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Profit & Loss statement for the year ending 28 February 20X4

£ £
Revenue 157,210
Less: Cost of sales
Opening inventory 11,390
Add: Purchases 115,890
Less: Closing inventory -19,560
Gross profit on book sales 49,490

Income from book repair services 5,890

Repair book service expense -1,560 4,330
Bank interest received 135
Total gross profit 53,955

Electricity 2,400
Rental expense 18,800
Insurance 2,600
Assistant's wages 10,200
Administration, finance, and sundry expenses 2,680
Net profit 17,275
Balance sheet on 28 February 20X4

£ £
Non-current assets 4,785
Current assets
Closing inventory 19, 560
Trade receivables 2,300
Bank 2,348
Total Assets 28,993


Opening capital balance 1 March 20X3 22,846
Add: Net profit 17,275
Less: Drawings -26,080
Closing capital balance 28 February 20X4 14,041

Trade payables 14,952
28 February 20X3 28 February 20X4

Book sales for the year 178,900 157,210

Gross profit on book sales 53,670 49,490
Gross profit margin 30% 31.50%
Profit on repairs service 3,750 5,890
Total expenses 29,865 36,680
interest received 285 135
Net profit 27,840 17,275
Net profit margin 15.60% 10.99%
A Cash flow statement from January to 30 June 20X5 (£)
January February March April May
Retreat 2,400 0 0 9,600 0
Room rental 16,275 19,600 21,700 21,000 27,125
Café 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Total Receipt 24,675 26,600 28,700 37,600 34,125
Marketing 30,000 20,000 0 0 0
Chef 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Staff 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 17,000
Other expenses 0 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500
Food & beverage 0 7,000 7,000 9,000 7,000
Total payment 47,000 47,500 27,500 29,500 29,500
Net Cash flow -22,325 -20,900 1,200 8,100 4,625
Opening Cash 40,000 17,675 -3,225 -2,025 6,075
Closing Cash 17,675 -3,225 -2,025 6,075 10,700
ne 20X5 (£)
June Total

0 12,000
27,000 132,700
7,000 41,000
34,000 185,700

0 50,000
2,000 12,000
17,000 94,000
3,500 17,500
7,000 37,000
29,500 210,500
4,500 -24,800
10,700 69,200
15,200 44,400

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