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Subject: Mathematis Grade Level: 9

Unit Topic: Geometry Quarter: 4th


This unit is about showing appreciation to the pre-colonial Philippine literary genres by
delivering an interpretative reading. To fully appreciate these genres, this is not just going
back to the past but it is also discovering the significant past which has a major impact in
what literary genres we have today, and this understanding will help you to grasp the
learning competencies vital in preparing your interactive reading. Prepare your creativity
as this unit will encourage you to write and deliver meaningful stories rooted from your
understanding of the past.

As you understand more about the significant past, consider the following questions:
1. Understand the Pythagorean Theorem and its application in finding the length of
the sides of a right triangle.
2. Recognize and apply properties of similar right triangles, including the concept of
proportional relationships between corresponding sides.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in applying trigonometric functions to solve real-world
problems, such as calculating heights, distances, and angles in various contexts.

Map of Conceptual Change:

Before proceeding to the lesson proper, share your ideas and thoughts about how to
deliver interpretative reading by completing the table below.

Work on the first two columns for now. In the R column, write two to three things
that you already know about interactive reading. In the S column, write the new
information that you think you will gather. In the G column, write the new information
you have. When you are done with this unit, write the questions you still have about the

Lastly, do not forget to use complete and correctly written sentences. Remember,
consciously practicing this all the time can make you a better writer.


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What new What new What questions do I
What do I know? information do I information do I still have about the
think I will gather? have? topic?

LC1: EN7F-I-a-3.11.1: DAY 1-4
Read words phrases, Activity 1: Let’s get Tongue Twisted!
clauses, sentences and Instructions: Read the following tongue twisters thrice and identify the consonant sounds
paragraphs using the present in each phrases.
correct production of 1. My thumb is too thick to flick this.
vowel and consonant 2. Four furious friends fought for the phone.
sounds, diphthongs, 3. Vlad and Victor videoed various volatile volcanoes.
blends and glides
Did you pronounce each word correctly?
LC2: EN7LC-I-a-5:
Recognize prosodic Activity 2: ConSOUNDnants! (Discussion)
features: volume, The teacher discusses the “Speaking Good English”.
projection, pitch, stress, ECAS BOOK: pp. 6-7
intonation, juncture, and \p\ \f\ \t\ \th\ \b\ \v\
speech rate that serve as pan fan true through ban van
carriers of meaning pun fun torn thorn base vase
pat fat trust thrust bail vail
Learning Targets:
I can read words Activity 3: Listen Carefully!
phrases, clauses, Exercise 4 on pp. 5-6
sentences and Instructions: The teacher will read some paragraphs about the Philippines. Listen
paragraphs using the carefully. In the second reading, fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
correct production of Introduction to the Philippines
vowel and consonant The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago of (1) 7107 tropical islands and
sounds, diphthongs, islets set in deep blue waters that contain some of the richest (2) marine life systems on
blends and glides earth. It is the (3) second largest archipelago in the world after Indonesia. However, the
Philippines is more compact so interisland travel is easy. Only (4) 2,000 are inhabited,
I can recognize the and no more than about (5) 500 area larger than 1 km2; 2,500 are not even named. Our
prosodic features of country has a strategic position separating the (6) West Philippine Sea and the Pacific
speech. Ocean, and the (7) Celebes Sea in the South. Because of its position, the country’s
history shows it as a regional trading center, battleground, and cultural meeting point.
Neighboring countries are (8) Taiwan to the north, (9) Borneo to the southwest,
(10) Indonesia to the south, (11) Vietnam to the west, and the (12) Belau (Palau group)
group to the west. Off the eastern shore lies the (13) Philippine trench, one of the
world’s deepest points, reaching 10, 500 m below sea level.
Scientists believe that the triangle formed by the Philippines, Peninsular
Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea is where most of the Pacific’s marine organisms
evolved before they spread out to colonize other oceans. The Philippines is the home of
(14) 34, 000 km2 (13, 124 sq. miles) of coral reefs in the world. Many sport divers and
underwater photographers come to the Philippines from all over the world to see the
beauty and richness of our marine life. (15) Forty percent of 40% of these tourists are

Activity 4: Know to Use! (Discussion)

