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Ascaris Enterobius Strongyloides Necator Ancylostoma Trichuris Trichinella Capillaria

AKA  giant round  Pinworm/  Threadworm  American  Old world  Whipworm  Pig Muscle  Pudoc
worm/ oxyuris seatworm/social murderer worm worm
worm  New world
Host  MAN  MAN  MAN  MAN  MAN  Pig  Bagsit
(OPTIMUM) (fresh water
 MAN (DEAD fish)-I.H
END)  MAN (D.H)
Habitat  Small  Large intestine  Small intestine  Small intestine  Large  Small intestine  Small
intestineasy intestine intestine
MALE  2 broad  Single spicule  Measures 0.7  Measure 5.9  3 lobes, 1  30-45 mm  1.5mm by  Spicule 230-
spicules  2-5mm by 0.1- mm by 0.04 mm by dorsal, 2 long 0.04 mm 300 um
 Smaller 12-31 0.2mm curved tail  2 copulatory 0.30mm lateral  End coiled  Single testes long,
cm & curved spicules  Broad,  13 fleshy vebtrally unspined
tail ventrally curved caudal bursa chitinous single sheath
tail w/ rib-like rays spicule &  1.5-3.9mm
14 rays for  2 spicule rectile sheth  Thin
capulation separate, filamentous
 2 spicules dorsal rays anterior
fused single end slightly
barbed tip  Tripartite thicker &
 Single-paired shorter
male & posterior
female repro end
Female  20-35cm long  8-13 mm by 0.4mm  Rhabditiform  9-11 mm by  Single-paired  35-50 mm  3.5 mm by  2.3-5.3mm
& 3-6 mm  Prominent esopgeal measures 1mm 0.35m male & long 0.06 mm
wide bulb & long pointed by 0.06mm female repro  Bluntly  Single ovary,
 Vulva opens at tail smaller than organs rounded oviduct,
junction  Lays average eggs filariform posterior seminal
anterior & 11, 105  Filariform end receptacle,
middle 3rd female 2.2 mm  Lays coiled uterus,
body by 0.04 mm approximate vagina & vulva
 colorless, semi- ly 3,000-  Produce 1,500
transparent w/ 10,00 larve/more
finely striated eggs/day lifetime
 Lays
eggs develop
after few hrs
Adult  Cylindrical  Short white   Cylindrical w head bent sharply  Male is   Tiny
w/tapering fusiform backwards slightly nematode
ends  Hookworm spp differentiated by shorter residing S.I.
 Thick cuticle buccal capsule & arrangement female
 Head 3 lips w/ ray in bursa
minute  N.americanus moist region :
teeth/denticle southeast asia, sub-sahara Africa
s & tropical America
 A,doudenale dryer &colder
areas: north india, china, middle
east, Africa)
 Female is longer than male w/
tapering end

-small cylindrical, fusiform grayish-
-vebtral pair of semi-lunar cutting
-head curved opposite curvature (S)

-slightly larger americanus
-head continues same direction
-Two pairs ventral teeth
Eggs/  Fertilized egg  Rhabditiform larva  Filariform  Eggs Indistinguishable  Lemon  a spear-like  Peanut-
larva brownish,  Asymmetrical eggs - Infective (hookworm) shaped w/ burrowing shaped egg
ovoid w/ onside flattened stage  Rhabditiform (hookworm) plug like anterior tip w/flattened
 Unfertilized & other side convex - Slender indistinguishable – resembles translucent bipolar
egg tapering Strongyloides but larger more polar plugs
 Larva lungs anterior end attenuated posterior hookworm prominences
and short  Longer buccal cavity  yellowish
conical puter &
pointed tail Necator transparent
- Short bucal -buccal spears filariform inner shell
cavity 4 conspicuous & parallel  brown due
indistinct -less pathogenic 9k bile stained
lips  multiple
- Uteri single Ancylostoma shell
file of 8-12 -inconspicuous buccal spears
thin shelled, -more pathogenic 25k-30k
- Feeding
- Free-living
- Shorter
- Non-feeding
form w/
distinct cleft
at the tip
Rhabditiform larva
develop into
filariform infective
Color  Creamy white  white   Greyish-   Flesh -  Whitish 
to brown white colored
INFECTIVE  Embryonated  Embryonated egg  Filariform  Filariform  Filariform  Embryonate  encysted larva  IS of the DH
STAGE egg containing containing L3 larvae d egg (MAN
L3 larvae containing SEXUAL):
rhabditiform encysted
larva larva
 IS of the IH
d egg

Diagnosis  Duodenal  Graham’s scotch  Direct wet microcopy  DFS - biochemical test  finding the
aspartates adhesive tape swab - finding of  Kato-katz  Kato may show characteris
 DFS (Perianal cellulose unexplained  FLOTAC cellophane chemical evidence tic eggs in
 Kato thick tape swab) eosinophilia  Culture (Harada Mori) thick smear of muscle damage the feces
smear  Kato-katz - high counts of (DFS)
 Kato-Katz - concentration technique peripheral blood  doudenal
techniques technique (quantitativ eosinophilia aspiration
 FECT e method) strengthen the 
- Harada Mori diagnosis
 Acid-ether/
formalin- - serology
- Baerman funnel
ether - muscle biopsy
- Beale’s string test
- doudenal
aspiration Prevention &
in disseminated  meat should
infection be cooked @
- larva maybe found  freezing -150C
in sputum or urine for 20 days or
-300C for 6

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