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Crafting a research paper on the topic of single parenthood is a demanding task that requires

comprehensive understanding, meticulous research, and adept writing skills. Navigating through the
complexities of this subject matter involves delving into various aspects such as societal challenges,
psychological impacts, and economic considerations, among others.

As many individuals embark on the journey of writing a thesis on single parenthood, they often
encounter hurdles that can be overwhelming. The extensive research required to gather relevant and
up-to-date information, coupled with the need to synthesize and analyze data, poses a significant
challenge. Additionally, addressing the multifaceted nature of single parenthood demands a nuanced
approach that goes beyond mere statistical data.

Moreover, the emotional and psychological toll of exploring the personal narratives and experiences
of single parents adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. The sensitivity of the topic
requires a delicate balance between empathy and objectivity to present a comprehensive and
unbiased analysis.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes a viable option. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for individuals grappling with the intricacies of crafting
a thesis on single parenthood. The platform provides access to experienced writers with expertise in
social sciences who can navigate the complexities of the topic with finesse.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, individuals can benefit from the expertise of seasoned writers
who understand the nuances of single parenthood and can deliver a well-researched, coherent, and
impactful thesis. The service ensures timely delivery and adherence to academic standards, providing
a valuable resource for those aiming to produce a high-quality research paper on the topic of single
By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. A single parent generally refers to a parent
who has the majority of the day to day responsibilities in the raising of the children, which would
classify them as the leading caregiver. The results also indicated that there is no significant difference
between the mean response score of students and teachers on the relationship between the teachers
motivational therapies and students academic performance in Biology. Pre-marital sex and divorce
are not the only reasons which contribute to single parenthood; there are several other causes as well.
This connection drawn between the situation of single parenthood and the inability of families to
obtain essential services presents the question: Is Single Parenting a cause of poverty. Sure kids bend
the truth, but that’s just the point, it’s got to be some truth in what they say to you. Single teen
moms do not find themselves capable of graduating their high school nor do they go for proper
prenatal care out of embarrassment. Maternal role is characteristic of child care and home making
while the paternal role revolves around economic responsibilities and discipline of children. As a
parent, I find these guidelines to be very helpful in parenting my own children. As for a single teen
mother, she is stigmatized by the society so much so that this perception creates great negative
impacts on her life and her opportunities in education and employment. There are a number of other
factors, which when constituted as a whole, jeopardizes their growth and happiness such as moving,
changing schools, lowered standards of living and loss of contact with the non-custodial parent.
Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing
assignments. Economic constraints may limit growth-enhancing experiences. Based on the findings,
some recommendations were also made. This is a tremendous help to the overwhelmed single-
parent. It is common sense that the brought up of the child requires immense efforts in all spheres of
life. A single parent has to go through many sorts of discriminatory behaviors at workplaces and
other areas of life. From the outset of parenthood, females make a greater biological investment then
males. This short document contains a detailed list of questions that should be addressed in each
paragraph of their essay, as well as links to articles and videos to get them started in researching both
sides of the controversial organization. This may lead to them becoming disillusioned and bitter. The
first proposition is the inability of the parent to shape the personality of their children. As per One
Mediation, “Divorce is the final termination of a marital union, cancelling the legal duties and
responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties” (One
Mediation). The family structure, ideally, will provide a sense of security and stability that will be
necessary for children. However, as discussed earlier, the changing trend brought with it, changes in
the causes of becoming a single parent. With a high degree of responsibility, single parents can raise
children just as well as two parents. There are some cases in which the parents engage in child abuse,
which is their way of venting out all their frustration ad negativity on their harmless kids. It
investigates specific objectives such as family size, family type, parent’s educational status, parent’s
occupational status and how they influence involvement in street violence among youths. Preschool
children are normally attached to their mothers, so their reaction will not be very strong if their
fathers leave, as Cooney, Hutchinson and Leather state, “Post divorce relations between young
children and their parents are largely differentiated by the gender of the parent” (153). This
eventually results in a vicious cycle of alcohol, drug and substance abuse as well as being stuck in a
series of negative and morbid thoughts (Berger, 1).
In this paper, we aim to understand how single parenting has impacted children. Another myth
addressed by the supporters of single parent families is that teenage mothers are lethargic and
neglectful of their children (Bumpass and Sweet 256-260). Marks (2006) developed a cross-cultural
study where he found that socioeconomic backgrounds are another issue that affects the academic
achievement of children. The acceptance of such forms of the family is a mere representation of the
acknowledgement towards divorce and the rarity of marriage. They do not envisage exceptionally
high academic goals for their children, which is one of the principal factors that can ruin the chances
of their children achieving some outstanding academic accomplishment in life. This sociocultural
phenomenon has also spread through the ever-existing race system in current modern world. 33
percent single parents are African American, 33 percent are Hispanics, and 23 percent are Whites.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Research and studies have showed that
broken marriages and households have deeply jeopardized the quality well-being of children. These
recommendations were made that students from single parenthood should be counselled on self-
esteem and self concept, so also marriage disagreement should be handled with love between the
parents, instead of settling for divorce. Another form of single parent family is the one which occurs