The teacher discusses the prosodic features of speech.
ECAS BOOK: pp.7-8, 34-35
Prosodic Features of Speech
1. Pitch – highness or lowness of the voice
2. Volume – loudness or softness of a voice.
3. Voice projection – change in the volume of our voices in relation to a listener or
an audience
4. Speech rate – the speed with which you speak.
5. Stress – characterized by force or intensity (loudness), pitch or tone or duration
a. Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives are stressed on the first syllable. Ex.
Always, DRIVer, PRETty
b. Intensive and reflexive pronouns receive the stress on the second syllable. Ex.
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mySELF, yourself
c. Numbers ending in –teen receive the stress on teen; those ending in –ty are
stressed on the first syllable. Ex. thirTEEN, TWENty
d. Words ending in –tion, -sion, -ical, and –ity have generally have the primary
stress on the syllable preceding the suffix. Ex. examiNAtion, geneROSity
e. Many words show a shift in stress to indicate a noun or a verb use. Ex. Noun –
PREsent, Verb – preSENT
f. Compound nouns generally place the primary stress on the first component and
the secondary stress on the second component. EX. THANKSgiving, BEEFsteak
g. Compound verbs generally place on the primary stress on the second
component. Ex. underSTAND, outREACH
6. Intonation – the rise and fall of the voice when speaking.
a. rising intonation – used with yes-no questions.
b. rising-falling intonation – used when making statements and asking wh-

Activity 5: Listen and Tell!

LT 1 - Instructions: Read the words aloud and indicate where the stress falls. (Exercise 8 A
on p.35)
1. inTEND 6. misTAKE 11. poLItical 16. proFEssor
2. TEAcher 7. SEcond 12. suFFIcient 17. inforMAtion
3. RULer 8. JOYful 13. MEMory 18. PRImary
4. amBItion 9. nineTEEN 14. ARmy 19. COLDer
5. NEIGHbor 10. THIRty 15. SAIlor 20. GRACEfully

LT2 - Instructions: Read the following paragraph, observing correct sentence stress.
(Exercise 7 on pg.68)
An old king ruled over the Kingdom of Bumbaran. His kingdom was prosperous,
his people were good, and he should have been very happy. But the king was not
happy. His heart was full of envy toward his brother, Prince Bantugan. Every time
someone praised Prince Bantugan, the king frowned and looked angry.
One day, enemies attacked the Kingdom of Bumbaran, and Prince Bantugan led
his men to defend the country. When he was gone, the evil king plotted against the
good prince. He gave a proclamation that no one should speak to Prince Bantugan.
Whoever dared to speak to the prince would be killed.

LT3 - Instructions: Listen as your teacher reads about fables. Repeat after him/her.
Remember to follow the correct sentence stress. (Exercise 1 on p.72-73)
1. Our early literature contained fables.
2. A fable is a short story.
3. The characters are animals.
4. The animals act like humans.
5. Some characters are good; but some are bad.
6. The fable contains a moral.
7. The moral may be shown through the choices the characters made.
8. The moral is stated at the end.
9. This is the punch line of the fable.
10. Elders taught lessons through fables.

LT4 - Instructions: Read each statement twice, the first time observing the terminal rising-
and-falling intonation, and the second time observing the rising intonation (Exercise 3 on

Day 5
Activity 6: WRITE UP! (Quiz)
Instructions: The teacher will give a 15-item quiz.
LC3: EN7LT-I-a-2.1: Day 6
Identify the Activity 7A: Widen the Web!
distinguishing features of
proverbs, myths, and

Learning Targets:
I can entify the
distinguishing features of
proverbs, myths, and

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Instructions: Widen the concept web by filling in information about Philippine Oral Lore.

Activity 7B: Widen the Web!

Instructions: Try to fill in the following brainstorming web with information you remember
about the Filipino epics.

Activity 8: Explore the Oral Lore! (Discussion)

The teacher discusses the Philippine Oral Lore.
ECAS BOOK: pp.24, 26
1. Riddles/Bugtong – presents an object indirectly by stating its characteristic
features or peculiarities, providing just enough information to call it to mind
without naming it.
2. Proverbs – pithy sayings that contain advice or state a basic truth.
3. Myths – recount happenings of long-ago. The main characters in mythical stories
are not human beings, but deities, giants, nymphs, satyrs, and the like, though
they are portrayed with human attributes.
4. Legends – about creation and tribal beginnings but they focus on human
characters involved with divine beings.
5. Fables – types of animal tales that teach a moral using animal characters that
have human personalities.

Activity 9: Circles of Comparison! (Recorded)

Instructions: Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the features of proverbs,
myths, and legends. Write it on a one whole sheet of pad paper.

