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pharmacists by the sri Lanka tVledical council

The current cycre of registrahon of apprentice
after interviewing allthe applications
which started on 0l-.08. 2o23will be closed on2g.o2.2o24
so far received.
up actrvitres of the current cycle and the
The next cycre wiil be started after compretingfoilow
on the sltvrc website rn due course'
commencement of the next cycre wiil be announced

Dr. H.D.B. Herath

Regtstra r



2023'08'01Qo:8O g,c grrl gOoJOcO'

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ooOq> dD,S.5. ouJdaJ

For Office Use Date Reg No. Registrar’s Approval:

Full Name:

Gender: Male/Female Date of Birth: NIC No.:


Mobile No.: Residential No.:

Email: Citizenship:

O/L Exam Information Index No.............................. Year ……………............

Subject Result Subject Result
1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

A/L Exam Information Index No.....................Year........... University/Institute Information

Subject Result
Name of the

3. Degree
4. Details:

I hereby certify that I am fully accountable for the contents of this declaration and its truthfulness. I have good moral character
and I have not been convicted/charged/pending litigation against me by any court of competent jurisdiction within or outside
of Sri Lanka on any criminal offence/s.

Date: Signature:

To be Completed by the Pharmacist SLMC Reg No....................

Full Name: (In the SLMC Register)

Addres.s: (As in the Register)

Name of the Pharmacy and Address:

I certify that following apprentice shall be trained under me and eligible for registration. Please register the attached
Indenture of the above-named Apprentice duly signed by me
Medical For office use - Reg. No.

Council Pharmacist

Apprentice (applicant) Name

Name Address
SLMC Registered No:
1. The apprentice of his own free will binds himself apprentice or pupil to the pharmacist to be taught and instructed in the profession of
pharmacist for the term of two years from the date hereof
2. The apprentice covenants with pharmacist as follows:
(a) That he will during the said term will and truly serve the pharmacist as an apprentice in the profession of a pharmacist carried

(The Registrar of the Sri Lanka Medical Council should be notified within two weeks of any change in place of work)
(b) That he will diligently attend to the business and concerns of the pharmacist from the hour of ten o'clock in the morning until the
hour of seven o'clock in the evening except such reasonable intervals as may be allowed to the apprentice for refreshment.
(c) That he will do no damage or injury to the pharmacist nor knowingly suffer the same to be done without acquainting the
pharmacist thereof
(d) That he will in all respect acquit and demean himself as an honest and faithful apprentice ought to do.
3. In consideration of the premium of Rupees………………………………………………………………. paid to the pharmacist to the apprentice (the receipt
whereof the hereby acknowledges) the pharmacist covenants with the apprentice as follows: -
(a) That he during the said term according to the best if his power skill and knowledge instruct the apprentice or cause him to be
instructed in the profession of a pharmacist and in all things incidental thereto in such a manner as he now practices or at any
time hereafter shall practice the same.
(b) That he will pay the apprentice during the said during so much, thereof as the apprentice shall continue to be his
apprentice as aforesaid the several sums following in lieu of the board and lodging of the apprentice.
Namely the sum of Rupees........................................................................................................... for the first year of the
said term and the sum of Rupees...............................................................for the second year of the said term.
(c) That he will if the apprentice shall die at time twelve calendar months from the date of these presents, return
to the executors, administrators or assign of the apprentice Rupees................................................................part
of the said premium.
(d) That he will not require to attend to the business of concerns of the pharmacist more than eight hours in any one
day, unless the apprentice shall be unavoidably engaged about the proper business of the pharmacist out of his
office and that in case the apprentice shall be so employed, he the pharmacist will bear and pay all extraordinary
expenses to which the apprentice shall be necessarily put on such account.
(e) That it shall be lawful for the apprentice on giving six months notice in writing, to determine the said term at the
expiration of the first or second year thereof. Provided nevertheless that the apprentice shall not in that case claim
any of the said sums of herein before covenanted to be paid by the pharmacist in respect of the residue them
unexpired of the said term,
(f) That in case pharmacist shall die before the end of sooner determination of the said term, the executors or
administrators of the pharmacist will pay to the apprentice the sum of Rupees………………………………………….forever
complete year of the said term which shall then remain unexpired.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF we hereto set out hands.
Name NIC Signature

