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Inheritance Skill

Created by

Associated with
Digimon Linkz Researcher
Page 1
What is "Inheritance Skill"?
Inheritance skill is a skill which you can pass from a Digimon to other Digimon. Usually you
can see it from the status menu which you usually find it here;

or at the Battle Screen, the Inherited Skill will be displayed at this button;

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Types of Inheritance Skill
There are 2 type of Inheritance Skill which is Offensive and Support.

Offensive Skills have their own elements attack like Fire, Water, Plant, Thunder, Holy and
Dark and it damage the enemy and reduce enemy's HP and some Offensive Skills might
don't have an element and some of them have their own "Special Effect" like HP Absorb.

Support skills don't have any elements in it instead it will reduce your opponents status like
ATK, SATK, DEF, SDEF, SPEED, ACC, and CRITICAL or it can boost your Allies status.
Not only giving Buff but the most Rarest Support skill is Healing.

Inheritance Skills Level

Inheritance skills have levels, They are not like the Special Skills or the Primary Skills. The
higher the Inherited Skill, The higher the damage/effect to the enemy Digimon. The level is
shown here;

The levels will appeared in Roman Numbers such as I, II, III, IV, and V.

The Minimum level for the Inherited Skills is 1 and the maximum is 5. Higher level
Inherited Skill can only be obtained through Rare Summon or 20 Digistones Summon. In
the Friendship Summon, You will mostly get a level 1 Skills and Maximum of Level 2 or 3
Skills while in the Rare Summon you can get at least minimum of Level 3 Skills and the
maximum of Level 5 Skills which is Ultra Rare.

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Learning the Japanese Character

Some of you might prefer to take a shoot of the skill or take a screenshot and use
Google Translate but what if you can learn how to read it? Not only in Digimon, You
can use it on other JRPG Games since JRPG Games consist Elemental Magic/
Attacks and You can easily understand it what's its skill element. You can find out
about the elements at here;

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Inheritance Skill Elements Character

Someone on reddit compiled a list of characters and katakana keywords that will let you
quickly sort through most skill descriptions.


無 - Null (Non-Elemental)
自然 - Nature
火 - Fire
水 - Water
雷 - Thunder (electric)
光 - Light (holy)
闇 - Darkness


極小 - Extremely small
小 - Small
中 - Moderate
大 - Large
極大 - Extremely large


物理 - Physical
魔法 - Magical (special)
ダマージ - Damage, usually at the end of description of an attack skill
アップ - Up, usually in the name and/or at the end of description of a buff skill
ダウン - Down, usually in the name and/or at the end of description of an enfeeble skill


攻撃 - Attack
防御 - Defence
魔法攻撃 - Magical (Special) attack
魔法防御 - Magical (Special) defence
スピード - Speed
命中率 - Hit probability (Accuracy).
This is one of the ones which show the Kanji instead of nice English abbreviations when
triggered in battle.

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Status effects

毒 - Poison
麻痺 - Paralysis
スタン - Stun
眠り - Sleep
スキルロック - Skill Lock


オール - All, normally in a buff or enfeeble skill name.

全体 - Everybody (on one side)
単体 - Single
味方 - Ally
敵 - Enemy

Once you get the ordering of the sentence structure, you can quickly pick up what a skill
will do. For example...say the skill description says:


Don't panic, break it down one part at a time.

First character (火) is for "fire". The fifth character is (敵) "enemy" and the two after is
(単体) "single". Two more characters over is (物理) "physical", followed by (中) "medium"
and katakana (ダメージ) for "damage".
So, we know the skill is moderate physical fire damage to a single enemy.

How about a support skill?

3ラウンドの間、 味方全体の防御力が極小アップ

3 followed by katakana for (ラウンド) "round", then after the comma, the two characters
(味方) for "ally", followed by two characters (全体) for "everybody", skip one character,
the two characters for (防御) "defence", and then we'll just move ahead to the last 5
characters which is (極小) "extremely small" and (アップ) "up".
Easy to piece together the meaning; for 3 rounds, increase all allies' defence by a
minuscule amount.

None of this will help you with skill names (except the buff and enfeeble ones), but you
should be able to now understand the vast majority of skill descriptions, be they leader,
species or inherited skills.

Page 6
Transferring Inherited Skills
You will need to buy this Facility in order to transfer your Inherited Skill;

If you already have the Facility, You can immediately enter it by pressing this button

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Inside there, You will need two Digimon. If you place the Digimon on the First Place, That
Digimon will receive the Inheritance Skill from the Second Digimon which located below it.
The second Digimon will be sacrificed which mean YOU WILL LOSE THE DIGIMON if you
agreed to Move his skill to the Targeted Digimon.

To Transfer the skill you will need a Maxed Level Digimon for the Sacrificed Digimon and
the Sacrificed Digimon is NOT IN YOUR PARTY. The targeted Digimon doesn't have to be
in Max Level. If the Sacrificed Digimon is not in the max level, there will be a notice/
warning appear that tells you it need to be in Max level to be inherited.

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• Digimon Linkz

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