EN7VC-I-f-9: Organize
information from a
material viewed
EN7LC-I-a-5: Recognize
prosodic features: Day 8
volume, projection, Activity 10: Read, Know More!
pitch, stress, intonation, Instructions: Read the selection “The Cycle of the Sun and the Moon” on page 31-33. Try
juncture, and speech to answer the side bar questions.

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Day 9-10
Scaffold for TRANSFER 1
Activity 11: Watch and Learn!
Instructions: Watch the sample videos of storytelling of the legends in the Philippines.
Study the sample videos and create a mind map of what should be done in telling stories
based on the videos being watched. Write your Mind Map on a one sheet of bond paper.

Video No. 1:The Legend of Mayon Volcano


Video No.2: The First Pineapple


Video No. 3: How the World was Created (Panayan) – The Myth of Tungkung Langit and

Scoring rubric:
Score Description
 The content of the mind map shows all concepts on what should be
done in telling stories.
28-30  The illustrations are aesthetic and make the mind map memorable
and eye-catching.
 The style uses harmonious blend of colors.
 The content of the mind map shows major concepts on what should
be done in telling stories.
 The illustrations make the mind map memorable
 The style uses limited blend of colors.
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 The content of the mind map shows some concepts on what should be
done in telling stories.
 Some of the illustrations make the mind map memorable.
 The style uses light blend of colors.
 The content of the mind map shows few concepts on what should be
done in telling stories.
 The illustrations make the mind map unorganized.
 The style uses not complementing colors.
30 pts. Total
LC4: EN7RC-I-a-7: Activity 12: Know to Use! (Discussion)
Identify the appropriate The teacher discusses the Reading Techniques.
reading style (scanning, ECAS BOOK: pp. 16, 18, 20
skimming, speed Reading Techniques
1. Scanning – a technique that enables you to search for specific information.
reading, intensive Tips on Scanning:
reading etc.). - Read the questions first to know the information you need.
- Look for the words that are bold faced, italicized, or underlined.
Learning Targets: - Search for noun and verbs.
I can identify the 2. Skimming – a technique that enables you to get the main idea, the author’s purpose,
appropriate reading and the method of organization of the material.
techniques specifically 3. Close reading – enables you to extract detailed information, to note the sequence of
scanning, skimming, and events, and to be aware of patterns, similarities, comparisons, and contrasts.
close reading. Activity 13: Scan to See!
Exercise 11 on pp. 16-17
I can use the reading Instructions: Use Scanning technique to grasp the information needed in each statement.
techniques in gathering
information from the Day 14-15
text being read. Activity 14: Read, Know More!
Instructions: Read the selections “The Prowess of Aliguyon” and The Good Prince
Bantugan”. Try to answer the side bar questions.

Day 18-19
EN7WC-I-h-2.2: Retell a
Scaffold 2 for TRANSFER
chosen myth or legend in Activity 15: Watch and Learn!
a series of simple Instructions: After you determine the do’s in telling stories, recall the videos about
paragraphs legends of the Philippines being watched before. Then, choose one from three legends
and retell the story based on how you remember the sequence of the story in simple
paragraphs. Write your retold story on a one whole sheet of pad paper.
Scoring Rubric:
Score Description
 The content is complete and easy to understand.
28-30  The sequence of the story is organized.
 The retold story is concise.
 The content of the retold story contains several major events.
25-27  Some parts of the story were not placed in its proper sequence.
 The retold story is good but some minor parts can be omitted.
 The content of the retold story contains some major events.
22-24  Many parts of the story were not placed in its proper sequence.
 The retold story is good but many minor parts can be omitted.
 The content of the retold story contains few major events.
20-21  Several parts of the story were not placed in its proper sequence.
 The retold story is good but several minor parts can be omitted.
30 pts. Total
LC5: EN7G-I-h-11: Day 20-22
Observe correct subject- Activity 16: Subject Agrees With Verb! (Discussion)
verb agreement. The teacher discusses the Subject-Verb Agreement.
ECAS BOOK: pp. 49, 18, 20
Learning Targets: Subject Verb Agreement
I can observe correct It represents the heart of grammar.
subject verb-agreement. Rule 1: A singular subject must take a singular verb. A plural verb must take a plural verb.
Rule 2: A phrase or clause that comes between the subject and the verb does not affect
I can write meaningful the number of the subject.
paragraphs with correct Rule 3: Two subjects joined by and take a plural verb.
subject-verb agreement. Rule 4: If there are two singular subjects that are joined by nor or or, use a singular verb.
Rule 5: If are singular subject and a plural subject are joined by nor or or, the verb must
agree with the subject closest to it.