Witness 1


Witness 2

For office use only Registrar’s Approval

wdOqksl T! IOfjSoSkA ,shdmosxpsjSu ms<sn| jsi;
A rh

wj Y H iqøiqluS
1 • ,dxlsl mqrjeisfhl+ jsh hq;+hs
2 hym;A prs;hlslkA hqlA; jshhq;+hs
3 w' fmd 'i ^id' fm<&jsNd.h fydA tA yd iudk jsNd.hlskA jsIhkA myla iuÕ bx.%Sis NdIdj
iu;A jS ;snsh hq;qh
4 w' fmd 'i ^W 'fm<& jsNd.h fydA tA yd iudk jsNd.hlskA tljr jsIhkA ;+klskA ridhk
jsoHdj we;+,;Aj iu;A jsh hq;
+ + w;r cSj jsoHdj" WoANso jsoHdj" fN!;sl jsoHdj" i;Aj jsoHdj"
lDIsl¾uh" jHjdydrsl .Ks;h" MAldnoAO .Ks;h fydA Y+oAO .Ks;h hk jIhkAf.kA
jsIhkAf.kA folla iuÕ iu;AjS ;snsh hQ;+h'
• ,xldfjS wkqu; jYaj jsoHd,hlskA fydA jsfoAY jsYaj jsoHd,hlskA idukH WmdOhlA jsfYAI
WmdOshlA my; i|ykA jsIhkA i|yd ;snsh hq;+h' ^cSj jsoHdj" cSj ridhk jsoHdj" wKQl cSj
jsoHdj" fN!;sl jsoHdj" jHjydrsl jsoHdj" fi!LH m%jrAOkh" wdydr joHj yd wdydr fmdAIK
jsoHdj iy ;DlAIKh lDIsl¾u ;dlAIKh iy l<uKdlrkh fydA lDIsl¾uh&

Tn jsfoAY jsYAj jsoHd,hlskA iqøiqluS ,nd qwe;AkuS • ,xld ffjoH jsoHd, iNdfjys wkque;sh
,nd .; hq;+j we;'

ud¾. . ; l%uh TiAfiA whÿ uSm; fhduql, hq;+ wdl drh

• w w w.s lmc. gov. lk click practitioners click Pharmacist Select Apprentice

• Apprentice Pharmacist “E” service hgf;A .sKqulA jsjD; lr ,shdmosxpSjkAk'
• ksismrsos whÿuSm; iuSmQ¾K lr wjYH ,sh lshjs,s Wvq.; lrkAk'
• iuSuqL mrSlAIKh i|yd oskhlA iy fjS,djlA f;dArd .kAk ^Tn f;dArd.;A oskh lsisfiA;a
fjkiA l, fkdyqels w;r Tng meusKsh yels oskhlA muKla f;dArd .kAk&
• Tn jsik s A tjk ,o whÿuSm; ,enqkq nj Tng oekquS fokq ,efnS'
• fjnS wvjsfhys we;s wh¥uSm; iy bkafvkAp¾ fmdAruh nd.; lr ksis mrsos iuSmQ¾K
• oekquS oSfukA miqj Tn l,skA fjkAlr.;A oskhg iy fjS,djg wjYH ,sh lshjs,s iuÕ
• ,xld ffjoH iNdj fj; meusKsh hq;+ w;r lsisÿ fyA;=jlA ksid tu oskh fjkiA l,
• ;eme,A u.skA tjk ,o lsisø whÿuS m;%hlA Ndr .kq fkd,efnS'
nexl = .sKqug uqo,A ner l, hq; + wdl drh
,xld nexl=j $urodk YdLdj
.sKquS wxlh 0000371208
uqqo, re 3500$-

iuSuqL mrSlAIKh i|yd meusfKk jsg Tn /f.k wd hq;+ ,shlshjs,s

• fjnS wvjsfhkA nd .; lr iuSmQ¾K lrk ,o wh¥uSm; iy bkAfvkAp¾ fmdAruh fjk

fjku uqøKh l,hq;+h
• nexl= uqo,A ;ekAm;= m;%sldj
• Pd;sl ye÷kquS mf;ys uq,a msgm;
• w' fmd' i ^id' fm<&$ w' fmd' i ^W' fm<& $ WmdOs iy;sl m;Aj, uq,A msgm;A
• ;uka jir foll ld,hla ks;H fiAjlfhl+$fiAjsldjl f,i rcH wdh;khl" ixia:djl"
fomd¾;fuSk;A +jl" lsisÿ ;k;+rl jeg=qmA iys; fydA iafjSpSPdfjka fiajh fkdlrk njg
iduodk jsksYapldrjrhl= jsiska re' 50l uqoaorhla u; iy;sl lrk ,o osjsreus m%ldYh'

• mdiAfmdAgS m%u
% dkfhA jrAK PdhdrEmhlA
• re 110$- uqoAor we,jQ Tnf.A ,smskh iys; uqoAor ljrhlA

f,ALldOsldrS ÿ'l' wxlh( 071 7412222$ 071 6355742

• ,xld ffjoH iNdj jsoHq;A ;emE,( ap@s lmc. gov.
lk fkd 31" fkdrsiA lek,A mdr" Website (
fld<U 10'
Instr uc tio n fo r Ap prentic e P harmac i st Appli cant

Required Quali fications

1. Sri Lankan Citizen
2. Person of a good character
3. Pass G.C.E. (O/L) or equivalent examination including any five subjects and pass in English
language And

Pass G.C.E. (A/L) or equivalent examination at one siting including Chemistry pass and at least
pass in Biology, Botany, Physics, Zoology, Agriculture, Applied Mathematics, Combined
Mathematics or Pure Mathematics.

