Implicit Bias in Healthcare - Clinical Practice, Research and Decision Making

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INEQUALITY AND PREVENTION Future Healthcare Journal 2021 Vol 8, No 1: 40–8

EDUCATION AND TRAININGImplicit bias in healthcare: clinical

practice, research and decision making

Authors: Dipesh P Gopal, A Ula Chetty,B Patrick O’ Donnell,C Camille GajriaD and Jodie Blackadder-WeinsteinE

Bias is the evaluation of something or someone that can be resulting in lower pay for clinicians from ethnic minorities and lack of

positive or negative, and implicit or unconscious bias is when female surgeons in senior positions, for example.5,6
the person is unaware of their evaluation. This is particularly Cognitive bias may explain political decisions in the coronavirus
relevant to policymaking during the coronavirus pandemic and pandemic framing ventilators as ‘lifesaving’ and subsequent
racial inequality highlighted during the support for the Black investment over public health non-pharmaceutical measures:
Lives Matter movement. A literature review was performed to framing bias.7 Clinicians during the pandemic may have been
define bias, identify the impact of bias on clinical practice and tempted to prescribe medication despite lack of clear evidence due
research as well as clinical decision making (cognitive bias). to fear of lack of action: action bias.8 Action bias may have been
Bias training could bridge the gap from the lack of awareness exhibited by stressed members of the public when panic buying
of bias to the ability to recognise bias in others and within groceries despite reassurance of stable supply.9 Cognitive bias
ourselves. However, there are no effective debiasing strategies. may affect the way clinicians make decisions about healthcare
Awareness of implicit bias must not deflect from wider socio- given the novelty of the disease and evolving evidence base.
economic, political and structural barriers as well ignore Politicians may prioritise resources to goals that will provide short-
explicit bias such as prejudice. term benefit over long-term benefit; this might include increases
critical care capacity over public health investment: present bias.7
KEYWORDS: implicit bias, unconscious bias, diagnostic error, Given the amount of poorly reported and implemented non-peer
cognitive bias reviewed pre-print research during the pandemic, many clinicians
may implement easily available research amplified by media
DOI: 10.7861/fhj.2020-0233 rather than taking a critical look at the data: availability bias.8,10
This may be compounded by physical and emotional stress. Media
reporting of the coronavirus in the USA as the ‘Chinese virus’ was
Introduction linked with increasing anti-American bias towards east Asians.11
This article aims to identify the potential impact of bias on
Bias is the evaluation of something or someone that can be positive clinical practice and research as well as clinical decision making
or negative, and implicit or unconscious bias is when the person (cognitive bias) and how biases may be mitigated overall.
is unaware of their evaluation.1,2 It is negative implicit bias that is
of particular concern within healthcare. Explicit bias, on the other
hand, implies that there is awareness that an evaluation is taking
place. Bias can have a major impact on the way that clinicians A non-systematic literature review approach was used given the
conduct consultations and make decisions for patients but is not heterogeneous and mixed-method study of bias in healthcare;
covered in the medical field outside clinical reasoning. Conversely, such a topic would be unamenable to systematic review
it is commonly highlighted in the world of business.3,4 The lack of methodology. Inclusion criteria included English language
awareness of implicit bias may perpetuate systemic inequalities, articles which were identified by searching PubMed and the
Cochrane database from January 1957 to December 2020 using
the following search terms: ‘implicit bias’, ‘unconscious bias’,
‘cognitive bias’, and ‘diagnostic error and bias’. The highest
Authors: Ageneral practitioner and in-practice fellow, Barts and The level of evidence was prioritised for inclusion (such as recent
London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK; Bgeneral systematic reviews, meta-analyses and literature reviews). Opinion
practitioner and university tutor, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; articles were included to set context in the introduction and the
general practitioner and clinical fellow in social inclusion, University of discussion sections to identify possible future direction. Articles
Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; Dgeneral practitioner and clinical teaching mentioning bias modification in clinical psychiatry were excluded
fellow, Imperial College London, London, UK; ERoyal Air Force general as these focused on specific examples of clinical care rather than
practitioner and researcher, Royal Centre of Defence Medicine, contributing to a broad overview of the potential impact of bias in
Edgbaston, UK medicine.

