There's A Sulfur Smell in My Wine!

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There’s A Sulfur Smell In My Wine!

I’m making a Sauvignon Blanc from a 6 gallon bucket of refrigerated

fresh juice that was inoculated with a wine yeast by the producer.
Instructions on bucket: bring must to 76 degrees stir 2x daily, recover
with bucket lid and rack to secondary fermenter at 1.020. My starting
SG 1.090 and I racked last night after two weeks to secondary at 1.020
and noticed the must smells like a hard boiled egg. Any suggestions, or
will this smell work its way out during future rackings?

Name: Michael N.
State: Pennsylvania
Hello Michael,

So sorry you are having such an issue with this batch.

The hard-boiled egg smell you are referring to is obviously a sulfur odor. This sulfur smell in your homemade wine comes
from hydrogen sulfide.

Hydrogen sulfide is a compound that is naturally produced during a wine fermentation. All wine fermentations will produce
some hydrogen sulfide, however there are some scenarios that can cause more of it to be produced than others.
Apparently, your wine falls into one or more of these situations:

It could be that your wine is fermenting with a wild yeast strain. Some wild yeast are not that good at
fermenting a wine must. They have to work harder causing an over-production of hydrogen sulfide. However, if the
wine must was sulfited before your received it, this situation is not very likely. Wild yeast are very sensitive to
sulfites. They would have easily been destroyed by it.

A nutrient deficient wine must can cause a sulfur smell in a fermenting wine. Whether the yeast is wild or
domesticated, it will have to work harder to get the job done when they are malnourished, again, causing excessive
hydrogen sulfide production. Your wine must does not fit this scenario very well. If you are using 100% grape juice,
there is a significant amount of nutrients available. Only on a rare occasion will a grape juice fermentation produce
an abundance of sulfur odor because of a lack of nutrients.

Having a fermentation that is too warm can cause a sulfur smell in

fermenting wine. If the fermentation was over 80°F., this can put the wine
yeast under additional strain and increase the likelihood of too much hydrogen
sulfide being produced.

Having too little yeast trying to do too much work can cause a sulfur
smell in a fermenting wine. If for some reason the wine yeast added did not
have enough viable cells (old yeast), or if some of the wine yeast was
destroyed during storage or shipping of the wine must, this can cause an over-
production of hydrogen sulfide. 1/9
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Using a domesticated wine yeast that naturally has a higher likelihood of producing hydrogen sulfide could
be why you have a sulfur smell in your fermenting wine. Not all wine yeast are the same. Each one has it’s own
unique set of qualities. Some wine yeast have a higher propensity towards producing higher levels of hydrogen
sulfide. These wine yeast are more sensitive to the above situations.

Finally, it could be any combination of the above. Quite often things are not so cut-and-dry in wine making. It could be an
orchestration of two or three of the above situations coming together to put your wine in the mess it is currently in.

The good news is that almost all of the time this particular fault in a wine is correctable. Quite often, time is all that is
needed. Doing a racking after the fermentation can significantly help to release the sulfur odor. So does adding sulfites
such as: Campden tablets, potassium metabisulfite and sodium metabisulfite. Any of these will help to drive the hydrogen
sulfide out of the wine.

Michael, my suggestion to you is to do nothing right now. In fact there is nothing

that you can do at this stage that would help the situation. Continue on as you
normally would with any wine. When you get the wine to a point that it is ready to
bottle, that is when an evaluation needs to be done. Simply smell and make a
determination: is there still a sulfur smell in the wine? If so, there are additional
steps that can be taken.

Removing Sulfur Smell In Wine

Most of the time the sulfur smell of hydrogen sulfide will go away with normal
rackings of the wine. The addition of Campden tablets or potassium metabisulfite as
normally prescribed in a wine recipe will help to drive out the sulfur smell, as well.
So, it is very likely that the sulfur-y smell will go away in due time.

But, there are times when racking the wine is not enough. In these situations, removing the sulfur smell from the wine
may require you to treat the wine in a splashing manner. Let the wine run down the side-wall of the fermenter as it comes
out of the siphon hose when racking. Or, you can try pouring the wine from one open fermenter to the next. In many
instances I’ve seen this work successfully.

Be sure to treat the wine with potassium metabisulfite after doing this to drive the oxygen out of the wine, reducing the risk
of oxidation, in your wine and, as mentioned before, it will help to drive out some of the hydrogen sulfide.