General/Special Bachelor’s degree of any recognized university in Sri Lanka or abroad in Science,
Biology, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology, Physical Science, Applied Science, Health
Promotion, Food science and Nutrition Food science and Technology, Agriculture Technology and
Management or Agriculture.

(If you have foreign qualification, please get the approval from Ceylon Medical College Council)


• ww w.slmc. click practitioners click Pharmacist Select
Apprentice Pharmacist
• Select Apprentice Pharmacist “E” services and create your account and register
• Fill the Application and upload the required scanned documents mentioned above (pdf
• Create interview slot and select an interview date and time

• After successful submission of the online application the SLMC would send
acknowledgement to the applicant

• Upload the application and the indenture form from the SLMC website and complete it
• The applicants who have received their acknowledgemen,t please be present to the SLMC
Office with required documents on your selected interview date and time. ( Pl ease note
can’t change your inter v i ew date and ti me after s el ected)

• We are not accepting appl ications by post.


Bank of Ceylon, Maradana

Name Sri Lanka Medical Council
A/c No. 0000371208
Payment Category – AP
Amount – Rs. 3500/-

Requ ired Documents

You have to bring following documents during the Physical Interview

• New Application and the Indenture form downloaded from the SLMC website which signed
by the Applicant & the Master Pharmacist (Please print your Application and the Indenture
form in two pages).
• Original payment slip
• Original National Identity Card
• Original O/L & A/L certificate /Degree certificate
• Passport size 01 colour photograph
• Self addressed stamped envelope (10’ x 45’) with Rs.110/- stamps
• Affidavit (Signed on Rs. 50/- stamp) from JP or an attorney -at- law to confirm that during the
two years period covered by the indenture form have to mention, He/ She w i ll not
under take pai d or vol untary employment i n any capaci ty or pos i tion as a reg ul ar
of any state Depar tm ent or cor poration of state program.

Registrar Tele : 0717412222 /0716355742

Sri Lanka Medical Council, Email : [email protected]

No. 31, Norris Canal Road, Website : ww w.slmc.

Colombo 10.
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G1$bfT60)ffi: @UfT. 3,500/-

&!!i <!Pffili>&$b Gltffi® &!!i!f16'0 lf@ffiLb $b®Lb

6lJ 6mr!il a; 60)rnffi Ga;rr 61l1i1 CB 6lJ®$b6'0 &6ll 61l1i1 CB Lb.

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$D 6tlli!Jffia;Lb G1Cfw Y, Gmuu(Bif>$DUULL stl161lliTGmUU(!PLD uur!>$D
stl161l1fr 6mu u u u 1.9- 6lJ (!PLb
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• @UfT.llO/- (!P 60) uJlLUULL $Dr!ifffi6IT G1CfrTr!>$D stl16\)fTlfLD 6T@$DUULL (10' X 45 ')
<9!6ll stl16\)rr GOT a;1.9- $b 60)iD GOTIDJ
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<!Pif> 60) uJlLUUL(B uuu51LUULL) CJ'If> wffiffiL$DfT 8'1.

G1$Drr.&u: 0717412222.'. 0716355742

u5161irGOT(@Cf6)): [email protected] .lk

@60)6lmWLD :
s eus m%ldYh'

;uka jir foll ld,hla ks;H fiAjlfhl+$fiAjl s djl f,i rcH wdh;khl"
ixia:djl" fomd¾;fuSkA;+jl" lsisÿ ;k;+rl jeg=qmA iys; fydA iafjSpSPdfjka
fiajh fkdlrk njg iduodk jsksYapldrjrhl = jsiska re' 50l uqoaorhla u;
iy;sl lrk ,o osjsreus m%ldYh'

Affidavit signed by J.P (Rs.50/= stamp) stating that during the two-year period
covered by the indenture form issued by SLMC, he/she will not undertake paid or
voluntary employment in any capacity or position as a regular employee of any
State Department or Corporation or State program.

SLMC வழங் கய ஒப் பந் ே்்ே்்்த் ன் ஖ழ் வரம் இரண் டு வரட

க் லப் ப஖தியில் , அவர/் அவள் ஒர ந் ளலய் ன ஊழியர் க
எந்ே்்தவ் ர
ே்்஖தியிலும் அல் லது ே்பவ் யில் ம் ஊதியம் அல் லது ே்்ன்
ன ரவ ்
தவளலயில் ஈடுபட ம டட ர் என் று ெ்்ம ே்்்் ன ந் தியெ்ரர் (ற.
முே்்்த் ளர) ளகதய ப் பமிடட உறுதிதம ழிப் ே்ப் திரம் . எந்ே்்
ம ந ல துளற அல் லது ந் றுவனம் அல் லது ம ந ல திடடம் .

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