Past Question 1

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1. Simplify 2(x+5y) + 3(2x – 3y).

A. (8x+y) B. (2x+5y)b C. x+10y D. x+5y
2. Which of the following fractions is the smallest?
A. 21 B. 31 C. 41 D. 51
3. In a class of 40 students, there are 25 girls, what is the ratio of boys to girls?
A. 3: 5 B. 8: 3 C. 5: 8 D. 5: 3
4. A triangle with all angles and sides equal is called ________. A. scalene triangle
B. isosceles triangle C. equilateral triangle D. right angled triangle
5. Change 3 21 days into hours. A. 42hrs B. 72hrs C. 72.5hrs D. 84hrs
6. Find the percentage decrease from 200 to 150.
A. 100% B. 75% C. 50% D. 25%
7. How many faces has a cube of sugar? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
8. The prime numbers between 50 and 60 are _____ and _____.
A. 51, 53 B. 51, 57 C. 53, 55 D. 53, 59
9. The diagram below is a rectangle. If the perimeter is 36m, find its area.

A. 24m​2​ B. 58m​2​ C. 77m​2​ D. 84m​2

10. Find the cube root of 1 125 . A. 1 54 B. 1 51 C. 1 53 D. 1 52
11. Evaluate 15.84 x 3. A. 0.4752 B. 4.752 C. 47.52 D.475.2
12. Hours minutes seconds
15 8 24
- 8 24 48

A. 6hrs 42 minutes 36 secs B. 6hrs 43 minutes 36 secs

C. 6hrs 43 minutes 26 secs D. 6hrs 41 minutes 36 secs
13. A tank holds 49 litres of oil. If 7 litres leaked, what percentage of oil had leaked?
A. 16 32 % B. 15% C. 14 75 % D. 14 72 %
14. Find the average of 13,7,0,4,9 and 9. A. 3 B. 7 C. 11 D.12
2 1 1 3 1 1 2
15. Simplify 3×4 + 2 A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 3
16. After spending 5 of my money, I was left with ​N​36. What was the original
amount? A. N ​ 2​ 1.60 B. ​N6
​ 0.00 C. ​N9
​ 0.00 D. N
​ 1
​ 26.00
17. A car travels at an average speed of 72km per hour. How many kilometers does
it cover in 4.5hrs? A. 284km B. 324km C. 334km D. 432km
18. How many centimeters are there in 1.86metres?
A. 1860 cm B. 186cm C. 86cm D. 18.6cm
19. Simplify N​ ​4-(​N1​ .45 + 73k +65k). A. ​N2 ​ .07 B N ​ 1
​ .71 C. ​N1​ .70 D. ​N1
​ .17
20. What is the smallest number that can be divided exactly by 3, 7 and 9?
A. 126 B. 63 C. 9 D. 7
21. Which of the following fraction has the same value as 12 ?
5−2 5+2 5−2 4+1
A. 7−2 B. 7+2 C. 8+1 D. 11+1
22. How many half kobo are there in N3.44 21 k?
A. 789 B. 690 C. 689 D. 589
23. What is the simple interest on N ​ ​300 for 5 years at the rate of 6% per annum?
A. N
​ ​36, 000.00 B. N ​ 2
​ 5,000.00 C. ​N1 ​ 50.00 D. N​ ​90.00
28. How many minutes are there from 12.15pm to 3.45pm?
A. 120mins B. 140mins C. 210mins D. 220mins
12 3a
29. If 16 = 20 , find the value of a. A. 5 B. 12 C. 15 D. 16
7 2 11 85 1
30. Simplify 8 of 21 + 12 . A. 96 B. 2 C. 1 D. 2
1 11 7
31.Express 1 + 10 + 100 + 100 as a decimal. A. 1.18 B. 1.28 C. 1.38 D. 1.48
32. What is the difference between 3.5kg and 6.24kg? (Give your answer in grams)
A. 2.74g B. 9.74g C. 2740g D. 2.470g
33. Find the area of a circle whose diameter is 14cm (π = 22
7 ).
A. 616 cm2 B. 1.76 cm2 C. 154 cm2 D. 44 cm2
34.The diagram PQRS is a rectangle with PQ=10cm and QR=6cm. Find the area of
the shaded portion.

