Submarine Design

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8th Annual Systems Engineering Conference

Sponsored by the
National Defense Industrial Association
San Diego CA
October 2005

SEC-8 1
Integrating MIL-STD-882 System Safety Products
Into The Concurrent Engineering Approach To
System Design, Build, Test, And Delivery Of
Submarine Systems At Electric Boat.

Ricky Milnarik

SEC-8 2
Electric Boat has been building submarines for the
U. S. Navy for over 100 years.

In 1900 Electric Boat

delivered the
U. S. Navy’s first
submarine, the
USS Holland.

SEC-8 3
Subsequent to the USS Holland, Electric Boat has
delivered over 270 submarines to the U.S. Navy.
In October 2004 the USS VIRGINIA, the first ship in
a new class
of fast attack
was delivered
the U. S. Navy.

SEC-8 4
The VIRGINIA Class Submarine is the first class of
submarine built at Electric Boat that uses the
Integrated Product and Process Development
(IPPD) process to conduct, manage and status
the ship design, ship construction and life cycle
The IPPD process is a dynamic concurrent
engineering concept that includes integration of
system safety engineers into design/ build
teams (DBT).

SEC-8 5
Before the IPPD process was implemented a serial
approach to submarine design-to-construction was
Upon Navy approval of the drawings a full scale
wooden mockup of the lead ship was built and
The dynamics of the design/build team concept is
made possible through the use of the Computer
Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application
(CATIA) software design tool to develop electronic
mockups in place of building wooden mockups.
SEC-8 6

The design/build team concept also necessitated

tailoring how traditional MIL-STD-882 system
safety program products were developed and
used to provide a complete evaluation of the
system(s) under development.

SEC-8 7
Integrated Product and Process
The basis for IPPD is the design-to-build
This methodology consists of activity-based
product management and concurrent
engineering DBTs.
Team assignments are structured in accordance
with program development and
manufacturing needs.

SEC-8 8
Integrated Product and Process

Ensures that all requirements of conceptual

engineering, design, fabrication, assembly,
and test, that support system safety are
evaluated and analyzed early in the
acqusition process.

SEC-8 9
Integrated Product and Process
Concept To Delivery

Operations Organization
(Shipyard Construction Safety)

Design Organizations
(System Safety)

Design Manufacturing Module Construction Assembly, Installation

Development & Test & Test & Test

IPPD Team Staffing

SEC-8 10
Design / Build Teams

Design Build Teams consist of:

– Program Management Teams
– Functional Area Teams
– System Integration Teams (SIT)

SEC-8 11
Design / Build Teams
DBT functional managers / technical leaders
have direct management and control of their
specific functional areas.


SEC-8 12
Design / Build Teams
DBTs also manage both technology and
program development and exercise authority
in ensuring component and system integrity
via technical design reviews and approval
This responsibility broadens the awareness and
involvement of team members and creates a
sense of ownership of the design efforts and
system safety products.

SEC-8 13
Design / Build Teams

DBTs are made up of representatives from

Electric Boat, government suppliers,
government laboratory personnel, Navy
operators, independent government
review/certification board members (e. g.
Weapon System Explosives Safety Review
Board, SUBSAFE , Deep Submergence
System (diver safety) etc.) and teaming

SEC-8 14
Design / Build Teams
A typical DBT makeup is shown below

System Safety NAVSEA

Navy Operators

SEC-8 15
System Integration Teams
System Integration Teams (SITs) develop,
integrate, and optimize systems in the ship
and prepare technical deliverables by:
Developing and evaluating system concepts and
new components, conducting trade-off studies,
developing system diagrams, class drawings,
component specifications etc.
Performing safety analyses on new and
significantly modified legacy ship systems and
components in accordance with the System Safety
Program Plan.

SEC-8 16
System Integration Teams

Establishing technical interfaces with government

agencies, laboratories, and other contractors.
Integrating discipline-specific individuals and
individuals with appropriate specialty
expertise (e.g. system safety engineers,
production, finance, integrated logistics
support environmental compliance etc.).

SEC-8 17
System Integration Teams
Typical Submarine Systems

Torpedo Ejection Trim and Drain Propulsion Plant

Vertical Launch Low Pressure Air High Pressure Air
Weapons Handling Main Hydraulic Main Seawater
Communications (Radio) HVAC Ships Entertainment
Combat Control Subsystem External Hydraulic AC Power/Interior
Combat Launch Control Ship Control Masts and Antennas
Navigation Fresh Water Atmosphere Monitoring
Sonar AC Electrical Power Interior Communication
Total Ship Monitoring DC Electrical Power Auxiliary Seawater
Non-Tactical Data Processing Lighting Main Ballast Tank Low
Escape and Rescue Fire Fighting Pressure Blow

SEC-8 18
System Safety Process
Tailoring of the system safety process centered
– Formalized SIT meetings.
– Conduct of safety hazard analyses as a team
– Use of CATIA for safety hazard analyses and Human
Systems Integration (HSI) into design products.