40 © Royal College of Physicians 2021. All rights reserved.

Implicit bias in healthcare

Type 1
Recognised processes

Patient Pattern Executive T Dysrationalia
Calibration Diagnosis
presentation processor override override

Not recognised Type 2


Hard-wired processes

Emotional processes
Type 1
Over-learned processes

Implicitly learned
processes Calibration Diagnosis

Fig 1. Decision-making processes. a) The interaction between type 1 and type 2 processes allows diagnoses to be made from patient
presentations. T = ‘toggle function’; the ability to switch between type 1 and type 2 processes. b) The type 1 processes that control calibration of
decision making to make a diagnosis. Adapted with permission from Croskerry P, Singhal G, Mamede S. Cognitive debiasing 1: origins of bias and theory
of debiasing. BMJ Qual Saf 2013;22(Suppl 2):ii58–64.

How does bias work and where does it come from?

(eg Ben or Julia), into the family or career categories. This has
Decision making can be understood to involve type 1 and type 2 been well summarised in meta-analyses comparing the ability of
processes (see Fig 1).12,13 Type 1 processes are fast, unconscious, the IAT to predict social behaviour.18,19 Furthermore, Oswald and
‘intuitive’ and require limited cognitive resources.13,14 They are colleagues found that the IAT was not a predictor of markers of
often known as mental shortcuts or heuristics, which allow rapid discrimination when looking at race and ethnicity.19
decision making. In contrast, type 2 processes are slower, conscious, While the IAT is used widely in research literature, opponents of the
‘analytic’ and require more cognitive resources.13 The above is IAT highlight that it is unclear what the test actually measures, and
known as dual process theory (DPT). It is type 1 processing that comment that the test cannot differentiate between association
makes up the majority of decision making and is vulnerable to error. and automatically activated responses.20 Furthermore, it is difficult
If this occurs in consecutive decisions, it can lead to systematic to identify associations, bringing further confusion to the question
errors, such as when a car crash that occurs after errors in some of how to measure the activity of the unconscious mind. Given these
of hundreds of tiny decisions that are made when driving a car.13 conflicting views, while IAT testing is commonly used, it cannot be
Despite the critique of implicit bias, such automatic decisions universally recommended.21 There are ethical concerns that the
are necessary for human function and such pattern recognition IAT could be used as a ‘predictive’ tool for crimes that have not yet
may have developed in early humans to identify threats (such occurred, or a ‘diagnostic’ tool for prejudice such as racism.22 The IAT
as predators) to secure survival.3 It is thought that our biases are should be used as a tool for self-reflection and learning, rather than a
formed in early life from reinforcement of social stereotypes, from punitive measure of one’s biases or stereotypes.23 The test highlights
our own learned experience and experience of those around us.15 individual deficiencies rather than looking at system faults.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is the commonest measure of A systematic review focusing on the medical profession showed
bias within research literature. It was developed from review work that most studies found healthcare professionals have negative bias
which identified that much of social behaviour was unconscious towards non-White people, graded by the IAT, which was significantly
or implicit and may contribute to unintended discrimination.16,17 associated with treatment adherence and decisions, and poorer
The test involves users sorting words into groups as quickly and patient outcomes (n=4,179; 15 studies).24 A further systematic review
accurately as possible and comes in different categories from showed that healthcare professionals have negative bias in multiple
disability to age, and even presidential popularity. For the gender- categories from race to disability as graded by the IAT (n=17,185; 42
career IAT, one vignette might include sorting gender, or names studies) but it did not link this to outcomes.25 The reviews bring into

