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FORMAT 1: Request letter from Institute to Internship Provider



Subject: Request for Industrial Training of B. Tech / M. Tech Program,

Dear Sir,
As you may be aware, internship is made mandatory for all technical education
students by AICTE.
In view of the above, I request you to allow our following students for practical training
in your esteemed organization. Kindly accord your permission and give at least one-week
time for students to join training after confirmation.

Sr. Name Roll No. Year Discipline

If vacancies exist, kindly do plan for Campus / Off Campus Interview for batch
passing out students in above branches.

A line of confirmation will be highly appreciated.

With warm regards

Yours sincerely,

Training & Placement Officer

FORMAT 2. Internship Synopsis (To be prepared in consultation with faculty mentor)

An internship is a unique learning experience that integrates studies with practical work. This
agreement is written by the student in consultation with the faculty Mentor and Industrial
supervisor. It shall serve to clarify the educational purpose of the internship and to ensure an
understanding of the total learning experience among the principal parties involved.

Part I: Contact
Student Information
Student ID #: Class Year:
Campus Address:
City, State:
Phone: Email:

Industrial Supervisor
Name: Title:

Internship Address:

City, State, Pin:

Phone: Email:

Faculty Mentor
Name: Phone:
Campus Address:

Academic Credit Information

Internship Title: Department:

Course #: Credits:

Grading Option: Credit/Non-credit

Beginning Date: Ending Date:

Hours per Week: Internship is: Paid Unpaid

Part II: Internship Objectives/Learning Activities
Internship Objectives: What do you intend to learn, acquire, and clarify through this internship?
Try to use concrete, measurable terms in listing your learning objectives under each of the
following categories:
• Knowledge and Understanding

• Skills

Learning Activities: How will your internship activities enable you to acquire the knowledge
/ understanding, and skills you listed above?

On the job: Describe how your internship activities will enable you to meet your learning
objectives. Include projects, research, report writing, conversations, etc., which you will do while
working, relating them to what you intend to learn.

Teaching/Mentoring Activities: How your technical knowledge can be applied at the

site of the internship. How you can create value through mentoring/help people learn
new things.

Off the job: List reading, writing, contact with faculty supervisor, peer group discussion,
field trips, observations, etc., you will make and carry out which will help you meet your
learning objectives.

Evaluation: Your Internship supervisor will provide a written evaluation of your internship.
Describe in detail what other evidence you will provide to your faculty Mentor to document what
you have learned (e.g. journal, analytic paper, project, descriptive paper, oral presentation, etc.)
Include deadline dates.
Part III: The Internship
Job Description: Describe in as much detail as possible your role and responsibilities while on your internship.
List duties, project to be completed, deadlines, etc. How can you contribute to the organization/site of

Supervision: Describe in as much detail as possible the supervision to be provided/needed at the

work site. List what kind of instruction, assistance, consultation you will receive from whom, etc.

Evaluation: How will your work performance be evaluated? By whom? When?

Part IV: Agreement

This contract may be terminated or amended by student, faculty coordinator or work supervisor
at any time upon written notice, which is received and agreed to by the other two parties.

Student Date

Faculty Mentor Date

Industry Supervisor Date

FORMAT 3: Relieving letter of student for Internship / Industry Mode


Subject: Relieving letter of student for Internship / Industry Mode

Dear Sir,
Kindly refer your letter/e-mail dated on the above cited subject. As permitted by your good self the
following students will undergo Industrial Internship in your esteemed organization under your sole
guidance & directions:

S. No. Name of Students Roll No. Branch

This training being an essential part of the curriculum, the following guidelines have been prescribed in the
curriculum for the training. You are therefore, requested to please issue following guidelines to the
concerned manager / Industrial Supervisor.
▪ Internship schedule may be prepared and a copy of the same may be sent to us.
▪ Each student is required to prepare Internship diary and report.
▪ Kindly check the Internship diary of the student daily.
▪ Issue instruction regarding working hours during training and maintenance of the attendance record.
You are requested to evaluate the student’s performance based on grading i.e., Excellent, Very
Good, Satisfactory and Non-Satisfactory on the below mentioned factors. The performance report
may please be forwarded to the undersigned on completion of training in sealed envelope.

S. No. Name of Students Evaluation Ranking

a Attendance and general behavior
b Relational / Communications skill
c Initiative and efforts in learning
d Knowledge and skills improvement
e Contribution to the organization

Your efforts in this regard will positively enhance knowledge and practical skills of the students, your
cooperation will be highly appreciated, and we shall feel obliged.

The students will abide by the rules and regulation of the organization and will maintain a proper discipline
with keen interest during their Internship. The students will report to you on dated along with a copy of this

Yours sincerely,

Training & Placement Officer

FORMAT 4: Student’s Daily Diary / Logbook

Time of arrival: Time of Departure: Remarks
Dept. / Division Name of finished
Name of HOD/
With e-mail id

Main points of the day

Signature of Industry Supervisor

FORMAT 5: Supervisor Evaluation of Intern

Student Name: Date:

The frequency with which you observed the following behaviors:

Parameters Needs Satisfactory Good Excellent

Performs in a dependable manner
Cooperates with co-workers and supervisors
Shows interest in work
Learns quickly
Shows initiative
Produces high quality work
Accepts responsibility
Accepts criticism
Demonstrates organizational skills
Uses technical knowledge and expertise
Shows good judgment
Demonstrates creativity/originality
Analyzes problems effectively
Is self-reliant
Communicates well
Writes effectively
Has a professional attitude
Gives a professional appearance
Is punctual
Uses time effectively

Overall performance of student intern (circle one):

(Needs improvement / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent)

Additional comments, if any:

Signature of Industry supervisor HR Manager

FORMAT 6: Student feedback of Internship after completion
Student Name:
Industrial Supervisor:
Supervisor Email:
Internship Address:

To give a brief description of your internship work (title and tasks for which you were responsible):

Was your internship experience related to your major area of study?

