Heros Journey Research Paper

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Crafting a thesis can be an arduous journey, one fraught with challenges and obstacles.

conducting extensive research to organizing your thoughts into a cohesive argument, the process
demands time, dedication, and a keen eye for detail. For many, navigating through the complexities
of academic writing can be overwhelming, leading to frustration and anxiety.

The Hero's Journey Research Paper is no exception. Exploring the intricate layers of this timeless
narrative structure requires a deep understanding of mythology, literature, and psychology. Analyzing
the hero's transformational journey entails delving into various archetypes, plot points, and symbolic
elements, all while maintaining a scholarly approach and original perspective.

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When exploring the patterns among good stories, StoryBranding author and Story-Lab founder Jim
Signorelli observed that a good story can be described in one 14-word sentence: A narrative about a
character dealing with an obstacle to achieve some important goal. This is when the hero receives
advice or aid from a person, the person is usually someone who is older and wiser. This individual
doesn’t have to be a woman, but whoever it is our hero will gain something from the wisdom they
impart. While this is actuated as a confrontation with a male entity, it doesn’t have to be. However,
it’s a tried and true formula for creating a rich and complex plot. As the first check to Lake's
initiation, he has to strive to use the pressure by defending himself with his mild saber while he is
trapped. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make
your writing easier are also offered here. The reason? It narrates the story of Luke Skywalker’s
journey in a strictly “ monomythical ” way. Louis refuses the life of a vampire, preferring to drink
from rats and chickens. It is additionally about attempting to advance and propel the beneficial
things in life like cause, thoughtfulness, appreciation and love. With the journey as both a map and a
mentor, they can find a broad perspective from which to view their current challenges within the
context of their whole lives. The Road of Trials “Road of trials” is a set of three tests that the Hero
must take. A solid outline can really make or break a draft, and the hero’s journey can be as rigid or
flexible as you need for your story. After a hero is faced with an approach a crisis will follow. They
have lessons to make objects fly, but Ron hurts Hermione’s feelings. This is the start of the second
act, or the initiation. The new world no longer poses a threat, and they have conquered the threat of
defeat. Hurray. Courage, determination, bravery, nobility, the ability to sacrifice oneself in the name
of another person or a meaningful idea are the main features inherent in the true hero. At the point
when you are settling on choices at work or at home, set aside some effort to contemplate what your
activities will mean for another person. Belly of the Whale Next thing you know, we're in “the belly
of the whale.” The first point of real danger in the Hero’s Journey. Change is constant. Hero's living
through the Hero's Journey are models for us. This is Frodo meeting with the goddess Luke met Leia,
and the two formed of a bond of kinship, motivating them to commit more to their cause. So how
can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen. They serve as the ideal-
typical (and not dehumanized stereotypical) characters regularly depicted in stories. The Shire is
beautiful, after all, who wants to embark on a dangerous journey across the world. His friends Nala,
Timon, and Pumba arrive to help him fight the many hyenas defending Simba’s uncle and Pride
Rock. 11. Resurrection Our hero faces the final test. Be prepared to act when others are aloof Stand
up for a companion, cohort, or colleague you feel is being dealt with unreasonably. Compared to a
simple structure like Freytag’s Pyramid, it might seem a bit overwhelming or too structured. If
having a tall wizard extend a hand may be a little too on the nose for you, don't worry. The hero’s
journey lends itself to sweeping tales of mythic proportions like Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings,
Game of Thrones, or Star Wars.
This is the end of act two, and from here, we transition into act three. Eventually, they will stop
engaging with your stories, regardless of how advanced the employed storytelling techniques may
be. Basically give a couple of hours every week to help these associations. Scar plans to become king
by killing Simba and Mufasa in a fabricated stampede. This would be when Beowulf boasts, gives
his background information and goals, in the Heorot hall. The story may manifest as the death of an
aspect of character, and the birth of some new way of life. Doing this means that the character must
be thrust into the action against their will. She spends her days cleaning and reading and wondering,
despite herself, what might be out there. Learning how the hero’s journey works is the first step in
learning how to use it yourself, so let’s break down what it is and walk through a few hero’s journey
examples to see how it works in practice. From Luke, Han, and Chewie to Harry, Ron, and
