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Adama Science and Technology University, School of Applied Natural

Science, Department of Applied Physics

Electrodynamics I (phys3211) exit-exam model for fourth year Applied


1. A conductor carrying current is surrounded by a magnetic field exist in circles above the
conductor is discovered by
a. Oersted
b. Faraday
c. Henry
d. Lenz
2. In Fleming’s right hand rule the direction of induced EMF is given by:
a. Middle finger
b. First finger
c. Thumb
d. None of the above
3. Ferromagnetic substances are
a. Strongly attracted by a magnet
b. Good conductors
c. Good insulators
d. Same as that of diamagnetic material
4. Self induced emf is
a. Emf developed in the coil due to its own inductance
b. Emf induced due to the current flowing through a neighboring coil
c. Voltage drops across the coil
d. The current flowing through the coil
5. The core of a solenoid is used
a. Soft iron
b. Copper
c. Aluminium
d. None of the above

6. In Flemings left hand rule thumb always represents direction of
a. Mechanical work
b. Current flow
c. Induced emf
d. Magnetic field
7. By which law, the direction of induced emf will be identified
a. Lenz’s law
b. Faraday’s first law of electromagnetic induction
c. Faraday’s second law of electromagnetic induction
d. Fleming’s left hand rule
8. Which rule states that the magnitude of the induced emf is directly proportional to the
rate of change of flux linkage?
a. Faraday’s second law of electromagnetic induction
b. Lenz’s law
c. Fleming’s left hand rule
d. Faraday’s first law of electromagnetic induction
9. The light has _________nature.
a. Dual nature
b. Wave
c. Particle
d. Matter
10. Flemings left hand rule does not indicate
a. The voltage in the conductor
b. The direction of current flow in the conductor
c. The direction of the magnetic flux
d. The direction of the magnetic flux
11. Which one of the following is a ferromagnetic material?
a. Nickel
b. Lead
c. Platinum
d. Copper
12. According to the right handed corkscrew rule, the direction of the direction of the
magnetic field is indicated by which of the following?
a. In the direction of rotation of the screw
b. In the direction of screwing in
c. In the vertical direction of rotation of the screw
d. In the same direction as the movement of the screw

13. An element which stores energy in the form of a magnetic field is
a. Carbon inductor
b. Nichrome varistor
c. Tungsten resistor
d. Eureka capacitor
14. Two current carrying conductors lying parallel to each other are exerting a force of
attraction on each other. The currents are
a. In the same direction
b. Low and varying
c. High
d. In opposite direction
15. The reciprocal of reluctance is called________
a. Permeance
b. Inductance
c. Reactance
d. Resistance
16. SI unit of magnetic induction is
a. Tesla
b. N/C
c. Weber
d. Nm/A
17. Differential form of gauss’s law in magneto statics is________________

18. Which of the following laws do not form a Maxwell equation?
a. Planck’s law
b. Gauss’s Law
c. Faraday’s law
d. Ampere’s Law
19. The divergence of which quantity will be zero?
a. B
b. D
c. H
d. E

20. Find the Maxwell equation derived from Faraday’s law.
21. Find the Maxwell law derived from Ampere law
22. Terminal potential difference of battery depends on
a. Resistance of external resistor
b. Current
c. Temperature
d. a and b
23. Potential difference across ends of conductor causes loss of
a. Electrical energy
b. Mechanical energy
c. Potential energy
d. Gravitational energy
24. The unit of conductance cannot be expressed in
a. Ohm/m
b. mho
c. (ohm)-1
d. Siemens
25. Good conductors have many loosely bound
a. Electrons
b. Atoms
c. Molecules
d. Protons
26. With a rise in temperature, the resistance of semiconductors
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. First increase and then decrease
d. Remain constant
27. Magnetic field is set up in region surrounding the current carrying
a. Wire
b. Rod
c. Blog

d. Plate
28. If a current carrying conductor is placed in uniform magnetic field parallel to direction of
field then the force experienced by conductor will be
a. Zero
29. The production of induced current in one coil due to production of current in
neighboring coil is
a. Mutual induction
b. Electromagnetism
c. Induction
d. Steady current
30. Which of the following circuit elements will oppose the change in circuit current
a. Inductance
b. Capacitance
c. Resistance
d. All of the above
31. The strength of magnetic field is defined as
a. Field lines passing through surface
b. Electric field lines passing the loop
c. Current through surface
d. Electrons passing a specific point per unit time
32. Divergence theorem is based on
a. Gauss law
b. Stoke’s law
c. Lenz law
d. Ampere law
33. The Ampere law is based on which theorem?
a. Stoke’s theorem
b. Green’s theorem
c. Maxwell theorem
d. Gauss divergence theorem
34. Calculate the polarization vector in air when the susceptibility is 5 and electric field is 12
a. 60
b. 3
c. 2
d. 2.4

35. In isotropic materials, which of the following quantities will be independent of the
a. Permittivity
b. Permeability
c. Polarization
d. Polarizability
36. Calculate the energy stored per unit volume in a dielectric medium due to polarization
when units and units
a. 36
b. 1.8
c. 2.25
d. 144
37. Faraday’s laws are consequence of the conservation of
a. Energy
b. Charge
c. Magnetic field
d. a and c
38. Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of
a. Energy
b. Charge
c. Induced emf
d. Induced current
39. Find the force acting on a conductor 3m long carrying a current of 50 amperes at right
angles to a magnetic field having a flux of 0.67 tesla
a. 100N
b. 400N
c. 600N
d. 1000N
40. If current in a conductor increases then according to Lenz's law self-induced voltage will
a. Aid the increasing current
b. Tend to decrease the amount of current
c. Produce current opposite to the increasing current
d. Aid the applied voltage
41. Which of the following is the expression for Lorentz force?

42. The velocity of a charged particle to keep moving in the same direction, in a region
where electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other, is__________
43. Differential form of Gauss’s law in magneto statics is__________
44. Magnetic field can be produced by_________
a. Both conduction and displacement current
b. It is produced naturally
c. Conduction current
d. Displacement current
45. Which of the following is the expression for the continuity equation?
46. Statically induced emf’s magnitude depends on the
a. Rate of change of flux
b. Coil resistance
c. Flux magnitude
d. None
47. The total number of magnetic field lines passing through an area is termed as?
a. Magnetic flux
b. Voltage
c. Emf
d. Magnetic flux density
48. Resistivity of a wire depends on__________
a. Material
b. Length of wire
c. Cross section area
d. All

49. Magnetic field can be produced by________
a. Both conduction and displacement current
b. Conduction current
c. Displacement current
d. It is produced naturally
50. What is the consequence of motor effect?
a. Electromagnetic induction
b. Current
c. Voltage
d. Emf

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