© Royal College of Physicians 2021. All rights reserved. 41

Dipesh P Gopal, Ula Chetty, Patrick O’ Donnell et al

question healthcare provider impartiality which may conflict with included did show that training courses (of varying lengths)
their ethical and moral obligations.25,26 did provide some improvement in cultural competency and
perceived care quality at 6–12 months’ follow-up (five studies; 337
Bias in clinical medicine professionals; 84,00 patients).51 However, there was limited effect
on improving objective clinical markers such as decreasing blood
Using the IAT, US medical students (n=4,732) and doctors pressure in ethnic minorities for example.
(n=2,284) were demonstrated to have weight bias (ie prejudice
against those who are overweight or obese) which may stem
Bias in research, evidence synthesis and policy
from a lack of undergraduate education in the causes of obesity
and how to consult sensitively.27–29 Many healthcare professionals While scientific and medical research is thought to be free from
believe that obesity is due to a lack of willpower and personal outside influence, ‘science is always shaped by the time and the
responsibility, but it may be due to other factors such as poverty place in which it is carried out’.52 The research questions that are
and worsening generational insomnia.30–32 Similarly the obesity developed and answered depend on the culture and institutions in
IAT evaluated across 71 countries (n=338,121) between 2006 and our societies, including public–private industry partnerships. During
2010 identified that overweight individuals had lower bias towards research conduct, minimisation of bias (specifically selection and
to overweight people, while countries with high levels of obesity measurement bias) within research is an important factor when
had greater bias towards obese people.33 attempting to produce generalisable and robust data. Canadian
There is evidence to corroborate anecdotal reports of female life science researchers note a consistent trend of small research
doctors being mistaken for nurses while at work, and male institutions having a 42% lower chance of research grant application
members of staff and male students being mistaken for doctors being successful compared with large research institutions.53,54
despite the presence of a clear female leader.34,35 Boge and In contrast, gender bias within the wider realm of research may
colleagues found that patients (n=150) were 17.1% significantly discriminate against women in the selection of grant funding as well
less likely to recognise female consultants as leaders compared as in terms of the hierarchical structure of promotion in academic
with their male counterparts, and 14% significantly more likely to institutions.55,56 At academic conferences and grand rounds, men
recognise female nurses as nurses compared with male nurses.34 In were 21–46% more likely to introduced by their professional titles by
addition, female residents (registrars) have significantly negative women compared with when women were introduced by men.57–59
evaluations by nursing staff compared with their male colleagues Women were 8–25% more likely to introduce a fellow woman by
despite similar objective clinical evaluations between male and her title compared with men introducing men. However, these
female colleagues.36,37 differences were not always observed.60
One alarming disparity that deserves mention is gender-specific Taking an international perspective, when an IAT was used to
differences in myocardial infarction presentation and survival. assess healthcare professionals’ and researchers’ (n=321) views
While members of both genders present with chest pain, women on the quality of research emanating from ‘rich’ and ‘poor’
often present with what is known as ‘atypical’ symptoms such as countries (assessed by gross domestic product), the majority
nausea, vomiting and palpitations.38,39 The mention of ‘atypical’ in associated ‘good’ (eg trustworthy and valuable) research with
the literature is misleading given that women make up half of an ‘rich’ countries.61 This alone does not mean much, but by using
average population. Large cohort studies (n=23,809; n=82,196) a randomised blinded crossover experiment (n=347), swapping
have found increased in-hospital mortality by 15–20% (adjusted the source of a research abstract from a low- to high-income
odds ratios) for female patients compared with male patients, country, improved the assessment of the research in English
which contrasts with smaller cohorts (n=4,918; n=17,021), which healthcare professionals.62 A systematic review (three randomised
have found no differences.40–43 Interviews with patients under control trials; n=2,568) found geographic bias for research from
the age of 55 (n=2,985) who had suffered myocardial infarctions high-income countries or more prestigious journals over low-
revealed that women were 7.4% (absolute risk) more likely to income countries or less prestigious journals.63 This highlights
seek medical attention, and were 16.7% less likely to be told their how publication bias for research from high-income countries
symptoms were cardiac in origin.44 This data indicates a need for could neglect a wealth of data from low-income countries that is
education of the public and healthcare professionals alike about valid, even if it is not published, or only published in lower impact
the symptoms of a myocardial infarction in women. journals. These data highlight a greater need for more objective
In 2019, the MBRRACE-UK report revealed that maternal and assessments of research, including multiple layers of blinding
perinatal mortality in pregnancy was five times higher in Black with a journal review board and peer reviewers from low-income
women compared with White women, and this data has also been countries.63 However, blinding may be beneficial when recruiting
replicated in US data with a similar order of magnitude of three people to jobs from job applications given that application photos
to four times.45,46 While official reports have not offered clear may influence the selection process at resident or registrar level.64
explanations as to the causes of such differences, it has been It may be difficult to anonymise citations or publication data
suggested that a combination of stigma, systemic racism and during academic selection processes.
socio-economic inequality are relevant causative factors rather Bias comes into play during evidence generation and application
than biological factors alone.47,48 Lokugamage calls for healthcare of evidence-based policy (EBP) where scientific-based, single-
professionals to challenge their own biases and assumptions when faceted solutions can be seldom applied to multi-faceted or ‘wicked’
providing care using a ‘cultural safety’ model.49,50 Such a model problems.65 These problems are poorly defined, complex, dynamic
could help identify areas for power imbalances in the healthcare issues where solutions may have unpredictable consequences
provider–patient relationship and resultant inequalities. Cultural (such as climate change or obesity).66 Parkhurst identifies two
competence training has been evaluated in a Cochrane systematic forms of evidentiary bias in policymaking that can occur in the
review, and a number of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) creation, selection and interpretation of evidence: technical bias