SEC-8 19
System Safety Process
SIT Meetings
Since the SITs contain all the key players and
decision makers for the system under
development. Each SIT meeting:
– doubles as a safety working group meeting
– documents system and safety design decisions
– documents unresolved issues and assigns action
– is documented on official minutes to ensure continuity

SEC-8 20
System Safety Process
Safety Hazard Analyses
Traditional MIL-STD-882 system safety tasks
were used to identify potential hazards.
– Preliminary Hazard Analyses
– Safety Requirements Analyses
– Software Analyses
– Subsystem Hazard Analyses
– System Hazard Analyses
– Operating and Support Hazard Analyses
SEC-8 21
System Safety Process
Safety Hazard Analyses (cont’d)
Because of the dynamics of the DBT process it
was decided that updating previously
completed hazard analyses, when additional
information became available, was not
Instead each completed hazard analysis
portrayed a snap shot in time of the system
under evaluation.

SEC-8 22
System Safety Process
Safety Hazard Analyses (cont’d)
Each subsequent hazard analysis built upon the
previous analysis conducted.
Significant design changes or identification of
new hazards that came up between hazard
analyses were documented on an Analysis
Completion Summary (ACS) Report for

SEC-8 23
System Safety Process
System: _______________ Cognizant Engineer: ______________

Date Initiated: ___________ Date Completed: ________________


Analysis Summary:



1. _________________________ 2. ___________________________

3. _________________________ 4. ___________________________

Safety Engineer: __________________________________

Team Leader: _____________________________________

SEC-8 24
System Safety Process
Safety Hazard Analyses (cont’d)
Concept To Delivery

Operations Organization
(Shipyard Construction Safety)

Design Organizations
(System Safety)

Concept and Design Manufacturing Construction & Test Assembly, Installation, Test
Development & Test & Delivery
System Safety or ESOH System Hazard Analysis Operating & Support Hazard Analysis
Program Plan Safety Assessment Report
Preliminary Hazard Analysis
Requirements Hazard
Subsystem Hazard Analysis

Hazard Tracking and Risk Resolution

Design Development and System Safety Products

SEC-8 25
System Safety Process
Safety Hazard Analyses (cont’d)
Provide System Safety Objective Quality Evidence
for the systems under development:
– Completed safety hazard analyses
• Analysis Completion Summary Reports
– SIT meeting minutes
– Program design review findings
– Independent government review board findings
• Weapon System Explosives Safety Review Board
– Hazard closure forms
SEC-8 26
System Safety Process
CATIA Program
Electronic design data created in CATIA is
controlled and stored in the CATIA Data
Manager as the central repository that supports
the various elements of the IPPD process.
CATIA displays were projected on screens in
Electronic Visualization Simulation (EVS) rooms
during SIT meetings allowing SIT members to
view the latest system design and
SEC-8 27
System Safety Process
CATIA Program (cont’d)
Examples of HSI efforts through the use of CATIA
– Reserving pull-spaces on drawings for racking out
equipment during maintenance.
– Readily identifying interference with other
– Demonstrating critical equipment removal and
replacement flow-paths.
– Reserving spaces on drawings for access to vital
equipment (safety of ship).
SEC-8 28
System Safety Process
CATIA Program (cont’d)
Bubble Skirt Dry Side Operator ONLY
Ergo Man Bubble Skirt

Representing fifth
through ninety-fifth
percentile body Wet Side
dimensions) used to Operator
evaluate system Ladder to
design in terms of Upper Level
whole-body fit, Ergo Man
egress, reach and Tie Down
visual field etc. LOCLower

SSGN Lockout Chamber

SEC-8 29
System Safety Process
CATIA Program (cont’d)
Through the use of CATIA, system safety engineers
identified HSI issues early and throughout the
design phase.
Eliminating the need for separate operator and maintainer
human engineering analyses.

Unresolved HSI issues were documented in

applicable hazard analyses or analysis
completion summary reports.

SEC-8 30
Lessons Learned

The IPPD process not readily accepted by all DBT

members e.g., contractors, subcontractors,
government agencies not using or familiar with
the design build team process.
The IPPD process only as good as the DBT training
provided to team members.

SEC-8 31
Lessons Learned
The IPPD process resulted in a lower number of
documented hazards measured against
traditional system safety processes (metrics,
added value of a system safety program)
because most hazards were designed out during
the SIT meetings.
DBT members treated system safety engineers as
partners rather than “safety police”.

SEC-8 32

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