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Rule 6: The following indefinite pronouns are singular and should take a singular verb.
anybody everybody no one someone
anyone everyone nothing something
anything everything one
each nobody somebody
Rule 7: The following indefinite pronouns are plural and should take a plural verb.
both many few several
Rule 8: The following indefinite pronouns can either be singular or plural, depending on
their use in the sentence.
all any more most none some
Rule 9: When a collective noun is taken as a whole, it takes a singular verb. When a
collective noun refers to the individual members of the group, it takes a plural verb.
Rule 10: Time, money, and measurements take a singular verb.

Activity 17: Error, NO!

Exercise 8 on pp. 50-51
Instructions: Write NO ERROR on the line if the subject and the verb of the sentence
agree. Otherwise, rewrite the sentence.
1. The calesa are the symbols of Spanish-time Philippines.
The calesa is the symbol of Spanish-time Philippines.
2. It now serves as a tourist attraction. NO ERROR
3. It were only during World War II when the American jeeps come over.
It was during World War II that the American jeeps come over.
4. Filipinos remodels the jeeps and turned them into the present-day jeep.
Filipinos remodeled the jeeps and turned them into the present-day jeep.
5. Trains was also used in the country, with the oldest being the PNR.
Trains were used in the country, the oldest being the PNR.
6. The MRT and the LRT caters to hundreds of thousands of Filipinos every day.
The MRT and the LRT cater to hundreds of thousands of Filipinos every day.
7. An airplane or a ferry is used by people when going to different islands. NO ERROR
8. The Philippine’s main airline, which was founded in 1941, bring people to
destinations around the world.
The Philippine’s main airline, which was founded in 1941, brings people to
destinations around the world.
9. Another airline offers low-cost trips. NO ERROR
10. Many say that customer service in our airports have improved.
Many say that customer service in our airports has improved.

Activity 18: Check or Not!

Exercise 4 on pp. 65
Instructions: Read the following sentences. Place a check mark on the line if the sentence
follows the ruled of subject verb agreement. If not, place a cross mark.
1. Everyone in our family loves to travel. /
2. Most of the places we have seen are famous tourist spots in the country. /
3. None of the trips was disappointing. /
4. All of the people we met was friendly and hospitable. X
5. Each destination offers new exciting experiences. /
6. Nothing excite me more than exploring unfamiliar places. X
7. Some of the food that we tried was exotic. X
8. Most of the souvenirs was interesting. X
9. Each new landscape inspire me to see some more of the country. X
10. Everything about traveling gives me happy thoughts and memories. /

Activity 19: Pic to Sentence!

Exercise 6 on pp. 81-82
Instructions: Following the rules of subject-verb agreement discussed in this lesson, write
a sentence about the picture.

Day 23
Activity 20: WRITE UP! (Quiz)
Instructions: The teacher will give a 15-item quiz.

LC 6: EN7LT-I-i-3: Day 6
Explain how a selection Activity 21 Let’s reflect!
Values: Life Connection on p. 27
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may be influenced by Instructions: Reflect on the discussion about Philippine Oral Lore (proverbs) and answer
culture, history, the question: After carefully reading the Filipino proverb on looking back to the past, do
environment, or other you agree or disagree with the saying? Explain your stand.
Day 7
Learning Targets: Activity 22: WRITE UP! (Quiz)
I can explain how a Instructions: The teacher will give a 10-item quiz. (The pre-colonial literary genres in the
selection may be Philippines)
influenced by culture,
history, environment, or
other factors.

LC 7: EN7RC-I-a-7: Day 11-13

Use the appropriate Activity 23 Skim Me!
reading style (scanning, Exercise 12 on p.18-20
skimming, speed Instructions: Skim the paragraphs below and answer the questions that follow.
reading, intensive
reading etc.) for one’s Activity 24 Close to Understand!
purpose Exercise 13 on p.20
Instructions: Below are situations when you need to do in-depth reading. Add three more
instances that require close reading.
Learning Targets:
I can use the appropriate Activity 25 1,2,3…Story Chart!
reading style (scanning, Exercise 7 on p. 33
skimming, speed Instructions: Complete the story chart of the The Cycle of the Sun and the Moon.
reading, intensive Setting
reading etc.) for one’s Place: farm/home of the Sun and the Moon
purpose Time: nighttime
Protagonist Antagonist Supporting

Moon Sun Children/stars

Theme: keeping promises

Lesson: Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Conflict: The Sun is prohibited to come close to their Children for he will turn them into
ashes. This caused his wife, the Moon, to run away from him.
Plot: Answers may vary.