42 © Royal College of Physicians 2021. All rights reserved.

Implicit bias in healthcare

and issue bias.67 Technical bias is where use of the evidence does not interventions often come under the umbrella term of ‘meta-
follow scientific best practice, such as ‘cherry-picking’ rather than cognition’. A more recent systematic review and meta-analysis
systematically reviewing the evidence to support a certain position. determined that diagnostic reflection improved diagnostic accuracy
In contrast, issue bias occurs when the use of the evidence shifts by 38% in medical students and doctors (n=1,336; 13 studies) with
political debate in a certain direction, such as presenting a policy short-term follow-up.96 This implies that decreasing bias can only
with evidence reflecting one side of the debate. occur after a diagnostic error has taken place. The limited evidence
base for decreasing bias may be due to methodological differences
Cognitive biases and diagnostic errors or intrinsic differences in study subjects in the clinical studies and
reviews. Some clinicians may find a practical checklist when providing
Errors are inevitable in all forms of healthcare.68 The prevalence of healthcare in order to minimise their own biases when making
diagnostic errors varies between different healthcare settings and decisions (Box 1).97–99 The nature of decreasing bias through a single-
may be partly due to cognitive factors as well as system related faceted intervention may be very difficult as bias is a ‘wicked’ or
factors.69,70 Systematic reviews (76 studies; 19,123 autopsies) multi-faceted problem.65 Unconventional methods of teaching bias
looking at studies where autopsies detected clinically important may include a teaching bias to medical students in a non-clinical
or ‘major’ errors involving principal underlying disease or primary setting (such as a museum, a weekly series of case conferences
cause of death found an error rate of 23.5–28% in adult and child examining health equity and implicit bias, and transformative
inpatient settings.71,72 A systematic review conducted in primary learning theory).100–102 Transformative learning theory resembles
care identified a median error rate of 2.5 per 100 consultations what many consider to be key components of Balint groups
or records reviewed (107 studies (nine systematic reviews and 98 and combines multiple single interventions (such as experience,
primary studies); 128.8 million consultations/records).73 Existing reflection, discussion and simulation).102,103
research on human factors using checklists to decrease hospital- Hagiwara and colleagues outlined three translational gaps
associated infections and perioperative mortality supports from social psychology to medical training which may hinder
emerging research that links bias to diagnostic errors.74–76 the effectiveness of bias training to improve health outcomes.104
A systematic review assessing associations between cognitive The first is a lack of evaluation of a person’s motivation to make
biases and medical decisions found cognitive biases were associated change along with bias awareness. The second is that bias training
with diagnostic inaccuracies in 36.5%–77% of case scenarios (7 does not come with clear strategies to mitigate bias and may
studies; n=726) from mostly clinician survey-based data.77 There was result in avoidance or overfriendliness which may come across as
an association found between cognitive bias and management errors contrived in specific situations (such as clinics with marginalised
in five studies (n=2,301). There was insufficient data to link physician groups). The third is lack of verbal and non-verbal communication