P 10cm Q



A. 60 cm2 B. 40 cm2 C. 30 cm2 D. 16 cm2

35. When a certain number is divided by 25, the result is 32 with the remainder of
17. What is the number? A. 847 B. 837 C. 827 D. 817
36. If a student had a score of 70%, how many marks out of 140 did he obtain?
A. 98 B. 88 C. 78 D. 68
37. Express 360 in its lowest form. A. 32 B. 31 C. 53 D. 52
1 1
38. If 5 of 100 oranges is given to Olu and 4 of the remaining oranges is given
4 3 2 9
to Ade, what fraction of the oranges are left? A. 5 B. 5 C. 5 D. 20
39. Given that 8km = 5 miles, how many miles are in 56km?
A. 56 miles B. 45 miles C. 35 miles D. 8 miles
40. A tin measuring 10cm by 5cm by 4cm is to be used in filling a tank 20cm by
8cm by 5cm with water. How many times will the tin be used to fill the tank?
A. 8 B. 6 C. 5 D. 4


Use the above sample to answer questions 26 – 30.
41. 6 * 4 = ? A. 1/5 B. 2 C. 5 D. 10
42. ? * 10 = 3 A. 40 B. 20 C. 10 D. 5
43. 12 * ? = 2 A. 8 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1
44. 5 * 3 = ? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16
45. 35. (2 * 1) * 1 = ? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2

Use the above sample to answer questions 31 – 35.

46. What is A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 10

47. What is A. 5​1​/​4​ B. 6​1​/​4​ C. 9​1​/​2​ D. 10​1​/​2

48. If = 8, what number does x represent? A. 7 B. 49. C. 28 D. 32

49. If = 1, what number does y represent? A. 0 B. ¼ C. 2 D. 4

50. What is ? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

6 7 2 8 3 6

11 5

1​1​/​2 ​ 3 ​


Use the above for Nos. 51 to 55

50 20 30

? A. 0 B. 10 C. 20 D. 40

10 ? 4

14 A. 0 B. 1 C. 8 D. 20

? ​ /​2
​ 1​1​/​4

A. 1​1​/​2 B.
​ 2​ ½​ C.
​ 3​1​/​2 D.
​ 5

6 2 8

? A. 0 B. 4 C. 7 D. 12

8 11 ?

A. 2 B.3 C. 14 D. 16

20 12 8

5 4 2 6 8 1

9 8 9

Use the above for Nos. 56 to 60.

56. 50

10 ?

15 A.2 B. 5 C. 15 D. 25

57. ?

7 2

9 A0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 14

58. 16

? 4

8 A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8
59. 6

/​2 ​ 12

? A. 3 B. 6 C. 12​1​/​2 D.
​ 18​1​/​2

60. ?

/​2 /​
​ 2

1 A. 0 B. ¼ C. ½ D. 1
For each of the following, work out the pattern that is being followed by the
numbers and decide what the next two numbers should be.
SAMPLE: 1, 3, 5, 7, ?, ?
(A) 8,9
(B) 9,10
(C) 9,11
(D) 6,8
(E) 7,9

Note that each number is more than the number before it by 2, so the correct
answer is 9, 11; which is C.

Now work out Nos. 61 to 65.

61. 1, 2, 6, 3, 8, 4, 10, ?, ? A. 12,6 B. 5, 12 C. 12,5 D. 5,10
62. 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9, 4, ?, ? A. 5,6 B. 8,16 C. 8,12 D. 6,10
63. 1, 9/10, 2, 8/9, 3, 7/8, 4, ?, ? A. 8/9, 5 B. 8/9,4 C. 7/8,5 D. 6/7,5
64. 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, A. 21, 26 B. 22, 23 C. 22,27 D. 26, 27
65. 30, 28, 25, 26, 23, 24, ?, ? A. 23, 26 B. 21, 24 C. 21, 22 D. 21, 20