In almost all cases, removing the sulfur smell from the wine will be accomplished with the above treatments, but there are
some rare instances when the above treatments just are not enough. In these more drastic situations you will want to
treat the wine with copper. Yes, I said copper! When the wine comes into contact with copper, a reaction will occur that
causes the hydrogen sulfide to release more freely, removing the sulfur smell from the wine.

The easiest way I have found to do this is to purchase copper brillo pads. Place a
brillo pad in a funnel and pour the wine through it. You will notice that the brillo
pad will start to corrode very quickly. This is from the reaction we are seeking. If
the brillo pad starts to look spent, then feel free to put another one in its place.
Again, you will want to treat the wine with potassium metabisulfite after
performing the treatment to drive out oxygen that was introduced into the wine.

Michael, I am confident that removing the sulfur smell from your wine will be no
problem at all for you. Be patient. Do your rackings and potassium metabisulfite
additions as you normally would. When it comes time to bottle the wine, if still
have a sulfur smell in the wine, then you can consider treating the wine with
splashing, and so forth, but I would not do anything before then.

Happy Winemaking,
Ed Kraus
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Ed Kraus is a 3rd generation home brewer/winemaker and has been an owner of E. C. Kraus since 1999. He has been
helping individuals make better wine and beer for over 25 years.


david kelley
on August 18, 2020 at 11:51 am said:

Ironically I just racked a concord wine yesterday where one batch was ok and the other had a
sulfur smell and I new in the past you had an article about the same thing and I was going as
the same question today LOL

Don Catharine
on August 18, 2020 at 12:05 pm said:

Hello Ed, first of all I look forward to the “[email protected]” emails every couple of
days. A source of great advice which I have used many times. Thank you.

This article about the sulfur smell describes something I have experienced several times with
my late season Apple wines which I was able to reduce as you described, by splashing back
and forth between open mouth containers.

One item though that I don’t understand, how would, as you mentioned, adding the sulfur-
based products Campden tabs or potassium metabisulfite reduce the hydrogen sulfide and the
sulfur-y smell. I had thought when I had that problem it may have been from the initial
inoculation of Campden tablets prior to adding my yeast. Was I wrong?

Ed Kraus
on August 18, 2020 at 1:03 pm said:

Don, adding sulfites/campden tablets in normal doses is not likely to cause this to
occur. However, if too much sulfite is accidentally added, it could be why you are
experiencing this and smell in your wine. The article posted below will discuss this in
more detail.

Sulfur Taste And Smell

on August 18, 2020 at 2:19 pm said:

About 5 years ago I made 15 gallons of Merlot from fresh grapes and freaked out when I
opened the airlocks to do my first racking: It was a very, very strong smell of rotten eggs and I
thought I’d have to throw it away. I did some quick research, including emailing Kraus, to see if
I could revive this wine, which I thought would be dead. Multiple rackings, beating it with a
degasser, and finally the copper trick. My copper trick was splicing a piece of drinking-water 3/9
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copper tubing in the plastic hose between the pump and bottling cane. I did this each time I
racked and eventually the smell went away and it was one of the best wines I ever made. I
named it Lazarus.

on August 19, 2020 at 4:27 am said:

Lol too awesome, interesting technique too.

on August 18, 2020 at 3:52 pm said:

Thanks, I will try using copper brillo pads. Question: Should I wash and sanitize the copper
pads before using them?

Ed Kraus
on August 18, 2020 at 4:48 pm said:

Oscar, yes it would be a good idea to sanitize the brillo pads before use.

Janis Freibergs
on August 18, 2020 at 5:11 pm said:

Hi. First thanks for this great website and information it gives. Believe or not I have also come
across the problem of hydrogen sulfide in my still fermenting wine. This is my first time ever
wine from a fresh fruit – in this instance – blackberries & raspberries. I made a 5 gallon batch
based on 31lbs of bramble. As per recipe I added 5 campden tablets to my crushed berries
(topped up with water) and then next day added 5tsp of pectolise and 5tsp of yeast nutrient and
Lalvin RC212 yeast. I stirred the must once every day for 7 days and then filtered it through
nylon bag in order to remove the pulp. In 7 days SG has dropped from 1.095 to 1.030
fermenting at around 22C. I always sanitize everything I work with so I doubt that anti sanitary
conditions could have caused it but next day (today) after I filtered my “yet to be wine” I have
noticed it has stopped fermenting (or so it seems) and it smells of hydrogen sulfide. I did what’s
suggested i.e. – pouring from one container to another and it has reduced the smell. I have no
means of measuring the amount of sulfites at the moment. My question is (being worried that
my fermentation might be stuck which I will check tomorrow by taking another SG reading) do I
need to do something about it i.e. – try to introduce more yeast or add more yeast nutrient?
Thank you.