LC8: EN7LT-I-g-2.3: Draw Day 15

Activity 26 Supply the Map!
similarities and Exercise 7 on p.68-69
differences of the Instructions: Supply the double bubble map with ideas by comparing and contrasting the
featured selections in two selections “The Prowess of Aliguyon” and “The Good Prince Bantugan”.
relation to the theme.

Learning Targets:
I can draw similarities
and differences of the
featured selections in
relation to the theme.

LC9: EN7WC-I-h-2.2: Day 16

Activity 25 Tell by Retell!
Retell a chosen myth or
Exercise 5 on p.79-80
legend in a series of Instructions: Retell the following excerpts from stories. Use your notebook if the space is
simple paragraphs. inadequate.

Learning Targets:
I can retell a chosen Day 17
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myth or legend in a Activity 24 WRITE UP! (Quiz)
series of simple Instructions: The teacher will give a 15-item quiz about the selections being read.(The
paragraphs. Prowess of Aliguyon and The Good Prince Bantugan)

EN7LT-I-i-1: Discover Day 24-25

literature as a means of Scaffold for Transfer 3:
connecting to a Instructions: Before you proceed in your interpretative reading, there must be a piece to
significant past be read. After discussing the Philippine Oral Lore and reading some of its examples, it is
now your time to show your writing prowess. Your task is to write your own legend. It can
be about the origin of a thing, animal, or place. Let us unlock that creativity of yours by
writing this one and consider the correct subject verb agreement on your output.

Scoring rubrics:
Completeness The legend The legend The legend The legend
of the content is well- shows story, has story but shows no
composed characters, needs to story and
and easy to and some build up the
understand. details that some details characters 10
help readers like and other
follow the characters details were
flow of and the plot. not given
story. any build up.
Organization All similar Many similar Several Few similar
of ideas ideas were ideas were similar ideas ideas were
placed placed were placed placed 10
adjacent to adjacent to adjacent to adjacent to
each other. each other. each other. each other.
Correct The legend The legend The legend The legend
subject-verb has correct has 1-4 has 5-7 has 8 and
agreement subject-verb incorrect incorrect above
agreement. subject-verb subject-verb incorrect
agreement. agreement. subject-verb
Creativity The legend The legend The legend The legend
is creative is good but is good but is good but
and has some parts many parts several parts 10
unique can be can be can be
story. improved. improved. improved.
40 pts.
Learning Competency TRANSFER
LC10: Use appropriate Day 30
prosodic features of Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to show appreciation
speech volume, for the literature of the past through an interpretative reading.
projection, pitch, stress,
Performance Task
intonation, juncture, and
speech rate that serve as GRASPS: The rise of technology brought rapid changes to world. It affects the interest of
carriers of meaning. the people as most of our time was spend in using gadgets and online platforms. Due to
this, some oral lore were forgotten to use like riddles, legend, etc. (SITUATION) To avoid it
Learning Targets: to be fully forgotten, you as the literature club member (ROLE) is tasked by your club
I can use appropriate adviser to show appreciation of the literature of the past (GOAL) by taking an action. You
prosodic features of are tasked to deliver an interpretative reading (PERFORMANCE) to be presented on the
speech volume, whole school community – teachers and students (AUDIENCE). The interpretative reading
should show completeness of content, effective use of pronunciation, stress, volume,
projection, pitch, stress, speech rate, and organization of ideas.(STANDARDS)
intonation, juncture, and
speech rate that serve as Analytic Rubric:
carriers of meaning.
Completenes The legend The legend The legend The legend
s of the is well- shows story, has story but shows no 15
content composed characters, needs to story and
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and easy to and some build up the
understand. details that some details characters
help readers like and other
follow the characters details were
flow of and the plot. not given
story. any build up.
Effective use Most of the Several of Some of the Few of the
of words were the words words were words were
pronunciatio pronounced were pronounced pronounced
n, volume, correctly, pronounced correctly, correctly,
and and voice correctly, and voice and voice
projection projection and voice projection projection
was audible projection was audible was audible
throughout was audible throughout throughout
the speech. throughout several parts some parts
many parts of the of the
of the speech. speech.
Organization All similar Many similar Several Few similar
of ideas ideas were ideas were similar ideas ideas were
placed placed were placed placed 15
adjacent to adjacent to adjacent to adjacent to
each other. each other. each other. each other.
45 pts.


Value Integration: Appreciation to the pre-colonial literary genres of the Philippines,

Respect to others,



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