after a divorce. Report this Document Download now Save Save Single Parent For Later 0 ratings
0% found this document useful (0 votes) 299 views 4 pages Single Parent Uploaded by Michael
Baluyot AI-enhanced description Given the increasing incidence of divorce and teenage pregnancies,
the circumstance of being a single parent is becoming more common in society. She also agreed with
Farenga and Ness (2005), when they noted, “All children must show adequate yearly progress. ” In
summary, partnering with families is an important part of the reauthorization of Public Law 101-
476,otherwise known as (IDEA), Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and a part of the latest
revision of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Instead, many women chose to have their baby
without the help of a husband (The Various Reasons For Single Parenting). There is a strong need to
comprehend why there are family instabilities that put children at risk, and how it becomes difficult
to formulate programs and policies, so as to support healthy families and children. They do not have
a partner to attend to the needs of their children nor do they have any support in laying and imposing
certain ground rules for the better growth of their children. I have three school age children that have
gone through the Caddo Parish School System and with my older child I did not get all the updates
and information that I have now with my youngest child. (K. Davis, personal communication, May
7, 2012). This study was guided by the following theories; socialization theory, parenting styles,
social learning theory, attachment theory. About 46 percent of children living in single parent families
in the UK are below the poverty line. For instance, girls mostly are freer to their mothers than their
fathers. Economic constraints may limit growth-enhancing experiences. From earning to maintaining
and educating the child, once all this pressure falls on one parent, there are chances that the child
may be spoilt in one way or the other. 2. Another substantial argument posed to single parent family
systems is that the single parent will have to work and earn and therefore, cannot serve to be an at-
home parent. The fourth question “Do you know your rights as a parent with a special needs child”.
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The task presented to students in this prompt is to write an essay summarizing the advantages and
disadvantages of Planned Parenthood, and then they will give their own well-supported opinion.
Majority of the children who live in families headed by single mothers are poor for seven years or
more, which makes up approximately a third of their childhood. The results are represented in tables,
simple frequency percentage were used for the objectives while chi-square analysis was used to test
the hypothesis raised. Rationale I chose to research this topic because it hurts me to see my friends
from single parent families fall by the way side. The single parent should take an interest in the
child’s school and extra-curricular work, so as to make the child feel wanted. The parent replied:
“Yes, I am very well aware of my children rights when it comes to special education. Their age and
development phase counts very much toward their reaction to counseling.
Single Parenthood has become a rapid trend in our society. But it has also contributed negatively in
some ways. Single parent families have faced troubles in numerous ways in the past, and these
incidents of trouble have caused the shape of our society to change. Their relationships with people
might be extremely edgy and strained. Children who have single parents are less likely to have their
actions monitored; according to most researches, the parents don’t even know where their children
are or whom they are with, as compared to children who have both their parents intact. The second
thing I think would be good is to allow parents to teach a class, just for 30 minutes or so. This
sociocultural phenomenon has also spread through the ever-existing race system in current modern
world. 33 percent single parents are African American, 33 percent are Hispanics, and 23 percent are
Whites. The parent replied: “Yes, I am very well aware of my children rights when it comes to special
education. Single parents cannot gauge whether the neighborhood they are residing in, is an
appropriate place to bring up their children. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. A
family, which is being headed, by a single mother is likely to live in more poverty, as compared to a
married couple with children. In analysing the first hypothesis, it showed that there is no significant
difference between the academic performance of adolescent students from single parent homes and
those from intact parent homes. The task presented to students in this prompt is to write an essay
summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of Planned Parenthood, and then they will give their
own well-supported opinion. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Changing life styles and life philosophies are contributing heavily to single parenthood.
Download Free PDF View PDF Divorse and its Possible Remedy for Family Preservation Dr.
Mustapha Kulungu Abstract This research paper examines the impact of divorce from an
amalgamated view which combine recent literature, select studies, and my experience and
knowledge accumulated while reading farrago of information on this matter. Generally, it will be the
responsibility of the family, to train and bring up the child in the norms and values of the society.
Some unmarried teenagers will perform abortion whereas others will keep their pregnancy. However,
the trend over the last 10 decades has shown us that divorce, which once used to be a tragic and
bleak incident, has now turned into a norm. It is easy for a person to fall prey before stress and
anxiety, but the real thing is to cope with the stress with efficiency, and at the right time. The present
study focuses on the perspective of the child in a single-parent family as regards the childrearing
practices of the parent. Struggling as a single parent is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish for a
human being. It seems that the researchers were trying to defend single parents and to prove the
myth wrong that that single parents are no better than married couples. The use of the program can
help parents experiencing different parenting issues. A forty four item questionnaire was used for
data collection. In most of the cases, the boy who was responsible for causing pregnancies to the girl
would not marry the girl. Retrieved from EBSCOhost, Accessed 19th August, 2011 Coles, R. L.
(2001). The Parenting Roles and Goals of Single Black Full-Time Fathers. On the basis of the
findings, it was concluded that there is a difference between the children education from single
parent homes and children from other family type. The single lifestyle in my opinion is slowly
becoming a thing of the past, especially with social networking sites such. There may be many
reasons for a parent being single: divorce and teen pregnancy are two major reasons.

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