Janis Freibergs
Southampton, UK

Ed Kraus
on August 18, 2020 at 6:04 pm said: 4/9
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Janis, thank you for the kinds words. I wouldn’t do anything until you verify with your
hydrometer that you do in fact have a stuck fermentation. If you find that it is stuck, I
would take a look at the article posted below on the most common causes of
fermentation failure to determine the cause. Before you can correct the situation, you
need to find out what is the cause.

Top Reasons For Fermentation Failure

norm fulstow
on August 18, 2020 at 7:25 pm said:

the production of excess hydrogen sulfide could have been caused by warming the must too
also, I always ferment my white wines at 58 degrees with a yeast that will ferment at that temp
such as lalvin ec1118,the lower temperature retains the delicate flavours and nose.
this is the temp the professional winemakers that I know use.

regards ,
Norm Fulstow
Baddaginnie. Australia

on August 18, 2020 at 8:27 pm said:

foul smelling wine ,,,,all alacante grape,,,,,,,been doing the same procedure for years ,,,,,this is
my first problem I ever had,,,,,having your campden tablets mailed to my house,,,also will try
the copper pad remedy,,,,,,i will return with comments after use your methods,,,,,thank you
,,,,,,,,GREG from Brooklyn NY

on August 18, 2020 at 11:01 pm said:

Hey..first year I did all Alicante grapes as well..changed the yeast I used this year
(always did my fathers way using champagne yeast) to a Lalvin RC 212…first time with
this yeast and first time I have ever smelled this after making wine 20+ years with my
father. And we always use sodium/potassium metabisulfites to clean, sterilize, etc.
Got grapes direct from California like I always do..this year they appeared little black
mold on the Muscat’s.
I added 1 tab of sodium metabisulfite to each carboy at first rack. Will update at second

Len Sou
on August 18, 2020 at 9:52 pm said: 5/9
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Hi, will the copper brillo pads create copper sulfate? Should we fine or filter the wine
afterwards, to remove copper sulfate. I read that CS is poisonous.

Thanks, Len

Ed Kraus
on August 18, 2020 at 10:48 pm said:

Len, when using the Brillo pad method, the copper corrodes and the only sulfate it
releases is what is needed to release the sulfur. No more no less, so it is not
contaminating your wine. Wineries will add copper sulfate in small doses. When it
reacts with the sulfur it neutralizes it. We do not sell copper sulfate because it can be
too easily abused by adding too much. You are correct, copper sulfate can be
poisonous. Sulfur reacts with the copper and is much safer because the wine reacts as
a gas that dissipates so it is not going in the wine.

on March 26, 2021 at 1:28 pm said:

It actually forms copper sulfide, which is harmless and appears like black
crystals or fine sand. That will settle out and then you’ll lose it in subsequent
rankings. I just treated a Montepulciano that went sideways using pre-1982
pennies, which were 95% copper. You could also use copper pipe, or the copper
ground stripped out if some Romex cable. Clean and disinfect everything of
course. Pennies worked like a charm.

Jeremy Smith
on August 19, 2020 at 12:25 am said:

Hi. I have a strong rotten egg smell in a brew I put down as a rose. The smell became apparent
a couple of days after starting. Should I pour it all out into buckets now, then back into the
fermentor or wait until the ferment is mostly complete? The smell stinks out the shed. I have
never experienced this before. There is about 25 to 30 litres of a mix of merlot, cab franc and
malbec from the vineyard I manage in Hawke’s Bay New Zealand, and I am reluctant to throw it
out just yet.
Jeremy Smith.

Ed Kraus
on August 19, 2020 at 1:55 am said:

Jeremy, if it is time to rack the wine, go ahead. If it is not time to rack, then I would wait.
You should not need to throw the wine out. As the article states, almost all of the time
this particular fault in a wine is correctable. Quite often, time is all that is needed. Doing
a racking after the fermentation can significantly help to release the sulfur odor. So
does adding sulfites such as: Campden tablets, potassium metabisulfite and sodium
metabisulfite. Any of these will help to drive the hydrogen sulfide out of the wine. 6/9
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Patty O’Connell
on August 19, 2020 at 2:02 am said:

I am making a batch of tart cherries/pomegranate wine and it now has a sulfur

foul smell. To drive hydrogen sulfide sulfur smell out of wine how much
potassium metabisifite or campden tablets should I add?
Should I vigorously stir after adding to carbon? Thanks for any advice you can

Ed Kraus
on August 19, 2020 at 3:13 am said:

Patty, the dosage would one campden tablet for each gallon of wine. You
can rack the wine to help release the sulfur.