Yes | To a large degree, yes | To a slight degree, no | Not related at all

Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

This experience has: Strongly Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Given me the opportunity to explore
a career field
Allowed me to apply classroom theory
to practice
Helped me develop my decision –
making and problem-solving skills
Expanded my knowledge about the
work world prior to permanent
Helped me develop my written and
oral communication skills
Provided a chance to use leadership
skills (influence others, develop ideas
with others, stimulate decision-
making and action)
Given me a chance to improve my
interpersonal skills
Helped me learn to handle
responsibility and use my time wisely
Helped me discover new aspects of
myself that I did not know existed
Helped me develop new interests
and abilities
Helped me clarify my career goals
Provided me with contacts which
may lead to future employment
Allowed me to acquire information
and/ or use equipment not available
at my Institute
In the Institute internship program, faculty members are expected to be mentors for students.
Do you feel that your faculty coordinator served such a function? Why or why not?

How well were you able to accomplish the initial goals, tasks and new skills that were set down
in your learning contract? In what ways were you able to take a new direction or expand beyond
your contract? Why were some goals not accomplished adequately?

In what areas did you most develop and improve?

What has been the most significant accomplishment or satisfying moment of your

internship? What did you dislike about the internship?

Considering your overall experience, how would you rate this internship? (Circle one).

(Satisfactory/ Good/ Excellent)

Give suggestions as to how your internship experience could have been improved. (Could you
have handled added responsibility? Would you have liked more discussions with your professor
concerning your internship? Was closer supervision needed? Was more of an orientation
FORMAT 7: Evaluation of Internship by Institute


Phone: Fax: Email:

Evaluation (I)

Name of Student: Mob. No.:

College Roll No.: University Roll No.:

Branch / Semester: Period of Training:

Home Address with contact No.:

Address of Training Site:

Address of Training Providing Agency:

Name/Designation of Training In- charge:

Type of Work:

Date of Evaluation:

Attendance: (Satisfactory / Good / Excellent)

Practical Work: (Satisfactory / Good / Excellent)

Faculty’s Evaluation: (Satisfactory / Good / Excellent)

Evaluation of Industry: (Satisfactory / Good / Excellent)

Overall grade: (Satisfactory / Good / Excellent)

Signature of Faculty Mentor Signature of Internship Supervisor

(Industry) With date and stamp

*Photocopy of the attendance record duly attested by the training in-charge should be attached with the
evaluation Proforma.
FORMAT 8: Internship Evaluation Report to be prepared by Faculty.

(For B. Tech / M. Tech / MCA)

Name & Address of Organization

Marks to be awarded for



Maintenance of Daily Diary

Punctuality Grade

Skill Test Grade

Sr. No. Name of Student Roll No.

FORMAT 9: Attendance sheet

(For B. Tech / M. Tech / MCA)

Name & Address of Organization

Name of Student:
Roll. No.:
Name of Course:
Date of Commencement of Training:
Date of Completion of Training:

Initials of the student

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
Month & Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

1. Attendance Sheet should remain affixed in Daily Training Diary. Do not remove or tear it off.
2. Student should sign / initial in the attendance column. Do not mark ‘P’.
3. Holidays should be marked in Red Ink in attendance column. Absent should be marked as ‘A’ in Red

Signature of Company internship supervisor

with company stamp / seal

Name: Contact No.:

FORMAT 10: Form to be filled by Mentors after first visit in industry.

Name of College Mentor:


Name of company Visited:

Day & Date:

Student Name: 1]

Name of Contacted person from Industry:


Sr. No. Expectations Remark

1 Discussion on Expected learning’s of
Internship with Students
2 Discussion on expected learning’s of
Internship with Industry Mentor
3 Project Finalization (Yes/No)
4 Title of Project
5 Finalization of Online Subject
6 Title of Online/Certification Course
(Related to Project)
7 Discussion on Daily Work Diary
with students and Industry Mentors
8 Discussion on rules of Attendance with
students and Industry Mentors
9 Discussion on Evaluation Scheme, Evaluation
rubrics and involvement of Industry mentor
in evaluation.
10 Discussion on Official formalities required
from college (if required)
11 Discussion on Industry Institute Interaction if
Possible, with HR.

IIP Mentor, Department Head of Department

Remark by Dean Academics:

FORMAT 11: Assessment

Give marks out of 5 / PO a b c d e f g h i j k l

Weightage 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

Multidisciplinary Knowledge

Economic and Social Impact

Application of Knowledge
Namean dPlace ofIndust

Solving Field Problem

Contemporary Issues
Professional Ethics
Apply Knowledge

Lifelong Learning
Name of student


Marks out of 50
Design System
Interpret Data

Total Marks


A. Which subjects you found useful for this training?

B. Have you seen any chart, tables, graphs in industry? What was its meaning for you?
C. Can you design any system or part of it from this training? If not, what knowledge you feel
D. Was this training involved knowledge of electrical, electronics, civil or chemical engineering?
E. Have you come across any technical difficulty in training? If yes write in short. How have you solved?
F. What was timing for training? Have you followed it? Were people in industry sincere in their work?
G. Which language s used for communication in industry you visited? Have you talked there?
H. What pollution measures were taken by the industry for their waste disposal?
I. What is most important part of training you remember?
J. What is current issue in technical field you find most challenging?
K. Do you think this training is useful? What is its use?
L. Is there any scope for research you find while undergoing this training?

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