biases and patient outcomes. The review was limited by a lack of training with bias training, given that communication is
definitions of the different types of cognitive biases in 40% of all the mediator between bias and patient outcomes. Verbal
studies (n=20) and a lack of systematic assessment of cognitive bias. communication training may involve micro-aggressions.105
Cognitive biases are one of several individual-related interweaving
factors linked to errors, including inadequate communication, Discussion
inadequate knowledge–experience skill set and not seeking help.78
There are many different types of cognitive bias which can be There are limited data to suggest reflective practice as a clear
illustrated in the healthcare diagnostic context (see Table 1). evidence-based strategy to decrease our biases on a clinician–patient
level but options such as cultural safety checklists and previously
outlined strategies (Box 1) could provide support to coalface
Evidence-based bias training
clinicians.97–99 Better appreciation of biases in clinical reasoning could
Making diagnoses is thought to depend on the previously help clinicians reduce clinical errors and improve patient safety and
mentioned type 1 and type 2 processes which make up DPT.87 provide better care for marginalised communities who have the
Despite this, there has been a growing body of evidence worst healthcare outcomes.106,107 It is hoped that the training would
suggestive that type 2 processing or ‘thinking slow’ is not help bridge the gap from the unawareness of bias to the ability to
necessarily better than type 1 processing ‘thinking fast’ in recognise bias in others and within ourselves to mitigate personal
clinicians.12,88–90 Furthermore, there has been suggestion that biases and identify how discrimination may occur.108 Awareness of
proposed solutions (such as reflection and cognitive forcing; implicit bias allows individuals to examine their own reasoning in the
strategies that force reconsideration of diagnoses) to identify and workplace and wider environment. It asks for personal accountability
minimise biases and debiasing checklists has limited effect in bias and a single question: ‘If this person were different in terms of race,
and error reduction.91–94 Small-scale survey-based data (n=37) age, gender, etc, would we treat them the same?’
suggested the presence of hindsight bias where clinicians disagree However, there is a conflict between those suggesting bias training
on the exact cognitive biases depending on the outcome of a which may increase awareness of bias and the limited evidence to
diagnostic error (see Table 1).95 identify any effective debiasing strategy following the identification
A systematic review (28 studies; n=2,665) on cognitive of biases.109 Advocates of bias training suggest that it should not
interventions targeting DPT for medical students and qualified be taught as an isolated topic but integrated into clinical specialty
doctors found several interventions had mixed or no significant training.110 Others deduce that bias training would be more effective
results in decreasing diagnostic error rate.70 The vast majority of with measures of personal motivation and communication training
studies included small samples (n<200) and effects often did along with evidence-based strategies to decrease implicit bias.101
not extend beyond 4 weeks. Interventions included integration Similarly, IAT testing should be administered with a caveat.
into educational curricula, checklists when making diagnoses, To our knowledge at the time of writing, only the Royal
cognitive forcing, reflection and direct instructions. These College of Surgeons of England has identified the importance of

