “Startup.cs” and add entries for RepositoryModule and ServiceModule in the
method ConfigureServices as below.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ApexRestaurant.Repository;
using ApexRestaurant.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpsPolicy;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

namespace ApexRestaurant.Api
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
.NET Technology

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to
the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the
HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())


Under “Controllers” folder, add “CustomerController.cs”

using ApexRestaurant.Repository.Domain;
using ApexRestaurant.Services.SCustomer;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
.NET Technology

namespace ApexRestaurant.Api.Controller
public class CustomerController : ControllerBase

private readonly ICustomerService _customerService;

public CustomerController(ICustomerService customerService)

_customerService = customerService;

public IActionResult Get([FromRoute] int id)
var customer = _customerService.GetById(id);

if (customer == null)
return NotFound();

return Ok(customer);

public IActionResult GetAll()
var customers = _customerService.GetAll();
return Ok(customers);

public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Customer model)
.NET Technology
return Ok();

public IActionResult Put([FromBody] Customer model)
return Ok();

public IActionResult Delete([FromBody] Customer model)
return Ok();


Add necessary dependencies to the project.

cd ApexRestaurant.Api¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Abstractions¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Analyzers¶
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational¶
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer¶
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions¶

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Options¶

.NET Technology
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives¶

Build the project to ensure there are no errors.

dotnet build¶

Then add the changes to git.

git add .¶

git commit -m "added api controller for customer"¶

git push -u origin master¶

Run and check that API is working correctly.

dotnet run

Navigate to in your browser for verification.

Perform the following in Postman for detailed verification.

.NET Technology


Notice the field “Status: 200 OK” for successful insertion of customer.
.NET Technology


Now the API is ready to be used by applications.

.NET Technology

Lab 8&9:
Call Web API with jQuery/Ajax
.NET Technology
Lab 10:

Send an email with the link to your public github repository to

[email protected].

Based on your commit history and correctness of working modules, your evaluation will
be done.
.NET Technology
Bonus Lab I:
ApexRestaurant.Mvc Setup
Let’s use CLI code generator “dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator” to generate controllers and
views for us.
First, install dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator.
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator ¶

Then create a controller and view for customer.

Go to root folder of MVC project

cd ApexRestaurant\ApexRestaurant.Mvc ¶

Generate code:

dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator -p "ApexRestaurant.Mvc.csproj" controller -name

CustomersController -m Customer -outDir Controllers ¶

Similar to ApexRestaurant.Api, call Services inside ActionResult of Controllers and

proceed ahead.
.NET Technology
Bonus Lab II:
Mobile Application (ApexRestaurant.Mobile) Setup
Use the Web API with Ionic 4, Angular 7 and Cordova.
Note: Make use of your own Web API in this project.



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