Mike Puchmayr
on August 19, 2020 at 5:58 am said:

My bottled homemade raspberry wine has a strong sulfur smelll even after it has sat open.

on August 19, 2020 at 6:40 am said:

I love this blog, thanks so much for the wonderful info! Am making strawberry wine and I made
the mistake of not crushing camden tablet when I added to must. I stirred a few times in next
24 hrs hours, then added other ingredients and strained and transferred to sanitized vessel w
airlock. First day went well but I noticed a white ring at top of liquid. I worried it may be the
tablet and I took off lid and stirred it all. I left airlock off for that evening and covered with paper
towels and rubber band. Next morning I put airlock back on and now I have a strong
sulfur/vinegar smell. It’s been bubbling like crazy all day, but did I mess up by stirring it and now
yeast is under too much stress? Should I just keep as is and rack down the road? Thanks

Ed Kraus
on August 19, 2020 at 7:43 am said:

Dana, no you did not do anything wrong by stirring juice. As a matter of fact, when
making wine with fresh fruit, you should be stirring the wine daily while the fruit is still in
the fermenter to prevent a hard cap from forming. Did you take at the man other
reasons listed in the article that can produce a sulfur order. If you think it is a vinegar
odor, please take a look at the article below to find out what could be happening. 7/9
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My Wine Smells Like Vinegar

Chuck Poirier
on August 21, 2020 at 5:39 am said:

Thanks Ed, last year I had a very gassy wine and I ran my wine through copper Brillo pads and
this trick worked perfect.
As I siphoned my wine from one carboy to the next carboy I placed a Brillo pads in the funnel
and splash the wine crossed Brillo pads by slowly shaking the siphon hose over the brillo pads.
I repeated this twice and the sulfur smell is gone.

on November 9, 2020 at 8:04 pm said:

I used a wine kit for 30L but decided to make 8L in two 5L bottles. I kept the 5L water bottles in
a fermentation barrel wrapped in blankets. I had a temperature sensor in the barrel that tells
me the temperature. The heat was added using hot water bottles.
I think I used the correct amount of yeast, however the yeast nutrient was mixed with the yeast
and so perhaps not enough went in.
The must started stinking of rotten eggs – I read many articles including this one, but not before
I tasted it and spat it out. I had to vomit vigorously.
I decided that the wine is toxic after reading about hydrogen sulfide, but I added a stabilizer
containing sulfites, a finings liquid containing sodium meta bisulphate, malic acid, and
crustaceans, and silicon solution.
I shook the bottle and released a lot of gas. I then decided (after vomiting) that I would never
drink this, so I added some solid core copper wire to the bottle. The other wine must is still
I am expecting the copper wire will corrode if the stabilizer, finings and racking (shaking in this
case) doesn’t remove the hydrogen sulphide. The other bottle might be salvageable, but the
instructions say to taste the wine for dryness.
Is the rotten egg smell completely avoidable? Is wine normally racked to remove sulphur? This
all seems very dangerous and toxic.

Ed Kraus
on November 16, 2020 at 2:31 pm said:

Dave, While we cannot guarantee that it will never happen, if you look at the reasons
that cause this to happen and avoid those reasons, the chances are greatly reduced.

Hallo Azad
on November 25, 2021 at 5:00 am said:

This is Hallo 8/9
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I would like to ask about some points, and I’ll be so much thankful and I do appreciate it if you
will be able to help me.

This year, I made four batches of wine. Each with 6 gallons. Recently, I have added too much
SO2 into my wines which are at the stage of aging, and I smell the sulfate in my wine. I added
about one teaspoon or more for six gallons. I’m sure that my sulfate level is above 200 ppm.

Based on some suggestions, I racked my wines into a big bucket, and I little a bit degassed the
wines by drill, but until now, I still smell SO2. Is there any chance to save my wines?

After this week, my barrels will arrive, so should I wait to get my barrels and rack them to the
barrels? Or l should not put my wines into the barrels. should I rack them back to the bucket
and let them sit until the smell will disappear. I planned to bottle them after 6 or more months

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