© Royal College of Physicians 2021. All rights reserved. 43

Dipesh P Gopal, Ula Chetty, Patrick O’ Donnell et al

Table 1. Selected cognitive biases in a healthcare context with definitions illustrated with an example of a
patient presenting with chest pain79–86
Type of bias Definition Practical example
Affective or visceral bias Countertransference or a professional’s feeling The patient presenting with chest pain reminds you of
towards the patient results in misdiagnosis. a relative that you know well, so you do not perform a
full history or examination
Anchoring bias Focusing on initial information in a patient’s You perceive the patient presenting with central chest
presentation results in an early diagnosis made pain to have gastro-oesophageal reflux and do not
despite pertinent information available later during change your provisional diagnosis despite history-
information gathering. taking revealing chest pain radiating to the back.
Premature closure Making a diagnosis before a full assessment is You make a diagnosis of pneumonia for a patient
performed. presenting with right-sided chest pain and
breathlessness with marked hypoxia but do not
consider a pulmonary embolus as an additional
contributory cause.
Availability bias Recent encounters with a specific disease keep that You perceive patients with pleuritic chest pain to have
disease in mind (more available) and increases the a pulmonary embolism despite low overall risk and
chance of making that diagnosis. Alternatively, less send them for a computed tomography pulmonary
frequent encounters with a disease (less available) angiography as a result of recently missed pulmonary
decrease the chance of making that diagnosis. embolism.
Confirmation bias Seeking and accepting only information that You perceive the patient with left sided chest pain and
confirms a diagnosis rather than information that raised troponin to have a myocardial infarction but do
refutes a diagnosis. not consider other causes of raised troponin.

Commission (action) bias Action rather than inaction prevents patient harm You prescribed two antibiotics, against local guidance,
driven by beneficence; ie, believing that more is to the patient who presented with right-sided chest
better. pain diagnosed with pneumonia ‘just in case’. You
perceive the patient recovery as a result of your action
rather than a less virulent disease.
Omission (inaction) bias Inaction rather than action prevents patient harm You prescribed no antibiotics for the patient who
driven by non-maleficence; ie, believing that less presented with pleuritic chest pain diagnosed with
is better. Omission bias is thought to be more a lower respiratory tract infection. The patient does
prevalent than commission bias. not recover which you attribute to virulent disease
progression rather than inaction.
Diagnostic momentum Reinforcing a diagnosis that was once a possibility You and your fellow team members agree with
suggested by different stakeholders related to the your consultant / attending physician who makes a
patient including professionals that now becomes provisional diagnosis of pneumothorax for a patient
a certainty despite evidence to the contrary. This presenting with pleuritic chest pain but is contradicted
may involve continuing with a previous clinician’s by fevers and cough as symptoms.
management plan despite new information
suggesting that this is unnecessary.
Gambler’s fallacy Believing that a condition cannot be the diagnosis You diagnose all of the five preceding patients
having made the diagnosis repeatedly on several presenting with chest pain as having a myocardial
occasions; ie, the pre-test probability is affected infarction and believe there is less chance that the
by previous independent events. Reference to a next patient will have the same diagnosis.
gambler’s false belief that flipping a coin five times
resulting with heads increases the chance of tails
on the sixth occasion.
Overconfidence bias Overestimation in one’s own ability to know You diagnose a patient presenting with left sided
more than they actually do, also known as the pleuritic chest pain after blunt trauma as having
Dunning–Kruger effect, placing more emphasis on soft tissue injury as they have a normal respiratory
judgement rather than objective markers. examination rather than making a provisional
diagnosis of pneumothorax and sending the patient
for chest X-ray.

44 © Royal College of Physicians 2021. All rights reserved.

Implicit bias in healthcare

Table 1. Selected cognitive biases in a healthcare context with definitions illustrated with an example of a
patient presenting with chest pain79–86 (Continued)
Type of bias Definition Practical example
Sutton’s slip or law Making the most obvious diagnosis without You diagnose a young patient presenting with
considering other possibilities; named after bank breathlessness and chest pain on exertion as late-
robber Willie Sutton. onset asthma without considering less likely but
possible diagnoses such as stable angina.
Hindsight bias Believing a diagnosis is more likely after it becomes You are criticised for missing a diagnosis of
known compared with before it was known. There pulmonary embolism in a middle-aged man who
are three types known as memory distortion, presented with chest pain and collapse when the
inevitability and foreseeability. computed tomography pulmonary angiography was
initially reported as normal when the patient self-
discharged home. The scan was amended the next
day to show a pulmonary embolism, but the patient
unfortunately died.

