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Current , voltage and Resistance:

​ Current is the amount of charge moving through a

conductor per second .


Where I is the current measured in coloumb /sec .or amperes.

Q : amount of charge (coloums).
t : time (seconds).

​ Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current through

a ciruit.
​ The relation between voltage , current ,and resistance is
called Ohm’s law

which states that : V= IR .(ohm's law )

R: resistance measured in Ohms (Ω)

V: voltage or potential difference (volts)
I: current( amperes )

Parameters affecting the Electric Resistance:

The resistance of a conducting wire of a uniform cross- sectional
area at constant temperature depends upon the following

(1) the length of the conductor:

we find the RαL
i.e. the resistance of a resistor is directly proportional to its

(2) the cross-sectional area of the conductor :

we find that : R α 1/A

i.e. the resistance of a resistor is inversely proportional to
its cross-sectional area.

(3) the type of the conductor material:

we find that : R1≠R2

from that we can conclude that the resistance of the resistor

depends on its material.
Measuring current & voltage:

If we wanted to actually measure the current through the resistor and

the voltage across the resistor, we would connect an ammeter ( to
measure current in series with the resistor and a voltmeter (to
measure voltage in parallel with the resistor as shown

 Ammeters have low resistance to be sure that it will not affect

the current passing through the circuit while voltmeters have high
resistances to be sure that no current will pass through.

The electromotive force of a source (E.M.F.) or

• since the source of electricity (as batteries or dynamos )convert
a type of energy (chemical l, mechanical,……)to electrical
energy .
• the energy given by the source to every coloumb in order to
transfer it around the circuit
is termed electromotive force (e.m.f.)
• E.M.F. is measured in volt.


P = V I = I 2R
The unit of power is joule /second or watt.


E= VIT = I 2 RT

Series circuits
R total = R1 + R2 + R3

I total =
I is the same through all resistors .
Which means that I total is the current passing through all resistors.

V1 = IR1 , V2 = IR2 , V3 = IR3 .

Were V1 is the voltage across the first resistor.

V2 is the voltage across the second resistor .
V3 is the voltage across the third resistor.

N.B. V total = V1 + V2 + V3 .

Parallel circuits
1/Rt =1/R1+1/R2 +1/R3

If there are N resistors of the same resistance say r , then their

equivalent resistance when connected in parallel is given by :

I1=V/R1, I2= V/R2, I3 = V/R3, I total =V/Rt.

Where I1 is the current flowing through R1

I2 is the current flowing through R2
I3 is the current flowing through R3

& I total is known as the battery current.

N.B. I total = I1 + I2 + I3 .

1.The resistors of 35Ω , 60Ω ,and 25Ω are connected in series to a
60 volt battery of negligible internal resistance .calculate .

a) The current flowing each resistor.

b) The p.d. across the resistor.

Since r is negligible then
The total resistance of the circuit R is :
R = R1 + R2 + R3 = 35 + 60 + 25 = 120Ω
The current flowing through the circuit :

I= Vt/Rt = 0.5Ω
Since the resistors are connected in series,
Then the current flowing through each resistance and all other parts
of the circuit is 0.5Ω A
Assume the potential difference across R1; R2 & R3 is V1, V2 & V3

V1 = IR1 =0.5 x 35 =17.5 V

V2 = IR2 =0..5 x 60 = 30 V
V3 = IR3 = 0.5 x 25 = 12.5 V

2. If the resistance is 30Ω , 60Ω , and 20Ω are connected in

parallel to a battery,120V of negligible internal resistance , calculate :
a. The current flowing in each resistor .
b. The total resistance .
c. The current through the circuit.


a. Since the resistors are connected in parallel

Since the battery is of negligible internal resistance .
∴the terminal potential difference = emf of the battery
∴the potential difference across each resistor =the terminal potential
difference =120 V .
The current flowing through each resistor is calculated separately as
follows :

I1= V/R1 = 4 A

I2 = V/R2 =2A

I3 =V/R3 =6A

b. The total for (equivalent or combined) resistance R is

calculated as follows :
1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 = 1/30 + 1/60 + 1/20

R =10 Ω.

c. The current flowing through the circuit ,I is

I = V/R =12A.
Or it can be calculated also as the sum of the currents flowing
through all resistors:

I = I1 + I2 + I3 = 4 + 2 + 6 =12A.
3. Two resistors A and B are connected in parallel, the combination
connected in series to a resistor C and 36 volt battery of negligible
internal resistance.
If the resistance of A, B and C are 12 , 6 and 14 respectively.

Calculate :

a) The total resistance .

b) The current flowing through the circuit.
c) The current flowing through each of A and B .

Solution :

a) The equivalent resistance for the combination ,A and B is

1/ Rab = 1/Ra + 1/Rb = 1/4
Rab = 4 Ω
The equivalent resistance of the combination (A, B, C) is:
R= Rab +Rc = 4 + 14=18 Ohm.

b) The current I, flowing through the circuit is :

I = V/R = 36/18 = 2A

c) To calculate the current ,flowing through each of A and B,

We should calculate the terminal potential difference Vab of the
combination (A, B)

V ab = IR ab = 2 x 4 = 8V

Assuming the current flowing through A and B to be I1 and I2

I1 =V/Ra =8/12= 0.667 A .
I2 =V/Rb = 1.33 A.
4- for the given circuit calculate the total resistance , the total
current , the volt across R3
5- For the given circuit, answer the following questions:

a-Through which resistor will the total current pass?

b-Through which resistor will the ammeter read the current?
c-Across which resistor will the voltmeter read the voltage

c-R2 and R3

Ohm’s law for a closed circuit :

We know that the electromotive force (E.M.F) of a cell is the work
done by the cell to transfer one coloumb of charge through the whole
circuit , inside and outside the cell.

• if the E.M.F. of the cell is denoted by E ,the current by I ,

the external resistance by R and
the internal resistance r ,which the cell it self offers the flow of
current .

∴ E = IR +Ir ∴ E = I( R + r ) I=.
6. A cell of E.M.F. 4 volt an internal resistance of 0.2 Ω is connected
to a circuit of an external resistance 3.8 Ω. Calculate.

a) The current flowing through the circuit.

b) The terminal potential difference.
c) The reading of the voltmeter when the circuit is switched


a) I = = =1A.
b) Vt = IR = 1 x 3.8 =3.8 V .
Or Vt =E –Ir = 4 – (1 x 0.2) = 4- 0.2 = 3.8 V.
c) The reading of the voltmeter when the circuit is switched
off = E.M.F. = 4 V.

∵q αV
∴ C = q/V

Where :
C : capacitance (farad )
Q : charge in of the plates (coloumb)
V : voltage of the battery connected across the plates (volts)

Resistance – capacitance circuits

• Whe the switch is moved to the position a ,current begins to flow

from the battery and the capacitor begins to fill up with chrge .
• Initially, the current is E/R by Ohm’s law but then it decreases as
time goes on until the capacitor is fully charged and will not allow
any more charges to flow out of the battery .

An empty capacitor does not resist the flow of current and thus
acts like a wire (short circuit).
A capacitor that is full of charge will not allow the current to
flow thus acts like broken wire (open circuit).

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