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We use can to talk about present We use could to talk about past

abilities. abilities.
My sister can play the violin very well. When he was younger, David could swim very
I can’t speak French.
Maria couldn’t read and write when she was
Lisa can sing beautifully.

Fill in the blanks with can / can’t / could / couldn’t.

David has got a broken leg. Albert was ill last week. Tom is very good at sports.
He ……………….……. walk. He ...................... go to school. He ………………….… play tennis well.

My cousin is really talented. Julia …………..…. draw nice Tim has a problem with his eyes.
He ……………… make puppets. pictures when she was child. He ………….…… see without glasses.

Joe is a fat boy. Adam went fishing yesterday When she was in primary school,
He……………….. run fast. and he............... catch a big fish. she ………. play the drum.
George is very good at Maths. …………………. you skate? Clara was very sad yesterday,
He …………….. solve every problem. Yes, I …………………… as she ……………..… pass her exam.

I am a bad cook. He was so stressed yesterday It isn’t windy enough.

I ………….. even make an omlet te. as he ……….………. find his mum. She ………………. fly a kite.

Martin is an excellent detective. When Brian was too young, he Barbara’s hair is too short.
He ……………. find criminals easily. ……….. go out without his mother. She …………………. fasten it.

The apple was so big that David is an athletic boy. They ……..……… enter the house,
I ……………………… finish it. He ………………… do a handstand. because they were too dirty.

He is a bookworm. ……………………. John read? No, he Martin …..…………. drive when he

He ………….. finish a book in a day. …………… His sister reads for him. was young, but now he can.

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