Pick the correct answer from the options:
66. Which of these is not a way of observing personal cleanliness?
A. Bathing twice daily B. Brushing the teeth twice daily C. Wearing dirty clothes
always D. Keeping the toilet clean always
67. ……………is a device which makes work easier.
A. Magnet B. Machine C. Lorry D. Car
68. Which of these is not needed when washing the body?
A. Soap B. Sponge C. Clean water D. Long rope
69. Any substance that when eaten, provides the body with energy, nutrients and
repairs or preserves health is called ………
A. food B. meat C. sweet D. carbohydrate
70. Organisms which carry and transfer germs from one person to another are
called _______ A. diseases B. viruses C. fungi D. vectors
71. Which of the following is not a food item?
A. Milk B. Spinach C. Rice D. Alcohol
72. One of these is not among the sense organs of the body.
A. Nose B. Tongue C. Mouth D. Skin
73. Which of the following is ​not​ an advantage of washing our bodies?
A. Prevention of body odour B. Prevention of lice from settling on our skin
C. Removal of dirt D. Wearing of the skin
74. Which of the following is water - borne disease?
A. Tuberculosis B. Tetanus C .Cholera D. Malaria
75. Which of these is not a simple machine?
A. Spoon B. Screw driver C. Scissors D. Car
76. The sense organ for touch is the A. ear B. eye C. nose D. skin
77. HIV can be contracted through the following ways E ​ XCEPT
A. blood transfusion B. sharing of injection needles
C. sleeping on the same bed D. giving birth from infected mother
78. The condition that impairs or interferes with the well-being of a person is called
A. parasite C. disease D. vector D. hygiene
79. A balanced diet consists of variety of food in the right __________.
A. ration B. size C. proportion D. properties
80. Knives, spoons, forks and pegs are examples of _______ Machine A. Big B.
Small C. Compound D. Simple.
81. Which of these is not an example of a living thing?
A. Soil B. Spinach C. Ants D. Birds
82. Which of the following is called a satellite of the earth? A. Asteroid B. Comet C.
Moon D. Pluto
83. Scientists that travel to space are called--------.
A. archeologists B. astrologers C. astronomers D. astronauts
84. Pediatrician is a doctor that takes care of ________
A. Noses B. Babies C. Tongues D. Eyes
85. Which of these is not among the importance of plants?
A. Plants serve as food for some animals. B. Plants are used to manufacture
drugs. C. Plants provide shelter for animals. D. Plants feed on animals.

86. Beating drum is an example of _______ method of transmitting information.
A.Ancient method B. modern method C. visual method D. electronic method
87. GSM stands for ________. A.Global service for medium communication B.
Global system for mobile communication C. Global subscriber module D. Global
service for mobile communication
88. SIM stands for ________.
A.Subscriber Innovation Mobile B.Subscription Information Module
C.Subscriber Identity Module D. Subscription Identity Mobile
89. _________ is used to broadcast voice information.
A. A flier B. A newspaper C. A bill board D. A radio
90. _______ is used to broadcast voice and pictures to a large group of people.
A. A television B. A flier C. A newspaper D. A radio
91. The three primary colours are ____, ____ and ____ (a) blue, white, black (b)
red, blue , white (c) blue, red, yellow (d) yellow, red, green
92. The following can be used for measurement EXCEPT
(a) ruler (b) micro meter (c) protractor (d) spanner
93. The materials produced from clay are called _____
(a ) bricks (b) ceramics (c) polyesters (d) tiles
94. A drawing that requires the use of pencil and eraser only is ______ drawing.
(a) free hand (b) isometric (c) oblique (d) technical
95. The drawing instrument used for measuring angles is ________
(a) compass (b) ruler (c) protractor (d) set-square
96. A body that has weight and occupies space is known as----------.
(a) burger (b) capacitor (c) matter (d) triangle
97. The protective cloth used by a cook is known as---------.
(a) apron (b) jacket (c) wrapper (d) none of the above
98. The ability to work is __________.
(a) energy (b) force (c) labour (d) power

99. The tool above is a/an------. (a) cutlass (b) metal (c) knife (d) saw
100. What is the above tool used for? --------. (a) for cutting wood (b) for carrying
loads (c) for beating (d) none of the above

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