unconscious bias through an information booklet.111 The booklet as estimated glomerular filtration rate and blood pressure).121,122 Most
entitled Avoiding unconscious bias seems unlikely because type 2 pertinent to the pandemic, Sjoding and colleagues compared almost
processing is integral to human thinking. There is a need for better- 11,000 pairs of oxygen saturations with pulse oximetry and arterial
powered research into the effectiveness of strategies that can blood gas among Black and White patients.123 Black patients were
decrease implicit and cognitive bias, especially in the long term. 8–11% (relative risk three times) more likely to have lower arterial
Furthermore, organisations should consider whether bias training saturations when compared with pulse oximetry for White patients.
should be integrated into undergraduate and postgraduate This has implications for the coronavirus pandemic, respiratory
curriculum as there are no effective debiasing strategies. conditions and is a call to tackle racial bias in medical devices.
As we move into data-driven societies, the impact of bias With regards to the structure of our healthcare systems, the
becomes every important.112 A simple example is a step counting understanding of personal bias can help identify judgements
mobile application that undercounted steps, it is probably due made during recruitment processes and help build representative
to the application being likely constructed to count steps in an leadership and workforce in the healthcare system of the
‘average person’ ignoring differences in gender, body mass index population they serve.124 This is likely to help deliver better
and ethnic origin.113 Within artificial intelligence, testing of data patient outcomes. Other strategies to decrease the impact of
algorithms in different groups of people can help make algorithms bias include using objective criteria to recruit, blind evaluations
more applicable to diverse populations and, ideally, diversely and salary disclosures.125 Additional measures include providing
created algorithms should limit bias and increase applicability.114,115 a system of reporting discrimination and measuring outcomes
Since the Black Lives Matter movement, many institutions may such as employee pay and hiring, and routinely measuring
consider implementing bias training to mitigate racism. However, employee perceptions of inclusion and fairness. Such measures are
awareness of implicit bias or tokenistic bias training must not fundamental to help mitigate inequality and associated adversity. ■
deflect from wider socio-economic, political and structural barriers
that individuals face.116,117 Similarly, implicit bias should not be Acknowledgements
used to absolve responsibility, nor ignore explicit bias that may
We thank Prof Damien Ridge for his suggestions on this manuscript.
perpetuating prejudice and stereotypes.117 Action to correct the lack
of non-White skin in research literature and medical textbooks is
welcome.118–120 Furthermore, there has been much work to challenge Conflicts of interest
the role of biological race in clinical algorithms and guidance (such Dipesh Gopal is an in-practice fellow supported by the Department
of Health and Social Care and the National Institute for Health
Box 1. Suggested checklist for making good clinical
decisions97–99 Disclaimer
Consider whether data are truly relevant, rather than just salient.
The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily
Did I consider causes besides the obvious ones?
those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
How did I reach my diagnosis?
No honoraria paid to promote media cited including books,
Did a patient or colleague suggest the diagnosis?
podcasts and websites.
Did I ask questions that would disprove, rather than confirm, my
current hypothesis?
Have I been interrupted or distracted while caring for this patient?
Is this a patient I do not like or like too much for any reason? 1 Blair IV, Steiner JF, Havranek EP. Unconscious (implicit) bias and
Am I stereotyping the patient or presentation? health disparities: where do we go from here? Perm J 2011;15:71–8.
2 Santry HP, Wren SM. The role of unconscious bias in surgical
Remember that you are wrong more often than you think!
safety and outcomes. Surg Clin North Am 2012;92:137–51.

© Royal College of Physicians 2021. All rights reserved. 45

Dipesh P Gopal, Ula Chetty, Patrick O’ Donnell et al

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