Hermoine, these teams are iconic and nearly inseparable. Belly of the Whale Next thing you know,
we're in “the belly of the whale.” The first point of real danger in the Hero’s Journey. I believe we
can do that by using the journey as a framework for therapy. Order has returned to the savannah,
and (the circle of) life is once again stable and safe. I helped a psychologist friend develop a six-
month group therapy program called “Personal Transformation” that is helping prisoners overcome
life-long problems and become more mature and productive individuals. The Characters — More
than just the Hero As outlined above, the character is the first component of a good story. Additional
materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are
also offered here. Great journeys in great stories have a beginning, a middle and an end (Source:
UX Magazine ) For another, good stories are those with memorable journeys — or memorable details
of the journeys. Instead, his regular world is one except the Empire and the threats of the Death Star.
The hero no longer feels connection and feels that they have outgrown their old life. He’s consulted
on programs for returning combat vets, at-risk teens, and prison populations. Simba fights his uncle,
but Scar nearly kills his nephew in the same way he killed Mufasa. Rescue from Without Bringing us
to the “rescuers from without” point in the monomyth. It’s an elegant, and streamlined version of the
Hero’s Journey that consists of only eight steps. The mission is accomplished and the world can rest
easy knowing that it is safe from evil. Meeting with the mentor: Morpheus tells Neo to take the red
pill (shows truth) or the blue pill (return to old life). Finally, the wiser, more experienced hero
emerges back into the ordinary world during the return. Hygelac was the king of the geats and
Beowulf was his confidant. A solid outline can really make or break a draft, and the hero’s journey
can be as rigid or flexible as you need for your story. It's a point in the monomyth where our
protagonist must confront an aspect of their character from act one that has been slowing them
down. Just because Frodo destroyed the one ring to rule them all doesn’t mean he gets a free ride
back to the Shire.
It is additionally about attempting to advance and propel the beneficial things in life like cause,
thoughtfulness, appreciation and love. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional
writers. In a religious sense, and religions are all part of the monomyth, this is about the eternal
spirit. Think about your favorite book or movie.” Does Beowulf follow this outline of a hero. Seeing
storytelling techniques and technologies evolve, as well as the rise of the new story “consumers”, I
once hoped the very forms of stories would demonstrate the same evolution. These beats are familiar,
and audiences have grown to expect them. Forgetful stories are often correlated to their inability to
engage with the audience. Hrothgar will now thank Beowulf for the victory against Grendel. In this
case being Beowulf facing Grendel face to face. In Scott Jeffrey ’s view, he is one of 325 different
archetypes. Since nearly everyone (including Campbell himself) uses Star Wars to explain the
concept, we’ll break down this complex, rich story structure using The Lion King instead. Here are a
few hints you can follow to be a legend and I imagine that these tips helped individuals we call
saints today, as Fred Rwigema and Nelson Mandela, among numerous others. Yet, when we inquire
as to why individuals become chivalrous, research doesn’t yet have a reply. Dorothy still has to get
back to Kansas, the solution to which may seem like a leap of faith. The Heorot hall is very
significant because Hrothgar created it. As you’ve read earlier, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the
Rings, and Citizen Kane all follow the Hero’s Journey. As he still fights in battles in order to protect
the king. That said, hero’s journey examples abound in storytelling culture and have since before
Campbell wrote his book. If having a tall wizard extend a hand may be a little too on the nose for
you, don't worry. The Three Acts The Hero’s Journey takes place withing two realms, the “ordinary
world” that the protagonist has always known, and the “special world” that the hero discovers on
their journey. Find a sense of contentment as opposed to being at war. The second point in this hero’s
journey “outline” is assistance. Hard to go back to normal when you essentially live with Dark Lord
PTSD. Atonement With the Father Once they’ve thrown away their temptations, the Hero enters the
“atonement with the father.” This is always an emotional part of the Hero’s Journey. Hakuna Matta
ensues. 7. Approach to the Inmost Cave The hero comes face to face with the issue that sent them on
the journey, not equipped to conquer it just yet. His childhood friend, Nala, arrives in search of food
for the starving inhabitants of Pride Rock. He refuses to kill the woman Lestat half kills for him.
This, too, can be tied to the death of Dumbledore and Harry’s reconciliation with the loss. You’ll
recognize the following stages: Ordinary world: Luke Skywalker lives on a moisture farm on
Tatooine. Thinking quickly, Katniss tells Peeta they’ll both eat nightlock berries, which will kill them

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